morgana-pendragon · 2 months
happy birthday abbie ily <33
welcome to the 20s gang :)
tysm nivi ilyt!! i’m finally here can you believe it 😭🫶🏽🤍
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poofy-pile · 1 year
hiiii nivi i'm okay how's u
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estebanbicon · 2 years
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thank you so much <33
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digitalsatyr23 · 9 months
Meditations in Fog (Arachnia Lore)
A book on dreams, dream creatures, and Nivinium, by Ipatiy Tarasov
“Where the etheric chaos of dreams takes shape and form. This plane was created by the unconscious minds of all living things. Its base material is pink and smoky, like clouds of fog. A place of considerable danger to mortal beings, for it can entrap and consume the minds of the unwary.” - Rosalina Velasquez
Nivinium, also known as the Realm of Dreams, is the place our minds wander to when we sleep. Every creature, big and small, bright and dull-witted, has the capacity to dream. Some dreams are simple shapes and colors, while others are entire stories in and of themselves. Whatever our dreams may be, they coalesce in another place just beyond our reach… That is what Nivinium is. Though dream borders may keep our unconscious minds separate from one another, these borders are quite thin, and crossing over into another person’s dream, even accidentally, happens all the time. There are also people who have learned how to do so on purpose, traveling from dream to dream for one reason or another. Adventure, study, or even just simple curiosity. But be warned, for there are things that live in that infinite, intangible realm. Some are benign, while others are more sadistic than even the darkest devils.
How do we dream?
Whenever a mortal creature goes to sleep, their astral body travels to the collective subconsciousness that is known as Nivinium. How do I know this? I’ve studied dreams extensively for over a century! Even those who claim they do not sleep do much the same thing, for even in a meditative state this connection occurs. The reason why may forever remain a mystery. Some believe we dream so we may work out problems in our heads we could not while awake. Others see it as a means of off-loading pent-up negative feelings. Indeed, those who are in a dire mood often wake up feeling better. It is also known that those who are denied this dreaming state, even if they sleep, gradually lose their minds. I cannot pretend to understand the minds of mortal beings. What I can say, though, is that dreaming is a natural process, and in many ways imperative to our well-being.
Is it possible to dream and not travel to Nivinium?
Yes, though it is rare to do this by accident. Our astral bodies do indeed travel to other places while we sleep, rejoining with our physical bodies once we wake up. For those who wish to see places other than Nivinium, there is a practice known as Astral Projection which allows our astral bodies to leave our physical bodies and travel wherever we wish. The art of astral projection was discovered thousands of years ago by the Baira – a race well-known for their skills in dream magic, which is otherwise known as Oneiromancy. It was also studied extensively by the ancient people known as the Sheutaraoh, who referred to the astral body as “Ka” and the physical body as “Khet”, which are terms I will be using for the rest of this book for the sake of brevity.
How can you astral project?
In order to understand astral projection and how to do it, one must first understand the nature of one’s ka. Our ka, as it was believed, is a representation of our essence, something that separates us from the living and the dead. It is also something that, if harmed, can have dire consequences for our khet. It is our animating psychic energy, our creative mind, the true self when all barriers, assumptions, and expectations are shed. In other words, our ka is our true self. The Sheutaraoh believed that the ka is what separates the soul from that of simple ether, for while ether is the element of life, not all things with ether have a soul. Indeed, the Sheutaraoh believed in there being many aspects to living beings, though covering them all would be wildly off-topic. So instead, let us continue on with the discussion of ka.
The connection between our khet and our ka takes the form of an astral cord, sometimes referred to as a dream rope. This cord keeps our two selves connected, even while we travel outside of our physical body. An astral cord does not retain the same limitations as a physical cord, for it does not bend, bind, or become snared by objects, nor does it have a limit. As long as the cord remains, so too does our connection with our bodies. If it were to be severed, however, our khet would enter a vegetative state, being essentially dead. Certain planar creatures describe this cord as thin and silvery, and there are especially dangerous planar beings who can sever the cord, so always be wary of where you astral project.
