#nao binarie
eijuude · 1 month
Candy's Poem, from the movie Candy (2006)
Once upon a time, there was Candy and Dan Things were very hot that year All the wax was melting in the trees. He would climb balconies, climb everywhere, do anything for her, oh Danny boy Thousands of birds, the tiniest birds, adorned her hair Everything was gold One night the bed caught fire He was handsome and a very good criminal We lived on sunlight and chocolate bars [It was the afternoon of extravagant delight] Danny the daredevil. Candy went missing The days last rays of sunshine cruise like sharks I want to try it your way this time You came into my life really fast and I liked it We squelched in the mud of our joy I was wet-thighed with surrender Then there was a gap in things and the whole earth tilted This is the business This, is what we're after With you inside me comes the hatch of death And perhaps I'll simply never sleep again The monster in the pool We are a proper family now with cats and chickens and runner beans Everywhere I looked And sometimes I hate you Friday -- I didn't mean that, mother of the blueness Angel of the storm Remember me in my opaqueness You pointed at the sky, that one called Sirius or dog star, but on here on earth Fly away sun Ha ha fucking ha you are so funny Dan A vase of flowers by the bed My bare blue knees at dawn These ruffled sheets and you are gone and I am going too I broke your head on the back of the bed but the baby he died in the morning I gave him a name His name was Thomas Poor little god His heart pounds like a voodoo drum
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luffystaro · 2 years
oi se n for incomodo vc poderia fazer users enby (não binario)? por favor, amei seu perfil e espero que possa fazer, se n puder n precisa tb. obrigado de qualquer forma 💘
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averokagejd · 4 days
happy gay month bc yall gay n stuff /ref
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kagamic0re · 11 months
Can you do gen3 Draculaura bi nonbinary icons?
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hope you like it 💕
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yourdailyqueer · 2 years
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Nao-Cola Yamazaki (Naoko Yamazaki)
Gender: Non binary (they/them)
Sexuality: Queer
DOB: Born 1978  
Ethnicity: Japanese
Occupation: Writer
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toesareforfeet · 9 months
gente que é tipo esses memes de melted videos "eu sou BI: Bilionários não deveriam existir" bom eu sou bi pq eu amo chupar buceta e pau
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imdionisio · 1 year
Me perco na minha solidão
Mas me encontro em cada beijo teu
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naobinare · 1 year
vou colocar o pronome neutro ' e ' em todas as atividades dessa escola transfobica nojenta pode vim spaece pra eu colocar o sexo ' não binárie ' sem paciência pra transfobicos
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strawberryjamsara · 11 months
WOKE Your Turn To Die
GAYra Chidouin
KeijOE BIDEN Shinogi
Kazumi MishiPRONOUN
Qtaro BIgerberg
WOKEo Yabusame
ALLY Yabusame
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thisblackwitch · 5 months
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I learned there are yarns of the queer flags sold at JoAnns fabrics by Big Twist in the USA. They're all $2.49 (before coupons) so I got a bunch. The flags sold (• = I haz it) and their store names (if I know it):
Bisexual• (store name: serenity)
Pansexual• (store name: confidence)
Transgender• (store name: life)
Asexual• (store name: community)
Non-binary• (store name: authentic)
I have one skein of bi, pan, and trans so I can make stuff for others but I got a metric crap-ton of ace and non-binary skeins because those are my flags (demisexual demigender ftw👍🏿) and might as well lol I love how the flags have really sneaky names to throw conservatives of their scent lol
Get it nao.
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beanieman · 11 months
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assign yttd characters to this image. (ignore the pjsk characters I can't find the og)
Trans Girl: Nao
Trans Guys: Mishima
Non-Binary People: Reko
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miztrixx · 5 months
So, it's been a while huh. Sorry for not upholding my promise of about once per week, so many things happened over the winter that took up a lot of my time. If you knw me from Twitter, AO3 or Discord then you'll know I have a lot of projects that I'm running! One of which will be posted to this account soon atleast by February... But enough of all that. Let's get back to analysing YTTD and picking up right where we left off! The Chidouin household!
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Right off the bat, suspense is built as the front door of the house seems to be unlocked and the lights are off. When you go inside, you see that the plant in the hallway is knocked down too. This is pretty basic creation of suspense for the horror genre, which YTTD is part of by the way (some people seem to forget that). But as soon as we enter the living room and turn on the lights...
