#no pressure at all to answer of course <3
mirrorthoughts · 3 days
WIP Wednesday
I just realized it's Wednesday :D
I already did share this on the Always the Alpha Discord server, but I really like it and, well xD have fun with it :3
no-pressure tagging a couple of my lovely mutuals bc I can XD
@dear-massacre, @lavender-lotion, @midmorning-bomb, @aurevell,
@tkwritesdumbassassins, @whimsicalmeerkat
This is a snippet of what I'm writing for Steter week btw ;D
Peter looked at Stiles when he didn't answer immediately. He could see the hesitation in Stiles' face and felt something twist in his stomach. Peter hadn't changed his number in years. If Stiles didn't have his number anymore, it hadn't been Peter's choices that had lead to it.
This time he didn't wait for Stiles to speak, taking back his phone and pulling out one of his business cards with his other hand in the same movement. "Here. In case you lost it somehow." he said, hiding again behind a saccharine smile. "Though that would explain why you never texted me again after leaving Beacon Hills."
Stiles couldn't help the flinch just as frustration started to bubble up in his chest. It was obvious that Peter had been hurt by the silence, but communication always went both ways and it wasn't as if Peter had texted him either!
He took the card from Peter's hand, maybe a bit too forcefully, but the satisfied glint he could see in Peter's eyes and the way the wolf's lips twitched from mask into honest smirk, was aggravating.
"It's not like you tried to keep contact either, Creeperwolf!" he returned sharply, narrowing his eyes. He definitely wouldn't shoulder the blame alone! "I had the same number for years and you never used it. And since you didn't I didn't think you'd care to get my new one. Or I'd have told Derek to give it to you!"
"Since you just vanished on me without even a good bye - or a text - I didn't think any messages outside of our usual business relations would be welcome!" Peter snapped back, his face almost turning into a snarl.
"Neither did I! We never were that close after all!" Stiles couldn't keep the exasperation out of his voice. He wouldn't let Peter put all the blame on him! He wasn't the only one to blame here! "All we did was researching together and while I had a lot of fun with that, we never really saw each other outside of our research sessions or you being there when I visited Derek or Cora!"
"Oh, of course! Meeting each other outside of pack related situations would have been so easy, right!" Peter snarled back, teeth pressed tightly together. "A cup of coffee after a research session, maybe? Oh, how could I forget you would always either immediately leave or join the rest of the pack in the living room! And when you were visiting - correct me if I'm wrong - you usually ignored me, no matter if I was in another room or on the sofa with you and my niblings!"
"Of COURSE I ignored you! The only thing you did was rile up Derek and lament about your home being teenage central! Why would I think you, a man then more than double my age, would want to hang out with me - a teenager - without you telling me you wanted to?! Nevermind that after the research sessions-"
"I never had the CHANCE to ask you to stay because you LEFT ME BEHIND!"
Stiles stared at Peter, completely blindsided by the wolf's outburst. The sudden silence sounded loud in his ears as he tried to grapple with what he'd just heard. Peter himself seemed just as blindsided and then a look of panic crossed his face when Stiles opened his mouth. "I did-" "Nevermind."
Peter's face closed off as he turned around and Stiles felt a stab of his own panic rushing through him, as he stepped around the counter. For some reason it felt as if Peter would be gone for good, if he didn't act right now. "Oh no. Nonononono. Talk to me, Peter. C'mon, look me in the eyes and repeat that." He reached out for Peter's arm as he followed the wolf towards the shop's entrance, but Peter dodged him easily. "Don't act like you care," Peter hissed, his voice laced with something Stiles couldn't identify.
"I'm not nice enough to care, Peter." Stiles hissed back and flicked his fingers. The shop's door locked with an audible click and that was finally enough to bring Peter to a halt. Almost. Stiles took a fast step back when Peter wheeled around, eyes blazing blue, a growl vibrating between them, but Stiles didn't intend to let the man hurt him. He wasn't afraid of Peter, hadn't been for a while now, and for some reason he was sure that the wolf wouldn't hurt him. No matter what kind of aggressive display he was showing here. Well then. Time to get the to the bottom of this.
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comrade-cabbage · 2 years
the lovely @vidibit tagged me to fill out this fun questionnaire! thank ya so much for the tag <3
Name: y'all can call me Cab, short for Cabbage! 💖🥬
Sign: Libra
Height: 6'2"
Time: as of answering this question specifically 11:52am
Birthday: October 16th
Favorite bands/artists: Florence and the Machine is my all time favorite and magnitudes above everyone else, but other favs include: Mitski, Carly Rae Jepsen, Rina Sawayama (SO excited for the new album, truly this year is the best year for my music tastes), and Stevie Nicks!
Last movie: Sailor Moon Eternal, the sailor moon crystal movie!
Last show: I honestly cannot remember anything after I watched the first two seasons of the chilling adventures of sabrina (the second season had just came out)
When I created this blog: Late 2014, I got it in junior year of high school!
What I post: normally i just reblog joke posts but I've increasingly upped my art content on here i noticed the other day
Last thing I googled: "questionaire" so google would correct me so I knew how to spell it 100% correctly (see top of post for why i needed that word)
Other blogs: none really, I have a dead aesthetic blog i made in like 2015 and stopped posting to in 2016 and a blog that's just my old url in case i wanted to switch back after becoming comrade-cabbage
Do I get asks?: not a ton, but not zero! in these last few months i've gotten more than i ever did, but very few anons (that are actually a mystery to me who sent em) and most asks are responding to "submit X to me to tell me whatcha feel or to ask a question!" prompts
Following: 688, but I regularly go unfollow inactive blogs so it's only really people who are around!
Followers: 2,232 (which is funny cause i vividly remember in 2016 one of my friends describing her friend's blog as "about to reach their next thousand!" in response to them having like, 1,900 and my mind was BLOWN about how many followers that was and now im completely ambivalent towards that number now that i have it lmao)
Average hours of sleep: tom im blocking you for this questions >:(, but averaging 4-5 hours lately! very much an issue ive almost had for a year now....
Instruments: I played trumpet in high school and i very much hated every moment of it. it was loud and i was anxious and truly did not fit in at all with the section, i very much made a mistake lmao
What I’m wearing: my dark grey n64 tshirt, dark blue pajama pants, and my lil hand brace :3, very much not doing much today and did not dress up lmao
Dream job: i'm hoping to one day work at a library as a librarian!
Dream trip: absolutely going to visit all my best friend's cities and then showing them the pics i took while i was there and delighting them being confused why i didnt tell them i was in town!
Nationality: american.
Favorite songs: currently: "Hold The Girl" by Rina Sawayama, "Daffodil" by Forence and the Machine (song of the year and maybe my life), and "Alien Superstar" by Beyonce :3
Last book I read: i reread my favorite book, "The Awakening" by Kate Chopin!
as for who i'd love to tag: @forxstboyfriend, @skiingcows, @penismage, @toxic-kombucha, @themissingaddams, @dizzolving, and @antacidsnakethe2nd!
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coffeecatcraze · 3 months
I would just like to say how hard it hits me in the chest to see Charlie masking every time she's onscreen the day before the fight (including what we see on Vox's spy screens of course), except when no one is with her but Vaggie. Even during her emotional speech she tries so damn hard to keep that confidence up and smile on. But we do see her stop masking twice, when the only person watching her is Vaggie.
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No one's really paying attention to her, and she's not smiling; she's worried. When Vaggie approaches her, she doesn't put on a happy face. She talks about her mom with the same smile as in the first episode (during a very emotionally vulnerable moment with Vaggie, might I add). It's not happy or confident. It's nostalgic, wistful, and sad, because her mom's absence is something very personal and painful for her. When Vaggie asks if they're ready, Charlie doesn't instantly start to smile or answer with confidence even though she usually would (even within that short beat of time), because her mask is off. She's not confident or optimistic. She's scared. She's not ready.
Then Pentious comes out and she's all smiles again! The mask comes back on when someone other than Vaggie is there.
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Of course, one of our favorite scenes. Charlie's alone when she breaks down, but when Vaggie shows up, she keeps the mask off. She admits how scared she is. When she does smile, it's not the big smile she's been throwing on throughout the day, and it's not strained either. It's soft, gentle, and real. She's not masking. Vaggie is genuinely making her feel better when she's finally letting herself fall apart, just by being there and reminding her that no matter what happens, she's already accomplished so much, and she's so loved.