Now that you understand ka and the astral cord, I shall explain how to astral project. The first step is to find a secluded and safe place, free from the elements. One’s house should do just fine, though any shelter that would prevent harm from weather and beasts should do the trick. This is the most important step, for while our ka is outside of our khet, our khet is immobile and vulnerable to harm. Once sufficient shelter is found, the next step is to meditate and find balance in your energy. Our ka is made up of positive and negative energy, often out of sync with each other. Everyone has good traits and bad traits, and in order to control our ka, we must first learn to find balance within our souls. For this reason, astral projection is naturally easier among those who are peaceful and agreeable, such as the Baira. Those who suffer from a great deal of inner turmoil may find it impossible to astral project – though this is for the best. Control is just as important to our safety when performing this feat as good shelter. If you were to lose control of your ka, you might not be able to return to your body, leaving both aspects of the self vulnerable.
Once you have found balance in your meditation, the next step is to let go, or simply relax. Think not of the physical world, or your troubles. Let go of all material connections. Once you have done so, you will find yourself falling into a dream-like slumber. When this occurs, simply mutter the phrase “I am here” until you truly believe it, and then you will find yourself in control of your ka. If you have done all of this, you will now be free to travel wherever you wish. Our ka is weightless, unbound by physical limitation. You can fly wherever you wish, see whatever you wish to see. You can even travel to other planes, should you know the way. The speed at which you travel may be disorientating at first, but you’ll get used to it in time. It is all part of the process.
What is Nivinium like?
Nivinium is both subtle and overt. Colors brighter than they can be, and shadows darker than we can comprehend. It is a place of whimsy, working under its own logic. One minute you might be walking through your hometown, another minute you might be falling through the sky, and the next you could be on Luna, having tea with your dead grandmother. This and many more things can be seen and experienced in Nivinium. Everyone reacts to things a bit differently, but generally speaking, your sense of sight and sound are strongest in this place, whereas things like touch and smell may feel lessened, even numbed. You could see yourself stabbed with a sword, and just barely comprehend the implications as you see your dream body bleed out. Some people’s senses may react differently, I can only work off of my own experiences, as well as those who I have interviewed.
Nivinium itself is something of an ocean of thoughts. The world at large will always have sleeping, dreaming minds to give it shape, and sometimes there are more people sleeping than at other times, causing the metaphorical ocean to ebb and flow like the tide in the waking world. Because of the nature of dreams and the dream barriers that keep things separated, I have categorized different sections of the realm. It is not an end-all-be-all map, for the parameters and distance change every night. Instead, think of each part less as literal rings, and more like interconnected islands that sometimes brush up against each other.
1st Ring (The Pond of Reflection): The dreams of young and simple-minded creatures. This space is equally simplistic in appearance, as the dreamers have a poor grasp of shape, size, and color. Probably the safest ring in Nivinium, but one of the most frustrating to navigate, as things like doors, windows, and similar things associated with entering and exiting a space simply do not function the way they’re supposed to. Expect blotches of color, incoherent spaces, and only close approximations to familiar things. Very occasionally, you might encounter something the dreamer deems threatening, such as a large object, a shadow, or an eerily empty room.
Dream Source: Young animals and babies
Common Entities: Figments, Dark Figments (Rare)
Threat Level: Inconsequential
2nd Ring (The Stardust Plains): A place of wonder and magic that only children can truly understand. Everything is bright, colorful, clean, and your senses feel especially heightened. Everything from sparkling lakes near rolling green hills to mountains made out of literal candy can be found in this place (not to be confused with the Frosted Forest, Nezma). This is a place where young, innocent, and immature minds often come to when they have no pressing matters on their mind. It is also the first ring where nivi (dream spirits) can be encountered, though most are also quite young, seemingly reflecting what young minds find cute, fun, and interesting. Dark and threatening things do not occur here. Instead, they are more likely to be found in the 3rd ring.
