#now im stuck with freak until someone invites me or some shit
balmungkriemhild · 4 months
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HI GUYS i'm here to cough up this Aasimar Wizard so i can join some ttrpg campaign prepared. Say hi to Ramhilde everyone
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•Lillies and daisies• Pt. 1
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Summary: Billy ends up stuck with a girl who stumbled into his place one night only to faint right after, when she wakes up she remembers nothing about herself or her life, now it’s up to billy to help her figure out what comes next.
A/N: After literally forever im back. I’m really excited about this story and maybe it’s starting to make some type of sense? I haven’t figured out the name thing yet butttt I’m sure I’m keeping the first person narrative. Let me know what you think
Warnings: Angst?, language, mentions of amnesia.
I was starting to wake up, and as soon as I took a deep breath, I knew something was missing. I didn't know what but it felt like a void.
I opened my eyes and saw white curtains hiding a bright sky.
Wait a second...  where am I?
This wasn't my room, in fact, I didn't remember what my room was like, but this wasn't it. 
Drowned on my thoughts, I slowly started realizing that my room wasn't the only thing I couldn't remember. My house, my family, my friends, myself, I couldn't even remember my name. I could barely notice that what I was wearing wasn't mine, merely because the t-shirt with "Pink Floyd" written on it was at least three sizes bigger.
It would be an understatement to say I was freaked out. I started breathing heavily and my eyes started getting watery, it felt like my head was soon going to implode from how fast my train of thought was going, it almost made me feel dizzy.
Before I could panic any longer, someone opened the door. A guy, with the bluest of eyes i’ve ever seen, probably due to my state. If I would have been in another situation, I probably would have... well, I don't know. I didn't remember what I would have done.
"So, sleeping beauty is awake. How was your nap, princess?" The guy said closing the door and coming closer to me.
Out of fear i hugged my legs to my chest sliding away from him "Who are you?" I asked, feeling how my voice cracked. Even my voice felt unfamiliar.
He seemed to have taken the hint and stayed right where he was standing. "Well, that's what I'm asking you". I could see the muscles of his arms tense while he crossed them.
"What do you mean? This is your house isn't it?" The amount of questions I had on my head were making me even more dizzy than before.
" Yeah, house you ran into without invitation last night,only to pass out right after." I was about to tell him I wasn't in a mood for jokes, but I could tell how serious he was, his eyes were darker than they had been seconds ago, and they seemed to be lightly tinted with concern.
"Sorry, I-I did what?"
"So you were that drunk huh?" I, for a second, thought he was as confused as me, but his face was so expressionless, I just couldn't tell.
"What? No... I mean I-I don't know"
"Right... Lets start with easier questions, princess. What's your name." I closed my eyes, I tried to remember as hard as I could but nothing came to my mind. "It's not that hard"
" I'm... i-i... I'm sorry, i can't remember." A single tear rolled down my cheek, while I pronounced those words.
" Shit" i heard him whisper "Do you remember where you live?" I shook my head silently " Do you remember anyone you know?" No, again.
" What's happening to me?" I said so low he almost couldn't hear it.
“Im no expert but i think you have amnesia, let me check your head.” he waited a couple seconds until he was sure i wouldn’t freak out if he came any closer, then he walked to the opposite side of the bed and sat behind me. His hands delicately started parting my hair and pressing softly. Nothing hurt until he got to the lower back of my head, as soon as his fingers touched that area i felt a pulsating pain so strong i had to hold my breath.
He quickly removed his hands apologizing for the pain. “It looks like you took a pretty rough hit here, i think there’s blood too but i’m not sure. I’m gonna bring you some ice, that might help with the pain.”
I heard his steps behind me and soon enough i saw him walk out of the room leaving the door open. When i looked behind me i noticed the pillow had some specs blood on it as well, not enough to get worried but it was still there. Not long after he was back with a pack of ice wrapped around a towel, he handed it to me and i carefully placed it on the wounded area.
I exhaled heavily trying to put all the pieces together. The fact that I didn't know where I was, who this guy was, who I was, and most importantly, where I came from. I believe neither of us knew what to say on a situation like this so we just stayed silent for a couple minutes.
He was the one to break the silence "Look, I gotta go out for a couple hours. You can spend the night here if you want, I don't mind." He started to pick up some stuff from the night table. As almost every other piece of furniture on the room, it was a medium light brown with an old looking vibe.
"Thank you so much, but I don't think it's reasonable to stay in a strangers house." I looked down and started playing with my fingers. For some reason the way he looked at me made me feel really nervous and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to make a coherent sentence with his eyes looking into mine. "I'll get out of here as soon as I can, don't worry."
He stood there for a couple seconds just analyzing me, and then said:
"I'm Billy, I love music and I work at the record store. Lucky for you we are not strangers anymore." He winked at me and then walked out of the room.
I sat there with a racing heart and a racing mind, feeling all types of ways and absolutely nothing at the same time. Nothing made sense, i was confused and scared, and i didn’t know how i was gonna get myself out of this one.
I heard what I thought was the front door closing and I decided to stand up and go look for a bathroom. That didn't take me long because it happened to be inside his room following a walk-in closet, where I found some clothes that I supposed were mine, and if they weren't I was going to wear them anyways.
I walked in, and as soon as I looked at myself in the mirror, I felt shame tinting my cheeks a light pink. My makeup was completely fucked, I had worryingly big under eye bags, and my lips where pail and swollen for some reason.
While washing my hair I noticed something interesting. The smell of the shampoo almost made me feel like normal again, it felt like something i’d felt before. I thought it was so ironic I found this stranger's hygiene product more personal and close to me than my own face. I didn't think anything else of it.
Half an hour later, i was putting on a coat that seemed somewhat my size. Billy must have had a girlfriend I didn't know about, a roommate or a sister, I don't know, but I was sure that coat wasn't his. I felt bad taking it without permission, but in my defense it was fall, which I figured because of the browny-orange trees outside of curly guy's window, and that meant it was gonna be windy and cold.
Before getting out of there I looked around. Something made me feel warm about his house, it looked rustic, everything was brown or warm toned, which matched perfectly with the season outside. I wondered if that was intentional.
On my way out I closed the door and spent a solid minute trying to decide if I should go right or left. It wouldn't have mattered anyway, I would have been lost either way, but a small dandelion seed flew right in from of my face, dancing with the wind going east, making the choice for me.
Just when I couldn't see the apartment behind me anymore, I realized how screwed i was, why did i think it was a good idea to walk out of the apartment in the first place? God, i didn't even knew which city I was in. I was starving and had no money to buy anything, or so I thought until I slipped my hand inside the coat to get it a little bit warmer, and I felt a handful of bills there. Lucky for me it was a ten dollar bill and two dollar bills, it wasn’t much but it could save me from starvation.
I started looking around for a place to eat from where I was standing and not far I saw something that seemed like a coffee shop. Without a second thought i walked in that direction feeling my stomach growl every time louder.
The smell of warm bread and coffee that smacked my face as I opened the door was glorious. I closed my eyes and smiled before walking to one of the empty tables and sitting on one of the dark wood tables closer to the window.
I was so distracted looking at the place, I didn't even noticed when one of the girls that worked there walked to my table and started talking to me. "Good morning and welcome to Harvey's, can I help you with your order?" She was looking at me with a bright smile on her face.
"I... umm..." what do people ordered on this type of places? My cheeks started to blush once again. "I want whatever the hell smells so good. What is it?"
" Oh, is a combination of our fresh bread and season special Hot cinnamon chocolate, should I bring you that?" The girl said on a sweet whisper, that made her British accent a little bit more obvious. British accent... did that mean i was in England? But then again Billy didn’t have an accent, which made me even more confused.
"Please" I smiled back, letting myself pick a little on the contagious happiness she expelled
I ran out of things to analyze moments later, so my mind went back to to everything that was wrong with me and my life.
It felt so terrible to be alone, and in the most literal possible way, I was. And then I started thinking if it was all my fault. Was I so bad that all the people and memories decided to run away from me? It sounded so dumb but in that vulnerable moment that’s what it felt like.
