#not successfully
rockingrobin69 · 2 years
Baking Mistakes
To my beloved, most wonderful @getawayfox, with all the love. Happy birthday! 
“Oh no.” Harry could only blink for a long, long moment, before rushing right back into, “Oh no, oh no, Padfoot! Moony! Someone! Help!”
Fuck. Smoke rose, terrifyingly thick tendrils, and was that actual fire in the oven or did he finally lose it? because he might as well have. Lost it. Entirely. School just ended, he was meant to be an adult now, and…
“What is it?” Remus’s voice thundered into the kitchen, only seconds before the man himself. “Sugar beans, Harry, what the—”
“—Fuck have you done!” Sirius wasn’t too far behind. “Mate, you’re burning your pie!”
“You don’t say!” Harry’s screech reached a new, hysterical height. “What do I do? How can I save it?”
“Save it? We need to save the kitchen, you wretched little—”
“Padfoot.” Remus held out his wand, although he did spare a second to rolling his eyes. “With me, on three, everybody. One, two, Aguamenti!”
“You said on three!” Harry exclaimed, same time as Sirius shouted, “You never said what spell!”
“The oven is on fire,” Remus grumbled, a thin but determined spray of water extinguishing the flames. “One would think Aguamenti is—”
“But isn’t this—how’d you call it, eclectic or something?” Sirius cut him off. Harry was too busy pulling his own hair to listen to the reply (“of course not, you absolute goon, this is blah blah blah”).
It was all a colossal waste of time, and Harry couldn’t afford it. “What do I do?” he asked, voice thick with tears. “I need… it’s… I have to make, I mean, the cake was supposed to…”
“Oh,” Sirius said, face going suddenly serious. “Of course. June fourth. Should’ve known.”
“Right,” Remus was giving him a look, that look, and if there was one thing they had absolutely no time for… “Of course, the Malfoy boy. I mean, Draco.”
“D’you think he likes—what’s this meant to be, ash pie?”
“You’re so bloody funny,” Harry murmured, rubbing his eyes hard enough he was seeing stars. “Hilarious. Top comedy. Will you get your fluffing act together now and just tell me what to do?”
“Honestly?” one large hand landed on his shoulder with a thud. “Harry, love. Go to a bleeding bakery. Nothing good’ll come out of this mess.”
“But. But it needs to be… shit.”
He looked up just in time to see his godparents exchange a look. Remus was nodding, and Sirius sighed. “All right, all right. Vanish all of this, and we’ll make something together. When’s he coming over?”
“Erm, six.”
“Right, so that gives us… wait, what? Harry, that’s in twenty minutes!”
“Better work fast then?” he smiled, miserable.
“Buddy, you know we love you, but…”
“Please, please!” Harry was not above begging. “I see how quickly you two get ready in the morning, and you share a bathroom. With your skincare routine and your hair magic, you two have to be the fastest humans alive.”
They both laughed. “Not exactly human, dear godson.”
“If you can doggie style a cake for me—”
“No. Please don’t say that. Never say anything like that ever again.” Sirius was still shivering when he reached him. “Harry, there’s no shame in store-bought. Baking isn’t for everybody.”
“But Draco’s so good at it,” Harry whimpered. “At bloody everything. And I just wanted—never mind. It’s stupid. I’m never going to be… It’s stupid.”
They exchanged another glance, and now both were sighing. “All right, new plan. Moons, you’re watching the door. Harry, you and I are going to make my cousin’s famous no-bake-cake, and we should cut it in… just about. Come on, chop-chop. Remus, love? Don’t let him come in here before ten past, minimum.”
“I’m sure I can stand ten minutes of his fishing for NEWT scores.” Remus made a face, as though he didn’t love what a swot Draco was, didn’t actually prefer him to Harry. Some family, this was. Harry looked at them both, teary-eyed, with gratefulness this time.
“What are you waiting for? Get me the scales. And flour. And Harry… next time you set the kitchen on fire, we’re going to have a very serious talk.”
Harry nodded, a bit choked. “Thank you. Yes. Thank you.”
It wasn’t the best cake he’s ever made, but it was more than enough. Draco was happy, Sirius was happy, Remus was happy, and Harry didn’t burn anything else for the rest of the day. Success, in his book.
Oh, the oven? Yeah, it short-circuited soon afterwards. To be fair, all three residents were too scared to approach it. Good thing Draco will be taking all these muggle-studies courses in uni next year, because the Black-Lupin-Potter household sort of held him responsible for what happened. And counted on him, too.
Families. What can you do.
