#napoleon bonaparte x you
profeyandere · 1 month
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Masterlist || Assasin's Creed Masterlist || Wattpad
Word Count: 3.1k
Pairing: Napoleon Bonaparte x Fem!Reader
Warning: Mention of murder, blood, subtle flirting
English is not my native language, so I apologize for any mistake and if you can help me improve it, I will greatly appreciate it. I hope you enjoy it :D
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"That is mine!"
The loud exclamation coming from outside caught the attention of the three men who were currently in the private study of the king of France, then protected by so many men that not even a fly could have flanked each of the human barriers, who kept all his secrets safe, even if they had been useless enough to have let in not just one, but three elusive people who had managed to enter not only the palace but the study itself that produced so much interest to the Templars and revolutionaries; If any of the high officials found out about the disaster that had occurred in that place, several more heads would be guillotined in the public square in addition to those who belonged to high society.
A small arrow, one that Arno could distinguish anywhere in the world due to the thin lines of different colors that decorated the wood of it up to its tip, pierced the smoke caused by one of the bombs that the assassin had dropped on the ground only to have a chance against the guardians of the king's private room, this being the one that found its trajectory to be able to pierce the skull of the man whom another person had previously targeted. The man wearing his black hood took a couple of steps back to put distance between the corpse that was now falling limply to the ground in front of him and his person, while the artillery lieutenant slowly lowered his arm in whose hand he was carrying his gun, ready to shoot whoever had attacked his new friend. When a shadow appeared in one of the windows, a slightly shrunken figure that they were barely able to see due to the previously mentioned smoke, Napoleon turned the barrel of his pistol towards the newly arrived person and fired without any care, listening a high-pitched screech from the newcomer who promptly found his cover on the king's desk, while Arno imitated his action and hid, waiting for the right moment to attack.
"Don't shoot, for God's sake!" Exclaimed the newly arrived person, you, the elusive assassin who had been sent by the clan to protect the young Frenchman who had joined the troops a while ago. "I just arrived and saved your asses. Is it so difficult to at least say thank you?"
Your breathing, at that moment, agitated by the seconds of tension experienced with the bullet fired, tried to find a pattern to relax and become calmer, letting the muscles in your body stop tensing and find a little peace at that moment. Arno couldn't help but sigh when he heard your voice, recognizing it instantly and leaving his hiding place, then surrounding the wide wooden desk to find your slightly shrunken body with a small dagger in your hands, ready to attack if necessary; When you saw him, your serious face changed to a more serene and kind one. He still wondered why you were constantly following him, but he assumed it was simply out of concern.
"I'm glad to see you're still alive. I thought they had captured you the last time we worked together," Arno mentioned as he extended his gloved hand to help you up from the ground, calmly watching as you accepted his help and put your small, sharp weapon in the belt of your pants.
Napoleon surprised that a second assassin was found at the same scene, could not help but appreciate with fascination the elegant figure that belonged to you. The wide hood with the long cape gave you an almost elegant touch if it weren't for the fact that the last seams of it seemed slightly corroded by wear due to the constant friction against the ground, even if your black boots with rounded toes were sufficiently heel enough to raise you a couple of centimeters; the cape was never short enough nor the heels high enough for you. Even if his eyes knew that there were two people in the room with him, if he were really crazy he would think he was seeing double, or at least he would think that a female version of his new friend was with him.
"I'm sorry to interrupt the reunion, but I remind you that we must go," Napoleon intervened, drawing both Arno's attention and yours. Seeing your hands together sent a strange shiver down his spine, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. "We don't have much time. Let's go."
The lieutenant's order filled your ears. His voice was loud, not enough to intimidate you but enough to make you think about your actions and words twice before doing or saying anything; It's not that you didn't trust the new one, which obviously you didn't, but you also didn't have the option of completely distrusting when a new troop of extremists and templars were about to besiege the office with the arrival of Arno and the various alarms he sounded on his way until you get there. The man with slightly long and straight hair caught your attention, having already gone ahead to flee the place when he discovered a false wall that hid an elevator that would take you to the city sewers. Your mouth dropped open at the sight of such a mechanism, and even Arno could almost make out a gleam of fascination in your gaze.
"I thought these things were myths. Are there also corridors that lead to different rooms of the palace, or does that not exist?" You asked out loud, releasing the murderer's hand to address your new friend, who was surprised by the funny and obvious questions you had for him. "That is, I had heard about these things, but he never imagined that they were real. How the hell did you find out this existed?"
A soft sly smile appeared on the face of the lieutenant, who entered the elevator behind you and together with Arno, it being that precise moment in which the cabin had begun to descend that Captain Rouille quickly entered the office with a small group of extremists who looked around with horror when they saw the carnage that the murderer had caused. The latter, in search of some object, ordered the prompt search for some documents that the murderer had gone to recover and that he had left to be destroyed in the large fireplace lit with its warm flames; Both Arno and you, surprised by the arrival of that man on the scene, were ready to say and act accordingly, being reprimanded when you felt the lieutenant's hands on you to stop you.
"Yes, Captain Rouille has that effect on people," Napoleon spoke as he moved his right hand away from Arno's chest, while his left hand slowly moved away from your slightly open mouth, apologizing to you by giving you a quick look that you responded with a slight nod.
"Friend of yours?" Arno asked rudely, acting slightly aggressively by bringing his body threateningly closer to the Frenchman who had helped you; He could have been shot as soon as Arno arrived in the room, and he could have left you in the office if he hadn't warned you, so at that moment you had to trust him for the "favors" he had done for you.
"A persistent thorn I haven't managed to pluck out," the lieutenant responded, remaining calm in the face of your friend's ruder attitude, looking at you out of the corner of his eye to verify that you remained almost as calm as him, being for him a sign that this was one of the facets of the murderer, listening to how he insisted on several occasions to return to the upper floor in order to recover those documents that were so important.
His more childish attitude made you sigh and speak up, stepping forward to intervene before Bonaparte did.
"We would never find them with the mess they're making right now. I don't think it's necessary to risk your life or mine right now for something that we can obviously recover later or that, with a lot of luck, will be eliminated before they find it," you said seriously, noticing how the elevator finally stopped and bounced gently beneath you to warn of your stop, making sure how the brown-haired man gestured for you to be the first to step on the ground and leave the small cabin in the one where the three of you had descended. "We will come up with something, you don't have to despair now when we are so close to achieving it. You have to be patient."
With a slight nod from Arno, you decided to take the first step to set foot on the cold stones of the sewer, looking with disgust at the different puddles there were, not wanting to guess what they were made of. Although it was not a recent invention, and despite the various complaints that there were still in the streets of Paris about how disgusting it still was to see people throwing their garbage out of the windows, there was still a part of the population that refused to listen to the proposed by the neighbors due to the plague and how unhygienic that unpleasant practice was; The fact that they wanted to create a network of pipes that ran throughout the city to collect waste was something you would really like to see before you die because you couldn't stand having to dodge excrement and so much other waste on the street.
"You handle yourself well back there. I don't suppose you've ever considered military service?" Napoleon questioned Arno, following your trail while he found himself walking alongside the murderer who remained with his mind still wandering over those papers that he knew he must have brought with him.
"I'm not much following orders," Dorian responded seriously, gently frowning, an action he frequently performed when something was really bothering his mind.
"Ah, the bane of generals and statesmen: an individualist. I know the feeling," said Bonaparte with a subtle smile as he took a couple of steps forward to try to set the pace a little, stopping momentarily when he saw that the other man deviated from his path to be able to go in search of something he had perceived thanks to his eagle eyesight. "Men like us have an advantage over most in the Arme, you see: we can think for ourselves."
That statement caused a dry laugh to leave your lips, causing the lieutenant to direct his gaze towards you. She found it curious the way in which a woman did not seem as modest as the ones she already knew, but rather you seemed to be more libertarian and honest when it came to speaking, almost wanting to attack her comment with your laughter.
"Why work as a team if you have yourself?" You asked sardonically, stopping when you made sure that your clanmate had detoured through one of the tunnels to head towards one of the nearby treasures that he had possibly ascertained about with the sight provided by the ancestors. "I see it. Arno Dorian, a soldier in the French army. And then what? Marshal in ten years?"
"Of course dear. If you say so," you heard Arno say through the echo that bounced between the walls of the sewers, causing a sly smile to appear on your face as you made sure of the sarcasm with which he had responded to you.
"It's actually a good offer, but where the heart leads, a man must follow. Look me up if you ever change your mind."
Napoleon's proposal remained in the air, evidently, he was a stubborn and stubborn man who did not accept a denial as an answer. He could become a fearsome man if he did not share friendship with you or became your enemy, so you assumed from that moment on that you had to maintain a relationship with the man at all costs to prevent him from being against you if necessary you needed allies for your fight. The arrival of Arno, after a few seconds in solitude that you shared with the Frenchman that seemed eternal, you finally continued walking to continue your journey towards the surface.
"My name is Bonaparte. Napoleon Bonaparte," the named one introduced himself, this time taking a little lead to be able to guide you to the safest place he knew without being seen by the extremists or the Templars. "Second Lieutenant of Artillery, for now."
"Arno Dorian is the man who follows us. I think you've heard me mention his name before," you said in response, avoiding his questioning look that seemed to ask for your own name, although you didn't give him any answer to it. "I'll assume you don't want us to place you here if they ask us about you."
Napoleon shook his head gently, coming to his senses instantly.
"Indeed. And, a personal favor: If anyone asks, I was never here," the lieutenant indicated with a soft smile, looking at you out of the corner of his eye while he stretched his posture a little to appear a little more imposing in your presence, perhaps trying to make sure if you were or not looking at him. "Watched the whole thing from a furniture store across from the Carousel."
Arno, who was behind you, looked with a circumspect look at the way you occasionally turned your head to the man in uniform next to you, sometimes letting him get a little ahead of you to look at his wide back and his strong shoulders, while the other only tilted his head a little to look at you, your clothing and the small dagger that rested on the belt of your pants. Somehow, it seemed like you were both dancing around each other curiously as if you had never seen someone like the other in your entire life. You had met many French soldiers, and he had recognized a couple of murderers walking around Paris, so you questioned each other about what made the other so interesting; Maybe it was the authority that Napoleon seemed to exhume that attracted you so much to his person or maybe it was seeing your strange agility and sarcasm that caught the lieutenant's attention so much. The only thing you knew was that you found the other a fascinating specimen.
Your footsteps sounded in unison as you climbed the stairs that marked the final stretch of your adventure together; It would be unlikely that the three of you would meet again for a similar mission.
"You may want to take cover," Napoleon murmured, placing his arm in front of your body to keep you behind him while you watched Dorian stand behind one of the boarded-up furniture in the room, prepared for whatever might happen later. A surprising explosion caught your attention and made the entire room resonate, causing various tinted bricks to be thrown in your direction, but they did not even touch you due to the protection that Napoleon's body provided. Looking over the lieutenant's shoulder you spotted a small unit of French troops, in their typical white and blue uniform, in front of the hole destroyed by one of the cannons that had been fired at the abandoned house. That caused your mouth to open in surprise.
"Everything all right, sir?" Asked one of the soldiers as he entered the hole opened by the cannon shot, trying not to fall due to the various pieces of wall that now protruded, verifying that Bonaparte's condition was correct, making sure of your presence next to that of the other assassin who still remained behind the sofa that had covered him.
"Fine, Corporal. Superb shot!" The brown-haired man complimented, directing his gaze towards you for a moment before slowly removing his arm from you, making you smile again as you raised one of your eyebrows curiously. "Regular drills are critical to a regiment's success. I'm afraid we part ways here."
"What about Rouille?" Arno interrupted, coming out of his hiding place and ending your strange intimate moment, making your different gazes stop on his tall person.
"Give me a few days. I'll see what I can learn of his current position. Perhaps I can arrange an introduction," Napoleon replied before noticing how you went around him and took the lead to leave the building, making sure how the sunlight now bathed your body covered by your black uniform, and that stylized your petite figure a little.
With a quick farewell to your companion, Napoleon took off after you. He made sure how they found you by gently rubbing his eyes at the change in light; You had spent several minutes underground or covered by a shadow, so feeling the sun's rays on you was a small surprise that bothered your bright eyes.
"You saved us, and now you abandon us. Where are you going?" Napoleon questioned as he stood next to you, in front of his carriage that would take him to his residence. "Maybe I can take you closer."
"I don't think it's necessary for you to take me anywhere. I can manage," you said with a soft smile, then caressing your cheek as your pupils adjusted to the change in light. "You have a lot of work to do. I wouldn't want to bother a lieutenant for something like that."
Your leg was about to move away when Napoleon stopped you again, this time gently grabbing your arm, causing your gaze to turn to him again due to the sudden grip.
"Is there any chance you can at least give me your name?" That question made you realize one thing: Napoleon was really interested in you, and since he was interested, there was no way he was going to give up anytime soon.
