#mysterious fathoms below
newtonsheffield · 1 year
Mysterious Fathoms Below sequel?
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Oh but imagine, one day Anthony’s curious about life under the water, the life his wife used to lead and so when she goes down to the water to change he asks if he can go with her, if her father can change him.
Kate stared back at him, her lips parted with surprise, “He… could if you… if you wanted to see.”
Anthony nodded, kissing her gently, leaning into the smell of the salt air on her skin, “I want to see where you’re from. What you gave up for me.”
Kate shook her head, tapping the bracelet woven onto his wrist, protected by her fathers magic the way they all were under the sea. “I gave up nothing for you, nothing I wasn’t willing to give.”
“Show me anyway.”
Kate nodded and took his hand, leading him down to the cove, she lay her hand on the water and let her eyes slip closed before she dived in and when she surfaced again her fins poked above the water behind her. She stayed floating in the water, her lips level with it and let out a high pitched hum that seemed to spread quickly through the water, vibrating as it did so.
“You’re beautiful.”
Kate rolled her eyes, “You always say that.”
“And I always mean it.”
“Calm down, sailor.”
Anthony grinned, “Can a man not compliment his wife?”
Kate opened her lips to speak but another voice cut her off.
“Not in front of her father.”
The king of the seas had risen above the water, salt already drying on his skin, his trident gleaming in his hand and Anthony tried not to feel tiny before this intimidating man.
“Good morning, your majesty.”
His father in law rolled his eyes a little and Swam over to his daughter instead wrapping him tightly in her arms for a moment.
“Little one, you called for me? Are you in trouble? Has the walker done something?”
Kate shook her head, her rings shining on her hand, “No, Papa, he’s still making me happy.”
Anthony smiled when the Sea King turned towards him, shifting a little uncomfortably, “I’m trying to be a good husband.”
“Anthony wants to come with me today, Papa.”
Tharman’s eyebrows shot up, his long beard and hair rippling in the breeze. “Does he now?”
“Yes, Sir. I only want to see where she’s from.”
Tharman seemed to debate for a long moment before he chuckled, turning to Kate, “Why not? Mama and I could do with a laugh today.”
Anthony’s brow furrowed as Tharman called his wife and youngest daughter, the same way she had called him. “What does that mean?”
Kate rolled her eyes, tugging him into the water. “Ignore him.”
“Well from his reaction, I’m a little worried I might not-”
“Too late.” The sea King whispered and raised his trident.
Anthony could feel his body twisting immediately, changing, as he spun in the water and seaweed seemed to swirl around him and then it was done.
Anthony stated down at where his legs had been, a shining silver tail there instead. He tried to move it but panic rose in his chest and Kate caught the awkward movement before he could smack into the water face first.
“You’re okay.”
“Huh,” Edwina’s curious voice said, freshly emerged from the water, “His tail’s silver.”
“Is that a bad thing?!” Anthony asked, a little panickedly.
“Well it’s not norm-”
“It’s fine,” Kate shot her sister an exasperated look, “You’re beautiful, just like always.”
“This is harder than I thought.” Anthony muttered wobbling as he tried to stay upright in the water, the way they did easily.
Kate smiled at him, still the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, “You should try doing it the other way round. Legs are tricky. I’ll help you.”
“I mean… it’s not that hard.” Edwina muttered a little perplexed, “Even the babies can swim.”
Tharman hummed in agreement but Kate just rolled her eyes, “Come see where I’m from, Anthony.”
And that was worth it.
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dragoneyes618 · 2 years
Dad had a way of sitting down and explaining things so that they made sense. He explained the Isle of the Lost that way when Ben was four, and protesters were picketing his school. He explained why it was necessary to annex Agrabah that way. He was trying to explain why slaughtering helpless civilians was one of those hard and necessary things right now, and Ben was surprised by the tone and the cadence, so much like his voice when Ben was four, and didn't understand why people thought putting bad guys in a prison was wrong, the necessity of arresting people who spoke out against his mother. This was all a lot easier to understand when he was four.
- From Chapter Three of Mysterious Fathoms Below by MissKate, a Descendants fanfiction which I greatly recommend.
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lilacmoon83 · 1 year
Mysterious Fathoms Below
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 12: A Happy Beginning Now is Ours
Regina stormed into the station that morning, just as Graham was getting ready to leave.
"Fire him," she demanded.
"I'm sorry?" he asked.
"You know what I mean…you're going to fire your new Deputy!" she answered.
"Sorry, Madam Mayor, but I need a Deputy and he's perfect. You should see his resume," Graham replied, as he put his jacket on.
"Besides…I'm a night shift kind of guy and I can't stay awake twenty-four hours all the time. I need a day guy and he's perfect," he said.
"I don't like it. You can find someone else. Fire him," she demanded.
"Regina…there is no one else in this town that's law enforcement material and as Sheriff, I have full discretion over my own staffing. He stays and he's a really nice guy. I'm sure if you meet him, you'll like him too. Everyone seems to," Graham said.
"Oh yes…I'm sure he's perfectly Charming," she complained, before storming out. She had to figure out a way to make them leave.
Breakfast was amicable and Neal proceeded to tell his father everything he had been through. Rumple felt very guilty, but wanted to hear all of it. Snow noticed that his companion, despite no memories, seemed to accept everything that was being said.
"Belle…if you don't mind my asking, you don't seem surprised by anything we're saying," Snow mentioned. Belle smiled.
"Well…I don't have my memories, but one day, I found a book in the library. Rumple fixed it up for me and I've been running it since. I love books and I found this one called Once Upon a Time. I read the whole thing and showed it to Rumple. He told me that it was all real and though I had my doubts, there's just something inside me that tells me it's all true," Belle explained.
"Hopefully, I'll get my memories back someday, but the book is enough for now," she added.
"I'm glad you have each other," Snow said, as she reached over and squeezed David's hand.
"What about Regina? I know she has no magic here, but she's not going to just let us be here without a fight," David said.
"Yes…she'll have something up her sleeve for sure. We must stay vigilant," Rumple replied. They nodded and paid for breakfast. David made his way to the station, while Snow stayed behind to look over a list of properties that Gold had given her that he owned. She insisted they had the money saved up for a down payment, but he wouldn't hear of it, considering they had been responsible for bringing Baelfire home to them. He insisted they pick one and it was theirs. Before leaving, David had expressed his interest in a beautiful two story farmhouse on the edge of town and admittedly, it was perfect for them. Enough bedrooms for everyone and plenty of land for the kids to play on and room for animals as well. It also wasn't far from the beach.
"Wow…" little Hunter said, as they arrived at the house with Gold and Belle.
"I think this is definitely it," Snow agreed with her son's awe.
"Are we going to live here, Mommy?" Astrid asked.
"I think we are, sweetheart," she replied, as she looked at Gold.
"Are you sure we can't pay you something for it?" Snow asked. But he held up his hand.
"You brought my son back to me…it's a favor that I cannot truly repay, even if he's still mad at me," Gold said, as he put a hand on Neal's shoulder and this time, the boy didn't shrug him off. His father's gesture was definitely going a long way in forgiveness. He was seeing first hand that his love for Belle had definitely changed him. He only hoped it stayed that way and he knew it would without magic. He still had fears that magic may return someday and corrupt his father again, but for now, this was the happiest he had ever been.
"Thank you…it's perfect for us," Snow said, as he handed her the keys.
"Well…go on," Snow said, as her kids rushed toward the house. She chuckled and carried the baby with her. They were home at last.
David adjusted easily to his new job at the station, finding that everything was orderly, but that was probably because the same altercations and criminal activity happened over and over again with the curse. Still, he was happy they were home where they belonged and he would be helping protect their people again, even if they had to wait out the curse.
"Well, well…I heard we had a new Deputy," a voice said. David went rigid and looked up into the smug face of King George. At first, he thought maybe the old man had his memories, because of the disdain in his demeanor, but he proceeded to introduce himself.
"I'm District Attorney Albert Spencer," he said.
"David Nolan," he replied curtly.
"I just came by to introduce myself since any warrants you ever need will come through me," Albert said.
"Let me guess…there's a certain class of people in this town that are protected by you and I better stay in line and never investigate the obvious corruption at the top? Am I close?" David questioned bluntly. Albert frowned.
"I'm told you have a beautiful, large family. I'd say you'd do well to color within the lines, Mr. Nolan," Spencer warned.
"That's Deputy Nolan and if you think I'm scared of you…then you're going to be disappointed," David answered.
"I see…I guess we know where we both stand then," he said shortly, as he turned and left.
"That man…" he growled, thinking about everything King George had done and tried to do to them. But he wasn't a King here and David was going to make sure he knew it.
Regina stormed into her vault and looked through all of the items she had brought with her from their land. The item she really wanted was the apple she had once made Snow bite into. But even if she used one of Jefferson's hats to retrieve it, she knew she could never get Snow and Charming's daughter to eat anything that came from her.
She had almost nothing left that was magical. If only she could rip Emma's heart out. Then she could control her and force her parents to leave Storybrooke forever if they wanted her to live. Her eyes widened suddenly and she looked at the ring she wore around her neck. Daniel's ring…she had enchanted it long ago and realized that it had a parcel of magic in it as it glowed. Sacrificing her love's ring though was something she didn't want to do…but times were desperate. With hesitation, she dropped into one of her last potions, letting the harsh liquid disintegrate the ring and absorb the magic. The potion then glowed with magic and she carefully poured it over her glove, enchanting it. She smirked. It was enough for one heart rip, but that was all she needed to preserve her curse and her power…
At the end of the day, David arrived at the diner to meet his family. He smiled, as all his kids called to him, as he entered and as usual, his heart swelled with joy. He slid into the booth beside his wife and listened to them all tell him about their days.
"Hi," he said, as he kissed Snow tenderly.
"Hi yourself, handsome," she replied, as she held up the keys to their new home.
"So it's ours?" he asked. She nodded.
"It's perfect and the kids all picked out their rooms. It came fully furnished and decorated too and the kids are begging to go to the shelter to pick out pets now that we have room," she said. He smiled.
"Then let's eat and go to the shelter," he said. The Gold family joined them and once they were finished, they exited the diner, only to run right into a furious Regina outside.
"I'm here to give you one last chance. Leave Storybrooke…" she stated.
"We're not going anywhere…and there's nothing you can do about it," David refuted.
"He's right…these are our people and we're home where we belong. And you have no magic to do anything about it," Snow added. Regina smirked deviously.
"Don't be so sure about that!" she cried and Snow screamed, as Regina's gloved hand glowed and went into her oldest daughter's chest.
"Regina no!" David cried, as he drew his firearm, pointing it at her head.
"You wouldn't kill me in front of all your precious babies…even if it meant saving this one," she said smugly, as she pulled her hand out, expecting to have Emma's pure heart in her hand. But she was bewildered when she was unable to pull the girl's heart out. Rumple smirked.