Dream Source: Children, innocent or immature people
Common Entities: Figments and Nivi
Threat Level: Trivial
3rd Ring (The Midnight Tapestry): For every light, there is a shadow. Even the most innocent individuals have fears, doubts, and worries. These things give strength to figments, turning them into hostile things that act as both the metaphorical and literal manifestations of simple fears. This ring is the first one that can be troubling to maneuver through, for the figments have the potential to truly be threatening – even if they aren’t real. Expect unusually long hallways, haunted houses, distorted faces, giant versions people and creatures, and dark shadows. Nivi can also be found here, though they do not always interact directly with dreaming minds. Instead, they guard the dream borders against somnu (nightmare creatures) that might attempt to exploit the fear found here. As such, you should generally avoid nivi if you can, as you’ll only distract them. If one approaches you, however, you would do well to listen to them.
Dream Source: Frightened/stressed children and innocent/immature people
Common Entities: Figments, Dark Figments, Nivi, Somnu (Rarely)
Threat Level: Average (Variable)
4th Ring (The Road to Nowhere): This ring is most often formed by those who have no pressing matters on their minds, so instead their subconscious devises all manner of destinations and tasks with no clear intent or end to them. Not normally threatening, but it can be difficult to navigate at times, and figments will often try to distract you. Be advised, in this case, because the things they say and do can almost have a hypnotic effect, and you too may find yourself boarding a train or getting to work on something entirely meaningless. If someone ever complains that they only dream about what they do while working, they likely spend a lot of time here. Lucid dreamers sometimes use this place as a playground, manipulating the parameters, appearance, and behavior of the figments found here. Be advised: should a lucid dreamer mistake you for a figment, they may impede your travels and things have the potential to get dicey. Do not be afraid to smack some sense into them.
Dream Source: Bored/unthreatened teenagers and adults, as well as full-grown animals
Common Entities: Figments, Lucid Dreamers (Rarely)
Threat Level: Trivial (But can be inconvenient)
5th Ring (The Kingdom of Fools): A grand and nigh-infinite sprawling metropolis filled with simple-minded nobility and a plethora of nivi who call this ring home. Figments come and go, but mature nivi with humanoid or better intelligence are much more common, so travelers should be respectful whenever possible. The residents here never mean harm, so there is no reason to cause harm either. Expect lavish architecture, grand parades, exquisite banquets, and parties that never seem to end. Those from more impoverished families may also find themselves invited here by the nivi and made into “honorary” nobility, for who hasn’t dreamed of a better life? Generally speaking, the dreamers found in this ring are also in a good mood due to the nature of the ring, so unless you’re worried about getting caught up in a parade or party, travel through here is little fuss. I recommend paying a visit to the eldest of the nivi, King Mendacius. This topsy-turvy creature is always welcoming of new guests and is bound to show you a good time if you show respect (or tell a good joke, even at his own expense).
Dream Source: Simple or good-natured nobility, those who wish for a better life
Common Entities: Figments, Nivi, King Mendacius
Threat Level: Inconsequential
6th Ring (The Ocean of Tears): Where the woes and worries of thinking creatures coalesce and become as close to real as possible. This realm is highly detailed, as dreamers often have vivid memories of things that bother them – even if their conscious selves do not. Figments and landscapes may not always be a one for one, and may at times appear quite illogical, including house-shaped caverns, upside down waterfalls, a sundown that looks like a cracked egg, or a seemingly infinite field of flowers that seem to stare at you wherever you go. As the dark figments here follow clear rules, they may not be as threatening as they are in the 3rd ring, but the negative feelings found here tend to attract somnu, which can make this place quite dangerous. Nivi patrol here to keep the somnu at bay, but there’s simply too much ground to cover. How does one protect every part of a near-infinite plane?
