#no I didn't forget Hawkeye
purple--queen · 5 months
Marvel missed the opportunity to make Clint Barton Robin Hood
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
Fight for Pleasure
Mihawk x FemReader
Now this is some true Kinky shit- 👍🏽 Enjoy 😉
Sorry it's late!
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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ Hard Sex, Unprotected sex, Biting, Blood drawn, Fighting.
Day 3. Hate Fuck
"Good Evening Ma'am" the handsome Marine bowed respectfully to you holding a arm out to you which you ignored and stepped off the dock of the ship and passing him. They constantly tried to do this, bringing the prettiest of their Marines in order to woo you into cooperation.
Being one of the Warlords on occasions you were summoned to nice places like this as a 'Show of Good Faith' in this case it being a resort which was emptied for the Warlords and paid in full. The World Goverment finding it cheaper to just let the Warlords indulge in whores, food and drink then letting them roam at times.
That and this was usually what they did in order to ask for some sort of favor which you imagined would be arriving by tommorow morning. Walking into the Resort you could already hear the Chaos- Mainly one source of it being the newest member Buggy the Clown.
Chaos which was the drunk floating clown having a field day with some booze and laughing with someone that was obscured- truthfully not wanting to bother checking.
You made a B-Line right for the bar. Seeing the other Warlords there already having their fill of paid for delights. Even passing by Boa who seemed just as unamused as you and you two gave a brief nod at each other.
Stepping into the bar you saw the lone Bartender, clearly not as heavily used since the bottles of ale, rum, and other strong liquors were out in the main resort area were most of your fellow Lords were gathered.
"A Daiquiri please" You asked, putting some berries in the tip jar. The Bartender smiling at this and quick to start making the order.
"Another bother of Tarapacá" You heard from the voice you loathed the most- Sending a glare up to your left to see non other then Dracule 'Hawkeye' Mihawk. Aka the stuck up asshole you were forced the share air with.
"You know a please to him wouldn't kill you-" You hissed in annoyance, Typically not caring for impolitness from your peers but Mihawk was an exception to this rule.
He sneered down at you, waiting for the bottle as he rolled his eyes not even bothering with you.
"Ah isn't it the tramp- Don't concern yourself with how I speak to others" He growled at you, But your own temper flaring at his insult.
"Tramp!? Oh you're one to talk- Everyone knows you probably have more spawns then Big Mom" You snapped back which made him glare hard at you, His yellow eyes staring hard at you as his face twisted up- The Bartender gently setting down the bottle for Mihawk then the Daiquiri for you.
"Let's not forget that little girl you keep on your island" You chime in a sing song voice, His hand clenching as you stood up with a smirk- You were one of the few who knew of Perona and while you were aware he most likely hadn't been intimate with her didn't mean you wouldn't throw it back in his face.
"How are you aware of that child?- Let alone got the incorrect idea of my relationship with her. Or My Island" He said hissing at you, You turned back with a sarcastic smile sipping your drink.
"I have my ways Hawkeye" You say sweetly, which made him grab the bottle and fling it in your direction which you dodged.
"You spied on me and went to my home?-" He guessed correctly which made you smile. Downing your drink you kicked one of the chairs in his direction which he snatched and tossed away, Marching towards you pissed. His eyes practically glowing at this imformation you toss the glass at his feet and glare at him- This making him stop.
"So tell me...What keeps me from killing you" He hissed out, rage and hatred pouring from his lips like venom.
"Cause you like me too much~" Hou chimed, walking from the bar completely- Warmth blooming in your stomach at how his eyes stared at you the sour taste of remembering it was Mihawk snapped you from those thoughts.
Walking down the hall to were your suite was, you tried to push away the small argument from Mihawk, whistling a mindless tune before the world spun- Feeling yourself slammed against a near by wall you glared hard as you saw it was Mihawk again- The smell of wine on his breath made you sneer.
"What do you think you're doing you drunk asshole" You hissed, reaching forward and roughly grabbing the collar of his shirt. After a moment of silence he crashed his lips into yours, Biting them roughly as he did so- Growling you pull him closer as the taste of blood and wine filled you senses. You pulled back to get air in your aching lungs and bit down on his neck earning a pained hiss from the fellow Warlord. "Perverted Bastard"
"Vile whore" Mihawk hissed at you- your hand shooting up and grabbing a handful of hair and yanked his head back which earned him growling moan. Quickly he yanked you towards the suite pulling at his coat as you practically tore open the hotel room door.
"F- Fuck!!" You screamed out, feeling him slam you into the nearest wall hard. Picking your legs up and wrapping them around his waist he glared hard at you in what could only be described as disgust, before taking his free hand and ripping your top open to see your exposed breast and attacking them with his mouth.
You moaned out as his hands ripped away at your bottoms, his teeth pulling and Biting your nipples as his hands dug into the flesh of your ass. Your own hands ripping away the wide brim hat and tossing it to the side which earned a glare from the Man. Smirking at this you take the opportunity and lean down, Running your tongue up his neck earning a rumbling moan from him, Until you bit down hard, feeling blood touch your tongue and him grab your hair to yank you away glaring hard as blood dribbled down the side of his neck.
"Fucking animal-"
Hawkeye mutter before harshly tossing you onto the large bed, earning a surprised yelp from you as you bounce on the bed- Glaring at his smug face as he followed after you and crawled towards you quickly moving to pin you but you slipped from his grasp. In a flash you grabbed at his pants and ripped them from the side with a smirk on your face and a scowl from him.
"These were expensive-" He growled as he tosses his ruined clothes to the side, his throbbing cock now on full display.
"Aww can't take what you dish out~" You tease gesturing to your shredded clothes on the floor. The two of you glared at each other at a stand still to see who would attach first- Mihawk suddently springing I to action as he dove for you once more, this time grabbing your leg and trying to pull you to him.
You laugh at this and instead scoot yourself close to him throwing him off completely as you pounce on him- knocking him to his back hard enough that the bed snapped and tilted in the directed of the force, You Sitting on his chest with a evil smirk.
"Not fast en- EEP!" You yell as he sits up suddently and grabs your waist keeping your upper body high as you fall against his stomach. He smirked down at you, seeing your face red before dived his mouth inbetween your legs.
Arching your back in pleasure as you felt him aggressively eat you out, trying to pull yourself up from the position but he only tightened his grip- The feeling of his hardened member pressed against your upper back from the upside position, as well as the head rush from the blood rushing from your head.
Moaning loudly as your legs tightened around his head. His fingers digging hard into the flesh of your hips as you came into his awaiting mouth and cut air from him. Feeling how he lapped at every drop you gave as your body shuttered and spasmed from pleasure. He then tried to pull away till you locked your legs keeping him from pulling back, a evil smirk on your face. He struggled for a few seconds, until you felt his mouth open again and his teeth brush far too close to your clit like he was going to-
"YOU BETTER NOT!" You yelped and released him quickly, moving yourself away from the cackling man as he ran his tongue over his teeth and lips like he savored the taste.
"Aw can't take what you dish out Darling?~" He growled out smiling at your defensiveness and suspicion. Glaring hard at him your hand shoots out and grabs his cock.
He grunted as your grabbed him roughly, your sharp nails gently running up the side of his shaft like a pleasurable and silent threat. Leaning down you place a long slow lick over the length of his shaft, earning a hissing moan at the sight and feeling.
"Aww you got quiet quick~"
You smile at his reddened face as you made him come undone your fingers squeezing on the swollen head of his cock earning a angry growl from him at your teasing.
"Don't tease me women" He hissed, grabbing your wrist and yanking you so you were on him your bare chest pressed onto his as he went to bite your neck once again pushing forward you headbutt him which knocked him back off the bed but he pulled you with him as you both landed and crushed the nightstand.
Taking advantage of your dazed state he rolled the two of you over on the rubble and pinned your hands next to your head, A dark gleam in his eyes at this.
Tossing your head back as you gave out a forced moan as he entered you quickly and hard. Still sensitive from the brutally forced orgasms of before as Mihawk snapped his hips to fill you body and soul, setting a brutal pace he began to fuck you like an animal. Your body sliding across the carpet as he fucked you as far as possible, your moans of bliss ripping through your throat at the speed. His fingers releasing your hands which fly to wrap around his back.
Mihawk grunted hard as he slammed into your hips again, ignoring your cry in bliss from the multiple orgasms at this point and his own hips losing its rhythm from his own coming undone, his fingers digging into the carpet around your head as he gave a few more powerful thrust- Your nails slicing into his back and drawing blood as you screamed to another hard orgasm drew him in finally. A howl in pleasure ripping through his throat as he stuffed you as deeply as possible, he fell onto you from the force as the two of you laid there a panting mess.