"There is always a possibility, Lieutenant. Don't give up on looking for me, maybe you'll find me running away from one of you men, or you'll find me perched on the window of your office and, by then, maybe I'll give you an answer to that question."
With those words, you freed yourself from Napoleon's grip before walking towards one of the benches near your position, cutting a rope that was attached to a counterweight with your dagger before flying into the air, causing a strange smile to appear on Bonaparte's face, making him think that he had received an arrow shot because of you.
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x-heesy · 27 days
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Courage is like love; it must have hope for nourishment. -Napoleon
#autosuggestion #pointofview #codingyourself #programyourself #endlessness #creatingyourself #neverstoplearning #fantasy #empathy #equality #respect #love #basics
𝙺𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚁𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚋𝚢 𝙰𝚛𝚝 𝙳𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝, 𝙰𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚞𝚜 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗
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floatyflowers · 6 months
Dark! Napoleon Bonaparte x Reader
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You are Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI's daughter who was sent away before getting captured or beheaded like your family.
Honestly, you wanted to forget about everything that happened, and move on.
However, that unfortunately was impossible especially when Napoleon Bonaparte became the emperor of France.
Napoleon invited you to come back to court, assuring that you will be safe under his protection.
You hesitantly agree, praying that it's not a trap.
And surprisingly, it wasn't, Napoleon received you in his court with a smile and open arms, not caring about the opinions of others about that matter.
The reason for Napoleon's passion towards you is because he saw a painting of you and immediately became obsessed.
When you found out that the French emperor plans on making you his mistress.
You planned to escape, not wanting to be put in a scandalous position.
However, during your escape in the middle of the night, trying to leave the palace with your servants.
You didn't expect to see Napoleon waiting for you at the exit with his soldiers.
He only smiles at you upon seeing your frightened expression.
"I do not remember giving you permission to leave, my dear"
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xxsycamore · 10 months
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𝐍𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞
↬ 👖 Napoleon has a little problem dressing up for a date in the 21st Century. Luckily, the mansion's residents are there to give him fashion advice, divided into team Sexy, team Defense, and team Cute.
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Napoleon Bonaparte x MC, ft. all residents ( Leonardo, Mozart, Arthur, Isaac, Dazai, Comte, Sebastian, Jean, Theo, Vincent, Shakespeare) • rating: G • tags: Humor; Crack; Dress Up • wordcount: 1,797 • masterlist
a/n: An early celebration for Napoleon's upcoming birthday, with the prompt Napo Style from my Napoleon Birthday Celebration 2023 event! Enjoy the chaos!
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Thanks to The Door at Comte's mansion being fixed and thus allowing a safe trip through the time and space continuum, newer and cooler dating spots are now available for the mansion's lovebirds, Napoleon and MC! How exciting is that? The latter is especially enthusiastic about strolling the streets of 21st-century Paris and showing off her lover…
The former is currently losing his mind.
Because there is an hour left until they step into the vortex of time-traveling, and Napoleon has no idea how people in the future dress for a date. At all.
"This is a problem." Napoleon muses out loud as he paces back and forth in the mansion's lounge room. Of course, he's not alone there, in this house you never get a moment of privacy no matter where you are. Currently he shares his air with… Leonardo, Mozart, Arthur, Isaac, Dazai, Comte, Sebastian, Jean, Theo, Vincent, Shakespeare… wait, why are all of them here?! Even Shakespeare? Could it be that his worries are so prominently written on his face that the residents' gossip-meter was able to track it, and now they're bursting with curiosity?!
"Everything alright, Naps?" Arthur tests the waters, taking a noisy sip from his coffee.
"Yeah, you can always tell us if you have problems with your dating life. That's what friends are for."  Theo chimes in, folding his arms in front of his chest.
"Problems with my dating life? No, it's just… I don't know how to dress up for the date. I thought that maybe I could just go with these clothes…?" Napoleon shrugs, fixing the lapels of his jacket.
"I strongly suggest you don't." Joins Mozart, closing the piano he was pretending to play as he listened in.
"Then what do I put on? MC will be ready in just a moment and she'll no doubt be stunning. Gods… Can any of you help me out?"
"We can."
"Alright old chap, come out whenever you're ready. Too bad that our team's idea is first and therefore it will put an early end to this fashion show." Arthur boasts confidently as he takes his place on the left along with his other team members, part of the Sexy team. As the curtain is dramatically swooshed to reveal Napoleon, the audience livens up in a cacophony of different murmurs…
Napoleon has no idea why the bunch targeted his favorite red curtain-- erm, cape, as the first thing to be removed from the outfit, but in a flash Napoleon sees it hanging from the staircase's railing and he understands. The small space behind the stairs becomes a makeshift changing booth… he does live with the smartest men in history after all. From there on, the smart ideas keep on coming as he steps behind the curtain and braces himself for accepting the various articles of clothing being handed to him to try on.
Napoleon poses awkwardly while trying to hide his attributes, the small cloth hiding his crouch area making it difficult as his pants have been reduced to just that, a loincloth that his trademark big belt holds together. His shirt too has suffered a massive reduction in length and now barely covers his chest, leaving his abs and stomach exposed, a similar thing done to his sleeves so the shirt now reminds more of a tank top of sorts. The golden epaulets from his jacket remain. His boots are untouched, at least. His look is completed with ruffled hair for a messier, sexier hairstyle.
"Ahem. As you may know, the 21st century is vastly different from our times in terms of dressing to impress… so to say, the meaning of that phrase is turned upside down!"
"Undress to impress!" With a finger in the air and a smile on his face, the most unlikely member of team Sexy, Vincent, hurries to add. Before Theo can collapse, Vincent backs up his (unbeknownst to him) scandalous vision with a little bit of his wisdom. "How nice that is, a world that celebrates the body instead of hiding it. Napoleon has a body that many would put on a canvas, and he should celebrate it!"
"Thank you, Vincent."
"Sebastian, why are YOU on this team?" Someone in the crowd asks.
Despite Arthur's confidence in winning this "competition", the other teams are more than eager to have their go in an attempt to beat his idea of modern fashion. After another round of handing stuff to the haphazardly changing behind the curtain Napoleon, a group of four residents get ready to present their idea.
With a perfect little nod, Sebastian says matter-of-factly, "Master Napoleon has a body that many would put on a canvas, and he should celebrate it."
With difficulty, a man in a knight's heavy full armor (that normally can be found in one of the hallways as a decoration) steps in front of the audience's eyes, who they can only assume is Napoleon, due to not a tad of his identity being visible underneath this "outfit".
As a leader of Team Defense, Jean turns to the audience to explain. "The modern world is filled with dangers we're unaware of. Napoleon should prioritize his safety," he eyes his teammate, Shakespeare, who is ready to take the word next: "As well as the safety of his beloved. Thus he clothes in steal and prepares a heavy blade, or a dozen; if the chance arises, he shall defeath all that's on his path, in the name of her!"
As Napoleon hears the signal, he demonstratively takes out a spear, a chain mace, a war hammer, a longsword…! The audience takes a step back.
"They're right. You never know what's out there. There might be cats." Theo nods approvingly, slapping Napoleon's armor as if to test its durability. The last member of team Defense, Mozart, is ready with his own argument.
"Everything there must be dirty. This will protect him from exposure."
Still, this can't end without the final third team showcasing their own unique idea of dressing up Napoleon. And besides, the mansion's daddy, Comte, being a leader of this team is enough to make everyone quiet down and pay attention.
It's a shockingly good argument.
"And finally, team Cute. Because you, my dears, are forgetting a key element of what our fashion show is about, and that is helping our Napoleon win his girl's heart all over again, in a different time, in a different world. We must look from the eyes of MC. And a lady like her, oh her heart surely sings at the sight of everything that can be called cute. She'll swoon and melt as she witnesses Napoleon embracing his inner adorableness; that is for sure!"
Without further ado, Napoleon steps forward, revealing his outfit that for some reason troubles his walking more than the armor from before… the reason might be the tight corset Comte put him in, one made for men nonetheless, but still making it hard for the soldier to act naturally wearing. Especially combined with those high-heeled boots! There's not a trace of any dark colors anywhere to be seen, from frilly innocent whites to sunny yellows to baby pinks, he's dolled up like a little prince from a fairytale. His hair which is the only color out of place, is densely covered in small hairclips, that are not exactly Comte's style, so there might be put there by…
"Napo-chan is so kawaii with the little hair accessories I put on him. I'm convinced MC won't resist kissing you all over."
"Why am I on this team?!" Laments Isaac, whose contribution is narrowed down to an apple he found laying around… surprisingly, posing with the apple does add cute points to Napoleon's look, as much as the physicist hates to admit. He's only on this team because he refused to join in the absurdity of the other two…
"They're right, Naps." Leonardo agrees with a hand on his chin. "I've heard cara-mia gush all over you being cute when you make a slip-up from your mister perfect persona. Be a little clumsier and clueless. She'll find it charming."
Napoleon hums and looks at the palms of his glove-clad hands, a little lost. "I'm, uhhh… not so sure what you mean."
"That's it, just like that."
"Okay, that's all, which team won?" Arthur asks impatiently, not very amused about the fact that his coffee mug is now empty.
"That's for Napoleon to decide. What do you think, Napoleon?"
Napoleon takes a look at all the faces lit up in expectation, and makes a "wait" gesture as he disappeared behind the curtain again. A few seconds later he is out, dressed in what appears to be an untouched replica of his original outfit, but almost hidden beneath various items that each of the teams can recognize as their own.
"You all joined forces to help me, so the answer can only be a combination of your efforts. With this, I'm confident about covering all bases necessary for a successful date with my Nunuche. Thank you."
"Spoken like a true leader!" Dazai cheers, instantly approving the idea.
The door swings open as MC walks in at a fast pace, hurrying to collect Napoleon's hand and take him away. She's dressed in a simple sundress and wearing her light pink bag over a shoulder with the little Mousette charm hanging from it.
"There you are Napoleon, we're going to be late for our date…! What are you wearing?"
Napoleon makes a troubled humming noise as he shakes off item after item, throwing them in different directions as they clatter against the floor and roll off somewhere. He's back in his day-to-day outfit.
"Nothing much. Nunuche, the truth is… you're stunning. I didn't want to disappoint you. I'm sorry but I couldn't find anything to dress up for our date."
"Oh? What are you talking about, we're going to get you dressed up right now! As soon as we step out of the door we'll go to my friend Mai's boutique and you can have a full Comtherapy!"
"…I…What's a Comtherapy?"
"A Comte-therapy! A shopping therapy, dummy! He even gave me money to dress you up this morning! Thank you, daddy Comte!"
"You're welcome, ma cherie."
"COMTE? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?" a bunch of voices speak up at the same time.
"Why, my dearest residents and I were having so much fun. Who am I to spoil it?"
Amidst the chaos, Napoleon and MC begin to laugh, their hands still intertwined because of MC's earlier attempt to sneak Napoleon out of the rowdy room. Napoleon smirks and takes the lead, leaving the residents to their wits.
"Come on, Nunuche. Let's go on our date."
MC swoons and gawks, following right after.
"Gods Napoleon, you're so charming!"
