#oh! and time travels! you know. all that wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff
pttucker · 4 months
Among all those comments, a particular one caught her attention. – Dear author-nim. It was a great read. May I ask about your release schedule? Such an unparalleled naivete that made him use his real name as the username. Han Sooyoung stared at that name for a long, long time. She looked closer, and discovered another comment attached to it. – Are you… going to release another chapter tomorrow? She repeatedly clenched and unfurled her fists many times. Sweat was soaking her small hands. Is it really okay for me to write this? Even then, isn't it fine this way? Han Sooyoung hesitated for a long time, before typing her reply. While thinking about a certain someone, still alive beyond this screen. While thinking about a certain boy who'd breathe, eat, shout some nonsense about 'I'm Yoo Joonghyuk', and do whatever it takes to endure his own apocalypse. And so, the story of a regressor that reached 3149 chapters started in this manner. – Yes. A new chapter will be published tomorrow.
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I WAS RIGHT!!!!!!!!
Well, I was right after I spent like half the novel convinced the author was actually Dokja. At least I wasn't alone in thinking that, considering Sooyoung thought so too. 😂
Though I do love that it's not at all how I thought it was. I figured she was the author and just forgot because she lost half her memories to her avatar and just assumed that Dokja wrote it because that was the most logical option that her Predictive Plagiarism could come up with.
Was not expecting all this wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff, though I guess I should have by the time I reached the end of the novel and all sorts of things in the beginning were being affected by the ending. Time travel. Dimension travel. Just full of paradoxes.
I loooooove though that the novel is "trash" because she has to speed write it as fast as possible based on vague memories while using Predictive Plagiarism (...plagiarizing herself...) because she only has a limited time with her own body and also because she needs to keep Dokja engaged, needs to pump out chapters as fast as humanly possible to give him his reason to live until the next day.
And I love that the reason it only has one view is because she doesn't bother to read it, not even to typo check. She already knows it has a reader. A paradox it may be, I love that the novel truly was written for Dokja and not just after the first hundred or so chapters when all the other readers fell off. Nope, it was written for him and him alone from the very beginning. Sooyoung already knows that she doesn't have to make it good, she just has to make it, and that in turn will save him, even if it dooms millions of others.
Oh man, Sooyoung seeing him in the hospital after he tried to jump out of a window and wondering where the heck tls123 is, why haven't they started posting yet, they need to hurry up and save this unbelievably precious idiot. 😭💖
Sooyoung of all people having to wrestle with the knowledge that if she saves one person, she will kill billions (perhaps trillions) of other people across multiple worldlines.
Well, actually, perhaps it's fitting that it is Sooyoung of all people because I don't know how many others in Dokja's party who would doom this entire universe of parallel worlds to save a single person, even if that single person is Dokja himself.
Like, it parallels pretty well with what's going on with Sooyoung's other half...she's the weird one in the group who wants to go save the Dokja they left on the train while even Dokja's incarnation is worried that they're going to cause a lot of harm in the process and open up another worldline of tragedy, which they all know Dokja would not want.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that Han Sooyoung is perhaps one of the few people selfish enough to save Kim Dokja at the cost of the entire universe and it's so interesting to think back on the fact that she literally tried to get Joonghyuk to kill him way back in the earliest chapters and now she's using Joonghyuk to save him.
(Oh man...when Joonghyuk finds out who his creator is...)
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luimagines · 5 months
That’s Right!
Last chapter of Double Trouble! I think this came out ok as whole considering how crazy the initial idea was.. XD
First Chapter/ Previous Chapter
Content under the cut!
Even as Twilight helped him up, Hyrule couldn’t contain his incessant giggles. He’d decided that he likes that fairy. She’s funny and mysterious. He wonders what actually happened to her. At the same time… she’s so easy to mess with. She gets so riled up so easily.
“You too, huh?” Twilight bite his lip, watching the pink one go get the Lesser One
Hyrule keeps giggling. “She’s not half bad.”
“She shoved you in a bottle.”
“I know but did you see her face?” Hyrule almost falls over laughing again. “She shut up so fast! She looks so betrayed.”
Twilight snorts, “yeah, yeah. Well then we better keep an eye on her”
“I plan to.” Hyrule grins cheekily. Something tells Twilight that he better keep an eye on The Traveler as well. He might have something up his sleeve with that attitude.
Hyrule decided to leave Twilight behind and run after the girls. He can smell the residue fairy magic throughout the hallways and finds the original trio all in one room. The Lesser One had returned to the room and was being hounded by Pinky.
Without warning, she grabs the sword, mch to the dismay of the Lesser One and holds it out of arm's reach. “This is mine until we fix this!”
“It is not! You’re just going to give it back to him!” The Lesser One cries.
“Which one?”
They choke on the words and a beat passes they collect themselves. “....You know which one!!”
“Do I?”
“Let’s go.” She doesn’t even wait for either of them to come to a conclusion. She just starts walking out of the room. Just what is happening with these three?
She just starts giggling.
She gestures for Hyrule to follow and he meets Sky finally in his full form. “Hi!”
Sky looks shocked. “Hyrule? How long have you been here for?”
“About as long as Wolfie, but a little less.” Hyrule admits with a small smile.
“Yeah. I was in the bottle.”
“We’re missing one.” Pinky looks around and spots Twilight. It looks like he’s collected some of the nearby bananas. “Oh never mind.”
“And your friend?” Sky tilts his head.
“Give them five seconds.”
Hyrule starts counting in his head. He gets to three before the Lesser One appears next to them. “Pinky, I cannot believe you- eep!”
Pink grabs their arm and holds them in place. Hyrule can vaguely see the fairy in the bottle still. She’s fuming but she’s keeping her mouth. Hyrule is tempted to open the bottle.
Pinky grins. “Do your timey wimey wibbly wobbly stuff and get these poor guys back to their friends.”
They deadpan. “No. I wasn’t done.”
“Just do it there.”
“Will they let me even try?”
“I won’t let them get in your way. Do the thingy.” She smiles innocently.
The Lesser One stares at her for a little while before whining and opening a portal behind them with a small clock-like thing. “I hate that I can’t tell you no.”
The fairy suddenly starts throwing a fit in the bottle, banging harshly on the glass. Neither of them seem to notice.
Twilight and Sky both sigh of relief and happily step through the portal. Pinky, sword and fairy in hand also goes through and Hyrule follows quietly.
The Lesser One closes it and stays near Pinky, almost hiding behind her. The rest of the group is shocked at their sudden reappearance and stares at them slack jawed.
Pinky steps forward. “I’d like to be the one to apologize first. We really only needed that one.” She points to Sky. “But ended up with the other two. Seeing as we actually have the same goal, why don’t we join forces?”
Sky bites his lip. “It was my idea.”
Twilight shyly raises his hand. “I second that.”
“I don’t mind it.” Hyrule shrugs. “They’re just weird.”
“I’m sorry.” Pinky deflates and sighs. Sky starts laughing behind her. “But before you say anything! Let’s get introductions out of the way so we’re not like… total strangers!”
Hyrule tiptoes around her and pokes the bottle with the fairy. She glares back at him and he feels the need to egg her own. He’s already ignoring the little speech the pink girl gives to the rest of the group. He chants the familiar spell under his breath and shrinks down to her size.
She’s already got a whole to say on the tip of her tongue, he can tell. He winks and flies up to grab the top of the bottle. It takes a little bit of effort on his part since he’s significantly smaller but he’s willing to try. Hyrule feels like being an agent of chaos today.
He pops open the bottle and the fairy wastes no time in flying out of it.
“Of all the little- no good, pompous, UNGRATEFUL-”
Pinky sighs and puts her hands on her hips. She turns to him and glares. Hyrule feels only a little bad. “...I bet you feel real proud of yourself right now.”
He laughs. “Just a little bit.”
“YOU!” The fairy screams and flies straight at him.
“Uh oh.” Hyrule has enough sense to duck and fly towards the group. She misses him by a hair but suddenly gives chase.
“Get back here! I’m not done telling you what for! Let me kick you for being so annoying.” She screams at him.
They all stare as she chases him and follow them for a moment before Sky says something and their attention is back onto the others again.
Hyrule is shocked that he’s been singled out. Kinda. Not really. In his heart, he knows he deserves this.
He can’t really bring himself to care.
He stops dead in his tracks, just dodging her second attempt at tackling him. She screams in frustration above him. Before he knows it, he’s grabbed and thrown off the cliff with her magic.
Oh, it is going to be fun having her around.
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hils79 · 7 months
Hils Watches Cross Fire - Ep 1
Apparently this year is the year I watch all the esports dramas. Don't know a huge amount about this one but it's been on my to watch list for ages, much like The King's Avatar was. Again, it's got a DMBJ actor I like in it. I will try not to compare the dramas too much
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They said the name of the thing in the thing before the opening credits had even started
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Ooh I like that the in-game footage is a mixture of live action and animation. That's really fun.
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So I'm guessing this is a Call of Duty style game. I'm enjoying the way this is shot
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Aww there he is! I do enjoy Wu Lei's dramas. Haven't seen him in a bad one yet so I am hopeful about this one too
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I'm guessing King is going to be the antagonist of this story?
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Aww did he get into it because of his brother?
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I like that his chair has spikes on the handles to stop other people pushing him. Little way of showing he wants to do things for himself.
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This is how we know it's a flashback
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I don't know who flashback kid is but apparently his girlfriend broke up with him and married a rich dude because she didn't consider esports a real job. I'm sure this will become relevant later.
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Oh my god he has a hat with his own name on it. He has to be the antagonist. What a douche.
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"In this team who you are related to is more important than what you can do." God, I hope he finds a better less capitalist team to play for
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Of course they do. Because his dad is an investor.
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Oh please tell them to fuck off
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YES! Destroy them!
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Apparently flashback kid is Time Raiders Wu Xie. I have blocked most of Time Raiders from my mind (apart from the stupid dancing to escape a trap scene)
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I don't know how old Xiao Feng is supposed to be but he's older than their 22 year old youngest player. I thought he was a teenager.
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I don't even know you and I know you're lying. You totally took the substitute deal and you're going to throw the game, I can tell.
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Okay, I was wrong about throwing the game but GASP they falsely accused him of cheating. I'm not even joking I did legit gasp
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This is even worse than him throwing the game. HE WAS YOUR BRO!
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Okay, really don't like his dad manhandling him and even bathing him without even asking
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Ah, I'm seeing some parallels between him and Xiao Feng
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Oh my god is he going to start gaming on his old Windows XP laptop after his dad confiscated his computer? Will that even run a modern game?
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Ah, he's 25. I suppose that is quite old in terms of pro esports careers
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"We need to save electricity because we're broke but I'm now going to lie in bed clicking the lamp on and off repeatedly because I'm sad."
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Okay, I don't know who has time travelled or even if anyone has time travelled but apparently internet magic has enabled them to meet in-game. This is FUN.
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Aww Xiao Feng made it as a pro gamer in the end. I assume he's still alive in Liu Xiaobei's time. Can he go and meet up with the older version of this dude he just met?
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Well, that sounds familiar
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I love that that's the conclusion he reaches and not that someone is just fucking with him. I could tell someone it was 2008 now and back it up with facts because I was in my 20s then.
That was fun! Wasn't expecting the wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff. I really should read the synopsis for a drama before I start it
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hiphopgirl16 · 1 year
Chapter 3: Treasure in The Stars
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Who knew that traveling through time and space could be so mesmerizing? For as long as she could remember, Esther was always fascinated by the stars in the sky ever since she was little. Not the ones you would see in children’s books, but real stars you would see in science textbooks or even in a documentary series on outer space and the planets. And here she was, traveling with the Doctor, looking at the stars across the galaxy, mesmerized by its beauty and its planets.
“Who knew the galaxy would look this beautiful up close” said Esther, “It’s funny how I used to see them in books and the tele and now here I am seeing the entire galaxy in person” The Doctor smiled and walked toward Esther, leaning against the door frame of the T.A.R.D.I.S. while his eyes wandered to the girl watching the scene in awe. Oh how this never gets old. “And you get to see this everyday” said Esther, “Am I jealous right now?” The Doctor chuckled, “Maybe” he answered, “This is just one of those rare occasions whenever I’m not traveling” “Rare occasions?” “Yeah, being a Timelord means I am very busy. You know, wibbly wobbly timey-wimey…stuff” Esther raised a brow, “Timey-wimey?” she asked herself before passing the thought aside, “well, I’m just gonna study in the library for a bit” “Alright” said the Doctor, his long slender fingers stroking the controllers of the T.A.R.D.I.S “Call me if ya need anything” “Will do!”
After reading a couple of books from the library, it was time to move on to another one. Esther placed the books she read earlier back to their proper spot and noticed a certain book that caught her eye. The spine of a blue book caught the girl’s attention, it looked tethered like it’s been through alot throughout the years. The pages looked yellow, showing its age and possibly coffee stains. Her delicate fingers gently caressed the spine and pulled the book to reveal its cover. The book looked rather familiar to her, it looked more like a diary or a journal. The moment she looked at the cover, she knew exactly who the journal belonged to. She remembered the very person who never left without it and often wrote new entries every now and then before giving the girl a warm and gentle smile that she knew and loved all those years. “Aunt River?” she said to herself until the sound of an alarm ringed through the T.A.R.D.I.S. Setting the diary aside, Esther rushed out of the library towards the control center, “Doctor, what’s going on?!” “Just a little turbulence!” said The Doctor, “Hold on to something!” The girl holds onto the handlebars as the ship begins to shake violently, “A ‘little turbulence’ huh?” she asked, “Doesn’t seem so little to me!” “Almost there!” The Doctor rushed to the other side of the controls, pulling a lever, followed by a hammer to a bell until the turbulence came to a stop. The time lord smiled and placed the hammer aside, “There we go” he said, “We’re finally here” “Where?” asked Esther “Bermuda, of course” The girl raised a brow at the Doctor before walking towards the door. The moment the door was opened, Esther was greeted by swords pointing directly towards her face, “Doctor!” she called, “Is it normal to greet newcomers with swords in your face in Bermuda?” The Doctor rushed to the girl’s side and noticed the people holding the swords were none other than pirates. Space Pirates to be exact.
“Did we seriously get captured by space pirates?!” said Esther, tied up against a pillar with the Doctor on the opposite side. “Uh yeah, seems like it” said the Doctor, earning a ‘you’re not helping’ glare from his companion, which he then mumbles a ‘sorry’ to the girl. The space pirates step aside as a tall man comes into view. He was rather tall with a long burgundy red coat with silver trimming, a matching hat with a long white feather and a long black beard hiding his very displeased and threatening frown as well as his deadly glare. The one detail that caught the girl’s attention the most was the captain’s right hand. It wasn’t anything like his left, instead of a hook, it was replaced by a skeleton hand. Just by his appearance alone, you could definitely tell he was the captain of the ship. The first mate, Marshall announced the man as Captain Tanton 'Gunner' Vertect.  He steps forward and pulls his sword, pointing it straight to The Doctor’s neck, “State your business, stowaways” he growled in a deep masculine voice. “I’m the Doctor,” said the timelord, “this is my companion Esther, we were just on our way to Bermuda but I guess that would have to wait” “You are in Bermuda” said the first mate, Marshall, nervously chuckling, “Well, technically the Bermuda Triangle that is” “Please!” said Esther with a look of disbelief, “The legend of the Bermuda Triangle is just that, a legend” “Oh but it isn’t” said the captain, “Take a good look for yourself” The companion and the Doctor looked across the ship, seeing what humans thought had disappeared long ago. Planes were flying along with ships and boats. Small islands here and there, some further than others. Even creatures from dinosaurs to saber-toothed tigers roaming the strange new world. “Ye better start believing in legends, lassie” said the Captain with a sickening grin beneath his black beard, “For you see tonight, you’re in one~”
What felt like hours, which was really 15 minutes, the Doctor was growing rather impatient on what the space pirates planned to do with him and his companion along with the T.A.R.D.I.S. “Please tell me you have some kind of plan, Doc” said Esther, “Can’t you just use your screwdriver to get us out?” “I would, but I can’t reach it” said the Doctor, “my hands are literally tied!” The girl rolled her eyes in frustration, glancing at the group of pirates talking amongst themselves with the captain. But who really got her attention was a pirate sitting in the corner, silently listening to the conversation and keeping a close eye on the ‘stowaways’ tied to the pillar. “Excuse me” said Esther, “what’s your name?” The pirate tips his hat in greeting before answering, “I’m Channing Swien, if you please my lady” “You seem quite polite for a pirate” said the Doctor, “a bit too polite for a pirate” “They call me the ‘Gentleman Pirate’ for a reason” “Gentleman Pirate?” asked Esther and the Doctor Channing chuckled and smiled at the two stowaways, “Listen” he said, clearing his throat a bit before speaking once more, “You seem like a smart man, Doctor” “Oh thanks” said the Doctor “And your friend happens to be quite the beauty” This comment made the girl blush, which the Doctor was not a fan of. “Oi!” he called, “keep away from my companion, she’s not for sale” “Doctor!” said Esther, glaring at the Doctor for a moment. Her eyes looked back at the painting the captain was holding and tilted her head slightly. The Doctor noticed his companion eying the painting and couldn’t help but mimic her actions, “whatcha lookin at?” he asked. Then it hit him, that painting was no ordinary painting. It was a map.