You foggy to the brain feel him run his tongue over the cut on your lips, parting your lips at the request you kiss him deeply in the after glow of it all. You two pulled back only when Mihawk finally gets the strength to pull out of you and roll onto his side with a tired sigh.
"Must we always fight in order to fuck?"
You question still exhausted and laying there on the carpet fairly sure you had some level of carpet burn on your back. You hear a questioning hum from Mihawk, Clearly not wishing to think of that question further as he laid there relaxing.
You sit up from the floor a familiar ache between your legs, seeing the destroyed furniture, the ripped up sheets and clear dent in the wall from were Hawkeye slammed you. In short it looked two beast had destroyed this room in either battle or fucking- in this case both.
"You're paying for the damages for this room" You point out, Mihawk opening one eye from his lounging position on the floor hands behind his head and comforbly dozing.
"Hmph.... fine-"
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shamelessfaceless · 2 months
Love, Pain, Death, Repeat
Navigation | Marvel masterlist | part II
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Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x F!reader, Wanda Maximoff x Vision
Summary: Even death won't help you get rid off her and pain she caused.
Warnings: Mentions of death, cheating, angst
Wc: 600
A/n: Just a fast sad blurb, hope you like this <33
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Your mouth is dry, completely opposite to your eyes. Pinning Natasha to the ground you let your tears fall. It wasn't supposed to be like that, but after hearing what you needed to do, you were sure it was the time.
"Think about Yelena! Your facking sister! Think what would she say if I told her that you killed yourself!" You yelled at her though she was so close to you she would hear your whispers.
"And you? You have a whole life ahead of you! You're so young! You are doing what you need, you're nice and brave, you put others before you, you are a hero people need!"
"I don’t have anyone! Anyone! I spent last years crying in my room! People don’t remember me! I don’t even remember who I am."
"Y/N" She tried to change positions. You didn't let her. You couldn't let her.
"I am not enough. I never was. Everyone knows Black Widow or Iron Man or Hawkeye! Even she showed me I was never enough!" You were almost sobbing, your tears falling on Natasha’s suit. "She choosed fucking microwave!"
When you saw Wanda for the first time, you fell almost in the same second. Literally fell. You wanted to come closer, but your legs had other plans, and you fell straight into her arms. This made her laugh. That was the first thing that actually made her show positive emotions after her brother died. Most of the night spended in your room only talking changed into spending nights in yours and hers own room. After your old relationships you were negative about love, but you started trusting her, it meant so much for you. She promised you stars. It didn't take long for her to take interest in Vision. You trusted her with your whole heart, and all she did was break it. He was just a robot, you thought you didn't need to care about him. Maybe he was a little bit too nice to Wanda, but she wouldn’t fall for cold metal, right? Oh how wrong you were. After one of the missions, you came back to your room just to see her covered in hickeys that for sure weren’t yours. You just sat on the floor and told her to get out.
"You will meet someone else. Just give yourself a chance. For fucking sake, if you let yourself forget her, you will find true love and maybe have kids or cats." Russian was strong, you started feeling like your arms were going to give up.
"She cheated on me, and soon after she disappeared. Women always choose men." You said disgustedly. Your every relationships ended because they chose to be with men. "Tell everyone I loved them." You stabbed her hand to distract her.
You started running to the end of the cliff. Black Widow’s screams didn’t stop you. Just as you jumped you looked behind to see Natasha, she was so close catching you, just a few seconds and you would be still alive. You smiled to her wondering if she could see it, and closed your eyes. Last thing in your mind was the memory of one specific lazy morning with Maximoff. Morning when she promised you cozy life, no avengers, just you and her in a big house and kids.
Opening your eyes you expected to see your dead parents, not two young boys.
"Good morning my love." Your head snapped to the door of the room. Wanda stood there, width smile on her lips, her eyes shining a little bit with red.
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moongothic · 6 months
I know people often speculate about Crocodile and if that is his "real name", either implying he has a deadname or his name is another one of those Hidden Ds (much like Roger and Law)
And like. This is just me but personally I would prefer it if he didn't have a deadname at all. It already grinds my gears when people use Sanji's "real name" when he himself hates it and doesn't want to be called by it, and so god knows if Crocodile is trans then the fandom misgendering is going to be obnoxious enough, you don't need to add a """real name""" into that mix
So. Personally, I would prefer it if Crocodile really was his birthname. It would just help us avoid some toxicity, ya feel me? Like people can't deadname him if he has no deadname to begin with?
That said.
I do find it interesting how Crocodile never actually introduces himself during the story to like. Anyone. Like we never see him go "yes hello you may call me Sir Crocodile" or anything
In fact, like, very specifically, when we finally get Crocodile's face reveal in Chapter 155, he explicitly says
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"Call me what you will"
Of course, the citizens of Nanohana had just been calling him a 'hero', 'desert king' and 'the Guardian Deity of Alabasta' in the previous page, so his comment is mostly just in reference to the various titles people were shouting out rather than his actual name
And to be fair, the dude is Extremely Famous, he doesn't have to introduce himself because everybody already knows who he is
But it's still an interesting detail, isn't it?
(Also tangentially related, but Crocodile never seems to object to people calling him by cutesy nicknames either? Like to be fair, he probably couldn't object to Ivankov calling him "Crocoboy" to begin with, but he never seemed to mind Bon-chan calling him "Zero-chan" repeatedly either, nor did he object to Buggy's "Cro-chan" 🤔)
If nothing else though, considdering even his former bounty was associated with the name we know him by, it's possible that even if he had a deadname, "Crocodile" could be his "pirate nickname" that he chose to roll with. Kind of like "Strawhat" or "Blackbeard" or "Hawkeyes" etc, a title people use so often you kind of forget the person's actual name
Or he might have that Hidden D. Which, if he did, I'd be more inclined to believe would be more like with Law (where he might've been told as a child to keep it a secret). Instead of the whole "names being merged into one to hide the D" like with Roger, since that one was a specific, intentional move from the World Government
The only thing about the Hidden D is that. I just. I think it'd be a little silly. Like. Crocodile doesn't have to be a part of the D clan in my mind. Like I don't need that twist. But to be fair, there is an argument to be made for Crocodile being a D. Like if his goal is to destroy the WG and the World Nobles (that being the reason he wanted military force and Pluton to begin with) then ARGUABLY it would be fitting for him to be a D, since the D clan are the "Natural Enemies of the Gods". Also, there's the whole trend of D clan members always dying with a smile on their face. Like sure Crocodile hasn't died (yet) but he definitely went to Impel Down (hell) with a big ol' smirk on his mugshot (chapter 413 cover), which is close enough. So there is an argument to be made for Crocodile having a fullname with a D that's been kept a secret
I dunno, these details are interesting to me
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shelbgrey · 2 years
🎃💉Grey's Anatomy Halloween Special💉🎃
“This Is Halloween”
Paring: Derek Shepherd x reader, read x multiple characters
Summary: you and Derek go to a Halloween fest with your friends from the hospital. It's all fun and games till someone gets hurt.
Warnings: horror, some gore, not edited.
Greys MasterList.
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Halloween is upon us and the hospital loves to make sure we don't forget it. I'm definitely not complaining, I love everything gore and spooky. Dispite our busy schedules we like to at least take a minute to appreciate this time of the year.
If you work on the Peds floor like me and Alex you learn quickly that this floor loves Halloween. This gives the kids something to smile about and do during their stay.
Dispite his protest me and Arizona got Alex to dress up for the kids. Our trio Decided to dress up as super heros which the kids loved. Alex was carrying around a captain America shield and entertaining the kids while I was dressed up like Hawkeye and Arizona dressed up as a female Thor.
“what's up Cap?” I teased as Alex came over to the nurse's station with a scowl. “shut up”
Me and Arizona laughed as he sat his shield down only for a kid to snatch it and run off. Alex who was secretly enjoying it playfully yelled 'hey!' and ran after the giggling kid.
“I love Halloween” I smiled putting a sucker in my mouth. Arizona nodding agreaing as she grabbed a chart and walked off. I sighed happily and set down my fake bow and arrow. Before a could go anywhere a all too familiar voice spoke behind me.
“trick or treat” a small voice said. I smiled and saw Derek carring our son Who was Dressed up like Chucky. I smiled lovingly at my two boys as took out five year old out of his arms.
“what happened to the Harry Potter costume” I laughed remembering our son was indeed Harry Potter early this morning. Derek smiled like he didn't know what I was talking about.
“he said he wanted to be scary so while you were in surgery I took him to the Halloween store” I rolled my eyes and set him down so he could say hi to Arizona and Sofia.
Derek gave me a cheeky smiled as he placed his hands on my hips and pulled me closer to his body. “have I told you how much I love this costume on you?” he asked kissing my neck. I chuckled and pulled him away.
“children are present... Many of them” he slightly laughed and kissed me on the cheek. He leaned up against the nurse's station next to me and snatched a piece a candy from a bowl that was on the station.
