#oitnb stuff
vausemania · 11 months
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I can't believe it premiered exactly 10 years ago today!
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murcielagatito · 4 months
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respect your elders and get the fuck out • T • 1k
gloria couldn't give a damn that her spanish girls had taken over sophia's salon while the hairdresser had been in shu. she detested their little drug operation and had said so on more than one occasion but she had let it slide because it wasnt her turf. the second sophia came back however was a completely different story.
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1990jeevas · 6 months
Its the tism isnt it 😔😔 not my fault i cant truly appreciate a show until ive memorised every single line and every detail
no seriously tho...i need to watch shows a minimum of 7 times, more if they're longer bc how else will i know Everything
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why are so many tags I follow filled with porn spam posts 😭😭
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minimoefoe · 1 year
one day imma pay for side+ just for a month and binge as much of the shit on there as I possibly can, and then do the same again like a year later when there's a build up of new stuff
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natsbaby · 2 years
I have like a 4 part story ready to be posted but idk if its smth you guys are interested in ☠️
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senseiwu · 2 years
Bro how can I hear more Uzo Aduba singing outside of SU,,,,,
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literallyaflame · 8 months
i still remember when that stupid glee kiss happened. it made the news. people freaked the fuck out. my dad yelled at me about it in the car after school one day—he knew that i’d seen the show before (on account of being 13 fucking years old) and demanded an explanation. my mom loved grey’s anatomy, a show that fired a gay actor so hard that his much-beloved character got killed by a bus. i remember the hushed whispers about oitnb. i remember when people got pissy about gay stuff happening in game of thrones, the nastiest most adult-oriented show ever
i get that we’re all trapped in a toilet circling around a never ending shitturd of queer infighting—no piece of media will ever satisfy everyone—but it’s so nice that gay people can kiss on tv now. it doesn’t make headlines, not like it used to. hell, they sell queer YA novels at fucking target. the fact that “this is just ‘gay’ to appease the masses” is even a fucking situation fills my heart with joy, lmao
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drghostwrite · 9 months
Hey um… can we please get the Alex Vause x Reader from ages ago?? I’m desperate for new OITNB stuff…
My summer rewatch has me thirsty as hell.
Hehehe this is why I write... tbh I didn't think too many would be interested but I started it anyway just waiting for the right moment.
Summary: Alex Vause is the readers ex and reader is now a successful FBI agent married, with a baby on the way and they need Alex’s help with a case. what happens when two ex-lovers collide and now have lives of their own.
You sat in the makeshift office of a conference room looking over the drawing boards and trying to make sense of the case at hand, your agents were out in the field and here you were reduced to scut paperwork because being 6 1/2 months pregnant doesn't coincide with proper fieldwork. You decided to stay back and look over the files one more time and hopefully pull out some leads, While looking over the files you got an idea, your ex-girlfriend, Alex Vause a glorified drug lord whom you met in prison.
Now to give backstory she made a deal that she could get on parole if she helped the prison with an undercover op but they told her only one agent was going in, happens that you were deep undercover and no one including prison staff knew about you. You quickly learned the rules of the yard and started to become pretty known as to not be messed with, at least one too many fights or turning the most sought-after advances away will do that. You took a liking to Alex quickly and she began to express feelings for you, when she got out and your operation was done you told her everything and she left Piper in the dust, you worked well for years until you got the offer to transfer with the bureau and work for the BAU and you took it and Alex didn't agree, resulting in a pretty bad break up.
---time jump---
Now you were watching as a uniform escorted her into one of the interrogation rooms, you saw as Emily and Reid quickly made their in and started the investigation but not five minutes later they were back out in the hallway, and Emily was bee-lining for you. You didn't tell anyone but JJ that you knew her and so you wanted to keep it that way.
"What's up Prentiss?"
"Our witness in room one doesn't want to talk."
"Lawyered up?" asked JJ.
"Nope she just doesn't want to talk to anyone, but ex-criminal and all I can see why."
"I'm sure I can sort something out, maybe me and Rossi or Derek." JJ offered.