Charlie is under a lot of stress and pressure. She's scared. She's not as optimistic as she's making herself out to be. She's giving everything she's got out there being a strong, confident, inspirational leader and friend in front of everyone, and it's only with Vaggie that she lets it go. She doesn't have to try to be strong. She doesn't pretend. She lets down her guard, because for her, Vaggie is that one infinitely special person who gets to see every part of her; the one person she can always be her honest self with.
There were plenty of times in other episodes when Charlie didn't mask her negative emotions around people, but that was when she didn't have anyone looking to her as a leader. She's running on adrenaline and the weight of people's expectations as Extermination Day gets closer, and she can't let the mask she's put on slip in public. She has to seem like she's totally ready for what's coming. But Vaggie is different.
The amount of trust and love Charlie has for her is staggering. She's under an insane amount of stress and pressure, and having Vaggie by her side is probably the only thing keeping her from completely falling to pieces. Seeing a relationship so full of deep trust and love is absolutely beautiful. <3
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taintedcigs · 4 months
thigh-riding with steve. bc i can’t stop thinking about him and he’s the cutest and i luv him okay bye <3
warnings: thigh riding. dom!steve kinda? kinda degrading, kinda praises, nicknames and allll that <3
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you hated, scratch that, loathed, when steve had to work over hours. strapped to his desk, head not even getting up from whatever paper work he had that week.
especially, when you were this desperate and horny, just needing a sweet release, needing his cock inside of you, stretching you out fully. yet, he barely paid any attention to you, all you got from him was yes and no answers and a few grunts, making you huff.
so when you begged him to let you ride his thigh while he was doing his work, you never expected a yes, and a low groan of “c’mere.” as he pulls you omto his lap, and you’re quick to straddle his thigh.
“you’re being the biggest fuckin’ brat right now, sweetheart, and i’m not in the mood, so get yourself off and shut up, yea?” you nod swiftly, and your hands are quick to wrap around the nape of his hair, your head lulling to the croon of his neck while you quietly grind yourself on his thigh, whimpers muffled as he doesn’t pay any mind to you.
and of course you’re not wearing any panties under your thight skirt, just to get him riled up more, and he can feel your wetness soaking his sweatpants, making him let out quiet grunts. he tries to ignore it, but his cock stirs at how desperate and pathetic your mewls are, and how good you look straddling his thigh, your warmth covering him.
his cock aches in his boxers, and he knows he can’t focus any longer because you’re so fucking perfect like this and judging by the way you keep slowing down he knows you can’t even get yourself off without him.
“look at you,” he coos, his rough hands wrapping around you, “poor baby… can’t even get yourself off, can you?” he mocks with a slight huff, and you’re quick to nod, doe-eyed gaze begging for more from him.
“you need me to make you cum, isn’t that right?” he hums, pushing his leg up into you as you’re quick to clench around his thick thighs.
with a bruising hold on your hips, he guides you back and forth, his knee jerking up in rhythm to create the perfect amount of friction and pressure on your clit that has you pathetically whining for him.
the quiet “stevie!” that leaves your lips making him moan, bulge pressing tighter against his uncomfortable boxers. he knows you’re close, and he wants nothing more than to give his pretty girl what she wants, what she needs.
“you gonna cum for me honey, hmm?” he grunts, pressing his knee harder into you, making you cry out as you nod frantically. “jesus fuckin’ christ, look at you, cryin’ out, fuckin’ my thigh… such a desperate slut for me aren’t ya, baby?” his smirk grows wider, cockier.
“p—please stevie,” is all you can manage to let out, tear-streaked eyes begging for some release, making him pout.
“go ahead, honey. cum for me. make a mess on my thighs,” he growls into your ear, leaving wet kisses all over the shell of your neck, his flexed thigh rubbing more and more into your clit, and that sweet, sweet spot, making you let out a loud moan of his mame.
pleasure washes over you so quickly that your body feels limb, back arching, and your cunt pulsates around his leg, making a mess on his thigh, all filthy and making him proud.
“such a good girl f’me, now lay down on the desk and let me clean you up, honey.”
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ddejavvu · 1 year
imagine reader always trying to make hotch flustered for the fun of it and then one day she is losing a lot of blood and hotch asks her what her type is and she answers with "you" nsjsja (also pre relationship)
(also also I loveeee everything you write for hotch it's always so good !!! and I actually cannot get enough🤭)
MWAH thank you!!! you're so sweet <3
You've been told that your comedic side comes out at the wrong times. You're a natural tease, your tongue moving faster than your head to razz whoever you're speaking to. Typically, it all blends together; it's just normal. But with Hotch? He's different.
He's different because he tries not to laugh at your jokes. He tries to keep his composure, thinks that maybe if he just ties his tie tighter that morning, it'll hold his face in a frown and a smile won't be able to escape. No matter how hard he tries to resist amusement, though, you know he feels it.
Perhaps that's why you're so harsh on him. Why you steal a seat next to him on the jet just to peer over his shoulder, asking if he's texting a hot date. Why you knock feet with him under the table, gasping dramatically and asking him if he's trying to play footsie with you. He acts tired of it, sighs and scoffs and grumbles but his cheeks go red every time, and you take it as a win.
What's less of a win is the bullet in your shoulder. It's hard to think about much else now, just the searing pain above your arm that makes you want to chop the limb off completely.
Your knees give out and you crumple to the concrete beneath you while your team moves in. Derek handles the arrest, JJ and Reid keep their weapons trained on the unsub just in case, and Hotch darts to your side.
"Hey," He huffs, tugging your knees out from under you so that you're sitting on the ground, leaning against the wall behind you, "Hey, keep your eyes open, okay? We can fix this, this isn't-" He presses his hand into your wound and you wince, "This isn't as bad as it could be."
"Yeah," You rasp, peering down at your red-stained shirt, "'Coulda been wearing my favorite top."
"Head back," Hotch commands, pointedly ignoring your attempt at a joke, "You're loosing blood fast. What's your type?"
Your head feels fuzzy, but you're not far gone enough to miss that opportunity. You muster a sleazy smile, blinking hazily at him, "Mm, you, boss."
"Shut-!" Hotch scoffs, almost a snort, scrunching his face in a poorly-withheld grin and knocking it against your good shoulder. He takes a moment to laugh, and you're sure the adrenaline coursing through his veins is the only reason you're getting such an open reaction from him.
"Shut up," He musters, a weak smile on his face as he lifts his head again, maintaining steady pressure on your wound, "You can't take anything seriously. You just got shot."
"With Cupid's arrow," You gush, and if you had the strength to lift your arm, you'd cup Aaron's cheek, "Thank you for saving me my sweet prince."
"Don't ever call me that again," Hotch lets out a sound that's somewhere between a groan and a laugh, "Careful, L/N, the medics aren't here yet. If you keep teasing me I might take you down."
"Do it!" You beg, your own laugh wheezy and weak as you manage to grab hold of his tie, "Please, sir, take me!"
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peachypinkygloss · 10 months
✨congrats on 2k✨
Can you write a drabble where virgin reader and JK shower together for the first time? He doesn’t pressure her into anything but she wants to do something with him in the shower iykwim (oral, handy I’ll leave the decision up to you). And he kinda guides her through it? it’s fluffy and smutty; so smuffy ahah. Basically no penetration but a lot of lips and a lot of touching! Thanks loves! Your writing adds some spoice to my life. <3
thank you a lot!! 🫶🏻
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You and your boyfriend have fun in the shower.
pairing: bf!jungkook x virgin!reader
genre: established relationship, smut
warnings: jk's in love, shower sex, handjob, lots of cum 🤭, 700 words.
This is part of my 2k milestone celebration! Here is the post for the drabble game! 🤍 (requests are closed!!)
♡・2k celebration masterlist・♡
A shower with Jungkook is definitely not a good idea when you're trying to keep your sanity. It's also the best idea ever. Yes, it's the worst and best idea at the same time, no in-between.
You can't keep your hands for yourself when you have him in front of you totally naked. A body crafted by Apollo, a soul created by Aphrodite. He's the most beautiful both on the inside and outside.
You sometimes think that you don't deserve him, but he's always there to remind you how much he loves you and cares for you.
"Are you sure, angel?" Jungkook questions between sloppy kisses, his hands roaming over your waist, down to your ass.
You moan in his mouth when he gropes your flesh, his skin having direct contact with yours. Your arms hang around his large shoulders, impatient hands pulling on the hair at the nape of his neck.
Jungkook backs away, stopping the kisses to look at you. He wants a clear answer.
You bite down on your lip, a fire burning in your stomach as you think about everything that could happen. Even though you want your first time to be with him, you want it to be more special and safer than in a shower.
But you still want to do something. You really want to.
You feel his hard cock poking your belly and it only amplifies your desire for Jungkook. You want to ease his pain, make this shower a bit steamier and hotter.
