#no more birthdays for me please everyone keeps saying i’m OLD?
riarevenge · 1 month
realistically 23 isn’t old but i feel old as fuck omg
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orangeocelotmartyn · 2 months
It was Martyn’s birthday over the charity weekend, and they decided to do a lovely surprise for him! Skizz especially was very sweet to check in on him
Martyn: --was, uh, was my actual birthday, um, and after we finished the stream for the day, I was like, really—my voice was blown out, and I was really crashing, and just exhausted from the day, and, uh, I went upstairs, got a drink, and as I came back down the elevator, the doors opened—and I was there on my phone, and I just sort of like, looked up, and all of the sudden everyone was stood there. Everyone. Like, people from the charity, like, all the Hermits, Timmy, everyone like that, and they were stood there with a birthday cake, um, and then they sang “Happy Birthday” to me and stuff, um, which was sweet. Cause I said prior to the trip, like, ‘please don’t make a big deal out of it.’ Um, I said like, y’know, I don’t want the day to be centered around me, I was like I’m just happy that I’m gonna be there with all those people for my birthday, I was like, I don’t want you tryna organize like, a meal around it and—doing anything towards my preference.
Martyn: “I would’ve started crying,” so, I did, but it was after the birthday song. So it was literally—they, they sang happy birthday to me or whatever—I think all of this was filmed, by the way, I think by the charity, I don’t know if we’ll ever get that footage, but, I must’ve looked completely like, just, like, completely caught off guard. Um, but yeah, they sang happy birthday to me, and then I had—(getting progressively more choked up) I’m getting teary now thinking about it—but I got a, um, just a massive wave of, like, homesickness, um, and I was keeping it together, like, I wasn’t breaking the surface, and then Skizz comes over, and in really his sweet, lovely way he just came over and was like, “man, so like, how old are you today?” and I was like, ‘oh, y’know, thirty-four,’ and he was like, “man. That’s such a great age,” he was like, “the kids are a couple years old,” and stuff like that, and he was saying ever—everything he was saying was super lovely, and like, super true, and it was everything that I was thinking in that moment?
Martyn: And it just (sucks in a breath, indistinct) fucking hell, and it just sent me over the edge? It just, it just immediately broke me, and I just sort of had to turn away for a second and wipe my eyes, and when I turned back Skizz had just like, vanished? Um, and I was worried that I upset him, or that I’d offended him, so I literally sent him a Discord DM that evening, um, saying like, ‘hey man, I hope you don’t think I was offended earlier on, like, I was just barely holding it together, and you being so lovely just like, sent me over the edge.’ And he didn’t see that for like, three days, like, cause he just didn’t pull up Discord on his phone or whatever. Um, but then he replied saying like, ‘oh man, don’t worry about it at all,’ um, he was like, ‘I can gauge, y’know, that, that something was about to happen, so I sort of just pulled myself away,’ and I was like, okay, cool, yeah, like, like Skizz is—like people are saying in chat, like, Skizz is got really good empathy, so I think he immediately clocked that I—I think he almost saw it behind my eyes before I went, and I think he then disengaged at that point? But it was really sweet, it was a really lovely moment, but—
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End Game 1
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, stalking, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your gaming buddy asks to meet up but it doesn't go exactly as planned.
Characters: Andy Barber
Note: get ready for the hate.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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The tunnel lights up ahead of you, revealing the cubic rock walls as you plant torches in your stead. The eerie soundtrack of night time and the ominous groan of zombies looming somewhere in the cave have you uptight. Silently, you press on, digging and mining mindlessly, fingers mashing the buttons on your controller. 
“Hey, where are you?” Jacob’s voice startles you. 
You nearly forgot you’re playing co-op. You sniff and shake your head, cursing aloud as your shock has you succumbing to the arrow of a sneaky skeleton. You sigh as your possessions scatter and you spawn back in your bed. 
“Back home,” you say glumly, “just ate it.” 
“Ah, damn,” his deep voice rolls in your noise-cancelling headset, “sorry, hope that wasn’t me.” 
“No, I wasn’t paying attention,” you hum and sigh.  
“Ah,” he accepts and lets silence linger before he clicks his tongue, “what’s going on? Everything alright?” 
“Yeah, yeah,” you put the controller down, your avatar sitting on the geometric bed, “I just...” you stretch your neck and massage your scalp around the thick band of the headset, “got a lot on my mind.” 
“Right. I thought you were all done exams,” he says. 
“I am, but... packing. Going home. I called my old boss and turns out I’m not gonna have a job this summer. Gotta start over,” you yawn and rub your eyes, “what about you? Final exam tomorrow?” 
“Uh... yeah,” he hesitates as if he forgot. You do wonder why he isn’t cramming right now. You could never play minecraft all night the day before a final. “Easy stuff. I’m not worried.” 
You scoff. You wish you could say the same. All you’ve done is worry those last two weeks. Exams, getting home, getting a job. Your grandmother won’t very happy to find out you’ll be slumming it for a while. At least you tucked away some money through the semester. 
“Hey, if you need a few bucks...” Jacob offers. 
“What? Are you crazy? No way,” you exclaim, “really, no, I couldn’t. I’ll be fine. I just... I hate looking for jobs. You know how it is. Friggin awkward.” 
“It’s not a big deal. My dad sent me my birthday money so...” 
“Uh uh,” you deny him again, “that’s way too much. I couldn’t-- we haven’t even met.” 
“Mm, yeah, about that,” he exhales into his microphone, “I, uh, got an extra ticket to this Con. I figured out that’s it like the midway point between us so...” 
“A con? Oh, wow--” 
“Yeah, but I get that it would be expensive so maybe I could pay for your trip?” 
“Jacob,” you wiggle the controller restlessly, “I can't accept that. It’s so nice but... it’s a lot.” 
“I wouldn’t offer it was too much,” his voice is soft, meek, and defeated. You feel bad but you would feel worse taking advantage of his kindness. “We’ve been talking all year. I just figured it would be a good chance to meet up. It would be in public and something we both like so...” 
You scratch your neck as it speckles with heat. You don’t know what’s more insulting; yes or no. 
“Can I think about it?” You ask thinly. 
The line is quiet. You look at the screen and it goes dim from your idling. You hit the analog stick and fix your headphones. 
“Jacob?” You murmur. 
“Sure, think about it,” he says, his voice raspy and rocky. It’s strange. You’ve seen him in pictures and his voice doesn’t really match his appearance. He sounds a lot older than he looks. “It’s next month so lots of time.” 
“I’m sorry,” you cringe. “I just wouldn’t want to waste your money.” 
“Trust me, it wouldn’t be a waste,” he insists, “this last year has sucked. So much. You got me through it all.” His microphone scuffs, “studying, exams, all that stuff. It’s tough making new friends. Seems like everyone here knows each other from high school.” 
“Yeah, totally,” you agree.  
You’re not exactly the most popular person. You have people you know in each class but not too many friends you hang out with outside the lecture hall or library. So far, not too many people want to spend hours mining digital gold or racing cartoon characters around a rainbow track. 
“Well, you should probably get some sleep,” you yawn, “you got your big exam and... I gotta keep packing. Gotta catch the greyhound tomorrow night.” 
“Sure, uh, yeah, right,” his disappointment is potent, “hey, will you text me when you get home? Just so I know you made it.” He snorts, “god, I sound like my dad right now.” 
“Oh, of course,” you chirp back, “I’ll try to remember. Might be late.” 
“That’s fine. Just as long as you let me know.” 
“Don’t worry about me,” you assure him, “not ‘til I have to face my grandma. Ha.” 
“Yeah, good luck with that,” he says, “well... er...” 
“Good night,” you finish for him, “let me know how the exam goes too.” 
“Will do,” his timbre gets even lower, “night.” 
You sign off and shut down the console. Another yawn flows through you and waters in your eyes. You should sleep, you got a long day waiting for you, but you know it won’t be easy. Not with so much on your mind, not least of all, Jacob’s invitation. 
You text Jacob as you get on the bus, to make sure he doesn’t worry. It’s so sweet that he does, even some of your girlfriends don’t bother that much. Not that you mind the ‘hey, bitch’ Janet sends you every now and again to make sure you’re still alive. 
You fall asleep on the bus. You’ve never been one to sleep while travelling but you’re exhausted from a night of anxious tossing and turning. After spending all day packing up the last of your things and scouring your dorm room, you’re beat to hell. 
It’s midnight as you get to your grandmother’s house. She’s up reading another Stephen King classic in her rocking chair. She’s always been a night owl and a voracious book hound. She grumbles at you but doesn’t bother to ask how your trip was. 
“Hey, grandma,” you hike up your bag and smile.  
She growls again, eyes not leaving the page. You should know better by now not to interrupt her. You shoulder on and head down to the spare room where you spent most of your high-school career. You shut the door gently as the old hardwood floors creak with your weight and you drop your bag on the squeaky bed. 
You fish out your phone and plug it in as the battery flashes red with only two percent left. You leave it on the night table and stretch out, not bothering to change out of your hoodie and jeans. It’s not long before you descend back into the same dreams that marked your journey home. 
You wake up to buzzing. Your phone shakes the nightstand, rattling it against the bed frame. You groan and roll onto your side, reaching blindly for offending object. You hit the side button to dismiss the call.  
You blink away the bleariness and focus on the screen. Along with the missed call are several text messages. You squint as you expand the notifications. Jacob! You forgot to message. 
‘Hey, you home?’ 
‘Checking in. Must be busy getting settled in. Just let me know when you’re safe.’ 
‘Not meaning to be weird but everything okay?’ 
‘Please answer me. I’m worried.’ 
You drag your thumb around the keyboard, letting it predict your words; ‘sorry! I was so tired. Home now and safe 😊' 
Three dots pop up then swoop away. You frown as the same thing happens several times before a response appears. 
‘Was really worried. Thanks for finally answering. Been up all night.’ 
You’re stunned by the terse response. Yeah, you forgot to answer but he doesn’t need to worry that much. You frown and shift onto your side. 
‘Srry again. Tired. Talk in morning. Night.’ 
You turn your phone on silent and plug it back into the cord. You do feel bad but you’re too exhausted to let it keep you up. Besides, you need your sleep. You have lots of job hunting to do in the morning. Not to mention, your grandmother to face. 
You let Jacob cool down after your return home. Rather, he doesn’t text and you’re too distracted to do the same. As much as you’d like to sit around and game, your grandmother was as disappointed as you expected with your employment status, even when you gave her the money you had left in your emergency fund. 
After a week, you finally get a bite. It’s nothing special. There’s a seasonal ice cream shop in a booth shaped like a vanilla cone that needs a cashier on weeknights. It’s less than full time hours but it’s better than nothing. It will be strange working with high school juniors but you can’t afford to be picky. 
‘Game tonight?’ The text interrupts your first shift. You don’t have a chance to answer as a family approaches the window to order. 
You get them the soft serve and take their payment, bidding them a good evening with their vanilla points already drooping in the summer heat. You glance around at the mostly empty picnic tables. Soccer practice will end soon and you’ll be overloaded with eight-year-olds. 
‘Srry. New job. 1st shift. Maybe tmrw.’ 
‘New job? Congrats. Why didn’t you tell me?’ 
You sigh.  
‘Time got ahead of me.’ 
‘Same. Catch up tomorrow then. Minecraft?’ 
‘Sure. Tmrw.’ 
You slip your phone away. A mother and daughter approach and ask for a sundae and a banana split. As much as you love ice cream, working with it hasn’t tested your cravings very much. In fact, you might be falling out of love with it. The smell of vanilla and overly sweetened strawberries is kind of gross when it’s all you breathe. 
As you watch the happy customers walk away, you smile. Maybe it will be good to get some mining done. It will take your mind off of everything else. Hell, it might even make you feel like you’re doing something useful. 
“Shit, oh, sorry,” Jacob corrects himself. You always think it's kind of funny how he doesn’t like to swear. “My diamond armor.” 
“Oh no,” you utter, “where are you? I’ll grab your stuff.” 
He gives his coordinates and you turn around, leaping over the green blocks to make your way there. Despite your reticence at the beginning, you’re feeling better about the session. He wasn’t as tense as he seemed in his texts. 
“So, uh, did you think about the con?” Jacob asks. 
“The con? I almost forgot. When is it?” 
He gives the dates and you hum. Your chest flutters at the thought still. You’re not stupid. Meeting people IRL is not like online, no matter how many hours you’ve mined together. As much as you enjoy chatting with Jacob, you don’t know about meeting up. 
“I get it if you can’t get the time off but my offer still stands to cover the trip. If you wanna stay the night, I’ll even get an airBnB.” 
“Oh, wow, that’s a lot. I’m working now. I could put in,” you offer.  
“Is that a yes?” He asks hopefully. 
“I don’t know... I mean, I’ll have to look into it,” you say evasively. “Talk to my boss and grandma and all that.” 
“Right, right,” he tries to sound unbothered, “makes sense. Of course, no pressure. How about I send you the ticket either way? Haven’t got anyone else to bite.” 
“Oh, well, hold off, I wouldn’t want to take it and not use it,” you collect his weapons and armor from the ground in the game. 
It’s silent as you focus on getting every little thing. 
“Sorry, did I freak you out?” He asks, “I’m really not trying to pressure you, just got excited thinking about it.” 
“I know, Jacob, it’s not that, it’s just... a lot.” 
“Totally get it,” he intones, “let me know whenever you got an answer. Uh, where are you? I’m tryna find you.” 
“Just stay there, I'll come back to the house,” you assure him, happy to focus on the game instead. 
Still, you can’t entirely lose yourself in it. You’re sure he’s a nice guy. From pictures, he’s less than scary, and he’s never been anything but friendly. It’s not like the other dudes you meet online who jump to asking about your bra size and all that. It just isn’t smart. 
Well, maybe if you don’t show up alone. You know what con he’s talking about and Kara from Econ lives near there. You could probably convince her to meet up. Hm, that might work. 
Just like you told him, you’ll have to think about it. 
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thetriumphantpanda · 10 months
i'm not the only one | joel & tommy miller
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Summary | You have your baby. You have your family. But can you really have everything you want? Can you really have your cake and eat it too?
Warnings | Fluff, mentions of breastfeeding, small children (in my world they need to come with a warning because ew), let's say it one more time for old times sake: TOMMY GETTING CUCKED BECAUSE HE LOVES IT, dirty talk, fingering (f) and allusions to other smut.
Word Count | 1.9k
Authors Note | Wow. I just wanted to take some time to say a huge thank you to everyone who has read and supported me through this little fic. What started as a filthy little one-shot has become something super special to me. I'm so proud with how this turned out and I really hope that you love this ending as much as I do. I need to say a massive thank you to the JFC - @cavillscurls @dinsdjrn @morning-star-joy @cupofjoel @tightjeansjavi @sinsofsummers for continuously losing their mind over this fic with me and helping me come up with the ending where no-one gets their heart broken, I love you girls more than I can express 🧡 Thank you to each and every person who has read this, has given me their love, interacted with me and generally just made me the happiest girl for deciding to come back to fic writing. You're all awesome and I love each and every one of you. Please let me know what you thought of this, either by commenting, reblogging or sending me some love in my ask box, and if you'd like to support me with a donation, you can do so over on Ko-Fi.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
The late September sun is still warm, even as it begins dipping below the horizon, painting the sky a beautiful mix of pink and orange. The beer in your bottle is lukewarm, but you finish it off anyway, attention dropping to your son, sat on your knee, as you bounce it up and down to keep him occupied at the table. He’s just turned two and is a much better table companion at Joel’s birthday cook-out than he had been last year. He’s starting to show a little personality, babbling along when Sarah tried to talk to him, teasing Tommy when he hands his son a toy, throwing it to the ground because he already knows he’ll pick it right back up and play along. 
Everyone else has long gone by this point in the evening. This year’s celebration of Joel’s birthday being held at your house because he’s having his garden landscaped. It’s just the five of you, the people who matter most to you in life, sat around, finishing drinks and just enjoying each other’s company. Sarah yawns to your left, the day finally catching up with her. 
“You tired, bug?” Joel asks, smoothing a hand over her hair. 
“I’m not tired.” But she yawns again, chuckles erupting from the table. 
You poke at her arm, “Your room is ready whenever you are.” It had already been agreed that Sarah and Joel would stay here tonight, so he could have a drink and enjoy his birthday without worrying about driving home. 
To her credit, she lasts another hour sat at the table, but once Joshua starts fussing as well, it’s clear it’s time for everyone to call it a night. Joel kisses Sarah on the forehead, wishing her a goodnight as she heads inside. Tommy takes Joshua from your arms and presses a kiss to the top of your head, leaving you and Joel together for the first time that evening. You reach out your arm across the table, palm up to the darkening sky, Joel’s own, much larger hand, slipping into it. 
“Shall we go?” You ask, the smile across your face mirroring his own. 
“I think we should.” 
As you’re walking through the neighbourhood your mind drags back to this time last year and the conversation with Tommy as Joel’s birthday loomed on the horizon. 
“What do you think we should get him for his birthday?” Tommy asked, flipping through the catalogue of construction gear that comes through the letterbox every few months, “He was saying his toolbox is too small these days, maybe we can get him a bigger one?” 
Joshua is cradled against your chest, suckling as you feed him. You’d always wondered how the other women you knew could multitask before he’d been born. One of your best friends could breastfeed her child, cook dinner and talk to her older daughter all at the same time. Now, standing in the kitchen feeding your son, two pans on the stovetop as you cook, holding a conversation with Tommy, you realise it just came naturally. 
“I mean, we can,” You throw over your shoulder, “But I think that man deserves more than a toolbox for his birthday.” 
Once Joshua has finished feeding, you hand him to Tommy, along with placing a rag over his shoulder – you fed him, Tommy gets to burp him, that’s the deal. 
“I just feel bad,” You comment, going back to pushing the steak around the pan, “Do you not feel like you’ve kinda just abandoned him a little?” 
“What do you mean?” Tommy asks, patting his son on the back. 
You sigh, trying to focus on cooking as you speak, “I just mean that he did this for us, gave us this life we have now, and what are we going to do to thank him? Give him a toolbox? Just seems like we don’t care.” 
“Well, what would you suggest?” He asks, you're quiet in response, trying to think of how best to put this, "You miss him, don't you?" He finally asks.
You turn around, leaning against the counter to the side of the stove, “I do miss him,” You say simply, not afraid to admit it, “You said before Joshua was born that you understood the connection we have, I just want to give him something good.” 