"She's a product of true love, dearie…magic herself. You can't rip this one's heart…she's the Savior," he declared. With that, a magical blast tossed Regina back and something began to happen to her.
"What's happening?" she asked.
"There's no magic here…but Emma is magic. Regina magic has backfired and she's cursed herself," Gold said, as they watched Regina transform into the sea witch for she had once used to try and trick Ariel.
"No…" Regina said, as she realized her plight. She used the last of the magic in her glove to teleport herself to the water. The Charming family and the Golds hurried after her to find her and saw her in the water, once they reached the beach.
"This isn't over…I will find a way to undo this curse and then I'll be back. I will destroy your happiness…if it's the last thing I do!" Regina promised, as she disappeared into the waters. Snow sighed and leaned back against Charming, who held her in his strong arms.
"She's gone, my love," he assured her.
"For now anyway," Snow said.
"Do you think she will break her curse?" David asked the Dark One.
"You broke the curse on Snow with true love's kiss. Short of that…no, she won't be able to," Gold replied. He sighed and he and Snow enveloped Emma in a tight hug.
"Mom…Dad…I'm okay," she promised, as they pulled back.
"I know, we just love you so much, sweetie," Snow said. Emma smiled.
"I love you guys too," Emma replied, as she kissed Snow on the cheek and then David. A wave of rainbow magic erupted from her kisses and washed over the entire town. They looked at her and then Rumple in amazement.
"Was that…" he uttered.
"Rumple…I remember!" Belle cried, as she practically leapt into his arms. A rare smile graced the Dark One's features.
"Yes…it was indeed," he said. Snow threw herself in Charming's arms and they shared a passionate kiss. Eagerly, they returned to town and were greeted by all their friends, who now had their memories back. Everyone could now have their happy ending.
Many Years Later
Emma and Neal walked along the beach, barefoot in the surf, with their toddler between them. Henry was two now and they had been married for a few years. Since Regina had been gone, her mother became Mayor and Graham had insisted on her father becoming Sheriff, while he became the Deputy. They had truly achieved a very happy ending, though it had been a beginning.
"Onna swim mama?" Henry cooed. She smiled.
"Not today, kid…we've got to get to grandma and grandpa's house for dinner," she said.
"Gramma granpa?" he asked. Neal chuckled.
"Yep…off to get you spoiled rotten," he joked. They heard some splashing in the water and turned, only to see Regina emerge from the water.
"Regina…" Emma uttered. But she wasn't alone and they watched, as merman emerged with her, along with a small merchild. They smiled at each other and used pendants, similar to the ones her parents had and became human right before them.
"You're back…" Neal said nervously, as he prepared to protect his family.
"I am…relax, we're not here to destroy anything. We're here to find a nice, peaceful happy ending," Regina said, as she smiled at the man.
"You found love?" Neal asked. She gave him a withering gaze.
"Don't look so surprised…but yes, this Robin and Roland. My family," she announced, shocking them both. She turned to the water and used her gloved hand to cast a magical barrier around them.
"What did you just do?" Neal asked suspiciously.
"I'm using the last of my magic to keep my mother out and anyone else that might try to come here and destroy the peace," Regina replied. Robin smiled at her and they joined hands.
"Tell your parents hi for me," Regina said simply, as they walked toward town.
"Well…conversation at dinner will be lively. They're never going to believe it," Neal said. Emma smiled.
"Yes they will…because they know that true love always wins in the end," she replied. He nodded and kissed her tenderly, as they walked back toward town with their son to have dinner with their family. The end was never really the end. Just the beginning of something wonderful…
The End.
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stygicniron · 2 years
I have two prince verses because I have no chill so check out the tags below. Because I’m on mobile and can’t link them properly right now
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lighthouseborn · 5 months
tag drop 3
arc i — the dawn of a new day waking (youth. )
arc ii — never give in never give it up ( teen. )
arc iii — as the dead man's tale is told ( movie. )
arc iv — i have learned to travel light ( travel. )
arc v — love them through and through and through ( shipwreck. )
arc vi — henry turner: girl dad. i don't know if this is a real verse or not.
alt i — the city that sank into the sea ( port royal. )
alt ii — mysterious fathoms below ( the carinae sea. )
au — a wild thing may say wild things ( regency / bridgerton. )
au — & do the next right thing ( detroit: become human. )
au — the seeds fall far from this earthbound town ( descendants. )
au — chase the sky into the ocean ( high fantasy. )
au — with you in my heart i can bear everything ( his dark materials. )
au — the wind will set me racing ( modern. )
au — the ghosts that we knew ( modern ii. )
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unchartedwatcrs · 11 months
"I like to come here when I need to think." { slowly slides this over if you don't mind-- }
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Eric hums, regarding the area curiously. "I've never been here before. It's nice." The view was scenic, the atmosphere was peaceful ... yes, Eric understood the appeal very much. "I see why you like to come here, it all seems so... calming." The young man looks over in her direction, hoping his question wouldn't be too probing. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable. "What do you usually think about when you're here? If I'm not prying too much."
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kettlefire · 7 months
The boy under the ice
He simply appear one winter day in Gotham. The water had already frozen over. Citizens alike surround the cold pond for a day of Winter festivities.
The Wayne family making a yearly appearance. Smiles and greets as hot cocoa and coffee was passed around to children and parents alike.
Some people skating across the frozen pond, while others enjoyed the snow. Building snowmen, and having intense rounds of snowball fighting.
Even in the darkness and dangerous that surrounded Gotham, everyone understood what today was. To put aside all problems and differences. To simply enjoy the seasonal change, spending time with your loved ones.
It was perfect. Until a piercing scream broke through the laughter and joy.
Cries of surprise and fear immediately followed. The people on the pond had quickly moved away in fear and disgust.
Bruce Wayne made no hesitation to move forward. Fear thrumming at the idea that someone had fallen through the ice. Maybe it hadn't been solid enough for skating and a poor soul got pulled in.
Except the ice was perfect. The only marks from the slight scratches of the blades against it. Not a single crack or hole could be seen.
It didn't take long before Dick was grabbing Bruce's attention. Waving the man over with a grim expression. The once joyous moment quickly turned dark and grim.
There was a boy, barely older than Damien trapped beneath the ice. Even with closed eyes, the kid looked like he could easily be mistaken as a Wayne. Any urgency to help was quickly faded by the sight.
The boy's skin held a blue tint, noticeable even through the thick layer of ice and the water below. His lips a sickly purple, and not a movement in his body.
It was clear the boy had been long since dead. Floating in the ice cold water beneath the ice. Having just floated up to the ice by pure accident.
With a sombre tone, Bruce ordered someone to call the police. They would need the fire department to even fathom pulling the poor boy out.
Bruce, along with Dick stayed kneeled on the cold ice. Eyes trained on the poor boy. Wondering if this was a blessing or a curse.
A poor family out there somewhere finally knowing what happened to their son this Christmas winter. Only for the horrible news of loss to hit them, even then the mystery was gone.
The sound of sirens broke through the thick tense silence. Help would be there soon, but the day had been tainted already.
It took everything in Bruce not to shout when eyelids sudden snapped open.
Fear and pain-filled bright blue eyes stared up at him through the ice. Pruned and blue hands suddenly pressed against the ice. Purple lips moving in frantic and panic words.
Words that couldn't penetrate the ice.
Bruce moved quickly, standing and yelling for help. Calling the civilians to bring anything they could. A blade from the snow cone cart was brought over.
The thick silence and stillness breaking instantly as everyone joined together in a rushed attempt to help.
Bubbles raised to the surface, popping against the ice as the boy beneath it continued to struggle. Words of comfort spilling from Bruce, even though he knew the boy likely couldn't hear him.
Many people were ushered off the ice, not wanting to risk a massive break from the weight. The ice frantically yet slowly breaking and giving under the attempts. Shavings and cracks signaling progress.
Bruce's eyes trailed away from the ice he had been trying to break for only a split second. He could hear the sounds of the fire department pulling into the area.
Bruce's eyes met the teen's terrified one. A chill ran down his spine as he saw the fight leave the boy, a feeling of despair and loss filling Bruce.
He couldn't let it end like this.
Yet, the choice was ripped from him. The water below the ice seemed to bubble for a split second before he was gone.
The boy under the ice was just gone.
He hadn't sunk down to the bottom of the pond. He hadn't floated to another section. One second he was there, and the next he was gone.
It didn't stop the fire department from breaking into the ice. Into pulling all efforts to try and find the boy. The boy that almost everyone in attendance had seen in clear detail.
There wasn't a body. No sign of the young teen's existence, save for the now shattered and broken ice. It seemed to be nothing, a strange blimp in a Gotham day.
Everyone was meant to move on without a second thought.
Except Bruce couldn't. He couldn't get the sight of terrified eyes meeting his. He knew there was too the story. That boy needed help.
He wasn't simply trapped under the ice. The boy wasn't simply dead. He was suffering. And Bruce would be damned if he just brushed it off like everyone else.
It's a good thing Bruce didn't. A late night in the cave, listening to the police scanners. Trying to push away the lingering sadness and pain he felt from the boy.
That's when he heard it. The call of a young boy being found trapped under the ice. In a different pond.
That was all the confirmation Bruce needed. He sent out an order to every vigilante apart of his family. To keep an eye out for the elusive boy.
Bruce was going to crack this mystery. He was going to help this kid, no matter what it took.
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merakiui · 7 months
while in captivity, floyd encounters a human and unintentionally pair-bonds with you during a moment of biological vulnerability.
(cw: gender neutral reader, nsfw, omegaverse/abo, heats, captivity)
The marine lab has recently acquired a unique specimen—unique in that he is half-human and half-fish, hailing from deep, dark, indescribable depths. An eel merman, to be exact. You’ve only ever glimpsed merfolk in outdated textbooks and fairytales, the latter of which depicted them as whimsical beings capable of feats beyond scientific understanding. Magic. Although in the realm of biology, such folly is never entertained and so what the world calls ‘magic’ other fields built upon the foundations of research refer to it as a ‘miracle’. In your eyes those words are interchangeable, but then the idea of a miracle is far easier to digest than the concept of magic.
Merfolk have always been elusive, covert creatures, hence why there is hardly any conclusive data on them. In fact, they’re so secretive that they were believed to be mostly extinct—a figment of dreams and hallucinations. Most of what humans know stems from the tattered notes of long-gone sailors, their presences nearly lost to time itself, and for a while all anyone ever knew were four key details:
They are spread throughout the sea, living out their lives in frigid fathoms. 
They are hypnotic and deceptive. 
They are predatory. 
They rarely interact with humankind unless absolutely necessary (e.g. to hunt or observe).