"Yeah," you respond in a quiet voice, glimpsing down at his dick. It twitches, and you just know you have to do something about it. "Can I just...?" You don't finish your question, but your hand tentatively hovers over his cock, not sure if you can touch it, and Jungkook understands what you want.
"Want to touch it?" He whispers and this simple phrase makes butterflies erupt in your stomach. You nod shyly in response. "Let me show you then," he softly proposes.
He takes your hand and wraps it around his cock. It's so stiff under your fingers and a bit wet, of course. You really like the texture.
"Don't squeeze too much. It's perfect like this," he explains and you nod again, listening carefully. "Now just move your hand up and down. No need to go fast, we have all the time we need."
You start doing what he told you to, going slow with his hand still over yours. You hear him hissing, but when you look up at his face there's no sign of pain.
He seems to enjoy it, which makes you really proud and turns you on a lot. He eventually lets go of your hand, his eyes focused on your palm moving around his hard cock.
"You're such a good girl," he rasps out, absolutely liking the feeling of your soft skin stroking his wet cock. "Ah, shit," he curses under his breath, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip. His eyebrows are frowned, giving him this adorable concentrated look.
"Does it feel good?" You ask, genuinely curious if it is with all the grunts he lets out.
Jungkook chuckles, finding your innocence so cute — too cute for your own good. "Yes, angel, it does..." He replies, feeling himself getting closer to his orgasm. "You make me so fucking hard, you know. It's hard to not- fuck, to not cum straight away in your hand," he confesses and you feel your face heating up at that.
You continue, keeping the same regular pace. Your palm seems to do wonders because his cock twitches and he ejaculates all over your hand. You gape, stopping your movements.
His cum drips down on your hand, little beads spilling out of his tip when you squeeze slightly. You look at his cock in awe, even more turned on if it's possible at this point.
"Oh, god, baby," Jungkook breathes out, his voice a bit whiny. This was probably the best handjob he ever received. You might not be experienced, but just the fact it was you, made things so incredible. "I fucking love you."
He cups your face, kissing you feverishly and sloppily, so happy with what just happened.
"I love you too," you say back, smiling shyly, really proud of yourself.
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moonstruckme · 8 months
Hi Mae!! I saw that you were interested in writing for spencer and I’d love to request something for him! Maybe something with bau!reader and spencer have been secretly dating and he slips in front of the team and calls her a pet name or something and the team is just like :o bc they didn’t think spencer would have it in him to go after her!
Yes he's my babygirl! Thanks so much for requesting sweetheart <3
Spencer Reid x bau!reader ♡ 533 words
There’s a little extra bounce in your step as you come through the doors this morning, your ponytail swinging behind you and a giant tupperware container in your hands. 
“Good morning,” Morgan says, interest piqued. “What’ve you got there?”
You beam. Spencer’s day is instantly better. “Cupcakes!” You set the container down on the table, removing the lid. “I made chocolate and strawberry.” 
Garcia squeals, lunging for them. “I’ve told you you’re my favorite, right? Because you are.” 
Morgan turns to her with an indignant look, but Garcia only takes a bite of her strawberry cupcake, holding it up as if to say What do you want me to do?
You’re practically glowing, your smile bashful but poorly contained as a faint flush spreads across your face. You look adorable, so clearly elated at brightening everyone’s morning, and Spencer can’t help but smile with you. He reaches into the container. 
“Hey,” he says, “why are only some of the chocolate ones frosted?” 
Your blush worsens. “Oh, um. I know you don’t like frosting, and chocolate’s usually your favorite, so…”
An invisible hand grips his heart and squeezes. Or no, he knows what this is. His hypothalamus is releasing dopamine, causing his blood vessels to constrict. It’s improving his focus and spiking his blood pressure, and making him feel all warm and happy. It’s probably also why he wants to hug you so badly. 
“It is. Thanks, honey,” he says, nearly breathless. 
Your eyes widen, and though your smile doesn’t go away, it becomes tinged by shyness. “Spence,” you whisper, but it’s only when Emily clears her throat that he realizes what he’s done. 
He turns, unfrosted chocolate cupcake in hand, to find Garcia gaping at him and Morgan and JJ looking like he’s just made their day. Hotch and Rossi, of course, appear completely unphased. 
“Well look at you, pretty boy.” Morgan grins approvingly, eyebrows raised. “I didn’t think you had it in you. How long has this been going on?”
Garcia makes a flustered squawking sound. “I’m sorry, you knew?” She slaps Morgan’s arm. “How could you not tell me?”
“I didn’t know for sure, shortcake,” Morgan replies placatingly. “Honestly, I didn’t think Reid would ever work up the guts to go after her.” 
“Hey,” Spencer says, and he sees you giving Morgan a chastising look in his periphery. Never mind that you’d asked him out. You’d only beat him to it. 
“It’s only been a couple of weeks,” you say, answering Morgan’s first question and pointedly declining to comment on the rest. 
“I can’t believe it!” Garcia gushes, fanning her hands about her face. “Look at you lovebirds, all blushy! You’re so cute together.” 
JJ smiles, grabbing a strawberry cupcake and holding it up like she’s toasting with it. “Congratulations, you two.” 
“If you’re all done gossiping,” Rossi says, and you’re already moving for your seat, chastised and eager to vacate the center of attention, “can we start?”
JJ rolls her eyes, going to the front of the room and turning on the screen. Spencer takes a seat beside you, knee bumping into yours amicably. You okay? Your hand finds his under the table, intertwining your fingers and squeezing gently. Perfectly. 
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Meet the parents (Seungcheol x reader)
Seventeen masterlist <3
Meet the parents part 2
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“No, its Shampoo and then washing your body so the shampoo sits in your hair”
You and Cheol, your boyfriend of a 5 months, have been in his apartment, quarrelling about the stupidest thing.
You were both in the kitchen trying to cook something for dinner. Your best and safest bet was pasta and that's exactly what he tried to make. Keyword: TRIED
An abrupt doorbell rang, and you jump.
"Coward" Seungcheol laughs at you as he walks to the door. You stick your tongue out at him.
You heard him open the door. “Mom?”
You run into your room, do a quick fit check, straighten out your clothes and fix your face. Try to make yourself look as presentable as possible in the fraction of a second you got.
You stepped out of cheols room to see his parents walk in the hallway.
Do I look okay? Is my hair tidy enough? Will they let me stay? Should I make an excuse and leave? Im panicking.
All these thoughts come to your head while his parents smile at you. You smile back and wave a little awkward wave.
“This is my girlfriend, y/n”
You were glad he introduced you like that, not that you doubted he wouldn’t, but it felt good to be introduced like that, especially to his parents.
“She’s pretty” the mom says putting her stuff on the couch. You immediately help her with her stuff, taking it off her hands. All you could focus on was to make a good impression.
This is not how you had pictured meeting the parents of the love of your life. Cheol was the best boyfriend youve had and youve even spoken about marriage with each other and it had barely been 5 months. When it’s your soulmate, you just know, and this was exactly that. You’ve seen many relationships go to shit because the girlfriend did not gel with the mother, and you were terrified of the possibility. She seems like a nice lady though.
“Do I look okay?” You whisper to your said love of your life, Choi seungcheol in the kitchen now.
“You look perfect, don’t worry” he whispered back.
“He’s cooking pasta? You will have to get your stomach checked later” his mother jokes walking into the kitchen.
“I’ve been getting better! (Y/n) is teaching me! I can do pasta” Seungcheol whines.
“Poor girl, don’t ruin her stomach” his mom teases. It makes you giggle.
“If water was burnable, he’d burn that too” she says as the conversation moves to the dinner table. His mom dissing him every chance she gets is hilarious to watch.
The pasta he made was finally done and brought to the dining table.
His father engaged in some small talk. You were grateful, you couldn’t stand the awkward silences. He asked you the basics, where do you work, how you like it.
“So, do you live together?” His mom shoots at you without warning.
“Pretty much” cheol answers for you to take the pressure off.
“This new way of living together first before getting married is a good trend, it’s easier to see if you’re compatible, that’s good” she comments on nothing specific. Your face is on fire.
Neither of you knew how to respond to that so the conversation died.
“What do you do?”
“Oh Im an AI researcher at University”
They definitely don’t know what that means so the conversation died for the second time, mostly because you were nervous.
His mom accidentally dropped her fork. The sound echoed in the apartment, it was that quiet.
“Mom wait, let me get your a new fork” cheol oddly insists and rushed to the kitchen.
“Y/n, where are the forks?” You hear his voice from the kitchen. It was his acting voice.
