#oh stilettos height is an hc too
children-of-epiales · 9 months
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Template by @moontruffles
Ship: Your Blood is On My Hands
Stiletto's pic came from here
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theleftovertaco · 4 years
The Boys in Heels
I decided to go ahead with this hc. I have so many opinions about the boys in heels. 
in our lineup today is Fred, George, Draco, Neville, Ron, Harry, and Cedric and Oliver have been added!
Fred saw you walking around in heels during a school ball and he loved them
Like loved them
Baby boy was simping over you in these pretty sandal shoes, he liked how your legs looked in them
Fred is already a very tall boi, but he still wanted to wear heels
So you dug out that same pair of blue heels and enlarged them slightly to fit his feet
Boy also wanted to paint his toenails to match so why not
He stood up and immediately fell over and then you nearly did laughing
He grabbed onto your arm and slowly stood up and then taught himself to walk in heels 
He looked at himself in your mirror and just started beaming
Spent about ten minutes just looking at his legs
He started strutting around the common room in the heels 
After this you got him his own pair in red
Georgie was going on a date with you
You walked down from the girls dorms in a pair of pastel yellow heels 
George is a softie by nature so he swooned
And he was way into it
“Love you’re so much taller! How do you walk in them?”
He asks if he can wear a pair of yours a couple weeks later.
So you find an older pair of pink heels and enlarge them
He tries them on and immediately does that dinosaur walk that people do when they first wear heels 
His legs are all bent and he looks like a baby giraffe trying to walk for the first time so you narrate it like the old BBC documentary you and him watched together
“The baby giraffe stumbles and falters before-” “SHUT UP YOU”RE MEAN- OH SHIT I THINK IT GOT IT!” “The baby giraffe is successful.” “Must you taunt me?”
You two start dancing around the common room to old music and after he decides he wants to start wearing them often
Eventually when he and his brother open WWW he wears heels on the first day to boost his confidence
The first pair you get him is a set of pastel pink heels and he wears them so much the heel just snaps off at some point
He saw you in heels before he even really knew you
You had that whole badass aesthetic and wore those high knee style heels
He admired how badass you looked
So he actually went and just bought a similar pair himself a few months after you were together
He surprised you a couple weeks later
“What do you think, love?” “You look fantastic!”
Maybe it’s the whole rich pureblood thing, where they teach him to act and talk but he actually already knows how to walk and act in heels
It was actually Narcissa, he observed how his mother walked and started to model it
Draco doesn’t wear them super often, he just pulls them out when he doesn’t feel as confident
Probably pulls out a skirt as well
But not too often since he finds heels to painful
“Wimp.” “Hey, I’m delicate.”
Over time, he buys other heels, mostly in black and green
But he always comes back to those first ones
Neville was always a little intimidated by you 
You wore these dark combat boot style heels 
And you were always so confident
You just put out that vibe of “Do not fuck with me”
Whereas his vibe was like “Hey, you could probably pour soup in my lap and I’d apologize to you” 
So even after he’d gotten to know you it took a long time
You brought it up because he was always staring at yours
He was very sheepish, but eventually agreed
Now, contrary to popular belief, Neville is actually pretty tall, so he didn’t want anything that would make him stand out too much
So you found a tiny little kitten heel style thing
He was insecure about the noise the heels made, so you placed a spell so that the heels wouldn’t make the little click clacking sound when he walked
First day he wore them, he looked insecure, so you convinced a couple other girls to walk around with the two of you and all of you shower him with compliments
He’s bright red the whole day but the smile never leaves his face
After, he gets more confident and starts buying more heels
Harry saw a pair of red pumps in Hogsmeade by himself and bought a pair saying they were for his girlfriend
“You’re girlfriend has big feet” “You’ve got something to say about my girlfriend?” “No, mate, sorry.”
He kept them at the bottom of his trunk, he never thought you would find it 
You were helping him reorganize his trunk and he completely forgot it was there
You pulled them out and he snatched them back almost immediately
“What are these?” “NOTHING! They’re nothing!” “They look like a pair of heels.”
He just stuttered for about a minute before confessing
“I thought you would have a problem.” “Why the hell would I have a problem?”