“As I was saying” said Channing, “I can help you two escape from this ship. However, I must come along with you since you’re not familiar with the islands around here” The Doctor and his companion glanced at one another before turning their attention back to the gentleman pirate. “You don’t have to believe me” he said, “but you must trust me” “Really?” asked the Doctor in disbelief, “How do we know you’re not plotting to sell us out?” “Yeah” said Esther, “Even if one of us can read the map without any problems whatsoever?” “What did ye say?!” said Captain Tanton, pointing his sword toward the girl, “You can read this, lassie?” Esther hesitates before the Doctor responds for her, “Yes! Yes! She can read the map, simple as that-” BANG “Silence skinny man or I shall send you off to Davy Jones’ locker!” The Doctor mumbled a small ‘rude’ before keeping his mouth shut. The captain steps worth and leans toward Esther, his red bloodshot eyes glared down at the girl menacingly. “Alrighty, lassie” said Captain Tanton, “If ye help us find the treasure and you shall be rewarded” Before the girl could respond, a voice cuts in “Over the pretty girl’s dead body!” Esther blinked and looked around the ship until she noticed a figure standing above the Captain’s quarters. He was rather tall with dark hair, striking blue eyes, a long dark trench coat, and a dashing deviant smile which was quickly replaced with a frown when the pirates paid no attention to him. “Hello?!” he called, his arms spread out in disbelief “Very handsome time traveler coming to the rescue! Doctor! I’m up here, can you see me?!” Esther just stared at the male for a moment before a gun was placed on her forehead, “Speak, child” growled Captain Tanton, “Unless you want a bullet in that pretty little head of yours” The Doctor followed his companion’s gaze and grew rather suspicious. He noticed the girl wasn’t acting like herself lately, first the moment she was talking to herself in Atlantis as if someone was there, now she’s possibly seeing a ghost that the timelord doesn’t seem to notice. “I need a closer look” said Esther, “It’s a bit hard to see from here” The first mate Marshall grabs the painting and steps forward while Esther squints as if she was having trouble reading a menu, “a bit closer” she said. Marshall steps closer. “Closer” Marshall steps even closer, holding the painting just an arm’s length away from the girl, “Here?” he asked. Esther takes a moment before smiling, “Yep” KICK The companion was able to kick the painting in the air while the gentleman pirate pulled out his sword and cut the rope, freeing the girl and the Doctor. “Run!” said the Doctor, making a run for the T.A.R.D.I.S with Esther and Channing following behind. Before the girl could enter the time machine, her eyes gazed at the painting facing down on the floor. She quickly makes her way to the object until the tip of a sword is pressed against her neck. “I believe that is mine, lassie,” said Captain Tanton. Esther took a moment and glazed at the handsome time traveler in the corner of her eyes. His cute frustrated pout changed once he made eye contact with the girl, his own eyes grew wide, realizing she could see him. The time traveler points to himself, wondering if she could really see him. Esther replies with a nod before hitting the pirate with the frame and takes off, leaving it behind.
The T.A.R.D.I.S. begins to fly in the sky, making its way towards the closest island and hiding for the time being. However, the door was open due to the surprisingly strong force of wind blowing through the Bermuda Triangle. “Esther!” called the Doctor, “What the hell were you doing back there?!” “I was trying to get the map!” said Esther, making her way towards the control panel, “But Captain whats-his-name nearly kill me!” “He does that!” said Channing, “And this ship of yours is extraordinary! It’s bigger on the inside!” “Is it?” The Doctor asked sarcastically, “I didn’t notice-AGH!” The timelord screeched when he felt a sharp pain on his lower side, he was hit by a blaster. Channing catches the Doctor before he falls to the ground, “they’re coming after us!” he said “Ya think?!” said Esther and the Doctor Esther quickly takes over while the gentleman pirate helps the Doctor stand. The girl did her best to steer the T.A.R.D.I.S. as best as she can, crashing into a few trees every once in a while until they finally fell out of reach from the space pirates for the time being. The girl takes a breather and glances at the injured time lord, quickly making her way towards him with a worried expression, “Are you alright, Doc?” “Oh fantastic” said the Doctor, there was a hint of sarcasm in his voice as he tried to sit up while holding his side, “just got shot on my side, nothing more than a graze. Still hurts tho” “You’re lucky it wasn’t in the heart” said Channing “Well I got two, so no problem there” “And he regenerates” Esther added This confused the gentleman pirate for a moment until the Doctor told him about his part as a time lord, from regeneration, having two hearts, a bit about his home planet Gallifrey, and a few other things that make no sense. That’s the Doctor for ya.
“We have to get the treasure before wannabe Blackbeard gets to it first” said Esther, looking up at the night sky from one of the islands in the Bermuda triangle. Seeing a pterodactyl flying in the night sky definitely surprised the girl. But then again, she’d seen weirder things through her travels with the Doctor. Speaking of, the timelord was currently thinking to himself, pacing around when he should be resting after that injury he faced on the way to the island. “He hasn’t changed much, has he?” said a voice, causing Esther to look over at the trees to see that time traveler again, “Name’s Captain Jack Harkness and who are you, pretty girl?~” Jack gave the girl a flirtatious smile and a wink, which made the girl blushed a bit before answering, “Esther Lovegood” “Esther huh? Means “Star” right?” “Look I didn’t come here for a chat, pretty boy” “Fair enough” The Doctor stops in his tracks and notices Esther staring at something, talking to herself which was rather odd. He couldn't help but worry about his companion since she’s been acting strange since the trip to Atlantis. “Is she always like this?” asked Channing, “Not complaining, I’ve seen women that are much of a looney as her” “Oi! Esther’s not a looney!” said the Doctor, “And stop flirting with her, she’s not on the market” The gentleman pirate couldn’t help but chuckle and shook his head, “You sound like her father, no offense” Before the Doctor could come up with a comeback, Esther steps toward the two with a smile, “Gentleman” she said, “Since we came this far, I believe we should go out and search for the treasure in the stars” “You must be mad” said Channing “Even if we are going Esther, we won’t know how to get there” said the Doctor, “Not to mention the T.A.R.D.I.S. would be a dead giveaway” Esther’s grin remained on her lips, “luckily I know how we can get there” With that, the girl pulls out a rolled piece of paper which happened to be the very map to the treasure in the stars. The Doctor and Channing’s eyes widen in surprise but then the Doctor smiled, “Oh you clever girl”
The gentleman pirate explained that the crew had trouble figuring out where the real treasure was since they’ve only been collecting keys, five keys from each island to be exact, and neither one of the islands contained the treasure. The Doctor suspected that the treasure must’ve been really well hidden within the Bermuda triangle that you have to have a brilliant mind in order to figure it out. Although Channing was a smart man, astrocartography was not his best subject. So the three devised a plan to fetch the keys and figure out a way to find the treasure by the next nightfall. But Esther was not very keen on the idea and decided to take matters into her own hands, knowing the Doctor might scold her about it later. So, the girl waits patiently for the Doctor to fall asleep and gain the opportunity to steal his sonic screwdriver from his inside pocket. “That’s called stealing, Esther” The Doctor whispered, scaring the girl a bit. “I can’t wait for two days” said Esther, “You wouldn’t happen to have a better plan, do you?” “Well” The Doctor sits up and looks up at his companion, “If you’re so impatient, we could just sneak on the ship and find the keys in Captain Tanton’s quarters” Channing couldn’t help but overhear the Doctor and Esther’s conversation, keeping one eye open while doing so. If they really need to grab the keys to the treasure, they’re gonna need his help to get inside the Captain’s quarters. “That’s the Doctor I remember” said Jack Esther glanced at the time traveler “Seriously?” she asked “Who are you talking to?” asked the Doctor “No one” “Don’t lie to me, Esther. I saw you talking to someone, who was it?” Esther hesitates before glancing at Jack one last time, facing the Doctor afterwards. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you” “You trust me, don’t you?” asked the Doctor, “I’m a time lord, remember? I’ve seen things beyond your imagination” The girl takes a breath before confessing, “I’m talking to a guy who knows you” she said, “His name is Jack Harkness” The Doctor sat silently, glancing at the empty corner then back at his companion, “Has this happened before?” “Yes” said Esther, “Back at Atlantis, but Jack wasn’t there” “Who was it?” “… Martha Jones” This surprised the time lord. This was probably why Esther keeps collapsing whenever they arrive somewhere through the universe. The Doctor placed his hands on either side of his companion’s head. Esther looked up at the Doctor in confusion “What are you doing?” She asked “Just hold still” said The Doctor, “I just need to take a quick glimpse inside your head” Without another word, Esther nodded in response and closed her eyes. The time lord does the same and uses his power to look inside the girl’s mind. Within the companion’s mind, The Doctor saw her panicked figure kneeling beside his unconscious form in the middle of the ball room. Before Esther could perform CRP, a hand was clasped over her own. “Well this is interesting” said the Doctor, “Martha Jones in Atlantis, now how did she get there?” “I don’t know” said Esther, “I even asked Martha how she-“ “Shh, don’t speak just show” Esther fell silent as the Doctor continued to look deeper into the girl’s head. The next scene was in the library, making their way towards the secret passageway. ‘Do you even know how you got here?’ Asked Esther from the memory ‘I’m not sure to be honest’ said Martha, ‘I can’t even remember where I was before all this happened’ The Doctor frowned, it was rather strange. How did Martha Jones get there and why couldn’t anyone see her but his companion? Many questions ran through the time lord’s mind before pulling himself away from Esther’s mind. “Got anything?” Asked Esther The Doctor adjust his jacket before standing up, “not much I’m afraid” he said, “but no matter, we have a treasure to find” “What about him?” The Doctor turned his attention to the sleeping gentleman pirate leaning against a nearby tree, “He’ll be fine” he said, “Come along then, Allons-y”
The duo arrived near the pirates ship, making sure to be as quiet as possible. The Doctor noticed the captain and his shipmates were sleeping by the fire, heads on top of one another and the smell of rum definitely shows that they drank till there was none left. Jack Harkness leans in behind Esther, watching the pirates and smiled “This is probably the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to me since joining Torchwood” he said, “apart from seeing the Doctor again after god knows how long” “Do you ever stop talking?” asked Esther in a low whisper, making her way towards the sleeping pirates. The Doctor stops his companion, grabbing her wrist before she could step foot out of their hiding spot. “What are you doing?” he whispered “Someone’s gotta grab the keys” Esther responds quietly “You stay here, I’ll grab the keys” Before the girl could protest, Jack Harkness leaned in and whispered, “I’d do what he says, kid” Esther glared at the male who smiled nervously, “if looks could kill” “Jack agrees” said Esther “Good, now stay put” said the Doctor, quietly making his way towards the sleeping crew. Esther wasn’t too happy, but she stayed hidden for the time lord’s sake. “Don’t worry, you get used to it” said Jack, “Most of his companions never listen to him whenever he said ‘stay put’ and I’m one of them” “You don’t say” said Esther “You know, if we ever meet in person, I’d offer you a job at Torchwood” Esther rolled her eyes and ignored the flirtatious time traveler, making her way towards the ship after the Doctor finally grabbed the skeleton hand. The two managed to climb onto the ship without trouble, making their way towards the wooden door to the Captain’s quarters. While the Doctor attempts to open the door, Esther couldn’t help but notice the time lord not using a certain tool. “Couldn’t you use the Sonic to get us in?” she asked “It doesn’t do wood” the Doctor answered “How do you assemble a cabinet if it doesn’t do wood?” “Oi, don’t diss the sonic” Jack rolled his eyes and mumbled ‘teenagers’ until the sound of a click was heard. “Got it!” said the time lord, opening the door to the Captain’s quarters. Upon entering, the room itself was dimly lit by three lanterns hanging from the ceiling. As expected from a pirate captain’s quarters, the room was decorated with priceless jewels and gold medallions, even skeletons and skulls, one skull in particular sat on the desk with a dagger stabbed in the center. But neither Esther or the Doctor wasn’t interested in that, the duo focused on finding the box that contains the keys to the map. Jack offered to help look for the box until he noticed a navy blue bralette decorated with sapphire jewels, “at least he’s got good taste~” he said, admiring the “piece of art” as he likes to call it. “Could you please focus, Jack?” asked Esther, “We have to find the keys before the crew wakes up” “What’s Jack doing?” asked the Doctor “Staring at a ‘piece of art’ also known as a bralette” “Oh stop it” “I was only looking” said Jack “Still can’t hear you” said Esther
The two continued to search the Captain’s quarters until Jack noticed a jeweled wooden box and whistled for the girl. Esther glanced at Jack who smirked and pointed at the box she was looking for. She smiled and glanced at the time lord, “Doc!” she called, “I think Jack found it”. The Doctor pulls out the skeleton hand from his pocket and walks over to the shelf, grabbing the jeweled box, “Give him my thanks” he said “You already have, Doc” said Esther, smiling at Jack who gave her a wink in return. Once the skeleton hand was placed on the box, it automatically opened revealing five separate keys from the islands of the Bermuda Triangle. The Doctor carefully pulls them out, examining each one while Esther carefully looks at the map. “That Channing fellow never mentioned any clues, has he?” asked the Doctor, “My best guess is that Tanton never figured it out either. Might was well solve this ourselves” “Do you think it’s on the keys?” asked Esther “Didn’t see any clues on the keys I’m afraid, only locations of which island it came from” Esther sighed in defeat, staring down at the map she placed on the desk. A thought came to her mind, which the Doctor noticed and couldn’t help but tilt his head slightly to the left as he stared at the piece of parchment. “You thinking what I’m thinking?” he asked. Esther nods in response, grabbing a set of matches the captain left to light a candle while the Doctor gently lifts the map, flipping it over to the back, hovering it over the light. The heat from the candle slowly showed a written message of unknown origin. This confused the time lord and his companion, seeing the blue box’s translation system wasn’t working. “What’s going on?” asked Esther, “Why isn’t the T.A.R.D.I.S. translating the clue?” “No idea” said the Doctor, “Must be some unknown origin, I can’t even translate that” “Maybe not us” said Esther, switching her gaze from the map to the time traveler, “Jack?” Harkness appears, looking over the girl’s shoulder to read the message carefully. “Can he read it?” asked the Doctor “Seems like it” said Esther After a minute or two, Jack smirked and glanced at Esther, “Got it” he said “What does it say?” the girl asked “It says, ‘Ye intruders beware, for ye have finally found me second to last clue. A path soaked with blood and power, for ye must turn the keys to its proper place upon me map. For it’s me final resting place to the greatest treasure in this universe’ “ Esther repeats the message so the Doctor could figure out what the clue meant. He tried to assemble the keys in many different directions; one pointing towards each island both ways, one pointing towards the opposite directions, both to no avail. Esther also tried many methods but nothing seemed to work. That was until the Doctor finally gets an idea. He assembled the keys back to their original locations, pointing not towards each other, but towards the center of the map. The duo smiled successfully, finally figuring out the location of the lost treasure. “Brilliant!” said the Doctor, “We did it, Esther! We finally found the location!”
“Way to go Doctor!” said Jack until he noticed a figure in the shadows, “Watch out!” Esther quickly pushed the Doctor as a sword appeared out of the blue, seeing it was the captain’s first mate Marshall. His once green eyes suddenly turned red as the blood red sea, filled with madness along with a sickening grin. “Hello girly~” he giggled sinisterly, “Wait till the Captain hears about this~” The girl quickly pulls out a sword and points to toward the enemy, “Not if you get to him first” she said “Do you even know how to use a sword, kid?” said Jack Marshall took another swing of his sword towards the girl who blocked it, twisting the man’s wrist to lose his grip on his weapon, kicked him aside and pointed her weapon to his neck, “Okay, now you REALLY need to join Torchwood” “Not interested” said Esther “Esther, let’s go!” called the Doctor, grabbing the keys and the map before running out the door with his companion following close behind him. Before the duo could leave the ship, Marshall grabs Esther by the hair and pulls her back “Going somewhere, girly?~” he hissed like a snake. “Careful” said the Doctor, pulling out what appeared to be a water pistol from his pocket, “I’m armed!” He points and shoots the liquid towards Marshall’s eyes who screamed and covered his burning red eyes. This gave Esther the opportunity to leave the ship and the duo make their way back to the T.A.R.D.I.S. with ease.
It was awfully quiet. Too quiet upon The Doctor and the companion’s return from the ship. The only sounds they heard were the roars or calls of prehistoric creatures from the distance. Esther walked toward the shadow, where she thought the gentleman pirate was sleeping. “Channing” she whispered, “wake up, The Doctor and I found it. We found the location to the treasure” A skeleton hand was placed on top of her own, a sinister grin hidden beneath a black beard as Captain Tanton steps out of the shadows, towering the female. “Why thank you, lassie” he said gratefully, in the corner of Esther’s eyes, she could see Channing being held captive by the captain's band of pirates, “And here I thought that little friend of yours would figure it out. But it seems you beat him to it” The Doctor glared at the pirate standing before him, keys and map held tightly in his grasp with a gun pressed against his forehead. “This would be the part where I kill you and your companion, Doctor” said Captain Tanton, “But since you know the exact location, I will have to keep you alive” The pirate lowered his weapon and ordered his crew to get back to the ship, bringing the blue box along, making sure it was heavily guarded so they didn't escape again.