But with plenty of promising technological advances, some of the theories and myths surrounding merfolk have been bolstered or disproved, respectively. Merfolk are just as diverse as the rest of the animal kingdom. Some live in solitude. Others thrive in groups. Some make their home out of caves and grottos. Some dwell within the labyrinths of volcanic rock formations. It is every marine biologist’s dream to come face to face with one of these mysterious creatures, if only for just a few minutes to glean more information.
That dream is made reality today.
The eel mer was discovered off the coast of a tiny island, entangled in fishing lines and plastic litter. His large, winding body, snake-like in its sleek build, was littered with scars and scrapes. There was a hook lodged up in the folds of his gills. Despite his thrashing, his tail swishing wildly in the sand and nearly knocking down three researchers like they were bowling pins, he was wheezing and gasping, drained of energy and air. When the first bucket of seawater came down upon his dry gills, he settled briefly, wide, crazed, mismatched eyes flicking from face to face. Likely assessing the situation or counting the amount of bodies, the report claimed.
He fell still after that, and it took two teams of ten people to load him onto the lift so he could be flown to the lab.
After he spent a week in recovery, where he healed surprisingly fast, he was transferred to a much larger and wider tank, its depths far deeper than the average swimming pool. He doesn’t swim to the surface much, and he only ever pokes his head out at night, scanning his surroundings with intelligent, keen eyes. And then he turns and disappears below. It’s a pattern he’s stuck to for weeks now. No one really understands it, and they haven’t had the opportunity to try. He’s uncooperative and unpredictable. It’s much too dangerous to send a diver down there.
So they transfer you to his enclosure, assuming you might have more luck. You’re not sure and you can’t make any promises of potential success, as you’ve only ever interacted with marine mammals. A merman is…different. Not only because he’s half-man and, by that same logic, likely possesses a human brain that is capable of a higher level of thought, albeit one that is wired to suit his mer biology, but because he’s bigger. A lot bigger.
He could kill you.
You saw the documentation. The serrated teeth, the powerful claws, the dangerous jaw, the bulky, muscular build that cuts through water like a bullet. He is a predator in every sense of the word, and you’re supposed to look after him. Coax him to the surface. Get him to trust humans. Interact with him just inches from the edge of his tank and hope that he doesn’t get hungry or violent.
He might kill you.
But there are safety measures put in place for these things. Ethics to be followed and whatnot. It’s a slippery slope because he’s part human and therefore could possibly have the same level of intelligence humans have, in which case it would be wrong to trap him here. There may be ways to skirt around it with other animals, but he’s not like other animals.
For now, he’s kept here under the pretense of recovery and scientific study. The lab treats him like the big fish he is, going so far as to buy a shark suit in your size and instruct you to wear it even though you’re not going to get in the water. “It should prevent him from biting through,” they had said, “but it won’t lessen the force of his bite.”
“What good will that do? I can’t fight him off.” Though you knew it had nothing to do with anything, you added, “I’m an omega. Merfolk might not have the same sub-genders as we do up on the surface—or maybe they do; I don’t know—but if he were human he’d definitely classify as an alpha. Put that into perspective. I can’t. Fight. Him. Off. It’s biologically impossible.”
“So you poke his eyes. Dig your fingers into his gills. He should let go of you then.”
“That’ll hurt him,” you protested, clutching the suit to your chest.
“Not as much as he’ll hurt you.”
You suppose it’s a clinical priority. Survival of the fittest, but it’s the human who has to live. The lab could afford to lose you, but they don't want to. And if they did, they might put the mer down. Shoot him up with enough tranquilizers to keep him comatose. Maybe it only bothered you because, yet again, he’s half-human and no one on the team knows the extent to which he thinks and functions.
To simplify it, they consider him a shark. But like any creature, sharks learn and adapt as they go. Death is instinct.
He will kill you.
But you don’t want to think like that, which is why you put on your best smile and trudge into the enclosure he’s being kept in. The tank looms before you, seawater clear and beamed through with streaks of light from the harsh, glaring LEDs above. The deeper the water gets, the darker the shadows. You press your palm against the glass, observing the murky darkness with a frown. Somewhere in this tank, at a depth you can’t even imagine, is an eel merman. A big, strong, powerful, scary eel merman.
You swallow a steadying breath, curl your fingers into fists, and climb the spiral staircase to get to the attached platform. Your reflection follows you with each step, countenance set in grim confliction. Once you reach the top, you peer out at the surface of the pool, listening to the droning hum of water filters and other hidden machinery. There’s a very shallow part of the tank, a dip in the design that allows for the mer to lounge if he so pleases. You’re reminded of the dolphins in live shows, who slide up onto their stomachs to face an awestruck audience. You doubt that’s what he’ll use this ledge for. If anything, it could allow a researcher to kneel in the shallows while they interact with him at an intimate propinquity.
You don’t plan on being that researcher.
Instead, you pace a healthy distance away from the edge, holding a bucket of his breakfast in one hand and a notebook in the other.
“Um!” You cringe at your voice as it reverberates around you in a nervous echo. Cautiously, you inch towards the water. “I have your food!”
You wait three seconds, expecting him to come bursting up from the darkness like the shark everyone wants to delude themselves into thinking he is. The water remains still and unbroken. You wonder if your voice can even reach such a depth. If not the sound, the vibrations might. Or maybe he’s resting. It’s still relatively early in the morning. Perhaps his sleep schedule is thrown off. Yours would be if you were taken from your home and dumped in a manufactured version of your habitat.
You lurch forwards with the bucket and watch as a collection of shrimp, crab, and small fish soar through the air in a sloppy arc before landing and sinking into the waiting depths below. Nothing happens. The tension in your body ebbs away, and when it becomes clear that he isn’t coming up to greet you and feast on your offering you relax completely, collapsing against the wall with a great sigh.
If they really want to study him, they should just watch him on the security feed, you think, peering up at the camera in one corner of the room, its red eye fixated on you and the surrounding enclosure. He’s not going to come up during the day. Not when there are humans walking around.
Still, you wait your shift out, scribbling nonsense in your notebook and occasionally glancing up to gauge the state of the water.
The mer doesn’t show, so you resolve to try again.
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Try you do, and try you have. 
It’s been one week of perfunctory routine, arriving and feeding him at the same time in hopes that he might understand what you’re doing and come up to investigate. Or, at the very least, recognize you’re a recurring figure in his chapter of captivity. You don’t intend on befriending him. You only wish to fulfill your duties as a researcher, however skewed they may have become. Even though you know you ought to be grateful the mer hasn’t caused any problems, you want something to happen. Anything! At this rate, you’d sooner tire yourself out playing with rowdy sea lions than sit around in silence while waiting for an appearance from him.
It’s a quiet Tuesday afternoon when the first beat of unrest hits.
The mer’s enclosure is kept at a comfortable temperature for humans; it’s the water that’s freezing below the surface. So when you step up onto the platform and peer into the chum-infested deep, the empty bucket now set aside, you feel warmer than usual. Odd, considering the room is normally so chilly. Not extremely so, but chilly enough to give way to a pleasant cold.
Tugging at the collar of your shark suit, you cover the distance to stand under a large fan situated just near the dip in the pool. Cool air kisses your heated skin, providing you with much-needed relief, and you peer up at the propellers that spin in endless circles. Around and around and around. Your eyes follow the motions until you dizzy yourself, and you step back on wobbly legs. Your foot misses the metal platform and instead slips into the ledge built in the tank. With a startled yelp you fall backwards, landing in the shallows on your rear.
“Of course,” you mumble, bitter with embarrassment. “Leave it to me to fall right into the predator’s tank.”
You scoot further up onto the ledge, staring at the water below. It’s quite calm here, where the shallows lap languidly at your waist. If you were delusional, you might think this was a jacuzzi pool that you could dip your toes in. It’s not. Of course it isn’t. Not when there’s a beast lurking just below. But while you’re here, you run your hands through the saltwater while your own body temperature rises as if it’s a hungry flame in a stone hearth.
You place your hands on either side of the ledge, intending to push yourself up and onto the platform, when something tightens inside of you. Your heart stumbles in your chest and you lose the strength in your arms at once. With a noisy splash, you flop back into the shallows, your compromised body rigid and shaky with a tingling, all-encompassing warmth. Horrified, you raise two fingers to your pulse to feel it stutter wildly beneath your skin.
Swallowing thickly, you lower your head onto your arms and wait for the feeling to pass. The seconds slip by and in that short amount of time your state seems to worsen. Your temperature is volcanic, your every sense restless, and you’re sweating through the shark suit as if you’ve just run a marathon and more.
“Not now,” you hiss, slapping your hands upon your face. “Please not now. Anything but now…”
You intend to haul yourself up and out for good this time, desperate to get as far from the pool before your brain is completely overrun by your encroaching heat and robust omega instincts, when fingers brush against your leg. Something chitters behind you, a low, slow sort of sound that is shot through with curiosity. You turn as if you’re frozen in ice, your heart in your throat and senses on high alert.
The eel mer is right there, clutching your ankle in a firm grip. Not to hurt you, but to keep you there. And you’re not at all in a hurry to leave. Not when those claws are so close to your calf, capable of shredding through to your very bones. Even with the shark suit, you worry. He stares at you with narrowed eyes, his head angled in a cute, childish way. He appears confused and rightfully so, considering you’re a creature he’s likely never interacted with so closely before. You mirror his befuddlement, your brows furrowed, lips creased in a thin line.
For a long while, the two of you watch each other. If you look past his predatory design, he’s quite pretty with his smoky teal coloration and dark stripes. Your gaze pans over to the water, where a long, powerful tail disappears below. The paranoid side of you says he’s going to drown you, but then he doesn’t seem outwardly malicious in his intentions.
He flinches at the sound of your voice, his head snapping up to your throat and then your lips. Your attempt to pull your captive leg back is thwarted when he lurches, rising out of the water to grab hold of your foot. You gasp and shake your head at him, your senses sharp and dull all at once. Your heat-addled mind just barely parses the threat of danger, looming and ever-present.
“Please,” you beg, your tone sticky and breathless. “Don’t…”
The mer tilts his head the other way. The fins where his ears might be if he were human shiver, as if listening to the desperation in your syllables. He chirrups, lips widening in a sharp-toothed smile, and then he’s dragging you towards him. Panic seizes your nerves and you dig your palms into the smooth basin in an effort to get away. His expression falls when he notices your struggle and he lifts himself onto the ledge with you, draping himself over your legs like an oversized rug.
“Wait… H-Hold on; get off!” You grunt and weakly prod at his chest. He doesn’t budge. “You… You’re heavy!”
His webbed hand closes around your waist, steadying you in the shallows, while his other arm cages you beneath him. Instinctively, you arch into his touch, your breath coming in tiny, frenzied huffs. He clicks at you, and words that you can only assume are meant to be gentle and soothing are produced in a sweet melody. It relaxes you more than you’d like to admit, a lyrical balm to your terror.