It was almost as if there was a void inside me and every thought was making it bigger and wider, which made me feel like if I was standing at the edge, like if at any moment I was gonna fall.
Tears slowly started to run down my cheeks, i almost didn’t notice them until one dropped to my hand placed on top of the table.
"Oh love" I heard the waitress next to me, gently rubbing my shoulder and then sitting in front of me. "Are you ok? Here, take a sip of your chocolate" I did as she told me, and took the napkin she had brought to wipe my eyes dry.
"I'm ok, just a little overwhelmed... that's all"
"Do you want to talk about it? The place doesn’t get busy until 10:30 so i’ve got a couple minutes free."
I really wanted to, so bad, and I couldn’t find a reason not to, why would I care when she was a stranger, just like everybody else? So, I told her everything, from the moment that I opened my eyes a couple hours before, until I walked into that place. And she listened, with that a sad look on her eyes that made them look a little more green “I’m so sorry, you must feel terrible. I wish I could help more, but all I can do right now is help you call Billy ."
“Do you know him?” I asked confused as i wiped my tears once again.
" Of course i know him, he’s pretty well known around here, specially by the girls. Such a pain in the ass but he’s a good guy. You got lucky there, you could’ve picked a creep’s house to break into and that would’ve been an issue.” she chuckled a little in hopes of lifting up the mood a bit.
" I... don't think calling him is such a good idea. Look, he has been very kind to help me and let me stay at his place last night, but for what I hear, he must have other people to welcome there, and I don't want to bother anyone. I’ll crash there tonight and i’ll figure something out tomorrow” i wanted to believe that so bad, maybe if i kept repeating it to myself it would come true
"I’m sorry, did you say he offered his place for tonight?" she said changing the sad expression on her face for an annoyed one. I nodded a little confused. “He did take you to the hospital, didn’t he?”
“No, he seemed really hurried to get out this morning, besides i’m fine, my head is hurting a lot less now.” that didn’t seem to relief her a single bit but before she got to say anything else, her eyes looked right behind me with surprise and I could only imagine who it was.
My heart dropped and unconsciously, I stopped breathing as soon as I heard his voice.
"Speaking of the devil” she said looking right at him, i still didn’t turn around, for some reason i felt he would be angry at me for leaving his place.
"I see you already met my guest, Mikie” he said in a relaxed tone. "I told you to stay at the apartment, you could’ve gotten lost." that was now directed to me, so i turned around to look at him.
Before i could reply, Mikie stood up from her place and said “She was starving dumbass, god knows how long it has been since she last ate something and you didn’t even think of offering her anything?” he didn’t reply, i guess he was as shocked by the situation as i was and the thought hadn’t crossed his mind. “I need a word with you out side” that last part wasn’t a question, Mikie walked through the door and when Billy didn’t move, she yelled “Now Hargrove!”
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I love every piece of you ( Taehyung One-shot )
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The year is 5037, and the earth undergoing technological advancements at a rapid speed. Human robots are being built as war machines, but throughout time, they have been allowed to roam the mundane world. Of course the robots have human hearts, but can they still beat behind all of those circuits? Cyborg!Taehyung, Fem!Mechanic! Reader.
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Smut, the feels
I stare up at the pipes of the motorcycle, having no hope for the thing after its been in the shop six times in the past month. As much as I loved him, Jung Hoseok didn’t  know how to take care of a bike for shit. As I slide myself out from under the bike, I sit up and look outside, seeing the rain start to pour through the open doors of the shop. I take a moment to watch as the dry cement slowly turns from tan to light grey, the rain staining it temporarily. “Y/N, we close in 20 minutes and you’re still working on that bike? Hobi is really lucky to have a friend like you who will work off of the clock to make him happy.” I stand up and turn towards my fellow co-worker, Jungkook, and flash him a small smile. “At least I’m productive while at work Kookie, all you do is play air guitar with the brooms in the back closet instead of finishing the Harley thats been sitting here for two weeks.” Jungkook acts shocked, pressing his hand to his heart as if i hurt his ego. “Y/N, how dare you insult my Justin Bieber performances, Namjoon told me last week that I was getting better at the broom than I ever have been with the mop. Im going home to practice, and next time, I’m not inviting you backstage.” With that, he grabs his coat and tosses me his keys, walking to the door. “Lock up will you? It’s the least you can do since you took a stab at my ego. Be safe on the way home Y/N, there is an extra umbrella on my stage- i mean, in the closet.” He waves goodbye before quickly running out the door, shielding himself from the heavy drops. I roll my eyes before grabbing my jacket as well, pulling it on before tidying up my station. Once I’ve put all of my tools away and swept the floors, I head for the doors, closing them tightly before locking them. I turn around and take a step forward, my eyes locking on a figure huddled up in the parking lot, next to my car, as large raindrops start to hit my face. I hesitate for a moment before calling out, hoping to god that it wasn't a homeless man about to chase me for money. “Are you alright?” I half yelled, waiting for a moment to see if the man would answer before getting closer. As I looked him over, his body was jolting, or shaking, if you prefer. Light blue sparks ran up his arms, and down his back, the water from the sky clearly shorting his circuits. I hesitate, reaching my hand out slowly to try and get a glimpse of his face, or at least to help the poor guy out. “Sir..?” Suddenly, as hand connects with my throat, the metal weaved into his fingers sliding against my skin easily as my body is pushed back into my car door. I struggle in a panic, my hands going to his arm as the sparks still run through him, giving some light to illuminate parts of his face. His grip loosens enough for me to breathe, but he still keeps his hold on me. “W-where am I..?” His features are cold and serious as he asks, but there is still a hint of question in his voice, his eyes unwavering at he stares at me. “Your’e standing in front of my shop in the pouring rain, short circuiting and holding me against my will. I suggest you let me go before I kick you in the balls and call the police..” I knew that this man was a cyborg, and there was no way that my strength would ever match his, so I decided to keep calm in hopes that he would kindly let me go. He stares at my face a moment longer before finally releasing his grip, his hand twitching a bit as another spark flies up his arm, his eyes flashing in pain as the water continues to seep into his metal plates. I let out a small sigh and rub my neck, attempting to soothe the small red marks that his hand left before reaching for the keys to the shop, his eyes following my every move, as to make sure that I wasn’t going to try anything. “I will help you, as long as you don’t try and strangle me again. I have to open in the morning and I can’t die before fixing my friend’s bike or he would kill me himself for a second time.” I walk back to the doors and unlock them, stepping inside as he cautiously follows me inside, both of our clothes dripping onto thee floor as I slide the doors closed once again, the building finally shielding us from the rain. I ring out my jacket before deciding to take it off, my damp shirt being the better choice than my soaked zip up. He stands there unsure of what to do as he follows my movements, slowly following my lead as he begins to ring out his shirt as well. I walk to the tool bench, pulling out two chairs from below it as I sit down and organize which tools I will need, scrap metals, and a couple of rags. I motion for him to sit down, and he does so after he finally realizes that I mean no harm to him. “Mind if I take apart your arm and spine plates and dry them? They were the only ones that I saw were sparking.” He nods, slowly taking his shirt off to expose each piece of metal that was carefully crafted into his skin, acting as an armor. The light grey metal was shiny, somehow mixing well with his pale complexion, and it sunk in perfectly, almost like a weaved basket made carefully by an old woman with nothing better to do. Although he looked slim, there were faint lines that defined his chest and shoulders, showing how toned he actually was. I clear my throat and feel my cheeks heat up slightly as I reach to the side and grab a clean rag, dabbing each metal plate to dry it off a bit before I get to work. As I meet his eyes, a small smile forms on his lips as he notices my blush. I quickly look away and continue my work, focusing on that to make sure that I don’t screw up. “How do you know how to fix someone like me?” His words startle me a bit out of my groove, my eyes looking up to meet his as i finish drying the inside of the last plate. “Ah.. my father was a Cyborg. He