By the time you found out he’d learned to walk in them and eventually you convinced him to wear them in front of you
So far it’s more of a you and him thing but he’ll get out there eventually
Ron’s height is similar to the twins so he already towered over most people
But he was just slightly shorter than his brothers
And it bothered him
They always poked fun at him for it “how’s the weather down there” “I’m only a little shorter than you two!” “Couldn’t hear you from up here, sorry Ronniekins!”
So you offered the idea that he should wear heels
Initially he does it as a joke
Staggers into the Great Hall wearing six inch black heels and makes a comment about the twins height
But soon he finds that he kind of likes the heels, likes how confident they make him feel
“I see why women wear them. They’re painful as hell but I feel powerful.”
Over time he starts wearing them more
He rolled his ankle once though in an incident and stayed away from them for about a month
But when he got back into them he was as active as ever
But he’s never running in them again
Never. Again.
Cedrics a pretty boy
We been knew
But he initially did it on a dare, you and your housemates dared him to wear them for a day since he had never known the pain of walking around for 8+ hours in heels
So he shows up to the first school dance of the year in 5 inch black stilettos and a suit
Big mistake on his part
He twisted an ankle 5 seconds in
You had to half carry him to Madame Pomphrey and you both spent the first 20 minutes of the dance in the hospital wing while his ankle healed
But after that he started wearing them a little more often
He was always getting dared to do stuff so he started trying stunts in his heels
It began with just running but he tried to jump and that was successful and now he cartwheels around the castle in heels sometimes and you are very worried he’ll end up with broken legs
You find him a pair of comfortable heels (those two words are antonyms) and he now prefers those
You still worry he will hurt himself
“Are you about to jump off that tree and land in heels again?” “No?” And then the fucker jumps
But sometimes he just wears them for fun because he likes them
Oliver is a very athletic boy
He never really things about the idea of feeling pretty
But he saw you wearing those like sneaker heels that don’t really look like sneakers
Or rather he just noticed that you were taller
So he asked if he could wear a similar pair cause he’s always been a little insecure about his height
He’s not even short (not that it matters) but still
So you let him borrow them
And we walks into the common room with so much goddamn confidence
After that he wears a pair of heeled boots and feels 10 times better
He wears them to a quidditch game once and when he kicks a quaffle away from the highest hoop he punches a hole it the ball
So because of him heels are now banned during quidditch
But other than that he’s doing great with the heels
Wears them around an to class, the noise the louder ones make draws attention to him that he really likes
You can hear him coming before you see him
Although Madame Pince did not seem to appreciate that
Oh well, you win some you lose some
Besides, Ollies happy, and he looks beautiful, so what else could you ask for?
I’m gonna try to get the makeup one done during the weekend, let me know what else you want me to do! Send me an ask, I fully accept requests!
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hualianff · 3 years
Birthday Boy HC
Modern AU with police chief HC who is very dedicated to his job, especially because he grew up in a “bad” area and has first-hand experience from inadequate police service in poor neighborhoods. His co-workers and friends never see him go on second dates or have one-night stands. When HC’s birthday comes up, he insists he doesn’t want a grand occasion.
However, a simple party, he will permit.
Leave it to HX’s partner, SQX, to invite all of HC’s friends and acquaintances to HC’s own penthouse for a surprise birthday party, scheduled for the evening since HC typically works very late. When the police chief arrives home, still in his black uniform pants and red dress-shirt that goes under his suit jacket, the party is on the precipice of a full swing celebration.
HC is a bit put off by how loud and crowded his home is but it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Things are lonely, he will admit. And if this is a once-in-a-blue-moon thing, then HC won’t stop others from enjoying themselves and frankly, spoiling him.
At the height of the party, right when YY is about to present the birthday cake, SQX whistles for everyone’s attention.
“All right, Hua Cheng, time to sit on that chair over there,” SQX says while steering HC from behind, pushing on his shoulder. The chair is placed in the middle of the living room, in the perfect spot to watch the front door open.
The lights are gradually dimmed.
HC is too confused to protest. He cautiously sits down.
The front door pivots open. The person who walks through the door makes HC’s eye widen in surprise. They are dressed in all black: jean-booty shorts, stilettos, and a tight-fitting crop top. A sheer veil is also draped over their shoulders, falling gracefully behind them as they enter the room. They wear a headband with pointy horns and dark, red lipstick.
As the person gets closer, HC’s breath picks up.