“so I think Meredith and Ameila are planning something for tonight” Derek said breaking off a piece of his kit-Kat and hanging it to me.
“should we be worried?” he chuckled crumbling the wrapper and putting it in his pocket. “I know just as much as you do, I'm just the messenger”
“what about Dean?” I asked as our son ran up to us. “Bailey said she'd watch him”
“momma look” Dean said cutting our conversation short. Dean smiled and held up a little toy sugar skull that glew in the dark. As he played with it Derek came up behind him and fake jumped scared him. Dean giggled as Derek tickled him. Derek laughed to then looked back to To me.
“I'll take him to Bailey, say bye to mommy” Derek said. Dean waved his fake knife with a smile. “bye-bye mommy” I waved good bye then set off to fine our friends.
“Hell fest has finally arrived!” the report smiled on the TV.
I walked up to the nurse's Station Meredith, Amilea, Callie and Mark were at. “What are you guys watching?” I asked as Jackson and April joined our group.
“shh” mark said not taking his eyes off the TV.
The TV showed Seattle's annual Halloween fest. The place was called Hell fest and it was full of haunted houses and different actors who jump out and scare you.
“but unfortunately the haunted attraction has caused some controversy, with the realistic sets based on actual serial killers and true events. Is it distasteful or just plane Halloween fun?” the report continues.
The fest's advertisements was full of gore and slasher themed custumes. Amilea stared in amazement. “dudes we have to go”
Christina rolled her eyes. “it's just a bunch of cheep rides and haunted houses that aren't even scary. It's a waist of time”
“oh come on yang grow a pair” Mark said acusing her of just being scared. April who wasn't into it all shook her head terrified but she was ignored.
“those places are awesome actually” I added as Derek joined us. He kissed the side of my head and leaned against the nurse's station next to me.
“But the haunted attraction is based on actual events…isn’t that a little bit inconsiderate to the families of the victims?” April asked.
“What, you don't want to be chased around by Ted Bundy?” Mark joked as he fake stabbed Derek with a pen Derek chuckled and pushed him away from me and him as scrolled through my phone looking up the place. I smirked and tapped Merideth’s shoulder.
“Dude we have to go! This place is known to be haunted!” I said Meredith bugged her eyes out in surprise looking at the article. “Awsome”
“yes!” Amilea said looking over our shoulders. Derek just shook his head and smiled at the trio.
April sighed and garbed a chart. “I'm gonna check on my patient” I sighed and looked at April with a depressing look. “Fine we won't go”
Amilea made a fake evil laugh and followed April. “I guess I'll go with... So you don't get murdered by an escaped psyc patient” aprli slugged her in the shoulder as the two disappeared in the hallway.
I then looked at jackson. “And you guys can stay here all along… with the nerves parents and kids who ate too much candy” Jackson sighed and looked at the direction that April went.
Not a second later April’s screams erupted through the halls then a cash sound followed along with Amilea's cackles. The group looked over to where the sound came from with confused looks. April came racing in shaking while Owen followed, rubbing his head while Amilea was with him cackling.
“What happened to you?” I asked, chuckling.
Owen turned to April. “You hit me in the head with an empty bed pan” April whipped back around. “Well you snuck up on me in a dark closet, what do you expect?”
Amilea wrapped her arm on April's shoulder taking a breath from laughing. “Aw, come on Kepner, it's Halloween everyone's entitled to a good scare”
“So are we going or what?” Mark asked. “Going where?” Owen asked.
“Hell fest, you in?” I asked my best friend. Before Owen could answer Merdith butted in.
“We're going, we're just trying to get these two sissies to go,” Merdith said, pointing to Jackson and April. The couple quickly got defensive. “We never said that,” Jackson said, using his hands while talking, probably trying to get his point a crossed.
“Come on Avery it'll be fun” Amilea said. Jackson soon gave in with a smile. He nodded making everyone cheer.
“Hunt you in?” Mark asked. He smiled and nodded. “sounds like fun, sure”
“Callie?” I asked turning to here. She nodded with a big smile. “dude, I've been in for a while.”
After transportation planning and a few added ons(Alex and jo then Merdith convinced Hayes to come with us)we left for the Halloween fest.
“we made it!” Amilea cheered as the the both of raced in leaving the group behind.
“wait up guys! We still need tickets!” Derek shouted making us sighed and walk back.
The line was long but thankful we were towards the front. “lot of weirdos” Christina mumbled. A guy in a clown costume that was behind her in line tried to scare her. It didn't work and Christina made sure he knew.
“boo, so scary” she said sarcastically and moved over next to Merdith and Hayes.
We all finally got in with our VIP passes and the place was a sight to see to say the least. Before we set off Jackson came up next Mark with a creeped out expression.
“Avery we just got here, what's the problem?” Mark asked. He looked around a shivered.
“please say the ticket guy licked his lips at all of you and not just me?” April scrunched her noise up and Mark started laughing. Jackson never got his answer do to all of us setting off to explore the place.
I looked over to Derek who just took my hand. He looked around slightly board but still trying to look like he was having fun. “this really isn't your thing, is it?” I asked him.
He stopped and smiled. “it's your thing and I'm just happy to spend time with you” he was about to lean down and give me a kiss but a scar actor in clown costume scared us. I jumped into Derek arms and he laughed.
“okay, that was fun” he laughed. I giggled and pulled him along to catch up with the other.
“haunted house?” Callie asked. We all agreed making our way in. Merdith and Hayes went in first cleaning to each other. The first guy that popped out was mad doctor making Amilea jump into Owen's arms in fear.
She pushed him away like nothing happened. “and... That's just insulting” she said pointing at the doctor.
Strob lights and blood surrounded us as we walked into a canbilist farm themed room. The place was based off. The text chain saw mascara movies obviously.
“ew, that looks so real” April said looking at a dummy that was gutted to piece. I looked at it and decided to screw with April.
“that's probably pig intestines, it's what they used in Day of the dead” I said pointing at the dummy. Jackson wrapped his arm around April and looked at me disgust. “how do you know that?”
“same reason I know that I know they used corn syrup for pigs blood in Carrie” I shrugged and derek wrapped his arm around my waist.
Next we walked into a pitch black room. “okay... Something is gonna pop out” Jo mumbled clinging to Alex. “hello?” she yelled.
“they aren't gonna respond” Alex said as he looked around.
Strob light suddenly turned on and a Dr. Satan like man came charging at us with a doctors too from hell. Jo screamed and ran for it while Merdith laughed.
The final room was a back room full of maquines with wolf masks. “one of you are real” Mark mumbled. He successfully made it to the other side without getting scared which made April feel confident to walk through. As she went one of them moved and grabbed her scream bloody murder.
She ran out with Jackson and the rest of us chacing her.
“that was so badass!” Amilea cheered as we made it out to the end.
After that we hit the cheeply made games. Owen and I went up agint each other while Derek and Mark went to a Dart booth. Surprisingly I won and I wasn't gonna let Owen forget it. “yes! Suck on that!” he laughed and gave me the win.
“here you go” Derek said from behind me. I turned around to find my boyfriend Holding a little Teddy bear he won. I smiled and thanked him with a quick peck on the cheek.
Amilea, Christina, and Meredith then came back with giant preziles. “What did we miss?”
“y/n whipped Hunt in a Shooting game” Hayes laughed. “yes, that's my girl!” Amilea said high-fiving me.
“we should go to that IT experience thingy, I saw it when I was getting drinks” Callie said coming up next to me and handing me a drink.
Derek's eyes bugged out in fear from behind me. Amilea noticed and chuckled. No one knew of his fear so we all agreed while Derek reluctantly agreed.
“God, I hate clowns” Derek mumbled. I stopped and grabbed his hand. “We don't have to go in if you don't want to” he shook his head and pulled me along.
“no, you love this movie let's go” I rolled my eyes and tired to stop him but no dice.
We all went to the entrance which had the three doors from the movie. Scary, very scary, and not Scary at all
“not Scary at all right?” April asked walking towards it. I shrugged when she stopped and looked at me for confoation.
“I think we should divide and Concer” Mark said opening the door that said Scary. Callie, Joe, and Alex followed. April went through the not Scary at all door with Jackson and Owen. Hayes walked to the last door that said Very scary and opened it for Merdith. “ladies first” he said. Derek nodded and pushed his little sister forward.
“yup, ladies first” Amilea scoffed and pulled me along. “chickens”
Derek garbed my hand as we walked through a room full of glowing mirrors. It was the same set up from the second film. The light flashed on and off giving it an eary feeling.
As we walked by a Pennywise actor jumped out and pounded on the window. “holy shit!” Derek said grabbing on to me.
“Awsome” Amilea said as she watched Pennywise run around.