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The fact that Mrs. Chidouin was knocked out before Sara had reached her house is pretty interesting to me. Obviously it was done by someone from ASU-NARO and probably not but the question is who? Was it the same person who also left Sara's room key in the living room? Was it perhaps.... Mr. Chidouin? We know from later on that he's associated with ASU-NARO and the fact that he's nowhere to be seen at the beginning of the game brings suspicion to him. Mr. Chidouin and Mrs. Chidouin's dynamic is a forgotten but potentially interesting topic in YTTD. But enough of the speculation, let's talk briefly about Sara's reaction. There's not much to talk about other then it being another bit of humanizing dialogue for her and that her distress really hammers in the fact that. She is a 17 year old.
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When we go back to the hallway, we get to see (surprise, surprise) Joe appear again! The most likely scenario for this is that Joe came back to check up on Sara, out of worry, and that he saw the front door was unlocked and thus entered to see if Sara was safe. Because that's the empathetic good friend character that he is built out to be. Furthermore, he takes control of the situation and starts to call the police, remaining pretty calm in the face of a dangerous situation. This is a re-occurring aspect and pillar of Joe's character which coats his empathetic core with a layer that adds depth. Sara's monologue shortly after about needing to do something also shows the guilt she has in situations where she is powerless and needs to rely on other people. She tries to be the one leading the situation in circumstances she wants to handle because that sort of behavior is the one people around her expect her to be. Later on in the Death Game, it's Keiji, Nao and others who have this expectation of her but pre-game, it's Mr. Chidouin.
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As Sara goes upstairs and unlocks the door to her room with the key, she dashes in screaming for her dad to help. And as she does... three mysterious arms come to take her into the darkness :)
Guys, gals and non-binary pals. We have made it to the title card! And also the Death Game itself! Stay tuned for next week where we get to talk about.. the First Trial!
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nasiens-father · 9 months
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I'm Draven🫶, call me Drav or whatever comes to your mind I don't mind at all jsjfjfk
A little about me: I'm an artist, my art acc it's @dravillita, my pronouns are he, I'm non-binary, I love music too, and I'm goth 🦇‼️AND I truly deeply love NASIEEENS from 4kota, I have a gigantic love for him (not romantically btw) and this is like a love with my life Nasiens blog 🦇
Four knights of the apocalypse 🫐
The seven deadly sins 🫐
Dungeon meshi (I post about it on my art acc) 🫐
Naruto (also on my art acc hwkekf) 🫐
One piece (guess where hsjdkd) 🫐
Any person that supports hate speeches (LGBTQfobia, racism, etc).
That one people that shipps minors w minorsn't and family w family, Nao Nao, get out of here.
Troublemakers, pls I'm a very sensitive person and people tryna pick up fights it's not something I want, I don't feel like it's necessary to fight or beef soooo go if you gonna fight for ya life 😾
I love fashion 🍨
I like people talking to me, feel free to do it.
My followers and mutuals, ofc, they are special cause they support me as well as I support them, so love for all of them, ALL OF THEM, I KNOW WHO U AREEEEE, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF UUUU.
And that's my blog, thanks for reading and feel welcome 🦇💗
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kagamic0re · 1 year
pd fazer icons da Amity com a bandeira bi e não binário?
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sevendeadlyyamis · 1 year
More YTTD headcannons this time for other characters:
I had a lot of fun with Sara, so why not do it with the rest of the participants?
TW for death, parental abandonment, angst, eating disorders, smoking, and abuse
Also spoilers for Chapter 2-1,
He’s Bisexual with a preference for men
Despite his relationship with the police force, he does enjoy cop shows such as Law & Order, Criminal Minds, and Castle.
I like to think he did have a slight, albeit brief crush on Megumi before, you know.
If he didn’t become a detective, his other career choice would’ve been a personal trainer or coach. (Hence why he is so jacked)
Keiji started experiencing depression in his high school years. He still has it, he’s just better at masking it.
The reason he’s a parental figure to Gin and Sara is to give them the dad he never had.
