[don't mind me tryina bring this thing to life,just have a random image of waverly,don't be afraid to ask anything since idk how to revive this blog...-haneen]
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charaschaos · 2 years
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* hi tumblr! :) ive known about this site for years, however never got around to making an account until now! making this post so people know im here :D
* sketch until im "ready" for digital art, currently in the process of moving so stuff might be slow, sorry about that :(! however my asks are open!! i'd love to answer questions !!!! plz leave some, idm whatever you ask (within reason!!!!!)
* ok bye now!!! i have to go play deltarune with asriel lol
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omuchjerp · 11 months
gojok'āa 'egojok'āasu (greetings world)
This is a roleplay account for a conlang that I made called Omūchjē, please interact in whatever way you want, just keep it civil.
Translation of Omūchjē words will be done only sparingly (general questions like phonology and syllable structure are fair game) but you're free to ask any questions in roleplay or directly to me as the creator (in your ask just put 'inrp:' beforehand if you're asking a question in rp, or 'notrp:' if you're asking me a direct question).
Do be warned though, all 'inrp:' questions will be met with Omūchjē exclusively and maybe some broken English.
If you want to see my other worldbuilding projects and work please follow my personal account:
Important context: - Their name is ēlrangotsixok'el - Omūchjē doesn't have sex-based gender so pronouns are they/them in English, na/ne in Omūchjē - They age the same as me so at the time of this post they are 17 years old - The language has heavy ties to Minecraft as it was made for use in my Minecraft bases, the "fancy" writing system is a syllabary written with banners for that reason and that's also why you'll see screenshots of minecraft being described as if they're real photos - Rp tags will be in the text itself non-rp tags are in the actual tags
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malka-lisitsa · 10 months
Quick question, do you just notRP with other Katherine or Elena blogs, whether stand-alone or multi, or does this extend to muses who use Nina as a FC? I totally understand why you won't RP with other Katherines/Elena's but what about Nina Dobrev muses who have nothing to do with the Vampire Diaries universe.
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Historically, I haven't.
Part of that is the bpd thing extending to just Nina (bro i promise you if I knew why id tell you but i dont, im equally frustrated with me, bet.)
and part of it is like Doppelganger plots just get real boring after a while? And its hard to like do anything else when I really only play Katherine, and sometimes Elena.. (and my OC who also uses nina ironically LMFKASNFS)
I have in the past offered to do threads iconless, and I don't follow, bc again its nothing personal and im sure your OC is lovely, its really just the visual that bothers me.
and yes I KNOW its stupid™ again im equally as frustrated with me, no one hates bpd more than the person with bpd ✨
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zipdumpster · 4 years
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also some concepts i made a while ago. these are like anthro cat desingns? i dunno.
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divinerxeclipsed · 4 years
Axel is NOT “The Organization’s Assassin” in canon.
(Reposting from my personal since Tumblr has APPARENTLY decided my 7-year-old personal blog is a bot and won’t put my posts in the tags :) :) :) 
Original post )
So okay, it seems like a thing that people genuinely think Axel had an actual job in the Organization as an assassin for Xemnas and that is just straight up not at all supported by canon even a little bit. Especially this concept that there were previous Org members that he eliminated before CoM?? Like that just straight up did not happen.
1) We know from kh3 that Xemnas personally hand-picked the entire Organization. Members 1-8 were all Apprentices and Isa and Lea had connections to the Keyblade War via Skuld and Ventus. Members 9-12 were also hand chosen for their connection to the Keyblade War. Roxas and Xion were both there also for their connection to the Keyblade. There is absolutely no evidence any other members ever existed. Even if you were to take Xion’s fear of being turned into a Dusk as a real thing Xemnas might do, that still implies Xemnas would have taken care of unwanted or useless members himself rather than outsource it.
2) Axel has never been called an assassin in canon. Marluxia is the one with assassin in his title, not Axel.
3) The cutscene between Axel and Saix in Days before Axel goes to CoM makes it clear that it’s Saix’s order for Axel to go on this mission, not Xemnas’s. Saix at first says that it’s orders from the top but Axel’s response highlights that Saix is the one making the call. It could have been anyone; Xaldin would have been happy to do it based on his later argument that Xion should be eliminated when she runs away, but Axel was chosen because Saix was in charge of assigning personnel and Saix wanted to eliminate Zexion (confirmed in one of the prior Ultimanias).
Axel has no pre-existing role as an assassin and being able to assign him this job is the payoff of Saix’s rise to power. Saix wouldn’t have had to become the second in command to put Axel at Castle Oblivion if Axel would have been sent anyway by Xemnas.
4) Axel was also sent after Roxas because of his personal connection to Roxas and Sora, not because it was his job. Saix sending him to Castle Oblivion was what put Axel on the position of having a connection to the Keyblade, which Xemnas found useful once it had already happened. Axel was also the one who would have been most motivated to get Roxas back alive and stop him from going back to Sora. It had nothing to do with a job title.