We rounded a corner and ended up in the clown room from the first movie. “oh you got be fucking kidding me” Derek mumbled as he watched every single clown making sure one of them wasn't gonna move. All the clown Dolls then started to shake and their eyes glew as we walked pasted.
The next hallway was built to look like a sewer. It lead us to the last room which was covered in blood like Beverly's bathroom. It didn't have any jump scares and it was thast Room.
As we exited we saw everyone was waiting. “that was kinda disappointing” Mark said as we continued to walk around. “yeah I expected a bit more fear” Callie said.
Are walk was cut short as a guy with a chainsaw started chacing another guy. The pray triped and few and the actor fell and the saw went right threw the arm of the fake victim. The guy screamed in pain but at first it looked like an act but april was the first to realize it wasn't.
“guys... That's real”
“oh... Crap” Christina said as Owen and Mark went to help the guy. Owen tried to stop the bleeding while Mark picked up the arm from the pavement.
“We're all doctor, we'll help” April said as she call 911. The dude screamed in pain while the guy who cut the arm off ran away.
The part of the park that we were at got shut down so the paramedics could get through. Mark and Owen who were covered in blood left with them.
“well that killed the mood” Merdith said as we continued to walk after everyone was evacuated from the crim scene. “not really” Amilea said.
“you guys wanna head to the hospital? See what happens to the guy?” Callie asked.
As we walked a guy that was clearly high cackled as he called out his friend's name. He bummed into Callie in the process which didn't set well for her. She chaced after him and I quickly followed making sure she wasn't gonna fight anyone.
Before call could say anything the guy held up a knife to his friend and smile. “hey dude I found one of those retractable knives” me and Callie gasped as the the dude stabed his friend in the head and the knife didn't retract. Whatever drugs these dudes were on must of numbed the pain because they were giggling like idiots.
“I'm beginning to believe this place is haunted” Callie said.
After bringing the two high friends with Cookies(no, I'm not joking) to the ER the dude with the knife in his head sat on a bed waiting for a head CT.
“we need to figure out of to get the scan without removing the Knife, that thing is probably keeping him from bleeding out” Derek told Amilea.
“I don't even think they know where they are” she said looking at the patient and his friend. Both clearly on something. “and while your at it get a drug test” Amilea said walking towards the CT room.
“hey how's the Leatherface victum?” I asked as Owen passed me. He signed and took his scrub cap off. “he ain't getting his arm back and that guy-”
Owen was cut off by one of the druggies that started shouting out to Derek and Amilea. “Dr. Shepherds! I don't know what the big deal is.. All you got do is pull it out” he yanked the knife out of his friend's head.
I bugged my eyes out as Amilea and derek raced to him as the guy passed out.
“happy freaking Halloween” Owen sighed as he left to check in the patient.
I sighed and left to scrub in with Derek and Amilea. After a ten hour surgery we got the bleeding to stop and the surgery was successful. The three of us walked into the scrub room to get cleaned up.
“well Halloween is officially over” Amilea said looking at her watch.
“November 1st, it's day of the dead” I smiled drying my hands off. Derek chuckled and gave me a side hug. “don't get any ideas”
I shrugged. “I was thinking we could just go home and cuddle but...”
Amilea smiled. “you guys are adorable... It makes me sick” Derek flipped her the bird while giving me a kiss.
“thanks for going tonight, I know it's not your thing” I said wrapping my arms around his neck. He smiled and placed his hands on my waist. “I hade a lot of fun tonight actually”
“good, I love you” I said.
“I love you too”
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Can you please ask Brian what camera, lens and film he uses to shoot the eclipse?
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This is a characteristically late response, but I'd love to get into it. I got into film photography by picking my dad's childhood brownie hawkeye off of a shelf and ever since then i've stayed pretty cheap with the hobby. I got a really good deal on a Kiev-80 a couple years ago. For those who don't know, its a 50 year old soviet camera made as an imitation of a Hasselblad (the camera we took to the moon). It's a medium format camera, so focal lengths work a little different than they do in 35mm
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Medium format cameras like this take pictures that are 60mm by 60mm. Your typical 35mm camera takes 36mm by 24mm frames, so the added film sixe here means generally everything has to get bigger. The lenses i've gotten for this camera all have massive cases and can be carried with their own separate strap. The lens used for the eclipse is just... so big. oh my god. it's a mess. It's a Tair-33, with a minimum f stop of 4.5 and a focal length of 300mm (equivalent to 165mm on 35)
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This model of the lens has very fun, characteristic stripes, the aperture control is all the way at the front, and easy to use. Focusing, however is slow, as the weight of everything creates quite a bit of friction. You can get one of these for about $80 bucks. Now 300mm here is not a great magnifier, so I also got a (faulty) accessory to extend the focus, bringing the lens to 600mm (330mm equivalent in 35). It also makes this camera, all put together, into The Largest Object of All Time.
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squash and butter for scale
To see the difference between 300mm and 600mm, check out these photos of the regular, non-eclipsed sun at both lengths
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You're probably wondering why these pictures look so weird. these lenses are don't have very effective coatings. you wouldn't believe the processes that go into coating your glasses, your camera lenses, your phone lenses. The easiest kind of picture to take is one where your subject is lit by a souce that is behind the photographer. things get complicated with backlight, creating ghosting and glare as seen above. the light bounces between the glass elements (and the dark filter used to photograph the sun is also glass, complicating it further). taking a direct photo of a light (especially the fucking SUN) leads to some pretty crazy unpredictable variables.
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My camera has recently taken on a new malady too, where at low speeds, the shutter (which in this camera is a huge metal curtain sticks at the edge without totally closing. It causes these stripes at the edge of the picture. This can be frustrating if i forget, but I like having the issue. If i want a picture to look normal, to plan it out, to totally control it, I have a digital camera for that. I got into this film stuff for the eccentricities.
For the regular sun photos, I think I was shooting on Ilford FP4, which i think i stand developed in rodinal. At the eclipse, I only got through one roll of film, becasue the cloud cover was brutal, but i took those pictures on Kodak Tri-x 400 (developed normally in D-76). I did it all in Black and white because, in general, b&w negatives are pretty generous with mistakes. All the guides i could fine for solar photography were understandably written with digital cameras in mind, so I couldn't be totally sure about my math (as the camera is totally manual) or even my eye safety (as I'm using a viewfinder; my vision seems fine a month later)
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the actual iris on this lens is right up in front. Tightening the aperture, especially when the extender is attached, leads to a vignetting issue, turning your pictures into a circle
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once totality hits, the light changes dramatically. you can stare straght at it without glasses and not have to worry about damaging your eyes for those short minutes. so i didn't even bother with film at that stage. I just pulled out my DSLR with a cheap 500mm Samyang mirror lens made for pentax. It's very compact and very, VERY shitty. Shallow focus, really dark, ugly out-of-focus elements, focuses past inifinity, i love it. only got a couple pictures that way, and then put the camera down and enjoyed the experience
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majorbaby · 8 months
i've held up Erin's proxy birthday party as an example of late MASH wheeling in little Korean children as props for the white main cast to interact with while we aww at the screen, but while chatting about it with a friend I realized it's also a good example of very subtle, unconscious racial bias.
i genuinely think the writers had an inkling that something about it was off, which is why they have Margaret and BJ try to convince us that this song and dance is totally for the little girl too, "What better birthday present to get than your own birthday?"
i know MASH knows better because this concept is literally the whole B-plot of an another episode where it's handled differently. in Lend a Hand, BJ tries to throw Hawkeye a fake birthday party and Hawkeye is pissed about it even when BJ explains that it's for a good cause. he's annoyed that BJ didn't use his own birthday if he really wanted to do something for the camp and because when Hawkeye's real birthday comes around, no one will want to celebrate it.
and BJ is upset too when Hawkeye turns the tables on him and spreads a rumour that it's really BJ's anniversary. So upset that BJ hands the party off a third time to a random, frostbitten soldier who complains that the 4077th is partying while he and his platoon are on the frontlines. He is somewhat more reasonably happy to accept the gifts and the singing in BJ's stead, but he still seems confused.
i suppose aside from her being treated as a living prop, you could say that they wouldn't expect her to be upset because she's just a child. but tbh i think we should treat children with more respect than that.
whether or not you agree with that, the fact remains that when BJ and Hawkeye are upset about their real life occasions being "borrowed", the audience is expected to understand that and find their reactions reasonable. but when it happens to "Kim", we're supposed to think it's benevolent and kind because the writers forgot this is a shitty thing to do to a person. each one of these little 'forgettings' delegitimizes the personhood of racialized people, especially when it's done to embellish whatever a white character nearby is experiencing.
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find-roronoa-zoro · 25 days
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Roronoa Zoro X CisFem Reader
Soon the house was filled with guests. This party was different from your "welcome home" bash. It was formal and catered with a complete wait staff. Attending guests weren't just close friends of the family but also business associates and even a few potential clients Marco and Thatch were trying to seal the deal with.