Esther was held close to the captain as the time lord showed him and his crew where the location of the treasure in the stars were. When the girl looked closer at the map, she asked if the captain was familiar with this particular island in the Bermuda Triangle. The captain simply answered ‘no’ before coming to realization. They were already on the very island where the treasure was hidden. This made the pirate grin in satisfaction, his gold and rotten yellow teeth showing no mercy, before taking the three hostages to the location of the treasure. However, once they made it to the location of the treasure, they were met with a great wall covered in moss and vines. Captain Tanton slowly turned his head and glared at the three, “What’s going on here?” he growled, “Have the both of ye tricked us?!” “No!” said Esther, “This is the exact location of the treasure-” The Doctor stops his companion, “Now hold on a minute” he said calmly, “She’s done her job. In fact, she did most of the work; finding the box, translating the clue that’s hidden with invisible ink, and so on and so forth. You should figure the rest out on your own, seeing as you have the five keys and all” The pirates stood in silence, confusion shown in his dark covered face. They didn’t understand that the keys had a part to play on this treasure hunt. Finding the location? Sure. Finding other uses for the keys? No. “If I may?” asked the Doctor, allowing the two pirates to let go of the timelord so he can have a better look at the moss-covered stone wall, pulling his spectacles out in the process. He carefully removed the vines and moss to reveal a hole. But not just any hole. A key hole. Followed by another, and another. The Doctor was able to find five designated key holes, each one for the five keys found on each of the islands in the Bermuda Triangle. “Oh, whoever hid this treasure was very clever,” said the Doctor, “possibly a pirate who didn’t want anyone to go near it. Not even if they made it to the Bermuda Triangle” The Doctor reached into his inside pocket, pausing for a moment before side-eying his companion, “Esther?” he said, his voice showing a hint of annoyance for stealing something that was his. Esther sighed, pulling out the sonic screwdriver from her pocket and tossed it toward the timelord who caught it with ease. “Thank you” he said before turning his attention back to the wall. Using the sonic screwdriver, the Doctor scanned the wall to collect the history behind it or to see if it even is a wall. Of course, like the T.A.R.D.I.S, the sonic had trouble translating. A frown plastered on the time lord’s face before glancing at his companion, “We’re gonna need Jack for this, Esther” he said “On it” said Jack, walking past the Doctor, his shoulder brushing past the time lord like a ghost phasing through the walls. The time traveler stood before the wall, reading the inscriptions carefully so he could properly translate. The Doctor adjusted his spectacles and noticed a familiar figure standing before the wall. It wasn’t a rather clear image, but enough to know that silhouette belonged to his old friend, Jack Harkness. The time traveler turned his attention to Esther, telling her the translation, “He said the inscription translates to the history of the treasure” she said, “it says that the treasure is hidden beneath a parallel world just beyond that wall” The crew paused and looked rather confused, a parallel world within a parallel world? That didn’t make any sense. Knowing the Doctor, this was rather exciting. He loved moments like this when someone hides something in plain sight, so well that no one else can find it unless they're clever enough to solve it. The time lord smiled and looked up at the wall, “Oh that man was clever!” he shouts in delight, “He didn’t just create a wall, but a gate to another world! That’s where the treasure is hiding” “Hold on a minute,” said Channing, “You’re telling us that the treasure is hidden in a parallel world within a parallel world?” “Precisely! That’s why the treasure was so well hidden!” “Then open it, skinny man!” said Captain Tanton, growing impatient “I can’t just open it” said the Doctor, “you have keys for a reason, use them!” Captain Tanton growled, for he did not like that response. He did have the five keys in his hand, so he placed them in the correct spots where each key represents a different island. It was instructed on the gate by Jack that the keys must be opened at the same time in order for it to be opened. So Captain Tanton ordered Esther, Channing, and the Doctor to unlock the door at the same time. Esther glanced at the Doctor with a worried expression, but the Doctor’s look of reassurance helped calm her down a bit. Once the door was open, a room filled with gold medallions and jewels from all sorts of planets were beautifully displayed across the area. The Doctor and Esther were the first to step inside, followed by Channing and Captain Tanton. Their eyes filled with awe as they took in its brilliance and the crew came charging in, collecting as much gold as their hands could carry.
As much as Esther would love to take a souvenir or two, she decided to keep her hands to herself just in case any of the items were cursed. Jack Harkness appeared beside her and looks around the area, “This is nice” he said, “Heck if I were a pirate, this would be heaven on Earth” “But something doesn’t seem right” said Esther, “What if this whole place was a trap?” Jack glances at Esther and thinks for a moment. If this place was one big boobytrap, how come they were able to get inside so easily? Then his masculine blue eyes glanced at what looks to be a treasure map. He whistled for Esther and nodded his head toward the rolled up piece of paper. She cautiously steps toward the scroll and opens it to see it was an encrypted message that wasn't like the one on the map. The Doctor glanced over at Esther, walking towards the girl with his hand in his pockets. He glanced over his companion’s shoulder to get a better look at the encryption in her hand. “Hold on a minute” he said, kindly taking the scroll from the girl’s hand to get a better look, “No this can’t be right” "What is it, Doc?" asked Esther, "Is the T.A.R.D.I.S. finally translating?" "Oh it's translating. But this is Gallifreyan so you can't read it but I can" "What does it say then?" The Doctor's face showed concern and grabs his companion's hand, his brown eyes looking down at her, "We gotta get out of here, now!" The ground begins to shake as the doors slowly close behind them. the two came running towards the stone gate while the pirate crew followed behind. Some fell off the edge into what appeared to be boiling sulfur, which frightened them even more. Captain Tanton was so preoccupied by the treasure that he didn’t hear the sounds of screams from the distance. The said pirate then noticed the gold beneath him was falling past his feet as he tried to grab whatever he could. His eyes flew across the way to the Doctor and Esther, marching towards them and grab the girl by her ankle. Esther screamed and held onto the Doctor's hand as she struggled against the pirate's iron grip, "Let me go!" "Ye lead me here, child!~" growled Captain Tanton, "Now I shall take ye down with me!" The pirate captain laughed until he noticed his skeleton hand slipping off his wrist. This gave Esther the opportunity to kick Tanton in the face and the Doctor to pull his companion out of the stone gate. Captain Tanton struggled to keep himself up as the ground continued to shake and the last thing they heard was the sound of painful screams from the pirate as the stone gates closed.
After everything was established, Channing had taken over the role as Captain after what happened to Tanton ‘Gunner’ Vertect. The crew decided to stay since they had nowhere else to go within the Bermuda Triangle. “We thank you for your help, Doctor” said Channing, “You are forever in our debt” “Oh don’t mention it” said the Doctor, “Just keep away from treasure hunting for a while, Just focus on finding your way back home to your proper time” “Of course” The two shook hands before the timelord entered the T.A.R.D.I.S. with his companion following behind. “Lady Esther” called the gentleman pirate, grabbing the female’s attention, “Allow me to give you this as a token of my gratitude” Channing pulls out a rather beautiful ruby necklace and hands it to Esther who kindly took it from the gentleman pirate’s hands. “Thank you” she said, “It’s beautiful” “Not as beautiful as you” Esther couldn’t help but blush as Channing stepped forward and placed a kiss upon the girl’s cheek, tilting his hat to wish her good luck on the rest of her journey. Esther smiled and made her way inside the T.A.R.D.I.S, with the Doctor working on the control panel. She decided to make her way back to the library and start reading the journal she left earlier. It was then she noticed another book close by, it was called ‘The Angel’s Kiss - A Melody Malone Mystery’ with a sexy blonde detective on the cover, a bright red lip and a .357 magnum in her right hand. She picks up the book and opens it, only for a page to mysteriously slip and fall to the ground. Esther grew curious and looked at every page in the book in her hand, seeing it was the last page that slipped and fell to the floor. This made the girl even more curious as to why the last page was ripped out in the first place. But she decided to look into that another time. Right now, she wanted to know what was on the last page of the book that slipped and fell to the ground. The girl kneels down and picks up the page, reading it to herself out loud.
‘Afterwards by Amelia Williams’
‘Hello, old friend’
‘And here we are. You and me on the last page.’
‘By the time you read these words, Rory and I will be long gone so know that we lived well and we’re very happy, and above all else, know that we love you. Always’
‘Sometimes I do worry about you, though. I think, once we’re gone you won’t be coming back here for a while and you might be alone, which you should never be.’
‘Don’t be alone Doctor’
‘And do one more thing for me: There’s a little girl waiting in a garden. She’s going to wait a long while, so she’s going to need a lot of hope.’
‘Go to her. Tell her a story.’
‘Tell her that if she’s patient, the days are coming that she’ll never forget. Tell her she’ll go to see and fight pirates, she’ll fall in love with a man who’ll wait 2000 years to keep her safe, tell her she’ll give hope to the greatest painter who ever lived, and save a whale in outer space.’
‘Tell her this the story of Amelia Pond, and this is how it ends.’
Little did she know that the Doctor was standing by the entrance of the library, listening to his companion reading the final page out loud to herself. His eyes filled with sadness at the memory of losing Amy Pond to weeping angels in Manhattan forever. But then remembered, he’s not alone. He has a new companion to keep him company and keep him out of trouble. He smiled softly to himself as he walked away, preparing for their next adventure through time and space.
Next time on Doctor Who
“This isn’t the London I know” “Famous Consulting Detective Sherlock Holmes Struggles with Possible UFOs” “What kind of a Doctor are you?” “The only Doctor who can help you solve this case” “Do you really trust this man?” “Do you?” “Sherlock!”
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sarah-dipitous · 11 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 147
Time After Time/The Big Bang
“Time After Time”
Plot Description: The God of Time sends Dean back to 1944, where he is immediately arrested by the legendary Elliot Ness who, surprisingly, is also a hunter
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: we start with the boys, that is not encouraging for my survival. The only plus is knowing this is a time travel story…so, maybe?? I dunno. Maybe it’s like a weeping angels situation for me
CANTON, OHIO?? It’s funny how we will straight up claim something more than an hour away as still definitely being part of the area.
Dean, what you watch is not just called anime. I love you, but don’t lie to yourself or us. Are you allowed to say the word hentai on network television?
This house where they’re investigating (second one) is beautiful! Got a turret and stained glass
Ohhhhhh that’s the context for the “more anime or are you strictly into Dick(/dick) now?” line. Yes he means Dick Roman, billionaire turned leviathan, but also…
It’s missing Castiel hours…for me.
Lmao at Dean having to use his fingers to calculate what year it is.
Dean gets to go on all the fun field trips. Maybe this is to make up for how everyone made fun of him in the old west. He’s so flustered and excited
You’ll do what to his what, Dean?? But he does look good in 1940s attire
The switching back and forth between Dean & Elliot and Sam & Jody…it, and I’m sorry to say it, feels a little pointless to have the Sam & Jody part. MAYBE they actually contribute later, but Dean’s time traveling adventures are much more interesting
Jody and Sam reminiscing about Bobby is sweet, though
Sometimes I forget that Elliot Ness does have Cleveland ties. Then I remember that a local brewery literally has a beer named after him. WHICH IS WEIRD CONSIDERING HE WAS A PROHIBITION OFFICER. (Now I’m gonna pause the show for a search as to why they did that)
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Calling it a paradox seems a bit strong…there is a word for what it is but it’s of course escaping me now. Also, the brewery owners’ mom was apparently Ness’s stenographer
Ness’s trunk arsenal gives the Winchesters’ a run for its mone
I was liking this lady who was kind of like Ness’s Bobby (maybe not in the parental figure way but the knowledgeable about how to kill so many supernatural beings way) until she went and kissed Dean out of the blue and a bit as payment for what she got for him and Ness to kill Kronos
Omg yes Dean. Sending Sam messages on the floorboards from the past. I love it
Not me being like “OH?? THAT day??” when Sam pointed out that Dean’s letter was written on November 5, 1944
Oh so we have a case of Schrödinger’s Dean. He’s alive in 1944, but he’s also dead now, but he hasn’t been born yet in 1944, but also Sam and Jody are still trying to get him back. It’s all very wibbly wobbly timey wimey…stuff. Remember when this was just a show about two brothers trying to find their dad and killing monsters on the way?
Well that was wonderfully ominous. “You’re future is covered in thick, black ooze”
“The Big Bang”
Plot Description: The Doctor is gone, the universe is collapsing, and the only hope lies in a little girl
I remember this one as the fun half (with the exception of the speech to stall the attack), let’s see if I’ve remembered correctly
Little Amyyyyyyy. You know, I never picked up on the fact that she is PRAYING to SANTA. Like…it’s one thing to try to get his attention near Easter, but praying is a bit far. Also…does she think he goes into hibernation? She said it’s Easter now so I hope I didn’t wake you…
☹️☹️☹️ the Doctor didn’t come in this timeline
I wouldn’t want to live in this timeline. How can you live with no stars in the night sky?? Especially if you know they’re supposed to be there, but no one else does
The fact that the Pandorica is just in a museum now…
Man, you have no idea how much I wish I could easily read that note (it just says “stick around pond” but I have a bad time reading things on tv screens)
OKAY I wasn’t crazy for remembering seeing AMY Amy in the Pandorica
Cool. Now we have Schrödinger’s Amy.
Why IS it that the Doctor getting sealed brings about the unbirth of the universe??
Oh no. THAT is terrifying. The thought that we’d definitively be alone in the universe
Rory making the choice to stay with Amy while she’s in there to guard her and keep her company ❤️❤️❤️
The fact that he made it all the way to the 1940s but potentially couldn’t make it that last 60-some (but of course he ACTUALLY did)
I love that we’re getting a very similar story in both of these episodes tonight. The Doctor’s using River’s time vortex to jump between 2000 years of time to leave notes and clues and give solutions
Oh…River being stuck in a few second time loop ☹️
The way they destroy the fez is always a good laugh
When ISNT he being completely ridiculous in one way or another?
I normally really like River, but this is the writing…it’s the writing’s fault. She’s a generic “strong female character in an action film” in this episode…who somehow still needs to be saved, who still defers to the Doctor. Fuck Moffat
Sad goodbyes that you KNOW don’t last long aren’t as good in subsequent watches
I love Amy’s wardrobe. She always has such good outfits
“We’re all stories in the end. Just make it a good one” ALWAYS a good line
Ok. Watching him say goodbye to little Amy IS still sad, but HEY! The stars are back!
(I’m watching this as leaks are starting to drop for mha and it’s just…hard to focus. Thankfully, there’s not much left)
I feel bad for both of them. Rory’s so confused why Amy’s so sad and distracted at their wedding reception, and Amy’s so fucking confused and distraught.
The rest of their wedding seems like a good time though
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Just Another Stray
By dreamingofabluebox
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This fanfiction is also posted on my Wattpad, ThatFandomN3RD.
Chapters: One
Chapter Two
The Daleks continued to make their way through the mall, eradicating anyone they came across. The Doctor and I moved quietly, avoiding detection. It wasn’t easy and was an extremely slow progress. I was hoping that the Doctor was figuring out a plan in that crazy brain of his. He stopped and peeked around a corner, making sure the coast was clear. We continued on for a bit longer before the Doctor pulled me into a closet, putting his hand over my mouth. I heard the hum of a Dalek passing by outside the door. We waited. When it was clear, the Doctor released me, and we began moving again. I was still trying to wrap my mind around the fact he was real.
‘Doctor?’ I asked quietly. He hummed in response. ‘If we’re the fictional dimension, and you’re here, then that means the theory of the multiverse isn’t a theory at all. It’s fact.’ He turned around to look at me.
‘Pretty sharp,’ he responded. ‘Though, you guys did get one thing wrong.’
‘And what’s that?’ He looked into my eyes, a wild kind of excitement swimming in his brown eyes. He grabbed my shoulders.
‘It’s so much bigger than that. Imagine as many worlds, as many dimensions as you can. Then multiply that infinitely. That is the extent of time and space. It’s all just one big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff.’
‘So, there’s even more out there than we could ever imagine…’ The Doctor smiled and nodded. He let go of me and turned back around.
‘We’re getting close to the Dalek base of operations. Allons-y!’ The Doctor took off down the hall, and I had never been more excited to hear French. I took off after him and was nearly thrown to the floor with the sudden appearance of the Doctor’s outstretched arm. ‘There it is. Right in the middle of the mall.’ He crouched just inside the entrance to one of the many shops. I crouched next to him.
‘So. How are we getting in there?’
‘I’ll go. You stay here, where it’s safe.’ I put a hand on the Doctor’s shoulder before he could rush off. He turned to look at me, confused.
‘Let me help. I’ve already come this far. What’s one more step?’ He nodded and focused back on the roaming Daleks.
‘They’ve multiplied since we’ve last met. There shouldn’t be more than one. Surrender won’t work, they’re too destructive for that. Maybe if I can cause some kind of explosion…’
‘Like build a bomb?’ He turned back to me briefly and smiled.