"The tough guy act won't work on her," you said not looking up from the file you held in front of you.
"You sure because she's giving a pretty tough exterior in there." Emily explained.
"Trust me I know it won't work."
"Look Y/N I get that, and I get that you're in charge but I've been doing this longer, I'm sure one of us can get her to talk." Emily snapped back.
"Yea, Y/N can." JJ scoffed at Emily's response.
Emily and JJ exchanged looks, "Is there something there?"
JJ slowly looked at you as you nodded.
"Once upon a time....send her to my office instead." you trailed before laying the file down and making your way down the hall, pulling your jacket over your shoulders. You sat in your office at your desk and waited as soon as the door cracked JJ peeked her head in and allowed Alex to step through, at first you could see the tough exterior.
"I think SSA Sinclair has it from here so I'll step out."
"Thank you, agent Jareau."
You studied Alex as she explored your office, her back turned to you, "Unit Chief SSA Sinclair, so this is what you turned into, some big FBI hotshot, and let me guess Agent Jareau is your girlfriend, or wait is it Agent Emily Prentiss, the one that could pass for my sister." she said sharply
"Alex?" you gently replied, She turned at first her eyes were sharp until she looked at you and she could see your bump silhouetted by your tight tank and the jacket, the silver band that perfectly accented your tanned skin, immediatly her gaze softened almost showing hurt.
"You...You're pregnant."
"26 weeks..."
"And married?"
"Yea, she was great, you would've loved her."
"What did she do? ...would've?"
"She was a charge nurse at a local ER, she um passed away four months ago after I found out about the pregnancy."
"She had cancer and the baby was a last resort, little did we know it would take two months before she passed."
"I...I...wow," she said speechless.
"Alex I'm sorry."
"For what, turning your back on me and getting everything you ever wanted... Y/N I never would've been able to give this to you."
"I wasn't asking you to..."
"Love, they never would've let you take the job if you were still with me. Director of an FBI task force and married to an Ex-drug lord, yeah right, a girl can only dream."
"I'm sure that's not why you called me here though."
"No I need some help with this case, but please I want to talk."
"Okay, what's the case about?" you explained the case to her and talked over it for a couple hours before you figured out a lead and quickly alerted the team, you made sure they knew that you were still working on some things so even though they can go look into it you'd stay behind.
"So back to earlier, you wanted to talk?" Alex brought your past statement back up.
"Umm... yea I think we ended things roughly."
"I mean we did but what is there to talk about."
"Y/N I'm still in love with you, I still think about you. You were one of the best things to happen to me, I had Piper yes, but we were so toxic to each other and I left her for you. You showed me a whole new side of myself one that I really embraced and I still do, you showed me how to love and I owe you everything for that."
"I... I don't know what to say." you looked into her eyes that filled with longing.
"Alex I still love you, I would've moved heaven and earth to marry you and be here with you today."
"See and that's the problem, you were so strong and driven, I knew they would take your career if you married me so I had to end things."
"You knew... how could you know that?!" you bit back.
"Because Y/N I lived in the real world not this protected career minded, innocent bubble."
"And you're saying I did... I would rather be happy then spend my life wondering."
"So you're not happy, with your big job and fancy office?"
"I didn't mean that." you stood to your feet.
"So what did you mean, you would've been happy living a life married to a criminal because that was our future, no promotions, no fancy offices or houses or cars, none of it."
"But I would've been with you..." you yelled back cutting her off, "God, don't you get it, I would've been with YOU, Alex." Before you could say anything else she stood over you and her lips were on yours, she placed her hands on your hips pulling you closer and deeper into the kiss. Your baby bump brushed against her waist and it sent shivers down her spine, if only that was her baby in there, she deepened the kiss more and backed you up laying you on the couch, she ran skilled fingers down your sides, as you arched your back pressing your bump into her again. You then pulled away, "Alex, I don't..."
"Oh My God You're wife... err ex-wife... or I'm sorry." she panicked.
"It's not your fault."
"No I shouldn't have done that, I mean Jesus you're still wearing the band." she placed her head in her hands.