He knows where the forks are.
“I’ll help him” you say sheepishly smiling. You get up and go into the kitchen confused.
“How do you not know where the forks are in your own apartment?” His mom calls out from the dinning table.
He motions you to come over to him with just his hand like he has a secret to tell you.
Of course he knows where the forks are.
“What is it?” You whisper.
“They’re going on a cruise next month, ask them about it” he whispers back.
Your cutiepie, your conversation iron man had come in to rescue you from awkward silences. You peck him cheek and whisper a “thank you” becoming excited and running out front.
“I forgot where I had put them, she seems to know where my stuff is better than I do” cheol comes out behind you and hands his mom a new pair smiling foolishly.
He sure acts well.
After some more pauses, you gather the courage to bring up the cruise.
“Seungcheol had told me sometime ago that you are going on a cruise next month, are you excited?” You try to strike the conversation up again.
You see his mom’s expression change to pure joy. You could see the lady was excited.
“Yes! Its a 2 week cruise to the Mediterranean sea”
“Sounds exciting, have you been on other cruises?”
“Ever since retiring, thats all theyve been doing,” seungcheol adds.
“All for her, I wouldn’t be surprised if she buys a ship and leaves me behind here” his dad chimes in and chuckles.
“Oh sure, I’ll go to this next one with my son then, Im sure he wouldn’t mind” his mom says a little annoyed.
“Don’t drag me into your fights”
“My aunt is in administration for one of the cruises, I can ask her for a discount on your package if you’d like” you say.
is that a bribe? Almost. Who doesn’t like discounts.
Luckily his mom’s eyes lit up.
“Maybe you guys can come with us next time as a family trip”
Family trip.
You never got family. You grew up in a broken home and did not particularly understand the dynamics of a working healthy happy family, like the one you’re seeing infront of you now.
Just imagining to be a part of this family was enough to bring you joy. All you hoped and wished that you would fit in well.
The rest of the night, his parents told us all about their cruise adventures and misadventures.
“How did I do?” You ask nervously, biting your bottom lip as he turns around after closing the door.
The parents had left, it was a good time, a little nerve wracking but a good time overall.
“You’re perfect” he says snaking his arms around your waist pulling you closer. “Im sorry they came in unannounced, if I knew I would’ve asked them not to”
“Are you kidding? They’re your parents, they’re legally allowed to come unannounced, I was just very nervous”
“I really love you, I don’t want your parents to hate me” you couldn’t stand the thought.
“They could never hate you, my love”
You sigh in relief.
“Although… her impression of you might change if you don’t get her that discount now” he teases.
“Oh I will get her that discount alright, even if I have to scale the earth twice”
He giggles at your determination.
Do you want the cruise interaction??? I have a thought starter, I’m so excited
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suntoru · 1 year
playing with genshin men’s hair
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summary: lol setting their silky locks on fire
⤷ feat: diluc ragnvindr, kaeya alberich, xiao, kazuha kaedehara, bbg scaramouche, shikanoin heizou, tighnari, kaveh
a/n: ik i said angst… but i js couldn’t resist 😋 it will be coming soon tho
warnings: fluff, a bit of swearing, maybe some sussies tbh i don’t remember
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─ ✰ DILUC might be reluctant to let you take care of his hair at first, but once he experiences it, he’s addicted. he absolutely loves the feeling of you gently tugging the tie that holds his hair after a long day. it feels as though the burdens that once weighed him down are being set free by you, releasing him from his darkness. the soft smile you give him as you inquire about his day makes the weight of his everyday tasks it all worth it. your fingers work precisely, making sure to never rip out a hair or damage it in any way. he feels like he’s almost in heaven when you massage his scalp and detangle it with the utmost care. he hasn’t experienced such gentleness and care in such a long time, for even a mansion gets lonely without someone to come back to. even though you know he could just ask one of his maids for a professional head massage, it makes your heart melt every time he shyly asks if it would trouble you too much for you to do it.
─ ✰ KAEYA thinks you’re so adorable like this. comfortably seated on his lap, legs loosely straddling him, he thinks he’s in heaven. your eyes crinkle in concentration, lips pursing together as you try your best to make kaeya’s hair look as good as possible. originally, he asked if you could help him to tie his hair in his signature ponytail, but it seems you have veered off course from your original mission. you stick your tongue out and squint as you try and tie kaeya’s pigtails evenly, slightly irritated that a strand was poking out and wasn’t fitting. he’s trying not to laugh at the funny faces you pull, only because you’d pout and sulk in a corner if he mentioned it. kaeya finds it so endearing that you’re trying the best you can to be so gentle, as if you apply too much pressure he’ll break and shatter into a million pieces. he’s studying every small change in your expression, entertaining himself in the midst of your little hairstyling session. when you pull back, much to your delight, kaeya’s even cuter in pigtails then you ever imagined. paired with your pink bows, it’s hard not to squeal over how soft he looks.
─ ✰ XIAO gives you the side eye the second you pull out the bright pink hello kitty hair clips from your bag, instantly dreading his decision to answer your call. not really he’d ditch teatime gossip with babagrill zhongli for u &lt;3 “you want me to do what?” as if the answer wasn’t already obvious 🙄 his cheeks turn just as pink as the hair clips, then he vanishes with a poof, gone as fast as he came. he’s just flustered, don’t worry, he’ll be back any minute! as you silently wait for his return, you secretly spell y/n’s on the back of the clip :) when he gets back, he’s hit with your barrage of attacks, (puppy dog eyes n pouts) and he ends up caving. while you’re clipping the hair out of his face, he refuses to make eye contact with you, eyes burning the floor in embarrassment. you’re really going to be the death of him though, when you start to coo at him. “awww, my cutie patootie pretty baby boy is so gorgeous!” he can’t take it and teleports again but bumps into ganyu and ventitty 💀 embarrassed, he teleports back to you n he refuses to tell you what happened 😞 you try and concentrate on xiao, but you just can when he looks so adorable it’s not your fault :((( the pink kitty clips accentuate his hair n when he pouts it’s just ☹️ what have u created
─ ✰ KAZUHA would never want to inconvenience you in any sort of way, but when you beg him so nicely, it would be meaner of him not to accept… right?? he absolutely relinquishes by the way your face lights up instantly at his yes, a giddy smile you can’t contain spreading across your face. pulling you toward him, he kneels on the ground so you can sit comfortably while doing his hair 🥹 adjusts his head too so you won’t have to strain your arms. (boyfriend material™) he hums the tune of your favourite songs to fill up the peaceful silence that surrounds your room. once you’re done tying his hair, you’re a little bit anxious for his reaction. he’d never judge you, no, but… his ponytail is breaking free in some parts, the hairtie is tangled in his hair, it’s tied too tight at the base, and you’re sure by the time the day ends, his head will be sore. overall, it’s not your best work, and you feel you’ve caused more trouble than help. “y’know kazu… maybe you should just do it yourself!” you reach to untie the scrunchie, but he gently grabs your wrist and assures you that it’s fine, he’ll love it either way. standing up, he smothers your face in kisses, making sure to express his appreciation. “thank you dove, it’s lovely. now let me repay the favour.”
─ ✰ SCARAMOUCHE “what is the point of this? it seems useless.” sprawled lazily across the couch with his head on your lap, oversized hat long forgotten as he stares up into your eyes. he expects to find your true motive, the thought of you betraying him screams inside of his head. but he finds nothing but love and reassurance, no anger or resentment in the window to your soul. in that moment, all his doubts disintegrate as he ever so slightly nuzzles his head further into your legs. nails dragging on his scalp, you gently scratch his head as you read the latest novel you’ve received from a friend. the feeling is warm, intimate, mundane. it’s new, but not rejected, and he finds himself enjoying it more than he’d admit. you appreciate the peaceful moment, but what’s a relationship without a little bit of teasing? “hmm? oh, you don’t like it? i’ll just stop then.” you raise your hand to move it off, but scaramouche’s reflexes are faster. he pushes your hand back onto his head, a slight blush tinting his cheeks. “idiot. i never said to stop.”
─ ✰ HEIZOU loves the attention he gets when you style his hair. both from you, and other people. what’s not to love about it? sure, he sacrifices some of his dignity walking around with elastic bands bunched up in the most randomness places, but can that really be measured to your happiness? the silent giggles and playful smiles you give him while sits patiently for you is absolutely everything. he basks in the fact that while you’re styling him, he’s all you’re focusing on, loving the care you provide for him. he especially loves it when you put headbands on him, the ones with cute designs :((( or when you use a claw clip to really show off that he’s taken, this little bitch gets so smug at the fact that you’re protective of him. even if all the other detectives tell him he looks goofy in it, or the citizens inazuma can’t peel their eyes off of him, he still keeps his head high and carefree personality intact. instead, he just laughs it all off, and takes it as jealousy. he thinks that they wish they had a gorgeous significant other who puts this much effort into him. after all, who cares about other people’s opinions when yours is the one that only really matters?