‘Exactly. Most efficient way to take them out. Worked countless times before.’ He stood and began ripping electronics from various things in the shop.
‘You know they’ll be coming after you for vandalism, right?’ The Doctor laughed.
‘Oh, we’ll be long gone before that.’ He said we. Did he plan to take me with him on the TARDIS? I felt my heart skip a beat. Me, on the TARDIS, travelling with the Doctor. Be still my sci-fi loving heart. I couldn’t get my hopes up until it was actually happening.
As much as I wanted to ask the Doctor what he was doing, I knew I wouldn’t understand most of it. Instead, I let him work in silence so he could focus.
‘You aren’t all doom and gloom, are you?’ he asked suddenly, still working on his contraption.
‘What do you mean?’
‘You’ve gone all… quiet.’
‘Well, you’re working on something important. I was letting you focus.’ He laughed and then held out the device.
‘There we go! That should do it!’ He pressed a button and ran to the door. He looked back at me and gestured with his head for me to join him. He handed me the device, smiling. ‘Want to defeat your first batch of Daleks?’ I didn’t even bother to hide my excitement.
‘What do I have to do?’
‘Press the blue button before you throw it. Then throw with everything you got, because we’ll have to run so we don’t explode with ‘em.’ I nodded and got ready to throw, pushing the blue button with my thumb. I threw it across the mall, managing to land it right next to a Dalek near the middle of the group.
‘I can’t believe I made that!’
‘No time! Run!’ The Doctor grabbed my wrist and pulled me through the shop, putting as much distance between us and the Daleks as he could before the explosion went off. We barely made it out. I bent over, putting my hands on my knees to catch my breath. The Doctor was laughing. ‘That was some fun, wasn’t it?’ I looked up and laughed. That’s when a shade of blue caught my eyes. And there she was. The TARDIS. I straightened and walked over to her, gently placing my hand on her wooden frame. Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. I never thought I would get to see her with my own eyes. The Doctor walked up next to me.
‘I… never thought I’d get to see this…’ I whispered.
‘You should see the inside,’ he replied, unlocking the door and walking through. A few moments later he popped his head back out. ‘Well?’ He looked at me expectantly. I carefully stepped into the TARDIS, my eyes on the floor. But when I looked up… I cried. It was more amazing than my world had made it out to be. The Doctor seemed confused by my reaction.
‘Something wrong?’ he asked. I wiped away my tears.
‘No,’ I said, chuckling. ‘She’s just… more beautiful and amazing than I ever thought.’ He smiled, clearly excited that I loved the TARDIS.
‘Not only that, she never fails me!’ He hopped around the controls.
‘Dimensionally transcendental,’ I whispered. The Doctor paused. ‘That’s the only way to describe her. There’s no words in English to truly describe her.’
‘There is in Gallifreyan, but unfortunately for you, you wouldn’t understand a lick of it.’ He went back to the controls. ‘You may want to hold on.’ He looked at me, smiling, before he pulled a lever, causing the entire TARDIS to shake. I fell into one of the seats and did my best to hold on. It wasn’t long before it was over.
‘Where are we now?’
‘You might recognise it.’ He went over to the door and opened it, holding it open for me. I walked out to find myself in my apartment. My heart sank as I realised that there wasn’t going to even be one actual trip in the TARDIS. My hand rested against a corner of the ship. I didn’t want to let go. I turned back to the Doctor.
‘Even though I was in so much danger, this was the most fun I’ve ever had.’ I gave him a small smile as he watched me. ‘It’s kind of silly, but… I’m scared to let go of the TARDIS.’
‘Why is that?’ he asked innocently. His eyes were watching me intently. He knew this wasn’t for everyone.
‘I’m scared that if I let go, I’ll just wake up. That this entire thing has been a dream. I don’t want it to be a dream.’
‘Well,’ said the Doctor, seeming to think. ‘I guess I could give you one trip. As a thank you.’ I looked up at him in shock.
‘Really? You mean it?’ He smiled and disappeared inside the TARDIS. I followed him and shut the door behind me. He was already around the controls, pulling various levers and pushing buttons. ‘I don’t think I’ll ever get used to walking in here.’ I watched him work for a moment. ‘So, aren’t Time Lords only supposed to watch things unfold instead of interfering with events?’
‘And an entire mall would be dead if I hadn’t,’ he replied, not looking up. He studied something on a screen.
‘Right. But what made you interfere? Not with just the mall, but in general. Why don’t you just sit back and watch things happen?’ He stopped what he was doing and placed his hands against the control console, bowing his head.
‘I couldn’t stand to just watch innocent people die when I could do something about it. I’m the only Time Lord left. There’s no one left to enforce the non-interference policy.’ His features had taken on a look of sadness as he stared down at the controls. He suddenly straightened, clapped his hands together, and then resumed working on the controls. ‘Alrighty, then! One trip, one destination.’ He thought for a moment. ‘I know a place that you’ll enjoy! Valose 9! Gorgeous little planet. Not too much different from Earth. Just cleaner and in the year five thousand forty-one.’ The TARDIS shook and we were off again. I sat in one of the seats, watching the Doctor fiddle with various controls. Ten minutes later, and we landed. When he opened the door, I audibly gasped.
The grass was purple, but it smelled of a calming citrus. The leaves on the trees were a deep blue, almost the shade of the TARDIS. The Doctor walked up to one of the trees and peeled a strip of bark from it, holding it out to me. I took it and looked at him, wondering what he wanted me to do.
‘Sorry! Forget that not everyone knows what I’m thinking. Take a bite. You’ll like it.’ I gingerly took a bite of the bark. It tasted sweet.
‘What is this?’
‘Bango bark. These trees are the only bango trees left in the universe at this point. Beautiful, aren’t they?’ He looked up into the branches. I handed the bark back to him and he munched on it absentmindedly.
‘I’ve never seen nature like this before.’
‘Different planets, different times, different ecosystems.’ We heard a rumbling and the ground shook. ‘Probably should have mentioned the quakes.’ He motioned for me to follow him, and we made our way toward a nearby city. Nothing could have prepared me for what would meet my eyes when the city gates opened. Not only were there humans, but people of all different species. I tried not to stare, but it was hard considering I have never seen anything but other humans.
‘Wow,’ I said, looking around.
‘You like it?’ asked the Doctor, looking down at me. ‘It’s an interesting planet. Only thing wrong with it is the quakes.’ And that was when several guards appeared and pointed weapons at us.
0 notes
timetomarvel · 3 years
Sooo did someone who wrote for doctor who get a job at the marvel studios? 😄
First the TVA has a defabricator
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And then Loki is referred to as "that criminal with the blue box!"
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You know.. that blue box that could transport him anywhere in the universe but apparently doesn't work properly, because he ended up high above the Gobi desert. 😄
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I really love this 😂 waiting impatiently now for a "it's bigger on the inside" joke 😂
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authorized-trash · 4 years
Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff
Content Warnings: Temporary character death(he’s not technically dead, just regenerated), grief, bullet wounds, injury, pain, misunderstandings, characters think another character is dead when he’s not really
Word Count: 1,047
Notes: This was extremely self indulgent, it’s part of a series I’m starting so if you’d like to request a fic in this particular AU send in an ask
Logan had his arms wrapped around Patton’s torso, holding the brunette securely as to not let him forward. He didn’t admit that holding onto the man also kept himself grounded, as shocked as he was at the moment.
Virgil stood in the middle of the TARDIS, clutching his stomach, blood pouring between his fingers. A thin line of crimson came from the corner of his mouth as well, falling from his upturned lips like a wine colored waterfall.
The Timelord was pressing on what Logan could guess was the three bullet wounds that had pierced through his abdomen. Logan knew they shouldn’t have ventured to this planet, it wasn’t safe, and now? Now Virgil was hurt, was dying, and he was going to die right here, right in front of them.
Except he wasn’t.
He was looking at his two companions, Logan and Patton, who had been travelling with him for four years now, with a sad smile.
“Guess this is it,” Virgil rasped out, his voice barely there. Patton choked on a sob, and shook his head. He had stopped fighting against Logan, his hands now clasped tightly around his mouth to stifle his weeping.
“Virgil, no, we can- we can get you to a medic, something-” Logan took a step forward, but Virgil hurriedly picked a bloodied hand up and pointed at them to stay back.
“No, Lo, don’t come,” Virgil shuddered, hand pressed firmly on his wounds again, “don’t come closer, it’s dangerous.”
“Virgil, you’re hurt,” Logan’s voice broke, and he pursed his lips together tightly to keep from crying.
“I’ll be alright,” another full-body shudder, “I’ve died before. Er… Died in a sense.”
“What do you mean, Virgil? Now is not the time for your ridiculous edgy jokes,” Logan could feel tears pouring down his face, hot and sticky. Patton turned to put his face in Logan’s collar, his weak little sobs heart breaking.
“I’m a Timelord, dummy,” Logan nodded, this wasn’t new information.
“I know that, Virgil, I’ve known that for years.”
“Yes, well, being a Timelord doesn-” Virgil choked suddenly, a wisp of golden light leaving his throat and floating upwards into the air. “B- being a Timelord doesn’t just mean I have two hearts, I kinda got- I kinda got thirteen lives,” Virgil explained, sweat pouring down his forehead.
“What do you mean?” Logan asked, and Patton had turned his head to look at Virgil with a confused face.
“I- It means when I’m dying, I can restart my body, like a- like a fresh start. I’m still me, just… Different,” Virgil said, as another shudder shook his body. His skin seemed to glow, almost. The wispy golden strands drifting from between his fingers, over his arms, up past his head.
“What’s all that?” Patton asked, his voice hoarse from crying.
“The regeneration energy, the stuff that,” Virgil was cut off as a flash of the gold stuff around him flared up, “-stuff that regenerates my body. My cells are- are rearranging.”
“What does that mean for you?” Logan asked, holding on tightly to Patton.
“Nothin’, I’m still gonna be me, same old memories, just… Different.”
“Virgil I’m not sur-”
Virgil groaned and stumbled back a little, “Too late,” he ground out, looking up at Patton with a hopeless smile, “it’s starting.”
His head snapped back and was encased in golden energy, it looked a bit like he was on fire. Neither Patton or Logan could see his face. Similar streams of the golden energy were shooting from his hands, lighting up the entire interior of the TARDIS.
Patton let out a startled cry, but didn’t look away. Logan grit his teeth, shielding his eyes from the bright light emanating from their friend.
The light didn’t subside for a good twenty seconds, before it finally slowed, disappearing completely.
Both Patton and Logan watched in shock as their friend looked up… Except it wasn’t there friend, was it? The person in front of them looked nothing like Virgil.
The person straightened up, running both of their hands through their hair.
“Woah…” They said aloud, “Wavy hair, that’s new. Oh! New mouth, that’s even worse ugh-”
The figure continued to run their hands over themself, as if checking for anything out of the ordinary. “I’m still pretty human, no extra limbs, that’s cool- I’m a male again, that’s also nice I guess, woulda been nice to change things up,” The man looked up at Logan and Patton then, before flashing a brilliantly white smile.
“Well hello there!” He said, straightening up.
“V- Virgil?” Patton asked timidly, beginning to unfurl himself from Logan’s hold.
“Yep! Well, kinda. I don’t know if that’ll be my name anymore, that was so two minutes ago-” The Timelord looked around at the TARDIS, frowning a little at the damage that was done to the interior after their fight from earlier. His eyes locked on some words.
“You all were visiting the Roman Empire next? I like that, that’s cool, Roman? I think I’ll use that, Roman. Heh.” The man turned to look at them, “I’m Roman.”
Logan was sure his mouth was hanging open.
“You’re- you’re Virgil?”
“Well no. Yes. Regeneration rearranged my cells, making me a completely new physical form. It messes with brain cells a bit, but not enough to matter. Personality changes and stuff,” Roman flipped his hand around noncommittally, “You needn’t worry about all of that though, I’m still your friend, I still know you.”
Logan nodded, not quite following along. He was trying, nonetheless. Patton gulped audibly, still unsure about the new arrival. Did he even count as new? Probably not.
“Well, where were we?” Roman flashed another brilliant smile, so unlike Virgil, “I believe it was Ancient Rome?”
Logan and Patton made brief eye contact, before separating. They nodded at Roman, moving around as if they were walking on eggshells.
“Then off we go!”
“Shouldn’t we repair the TARDIS?” Logan asked skeptically.
“Maybe,” Roman pulled on a few levers, and the TARDIS began to shriek as it warped them to their next location.
“Shouldn’t you maybe rest, kiddo? You just died, surely you’re tired,” Patton asked worriedly.
Roman waved him off, “I’m fine, Padre, not even a sc- scratch.”
He proceeded to crumple to the ground, out.
“Well,” Logan began.
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Double Blind
Characters: Rose Tyler; Tenth Doctor; Reinette; Adam Mitchell
Tags: AU - human; blind date; fluff; romance; humour
Summary: Rose Tyler has been set up on a blind date with a bloke she’s having a lot of misgivings about, but when he arrives, she finds he isn’t anything like she expected him to be.
Notes: This was written as part of a Classic Trope challenge on the Doctor x Rose Discord group. I got “Blind Date”. The story was actually inspired by one of the cute little stories on my French course on DuoLingo! To my brilliant beta team, @rose--nebula and mrsbertucci, my undying gratitude, as always. You got me on the right track more than a few times, and with the amazing @aintfraidanoghosts, you helped me plan out the rough patches. My love to you all!��
Read also at: AO3; FF.net; TSP
Double Blind
Rose Tyler shifted in her seat and straightened the pale blue rose on the white table linens for the umpteenth time. She glanced covertly at the other tables around her: men and women dressed in nice suits and fine fabrics, eating meticulously presented food from china plates. Rose wriggled again, brushing invisible motes of lint from the cuffs of her white blouse, hoping she looked presentable. She told herself she couldn’t look too terribly out of place; the maître ’d hadn’t blinked an eye. 
She had never set foot inside a restaurant this upscale before. They didn’t have posh spots like this near the Powell Estate. But the French restaurant, Révélations, was where her date had insisted they meet. He’d texted her instructions to place a blue rose on the table in front of her so he could identify her when he arrived. The idea of the rose was obvious (her name) and the blue was, according to him, for hope that their date would be “just the first of many”. He hadn’t liked the idea of exchanging photos, which would have made identifying each other simple. He’d informed her that “a blind date is a blind date” and he wanted “to meet without any preconceived notions” or some rubbish like that. But Rose already had preconceived the notion that this bloke was a bit too sure of himself. It was just a bloody first date, after all, blind or not. He sounded like he was already practically planning their wedding.
She sighed, not for the first time over the last few days. Her friend, Shareen… actually Shareen’s new boyfriend whom Rose had never even met… had arranged this date: a bloke, named Adam Mitchell, whom he knew from the research labs at the Uni. The bloke had allegedly returned from college in the United States to do Post-Doctoral research on some hopelessly science-y subject Rose could barely even pronounce the name of. Why Shareen (or, more to the point, Shareen’s mysterious boyfriend…) had ever thought he would be a good match for her, Rose didn’t understand. She didn’t even have any A-levels to her name, and she worked in a shop, for God’s sake.
On top of that, if she was being honest, Adam had rubbed her a bit the wrong way with the dictatorial tone of his texts to her. It wasn’t an auspicious beginning.
“The last thing I need in my life right now,” she’d told Shareen in no uncertain terms, “is another condescending, controlling… shite boyfriend. Besides, I only just got rid of Jimmy. I really don’t think I’m ready for any sort of boyfriend.”
Shareen had scoffed. “But this isn’t Jimmy. This one actually has a real, functioning brain, and he has a proper career lined up. He has money, babe; he can look after you.”
“What? I’m supposed to be some kept woman? You sound like my flippin’ mum.”
It had taken some convincing, but eventually, Rose had tired of Shareen’s whinging, and capitulated, agreeing to go on this bloody date, despite her misgivings.
And here she sat, waiting for Adam to arrive, incessantly rearranging her stupid blue rose and terrified to order anything more than a glass of still water lest it bankrupt her. She felt like she’d been waiting forever but when she glanced at the time on her mobile, wondering if she’d been stood up, it turned out he wasn’t late… yet. Rose couldn’t decide if she should be relieved or disappointed.
After another five minutes of jittering her leg under the table linens and trying desperately not to bite her nails, she decided to pack it in. She didn’t want to be here. She didn’t want… this. She gathered her handbag from the floor by her feet, and made to stand, but stopped half-way. From the lobby, with the maître d’ standing next to him, appeared a tall, slender man a few years older than her. She observed him carefully for signs that he might be Adam: he had brown hair and eyes (check) and was wearing a suit and a tie adorned with blue flowers (check, again.)
So far so good.
Although, she had to admit, the overall image wasn’t quite what she’d expected from Adam, based on the tone of his texts to her. Somehow, she’d been expecting the brown hair to be carefully combed into place, not a delicious, expertly tousled mop that practically invited her to run her fingers through it. And the suit was a bit more casual than the “business casual” she’d been anticipating: rumpled brown with pinstripes; tie carelessly loosened from the confines of his collar; and a pair of battered, cream-coloured Converse on his feet, in place of dress shoes. Based on his tone, she’d thought Adam would have been more… put-together and formal.