didn’t start as one of course, but after I was born he joined the army and underwent surgery to become one. When he wasn’t on active duty, he would come home to see me and my mother, and throughout the years I just learned from him I guess.” He nodded to acknowledge the fact that we was listening as I placed the last plate back into place, making sure that each one fit back perfectly like a puzzle, not wanting any of the wires to not match its partner. I nod at my work and rub my hands on my thighs, removing the water that came from the metal. I listen as the rain still pounds against the tin roof of the shop, clearly not stopping any time soon. “It looks like we are stuck here until the rain stops. Lucky for us, there is a cot in my coworker’s station. We can hang out there until it is dry outside.” I stand up and he follows, letting me lead the way to Jungkook’s station, a cot and some blankets neatly set up for whenever he decides to nap on the clock. I pick up a blanket and hand it to him, seating myself on the cot after i notice that my clothes are mostly dry now, and pull the second blanket over my lap. He watches me get settled before sitting next to me, keeping the blanket folded nicely as he keeps it on his legs. “I’m Taehyung by the way.. I am sorry for scaring you before hand, I was just not able to think clearly with all of that water inside of me.” He keeps looking forward, his eyes wondering around the shop as I turn to him, admiring his facial features a bit before flashing a small smile, glad to hear him speak to show me that I did a pretty damn good job at lining up the wires correctly. “The name is Y/N, and don’t mention it, I understand. I would’ve freaked out too if I was in your position.” He looks at me after a moment and gives a genuine smile, pleased to know that I didn't take his actions to heart. “Y/N... I like it. Its a beautiful name for a skilled woman. Thank you for helping me out..” His eyes meet mine again, the deep brown stare baring into mine as my breath catches, my stomach twisting a bit as butterflies run through it. Something about the way his deep voice travels through my ears, and how his eyes shimmer in the lighting from the oil lanterns attached to the ceiling makes my body temperature rise, something I’m sure that he notices since all of his senses are advanced. His smile fades and he leans forward slowly, his lips inches from mine as his warm breath hits my skin, making me shiver under his gaze. A small smirk takes place on his lips before he seals the kiss, his mouth moving against mine slowly as his hands come up to rub my arms that were chilled from being out in the rain beforehand. I let out a soft wince as he bites my lip, his hands moving to grab my hips and placing me on his lap to face him with ease. He continues to kiss me, the slow, romantic pace turning more eager and hungry every second. He breaks the kiss and runs his fingers tips against my sides, pulling my shirt off as he teases me with such a simple action. “I was thinking of a way to thank you properly love, but I couldn’t hold my composure much longer. You’re so beautiful..” His hands find the clasp of my bra and undo it as his eyes admire every inch of the exposed skin. At this point I can’t help myself either as my hips roll against his clothed member, feeling just how hard he is under me. His head leans back slightly, taking the feeling of my core against his before snapping, flipping us both over so that he hovers over me. His lips catch mine again, passionately dancing against my own as his hand travels down my navel and to my pants, undoing them with ease before slipping his hand into my panties. His fingers run against my pussy, the cold metal weaved into his skin gliding against my clit perfectly as the coldness from it soothes the aching excitement. A small moan slips past my lips as he breaks the kiss to watch me, smiling down as if witnessing my pleasure is the best thing he has ever seen. “Do you like that baby? Does feeling the metal against your hot pussy make you want even more?” His fingers suddenly stop the teasing on my clit and dip into my heat, giving me no time to process it as he thrusts them into me at lightning speed. I let out a cry as he keeps up the pace, the tips of his fingers reaching deep as he rubs against my walls, wetness dripping down my thighs as he adds a third finger. He edges me right up to my orgasm, but pulls out his fingers right before I get there. I look up at him in disbelief as he smirks, standing up and removing his pants before pumping his cock in his hand a couple of times. “I still need some fixing babygirl. Help me, and I’ll make sure that you get to cum.” I get up eagerly, taking off my pants as well before getting on my knees in front of him. I lick my lips before taking the tip of his cock into my mouth, sucking gently before looking up at him. His head falls back in bliss as I swirl my tongue around the tip, getting deeper with each movement before he is touching the back of my throat. As I bob my head, his hips meet my movements as they thrust up, making me choke a bit as he grabs a fist full of my hair in his hands. After holding my head down for a couple of seconds, he lets my head up and I take a gasping breath, meeting his eyes as he sends me a smirk. “Lay down love, it’s my turn to help you.” I lay down at his words, obeying him since the ache between my thighs is getting to hard to handle. He hovers above me once again and lines himself up at my entrance, leaning down to give me a soft kiss before sliding himself inside, his cock stretching my pussy out perfectly, like it was made just to be there. He gives me a moment to adjust before abruptly thrusting into me, showing no mercy as he leans down and runs his lips across my neck, leaving marks along it in the process. Moans come from both of our mouths as our bodies press together, getting as much pleasure from one another as we can. I let my fingers find his back, my nails digging into his skin as his hips snap into mine over and over, his body not tiring out at all like a normal human’s would. “Come on baby, cum on my cock. I want to feel you release on me, shaking from the way I make you feel. Can you do that for me?” He encourages me, but keeps up his movements before reaching down and circling my clit with his fingers. Pleasure shoots through me once again, my walls tightening around him as another loud moan escapes my lips, echoing off of the walls, my release hitting me hard as he keeps pounding into me, releasing soon after as he feels the warm liquids around his cock. He sighs in content before laying beside me, not bothering to pull out yet as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer, his head resting against mine. I smile lazily and happily cuddle him back, pulling the blanket over us as we let our bodies rest against the cot. “That was amazing Taehyung.. thank you.” He kisses my forehead before nuzzling his nose against yours. “You fixed me, and I was happy to return the favor.. not everyone helps out someone with more pieces that they can handle.” I let a sleepy smile cover my face before kissing him softly. “Taehyung, I love every piece of you..” He looks surprised for a moment, those words leaving the lips of such a beautiful woman. “Y/N..-” a quiet snore sounds and he looks down at you before chuckling, pulling you closer as he kisses your head. “I love you too Y/N..”  
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thenonsenseuniverse · 6 years
Coffee Cups & Leather Jackets
Hamilton Modern! AU Word Count: 2236 Hamilsquad x Reader Thomas Jefferson x Reader PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4,  PART 5, PART 6, PART 7 Summary: after a fight with the squad, the reader flashbacks to the past, and gets some help by an unlikely friend.
 “I just want to know what the fuck I did wrong!!” You hissed at your friends. “I haven’t seen you all in weeks, and every single time I try to make plans you all seem to drop out at the last minute!”             
One of them stepped forward. “Y/N…” 
“No, Herc.” You hissed, not willing to hear the next excuse that they wanted to throw at you. You were done with everything. “I don’t want to hear it. I guess you were all ‘too busy’, right? Just like you were the last hundred times.”  
 Alex groaned from his place by the counter. “ Come on! You’re being overdramatic. Just let us explain.”        
You glared at him and crossed your arms over your chest. “I don’t think so. Overdramatic would’ve been me freaking out like this after one week, or even two. But at first, I was stupid enough to believe that you guys were really just over stressed with working at the cafe or with classes and could understand that. And I did. But then three weeks past, and I still hadn’t seen any of you, so I invited you all over for a movie night, and once again you were all busy. Even then, I was still fine with it.” You could feel the lump slowly forming in your throat as tears pricked at the corners of your eyes. “But then later that night, I was at the cafe, doing my homework, and saw you all walk into the movie theater together, laughing and having a great time. You did follow through with our plans, only without me.” 
The four of them, Alexander, Hercules, Lafayette, and John, stood there looking down guiltily. “Y/N, look we’re sorry. We didn’t mean to exclude you. It’s not what you think, it-” Laurens was desperately trying to explain. You knew that if any of them could get through to you, it was him. But there wasn’t time for that anymore. It was too late.