Dream Source: The anxious and sad minds of mature, thinking creatures
Common Entities: Figments, Dark Figments, Nivi, Dark Nivi, Somnu
Threat Level: Dangerous
7th Ring (The Shadow Forest): While the 6th ring may be threatening, it doesn’t hold a candle to the 7th ring. This place is formed from deep-seated fears from mature thinking creatures, and even the woes of what might otherwise be considered inhuman and alien. Do angels and demons dream? If they do, those dreams may be a part of this abysmal and treacherous place. Senses are heightened here, perhaps due to the fear and paranoia that act as the blood and bone of this realm. Everything you can imagine is a twisted, distorted version of what you would normally expect. The greater your fear, the more dangerous this place becomes, feeding into an infinite loop of despair. This is where somnu are said to originate from, making this the birthplace of nightmares. Not even nivi dare to tread here, for to do so would be a sure way to be torn asunder.
Dream Source: The worst fears of all thinking creatures
Common Entities: Dark Figments, Somnu (Plentiful), Aberrations
Threat Level: Perilous
8th Ring (The House with No Windows): What happens to the dreams of the deranged? The mad? What about those with an old, deteriorating mind, or one that never quite functions the way the gods intended? There is a place where those dreams coalesce, and it is here. If logic could ever be considered part of the previous rings, it is entirely absent in this place. Travelers often report synesthesia, hearing colors, tasting pain, or seeing strange sounds. A twisting, labyrinthine place of impossible geometry and constantly shifting parameters. Somnu can be found here, but even they do not dwell here for long, for it is possible to become ensnared in a dying mind’s final dream, forever trapped in a blackened space where no light can reach you.
Dream Source: Fragile, damaged, or insane thinking creatures
Common Entities: Figments, Dark Figments, Somnu, Malformations
Threat Level: Extreme
9th Ring (The Primordial Ossuary): The farthest reaches of Nivinium, the very edge of our collective subconsciousness. It is said that certain creatures known as the ---, which if that’s the case, that would imply that ---, which would mean even --- would cause my words to become distorted and blackened. As I write this, that seems to be the case. I’ve only reached this place once or twice by taking an exit in the 7th and 8th ring, but if the rumors are true, this is probably the most dangerous place in Nivinium, or even all the planes.
Dream Source: ???
Common Entities: ---, Echoes of the Forgotten
Threat Level: ---
Entities of Nivinium
As has been discussed, there are a number of different creatures that can be encountered in Nivinium. I have done what I can to study these creatures, though even I have my limitations. Dreams cannot be cut open and looked inside, nor will asking them the same question always get the same answer. However, I have noted a number of consistencies after encountering so many throughout my time spent in the Realm of Dreams. Below are my findings.
Figment: Something that looks, sounds, and feels like something alive, but it is not. A figment is merely the psychic manifestation of a wayward thought, experience, or memory – though they needn’t be fully accurate. As the name implies, they are a “figment of your imagination.” Most dreams are populated with all sorts of figments, from people you know, random animals, or even things that “should” be there (as far as a dreamer’s mind is concerned), even if the dreamer doesn’t understand why they should be there. A figment can also appear quite unusual, being embodiments of certain ideas or concepts. A walking tree, a bird made out of paper, a colorful flying group of bubbles, or even vague geometric shapes can be figments. The only limitation a figment has is the dreamer’s imagination. If the dreamer thinks that a bear can fly, that bear can fly. Do you understand?
Dark Figment: A figment born from the fears, woes, and despair of a dreaming mind. In every way like a figment, but bad. Have you ever dreamed of a monstrous version of a familial figure chasing you down a long hallway, muttering things about plans for the future? That’s a dark figment. Have you ever dreamed of a literal closet monster made up of old belongings and dirty laundry? That’s a dark figment. Figments like these aren’t actually threatening, but they feel threatening. Indeed, if one were to be cornered and subjected to whatever pain or torture the dreamer thinks a dark figment is capable of, they might even experience dream shock – though this is extremely rare, as dreams have a way of ending just as quickly as they began.