You squeeze your eyes shut and brace yourself for the worst. For the searing pain and the stinging agony. For the blood that will color the water a dark, foreboding red. For the sight of him merrily tearing into your jugular, his maw spattered with crimson. But none of that ever comes. He cradles your face next, his thumb running along your cheekbone, and slowly you peel your eyes open. His face is inches from yours, looking on with an intensity that’s almost primal.
Warily, you lift your arm out of the water and touch his hand. It’s much bigger in contrast to yours, but he’s handling you with such immaculate tenderness.
“You’re not going to hurt me…” you mutter, amazed. “You’re just curious.”
As if responding, he chitters. You nod even though you have no idea what he said. He doesn’t smell like an alpha or an omega or a beta. You’re not even sure if he’s capable of releasing pheromones, but if he were you’re certain it would have driven you much crazier than you already feel.
You hold his stare and reach up to pat his cheek, and he leans into your careful touch. Your hand soon trails down to trace his lateral lines, which earns you a pleased hum. You watch in awe as the gills on either side of his body flutter.
Led on by your own wonder, you follow the pattern to his waist and press your thumbs into his hip bones beneath smooth, slippery skin. “How fascinating… I wonder if it’s possible to take an X-ray. Would you allow—oh!”
Clumsily, he lifts you into his arms to embrace you, rolling his hips against the chainmail shark suit. Your breath hitches, and you fumble to grasp his broad shoulders.
“Ah, w-wait. I’m not… You can’t…”
He clicks thrice and lowers you into the shallows, his face scrunched in annoyance. You think he might’ve understood you, but then he’s palming between your legs and it occurs to you that he wants the suit off. Carnal delight shivers through you at the prospect of being wanted to such a degree, and though you know it’s the heat muddling your sensibility you can’t help indulging him just a little. You undo the zip at the back and slide it from your body, revealing your shoulders and bare arms for his wandering, mismatched hues. He leans in to nose at your scent glands, chattering happily as he inhales. You can’t understand a word, but he sounds pleased—even more so when he runs his hands along your arms, squeezing and petting in equal measure.
His tongue laves across your neck, and what fragile restraint you have left snaps. You cling to him like he’s your anchor, meeting his searching hips halfway with every awkward thrust that doesn’t quite connect as it should. You chew your lip, tamping down a torrent of filthy moans. Your mind is clouded with lust and instinct, and you dig your fingers into his hair, holding him against your neck while he continues to lick and nip.
It feels right up until the haze parts momentarily, allowing temporary sobriety when you spy the tip of something poking free of its encasing. Dazed and inquisitive, you reach between your bodies to prod at his slit, hoping to coax more of his prehensile cock from out of its folds. But then the door below opens and the mer lifts himself from off of you, his head turning in the direction of the sound at an alarming speed. You blink up at him, lazily following his line of sight. His lip curls up in a silent snarl, the beginnings of razored teeth peeking out, and then he slithers back into the water, his hands lingering on your ankles.
Despite the dizziness you sit up, your arm outstretched. “Wait, don’t go!”
I didn’t get to cum yet. You didn’t even claim me either…
He peers at you, neutral for all of a minute before swimming over to you. He presses his face into your palm, chittering softly. There are footsteps on the stairs, and he grits his teeth, withdrawing completely before turning and diving under in a spray of seawater.
You fall back into the shallows, panting like a starved, feral monster. A researcher comes to your aid, her expression equal parts shocked and disturbed. You don’t catch her questions, each one tacked onto what feels like a ceaseless rant, while she helps you to your feet. Something about danger. About heats. About omega biology. About how the researchers watched the both of you on the cameras, swelling with queries of their own.
“I’m not sure,” you mumble as you’re helped down the stairs, stumbling in a heat-drunken stupor. Thankfully, your fellow researcher is an omega like you and that relaxes the hypersensitive part of you—the part that fears being taken advantage of when you’re vulnerable like this. But the needier, greedier part of you wants the mer—wants his hands and mouth all over you, ripping you free from your suit and indulging in the bare skin beneath. “I think he...wanted to help…”
No one can explain his behavior. But it seems promising.
While you’re led from the room, the eel mer stalks you from the gloomy confines of his tank.
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In the days following your heat, you return to the marine lab with your head on your shoulders and are immediately barraged with requests. Amongst all of them, one common demand stands out: You have to get him up to the surface again. Part of you doesn’t want to face the mer again. When you truly mulled over that day, tossed the memory of it around in your mind like it was a tennis ball, you were hit with shame.
It’s not…normal. Researchers do not tangle themselves in sexual situations with their subjects, especially when said subject was an eel mer from the Coral Sea. It’s unheard of. Luckily, the team of researchers you work with swears to secrecy. You were out of it and your judgment wasn’t in the best state. That’s the excuse they’re using. It works enough to push the humiliation from your thoughts.
You wonder if you should feel disgusted by the events. Rather, you didn’t mind it. For all of his rough, scarred, monstrous edges, he was gentle.
You press your fingers to your scent glands, recalling the feel of his tongue.
Today you’ve donned your usual work attire, foregoing the shark suit and any other protective gear the lab expects you to wear. Something tells you you won’t need it anymore. Not after everything that happened the day you went into heat.
Feeling rejuvenated and refreshed after your mini break, you trudge up the staircase with a food bucket, determined to finally fill your notebook with data. You’ve only made it up four steps when color flashes in your peripheral. You turn and find the mer is at your eye level, following you up the spiral staircase adjacent to his tank.
You pause and wave experimentally. He watches your hand move to and fro and then he mirrors your actions. He swims the rest of the distance to the surface, breaching it just as you make it onto the platform.
“Good morning, Mister,” you greet, bending down to empty the contents of the bucket into the water.
Disinterested, he watches bits of shrimp sink deeper. And then he looks back to you, his mouth opening and shutting. “Fu… Fu…” he forces out, his face scrunched in concentration.
“Fu…? Food?” 
He nods and then shakes his head, hissing at himself in what you think might be admonishment. 
“Furo?” You set the bucket aside and scoot closer to the edge. “What’s that?”
He tries once more before the syllables fizzle out on his tongue and, with a few frustrated clicks, he swipes a fish from the surface and stuffs it in his mouth. You giggle, and the sound has him tilting his head. Without a shred of apprehension, he meets you at the ledge. You watch him munch on the fish between his lips, content to observe in silence. He polishes it off rather quickly before procuring a handful, which he dumps onto the ground beside you. You shake your head at him, smiling weakly.
“Thanks, but no. It’s all yours.”
The mer shrugs and indulges without you.
“I should thank you for not hurting me back then,” you add. He pays close attention to your lips; you think he might be attempting to read them while listening. “Um… But don’t get the wrong idea. I’m not sure if merfolk are like humans, but we have this system… Or not a system… It’s more like…groupings? Secondary classifications?” You frown. How can you explain the complexities of sub-genders to a mer who doesn’t even speak your language? “Basically, I was in trouble and you helped me out. Kind of. In any case, thank you.”
He stares at you for a while, chewing and swallowing. You think he might swim back under once he’s finished, but instead he places his hands on the ledge and hoists himself up on his arms. He’s in your face next, all eager smiles and chitters.
“Fu… Furo. Furo…ido. Furoido,” he sounds out.
You read his lips in the best way you can before it finally clicks. “Ah! Floyd, right? Is that…your name?”
Floyd points to himself, makes a few upbeat clicks, and then nods. He’s pointing at you next.
“And me? Oh, my name is (Name).” You take your time sounding it out for him, and he repeats it with an awkward tongue. You smile and nod encouragingly. “That’s it. That’s me.”
He flops back into the water with a celebratory trill, a wild smile tugging at his lips. You watch him swim laps from you to the opposite end of the pool and back. Ditching the shark suit was the right call. You’re no longer uncertain. This time, you know for a fact that you’re going to be getting along very well with him.
And you look forward to fostering this flowering friendship.
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writing-fanics · 11 months
• wild uncharted waters •
Prince Eric x Fem!Reader
(summary:Eric and Y/n, long-time childhood friends, shared a mutual desire to travel and explore new places. As the years went on, their feelings for each other began to grow. During one of their voyages, Y/n had planned to confess her feelings to Eric. Unfortunately, their ship was caught in a storm which resulted in their separation.)
Table of Contents
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•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
[Chapter One: Fathoms Below]
[Chapter Two: Mystery Girl]
[Chapter Three: If Only]
[Chapter Four: What His Heart Wants]
[Chapter Five: Brokenhearted]
[Chapter Six: Just the Beginning]
Taglist (commnt below saying you want to be added)
@ladynoiree @bambi-horror @or-was-it-just-a-dream @jakesullylvr @katies-reading-space @anangelwhodidntfall @ppetertinglee @gabithefanwriter @meet-me-backstage @laurgrace25
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
Just want you to know that this is like the third time I've gone back and read Mysterious Fathoms Below and i still love it as much as the first time. Had to control the urge to scream everytime Anthony correctly interpreted exactly what Kate wanted to say. It's the gentlest little story💚
It is gentle, honestly.
Anthony and Kate are so connected they hardly need words to explain themselves. And they don’t need any to explain what they feel.
The only thing Anthony doesn’t quite understand is Kate trying to ask him to marry her with her made bracelet, and that’s only because he doesn’t understand the intimacies of mermish courting very well. Otherwise he definitely would have said yes.
I also think I love the love Kate’s father has for her. To go against everything he believes in because he can see how happy it would make her. He can see how much she longs for more than he can offer her. So even though he doesn’t like it, he will turn himself human and March into this boy king’s castle to see his daughter and the life she’s made for herself onshore. She loves this odd little man and he can see, Tharman can, that Anthony loves his daughter. Of course he does, he saw that the moment he saw them together. So what was he to do? She was always born to be a queen. Just not of the ocean.
This story has a very soft spot in my heart and it definitely isn’t my most popular story, but I love it anyway.
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CM Office Party Challenge 🎉
The following are prompts including an Office Party! Reader, Original Character, Character/Character ships, Gen/Platonic fics are allowed!
This event is over (Masterlist of Fics here), but you are welcome to use any of these prompts. If you would like to be added to the existing Masterlist of entries, please check out the Rules below!
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🎊 Prompts 🎊
It’s a BAU kid’s birthday!
The BAU throws a ridiculously large/lavish bridal/baby shower.
It’s rare that the BAU gets to celebrate the return of an old team member.
The team hardly believes it when Character A agrees to dance with B.
After sharing sad prom stories (or lack thereof), Penelope throws a BAU prom.
It’s characters first Missed Holiday Meal (MHM). It’s also the first time a holiday meal actually felt like home.
The team discusses holiday traditions. Characters decide to try a few out.
The FBI is throwing a family picnic. The playful competitions get a little… heated.
It’s the anniversary of the BAU. The team throws a party to celebrate the greats.