─ ✰ TIGHNARI is practically obsessed with the feeling of your hands carding through his hair, massaging his sensitive ears after a long day of patrolling. sometimes he gets overstimulated by all the noise, so it’s nice feeling your gentle fingers take away that pain. he talks to you about his latest discoveries and how he’s so close to unlocking the full potential of a certain plant. if you’re not paying close enough attention, you’ll miss the breathy sighs and contented mumbles he’ll make. unlike another fluffy eared boy, he won’t try and resist you if you touch his ears. he won’t explicitly tell you he likes it, but it’s quite obvious given the lack of protests he gives when you ask. you feign ignorance for his sake, just happy that you get to touch possibly the softest ears in all of sumeru :(( if you ask the any of the other rangers, tighnari wouldn’t ever let anyone touch his ears or tail, sassing them if they even tried to ask. but when you do it, you’re welcomed with open arms and endless cuddles. you’re just special 🫠 collei is super jealous
─ ✰ KAVEH certainly is something else. for the entire day, he’s followed you around the akademiya, accompanying you as you make your rounds. as much as you love seeing his pretty face, you’re certain that his motives aren’t that innocent as helping you out. choosing to keep quiet, you just continue on instead of making a big deal out of it. at the end of the day, you thank him for his help as his chest puffs up with pride. however, when you turn around to leave, his jaw drops. seriously? not even a thank you kiss or hug? not even the thing he wanted the most out of all? as you collect all of your things to leave, he starts to panic. “b-but y/n, aren’t you forgetting something?” he stutters. “oh, you’re right! thank you for reminding me!” you exclaim as he sighs in relief. he closes his eyes for a glorious head pat, but is instead disturbed of his bliss from the sound of your keys jingling. he visibly deflates, giving up on trying to receive your affection. “i’ll be off now. thank you kaveh!” patting his head and giving a peck to his cheek, you run off so you’ll get home before it turns dark. doing so, you miss seeing his previous downcast expression morphs into a lovesick everlasting smile.
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©hawkssimpsblog 2023.
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in-another-april · 2 months
hey carmen!!
i love your writing so so much:(( the way you characterize Spencer is so sweetie pie:((
Do you mind giving us some sweetie pie spencer bestie to lover content!! this is a suuperr niche request so no pressure obvie!!
i love love this request thank u so much!!! let me know if you want me to change anything, i hope u enjoy <3
Before you get together, there is going to be so much mutual pining. Spencer is a mixture of insecure and clueless, he really cannot tell that you're trying to hit on him. Even when he can, he dismisses it as him just taking it the wrong way, because surely someone as perfect and wonderful as you wouldn't like him like that, right?
Literally everyone except for the two of you can tell you're in love, he is so not subtle!! You're the first person he looks for in a room, he practically sprints to sit next to you before anyone else can, and he gets so, so pouty whenever someone else tries to flirt with you. One time you come into work complaining about forgetting your jacket at home and he jumps out of his chair insisting, "You can borrow mine!!"
And, yeah, he doesn't get any work done that day, too busy blushing and staring at you in his clothes.  You conveniently "forget" to give it back, and he conveniently "forgets" to ask.
You're always looking for an excuse to be near each other, to touch each other: You fall asleep on his shoulder on the jet, he rests his head against yours. He takes your hand when he notices you seem stressed, you affectionately brush your thumb along the back of his hand. One of you goes in for a hug, the other holds on just long enough to be considered more than friendly...
And you are both still so oblivious!! No matter how many times you go to look at him and find he's already staring at you. No matter how many times you’re both reading/looking at something for a case and he leans in way closer than necessary to see it. (“Spencer, don’t you have your own copy?” “…I… seem to have misplaced it.”) Neither of you ever confront these obvious feelings.
A new agent on your floor assumes you’re together, complimenting what a cute couple you are. Spencer, of course, loses it, getting all bright red and completely flustered because there is nothing more that he wants than to be considered your boyfriend, even if it’s just being mistaken as such. (He’ll take what he can get.) But you take his reaction as him being uncomfortable with the idea, and in an attempt to ease his concern (even if it does break your heart), you quickly correct them that oh, no, you’re just friends.
Then Spencer’s face falls and his heart is the one that’s breaking because why were you so quick to correct them? Do you really not like the idea of being with him that much? He knows it’s silly to be upset, you’re not together and you never did anything to suggest you were (completely wrong but we’ll let it slide) but there was a small part of him that really hoped that maybe, possibly, his feelings were reciprocated.
But now, clearly, they’re not, and he can’t help himself from avoiding you the next day because it hurts to be around you knowing he doesn’t have a chance. But then it only gets worse because it hurts just as much to be away from you, and you seem so concerned about him, and oh god he has no idea what to do with himself.
He comes to your apartment after work, and you somehow answer the door right as he starts to knock. The words struggle to come out at first, but then they do, and then he’s rambling, and it’s not entirely intelligible. But you get the gist, and it’s that he’s so in love with you! He seems so frantic that for the first time in your life, you want him to stop talking, so naturally you do what any other normal person would. Kiss him like your life depended on it. Right in your doorway. And. I don’t think there’s anything more I can (or should) say.  
masterlist | inbox ← requests open! ♡
taglist - @lover-of-books-and-tea @maskysluvr @aurorsworld @wisteriaspencer @radioactiveinvisible @mandarinmoons (send an ask or message to be added/removed!)
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bluekidchaos · 6 months
I don't need to know where we begin and end (I'd still know you)
there is so little haymitch smut so i made some myself :3 might write a similar fic to this but no smut only angst and fluff maybe..
Pairing: Haymitch Abernathy x reader
Warnings: 18+, fluff and smut, nightmares, panic, unprotected sex, technically age gap but it's not mentioned, pet names (sweetheart and baby), no use of pronouns but female parts mentioned
Words: 841
Can also be read on AO3!
Back to masterlist.
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You wake up with a scream, sweat dripping down your forehead as you pant. You feel arms holding you down and you trash in a panic trying to get loose, your ears are ringing and you look around the room frantically catching your breath and trying to reassure yourself that you are safe at home and not in the arena. 
Your eyes land on Haymitch, who is fully awake next to you, holding you in his arms and shushing you. His voice finally cuts through the ringing and you hear the panic in his own voice. 
"Sweetheart, you're safe, you're in district 12. Not in the arena." He's petting your hair and rocking you slowly. "I'm here with you, it's alright."
You turn in his arm and cling to him, sobbing into his chest and he holds you tight. The pressure of his arms around you grounds you as he keeps talking, telling you you are safe and he's there for you. 
When you had calmed down a bit more he asked what he could do to help you, always being so caring and gentle in moments like these. 
"Distract me, please?" You answered as you kissed him sweetly. He nodded and kissed you back, a bit more intensely.
Haymitch used his weight to position you on your back again with him leaning over you, still kissing you. One of his hands cupped your cheek, his thumb tracing your bottom lip and pulling it down a bit. He used the opening to slip his tongue inside your mouth, letting it glide against your own. You moaned into his mouth and bucked your hips against his thigh. 
His lips traveled down your neck, sucking and nipping at all the right places, leaving little marks in his path. Neither of you bothered undressing properly, only pulling up your sleep shirt to expose your chest so he could wrap his lips around your nipples. 
Haymitch was only in a pair of pajama pants so your hand dragged down his stomach towards his cock. Nails scraped over the sensitive scars there before dipping below his waistband and wrapping around his hard member. He let out a groan at the feeling of your warm hand around him.
His own hand slipped down to pull your panties down, fingers dipping into your heat. Spreading your lips apart and smearing your wetness over your clit. Rubbing his finger gently in a circular motion and adding more pressure with every swipe. 
Your head drops to Haymitch's shoulder as you moan out at his movements, panting into the space between his neck and shoulder. You plant light kisses over his neck, "Please, fuck me Haymitch..." Words trailing off as his hand once again quickens its pace. 
He groaned at your desperate whines and nodded his head eagerly. 
He moves his hand to reach back to his bedside table to grab a condom but you stop him and lock eyes with him. He looks at you confused for a second. "I really wanna feel you, just wanna feel you, all of you." 