Nivi: The true denizens of Nivinium, and the source of its namesake (though who knows what nivi actually call their home). While figments can be familiar or metaphorical, nivi are not bound by the thoughts and imagination of a dreamer’s mind. They are entirely separate, as they are actual real creatures – strange, but benign. Typically, a dreamer will never be able to tell a figment and a nivi apart, but they may sometimes remember a reoccurring character in their dreams. Someone who offers a helping hand or guides them back to a more familiar path. Indeed, all nivi seem to enjoy helping dreamers remain safe while they roam the Realm of Dreams. Travelers and lucid dreamers have an easier time parsing out whether a creature is a figment or a nivi, as any attempt to make them change appearance or behavior will fail spectacularly and give a nivi reason to play a prank on you – harmless though it may be. Nivi do not require food, water, or sleep like mortal beings do. If anything, they seem to only feed on positive emotions, such as love, joy, excitement, contentment, and awe. The better you feel, the better they feel. Perhaps this is the reason nivi are so keen to help and play with dreaming mortals?
Dark Nivi: The only reason I’m certain nivi feed on positive emotions. These beings seem to be a dark reflection of nivi, distorted after being deprived of happiness and joy for too long. While not nearly as sadistic as somnu, dark nivi can be quite devious, appearing almost like villains in a fairy tale. Nivi will go out of their way to track down dark nivi, for it is possible to change a dark nivi back into a normal, good-spirited nivi. I have only seen this occur a few times, but each time it was the result of a dark nivi being brought before King Mendacius, who would use his magical staff and blast away all the impurities coating the dark nivi’s body. These creatures just go to show that even the most perfect creatures are not without flaws. They also prove that people can become quite grouchy when they haven’t eaten in a while…
Somnu: The true terrors of Nivinium. Also known as nightmare creatures, the somnu seem to be born from the worst fears and perversions dreaming minds can come up with. Just the mere sight of one can cause a traveler’s astral body to grow nauseous. Somnu seem to feed on negative emotions, such as fear, anger, disgust, and even loneliness. Dreaming minds who have recently experienced trauma may attract the attention of somnu, and like a blood hound sniffing out prey, they travel through the rings and try to break through that person’s dream barrier in order to finally get to their psychic energy. The true enemy of the nivi, the nightmare creatures are often thwarted by the efforts of Nivinium’s benevolent dream spirits. That doesn’t mean they won’t stop trying, though. Somnu love nothing more than to cause pain and inspire fear, and with their unique abilities, they can do so quite easily. You see, dark figments may be able to cause harm to your dream self, but such pain is temporary and gone by the morning. Somnu, on the other hand, have the ability to harm your ka, which physically manifests on your khet. In other words, whatever wounds a somnu inflicts on your dream body, your real body will experience those very same wounds. For this reason above all others, somnu are a truly dangerous foe. Worse yet, they seem capable of following a dreamer into the waking world. If one were to grab hold of a somnu and force themselves awake, it is possible for a somnu to come with you. The same is true if a somnu grabs you. By doing this, however, somnu leave themselves vulnerable to attack. Because of this, somnu appearing on the material plane is an extremely rare occurrence.
Aberration: A generic monsterologist term for unusual creatures that can’t be easily categorized. Aberrations, like somnu, come in all shapes and sizes, from the deadly gazer to the simple-minded flumph. Very occasionally, a dreamer may encounter a rogue aberration in their dreams. It is believed that some aberrations are actually born from the chaotic energies of Nivinium, eventually making their way to the material plane via teleportation or similar methods. Some aberrations may even roam Nivinium and hunt dreamers, for many are known for their love of psychic energy. There are far too many aberrations to cover in a book like this, and they are quite rare, but should a dreamer encounter one, it is best to run and get help from a nivi, if possible.