Penelope planned a Murder Mystery party… with a bunch of criminal profilers. Great. (Bonus if a non-profiler wins)
The BAU has been dealing with a lot of stress. Penelope plans a day at a pottery shop so everyone can make something. It causes even more stress.
The team pairs up to play the newlywed game. Someone starts to notice that, despite not being partners, A knows the answers to every question about B…
Rossi is finally (actually) retiring. The party brings together friends that haven’t seen each other in years.
An anniversary/award brings back old team members. There used to be a time when they couldn’t fathom a week away from one another, but they haven’t spoken in years.
More Prompts Below + Create your own! 🎉
Each team member has to find an obscure holiday to celebrate (pi day, random acts of kindness day, unicorn day, etc.). Character goes above and beyond.
Character has very surprising responses to Never Have I Ever. They have even more shocking admissions.
There is nothing that a bonfire can't fix.
Characters are stuck at a party, but they can't stop thinking about each other (based on "Dinner & Diatribes" by Hozier).
Characters always find each other. Even at a masquerade, when their faces are almost entirely covered.
A party is the perfect place to see a new side to your coworker.
🎄 Holiday Specific Prompts 🦃
Halloween prompts / Winter Holiday prompts
It’s time for Penelope’s Halloween Party! Someone comes in an… unexpected costume.
The single members of the team decide to host a lonely hearts club dinner on Valentine’s Day. Two people leave together.
Characters end up beneath very suspiciously placed mistletoe at the holiday party.
Character accidentally started an ugly Christmas sweater tradition which somehow turned into a contest.
After an awful case, the team comes back on Christmas Eve to find that Penelope has gathered their loved ones and quickly decorated the BAU as a surprise.
Character only wanted to reveal that they are someone's Secret Santa at the BAU Christmas Party but they end up confessing a lot more than that.
🎂 Dialogue Prompts 🍰
"... Surprise?"
"What are adults supposed to do at a kid's birthday party. Does anyone actually know?"
"Whatever you do, be sure to avoid the food. I don't know who made it, but it's awful." "Oh, it uh... it was me."
"If you help me win, I'll owe you one great big giant favor."
"I just never saw you as a... party type of person."
"I think you're bluffing." "Am I?"
"You are the last person I expected to have attended clown school. I figured your clownish nature was inherent in who you are."
"So, if you had to guess, who do you think is going to drunkenly confess their love for someone else at this party?"
"The year is over. Did you accomplish everything you hoped for?"
"I fucking hate balloons."
"What's the point of a fridge on the jet if not for a celebratory drink?"
"If we're stuck here all night, we might as well have fun."
"I love you. I do. But you are a terrible Santa."
"Next time, I'm in charge of the karaoke mic."
🎈Rules 🎁
The fic can be a Reader insert, an Original Character, a character/character ship, a platonic ship, or a Gen fic. It can feature any Criminal Minds character. AUs and crossovers are more than welcome.
Tag me in the fic, or send the link to me in a Direct Message. It can be already written, or you can write it for the challenge - I’m collecting both! You can also tag it “#mentioningmargins” which is a tag I track.
The fic can be any genre, but ONLY send me smut if your bio states you are 18+. I DO NOT WANT smut written by minors. Ever. At all. I will check. Platonic ships and pure, fluffy fics are 100% allowed.
Please include Content Warnings and a one-sentence Summary of the fic in your post.
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lilacmoon83 · 2 years
Mysterious Fathoms Below
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 11: Twists and Turns
"We need a plan," David muttered, as Cruella's hired hands milled about and Snow picked at her lock.
"I know...picking this lock is no good if I don't have my legs," she whispered. He saw Cruella examining her necklace. Getting it back wouldn't be easy. Cleo was still in a bit of shock and he could see the questions in her eyes.
"It's okay…you can ask," he said.
"She's a mermaid?" Cleo asked.
"Yes…but I wasn't born like this. We're not…from this land," Snow answered.
"That much I gathered…so are you like this too?" she asked.
"I can be…this was a curse at first. When I broke the curse, Snow would have become human again, but our war against the Evil Queen would have just continued. A fairy offered a different option," he explained.
"Charming gave me true love's kiss and she reversed the spell, making him like me," Snow continued.
"Charming?" Cleo asked.
"Oh…it's my nickname for him. My real name is Snow White," she revealed.
"This is too wild," Cleo said, as she shook her head.
"And the kids? They're like this too?" she asked.
"Yes…but they can be both at will. They don't need an enchantment like we do," David explained, as he showed her his necklace, which was keeping him human at the moment.
"And her?" Cleo asked.
"Cruella De Vil…but I'm not sure how she escaped to this world," he replied.
"That's definitely it…I'm definitely in the twilight zone," she muttered.
"I know it seems that way…but I promise you that we're just people. Cruella, on the other hand,…is a monster. If she thought she could wear our scales like one of her coats, she'd filet us," he said quietly.
"And this place we're going?" Cleo asked.
"It's a town, completely cut off from your world. The Evil Queen cursed our entire land to this one. Snow and I escaped, hoping she'd stop seeking revenge on us. But she didn't," he explained.
"Our people are safe there for the most part, but they won't be if Cruella gets power. She's worse than Regina," Snow said.
"Regina?" Cleo asked.
"My step-mother…the Evil Queen," Snow answered.
"So…what do we do?" Cleo asked.
"We need help…David you need to escape and bring help," she whispered.
"I'm not leaving you and the kids. It's out of the question, Snow," he refused.
"Then we need to have a plan once we reach Storybrooke," she replied. He nodded and glanced back at their captors. Snow knew things wouldn't go well if they got to Storybrooke and Regina managed to separate them again. She feared what would happen to her husband and children and all manners of horrors haunted her mind, as she looked up at the sky, as if to plead to the Gods. That's when she spotted a Seagull above them and he seemed to notice her too. David saw the exchange and hope filled him. His wife still had her ability to speak to birds. The Seagull squawked loudly above them incessantly for several moments and started to annoy Cruella.
"Shoo! Shoo! Or I'll make a nice handbag out of you!" she called, as more Seagulls began to circle and Cruella let out a wretched scream when they began their attack. The Seagulls dive bombed her and her cohorts. David used the opportunity and tackled Horace first, punching him out, while Jasper pointed a gun at him. Cruella continued to screech and Snow's enchanted bracelet went flying. Ben scrambled to grab it, as it landed near him and he put it around his mother's wrist. There was a poof of magic and Snow had legs again, as she got up.
"Charming!" she cried, as she saw Jasper pointing the pistol at the man she loved. She grabbed a discarded piece of wood on the deck and slammed Jasper over the head with it. David got the gun and pointed it at Horace, who was starting to come around. Cruella continued to scream, as they pecked at her and it seemed the birds soon realized they had turned the tide, as they flew away.
"Sorry Cruella…we're going to detour this little expedition back to shore," David said, as Snow tied her up and he took care of the others.
"Your parents certainly know how to take care of things," Neal mentioned. Emma smiled.
"They're great leaders," she replied. He sighed.
"People deserve to be led by them…" Neal said, as she looked at him and they docked back at shore.
"Yeah…but we barely got out alive last time. Regina almost won," she said.
"But with the right motivation, my father would support your parents if they returned and you could break the curse," Neal replied.
"Right motivation?" Emma asked.
"Me…I'm the reason he cast the curse and wanted to come to this land," Neal replied.
"But I thought you were determined to never see him again," Emma said.
"I was…but I realized that it's not fair to all the people that were cursed. Regina may have cursed them, but you can bet it's my father that made sure she did in order to get to this land," he lamented.
"So…what are you saying?" Emma asked. By this time, he had Snow and David's attention too.
"We need to go to Storybrooke," he announced.
"It's where we belong and then you can break the curse, freeing everyone from Regina's rule. My father will back you…as long as he has me back, because it's going to be my condition that he does the right thing if he wants to even have a chance of having me in his life," Neal said. Snow and David exchanged a glance and smiled.
"That's very selfless and brave of you, Neal," Snow said. He sighed.
"Don't pat me on the back too much…if I'm honest, I'm tired of being on the streets and running all the time," he admitted.
"It's a hard life and you should have better. I am sure your father will want you to live with him, but until you're ready for that, you have a place with us," David said.
"Then we're going?" he asked. They nodded.
"Yes…running and living between worlds is becoming too dangerous for us too. Your father may have said we needed to wait until Emma was twenty-eight, but we have to assume that was because that hinged on finding you," Snow said.
"Yeah…he said nothing about the possibility of you coming home to him. It might change everything," Emma agreed.
"So…we wouldn't ever have to move again?" Ben asked. Snow shook her head.
"No…and no more hiding who we are," she replied, as she held the baby.
"Isn't Regina gonna freak though?" Emma asked. David chuckled and Snow elbowed him playfully.
"Probably, but we'll be ready and she also won't want you to break the curse. With a united front, she's not going to have a lot of leverage. Even in her town, she can't just try to kill newcomers to her town in broad daylight. The townspeople will naturally be curious about us and we'll be sure to make a splash, so to speak," David said, as his kids groaned at his dad jokes.
"Excuse me…but what about me!? If you think I won't get free and follow you to town, you have another thing coming," Cruella warned.
"I'll take care of you," Cleo chimed in, as she was looking at her phone.
"The bounty on you and your cohorts will set me for a good while. Apparently, word is that your husband sold you out hard and the Feds want you too," Cleo mentioned. David smirked.
"Enjoy Federal prison then. I doubt they have fur lined orange jumpsuits," he joked, as they waited nearby out of sight until the local authorities arrived to help Cleo take them in. Cruella started ranting about mermaids, but quickly quieted when she realized the Feds weren't buying it and it was going to land her in the psych ward. Cleo had them wait for a moment, while she came to say goodbye.
"I guess this is it…are you driving there?" she asked.
"No…I'm going to use this ship and tow us there. We can only pass through Storybrooke's magical barrier in our other form," David replied, as they shook hands.
"Well…good luck to you. You've been a great partner," she said.
"Thanks…you too," he said, as she watched them set sail in the boat, before leaving with the feds. Once they were far enough away from shore, Snow and David removed their pendants and handed them to Emma, as they took to the water. They attached a rope to each side of the boat and then tied them around their waists.
"Ready?" he asked. She smiled and kissed him tenderly.
"I am…and you know I love a good swim with my husband," she replied, as their lips met again.
"Guys…" Emma complained. They shared a chuckle, before joining hands and diving, beginning their journey to Storybrooke.