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @my-day6 Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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moumouton4 · 5 months
Hello :3
Pretty please could you write a Napoleon x reader
Where napoleon gets freaky with reader under the table, like in the movie ;3
Thank you so much, :D
Under The Table || Napoléon Bonaparte x reader
A/n : Hello pumpkin ! I'm so grateful for your request because since I've watched the movie I just wanted to write a fic about it so thank you ! 🍨
A/n 2 : As you may know I'm French and I live about 20 min from the Castle of Rueil-Malmaison ( yeah that's a flew lol look at that ) I decided to write the 2 dialogues in French but the translation will follow right after don't y'all worry 😂
Warnings : no mention of gender for reader, sex under the table, kinda exhibitionism, oral!reader receiver, penetrative sex, cream pie, implicit bathtub sex, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 917
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Sitting a the banket table, finishing the divine meal you just had, with a good dessert, you couldn't help but feel an intense gaze on you
Dipping your spoon in your chocolate mousse once more, you made sure it was full before bringing it back to your lips, still feeling that same lingering gaze following your every move
As you turn the spoon in your mouth, you couldn't help but keep staring everywhere in the room, everywhere but at him. It was just the power he seemed to have over you, even after all those years
Licking the back of the spoon clean, you heard him groan under his breath at the other side of the table
Finally gathering enough courage to look up, you could see him biting on his lip, he wanted you, there was no doubt about it. It was as if the whole night you had spent having sex wasn’t enough for to sat his appetite
He blinks oh so slowly, squinting his eyes at you as he manages to looks even more intently at you, and you know exactly was is going to happen after
You knew that he was man to take what he wanted without needed for permission, but he rendered you nevertheless speechless when he slipped down his chair and under the table, making his way towards you on all four
You swallowed nervously knowing very well that the maître d’hôtel was still in the dining room, and also very aware of what was about to unfold, even if he didn’t show it. Though his job asked for it, he didn’t bat an eyelash, standing up straight, staring at the wall in front of him, waiting for an order from the master or mistress of the house
Now that he was in front of you, his hands came to strongly rest on your knees before pushing them open, revealing your most intimate parts to him
He then quickly pushed the fabrics that needed to be pushed and removed the cloth that was blocking access to his 2nd dessert
You heard him groan again as he glanced at your arousal, he didn’t need anymore second to feel the need to devour you completely
That’s how he started eating you out, sucking at your flesh and drinking every juices your body was eager to give him. Meanwhile your face was bright red as you did your best to cover any moans from the waiter’s ears
You also breathed out when after some time of receiving oral you didn’t feel anything itch, for once the Cosican man didn’t eat anything spicy - maybe he had this in mind all along
On the other hand, you can feel how forcefully his tongue pushes against your intimacy, as if he were hungry, hungry for you
Though after eating it like that, he starts feeling himself throb in his pants, his balls tightening in a way that screams his need to cum soon. He is not the type to be able to cum from only giving an oral, but he is clearly the type that goes feral while or after giving one. His cock needs the stimulation of your pulsing walls now
He doesn’t bother to know if you came from his oral ministrations or not, you’re going to cum around his cock anyways
His hands seizes your hips and with a swift pull he brings you under the table with him, before lying you on the cold white tiled floor
“Dehors !” he screams at the man that was still in the room, his voice booming against the walls of the dining room of his Castle of Rueil-Malmaison. The latter didn’t need anything more, before almost zooming out the room ( “Out !” )
Now that he has you all to himself, Napoléon doesn’t waste any more time in taking off his waistcoat for greater range of motion
Before you know it his cock is pushing past your tight hole, until he is fully sheathed inside you
If you ask for time to adjust to his size, he won’t stay still, though he will move his hips way more carefully than he would have if you didn’t ask
But after a moment, he just unleashes his full wrath and passion, snapping his hips against yours, his mouth nipping at your tender flesh as his movements stay relentless
His obsessive passion for you is emanating through every actions he makes, and at this point he is fucking you so hard, that you know you’re back is going to hurt a little bit after
Even with the great amount of stamina he has, your husband is like every other man and after something like 20 minutes of hard fucking, and having you climax and milk his throbbing member, he is on the verge of ecstasy
The room, once filled with the rhythmic sounds of flesh against flesh now quiets, as his hips now pushed flush against yours stills, as he comes and pours his semen inside you, the only thing that can be heard now is your heavy breathings and the pounding of your hearts in your ears
He kisses your lips once more, as if his mouth didn't spend the past moments stuck on it before speaking with a still husky voice "Allons dans la baignoire, ma Chère, mmh ? J'ai l'impression que nous avons des affaires à régler là-bas" ( “Let’s take you to the bathtub my Dear, mmh ? I feel like we have some unfinished business to attend over there” )
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fang-and-feather · 2 months
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Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Rating: G
Category: F/M, M/M, Multi
Relationship: Napoleon Bonaparte/Sebastian/OC
Prompt(s): Break from Multimamory March Day 19, Mundane Tasks from OC x Canon Week Day 2 and Breakfast in Bed from Flufftober Spring Edition Day 8 - @polyamships, @theocxcanonweek, @flufftober
Words: 818
Summary: Napoleon is determined to make sure his partners have the break they deserve, even if he has to force himself out of bed way too early.
Next Chapter / IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist / AO3 Link
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Napoleon yawned as he practically dragged himself to the kitchen before the sun was even up.
He wasn’t used to being out of bed this early. Or early at all. And just making sure he would wake up in time was tricky. Especially in this stormy weather that was so inviting to just sleep through.
But he was determined to make sure his partners had the break they deserved. Sebastian and Amy worked too much. Their job was taking care of the house and its residents, but even then, he thought they worked way too hard, rarely taking breaks or days off. It had improved a little after the three of them started dating, but sometimes Napoleon still worried and did his best to aid them.
But it was the first time he had forced himself to get up this early to make breakfast to surprise them, not only with breakfast in bed, but with a surprise break. Amy hadn’t been feeling well these days, so Sebastian was working a lot more on his own. Napoleon did his best to help, but it was about time he took it a step further and gave them a proper break.
Napoleon learned to do these tasks out of a sense of duty. He was one of the few people who actually needed to eat in that house, and given his sleep schedule, it was best if he learned to cook for himself instead of giving more work for Sebastian. But now, he liked that he could use these skills to help his partners, and he actually enjoyed such mundane tasks. They gave him a strange sense of peace and normalcy.
Who would have guessed his second life as a vampire would be more normal than his first one as human.
Although no human in this time would consider him having two partners normal.
He was almost finishing making breakfast when Amy walked into the kitchen.
“Good morning.” She greeted, kissing his cheek.
“Good morning. Did you come looking for me?” He teased.
“No. Water. I saw you leave, and I knew you’d be here, though. As surprising as it is to find you up even before us.”
“Did I wake you up?”
Amy shook her head as she drank the water.
“I was feeling too uneasy to sleep.” She added, rubbing a hand over her belly. “But the food smells good, actually. I think I’m fine enough to eat.”
She’d been feeling understandably sick these days, to the point she had difficulty eating sometimes.
“Good thing I made some light food. Even if you feel better, it’s good to go easy, Nunuche.” Napoleon ruffled his girlfriend’s hair, to which she pouted.
“Not too easy, I hope. I’m quite hungry.”
As if to make a point, her stomach growled, making Napoleon laugh and her pout even more.
“Well, go back to bed then, and we’ll feed this little bear of yours. I just hope we have enough food.”
“Do you want help to finish here?”
“I’m almost done. And if you stay, Sebastian will come looking for us, and you know we can barely get him to rest once he’s up, even on his days off.”
He laughed, but Amy looked surprised, then smiled at him.
“It’s hard to get used to the change, isn’t it?” She chuckled.
Napoleon hadn’t even noticed this time, but sometimes, especially when his boyfriend wasn’t around, he fell back to using the name Sebastian. It didn’t help that even Amy did so when other people were around.
“I just need to get used to it.”
“I know. I had the same problem the other way around. I knew Aki since we were children, but when I arrived here, he was using a different name, and I can’t say it was easy for me to keep up with the change at first.”
“And still isn’t. Or he lets you call him Aki?”
“Well, at least neither of us tends to mix up while he’s around.” Amy laughed, then kissed him.
“I’m sure he would understand.”
“He would let it go. From you. And only because he’s not used to the fact that you’re his boyfriend. From me, he would make sure I never slip again.”
Napoleon laughed at the way she blushed while saying that, in a tone that sounded afraid of how that would happen. But if it was something she was blushing over, it was also something she wouldn’t mind.
And he was still laughing as he watched her leave before resuming his work.
Amy wouldn’t admit it, but she still had such conflicted feelings about certain aspects of their relationship too. The three of them had much to get used to.
A lazy morning with breakfast in bed was a good step forward. A nice meal with the people you loved always made things easier. Or so Napoleon was determined to find out.
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Tag List: @tele86, @nightghoul381, @natimiles, @bicayaya, @eventinelysplayground, @queengiuliettafirstlady, @2-lines-and-a-circle, @kissmetwicekissmedeadly
If you want to be tagged/untagged on future writings, you can reply to this post or send me a message
IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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goldendoodledenny · 29 days
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Requested by... Me! It's a bonus!
Joris x gn reader- s/o that bakes hcs pt1 (sfw)
Reader is gender neutral and referred to as y/n
These are head cannons about Joris and his s/o that like to bake him sweets 😋
• he always loved to come home to the smell of you ✨baking✨ smth
• it's the BEST
• he loves the tasty goodies you make
• just for HIMMM
• (lil Napoleon Bonaparte looking ass)
• he's, like, 3 foot 1
• so if he gets home while you're baking
• he'll set his hammer down
• standing on it
• and asking about what's baking
• if he's home while you're cooking, he helps you with the ingredients and such
• jumping up to get the stuff you can't get to if you're shorter
• he REALLY likes your baking
• and sometimes gets a bit impatient while you're decorating the treats
• he watches, eager to eat some
• you finally give him one
• and he saviors it
• "mhhh... Thank you, babe..."
• he loves when you ask him to taste test new goodies
• even if they taste bad
• he gives you some constructive criticism from a cook book he found
• and pats your head
• saying it'll be better next time
• he sometimes tries to bake too
• but always needs help
• except for certain things
• choco chip cookies? Yah
• simple cupcakes? Sure
• a two layered cake? Nope
• he has enough trouble with ONE layer
• something that is even a LITTLE hard to bake? Hell no
• dude REALLY needs help baking wise
• but he's good at being a helper, so that's nice
• and you should let him help
• it's nice bonding time <3
The End 🖤
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lorei-writes · 8 months
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@wordycheeseblob Sakiiii, I'm bringing this here, because I'm not sure my moots from the main blog are ready to hear about vampiric Napoleon Bonaparte and his fellow horny immortals armed in orgasm-inducing fangs, haha.
Okay, so, for standard vampires? I place my bet on permanent fangs, alike to those of large felines -- good for slicing throats open. Drink up, buddy! (Just an assumption, though -- partially based on the fact that they'd likely too be mammals, and well, that seems to be a fairly close... Although... Wait, maybe canines of large apes would be a closer estimate?)
As for IkeVamp Vampires... You know, the thing that bothers me about those teeth is that they retract. How can a bone do that while staying relatively sturdy? Do they have telescopic bones (?) with sharp ends? I almost wonder whether they don't employ a shark-like mechanism and simply don't have some semi-disposable (???) fangs...
Then, there's the entire "orgasmic fangs" thing (?). It leads me to wonder what is there to their bite to universally (??) have such an effect... Hmm...
This is probably far-fetched, but I'd assume some variant of disposable needle-like teeth, with some sort of *gestures vaguely* substance (? venom?) being injected (the diameter of the needle is unclear) to induce *gestures more vaguely* horny x 1000, I suppose. Say, canines similar to those of venomous snakes -> rapid growth (vampiric powers; to extend them) -> dispose of the grown fangs (re-absorbtion???) -> replace them with a fresh set of not-yet-extended fangs (?)
... I'm sorry, this all is a disorganised collection of (?) and (???), hahaha.
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the-grove · 3 months
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So we we're thinking of trying to narrow down who the potential starter Pokemon for Pokemon legends Z-A could be, assuming they do something similar to pokemon legends Arceus. So lets see who can we cross out...(Via pure speculation and theory crafting)
The Kalos Starters themselves, if it is similar to Arceus than it is very likely that we won't have any of the actual original starters for Kalos... they will be available in the game at some point but they won't be starters..
The Second Kalos Starters AKA the Kanto Starters- In the original X and Y you were gifted one of the Kanto starters once you reached Luminise City. So I will be counting them as starters for Kalos as well. It is also just a theory but I feel like if a pokemon already has a Mega Evolution it will probably be not one of the starters.
The Starters in Legends Arceus- WIth a wide variety of choices I feel like it is unlikely that they will go to the same pool of pokemon for the second legends game.
The Hoenn starters- This is Pure Speculation on my part, it is the ones I am least confident about. But the Hoenn starters all have Mega Evolutions, and I feel like they are going to want to put the focus on new mega evolutions/ new regional forms for these starters. So I just see these as Unlikely
The Elimination Round is over.. lets look at potential choices....
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Now there is one Pokemon I am almost certain will be one of the starters. Another trend around the Pokemon Legends Arceus, is that they connected the pokemon and the new form to Japanese lore and history. There is one pokemon that Immediately comes to my mind for Kalos (AKA France) PIplup and its final evolution Empoleon are literally named after Napoleon Bonaparte, I double checked and this is something that is true across most if not all of the languages so this isn't just an American naming convention thing. With me that I'm sure it's very likely that Piplup will be the water starter and we can cross out the remaining water type and the other Sinnoh starters.
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Next up there is another pokemon that has a connection to France. and that is the Snivy or Serperior line. Sugimori specifically mentioned Lady Oscar from The Rose of Versailles manga which is about the years leading up to and during the *The French Revolution,* Bulbapedia also makes note that some refrences might be connected to Louis XIV but thise seems less certain. So while I actually secretly hope i'm wrong and that it will be Chikorita(who deserves some love and a rework that a regional form could provide) I have a strong reason to believe it will be Snivy/Serperior
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That would lead three pokemon Scorbunny, Fuecoco, and Litten. And honestly of these 3 I would have no clue. None of them seem particularly connected to france. I would say Fuecoco seems unlikely since its from the most recent generation. But Rowlett was also from a fairly recent generation... and then it hit me... Rowlett wasn't the most recent generation..but the generation right before that. And now lets look at Scorbbunny and Cinderace a bit, and Galar. Galar and Kalos if like there real world counterparts would be fairly close, and potentially have history together. Soccer while not unique to France is popular there. I think while it is the one I am least certain of I have to say it seems like a reasonable possibility. Sorbunny also would gives us one mammal, one bird, and one reptile which fits nicely in terms of creature diversity. So that will be my guess!