Dream Demon: An especially devious creature, dream demons are like the mosquitoes of Nivinium. Small in size, they are nevertheless possessed of great magic, able to teleport between Nivinium and the material plane almost at will. Most dream demons are about the size of a cat, with round pudgy bodies and pointy, spider-like legs. Many of them have unusual faces, sometimes even resembling a humanoid’s, but not quite. Staring directly at a dream demon can often cause confusion and anxiety, for there is an inherit wrongness to them that defies belief. As for what they do, they like to feed on psychic energy. Typically what a dream demon will do is teleport into the material plane, find a suitable target, then climb on top of their prey’s body. From there, a dream demon will extend an invisible, incorporeal feeding tube into their victim. This sensation can cause disorientation in the dreamer, leading them to leave disconnect from Nivinium, but not fully wake up. Those who have experienced attacks like this often report a heavy weight on their bodies, feeling like they were paralyzed, and experience a profound sense of fear as they stare at what they can only assume is a nightmare. The truth is the dreamer is looking directly at the dream demon. The dreamer’s mind may subtly distort the appearance of the dream demon, but what they see is very real. These attacks were once attributed to succubi and incubi, but after further study from demonologists, it was revealed that such demons do not actually prey on sleeping people. Succubi and incubi much prefer alert prey so that they might entice and corrupt them using their magic and devilish charms. Because of the paralysis that a dream demon can induce, dream demons are also known as paralysis demons.
Malformation: Like a dark figment, but far, far worse. Those with ailing, broken, or insane minds create these strange and chaotic swarms of deadly psychic energy. Unlike a somnu, which behaves like a sadistic hunter, a malformation is something that has no clear goal or intent behind its distorted visage. A malformation simply is, and because of that, they are as unpredictable as they are dangerous. One minute they might try chasing you down because you started running, the next minute they might be bashing themselves through a wall. Some might even try to eat other figments. Even somnu are not totally safe, for a malformation’s ability to distort and tear apart psychic energy is universal.
Dream Terminology
Last but not least, here is a glossary of terms I’ve used (and haven’t used) that can be useful to know for the budding traveler.
Astral Body (Ka): The psychic manifestation of the self in its purest form. The form a dreamer or traveler takes when leaving their physical body.
Astral Cord: An invisible, intangible, silvery cord that connects the astral body to the physical body. Very few things can touch or harm it, but it should always be treated with care.
Astral Projection: The art of purposefully leaving one’s physical body behind to explore the planes in astral form. Can be the easiest method for travelers to explore Nivinium, as going to that plane in physical form would be tantamount to suicide.
Dream: What the unconscious mind conjures while a dreamer slumbers. Their inherit psychic energy reacts to the psychic energy of Nivinium itself, causing a dream to manifest. A dream can theoretically be about anything, though it is typically limited to an individual’s imagination and personal experiences. Dreams have a way of connecting with similar dreams, which leads to the creation of rings.
Dream Barrier: Whether created by nivi or even the very gods, there is always a natural buffer that exists between one’s own dreams and the dreams of other thinking, sleeping creatures. Because of this, a dreamer will rarely encounter another dreamer. However, dream barriers are not as thick as you would think, and sometimes an exit may form, allowing a dreamer to leave their own dream and travel to another’s.
Dream Shock: When one’s astral body has taken a sufficient beating, thus forcing the dreamer to wake up, the dreamer experiences a mentally painful shock that can leave them temporarily debilitated in mind and speech. In other words, if a dreamer experiences a sufficiently traumatizing death in their dream, it affects their mental health in the waking world.
Dreamer, Lucid: A dreamer that has a sufficiently strong sense of self and willpower. A lucid dreamer has some control over their own dreams, and will often use this control to make a dream more enjoyable… For better or for worse. Lucid dreamers are typically not aware of the nature of Nivinium like travelers are, and because of that, they are the most likely to endanger themselves while dreaming. Overconfident lucid dreamers often experience dream shock without ever knowing why.
Dreamer: One who dreams. The individual dreaming. You.
Echoes: Very occasionally, memories get left behind in Nivinium, leading to very unusual findings in the far edges of the plane where they naturally drift to. Echoes are, in essence, manifestations of things long since forgotten. Due to the psychic energy of Nivinium, echoes may become cognizant and may seek a means to escape Nivinium and return to where they believe they belong. However, since memories are never perfect, neither are echoes, and such manifestations may not even fully understand who or what they are. They only know as much as their creation memory would know. Echoes that escape Nivinium are sometimes mistaken for doppelgangers of long dead people.