Her heart dropped. It couldn’t be him. Loads of people had brown hair and eyes, and the tie… easily a coincidence. Besides, while she’d been told Adam was good-looking, this bloke was positively fit!
She watched with bated breath as he glanced around the restaurant. Her heart did a little flip when his eyes settled on the rose in front of her. Then his gaze lifted to hers and his face erupted into a wide, toothy grin. Rose’s breath caught and she immediately plonked back down into her seat.
She amended her first assessment: he wasn’t just fit; he was drop-dead, bloody gorgeous.
The man waved off the maître d’, who remained hovering behind him, and stepped toward Rose’s table. “Hello.” He continued to beam stupidly at her.
She figured her expression was equally ridiculous as she grinned back in a dreamy haze. “Hello.”
“The blue flower…” He nodded toward the rose in a soft Estuary accent that made her feel all gooey inside.
“Yeah. And the, erm… the tie,” she managed.
“The tie? Oh… yes, it’s one of my favourites. Love the tie. Erm…” he gestured to the empty chair across from her, “…may I?”
“Oh, God, sorry! Of course.”
He sat down and put his elbows on the table and leaned toward her. “So…”
“So…” Rose giggled (blimey, she wasn’t normally the giggly sort…), then pulled herself together. “So, you’re doing post-doctoral work at the Uni, yeah? On what was it, again?”
“Quantum and Temporal Physics.”
Rose gulped, really wishing she’d never let Jimmy-bloody-Stone manipulate her into dropping out of high school. Not that A-level anything would help her much in this situation, but at least she might have stood a chance. “Yeah, I thought it was something like that…”
“Fascinating field, really. My research is based on the premise that space and time are fundamentally linked at quantum level and that if we can travel on any trajectory through one, we should also be able to travel on any trajectory through the other. It’s just a matter of applying…” he rattled on, gesticulating with his hands. (He had lovely, long fingers, Rose mused dreamily, quite happy to listen to the cadence of his voice and imagine all the things those fingers could do.) “…and realigning the quantum matrices. You see, people assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint…” He trailed off. “I’ve lost you, haven’t I?”
“Just a bit, yeah.” She chuckled but her cheeks burned. “My brain checked out somewhere back around when you said, ‘space and time’.”
He cast her an apologetic smile. “I’m so sorry. I do this all the time. Donna, that’s my cousin, she calls me a great, big outer space dunce. I keep forgetting that not everyone is a genius, like me.” He sniffed and straightened his tie.
Rose arched her eyebrow at him. Okay, now this was more the Adam Mitchell she’d been expecting: a bit of a pretentious git.
“Oh, no! Sorry, so sorry! I’ve mucked it up again. I just meant… weeell, I am very clever, but I don’t mean that I think I’m better than other people… I just know things, I suppose. And I get excited and like to talk about them because I want to share my knowledge… and as Donna pointed out, I’m also a dunce.”
Rose’s heart swelled with sudden affection. He wasn’t being pretentious after all; he was just being… forthright, sweet.
“And getting back to what I really meant to say, earlier,” he blurted, “all that gobbledygook about time… it’s really just a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey… stuff.” 
Rose laughed. “Now that’s some science I can get my head around!”
He beamed at her again, his relief evident. “So, what do you do?”
Rose’s cheeks heated again. “Oh, me?” She averted her eyes, dreading the disappointment she would surely see settle on his face, but she supposed it was better she was upfront about it. “I’m just working in a shop… Henrick’s.”
“Oooooh, posh.” He waggled his eyebrows, setting her off giggling again. “I commend you. Not just anyone can handle rude customers all day. I bet you get some doozies in there!”
Bemused, Rose could only nod in agreement.
“I’d end up shouting at them and get fired the same day.”
“I feel like that too, sometimes, but I’ve learned to handle it, I guess. I’m top sales, every month.”
“Oh, well done! Brilliant!” He seemed genuinely proud of her achievement. There was no sarcasm in his tone or delivery, just open enthusiasm.
“But I really want to go back and get my A-levels,” she insisted, feeling she had to defend herself. “I was good at English and French back in school… and Art! I used to love painting!”
“I reiterate: brilliant! You should do just that if it’s what you want. What sort of things–”
The waiter stepped up to their table at that moment to offer them menus and tell them about the specials of the day. Rose listened intently. The food all sounded very opulent, and was probably delicious, but she didn’t have a clue what half of it was. She did her best to keep up, nodding politely and making interested noises at appropriate points.
“May I offer you something to drink while you peruse the menu?” the waiter offered.
“Oh, erm…” Rose stammered. What she really wanted was to order a pint, but she didn’t think that would go over too well at Révélations. And she didn’t want to order anything too expensive…  “I’d love a glass of red wine.”
“We have a lovely selection of fine house wines for you to choose from.” The waiter opened the wine menu and pointed to the appropriate section.
Rose bit her lower lip, the words swimming before her eyes, and her heart somersaulting around her chest. “I… erm…” She glanced over to Adam, who was watching her with slightly narrowed eyes. She couldn’t help thinking he was sizing her up… and she was failing. Then his expression softened, and he offered her a compassionate smile.
“Oooh, a glass of red sounds good. How about we just order a bottle?”
Rose nodded fervently.
“What do you recommend?” he asked the waiter.
When the wine was selected and the waiter had finally left, Rose opened her menu and pretended to read over the selections. She glanced shyly up at Adam from beneath her fringe. He too, was engrossed in the menu. “Thanks,” she murmured. “I don’t know…”
“Don’t thank me yet.” His eyes met hers, sparkling with amusement. “We can only hope our waiter chose a nice wine for us. Aaand, speak of the devil…”
The waiter reappeared, opened the wine, and poured a little into each of their glasses to taste. Rose held the glass to her lips, hesitantly taking a small sip. She hummed her appreciation as the fruity flavour exploded over her tongue.
Adam was decidedly less reserved in his approach. With a flourish of his eyebrows at Rose and a quirk of a smile, he swirled the liquid around his glass, and sniffed it intently. (The show-off!) “Ahhh… that’s lovely. And do I detect… NO! It can’t be? Is that an overtone of... bananas?” He winked at Rose.
“Bananas, sir?” The waiter goggled at him. “I… erm… bananas?”
Rose clapped her hand over her mouth to hold back the bark of laughter building in her throat.
“Oh, I love bananas!” Adam cheered. “Always bring a banana to a party. And if you can’t do that, find a brilliant wine with overtones of bananas! This is lovely, don’t you think?” he addressed Rose.
“Lovely, yeah,” she agreed.
“Pour away, my good man!”
As the poor, perplexed waiter filled their glasses, he asked: “Have you had a chance to view the menu?”
Rose met Adam’s eyes and gave a little shake of her head. He turned to the waiter. “A few more minutes, if you don’t mind.”
“Not at all. I’ll come back in a little while.”
As soon as the waiter was out of earshot, Rose couldn’t contain herself any longer: “Oh my God! Bananas?!”
“Oh, I thought he needed to lighten up a bit. This place is all a bit hoity-toity, in my opinion.” His eyes suddenly widened. “I hope you don’t mind…”
“Are you kidding? That was the best thing I’ve heard all week. The look on his face!”
“I know!”
They did nothing but grin stupidly at each other over sips of their wine for a few minutes, breaking into hopeless giggles every so often.
Adam took a deep breath and a gulp of wine. “So,” he asked, returning the subject to their earlier conversation, “back to school, eh? Is that something you’d want to do?”
“I think so, yeah. I want to at least be able to say I got my A-levels. I let a boy convince me I didn’t need them, and it was the worst decision I’ve ever made. I feel like… I dunno, it would be like taking my life back.”
He offered her a warm smile. “Well, good for you! And then… uni?”
“Maybe… who knows? Would that matter?” She worried the corner of her lower lip between her teeth. Despite her hesitancy to come on this date, she was really liking this bloke. She could see herself spending more time with him… if he were amenable. ‘Course she wouldn’t let on to Shareen. Shareen would be insufferable.
“What? No! Of course not! Uni is not the be-all and end-all. There are so many other avenues to pursue if that’s what you want. It was right for me, obviously, but…weeell…” he tugged on his ear, “you certainly don’t need my approval.”
Rose offered him a grateful little smile and ducked her head. She sighed happily. “What I’d really love to do, first, is take a year or so and just travel. Explore the world.”
“Oh, I’d love to travel too! I’ve spent so long at school. I mean I’ve studied in the States, but I never really had much chance to look around, to explore. I love to explore!”
“Me too! I’ve never been anywhere ‘cept when me and mum used to cram into Cousin Mo’s old car and drive to a beach in Dorset for a few days on the summer hols. Mum must have gotten sick of my whinging. She finally left me behind when I was fourteen. Blimey, she and Mo must have had a grand ol’ time without me taggin’ along.”
They both laughed.
“Where would you go,” she asked, “if you could choose?”
“Oh, I rather like the idea of blindfolding myself and throwing a dart at a map of the world. Seeing where the wind takes me.”
“Oh, that sounds perfect! But, on your own?” Rose blurted out the words, not thinking through how they would sound. He would probably think she was inviting herself along on this imaginary trip they were planning. Bloody hell, she’d not known him for more than twenty minutes.
He shrugged, his cheerful expression crumbling a bit around the edges. “There is no one else… not really…” His fringe fell over his face as he pointedly turned his eyes to the menu.
There was history there, and Rose wanted to learn more, but in this moment she just wanted to be there for him. She found herself dismissing any worries about being too forward, and impulsively, she reached across the table and rested her hand over his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “There’s me.” She licked her lips as his hand twitched under hers, sure he was going to pull it away.
Instead, he flipped his over so their palms were touching. A zing of something bloody brilliant coursed through her, and as their eyes met, she knew he felt it too, a shared energy. It felt so right. She swore she could feel the turn of the Earth, the ground under her feet spinning at a thousand miles an hour, like she was falling through space.
Stunned by the feelings exploding inside her, she opened her menu to divert her mind. Glancing up she saw Adam was doing the same.
A few minutes of awkward silence passed, their hands still touching; it seemed neither of them was willing to break the link between them. Finally, Adam spoke, gesturing to the menu, “So, what do you like, Reinette? It’s my first time here; I was hoping you could tell me what’s good.”
Rose let his words sink in. What was he on about? Hadn’t he selected this restaurant? Was this some sort of test? Frowning, she slid her hand from his. “It’s my first time here, too… Wait!” She pursed her lips as she processed his words. “Did you just call me… Reinette?”
His eyes bulged, his eyebrows disappearing under his fringe. “Oh, blimey! You aren’t…?” He ran a desperate hand through his hair. “I take it you’re not Reinette, then?”
Rose chuckled, shaking her head. “Never heard of her. And I’ll wager your name’s not Adam?”
“Adam?” He frantically ruffled his hair again. “Blimey! No, I go by Jonathan Noble.”
“Nice to meet ya, Jonathan Noble. Rose Tyler.”
“Rose Tyler, eh? Roooose Tyler. I have to admit, I like the sound of that. It suits you much better than Reinette. Aaaand, it goes a long way to explaining why you weren’t quite what I was expecting… Turns out, I wasn’t expecting you at all. I was expecting… well, Reinette, who I have to admit,” his voice dropped to a confidential whisper as he leaned across the table toward Rose, “seemed a little full of herself… a bit la-di-da, if you know what I mean?”
“Don’t I just,” she whispered back. “I got the same vibes from Adam. And then you�� you seemed so…” she chewed on the corner of her finger, “…so… I dunno. We just seemed to click, yeah?”
He beamed. “Oh, yes! You know, looking back, now… I was a little surprised when you didn’t know what wine to order. I assumed Reinette was the sort that would be able to rattle on about fine wines until she was blue in the face.”
“I know! I kinda had the same experience with you… just the way you were dressed, yeah. I was expecting something a little more… proper, I guess.” His smile faltered and she felt a little rush of panic. “Oh, God! No, no! I didn’t mean…  I love this, what you’re wearing. It’s comfortable and, erm… approachable. It really suits you.”
“You think?” He flushed and tugged on his ear, his eyes filling with hope.
“Oh, yeah! And the Chucks… inspired!”
Rose glanced up past Jonathan’s shoulder, distracted by a woman who had just arrived and was putting up a bit of a fuss to the maître d’. “Erm, Jonathan…” she asked, trying to come off as casual, “…what made you think I was this Reinette-person?”
“Well, I was told to look for a beautiful blonde. And she told me she would have a blue flower… a lily! She’s originally from France. A blue lily! Oh…” He glanced down at Rose’s flower, lying beside her napkin, his mouth dropping open.  “Erm… you have a… a rose. Some genius I am, eh?”
She waved her hand dismissively. “Oh, easy mistake to make. I mean, what are the odds: specifically a blue flower? But...” she grimaced, nodding toward the reception area, “I’m afraid the real Reinette might have just arrived.”
Jonathan spun around in his chair and Rose followed the path of his eyes. The woman sniping at the maître d’ was a striking blonde, dressed in a chic, expensive-looking pantsuit. She was holding a blue lily and peering around the dining room.
Rose’s heart plummeted. She would never be able to compete with such a beautiful, sophisticated woman. What would a genius like Jonathan Noble ever want with a chav from an estate in Peckham, when he could have the likes of Reinette? She picked up her handbag and swept her blue rose into it. “Thanks for being so nice, Jonathan, but it seems your date has arrived.” She offered him a tight smile as she stood to leave.
“What? What? No, no, no! Please stay… Rose Tyler.” Her name rolled deliciously off his tongue again and he begged her with big, sad, puppy-dog eyes. And then there was his delectable, pouting lower lip… oh, wouldn’t she just love to kiss that lip?
“I… I can’t. It’s not right. I mean she’s so… you know… and I’m not...”
“Please? Rose? I was enjoying talking to you; really, properly enjoying it!”
“Yup,” he assured her with a little impatient nod. “Sit, please.”
Rose hesitated.
“Oh, all right!” If this lovely man wanted to finish this date with her, who was she to argue. They really had been getting along very well, after all. That energy between them when they’d held hands… she’d felt a connection with him like nothing she’d never experienced  before. A delightful shiver ran down her spine at the memory.
“By the way,” Jonathan asked as she settled herself again, “what made you think I was Adam? Was it the tie?”
“It’s just you mentioned it when I first arrived.”
“Oh, right,” Rose laughed. “Well, you obviously were looking for the flower too… but you – I mean he – told me he’d be wearing a tie with blue flowers on it. And there you were: tie with blue flowers. The two clues together…”
“Pure coincidence.” He winked. “I’d even venture to call it serendipitous, and I don’t generally believe in luck.”
“Oh, you don’t even know me yet.” Rose flashed him a toothy grin. “I could bring you nothing but misfortune, you never know.”
He dragged his gaze up from where the tip of her tongue teased him from the corner of her smile to meet her eyes. “Oh no, Rose Tyler, you have already saved me from a fate worse than death.” He nodded to Reinette who was currently flouncing through the restaurant, probably looking for him.
Rose bit her lip, stifling yet another giggle. “I haven’t saved you yet. Look out! She’s headed this way.”
“Oh, if I believe in one thing, I believe in you.” He reached over the table to squeeze her hand. “You’ll save me. You are my lucky pants.”
“Your what?” Unable to contain herself any longer, she burst into a full belly-laugh, but she gulped it back quickly as Reinette swept up to their table.
“Excuse me?” Reinette spoke with a light but haughty French accent and gave Rose a critical once-over before turning her attention to Jonathan. “Are you Jonathan Noble?”
Jonathan offered the woman a perplexed frown. “You must be mistaken. My name is… erm…” he scrubbed at the back of his neck, “…Adam.”
Reinette pursed her lips, arching a perfectly shaped eyebrow at him. “So, this means nothing to you, then?” With a flourish she showed him the lily.
“Oh, weeell, it’s a lovely flower… but, no…”
Reinette’s narrowed gaze flicked between the two of them, and Rose offered her a polite smile. With a harrumph, she moved away from their table to continue her search.
“Dodged that bullet!” Jonathan told Rose.
“Well, at least you didn’t get stood up.” Rose rolled her eyes, wondering what had happened to the real Adam.
“His loss. And my good fortune! See? You are my lucky pants.”
She shook her head. “You’re daft, you are! I guess we should take a look at these menus, yeah?”
He spent a few seconds flipping through the pages of the menu, then he sighed. “Actually… I know the wine is lovely – overtones of bananas and all – but since neither of us chose this restaurant, what do you say we pay for the wine and find somewhere else to eat. That is, if you want?”
Rose breathed a sigh of relief. “I know a really great pub not far from here that’s a little more my scene. They brew their own and they make the best fish and chips. I want chips.”
“Me too! Sounds brilliant. Shall we?”
Standing, she nodded fervently, and he threw some bills on the table to cover the cost of the wine, then offered her his elbow. She blushed, accepting his arm.
“Allons-y!” he chirped.