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So just based off speculation my guess is that Snivy, Piplup, and Scorbunny will be our starters for Pokemon Legends Z-A
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voltage-vixen · 1 year
‘Tis the Season for Love Content Creation Challenge Masterlist
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Here’s the Masterlist from @xxsycamore’s and mine ‘Tis the Season for Smut Challenge! The featured content includes an assortment of creations, and includes works from the following fandoms:
Cybird    >Ikemen Prince    >Ikemen Vampire    >Ikemen Sengoku    >Ikemen Revolution Genius    >My Secret Spy Lovers Genshin Impact Mystic Messenger Obey Me Twisted Wonderland Voltage    >Ayakashi Romance Reborn    >Court of Darkness    >Destind: Mr. Almost Right    >Kings of Paradise    >Oops! I Said Yes?!    >Star-Crossed Myth
 A 🎨 next to a creation indicates it is artwork.
*Please be advised that some of the content created for this challenge contains NSFW content and to respect the creator’s warnings and labels while also reading at your own risk.
The Fluff Prompts
Starting with preparations way too early
Ikemen Vampire
One More Christmas With You: Comte de Saint Germain x MC  @xxsycamore
Star-Crossed Myth
Recovering My Star’s Shine: Zyglavis x OC  @fang-and-feather
Sipping hot chocolate and then stealing a kiss
Ikemen Prince
Right Here: Clavis Lelouch x f!Reader  @scorchieart
Sipping Hot Chocolate and then Stealing a Kiss: Leon Dompteur x Reader  @violettduchess
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Luke Randolph x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Revolution
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Harr Silver x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Senogku
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Kennyo x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Vampire
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Jean d’Arc x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
Like You as You Are:  Shizuki x MC  @lost-khione
Sweet Drink: Koga x MC  @lost-khione
Oops! I Said Yes?!
Cocoa Kisses: Shu Hasunuma x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“Okay, maybe I DO need help putting the star on top of the tree.”
Ikemen Prince
A Little Bit Short: Yves Kloss x Reader  @myonlyjknight
Make Me Reach for the Stars: Yves Kloss x MC  @xxsycamore
My Shining Star: Gilbert Von Obsidian x Reader  @aquagirl1978
“Okay, maybe I DO need help putting the star on top of the tree.”: Chevalier Michel x Reader  @violettduchess
“This gingerbread house just WON’T stay up!”
Ikemen Prince
A Chaotic Christmas: All princes, Emma, and OC in a platonic grouping  @myonlyjknight
A Sweet Moment: Yves Kloss x OC  @fang-and-feather
Ikemen Revolution
“This gingerbread house just WON’T stay up!”: Harr, Loki, and OC in a platonic grouping  🎨    @krys-loves-otome
Sharing a scarf
Ikemen Prince
Scarf Sharing: Leon Dompteur x Reader @violettduchess
The Scarf: Licht Klein x Reader  @myonlyjknight
Warmth: Gilbert Von Obsidian x OC  @gilbertvonobsidian
Ikemen Sengoku
A Warm Winter Day: Kicho x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Sharing a Scarf: Kennyo x OC 🎨   @krys-loves-otome
Ikemen Vampire
Attention On Me!: Napoleon Bonaparte x MC  @xxsycamore
Mystic Messenger
Snuggles in the Snowfall: Jumin Han x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“I said that I’d teach you how to ice skate, I didn’t say that I know how to ice skate.”
Ikemen Prince
Ice Skating: Clavis Lelouch x Reader  @violettduchess
Kings of Paradise
“I said that I’d teach you how to ice skate, I didn’t say that I know how to ice skate.”: Yosuke Sagara x OC 🎨  @cupidocherie
Forced to wear an ugly Christmas sweater
Ikemen Prince
An Uncanny Resemblance:  Silvio Ricci x MC/Emma  @midwinterrmemento
The Ugly Sweater Party: Silvio Ricci x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Vampire
Our Ugly Getalong Christmas Sweater Party: All residents of Comte’s mansion in a platonic pairing  @xxsycamore
Being the MC/LI’s fake date for a Christmas party/ball
Ikemen Prince
Fake Date: Nokto Klein x OC 🎨  @krys-loves-otome
Mine For a Christmas Night: Jin Grandet x Reader  @xxsycamore
What a Difference a Year Makes - Chevalier Michel x Reader  @aquagirl1978
My Secret Spy Lovers
My Rescuer: Masamune Araki x Reader  @ikemen-prince-writers-posts
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
Dancing Between Emotions: Toichiro/OC   @fang-and-feather
Surprising their partner in the morning with a new pet underneath the Christmas tree
Ikemen Vampire
Birds Of A Feather: Dazai Osamu x MC   @xxsycamore
Court of Darkness
Puppy Love: Toa Qelsum x MC   @chirp-a-chirp
Destind: Mr. Almost Right
The Gift of Family: Rei Rindoh x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“Those clichéd traditions are exciting for me, now that I have you.”
Obey Me
It’s A Wonderful Life: Diavolo x gn!MC  @chirp-a-chirp
Twisted Wonderland
Traditions: Malleus Draconia x Reader  @ikemen-prince-writers-posts
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
First Shrine Visit: Gaku x Futaba  @lost-khione
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The Smut Prompts
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Warming up together after a snowball fight
Ikemen Prince
Warming Up Together After A Snowball Fight: Chevalier Michel x MC @ludivineikewolf
Genshin Impact
The Winnings of War: Childe x f!Traveler  @voltage-vixen
Wearing nothing but a ribbon around the neck
Ikemen Prince
A Kitten for Christmas: Sariel Noir x Reader @norel-ravenclaw
Ikemen Vampire
I’m Yours Tonight: Arthur Conan Doyle x OC  @fang-and-feather
Fun under the blanket
Ikemen Revolution
Fun Under the Blanket: Fenrir Godspeed x MC  @ludivineikewolf
Ikemen Vampire
Another New Year: Napoleon Bonaparte x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Bodies roasting by the open fire
Ikemen Prince
Bodies Roasting By An Open Fire: Clavis Lelouch x MC  @ludivineikewolf
Ikemen Sengoku
Warlord Roasting By An Open Fire: Nobunaga Oda x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“A kiss under the mistletoe doesn’t have to be where we stop.”
Ikemen Prince
Don’t Stop: Jin Grandet x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Insatiable Cravings: Silvio Ricci x Reader  @ikemen-prince-writers-posts
Ikemen Revolution
Mistletoe Not Require: Zero x f!Reader  @chaosangel767
Court of Darkness
Nothing Else to Compare: Roy Invidia x MC  @chirp-a-chirp
Star-Crossed Myth
Sweet Heat: Zyglavis x OC   @fang-and-feather
“I’ve decided I don’t want to be on the nice list this Christmas.”
Ikemen Revolution
Dalim, Baby: Dalim Tweedle x f!Alice  @voltage-vixen
Ikemen Vampire
The Gift of Your Touch: Issac Newton x OC  @fang-and-feather
“Actually, there is one more thing on my wish list.”
Ikemen Vampire
A Joyful Wish: Charles-Henri Sanson x Reader  @aquagirl1978
“Actually, there is one more thing on my wish list.”: Vincent va Goh x OC 🎨  @krys-loves-otome
Obey Me
A Wish Come True: Diavolo x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“Those clichéd traditions are exciting for me, now that I have you.”
Ikemen Prince
Yours For A New Year’s Morning: Jin Grandet x Reader   @xxsycamore
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aquagirl1978 · 1 year
You can hear a ghost wailing from somewhere and it goes Napo smuuuuut Napo smuuuuuut......
This must be one of those Christmas Ghosts hanging around into the New Year. Ask and ye shall receive - let's ring in the New Year with Napoleon!
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A/N: Part of the 'Tis the Season for Love Content Creation Challenge hosted by @xxsycamore and @voltage-vixen
Pairing: Napoleon Bonaparte x Reader
Prompt: smut prompt list - Fun under the blanket
Tags: NSFW; Minors - DNI
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"Happy New Year, nunuche." His voice was slurred with sleep as he greeted you with a gentle kiss.
"It's so cold," you complained, the blankets now strewn across the bed. You quickly pulled the covers tight around your body as familiar jade eyes watched you intently.
"There's better ways to warm up," he purred. He lifted the covers; rolling on top of you, he covered your body with his. "Much better, no?"
You answered him with another kiss, this one longer and more passionate. It didn't matter how many times you had kissed, or who kissed who first - each and every kiss shared the same spark as that first kiss.
Your body tingled with anticipation as his lean frame pressed harder against yours. Still somewhat sore from your celebratory lovemaking last night, your body did not care. You yearned for this man to be inside you.
"Do you have any New Year's resolutions?"
His question took you by surprise. You pondered it for a moment, your thoughts only on Napoleon. A smile spread on your lips when you found your answer - it was clear what you wanted for this year and every year. "To be by your side."
Napoleon smiled at you, clearly pleased with your response. "What about you?" you asked quickly. While you appreciated the heart-to-heart, your core was screaming at you to move things along.
Napoleon smirked, his green eyes gleaming with mischief. Oh, he had a resolution alright.
"I want to grow our family," he said softly. Warmth filled your core as you felt his hard length push against your thigh.
"And I plan to start today."
A soft moan escaped your lips as he rubbed the tip of his cock along your slit. Teasing you, you writhed under his body, wanting more. You placed your hand atop his, guiding his cock into your entrance.
You gasped as he entered you, slowly stretching you with each push. Napoleon took his time, allowing you to adjust to his size once he was fully sheathed inside you.
A sweet pleasure filled you, his cock buried deep inside your womb. Pressing your hips against his, you pulled him closer, more than ready for this.
Napoleon brought his hands to your hips; pulling almost all the way out, he roughly thrusted back inside, eliciting loud moans from you. The small fire that started in your belly quickly grew to a raging fire, its flames engulfing you in passion.
Wrapping your legs around his waist, you pushed your hips up to meet his, his pace face and relentless. His green eyes darkened with desire as he thrusted harder and harder inside, your climax begining to build.
Unwrapping your legs from his waist, he guided your legs over his shoulders. Knowing he was close, your body tensed, then trembled, as he coaxed your first orgasm of the day.
Crying out his name, your body collapsed against the bed in a state of utter bliss. Napoleon continued to thrust inside you until he plunged himself deep inside you, his seed spilling inside you.
He remained inside you, his head resting blissfully on your chest. It wasn't long before he started to stir, his cock stiffening inside you.
Napoleon lifted his head, caressing your cheek in his palm.
"I hope you had no plans because you're not leaving this bed today."
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @atelieredux @rhodolitesrose @ikehoe @kpop-and-otome @lucyw260 @queengiuliettafirstlady @kisara-16 @lordsisterxotome @violettduchess @umi-adxhira @bellerose-arcana @crypticbibliophile @yarnnerdally
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A Gift of Eternal Gratitude
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Pairing: Napoloen Bonaparte x f!MC
Warnings: Pregnancy
Written by: @voltage-vixen​
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The crisp notes of the holiday jazz music danced throughout the room, accompanied by the cackles of the roaring fire from the mantle. Coupled with the assortment of Christmas embellishments arranged around the mansion, the ambience was set and fitting for the festivities of the day. After hours upon hours of searching for the perfect Christmas tree, they were able to finally select one that suited the couple’s desire in longing for one that radiated warmth and coziness, while simultaneously indulging in a taste of sophistication. Husband and wife were spending the day decorating.
Shiny garland, rows of lights, and ornaments of only the highest of caliber were spread out around in totes and were at MC’s full disposal. Napoleon’s lips faintly curled upward while MC pranced around the room, eyes wide and sparkling in admiration at all the crafted options she had to choose from. Over years prior, Napoleon had grown accustomed to his own Christmas tradition that he longed for, which entailed the vision of MC decorating their tree. From the way she would fret over the minute details such as which ornament should be hung on each branch, to the way she would bat her eyelashes and sheepishly smile when it came time to place the star on top of the tree.
Even on the tips of her toes, MC couldn’t reach the top on her own. Adopted as their ritual  once everything was allocated on the tree, Napoleon would give her a boost and hoist her up so that she was able to place the finishing touches on their masterpiece. There were several new customs that the Bonaparte family adapted to once Comte wedded them; most of which Napoleon never envisioned himself partaking in, but the star was one that he held dear and cherished the most. 
Except for this year since they had to adjust because-
“What do you think you’re doing?” Napoleon distressed, closing the distance between him and MC as he strode across the room. MC, whose swollen belly was now visible since she had entered her second trimester, was about to set foot onto a stepstool. “I told you I would take care of the branches you couldn’t reach. Please steer caution of any unnecessary risks, for the sake of yourself and our child.”
“I-I’m sorry,” MC whimpered, her lip trembling while her shoulders hunched. “Christmas time is one of my favorite times of year, and I only wanted to partake in our family tradition. I didn’t even imagine what may have happened to the baby if something happened.  I’m sorry, Napoleon.”