You had done your share of mingling and schmoozing, finally taking a break at the bar that had been set up on the back patio warming yourself under the gas heaters that framed it.
"Two Shiners." Zoro called stepping up next to you.
You turned to greet him having missed his arrival. His normally haphazardly styled hair was combed back. He wore a charcoal gray suit with a cobalt button down and a black tie cinched loosely under the unbuttoned collar.
"Well, you clean up nicely." you complimented.
"I could say the same for you." he returned the comment while handing you one of the beers he ordered.
"Thanks, I'd rather not be wearing these shoes though." you pointed at your black pumps.
"You two have reconnected." a familiar voice invaded your conversation.
You turned to see Mihawk raising his empty wine glass to the bartender.
"Hey Hawkeyes, it's been a long time." you greeted.
"Sensei." Zoro nodded.
"Wait... you two know each other?" you motioned between the two males, " and what do you mean 'reconnected'?"
"He works for me." Mihawk calmly replied, "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised if you don't remember, F/N."
"Remember?" you glanced back at Zoro who was blushing faintly.
"Yes, he works for me now but back in college when I was a tutor he was my student as well as you." Mihawk sipped from his newly filled glass.
"And we met?!" you gaped.
"Well, he was just a rebellious seven-year-old but I was forced to bring him with me to a couple of your study sessions." the raven recalled, "After you gave him that toy at the arcade he talked about you for weeks. I don't think I could ever forget how the two of you met."
Toy from the arcade?
The tiger.
You suddenly remembered passing it to the boy telling him, it matched his hair while he blushed and muttered a curt thank you. Back then he had no scar and hardly spoke a word.
You turned back to Zoro trying to contain your blush, "Just somebody?"
"What was I supposed to say? I'd look like a pervert." he defended.
"That's my cue," Mihawk muttered walking away.
"I mean, it's weird but also sort of cute." you both ignored the older male's departure, "Why didn't you tell me we'd met before?"
"I didn't think you'd remember, I was just a kid." he defended, "And you didn't... And that's fine."
You frowned. It felt kind of bad that you'd met someone so important to you now and forgotten them, but at the same time he was a kid and you were studying for college entrance exams you didn't even remember to eat most days. Zoro watched your frown grow into a mischievous smirk.
"Why did you keep it after all this time?"
"It - I just -" the greenette stammered and sighed, "There was no reason to throw it away?"
"Not buying it." you poked his chest and walked passed forcing him to follow you into the house.
Christmas music filtered down the hall into the den from the living room. You took a seat and kicked off your heels. This was the only common room off limits from the party. You rubbed your stocking feet as you pulled them up onto the sofa.
"What do you mean by, 'not buying it'?" Zoro asked closing the door.
"I'm just not. Why would you keep something some random chick gave you when you were a kid?" you hummed still squeezing the soreness from your aching feet, "Unless you're some kind of hoarder. Mmm... but your place was too clean for that."
He sighed and plopped down next to you. Curiously you watched him rub his face and try to keep his composure as he chose his words.
"Look, there was a reason I followed Mihawk around; not just because he was my sensei at the dojo. I didn't have the best childhood, but he kept me around making me do odd jobs to stay in kendo and he tutored me as well."
You let your right leg drop over the edge of the sofa as you turned to face him keeping your left leg folded flush against his thigh.
"I just didn't receive gifts like that is all." he glanced down at your amused expression, "What?"
"Awe... You had a crush on me ~" you sing-songed, "you wanted to marry me ~"
"Please stop." he chuckled.
"You wanted to hug me ~" you leaned forward poking his side, "you wanted to kiss me~"
"Seriously, F/N." he leaned toward you and brushed your fingers away.
"Awe, whatcha gonna do lil tiger?" you continued to prod playfully at his ribs.
He swiftly but gently took your hand leaning further into your personal space. Your eyes trailed from his grip to his soft but smug smile. You couldn't hear the Christmas music anymore and the fluttering of heart made it suddenly difficult to take a full breath.
He glanced from your eyes to your lips and back again. It was now or never. He continued his advance at a painfully slow pace, you deserved it after all of your teasing. Your eyelids dropped as his nose brushed against yours, his body heat radiating over you. Finally, your lips met firmly, the tense anxiety of an unsure moment melting away as you relaxed in his arms. The teasing fingers he had stifled clutched his dress shirt and eventually made their way into that soft green hair.
You had experienced some amazing kisses in your life, but this was different. It was somehow calming and exciting at the same time and had your body tingling pleasantly from head to toe. Instead of pulling away for air you received soft short smooches between breaths and new long deep kisses. It turned into quite the passionate make-out session. Zoro shifted pushing you back into the arm of the couch.
The door swung open forcing you to part. Panting heavily, you brushed your wrist across your lips, eyes swaying to meet your younger brother's emerald gaze. Al let out a soft 'uf' stumbling into his back as he stopped abruptly at the sight before him. Sabo's eyes immediately shifted to the ceiling, unintelligible mutters ripping passed his lips at an impossible speed as he backed up pushing a very confused Al out of the room.
Zoro slumped forward resting against your chest as you laid back, melodic giggles pushing passed your lips.
"This house will never change." you chortled brushing his hair back into place with your fingers before he sat up, "prepare to be stared at the rest of the evening."
"Nothing I can't handle."
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remyfire · 3 months
can't say i'm 100% on the Hawkeye/Mulcahy ship, but i also can't say that those two didn't accidentally make the other have some sort of internal crisis where they do a lot (like a lot a lot) of self-questioning at some point in time
They're so fascinating to me because though we see Hawkeye go from a really mischievous, harassment-prone, and even occasionally outright cruel guy in S1 to one who softens and mellows a little over time, his high level of respect for Mulcahy carries through from the beginning. He has no reason to be so respectful of him, given Hawk's nature and agnosticism, and yet it's there all the same.
And how strange that must've been, having the camp lothario lech who imbibes far more alcohol than he should be so warm and kind to Mulcahy, even though everything should suggest that Mulcahy will judge him for his lifestyle decisions. How curious Mulcahy must've become, initially wondering if he could be the one to bring some measure of spiritual peace to Hawkeye when he was such an open person, but all but forgetting that notion within weeks of watching him and being in his company. He just enjoys him too much. He just thinks about him too—ah.
And if you write a Hawk who is already aware of his queerness, how interesting it must've been to have forbidden fruit so close at hand but also trying to restrict himself with just a handful of rules. He doesn't fuck with married women and he does not fuck with priests. He wears condoms with nurses because he doesn't wanna ruin their life, and thus he doesn't pull Mulcahy's strings too hard because he doesn't want to ruin his. Yet how fascinating to feel the pull in a wholly new way, the desire to be in Mulcahy's company more and more, to hear him laugh, to be the one to make him laugh, until Mulcahy is almost less a forbidden fruit—completely off limits—and more a prickly one with a tough skin and the richest sweet core—the man he knows he shouldn't try to touch but who is tempting his heart that little bit more every day.
Many many crises. Dear beloved men.
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youngpettyqueen · 11 months
I'm late but a kiss …where it hurts for houlihawk??
"Alright, Hawkeye," Margaret says as she comes around to take a seat beside him on the bed, making sure to move carefully as to not jostle him, "It's time for someone to patch you up," She holds up her medical kit, gives it a shake, "And by someone I mean me, since you've decided to be stubborn about it." She adds.
Hawkeye does not look pleased at this idea. "C'mon, Margaret, have mercy," He pleads, "I don't need a nurse, I just need to sleep. Can't you poke and prod at me tomorrow?" He asks.
Margaret raises a brow at him. "I'd like to see your reaction to a patient asking that," She replies, fishing what she needs out of her bag, "You were involved in a Jeep crash, not some minor scrape. You're lucky you didn't break anything, you know," She chastises. As she does, she soaks a cotton swab in disinfectant, "Now, be a good boy and let me see that cut."
She reaches over and delicately moves his fringe aside, revealing the aforementioned cut just above his eyebrow. She dabs at it with the disinfectant, and Hawkeye replies by flinching away with a sharp hiss. She follows, undeterred, and he lets slip a string of curses.
"Shit, Margaret!" He hisses, turning his head away from her, "That hurts!"
Margaret isn't unsympathetic, here. He got in a damn crash after all, he's lucky all he has to show for it is a myriad of bruises and scrapes. Still, all of those need to be dealt with, even if it hurts.
"Why don't I take care of this one first, then?" She moves to a scrape on his cheek, only for him to flinch away again. She has to remember to take a deep breath before she reflexively snaps at him, "Hawkeye, I can't treat you if you don't hold still." She reminds him.
"Then don't treat me," He replies, "Leave me here to die, I don't mind."