You scoffed and held up your hand to silence him. “No. I’m done. I’ve made enough excuses for you guys myself, I don’t need to hear another one.” You sighed, and shook your head, as you grabbed your bag from the table beside you. “I understand if you guys don’t want to be my friend.” Your voice had gone soft now, turning into something just a little over a whisper. “I don’t think anyone really does, I’m the weird kid remember?” You gave a sad chuckle and wiped at your face. You turned to them one last time, giving them a look that could dissolve even the strongest men to ashes. “But what I can’t understand is why you let me believe you actually cared about me. Why you lead me on for months. I’ve been through a lot of shit, but that has to be the worst. I’m done with being your guys’ charity project. Please, if you have consideration for me at all, just leave me alone.” with that you turned and left, doing your best to get out of their sight before they could see you weak.             
    You sat on one of the many benches in the quad, tears streaming furiously down your cheeks.  You knew it was pathetic to cry about four people who never cared about you, to begin with, and yet here we are.  You should’ve known it was too good to be true, there was no way that the infamous Hamilsquad would want to be friends with the likes of you. You could still remember the first day you met them. 
          It was your third week of freshman year at King’s College, and honestly, you were just barely keeping your head above the water. Your parents had filled your head with fantasies that college would be ‘a fresh start’ that you would make ‘so many new friends’ and that maybe you would actually come out of your shell a little. 
Boy, had they been wrong.
No, college was a lot like high school, only the insults weren’t as childish, and people found new exciting ways to pick on you instead of following whatever was cool at the moment. It was a shame considering your classes and professors were actually amazing, however, you weren’t sure if you’d be able to survive until graduation. 
“You know…” You looked up from your journal at the sound of a British accent approaching you from your right. A boy with loose, light brown curls, wearing a tight red t-shirt and white faux fur jacket that hung carelessly over his shoulders approached you. He had a posse of two following behind him. “I don’t think I’ve heard, the little church mouse here say a single word since the beginning of the school year.” You rolled your eyes at his tactics and tried to focus on your writing as his groupies laughed. He didn’t seem to appreciate that as a second later, your journal was snatched from your hands. 
“Hey! Give th-that back!!” You cried out, rising to your feet. 
He smirked as he held it above his head. “Oh! So the little mouse does speak!!” He laughed and looked down at you, as you tried to grab it back. “Shall we take a look as to what’s so important anyway? Samuel!” He threw the leather bound book over to one of the other boys, who had a hairstyle similar to him but was wearing all black. 
Samuel smirked and climbed on top of one of the benches. “September 21st, Dear diary.” The boy’s grin widened as he realized what they had stolen from you. “I’ve been at this godforsaken place for three weeks now, and I still haven’t found a trace of any intellectuals besides our professors. My parents were hopeful that I might actually make friends here, but I don’t think I want to. Why would I when I have Netflix and doughnuts in my dorm. I’m perfectly fine alone.” He stopped reading as he snickered. “Awww, is the weird kid lonely? Does someone need someone to talk too?” 
You could feel your cheeks grow red at their comments. “G-Give it back, p-please.” You asked quietly, thinking maybe being polite would make them change their mind. 
The word please seemed to strike something within the leader, as his eyes scanned your form. “Well since you’re so willing to beg..”Before he could finish a tall man, wearing a beanie ripped the book from Samuel’s hands, as a much shorter one sporting a ponytail, marched up to the leader. 
“Hey, George! Leave them alone. They didn’t do anything to you, so why don’t you and your group of stuck up pricks, piss off!” 
George opened his mouth to say something, but closed it as two other, very muscular, men came up behind him. You could see him pale slightly as he glared at the shorter one. He snarled. “For the billionth time, Hamilton, it’s King. Not George. And we were just leaving, the little freak didn’t have anything interesting written in there anyway.” He peeked around them and gave you a playful wave. “We’ll see you around, mousey. Sam, Charles! Let’s go.” He snapped his fingers, and the other two fell in line behind him as he walked away. 
A wave of relief fell over you but quickly went away as you remember the four new problems currently surrounding you. “C-Can,” You swallowed down your nervousness and held out your hand. “Can I have m-my journal b-b-back?” You cursed yourself for your stutter. It had the tendency to come and go but stayed with you most of the time unless you were with people you were comfortable with. Unfortunately, that group was limited to your parents and your siblings.
The one with the beanie gave it back to you with a small grin, which you returned as a thank you. You quickly went to gather your things, mumbling out non-sense as you did. “I-I’m sorry you h-h-had to do that. I-It wasn’t y-your problem, a-and I-I-I should’ve just left. I-I mean it’s no-not like there’s anything ex-ci-citing in there anyways. An-and you could-d’ve gotten i-in trouble.” 
A man with, what must be the curliest hair you’ve ever seen, tied up in a bun began to help you but your books in your bag. “Ce n’est pas un problem! George believes d’at everyone belongs to ‘im, and d’at you are only ‘uman if you make more d’an six figures. Il est un piece du merde.” You giggled at his accent.
“Well th-thank you for h-h-helping me. B-but you really didn’t h-have to-to.” You shrugged your bag onto your shoulders as you played with the straps. “I’m used t-to it by n-now.”
One of the men, who had a freckle spotted face, and long curly hair frowned. “Do people usually treat you like that?”
Once again you shrugged. “I d-don’t talk m-m-much. I-I guess it m-m-make me an eas-sy target.” 
The man’s nose wrinkled in disgust. “God, I hate people.” He stated. “They have no right to treat you like that! It’s bullshit! You’re a little shy, and you have a stutter, so what! I bet you’re still an awesome person!” You could feel a small smile form on your face at his obvious passion for equality and anti-bullying. “Do you have anyone to walk to your next class, or to your dorm with?” You shook your head. “Well you do now, let’s go.” He grabbed your hand and began to march in the direction opposite of your dorm. 
“John, what about our plans! We’re supposed to go hang out at the cafe!” You could hear the short one call out.
You could hear him mumble a small ‘oh shit’. He stopped for a second in thought before turning to you. “Do you want to come with us?” 
You blinked up at him in shock. No one had asked you to hang out with them since you were in middle school. From then on people claimed you were too weird to be seen with because you preferred the company of fictional characters than real people. You frowned and looked at them all again. “I-I don’t know who you are, and y-you d-don’t know me. Why would you w-want to h-hang out?”
John chuckled and pulled you towards the group. “Because that is how friends are made! You’re never going to get to know people if you don’t take any risks! Now, I’m John Laurens, I’m the president of the equality society and the PRIDE club. The Frenchy with the barely held back afro is  Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette, Marquis de Lafayette. But since no one has the time to say all of that, we just call him Lafayette, or Laf for short.” An offended ‘Hey!’ came from the Frenchman. “The intimidating man in the beanie is Hercules Mulligan. Don’t let his name or size intimidate you, the man is a walking teddy bear. He’s actually a fashion design major. And lastly, we have Alexander - Nonstop- Hamilton. The only student both stupid, and smart enough to be able to tackle a triple major. He runs on coffee, barely sleeps and appears to have a slight temper as the price of that.” 
As he listed off the names something clicked in your head, and you realized exactly who you were looking at. This was the self-named Hamilsquad, one of the most popular groups in the school. They were known for picking fights with others who didn’t treat other people fairly and were usually seen around the Schylur sisters. You couldn’t believe they were talking to you. “So,” Alex began, looking at you with a curious glint in his sleep-deprived eyes. “What’s your name. 
“Y/N. M-My name’s Y/N L/N. I h-haven’t g-gotten around to doing m-much.”
Hamilton chuckled and wrapped an arm around your shoulder, as he pulled you into the group. “Well, just you wait, y/n. You hang out with us, and I guarantee you won’t have another dull moment for quite some time.” You smiled at his promise and nodded as you walked with them. For once you thought this might work. For once you thought maybe, just maybe you’d have real friends. 
You felt a sob shake your body at the memory. You missed them, they were all you had. They brought you out of the lonely shell you had formed around yourself and showed what it was like to be truly happy before locking you back into your prison. And now you were alone again. You were stupid to fall for their charm, but now al you wanted was to be in their arms again. They took apart of your heart that you didn’t know existed, and left you feeling cold, and empty inside. You just wanted to be whole again. 