Napoleon sighed, his heart twitching at the sight of the dejected look cast onto her face. His intent was to not harm MC’s feelings; rather the father-to-be’s instincts to protect 
Desperate to fix her dampened mood, Napoleon walked over to his desk and opened the drawer that contained one of MC’s hidden away Christmas presents.
“Here, open this,” Napoleon instructed, passing the gift over to MC while willing she wouldn’t catch a glimpse of the crimson creeping into his cheeks.
Stifled were the drops of tears glistening her eyelashes as the sound of wrapping paper being torn echoed throughout the room. The familiar warmth of MC’s embrace wrapped his body into a hug. A teardrop trickled onto his neck and Napoleon swiftly moved to brush away the wetness pooling away in her eyes, before glancing down at the gift she had unwrapped clutched tightly between her fingers. Napoleon had sought the assistance of Vincent to craft a hand painted ornament of a baby’s footprint.
“Napoleon, I’ve never received this thoughtful of a present before,” she revealed, blinking at the realization that next Christmas there would be another member of the family joining them. Her hand was drawn to the swell of her abdomen, and Napoleon’s soon joined his on the top of hers. “Next year, the three of us will be celebrating Christmas together as a family.”
The very thought caused a warmth to flood his heart. Although Napoleon was secretly overjoyed at their prospective future outlook, he also selfishly wanted to savor the last holiday they would be spending alone as a couple for a while.
“Come on, that ornament isn’t going to hang itself on the tree,” Napoleon urged,  offering his assistance to MC.
He gently grabbed on to her outstretched hands and led her back over to the tree. MC surveyed the tree and then grinned at finding the perfect branch, leaving the tribute ornament front and center.
MC leaned her head onto Napoleon’s shoulder as her gaze roamed to the top of the tree. She momentarily lost herself in a sweet reminisce of how many times Napoleon and her would place the tree topper together. How such a simple action always filled her heart with such happiness was something MC would forever cherish as one of her favorite memories. Relieving those past moments gave her a sudden idea and MC perked up her head.
“Napoleon?” she prompted, capturing his gaze as looked over to address her. “Maybe in a few years, I’ll be able to join you in helping someone else put the star on the top of our tree.”
MC glanced down and rubbed her stomach affectionately. Napoleon marveled at the precious sentiment of the woman he took as his wife standing beside him in pride while their future child carried on the ritual they’ve grown accustomed to. Now that was another tradition that he could find himself looking forward to. 
Though his wife standing by his side was naïve to his thoughts, Napoleon silently vowed to spend the rest of his eternity demonstrating his gratitude to the woman who was bearing the most valuable gift that the vampire could have ever prayed to be granted.
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fromthedust · 5 months
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Egyptian Porphyry aka Imperial Porphyry (two views) - this 3/4" (2cm) chip was found on the walk from the parking lot up to the ruins of Hadrian's Villa in 1998.
In Imperial Roman times this stone was considered as the inherent personal property of the Emperor throughout the realm.
It comes from only one source; a single mountain in Egypt that the Romans called Mons Porphyry. It is a purple, volcanic stone, very dense and fine-grained, with small white inclusions.
According to Pliny’s Natural History, Imperial Porphyry was discovered in 14 (or 18?) CE by Caius Cominius Leugas, a Roman legionary.  Seeing that this hard stone was the purple color which symbolized Imperial power, he had samples brought to the Emperor Tiberius in Rome.  When Tiberius saw that this royal-colored stone was solid enough for building and carving, he decreed that “Imperial Porphyry” would be for the use of the Imperial family only.
This use to convey royalty made Imperial Porphyry truly the stone of Empire, causing it to be more significant and powerful to the Empire than gold.
The Byzantine Emperors used Imperial Porphyry to tile the interiors of some palace rooms, including the room where pregnant empresses gave birth. Young princes were given the title porphyrygenitos to indicate they were legitimate imperial heirs, born and raised in rooms of porphyry.
Constantine XI, the last of the Byzantine emperors, was crowned not in Constantinople, but in the provincial city of Mystras, which had a single Imperial Porphyry tile set into the floor. The new Emperor was said to have stood on that tile to be sworn in in 1449, continuing and ending the tradition that had been part of the Empire for more than 1,400 years.
Centuries later, Napoleon Bonaparte wanted to be buried in an Imperial Porphyry tomb, as a symbol that he was a legitimate heir to the Roman Emperors. He had officials search for the long-lost Imperial quarry during his expedition to Egypt, but was unable to find the ancient source. He was instead buried in a sarcophagus of much more common red porphyry.
The ancient quarry on Mons Porphyry was rediscovered by Sir John Wilkinson, a former president of the Royal Geographic Society in 1823, only two years after Napoleon’s death. The site - now called Jabal Abu Dukhkhan - is a World Heritage site. It is about 30 miles inland from the city of Hurghada on the southwestern shores of the Gulf of Suez by the Red Sea.
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For $19 you can purchase some porphyry chips for yourself. Or maybe something bigger:
Imperial Porphyry slab - 10½" wide x 5½" high x ½" thick - $4,500 plus shipping
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klutzyroses · 2 years
Late Hours
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Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Pairing: Napoleon x Fem!Reader
Tags: NSFW, female reader, penetration, office affair, dominant Napo, sub reader, implied fem!masturbation
Word Count: 3335
Summary: Y/N never expected to be the type to start a relationship with her boss. But how can she help it when her sexy manager keeps pulling her in with his charm? It really can't be helped sometimes...
Tagging @kissmetwicekissmedeadly , for putting this in my head...💖
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“This. Isn’t. Fair!”
Is the predominant thought on Y/N’s mind as she remains staring down her computer, but not focusing on the content it holds. The young lady had a relatively decent little life. She had an enviable job, a cute little apartment, financial independence, a relatively happy life. So…why was she glaring at her computer, begging for it to engulf and transport her into a digital world of numbers and equations? Honestly, because it would be better than the predicament she was facing in the real world.
No, it wasn’t about documents or deadlines. If only. It was much, much worse than that. This was a 5”8, dark haired problem, one that couldn’t be ignored. Her fingers tap away at her keyboard, her eyes fixated on the screen for dear life, anything to avoid acknowledging the presence of her undoing. But his smooth, captivating voice made her pause unwillingly, giving up on whatever she was supposed to be doing and surreptitiously glance at the source of the musical voice and her current despair. And there he was, standing so confident, yet so laid back that the staff he is addressing is relaxed as well. And that was common of him, that’s why everyone on this floor enjoyed working here.
When Y/N had first arrived for her interview for this job, she had been told that she would be working in a particular department, managed by a “Napoleon Bonaparte”. She had expected a scary, mean grump in his forties…she was soon met with a surprise, when she met him. His good looks and his approachable disposition were both relieving and off putting. He couldn’t be much older than she was, he was like a model from a magazine, and that alone made her feel like she was at the start of an adult romance novel. The ones surrounding an employee starting a whirlwind affair with her attractive boss. How cliché, she had thought at the time, telling herself she was not that type of girl, she knew boundaries, she was more responsible, she had more sense than that.
...Apparently she did not. Considering the situation she found herself in a month into her employment, she was that type of girl. Napoleon Bonaparte was not a bad boss, oh no. He was charming and genuine and put everyone at ease, every member of the staff had nothing but admiration and praise for him. Women loved him and men couldn’t even hate him because he was just such an effortless charmer. Who didn’t like him? Well, right now, she didn’t. And not because of him, but because of the many soaked, ruined panties she has had to get rid of during the nights he invaded her dreams. His viridian eyes glowing in the dark, his strong physique pressing her against the bed, his deep smooth voice lulling and cooing in her ear before going down on her until she cries…
“Isn't he dreamy?” The quiet gushing of her coworker provides her with a fairly superficial distraction from her thoughts. Superficial, because there was no doubt she was speaking of their handsome manager. Feigning disinterest, she gave a half hearted response.
“Yes…I guess so. Though I wouldn’t say he’s dreamy.” Her surprised colleague gave her a curious look.
“Oh? Then what would you say he is?”
Genuine, a friend, a natural leader. Sexy, enticing, forbidden, alluring, seductive. A man. That’s what she would say he was. “Dreamy” didn’t do him justice. Kind, gentlemanly, charismatic, hot, successful, friendly, essentially every woman’s fantasy…but men like him weren't supposed to actually exist. They’re supposed to be fictional, figments of the female imagination. Yet he exists and he is everything a woman could want and more. And he certainly knew how to treat a woman. But she would never divulge why she knew that firsthand. Her silence is met with the giggles of her colleague.
“You’re probably the only one here able to resist that man you know.” While Y/N answered with a playful smile, she knew it was a lie. The “slip up” that took place but two nights ago had very much shown she could not resist him. 
She hadn’t understood what she was thinking then. At all. Perhaps it was the solitude of the elevator, the ambiance of the lighting, or the close proximity to his body allowing his intoxicating scent to wash over her. Like an aphrodisiac, he rendered her helpless to stop herself from pressing herself to him, from wrapping her arms around his neck, with a whisper of his name on her soft lips before they were pressed against his. His mouth fit perfectly against hers, molding them closer together as the man’s hands found home within her hips, grasping them firmly. She simply leaned more into him, her fingers threading through midnight hair as white bangs brushed her eyelids, her lips being parted by his tongue to catch her own in a sensual dance. She finds herself completely lost to reason and sense, to the potential consequences, merely enjoying this stolen, forbidden moment with her-
The sudden sound of the elevator opening had been like ice water drenched on her. Her employer. She had just kissed her employer. She had hurriedly apologized and left in a panic before Mr Bonaparte could even respond. And she hasn’t spoken to, or even gone to his office since. That had been two nights ago, and she had reports she had been due to give him yesterday, yet she could not, for the life of her, bring herself to face him. Why? To get sacked? That would honestly be the best case scenario, she’d be lucky if she only got fired. She knew she could not keep this up forever. She has only avoided him this long because he has been so busy. But eventually he would catch up with her. After all, she works for the man!
“You know, Mr Bonaparte keeps looking over at you.” Her heart pauses and picks up again at double time, because the truth was, she could feel it. Her body could feel those jade orbs pinned onto her, no matter how much she tries to avoid it, she could feel his eyes on her. She could sense the heat in his eyes, she could sense her core starting to boil and simmer. He would probably punish her for the late documents she was supposed to give him…or for being a bad girl. Was this the time to be aroused? Of course not, but here she was, starting to get wet just from having her boss look in her direction. It just wasn’t fair. 
“L/N.” The silky voice behind her made her back straighten as her lips purse from surprise, and the suppressed squeal she had almost released just then. She meets her colleague’s eyes, who looks flustered all of a sudden and seems to try and appear invisible in the moment. With all the composure she could muster, she turns in her seat and looks into the face of her employer. He seemed normal enough, he didn’t seem to be particularly aggravated or combative. Not that he ever did, he never seemed to show anger in the time she worked under him.
“Yes, Mr Bonaparte, what can I do for you?” She swears there is a flash in his eyes and she almost reconsiders her choice of words. But he speaks again before the beauty can recant her question.
“Meet me in my office after your shift. I need to talk to you.” That’s all he says, leaving no room for argument as he takes his leave. When Y/N’s colleague looks at her, she is met with excessive tears streaming down her pretty face onto the desk in waterfalls as her big sad eyes stare forward in despair, low sobs and whimpers almost inaudible to her.
“Y/N…? Are you oka-?”
“I’m g-going to get fired!”
When she came into the dimly lit office, the floor was largely empty as other employees left to enjoy their nights, while she was mentally preparing to find a new job. 
“You’re avoiding me.” Was the first thing he said and the last thing she expected him to say. Surely, he knew why she was avoiding him…or was it arrogant to simply assume that, given she had come onto him. She knows what's coming. This was about the kiss. The kiss that had set her alight, that had her melting from the inside, unable to take it but still craving for more. A kiss that she did not regret, regardless of the situation she was in. She knows she would have done it again, though she shouldn’t be thinking about that now. She needs to save her skin right now.
“I haven’t, Mr Bonaparte, you’re incredibly busy and I also had a lot of work so…”
“You don’t really think I’d believe that, nunuche?” She is not really fluent in French, but that sounded like name calling. She supposed she deserved that… though it doesn't feel as demeaning as it probably should've felt. It almost felt intimate, like a pet name. But she shouldn’t be thinking such fanciful thoughts when she was in the middle of getting fired. All she could now is own up and hope for some kind of leniency.
“Mr Bonaparte I…I don’t know what to say I just…I’m sorry.” Just the slightest hint of a crack gave her hidden anxiety away. The quiet footsteps of her employer stopped in front of her as she averted her gaze. She is overtaken by that scent once again once again bringing that heat in her stomach.