Regina awoke to her normal routine that morning and though she would never admit it, she was bored. It was the same thing every day with no resistance to her iron fist type rule. After her enemies had escaped years ago with their baby, and the Flynn's, Gold only let her maintain her rule, because she left him and Belle alone. He remained awake and she let him subtly romance Belle, who had no memories and as far as she could tell, still didn't. They seemed cozy nevertheless, which irked her, since she remained alone, mostly, with the exception of her occasional dalliance with Graham. But she didn't dare cross him, though she wondered how long it would be until he decided he wanted to enact revenge on her. She knew he hadn't forgiven her and likely never would. He hadn't acted against her though and she knew what he was waiting for. She still had about ten years to figure out how to stop her enemies from returning with their brat that could break her curse and threaten her power. Ten years to find a way to thwart them and make them pay. She hadn't been exactly proactive in finding them, but she had put out subtle feelers into the Land Without Magic, only to come up empty. She had no idea what names they were living under, after all. She still had ten years though. She'd find them and then hire someone on the outside to get rid of them before they could return. She smirked at the thought. She would make sure to make a trip outside Storybrooke to see their demise, personally.
As she walked to the diner to have her normal breakfast, with the glorious thought of Snow White meeting some horrible end, while her family watched, the same things she expected would occur. Marco would be fixing the sign above the hardware store, Moe would wheel out his cart of the same fresh flowers, Granny would set the specials board outside the diner, and Archie would pass her by with Pongo. As expected all those things occurred, as she prepared to enter the diner. But one thing was very different this morning and she nearly jumped out of her skin, as the clock tower struck eight in the morning and chimed.
She froze in her tracks and looked up at it in shock. Never in the years since they came here had time moved even an inch. The clock never moved from its position and something had changed that. She felt a gnawing in the pit of her stomach and then saw the problem ahead of her. It was them. They had a lot of children with them…but it was them.
The town was abuzz this morning. It was no secret that Storybrooke was a sleepy town that rarely, if ever got any outside visitors and if the residents really thought about it, they would realize that no one ever came to Storybrooke. Until now. Word spread very fast last night when a large family arrived in town and checked into Granny's Inn. Ruby had been excited by the prospect of new people in what she referred to as their boring town. Supposedly, they had been to all kinds of places, but were looking to settle down with their children. And the husband was inquiring about jobs in law enforcement. Apparently, he had experience and Ruby was only too happy to inform him that Sheriff Graham had been looking for a Deputy for quite some time. Their Sheriff was a night owl and wanted someone for the day shift, which was perfect for a family man.
"So…what are all their names?" Granny asked, as she enjoyed seeing the little ones run around. It had been a very long time, longer than she could remember, since she had little ones around and she missed it.
"Well, this is Jackson, our youngest. Then we have Astrid, Hunter and Rose, our twins, Ben and then our eldest, Emma," Snow said, though she had introduced herself as Margaret Nolan. Unsurprisingly, no one remembered them from their brief visit years ago.
"Emma…what a lovely name," a voice said, as they turned to find Gold there with Belle. There was already awareness in his eyes and obviously he had remained uncursed
He looked at all of them and noticed the seven children, though he instinctively knew that only six of them were Charmings. He was stunned by the dark haired teen and his mouth was agape.
"Bae?" he whispered, almost afraid to hope. The boy nodded.
"Yes…it's me, Papa," Neal replied.
"You're…you're here," he said, confused that his son would come to him willingly.
"I am…and it's thanks to Emma's family that I realized I should come home, even though I'm still angry with you," he replied.
"And you have every right to be," he agreed, as he looked at the Charmings.
"It would seem that I owe the favor this time," he said.
"All we want is to settle down and raise our family here where we belong. We know Regina will throw a fit, but there's no need for the curse anymore," David replied.
"So it would seem…welcome home," he said.
"What the hell is this!?" Regina hissed.
"We've come home where we belong and this time, neither your threats or viciousness will drive us away," Snow hissed back. Regina smirked.
"Oh…is that so?" she hissed back.
"It is…" David said, as he pulled his jacket back, revealing the Deputy badge on his hip.
"We'll see about that…" Regina growled, as she stormed off.
"So…any idea how this curse breaks, Papa?" Neal asked. His normal stoic demeanor softened.
"I'm afraid that I only saw that the curse is broken by the Savior…and not how she did it, Bae," he answered.
"This is your son that you told me about?" Belle asked. He nodded.
"This is Baelfire," he replied.
"That's another thing…I go by Neal now," he added. Rumple nodded.
"And I'm still not happy with you…but I'm going to try to make this work," he said.
"Fair enough…perhaps we can start with breakfast," Gold suggested.
"Okay…but I want them to come too. They saved me from Pan and helped me escape Neverland. Then they kept looking for me when I ran away, because I was afraid to get close to another family and saved me again. They're my family too," Neal said. He smirked.
"I have no objections and it will do us well to stick together, because Regina won't take your return lightly," he said.
"We figured she wouldn't…but it's too dangerous out there for us now. There's no way Cruella isn't flapping her gums to the Feds about our…enchantment," David replied. Even Gold looked surprised at that.
"Cruella?" he asked. The Prince nodded.
"Somehow she escaped the curse. Any idea how?" he asked.
"No…but she was from the Land Without Color originally, I believe and she's resourceful," he answered.
"Well…she was arrested and I doubt the Feds will believe her about mermaids, but we can't be too careful. As you can see…it's not just Snow, Emma and me now," he said, as they went inside the diner. Gold smirked again.
"Yes…you've been busy," he mused, as they proceeded to a table. To their surprised, Belle didn't seem all that confused and despite no memories, seemed to accept everything they said. That was curious too, but they supposed Gold had ample time to explain everything and somehow proven the truth of what he said. It would definitely be an interesting breakfast.
0 notes
qierxing · 6 months
Fathoms Below
Commissioned by the amazing rainbowsillz
TW/CW: Toxic Relationships, Unhealthy coping mechanisms and mindsets, Blackmailing, Threats of Violence Yan!Azul x Mer! Reader
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You're not exactly a go-getter.
It's not in your species' nature to be so, when one of your greatest strengths is to simply go with the flow and see where the sea currents take you. Even in the darkest trench, you'll always find a way through (using your handy glow in the dark biology).
It is, however, just like you to be curious when the waves take you to the next interesting destination. 
This shipwreck must be recent. Last time you were here, you don't recall broken masts and a proud figurehead buried in the sand here. You float along while examining the wreckage with a meticulous gaze. The glimmers of buried jewelry here and there don't interest you. No, you have no interest in such trinkets.
There's a gaping hole within the port side, jagged wood ripped into razor sharp teeth revealing the insides. It's dark and cloudy with mud and debris, but that's no issue for you. Rot and time have claimed the interior, but there's still some items that survive. As you swim closer, you discover quite a few things littering a toppled desk. 
There's a glass bottle that is scratched and covered in dirt but still intact. Within, there's parchment rolled up, perfectly preserved and safe from the salt waters. You tuck the bottle away in your bag, making sure it's snug inside so there's no chance it would fall out. Another cursory glance has you catching a curious metal object, no bigger than a clam shell, with strangely colored needles inside. You decide to also pocket it, just in case it turns out to be useful.
All in all, it's a fruitful exploration that has you quite satisfied. You are tempted to continue, but the rays of light are already dimming above into sunset, and your parents would not be happy about having to spend hours finding you again, especially not in a new unfamiliar area.
But just as you're almost to the colony where your family has settled down, you hear some strange sounds. Mischievous laughter mixed with crying has you turning your head in mild confusion. Following the commotion, you find a clearing with a large metal pot, surrounded by several other merfolk. You vaguely recognize them as your neighbors, their faces somewhat flickering in your memory. 
"What's so funny?" The quiet question has them turning around in panic, surprised by your unexpected presence. There's some awkward coughs and furtive glances exchanged between the gaggle.
A nearly unnoticeable teary sniffling has you glancing at the pot, realizing someone must be inside. When your suspicious eyes meet the clique's again, their faces sour as they sheepishly swim away, clearly annoyed they were deprived of their fun. 
It doesn't take much to piece two and two together. Sighing, you wait for a moment, then two, but nothing else happens. The mysterious sniffling has stopped but there is no sign of them being willing to leave the dark pot.
The calls of your parents carry on the currents, lulling you back home. You chance another indifferent glance back before swimming off towards home.
Apparently, the metal circular item you found is called a ‘compass’ by humans. According to your father, at least. When you pester him more about it, he shrugs and says that human sailors would use it to find their way on their voyages. The red needle would supposedly point you to your path. That was the only thing he knew about it.
You’re absolutely delighted with this fascinating discovery. So much so, that you can barely contain your excitement during class to go and test your gadget. 
"[First] [Last], are you listening?!" You let out a shocked yelp at your compass being swiped away by another finned hand. Your teacher peers down at you with disapproval in her beady eyes. The compass glints in her claws, just out of reach. 
"Pay attention to the lesson. You can retrieve your toy tomorrow." And with that, you watch sullenly as she swims away with your treasure. Snickers echo around you from your classmates but you ignore them, propping open your notebook in annoyance. The day seems longer without your compass in hand, but finally, the bell rings and class is over for the day.
The rest of your classmates waste no time swimming out the door, chattering about plans and playdates and what not, but you still remain in your seat, vindictive and resentful. 
"I can't even test out that compass until tomorrow." You slump over and your head hits the coral slate with a dull thud. Ms. Ulyana can be so stingy sometimes. Besides, you already knew everything taught in the magical theory section today.
"Excuse me?" You don't bother raising your head, still moping about the loss of your precious gadget. 
"What." You're not in the mood to be made fun of or exchange polite conversations at the moment.
"Isn't this yours?" You sit up abruptly, and see a young octopus mer holding the compass in his hands. You vaguely remember him sitting in the back of the room, hunched over his notebook, his glossy silver locks covering his face. 
"How did you…?" He smiles faintly with mischief flickering in his pupils.
"Octo-mers are great at camouflage, did you know?" The boy shrugs casually, setting down the gadget in front of you. “And…” He starts mumbling, fidgeting nervously with his fingers where you can’t hear him. 
“Er, what did you say? I didn’t catch that.” You awkwardly interject. 
“It’s….it’s thanksforhelpingmeout!” He blurts out quickly. This time, you hear him perfectly clear and stare at him in mild confusion. When did you help him out? You wrack your brains but come up empty. Instead of embarrassing him by denying it, you just nod along.
“Well, still, thanks. I’ve been waiting all day to try this out.” You grin. “You’re the coolest, uh…”
“A-Azul. Azul Ashengrotto.”
“You’re the best, Azul,” You hold out a confident hand. “I’m [First]. Wanna be friends?”
He hesitates, eyes staring intensely at your open palm offered. “Y…You want to be friends with me?”
You tilt your head. “I think anyone willing to get into trouble for me is worth befriending.”
“Even if…I’m just a crybaby and octo-twerp?” His lower lip trembles, teary voice nearly cracking.
“Who called you that?!” You put your hands on your hips, raising a tentacle to intertwine with one of his own. “I’ll give them a hearty zap if they do such a thing!” Azul splutters as you administer a gentle shock through your tentacles. It’s absurd enough to make him burst out laughing and you join in happily. 