“Excuse me, Darlin’“ You were torn from your thoughts by the sound of a deep southern drawl. You wiped at your face once more and looked up to see a man with warm brown eyes sporting a dark, magenta leather jacket on top of a black tee shirt. He gave you a pitiful smile and sat down beside you, pulling out a small pack of kleenex from his pocket. “You look like you could use some company.”
AN: Hello! This is just the beginning of a series I hope to do! Please tell me what ya’ll think, and we’ll see how it goes
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simkjrs · 7 years
msa ch5 asks (and others)
Anonymous said: AAA FROM 'MEET ME IN THE WOODS'- i know that lyrics!!!!! nice!!
*finger guns* nice!!
Anonymous said: -also thank you for existing you beautiful beautiful person! 😘
i think i might have accidentally deleted (or answered separately?) the first half of this ask but nonetheless thank you
Anonymous said: OK first thing: the chapter was awesome! amazing job! Second thing: the entire chapter was basically deku 'mildly' freaking out while being thoroughly pissed the entire time
it really and truly was. izuku as that one macro that’s like “this string is held up through pure stress alone” 
Anonymous said: mr compress weeb confirmed
look at his custom made villain costume and tell me he isnt that kind of guy
Anonymous said: god. Msa!izuku is /fifteen fucking years old/ and he has to deal with /so much shit/. Can someone just put him to bed and let him nap for a year, maybe
yes! maybe not a year though.
Anonymous said: God bless the new chapter gutted me and the flipped me inside out showing my true form, that of a big fan. Thank you for the blessing that is MSA
this is such a gruesomely funny image. thank you
Anonymous said: hey just read msa for the around the 9th time. you ar e so good at writing, the way you write character interaction is incredible. you should be proud. this is literally the best thing ive ever read.
THATS SO MANY TIMES, IM ASTONISHED YOURE NOT SICK OF IT YET!!! i hate staring at my writing too long it starts feeling all faded out and boring!! im really happy to hear you like it so much!
Anonymous said: As soon as Izu/ku woke up on the table I started screeching simk. Not okay!!!
haha im so sorry!!!! but overhaul literally wouldve experimented on ai/zawa and he DID experiment on eri this is completely in character of him
Anonymous said: Overhaul/Skin Beast: hi yeah can I get a fucking uuuuuhhhhhhhh experiments/faces? Izuku: Experiment machine 🅱roke *flies away with eri*
completely accurate summary of the chapter
Anonymous said: every day I long to become the amount of salty msa izuku is
valid but every day i long for msa izuku to receive the love and support that he needs
Anonymous said: sweetie noooooooo
i have no idea what part of the chapter this is referring to but first of all, big mood, and second of all, valid 
Anonymous said: hello you hurting because so am i!
i am hurting. while i was writing the chapter i kept looking at the screen like “i’m doing this? i’m really going to do this?” but overhaul is like that and i cant deny him the one salient characterization point he has
[my longest yeehaw ever]
Anonymous said: Since I might not get any sleep tonight because of flight plans and I might forget tomorrow and the next day, Happy thanksgiving! I'm thankful for your awesome stories~
Anonymous said: Happy Thanksgiving! I remembered!
happy thanksgiving!! im thankful that you enjoy my stories <3
Anonymous said: good job! i love it. and i’m crying. where did all this blood come from?
We Are All crying blood at this chapter
Anonymous said: Just read the new chapter and all I want to do is keysmash into your inbox. The chapter! Was so good! Izuku being sassy and angry and traumatized but still trying! And Eri! I'm so glad she's with Izuku now. Deku-niisan! I don't have words! And Rappa? Rappa! Also, that poem you linked is really neat. Grow up grow strong and focus your fury. Kind of feel like this is the theme for these two trauma children. Great work!
someone in the comments described izuku as “thoughtlessly kind” and i was VERY emotional over that because it’s such an excellent descriptor of the kind of person izuku is... he’s still trying, because that’s just who he is 
deku-niisan to the rescue :^) 
i’m really glad you enjoyed the chapter! thank you!
@zintiay submitted: Normally I get really annoyed when a character refuses to use an ability that would let them fairly easily deal with those around them. In this case though, you have done a really good job displaying why he doesn’t want to use this option, as well as what it takes for him to be willing to use it, that I mostly feel sad for deku that he was forced to let Eri’s spirit possess him, instead of getting caught up in the hype of an awesome moment
Honestly though, that’s also my reaction to the chapter as a whole. It was full of interesting world building and was generally an awesome chapter, but it was also well written enough that I also feel Izuku’s emotions and mostly just feel melancholy now.(Seriously, when I look back on it, “I invite you in” opened the gateway to an awesome and well deserved ass kicking, but it’s mostly just heart breaking. Why can’t I just enjoy Izuku kicking ass? Why?)
ahaha yeah, i try to have good reasons for why characters do or don’t take certain actions, and this whole fusion thing is something he keeps REALLY close to his chest... i’m glad that carried across well! it is very sad though that he feels cornered into using this ability. 
thanks for reading!
Anonymous said: Just wanted to say thank you. I think this sounds weird, but you finishing up chapter 5 of msa actually helped motivate me and I managed to finish my essay for a class.
OH? i’m glad to hear that! congrats on finishing the essay!
Anonymous said: This chapter was so fucking perfect I'm crying diamonds. What in all heavens and hells are you, you godly creature? I am so bloody happy you exist in this world. In this time line. I love your stories so damn much!
thank you so much!! i’m really happy to hear this <3 
Anonymous said: I love how just Done with everything msa Izu/ku is with everything. The fact that the only person he treats like a Person and not another threat to his Cryptid Status is Er/i and he just brings her home. I just. I LOV UR WRITING OK
it’s because eri pings None of his danger senses and All of his “i have to do something about this” senses. izuku is constitutionally incapable of helping someone in need. 
and thank you!! i’m glad you like it!
Anonymous said: I hope you know that i was able to read about half a page before i fucking died laughing i lov msa de/ku so much
i try to serve my darkfic with a large side of comedy
Anonymous said: I have the vivid image of msa Deku running into Aizawa by accident and just slowly walking backwards before turning to the sky and yelling "I HAVE DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY! I! DO NOT! HAVE TIME FOR THIS SHIT AS WELL!!!" while Aizawa slowly comes to the conclusion that he must adopt and save this troubled child.
this is hilariously close to some future scenarios i have in mind
Anonymous said: seeing a new chapter of msa honestly made my heart skip a beat in excitement. i have SO MANY questions and thoughts about this universe, i think i could ask you questions for hours, it sparks my imagination and curiosity in the best way. but for now, i just wanted to sincerely thank you for choosing to share your story and thoughts and ideas with all of us! it's always a delight, and i don't take it for granted at all. thank you, and i'm wishing you all the best always!!
thank you so much for this message!! it always makes me happy to know that others are enjoying this story as much as i am <3 i hope the best for you as well!
Anonymous said: What I expected in MSA ch.5: PAINPAINPAINPAINPAIN What I got: PAINPAINPAIN also Izuku adopts Eri, and Rappa for some reason (or did he adopt them!?!? DUNDUNDUN)
i cant publish a chapter without doing something a little fun, right? 
also im laughing at the idea of izuku adopting rappa, a fully grown man, as opposed to the other way around. izuku would hate this concept if anyone ever said it to him.
Anonymous said: so is msa iz/uku's tragic backstory basically being a walking disaster for all of his life until the point where he would have, in canon, met all might, and the msa version of the all might/one for all is the Temple and the subsequent ShitStorm™?
nope! the temple is something else 
Anonymous said: 💖💖💖💖💖💓💖💓💓💕💕💓💕💕💕💝💝💞💝💟💟💟💟💟💟💞💝💝💝💝💝💟💟💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘❤❤❤❤💙💚💚💚💛💙💚💜💚💛💚💜💙💜💚💟💞💗💞💟💟💜💚💛💚💘❤💘❤❤❤💞💟💝❤
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Anonymous said: i was stuck in a car for 3+ hours tonight but when i saw msa ch5 was up i was so excited, i spent the whole ride reading and re-reading it, it’s fantastic and you are too! <3
wow thats some dedication!! i hate reading in the car. thank you and im glad you liked it!!
