#ninja kids
lonelyfanboy48 · 29 days
Steven Universe Of The Creek Chapter 22
Chapter 22 The True Swordsmanship Wisdom
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Kelsey took Connie and the others to the only place where they can find wisdom for swordsmanship, especially with the learning experience that follows it. Out of nearly all the places she and her friends went to, the location was the least they've been from time to time. Steven, Connie, and even Lion took notice of the pink flowering trees from the distance.
"I've known about these trees." Steven commented.
"You were by these trees when the Crystal Gems trained you?" Craig asked.
"Mostly for advice, but yes, I was by at least one of these trees."
"There was one time where Pearl took me to a forest like this, but much bigger, every pink flowering tree around me to communicate with her in peace." Connie replied.
"Good to hear." Kelsey smiled. "Because the Ninja Kids do that at the Ninja Garden Waterfall."
"The Ninja Garden Waterfall?"
"It's not a big waterfall, but it's the perfect place for wisdom, hopefully."
Lion kept his sight straight ahead as he and the group got closer to the waterfall. The moment they arrived, he, along with Steven and Connie witnessed the Ninja Kids, meditating on the borders with the leader on top of the waterfall. When they opened their eyes, they looked down on Craig's group, but what they didn't expect was the pink Lion right behind them. The leader jumped off from the border, landing in front of the group which took Steven, Connie, and Lion by surprise.
"Foe!" Yustice shouted.
"We're not doing anything suspicious!" Kelsey said, protecting Steven and Connie.
"I'm not talking about them, that animal!" She pointed at Lion. "He could take over our waterfall just like Xavier did!"
"That lion looks more intimidating!" Zatch commented.
"How did you even get a lion as a pet?" Prynda added.
"I knew something like this would happen." Craig placed his hands behind his back.
"He's not gonna hurt anyone, even though lions are dangerous, this one isn't hazardous!"
"Believe her, expect he's not her pet, it's mine." Steven chimed in. "We're only here to do some sword training."
"Sword training?" Yustice slowing getting out of her position. "You mean, with actual swords?"
"It's hard to believe but, if you haven't seen a sword fighter, your day has come." Connie reached behind her shoulder to take her sword out of her scabbard. The kids stared at her sword, including Kelsey's whose eyes sparkled. Her surroundings turned to black with a spotlight glowing above her with another above Connie and her sword.
"It's the most beautiful sword Kelsey has ever seen!" She then took out her sword as Connie found her sword cute. "It's destiny for Kelsey to be the most skilled master from the Crystal Gem's sword fighter! The waterfall itself has more wisdom to succeed in swordsmanship..."
In reality, Connie and Steven saw Kelsey standing in place as they looked at each other. "Does she usually do this?" Connie asked, turning to Craig.
"Yes." Craig answered. "Let her have her moment, she doesn't take that long to snap out of it."
"She really wants this badly." Steven commented.
As Connie turned to the Ninja Kids, she got back on topic as they still stared at her sword. "That sword looks legendary." Zatch said, eyeing it.
"I didn't think they made swords like that." Prynda added.
"Ninjas will never have a sword, this prestigious and beautiful." Yustice added.
"Technically I never used this blade as much as the last one but, in a way, it does look like those things." Connie replied. "Can me and Kelsey be on top of the waterfall?"
"Of course, you two are allowed to practice up there."
"You just want to see what she can do with her sword right?" Omar guessed.
"Let them live their dream as much as Kelsey is right now." J.P. added.
Kelsey and Connie both got up on top of the waterfall, swords in hand. Lion jumped in the air, landing behind Connie which surprised Kelsey. "I didn't know he could do that."
"He's mostly with me at all times, it's not the only thing he can do." Connie smiled as she lifted her sword up. Kelsey looked at Lion as it stared back at her. He didn't express any emotion, as if he wasn't afraid that something could happen at any moment.
"He's not really dangerous when he's like that. It seems he convinced them he's welcome here."
"He's always welcome when he's with me and Steven." She then lifted her sword in the air as Kelsey followed her movements. "By the way, I like your sword."
"Thanks, my dad gave it to me. If only you stayed just a little longer, I would be happy to see you meet him."
"You just don't limit yourself, do you?" Steven called.
"She can't help herself when the moment's that good to her." Craig replied.
"Let's focus on the training for now." Connie said. "Parry your opponent by blocking yourself like this." She placed the hilt of her sword in front of her face as Kelsey followed her movements.
"Like this?" She looked at her position.