Margaret gives him a flat look. "Not a chance," She tells him. He opens his mouth, probably quip something back at her, and she uses the opportunity of distraction to go for his cheek again. He yelps like a kicked puppy, doing his best to get away from her, and she leans back again, "Damnit, Hawkeye, where doesn't it hurt? Where can I start?" She demands, rapidly losing patience.
Hawkeye holds his right hand up- obviously a bit too fast, because the movement of his arm makes him wince. Still, he stubbornly points at his wrist, telling her, "That doesn't hurt."
Margaret takes another deep breath. Then another, for good measure. He can be a real pain in the ass. So much of one, in fact, she could almost forget he's hurt. Almost. Another steadying breath feels like it settles her head back on her shoulders, reminds her to be sympathetic. Reminds her that she does, in fact, care about him. That she doesn't have this soft spot for anybody else but him.
She sets the disinfectant aside, then takes his hand. Gently, maybe more gently than she's ever handled anyone, she leans in and presses a kiss to his wrist. When she looks back at him, she finds him looking at her with owl-like round eyes.
"How's that?" She asks.
"Fine," He replies quickly, "Fine, uh... fine. Great. This, uh," He reaches up, gives his nose a tap, "This isn't too bad."
Margaret shuffles a bit closer. Leans in, drops a delicate kiss on his nose. That starstruck look on his face makes her smile, makes her soften, melt like chocolate left out in the sun.
"Ya know... here, too, it's not-" Hawkeye points out his scraped cheek, just under the wound, "It's not too bad, actually," She follows his lead, kisses there, "And- and here." His temple, above the cut. She raises herself up to kiss there, too.
She's fully in his space, now, leaning over him. She smiles at him, warm and affectionate, forgetting all annoyances. "Anywhere else?" She asks, though it could also be a suggestion.
Sure enough, he follows her meaning. Points at his lips. "Right here." He tells her, still looking a bit too starstruck to be properly flirting. She loves that she can do that- strike him near speechless, make him look at her like she put the moon in the sky.
She loves even more that she can kiss him. Softly, sweetly, a smile on her lips. She'll be sure to kiss him where it hurts, too. If that doesn't convince him to let her patch him up, she doesn't know what will.
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thebreakfastgenie · 5 months
for the ships thing: the last 3 different ships you read fic for
I'm honestly not sure what exactly these were so I'm kinda guessing but I think it was punnihawk (@onekisstotakewithme's Close to the Heart), piercentyre (it hasn't actually happened in this fic yet but it's in the tags, Ben by escapismthingy) and Josh/Donna (my wonderful gift fic I haven't had the chance to finish reading yet but I can't wait, Paper Thin by @librarianmouse).
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It was hard to accurately describe my feelings using a bingo card because they're kinda complicated! I don't think punnihawk is a spicy ship but that's okay, I'm not always in the mood for spice. It can get a little spicy, or at least messy though, and that's when I like it the most. I'm basically into punnihawk sometimes and if I like the story enough. But I still really struggle to see any romantic chemistry between Hawkeye and BJ, so I'm mostly interested in the BJ/Peg and Hawkeye/Peg sides and Hawkeye/BJ is kind of just along for the ride! At the end of the day I still prefer BJ and Peg as a couple having a platonic friendship with Hawkeye (although post-war Hawkeye-BJ friendship isn't my bread and butter either, I have written it). I do mostly still hc BJ as straight, because the BJ in the show reads maximally heterosexual to me, but I can make bi BJ work for the sake of a good fic, so the sexuality sort of clashes but not exactly.
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drives me crazy! (affectionate)
This is a weird case for fandom ruined the ship for me and then it got unruined. See, when I first joined the fandom, I encountered one consistent narrative for piercentyre, and I absolutely could not stand that narrative. I still can't. So I thought I just didn't like the ship until much later I met some people who who doing it in a different way and I was like oh, duh. I still think I prefer them as best friends rather than a couple, if only because when it comes to MASH I prefer canon over fanon always (Larry Gelbart and Alan Alda are better writers than anyone here including me). But I've also started to really enjoy them as a couple and just really enjoy funny silly sex situations for them. At the end of the day they're best friends who love each other and whether they're fucking or not is kind of just the icing on the cake.
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drives me crazy! (affectionate), Where's the spice?! (affectionate). They're just two people who really enjoy each other's company and that's what makes it so good! Fandom didn't ruin it per se, but I do periodically get tired of it from overexposure in fandom, and I disagree with a lot of popular headcanons and fanfic tropes for them. I do also wish the fandom was a tad less Josh/Donna focused. But then I watch 17 People or Holy Night or Guns Not Butter and I remember I'm obsessed with them. The therapy has nothing to do with their relationship they both just need it for other reasons. I also chose "besties" because I think their romantic relationship is based on a strong friendship and they're basically best friends for the first 5 seasons, and it bothers me that both some fics and the last 2 seasons of the show itself sometimes forget that. I don't actually entirely believe Josh and Donna as purely platonic besties which is a problem for me in Sam/Josh universes, haha.
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onekisstotakewithme · 5 months
Top five favorite stories you’ve posted this year
oh this is a good one! thank you anon. this is going to be a fun mix of fandoms, hope that's okay 💜 but also not me forgetting every story i wrote this year.
None of Us are More Than Caretakers (The West Wing) - I had so much fun writing this, I had the whole thing written in about six weeks, and I see it as sort of the transition-era story we didn't get... all because I was reading on wikipedia and saw that Gerald Ford died over the holiday season in 2006. Anyway, read if you enjoy CJ/Danny seekrit relationship, a story about transition of power, and taking care of the country (and each other). 66k.
Close to the Heart (M*A*S*H) - Okay, I know this one is ongoing but hear me out: I love writing about the dynamic between Hawkeye and the Hunnicutts. I love taking tropes and subverting them, turning ideas on their heads. Close to the Heart aka subverted noir AU does ALL of those things for me. It's fun to have canon echoes and twisted dynamics, and fun to keep the audience guessing. 💜 23.5k but still ongoing.
A Night to Watch (The West Wing) - It shows a tiny bit that this was one of my first TWW fics, but tbh I don't care, because it still has one of my favourite headcanons in it: Danny driving the seven and a half-ish hours from manchester to DC on election night because he thinks CJ needs him. 6.1k.
Perfect (M*A*S*H) - One of my favourite things, as stated previously, is subversion. I love the idea of Peg and BJ both wanting to make their anniversary "perfect" (and then of course realizing that they're together again so it is perfect). This idea of them growing post-war and slowly growing back together while also seeing how they've grown separately is just... chef's kiss. to me. love those two. 2.5k.
Off the Record (The West Wing) - One of my more out-there concepts: one missing (CJ/Danny) scene for every episode of season 1 of The West Wing. An out-there concept I compounded by also writing them for seasons 2, 3, and part of 4. I had SO MUCH FUN writing these, fleshing out canon and building on it!!! I think it added a lot to canon without ever trampling on it, but that's just me! 31k. + Bonuses (under cut)
6. its torment won't be through (M*A*S*H) - A tag to 'That's Show Biz' that I started a year or two ago, and I loved the opening dialogue so much that when I found it this year, I decided I'd rewrite it. I figured it was just an average beejhawk story, but I went back and reread it recently and it had grown on me a lot! 2.6k. 7. An Idea, Whose Time has Come (The West Wing) - Briefly hesitated about putting this one in, because I need to get back to it, but I love this fic so much. It's a fun, original idea, even if I need to do a shit tonne of research for every chapter (that + grad school is why it's taking so long!), but anyway, CJ runs for President in 2018. Hopefully will not be too relevant going into an election year... 14k (so far).
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patron-saints · 4 months
When looking at the fanon interpretation of your fav fma ladies, what makes you go like yesss she would say/do that!! And what makes you she wouldn't fucking say/do that?