Anonymous said: simk pls tell me we get roommate shananigans it would make my entire life. just a tired teen, a middle age man literally off the street, and their prepubescent daughter/little sister/niece/etc.
oh yes absolutely. this is a vital part of the au. don’t forget the cat
Anonymous said: hi hello i just want to say that your writing is amazing and gives me life and i get really really really excited every time you update. thanks for blessing us with such good fic <3
thank you so much!! i’m super glad to hear <3
Anonymous said: so izuku not only has eri but also the guy most likely to have been in kumite from bloodsport at his place. great job kiddo. (i mean that both genuinely and sarcastically)
izuku’s existence just naturally warps the reality he lives in into a circus show
Anonymous said: thanks to that one ask i can't stop laughing at the scenario of msa izu trying to get groceries and is seen by kiri / aizawa / tbh any hero. rappa and eri is with him and izu just stares at the heroes dead in the eye and leaves the place. he swears to never return there ever again
also hilariously close to some scenarios im contemplating
Anonymous said: DID MSA!DEKU EVER CATCH A BREAK ONCE IN HIS LIFE??? DID THAT EVER HAPPEN, SIMK. OVERHAUL IS UP THERE W ENDEAVOR I CANT BELIEVE U MANAGED TO MAKE ME HATE HIM THIS MUCH SNAKDNANFKW (btw? how much of a fucking RIOT would it be if the heroes did the exact same thing in canon, and when it came to the actual retrieving eri part theyd just find someone waving frantically "SHES ALREADY GONE, YOU IMBECILES. YOU FOOLS"
overhaul is easily hatable if you just extrapolate from his canon actions. cant wait for him to get fucking clowned
i think it would be really funny but kind of depressing if the heroes did that. izuku please help them
Anonymous said: u really dont fuck around, do u, simk?? this is really a chapter that i just read i really saw him getting experimented on by overhaul for real??? I REALLY SAW HIM DISMISS IT AS IF IT WAS ANY OTHER DENIAL WEDNESDAY???? DID THAT BOY EVER CATCH ONE (1) BREAK IN HIS ENTIRE LIFE?? also DAMN! HE Really Fucking Did That HUH HE BUSTED HER OUT OMG.. CANT WAIT FOR THE SIBLING RELATIONSHIP FEELINGS THING :') (also how much of a fucking RIOT wld it be if the heroes busted eri out but (1/2)
but when they ARE actually at the 8ps hq they just?? dont find her??????and everyone there is like "SHES ALREADY GONE YOU IMBECILES. YOU FOOLS." (2/2)
i really dont fuck around!! i hope!! i decide on a track and i stick to it!! as soon as i finished the first scene i knew that overhaul was going to Do That and i spent a few days agonizing over it and asking myself if i was really ready to go all the way with this. if i was really going to write it! i did write it. i am still occasionally in disbelief. 
yes. sibling relationship all the fuckin way 
Anonymous said: Is what happened at the temple the thing that made MSA Izuku give up on being a hero?
nah izuku giving up on being a hero is more just pessimism, cynicism, and paranoia trained into him by years and years of dealing with spirits and believing that he shouldn’t exist 
Anonymous said: this is all really silly but uhh,,, isn't izuku loosing credits? has his mother been informed of his absences? does he have anyone who can help him catch up with the missed material? is our boy going to graduate?
i dont really know how credits work in japanese schools, or how the absences thing works... he’ll be fine though, pinky promise
Anonymous said: Eri pulls back and looks up at them curiously. “Deku?” They peer down at her. She’s so small! She’s so near! “You look different. You…” She reaches up, and they bend down obligingly. Her hand touches something attached to the skull above the eyes -- my horn, the kirin whispers. “You have a horn like me,” she says, full of wonder, and touches it again. THIS ENTIRE FUCKING PART GOT MY HEART BEATING SO FAST. I LOVE THEM!!!! ILOVE HOW ERIS SPIRIT IS NOT A TOTAL ASSHOLE TOO!!!
trauma kid solidarity!!!! i am so excited for these two you have no idea
i, too, love it when a spirit shows a basic modicum of decency and is NOT Like That to izuku 
Anonymous said: "neptune" by sleeping at last gives me very kiri/msa!deku vibes
cool, i’ll check it out!
Anonymous said: Angry msa!izu/ku: acts like an alley cat, threatens to break a villain's dishes, talks a lot of bullshit, also kind of sad and depressed. Angry™ msa!izu/ku: frightens the hell out of everyone just by looking at them, makes everyone question their life choices, makes them feel small and insignificant and makes fun of said life choices, not exactly human.
yeah. i love msa izuku and  his anger is Valid 
Anonymous said: This chapter: Rappa: fight me MsaIzuku: no Rappa: fight me pls MsaIzuku: no Rappa: let me fight the people around you? MsaIzuku:....... Fine
this is a really great summary of that conversation
Anonymous said: Izuku's threat to throw all of M. Compress' dishes on the floor like that is the Worst thing you can do to someone made my entire day thank you
i’m really glad because this was the funniest threat i could think of besides “i’m going to break into your home and piss on your bed” 
Anonymous said: HE'S JUST A KID SIM
you know i had to do it to ‘em picture 
Anonymous said: Msa is just so so amazing!?!? I honestly love it so much. The way you write is so wonderful and it's practically doubled by the fact that the entire idea for the au is also wonderful. Izu is amazing and I love him. Thank you thank you thank you :')
aahhh im really happy you like it!! thank you for reading & supporting!!
Anonymous said: Rappa: "let me join you" ; msa!Izuku: "absolutely fucking not" ; Rappa: "I can be ur meat shield" ; msa!Izuku: *clenching and unclenching his fist, glaring up at the god he does not believe in as he leads Rappa and Eri to his home* "I fucking hate you"
izuku’s one weakness... trying to help others
Anonymous said: iirc, guardian spirits are bound to their respective charges by proximity but can still move around, but do they have to be close by when the quirk is used? Or will the quirk not be as effective?
nah, they don’t need to be nearby, one cool effect of being bound to a human is that the human has a store of the guardian spirit’s energy 
Anonymous said: Thoughts on the game OFF? Played it recently and it gave me Msa!spirit world vibes. The use of man made substances making up the natural world (e.g drinking plastic not water) just really stuck with me as something bizarre and very second intonation like. Although if you do explore the spirit world I guess you might have something maybe more mythological in mind? (Also the soundtrack is stunningly eerie).
never played OFF but i love its aesthetic so much 
Anonymous said: I'm gonna print msa out and it eat it. gochisousama
pfft itadakimasu 
Anonymous said: Hahahah holy shit that new chapter dialed things up to, like, 22 instead of 11 holy shit izuku oh no. (“Achievement Unlocked: 5+ Levels Of Trauma Added At Once!” msa!izuku: can I get a, uuuuhhhhhhh, refund?) skin creature is super creepy and perfect fit. Btw, side thought - however the heroes find out abt this whole mess, I bet they feel really guilty (shit, izuku puts foot in mouth and accidentally says smth. Kiri: horrified izuku: makes it worse by trying to leave topic) thx I Love it. V good!
once i committed i had to go all the way...
the ensuing conversations between izuku and the heroes are probably going to be kind of funny, and also a little sad. im looking forward to it. thank you for reading!
Anonymous said: Okay, I'm just catching up on the recent chapters of msa and this is what I've been getting so far Everyone: you have to understand- Msa izuku, restrained: no
correct. msa izuku refuses to accept your terms 
Anonymous said: Ahaha, geez, MSA chapter 5 was A M A Z I N G. Poor Izuku. Geez, the scene where he's tossed into his cell and just spends fifteen minutes crying and freaking out hurt so bad. And he remembered to (try and) call for help!!! Hopefully he tries again in the future, when it'll work (hopefully). I also got very excited by the Kirin!!! Like, holy smokes!!! Someone who actually doesn't want Izuku to suffer, and is willing to take steps to make that happen!! Yes good!! Plz timewalker protect this child
thanks carwash for being like the only friend izuku has
the relationship between izuku and the different spirits hanging around his house is probably going to be pretty fun. i know i’ve pulled a lot of bullshit in the past two chapters but i still have some new fuckery to introduce. i hope you are all excited for this
Anonymous said: would any other human be able to learn to speak in the second intonation in the msa au? Did msa deku learn the second intonation from someone, or is it just something he's always known?