"Yes, it'll give you a chance to turn it into an attack." When Connie looked at Kelsey's sword, she knew she would break it with her sword being more powerful than hers. "Is it better if we don't fight each other?"
"Are you kidding? It will feel like we're teaming up together! I never see you as the enemy." Kelsey cheered as Mortimor flew off of her head, landing on Connie's head.
"From the way your pet's feeling, he can agree with you." Connie smiled. "Okay so our next technique is to pose before battle." She lifted her sword up with her hand, pointing it over her head with Mortimor looking at it closely. She used her other hand to reach, with only two fingers up.
Kelsey has always felt brave whenever she's prepared for battle, but Connie's pose became more epic. She memorized her pose with the same arm gestures. She lifted her sword above her head, while reaching with her other arm along with her two fingers up. As the group and Ninja kids watched her, she grew a smile on her face. With her and Connie being above the waterfall, she imagines herself in her warrior outfit she had in her fantasies with Connie, being in a swordswoman master outfit with their hair blowing in the wind. Petals of pink flowers from trees blow by them, with Mortimor by Kelsey's side, while Lion is by Connie's side.
"You're doing it." Connie smiled.
"I am." Kelsey replied. "Did Pearl give you more ways?"
"You wouldn't be more surprised if I showed you my own ways."
"What do you mean?"
Connie still didn't forget that Steven almost fused with Craig, something she needed to talk to him about before leaving. But at the same time, with only Craig's group and the Ninja kids, she wouldn't mind as she trusts them enough to give them a surprise.
"Steven, can you come up here?" She called.
Steven headed on top of the waterfall as Connie got out of her position, so did Kelsey. "Yes?" He asked.
"Should we show Kelsey that we're close together?" She asked.
"Yeah, we haven't done this in a long time."
As Connie made Mortimor flow off of her head, she took Steven's hand, causing them to glow just like before except this time, no one interrupted. The kids just stared at them, with Kelsey's jaw dropped. Steven and Connie fused into Stevonnie, with the glow going away, they held their shield and sword, with the sun shining on them.
"Is it just me or did Steven and Connie turn into a supermodel?" J.P. blinked.
"They're more than that." Yustice added. "They're a sword master."
The Ninja Kids walked up to the waterfall as they knelt down, showing their respect to Stevonnie and even Kelsey. Kelsey still kept her attention on the fusion itself, as if she was meeting a master class sword fighter. "Unbelievable...and beyond majestic." She spoked.
"This is what fusion really looks like." Stevonnie smiled. "It's hard to accomplish, as you need to have a close connection with someone."
"Is that what you were trying to do with Craig?" She pointed at her friend. "Steven?"
With their thoughts shared in their mind, Stevonnie felt disappointed it didn't happen. "Yes, but it wasn't a way of showing off. It was a way...of figuring out his pink eye problem." In her mind, Connie wished he didn't do that, but for how it got more serious, she wouldn't even figure out how to resolve it.
"It's okay." She looked up at the fusion. "There is so much I want from you...mainly your Connie self but...I didn't really want to be fused. Just wanted some sword lessons."
"I don't blame you. Do you want to continue with this?"
This gave Kelsay an idea, knowing it could be another step for her best friend. "Yes but, can I have Craig up here?"
When they looked at Craig, he froze in place, witnessing a fusion for the first time in his life. He didn't forget what Steven told him this morning and the fact he almost fused with him with no problem, made him realize he's getting closer to him. "Craig." Stevonnie called to his attention. "Can you come up here?"
"Okay." He replied as he got up, standing on the border in between Stevonnie and Kelsey. "I can't believe this is what you look like when you fuse someone Steven."
"Don't call me that. In fusion, call me Stevonnie."
"Is it wrong if that feels awkward?" J.P. called.
"You get used to it after a while."
"Okay...Stevonnie." Craig awkwardly smiled. "So why am I up here?" His eyes then turned pink as he looked down at the Ninja Kids, who look like Pearls in Craig's vision.
"Ohh, that makes sense." Stevonnie took notice of Craig's eyes. "What are you seeing?"
"Pearls, three Pearls with different hairstyles." He answered.
"Bet one of them trained you right?" Kelsey smiled at Stevonnie. "I may not see what he's seeing, but it gave me an idea who I'm thinking about."
"Yeah." Stevonnie replied. "One of them did give me wisdom." She looked at Yustice who's the main Pearl in Craig's vision.
"I'm not gonna lie, this doesn't bother me like it used to." Craig looked at Kelsey.
"But it is still creepy to look at." Kelsey leaned back from her best friend. Then Lion walked up to Craig as it licked his face.