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ohbother2 · 4 months
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Vox wishes he had what Alastor and Lucifer have
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someonestrawberry · 2 months
saw I trap: hey girlie! this guy is dead. but he has a key in his tummy!! could you get it out to save yourself??
saw traps II and up: preform brain surgery on yourself then eat your own arm then watch your wife be brutally murdered then melt all your skin off with this acid then kill 7 innocent bystanders. you have 45 seconds. now you'll think twice about taking antidepressants.
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nullcasting · 5 months
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actually i need everyone on here to see this too
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maxgicalgirl · 3 months
Being a “Fun Fact !” kind of autistic is all fun and games until you get halfway through sharing an interesting tidbit and realize that it probably wasn’t appropriate to share in polite company and now you have to deal with the consequences :(
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franeridart · 6 months
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more op silliness
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spookberry · 9 months
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"i kissed a girl once when i was 12" is kind of a losing response anyways
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ao3commentoftheday · 7 months
Do you have any advice and how to write a long fic?
I'll encourage long fic writers to add on in the notes, but as someone who tends to prefer short and medium-length fic, I'll tell you how I go about it.
Get a premise that you just absolutely love. You're going to be writing this thing for months, if not longer, so you want it to be something you're willing to spend a lot of time thinking about.
Embrace subplots. You'll have your main plotline that you want to see through from beginning to end, but you can also weave in some subplots here or there. The way I do this so that I don't get lost down a rabbit hole is that I always make sure that every chapter has at least 1 thing that moves the main plot forward and then if I want to spend 1-2K with some side characters doing something fun I can do that as well. Subplots can extend for the length of the full narrative, but they can also just last a chapter or three. If you're used to writing short fic, these might give you that familiar feeling of "completion"
A chapter is only as long as it needs to be. Don't get hung up on having a consistent chapter length. Don't get hung up on hitting some arbitrary number every time. Instead, figure out what the next part of your story needs to include and write however many words it takes to get that chunk across. Varying your chapter lengths is a normal thing to do and not something to stress about.
The next thing that I find important personally may or may not be relevant to you, but I find that I can't plot anything in much detail. If I get too into the nitty gritty with my plotting, it just feels like I've already written it. I need to keep it at the level of "And then A and B meet C and hijinks ensue." I can figure out the particular hijinks later. It's the characters meeting up that's the next important thing for me to figure out. Getting too far ahead of myself is a death knell for me in writing long fics, but there are other writers who swear by it. Test out different ways of approaching it and see what works for you.
As someone who tends to write more briefly, another feature that's common to longer fics is more extensive descriptions. People spend time painting visual pictures of the setting or the characters or the actions that are happening. Write the more bare-bones style that focuses more on dialogue (if you're like me) and then go back and read through what you've just written and see if there are opportunities to add in more detail. This can lead to some really interesting characterization choices and also help you out with worldbuilding.
When it comes to worldbuilding, you don't have to get it all on the page. You just need to share what's relevant for the reader in that moment and what is useful to lay out now so that it's already there in a future chapter. You can have an encyclopedic knowledge of how your world works in your head, but it's not actually necessary. No one is going to be quizzing you later - and if they do, you can always figure it out at that point.
Most important for me when I'm trying to get myself to the end of a longer fic, have a friend or a group of friends who are also into what you're writing - or at least willing to hear you get excited about it. Being able to get excited about your work is so important. It's like a bottle of water being handed to you on mile 10 of a marathon.
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vainvaiheart · 6 months
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behind every sandy man is a woman rooting for his downfall
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iphigeniacomplex · 6 months
it’s very easy to tell the good satires and pastiches from the bad ones because the bad ones are too afraid to live within the form. like if you are doing work with fairy tales and you are refusing to look closer at the underlying logic and unspoken rules of what can seem at first to be a senseless form, you are not going to create meaningful work. to borrow a turn of phrase originally used by maria tatar, if you refuse to enter “the house of fairy tale” as anything more than a gawking tourist, you will miss the particular order to the way the table is set, the rooms that are locked vs the rooms that are simply difficult to enter, the set of the floorboards and the position of the furniture. whatever you build will then be a gilded imitation of how you believe the house of fairy tale ought to look, the table set according to your educated specifications and every door open. there can be no interrogation of themes from a writer who views the form as beneath them!
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Low key love my dnd party
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ruushes · 2 months
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artisanal hand-crafted durge memes
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bliss-in-the-void · 8 months
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Good morning
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starlightseraph · 2 months
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“Everybody Lies” (2004) // “Everybody Dies” (2012)
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elleniemae · 2 months
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“OH! Leave everyone at the top of a mountain, and see who makes it back to the bottom alive! Ohoho… classic!”
I’m so normal about this line in ASiaS… so normal
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disformer · 9 months
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Lateral Affirmation
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