"Fuck, sweetheart, of course-" Haymitch moves the two of you so your leg is slung over his waist and positions himself at your entrance, looking back up at you for consent before pushing inside in one move and moaning at the feeling of you. "God, baby, you're gonna be the death of me." Planting more kisses all over your face as he starts to move. 
Your hands plant themself on him, one around his shoulder to claw at his back with every thrust that hits your sweet spot, and one tangled into his hair. You used the leg not around his waist to help push yourself up and down on him, following his pace. Lips alternating between messy kisses and planting hickeys on each other, any surface of skin you could reach in your current position got covered in bruises and bite marks. 
Haymitch's hands hold you close to him, groping you and grabbing at your plush hips and ass to get you even closer. One hand lands on your thigh to help you move with him and the other sneaks down to your clit. Rubbing circles over you that makes you see stars. 
The room was silent except for the sound of your breaths and quiet moans. 
Your eyes lock with his, silently telling each other you're close, your cunt clenching down on him hard while his hips stutter in their pace as he's pushing the last few times before you fall over the edge. Haymitch's orgasm is just behind. 
Lips attaching as he fucks you through your orgasms. Heavy breaths, high-pitched moans, and low growls carry through the room as you both calm down. 
None of you bothered to untangle your limbs, just staying in each other's arms and laying in the afterglow. Haymitch's arms hugged you close to him, his hand stroking your back lightly. "You feel any better, sweetheart?" 
You chuckled in his arms, planting a final kiss on his lips with a smile, "Much."
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frogchiro · 4 months
can I request thots on hybrid coyote graves and maybe a sweet little farmer who dotes on him- she legit gives him food and scratches all the time thinking he's a dog because of how sweet he is to her- plot twist he's just being polite cuz he's in love and is ready to mate her anytime she bends over 💕 bonus points if she's totally receptive and that makes him go feral
I think you'd like my cottage core!Reader au I did a while back!! Bc it's basically what you described, just Coyote!Philip being the biggest menace to poor reader who just wants to live her quaint and calm life in her cottage surrounded by forests and rolling fields of green, but suddenly this loud, cocky coyote hybrid appeared!
He may be loud with his howls and yowls and keeping you up at night but that are just his mating calls! He wants you to know he's an eligible coyote male, very strong and virile and that he's ready to mate with you! And he has to let you know too!
But you never hold that against him, bless your heart. You can never say no to those big blue eyes and the charming, toothy smile he sends your way. He's older but very handsome in a rogue-ish, rugged way. And he's very friendly and chatty too! Swings by your cottage every day to chat with you and spending the whole day with you (sometimes the night too, unknowingly to you he sometimes sleeps in your garden) and sometimes he comes bearing gifts! They range from berries to dead birds he hunted for you to fluffy warm pelts and blankets for the harsh winters here! (You don't ask how he got the last one)
And after all his efforts you can't just not try and repay him :(( Philip wants to prove he is a great provider and can and will take care of you (and any possible pups you produce) so you make delicious jam from the berries he gathered that you later put into those cookies he loves snacking on and you use the birds he hunted and the vegetables from your garden to make rich, nutricious meals for the hybrid and he is yet to turn a single one of them down <3
As for the pelts and blankets they come in handy when a harsh winter hits and you're scrambling to put together a fire in the fireplace to warm yourself and your home and assemble what is basically a pillow fort in your bed to warm yourself....But you couldn't help but worry about Phil. You know he has his den in the woods and that the pelt on his back and chest give him some warmth but this winter is worse than any you've seen and you worry about your hybrid companion, what if he freezes to death?
You were about to dress yourself and go out looking for him to invite him but luck was on your side and the hybrid male came to you first! He had his charming smile as always as he nonchalantly asked if he could warm himself up in your cottage and despite his bravado, you could see that the man was freezing cold so you immediately pulled him inside and basically stated that he is going to be staying with you for the rest of the winter and you won't take no for an answer.
Of course Philip was elated to hear it! For him this was basically a proposal and before long you two were snuggled under the warm furs and blankets Phil gave you (not before he insistently rubbed himself on your entire bed to 'scent it thoroughly'), falling asleep blissfully except for your hot blush as you felt the hot and hard pressure between your thighs and the blonde's panting and whines :((
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ilwonuu · 3 months
sweet thing. bangchans part | here.
*°:⋆ₓₒ han jisung
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🀥 request- Han is the horniest man alive istg. He'd also be a major munch and a ton of people see him as submissive but no no no. He'd be all cute and sweet but it's an illusion bc he'd be so aggressive as he ruined you, bred you, etc. His stamina is in another league bc he'd have you crying after cumming on his face multiple times and his dick. Overstimulation to the max and he'd tease you sweetly, bully you in the sweetest voice. Choking kink for sure, his hands are so pretty and decorated with rings as he chokes you. he's messy and he loves sex to be as messy as possible. Spit, tears, make you squirt, etc.
🀥 paring- meandom!han x subfem!reader
🀥 warnings-smut with no plot.., meanishdom!han, breeding kink, choking kink, unprotected sex(of course), creampie, lots of dirty talk, messy sex, teasing, degrading? (kinda not really), choking kink, lmk what else
🀥 a/n- thank u for your request!!! thank u guys so much for 400 followers!! more fics soon!! happy hoeing i love u all<3 hope u enjoyed!!!
mdni 18+ smut under the cut
your boyfriend wanted nothing more than to ruin you. have you so gone on the feeling of his tongue. your sweet boyfriend changing mood rather quickly.
you couldn’t complain tho. making you cum on his tongue until you are shaking for him. he loves when you fall apart like this. “taste so good baby. you ready for my cock?” you nod whining for him pathetically.
he just laughs a little pulling his shorts down to let his cock out. you quickly tug on his shirt wanting that to come off of him aswell. he just smirks pulling it over his head.
tossing it somewhere in the room. you moan in response to see his toned chest. “you’re so wet baby but doesn’t hurt to get you wetter don’t you think sweet thing?”
his teasing tone making you more needy by the second. you feel him rub his dick up and down your folds a bit before spitting directly on your pussy. rubbing it in with his dick. “yea look at that baby? so wet for me. want me to fuck your pretty pussy now?”
he teases you some more. you nod at him. tears falling slowly down ur eyes. “can’t fucking wait anymore.” you cry for him. “okay sweet girl. ill give you what you want.” you sigh in relief feeling him run his dick up your slit again. slowly pushing into you entrance suddenly.
he catches you off guard as he starts to fuck you hard and deep against the mattress. pulling moans out of your mouth. “fuck. you like when i fuck you like my slut huh?” you shamelessly nodding at his words.
“gonna fuck my cum so deep into you. that’s what you want huh? for me to breed you like my slut huh?” his smirk only getting bigger as he feels you clench around him. “can’t answer me baby?” he questions grabbing your face to look at him.
“y-yes hannie l-love it please don’t s-stop.” he just gives you another innocent smile. like his dick isn’t fucking you so beyond good. his hand snaking your body to wrap around your neck. he applies a little bit of pressure. your body responds quickly. “you like this huh? so close sweet girl. gonna fill your pussy so fucking good.”
your whines are beyond desperate for you boyfriend. “h-hannie im cumming oh-“ his grip against your neck tightening causing you to cum hard on his dick. “such a sweet sight baby. you wanted this all day huh? dirty girl. love it when i fuck you like this huh?”
his hips still drilling into you as he is close to cumming. “gonna- fuck gonna fuck my cum deep into you. i want you to feel me. my sweet girl wants it so bad huh? you’re fucking soaking my dick baby.” a deep chuckle coming from your boyfriend.
“you like that baby? you fucking clenching on dick so tight.” his words too embarrassing to listen to. but it made you wetter than before.
“dirty girl. you hear yourself? so fucking wet- ah shit just- i’m cumming baby.” he cuts himself off. his thick cum coating your walls. “fuuck- don’t let a single drop fall out of you. so messy all for me. love fucking you full of my cum.” his hips slowing down as he still fucks into you. “you want another load huh dirty girl?”
you nod convincing him ever so quickly. fucking you dumb all night until all you can remember is han, han, han, he is all you can think of.
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privitivium · 4 months
Massive size diff knight! TopSub Male reader and a BottDom feminine looking guy reader thought was a girl at the brothel <3
fem dombot amab m x shy knight amab m reader.....
made me smile so hard. i love this ideaso MUCH hmrmghhgh. a bit short, partially written in hc format?? ish?? ideas compiled together ahemhrm.. apologies. unnamed oc, i saw this with a cocky reader but also a shy reader. i ,,, i'm doing shy reader,,,, i'll recycle the idea with cocky reader with same concept for the character and make it much more articulated than this. SORRY FOR ANY MISTAKES!!
cw;; character is MEAN!-ish. belly bulge, jerkin you off..