Tommy has Joshua cradled in his arms now, trying to get him to go to sleep so he can lie him down and enjoy dinner with you in peace, "You wanna fuck him for his birthday?" There's a smirk on his lips, just like there was when you'd needed Joel before Joshua was born.
“Hey, language!” You chastise, pointing to his son in his arms, “Don’t say it like that either, you know you come first, you always have, I love you Tommy, but can’t we just give him one time, once a year, where I can really show him how grateful I am for what he gave us?” 
You can see him mull it over in his mind as he bounces his son in his arms before he relents, “Okay,” He’s smiling, and it reaches his eyes, so you know he really means it, “If that’s what you want, I’m happy.” 
You smile, walking over to kiss him, “I don’t deserve you,” You murmur against his lips, “I love you so very much, Tommy Miller.” 
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Joel thinks, as he walks hand in hand with you back to his home, that he really didn’t need this. He didn’t need thanking for what he’d done. He remembers walking into your hospital room with Sarah after Joshua had been born – she’d insisted on picking the biggest and brightest bouquet of flowers for you and had been so excited to finally meet her nephew. He’d pushed open the door for her that day and had been overcome with a strange sense of satisfaction. 
You were propped up in bed, Joshua cradled in your arms, his tiny hand clutched around one of your fingers, Tommy stood, hand brushing your hair as he looked down at the both of you with pure adoration. He knew he’d given you everything in that moment, that he’d managed to make the two of you the happiest people ever, and that was enough. A fleeting moment in time between you and him, that had created the most beautiful baby boy he’d ever laid eyes on, he’d been happy to let it lie, to wait and see if you wanted more and came back to him down the line. 
He hadn’t expected that on his birthday last year, you’d have cornered him and kissed him with such passion that he wasn’t sure he’d survive once he pulled away from you. Then you explained, one night a year, he could choose when, where you could show him how thankful you were to him. A night just to yourselves, without Tommy’s eyes trailing over you both. Secret and sacred between the two of you. 
Once Joel has unlocked his front door and brought you inside, he wastes no time. He craves this, has spent the last year thinking of the moment he gets to fuse his lips with yours. It’s soft, as his mouth opens against yours, slow as your tongues meet, he doesn’t have to rush with you anymore, he gets you to himself for the whole night. He pulls away, pressing his forehead to yours. 
“Hey.” You smile softly. 
“Hey, pretty girl,” He’s smiling, palms resting at your hips, “You want me to take you upstairs? 
You bite at your bottom lip and breathe out, “Yes.” 
He leads you up the stairs, your hand clutched in his own, through the threshold of his bedroom. He settles himself on top of his sheets, head propped up on his pillows as he motions you to join him. You clamber onto the bed, crawling up his body on your hands and knees until you’re straddling his hips with your mouth back on his. 
As you grind your hips down onto him, his hands coming to cup your ass under your dress, you can feel him growing hard for you. All you want is to strip him down and put your mouth on him, but it seems he has other ideas, and since this is all for him, you let him take the lead. He slips his hands under the waistband of your panties, warm hands on your flesh as he pulls them down as far as they’ll go in this position. 
“Lie down for me, babygirl.” He whispers against your lips, you oblige, settling yourself down on your back as he pulls your underwear off fully, shucking the hem of your dress up to your hips. 
He’s got one of his arms under your head, his lips at your ear as you spread your legs for him, letting his fingers slip through your folds to gather the slick that has slowly been gathering there all evening as you both watched each other, knowing what was coming. 
“So wet for me, pretty girl,” He breathes into your ear, taking the lobe between his teeth to nibble as he slips two of his fingers into your tight pussy, “Been thinking about me?” 
He drags those fingers from your core, up to your clit where he begins to play soft circles across it, it’s so gentle that your breath catches in your throat as you arch yourself into his hand, “Couldn’t stop,” You admit, turning your face to kiss his lips, “Thought about you all day.” 
He dips his fingers back into your cunt as he kisses you, you can feel him smirk against your lips when you grind down to meet his fingers, “I’ve been thinking about you all year, hot mama, couldn’t wait to get my hands on you.” 
He brings his slick fingers back up to your swollen bundle of nerves, showering it with attention as you whimper for him, arching your back and bucking your hips, fingers gripping at his arm as he works you to the crest. You come for him, moaning into his mouth as he kisses you, his fingers making sure they work you for every ounce of your orgasm. 
Joel has you more times than he can count that night. He brings you over the edge over and over again until you can do nothing but sob, beg for a reprieve but beg him not to stop. You let him put you in positions you didn’t know possible, his cock thick and heavy inside you, brushing that spot within you that makes you sing and scream for him. He fills you up with his cum, protected by the pill you take each morning, and then, when the sun is rising and the beginnings of the day break through his drawn curtains, you lie on his chest, fingers drawing patterns on his skin, slick with sweat. You’re both sore, both spent, and both happy, most importantly. You know that within the hour you’ll have to start the walk back to your own home and it’ll be like nothing ever happened. Sarah will think her dad slept on your couch and you were in your rightful place, in bed next to Tommy, and that's how it will continue to be for another year, happy with the man you love, but safe in the knowledge that you still have this slice of heaven each year. The play will continue for another year – the doting uncle and niece, the happy family with their growing son, and you’ll be happy, because this is all you’ve ever needed. 
“I love you.” Joel whispers, lips pressing a kiss to your forehead as he brushes the sweat slicked hair from your face, his eyes mapping every inch of you, claiming this scene as his own, committing it to memory so he has one thing he can think of, in the depths of his nights, when he feels the loneliest. To remind him that he’s not lonely at all, because even if he can only have you once a year, at least he can have you. He’s a simple man and he’s happy to take this one moment with you, until you decide you want more from him, if that’s ever the case. 
“I love you too Joel.” 
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cameronspecial · 2 months
A New Kind Of Normal (Part 4)
Pairing: Dad!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Being Arrested
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 4.1K
Summary: Stella is now four years old and Rafe gets to celebrate that first milestone with her.
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Four years old. His little girl is four years old and Rafe finally gets to be there for one of Stella’s special days. He was quick to say yes when Y/N asked him to help plan the birthday party. She can swear he is more excited about the celebration than Stella as he pitches big and wild ideas. By the time May 17th comes around, she is able to talk him down from hiring someone to bring in safari animals to a Halloween-themed party with family members and daycare friends. With his excitement, the party also brings in the nerves of meeting Y/N’s family. He knows she told them the truth about him, but she said she explained how much he has changed for Stella. So he is a little on edge about what they are going to think about him and vows to himself to be on his best behaviour. 
Rafe finds himself setting up cauldrons filled with candies on a fold-out table in a black cat costume. Witch Y/N comes out to the backyard with a black cat-shaped piñata and a wooden broom. “If I was really being a bad boy, then you could’ve just told me. You don’t need to beat it out of me,” he jokes. Y/N giggles, heading over to the tree, “I don’t think any amount of spanking could turn you good.” His cheeks redden and he walks over to help her tie the piñata string around the tree branch when he notices her struggle. 
His breath falls on the back of his neck and his chest is flushed against her back. It takes everything in her not to take a peek at his abs that are on display thanks to his shirt lifting up. She looks up to watch him dangle the cardboard cat. He finishes up and looks down at her. They smile once their eyes meet. The moment is interrupted by Benedict coming outside with Stella in his arms. Her older brother notices their body language, “I hope we aren’t interrupting anything.”  “Mommy, Uncle Benny said he and me can throw paint at his walls tomorrow. Can I go, please?” Stella begs, not noticing the position her parents are in. Y/N and Rafe pull apart. Rafe holds his hand out to shake, “I’m Rafe, Stella’s dad. It’s nice to meet you.” Benedict shifts Stella to one arm and takes Rafe’s hand. “Nice to meet you too. I’m Y/N’s older brother, Benedict.” Rafe isn’t too sure what to say next, but luckily Y/N is able to break the silence. “Benny, can you help Rafe finish setting up? I have to get Stells changed into her costume,” she directs, leaving Rafe and Benedict alone with Stella’s pleas to go over to her uncle’s house tomorrow fading in the distance.
Unlucky for him, she says exactly what he doesn’t want her to, but he nods anyway. Rafe and Benedict keep working on the decorations. A few minutes later, a man, a woman and a teenager come out back; they all look like Y/N in various ways. The woman exclaims, “I can’t believe my grandbaby is already four.” The trio notices Rafe and freezes. Benedict is the one to rescue him, “Mom, Dad, Josh. This is Rafe, Stella’s dad.” Her mother and father give an unpleased look at him and he feels his heart deflate. He paints a smile on his face and holds out his hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Y/L/N, Mr. Y/L/N, and Joshua,” he introduces, shaking all their hands. When her parents don’t say he can call them by their first names, he feels he didn’t make a good impression on them. 
Joshua gives him a smile that helps give him some hope, “It’s good to meet you. Stella has told me some great things about you.” At least, Y/N’s brothers seem to be okay with him. Y/N returns before the conversation can continue and everyone finishes putting up the decorations. 
The party is just beginning. Stella is running around the backyard with her friends while the adults talk to each other. None of the parents want to talk to Rafe because all they know is he was Stella’s absentee father up until recently and none of them are keen to learn more about him. Benedict is busy playing with the kids and Josh is talking to some of the parents. “Hi, sorry we are a little late. The ferry wasn’t on time,” Rose apologizes, placing a gift on the presents table. Wheezie and Sarah follow her actions and they all go looking for Stella. She spots the three Camerons arriving, running toward them. “Grammie, Auntie Wheezie, Auntie Sarah,” she screams. The little girl throws herself into the Cameron women's arms, giving them each a kiss on the cheek. 
Ever since Stella met her grandmother and aunts, she has been hooked on being exactly like them. She wants to be as determined as Rose, as kind to the environment as Sarah and as funny as Wheezie. While watching the scene, Y/N heads over to her parents. “You guys need to start talking to Rafe. I can see you guys are making him nervous,” she demands, giving them the disapproving mother look she mastered thanks to Stella. Her father gives her a questioning look, “How can we let him into our lives when we don’t know if he is here to stay? When we don’t know if he is going to break your and Stella’s hearts?” She understands her parents' fear. They were so supportive of her pregnancy and continuing school. They knew how much she struggled with the decision not to tell Rafe because of the rumours of who he was and with being a single mother in general. And it’s understandable that they don’t want to go through that all over again. However, Y/N has seen the effort Rafe has put into changing and her parents need to give him a chance to prove that to them. “Yes, he may have needed to get sober before he met Stella. But he worked hard to do so and I’m proud of him. Watch how great he is with Stella. It will show you how great of a father he is,” she promises. 
They take their daughter’s word into consideration and watch as Rafe approaches his step-mom, sisters and daughter. Stella jumps into her father’s arms, “Daddy, can I open my present from you, please? It looks so pretty.” Rafe hates to tell her no, but he knows what Y/N would want him to say. “Little witch, if it was just me and you today, then of course you can,” he begins to explain. “But we are at your birthday party and it would be rude to open just one gift at the beginning. Before we played the games, had dinner and cut the cake. I promise when Mommy says it is time to open presents, you can open my gift first.” The little girl takes a second to consider what her dad said. She nods her head and runs off to play with her friends. 
Y/N’s parents are impressed by how Rafe handled the situation. They can’t deny he was great with their granddaughter and decide they should apologize for how they were treating him. They approach him with a timid smile. “Mrs. and Mr. Y/L/N, is there anything I can help you with?” he asks, looking excited because he may or may not have overheard their conversation with Y/N. Mallory gives an apologetic look, “Please, call us Mallory and Winston. We are here to say sorry for how we’ve been treating you. We couldn’t see that you changed before. You really are amazing with Stella.” “You are and we’d like to get to know you more in a more suitable environment. How about you come over for dinner tomorrow?” Winston offers. Rafe is overjoyed with their sudden change, “I would love that. If it is not too much trouble for you guys, then I would love to make your family dinner at my place in the Outer Banks.” “Winston and I would love that.” 
Stella sits with her presents surrounding her. Her excitement to open them all warms everyone’s hearts. “Which one do you want to open first, Baby?” Y/N inquiries, looking at all the bigger boxes Stella will probably want to open. Stella picks a more medium-sized box, “This one is Daddy’s. He said I can open it first.” She looks at her mother to confirm she is allowed to open the gift and immediately rips the dark purple paper apart when she gets the confirmation. The paper beneath shows a lavender cardboard box closed with packing tape. She struggles with pulling the flaps of the box open and looks up at her dad with pleading eyes. “Please, Daddy, help me open it.” Rafe jogs over to his little witch and pulls it open for her. 
He wraps his arms around her waist to lift her up, so she can see into the box. She pulls the tissue paper out of the box and pulls out the fluffy black stuffed cat. Her squeal is deafening, but her eyes widen at the pretty Taurus constellation necklace the cat is wearing as a collar. Each star is a small diamond. Y/N’s eyes bulge at the sight as well, knowing the necklace is expensive. She wants to demand that he takes it back, but she doesn’t want to ruin this bonding moment between the father and daughter. “Daddy, can you put it on for me, please?” she questions, holding it up to him. He gives her a kiss on the temple, “Of course. I want you to remember how much I love you every time you wear it. And know that whenever I look up to the stars, I’m thinking about you, little witch.” 
“Thank you so much for watching her. Benny got into a little trouble and uhh… he definitely isn’t in a place that I should take Stells. And my parents can’t get him because they are doing some college tours with Joshua,” Y/N thanks, getting ready to leave. She looks over her shoulder to see Rafe holding Stella in his arms, “Are you guys going to be okay? I know that this is the first time you are going to be watching her.” “We are going to be great! I promise I got this and if I need you, then I got your number,” Rafe guarantees, looking at Stella for backup. She gives him a grin, “Yeah. Now, go help Uncle Benny so I can spend time with Daddy.” Y/N shakes her head at her daughter chasing her out of her own house. “Okay, I’m going. Bye, I love you,” Y/N says, running out of the door. Rafe stops himself from returning her words when Stella cries out, “I love you too, Mommy.” He remembers that Y/N doesn’t love him, she loves her daughter. 
Once Y/N is out of sight, he closes the door and looks at his daughter. “So what do you want to do, little witch?” She gives it a thought before answering, “Let’s make popcorn and then watch a movie!” Rafe laughs at her excitement and brings them to the kitchen. He places her on the counter, so he can go looking for the popcorn. Y/N doesn’t have microwave popcorn, instead, she has just the kernels in a glass jar. He looks around for a popcorn machine, but it goes unfound. “Where does Mommy keep the popcorn machine?” he inquires, opening up a different cabinet to check. Stella gives him an inquisitive look, “Popcorn machine? Mommy makes it on the stove.” This makes Rafe pause because he has never made popcorn on the stove. “Do we really need popcorn? We can have chips instead,” he suggests. She shakes her tiny head, “We always have popcorn when we watch a movie.” “Okay, but you are going to have to help Daddy,” he gives in, taking the kernel jar and bringing her closer to the stove. He gets a pot, holding it up to his daughter, “Is this big enough?” 
“Yes, that’s the one Mommy uses. She uses the oil in that bottle and uses the blue spoon to put some oil in the pan.” Under her guidance, Rafe gets the olive oil and finds the blue spoon, which is a tablespoon measuring cup. He has to sneak a look at a recipe on his phone to check how many tablespoons of oils he needs, so Stella doesn’t think she is doing a bad job at explaining to him. She continues to instruct him on how to make it and when it starts popping he jumps a little. Stella giggles at her father’s fear, “Daddy, you got scared!” He exaggerates his surprise to keep her laughing. “I did. Can you cuddle Daddy to make him less scared?” he begs, moving closer so she can wrap her arms around his neck.
The popcorn finishes popping and he lets her put as much white cheddar topping as she wants. Rafe goes to examine their DVD collection and an unmarked box catches his attention. He pulls it off of the shelf, opening it up to reveal: The Love I Used To Have, starring Y/N Y/L/N. His mouth turns into a grin and he holds the box up to his daughter. “Do you want to watch this? Your mommy is in it,” he suggests to the toddler. Her excitement shines through and she jumps up and down while clapping. “Yes, yes. I want to see Mommy in a movie.” They get settled on the couch with her nestled under his arm. Stella pops some of the popcorn into his mouth and he has to stop himself from cringing at the amount of white cheddar in his mouth. “Hmm, this is really good, little witch. Good job,” he praises, giving her a smile. She grins at his words and eats some herself. He turns on the movie and they begin to watch.
The title of the short film fades onto the screen, disappearing to reveal the close-up of an eye crying. Rafe instantly recognizes it. How could he not when the image of those eyes rolling while he goes down on her is what haunts his dreams? Y/N’s eyes blink and the shot changes to a wide shot of her at a cemetery. “That’s Mommy,” Stella identifies with her finger pointed toward the screen. He kisses her head, “It is.” 
As the short film progresses, Rafe is blown away by Y/N’s acting talents. She is able to evoke the feeling of loss from him so easily and he truly feels like he is experiencing falling in love with her co-star and then losing her. He may not have lost Y/N in the same way as her character, but the emotion she displays makes it easy for him to match his loss with hers. It makes him want to ask her if she did have someone she loves die and if that is the feeling she is tapping into for this project. The movie comes to an end and he brushes his tears away to hide them from Stella. “Mommy is good at acting,” she whispers, looking up at her father, who can only nod in agreement. 
The rest of the afternoon turned into a Halloweentown marathon and halfway through movie number three, they had to pause for a second to wait for the food they ordered. Stella is held in his arms, playing with the gold chain around her father’s neck. “Daddy,” she catches his attention. He hums to show that he is listening. “Do you love me?” Rafe’s eyes stop looking out the open door to look at her, “Of course I love you.”
“Little witch, I love you forever and always.”
The elation in her eyes makes him happy and she rests her head on his chest with a sigh, “I love you forever and always too.” 
Y/N comes home to find Stella asleep in Rafe’s hold while his focus is completely on the TV. He is so invested in Return to Halloweentown that he doesn’t notice Y/N walk in. “How is Marnie going to get herself out of this pickle?” he whispers to himself. Y/N joins him on the couch, “Don’t worry, she will.” Rafe, for the second time today, jumps out of his seat, but a little softer with Stella in his arms. “I did not see you come in. Is Benedict okay?” he leans in to ask so as to not wake up the sleeping girl. 
“Yeah, he got off with a warning this time. The police just wanted someone to pick him up so he wouldn't do it again. The paperwork was a nightmare though.”
“That’s bureaucracy, Buttercup. Let me just help you get her to bed and I’ll head out.”