As they made their way to the maître d’ to offer their apologies, Reinette stormed up to them. “You lied to me! You are Jonathan Noble.” Her beautiful face was contorted in fury and she pointed adamantly at his shoes. “You told me you’d be wearing Converse with your… ahem…” she curled her lip, “...suit.”
“Weeell…” Jonathan’s shoulders tensed, and Rose could only hold her breath, waiting to see how he would respond. He flourished the arm that wasn’t linked with hers. “You got me! I admit. I lied. It seems there was a case of mistaken identity, two blind dates that got muddled up, and weeeell… Rose and I rather hit it off.” He was going for the honest approach, and Rose was quietly relieved.
Reinette, however, was livid! “Ridiculous!”
“I’m sorry,” Rose added, feeling the need to back Jonathan up. “He really did think I was you. We both had a blue flower, you see…”
Reinette snarled at Rose, then whipped around to face Jonathan. “I do not get… stood up! I insist you have dinner with me!”
Rose was distracted from Jonathan’s terse response by the insistent buzzing of her mobile with multiple incoming texts. She dropped his arm and scrambled in her handbag, finally finding the phone at the very bottom. The screen was lit up with no fewer than five notifications from Adam. It seemed he was running rather late, but told Rose, in no uncertain terms, that he expected her to wait for him.
“I’m worth the wait,” read his final text, followed by winky and aubergine emojis.
Rose rolled her eyes and fought her gag reflex. There was no bloody way she was going to wait for that tosser. And she was going to be having a few sharp words with Shareen about her (and her boyfriend’s) concept of what her ideal date looked like.
As it turned out, Rose thought as her eyes settled fondly on Jonathan, she had a pretty good picture of exactly what her ideal date looked like. And unfortunately, right now, he wasn’t faring well in his battle with Reinette. It was time for her to rescue him one more time.
“Tell ya what, Reinette,” she cut into the other woman’s rant, “a young man named Adam Mitchell is on his way here… right now. He’ll be wearing a tie with blue flowers and he’ll be expecting his date to have one of these...” She pulled the blue rose from her handbag and thrust it at the stunned Reinette. “Oh, and I don’t think he believes anyone could ever stand him up either, so you should get along famously.” 
With that, she slipped her hand into Jonathan’s, and as one, they turned toward the door and pushed it open. As they burst onto the pavement, they nearly knocked over a dark-haired young man, wearing a tie with gaudy blue flowers all over it.
“Oi!” he barked as they sputtered half-hearted apologies and hurried along the pavement.
“Was that…?” Jonathan started.
“Adam?” Rose finished for him. “Yeah, I think it must have been.” Their eyes met and they erupted into laughter and looked back over their shoulders to find Reinette and (presumably) Adam fuming in the doorway of the restaurant.
Gripping Jonathan’s hand tighter, Rose grinned up at him. “Run!” she shouted.
“Oh, yes!” he cheered as they took off at a sprint.
As she ran hand in hand with Jonathan, Rose felt as though she had something to look forward to for the first time in a long time. She had walked into Révélations dreading the evening ahead, but a simple mix-up had turned her blind date into a matter of pure blind luck. Now she was running toward a future full of promise and opportunity, a future she rather suspected Jonathan Noble would be a significant part of. 
She grinned. It was going to be fantastic.
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Connections Review Part 1
Happy 2021 everyone! Well…the year’s off to a terrible start due to how bad last year was but I hope that most of 2021 will be good and not be 2020 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo. But enough of that, another arc ended, another review due. Now I am quite conscious of length here and I’ll try to make these reviews a bit easier to read, it will still be split into 3 parts as there I can cover the main themes which are; Time Travel, Harems and Maverick ‘Motherfucker Hellspawn’ Storm. My initial plan was to have a quick lightening recap of everything that doesn’t fit into these categories and then review the Time Travelling and Harems but Storm became so big he needed his own part. Oh, and it should go without saying, but I will not cover the Mistletoe Asks. They are not relevant to the arc and are basically shipping fluff. No in-depth analysis required there. And with that said and done, let’s get right into it.
Its Recap time
So, as I mentioned before we get into the 3 big themes of this arc, I’ll cover really quick, and I promise it will be really quick here, anything that doesn’t fit into those categories. So firstly, we see that Kazuichi went around the Void Warehouse and helped fix their lights. Now that all of Class 77-B are aware of Void’s existence, they can help out with any problems they might have in their living quarters, which leads to a funny scene of Kazuichi getting attacked by a crow. This could be random but given what has happened with another seemly random event (more on that later) and the fact that Monocrow exists, this could be sinister foreshadowing for things yet to come. We also see Kazuichi getting ideas to build a robot with Chihiro as that’s his way of romance. Given Chihiro’s crossdressing tendencies, I wonder when the truth comes out and how confused our shark boy would be. But yeah, Kazuichi out all of the new Class 77-B members seems to have the most focus in this arc, not that I’m complaining as he was the most ‘pointless’ survivor from DR2 so him getting actual character development and focus I’m more then welcome for! There’s also Yoruko rekindling her relationship with her mentor Minako. This went better than expected then again it happened years ago, both Yoruko and Minako had time to reflect on it and both wanted to make up, but thought the other wouldn’t accept it. We also see some parallels here with Hiroko from UDG as Kizuna is revealed to be the result of a teenage pregnancy. As I mentioned in an ask, not to bog you down with personal details but teenage pregnancy is a serious problem where I live and too many people I know fucked as teens, didn’t use protection, and boom! Babies! Good thing I have a passion for Danganronpa so I DON’T get wrapped up in that kind of stuff eh? So, I completely understand Minako’s rational here, and Kizuna’s more troublesome behaviour as one of my RL friends was also the result of a teen pregnancy, and this led to her having…issues. And yeah, Kizuna shamelessly flirts with the Anons and talks about Josuke, no not THAT Josuke, simping hard for her. Naturally we have bigger problems to content with but once the weather calms down, we need to sort out Kizuna, especially now that Yoruko and Minako have made up. And that’s the two things that happened which weren’t relevant to the main themes. Now they are out of the way, time to move onto Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff. Hey, Emma made a Doctor Who joke already, so it’s okay!
Back to the Visions
Despite Time Travel being one of the main themes of this blog, not a lot of research has gone into it at the moment, so in this wind down time, it’s the perfect time for Umeko to do some experiments into time travel. Last Arc dropped the reveal that Mikako has being getting dreams of the future, and as Koroko and Umeko pull up at the Kisurugi household, we see that Mikako just had a dream of the Tragedy, which understandably horrified her. Because of this Umeko and Koroko were forced to tell Mikako, Yamato and his father the truth about the future. They omitted Kasugano and him changing the timelines as its not needed but well…when one dreams of an apocalyptic future you know is coming, there’s no sense in lying about it. Umeko then explains about the time travel and basically that since the brain surgery, Mikako’s brain has become a tachyon receiver that can pick up tachyon from different timelines, not just the one you are on. But it goes beyond being able to see the future via her dreams as if Mikako focuses, and someone touches Mikako during this time, they are hit with a vision of the future that involves them. The first vision was with Koroko and she caught a glimpse into a future much more distant then the 2017 that Hajime, Yoruko, Sora and the other 2 time travellers came from, as it seems to be from the Year 2020-2022 so pretty close to our time then. Here Koroko and Kanata, who not only went through a growth spurt like Hiyoko (Poor Hibiki, she is forever going to be the short one) and has married Nagito, are giving vaccinations to a young girl named Sayuri Hinata. Sayuri herself is very familiar to some people as during the last Arc when Akane was trying to comfort Nikei, one Anon asked about a timeline where she and Ayame had a child. This was a reference to Nextgenronpa which is a Nextgen AU on Instagram created by Mikwithnoando, if you happen to have an Instagram account, I highly recommend reading it, it’s really good! The character in question is called Sayuri Otonokoji the Ultimate Sculptor and in Nextgenronpa she’s the child of Hibiki and Iroha. Koroko looking through her medical records noticed her mother’s name is Hibiki Hinata so Hibiki obviously changed her last name, makes sense as she wants to probably be as far away from Otonokoji as possible now but no mention of the father and yes Sayuri looks a lot like Iroha. This has a few possibilities.
The first theory is that Sayuri is Hibiki and Hajime’s child, but both are very busy. Hibiki would have very likely restarted her musical career around this time and we don’t know what Hajime would be doing but he would be very busy as well, and thus not a lot of time to raise Sayuri. Now Iroha would have a very sedimentary lifestyle and given she is looking after Jataro at the moment, this would probably make Iroha one of the more experienced caretakers/mothers of the cast, so maybe Sayuri was often babysat by Iroha, and if Sayuri was spending a lot of time with Iroha at a young age, she would start to view Iroha as a second mother and start copying her behaviour and mannerisms. But that doesn’t evade the fact that Sayuri PHYSICALLY looks like Iroha as well. The second theory is something happens to Hibiki or Hajime and they are unable to reproduce but want kids. With Kyoji, making kids would not be an issue, but a surrogate mother would be required and maybe Iroha volunteered to be a surrogate. However, the big issue there is that Iroha is much younger than the Goodbye Despair cast, and as Mikan later points out legally, you need to be 21 to be eligible. Sayuri looking to be 8-10 years old means Hibiki and Hajime must have banged around now-2014 and Iroha won’t turn 21 until 2017 and Sayuri looks way older than 3-5 years old. But there is one more theory and the one I believe in. Just because Mikako can see the future, doesn’t mean it’s the timeline we are currently on, and you guys remember that awful, awful period during Oncoming Storm when Iroha was crushing on Hajime and wanted to join the Cuddle Puddle despite there being a significant age gap between him and Iroha? In our timeline, Yoruko was able to slap some sense into Hajime, he was able to see he was developing a Saviour’s complex and was able to grow and develop, and it also system shocked Iroha as well as she learnt that she needed to grow up as well. But what if that didn’t happen? I think that timeline is from one when the sense slapping didn’t happen and Iroha did wind up being part of the Cuddle Puddle, and Sayuri was the result of science from Kyoji and Iroha and Hibiki wanting kids. In addition to this we also see Kotoko in her teen years and she looks brilliant all grown up and the way she talked about ‘our mothers’ and Sayuri referring to Kotoko as a big sister, makes one believe that Mikan is successful in adopting Kotoko. Overall, while Sayuri is going to be a headache to decode, that future was nice and sweet, even if it gave Mikako mild seizures.
After Mikako recovered, Yamato wanted to see the future as well, and thus we get the second vision which is from the OG Timeline in 2014, as it shows some Class 79 tomfoolery with Haruhiko ‘testing’ Yamato’s jetpack and crashing into a tree, and Teruya being concerned for his bro. I know its 2014 because Class 79 was formed then and they didn’t bond for long before Utsuro showed up with an army of Monokumas and was like ‘Knock knock, it’s the upupupu train’ and we get the Proto Killing Game. At least Yamato gets to see his future friends for the first time. And Mikako doesn’t get that much of a headache this time so it seems that the further in time she looks, the bigger the side effects. The first vision was a decade into the future so the side effects were quite big but the second one was only a couple of years so the effects were reduced.  It remains uncertain if Mikako has to trust the person in question for the vision link to be done because as much of a force of good this seer ability is, it can also be used for evil. Overall, lots of discoveries on Mikako’s abilities and some hope that not every future out there is filled with despair and there exists a timeline where the Quantum Crew do win. Now it’s a case of seeing if that’s the timeline they are on or not.
That summarizes part 1 with the recapping of minor details and the time travelling science! It’s a longer part then I wanted but with the recap at the beginning it cannot be helped. When we come back, I’ll talk about the Harems and the events surrounding them and hopefully that would be the new length I wish to aim for because this is more of my old length. Stay tuned people! - Review Anon
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mlqcdrabbledabble · 4 years
MLQC - Anime episode 9: “Why are we here-- just to suffer?”
Choo-choo! Incoming first impressions, thoughts, and drabbles here we go folks!
Some mature themes
Mentions of violence and self harm
This anime got an M Rating real quick maybe PG 13 at least
You know the drill! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! ga-LORE~
Previous episode 8 drabble here
Continue at your own peril risk.
Alright Lucien centered episode (It’s his turn on the chopping block)
Mr. Love Queen’s choice: evol x love --aka-- Koi to Producer --aka-- Love and Producer --aka-- I’m calling you MLQC -anime OKAY!
Episode 9:
The term monochrome comes from the Ancient Greek: μονόχρωμος, romanized: monochromos, lit. 'having one color'. A monochromatic object or image reflects colors in shades of limited colors or hues. Images using only shades of grey (with or without black or white) are called grayscale or black-and-white.
These titles... the creators think are sooo clever... (but they are)
MC looking for Lucien:
Damn this girl is actually got a very good investigative mind
but no real sense of danger and is sooo dumb sometimes... Like was she dropped as a baby? Oh wait she’s a “journalist” ... IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!
Oh cool boy Lucien arrives just in time to save the day. Hooraaaaay
Awww she got a tiny scratch and thanks Lucien for being a traveling first-aid kit!
But he must carry band-aids on him because he works with kids... and ohhhh boooy are they accident prone. Like MC! Wait MC is like a kid... the way she acts sometimes...
Lucien sees through MC’s strong girl facade:
ooo I like that!
He’s *clap* too *clap* smart *clap* to *clap* fall *clap* for *clap* that... *clap*
Makes strong points about him helping her to shut down her annoying “I don’t need no one” arguments.
Look I know she wants people (especially evolvers) to stay away from her right now but...
- Basically: “MC Lucien is like a genius researcher and probably the best person to ask for help and go to for this kind of thing. Now isn’t the time to “play the hero” (that comes later) And you need his help.”
LET HIM HELP YOU DITZ! (ahem sorry)
Lucien and MC doing great collaborative and investigative work:
Heck yeah! collaboration!
Awwwe he gave her his lucky rainbow pen
Again we are reminded of what he sees (or lack thereof)
and Again I am reminded of his pain. Excuse me for a moment as I go cry in corner.
Lucien and MC are on the CASE!
Que mission impossible music
Ooo MC’s precognition powers coming in clutch now~
MC pushes Lucien into a corner
W-Well damn girl take him out to dinner first
And Lucien protect MC~
Ugh Lucien it is pointless to tell someone with a... hero-complex? to protect themselves.  
Lucien and MC on the run from BS agents?
I’m... Actually kinda confused about why Black Swan (BS-heh) wants her alive, but also dead?
Common BS enough with all this flip-flopping. DO YOU NEED HER ALIVE OR NOOOOT?! Enough with this BS hehehehe
Lucien’s power revealed: the power of “hippity-hoppity your evol is now my property!”
And now...
THE BETRAYAL THAT NO ONE SAW COMING-- BUT WE DID LIKE IN EPISODE 1 or 2...? I don’t remember but it was early on we knew he was Ares and with BS...
MC was fully unaware. Like she truly is clueless. Surprising for someone who has a “selective precognition evol”. Guess she... DID NOT SEE THIS COMING!
(I will proceed to the nearest shortest 2 meter fall cliff)
(like that part was sooo unnecessarily overly dramatic)
(MC got nooo athleticism. But that is accurate in the game sooo)
Okay... Sooo she like is holding herself hostage? Like damn girl...
Really goes to show there nothing more dangerous than a person with “nothing left to lose”...
I guess Lucien wants her alive (because he cares-- pesky feelings)
I guess she’s a back up too? And a short-cut for evolution?  If this whole TV tower plan thing blows up.
Oh and now Lucien has lost “his color”
So saaad
But... why he stab his own eye though?
I have a theory that he did that to be like “She stabbed me in the eye and got away”?
Gonna have to see what happens in the next episode!!
Kiro! you’re next!
I’m not ready for the TV-tower part.
I’m not ready for sooo much to come.
All aboard the pain train choo-choo!
End part:
Oh hey Victor! How’s the Loveland 2030 Expo?!
can he bring back MC a souvenir?
can he bring me back a souvenir?
and whatever he do. DO NOT MEET WITH YOUR OLDER SELF!
(you know probably cause the end of the universe? And  wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.)
Extra little drabble:
Ummmmmmm sooooooo is Gavin still like going haywire?
 (where’d he go? lololololol)
(Oh too bad! Other boys gotta get the spot-light!)