“You didn’t-“ he whispers mindlessly, directed at SQX. His best friend’s partner merely holds their hands up in surrender, as if saying they did nothing wrong.
The scarcely-dressed person looks around demurely, aware everyone’s eyes are on them, ogling at their outfit that exposes lots of skin.
And then they set their gaze on HC, who sits frozen in the chair, hands gripping his thighs.
“Are you the birthday boy?” The stranger asks, smirking slightly. HC audibly gulps, not quite believing the sight of his childhood neighbor standing right in front of him, dressed like a demon summoned for punishment for his sins.
(It takes .05 seconds for HC to tent up in his pants.)
HC can’t bring himself to speak without stuttering like a fool. It’s clear that he’s the birthday boy—he’s sitting in a chair in the middle of the room, goddamn it. But for whatever reason, HC feels like he needs to respond to every one of this man’s signals.
So he stiffly nods, managing to maintain eye contact.
XL’s smirk widens mischievously, holding a secret promise behind those glistening lips. He prowls forward slowly, the click of his stiletto heels echoing across the marble floor.
“It looks like I’ve gotten myself into a little trouble,” he says with faux-innocence, slipping the veil off his shoulders. Instead of coming onto HC, XL slinks around him, letting the veil skim across HC’s lap, up to his chest, and over his face.
It faintly smells of peach.
“All right, Mr. Policeman,” XL addresses, pausing to stand behind HC. “What should I call you?”
HC breathes out harshly through his nose, desperately wanting to tilt his head back in order to get another glimpse at the angel- no, minx who has evoked the intensity of desire and lust long-buried under HC’s skin. It steadily rises to the surface, heating HC’s skin, making him feel too hot in a room where too many people remain to watch the show.
“Hmm, will ‘chief’ do? Or perhaps...sir?”
“Hua Cheng is just fine,” HC grits out. He gives in to looking behind his shoulder with curious eyes. XL’s face is startlingly close, amber eyes holding a sultry look that sends pleasure down HC’s spine.
Then, those eyes fixate on him, getting a really good look for the first time. Familiarity flashes across XL’s expression but he quickly wipes it away in favor of connecting their foreheads.
“Hua Cheng it is.”
The click of handcuffs binding HC’s wrists behind the back of the chair makes his heart drop to his stomach. He whips his head around to SQX and HX who stand off to the side. HX raises an amused eyebrow.
Somehow, SQX convinced HX to steal a pair from the office.
These are his own cuffs.
“Is this okay, Hua Cheng?” XL whispers genuinely in HC’s. When HC audibly hitches, he giggles.
XL unties HC’s low ponytail to card his fingers through the police chief’s hair.
“Does it feel good?”
Fuck, XL is barely touching him, but the light brush of his fingers ignites a flame in HC’s heart, making him feel alive.
XL unbuttons the top three buttons of HC’s shirt.
“There. All ripe for the taking,” XL purrs. He drags the veil up and over HC’s face as he walks away. A strong bass pounds from HC’s built-in speaker SQX has managed to operate.
XL begins dancing for HC, swiveling his hips and rotating in time with the music. HC’s breath quickens up, his police attire also feeling unbearably hot. XL ditches the veil, and then he’s walking to HC, long legs crossing with every step.
HC is certain he won’t survive this.
It turns out to be nothing more than a sensual lap dance. There was no kissing on the lips, no groping on HC’s part, and no intimate touches because XL isn’t that kind of dancer. SQX knew this. He also knew HC wouldn’t want anything more than a bit of teasing anyways.
Luckily, SQX contacting a fellow friend who he’d modeled with once has allowed HC to see XL again. When he’s released from the cuffs, HC stands up and approaches where XL picks up his veil from the ground.
“Gege?” HC questions quietly. XL turns to look at him, a pink blush dusted on his cheeks.
“Oh, hello again, San Lang,” the other man greets, nearly the same height as HC with the stilettos on. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
It hadn’t been either of their faults. Or maybe it was both. HC traveled to another part of the country to be enrolled in the most prestigious academy in the nation. XL moved to a different big city to pursue a degree in economics. Years of separation caused them to drift apart from best friends in high school to strangers living very different lives.
“Well, it’s really nice to see you again. The circumstances are a bit... unconventional, but I’m glad it was you,” XL laughs lightly, readjusting his headband with pointy horns. HC tries not to stare at how well they suit the other man.