He developed a drug habit after leaving the police force, though he’s trying to stay clean now. (This was mostly influenced by Japan’s disdain for drugs and how he’s trying to break away from his former life as a cop)
Demiromantic Gay Demiboy
He struggles with anorexia but he’s trying to recover for Kanna’s sake. (The dude’s 108 pounds at 5’6, that’s a little concerning)
Has an awful sleep schedule
As well as a chronic internet addiction (Take it from someone like me)
He does not like showing skin (Unless your name is Keiji Shinogi and he is fucking with you)
An absolute coding prodigy (He started when he was 10 and the rest is history)
Has a collection of 8 scarves
Given how she’s afraid of ghosts, I think she’s superstitious ( 4 is death, etc.)
The reason why she’s afraid of ghosts was due to a childhood incident that involved her seemingly coming into contact with the spirit of a deceased friend
Identifies as a Trans Lesbian (First raise a daughter, then a son)
Both she and Alice were high school dropouts and ran away from their parents because of their strict and controlling lifestyle.
Moreover, her bandmates were under similar circumstances, which is how they initially bonded.
She was the one to come up with the band name Samurai Yaiba
Absolutely loves death metal
Had angers issues before her brother was imprisoned.
Is actually quite fascinated with goth core and astronomy
She never got so to properly say goodbye to Alice when he died.
Her favourite forms of art are painting, sketching, and photography
Identifies as a sapphic (She isn’t sure if she’s Bisexual or a Lesbian)
Has a massive sweet tooth (Good thing she has a fast metabolism)
Due to having anxiety, she owns lot of stuffed animals and frequently wraps herself in blankets
She hates sunlight
Has a soft spot for Saniro
Her childhood was a very lonely one, which is why she latches onto people quite easily.
Additionally, the closest thing she had to a friend was her tutor Professor Mishima.
The reason she fell for Reko because she was strong and determined, yet soft spoken and caring.
Huge FNAF fan ( Much to the chagrin of Sara)
Enjoys watching animal documentaries
He created the cat cape he wears.
Always dreamed of having a big sister to protect him.
Has trypophobia (Fear of needles)
Surprisingly tolerant of jump scares
Mew chan was a birthday present given to him by his mother
Has heavy allergies (Which is why he always dons a mask)
Hopes to become a veterinarian when he grows up.
Abromantic Asexual Non-Binary ( Goes by he/they)
Had no idea about Rio’s existence.
Skilled in kendo and taekwondo
Tried faking his death in order to hide from Gashu so he could live among the Chidouins. It did not work.
Uses Lorieal for his hair.
Knew several Indian recipes
During his youth, he was often served mediocre meals by his father, who only saw him as a killing machine. Once he betrayed him, he was welcomed into the Chidouin household, and the first meal they made for him was Eggs Benedict. This act of kindness is why he holds the dish so dear to his heart along with being a passionate cook.
She’s a passionate gardener
Her favourite fruit is watermelon
Has claustrophobia
Her bucket hat was a keepsake from Joe when the two of them were children( Though she doesn’t remember it)
The reason she stuck with Sou because he was the closest thing to an older brother figure after Kugie’s death.
Tends to downplay her accomplishments
Kanna once tried offering Sou her pudding so he wouldn't starve.
Is currently questioning her sexuality, though she's tip toeing on being Asexual.
Gay Asexual (Have you seen him with Keiji?)
He never actually married
Him suddenly getting grey hair in his early 30s was due to the chronic stress during college and his time as a teacher.
Owns a guinea pig named Lain (After the protagonist of the anime of the same name)
Likewise, he's a massive science fiction fan
Loves Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Furthermore, the name Q-taro is just a nickname based on Jotaro Kujo's, though his actual name is Quinn Taro.
He's half-Japanese, half-American.
Q-taro never fully forgave himself for letting down the children at the orphanage, thus coming to the conclusion that he can never be seen as an inspiration.
He hates it when people compare him to Ronald McDonald
He enjoys working out with Alice and Keiji.
He's Transgender and Pansexual (First raise a daughter, then a son)
He used the funds of the Yabusame sibling concerts and stored them on a secret bank account so his band could be financially stable early on in their careers.
Moreover, Alice is a surprisingly competent accountant and bookkeeper
He unironically watches reality TV and his sister hates it.
He always dreamed of touring Canada with the rest of Samurai Yaiba.
During his time in prison, he took up a hobby of arts and crafts.
He really likes sandals.
In the Reko Death route, he gave Nao a doll he crafted of his sister to make sure she remembers her.