Within that small classroom, a fond memory is created with that childish laughter.
The compass seems to get wonky underwater in the depths, so you reluctantly take to the shallows where the sea pressure is a little nicer to your gadget. 
It's strange to be so close to the sky as merfolk. The clouds remind you of the sulfurous gasses that are spewed in the deeper marine trenches. But it's much more transparent compared to the opaque heavier gas, lighter and much more friendlier looking. 
The red needle points straight ahead, and you breach just slightly, spotting a beach in the distance. Despite reservations, you drift closer, still only keeping your face above to render your sight usable. 
Misty fog clears and reveals palm trees and jagged rocks littering the golden sands. It's no island, since the land stretches further back into the atmosphere, with no end in sight. But there's no sign of life, save for the seagulls circling above and tiny crabs scuttering below. A little bit disappointing for your destination.
The stories you heard from elders were always about wild islands with treacherous fauna and mysterious treasure buried deep underground. Maybe even a group of thieves lurking around. This was just a barren reef that held naught but the bones of those unfortunate to wash up here. 
Still, you move forward, trying to see if there’s anything at all on the sand. Some multi-colored sea shells here and there, hardly in the condition to be collected, let alone be traded for with others. You glance at the compass in your hands with an annoyed huff.
“Useless thing…” You mutter under your breath. It’s a childish hope, but you had thought it would lead you to somewhere amazing, that you could tell your own tale about. That way, Azul could finally stop scoffing at you for your ‘ridiculous’ dreams and prove everyone else wrong.
The item barely makes a sound when it meets sand, and you turn away. The disappointment has already dampened your spirit to the point where you want to find the darkest nook and curl up and sleep.
A throat clears behind you, and you freeze at the unexpected sound.
“I believe this is yours?” The voice is tinged with specks of haughtiness that has your hackles raising subconsciously. 
A human boy has the compass you tossed in hand, inspecting it with a thoughtful look, before turning that gaze to you. His purple eyes are mesmerizing; they remind you of the vibrant sea shells in the various reefs dotting the Coral Sea. It takes an embarrassing moment for you to compose yourself to finally reply.
“It isn’t anymore.” He raises a judgemental eyebrow, and you almost shrink in on yourself. 
“Why not?” You cross your arms defensively at the judgemental tone. “It isn’t good to litter, you know.”
Your ears burn at the pointed accusation. Is a human seriously going to lecture you about pollution when they’re one of the causes for said situations? 
“That item used to belong to humankind, how is it littering when I am merely returning it to its place on land?”
“In this condition? I’d be surprised if it still works.”
“Well, it clearly didn’t work when I was trying to use it.” You fold your arms petulantly as the boy’s eyes slant in judgemental surprise.
“What use does merfolk have for human gadgets?” You bristle at the questioning tone. “I thought your kind has no need for these kinds of things, since you have an innate sense of direction.”
“So what?” You snap. “Who said that mers weren’t also curious about exploring either?”
This back and forth ends in a humiliating embarrassment when Vil (he introduces himself with an air of elegance that makes you think of royalty) informs you that the compass is not some kind of magical gadget that can lead you to your desired location. You thought he would be more smug and condescending about it, but he only patiently explains the usage of the compass and how the red needle is only meant as a stalwart guide, as it will always point north wherever you are. It’s a little disappointing, but still. You could see how it was useful as a human.
“That sucks. I wanna explore a new land one day and be able to tell all about it to my folks.” You flick your tentacle and splash some water out in musing. Vil has settled on a rock near you and now the animosity has simmered away into genuine curiosity for each other. It’s nice. When was the last time you were able to talk this freely about your dreams?
“I’m sure you can,” Vil smiles, and your breath is momentarily taken away. 
It feels good to have someone who believes in you, for once.
"...I think he’s a good person.”
The sound of someone choking makes you whip your head to see Azul keeled over his large book volume. After recovering, he looks up at you with incredulous disbelief in his sapphire eyes.
"You can't be serious? He's a human!" He spits, hostility coating his words like tarred ink. 
"Ugh, so what?" You puff out your cheeks. “Why do you have a problem with this anyway?”
“Because he’s a human! And besides, how do you know he won’t do something suspicious like sell off your fins or tentacles once you turn your back, huh?!” Azul retorts, making you roll your eyes. 
“This is not the age of the Sea Witch, Azul, it’s the modern era,” you coldly reply. “And that’s rich coming from you. Did you get that tome from the library or someone else?”
Azul flinches, cheeks blotching into a mottled dark purple as his tentacles writhed around the book as if to protect it from your disdainful gaze. Of course. Last week you swore one of your classmates had become mute, and another one’s P.E grades had dropped drastically, despite performing well in the past years. Azul sure has been working hard perfecting his unique magic these days.
“I earned this book fair and square!” Azul protests. “That human is another thing completely!”
“His name is Vil.” It’s like talking to a stone wall. You knew Azul disliked hearing about Vil, but not to this extent. “And he’s my friend.”
“I’m your friend too!” Aquamarine eyes narrow as your closest friend snarls at you. “Doesn’t that mean anything?!”
“Not when you’re insulting my other friends!” Without meaning to, your own tentacles begin to thrash in irritation, buzzing with the hum of electricity. “Ugh, forget it. I knew you were going to be like this, just like when you make fun of me for my weird treasure hunting.”
You’re not a fast swimmer, so even if you storm off, it must look silly, just floating away as your tentacles drift behind you. Despite the desperate calls of your name echoing behind you, you don’t turn back at all.
Perhaps you should’ve thought about at least making up with Azul before you made your decision.
“How are you going to explore the world if you can’t even leave the sea?” Vil had said with a disapproving frown. “You can’t let sentimentality shackle you from your potential.”
The words echo in the back of your mind. Sentimentality. Yes, that was one way to put a label on your relationship with Azul. You can’t deny entirely that reaching out that hand to him that fateful day was entirely out of a genuine desire to make friends. That little regret permeates the way you end up having to cheer Azul up from another self loathing session or whenever you’re having to reassure him that you won’t ever leave him all alone. It’s not that you actually believe in your words, but rather, it was the quickest way to quiet his tantrums. And although Azul matured greatly in magic and smarts, he never did quite grow out of his childish belief that you would always be there to coddle him. Not even when those sly eels attached themselves to him, taking over your role of being an actual friend.
So you take to the surface with your parents’ tearful blessings, leaving only a brief message with an acquaintance you made in your elementary school days. Rielle had hesitated, but ultimately wished you luck up on the surface. You can’t blame him. If you were braver, you would have made the effort to say the bitter words to your friend yourself. But that would be wasted time on a flood of tears and ink and even worse, a complete meltdown that would take days to mend.
When the volunteers handed you the transformation potion, they told you that although you trade your fins for legs, most mers have to adjust for a long period of time, having been so accustomed to swimming and utilizing your unique biology. At the time, you threw those warnings to the wind and chugged down the potion. Nothing would matter if it meant you could break away from the sea foam. You hadn’t realized the gravity of this until you’re stumbling over yourself and constantly ending up with aching bruises on your knees and shins. 
You hadn’t quite realized, until Azul is the one pushing you back and shrugging your apartment door shut behind him with a deafening click. Although it took you weeks to figure out how to walk without falling, Azul moved with an ease as if he’s always been human. It almost makes you envious enough to forget that he’s pinning you back on a wall, pupils dilated and breathing heavily like a madman. 
“Azul, let go! What the hell? How did you even know where I lived–?!” You’re not entirely panicked, more confused and annoyed. Even if he was erratic at times, he was still that baby octopus. He wasn’t exactly like the Leech eels who were known for their sharp teeth and ability to maul things to shreds. 
“It wasn’t easy, you know,” Azul mutters, a thin sharp grin strained across his face. “Do you know how hard it is to follow your tracks after you abandoned me like that?!” You scoff. One month and he’s already thinking it’s the end of the world that you weren’t glued to his side night and day. 
“Abandon? Please. You must be insane to think that me going to the surface to study is the equivalent of abandoning someone,” you spit back in his face and he recoils only slightly, but still remains steadfast in his strong grip over your hands. Even as you wiggle, he gives no indication of letting go. 
“Well, that doesn’t matter now,” you bristle at the way he ignores your reply. Bad habits die hard– he’s always loved ignoring anything he didn’t want to hear from you when convenient. It’s almost relieving in a way, to see that he hasn’t changed a bit. “We’ll be returning back to the Coral Sea.”
“What?!” Now you’re angry. It’s one thing to hear Azul to be delusional, it’s another to have to entertain those delusions. “You must be out of your Sea Witch’s mind to think that I’ll–” Your words die in your throat when something cold and hard presses to your jugular, digging into your voice box.
“You will.” Azul’s pupils are still dilated, black taking over sapphire pools and leaving only a cold abyss. Your eyes dart down, following the magical pen that gleams with a silvery gemstone that makes your heart almost stop in place. “You will, and you know why, my dear?”
“Because I earned you first, fair and square.”
166 notes · View notes
Could I request for your 🌹valentines event🌹 the prompt voice with Solomon with a GN MC? He’s heard their voice for a long time giving him encouragement and praise but he’s long since given up actually meeting them. They meet during the exchange program and he immediately recognizes their voice.
I’ve never heard of the soulmate voice scenario before so I’m realty looking forward to how you pull it all together! I love your works and am really excited for this event! Thank you so much for sharing your writing!💖💖💖💖💖
Solomon - Voice
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Solomon x GN! reader
Prompt: The voice in their head is their soulmate’s voice
AN: Hi Ivy!! Thank you for your sweet words, I'm really glad you like what I do! 💕 I'm so sorry about the wait on this request, but I suppose better late than never! I really got in a groove writing this, and uh...it's a little more hurt/comfort than I expected it to be, so I hope that's okay. Thank you for being patient and I hope you enjoy! 😊
Warnings: Slight hurt/comfort, mimics how you meet Solomon in the OG but diverges a tad.
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The cool night air whipped through Solomon’s hair gently as he leaned out of the open window. His eyes had grown tired from hours of combing through the weathered pages of an ancient tome he’d miraculously gotten his hands on, so he decided to take a small break to rest them. The sooner he did that, the quicker he’d be back at his desk furiously devouring the magical literature the book had to offer. 
Bleary eyes flicked lazily across the landscape of the soft city nightlife beyond his walls. He’s not in the thick of it, but sometimes he listens just to feel included. The distant sounds of horns honking, the gentle clicks of heels on the street below him as two friends pass by with gossip juggled between them, even the smelling the cheap, greasy pizza from one of the restaurants nearby. It’s all something that eludes him. Like an inside joke he’s not allowed in on…
“I hope you’re doing okay…”
Solomon perks upon hearing the soft, almost solemn voice in his head. It had started just a few short decades ago, popping up occasionally to say hello or to spout some words of encouragement. He was aware he was hearing the voice of his soulmate, but it seemed hard for him to let go of his reservations and interact with them. He knew it would never last, and he’d never meet them. So, he keeps his mind quiet like he always does, not wanting to give them false hope.