“You should be. I’ve been trying to get you alone and to myself since that night.” Confused by the…interesting wording of that statement, the lady looks up to ask him, only to find him mere inches from her face, causing her to instinctively step back…into the wall. No sooner did she realize she was against the wall did she then notice that she was caged in by strong arms planted on either side of her, leaving her unable, and secretly unwilling, to escape. The lights of the city shining through the glass encase him in a cool light, a light he seems to be shielding her from. His eyes seem almost darkened, as though the jade had not been polished, its color muted but its light ever so vibrant with undeniable, unadulterated desire. She can only gaze back at him, as though paralyzed by the intensity of his eyes, her legs frozen, yet liable to buckle at any given moment.
“You ran away before I could get to have you, you know. I can’t say I liked that.” His light smirk almost made her heart and insides catch fire, fire as intense as the one that seems to have come alive in him. And it was a most contagious fire indeed as she felt it spread through her, which was probably what compelled her to find her voice in that moment.
“I only ran away because I knew I would beg you to take me right in that elevator, to pin against the nearest surface and pound me into oblivion…” She trails off, her voice weakening, with both need and doubt. What was she saying? That’s not what she meant to say…But it was the truth, so she couldn’t stop now, she supposed. She could only sink with her ship at this point.
“Can’t you see…how much my body craves you? How much it aches and feens for you? Just seeing you everyday gets me soaked every night…you can see that now, don’t you?”
Why was she telling him all this? She doesn’t have that answer to that but it was out now, there was no taking it back. She could only pray that her next line of employment will not have an irresistible boss too-Was he…chuckling? Was he laughing at her now? Her face morphs into a pout of embarrassment and indignation.
“Don’t laugh!”
“S…sorry, I c…can’t stop right now you’re just…you really are…” He lowers his head as his shoulders shook, keeping her captive still against the wall until his chuckles die down. When he raises his head again, those jade eyes seem to be almost glowing with a hungry light, directed straight at her. His lips are curved in a lustful smirk, spelling without words the many things he could do to her with that mouth.
“Come here.” Her hand is suddenly taken into his larger one as he lifts it to his lips. He presses a kiss to each knuckle, maintaining unabashed eye contact with her as their fingers intertwine, like the locked fingers of smitten lovers. It brings a soft warmth into her heart, making it raise, yet her entire being feels soothed, calmed. It felt less like lustful infatuation and more like something deeper…more meaningful.
“You know…I never got those filled out reports from you, Y/N…You’re falling behind.” Why was he mentioning that now? Where was this coming from? She doesn’t have enough time to ponder that before she is pulled away from the wall and guided to his desk, where a moderately modest pile of paperwork rested. She barely manages to place her hands away from the papers as he bends her over his desk, pulling her hips back to an embarrassingly provocative position in front of him.
“M…Mr Bonaparte!”
“Shh, listen to me, Y/N. You have work to do…And I expect you to finish it.” His voice sounds heavy and heated in her ear, making that burning sensation boil almost unbearably, the feeling of his chest against her back is enough to make her lose her senses, her clothing suddenly feeling less and less necessary.
“...What do you want me to do sir?” When did her voice become so sultry? So wanton and compliant? She wasn’t sure but it seems to have an effect on Napoleon. His low growl resounds into her being as he guides her hand to take the pen by her presumed “workload” as he keeps her in her position, her luscious behind straining against the inside of her skirt, the tempting outlines clear for his eyes to enjoy.
“You’re going to take this pen. And you're going to approve and sign off on these documents in front of you. And you’re going to do it now.” His hips brush against her backside, making her gasp when she feels the…evidence of his arousal on her.
“Is that clear…ma nunuche?” The whispered question is accompanied by her skirt being unzipped and slowly pulled down. Her answer was an obvious one as she swallowed.
“Yes sir…”
“A…ahhh haaa!”
She could barely catch her breath as she forcibly keeps her hand as straight as she can on the important document. Reading through it was challenging enough, thinking of the coherent, necessary sentences needed was another thing. It wasn’t as though she couldn’t understand the words in front of her, as she would any other day. It was just that it was a little difficult to focus on figures and contracts when her gorgeous, charming boss was pounding into her from behind while she did it.
“H…haaa…Mr…Bonaparte…sir..!” Her whines were enough to make him chuckle as he nipped at her ear. She pauses to arch closer to him when a particularly hard thrust sends her reeling.
“I didn’t tell you to stop nunuche. I made myself very clear.” A hard squeeze of her plush backside has her shaking her head clear and resume her work. Or at least attempt to resume it.
“Y…yes sir, I’m sorry sir…mmmm~” Her terribly disheveled state was of no consequence to her. Her previously neat hair was now loose and fallen into her flushed face, her blouse opened, the air brushing her exposed breasts and tickling her hardened nipples. To say she was a mess, would be an understatement, but he isn’t doing much better. While he was more dressed than she, his opened, ruffled shirt barely stayed on his broad shoulders whilst his pants hung loosely on his hips, just enough to allow him to rock into her, his hands gripping her hips. Both were blushed a fierce red, panting as the sounds of their passion filled the room, or rather, the entire floor, with her increasingly loud moans echoing through the walls. Who knew who could still be there, but that was not a concern for either of them. Not a big enough concern for them to stop their tryst at any rate.
“I…I…please…too good, nyaa~” Her pleas of ecstasy only urge him further as the pen falls out of her hand completely, unable to go any further with her task as his masterful hand plays with a sensitive nipple.
“Can’t even finish one little document, mon coeur?” He clicks his tongue playfully as his hand moves from her nipple, down her bare stomach and lower still.
“Guess I just have to go even harder on you.” The sudden incessant rubbing on her clit induces a cry of both pleasure and torment. The deliciously rough torture is far more than the woman could take. She didn't think she could take anymore, but clearly, Napoleon felt differently. His free hand reached even lower than his other, caressing the soft skin of her inner thigh, before he, without warning, grasps under her knee and lifts her leg off the ground, leading her to balance herself entirely on the desk as he delves even deeper inside her burning heat. She shrieks, feeling something inside her get hit full force, making her see stars.
“Mr Bonaparrrrte!!” He smirks and repeats his merciless movements, feeling her writhe and scream as he watches her, his viridian eyes half lidded and the most satisfied of smirks on his handsome visage.
“There you go, ma petite…Give into me…” His cooing in her ear made her almost dizzy as she felt the dam about to break.
“I…I…mmm….Kyaaaa!” She couldn’t even get the words out but she didn’t need to. He could feel the way she tightened around him, how her body quaked and trembled. He slowly reaches round and grasps her chin, turning her towards him to meet his eyes. Glowing jade meets sparkling orbs before he captures her lips into a fierce, heart melting kiss. He caresses her cheek, his tenderness against her lips at odds with the rough thrusts of his lower body against hers. It's a passionate, wholehearted kiss, one that fills both with a sentiment just a tad deeper than that of an employer and his employee. Just a tad.
When she at last comes apart, he is not far behind, supporting her with his arm around waist as she bears the weight of both their climaxes, her cries lost into his kiss. And through it all, he never lets her go. He only breaks the kiss when he has ridden them both out, thoroughly out of breath as he slumps down into his desk chair, taking the flustered and heavily spent beauty with him as he shifts her more comfortably on him. She tries to calm her racing heart, as her bangs stuck to her forehead slightly, her body flushed and fatigued but she was all smiles as she listened to the rhythmic heartbeat of Napoleon’s heart. Her damp bangs are moved to press a peck to her forehead as she glances up to him.
“Are you okay, nunuche?”
“Mm. Yes, I’m just fine. Perfect…actually.” He moves her to press his forehead to hers as they lock eyes. He is inscrutable for a brief moment before a slightly boyish smile, with a gleam of lustful mischief lights in his eyes.
“Good, because from now on, I’m going to need you to put in a bit more overtime from now on." He pulls her closer to his chest as her soft cheeks heat up, as the meaning of his words dawn on her.
"You understand, don’t you, ma petite?”
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xxsycamore · 1 year
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↬ 💋 "You're going to stand here against the wall because you're being punished."
Napoleon Bonaparte x Main Character • rating: E (MDNI) • tags: Bickering; Femdom to Maledom; Light Dom/sub; Lipstick; Kissing; Marking; Neck Kissing; Teasing; Nipple Play; Blow Jobs; Dirty Talk; Vaginal Sex; Size Kink; Multiple Orgasms; Creampie; Post-Sex Cuddless • wordcount: 3,831 • masterlist
a/n: Today marks FOUR years since I love this man......Enjoy🙇🏻‍♀️
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"Who kisses the other more?"
"Easy. That would definitely be me-"
"It's me."
Napoleon and MC cross their gazes, lips still parted in mutual interruption. Napoleon raises a brow, quick to defend his bold statement. "Nunuche, I love you, but no."
"Excuse me?? I'm kissing you every chance I get! And you know that!"
"Nunuche." He puts a hand over hers, insisting overconfidently. "Need I remind you of what I'm infamous for, in this mansion? They even go as far as call as to me a kissaholic, yet you still…"
"That's nothing! You might have your kiss attacks in the mornings, but I'm out there giving you full-course meals of smooches all throughout the day! Are you seriously going to argue with me about this right now?"
Vincent awkwardly sinks into his seat, lowering his face into the 101 Questions For Couples book that he picked up as an anniversary present for Napoleon and MC. He is starting to regret his choice, as he never as much as imagined these two to be the type to argue over anything at all. And now they're having a couple's argument over this. It's somehow fitting and, frankly, it's even adorable, but all he wants right now is to restore the peace between the two… but how does he do that?
Out of nowhere, (as per usual) comes Sebastian, who might have listened in. Before Vincent can wave his arms at him to signal SOS, the couple figures out by themselves how to get help from the poor butler.
Napoleon and MC turn in his direction, putting an abrupt end to what only looked like them about grab each other's collars (were they going to fight, or kiss?! ) only to shout at Sebastian, almost in one voice:
"Sebas! Which one of us do you think kisses the other more?"
Sebastian stands up stoic and serious, visibly considering their question with utmost diligence. They've given him too much power in the debate and he has to use it wisely.
His hand travels up to rest under his chin, as if deep in thought. His fingers ghost over his lips which are curling up in a smile. Could it be that he's recalling an event that would help him with his decision?
"I'd say… Monsieur Napoleon. He is the person I have more record of seeing initiating a kiss, MC."
Napoleon is busy putting his hands on his hips triumphally as MC simply stands there and gasps, taking in a gigantic portion of pure betrayal… coming from her dear co-worker of all people, nonetheless.
"That's- That's only because I keep my love in private! What's wrong with that?"
"Absolutely nothing, MC. Forgive me but even without this data, Monsieur Napoleon strikes me as the person who'd kiss you more, rather than the other way around. He is a warm and loving person who wants to remind his partner of his feelings regularly. Physical touch is his second love language. Those are my observations."
What should have been an attempt to put out MC's burning rage seems a lot more like flattery towards the man he idolizes instead. Having had enough, MC gets up in a rush, clearly headed for the door. Seeing that Napoleon is not following behind, she turns on her heel, crosses the room back to his side, grabs him by the sleeve until he's got no choice but to follow, and spells it out for him.
"We're going. To our room."
Before anyone has a chance to say anything, Napoleon is snatched away with the loud thud of a closing door echoing behind him.
Vincent closes 101 Questions For Couples shut and shakily puts it down on the tea table as if it's a cursed relic bound to bring despair. He frowns at Sebastian.
"What do you think will happen now?"
Sebastian nods with eyes at rest, as if the answer is clear as a day.
"It's obvious, Master Vincent. They are going to kiss and make up."
Napoleon knows things are about to get serious when he hears MC locking their bedroom door from the inside. Uh oh. He decides for now it's best to cross his arms and patiently wait until MC decides to approach him and address her grudges. And preferably, to remove that smirk from his face. It's a little hard when he finds her cute when mad. And what is she doing now? She seems to be tying her hair back in a slick ponytail. Someone's getting hot, perhaps. Should he be scared, or should he be aroused? The limited time to ponder is already over as she finally turns around to face him. Her angry glare is turning him on. He is not sure how to fight her with a hard-on. 
"Hey." MC returns the pointless greeting, doing a good job of keeping her unwavering cold expression. She surely doesn't plan on simply standing there attacking him with that dagger-shooting glare alone. Only a breather more and she steps in closer; reaches out to him.
Napoleon stands still, unsure of what to expect. He's got an idea or two about his own next move but he first wants to see hers first. Jade orbs travel down to follow the movements of her hands as she begins to tug at his clothes.
One by one, the buttons of his white shirt come undone under her gentle hands. She is taking her sweet time, undressing him slowly, agonizingly so. It's as soothing as when she helps him change for bed when he's sick. Something tells him he's not getting all tucked in and cozy this time.
"Do you need help with that, Nunuche?"
That's a harsh way of telling him to shut up. But he's guilty of using the same words when he's annoyingly nudged awake in the morning sometimes; he can't help it. He does shut up.
MC makes sure to not leave a single clothed spot on his entire toned body, making him feel exposed and watched by her sharp gaze. After awhile, the silence is at last broken by her.