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it all begins with your knightly companions telling you to loosen up and join them on their escapades on the town.. “You're the biggest guy yet you don't get any pussy?? come on, man, let us treat you!!” pressured into joining them rather easily. so sensitive.
immediately falling in the hands of a woman as you saw it, the one who greeted you gleefully as you entered the lodge. the pretty lady taking advantage of the fact that you were most definitely ogling him, making him giddy that you were admiring him… you were shamelessly obvious, surely without meaning to.. the woman, noting that you were obviously dragged here by your companions, and ultimately a little iffy about the ordeal; yes that much he can definitely see.. the other women, picking them off one by one and all that's left was you - ( from him telling them to avoid you to leave you for him.. despite their complaints - “wanting that big guy all to themselves.” LIKE HELL!!! )
you're all his, even if you don't know it.. sauntering up to you, making small talk.. wavy-haired brunette dressed in burnt orange and red rags of a dress, so dainty and tiny. you, awkwardly closed in on yourself as the presumed woman drapes herself along your shoulders, god she was so tiny - wanting to compare hand sizes - the thought alone makes your dick twitch,,,, refraining from asking why and how exactly she ended up hereㅡnot wanting to pry.. then, she asking you invasive questions herselfㅡ “don't you wanna join your friends up there?” of course you did. you didn't want to be an outcast. you're a sensitive man and you can't handle that!!! “y-yes.” choking out a soft answer, awkward.
the woman smiled widely as if crazed.. eagerly pulling you up the stairs and down the hall to an empty room, passed all the sounds of sex in the othersㅡhe was eager, as you sit yourself down stiffly.. he introduces a bit of gentle foreplay, as it not to startle you.. before he decided he, himself, cannot handle this any longer. shucking off your pants with a surprising amount of strength - unwinding you of your armor before you gently push him away, pulling it off to get it out of the way for the woman.. so considerate.. doing the same as you, "to get it out of the way"... letting his dress fall to the floor, pooling around his feet before he was sitting on your lapㅡ
“a - a dick..” you mutter, surprised - face burning uncomfortably at the sight of the bulge, visible underneath his thin underwearㅡbreathless, as their thumb thumb at the slit of your tip, lubing their digit in your dribbling pre-cumㅡ“yes.. a dick." he hisses softly, playfully as he shows off. "i am a guy.” the wavy haired brunette hummed delicately, “you don't have a problem with that though, huh?” he teases, gripping the base of your naked cock and slowly stroking upwards. excruciating… “no signs of softening, still humping into my hand.. you're just too easy!”
he was eager. too eager-! keeping a plug inside him every other day throughout the day just to prepare him for when he's on the receiving end.. shakily breathing underneath your massive build, laid out on the bed and choking on his spit as he feels the tip of your cock prod at his entrance.. you ere obviously more nervous than him.. pushing forward, tip disappearing inside him;; managing to get passed his previously finger-stretched hole - it was obviously not enough, as you had a hard time pushing into him.. going excruciatingly slow, as you didn't want to hurt him - ever so thoughtfulㅡ“hurry..” he breathed out, wanting to feel, feel how fucking painful it would hurt - and yes, you did hurry; thrusting your hips forward and whimpering at how tight and warm he was strung out on your cock,,, “g-good..” he manages to choke outㅡa small protuberance visible on his abdomen as you fill him conpletely, snug as a bugㅡ
at the sight, you grow so worried despite trembling with pleasure at the way his hole convulsed tightly around yr thick cock, running a shaky callous hand over his abdomen; over the prominent bulge poking from his belly - yet making no move to pull out,,, “are you okay..?? are you - you okay?!?” your voice pinches, squeaky, a contrast to how you were just before ( trying to be all “cool-like” ), he'd whimper, trying to gather himself - one of the largest he's had and my god he is never letting you go - wanting to make you ultimately addicted to his feelin.. “fine! fine-!!! f-fuck, just..” he would have a hard time trying to gather himself,, the pleasuring sting of stretching his insides… his cock leaking, spurting cum just from that,,, still, ever so worried as you stay stationed inside him, cockwarming,,,
he'd get the hang of it soon enough, insides molded to the shape of your cock… switching positions and sliding up slowly and slamming himself down - whimpering and relishing in the way you cried tears of pleasure from him, knowing that it's him, and not some other person giving you this sort of tear-stricken pleasure.,, before he pulls the reins, finally getting a hold of himself and calming down,,, telling you how pathetic you were for no apparent reason - relishing in he way he feels you throb inside him at that,,
would insult you - annoyingly enough. but you weren't one to complain. “you're so sloppy… what, are you that much of a virgin??” ( even if you werent. ) before sucking you off - mocking you in a mewling time that you're so weak for him, always coming back,,,. ahem hrm. obviously, having no qualms about taking your virginity if it's going to him… he was a bit too obsessed at first sight, he admits, but of course he's not gonna NOT show you how much he loves seeing you, a big muscly man so pathetic for him whos so much smaller than you,,,
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effetsecndaires · 11 months
— 𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐮𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝. (𝟏𝟖+)
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INCLUDES | rindou haitani, shuji hanma, takashi mitsuya, hakkai shiba.
CONTENT WARNING | smut, oral sex (fem receiving), hakkai's is sfw
NOTE | another one that nobody asked for! everyone is of age and of course - everything is consensual <3
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The clock on your bedside table read 10:28am. Neither of you had a care in the world, no work to do and nowhere to be. You were lazily sprawled out on the bed, hands tugging at Rindou's hair as his head moved between your thighs, licking and sucking every last drop of slick you offered up to him.
Your head had lulled to the side on your pillow, your chest rising and falling with heavier breaths as he pushed you further toward a first orgasm, his slow, lazy movements causing soft whimpers and sighs of pleasure to slip from your lips.
He focused his attention on your clit and you flinched, gasping softly as he did something particularly good with his tongue. But you quickly relaxed again as he went back to lapping up and down your folds without quite touching your clit this time, not wanting you to come just yet.
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When you stirred awake from your sleep, your groggy mind made it hard for you to tell if the sensation you were feeling between your legs was a dream or actually happening in real life. But a single half-lidded glance down was enough to answer your question.
You sighed his name as Hanma softly sucked your clit into his mouth, your hands immediately coming down to grip his hair as you bucked your hips forward for more. His arms were wrapped around your thighs, keeping them wide open as he pleasured you, his moans against your clit triggering your own.
It only took a few more seconds for the knot in your stomach to unravel, a lazy, drawn out moan escaping the back of your throat as you came, your hands keeping him close.
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You woke up to the feeling of warm kisses on your shoulder and neck, a soft sigh of content leaving your lips as you turned around to face your boyfriend.
"Good morning." he whispered, brushing a strand of hair off your face and pecking the tip of your nose lovingly. You smiled at him and pecked his lips in return, repeating his simple greeting. You let out a little laugh as he went back to kissing down your neck, eventually trailing his affection lower until his mouth was on your nipple. He didn't give you much time to enjoy the feeling though, preferring to use his mouth somewhere else.
Before you knew it he was parting your legs and settling in between them, his palms running up and down the warm skin of your inner thighs, making you whimper in anticipation.
His fingers skimmed across the fabric of your panties before he hooked into them and pulled them to the side, not wasting any time. He leaned down and started with what felt like a chaste kiss to your clit, a small but effective beginning. When your hips chased his mouth for more, he began flicking it gently with the tip of his tongue, first slow and light, then with a little more pressure.
"T-Taka..." You sighed, eyes fluttering close in delight and breathing picking up as you laced your fingers through his hair.
After a few minutes of foreplay you were both ready for more and Mitsuya was aligning himself with your entrance, slowly pushing in. He made love to you, his thrusts slow and lazy, your whimpers and quiet moans encouraging him to keep going.
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Hakkai woke up to find you still asleep beside him, your breathing soft and even as you dreamed.
Carefully, he held himself up on his forearm and began pressing soft kisses all over your shoulder and neck, his fingertips tracing lines up and down your arm at the same time. Your eyes eventually fluttered open and you greeted him with a smile as you turned around to face him, the feeling of his lips on your skin having left goosebumps in their wake.
You chuckled as he began pecking your lips and cheeks while mumbling how beautiful you are between each kiss. He eventually moved to hover over you and covered your entire face with kisses until you gently pushed him away from you, out of breath from laughter.
He pecked your lips one more time and you smiled up at him, cupping his cheek with one hand and letting your thumb tenderly brush over his scar.