(Happy birthday!!)
oh my gosh thank you so much!!! i did my best with these, i feel like i might be forgetting stuff but i tried!
i love it when people treat her as the elrics adopted mother! i think there's a reason why she lost a child specifically and why they lost their mother, and while the rituals they did to bring those people back didn't work, they still found their ways to each other. love it when people INCLUDE HER also!! so many times in fanon stuff she just gets left out completely and it makes me sad.
hate it when people call her abusive? like. the manga makes it really clear that she's doing all of their training with as much care and caution as you CAN do a martial art, and that her assistant was watching out for them while they were on the island (and kicking their ass but you know. he knew they were safe). she's a good mom and she's a good teacher and i won't hear it.
olivier as a character is like wildly deeply nuanced and layered and i really love fanon posts that engage with her on the level of that complexity! she IS that complicated.
one of my biggest olivier "she would not fucking do thats" is almost any non-izumi ship, and it's not like. it's not like.. BECAUSE of izumi. i polyship all the time. it's just. she would not fucking do that. roy mustang she hates, her assistants are also men, riza is her friend and very specifically in the same cateogry of friend to her as jean havoc... so...? so probably that yeah. i just can't get into any of them. i have tried.
probably the most in character thing i've seen in this:
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(edit by spidermanifested)
also i love everything by tumblr user courtmartialme. he's so good and he draws her with so much love.
i think my biggest and worst crime against traditional fma fandom is that i believe riza hawkeye is aromantic. so like. it makes me feel "she would not fucking do that" about so much royai content all of the time. and i still love queerplatonic royai so much so i reblog it a lot with my qp glasses on but the super romanticy stuff i- oh. OH. even worse than that is royai parent stuff. either as the elrics parent figures (they r coworkers at worst and weird uncle/aunt at best) or as having their own kids. augh
biggest fandom "she would fucking do that" of all time is THIS. which i hope everyone has seen. forever. she would. i am writing a whole fic about how much she would.
a lot of rizalust art has lust in a position of being the one to be sort of menacing and scary, terrifying riza as much as she turns her on, and like. while i do think she has the capacity for that VERY much, i think it's way more fun when she's pathetic. <3
also i wanna see more acknowledgement that her dad sucks too
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I Will never Forget He Never Did Either....
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TRIGGER Warnings: death of a parent mentioned grieving sadness other than that angst and fluff and cake. Pick your Chris (pay attention to the cutie above)COMMENTS &REBLOGS WELCOME do not post or republish or translate anywhere
It seemed like everyone forgot, including my dad who ignored the day ...everyone...everyone except Chris.
Sure I never marked it on Facebook or social anymore it hurt too much (I dont care about social anymore anyway im never in it) but still... to have my dad pretend like it wasn't anything was heartbreaking seeing everyone forget wondering if that always how or if sometimes its not.
But it didnt change the fact that like I said everyone seemed to forget....everyone except Chris. He didn't say anything to me or text when he was away on this take hed never call or text about it but he was extra sweet. Extra caring.
To be honest I thought he forgot just like everyone else does a year so after someone looses someone. Thier birth stories are forgotten thier births are forgotten. But today Chris was extra sweet we both knew new why he was so cuddly in between shooting scene pulling me in his arms.
"Thank you."
I muttered one time in between shoots. He shook his head.
"You never have to thank me."
He was done shooting at a decent time. We got some takeout and went back to his place. I dont know how that man could be so sneaky but he could. He had a cake and we, well he cut two slices one for him and one for me I assumed, but we only took one out of the cake that we were sharing playing war with with our forks and I dont know how he did it or when but I suddenly saw the candle was lit. He silently got up and opened the window in the room. It was on the otberside, but still it was a nice night still and there isn't eally any breeze just a perfect light coolness. In the air but no breeze at all.
"Do you like the cake?"
"Mhm," I said putting some in my mouth.
" I wasn't sure what to get."
" To be honest I wouldn't either. I think my mom always got whatever she thought I'd like. She always put me first for everything."
"Well she raised an amazing daughter."
I couldnt help the tears that came to my eyes.
"And I bet you she always knew, and is so proud"
He bumped my shoulder playfully to try and get me to smile
"I wish I could've met her."
"Me too."
"But I know she is proud of you and I'd tell her I'd take the best care of her daughter I possibly could and how much I love you. Did she ever say if she liked my movies or no?"
"You know I dont know. One movie ai thought you were such an ass. She did say that I learn to love chest hair on men."
"Oh yeah? Is there a verdict?"
"I love you how you are."
"What a coincidence I love you too." He was leaning into kiss me (so was I to be honest) when there was a sudden woosh we looked up both of us confused. Then he put a smile on.
"I guess someone approves of us."
He was leaning into kiss me(so was I to be honest) when there was a sudden woosh we looked up both of us confused. Then he put a smile on. "I guess someone approves of us."
P.O.V. change
Chris wondered if the person or thing that blew out the candle on a still night knew about the engagement ring he was hiding on his sock drawer.... and if that was thier permission to him...
@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @hawkeyes-queen @sparklybarbarianninja @patzammit
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singlecrow · 9 months
What do you find has changed the most about how you write or experience some of the MASH characters over your years of writing them? :o Are there any that you find yourself liking more that you didn’t give much attention to in your earliest days of telling their stories?
for context: I started writing MASH fic in 2002. After a year or so I wandered off and wrote other things, then did it again in 2013, wandered off after six months or so, came back to it in June of this year and haven't wandered off yet. My 2013 fic is on the AO3 and is ok! The 2002 stuff isn't, and wasn't. I really like that apparently I come back every ten years to an old and beloved fandom, particularly when life is especially trying.
So, what's changed. The big change is that in 2002, I shipped Hawkeye and Trapper! (I'm not gonna say traphawk, we didn't have smushnames back then except in Buffy fandom and everyone made fun of Buffy fandom.) Anyway, I shipped them a lot! Partly because they're adorable (I still think that) and partly because Paramount in the UK only had the rights to the first three seasons of the show. What else do you do, except make lists of all the times they feed each other. And write fic about them feeding each other. I'm very glad it's not on the internet but I really did love them a lot. I think I wrote something about they came to build the still, which means for a short while in 2002 at the age of 14 I also knew how to build a still! a good time.
I don't have any ship fic for them online any more at all; in 2013 I was writing AUs and ensemble pieces (a daemon AU; a Vorkosigan AU - that one I have absolutely no explanation for; a modern dystopian AU; etc). Hawkeye is my favourite character in the show by a country mile, so he's always a thing in my stories.
So the big change is Margaret Houlihan, my beloved. I don't think I thought about her much at all before @cosmic-llin asked me to write five times Margaret Houlihan was really proud of herself, and someone else I forget who asked me to write her meeting CJ Cregg from the West Wing. (I can't find this one, I think it's probably on some long-deceased LJ/DW kinkmeme.)
After that, I was proud of her too! I stand by my view, with apologies to Llin who has done her best to convince me otherwise and almost succeeded, that Margaret during the Frank years can be interesting but is mostly unbearable. But she's interesting, and then the process of her becoming so much more than what she was is both very interesting and gives me feelings, and I adore her. My thing about her and Hawkeye - about how they mirror each other perfectly, in who and what they are and what they can become; and everything about their snippy, bone-deep, ridiculous friendship, is a relatively new thing which I've so enjoyed writing this time around. It shows up very briefly in 2011 where I think I wrote something about Hawkeye trying to rig the vote on the ERA for Margaret's benefit, but otherwise, this is the lovely new place I've got to, I've written seven stories now that are either entirely or significantly about their friendship and regret nothing. ❤️
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cherlawa-panna · 10 months
So first of all you’re like permanently associated with Barney Barton in my brain now so just FYI on that lol
and you reblogged the Aunt May thing and that got me thinking like could you imagine just each family member of a superhero going absolutely FERAL in their own unique way about how their superhero family member gets treated by the public or the press or whatever??
and then they make a little support group to trade ideas and tips and commiserate cause like “relative of a superhero” is a tragically small group lol we’ve got what, May, Barney, Hope Lang (who would absolutely organize a school walkout for her dad at the age of like 8 lol) and maybe Sam Wilson’s family?
and they name the group something super sappy that none of them take credit for but secretly they all love it lol
BESTIE, you won't believe how HARD it was to write this post. At first because of my exams, but then my internet stopped working at least five times during writing this and I lost my progress. I swear, this post is cursed 💀 I'M SO SORRY FOR MAKING YOU WAIT. Everything was against me, I swear. I hate tumblr. Also I didn't proof read this because I was too close to strangle someone so bon appetit.
(We're talking about this reblog)
Okay, but let's forget about my misery. And instead let's start with the fact that this is the best compliment I've ever heard in my life. Being associated with this stupid pathetic man is amazing and I am very happy about it 💕 Maybe when I get my shit together I would write something more about him.
But anyway, YOU HAVE AN AMAZING MIND. Want to kiss you so much, this is so incredible. This idea of a support group of superhero's family members is perfect. I will definitely write more posts about it because you opened my mind and I have too many ideas with it right now. I know something like that already existed in comics but I don't remember them trying to fix heroes' images and they were more like a therapy group if I remember correctly.
WE NEED ALSO ADD KATE'S SISTER TO THIS GROUP. After what happened in Hawkeye: Kate Bishop (2021) I am pretty sure Susan would join them. Maybe not immediately because let's be real, she and Kate really had shitty relationship before the Hawkeye (2021) and after all, for a long time she did not even wanted to accept Kate being a hero lol (she literally ended their relationship because of that). Love to imagine that after what happened in Hawkeye (2021) she decided to "Okay. I'll try to being more supportive. Let's fix her shitty image in media" but then she realized how shitty Kate's reputation is and got mad. She's rich lady, I am pretty sure she would try to bribe people to stop talking shit about Kate.