Entrance/Exit: Extremely obvious in appearance, an entrance or exit is something that can lead you from one dream to another. Often accompanied by symbols or letters that spell “Entrance” or “Exit” in your most used language, these doors, windows, or similar architectural features should only be used with due caution. They can be a great way to escape a somnu in pursuit, but where you end up next might be even worse. Travelers beware, not all entrances/exits are labeled.
Oneiromancy: The art of Dream Magic. Oneiromancy was once a commonly practiced form of magic in order to better understand and protect our fragile minds. However, its inherit potential for exploitation (especially in the realm of political intrigue) caused it to be banned in several countries. Only a handful of mages still practice and teach the art, such as the benevolent Baira, among whom the art has been a cultural tradition since time immemorial. Oneiromancy allows dreamers to control, manipulate, and change dreams. Many spells also offer protection against malevolent dream creatures, such as somnu. Practitioners of oneiromancy are called oneiromancers.
Physical Body (Khet): The body with which we use to move through and interact with the waking world. It is also the thing our astral body is connected to, so if the khet were to perish, so too would the ka. As such, it is important to keep one’s khet in a safe place while astral projecting.
Psychic Energy: An intangible energy that seems interconnected with a creature’s willpower and sense of self. The greater either of these two things are, the more psychic energy an individual has. Psychic energy makes up the fabric of Nivinium, and bits of it get left behind every time a dreamer leaves that place. As such, there is a core to the Realm of Dreams that only grows with time. When a dreamer’s psychic energy interacts with this core, a dream is born.
Ring: A chain of similar dreams from like-minded creatures. While not literally a ring in shape, a ring can be looked at as a space or quadrant with certain features and common entities (see above). As far as I’m aware, there are only nine such rings in Nivinium – though I only explored the plane for a century. It is possible there are many more due to how many dreaming minds there are in the world.
Sleep Paralysis: A dreadful experience one feels when attacked by a dream demon. The mind finds itself existing in a place between awake and asleep, unable to move, fight back, or even scream for help.
The Waking World: Another name for the material plane. It’s where most dreamers originate.
Traveler: A term for someone who regularly uses astral projection in order to travel the planes. One does not become a traveler by accident, and as such, a proper traveler is always prepared.
Ipatiy Tarasov was a wretchen (goat man) drug addict that lived in the town of Duskhollow, located in Southern Tenrai just east of Elvaro Peak. It was said that he smoked dream lilies and recorded his visions over the course of a century, leading to the book "Meditations in Fog". Presented here is a clarified and abridged version of his "book", which was filled with blotched ink, hastily scribbled notes, and text that seemed to swirl and blur every time you looked at it. Ipatiy was found dead in his home in a meditative state, his body thin from hunger. Despite the state of his body, his cause of death is unknown.
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arknautikore · 1 year
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Prepare. Eternaverse Chapter 1, coming soon…
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deadpoets · 3 months
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SIMONE’S 1K CELEBRATION 🤠 + little women or 10 things i hate about you for @delilahsbard
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actressstill · 2 years
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Serial actress #Nivisha in sleeveless #actress #nivi #serialactress https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfs632MPxSS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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morgana-pendragon · 2 months
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hi i think i love you <3
hi i know i love you <3
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oscarwilds · 2 years
hi shay!
can't believe they ended s1 of spinning out that way and then didn't renew it 😭
IKR???? like what IS this bullshit? We need more of them ughhhhhh
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sashasluggo · 10 months
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Special moments with some special girls 💕
(feat. @nivylemongrove and @miasketches)
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imaginespazzi · 1 month
Agee with your anon's 2022 theory. I always thought it was somewhere in mid/late 2022 they got together for real. And it makes sense, in high school that's just way to complicated and long distance to do anything but just focus on the limited time you have together, and kinda ignore if there's anyone else when you're not together. Then in college basketball is the job so it's important to focus on that. I could see it being more fwb Az freshman year and then it was the post P's injury where it got serious for real and they've been together since. In 2021/early 2022 they really acted so kind of giddy, esp P, and by late 2023/2024 they give much more settled couple vibes (to me). I'm praying someday we get some ESPN feature on their story and the timeline is finally confirmed lol.