"It's not bothering Lion. He's growing to like him." Stevonnie patted on Lion's mane.
"Maybe if we have time left, we can find Wildernessa to help out with her goal. It's the least we can do for her." Craig smiled.
"We are gonna do my thing next, right?" Omar called.
"We will."
Kelsey went back to sword training only this time, being trained with Stevonnie. Craig went back down from the waterfall with his pink vision going away. He can only imagine what Pearl really looked like if he saw her in person, not in pitch pinkness. Then again, it'll be a miracle if that ever happened. For Omar, once the sword training is over, he'll get his chance to take Steven to the person he wants him to meet. However, he's unsure if he's gonna find her in time.
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Shell quirks! Part 2, Leo!
Leo is about as turtle as a turtle can get, being one of the most common species, so he can go into his shell just fine! Of the four of them, he’s one of the two that can go brotherball mode, if with a little more risk of bumps and bruises as his shell can’t fully close.
And, of course, it is a rite of passage as a younger sibling to be thrown bodily into a pool of water at some point. Splashing everyone else in radius is just a bonus lol
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deadsetobsessions · 5 months
Damian Wayne was like a duckling. A violent, stab-happy, danger-prone duckling, yes, but a duckling all the same. Which means when Danny almost got stabbed by a sleepy, instinct driven Damian, he was able to wave it off with a laugh. Damian, on the other hand, stared in horror at the butter knife firmly lodged in Danny’s arm.
“PENNYWORTH!” Danny jerked back at Damian’s scream. “RICHARD! FATHER!”
God damn, the kid had a pair of lungs on him. Danny’s wince was interpreted as pain to Damian, who gently grabbed his injured arm and started to pull him towards the kitchen’s marble island.
Danny blinked, non plussed as his hearing picked up a thundering of feet as the present family members scrambled towards Damian’s distress call.
“Wait, Damian, I’m fine. It’s-”
“You have been impaled, you imbecile! Had it been any of the other simpletons, they would have-!”
“Ouch.” Danny put his other hand in mock hurt over his slow-beating heart. He literally doesn’t care about the butter knife. He’s just impressed there was enough force in there to impale him. “Are you calling me names now? After- gasp- stabbing me?”
Before Damian could reply, the beginnings of regret, remorse, and guilt on his face, Alfred, Dick, and Bruce burst into the kitchen.
“What happened?!”
“My word, master Danny!”
“What is it?!”
“I’m fine. It’s like a small stab. Not even a big stab. I’m good.”
Dick paled, seeing Danny’s arm clutched in Damian’s hand.
“That’s- that’s a knife. In your arm. How is that ‘fine’?!”
“What happened.” Bruce asked Damian, gently removing Danny’s arm from Damian’s death clutch.
“I- I did not mean to,” Damian starts, guilt coloring his voice.
“He didn’t,” Danny cuts in. “I startled him and got stabbed for being dumb. I won’t fault him for having a defense mechanism like that, ancient knows what I might do if you guys startled me.”
The awkward silence that settled at his words made Danny twitch awkwardly.
“Uh, so, can I add this knife to my collection? Even if I didn’t get mugged?”
“Bruce.” Danny stared stubbornly back. With his uninsured hand, he patted Damian on the head. He was going to enjoy the fluffiness before Damian’s guilt was no longer enough to hold him back from snapping at Danny’s hand like a grumpy alligator. Bruce loses, obviously. He’s a teenager who was also an ex-vigilante. Batman’s got nothing on a determined halfa.
“Master Danny, I must insist you refrain from getting stabbed. There is only so much gauze and antiseptic cream in the house.” Alfred returned- huh, when did he leave?- with a med kit.
Danny called bullshit because he knows there’s a whole ass medical bay beneath the manor.
“No need to apologize.” Alfred said, promptly beginning the extraction of the butter knife.
“Are you okay?” Dick asked, hovering worriedly. “He- are you…?”
Damian was allowing Danny to ruffle his hair, so…
“Yep, I’m good. This isn’t even on my top thirty most painful stabbings,” and it really wasn’t. That honor was given to the GIW and that one time Jazz accidentally stabbed him with her earrings. “That was pretty impressive, actually. It’s like, a butter knife. The other ones had pointy ends.”
“Do not clump me with those pathetic wastes of spaces. I am naturally superior and would… would never harm you on purpose.” Damian said, getting quiet at the end like he was trying to plead to Danny to believe him.
“Of course not. But- if you want help me keep the knife, you can hit me with a mug, it would technically be a mugging.”
The pun got the desired effect. Damian leaned away with a disgruntled look and Dick stopped hovering as close in order to let out a small cackle.