Then Hakkai leaned down for another kiss, gentler and more passionate this time, only breaking it so he could kiss his way down your body and make himself comfortable between your spread legs.
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keisurou · 11 months
kiss me like you love me. | gojo satoru x f!reader (mdni)
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hellooo my loves <3 i’m back after a year with our beloved gojo :3
warnings: handjob (m!receiving), misunderstandings (gojo and reader are both in love with each other but reader thinks he loves shoko), implied masturbation (m!receiving), slight god complex, unnecessary storytelling. rushed ending i’m working on it i swear
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          the first touch feels electric even though he expects it, fingers curling around the base through the layers of his cotton pyjama pants. it’s hard but he wills himself not to squeeze or apply any sort of pressure. 
         “satoru,” there’s a soft knock on the door. his stomach clenches, muscles flexing as he painfully stops, a new sudden wave of lust shooting through him. “satoru, can i come in?” 
         he bites back a groan and gets up with a pillow tucked under his arm. it’s better to have something to cover with on the chance that you do actually come in and decide to talk. you’re dressed in sleeping clothes, a plain yellow tee with the old cotton pants he remembers from years ago and he bites back a smile; you always did have a hard time letting go. he opens the door wider but doesn’t move an inch and when you squeeze past him, the curve of your hips brushes against his thighs. he hates himself for not making the gap even smaller. 
        gojo hears the creak of the bed before he closes the door and by the time he reaches you, you’ve already wrapped yourself up, head poking out as you stare at him, almost unabashed. it’s almost unnerving having your entire attention on him, especially while in his bed and he can’t control the snarkiness in his voice when he finally opens it “what do you want?” 
        you frown a little and then sit up, hugging your knees to your chest. it makes the material of your pants taut against your skin and he has to force himself to not stare at the curve between your ass and the back of your thighs. but once he looks up at your face, he can see your cleavage, the way your shirt is on the verge of gaping open if you just–
        “you seem way worse off than i thought.” 
        his mind stutters to a stop. that was an insult.. right? he blinks back at you slowly, almost dazed. it was a bad idea trying to engage in small talk while all he could think about was how good you’d look underneath him. “i’m worse off?” 
        you look away this time, almost embarrassed. he can tell with the way you hug yourself a little tighter with your feigned air of nonchalance. you were never fooling anyone but you look far too cute for him to say anything. “about the engagement.”
        “i’m happy for them.” he settles into bed on the edge, closer to you but not close enough. “aren’t you?”
        “of course i am!” you push out your legs, not meeting his gaze yet. your feet lightly brush across his calves. “i was just.. worried about you.” 
        “about me?” his lips twitch into a grin, and he inches a little closer. he knows perfectly well what you’re talking about; he’s surprised you hadn’t come to him sooner about his. both shoko and suguru knew about his little crush on you for years, but you? you were still under the assumption that he liked shoko in high school and that the tiniest of lingering feelings were still there. “are you going to make me feel all better then?” 
        “i’m not going to do anything to suguru and shoko,” your voice is soft as you look up at him from under your lashes. “but if there’s anything else..”
        yeah, he knows that; you’re too righteous and stubborn for your own good, and his best friends breaking up is the last thing he wants to happen. “there’s something, but you can’t do it.”
         it garners the reaction he wants; you let out a cry of protest as you shuffle closer to him, just as expected “i can, just tell me.”
        but he can’t. he’s too busy staring down your shirt because in your haste to get an answer out of him, you hadn’t realised just how close you’d come or just how flimsy your clothing is. by the time you do actually realise, it’s too late. you gasp lurching back, your arms coming around to cover your breasts over the shirt and before he knows it, gojo is reaching over to grab your arm to pull you back closer. “i thought you were going to help me,” his smile stretches into a smug grin as he cages you in his lap. “why are you running away?” 
        “it’s rude to look down someone’s shirt.” your words are soft, or maybe it’s just soft in comparison to your thundering heart beat. “especially if it’s not someone that you like.” 
        “it’s ruder not to pay attention to something so pretty that’s begging for attention.”
        you’re a spluttering mess at this point, and you try to shift away, but he’s got you caged in, a hand resting on your hips, his fingers dangerously close to the waistband of your pants. “i’m not pretty or begging for–”
        “you are.” he cuts you off, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear. you feel the flex of his thighs underneath you and you swallow a whimper. he chuckles softly, fingers splaying across your naked back before whispering once again. “i’ve thought about you begging for me many times...” you fail to notice the way he inches the material of your sleep shirt up until you feel the chill of the night air, hardening your nipples to peaks. “..and it’s the prettiest thing i’ve ever seen.”
        any words of protest die on the tip of your tongue as you frantically try to make sense of what he says. because why would he ever think about you when he’s heartbroken from shoko’s engagement? why would he call you.. pretty, even for a second? unless.. 
         unless he was looking for a rebound. “wait, wait—” you press a hand against his chest, creating the slightest bit of distance. gojo doesn’t move you any closer but his thumb is insistent, petting along the underside of your left tit. “what.. what’s going on?”
         he blinks at you from under his lashes, and you’re momentarily stunned into silence with how pretty he is. “well, i was hoping i’d be able to get you to sit on my face.” 
         you’re surprised at how level your voice is. “that’s all?”
         he raises one perfect eyebrow, before he finally lifts the shirt hanging off your shoulders up and over your head. “if you can stop at that.” 
         the challenge is unspoken but it’s confirmed your doubts; he does want to forget and he’s chosen you. it should be considered a blessing, considering how long you’ve been suppressing your feelings for him but would you be able to go back to normal after tonight?
        “you’re thinking too hard.” his voice has dropped an octave, thumb brushing over a peaked nipple and your breath catches in your throat as he does it again. “what are you thinking about?”        
         “sometimes..” you murmur, trailing off as you focus your gaze on his hair, the silver locks shining even in the dimmed light. he wills himself to stay as still as possible, even when your lips ghost over his “sometimes i feel like.. you’re too perfect to be human.” 
         “yeah?” he swallows, hand ghosting up, up, up your skin and the softness of your stomach before cupping both breasts. “why’s that?”
         you’re taken aback, body freezing up momentarily; you didn’t know he was the type to want validation. but you're already trailing fingers along his jaw, your hips shifting closer to rock against his over the flimsy layers. “you seem almost invincible.” he rewards you with a hot kiss below your collarbone and another just a little below, his tongue tracing along the path he takes. 
         “like a god.” 
         he squeezes the fat of your thighs in response before dragging you closer. it’s easier to lose yourself this way; you can feel the heat of him, the hardness of him all at once as you rock against him and it makes you a little dizzy, makes you want to pinch yourself to see if you’re actually dreaming. you quickly realise he’s saying something while sucks along your chest, breathy mumbles under his breath every time he manages to tear himself away from mouthing at your tits. “you’re so fucking wet.” his voice is raspy when he says it out loud, eyes squeezing shut and his words make whine a little. “you’re soaking through my pants—fuck”
         oh god. oh god. you don’t know if you should feel embarrassed or not and try to shift away off his lap and he lets you. “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to—” your gaze falls to his lap and you see that he was indeed right; there’s a wet patch against the straining material but you’re not entirely convinced it’s all you. “let me take it off for you.”
        “no.” he says it too quickly, swallowing visibly when you crawl closer to him. you can’t help but smile a little; who knew gojo would be the one to give you a power trip? “i won’t last, just—” he chokes on his words when you slip your hand inside his pants and wrap your fingers around the length of cock. it’s much hotter than you expected, the skin silky smooth with a random vein running across the edge but once you reach the tip, you can feel the wetness of his pre-cum. his moans are filthy, almost pornographic. “princess, please—”
       “please what?” you grip him at the base a little tighter and he ruts up into your hand. it’s a delicious sight, his eyes glazed over as he tries to futilely bring you closer. you pull at the waistband of his pants to take out his cock. “please harder?” you circle the head, thumbing the slit. it’s hard to keep the grin off your face when when he physically shivers with every stroke of your hand, his gasps and groans echoing in your ears. “or please suck—”
        it’s only a second but it’s long enough for him to push you onto your back. his frame looms over you, one thick muscled arm holding his weight up while he spreads your legs with the other. thick fingers pull at the edge of your underwear before letting it go and watching it slap against the fat of your hips. and then he’s pulling it down, eyes wide as he watches the way the your slick is smeared along your panties. he’s tempted to pocket it for later but you whimper out his name, your fingers spreading the folds of your sex for him. grabbing ahold of each thigh, he lowers himself down until he can feel the heat of you, hear the squelch of your fingers as you tease yourself. 
       “make sure you hold onto something.”
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