1) good question! i haven’t decided yet. 2) he learned from someone else! who you will find out soon
Anonymous said: me: nobody has to get owned today. please, please put down the markers and step back msa izuku: Fuck oyu.
i totlaly forgot this was a thing but you know what? yeah. im laughing this is such a fitting quote
Anonymous said: you know by far one of the best aspects of msa izuku is just. He is a constant Power Move. and yet he would probs hate that. like this boy wants to be left alone and get some fuckin peace but in all his interactions whether he intends to or not he just fuckin busts a fuckin Move and its like holy shit holy fucking shit he did that.he did That. He doesnt want to do That he doesnt even realize its happening and thats why its a fuckin Power Move. Love this au i LOVE ur work and love ur storytelling
reminds me of @salvainterra‘s description of izuku: “izuku is both an unstoppable force and an immovable object and its through this paradoxical existence that hes reached the ultimate tier of not giving a fuck. good on him”
thats the secret behind it all!
Anonymous said: I love msa chapter five but I'm so worried about Izuku. He's a single teen parent of two now and he keeps missing school, how will he graduate and get in a position to follow his dreams of being alone and doing calligraphy if he misses so much of school that he doesn't get a diploma???
he will be ok! 
hey im really laughing at this because youre really including rappa as one of the people izuku adopted?? is this a thing now?? 
Anonymous said: (in msa) I am so glad you had Izuku save Eri omg. that poor child has been through enough (but also, omg the suffering you're putting Izuku through (it's great, keep going)). I'm super keen to see where you take this!!
i know im really putting izuku through the paces. while i was writing the first half of ch5 i kept telling myself that this was all for eri’s sake but MAN that was dark
thank you! im excited to pull some more bullshit. im glad you’ve been enjoying the story so far!
Anonymous said: Me reading the new msa chapter: ‘a family can be a Kirin, a girl who can disintegrate people, a supernatural teenager, a street brawler and perpetual sadness’ seriously tho it was really great and I loved it!!!
don’t forget the mysterious shadow spirit who may or may not be a cat 
i’m really glad you liked the chapter!!
Anonymous said: bc of allmights style i think of one for all's spirit just being a fucking american on the fourth of july with american flags everywhere and waving a minature flag threateningly and i cant stop thinking about it....
fortunately for us, that is incorrect 
Anonymous said: "Okay I've finally caught up on the backlog of work I've got, let's check in on my favourite blog and writer SIMKJRS and see what they're up to recently." *sees that you updated like a week ago* aaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
jflskdfj glad you’re excited for this!! i know i only update like once in a blue moon, 
Anonymous said: hey i just want to say that i love everything about msa; the writing, the story, the imagery, ALL OF IT thank you for making such a wonderful gift!
thank you!! im grateful for your support <3
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strawberry-lemonade · 4 years
dont read this im just seeing if it works, its unedited and currently shit
"Excuse me, but I happen to think Mávri gáta is hilarious. Those puns are spot on."
Aria opened her mouth and paused, before closing it again.
"Zào Fortuna has got spots right?."
"Wait were you trying to aim a pun at her, but then forgot if she had spots?
"Uh, maybe..."
"Dude, you're an idiot in every sense of the word."
Aria hung her head.
"...I know."
"That's nice."
Aria threw a pillow at her before exploding in a fit of giggles.
"Mooncaaaake! You're supposed to give me a hug and say sorry!"
Marinette sighed and blew her nails before turning to look at Aria.
"We both know how that goes down."
Aria sighed and stood up.
"Have you heard from Adrien in the past few days?"
"You know what? I haven't."
"Last time I talked to him, he told me he got a boyfriend."
"He did? Why didn't I know about that?"
"Babe, weren't you on the other line?"
"Uh... I think I fell asleep."
"Wow. You really need to stop staying up all night on commissions."
"Speaking of, any news about that stuff?"
"Well, from what I've heard, my little sister from another mister is traveling to Gotham because her fashion business has taken off. 'The mysterious designer MDC has bypassed Gabriel Agreste in the polls!' 
"Well, what you heard is true-'
"I also heard that you get to stay in Wayne Manor and bring a friend. Maybe Sabine?"
"What? And risk her finding out that I parade around the city in spots every night? No thanks."
"Hm. Chloe?"
"The invitation would be wasted. She's already going to Gotham with her mom."
"What about Alya?"
"Since 2 heroes will be out of commission, Rena is going to be needed here."
"I don't know."
Aria collapsed on the bed with a groan before sitting up and smirking.
"Okay. Your guessing privileges have been revoked."
"Noooooo! How else will I find out who you're going to take?!"
"By asking. Like a normal person."
"How dare you assume that I'm normal."
"Now I'm beginning to wonder if I should actually tell you."
"Okay, okay! I'll shut up! Just please tell me who, so I don't have to stay up till 3, guessing."
"I wanted to ask you."
"Uh, I will give you an entire list of reasons why I shouldn't come. Plus, I don't really think they'd let me bring the cat."
"I'm asking right now, and if they say no, then I'll politely decline the invitation."
"I don't want you to miss ou-"
"They replied!"
"What? Let me see!"
Aria scrambled off the chaise and scurried over to Marinette, tripping in the process. 
"Wait! Let me get up!"
Aria jumped up and stumbled into the desk.
Marinette clicked the email and recited it aloud.
"Dear MDC, your friend's cat will be allowed. If you need to arrange anything to bring your cat on the plane, please do not hesitate to ask.
 Aria squealed and hugged Marinette.
"Ok. If we can start packing now, I'll come with you." 
"Why do we have to pack now? The trip isn't until Saturday and it's only Wednesday! Can't we just enjoy the first sleepover we've had in a month?"
"Babe, please? I hate procrastinating."
"What are you talking about? You love procrastinating!"
"I don't love it, It just happens to be my default."
"Same difference!"
"Um, no, not the same difference."
"Dante. I am begging you. Don't turn off the computer yet."
"Aria. it's almost 1 A.M and we both have class tomorrow."
"I knoooow! But I put my fucking heart into this, and if you turn it off right now, it will delete and I have no way of saving it."
"Aria. Go to bed now."
"Nooooo! I have to finish it!"
"Fine. But as soon as the clock gets to 1. I'm turning everything off. Just because you're my favorite doesn't mean I'll let you get away with anything."
"Boi! I let you get away with so many illegal things! Can I not just stay up for another hour to finish a damn design?!"
"Hi, Minette."
"Are you gonna stay up again while binge-ing on coffee?"
"Marinette. Please tell my idiot sister that she needs sleep too."
"Noooo! My favorites are teaming up to defeat me!"
"Aria. Go. To. Bed."
Aria jumped up, seized the computer, shot into the bathroom.
"Ha! Now you can't stop me from finishing this!"
"Okay. I give up. Marinette, she's yours now."
Dante slowly backed out of the kitchen with his arms raised.
"Aria. Come out. Please. It's not a sleepover if it's only one person. Plus I need someone to binge-watch movies with!"
"...What kind of movies?"
"Um, MIB International, Charlie's Angels, Hanna, Atomic Blonde, La Femme Nikita-"
"I'm in. Just give me a second."
The sound of shuffling around could be heard in the unusually silent house. The bathroom door opened to show a dark room a few seconds later, and Aria emerged holding a closed laptop.
"I thought it wasn't going to save?"
"Yeah uh, I lied. I just wanted to keep working."
"Geez. I bet you'll be the only person in Gotham like this."
"Well, I do try to be unique!"
"Okay, we need to finish packing."
"But what about the movies?!"