“You should go get changed, kiddo. We’re going to see Tim’s photography at the Gotham Gallery today.”
“Oh, for real?” Danny patted Damian’s fluffy hair one last time, pushing away from the counter. “Oh, I’ll clean up here first and-”
“That will not be necessary,” Alfred scolded, a mop somehow already in his hands. “Please see to it you are prepared for the day.”
“Thanks, Alfred. Can I keep the knife.”
“Very well.”
“Sweet. See you guys later?” Danny pranced off after seeing the nods.
“He’s… he got stabbed a lot. Before us, I mean.” Dick tapped a furious rhythm onto the counter. “Not that we’ve stabbed him until now but even once is concerning for a civilian.”
“He was used to it.” Bruce replied.
“Perhaps we should join Todd in his endeavor and ensure that his worthless tormentors are permanently out of the picture.”
“God, he said top thirty. He was counting.”
Damian silently withdrew a kitchen knife.
“No murder with my quality chef’s knives, Master Damian.”
“Master Jason follows the same rules. Now, out of the kitchen. I may be old, but I remember the last time master Bruce and master Dick stepped foot in here and I will not have a repeat.”
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tizeline · 3 months
I bet raph goes like 🤯 whenever April go big sis mode but Donnie AND leo snickers at his reaction as well.
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Bro is NOT prepared for the little brother treatment!
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kathaynesart · 3 months
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Draxum's rude af kids are making their way through the @tmntaucompetition
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Friendly warning: don't mess with Dad.
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katsettee · 10 months
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House rules are sacred
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tangledinink · 5 months
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tmnt tarot ☽O☾ zero through five
[ @angelpuns - @evenmoreofadisaster - @radishhqueen - @probably-not-a-rutabaga - @kathaynesart - @beannary ] - [ next set ]
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(raising your mystic kid au -- episode one - part two)
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hitwiththetmnt · 1 month
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BACK | P5-1 | NEXT
(Book 1)
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sweeneydino · 8 months
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He's really sick.
Based on this hard-hitting scene in Spy Kids 2
God I love that movie.
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circusinarun · 1 month
Being the oldest kid in the family giving me a bunch of ideas on how to draw Raph :]
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Happened to me and my lil sis not so long ago.
I think Leo was a kinda spoiled kid (in some aspects) and always refused to see Raph as a superior figure
(Arghhhhh! I want to learn how to draw Raph more chubby and beefy :( )
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 month
"When I was a young man, I fell in love with a woman-"
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"Oh, hey, is it that late?"
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This is such a funny father and son moment between these two, and I love it way too much.
Not only with Raph trying to get out of hearing a story from his dad that he's not interesting in/in the mood to hear, but also immediately wanting out the second he realizes it's about his dad's love life.
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Language! Part 2
[1 - 2]
The speech bubbles are a little odd, a holdover from when I used to draw these small and all on one layer and canvas.
Somehow, some way, Splinter’ll always catch them and make them pony up to the swear jar! Darn ninja dads, I swear, it’s like they can hide in the walls or something
Anyway, thought it would be fun to hint at Splinter having a life and acquaintances from his time in yokai society, in that weird way that parents have when they mention a crazy skill they picked up from their mysterious life before parenthood that their kids have no knowledge of yet. Plus, it’s interesting to think about what Splinter does in his day. He loved entertaining and stardom, I doubt he’d up and quit forever. His voice is the last thing truly his after his transformation, I’m sure he’d use it somehow to keep doing what he loved! He’s also a ninja warrior specifically trained to fight the supernatural, that probably comes with some pretty fun skills!
My mom once stole a boat and sailed to an abandoned condemned island for a whole couple of days, a story which cropped up once and then wasn’t explained until years later, much to my intrigue. She’s so calm and well collected, it was crazy to hear the shit she used to get up to lol
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kittpunk144 · 1 month
”You’re not him” MINI ANGST COMIC
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theloveinc · 2 months
mating press is so objectively ugly ... embarrassing
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kathaynesart · 3 months
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The @tmntaucompetition is no place for a tiny tot to be left alone, especially with all these rowdy teens running amok. My heart just broke when I saw little Kid Leo crying, @angelpuns and @red-rover-au, and I knew Replica Leo's would too. Problem is they're probably going to be searching for a while cuz Replica Leo is looking for other unsupervised children. Oops.
This is in response to these couple of threads I've seen going around: COMIC 1 - COMIC 2 - COMIC 3 - COMIC 4 - COMIC 5
You kids need to all calm down!
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