Now? Napoleon almost asks aloud, curious to see how she'd shut him up this time. He hopes his boner is not getting any more obvious because of this.
He expect her to come closer, because where else she could be going right now? But instead, she takes a step back, looks at him from head to toe, and then goes to her dressing table. Napoleon shivers. Is she going to fetch some sort of torture device from there? Could it be that his innocent Nunuche is finally turning to the dark side because he crossed the line teasing her?
Oh, it's just lipstick. She hoovers over the dressing table to look into the mirror and applies it precisely; just as if she's getting ready for a nice date out. Napoleon is dumbstruck and wants to jokingly ask if that's for getting her dominatrix persona on, but remains silent. He is not left hanging for much longer as soon MC pockets her lipstick and giddily returns in front of Napoleon.
"Can I at least lay down?"
"No~ You're going to stand here against the wall because you're being punished."
So that's indeed where things are going. Napoleon gulps down, holding back a sigh fueled by the frustration of finding himself uncharacteristically not in control. He tries to put two and two together, finding a connection between MC's blood-red lips and the fact that she's got him all stripped down like an empty canvas.
She gets on her tippy toes and puts a hand on the wall behind him to steady herself before kissing him gently on the lips. Napoleon wishes with his whole being to return the kiss and transform it into something less innocent, but the chance slips out of his grasp as MC withdraws too soon. Ducking down for another smooch attack, this time she aims at his cheek. It reminds him of being greeted back from work, so pure and warming. Another two or three kisses are pressed against his other side and he feels giddy, imagining what he looks like with so much lipstick smeared on him, like a little kid on his birthday when it's the aunt's turn to give a present. It's ridiculous, everything that is happening right now, but more ridiculously so he enjoys it and doesn't question a thing. That’s the far opposite of a punishment, though. The next kiss lands lower, on his nape, and MC uses her hand to tip his chin upwards so she can place one right under his jaw. Next, she pays more attention to his neck, making a row of kisses down his collarbone. She knows he is ticklish here but that only encourages her more for this impromptu torture. 
It doesn't get any better for Napoleon once those devilish lips find their way down from his collarbones. Nothing could've prepared him for the contrastingly bold gesture of suddenly having his nipples playfully pinched and pulled. It comes nonetheless, making him grunt out a moan of surprise. As if apologizing for getting too naughty, MC kisses them better, leaving two identical lipstick prints around his areolas. Napoleon gazes down at her, bewildered, as she slowly sinks lower, kissing her way there as well. Her hands map the familiar area of his abs, replacing the feather-light caress of her fingers with the one of her lips time and time again. Excitement pools in Napoleon's loins as the woman in front of him finds herself fully on her knees, having reached his most sensitive place with her lips in the meantime. His fists clench and unclench with the absence of anything to grasp into and his neglected cock twitches with anticipation.
"Has the color come off already?"
Ah, she refers to her lips that are indeed a much paler shade of red already. The sudden distraction breaks his expectations in million pieces as he just nods tepidly. MC casually sits back on her heels as she reaches inside her pocket to fish out the lipstick.
Napoleon tries to steady his heartbeat, watching her apply it anew on her beautiful lips, kiss-swollen to perfection and just so fuckable, but that's his cock doing the thinking instead of him. Hence the need to calm his pulse. She takes her time in order to be careful, and truly, without the aid of a mirror, perfectly fills them in with the red color; if he knows anything about that. He clicks his tongue, realizing where all this red is going.
"Down there, too?"
"Oh, yes." She clicks the cap back on and discards the cosmetic product to roll off somewhere on the floor for now. "Especially down there."
You're driving me crazy, Napoleon thinks, and if he has to be honest with himself, he is not so sure of however much longer he would be able to limit himself to thoughts alone. Perhaps his Nunuche underestimates the situation. More and more small grunts leave his lips as MC puts imprints of the newly applied lipstick on his fair untanned skin, dangerously close to his cock but missing it on purpose. The red marks bloom on his hipbones and the inside of his tights, it feels like forever before she finally does what he was hoping for most. Wrapping her delicate hand around his stiff length, a kiss appears on the side of it, too; right over a thick vein that runs there. The most frustrating of it all has to be the fact that she does none of it all with the intention of giving him pleasure. Not that her plan is much more innocent, as she particularly marks him as hers all over, in her own way.
He is able to, at last, enjoy her mouth for one short but rewarding moment as she parts her lips and takes the tip in between, swirling her tongue around it. Perhaps not wishing to ruin her make-up with such activity, she lets go in shortly, noticing how he twitches eagerly in her hand. She keeps his cock there, stroking the base slowly as she busies herself with additional kisses on the length of his tights, knees and however much lower her position would allow.
She stands to her feet and the curtain falls. Hands on her hips, like a craftsman admiring his handiwork. Her eyes travel to chase over trails of dusty red roses blooming all over Napoleon's body, but as they finally return to his face, the expression doesn't match her own, not one in a bit. He looks out of breath as if each of those kisses were received by his mouth instead, face flushed and hair sticking wetly to his face.
"Do you like what you've made of me, Nunuche?" Snorts Napoleon, wondering if she is proud of herself for her little game and the effects it had on him.
"Mhmm! I love it."
MC claps her hands together, visibly admiring his body again to rub it in his face just how much she means it when she says she loves it. She gets closer again, lifting up his limp right hand and placing kisses against his wrist, just a little spot she missed.
"I'm almost not mad at you anymore, Napoleon. You look thoroughly kissed, and everyone who gets a look at you would know that it's me who kisses you more… and not the other way around."
"So this is what your little plan was about, hmm?" Napoleon forcibly releases his right hand from her grasp and uses it to collect her chin instead, squeezing her cheeks firmly. "You said almost not mad. What's the price I have to pay for your full forgiveness?"
MC begins playing coy with a little hum rumbling in her throat, and Napoleon releases his hold so she can give the reply she comes with. She decides on putting on her commanding tone one last time, having decided on her answer.
"Fuck me nice and we're good."
"Yeah." Putting the overdue end to her naughty ministrations by makeshiftly handcuffing her wrists with his much stronger hands, Napoleon's gaze pins her down. "Yeah, that's what I was intending to do."
Napoleon suspects that he hardly needs to throw her on the bed himself, as something tells him she'd straightly jump there if he were to let her go now. One way or another, she is soon to find herself pinned under his large frame, inhaling nothing but his scent on the pillow as he envelops her smaller body with his own from behind. He spreads her legs at a favorable angle, barely having the mind to make sure she is comfortable before grabbing into his cock and guiding it towards her sopping wet hole. He grunts and grabs her by the waist, dragging her further down the bed to ensure they're as close as possible, and watches her arching her bottom in anticipation.
Napoleon rubs his blunt head into her swollen lower lips, teasingly. He collects her wetness until the glide is smooth and rewarding, but makes sure it's not too pleasurable for her just yet. He aims at her dripping hole and guides his cock there slowly, enjoying the way she clenches desperately around him as if to pull him further in.
As he withdraws, familiar whines of dissatisfaction reach his ears. Despite the person he knows himself to be, being unfair once in a while feels just right. Especially after what she did to him earlier.
MC curls one leg around his own, trying to make him get the hint and hurry up, and Napoleon's eyes darken with lust at her desperation.
"Shh, ma chérie, I've got you." He fails to hold in a chuckle of endearment, heart swelling with pride at how easily he drives her crazy for what only he could give her. "I've got you, is this what you wanted?"
He gradually pushes in, stretching out her insides with his girthy length that never ceases to be just a little too big for her.
"Oohh! Yes, yes, give it all to me… Napoleon… don't make me wait any longer…"
"Hmm? Can you take it all in?" He strokes over the small of her back, admiring the beautiful arch of her back; the way she presents herself so willingly to him, making it that much easier to ignore the part of his brain that wants revenge for the part of it that wants raw pleasure.
"Y-yes, please, more, please…"
Slowly, he bottoms out. Letting out a satisfactory moan of his own, he didn’t until now realize how much self-control it cost him to keep his gentleness. That and, with being previously stimulated to a certain dangerous degree, he wants to throw away any plans of taking it nice and slow from now on. Screw revenge. He gives one long look at the place they're connected again, admiring how much of him has disappeared inside her hot tightness, and then grunts again, readjusting his position.
He drapes his body over his lover's, chest to her back, using the opportunity of being close enough to whisper in her ear. Each word he utters this way is making her clench deep inside, and he makes the best out of it, feeling utterly satisfied with himself but remembering to keep the grin out of his tone.
"I'm going to move now." He breathes in and then out, "I'll try to go at it slowly because it looks like you need to cool down, but…"
"No…" a sharp inhale, "No, give it your best." She shifts her body a little, rocking her bottom on his cock as if to demonstrate the intensity of her wish. "Fuck me for your pleasure."
Napoleon chuckles darkly, pecking her arm with wetted lips and collecting her wrists again into his iron grip.
"How am I supposed to do that when you're already rutting against me so selfishly? You're trying to get me to set the pace that you need. Look at you fucking yourself against me."
"Yeah? Do you want me to let you keep going? Can you cum like that?"
Instead of wanting to keep going or not, a more fitting question would be whether she could retain herself from it. The pulse in her ears is maddening as she chases after her high, the tip of Napoleon's cock rubbing against her sweet spot and MC making sure she is maintaining the angle all the way. Soon enough, without having the time to warn him, she shouts into the pillows and rocks her body repeatedly, using his cock like a sex toy, convulsing harshly around it. Napoleon groans, bucking slightly back into her and enjoying the sight, the feeling of her coming undone in his arms coupled with the heavenly tightness wrapping around his cock. He presses kisses into her hair, inhaling the sweet scent of her shampoo; then pressing more kisses into to whichever part of her he could reach, until she comes down from her high. He almost considers her calmed down before another set of whines leaves her mouth.
"Already?" Napoleon teases. He gives an experimental thrust, knowing not to overwhelm her senses.
"Mmm, more, more!"
That's a nice reaction, he thinks to himself as he thrusts again, slowly gaining speed. He wants nothing more than to fuck her breathless at last, reducing her to a moaning mess beneath him. He could mockingly refer back to the thought that it all started with her having the upper hand, but maybe later. Though it's intriguing to imagine another scenario, of how this should've played out - with him tied to the bedframe and his hips straddled as she rides him to her satisfaction. He would be a rotten liar if he says he isn't interested in seeing it come true. But oh how much better victory tastes. There is a good reason she didn't go all the way, and that's because she wanted to be fucked raw and fast instead. But since she has his heart - she's been having it for a long time now - more than playing with power he wants to simply satisfy her and quench her thirst for him. He knows that no amount of true dominance would feel as good to her as to simply have him buried deep to the hilt inside her, moaning his pleasure into her ears as he spills his seed against her deepest parts. It's because he feels the same way.
"Do you still want me to keep going? Fast and deep like that? You're going to make me want to fill you up."
"Ahhhh, yes, Napoleon, Napoleon do it, please, fill me up with your cum, please."
He thrusts hard and noisily into her wet heat, feeling his release building up by her cute pleas alone. In addition, she feels incredibly hot and tight around him, coaxing his release as he tries to maintain a steady pace.
Enclosing her arms with his own muscular ones and holding a vice-like grip on her wrists, he lets himself go.
The burning sensation of Napoleon hitting her deepest, most sacred part is slightly painful, but in a very good way. She feels so full. The sheer thought of him giving into his desire and claiming her like this is enough to send her spiraling into pleasure, but the feeling of his hot cum rushing into her depths is mind-shuddering on its own. She doesn’t realize there are tears rolling down her cheeks. Rutting away the rest of his high into her hips, smacking the sweat-lined skin of her ass, he moans her name, letting himself be milked from every last drop as she keeps convulsing and following him into the throes of release in high-pithed, pleading shrieks that morph into downright pornographic moans. Their legs tangle together, maintaining the gradually dying down friction until their senses start to calm down.
Napoleon can feel the slowly cooling layer of sweat covering the skin of his back, though he still feels very hot; the humid summer air demandingly asserting his presence. He carefully rolls off MC, making sure she is getting enough air to breathe. He almost pouts in realization, I'm always the one doing all the work yet she is panting harder. Pleasure still rocks all over him, and his heart beats lovingly at the feeling of MC curling into his chest even when she must be feeling hot.
They stay like this for a moment, catching their breath, hands wandering each other's bodies, and sending muted fireworks of pleasure aftershocks everywhere they touch. It could either be that he is ticklish, or the endorphins kicking in, but soft giggles escape Napoleon's lips and pour right into hers, infecting her along the way. It's a very clumsy kiss, but it gets Napoleon an idea.
"I still think I can turn the score around. Let's see who leaves this room more thoroughly kissed or whatever." 
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koco-coko · 6 months
Ikemen Vampire OC: Elizabeth I
(Don't worry many more ocs are to come, but I thought I'd start with my most 'normal' as of now hehe.)