"Alex, look at me," you held her hand, " I wear the band in remembrance she would want me to be happy, in fact, she told me on her deathbed that she wanted me to find someone to be happy with again."
"But Y/N the job, and the baby, you don't want me."
"I want nothing more than you. The job I can make arrangements with, the bureau is hiring ex-criminal consultants for some high stakes departments, and the baby, well it's going to need more than one parent to help raise it." You slowly grabbed her hand and lowered it so she could feel the baby move.
"If you're up for getting to relearn some things I think I'm willing to give it a shot."
"If it means I get to have you back then I'm willing to do anything," she said pulling you into a hug.
Okay, my little peeps let me know what you think and if you want another part or maybe another Alex Vause x reader fic the inbox is OPEN!!!
For my other requests they are currently being worked on as fast as possible but I'm working on a pretty big one and it might be multiple parts.
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lonleywriters-blog · 4 months
hi! I was just wondering if you could do a yandere oitnb? Like with both flaca/Maritza and reader or just maria ruiz if you're not okay with both?
Yes finally a oitnb request
Yandere Flaca and Maritza
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They met you when you first got there, Flaca was the tour guide.
Flaca instantly liked you, whether it was your attitude or fashion she liked it.
Flaca made sure you got the pod in front of her and Maritza. she wanted to be able to see you but far enough to talk without you hearing.
She talked about you to Maritza and they plan to take you under their wing.
They shake you all the tricks and trips to look cute and not get in trouble with the guards.
They tell you who's cool and who to stay clear of.
Eventually they go from liking you to getting obsessed
They are always around you, which you don't mind because it gets lonely in the prison
You notice some of your stuff goes missing and you think it's just a inmate stealing them
Flaca will always want to brush and mess with your hair, while Maritza will do your makeup
You all are like the trio, everyone knows your theirs even if you don't
They make a move on you by confessing they both love you, if you reject they will act really cool about it.
If you reject the make a plan together to show you that you need them
They stop giving you extra tips and advice, or their snacks, they also stop being as nice.
Eventually they will pull away all together and wait for you to come crawling back.
When you're back in their arms they are thrilled.
Maritza will giggle and kiss your cheek as she comforts you and Flaca will make a joke.
Dating them is actually pretty fun, constant gossip, makeovers, and dance parties
They are super protective, Flaca is all for mind games but Maritza is always looking for a fight
Maritza is always trying to cuddle with you, she loves being little spoon
Flaca makes you sit on her lap when you go to eat in the caffeine
The only person that ever tried to do anything was Doggit and she got what teeth she had left knocked out by both of them.
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omanrucereal69 · 8 days
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౨ৎ My name is Bianca
౨ৎ I’m 14
౨ৎ Lesbian
౨ৎ Fav movies are Priscilla, The Virgin Suicides, Juno, Superbad, But I’m a Cheerlead, The Notebook, Brokeback Mountain
౨ৎ Fav shows are OITNB, TLOK, ATLA, Gilmore Girls, Arcane
౨ৎ Fav games are TLOU1, TLOU2, Life Is Strange, FF7, FF16, The Legend Of Zelda, ACNH
౨ৎ Fav artists are Fiona Apple, Lana Del Rey, MF DOOM, Asap Rocky, Adrianne Lenker, Tyler, Boygenius, Jeff Buckley, Ayesha, Chappel Roan, Tay-K
౨ৎ @ohmanareyoucereal69 is sorta like my girblog!! This one is for my fanfics and lesbian stuff, you can find a lot more of me on there tho!!
౨ৎ 𝒻𝓇ℯ𝒶𝓀𝓎 👅
౨ৎ This blog is in support of Palestine 🇵🇸
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Unpopular OITNB opinions because I’m bored and procrastinating
I had little to no interest in Taystee and found her outright annoying at times. She was okay in the earlier seasons and my idea of her was that she was good character that I didn’t like due to personal preference. However, in the later season, I felt that she could be irritating, irrational and depressing in an unenjoyable way and that she got far too much screen time for what I considered to be a rather dull plot.