5) Axel doesn’t even behave like an assassin. He’s secretive with Saix and he’s sneaky about Zexion but his tactics are too blatant to be called assassination. He kills Vexen against Xemnas’s wishes right in front of witnesses. At Castle Oblivion he mostly lets Riku and Sora do all the work and then cleans up after they’ve done the heavy lifting, but that’s mostly just to cover up what he does for Saix. It’s still incredibly obvious (Xigbar outright says in a journal entry that Axel was obviously working for Saix during that whole debacle, and Xemnas has a journal entry about how he was not planning to lose Vexen yet), but his connection to Sora makes Axel too valuable to punish yet.
There’s no evidence that Axel has ever killed anyone before Castle Oblivion. If anything, the Organization seems like it was mostly doing research for ten years while Xemnas set up the game board for when the Keyblade reappeared. Sure, Evil Coffee Boy is less cool and edgy than assassin but there’s a lot more evidence for the latter than the former.
By all means I’m not saying don’t have fun. There’s a lot of fun to be had with the idea of a darker version of the history and what ifs ands aus. My point is just that, in current canon, there’s no evidence for it. Any meta or theorizing that comes from the assumption that Axel has a job as an assassin is inherently flawed because that’s just not supported by the text.
Axel is not Assassinations Georg. Castle Oblivion is an outlier and should not have been counted
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artysmartypigfartyy · 4 years
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“Though I know I should be wary, still I venture someplace scary. Ghostly haunting I turn loose. Beetlejuice! ... Beetlejuice! BEETLEJUICE!!”
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faded-steven · 4 years
RP Starters
Mainly for Steven Universe RP blogs, I'm fine if you reblog, if not a Steven Universe blog you might wanna edit it.
#s - notrp - prompts
Corruption ⌚
Something happened, and now…  well, now you're having a less than pleasant day. It's only a matter of time until something worse happens.
Shattered 💀
You just shattered/saw someone shatter another gem. 
Apathy ☁
All your emotions are taken for 12 hours
Wings 🐦
You sprout wings, now you can fly! And do other winged stuff, I dunno. Lasts for 3 days
Dreams 💭
 •Diamond 💭💎
    You've been having Diamond Dreams.
    Aw man, here we go again. 
 •Happy 💭☀
    You deserve the rest :) 
Trauma 🛡
Something happened, and now you're remembering it… .  Vividly. 
Pink 😡
You got a little too angry. 
Trapped 🔗
You've been restrained somewhere. 
Love 💌
Someone just gave you a love letter. Not sure who…  how do you react? 
Planes 🛩
Either you're scared of flying, or claustrophobic. Either way, this plane isn't where you should be. 
Sunset 🌅
You watch the sun over the ocean. Is it peaceful? Does it remind you of something? Will you take this moment alone, or will you relax with someone else? 
Space 🚀
Off you go… again. Probably. Have you been to space before?
Music 🎺
Play an instrument or sing a song. You might attract someone's attention. 
Drunk 🍺
This wasn't a good idea. 
Well, someone's pissed. 
Memories resurface. She wasn't the best mom, was she? 
Forest 🌲
You're lost in the woods, no way out. 
Vision 🕶
You're blind now. If you were already blind, you can now see. 
Voice 🗣
You're mute now. If you were already mute, you can now speak. 
Hearing 🔇
You're deaf now. If you were already deaf, you can now hear. 
Tactile ✴
You can't feel things. No pain or textures. Your emotions are intact, however. 
Numb ❌
You can't feel anything. Not emotions, and not textures. Basically ☁️✴
Lovestruck 💘
Someone just snagged your attention…  Possibly not actually in love, forced for 7 days, after is not required. 
Banned ⛔
Someone/You just crossed an uncrossable line. Other person is mad. 
Time 🌀
Space-time shenanigans! You can now meet someone you wouldn't be able to other wise. Dead people, future self, past self…  people yet to be born… 
Invasive 💬
You can now read others' minds, you have no control over it. 
Healed ❤
For once, everything feels better. Your mind, your body. Please make the most of it. 
Gift 🎁
You find a package with a gift. Anon chooses what's inside. 
Fusion 💞
You just fused with someone you never wanted to. Maybe you hate them, maybe you just don't want to show your feelings... Who knows?
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tryvyalsynnes · 4 years
About fandom hate and hate in general: this blog has ZERO TOLERANCE for hate and abuse, all kinds of abuse, including abuse ‘for a good reason’.
Abuse is never ok. Having a ‘good reason’ for abuse does not make it ok. Racism, sexism, ablelism, and all the other isms, are not ok. Neither is posting callouts, hate posts, vagueblogging, pming hate, sending anonymous hate, creating or supporting harassment blogs, and blog policing. These behaviors are also not ok.
Please curate your experience and unfollow or block content and content creators who blog art or writing you don’t like.
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metamorphmagically · 5 years
About me
I’ve been meaning to make this post for a long time because I felt like I needed to explain something about me, and I’m surprised no one has ever commented or asked me about it. (not that it’s bad, I just expected people to comment/ask about it since that’s hows it been going my entire life) That being said, a huge thank you to @jenlizrose for pushing me over (my own anxiety filled) edge. 