Rafe lifts himself off the couch and at the movement, Stella wakes up. “Mommy, you’re home,” she mutters in a tired voice. Y/N smoothes the girl’s muddy hair down, “I am, Baby. Why don’t we go to bed and say goodbye to Daddy?” Stella hasn’t forgotten her plan to help her father out with her mother and decides this is the perfect time to put it into motion. “But I want Daddy to sleep over. Mommy, it’s so late,” she draws out the last vowel. Y/N gives her a tight-lipped shake of the head, “I know, but Daddy has to go home, Stells.”
 “NO! I want Daddy to stay.”
“Stella Rachel Y/L/N. I said Daddy can’t. Now, go get ready for bed.”
Stella disobeys her mother and continues to cry her head off. Y/N starts biting her nails, trying to think of how to handle this situation. Rafe can see how tired Y/N is and wants to help. “I can sleep over if you want. I don’t mind taking the couch,” he offers. At her father’s words, Stella’s cries continued, “No, I want Daddy to sleep with me in Mommy’s room with Mommy.” He doesn’t know how to help Y/N with that. Y/N is too tired to argue at this point and gives in to her daughter’s wants, “Okay, he can stay with us.” Stella’s screams immediately stop. She gets off of the couch and goes to get ready for bed. “Did I just get tricked by my four-year-old?” Y/N ponders, turning toward Rafe. He gives her a shrug, “If it makes you feel better, I thought she was having a real tantrum.”
Y/N and Rafe stare at each other awkwardly from over Stella’s head. She had insisted that she sleep sandwiched between the pair and that they hugged each other while they slept. Rafe never thought he would be in Y/N’s bed; he doesn’t really know what to make of it, but he isn’t complaining. “I’m sorry she threw a tantrum and now you have to sleep here,” Y/N murmurs, smoothing down Stella’s hair. He gives her a smile, “It’s okay. I have nowhere to be tomorrow. Plus, I like being here for our daughter.” “That’s great. I know she loves it when you are here,” she confesses. His eyes find the ones that were on the TV screen a few hours ago, “How come you never tried to get your big break at acting? I know you couldn’t move out to LA or New York because of the diner, but you could’ve still sent out self-tapes.” “It wouldn’t have been practical with Stella. I needed a steady income and acting couldn’t provide me with the stability I needed for her,” she explains, fidgeting with her nails under the blanket. 
“But you are such a good actress. It is your dream.”
“It was my dream, Rafe. But I was going to have a baby and she became my priority.”
Rafe wishes that he could’ve been there when Stella was born, then maybe Y/N wouldn’t have had to leave her dream behind. He promises to himself that he will help bring stability to his little family so that Y/N can chase after what she genuinely wants in life. He goes to express that feeling but finds Y/N’s eyes closed. Her soft snores are an indication he isn’t going to get an answer. “I love you both. Forever and always,” he vows, kissing them both on the cheek. 
The next morning, Rafe is the first to wake up and he decides to make breakfast for his girls. He wants to help alleviate some of Y/N’s stress because that’s what one does for the people one loves. It may be a little early to say he loves her, but just being with her makes him happy and he has never felt his way before. He should ask her out on a date. Stella and Y/N find Rafe cooking waffles for everyone. Their little girl goes running to him and wraps herself in his legs. “Good morning, Daddy! Can I have some waffles too, please?” He moves away from the waffle maker, kneeling to return her hug, “Of course, little witch. I’m making food for everyone. Why don’t you go sit at the table? There is some bacon already there. This is the last waffle that I need to make.” “Okay. Thank you, Daddy! Forever and always,” she yells. She runs back to the table and Y/N gives him a confused look. “Forever and always? What does she mean by that?” she probes, coming closer to him. He looks over at her with a smile, “She asked me yesterday if I loved her. And I said forever and always. I guess that’s how she is saying I love you now.”
“Oh, that’s cute. You didn’t have to make breakfast, Button. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Buttercup. This may not be my house, but Stella is my responsibility too. Making sure she is fed is a part of my duties.”
The family eats breakfast in harmony with each other like they have always been together since Stella was born. She would do adorable things that would warm her parents’ hearts and they would do piney things that would give her hope. Y/N is washing the dishes while Rafe and Stella hang out at the table. “Daddy, you should ask Mommy out on a date,” Stella advises in a hushed tone. His eyebrow darts at his daughter’s words, “And what do you know about dates, little witch?” 
“Mommy and I watch lots of Hallmark movies. You look at each other like they do in the movies.”
“We do?”
“Yeah, and you smile whenever you see her. And try to touch her hand.” 
“Okay, I’ll think about it.”
Little does she know that her dad has already thought about it and is planning on doing it once her hearing ears are out of the room. 
Stella is in the bathroom, pooping as she announced to her parents. This leaves Y/N and Rafe alone in the living room waiting to see if she is going to need any help. Rafe finds the chain of his watch, playing with the link of the golden band, “I was thinking… maybe we could go mini golfing sometime and then we could go to dinner.” “Oh, that’d be great. Stella loves mini golfing. She says it’s like a tiny world perfect for kids,” she informs, giving him a smile.
“Actually, I was thinking it could be a date.” 
Her smile falls and Rafe feels as though his world stopped turning. “Rafe, I like you. I really do, but I don’t think we should date,” she breaks his heart with those words. “Some people suggest that you shouldn’t date when you are just getting sober. It’s not that I don’t believe you will stay sober. It’s that I think it would be better to focus on your sobriety and Stella.” He quickly nods his head, wanting to move past this awkward moment, “Right, I understand.” “Yeah, you are such a great dad to Stella and I really appreciate the effort you put into being with her. I hope you know that.” Their daughter’s call for help with wiping her butt causes Y/N to leave him alone in the room. He knows what she said makes sense and he probably shouldn’t jump head-first into another new commitment. But it still doesn’t stop the sinking feeling in his stomach at her no. 
Taglist: @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @drewstarkeyswifehoe @kisstaya @magicalyoura @mp-littlebit @loverfu55ii @dark1paradise @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @alyisdead @emeloyy @js-a-writer @kisstaya
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watchmegetobsessed · 1 year
A/N: this is literally just a little something i thought of upon seeinf this pic of Lizzo recording Harry lmao
SUMMARY: The moment Harry wins another Grammy.
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“And the Grammy goes to…” Trevor Noah starts the big announcement as he opens the envelope and the whole room goes eerily quiet.
You have your eyes glued to the stage, you’ve forgotten about how uncomfortable your dress feels around your chest (note to yourself, corsets only look good, but they are straight from hell when you actually wear them). You’re holding your breath while both of your hands are gripping Harry’s underneath the table and his hold is just as tight, his palms sweating as you all wait for the winner’s name to be dropped.
You allow yourself to peek at him and you see his blank stare, but you know there’s a whole tornado behind it, his mind is probably racing faster than ever and you almost miss how he is anxiously kicking the foot of his chair as the silent moments tick by.
When you look back at the stage you see Trevor opening the envelope, but instead of saying what’s inside, he looks behind, as if he was searching for someone and when he steps over to the adorable old lady in the line behind him, you already know.
Harry won.
He won another Grammy. 
“Har-Harry Styles!” the lady screams and you jump to your feet, unable to control your excitement any longer.
“Oh my God! Yes! Yes!” you scream and jump around, like a deranged football fan after her team just won. Everyone around is cheering and clapping and you look at Harry who has his face buried in his hands, his shoulders gently shaking.
“Baby, you won! I’m so proud of you!” You practically jump on top of him and he finally lifts his head, all his happiness reflecting from his eyes as he jumps to his feet and gathers you in his arms, squeezing you so tight that air gets knocked out of your lungs, but it’s okay, because you want to feel it all, you want to feel his pride and happiness in the moment he deserved so much. 
“You did it, H! I’m so so so proud of you!” you bounce in his arms before he pulls back and his lips land on yours, probably for the first time ever at an event like this. There are thousands of people around you, but in that moment it’s just you and him, sharing this magical experience he earned.
When he lets go of you to accept more congratulations you keep jumping and clapping with your hands up in the air, screaming in happiness and then you spot Lizzo behind you, her phone in her hand as she records your reaction.
“He won! My man won another Grammy!” you scream into the camera, making her laugh before it’s her turn to hug the winner himself. You’re out of breath by the time Harry heads up to the stage and you have to fix your dress so you don’t flash on national TV.
“Oh my God, this is amazing,” Lizzo laughs next to you and peeking over her shoulder you see that she is watching the video back, you’re acting like you just lost your mind while Harry is just hugging everyone one after the other.
“Don’t you dare post that anywhere,” you warn her, but you already know from the look in her eyes that she won’t gatekeep this one.
“Oh babygirl, your birthday is coming up, right?” She laughs like a maniac as you gape at her, pretending to be shocked, but before you could say a word Harry’s voice is heard coming from the speakers. 
He starts his totally random acceptance speech, rambling on about how thankful he is and how much this means to me, his gaze keeps flickering down at the award in his hands and you’ll never forget that smile that’s etched onto his face in that moment.
“...so, thank you so much and, erm…” he looks up, eyes swiping over the crowd before landing on you as he continues.” I wouldn’t be here without you.”
It seemed like he was addressing it to mostly his fans, but from the way his eyes were piercing into yours, you knew that it was meant only for you.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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starieq · 2 months
You make a present plan 2.0!
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day 4 of an explosive birthday celebration! You were looking through some old boxes you had in your parent’s garage for whatever reason, probably to bring back some awesome childhood memories, until you stumble across some old trading cards you found in a very decorated box. You decided to open one for fun until you get an All Might one! You first thought about how katsuki has one displayed on a shelf in his room from when he got one. But you wanted to make his 18th birthday present 2.0 as great as the recipe book! 
You remembered, wait, you know All Might, Katsuki knows All Might, and Izuku knows All Might. Why don’t you get it signed? It’ll be a special All Might card cause it came from you. But it’s always special cause it came to you. 
You grab your phone from your back pocket to call Izuku.
ring ring ring
“Hi y/n! What’s up? Something wrong? No, you would have called Kacchan because he’s your boyfriend, or he didn’t answer,-“ there he goes again. You honesty think it’s a little funny.
You giggle, “no izuku, I’m fine. Thanks though.  I just need favor to ask!”
Izuku sighs into the phone, “okay good, but what’s the favor?” 
The next day, you walk to All Mights office at UA and knock on the door.
“Who is it??” He says slumped back in his chair.
“Y/n! I have a favor to ask!” 
“Oh, young y/n! Come in!” 
You open the door the door and walk over the All Might.
“Hey All Might, I know your days of signing things as a pro is over, but can you pretty pretty please sign this card for Katsuki since it’s his birthday on Saturday and I want him to have a card signed from me so he can always remember me?” 
“Oh! Of course!” He says, Turing into his All Might form. “I would love to sign young Bakugos present! Gimme the card!” 
After he signs the card, you go to the store to get a case for it. You keep it inside your phone case so nobody steals it. You go inside the store to see what case fits the card and find the perfect one. 
When you’re walking back to the entrance, you get a call. 
Caller ID; Katsuki🧡💥
“Why the hell are you at the store again?” God he’s so nosy. 
“I was uhm, getting some new socks! Cause the needed some more! Hah..!” 
Wow, that sounded believable. “And why are you still looking at my location, freak!” You giggle a bit.
“Shut it brat! Just come back soon. Don’t want ya getting kidnapped or some shit.” 
You can’t help but giggle at that. 
“Yea, yea. I’ll be fine Kats! See you in a bit!” You hang up the phone and go right into your dorm room to hide the card and the case under your bed. 
:a/n; hihi! I had really fun writing this! Thanks for letting me be apart of this! I put a little of everyone’s so far into this, so, sorry if it’s offensive. I cant wait for the finish product, and when everyone’s is done! Love ya! ❤️
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- @gina239
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- @katsuisbaby
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- @kieran-rhoades
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ᴅᴀʏ ᴏɴᴇ: Coming April 14th - @zanarkandskylines
ᴅᴀʏ ᴛᴡᴏ: Coming April 15th - @xbabyd0lli3x
ᴅᴀʏ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ: Coming April 16th - @angels-fantasy
ᴅᴀʏ ꜰᴏᴜʀ: Coming April 17th - @starieq
ᴅᴀʏ ꜰɪᴠᴇ: Coming April 18th - @lowkeyremi
ᴅᴀʏ ꜱɪx: Coming April 19th - @queenpiranhadon
ᴅᴀʏ ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ: Coming April 20th - @cashmoneyyysstuff
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thisismeracing · 6 months
King of my heart | MS47 | Part. 23
― Pairing: Mick Schumacher x fem!hamilton!reader ― Warnings: graphic description of unprotected sex (fingering, dirty talk, and p in v), mentions of alcohol, and jealousy.  ― Summary: It the ending of the season and fans get a glimpse on Mick and Yn’s perspective. ― A/n: None of the pictures used are mine, they are all from Pinterest and other apps, but the work is, and I do not allow it to be published on a different platform. I would appreciate it if those things could be taken into consideration 💛
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part. 22 | series masterlist | part 24
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November, 2023
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liked by pierregasly, temsbaby, and others
lewishamilton You'll always be my baby sister, my bisty. I don't care how old you are, if you're dating, if you have kids of your own, or if you get married, you're forever the baby I held and knew I would protect with my life. Happy birthday theofficialyn 💙
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pierregasly Happy birthday, Hamilton baby! 🥳
⤷ hammertime_ why this is so funny to me
⤷ theofficialyn pierre 😠 hamilton baby sounds as if he’s my dad lol
ynfan my fav sibling duo 🥹💖
landonorris happy birthday to my fav brit girl! 💗💗
schumimick imagine having these genes and being born this pretty!
mickschumacher 🥹❤️
⤷ leclerccookies not even mick can’t resist baby yn!
⤷ dreiricciardo mick is the weakest for her and we know it
theofficialyn I love you, lew! thank you for always taking care of me 😭💗 my fav brother 💗
⤷ sainzfiftyfive do they have more siblings? what?
⤷ schumercedes I guess this is the joke, he’s her only brother 😂
georgerussell63 Happy birthday, Yn!!! Love you tons, please stop giving merc admin memes ideas 😘❤️
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ginaschumacher life gave me a little sister and I have never been so grateful. Thank you for being you, and for shining your light on everyone around you. I wish you the happiest life, Yn. I love you tons! 👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏾💘
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fan02 Is that mickyn I see? Did gina just fed us mickyn crumbs? 😭😭😭😭😭😭
mickschumacher I had no idea you took that pic haha 💜 we look cute, ily
⤷ astonmartinha GINA POSTED MICKYN 😭😭😭
theofficialyn I love you, g! You’re a gift life brought to me and I’ll cherish and keep you forever! 👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏾💞💞
⤷ burrowleclerc oh to be best friends with my boyfriend’s sister
carmenmmundt 🥹🥰 Happy bday, Yn!!! You’re such a kind soul, and it’s an honor to be your friend. Ily!
ylnrain I find it so gentle and endearing the way the schumacher and the hamiltons became close friends all because of mick and yn. like, she could just be acquaintance with gina, but they’re always seem together and they truly root for each other, you can see it. and then there’s mick and lewis who got even closer during these past few months, like…this is some romance book typa shit and I love it!
⤷ norrizzfour bestie ur rant was longer than the birthday wishes but I love that for you 😅🤣
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charles_leclerc I won't say you're like a sister to me or else your brother will push me off the track 🙄 but it's a pleasure to be your friend and to share the struggles and the good things of life with you. Thank you for always remembering about me with your sugary diet vegan desserts. Life is sweeter around you! Happy birthday, Yn ❤️
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pierregasly 👍
⤷ lewisfan not pierre jealous LMAO
⤷ theofficialyn he loves you a tiiiiiny bit more than he loves me, believe me
⤷ pierregasly yeah but he never said life is sweeter around me 🤬
⤷ arthur_leclerc he did say it was funnier tho
⤷ joris_trouche 🤔🤨🤨
⤷ theofficialyn did charles told you to comment this, arthur? 🤣
⤷ charles_leclerc I’m trying to avoid a future track collision here, Yn!
⤷ landonorris you guys so dramatic 🤦‍♂️
danielricciardo Happy birthday, Yn!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🙌🏻
carlossainz55 feliz cumpleaños, hamilton! ❤️❤️
scuderiaferrari so she HAS been bringing you sweets huh?
⤷ theofficialyn they’re all healthy I promise, I even talked with the nutritionist 😇
⤷ georgerussell63 rumor has it she didn’t talk with the nutricionista
⤷ georgerussell63 but they’re all healthy anyways, calories free and all, even I eat some!!!
⤷ theofficialyn I was about to call alex to beat ur ass!
franciscac.gomes feliz aniversário, yn! 🥹🥰💗 te amo!!!
⤷ theofficialyn I love you more, kikaaaa! 💘💘
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mickschumacher I am the luckiest guy for having you in my life. I still remember the first time I saw you, and to this day I still feel all giddy whenever you walk into the room. I wanna spend the rest of my life by your side, smiling, laughing, crying, talking, sharing every moment. I wish you the happiest birthday, and an even happier life, Schatzi. I love you 💛 here’s to many more birthdays together
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ynsunshine the mickey shirt 😭
⤷ spanishgp23 isn’t that how yn calls him?
⤷ ynsunshine exactly!!!!! 😭
estebanocon happy birthday, yn!! 🩵🩵🩵
mercedesamgf1 happy birthday to the merc’s garage sunshine 💓
theofficialyn forever 💗
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theofficialyn had a great time in Brazil with some even greater people 💛💚💙🤍
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brunamarquezine te amooooo! 🩵🩵 (Ily)
keepupwthehamiltons I saw yn was with Iza too, and I’m manifesting something between iza and lewis like 😩😩 they would be so powerful together
mickschumacher ❤️
satelliteferrari mick showing up twice 🥰 she really said MY man
lewishamilton thank you for always having my back 💙
⤷ theofficialyn you’re my forever number 1! Love you, lew 😘
⤷ hamiltonsiblings my forever number 1 😀🥲☹️😭 meanwhile my brother calls me ugly in every possible language
1directiontrack I say give Yn the citizen title too 🇧🇷
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mickschumacher vegas, baby! 😚
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gaslightgasly I wonder if the last pic isnt a soft launch for his new seat next year 👀
⤷ schumicedes I haven’t thought about it, but it makes sense…
mickynshipper I love how they’re the center of each others posts 😩💗
sainzleclerc God, I’ve seen what you done for others 🙇‍♀️
estebanocon I like the new haircut 😎
gaslybestie I can’t be the only one who had some very age restricted thoughts with the fourth pic…
⤷ vettelforever oh you’re def not alone on this train bestie
porscheschumi I am invested on this porsche 2024 mick!! omg omg
December, 2023
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theofficialyn & mickschumacher
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theofficialyn it's the most beautiful time of the year 😍❤️🎄
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lewishamilton sickenly cute, but ily 🤍
ginaschumacher its even prettier sharing it with you guys 💚
ynfan2 the way they're always included in each other's dump is so wholesome, I bet they waited way too long to do it, and now it must feel liberating
⤷ russellsainz they're showing off but I would too if I dated one of them
estebanocon merry xmas!! 🎅
sunnyyn its their first Christmas together I'm crying pls
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────── ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: Hi, lovelies! I hope you liked this quick chapter, we're about to reach the last one and I'm a bit nervoussss hihi Let me know your thoughts on this chapter and komh in general *mwah*.  