I find it hilarious when people try to complain about people on the show being mean or bad people. Like yes, that’s why 99% of them have landed themselves in prison. The funniest examples of this complaint are when people say that Lorna, someone who grew up Italian-American in New York, could sometimes say racist things or when Flaritza, two girls who probably couldn’t even legally drink before they went to prison and, in Maritza’s case at least, didn’t seem to have parents who cared for them, could sometimes be bitchy and immature. These comments are even funnier when whoever says this then goes on to say that they love Frieda, Carol and Barb.
In my personal opinion, Season 2 was the best season quality-wise but Season 4 was better when it came down to drama and entertainment. Season 3 was actually one of my favourites aside from Alex’s whole paranoid arc and I didn’t really mind the panty storyline. Season 1 was obviously good, if a little slow and boring at first. Season 5 shouldn’t have dragged on for so long, if they were only going to cover three days, although I probably would have enjoyed it if it hadn’t felt so absurd and weird compared to previous seasons. Season 7 was depressing trauma porn from start to finish and Season 6 was dreadful n every single way and a terrible conclusion for the riot.
I felt like the family dynamics became way less cohesive it’s the show progressed and people that had once gotten on perfectly well were suddenly at each other’s throats and vice versa. A good example of this was Spanish Harlem which went from a clearly outlined family where Aleida and Gloria acted as parents, Blanca was not a part of the group and the other four ( Maria, Daya, Maritza and Flaca ) pretty much did whatever Aleida said. Contrast this to Season 4/5 where Aleida leaves but Flaritza and Maria don’t seem to even notice, Gloria just let’s Maria have control over Harlem with no complaints whatsoever, Maria and Maritza seem to be at each other’s throats one second and back to there seemingly rather good Season 2/3 friendship the next, Blanca is suddenly an active member of the group and Gloria only cares about Daya. This faulty dynamic is true for all of the other groups as well, and never gets the chance to recover after they are sent to Max.
I didn’t like how some of the seriously traumatic stuff that happened to some of these characters, especially in Season 4, was never addressed by the show again and seemed to forgotten after the episode ended by both the writers and the character themself. You’re telling me that Maritza was creeped on, forced to eat a live animal, held at gunpoint and repeatedly harassed but she bounced back after throwing up like twice and hugging Flaca. In reality, she would probably take a long while to recover or feel truly comfortable in her own skin again, maybe even experiencing some PTSD, which could have been an interesting storyline to take her character down through Season 5, instead of relegating her back to comedy bits and pop culture references.
That’s all my opinions for now, although I will probably make a Part 2 for this post. Hope you agreed with at least one of my takes and that you don’t want to kill me for some of the things I said.
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 3 months
hey, I honestly might restart The Price Of Freedom. I have two unpublished chapters, but I'm not liking the direction it's going.
if this is the first you're hearing about this, The Price Of Freedom is a story I wrote on ao3 about a lesbian relationship between two women in prison. I'm sorta stealing taking heavy inspiration from oitnb and other stuff. oh, and also its where the girl in my avatar is from. her name is Abigail Price (get it? the Price of freedom? (I'm extremely unsubtle with titling stuff))
originally I had Abby and MJ start out as cellmates, but I feel like that pushes their relationship together too quickly.
I mean, when it was originally just a two chapters thing, the porn without plot just worked. but if I plan on making this an actual story, I wanna work it into more of a slow burn relationship.
I'm planning on starting over, taking things slower, and giving their relationship more time to develop. also, the biggest change, is that Abby will end up with a super shitty cellmate who I plan on being an antagonist for most of the story (and who was gonna be introduced in character 5, which I never published). and then eventually MJ will end up saving her from a fight, and Abby feels like she has to repay her in some way. that feels way more natural of a start of a relationship than "oh, we're cellmates? let's have sex lol" (which honestly isn't terrible if it's something short and cheesy).
idk. it's like 11:30 and night and I'm talking about this instead of getting some sleep. I need to work tomorrow. fuck. anyway goodnight!