Also, I modified https://yanderepuck.tumblr.com/post/649268127267504128/free-to-use-character-sheet this for my use so yeah :) Anyways-!
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Elizabeth Tudor (Bethy, Lizzie)
General Information
Full name: Elizabeth Tudor
Nickname: Bethy (close friends), Lizzie (acquaintances) 
Age: Unclear, but on the younger side of the mansion 
Nationality: English
Current place of living: The Mansion
Income: (… 'borrowing' Comte’s money) Works odd jobs around Paris, mostly at art galleries.
Birthday: 9/7
Likes: Paintings, theater, music, novels, etc.
Dislikes: Small spaces, inequality, coffee
Background: Former Queen of England, bringer of the Elizabethan Era, England's self-proclaimed Golden Age. Sassy and quick-witted, Bethy always has something to say about everyone and everything, critical or not. Despite her apparent vanity and tendency for self-praising, she’s incredibly generous. Elizabeth actually ends up running herself into debt from how much she ends up donating to art galleries and theaters. To be fair, she was royalty in her past life- She never had to worry about finances like she does now. Thankfully, Comte's 'willing' to deal with her habitual overspending.
Mary Tudor: For your own sake, never bring up her family. Especially her sister. Mary and Elizabeth got along once, but after a deep “falling out” over Mary’s… devotions, Elizabeth wants nothing to do with the Tudor name anymore. If Mary and Bethy are put in the same room, a loud argument is likely to break out in five minutes. (Oh no she's totally not another vampire oc of mine she totally won't show up totally not I'm definitely not making the three main Tudor children at all why would you even thinking that)
Though a few residents find it suspicious she talks about her sister like she’s still alive…
“Oh, there’s a reason she’s nicknamed Bloody Mary. She’s everything I stand against! Now, I’m not a very superstitious person, but… I’d rather not say her name more than twice… She was always sneaking up on me when we were younger…”
Napoleon Bonaparte: One of Elizabeth’s closest friends, being a fellow former ruler and both having eras named after themselves. They often get into heated debates, but it’s all in good fun. They could be yelling one moment, then out for lunch another. Napoleon is also one of the few who have ever seen the deeper side of Bethy, a simple woman who sits alone at night and overthinks far too often. Napoleon is really the only person in the mansion Elizabeth feels safe around, revealing her true thoughts and perception of herself to him. Still, that's only on rare occasion, but it's a start. (she is totally not mainly shipped with him I dont even know whyd you think that mhm yep totally not oc x canon here)
“Oh, please! Crepes again? Is that all you eat?”
“Says the tea fiend. I’m fairly certain you’re made of that drink.”
“At least it’s something dignified. Ugh, let’s just hurry up. I want to get a good seat at this new café, you know!”
“Hey– wait up!”
Vincent Van Gogh: These two became friends by accident. Bethy is friends with both Theodore and William, so they ended up near each other often. Vincent often acts as Elizabeth’s grounding beacon. Bethy tends to overthink and get stuck in her head, so eventually Vincent allowed her to view his paintings whenever she so pleased, whether he’s in the middle of a work or it’s the dead of night. They’ve yet to intentionally spend time with each other, it’s always accidental. That doesn’t stop the two from getting along, though, and Elizabeth is one of the first in line to buy him new paints or donate to the art gallery he’s a part of. She truly admires his work and would support him in any artistic endeavor. Though, William has caught a glint of jealousy in her eyes whenever Vincent and Theo are talking to each other every now and then.
“Hm? Oh, Bethy! Nice to see you. I’m almost finished with this piece.”
“Wow… It’s wonderful, Vincent! Every work of yours's just seems better than the last! Not to say those are any worse, of course. Where are you going to display it”
“Aw, thanks! This one’s just for my Broer. I thought I’d make him something nice. He’s been working so much lately… Bethy? Is something wrong?”
“... Not at all. It’s just… That’s sweet of you, Vincent. You’re a good older brother.”
Theodorus Van Gogh: Both frantic art enthusiasts, these two clicked instantly. Elizabeth was impressed by his dedication to the arts, Theodore was impressed by her’s. They go to art galleries together and tag along to his work when she can. He’s also one of the few that have seen her true side, but unlike Napoleon, neither Bethy or him get very personal about it. Both know the other is more to the other, and they just accept it. In truth, she’s actually a bit jealous of Theo for having such a good relationship with his older sibling. She’d never admit that, though.
“Didn’t expect to see you here, Hondje.”
“Hm. Well, hello to you, too, Theodorus. And for your information, I imagine myself more of a cat type. Cute and cuddly–”
“Horrible and vicious.”
“Aha, yes! Exactly!” 
William Shakespeare: Elizabeth’s best friend in the whole wide world forever and ever and ever and ever! Elizabeth is Shakespeare’s biggest supporter and defender, taking his side over anyone else’s in the blink of an eye. She goes to every one of his plays, donates to his theater weekly, proofreads all his work, and often helps him with costumes and props. There’s a 50/50 chance on any day that she’s at William’s villa instead of the mansion. They’re almost glued to each other, really. They’re so close that many nobles believe they are lovers, but both are entirely against the idea. 
“Me? Courting Will? Ha! You’ve got to be kidding me. That’s disgusting. I wouldn’t even wish that upon my worst enemy!”
“Oh, Bethy. Thy words cut sharp into the heart of mine.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m sure they do. Now, as I was saying, I believe there were some grammatical errors in Act 5...”
Le Comte: Despite their differences, Elizabeth and the Count get along incredibly well. Bethy spends many nights chatting with Le Comte and becomes a reoccurring partner to galas and balls. The main reason for this is because Elizabeth actually finds navigating and manipulating hedonistic life quite enjoyable. She also joins him so she can get in his good favors. He’s rich, and she often gets into debt… 
At night, Elizabeth can be found with Comte sometimes, drinking tea and speaking about the menial and the existential. She asks him the same question every night. “Why did you give me a contract?” 
At times, they’re two competent adults, and at others, they resemble a teenage daughter asking for dad’s money.
“Why did you give me a contract, Comte?”
“You ask me the same question every night… Do you regret signing it?”
“Not at all. In fact, I’m entirely grateful. I just don’t understand why.”
“Your name is in history, like every other lesser vampire here. Is that not sufficient?”
“... I don’t know.”
BONUS! Arthur Conan Doyle: Elizabeth beats him with her heels whenever he makes a move on her. I mean it. She will snatch her shoe off her own foot and give chase until the end of time if she has to, just to get some good swings to the head. (Theo cheers her on whenever he gets the chance to witness it)
Pet, Prince the Frog: When Elizabeth was first revived, it was raining. The first thing Bethy did after she realized she was alive was to run outside and feel the rain, screaming: “I’m alive! I have no idea how– I’m alive!” While she was out there, she found a frog. In her euphoric state, she found this amphibian life so fascinating, wondering if it could turn into a real prince with a kiss. Unfortunately it didn’t, but Elizabeth has kept him in a large flower vase in her room ever since. And yes, occasionally, she gives him a peck. It never works… but maybe one day…
Physical Characteristics
Addictions: If Bethy gets particularly stressed or upset about anything, she turns to her favorite sweetened teas. She drinks at least 3 cups every day, and when an stressful event occurs, it can easily jump up to 10 and above. Current record is 19.
Bad habits: Bethy bites her nails whenever she’s nervous. Also, whenever she’s mad at anyone, she discreetly starts chewing on her thumb nail specifically. (Elizabethan version of the middle finger).
Eye color: Bright green
Hair color: Hot pink
Skin color: Slightly tanned
Dialect: English, can slip into Old English if she’s upset or passionate about something (or around William in private.)
Drink often: Sweet tea and hot chocolate. Doesn’t find most alcohol appealing.
Good habits: Puts others over herself in almost every scenario, incredibly appreciative of people’s hard work
Height: 5’6”
Hobbies: Going to plays, concerts, art galleries. Window-shopping
Clothing style: Always tries to wear the best dresses she can. Usually wears bright pink, accented by black, and looks very regal (purely on accident). She dresses similarly to Shakespeare, combining the the 15th century clothing with a 19th century style.
Talents: With an incredibly sharp tongue, persuasion is one of her finest skills.
Mental Characteristics
Education: Highly educated for her time due to her status and is constantly spending time in the library so she can catch up with the times. She’s very encouraging to others who want to pursue an education as well (she buys hundreds of books for Jean).
Fears: That one day her sister will return, that she’ll be powerless to stop her. Has a minor case of claustrophobia. 
Life goals(next 5 years): For art and education to be enjoyed by the masses, rich and poor, male and female, etc.
Self-perception: Although she has strong convictions and acts like she belongs wherever she walks, it’s just a cover. Elizabeth struggles intensely with inferiority issues and imposter syndrome. Being called a bastard child from a young age, having to wait the longest to inherit the throne, and being a woman in general made her know what fighting for worth looked like. Now, with the contract and being surrounded by true masters of their craft, she has no real idea why she’s here. She’s no composer or poet, just a girl born slightly lucky. She’s simply an art patron, a member of the audience.  
Self-confidence: Elizabeth’s confidence is a constantly moving scale. She’s confident in her opinions, hardheaded to an end, but she doesn’t have much confidence in herself.
Assumed external perception: Upon first meeting Elizabeth, she can be seen as very self-centered and vain, talking about everything she’d done to improve the world and the latest fashion and makeup. However, overtime, it becomes clear that Bethy is a kind and giving person, putting others before herself so much that it almost gets frustrating. 
Rational or emotional: Emotional reaction, rational response. Elizabeth has strong convictions and is stubborn to a fault. Still, even at her worst, she can put together a good argument.
How could you upset this character: Easy. Mention her sister, brother, mother, or father (basically anything to do with her family) and you’re in for a bad time. For an even easier way, discriminate or insult anyone based on appearances, wealth, etc. 
Sleep habits: One of the lightest sleepers in the mansion. She wakes up at any small noise, making her incredibly drowsy in the morning.
Emotional Characteristics
Emotional strengths: Very empathetic and encouraging. She loves teasing, but knows when she oversteps and does everything she can to apologize whenever she’s unknowingly hurt someone.
Emotional weaknesses: Her convictions are quite strong, so any disagreement can turn into a screaming match with her. That doesn’t lessen her ability with words, but being so easily upset and red-faced can make her seem irrational to onlookers.
Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert. She loves talking and being with people.
How do they cope with:
…Anger: Tears, yelling… It's a surprise that steam isn’t coming out from her ears. It doesn’t take that much to get her upset. Usually to calm herself, she’ll lock herself away in her room and either: read, listen to music, or observe the many paintings in her room. A cup of tea always helps, too.
…Unhappiness: Elizabeth deals with it on the daily. She tries to spend as little time with her own thoughts as often as possible. She’s already prone to overthink– she doesn’t need sadness on top of that. She usually just tries to ignore the feelings and move on with her life, focusing on something else until the feelings go away.
…Rivalry: Oh, she thrives on rivalry. She does everything in her power to one-up Napoleon, after all. In reality, Napoleon is the only person she could ses as a “rival,” though it’s more like the relationship between Theo and Arthur.
…New situations: She loves new situations! She enters them with glee and a skip! 
…Trouble: She tries to talk her way out of most bad situations in a calm, composed way. She only uses violence if absolutely needed. If that happens, she’s watched Napoleon enough to know how to (kind of) handle a sword, though she’s equipped with a dagger whenever she goes into the city alone.
Meaning of life: To create and understand the world. Bethy believes life reflects art more than it does life, and that the act of creating is the most human thing a human (or vampire) can do. 
What would they change about themselves: Elizabeth sees herself as a supporting character. Although she’s ashamed of it, she secretly dreams for the spotlight to hit her one day. That doesn’t mean she wants to be thanked for any of the work she does, though.
What motivates them: Her need to prove herself, to do good in the world. She wants art and life to be enjoyed by all.
What scares them: Her sister, first and foremost. Next in line is people who aren’t open to discussion and changing their minds. Even hardheaded Elizabeth is willing to listen at times.
What makes them happy: Elizabeth usually attends art exhibitions alone due to the fact she can get lost in a painting for hours at a time. It’s rather embarrassing for her if someone notice’s the usually loud and bombastic Bethy staring at a painting like a child staring into a candy store. 
Are they often biased: Bethy will always take William's side, then the underdog’s over anyone else’s. 
Give or take? Give
Nice or rude? Rude
Pet peeves: She hates the smell of coffee with a passion. She asked for her bedroom to be farthest from the kitchen so she wouldn’t have to deal with the smell in the morning. She also tends to be easily annoyed by people who talk during plays or concerts.
Guilty pleasures: Bethy will indulge in teas any day of the week. Especially in the morning, when everyone is brewing coffee. 
(i don't draw so picrews are the best i can do until I can save enough for to be able to commission so...)
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Yippee -insert autism creature here-
(Also @yanderepuck bc they said they were interested in reading the oc bio so um yeah)
As of posting this I've yet to make any masterposts but I will soon!!!! Eventually,,,
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