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Sorry, I meant Ghost in a fight/discussion with reader 😭 Still, I did love your take
CW: Fighting, emotional abuse, light swearing I am so sorry anon 😭😭 I am literally the dumbest person to have ever existed lmaooo Also apologies for length, I am moving and wanted to get you something cause I'm not sure when I'll be able to post again. To whoever asked, I am making a pt.2 so send me an ask if you want to be notified :)
As always, no beta, please lmk of any mistakes!!
A lot of ‘fights’ you guys have are one sided, where you concede quickly, not wanting to argue, and he just keeps going and going. He, like a lot of ND’s, gets a thrill from fighting, and he will pick fights about everything. You just disagree once with what he says and he goes off.
Fem!Reader: Anytime he is upset/angry with you/thinks you are disrespecting or ignoring him, he'll call you 'woman'. 
"I'm still talking woman!" "Watch your mouth woman" "Woman I am talking!" 
He does not love bomb. He does not come after arguing with you with flowers and chocolates and showering you with love to make up for it. 
Don’t get me wrong, this man does bring you flowers, just not to make you feel better after a fight. He’ll get you flowers for valentines day and your birthday and your anniversary and any time he feels like you deserve flowers, but he does not give them to you after fights. 
And you guys don’t fight too often. At least, not fights where he feels bad and has lingering guilt. Very rarely will he realize(or at least admit) That he was wrong, especially not in front of your kids, if you guys have them. However, if he does realize and admit he is wrong(typically after you sleep in a different room or don’t talk to him except for the bare minimum) he will apologize in private.
One very memorable fight for you was back in the early days of your relationship, just after you had started living together. He had left his gear just piled on the front table, and you had folded it and moved it to the bedroom so that it wasn’t cluttering up the front room. He came home and, well, freaked. He screamed at you, punched a hole through a door, and you still remember him telling you ‘Go to hell then woman” when you said you had just wanted the space to be clear. 
He gets pissed off about the stupidest stuff. Your guy's 10-year-old daughter bought a Stanley? He’s mocking him for the next 3 weeks about wanting to be popular. Your teenage-daughter wears ripped jeans to a concert? He’s telling everyone about how she must have bought them at half-price since so much cloth is missing. 
One interesting thing is that he respects fighting back, to an extent. You watched in borderline horror as your eldest got into a screaming match with him that lasted hours and ended with no victor. And yet, since that day, you’ve never seen Simon scream at them again. 
Hearing this, he sounds toxic, yeah? And he is, to an extent. But you stay with him because he knows he has issues, and he actively works on bettering himself. You’ve been with him for a decade now, and you can see so many differences in the way that he acts. He no longer screams and throws things and punches holes in the walls. He is more willing to admit when he is wrong, hell, there's even been a few times when he’s said sorry in front of your kids. 
You understand his trauma, you understand why he responds and acts the way he does, and most importantly He does too, and he is working on bettering himself for his family, because he loves you, and he hates that his explosive reactions hurt you and your kids.
I am going to make a pt. 2 to this so that I can go more in depth, but again, I’m moving and not sure when I will be able to post again so I wanted to at least give you something. lmk what ya'll think :)) ALSO: If you think I am mischaracterizing Ghost please let me know, and I will either explain my reasonings or you will change how I think of him. Either way, I would like to know yalls thoughts so please do not hesitate to say something
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lisbeth-kk · 1 month
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May Prompts
It's the day of the Fall in the Sherlock fandom...needless to say that today's prompt is fall...
The Luckiest Girl in the world (chapter 4)
Summary: Rosie starts to interact with her uncle in earnest, much to Sherlock and John's delight. Mycroft is not that amused...
Four Years Old
Shortly after our seaside visit, things were set in motion by the British Government, aka Mycroft Holmes. Papers were signed, and a few months before my fourth birthday, I was Sherlock’s legal daughter. My Papa. God, how I love him. Just as much as I love Dad. And the adoption came with more benefits. I got an uncle and two grandparents as well.
My uncle Myc, as I call him, which he wrinkled his nose at in the beginning, is a complex man. Like his younger brother, but also different. The walls around him are thicker and not as easily penetrable as Papa’s. Gaining access to Mycroft Holmes’s heart, is no easy feat. Only a handful of people have managed it, and I’m the last one in line. Walls can indeed fall.
Dad told me how Papa constantly bickered, argued and fought with his brother, but Dad knew there was love there. Uncle Myc did anything in his power to keep Papa safe, and later Dad and me.
When I started to really interact with my uncle, Papa apparently had the time of his life, because at the age of barely four, I had no idea who Mycroft Holmes really was, or what he was capable of. I just saw a pompous man, always dressed in a three-piece suit, and carrying an umbrella. The latter spurred my brain, not to mention my tongue, into action.
“Why do you always have that parasol with you?” I asked and pointed at his umbrella.
Papa rumbled and Dad chuckled. It was Papa who had told me the name of the item. 
“It’s an umbrella, Rosamund,” he said stiffly and glared daggers at his brother, fully knowing who had “taught” me the name.
I didn’t care what the damn thing was called, but stared stubbornly at him and waved a hand, as Papa used to do when he didn’t want to be troubled with trifles.
“Why?” I asked sternly, lifting my chin in challenge.
“Oh, John. That surely is the spitting image of what you looked like when you turned his offer down in that garage all those years ago,” I heard Papa say.
I had no idea what he was talking about, and didn’t bother asking, so I continued staring my uncle straight in the eyes, daring him to deny me an answer. 
“You got your stubbornness from your dad,” Papa always says.
Uncle Myc cleared his throat and sat down on the sofa, before he explained some nonsense, I didn’t believe for a second. How the British weather is unpredictable, that he sometimes needed it for support if his leg should, for some reason, give way. At that point Papa and Dad snorted in unison and I rolled my eyes. That got me a tiny hint of a smile. It probably reminded him of his brother when he was my age.
“When you’re old enough, I will take you to the shop that makes these, and let you choose your very own,” he offered in a tone that was supposed to be friendly, but his lack of training in that area, made it sound more like a threat.
“Did you see his face, John,” Papa laughed when everyone had left my birthday party.
Dad giggled and was almost unable to answer, clinging to Papa’s arm like it was the only thing preventing him from falling.
“I did! Please tell me he still got surveillance cameras in the flat,” Dad said breathlessly and looked up at Papa with a pleading expression.
Papa bent down and kissed his forehead, and whispered something I couldn’t discern. It clearly contained something sentimental, because Dad cupped Papa’s face and murmured “love you”, before they started laughing again.
The reason for this silly behaviour had everything to do with Nana’s gift. It was an umbrella. Light green, with yellow flowers, green plants, and a white bird with a large beak on the rim. That in itself, wasn’t what got my fathers into a fit of giggles, but rather my outburst after I’d thanked Nana for it.
“Look, uncle Myc! I got one too. Just like yours. “
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emsgwenstan · 4 months
Personal or professional?
Larissa Weems x fem(carpenter/joiner) named reader
Chap 5| chap 6| chap 7
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Words: 3k
Warnings: insecurity’s, swearing.
Note: another fill in chapter… this gif☝️is the look she gives Violet about the door lol.
Well it’s official, It’s the 12th of December and my dreaded birthday, another year of being alive, I guess I should be grateful but only 2 hours until I can go home and sleep! Jesus I really am getting old. I do wish I could see Larissa today but I don’t want to disturb her, we have been texting since that day which was three days ago now, I drove her home that night and the next morning she sent me a message saying good morning and I thought that was really sweet, but this morning she hadn’t said anything, I don’t need to read into it though, I just hope I haven’t done anything wrong. My phone started to ring in my pocket and just when I thought it was her I was wrong.
“Happy birthday vi!” She yelled.
“Thanks Lou.” I said chuckling.
“Happy birthday vi.” I heard jades sultry voice say on the other line.
“Oh yeah jays here too.” Louise said.
“Wanna wish auntie vi happy birthday?” She added.
“Happy birthday auntie violet!” Lou’s daughter lily shouted.
“Aww thanks guys, how is everyone?” I asked.
“Yeah we’re all pretty good, how are you though? You’ve been pretty quiet… perhaps finally found someone?” Louise said teasingly.
My face burned, how am I supposed to say yes I’ve met and fallen in love with someone, we’ve had sex and yet we’re still in a what do they call it now? situationship? Friends with benefits? Let alone it being with a woman- not that they’d be very surprised.
“I have been getting out more and no I’m not with anyone.” I said.
“Let’s hope you find someone vi we don’t want you to be alone forever.” Jade said in a sing song voice.
“Shut the fuck up, says you your a hoe, a serial seducer.” I laughed.
“Ok lily go to your room for a minute.” Lou said.
“Oh my god sorry!” I said.
“Aunt of the year award goes to Violet.” Jade said mockingly.
“Agh, anyway guess what?” I asked.
“What?.” “Mhm?” From the both of them.
“I’ll see you guys at dads this year.” I said.
“What! You’re actually gonna show up!?” Louise said.
“Yeah but I’m not gonna be alone, I’m bringing my… friend Larissa.” I said awkwardly.
“Ooooo Larissa.” They said in unison. I could just imagine them looking at each other knowingly.
“Please… anyway I’ll be there for a week then I’m going to see my mum.” I stated.
“We haven’t seen you for ages, oh and by the way dad has been such a dick lately, all he talks about is fucking golf.” Jade said.
“When isn’t he a dick, and that doesn’t surprise me, I’m not going for him though I’m coming to see you guys.” I spoke.
“Yeah well we will be there for like 9 days I think, we really need to go out all together again, I know I need to get hammered.” Louise said laughing.
“Agreed I know just the place.” I said.
“We know.” They both said giggling.
“Ok well I’m at work so I need to go but I’ll see you guys then ok?” I said.
“Alright we love you sis.” Lou said.
“Love you guys, tell lily and Lottie i love them to.” I said.
“Will do, bye.” She said.
I went back to stacking lengths of timber in their designated racks and began to wrap up the rest of my stuff getting ready to come home.
Finally in the threshold of my house, I kicked off my boots and tore off my work clothes, it was so fucking hot I felt like I was suffocating. The heat was up so high last night because it was freezing and I forgot to turn it off this morning as well as having the fire going. Turning it off and keeping the fire going I went and jumped in the shower quickly to rinse off the sawdust and settle in for the night.
Hopping into bed I let my hair out of the tight ponytail it’s been in all day letting it fall over my pillow and just like that I passed out. It was only 6pm but I didn’t care it was much needed, although it wasn’t until a while later when I could feel my body slightly shaking that I awoke again. “Wake up darling.” A hushed voice spoke, I know that accent anywhere, why is she here? how is she here? I rolled over slightly with my eyes cracked open, Larissa was standing beside me with a hand delicately wrapped around my bicep.
“Good morning.” She teased. “What are you doing here? How did you get in here?” I asked sleepily. Larissa brought her hand to my face stroking my cheek lightly. “I did knock, but no answer. The door was unlocked, I should have rung you I’m sorry.” She said in haste. “No, no it’s fine you’re welcome you don’t even need to knock.” I said rubbing my eyes. Larissa smiled warmly. “Sit up for a moment I’ll be right back.” She said leaving the room. I’m still a little bit delirious wondering if this is even real or not, but the fact that I could feel her gave me every indication that it was. Slowly I sat up and realised I’m only wearing underwear, I clutched my duvet to my chest and sat cross legged against my head board.
Larissa waltzed back in with a large box in her hands, the sound of her heels clacking on the floor boards getting closer gave me more anticipation wondering what was going on. She perched herself on the edge of my bed and placed the huge box in my lap, it was a deep red with a crimson, satin bow on top. I looked at her with curiosity and a small smile. “Open it.” She said gesturing me to do so. Slowly I undid the ribbon and opened the box, I could smell it first, the large bouquet of red and dark red- almost black roses that lay on top. “Oh Larissa, these are beautiful.” I said plucking them out and smelling how heavenly they are. “How did you know these were my favourite… not just the flowers but the colours.” I asked jokingly. “I have my ways.” She said. I giggled at her and lay the roses next to me and continued to open the layers of tissue paper.
The next thing was clothing of some sort, pulling it up I gasped. “It’s beautiful.” I said astonished, the black dress was gorgeous, intricate black beads lined the off the shoulder cut out and strapped top, the thigh slit down the side and the cuffs of the sleeves. “Why did you get me this?” I asked incredulously. “Because you deserve it.” She said blatantly. “I’m afraid I don’t think it will fit.” I said solemnly. “It will, I promise.” She ensured moving the tissue further out of the way to indicate there’s more. Carefully I laid aside the dress as well and took out the next thing. A large black coat with fur around the hood, sleeves and bottom. My eyes lit up and I became speechless. Trying to catch a sneaky look at the tag, I didn’t find a price or size instead the words ‘Vivienne Westwood’ in scribed on it. “What the fuck.” I breathed, I looked at the dresses tag and the same thing was embedded.
“There’s more.” She said suggestively. I looked at her with wide eyes and put aside the coat. Underneath was a shoe box and another thing wrapped with tissue paper, I opened that first unraveling the fragile paper. My cheeks burned, when I came to relise it was lingerie, a set of scarlet red lace, a bra with matching panties. I admired them, running my fingertips along the intricacies of the material, I gave a shy and quiet thank you to Larissa and set them aside too. The last thing was the shoe box that made my breathing stop. ‘Cristian louboutin’ no fucking way.
Larissa could see my face at the sight of it, how much I was in shock and awe even without seeing what’s in it. I took off the lid and just about had a heart attack, slick black heels lay next to another adorning the familiar red bottoms. I turned to Larissa with a gaping mouth and wide eyes. “How- why…I. Larissa I’ve wanted these shoes since I was 17!” I screeched. She grinned and put her hand on my wrist. “Happy birthday darling.” She whispered sweetly. Again I melted. “Oh rissa, I don’t know if I can accept these.” I said softly. “Yes you can, I wanted to give you something to make you feel beautiful, and I know that black makes people feel slimmer- not that you need to of course! I just…-god, I thought I could help you feel better about yourself and show you how beautiful you are my sweet.” She said feeling horrible at how that sounded. “No I understand, it’s very thoughtful of you. Most of my clothes are black.” I said smiling.
“And I think red looks gorgeous on you too.” She said. I immediately remembered that I wore a red bra that day and that’s what she was pertaining to. Larissa was very close it was harder to not be under her piercing gaze, I put the box next to me and wrapped my arms around her neck, slowly I leaned in and hoped she wouldn’t pull away, I placed a chaste kiss to her lips grinning into it. “Thank you lovely.” I said into her ear still hugging her. “You’re very welcome.” She said pulling back. “Now I hope it’s ok with you but I made reservations for 8:00, so go get changed into these and we can go get dinner?” She said questionably. “You didn’t!” I said. She stood from the bed and reached for my hands to help me up, I stood and covered my stomach feeling a little self conscious again.
Larissa grasped my wrists, moved them away and looked in my eyes. “Don’t hide from me darling.” She said placing another kiss on my forehead. She turned on the spot and left me to get changed. In the bathroom I painted on some make up opting for dark eyeshadow and lipstick a few shades darker than Larissa’s, I curled my collarbone length blonde hair and put on my gold necklace with a ‘v’ initial and a few rings from the dish on the sink. I slipped on the red lingerie with a smirk and then the dress, for a moment my heart sank when the sip at the back wouldn’t go up, but turns out it was just caught on the material, it slid up my back with ease. I slipped on the shoes and couldn’t stop the excitement that spread through my body as I did so.
Looking in the mirror, I stared at myself, I hadn’t even realised I had a waist, the shoes are what I kept looking at and my calf muscles that sculpted due to the height. Larissa carefully opened my bedroom door and walked up behind me, I looked at her in the reflection giving a timid glance, she pressed herself to my back and gently put her head on my shoulder and moved her hands to meet around my front, her palms smoothed out the fabric and stopped at the swell of my stomach. “You look stunning.” She said kissing my temple. “Thank you.” I said. “Shall we go?” She asked. “Yeah.” I grabbed the coat and put it on.
Going past the kitchen and hallway I grab my keys from the dish. “What are you doing?” She asked. I dangled the keys giving her the hint I’m driving. “No, I’m driving.” She said plucking them out of my hand and putting them back down. Larissa walked out the door and I followed behind her, she stepped to the passenger side and opened the door for me, I giggled at her chivalry. She walked to the other side and sat in the drivers seat. “Ooo the woman knows how to drive stick.” I said as a joke. “Yes I do, something else we have in common.” She said turning on the car and reversing out of the drive way.
Once she went thought the gears, Larissa placed her hand on top of mine and curled her fingers into my palm, the butterflies in my stomach were alive and well at this point, not that they ever go away when I’m with her. When she down geard and sadly removed her hand from mine it must have meant we’re close, but when I saw the place my eyes just about bulged out of my head. Larissa killed the engine and stepped out, just as I open the door she glared at me through the windscreen, I laughed throwing my head back and closed the door again. She made it to the other side and reopened the door extending a hand to me.
I stepped out onto a gravel driveway and kept a hold of her hand. She closed the door and started to lead me in the direction of the restaurant. “Wait.” I said stopping. Holding her hand I took off my shoes and started walking again until we made it to cement and put them back on. I looked at her confused face. “I want to savour and look after these shoes.” I said. “Oh.” She chuckled, we made our way up the grand steps to the front door. This place was about ten minutes out of town and secluded by trees, the building was a tan colour and had pillars surrounding it, pot plans and ivy covered the exterior, a red carpet rolled down the stairs and the large double doors open wide with a ‘please wait to be seated’ sign on the wall outside of them.