I was born with what is called a cleft palate and a cleft lip. Let me get into more detail to what this exactly means. A cleft lip and cleft palate, also known as an orofacial cleft, is a group of conditions that include: 
a cleft lip (CL),
a cleft palate (CP),
and both together (CLP). 
A cleft lip (CL) contains an opening in the upper lip that may extend to the nose, which in my case, it does. The opening may be on one side, both sides, or in the middle.  A cleft palate (CP) is when the roof of the mouth contains an opening into the nose. I was born with both (CLP). These disorders can result in feeding problems, speech problems, hearing problems, and frequent ear infections. The treatment for children with CL, CP or CLP is surgery, speech therapy, and dental care. I’ve had all three options done. In total, I’ve had about seven surgeries (we’re not entirely sure, but I and my mother can remember at least seven)  in the course of twelve years. The condition was formerly known as a "hare-lip" because of its resemblance to a hare or rabbit, but that term is now generally considered to be offensive. I was severely bullied with my condition. I got called ugly, hare-lip, hare-lip kid, hare-lip boy, people told me my face and smile were ugly. The bullying lasted for so long and was so intense that I couldn’t smile or take pictures. I was afraid of smiling and the sight of a camera made me extremely nervous and anxious. Public speaking was not my thing, because I was scared people would only focus on my lip and nose, and not to what I was talking about. The bullying lasted for seven years. It started when I was around five or six years old, and it stopped in freshman year of high school when I was thirteen, although the teasing and name calling still occurs from time to time. I’ve grown immensely since the severe bullying stopped, and am now able to take pictures and record myself (as you guys can see on my blog, duh xd). But it will always remain something I’ll be self-conscious about. Sometimes I’m not bothered at all, but the next I’m able to literally tell myself I’m ugly and gross when looking at pictures of myself. Singing in the nearby presence of people, as well as the recording and posting of me singing, is also still an issue for me, but with time, it’ll get better.  If things are still a bit unclear, or if you just would like to look up more info, I’ll put some links down so you can check those out. Be warned though, some of the links will contain slightly disturbing/gore-y pictures of how a cleft palate exactly looks like.  Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 If you’ve got any questions about this and want to ask them personally. Please do not be afraid of asking them. I welcome questions and anything of that sort with open arms. If you’ve made it this far, thank you so much for caring xo. 
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justalineofcode · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Clutter Dimension Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Puzzle Anon (Clutter Dimension), Emmo (Clutter Dimension) Additional Tags: References to Abuse Series: Part 1 of Emmo Deserves Better Summary:
“I really wish that you had died, you know.”
“I’m sorry…” His voice was hesitant, and impossibly small. “I can't— I can’t expect you to forgive me. Not now. Not… Ever.”
Emmo has a short talk with their creator. Surprisingly, they don’t hit him this time.
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gothic-goober · 4 years
What happens if I pet your head?
Peter: nothing really happens and plus I love having my Head pet but I might purr.
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alvin, simon and theodore invented memes back in 2007 when they drew on dave’s graphics and you can’t prove me otherwise
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simshaedy · 3 years
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The Morikawa’s first residence, Raine feeling the Autumn chill on her morning walk brrr 🍁 Tags: . . . . . . #ts4 #thesims4 #sims4 #gameplay #simstagram #ts4gameplay #thesims #simscommunity #simstories #instasims #casualgameplay #notrp #thesims3 #thesims3gameplay #casualgaming #sims3gameplay https://www.instagram.com/p/CKO4YoODwGX/?igshid=d7lal4lubwrx
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zipdumpster · 4 years
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beetlejuice stickers!!! feel free to download, print and stick them everywhere
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divinerxeclipsed · 4 years
palizinhas replied to your post:
In all fairness in KH3 Xemnas does say that he used to trust Axel to "deal" with traitors
I don’t really think that can be taken at face value though based just generally on how Xemnas treats the Organization members on the whole. He also spends a lot of time calling them his “friends” to their faces while manipulating and using them behind their backs. The context is important, and the context of Xemnas saying that is that he’s trying to taunt and hurt Lea while he has Lea at his mercy.
To me that scene comes across as Xemnas twisting the situations where Axel was working for Saix (C.O.) and when he forced Axel to go after his friends (neither of whom he was able to kill) into something he was doing for Xemnas personally. Xemnas doesn’t like his potential vessels having individuality or motives that don’t have to do with him, so the best way to hurt Lea is to turn things done for his friends into something done actually in service to Xemnas. It remains a fact that the only people Axel actually personally killed were Vexen and Zexion, both of whom Xemnas wanted alive.
EDIT:  @organizationhimself has also just reminded me that Xemnas said that right in front of Sora, so he was probably the actual target of that comment. Xemnas wanted Lea to feel completely alone at that moment and abandoned and betrayed by his friends, so making Sora also reject Lea by making him look bad in Sora’s eyes serves that goal.
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