And it seemed he was disappointing them further by not responding yet again, hearing a soft sigh before speaking again.
“Sometimes I wonder if you’re even there. Maybe I’m talking to nobody...”
He wishes you were – or at least someone that wasn’t him.
“But it’s almost as if I can feel your presence. You exist. I know it.”
Oh, he exists, alright. Longer than he thinks you could ever fathom. How the universe could’ve paired such a patient soul to his jaded one is a mystery to him. It’s curious how you’re able to sense him too. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think you had some magical prowess as well – however small that may be. 
“Are you looking at the same moon I am? It’s so bright and beautiful tonight… A full moon.”
The sorcerer’s ancient eyes slowly move to the moon hanging above the city, where the skyscrapers seem to just brush its surface. It’s the same moon he’s looked at for centuries, the one thing that’s stayed constant in his eternal life. Tonight’s moon seems to glow a hair brighter than usual. Perhaps it’s a super moon playing with his perception. Either way, he basks in her maternal essence all the same. 
It grows quiet in his mind and Solomon assumes his soulmate is lost in the moment, just as he is. Whether it’s due to the moon’s company illuminating his figure perched on the windowsill or because of the presence that has wriggled their way into his thoughts, he doesn’t feel as alone tonight.
The minutes drag on with nothing more from his soulmate, so he takes this as a sign his break is over. With a long, drawn out sigh, he pushes himself off the windowsill before shutting the window and pulling the curtains closed. He takes slow strides back to his desk, stretching his back muscles before he inevitably hunches over the tome until his body gives out to exhaustion. The old, rickety chair creaks beneath him as the hard wood already begins to gnaw away at his bum. Though he pays no mind to the mild pain as he aims to jump right back into the marked pages he’d left open on his desk. 
“Take care of yourself.” 
It’s the last thing he hears right before his eager eyes can reach a word on either of the sprawled out pages. That gentle reminder causes his heart to ache in guilt knowing he should do better to take care of himself, yet...he’s too consumed with his life’s work to try harder. With a slight shake of his head to rid himself of those feelings, he plunges right back into the mystical tome. 
The halls of RAD bustle with first-day gossip shared between demon cliques about the newly implemented exchange program and the exchange students that came with it.
Solomon, who keeps to himself against one of the walls to blend in with the crowd, hears the names of his angelic dorm mates, as well as his own, bouncing around as if it were a game of Hot Potato. It’s the typical fare of “that sorcerer, Solomon, is one of the exchange students this year” and “watch out for that guy, you know he’s a bit of a shady fellow.” Every other word that’s been tacked onto his persona is spit out with a venomous hiss. 
Powerful. Shady. No good. Hardly human. Sorcerer... Solomon, Solomon, Solomon.
He’s heard them so many times he’s started to believe there might be merit behind the sentiments. 
Beyond that, he’s also heard a few rumors about the second human exchange student. Due to the quickly buzzing word, the clever sorcerer had already caught wind of their name and a few other interesting details, like how Mammon had been appointed as the “human babysitter.” Solomon couldn’t help but chuckle to himself when he’d first heard that. Mammon as a babysitter of anything, let alone a fellow human… That’s rich. 
“I should run…” 
Solomon’s brow raises sharply, almost instantly, upon hearing that phrase in his head. What an odd thing for his soulmate to say. They hadn’t spoken much to him in the past few weeks, apart from some nerves about something they never fully divulged to him, but for this to be the first thing in a while is concerning to say the least. It may not even be a conscious effort as the panic of the voice in his head is quite obvious.
“That’s what Mammon said to do…” 
Mammon? How does this person…
It’s then that Solomon notices a timid looking human in the middle of the hall, their eyes casting side to side as a few groups of demons seem to eye them dangerously. The sorcerer’s feet move faster than his thoughts and he’s suddenly in front of the human with a friendly grin on his lips.
“Hey, you there.” 
He watches you startle at his sudden appearance, your phone slipping through your fingers and clattering on the floor as you just stare at him with anxiety practically radiating off you. It seems you’re opting for the freeze response from how on edge you are around him. He automatically feels guilty for scaring you so terribly, but he understands why. 
Slowly, as to not spook you further, he crouches down to pick up your phone, doing a quick check to make sure it’s not damaged as he rises back to his normal height. 
“This belongs to you. I saw you drop it just now,” he hands it out to you, chuckling as he does. “You should be lucky it didn’t crack.” 
He watches you glance down to his outstretched hand before slowly taking your phone from him. Your fingers brush lightly against his, sending a chill up his spine. For it being just a minuscule touch, it felt so natural. 
A small appreciative smile eases your frightened features. Though he can tell you’re still tentative. “Thank you.” 
Solomon’s heart skips a beat as he recognizes the voice instantly. He stills momentarily, though not enough to seem like he’d lost composure...but internally, he was flustered. The previous phrases he’d heard in his head suddenly made sense now. Before he gets completely ahead of himself, he decides to converse with you further to confirm his suspicions. 
“My name’s Solomon. I’m an exchange student from the human world, just like you.” 
Your fears instantly seem to vanish upon learning that he’s not one of the demons wanting to cause you harm. “Ah, well, that’s a relief. It’s nice to meet you then.” 
You give a quick introduction of yourself as well. The name he’d heard whispered among others earlier rolled off your tongue in the same kind voice he’s had in his head for decades. It doesn’t seem you realize the situation yet, but how could you? He never spoke to you… You didn’t know what he sounded like. If he had known meeting you wasn’t a slim to none chance, maybe he would’ve asked how your day was, reminded you to hydrate or study, or just said hi. 
The sorcerer makes his mind up pretty quickly – he’d make it up to you once he reveals the true nature of your special connection. 
Even now, he’s realizing you’re more than just a stranger to him. You were the kind words he couldn’t give himself, the reasoning he was blind to, and the connection he thought was best to deny. 
You were the sound he was lonely without.
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aquaquadrant · 29 days
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chaos theory trailer moodboard (+insane rambling below the cut)
THE INTRO TOOK ME OUT. i’ve literally envisioned what the newscasts/interviews about the nublar six would be like after their return and AUUUGHHHH. “we survived because we had each other” YEA YEA YEA THAT’S IT THAT’S MY FUCKING THESIS FOR THE ENTIRE SERIES SUMMED UP IN A SENTENCE I’M. INSANE. ohhhh i teared up seeing all the kids again, and ben giving the peace sign that’s my boy that’s my fucking son boy 😭😭😭
darius living in an isolated cabin with extensive DIY perimeter warning system and reacting to unexpected visitors with the business end of an electronic prod MY BELOVED. he is traumatized and i’m so so here for it. part of my issue with the epilogue at the end of jwcc was how… well-adjusted they all seemed but of course that was just a BRIEF snapshot to their current lives. i don’t think anyone could go thru what they did and just move on with their lives completely unaffected.
BEN…. either he responded to his trauma by completely immersing himself in gym culture, like many teenage boys, or his work on manta corp island with mae has involved lots of manual labor bc GODDAMN HE GOT BIG. i can’t say i’m a huge fan of his design, i actually prefer the jwcc epilogue ben, but at least they fixed his eyes. and ben and darius have always been one of my fave duos so i will take them in any capacity. even with chad!ben 😔
but the premise has me SO excited. as thrilling and compelling as classic dinosaur danger is, the real villain of the jurassic park franchise has always been humans. human greed, human cruelty. the commodification of science, disrespect of natural law and order, disregard for safety and due diligence. so seeing they’re being targeting by a mysterious someone (daniel???) in a thriller-type story, while dinosaurs ALSO HAPPEN TO BE RUNNING AROUND, has me PUMPED. it’s very in-line with jwcc’s theming so it should feel like a natural continuation.
animation looks about on-par with the first show, and it’ll be neat to see new backgrounds/settings. no hints of any new characters yet, and while it seems like darius and ben’s goal is to warn the other campers, not sure how much we’ll actually get to see of them. sadly i cannot fathom jenna ortega returning to voice brooklyn, she’s been rocketed to an entirely different level thanks to wednesday. i wouldn’t be opposed to a recast if they could make it believable. and GOD i’d love more yasammy to make an appearance 🙏
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rogueddie · 11 months
Mermaid / Siren Steddie Fics
Important: READ THE TAGS! Also, leave a comment and kudos! These fics are amazing and I love them and I hope y'all do too 🐬
Shrike, My Lovely Shrike
Five times Eddie meets a siren in the water, and one time where he wakes up with one in his bed.
Words : 12,213 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
Down by the Water
A powerful storm with mighty waves brought up trash from the fathoms below. It's the most powerful one they had in decades and locals have been warned not to go to the wrecked pier and beach until they can be certain it's safe. Eddie, however, has never been one to listen and takes his usual morning stroll along the beach, trash bag in hand to clean up what he can.
But when he pulls at a fishing line, it appears the storm brought up more than trash from the mysterious fathoms below.
Words : 2,514 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
Siren Song and Captain Cry
Up close the Captain has even more golden dottings of freckles and moles across his skin, with two large ones across his cheek, and another two on his neck. Only the gash across his cheek breaks them up, still weeping across his skin. His eyelashes stretch and curl, casting shadows across the rich hazel that stares right back at the Siren, his lips parted in a gentle smile.
"It's you," The Captain manages in a whisper, weakly reaching to push a lock of hair behind the Siren's flicking ears, the Siren still holding himself above the Captain. The man's smile grows wider as he notices the faint red across the Siren's cheeks, a breathy laugh ghosting the Siren's face before the Captain's eyelids grow heavy once again.
Words : 7,051 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Not Rated
AO3 : x
tired of all this candy on the dry land
margosfairyeye (Skittery)
Eddie sees a mermaid--sorry, merman--in one of the tanks at the aquarium and can't stop staring. Steve wants to know who the stalker guy watching him every day at work is.
Words : 5,203 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
sweet siren of the lake
Eddie rescues a strange man from the Russians after discovering him unexpectedly while trapped an attempting to escape. However, there is more to this boy than meets the eye.
Words : 3,231 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
Night Swim
Now, the last thing Steve had expected when he had gone to lovers late to swim was a large creature to brush by his leg. It was a freshwater lake in the middle of Indiana for fucks sake.
Words : 1,513 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
I. antrostomus
Eddie doesn’t see shiny things often down here. He’s tuned to the strobe of bioluminescence and the twinkle of stars, but anything outside of cold silvers, blues, and greens is strange and eye-catching in its rarity.
Shiny things make Eddie stupid.
Words : 4,848 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : General Audiences
AO3 : x
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