XL shifts a bit uncomfortably, hugging the sheer veil tighter around his body. HC feels a natural smile curl upon his lips in hopes it soothes XL’s qualms about his state of dress.
“I’m glad it was you too, gege,” HC says honestly. XL’s face lights up like the golden fairy lights he had pinned on his childhood room walls. “If it’s not too much trouble, I ask if gege can stay?”
“At least for cake-” HC rushes out, praying to whatever bastard up there that XL will say yes. “It’s strawberry,” he adds, softer. XL tilts his head in astonishment.
“I thought your favorite flavor was coconut?” XL asks in surprise.
“It is. But...I asked for strawberry this year,” HC finishes lamely.
Was he being too obvious? Would XL figure him out and be repelled? Sure, it was only a cake flavor, but what are the chances XL’s favorite is still strawberry?
XL takes his phone out of the canvas bag SQX brought to him after the dance. He scrolls for a few seconds, then quickly types something out. Turning the device back in its place, XL meets HC’s gaze with a cheerful smile.
He closes all the distance between them, a certain bounce in his step.
“I believe,” XL starts. “I can keep the birthday boy company for a little while longer.”
HC smiles widely, flashing his front row of teeth–his right canine pointier than the rest.
Turns out, “a little while longer” meant talking until every last person called it a night and headed out. They catch up on all the years they missed out on each others’ lives.
Four years ago, XL adopted a daughter, Ban Yue. Ban Yue was a split-second decision when XL was a year out of university, unsure of what direction his life was heading. He says it’s the best decision he’s ever made.
“She brings me so much happiness. It was like I had a Ban Yue-shaped hole and she was the missing puzzle piece,” XL says enthusiastically. He pauses to take one more sip of his baijiu. “Does that even make sense? Hahaha….”
“It does,” HC reassures from beside him. They sit on his plush, velvet couch, holding their respective drinks with practiced form. XL leans back against the cushions, sighing in relief.
“San Lang, I knew you would understand,” he murmurs.
He doesn’t elaborate.
He doesn’t need to. It’s no secret XL’s parents would’ve disapproved of him for single-parenting a random orphan with no known heritage or background. But they were already out of the picture, disowning XL right after high school graduation when he was outed by a family friend whose advances XL rejected.
“Perhaps you can meet her one day,” XL adds as an afterthought. HC matches XL’s position, reclining against the cushions, keeping his body turned towards XL, offering him HC’s full, undivided attention. It’s a simple gesture that means everything to someone like XL.
“I would love to,” HC says.
XL hums happily, then goes on to explain that he’s a telemarketer by day, which allows him to stay home with flexible work hours that fit around Ban Yue’s school schedule. (She’s in the third grade now.)
XL also mentions that he occasionally dances at night for an extra income. Nothing too intense or frequent. Just dressing up and dancing for special occasions, at parties like HC’s. XL typically has MQ or FX babysit Ban Yue during those nights.
The word family echoes in the hollow of HC’s chest.
“Gege’s been leading a very eventful and prosperous life,” HC comments with satisfaction. He leans forward to tug the maple-red coat he lent back over XL’s shoulders, ensuring the other man stayed warm.
“Nonsense, my life is just like anybody else’s,” XL says, waving his hand in a lax motion. “But I am very interested in hearing about San Lang’s life. Police chief, huh?”
“Gege…” HC mutters shyly. Against his will, his mind replays the moment XL asked if he should address HC as “sir.”
Boners don’t get boyfriends; sexy, mature conversations do, HC tells himself.
“Please, San Lang? I won’t force you to talk too much about yourself! I know we don’t...know each other as well as we used to,” XL says, a bit embarrassed. “If you want, we can just end right now and I can leave-”
“No! Not at all, I’ll tell gege anything he wants,” HC says, scooting even closer to XL so their hips bump against one another. XL sets down his empty glass, his unsure expression morphs to contentedness.
As it should always be.
“Well…” HC trails off, taken aback by how vivid XL’s amber irises gleam as they pin HC down. “Actually, there isn’t much to tell-”
“Just tell it is how it is, San Lang!” XL laughs, reaching over to playfully bat at HC’s arm.
“Okay, okay! I’m on it.”
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