Identifies as a Panromantic Asexual
Has a small munsterlander puppy named Lightning
Was diagnosed with ADHD as a child
Has a stash of Shonen Jump Manga (His favourite is One Piece)
In fact, he really loves Nintendo, and owns several of their gaming consoles (N64, GBC, GBA, Gamecube, Wii, DS, 3DS, WiiU, even the NES)
Though Mario and Pokémon are the properties he treasures the most.
Likewise, he and Ryoko met at a gaming convention in Chiba.
The dog keychain he owned came from a Gacha Machine
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bongsuvn · 1 year
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Art by Not A Starchild
(Tiếng Việt ở dưới)
Mediums weren’t the only ones who transcended gender binary; gods were as well. Deities within the Mother Goddess Worship could transform into men or women at will. In modern terminology, they were genderfluid. Since the holies could be either men or women, a person with both masculine and feminine characteristics would be considered more suitable for the mediumship ritual.
The Third Courtier of the Watery Palace (also known as the Princess of the Water Spirit) was third in rank within the holy courtiers of the Four Palaces, after the Second Courtier of High Mountains and before the Fourth Courtier of Imperial Commission. She served under the Third Mother Goddess of the Watery Palace, and sometimes was even considered to be her very incarnation.
Excerpt from the Third Courtier of the Watery Palace hymn version 1: “O sacred Imperial Commissioner of the Watery Palace, Serving under her Queen, her limbs never stop moving. Returning to the hazy dream, As a man or woman, who will ever know? To the incomparable Third Courtier of Water, The Mother Goddess keeps her on earth to keep illness at bay. The Holy Courtier has yet have a communion ritual, Cultivate skillfully to welcome the Courtier. Thanks to her great monastic virtue, The people all live in peace and harmony.”
Excerpt from the Third Courtier of the Watery Palace hymn version 2: “My humble self beats the drum and kneels before you, To present to all corners of the Watery Palace, Welcome the sacred Courtier of Water, Who walks on clouds, descends through rain, and controls the winds Pulling foggy clouds and offering misty rain, The Imperial Father asks where the temple is located. Working within hazy dreams, Whether as a man or woman, who on earth will know?”
Không chỉ các thanh đồng trong Đạo Mẫu 道母 có thể vượt khỏi hệ nhị phân giới, mà thậm chí các vị thánh thần cũng thế. Thần linh trong Đạo Mẫu đều vi nam vi nữ, tức có thể hoá nữ hoặc nam.
Chầu đệ tam Thoải phủ 朝第三水府 (còn gọi là Thuỷ Tinh công chúa 水精宮主) là vị Chầu bà thứ ba trong hàng Tứ phủ Thánh chầu 四府聖朝, sau Chầu đệ nhị Thượng ngàn, trước Chầu đệ tứ Khâm sai 朝第四欽差. Bà là người hầu cận Mẫu đệ tam Thoải phủ 母第三水府, hoặc có khi được xem là hoá thân của Mẫu.
Trích văn Chầu đệ tam Thoải phủ bản 1: “Khâm sai Thoải phủ thiêng thay, theo hầu Vương mẫu chân tay ra vào. Đi về phảng phất chiêm bao, vi nam vi nữ ai nào có hay. Đệ tam Chầu Thoải ai tày, Mẫu cắt bà rày giữ bệnh nhân gian. Thánh chầu chưa có lễ ban, khéo tu khéo luyện khéo van chầu về. Trông nhờ đại đức đan trì, muôn dân trăm họ đều thì bình an.”
Trích văn Chầu đệ tam Thoải phủ bản 2: “Tiểu tôi rung trống quỳ tâu, tâu qua Thuỷ phủ trước sau trình bày. Thỉnh mời Chầu Thoải thiêng thay, hành vân giá vũ ngự rầy gió mưa. Kéo mây dâng nước mịt mờ, Vua cha phán hỏi đền thờ nơi nao. Việc làm phảng phất chiêm bao, vi nam vi nữ trần nào ai hay.”
__________ Tham khảo:
dao-mau.fandom.com/vi/wiki/Chầu_Đệ_Tam_Thoải_Phủ oancotam.com/chau-de-tam/
__________ *Hệ nhị phân giới (gender binary): sự phân loại giới thành hai thái cực đối lập nhau, hoặc là nam, hoặc là nữ, thường theo hệ thống xã hội hoặc theo từng vùng văn hoá ông khác
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