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note to self: don’t drink mountain dew after 7pm
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minimoefoe · 2 years
me versus rewatching the walking dead before the last episodes
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elliespuns · 3 months
I was wondering, would you mind introducing yourself a bit? Your age, hobbies (except for blogging of coure), music taste, your favorite movies, etc? I love the content you post and i love you and I don't even know you. I wanna know my favorite blogger.. lol. Only if you're okay with it
First of all, thank you for such a lovely compliment. I love you too and I don't even see your blog, mate!
To answer you; I was answering something similar once. This anon sent me questions and I filled them in, so if you allow me to just copy and paste those so I wouldn't have to type it all again (nothing has changed since then, honestly) then I'll be happy to oblige.
How old are you? I'm 30
Tall or short? Very short, I'm only 5'1 ft, 1,56 m
Sexuality? Eh, I don't like labeling myself but if I HAD TO, it'd say bisexual/demisexual.
Describe yourself briefly I'm an introverted dork that doesn't vibe with most people. I dig music, art, and I love a lot. I either love too much or not at all. I've been vegan for over 10 years now and I love funny people. Other than that, I'm just a very poetic soul that also loves to play video games from time to time and I write. I write a lot.
Something you like about yourself? I'd say it's my knowledge in English. I've been self 'learning' it for 9 years now (never been abroad) and I was able to learn the language to the point where it became a huge part of my life. Like I literally use it more than my mother language. That's a thing I'd say I like about myself.
Favorite hobbies outside your blog? I write; creative writing, poetry. Both fulfil my mind. Then I love reading (ofc). I also draw, play video games, work with graphic programs and I love taking pictures.
Something no one would guess about you I have a very high sex drive, lmao 🫣😂 and people would never say so about me, because I literally look like I have a ribbon buckled to my vagina.
Weird quirks you have Oh, god, I can't stand hand cuts. Like you can literally show me a video of someone having their throat slit and I'll be fine, but then you show me a vid of someone having their palm sliced, or simply just someone cutting their finger and I'll go all asdfghjklsdfghjk.
One talent you wished you had Damn, I wish I could draw from imagination. I can draw but I can't seem to draw anything just by trying to see it in my head. That's so fucking frustrating. And weird. Anyone else having this problem?
A word your friends would use to describe you Idk about one word, but my best friend says I'm the funniest person she has ever met, so does that count? Lol, Idk why she says this. I'm literally a potato.
Craziest thing that's ever happened to you Omg, trauma alert… when my boss (a 70 year old male) caressed the top of my head telling me I'm pretty.
Have you ever been in love? Yes, for over 10 years now (no, it's not a fictional character, lol).
What is your biggest fear? Fuck, it's hurricanes and tornados. I actually have a phobia, it's called 'ancraophobia' and it's a fear of strong wind. (I swear I don't fear normal wind tho, I'm not that weird, actually, ok?).
Why did you start this blog? When I came here one day I realized that there were only a few blogs that were dedicated to the game stuff. So I said why the hell not? I didn't expect to have an actual fanbase here, it's crazy. Love you guys.
Your favorite food? Lentils, that's the shit.
Least favorite food? I'd say meat.
Favorite TV shows? Okay, not gonna mention TLOU cause it's obvious, but the very first show that pops into my mind every time is Breaking Bad. I love this show to bits. Then I also love TWD, OITNB, Better Call Saul, Wentworth, This Is Us, Lost, The Killing.
Favorite movie of all time? My most favorite movie of all time will forever be Ginger Snaps (2000). I've loved this movie ever since I was 11. It's been 19 years ever since and I still love it to pieces. Aaaaah!
Favorite musicians? I love a lot of music, but my most favorite is Damien Rice. I love that guy and what he does. Right behind him are Cigarettes After Sex and Mazzy Star (just pure love). Then it would be Joshua Radin, The Hope Arsenal, Yaeow, The Paper Kites, The Smiths, R.E.M., Blur, BoDeans...
Do you have any pets? My chonky boi guinea pig.
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