"We'll watch them while we pack."
Five movies and two panic attacks later:
"Mooncake! Do you know where my-"
"Beanie? Downstairs in the tardis."
"Oh my gosh, thank you! I need to take a shower, are you almost finished packing?"
"Yeah, two more outfits and I'll be done."
"Kay. My phone is charging next to the window, the password is 314159, the flashy purple app turns on the TV."
With that, Aria walked out of the room and shut the door. Not even 2 minutes later, the sound of running water could be heard, along with the song 'Consideration' was blasting through the house. Marinette shook her head and laughed.
"Geez Ember. Too loud."
Marinette folded the last outfit and placed it in her suitcase. Walking over to the window, she was attacked by Kiro.
“Ack! Get off!”
Marinette started to try and shake the cat off and Kiro released her leg. She jumped onto the bed and yanked her legs up to avoid any further scratches. The door slammed open to reveal a soaking wet Aria in a towel. She still had soap bubbles in her hair and it had stuck to her face while she was running.
“I heard a screech! Is everything okay?”
Marinette stared for a second longer before laughing so hard she fell off the bed.
“OH MY GOSH! Did you just- holy crap! The cat just jumped on me!”
“...are you freaking kidding me? I literally jumped out of the shower to see what in the world was going on. I thought you were being abducted.”
“I’m so sorry! I just-” Marinette collapsed into another fit of giggles.
“Okay, since you’re obviously fine, I’m gonna go finish my shower. Next time, don’t screech unless it’s an emergency. Now my clothes are wet because of my idiocy. Goodbye, Little Missy Macaron.”
Aria walked out of the room, leaving Marinette to try and clean up the water mess. She just threw a towel over the puddle.
Aria walked into the bathroom while shaking her head slowly. She picked up her phone and pressed shuffle on her playlist. Once again, a song started blasting through the house.
Marinette grabbed Aria’s phone and unlocked it. She pressed the purple icon that Aria had told her about and clicked the red power button at the top. Nothing happened.
Right. The TV is downstairs.
Marinette sighed and checked under the bed before leaving the safety of the mattress. She picked up her two suitcases and took them downstairs. 5 minutes later, the sound of gunshots and suspenseful music coming from the living room rivaled the pop music coming from the upstairs bathroom.
Dante, Evita, and Armando came home to three girls shouting and running around, with another standing off to the side and filming. Chloe and Alya had come over to help after Aria had gotten out of the shower. Though it quickly turned into Chloe chasing Aria around and trying to get her to put on some clothes that weren’t covered in paint, and Alya filming Marinette freaking out about losing her deodorant.
“Dante! I stole your Pikachu boxers because they were in my drawers!” Aria ran past him, a disgruntled Chloe in hot pursuit.
“Why do I care?”
“Just thought you should know in case you start looking for them while I’m gone!”
“Speaking of being gone, shouldn’t you guys get going? Your flight leaves in 4 hours.”
“Crap! Evita! Do you have work soon? Can you drive us to the airport?”
“Can’t you guys just bike?”
Aria stopped and stared at Evita incredulously. Chloe didn't slow down quick enough and slammed both girls into the ground.
“Okay, are you stupid? Because we have like, 4 bags each, and the airport is like 45 miles away. ”
“Okay. I’ll take you, but I do have to work soon so we have to go now.”
“Okay. Akiv! Stop! Do you have your bags?”
“Yes, Ember.”
“Mousinette! Are you ready?”
“We can get some at the airport.”
“GAH! Okay, fine. Let’s go.”
The three girls ran to give Alya a hug before they left.
“Bye Als! Love you!”
“Adios, Vixen! Te Quiero!”
“Salut Alya!”
Marinette, Aria, and Chloe stepped out of the Envoy and took their bags out of the trunk.
“Zai Jian, Evita! Te Quiero mucho!”
“Adios Mija! Je t’aime!”
Aria gave Evita a hug before slinging her book bag and purse over her shoulder and pulling her suitcase over to the entrance. The girls watched the car drive off before turning and walking into the airport.
“Ay Dios Mio…”
“Look at the lines!” Aria gestured over to about fifty people standing in front of a counter.
“Oh, mon Dieu.” 
“Um, no. Look at your tickets. We have first-class. Which is the line over there.” Choe pointed over to a short line with only a few people.
“Oh, thank goodness.” Marinette sighed as she scanned over her plane ticket.
“Wait, really?” Aria scrambled for the small slip of paper in her wallet, accidentally dropping it.
A young male, probably around 15, picked it up. He smiled and held it out to her.
“Here you go, m’lady”
“Thanks, bro,” Aria grunted.
The boy froze for only a second, but it was long enough for her to pluck the leather contraption out of his hand and walk away with the other girls. When they were out of earshot, they all burst out laughing.
“Oh my gosh! Did you see his face when you called him ‘bro’?!”
“That was hilarious,” Aria wiped tears from her eyes.
“Welp, now we know how she keeps guys away.” 
“Who knew it was so simple?”
“No. It’s simple for me. I am the Goddess of repellent. You two are mere mortals.”
“She’s right! Oh, Great One! We are unworthy of your presence, but we beg to learn your ways!” Marinette got down on one knee, with one hand over her heart and the other being held out to Aria.
“Oh, get up Mooncake. They’re looking at us crazy again.” Chloe pulled the smaller girl onto her feet and ruffled her hair.
Marinette giggled, then bowed and took Aria’s hand. 
“I am forever indebted to you for teaching me.” She kissed the brunette’s hand before standing up straight again.
“Mooncake, I love you, but that was the weirdest thing you’ve ever done.”
“Thanks, Abelle.”
“No problem babe.”
Aria rolled her eyes. 
The girls looked up to see it was their turn in line.
“Please place your bags in the designated area.” The lady behind the desk gestured to a wire container.
Marinette looked to the side and placed her suitcase into the basket. The other girls quickly followed suit.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
“Aria Couture.”
“Chloe Bourgeois.”
The lady typed their names into the computer before waving them away. Marinette saw the dull look in her eyes and pulled out 3 macarons before whispering something and smiling.
“Excuse me, Madame? Here are a few macarons. I hope you have a nice day!” 
Marinette picked up her bags and walked away with her friends. She didn’t miss the small smile that appeared on the woman’s face.
“So, what’d you do to the cookies?”
“Let’s just say the rest of her week will be much better.”
“Minette, I have absolutely no idea what you're implying, and at this point, I'm too scared to ask.”
“This is why I hate flying. I’m already exhausted and we haven’t even been at the airport for 2 hours.” Marinette groaned.
“We’re done with all the security stuff, and our suitcases are already boarding the plane, which basically means we can currently do whatever we want. And don’t you still need deodorant?”
“Ugh. You’re right. Let’s go.”
Aria grinned and walked towards a sandwich restaurant.
“Aria, where are you going? The toiletries place is over there.” Marinette pointed to a little kiosk next to the bathrooms.
“Come on. You didn’t really think we would get deodorant before we got food, did you?”
“...I am kind of hungry…”
“Let’s go then!”
Aria grabbed Marinette’s right hand and Chloe’s left hand and yanked them over to the restaurant.
“Flight Number 763, First class, Now boarding.”
Aria jolted awake at the sound of the announcement. She looked over at Chloe and Marinette sleeping peacefully and contemplated waking them up. She'd rather not lose an eye, or two.
Chloe woke up as the brunette picked up a small pink bookbag.
“Good morning Chlo,” Aria yawned.
“...hi Ari.”
Grabbing all of their backpacks, she took the tickets and passports out and walked over to the admittance booth.
“Tickets please."
“Here,” Aria handed him all three tickets and passports.
 Aria looked up at the man in the booth.
“Can we go in or do you need sleeping beauty over here to confirm something,” Aria pointed at Marinette.
“Um. You can go in…”
“Thanks, have a nice day!”
The girls walked to the plane and found their seats quickly. Chloe helped Aria set Marinette down and put the carry-on bags in the capsules above them. Both girls fell back asleep about 10 minutes after they buckled up.
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