I need her interact with Barney SO BADLY. They always seemed too much alike to me because they both had to grow up faster because of their stupid fathers (I have even post about it in my drafts, maybe I will public it when I wouldn't be too shy) and I'm just so hopeless about POTENTIAL with their friendship. Just older siblings of Hawkeyes who has enough of their little siblings bullshit but also has enough with media bullshit.
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And I'm sure they would be TERRIBLE at fixing their sibling's image in the beginning. She would want bribe and he would want to blackmail or intimate (read: beat the shit of people). Even if they tried to solve this normally like May do, it probably wouldn't work well and they would go back to their old ways. Unknowingly more damaging to their siblings' reputation because they're idiots. Because no, bribing and blackmail the press wouldn't help change anything.
They're like those awkward parents who want to support you, but they do it in the worst possible way, embarrassing you in front of others and making you look like a loser. And Susan is the most awkward because she understands absolutely NOTHING about being a superhero. Barney know some things because y'know, he was a"""villain""" (he was so terrible in this to even call him a villain) and had his weird adventure with trying to kill Clint because of Zemo, then Thunderbolts and Dark Avengers with travelling across the multiverse etc. You know the deal. But Susan? Yeah, she helped her sister in Hawkeye (2021) but it was something not normal for her, like she said in #5 issue.
Anyway, Susan would most likely try to pay press to stop talking bad things about Kate but I'm pretty sure it would end badly anyway. I don't really see her writing to magazines, even if she did, she would probably prefer to call editors directly or even invited them for coffee or something like that. She would do it in the most "professional" way.
I can see Sarah being also feral about people talking shit about Sam but I know she would try to fix it in May way. Ya know, writing letters to magazines, giving bad reviews etc. But I know Sarah would send her neighbors and family friends to help her as well. Unfortunately, I didn't read a lot of comics with Sam so I don't know Sarah's personality or Sam's background well, so I can't talk a lot about Sarah. But based on Sarah's reaction when the newspaper wrote article about Sam's "shady past":
Barney however... Let's start with why I think he would be violent. While I like to think that he would try get a redemption after the shit what happened to him when Zemo got his hands on him, he wouldn't be able to live as normal citizen. Since he is still a wanting criminal and public will always connect him with people like Osborn no matter what he would do. So I know he wouldn't try hard to change his usual ways to fix problems since he'll be always see as a criminal. And we know how it works, why change your ways when people will always see you as bad guy? That's why I can see him using violent ways to help "improve" Clint's image. But I think he would try to it do in May way someday, because after all, he is just a tired guy who wants to have a peaceful life BUT we're talking about Barney, c'mon. Maybe he would try to find a balance, I can see him trying so hard to do it in peaceful way, maybe May or Sarah would help him in that lol. He would definitely subscribe to newspapers who wrote good articles about Clint (and if they also has a good crosswords) but he would be (almost) the most casual one in this group. Yeah, sometimes he would beat some random journalist but I like to imagine him joining this group more to find more non-villains friends and try to learn how to support his brother. It's just a weird type of therapy for him.
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(Captain America (1968) #276)
... we can say that the way how public perceives Sam definitely affects her emotionally. So if there was ever a situation where suddenly a lot of the press started talking badly about her brother, she would definitely want to do something about it.
I like to imagine that the community where Sam is from (at least the one in the MCU) would definitely be pissed at the media's stupid talk about their Sammy. I'm not even sorry, but they would be his the biggest supporters. I think the media should be afraid to talk badly about Sam because I'm sure Sam's friends/neighbours would destroy them lol.
While Scott's daughter, Cassie is a superhero herself, I honestly think she'd love to join that group anyway. And like you say, Cassie definitely organized a school walkout for her father when she was a little kiddo. She loves her father and we know it make her furious when people call him a criminal.
I can also imagine that Sarah would be the one who started this group. However, I see May more as a "leader" than Sarah, mainly because she treats it more seriously (and I bet she call them "heroes who fight with press" or something like that). But maybe Sarah and May could run it together somehow. Honestly, there's definitely no official leader here, but since Sarah and May would take it the most seriously, they'd probably be the ones leading the group in a way.
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(Young Avengers Special Vol 1 #1)
She would probably argue so hard on the internet with assholes insulting her dad, especially after his death. I imagine one day she suddenly popped at Sarah's house where the meetings take place and just like she did with the Young Avengers, announced that from now on she will be part of their group 💀.
My girl just wants to have other people around her who understand how hard it is when their loved ones are treated like a shit by the public. Let her be. Cassie has always been the kind of person to me who didn't care what other people thought about her, ya know? But at he same time when someone suddenly started talking bad about her dad or her friends, she suddenly became aggressive.
As I began to wonder, why don't we add Bucky's sister to the group? Honestly, I think it would be funny. Especially considering what's been going on with Bucky in the comics lately. Poor Becca trying to fix Bucky's image in the media, which is impossible because sometimes I think Bucky's secret hobby is to ruin his reputation as much as possible lmao.
I see her joining this group after her father's death, because Scott, despite sacrificing his life, was still judged by society because of his past. Which isn't fair since Scott turned back to crime to earn money to pay for his daughter's treatment while she was sick. And he actually became Antman to save her. Cassie is one of my favorite female characters, even though she annoys me more often because some authors write her too childishly, but she still has her charm. She's my girl trying her best.
Rebecca is an old woman, ya know, her children live their own lives, her grandchildren do too, maybe we'll kill her husband in this au, so she's also a widow. So it shouldn't be surprise if she started doing it partly out of boredom and partly to get closer to her stupid brother. To her, this whole group would be such a fun hobby, better than playing bingo 💀
I like to imagine she likes to buy gossip magazines, highlights the negative articles about her brother while doing her normal activities, like I don't know, going to church or taking care of her grandchildren. And if she sees an article about someone else, she sends it to the other members of group. While May would take this whole thing seriously, Becca would take it more as fun. BECAUSE HER EFFORTS ARE IN VAIN ANYWAY. SHE WOULDN'T NEVER BE ABLE TO FIX BUCKY'S IMAGE. The media will always talk badly about him because this guy has no intention of acting like a decent citizen. She would fight with the press and lose every time. And even if one (1) newspaper wrote something good about him, suddenly there would be four more newspapers writing the worst things about Bucky.
"and they name the group something super sappy that none of them take credit for but secretly they all love it lol" tbh I tried SO HARD to imagine what name would be, BUT I'M SO UNCREATIVE. But I love this concept. I see Clint making fun of Barney because of that lmaoo. But at the same time, Clint would be happy because it means HIS BROTHER IS CARING ABOUT HIM. Clint has such low expectations of his brother, he'll accept ANYTHING AT THIS POINT.
(This gave me an idea for a winterhawk fanfic where Becca and Barney knew each other from this group and Becca suddenly tries to get even closer to Barney because "our brothers are dating, WE'LL BE FAMILY SOON, WE SHOULD SPEND MORE TIME TOGETHER". Imagine one day Bucky finally visits his sister and finds Barney and Becca (and maybe the rest of the group) playing bingo or crosswords together. And Buck is "YOU KNOW EACH OTHER???" and Becca would be "Oh yes. He keeps me company, unlike SOMEBODY WHO WON'T EVEN ANSWER MY CALLS".)
I'm sure Susan would be against such a sappy name for a very long time because she's a SERIOUS businesswoman and she takes this whole group SERIOUSLY. But I know she would love it after some time, she has such a vibe of corny mom.
Cassie would think this name is super non-cool and try to find better name but her names would be WORSE. I'm so sorry Cassie, but you're sometimes personification of embarrassment.
Somehow it's funny to me that everyone here has a slightly different approach to this whole group. It could be the perfect idea for some fanfic series, because their dynamic would definitely be chaotic.
Barney Barton: Joined because he wanted to make friends fix his relationship with Clint and to do something good with his life. His ways are brutal (and illegal), but maybe in the future he will change it.
May Parker: Takes it very very seriously. She's also the most supportive of other members and most likely will give you the best advice.
Sarah Wilson: Also takes it seriously but not in the extreme way as May. She has "army" of neighbors and friends who are always happy to help her with "fixing" Sam's image.
Susan Bishop: She wants to support her sister and show that she accepts her as a superhero now. She treats it like a job and she prefer to call/invite editors directly for a talk or try to bribe them.
Cassie Lang: The most aggressive of them all. I would call her a combination of May and Barney tbh. Mostly probably arguing on forums or elsewhere on the internet.
Rebbeca Proctor: She treats it as a hobby and a nice way to spend time. She knows her efforts are in vain so she's here just for the ride.
Anyway, that's my thoughts about this concept! Thanks again for ask it was such fun to think about it! 💕💕 I'm again very sorry for a long wait, I swear it wouldn't happen again. I'll probably make another post if I come up with something else with this concept lool.
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