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spaceymcspaceship · 4 years
22?? maybe??
time heist
circa nowhen
me being like u can have a little 12, as a treat, as a break from 10
i really love this episode idk why
is it all the familiar faces? is it my childhood love of ocean’s eleven? is it clara’s fucking suit? is it the doctor calling himself out in yet another scene so brilliantly delivered by capaldi? is it the line “not the last of its species, the last two” and its subtle parallel to two time lord disasters? 
whatever it is i do genuinely love this episode
the runaway bride
circa 2007
i just really really really love donna 
like yes she’s so mad and spends the first twenty minutes yelling at the doctor
oh god i missed that he called her unimportant too that kills ME
but then by the time we get to her finding out that her fiance was just using her? like the doctor’s realization of that moments before her? my heart is aching
her protectiveness immediately after of the doc? 
and then he takes her to the creation of the earth???
and she stops him??? from taking vengeful time lord thing too far???
and then the end scene is so tender and Soft and i’m crying because i want them to be best emotionally supportive buds travelling the universe together forever
circa 2007
i was trying so hard to figure out why this was 2007 and not 2008 like the rest of season 3 and finally i think it was bc at the end we have a year later and then she meets 10 and martha, but it hasn’t happened yet for them, but i still don’t know exactly how we got that time 
anyway time is one big ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff
both doc and companion lite episodes are interesting to me and i’ll have to keep an eye out moving out of rtd era bc i can’t really recall many?
anyway this whole ep is gold and baby mulligan sells it here
thanks for making us afraid of statues doctor who
turn left
circa alternate 2007 (and 2008 and 2009)
i put this one here bc the turning point is in 2007 and i was trying to mix up 10 as much as i could...but it does lean heavily on the events of seasons 3 and 4 so idkkkk
anyway i love donna noble just gotta repeat that
rose!!!! i forgot that every time rose comes back on the show she just glows up more and more
also it really strikes me how much she is playing the doctor’s role here (she even points it out herself) which makes me have a lot of 13 feels thx
‘i shan’t it’s christmas’ 
‘the most important woman in the whole of creation’ 
it’s so wild bc that line stuck with me when i first watched it in high school and it still makes me emotional
but you know what resonates now?
the ‘i’m tired. i’m so tired.’
she doesn’t want any of that responsibility and weight and doesn’t think she’s important and doesn’t want to keep fighting
and that’s me crying
i forgot how hard this episode goes with the alt timeline stuff like it is not even remotely in the vicinity of fucking around
and honestly the risky choices they make could potentially not land at all and could feel like they’re there for shock value but everyone onscreen (and behind it too i imagine) is pouring as much truth as they can into it and is committed to the actual horror that is this alternate timeline and it absolutely lands
god what an episode
nightmare in silver
circa nowhen
so that may have been a lie i think this one actually goes vaguely in the future
anyway here it helped breakup 10 eps so that’s good
i was like why an abandoned amusement park that’s cool but odd
and then i realized neil gaiman that’s why
anyway cybermen are more interesting when there’s more than just a painfully slow build to a reveal of a cybermen army ready to take over oh noes
11 vs the cyber-planner is actually unbelievable???
his acting my god 
it’s interesting bc there are a lot of similarities to the end of season 12 plot wise 
but tonally this episode is so wildly different and serves a completely different purpose in the narrative and season that i have no motivation to draw parallels bc they’re both just doing interesting but separate things
smith and jones
circa 2008
who’s ready for some martha jones????
martha just deserves better. like. all the time.
i mean this is martha ‘you’re a doctor? yeah well i’ll call you that when you earn it’ jones
judoon platoon upon the moon 
that’s all
haha dr. stoker i see what u did there
there are so many moments where you just have to be like what the fuck am i watching and the vampire lady drinking out of the doc’s neck with a straw is definitely up there
i level up every time martha calls herself a doctor or says that she’s going to be one
the lazarus experiment
circa 2008
we r rolling folks
how many doctor who episodes has gatiss been in my god????
black tie episode niiiiiiice
we’ve been name dropping harold saxon in literally every single episode present day this season and last my goodness
i can’t imagine what that’s about lol
maybe we’ll find out tomorrow
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doctor-disc0 · 5 years
Panic! at the (Doctor) Disco
Prompt: thirteenth doctor having a panic attack around her new companions
Warnings: panic attack (obviously)
A/N: Sorry this took so long! >.< I added a bit of Thasmin because why not? ^-^ Hope y'all enjoy!
"Look at it, Yaz. Isn't it beautiful?"
"It really is, Doctor."
Yaz and the Doctor stood staring out into the butterfly nebula. Ryan and Graham were talking quietly in another area of the TARDIS. They had just come back from another near-death experience and the Doctor had decided they deserved a bit of sightseeing.
"Even after all these centuries, I still find sights like this a wonder," the Doctor breathed.
Yaz frowned. "How old are you, Doctor?"
The Doctor scrunched up her nose as she thought. "Hm...you know what, I actually don't know. I suppose I've lost track."
Yaz's eyes widened. "So, I'm guessing really old."
Yaz cringed at her insensitivity, but the Doctor merely laughed. "Yes, I am very old. Fortunately, in my-"
The Doctor never finished, for right then the TARDIS lurched to the side, nearly throwing Yaz out into space before she was able to catch herself and regain her balance.
"What the hell-" Ryan began before another lurch caused him to be thrown to the ground. Graham, who had barely kept his balance himself, helped Ryan to his feet.
The Doctor quickly snapped her fingers, causing the TARDIS door to close. She raced to the controls, nearly falling over as the TARDIS took another lurch once again. Her fingers flew over the controls as she frantically called to the TARDIS, "What's wrong? Tell me what's wrong!" She shook the monitor that let her see outside, which was currently static.
Ryan and Graham eventually found a place to sit on the ground in which they would be thrown around to a minimum. Yaz, however, staggered toward the Doctor, barely keeping her balance amidst all the shaking.
"What's going on, Doctor?" Yaz yelled above the cacophony of the TARDIS. She flinched as the controls directly in front of her sparked.
"I don't know!" The Doctor fretted, her voice an octave higher than usual.
Yaz studied her face, shocked. She had never seen the Doctor so panicked! Her breath was coming in gasps, her hands shook violently, and her eyes kept darting to and fro.
She glanced back at Ryan and Graham, her expression conveying her concern and yes, fear, not only for their well-being but for the Doctor's mental state. She had no idea how to help or even comfort her!
Graham tried miming taking deep breaths, which was hard given that he kept sliding across the ground, but Yaz understood. Yes, first she needed to calm down. Then she could help the Doctor.
She grabbed onto the bar surrounding the controls to help her balance and closed her eyes, beginning to take several deep breaths. After what felt like a long time, she felt ready to help the Doctor.
Yaz opened her eyes and then told a few steps toward the Doctor lightly placing a hand on her forearm. The Doctor's head immediately jerked up, eyes locking onto Yaz's. Yes, she was definitely having a panic attack. Her wide, fearful eyes confirmed it.
"Doctor, take some breaths with me. In, out. In, out. Come on, do it with me."
The Doctor stared almost blankly at Yaz before shaking her head and complying, trying to match her quickened breathing to Yaz's.
After what felt like an eternity, the Doctor's breathing finally matched Yaz's. Yaz smiled encouragingly. "There you go. Now, how can I help you fix this?"
The Doctor closed her eyes. "I...Come over here." Yaz complied.
The Doctor sighed and slumped against the a bookshelf, looking more exhausted than Yaz had ever seen her. She cautiously approached the time lord and carefully sat down beside her.
Silence thicker than obsidion hung in the air between them. Yaz knew that when the Doctor wanted to talk, she would talk. But for now, she would just be there for her friend.
Eventually, the Doctor's chapped lips parted. "The TARDIS is all fixed up. That sort of thing shouldn't happen again."
Yaz nodded and looked over at her. "If you don't mind my asking, doctor...what exactly did happen?"
She waves a hand. "Wibbly wobbly, timey wimey-oh, nevermind. Just a bit of time travel kinks. Nothing to worry about."
Yaz laughed. "Okay, Doc. Whatever you say."
The Doctor smiled and they sat together in comfortable silence, watching Ryan trying to find the showers.
While they sat, Yaz contemplated the day's events. She wondered if the Doctor often panicked like this, or if this was a new thing.
She also wondered how the Doctor would react to holding hands. In a comforting, friend-like way, of course. Nothing more.
Yaz finally gathered up her courage and took the Doctor's hand in hers. The other looked up, surprised.
"I'm always here for you, Doctor," Yaz told her, smiling.
The Doctor's face slowly split into an enormous grin. "Ah, Yaz, you're so sweet." And she kissed Yaz's cheek.
Yaz stared, shocked. What had just happened? Had the Doctor really...had she really done...had she-
Her thoughts were interrupted as the Doctor leaned in and kissed her, pulling back after a few seconds. Yaz stared again, a blush creeping onto her cheeks.
"I think I'm a straightforward sort of gal when it comes to relationships," the Doctor noted. "Strange, the last few regenerations I was rather awkward in that regard."
At that, Yaz laughed. "Well, I suppose it's a good thing for the both of us that that's changed!"
And for the rest of the day, the two women would not let go of the other.
A/N: As someone who has never been in a relationship, I apologize for the awkwardness of that last bit. It's hard to write stuff like that when you have zero experience haha. But I just really wanted to incorporate Thasmin. So maybe ignore that part? Or something? Idk.
Anyway I love y'all!
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nodesiretogrowup · 5 years
it’s time for my play-by-play review (put some breaks in so it’s not a giant wall of text):
“Here in Duckburg, life is like...a hurricane?” Ha ha theme song reference.
El Pato is Spanish for the duck and that amuses me. Although we call our version of that storm system El Niño, so shouldn’t it have been El Patito?
Mr. Chunk’s EXTRA CHUNKY Chili Chunks
“Could you give us a hand?” *All laugh* In hindsight, he probably should have helped them instead of using the time tub again. He’d still get in trouble for stealing, but he probably would have gotten a less harsh punishment.
“We should have plenty of food we won’t get sick of.” “I said sick from and you know it.” Classic kid logic.
Are the chili dogs a Sonic reference, since Ben is playing him in the upcoming movie?
“Chili dogs put the ‘hooray’ in ‘hooraycane’ party.” That was an awful pun and we should all be mad at Della for it.
“And we all get scurvy. Again.” This is why they need Donald home.
“Is that your parenting strategy or did you get that off a bumper sticker?” Beakley keeps in real.
Beakley and Della have a great dynamic this episode. I honestly think Beakley sees a lot of herself in Della and is trying to teach Della what she wishes someone had taught her when she had her own kid(s).
Louie pushing Huey to the center of the room so that nobody notices him leaving, smart.
“My brother’s gonna be a professional nerd.” Hooray for supporting your brother!
The wooden cane reminds me of Hop Pop’s
“That boy’s up to something.” Crazy thought here but maybe you should be proactive about that and follow him YOURSELF.
Launchpad never ceases to amaze me. How did he nail wood to STAINED GLASS?
That’s coming out of his paycheck.
“You’ve got your own tub?! Lucky.” GET THIS MAN A TUB, STAT!
I hope we get more Louie and Launchpad stuff. The way they play off each other is great.
Louie’s little presentation is great and runs on kid logic.
Bubba is adorable.
BWAMP. Nice sound effect.
“Time Treasures, a subsidiary of Louie Inc. It’s not a crime if it’s lost to time.” Cute, but I doubt that would hold up in court. 
Also, did Louie’s plan/most of the episode remind anyone else of Bender’s Big Score? Bender pulled a similar scheme at the end, only his time traveling caused a rip in the fabric of space. So they got off lucky here?
I totally buy Launchpad keeping a shower cap and rubber ducky on his person at all times. I WANT HIM TO GET HIS BUBBLE BATH, DAMMIT!
“HEY COOL. A DEAD GUY!” Dewey, you really shouldn’t get that excited over corpses. I know Bubba is actually alive, but did they?
Webby, Bubba is taller and buffer than you. I don’t think he qualifies as a “little” guy.
I DEMAND to know about the times Scrooge was frozen in an iceberg! Is Webby counting the time he and Goldie were frozen together?
Metaphors and hypothetical situations don’t work on Della. Maybe it’s a pilot thing. 
I love when people meet someone who doesn’t understand them/speaks a different language, they think talking louder will help.
“He’s got a hat like a person!” Is that racist?
Of COURSE Dewey turns the hat backwards.
“Your Funky Fresh ways” These kids have watched waaaay too much 90s media. The little hip shimmy was great.
Chili dogs>tree bark 
“Man, I am learning SO MUCH.” Me too, Webby. Me too.
Did the exchange between Louie and Launchpad about the ethical nature of Time Treasures remind anyone else of when Jim and Launchpad discussed Jim’s plan to get himself into the movie or am I seeing parallels where there aren’t any?
Louie went to the school of Katara. (Both agree it’s ok to steal from pirates)
NOTHING is ever 100% safe
Dewey reeeeeeally wants another sibling. I bet someone is gonna push his mom into the dating scene.
Bubba-a lyrical genius
Launchpad looks SO LOST while all of this is going on. Though he seems pretty lost in the whole episode.
“At least make him wear a helmet.” Safety lessons!
“Don’t think about it too hard.” A rule of thumb when dealing w/ time travel.
Poor Launchpad is having an existential crisis.
 And THAT is why we leave time travel to the professionals, Louie. Next time just ask Uncle Scrooge.
How did they make a graphic for Timephoon so fast?
Roxanne is salty, but of course the source is McDuck Manor.
I DEMAND MORE FRANKLOON. Maybe Fenton could write a musical about him. Sidenote: I REALLY WANT a Ben Franklin musical. 
Bubba-an artistic MARVEL
Shimmy that board clean!
The little head stroke she gives Louie. MY HEART!
I...don’t think that is how to do math.
“I see how you turned this into a lesson in parenting and I’m impressed.” THAT’S HOW GRANDMAS ROLL.
Gyro-the most USELESS TWINK. I love him.
I love the way Bobby says “oh boy” for Louie.
“HE IS OFFENSIVE TO THE FIELD OF ANTHROPOLOGY!” Time travel in general is probably offensive to anthropology.
Is it wrong to enjoy Huey going FERAL AS FUCK? Because I thoroughly enjoy it.
Why would you listen to Dewey on research?
“Did you SEE that finger progression on that solo?” 
“COME HERE, YOU HISTORICAL ABOMINATION!” Not saying Huey’s killed a man, but he knows how to and how to cover it up.
 Pretty sure Webby and Dewey are trolling.
“Definitely not cloning an army.” I have SO MANY QUESTIONS. 
Louie’s in hoodie-ville.
“He could be anywhen!” Time travel jokes.
I like that they all assume it’s Gyro at first. WHAT CRIMES HAS THIS MAN COMMITTED?!
“It’s one of the kids.” “I’ll get Dewey.” I could see Dewey stealing the time tub, but he’d just try and change the name of things into Dewey puns.
Ninjas,worse than termites-Scrooge Mcduck, 2019 
“Even good kids do dumb things.” And good adults. No one thinks Louie is a bad kid, but he was pretty dumb.
What was with the log?
“Oh no, they may be French.” That line made me laugh.
Launchpad falling asleep when the tapestry was over his face-hilarious.
“Don’t ask.”
Launchpad-always asking the right questions.
“Thank you past and/or future me.” 
I love Huey trying to make sense of Bubba.
“I hate this.”
Poor Huey.
Bubba-an amazing animal tamer
I really like how much Della admires Beakley.
Webby shouting “GRANNY!” T_T
So is that picture of Scrooge, Donald, and Della fighting pirates a time travel related adventure?
Hi Woody and Jessie
Launchpad is so wise. But I think time is more timey-wimey, wibbly-wobbly, right Scrooge?
Della’s angry mom voice
The fight is cool.
Not the time for time travel logic, Dewey. Plus they seem to be coming from different countries so anywhere would still work.
Bubba-A HERO
Della shouting “KIDS” and Louie shouting “MOOOM” really hit me in the gut.
Let’s pour one out for Bubba.
I PRAY TO GOD someone writes fics about what each character was doing in the time period they ended up in.
Della was giving me MAJOR Joan of Arc vibes in that armor.
Yeah, this scene hurt. But it needed to be done. Louie still seems to think that it was all a good idea. He hasn’t learned his lesson yet.
That scene also reminded me of Merida and Elinor’s fight in Brave. Both sides have a point, but both went too far.
I’m glad Louie didn’t instantly accept his mom. It’s more interesting that way and feels real.
I love that Launchpad looks around at everyone before he reacts. He most likely knows nothing about the Spear of Selene incident so he has no idea of how hurtful Louie’s comment was.
Gyro had NO REACTION to any of that fight.
That broke poor Della.
“I went to the future. I’ve seen how the world ends.*pause* It was neat! See you there soon!” 
I wonder why Launchpad was the only one who went forward in time. Could it play a role in stopping the invasion?
“Some people aren’t ready for the truth.” So wise.
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My Thoughts on Endgame
Major spoilers and a TL;DR on how it all collapsed under its own wibbly wobbly timey wimey logic
So, to start, it was fine.  Like, it was just fine.  There were parts I liked, parts I hated, parts I refuse to except as canon (and may not have to), and parts that just didn’t make any damn sense.
And at the bottom of it all, is how the movie was “a gift to the fans” and, while unspoken, a swan song.  The fan service was TOO heavy, and it really felt as though they thought of their fanservice moments, and then built the story around those, rather than building a story and finding fanservice moments to sneak in.
Ok, things I liked:
There were genuinely funny moments, most of which didn’t feel smushed in.  Nobody likes the stairs Hulk, and I’m glad that Steve has accepted that sometimes his Cap lines are a little Too Much.
While I hated the death, I do like that Tony Stark is literally the messiah of the universe.  He didn’t owe anybody anything anymore, but he still took the step and made the sacrifice to protect his wife and his reality and his children.  Plural.
I did like Tony being done, wanting out, yelling at the group.  He was at his end and couldn’t do it anymore, and while there are legit discussions to have about CW--I think they were both wrong in a way--but the fact is he was right about the greater threat and nobody believed him.