Larissa glanced at me as a young woman greeted us. “Hello ladies, booking name?” She asked. “Weems.” Larissa said. “Yes, right this way.” She lead us into a massive dining hall, intimate tables with candles and silver alike, chandeliers vaulted from the ceiling, paintings, even live music with people playing violins and other sweet sounding instruments, a dance floor- for those who actually dance, it was beautiful and it felt right to be here experiencing this with Larissa, if I came here without her, she would be the one I’d tell this place about. “Here you go.” She sat us in a green velvet booth and placed two menus on the table then left.
“I didn’t even know this place existed.” I said. “Do you like it?” She asked shrugging off her cream coat, Larissa was wearing a plum coloured silk blouse and a matching cream pencil skirt, my breath hitched at the sight of her, somehow she seemed nervous, the woman who exudes power, authority and confidence is nervous, but then again I know its not the first time around me, but as if I do that to her, its probably just because she wants me to have a good night. “Absolutely, I really don’t deserve this-.” “Yes you do.” She said cutting me off. I took a deep breath and changed the subject. “Any idea what you feel like?” I asked. We both went through the menu together, decided on our choices and ordered.
Larissa and I were having a conversation about what we both did today when we were interrupted by a man who seemed to know her. “Larissa, I thought that was you.” He said. She looked up and let out a sharp exhale through her nose forcing a tight lipped smile. “Mr jones, lovely to see you.” She said speaking though here teeth. “Likewise, I don’t see you out of that school often.” He said. Larissa bit the insides of her cheeks quite literally refraining herself from spitting a very unkind insult his way. “Yes well Marcus, I do have a life.” She said bitterly, if looks could kill. His line of sight went to me. “And who is this?” He asked. If it were anyone else, She would have felt compelled to say ‘oh forgive me how rude I didn’t introduce you sooner’ instead she kept her back handed behaviour. “This is violet Hastings, my very good friend… now if you don’t mind we would like to enjoy our dinner.” Her voice sounding like venom. “Nice to meet you, I suppose I should get back to my wife.” He said awkwardly leaving.
The silence was killing me. “Ok what was that?” I asked chucking. Larissa let out a huff and turned to face me. “That was Marcus jones, a sleazy twit… also a board member.” She explained whilst simultaneously taking a sip of the wine the waitress brought over. “He did seem a bit smug.” I said sidding with her. “He’s an imbecile, all he does is make my job harder and tries to deny my advances for the schools funding and changes.” She said twisting the stem of the glass on the table. “Not to mention, every Thursday night he goes and screws his assistant, how cliche.” She rasped, throwing back the remaining wine in her glass. I raise my eyebrows in response. “I was a bit harsh wasn’t I?” She asked grasping my thigh under the table. “No, because if it were me id have been worse, you did a great job.” I said. Larissa laughed. A real laugh. It was loud and turned a few heads, but I didn’t care id love to hear it again and again and again. She covered her mouth with her fingers trying not to do it again. She never fails to make me weak.
The dim lighting made her look even more delectable then she already is and I found myself staring at her. “What?” She asked noticing. “Your just…ethereal? I don’t even know how you real.” I said lowly. “Stop it.” She giggled looking down. “I don’t think you know how pretty you are Larissa.” I spoke. “I could say the same about you vi.” She said tightening her grip on my thigh. The waitress brought over our food and left us to eat alone again. Once we were finished a flurry of people went to the dance floor with each of their partners. “Would you like to dance violet?” She leaned in to whisper. “Oh I don’t dance.” I said. “Please?” She pushed. Looking in her eyes I tilted my head, I can’t say no to her. “Sure.” I said reluctantly. Larissa took my hand and guided me to the floor.
On perfect queue the music started, the tune was familiar, experience I think it was. Everyone began to slowly sway to the music as if their bodies were one, Larissa held onto my waist and brought my hand to her shoulder, I placed my free hand in hers and began to dance. She was wonderful, so free and loose, Larissa let herself succumb to the music and I did the same, the stronger the tune the more contrived the movements, Larissa spun me about like they do in those ridiculous romcoms but Christ it felt like I was in one, her gaze never faulted, eyes piercing into my own as if the whole world disappeared. When the music went softer Larissa braced her arms around my torso and I joined my other hand to her vacant shoulder and let my head rest in the crook of her neck.
"May I cut in?" A voice said behind my shoulder, as I turned there standing was that same halfwit Marcus, asking me to dance. I looked to Larissa for help, she said nothing only looking down at her feet. "Um...I-." I began about to reject his offer. "Great!" He took my hand and I was dragged of with him, as a new song started I couldn't stop staring at Larissa, she stepped away sitting back at the table hardly watching what was going on, like the big ball of anger I am sometimes, I felt obliged to peruse my next move, as he was twisting me around like a monkey on steroids, I leaned back and stopped on his foot with my heel and elbowed him in the face. "Oh! my apologies I'm a horrible dancer.” I said with faux forgiveness. Immediately I ran back to Larissa.
"Why didn't you save me." I said sternly and out of breath. "You looked happy with him." She said fiddling with her fingers. "I beg your pardon? I’m sorry but if that's what I look like when I'm happy with someone then I must look insane when I'm with you." I expressed sitting down again. "Did you not just see what happened." I asked. "Yes, I must say it was a little entertaining." She said giving me a meek smile. "good. But why didn’t you do anything?” I asked. “I don’t know… I’m sorry I just thought-.” “It’s fine, I mean he had that coming.” I said. We sat together for a while and before I excused myself and went off to find the lavatory leaving Larissa at the table alone again.
*Larissa’s pov*
I’m so glad violet likes the gifts I gave her, she looks breathtaking, I feel deeply saddened that she doesn’t see herself through my eyes, but I do suppose no one sees their own beauty like others. I hope I didn’t take it to far when i gave her the lingerie, i just couldn’t help myself. Violet is an incredible woman, shes smart and witty, she’s kind and full of skills i could only dream to obtain, she makes me feel like I’m the only person in the room as if i were so interesting, a 48 year old who lives and breathes to work and is unbelievably stubborn, something else we have in common i think. I adore all the things about her she views as flaws but somethings telling me that there’s still more to her, but in time i hope to learn them all.
I feel so guilty I did nothing to stop that asshole from taking Violet away from me, I thought we had a special moment, I guess my own insecurities came to play, the last time I danced with somebody I was with mortica and that didn’t end well, why would it with her?
I observed her as she came back to the table, her legs are stunning and she can definitely walk in heels, i do find that people our height can do a good job in them if i do say so myself, I’m pleased that she insists on taking care of them, even if she didn’t id just buy her a new pair. Before she sat i offered to take her home, we had been here well over two hours and thought she would appreciate actually going home. “Sure.” She said. I stood and draped my own coat over my shoulders and placed my hand in the small of violets back to go and pay. As already anticipated she tried to debate on who was paying but in the midst of it i handed the poor waitress my card, the glare i received when violet heard the beep on the machine was endearing, she did look as though she could physically hurt me but i kept my laughter at bay.
Exiting the restaurant, violet stopped and moved her head to gaze at the stars above, it was very beautiful, no light pollution, no noise, just the stars, moon, violet and I, although i found my view much better than hers. The reflection in her eyes and the soft glow of the out side lights from the restaurant made her impossibly more beautiful, that doesn’t even sound like the right word, but it will do.
*violets pov*
The sky was extraordinary I haven’t seen it like this for a while, but my gaze was cut short when Larissa ushered me to the car and opened my door again. On the ride home I placed my hand in her lap playing with the material of her skirt, I was so relaxed that I eventually fell asleep, the soft hum of the radio and the smell of her perfume lulled me to dose off. Larissa opened my door and gently coaxed me awake and let me rest against her side as she walked us inside.
By the time we made it to my room I had woken up a bit more and turned to Larissa. “Are you ok?” I asked. “I’m fine.” She said. I took off my heels and placed them inside my robe out of the way, I saw her looking down at the floor as she sat on the edge of my bed. Trying to find a way to lighten the mood I reached for my small speaker and turned it on, flicking through my phone I found a song to play, set down my phone and pulled her to stand. Larissa looked at me confused wondering what’s going on, I placed her hands around my neck and I locked mine around her waist and pressed my body to hers.
I hummed along to the tune and swayed to the slow rhythm, Larissa rested her temple on my forehead and sighed. “I don’t dance for just anyone you know.” I whispered in her ear, I could see the small smile across her face. “Violet?… why are you doing this?” She asked still wrapped around me. “Because you deserve to know that you’re cared for to, because you’re special and you would do the same for me.” I said. Larissa was quiet after that, but she did grip me a little tighter and breathe a little deeper.
After the song stopped I paused it and started to get changed. Larissa offered to drag down my zip, I stepped out of my dress and picked it up hanging it neatly inside the wardrobe. Just as I was about to enter the ensuite to change Larissa’s voice rang through the air. “Wait!” She said. I turned on the spot and looked at her flickering eyes and ridged stance, I was silent waiting for her to continue. “I-I… was wondering if you could just… stay- in what you have on.” She mumbled. My eyes widened at her ask, my stomach riddled with butterflies.
Larissa’s gaze met mine and slowly she stepped out of her heels, removed her coat and pulled off her blouse and skirt, only left standing in her underwear. My gaze never left her, not once, I don’t recall I actually blinked to be frank. “Is it ok if I stay?” She asked. I paced back towards her and discarded the clothes I’m not going to be changing into on the floor, I took ahold of Larissa’s hand and threw back the covers of my bed and crawled in before her. I found a comfortable position on my side and laid out my right arm for her to rest her head on, to which she did.
There were no sounds, no interruptions, no one else but us- half naked and left in only undergarments, Larissa’s long limbs were intertwined with my own and the way she studied my face made blood rush to my cheeks, I did the same though- studied her that is, stroking her hair and tracing unknown shapes along her jaw and lips, especially over her scar. “What are you thinking?” I whispered, Larissa’s eyes fluttered to mine. “It’s silly.” She hummed softly. “Tell me? I’m sure it’s not.” I said back. “I’ve not been this… close to a normie before.” She expressed. I adjusted my head a little. “And what does that mean to you, is that a good thing or a bad thing?… are you saying that your view on me would change if I were?” I said sitting up a little. “No of course not i just mean, I haven’t been exposed to any normie that has been… well, like you.” She said sheepishly.
I sat mulling over the conversation, on one hand it’s disheartening to hear that she hasn’t been accepted due to the fact of being an outcast, and on the other I suppose she still hasn’t… “I know that was rather odd of me to bring up but it was just something that I had been thinking about, it’s nice to see that normies and outcasts can be civil.” She murmured. I felt a tinge of guilt gnaw in my stomach, just wait for the right time Violet. “No I get it, really, especially since you dedicate your life to ensuring your students feel accepted for who they are.” I said laying back down.
For a while it was quiet and peaceful, Larissa was the one who fell asleep first, but as I rolled over she slightly roused earning an almost incomprehensible statement. “Happy birthday Violet, my sweet sweet girl.” She left her head against the back of my shoulder and pulled me by the waist to rest against her front. “I love you Larissa.” I breathed but with no response I knew she had fallen asleep.
@lex13cm @im-a-carnivorous-plant @barbarasstar
@giogwensversion @sabraaabra
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 11 months
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Give Me Everything You Have
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Please support Cybird by buying their stories. Expect grammatical errors.
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Emma: “...........”
Emma: “...........”
(Why aren’t you saying anything!?)
Emma silently waited for my birthday to come.
Silvio: “What happened to you earlier?”
Emma: “What are you talking about?”
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Silvio: “You have this intense gaze like you’re about to pounce on me.”
Emma: “Don’t worry about it.”
Silvio: “Don’t be ridiculous.”
(Damn it, just say it already.)
(You want to celebrate my birthday, don’t you?)
For the past few days, she’d been restless and unable to calm down.
It was evident that she was secretly preparing something for my birthday.
(Just tell me you want my time, and I’ll give it to you.)
Silvio: “By the way, it’s not good for you to stay up so late. It’ll affect your health.”
I thought if I urged her to go to sleep, she would tell me she wanted to celebrate my birthday.
Emma: “I’m an adult. I’ll be fine.”
But she wouldn’t back down.
Silvio: “That’s not an excuse. Should I put you to bed like an adult, then?”
Emma: “No, thank you!”
While we were having such an exchange, the bell rang to tell us that it was midnight.
(Damn it, time's up.)
(Well, whatever. I'll make you regret not asking me directly.)
(You probably have no idea what my birthday is like.)
As expected, the moment midnight arrived, there was a knock on the door.
(These people never get tired of doing this year after year.)
Emma was about to say something but gave up, and I opened the door.
What I saw was a long line of people.
Emma peeked out from behind me and glanced down the hallway, utterly speechless.
Emma: "This is…"
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Silvio: "It's always like this on my birthday."
Silvio: "Everyone tries to get my attention, resulting in fierce competition."
(This is such a hassle.)
Birthdays were nothing more than diplomacy and negotiations. Honestly, I wasn't excited about it.
(If only you had asked, I would've brushed all of this aside.)
(There are hardly any people here genuinely celebrating my birthday.)
Naturally, it wasn't always like this.
As the first prince, I have had glamorous birthday parties since I was a child, but their purpose was not for celebration; it was solely to maintain my mother's image.
That damn old man would only attend at first and then leave immediately, making it a laughably insincere birthday.
The number of attendees was small, and everyone celebrated out of obligation rather than genuine joy.
That changed when I gained money.
As my assets increased, more and more people came forward, expressing their desire to celebrate my birthday.
And that was how it evolved to the point where there would be long lines as midnight struck.
But those people, after saying “Happy birthday,” immediately shift the conversation to official duties and business matters.
Even though the number increased, in the end, it was still the same back then.
(But you’re different, Emma.)
(Hurry up and celebrate me.)
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Even the next morning, the celebrations continued without interruption. After finishing breakfast and heading out into the city, the situation worsened.
(It’s even worse than last year. Probably because it’s been decided I’ll be the next king.)
There might be some among them genuinely celebrating, but I couldn’t help but be skeptical.
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As I walked, trying to navigate the crowd, I suddenly felt someone firmly grabbing my arm.
It was Emma, desperately clinging to me, determined not to let go.
(Why are you so adorable like that?)
(Or not.)
Silvio: “You...!”
Emma: “If I don’t do this, we’ll get separated!”
Silvio: “Don’t do such things in public.”
Emma: “I was just holding onto your arm!”
Silvio: “That’s exactly the problem. “
Silvio: “Even though so many people are watching today, you’re too cute that I can’t keep a straight face.”
Emma: “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you!”
Silvio: “Ah, is that so? Then I won’t say it again!”
(Damn it. There’s no way I can spend the day as usual.)
(If you’re that desperately clinging to me like this, I’ll give you another chance.)
Using the knights to shake off the people, we managed to enter an alleyway.
Finally, we had a moment alone together.
Silvio: “Those guys should tone it down a bit.”
(How I behave depends on how this girl will act...)
(What's with this sad face?)
Contrary to my expectations, her face was filled with signs of worry.
(Where did that spirited attitude from midnight go?)
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Her determination to celebrate seemed to have long disappeared. Instead of displaying virtues like modesty or consideration, she appeared to be consumed by negative emotions, despite her audacious nature.
Emma: “Prince Silvio...”
(I’m pissed. Damn it.)
(Why do you look so resigned?)
I grabbed her chin in frustration and kissed her.
Emma: “What are you...”
Silvio: “You just made a face like you’ve had enough.”
Emma: “Huh?”
Her eyes widened.
Silvio: “You should come at me more seriously.”
Emma: “What do you mean...?”
Silvio: “*sigh* You wanted to greet me, right?”
(How could I not notice this, you idiot?)
Silvio: “Then don’t give up until you give me everything you got.”
(No need to be modest.)
(So reconsider.)
I messed up her hair and turned my back.
I returned to my official duties, suppressing the urge to take her away immediately.
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Nokto: "Hmm, you seem a bit grumpy this year."
Silvio: "You can tell?"
A party was being held in the dance hall as my birthday reached its final stages.
Since entry was only allowed with an invitation, familiar faces, including that fox-faced Rhodolite, were here.
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Nokto: “Do you want me to guess?”
Silvio: “No need.”
Nokto: “If you want to be with Emma, you should just say it honestly.”
Silvio: “Shut up.”
(He’s sharp in these situations, and I don’t like it.)
Nokto: “But if you continue like this, your birthday will be over.”
He looked over at Emma, who had a thoughtful expression on her face.
Silvio: “It’d be more worth it if she willingly asked me herself.”
Nokto: “Why?”
Silvio: “Why do I have to explain it to you?”
(Purely because it makes me feel good.)
(And it’ll show that she really wants to celebrate with me.)
Although I didn’t put it into words, Nokto seemed to have sensed something and shrugged his shoulders in exasperation before leaving.
Immediately after this, an incident occurred.
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Silvio: “What are you thinking, you idiot!?”
As soon as I returned to the room with Emma in my arms, those words slipped out uncontrollably.
Emma: "I told you it was a gift!"
Emma: "God, you're so shy!"
Silvio: "Who are you saying that to, you damn woman?"
(I was waiting for you to ask me to give you my time, but you chose that method.)
(And even did it boldly in front of so many people.)
Just remembering that embarrassing incident made me blush and feel overwhelmed.
(No, I can forgive "that", but not after what happened after that.)
Emma: "If I did that in public, I knew you would react this way."
Silvio: "You...!"
Emma: "Are you mad at me?"
Silvio: "Of course not. I'm just..."
(Aren't you aware?)
I gently placed Emma down in front of the mirror.
Even though she was confidently and cheekily saying those things, she seemed to have finally noticed that her face was completely flushed.
Silvio: "Don't make that kind of face in public. It's making me want to pounce on you."
(This face is something only I should see.)
Emma: "I-I'm sorry."
Silvio: ".........."
Emma: "........"
We gaze at each other through the mirror.
(Basically, you're late.)
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(If you're going to take me out like that, you should have done it in the morning.)
As the silence dragged on, her expression became increasingly uneasy.
Despite her usual cheeky demeanor, she couldn't fully maintain an arrogant attitude, which caused me to burst out laughing.
Silvio: "Alright, alright, I give up. Sorry for teasing you."
Silvio: "From now on, I'll give you all my attention."
Emma: "Really? But you still have guests."
Silvio: "You're more important than any guest."
Silvio: "Besides, I'm sure everyone took the hint."
Emma: "Prince Silvio, aren't you tired?"
Silvio: "I'm not tired, so bring me the cake already."
Emma: "Why would there be a cake?"
Silvio: "There's no way you wouldn't get me one for my birthday."
(To be honest, I've never eaten a birthday cake before.)
While there was usually food at my birthday parties, a cake has never been brought out.