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Love when y'all agree with my delulu, it makes me feel less insane. But yeah the St. John's interview is lowkey my roman empire because there's just something about it that's different from the preseason interviews or even the exhibition game interview like it just feels like something clicked, beyond just both of them being really happy that P was playing again.
I so agree with the they give settled vibes now (maybe that's just my shipper hat) which I think some people maybe misinterpret as disinterest sometimes because they're also very private. There's just this sense of calm in between them that I think is just very beautiful and you could really see it at the soft launch draft. But it's gone from i'm scared to look away because you're the best thing that's happened and what if you're gone to i know you're mine and i can take my eyes off you because i know you'll always be there. Does that make sense?
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My boards are finally over!!
Since your requests are open, I wanna read a Loki x Reader (you can use my name) fluff with the reader being protective of him going as far as to fight other for him both verbally and physically
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(GIF not mine)
Pairing: Loki x reader, slight Sam x reader(platonic)
Warnings: Hitting, broken nose, swearing, angst, fluff, Loki(yes he's a warning)
Summary: Just reader being protective of Loki.
(A/N: I hope you like this Mahi. And i hope i di your request justice. We all love our favourite trickster.)
*crack* The glass in your hand cracked but you could care less. You were busy staring daggers at the pretty blondie who was hanging off your boyfriend's arm. These were the moments where you wished you could also summon daggers by just flicking your wrists.
"At this rate you'll shatter the glass completely." Sam.
"Shut up. Who does she think she is? Just because she's blonde she thinks he'll fall for her? What an idiot." You scoff incredulous.
"He isn't making it easy either." You mumble. "I could just kill both of them i swear. That damned smirk of his."
"What? I couldn't quite here you." Sam chuckled.
"Oh shove off Wilson" you shook your head.
That's when you see it. She's leaning in to whisper something in his ear. "Oh fuck no."
You were furious. You slammed your glass on the counter and marched up to them. Oh you were gonna slap that damned smirk of his off his face. That asshole.
You pushed off the blondie and grabbed Loki by his collar and smashed your lips on his. Or kiss it off,ok. He reciprocated immediately, holding your waist and bringing you closer. You wrapped your arms around his neck and deepened this kiss. You finally pulled away for air and turned to the shocked blonde.
"This fine man right here is MY man. So i would appreciate it if you would back off. You don't want to see what happens otherwise. Trust me" you said with a sickeningly sweet smile.
But turns out she was as stupid as a blonde could be because she spoke up,"I don't believe you. I mean, how could a girl as pathetic as you could date a man like him. Just look at him, he's so fucking handsome and you're just.....you" she shrugged, smiling maliciously.
Loki was about to say something but you stopped him. "I got this" you assured him, before you turned around to face her.
Your eyes darkened. "I gave you one chance to back off. Should've taken it" you chuckled darkly and tilted your head. "Oh no." You heard Loki saying behind you.
You threw a punch directly to her nose. You heard a crack. Then you swiped your leg under hers to throw her off. Once she fell, you kicked her stomach and slapped her face once more, just for your own satisfaction.
"You bitch! How dare you!" she screeched.
"I had every right to do that. You touch my man and i gave you one chance to back off. You didn't. So i hit you. Simple" you shrugged.
She huffed and ran to the exit, clutching her nose.
"I didn't think it would go this far, honestly" Loki said, smiling slightly.
"She got what she deserved. No one can touch my man except me" you stated matter of factly.
"And Norns do i love you being so protective over me" he stated circling your waist and bringing you closer to him.
You closed the space between you and kissed him.
"Remind me to never piss her off."
Loki chuckled.
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nivaris · 1 year
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I hope everyone had an amazing time!
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stewieonthewall · 4 days
Your Pazzi + kids short stories are soooo funny bc it’s deadass what I picture going down. Like what you write for KK’s reaction is spot on LOL
i fear you might have me and nivi @imaginespazzi mixed up bc i’ve never written pazzi with kids as far as i an remember 😭😭
my only writing is on here, @sellawrites , and maybe a couple things on @heyitssells 🫡
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