I can’t believe a dorky photo of Peter Parker looking like a fish and messing up bunny ears and Tony Stark not smiling saved the universe.
Tom Holland is gonna win an Oscar some day.  I knew what happened going in--I HATE not knowing--so while I got teary during several points, I started blubbering when he said, “we won, Mr. Stark.  Mr. Stark, we won.  You did it, sir.”
RDJ should win an Oscar for this.  There were moments that were OOC but he still put everything into it.  Him, Nat, and Peter were really the only ones I *felt* in this movie.  
Their reunion hug--Peter coming back and being Purely Peter, and Tony looking at him, like oh my god, he’s exactly the same and I can’t believe he’s rambling like this I missed him so much.”
“Activate Instant Kill!”  Oh, my sweet baby boy Peter.  You kept the gauntlet safer than longer than anyone.
Tony Stark has been my Pretend Superhero Dad since I first saw Iron Man in 2008 in a dollar theater while munching on a sneaked-in Whopper.  He is Iron Dad, both to Morgan and his Spider-son and he took an extra step, one he didn’t have to do, to make sure they both made it ok.
Also, and I love Carol, but Thanos yeeted her the fuck off the field with the power stone.  Tony Stark withstood the power stone using his nanotech shield on Titan.  Most Powerful Avenger.
Scott is a joy.  
Cap and Mjolnir was an okay scene I enjoyed, but it was a prime example of writing the story around fanservice.  Yeah, it was fun, but it was better to imagine he couldn’t fully lift it in AoU because he knew about Bucky and the Starks, so he wasn’t fully worthy.
Now, the things I *didn’t* like:
How did Carol find the Benetar?  And how did she get it back?!  Like, I know because she’s the embodiment of the Space Stone she technically has omnipresence and/or is capable of light speed, but does that extend to other objects?  Wouldn’t it have torn the Benetar apart?  
The time jump was *off.*  And I have a hard time believing Tony would have just moved on like that.  I think he would have tried, but it was too easy, considering.
The strange mismatch between desolation--NYC, arguably the most important city in the world, is a ghost town, while other places are fine?  More on infrastructure problems later.
Hulk dabbing.  Come on.  Was that a joke on Bruce being old and out of touch, or are people still dabbing in 2023?
Thor.  Oh Thor.  His PTSD was treated as a joke--save his convo with Frigga--and it sucked, especially since they did so well with Tony’s PTSD.  That’s the writers, who we all know have had their noses up Cap’s butt since forever.
The fact that it’s implied Pepper knew Tony wasn’t really happy when he went to talk to her about solving time travel.  That he wasn’t settled, that this still weighed on him, even when it was hopeless.  Why’d she let him build that life then?  
“You can rest now.”  Yeah, ok.  Suffer so much, finally get what you want in your grasp, then your reward is death.  See above.  It cheapens his sacrifice because it’s implied he was never fully immersed and happy with his life.
Nat got done dirty.  I wasn’t ok with it.  I know it was supposed to be the final, “erase the red in her ledger” moment but why?  Like Tony, she already had. 
The infrastructure issues.  The universe was halfed, then doubled, five years apart.  Even if we accept that all of Peter’s friends and Flash were snapped, still doesn’t fly.  See below for a possible out.
Cap.  Oh Cap.  My guy is dead but at least he’s The Hero.  But they ruined Cap’s character.  I don’t for a second believe he’d just sit and hide with Peggy.  And they discussed heavily what happens when you subtract something from a timeline, and the splits, but what happens when you ADD something?  I know the implication is that he was always Peggy’s husband, but it still doesn’t work, for the timelines stuff AND his character.  And who’d he steal the shield from?  He took something!  And I don’t for a single second believe he went to Vormir.  Nope.   This was Steggy fanfic.  And I don’t honestly care, but the fact is that he’s been working on moving FORWARD.  A man out of his time trying to find himself.  He literally took a step backwards.
Ok, adding on to that, the timey wimey nonsense.  The movie spent SO MUCH TIME explaining the logic of their own rules and then don’t follow them.  Here are some diagrams from my childhood bestie who gets time shit more than I do.
Apparently here is what they were trying.
Tumblr media
They seesaw back and forth, but in the end Timeline F is the same as Timeline A, or the one they started from.
BUT, here’s her diagram of what actually happened:
Tumblr media
It’s a big fat mess, and if the End Timeline is F, then the timeline where Tony snaps is D, and it got very confusing very fast.  She’s going to type it up for me, but apparently the last third of the movie can’t exist per their own logic, least of all the end, especially because we don’t know exactly what Tony wished for.  Was it the destruction of Thanos?  What happens when you add a past to a future then delete that past?  Where’s that timeline?  What happened with Steve’s stuff?  LOKI? A1 never ended because they literally took it. It’s not there anymore.  Steve stealing the Pym Particles?!  He took something and didn’t put it back. Another branch off.  Did Tony wish, “give me what I need to fix this?”  IF he did that, she posits, he smushed the timelines together to make everything coherent, AND potentially fix the infrastructure issues, so while A Tony’s BODY may have died, which Tony was it?  Did he have a moment in the soul stone, like Thanos?  Is that a requirement?  What did he do/say there?  (Also, just pointing out, never trust a funeral without a body, and the power of the Soul Stone is literally that no death is permanent.  That’s its canonical power!!)
There’s so much mess and I’ll have more when my friend sends along her stuff.  But I have NO problem deleting most of this from my mind, and I already have ideas to fix it, but I’ll leave those stories in the hands of people better able to tell them (I’m looking at you, @iron--spider) because I’m a dialogue bitch myself. 
I told @iron--spider last night I felt adrift, and typing this out I know why.  I’m not mourning, I’m not excited.  I’m devastated by Tony’s death but there’s so many logic holes my brain isn’t even struggling to see a way around it.  I’m livid about Steve, because he went backwards.  Thor’s trauma was played for laughs.  I have no satisfaction because of ALL THE HOLES, and because they literally wrote a story around fanservice--a huge amount of it their own--instead of writing the story and then adding fanservice to it.  
It was fine.  I’ll probably buy it when it’s released, but I don’t need to see it again.  And I’m curious about Far From Home because of the infrastructure but I don’t know if I’ll wait until it’s out on video just because I don’t have any urge to watch Peter Parker mourn another parent.
In the meantime, until the fix-its start rolling in, here’s a ready-made fix-it that Iron--spider wrote last year, to hold us through:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/15183011/chapters/35211239
It was fine.  And so full of holes it doesn’t even cement its own canon, despite what Disney officially decided to put on the big screen.  
“I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it’s a stupid-ass decision, I’ve elected to ignore it.”
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pennywaltzy · 5 years
Alternate Beginnings, Alternate Endings, Alternate Universes (4/5 - An “Adventures In Unexpected Places” Story)
And here is the last of the old chapters for this story!
Alternate Beginnings, Alternate Endings, Alternate Universes - After being sent to the worst school in the whole of England, Amy meets up with the man whose fault it is that she’s there, and things go vastly more differently than anyone expected.
The rest of the school year came and passed in the blink of an eye, it seemed. Even knowing that the life she was living now wasn’t the life she was supposed to live, and knowing one day it might suddenly be different, she continued on. The Doctor increased his visits to once a week, and then twice a week, always bringing Rory along. Rory had taken it better than she had, once the Doctor told him they were still together in the other life. That seemed to be enough for him.
Soon it was summer and she was saying good-bye to St. Trinian’s for a summer in Leadworth. Mels hadn’t wanted to leave, because the schemes she made with Fast Harry were coming to fruition, and as she said, she didn’t want him to muck anything up while she was gone. It was with some reluctance that she left, but she threatened Fast Harry with bodily harm before she left. Apparently he was very scared of a thirteen-year-old girl, because he swore he’d keep everything in tip-top shape.
“It’s been an interesting year, hasn’t it?” Mels asked as they were on the bus on their way back to Leadworth.
“Yeah, it has,” Amy said with a nod. Mels didn’t know about the other timeline, or the changes the Doctor planned on making. She just hoped that she had more time because really, she did enjoy this life. “It’s going to be boring going back to Leadworth.”
“But Rory’s there. That’s got to make you happy, having the chance to see him every day for three months,” Mels teased, bumping her shoulder into Amy’s. “And besides, it’s not like your Aunt’s changed her mind. She’s gotten used to you not being there. Come next term, it’s back to St. Trinian’s for us.”
“I hope so.” Mels got a good look at her face and kept quiet for most of the ride back, which suited Amy just fine. They got off the bus in Leadworth to see Rory waiting for them. He greeted Amy with a kiss, which made her smile, and he said the adults were waiting at Mels’ home for dinner. When Amy asked about Aunt Sharon, he said he didn’t know, and that Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair probably did. Since Mels only lived a few blocks from the bus stop the three of them walked there, Rory being a gentleman and carrying both their backs, one on his back and one on his bike.
They made it to Mels home and her parents greeted them warmly, inviting Rory to stay for dinner as well. They said nothing about Aunt Sharon, and as the meal wore down Amy began to get impatient. Finally, as everyone was finishing desert, she spoke up. “When can I go home?” she asked.
“You aunt had to go out of town,” Mr. Sinclair said after a moment. “She’s in America for the next three weeks. She asked us to keep an eye on you for her.”
Amy couldn’t believe it. Her aunt had bought the bus ticket home. Surely she had remembered her niece was coming back? “I can’t believe she’s not here,” she said glumly.
“You know, Amy can stay at the place by herself, Mum, Dad,” Mels said. “If she gets scared she can just come over here. Please? She’s been gone from home since break and all she wants to do is sleep in her own bed tonight.”
The two adults looked at each other from across the table. “I suppose she won’t mind. But call us when you get there, and come over frequently,” Mr. Sinclair said.
Amy beamed at him. “Thank you.” She pushed her chair back from the table, and Rory did the same. They said their good-byes to Mels and her family and then made their way off towards Amy’s house. “I can’t believe she’s not here,” she said with a sigh when they were halfway to her home.
“She hasn’t spent a lot of time here since the spring,” Rory said. “I told you that.”
“I know, but to not be here when I got home? It’s further proof she doesn’t care about me.” She took another step forward before she realized Rory wasn’t following. She turned to look at him, and he reached over for her hand. “What?” she asked, holding it tightly.
“She’s looking to move away. I heard my parents talking about it one night a few weeks back. She wants to go to London, and keep you at the school the whole year round, and during the summer…I don’t know.”
“Leave Leadworth? Leave our home?” she said, surprised. Then she scowled. “Course she would. It’s a stupid town with stupid people and it’s all just a reminder of how much I made her life miserable.”
“I was going to try and talk my parents into letting you stay with us for the summer, and I know as soon as Mels finds out she’ll try and do the same. You’ll still get to see me. I mean, there’s the Doctor, right? I see you more than I’d ever thought I would now.”
“Yeah, but it’s not the same,” she said with a sigh. She took another step towards her home and this time he followed, still holding her hand with the hand he wasn’t using to guide his bike. “We should run away, just the three of us. We could make it out there.”
“Maybe the Doctor will take us now?” Rory suggested.
Amy beamed at him, then leaned over and kissed him. “That’s brilliant, Rory. Camilla gave me the number to call him. When we get to my place we’ll call him and we’ll ask him to take us away.” She let go of his hand and ran the rest of the way to her house, Rory keeping up as best he could. When they got to her home she took the key out of her pocket and let herself in, and dashed to the phone in the kitchen.
“Hopefully he picks up,” Rory said as he got to her, putting her duffel bag on the floor.
“Yeah, hopefully.”” She let it ring once, twice, three times, then four, and it went to a machine. “Doctor, Aunt Sharon isn’t in Leadworth and I’m home and she’s planning on moving away and Rory and I want to travel with you all the time, if it’s all right. We don’t want to stay where we’re at. So please, come pick us up and take us with you, all right?” She hung up and looked at him. “I guess now we wait. How late can you stay over?”
“Till ten, maybe.”
“Hopefully he’ll be here by then.” And then they heard the familiar vworp-vworp-vworp that signaled the Doctor’s arrival. The two of them dashed outside and saw the TARDIS parked next to the swing set, and by the time they got to it the door was thrown open. “Doctor!” Amy called out as they came into the console room.
“Amelia, Rory, good to see you,” he said with a grin.
“Doctor, please, let us travel with you all the time,” Amelia leaded as she threw her arms around his waist. “Please?” She heard another person clear their throat, and she pulled away from the Doctor to see a woman with frizzy blonde hair standing near the console. “Who are you?” she asked.
“I’m River Song,” she said with a warm smile. “I’ve heard so much about you.”
Rory looked from the Doctor to River and back to the Doctor. “Is that your girlfriend?”
The Doctor smiled slightly. “So she says,” he said with a nod. “Wife, actually. Timey-wimey wibbly-wobbly stuff. In that other future you two have, she gets me to marry her. We still consider each other husband and wife.”
“Oh,” Amy said, looking at River closely. “You don’t look like I’d thought you would look.”
“And just how did you think I would look?”
“Younger, like him,” Amy said, and the Doctor chuckled at that.
“I don’t look that old, do I?” River asked, though she still had a slight smile on her face. “I should probably leave the three of you alone anyway. I believe you all have some things to talk about.” She came up to the Doctor and kissed his cheek. “Remember what I told you, sweetie, and be gentle.”
“Yes dear,” he said. She took a step back, pressed a few buttons on the device on her wrist, and then she was gone.
“What’s she talking about?” Amy asked.
“Well, my enemies are springing their trap a bit earlier than planned,” he said. “The Pandorica is lying in wait for me underneath Stonehenge. I started opening it, and then I left. River’s going off to check.”
“But then I die, and you have to wait two thousand years for me to get better,” Amy said.
“Well, the TARDIS isn’t exploding today, so I expect it won’t go quite according to their plans. But…it means I may not come back. We’ll see. I had planned on coming to see the both of you tonight anyway, and then I got your call. But I’m afraid I can’t take you with me. It’s too dangerous right now.”
“I understand,” Amy said with a sigh in a slightly bitter tone. “You’re going to leave me too. I see how it is. Everyone leaves.”
“Amelia,” he said quietly, placing both hands on her shoulders. She looked at his chest until he put a finger under her chin and tilted her head up. “We’re doing this for you, River and I. If it went the way it was supposed to before, you would lose this life but you’d have your parents back. I know how much you love this life, and I’m trying to help you keep it. You were able to bring me back the last time. I’m hoping it doesn’t come to that this time.”
“Oh,” she said. “I’m sorry.”
“I want to tell you both something,” he replied. “River is more than just my wife. She’s a good friend, not just to me, but to both of you. In fact, it’s because of her that the two of you are together.”
“But it was Mels that got us together,” Rory said with a frown. “She’s the one who told Amy that I liked her, the first day they were at St. Trinian’s.”
“Exactly,” the Doctor said.
“So…Mels is River?” Amy said.
He nodded. “Yes.”
“How is that possible?” she asked.
“River, and by extension Mels, is special. She’s human, but she has Time Lord DNA. It means she can regenerate, just as I had done when you first met me, Amelia. And she has a very particular reason for making sure the two of you get together and stay together. You see, she’s your daughter, in the other timeline. She is in this one as well, but things go differently here. She’s kidnapped by different people, for one, and she’s not raised as a weapon here. But she needs to make sure the two of you stay together long enough to have her.”
“How come she’s part Time Lord?” Rory asked.
The Doctor blushed slightly. “When the two of you are old enough, you have your…first time…aboard the TARDIS, while it’s in flight.” Amy and Rory looked at each other and made a slight face. Kissing was one thing; that was something else altogether. “You get to raise her for a few years, but then she’s kidnapped and you lose her. Meanwhile she regenerates in the past and she makes her way to Leadworth to be your friend and get you together. Then she’ll regenerate later into River and she comes into my life again.”
“That’s all so confusing. It’s making my head hurt,” Amy said, rubbing her temples slightly.
“I know. But she wanted me to tell you so that you know no matter what, you two keep hold of one another. And we’re hoping that if we spring this trap now I can get out of it easily enough, and then we can continue our adventures so you two can…you know…when you’re older.”
“That makes sense,” Rory said slowly, nodding. “Kind of.”
“So I can’t take you away now, and you two don’t travel with me full time for a few years yet. But no matter what, even if this fails, you two don’t lose each other. You have the kind of love that comes along once a century. Nothing can break that bond.”
“Oh,” Amy said.
“And now I need to go.” He offered Rory his hand, which Rory shook, and then he hugged Amelia tightly. “Hopefully it will all work out. I’ll try and come back as soon as possible, all right? If not…know that I care deeply about the both of you.” He let Amy go, and then he guided them out of the TARDIS. Amy and Rory waved as he shut the door, then watched as the TARDIS dematerialized and they were alone.
“I want it all to work out,” Rory said, holding her hand tightly.
“Yeah, me too,” she replied, squeezing it back. “Come on. If you can stay till ten, maybe we can watch some movies or something and relax. He’ll do fine. I have faith in him.”
“Yeah, I do too,” he said, giving her a smile. She smiled back and they went back inside the house. At least they would have each other, no matter what. That was something.
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