Just like in Rhodolite, there was a tradition here in Benitoite to celebrate with a cake, but the fact that no one really celebrates it wholeheartedly became evident in situations like this.
(Though that fucking dog has one every year.)
Silvio: "I'm hungry, so hurry up and feed me."
Emma: "Is that the reason you didn't eat much?"
Silvio: "It'd bother me if I couldn't eat your food."
(You don't need to pay attention to that little detail.)
Feeling somewhat uncomfortable, I sat down on the sofa and leaned back.
Surprisingly, Emma's cheeky smile shone brilliantly.
Emma: "I suppose I have no choice. Today, I'll spoon-feed you."
Silvio: "*sigh* Is that all? It's not enough, you know?"
Emma: "What? Do you want me to feed you mouth-to-mouth?"
Silvio: "Why did you think of something like that? Well, maybe it's not a bad idea."
Emma: "It's a bad idea!"
Silvio: "Don't you dare challenge the birthday boy."
(I'm beyond help since everything you say and do looks cute.)
Despite being exasperated, I gestured for her to come closer.
Without hesitation, she approached me, and I grabbed her hand and pulled her into an embrace.
Silvio: "I told you earlier to give me everything you got."
Emma: “Ah...”
(I've been feeling impatient today, so a cake and a present won't be enough to satisfy me.)
Silvio: “Just so you know, I won’t let you sleep until you’ve completely celebrated with me.”
I teasingly stroked her back, and she responded with a nod.
Emma: “All right. As you wish.”
(No take-backs.)
(I ain't holding back, so prepare yourself.)
Afterward, I got excited over my first-ever birthday cake and the handmade embroidered amulet bag she had given as a gift.
I thoroughly enjoyed my birthday, which was usually nothing but a hassle.
As for the extent of that enjoyment一
Emma: “I can’t believe it.”
Silvio: “Ha?”
Emma: “Isn’t it already morning?”
Silvio: “Yeah.”
She hadn't moved an inch since earlier.
It was probably because of the fatigue and the slick wetness between her legs that was preventing her body from moving.
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(I didn't plan on holding her until morning.)
Contrary to my thoughts, I reached out from behind and touched her legs.
Even though I devoured her so much last night, the insides of my chest were still screaming that it wasn't enough.
Emma: "Your birthday is over."
Silvio: "It's not over until I say it's over."
(It's not really like me not to want my birthday to end.)
Just when I thought she might be surprised, I heard her soft laughter.
(I feel like she can see through everything.)
As if to express my discomfort, I buried my face in her neck, and her sweet voice further stirred me up.
Silvio: "I tasted a lot of you last night, but you're still so sweet."
Emma: "Prince Silvio..."
It looked like she was reaching her limit as she showed signs of wanting to escape.
I put my hand on her head and blocked her movement, not intending to let her run away.
Silvio: "I won't stop."
Silvio: "This gift belongs to me, and I won't let you take it away. If you understand, get ready to be loved."
Emma: "I don't want to."
Silvio: "Ha?"
Emma: "Because it's your birthday."
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Silvio: "So what?"
Emma: "In other words..."
Emma: "It's you who should be loved."
Emma turned around and surprised me by kissing my lips.
She was usually shy and only gave peck-like kisses, but today, perhaps due to her lack of shame, she actively intertwined her tongue with mine.
Silvio: "You've become quite the erotic kisser, huh?"
Emma: "Whose fault do you think that is?"
(Is it because of me?)
I found myself laughing again at her blushing expression.
(Receiving birthday wishes from someone feels so good. I never knew it could make me this happy.)
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(I wish this feeling could last forever. I’m already looking forward to next year.)
I’d realized for the first time how different it feels to be celebrated out of obligation compared to being genuinely celebrated from the heart.
No gift could match the emotions she had given me.
Emma: “I might just kidnap you next year.”
Silvio: “*sigh* I’ll make a special exception and allow it.”
Emma: “Don’t regret those words later, okay?”
(There's no way I'm going to do that.)
(Even if I receive anything else in the future, there's no treasure greater than you.)
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Part 1 ╎ Part 2 ╎ His POV
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Dirty Work 43
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Joyous Walpurgisnacht: Part I
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: Here we go!
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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As you stand from the table, your name draws your attention from your plate. Mr. Laufeyson mirrors you as he peers over at his mother. You notices how his fingers twiddle by his side. 
“You’ll come get ready with us, dear,” Frigga says, “Trina is coming to do our hair an makeup. Be sure to grab your dress.”
“Oh, uh…” you look at Laufeyson and he shrugs with one shoulder. “Okay.”
“Don’t worry about my brother,” Hela snorts, “I’m certain he’ll be torturing himself over the proper shade of white; shall I go for the ivory or the pearl?”
“Quiet,” Laufeyson sneers under his breath before he turns to you, “go on then,” he looks at his watch, “we all have much to do.”
He strides past you and you watch after him. He’s still upset. It’s your fault. You’ve been errant in your duties. You will make it up to him. At Walpurgisnacht, you won’t dare leave his side.
“Come,” Frigga beckons to you, “Hel, you too.”
“Yes, mother,” she drones and rounds the table.
You follow them to the door, only noticing as you approach that Thor’s done the same. He keeps a step back as he waves within, “after you, lady.”
“Er, thanks,” you eke out and step in ahead of him.
He’s quick to tail you, his fingers sending a shiver through you as he touches the back of your arm, “happy birthday, little one. How old are you now?” He asks.
You wince and hug yourself, keeping your chin down as he matches your pace. Frigga reaches to flick a strand of Hela’s black hair as she gabs on about it. You chew your lip and crane to look over your shoulder. You don’t see Odin, he must’ve stuck behind to chat with the staff.
“Thirty-two,” you answer as you face straight.
“Mmm, not too old,” his hand brushes across your back, “you look much younger.”
“Thank you, uh,” you stutter as his touch ventures further, tickling the top of your ass. Your panic swells and you bat him away, “I… have to go.”
You don’t know how to make him stop, but you can control yourself. You rush ahead to catch up to Frigga. As you come up at her side, Thor’s low rocky chuckle rolls through the air. You don’t look back as your blood runs cold. You don’t know why he won’t leave you alone.
“Ah, dear, I think we could put some flowers in your hair,” Frigga remarks as she waves you ahead of her up the stairs, “to go with that pretty dress of yours.”
“Sure,” you agree.
“She’ll look like a bride,” Hela scoffs, “perhaps just some diamonds around her neck–”
“Pearls,” Frigga argues.
“Pearls? She’s not an old lady yet,”
“Eh? Pearls are nice,” Frigga counters.
“Perhaps for you,” Hela rebuffs, “babe,” Hela swoops around her mother and drapes her arm over your shoulders as you turn down the hall, “what do you prefer?”
You blink, finding it hard to breathe through the tension. You don’t dare pick a side.
“I like the dress on its own,” you say.
“Ah, yes, she’s right, it is so nice, it would be ruined with too much,” Frigga hums, “how about just the petals,” she reaches to touch your hair, “a small accent but not garish.”
“Mm, yes, like a little fairy,” Hela muses as she retracts her arm, “I’m afraid I’m going for more of a witchy vibe.”
“Oh dear,” Frigga mutters, “Hel.”
“A good witch, mother, never fear.”
You look in the mirror, swept away by your own reflection. The small white flowers in your hair are placed so delicately and just so, matching with those on the dress in their fluttery display. You skin seems to glow from the precise application of makeup, your lashes are long and curved but not too heavy. Your lips are painted a natural hue with a glossy finish and a touch of blush lends colour to your cheeks. It feels like a lot but looks like less.
The dress is just as wonderful as you remember. The outer layer decorated in carefully cut flowers over the simple dress of white beneath. The skirt flows to your lower calves, ending just above the straps of your heels, a bow on the back of each. You blink and tilt your head at your reflection, is it really you looking back?
“Absolutely gorgeous,” Hela growls as she steps up behind you, “uh, so darling.”
“You look amazing, dear,” Frigga calls over.
You turn to watch the older woman pin on large dangling earrings. She wears a white dress hemmed below her knees with large fanned bell sleeves. Her necklace is strung with pearls that get large towards the centre and her silver and gold hair is spun into loose waves pushed back behind an elaborate headband with golden points.
Hela is dressed much less elegantly. Her jumpsuit is taut to her figure, the neckline cute so deep you wonder how it stays up. She wears a sort of cowl, sparkling with diamond as it goes from chin to shoulders, a larger gem dangling down her cleavage.
“Well, I think we’re almost there,” Frigga announces breezily, “come, come.”
She ushers you and Hela from the room into the hall. The house is buzzing with activity. As you come downstairs, you’re lost amid the flurry. The kitchen is bustling with furor and workers flit around like bees in a hive. You stay close to the other women as they walk unfettered through the rush.
You come out to the veranda, clutching the sides of your skirt as you watch your feet, careful not to trip on your heels. In the sunlight, Frigga sighs, and calls to someone. You look up and follow her down the steps. 
The lush green flat of the yard is entirely changed. A white floral arch, white cloth draping over the roofs of newly erected tents, tables in similarly silky ivory, petals scattered all around as stems are capped with full blooms atop posts, in plinthed vases, and around tables. A stage stands, blocking out much of the garden, a bar along an edge of the expanse with several workers behind it arranging glasses and bottles.
“Yvonne,” Frigga trills again, “come, come, we should like some photos.”
A woman in a white suit approaches with a large camera in hand. She is tall with full hips emphasized by the cut of her clothing. Her strawberry blond hair is twisted into a high bun with two pin straight pieces framing her face.
“Hello, Von,” Hela purrs at her familiarly. The women glance at each other and an eyebrow twitches. They know each other. Everyone does but you.
“This is our photographer,” Frigga introduces you to Yvonne, “she’ll be taking pictures so don’t mind if you see a flash or two through the night.” She turns back to the strawberry blonde, “hm, where are the men? They must be here…”
You fold your hands and sway back and forth. Surely you won’t be included. This is for the family. You’ll just stand to the side.
“Ah, Odin!” Frigga throws her hands up, greeting her husband as he approaches in a white pressed shirt beneath a matching stiff vest and white slacks. He wears a golden chain around his collar and cufflinks at his wrists. His shoes also bear golden buckles. “There you are. Where are your sons?”
“So quick to disown them,” Odin kids, “they were…” he looks back.
Thor clamours down from the veranda, combing out his long blond hair which he’s let loose from its usual bun. The waves fall to his shoulders, just along his open collar, unbuttoned to boast the thick muscles of his chest. He beams in white just like everyone else. A gold medallion hangs from his neck and his fingers are stacked with rings.
Loki follows last, shoulders high, hands staunchly tucked into his pockets. He looks at the sky as he appears in his simple attire. White shirt, white tie, white slacks cute perfectly to his sleek figure. White loafers with plain silver buckles. His black hair is swept back, the front pieces drawn back into a clip behind his head as the tails curl out behind his ears.
As he takes the same path as his father and brother, his eyes search and find you. His irises flicker and his brows arch. You avert your gaze and look at the grass, fidgeting as you wait awkwardly to the side. Frigga preens at each son and tells them how handsome they look.
“Alright, alright, we’ll get a few photos before the guests arrive,” she claps her hands.
There’s movement along the edge of your vision. You keep your head down as Frigga orders her family around. You flinch as she grabs your wrist suddenly and pulls your hands apart.
“Right here, dear,” she guides you next to Odin before she stands at his other side. “Okay, everyone, no scowling.”
You look up, wide eyed and the camera flashes. You bat your lashes and put on a smile as Odin bends his arm behind you, resting his hand on your lower back. The gesture calms you as the photographer counts down.
You stand frozen as the camera shutters, wondering why you’re there. What will they do with the photos when you are irrelevant? Finally, you’re allowed to disperse as Frigga struts over to Yvonne to have a look at the photos.
You turn nearly collide with Mr. Laufeyson before you can even think to look for him. You back up as he stares at you. He raises a hand as if to touch your arm then thinks better of it. He clear his throat and tugs on his skinny tie.
“That is a beautiful dress,” he remarks, “very on theme.”
“Thank you, Mr. Laufeyson,” you sniff and rub your palms together.
“Stay close,” he says tersely, clearing his throat, “or…” you hear his tone soften, “I might lose you in the flowers.”
His lips curve, just a little. Is he joking? You’re not sure.
“Come,” he jabs his fingers through the air, “let us get a drink before it is too busy.”
“Yes, Mr. Laufeyson.”
You walk beside him and he sighs. No, you’re not sure he was being funny. He’s still unhappy.
As you reach the bar, he greets the workers in white behind it. He orders whiskey on ice, then turns to you. For a moment, you’re taken back to the night you found him with the same drink… that was the first, maybe the only time, you saw him so human.
“What would you like?” He asks.
“Um, I don’t… know,” you murmur.
“Our cocktails,” a worker points to the standing list of drinks. You lean in and read each. 
“Oh, uh, could I get the lavender lemonade, please?”
“Yes, miss,” the worker replies and sets to mixing the drink. Laufeyson takes his and holds it tight.
“Lokiiiii,” a familiar brogue rumbles through the air.
You turn to face Bragi as he approaches. A pocket watch swings from his vest, though he wears no shirt beneath it. You greet him with a tight-lipped smile.
“And his lady,” he smirks at you, “you haven’t seen Fossegrim, have you?”
“You brought that creature?”
“Ah, he tagged along. He chased off a chickadee and I’ve not seen him since. Never to worry,” he snaps his fingers, "I'm all set up.” He nods towards the stage, “and look at you too, pretty in white.” He looks at you pointedly, “I must say, you look like a goddess. I was also let in on a secret,” he declares, “it is your birthday. Happy birthday, did you have a favourite song? I might fit it into my set.”
“Um…” you think. “I don’t…” you look over as Mr. Laufeyson reaches back to take another glass from the bar and offers you the purple drink. You take it with a meek nod before facing Bragi again, “there was this song… from a movie… Breakfast at Tiffany’s. She sings it on the balcony but I can’t remember how it goes.”
“Oh, yes, I know the one. Beloved Hepburn, what a treat she was,” he purrs, “I think I can figure out the chords.”
“You don’t have to…” you shrug.
“I want to,” he insists, “oh and watch for dark shadows, Fossegrim will surely return once he smells food.”
“Sure,” you agree and squeeze the glass tight. Laufeyson just hums in his throat.
“Anyhow, I need water,” he sidles past you, “happy Walpurgisnacht!”
You return the sentiment before you step away. You peer around, uncertain what to do next. Your heels sink into the grass and you pull them out, teetering. Laufeyson glances over at you.
“Shall we sit?” He asks.
“Erm, okay.”
He waves you ahead of him and you weave over to one of the tables. You sit and put your glass down without tasting it. He sips his own as he lowers himself. He’s tense, setting it down with a heavy clunk.
You look around and see new faces arriving. It’s beginning. Your stomach churns as each guest appears. It really is a big deal.
“You are nervous,” Laufeyson intones, bringing you back to the table.
“A little.”
“Mm,” he pokes his tongue in his cheek, “well, then, even more reason to stay by my side. I’ve navigated these waters all my life, I can stave off the sharks.”
“Yes, Mr. Laufeyson.”
His lips slant and he spreads his hand over his chest before dragging it down, “and…” his throat bobs, “happy birthday, if I forgot to say.”
“Um, thank you,” you squeak, “it isn’t a very big deal.”
He inhales, “it isn’t? By your choice or… his?”
You shrug, “I never made it one. Really, just another year.”
“Certainly, time does keep on now matter what,” he mulls.
You’re quiet. You take the drink and look at it. It’s a lovely colour. You take a sip; it’s tangy but nice, a little kick under the citrus notes. Your cheeks pinch as you put it back down.
“Too strong?” he asks.
“No, it’s good,” you assure him, careful not to drip any on your dress.
He taps his fingers on the tabletop, “I must say, you do look rather… rather nice.”
“Oh, yes, um, Trina, your mother’s friend…” you utter, “she did it.”
You look at him, finding his eyes rapt upon you. His gaze almost takes your breath away. He reaches to touch your hand, leaning in just a little. His eyes flick past you suddenly and he stops, his hand lightly over your as he sits frozen.
You turn to peek over your shoulder. You hear Thor’s thundering voice as he greets someone. A perfect swoop of dark hair bounces before him and he embraces the tall, slender woman. You know, even without seeing her face, who it is. Sif.
You bring your other hand over Laufeyson’s and press it down firmly as you face him, “are you alright?”
His eyes skitter back to you and he slips his hand free. You deflate as he instead takes his glass and slurps with a scowl. Walpurgisnacht will not be a new beginning, only a reminder of old wounds.
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spotsandsocks · 1 year
My hand slipped, got stuck on the bus today, almost three hours for what should have been a 30 minute journey so this happened. A tiny fic about how Tia Pepa’s plans for Eddie not to be alone can get the boys together. Just the random thoughts of a spot that’s stuck in traffic, just on mobile so no ao3 link but it’s there
Always There General 1.1k
To Eddie’s relief Christopher’s birthday party is going well, he’d been worried this year, the older Chris gets the harder it is to know what will work but you can’t go wrong with computer games (at least that’s what Buck said and Christopher agreed). Buck had found a video arcade with retro gaming consoles that did private functions.
The plan was a done deal once Chris and Buck checked out the website. It suddenly became the only option Chris would consider and now it’s almost over Eddie has to admit it was a good idea. Everyone has had a great time. Even the adults. Buck has been in his element and Eddie even managed to play on a few of the games with him, Buck sulking when he lost and gloating with every triumph. Eddie didn’t care who won, he was just pleased to see Buck so happy.
Buck lost more frequently when he was playing against Pepa who showed no mercy. Eddie had to stop himself from laughing at Buck’s dismay everytime she won. Pepa had been persuaded to stay around after she dropped off Christopher’s gift . Buck had challenged her to some racing game and she was hooked. She’s still here now watching the kids and Buck have fun with a smile on her face.
He’s too busy watching Buck to notice his Tia’s attention is divided. Buck suddenly checks his watch and bounces over.
“Pizza should be here soon. You wanna get them off the games and I’ll go wait for it”
Eddie laughs, “Nice try! You can get them together and I’ll go wait for pizza!
I’m not separating a bunch of 12 year olds from their games, this was your idea!”
Buck yells “Hey no fair!” after him but it’s too late. He's already moving away with a grin that widens as he hears Pepa say “Don’t worry Buck you have me, even if my nephew wants to run away from the hard jobs, we’ve got it covered.”
Eddie’s actually impressed when he returns with pizza to see everyone ready. Buck leaps up as soon as he sees him and takes half the pizza boxes off him. Together they distribute the food and snatch a few pieces for themselves. He has to slap Buck’s hand away from his pizza a few times as he tries to steal his extra mushrooms.
His complaint that if some people wanted mushrooms they should order mushrooms falls on deaf ears and makes both Buck and Pepa laugh.
A quick check of his watch reveals the kids have another 30 minutes of arcade fun left which Buck supervises as Eddie clears up.
Despite the success of it all he’s glad it’s nearly over, he's looking forward to getting home and having a well deserved beer with Buck. Maybe he can persuade him to stay over. Shouldn’t be too hard.
A voice interrupts his thoughts,“Do you and Christopher want to come back to mine, open his presents there?”
He answers Pepa without much thought “Thanks but Buck is coming home with us tonight , Chris wants to open his presents with us there.”
Eyes drifting towards Buck and Chris again he fails to notice the slightly amused twist to Pepa’s lips.
A little later Buck joins them, “Hey, Ty’s mom just texted to say she’s stuck at work and could we drop him off. I said that’s fine, it’s on the way back anyway. Do you wanna keep an eye on them, I’m just gonna start putting the gifts in the jeep.”
Eddie nods “Ok, I’ll tell Chris they’ve got 10 more minutes,” Then with a smile Buck disappears and Eddie watches him leave.
When he turns back he’s confronted by his with a look and as if the face isn’t bad enough she slaps him lightly on the chest.
He frowns back “What? What’s that look for and why you hitting me?
“Because I was worried, you let me think you were all alone.” The scoffing noise she makes is very familiar.
“Why did you let me set you up with that nice girl when you already have someone? Eddie, shame on you, raising her hopes when you’re already taken.”
He briefly considers the possibility that Pepa’s been drinking “I’m taken? What? I’m I’m lost”
She’s not listening, “Why? Do you not trust your Tia?! You think I would disapprove of that lovely, lovely man?! Eddie!! I’m hurt.” She shakes her head again.
His eyes flick towards the door. “Are are we talking about Buck?”
“Are we talking about Buck?!” Hands wave and tap his cheek not exactly gently but not so much it hurts.
“Yes I am talking about your partner, your Buck. Christopher’s Buck too. Eddie, open your eyes. I am no longer worried about you being alone. You have not been alone and you should have told me so! There will be no more blind dates! I expect you to get your own,” there’s an ominous pause. “and soon!”
Then she kisses his cheek and is gone and he’s left in the wake of a mild epiphany.
Buck bounces in a few moments later. “I saw Pepa leave and Jake and Gab’s parents are parking. I’ll go tell the kids.” Buck pauses and frowns “You ok? You look weird”
He shakes himself. Pepa wants him to get out there, find someone that he can be happy with. Now she thinks he’s found that someone.
Buck’s still looking at him, frown getting more intense the longer he waits. Eddie knows exactly what Buck will do next, he’ll close the distance between them, touch his arm, look him in the eye and ask him again if he’s ok with nothing but concern and affection, no, with love in his heart.
Suddenly the idea of letting someone into his life isn’t so scary, and that’s probably because he let someone in years ago and just hadn’t noticed but his Tia had and she’s never wrong. Get himself a date, he actually thinks he might be able to do that.
“Hey Buck, you wanna have dinner with me. Just us.”
The look that falls over Buck’s face can only be called hope.
“Ju Just us?”
Eddie nods “Just us.”
“Like a…?”
He nods again, “If you wanna?
Buck bites his lips together, then a smile breaks free.
“Yeah I do wanna. I I really do.”
Something warm spreads through Eddie’s body and he thinks Oh. Oh this is how you’re supposed to feel when you have a date; excited and happy and so full of hope you could burst.
Then parents are arriving and children are leaving and Buck’s busy dealing with everything with a smile on his face and Eddie knows he’s not going to be alone, hasn’t actually been alone for years.
Turns out dating isn’t a problem as long as you find the right person and without any doubt in his heart Eddie looks at Buck and knows he has.
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drippingviolets3 · 6 months
Wrote a little story based on something I read at my grandma’s. Happy holidays you guys!
TW: Yandere(ish?) themes ahead, mentions of enslavement
Once upon a time…
….There was a King of a mighty kingdom, who had everything a man could ask for. Everything except a royal garden.
Instead of a luscious garden, the king had gray barren fields. Instead of flowers there were dried up weeds, and instead of trees to give shade from the beating waves of the sun, there were dead saplings that were barely given a chance to grow. The king had many royal gardeners, but none of them knew how to fix this predicament.
Gazing out from his balcony, the king saw no color. There was no smells of fresh fruit or flowers in the air to greet him, no leaves rustling or birds singing, only a pitiful wasteland. Ashamed, the king sought out advice from the butler who served him since he was but a boy himself.
The old and wise servant laughed a hearty laugh, and explained: “You wonder why your gardeners can’t grow anything? Nothing is wrong with the soil or the water my king, these men were raised by miners, blacksmiths, tailors and more, and their grandfathers worked these positions, and so on. What you need is someone who’s a gardener and who’s forefathers were gardeners too.”
The king now had a plan, and sent his men out on a mission to find a man who fit the requirements. The search was over no less then 40 days later.
The king had traveled across the land in his kingdom to meet this man, surely someone with a beautiful garden and bountiful harvest, only to find a humble cottage in the woods instead. Vines grew against the walls that sprouted tiny blossoms, bright red berries glowed across the hedges, and the flowers that bloomed almost looked as if they were staring right at the king to greet him!
When the king knocked, a man was quick to answer, his child, a young scrappy fellow, stood behind to peer past the door and stare at the king in wonder.
“Are you a gardener?” The king asked. The man nodded, and the king offered him a pleading hand. “Then you must come work for me!” The king exclaimed.
“But I’m simply too poor to afford such a trip.” The man shook his head. The king pressed on, saying “I’ll pay you handsomely for your work.” The man, still unsure, said “but we have no proper clothes, how could we represent you when we look so filthy?” The king was unbothered, saying “I’ll give you clothes of the finest silks for your work.” The man still wasn’t convinced. “But where shall we live? How will we get there?” The king was desperate, claiming: “I’ll house you and your child both, I’ll take you to my castle in my own carriage, please come and restore my garden!”
With an offer they couldn’t possibly refuse, the gardener and his child traveled to the castle and were immediately set to work. Together, the gardener family restored the garden within no time at all. Spellbound by the bedazzling colors of the flowers, the ripeness of the fruit, the king fired his old gardening staff and replaced them with the true gardeners on the spot.
This all came at a cost however. With only two sets of hands working, the gardener and his child were made to work nonstop to keep up the state of the garden. The child gained muscle and a tan from the sun blazing across their skin, and all that heavy lifting sculpted the pinnacle of peasantry beauty.
You, the heir to the throne, were intrigued by these seemingly magical gardeners, more so with the gardener’s child. Fast approaching your 18th birthday, the king decided it was time for you to be wed. You weren’t partial about who you married, so long as they were a decent man or woman, but that hope was crushed when the king said you were to marry the son of the prime minister, who was infamous of terrible spending habits and sleazy behavior with local bar maidens.
“How could you do this to me father?!” You had cried in disdain, in front of everyone gathered in the throne room. “He’s so sleazy, so spoiled, and so foolish that I’d be better off marrying the child of the gardener!”
The king was angered by your statement, bellowing out, “You would dare assimilate with that pig?! They may live in our palace, live off of the payment we give them, and wear clothes unbefitting of slob like them, but I will not give them my kingdom!”
Further infuriated by your father’s decision, you stood firm in your accusation of preferring to marry the gardener’s child instead of your selected husband. But your father, ever the tricky man he was, decided on a challenge.
The gardener’s and the prime minister’s children were gathered, as the king explained the challenge given. They were to travel across the land, across the sea to a neighboring country, and then back with a given horse and funds. The contest was rigged in the richer man’s favor, being given a strong stallion and a pouch full of jewels. But the gardener’s child was given a lame mule and only a handful of coins. They were to depart soon, but you couldn’t let the poorer of the two be left with barely a leg to stand on, so you grabbed multiple treasures from your bedroom and stored them in a purse. Pulling them aside, you whispered.
“Take this. I’m rooting for you.” You offered an encouraging smile and sent the gardener’s child off.
The prime minister’s son rode off over the hills, leaving a trail of dust in his wake while the gardener’s child traveled at a slower pace. Even with the distance grew between the racers, the gardener child held onto something more then just new treasures in a purse or the reins to a mule, they had hope for change. Good change.
The richer man came across a old woman on his travels, but paid her little mind.
“Please sir,” she begged “I only ask for a bit of coin for some food.” The man wrinkled his nose in disgust. “Bother me not you haggard woman! I’m on a journey and mustn’t dawdle!” He continued on his journey, riding like the wind.
The modest one ran into the same woman on the path, and like with the first man, she begged them for some money. They were certainly in no mood to fall behind, but the woman was so weak she could barely stand. Pity won over them, and they not only gifted the elderly woman the treasures given by you, but they allowed her to ride into the city with them.
The richer man had checked in to a fancy inn to spend the night in familiar luxuries, whereas the gardener child and old woman went to a more modest, bare-bone inn. They sat outside in the cool night air, and witnessed a large man run by on a white stallion that bore the sigil of a noble from the town.
The man proclaimed that the noble man was offering his treasures to the one who could heal his back. His physician failed, and he was immobile from the legs down. The one who could find a way to give him the gift to walk again could pick from a multitude of treasures-even enchanted artifacts.
The old woman nudged her companion. “You must partake in this, for that noble has a treasure that shall aid you on your journey.” When she saw their confusion, she continued. “He has a ring. It’s a copper ring, dirty and old and dented in a few spots, but it fits the wearer perfectly and has a hidden power; The ring can grant wishes, without a number limitation.”
Such a treasure was too good to be true, but the old woman lowered her voice to a whisper as she gave her savior the instructions needed.
“First, you must gather three animals; A russet red fox, a gray raccoon, and a brown sparrow. Kill them, skin them, then store their pelts in three bags that match their colors. Bring them to me and then we shall burn them to ash, but I will bring you a key ingredient you can’t find in the forest.”
Following the old woman’s instructions, they set off into the forest with a makeshift spear in hand. They struck down upon the fox first, then a raccoon, and finally a sparrow. Skinning the creatures took time, the sun was rising by the time they finished and had stored the pelts in the necessary bags. When they returned to the inn, the old woman had a mortar and pestle, and a pitcher of a calming blue liquid that smelled too sharp to be water.
With the old woman guiding their hands, the gardener’s child slowly poured in the liquid with the mixed fur and feathers, grinding them into a smooth paste. The old woman scooped it into a bottle, and handed it to her companion. “Take this to the noble man, spread it across his back, legs, and the underside of his feet.”
With their mission depending on the old woman’s wisdom, the gardener child left to find the noble’s home.
When he arrived they were suspicious at first, but allowed them to try out this paste and it’s properties. Spreading it from the back, down the legs, to the noble man’s feet, a magical link was formed that reformed the man’s spine and reconnected new power to his legs, making him as agile as a fox, sneaky like a raccoon, and move as feather light as a bird.
Overjoyed, he asked them “Which of my treasures would you prefer?” And the gardener child answered simply with “Your copper ring. The one that can grant wishes. I am to go on a journey, and I need all the support I can muster.”
Hesitant to let such a precious treasure go, but in debt to his savior, the noble man complied and presented him with the legendary treasure. To test it out, the gardener child turned to their mule and whispered their wish:
“I wish my mule lost its limp.”
The hind leg of the mule was surrounded with a swirl of golden glow, and once it was gone, the mule was walking perfectly, even leaping for joy as if it understood what transpired.
Thanking the noble man heavily, the gardener child ran with their mule, whispering another wish. They wished for wealth and noble clothing, and a large ship and crew. In the distance, he could see a large ship pull into the harbor, with the mantle made of silvers and the wood a golden shining wood.
On their way to the ship, they came across the prime minister’s son, who had already blown his money back at the inn. Not recognizing the shimmering noble as his rival, the man begged them for help, for a ship home and funds to last the trip.
They thought back to the beginning. How he sneered are them, how he was given the advantage for his family name alone, and it made their blood boil hot as hellfire. But the gardener child was sneaky, and agreed to the man’s begging, on the condition that he worked under them.
Desperate to win, the man agreed and was brought onto the gardener child’s ship. There, they burned the new insignia of the ring onto the man’s back, proof of his enslavement to the gardener child. It was only then that they wished for a ship, one that was shabbily made of driftwood and rags with a weak and sickly crew. They only gave the man a pocket full of gold, like the one they received in the beginning, and sent the man on his way.
Little did the man know, he was given a head start, and sailed back to the king’s land. He was the first to return, and much to your chagrin, won the challenge.
You were dressed to look heavenly, like an Angel descended onto the Earth. Hot angry tears of shame trickled down your cheeks, forced to walk down the aisle like a walk of shame. Eyes burned into your back but you dared not raise your head unless you wanted to topple like a abandoned tower. You knew the bastard was smirking, viewing you as the shiny trophy he rightfully won.
But the doors slammed open, and in came a finely dressed noble shouting to stop the wedding. Pointing to you, they claimed, “I am the one who shall be wed to them!”
“What?” The king asked. “But he’s the son of my prime minister!” Opening the gates to a new kind of hell, the pieces of their plan all fell into place.
“He cannot be! I found him groveling on the ground, begging for money! So I gave him a ship and crew befitting of a man like him!” They explained, leaving you and your father puzzled. Stepping outside, you could see the two vastly different ships in the distance, but one looked just about ready to sink, the one that had been there before the grander ship came into the picture.
“But he’s my son!” The prime minister exclaimed. “He can’t be a slave!”
The gardener child smirked, and you felt a sinkhole taking form down in your gut. Tearing off the man’s shirt, the insignia was revealed to all who were a witness, newly burnt flesh still recovering from the harsh conditions of the trip and lack of treatment it received. You felt sick, how could someone do this to a man? The man was a bastard but he never went as far as enslaving anyone!
The eyes of the gardener’s child, what once held warmth and delicacy, were now glazed over with possessiveness. Finally given a taste of the class that they worked under in envy, they were now ready to reap their rewards for this new achievement.
That was when the king got a good look at him, and realized far too late that this was the gardener’s child. They had rightfully deserved his child by the standards he set up as the king, looking like a true noble with the newfound greed oozing off of them.
With a heavy heart and uncertain future ahead, you were wed that day.
And the gardeners lived happily ever after.
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ao719 · 11 months
…Sometimes Not (Part 6)
The Scars Still Follow Me Around
Song inspo: Don’t Hold Me - Dean Lewis
A/N: This is an au mini series to my Always You story. Thank you @burnsoslow for prereading! Please excuse any errors.  
Book/Pairing: TRR; Liam x OC (Reyna)
Rating: T • Warnings: None but some mild language.
Catch up here
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“Are you all packed?”
Reyna looked at her phone that was propped up against the pillows on her bed. “Yeah,” she replied, patting the top of her suitcase. “I think I got everything.”
“Everyone is really excited you’re coming,” Liam chuckled. “When I told Maxwell, he was practically bouncing up and down.”  
Reyna smiled. “It’s been a long time …”
Liam smiled in return. “Too long.”
In the few months since Liam and Reyna’s Paris run-in, the two had quickly fallen back into the friendship they once had. They resumed their video chats a few times a week and kept one another up to date on their day-to-day, playfully bantered and bickered, and laughed and joked, just like old times.
It was crazy how once that awkwardness ebbed away, it felt like no time at all had passed. They were back to the Liam and Reyna they were before they crossed that line … and that included her keeping her feelings for him hidden, just like she had before. Their past situation had gone unspoken about by either of them, seemingly brushed under the rug and ignored as though that part of their story never happened. He didn’t bring it up, so neither did she … but maybe that was for the best.
Liam had also been in New York a few times, and the pair had hung out like they always had before. Now, Reyna was preparing for a trip to Cordonia. It was Leo’s 30th birthday, and the Aldridge family had been invited to attend the ball being thrown in his honor. Liam had called to extend the invitation himself along with the offer to send the royal jet for them. Reyna smiled as she said she was looking forward to it … but behind that smile lingered some scars.
This trip to Cordonia would mark the first time Reyna had returned since Liam’s coronation ball, the last time she saw him before their reunion three years later; it would also be the first time she would see any of the Cordonian gang since then as well. Knowing she was going back there was proving to be more difficult than she thought it would be.
More than three years had passed, but Reyna’s upcoming visit brought to light unresolved feelings and issues that she hadn’t realized she held onto until now. And along with that was a simmering resentment she didn’t even know she carried.
“You ok?” Liam asked, pulling Reyna from the daze she’d fallen into.
“Yeah,” Reyna smiled as she looked at him through the screen. “Just tired. It is almost midnight here.”
“You can sleep on the flight over,” Liam said. “Also, I made sure the jet was stocked with all your favorite snacks.”
“And they say chivalry is dead,” Reyna chuckled.
Liam winked with a grin, then glanced at his watch. “Alright, I better shower and start my day. And you need to go meet your parents at the airport. I’ll see you later.”
Reyna smiled halfheartedly. “Can’t wait …”
A couple of hours later, high above the North Atlantic, Reyna stared down at her book, the words blurring together beneath the dim overhead cabin light. She couldn’t concentrate; the jet smelled of rich leather mixed with the lingering scent of Liam’s cologne. All she could think about was him … and her impending arrival in Cordonia.
“I’m surprised you’re not asleep,” Gideon said just above a whisper.
Reyna glanced over at him; he was sitting in the seat across from her, beside her sleeping mother. “Same to you.”
Gideon smiled. “So … what’s on your mind?”
“Nothing,” Reyna replied with a shrug. “Just reading.”
Gideon gave her a look, and when Reyna furrowed her brows in question, he sighed. “If I didn’t know you as well as I do, the way you’ve been staring at the same page of that book for the last 45 minutes was a dead giveaway.”
Reyna sighed, closing the book and drumming her fingers against the cover. “This will be my first time back in Cordonia since … everything … and it just seems to be dredging up some stuff.”
“You and Liam are in a good place now,” Gideon said. “You can’t let what happened back then ruin what you just got back.”
“It’s not about Liam.” Not specifically. Reyna glanced over to meet her father’s gaze. “It’s the first time I’m going to see Leo …”
Gideon stared at her for a moment. “Ah,” he nodded in understanding.
“It’s been over three years and I … I didn’t know it even bothered me, but getting ready for this trip, knowing I was going to see him … it seems to have brought up this resentment I didn’t even know I had. All I can think about is what he did being the reason …” Reyna trailed off, shaking her head. “I know, it’s stupid.”
“It’s not stupid,” Gideon said. “But holding a grudge isn’t going to change the past, Reyna.”
“I know,” Reyna sighed.
“Well … perhaps this trip will give you some closure you didn’t know you needed.” Gideon smiled sympathetically when she looked at him. “Try and get some rest.”
Much later, after his last meeting of the day, Liam hurried from his study and headed to the south wing to change; Reyna and her parents would be arriving soon. He’d filled his schedule with back-to-back meetings in hopes of helping him pass the time by staying occupied, but it didn’t do much in helping to keep him distracted.
Liam was excited for Reyna’s arrival, but a little on edge, wondering how her visit would affect the way he’d already been struggling. They were in a good place now and he didn’t want anything to ruin that, which is the reason he’d kept how he still felt about her to himself the past few months since their Parisian reunion.
It hadn’t been easy.
They had fallen so easily back into their old routine, and while Liam was enjoying having his best friend back in his life, every time he saw or spoke to Reyna, he was only reminded of all the reasons he’d fallen in love with her in the first place. Her bigger-than-life personality, her wit, her sense of humor, her brilliant smile and infectious laugh, her kind heart.
Holding those feelings in had been difficult, but there was one thing that helped Liam: the simple fact that he was terrified. He had just gotten Reyna back in his life and he didn’t want to do anything to risk losing her again. Sure, what they shared three years ago was without a doubt the greatest thing that had ever happened to him, but then everything went to hell and he lost his best friend because of it. And that was something they hadn’t even spoken about. They had talked about everything that had happened during those three years apart except the reason they had missed them. It was like it didn’t exist … like crossing that line and how they felt never happened. She didn’t bring it up, so neither did he … but that was probably for the best.
After changing, Liam rushed down to the foyer, having received a message from Bastien that the Aldridge clan had arrived. When he reached the top of the stairs, his eyes immediately fell on Reyna, standing with her parents while they spoke to his father and Regina; she glanced up, smiling when she saw him.
Liam descended the stairs and everyone turned their attention upon hearing him. “Your Majesty,” Gideon grinned.
“None of that,” Liam chuckled, shaking his hand before greeting Catherine with a kiss on her cheek. He then turned to Reyna, meeting her outstretched arms. “Hey, you,” he whispered; he hugged her tightly, inhaling her scent before stepping back. “It’s good to see you all. How was the flight?”
“Long,” Catherine chuckled.
“It’s a tiresome journey,” Constantine said.
“Oh yeah. Flying by private jet,” Gideon playfully rolled his eyes. “How grueling.”
Constantine chuckled and looked at Liam. “I was just saying how nice it is to have Reyna here again.” He glanced back at her, watching Liam sling his arm around her shoulder with a grin. “It’s been so long.”
Reyna smiled. “It has.”
“I couldn’t believe it when Liam told me he ran into you in Paris,” Constantine grinned.
Gideon coughed to conceal his laugh. “Yeah … small world.” He cut his eyes over to Constantine. “So, where’s Leo?”
Constantine chuckled at his quick change of subject. “He’ll be meeting us for dinner.” He looked at his watch. “Which will be in an hour. You should all get settled beforehand.”
Staff members appeared, grabbed Gideon’s and Catherine’s luggage, and headed up the stairs to the guest wing. “Come on,” Liam said as he grabbed Reyna’s bag. “You’re in the south wing with me.”
Reyna nodded, dropping his gaze as they turned toward the stairs; that wing — his wing — held so much history. It was where everything between them started … and where it ended.
“We’ll see you at dinner,” Constantine called out as they reached the top of the stairs; Liam lifted his hand in a wave of acknowledgement before they disappeared down the corridor.
When they entered the south wing, Liam started down the hall toward her room. As Reyna passed by the living area, she paused, hit with the memory of the last time she stood in there.
“I love you so much, Rey … and I wish that were enough. But things … they are different here.”
“So that’s it? Everything that we had … is just done and over … just like that? Like none of it ever happened … like none of it fucking mattered at all?”
“You matter. We matter, Reyna. We always have. I … didn’t cross that line … with the intention of us finishing here …”
“Rey?” Liam called out. She stiffened, blinking away the tears before continuing down the hall. His brows furrowed. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” Reyna smiled. “Just jet lagged.”
Liam stepped inside her room, setting her bag down; she flopped down on the bed a moment later, and he chuckled as he laid on his side next to her, propping his head on his hand as she yawned. “You have time to rest before dinner.”
Reyna glanced at him. She wasn’t quite ready to see everyone. “Do you think we could have dinner up here, just us? We can hang out … maybe watch a movie?”
“Sure,” Liam nodded, not thinking anything of it; he knew she was probably tired. “No one will mind. What are you in the mood for?”
They stared at one another, both their mouths curling into smiles as they tried to read the other. “Pizza,” they chuckled. “Jinx.”
“I’ll call for it and let my father know we won’t be joining them,” Liam smiled as he rose from the bed.
That night, after consuming two pizzas while watching some rom-com Reyna put on, Liam lay wide awake in bed. Not only was Reyna’s presence there keeping him awake, but the way she seemed off was as well. It could have been as simple as the jet lag like she said, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that it was something else.
Once they decided to remain in the south wing for dinner, Reyna seemed fine; she was fine while they ate and watched their movie, talking and laughing with him the entire time. Then Leo called, asking if they wanted to meet up for drinks because he hadn’t seen her yet. Reyna’s demeanor shifted; she said she was tired and was going to go to bed.
Liam rolled to his side, letting out a breath. He wondered if just being there was hard for her … and if it was hard, was it because maybe … maybe she still felt — No. He scolded himself as he closed his eyes, pushing the thought far out of his mind.
The following afternoon, with the palace abuzz with final preparations for that evening’s ball, Liam and Reyna strolled through the gardens.
Liam’s eyes slid to Reyna; she’d still been acting off. Any time he asked if she was ok, she said she was fine, but he wasn’t buying it. She opted for one of his omelets that morning instead of joining their families for breakfast and seemed to get lost in thought a few times while they walked through the palace afterward. It only made him question the thought he had last night that he was trying but failing to ignore.
When they came to the hedges at the entrance of the garden maze, Liam turned to her with an impish grin. “It’s been a while … how well do you think you remember?”
Reyna laughed knowingly. “I could find my way blindfolded.”
“Bold words,” Liam quipped.
“I’ll even give you a head start so I can’t follow, and I bet I still beat your royal ass to the center.”
Liam’s brow arched at her challenge. “You must love losing.” He turned and ran into the pathway.
Reyna laughed as she started after him, but then the memory of the last time she stood in that spot between the hedges made her freeze in place.
“I wish I could go back and change it, Liam … I wish I could take it all back, that entire summer. I regret all of it.”
“Don’t say that, Rey … you don’t mean that.”
“I do. Because at least if it never happened … you and I would still be friends. The exact fear that had kept us from crossing that line all these years … has now become a reality, Liam. A decade worth of friendship … it’s been ruined. And for what? Because in the end … none of it was worth it. It broke our friendship, and I can’t speak for you … but it broke me. And there’s no coming back from it … nothing between us will ever be the way that it was before we crossed that line.”
“I don’t hear you!” Liam’s voice singsonged in the distance. “Are you lost already?”
Pulled from the memory, Reyna shook her head and let out a shuddered breath before she started after him.
That evening, Leo’s birthday ball was well underway. Liam stared at Reyna from where he waited at the bar for a refill while she caught up with Maxwell and Olivia. Despite appearing to have a good time to everyone else, he knew her and could tell she was putting on a bit of a front. Something was bothering her, and he was pretty certain at that point that he was right in thinking that being there was hard for her. He’d finally pieced it together once he realized the significance of each place where she seemed to get lost in thought, including that ballroom; when they entered, she momentarily froze as if hit by a painful wave of nostalgia.
What Liam couldn’t figure out is what it meant, if anything at all.
While speaking to a group of friends across the ballroom, Leo spotted Reyna as she stepped away from Maxwell and Olivia and headed for the balcony. He excused himself from the group and started making his way toward her.
Like his brother, Leo was good at reading people, and it was obvious to him that Reyna had been avoiding him since her arrival. She’d skipped out on dinner the night before, declined to have drinks, skipped breakfast that morning, and had yet to even say hello to him that night. She was alone on the balcony now, however, and there was a long overdue conversation they needed to have.
Leo knew that his actions three years ago catalyzed Liam and Reyna’s downfall. What he did was the reason things between them had ended because Liam was suddenly faced with the duty and responsibility of the crown and all of the bullshit that went along with it. He’d heard over time from both his father and Liam about how Reyna was affected by everything that transpired after.
When Leo heard from Liam that the Aldridges were coming for his birthday celebration, he told himself then that he would talk to Reyna. It might be three years too late and there was a good chance she’d never forgive him, but he needed to at least try to give her the apology he had long since owed her. She may be his brother’s best friend, but Reyna was his friend, too; he also shared over a decade worth of memories with her, and she became the sister he never had.
Reyna stood on the balcony, letting the cool night air wash over her. As good as it had been to see some familiar faces that night, that was the last place she wanted to be. The moment she stepped inside the ballroom on Liam’s arm, the night of his coronation and watching him choose someone else flashed in her mind. She’d wanted to leave ever since. It was ridiculous, she knew, to allow the past to affect her this way, but it was as if her mind and heart were screaming for closure she wasn’t sure she’d ever truly get, not when it came to Liam anyway.
That trip only continued to remind Reyna of how unfinished they felt and probably always would, at least to her.
When Leo stepped outside, Reyna turned upon hearing him; he watched her shoulders slightly stiffen, but she smiled. “Hey, stranger.”
“Hi,” Reyna replied. “Happy birthday.”
“Thanks,” Leo smiled as he came next to her.
“I was going to come find you later … once everyone stopped crowding around you,” Reyna lied.
“No worries,” Leo nodded, then looked at her. “How’s it feel to be back?”
Reyna glanced away from him. “It’s been fine.”
Leo sighed. “Listen, I, uh … I’m actually glad I caught you out here because there’s something I really need to say to you.” He let out a breath as she looked at him again. “I owe you one hell of an apology for everything that happened that summer you were here.”
Reyna was surprised he’d brought it up, but despite feeling the way she had been, she tried brushing it under the rug; she couldn’t bring herself to let him know it still bothered her. “That was three years ago,” she shook her head. “It’s in the past.”
“Is it?” Leo questioned, and she furrowed her brows. “Reyna, you’ve been avoiding me since you got here.” Guilt flashed across her face, and he shook his head. “I don’t blame you. We haven’t seen each other since that night, and I never gave you the apology you deserve. And I understand if you hate me because what I did back then was so fucked. I wish I could go back and change how I went about it, but I can’t. But I’m truly sorry for everything you had to go through and deal with because of what I did.”
Reyna stared up at him, and just like that, her resentment was snuffed out; his acknowledgment and genuine apology turned out to be exactly what she didn’t know she needed. Then, guilt of her own hit her. “I’m sorry, too … for avoiding you and not just talking about it. To be honest … I didn’t even know it bothered me until I was packing and it just … hit me that I was going to see you for the first time. Then all of these … feelings followed … and I didn’t really know how to go about dealing with them.”
“I get it,” Leo nodded. “I … I wasn’t thinking back then … at least not about anyone but myself. When I came back, Liam … boy did he let me have it.” He rubbed his jaw, remembering the crack of his brother’s fist across it that day. “He was so angry with me … and so broken. And then I heard from my father about how you had been … and I felt so guilty knowing I was the reason you both were hurting so much.”  
Reyna let out a breath. “For what it’s worth … it wasn’t only your doing. I know I was to blame, too, for how certain things played out.”
Leo knitted his brows. “How are you to blame?”
“It doesn’t matter,” Reyna shook her head. “It really is in the past now,” she subtly smiled. “And if Liam can forgive you, I certainly can.”
“It wasn’t easy,” Leo scoffed. “It took him nearly a year to be close to normal with me again,” he chuckled. “But thank you … for your forgiveness. Honestly, it’s the best birthday present I could have asked for.” He held his arms out in an offer, and she smiled as she stepped forward and he pulled her into a hug. “By the way—” He squeezed her tightly before he stepped back “—It’s fucking good to have you back. Liam moped around this goddamn place for the last three years like you were his puppy someone dognapped.” Reyna snorted, but then her eyes slightly widened, darting from him to over his shoulder. Leo stiffened. “He’s standing right behind me, isn’t he?”
“Sure the fuck am,” Liam snapped. “Mind if I steal my puppy for a moment?”
Leo grimaced guiltily as Reyna laughed. “That’s my cue.” He gave her one last hug. “Thank you again,” he whispered before kissing her cheek. He turned, chuckling as he dodged out of the way of Liam’s fist aiming for his arm before disappearing inside.
Reyna met Liam’s gaze when he turned to her; she wondered about how much, if any, of that conversation he’d heard. He smiled at her, slipping his hands into his pockets. “How does continuing our age-old tradition of sneaking out sound?”
Reyna grinned. “Heavenly.”
“Not as heavenly as the burger, fries, and milkshakes I have waiting for us up in my wing,” Liam winked as he held out his hand. Reyna laughed as she took it, and he led her off the balcony.
“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this.”
Reyna giggled as she stared down at Liam; his head was in her lap with a white bowed microfiber headband keeping his hair back from the facial mask she had painted on him. “Open,” she chuckled.
Liam complied, parting his lips to be fed a French fry. When she pulled the cucumber peels off his eyes, he fluttered them open, staring up at her with a deadpan expression as he chewed, which only made her laugh harder.
“Your face is gonna be so purrty,” Reyna snorted.
“I’m already purrty,” Liam scoffed, finally cracking a smile when she laughed again.
They’d come to the south wing and consumed their burgers, milkshakes, and most of their fries before she talked him into letting her give him a facial. He waited, wondering if she’d bring up the conversation she had with Leo … one he’d partially overheard. He couldn’t take it anymore, though; there was a question burning inside him about something she said that he needed an answer to.
“So … I, uh … I heard you talking to Leo on the balcony,” Liam said tentatively.
The smile faltered from Reyna’s lips. “How much did you hear?”
“I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop. I was coming to get you to make our getaway … and I heard him apologizing.”
“Yeah,” Reyna nodded.
Liam continued to stare at her. “I think it’s good that he did … and I know he appreciates you forgiving him. You didn’t hear it from me, but he was a little nervous about you coming,” he smiled ruefully.
Reyna chuckled. “Lil’ old me?”
“Please,” Liam snorted. “I’ve seen you mad. You may be small, but you’re scrappy when you want to be.”
“It’s part of my New York charm,” Reyna quipped.
“Well … I’m glad to know things between you two are back to normal, but …” Liam hesitated for a moment before continuing. “Can I ask you something?” He held her gaze as she nodded. “Why do you blame yourself?”
Reyna took in a deep breath and slowly let it out; she knew it was coming the moment he’d mentioned he overheard. Her fingers brushed against his temples as she adjusted the headband in order to distract herself long enough to come up with something plausible, but the truth came out before she could. “I wasn’t there,” she said in a cracked whisper. “Your dad gave you … gave us … a way, and when you came for me, I wasn’t there. Because I wasn’t coping like a normal person. I had hit rock bottom … and I wasn’t there.”
“Rey …” Liam sat up and turned to face her. “It’s not on you.” He sighed, his shoulders slumping as he stared at her misty eyes. “Ok, well … you admitted that you blame yourself, so I suppose I should admit …” That I’m still so in love with you and never stopped. “So do I. It remains the biggest regret of my life … and I’m certain it always will be.”
Reyna’s brows knit. “What does?”
“That I didn’t fight harder … for you to stay … for us … to find you when I came to New York. I should have fought harder.”
“Liam …” Reyna shook her head. “It’s not your fault.”
“And it’s not yours,” Liam retorted. “It was … it was circumstance, Rey. Do I wish things had been different? Yes, more than anything …” A flash of something flickered in her gaze. Hope? He shook the thought; it wasn’t that. He cleared his throat, needing to mask his mistake. “Because, at the least, we wouldn’t have lost those three years. But taking the blame … that isn’t going to change any of it.” She nodded, knowing he was right. “So how about no more blaming ourselves? Deal?”
Reyna smiled. “Deal.”
“So … is that all that’s been on your mind?”
The way in which he asked Reyna told her he already knew the answer. She should have seen it coming based on the way he kept catching her lost in her musings and asking if she was ok each time. It didn’t matter that they had those three years apart; he still knew her better than anyone, even better than she knew herself most of the time.
“I just …” Reyna shifted her gaze from his, letting out a breath mixed with a wry laugh. “It’s my first time back since …” She trailed off, not needing or wanting to say it. “And I just keep remembering things …”
Liam nodded in genuine understanding. “I get it … I live here, so I really get it.” He had three years to get used to the memories constantly invading him. No matter where he went inside his own home, remnants of their relationship lingered everywhere, good and bad. “But maybe now that you’ve had this first visit and things are better … it’ll be easier next time … if there is a next time.”
Reyna smiled at him. “There’ll be a next time.”
“Good,” Liam smiled in return.
It wasn’t the whole conversation, but the past was somewhat acknowledged, so it would be enough. At the least, they knew that it wasn’t simply forgotten by the other.
As they stared at one another, however, those lingering confessions were on the tips of their tongues, that their past was still very much their present and they both felt the same way now as they did back then.
Neither was willing to put their friendship at risk again, however … so they swallowed the words.
After a moment, with him still staring at her with such genuine affection, Reyna’s head tilted to the side as her smile grew and a chuckle escaped her.
“What’s so funny?” Liam asked.
“I’m having a hard time taking you seriously right now,” Reyna giggled.
Liam’s brows furrowed, but then he watched her gaze flicker up to the bowed microfiber headband he’d forgotten he was wearing; he rolled his eyes with a good-natured grin as she laughed. “Get this shit off my face,” he chuckled as he turned, laying back and resting his head in her lap again.
“You love it,” Reyna smiled down at him. “Ok, but wait …” She grabbed her phone and twisted her upper body, bringing her face down next to his; holding her phone above them, she snapped a photo. “Ok,” she chuckled as she sat up. She took two facial pads, gently wiping his face clean. “There.”
Liam opened his eyes to meet her gaze, and he stared up at her. She started to lean down, and for a moment his heart shot to his throat in anticipation, but then she rested her forehead against his.
“Thank you,” Reyna whispered.
“For what?”
“Knowing me … and knowing I needed to get away and talk.”
Lifting his arm, Liam rested his hand on the back of her neck. “You don’t need to thank me for that.”
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