#my tense is all over in this
phantombmoll · 1 year
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Greg x Reader - A little appetiser Summary - Greg's messed up, your teasing is justified but he still gets cocky. Rating T/M - Mature themes, sexiness but no explicitness Author Note; There was no prompt for this I just really like writing domestic Greg all happy and in love.
"Your arse in that dress is sinful." Greg pressed close as he passed by watching you as you pulled the wineglasses out of the dishwasher.
"Well don't get any ideas because your friends will be here soon." You could feel his eyes on you as you straightened up and it would be a lie to say you hadn't chosen the dress for the purposes of torturing him. He deserved it though. He was the one who'd invited everyone round after too many beers the week before and then he was the one who'd offered to cook, then had to stay late at work leaving everything to you.
"They're your friends too." Greg said his lips pressing gentle kisses with intent along your neck his arms sliding around your waist. You loved him and warmth radiated through you, the delicious slow burn of arousal starting low in your belly.
You weren't going to give in to him though.
"Hmm but I didn't invite them round-" You replied as Greg persisted at your neck, you stopped the groan about to leave you and tensed your legs to stop them from going to jelly as he hit that spot. "-and I wasn't the one who forgot he'd invited everyone around until someone at work reminded him. I also wasn't the one who promised to cook and then stayed late at work leaving my better half to do all the prep, shopping and organising."
Greg's hands skimmed your shoulders, pausing to slip a finger under your bra strap and admire it. He knew it was his favourite, the one with the lacey trim that fit just right, made your chest look like something from a thoroughly indecent 50's blue movie.
"I did apologise about that." Greg said against your shoulder. "And I get the feeling you might be getting your own back." His hands skimmed over your waist and started to scrunch the base of the dress, letting out a groan when his fingers found the top of the suspenders. "You're definitely punishing me."
"I don't know what you're talking about, I simply got ready for the dinner you organised and now I'm trying to carry on with the prep." You turned into his arms before pushing past him, heading for the stove. You dipped the tip of a teaspoon into the pan and tasted it to check then turned it down to a low simmer.
"I really am sorry." Greg said sliding his hands back around your waist. You turned into him, allowing him to kiss you. His lips soft and warm and wanting. The pressure seemed to slip straight between your thighs and if you carried on the battle would be lost. You'd give into him easily. Greg pushed his luck hooking his hands under your thighs and lifting you onto the counter. His hands slid up your stocking covered thighs and up under your dress.
You groaned, cursing yourself for letting the sound escape and Greg pressed himself between your thighs.
"Let me taste you." He grinned against your lips. "Just a little appetiser."
Your heaving chest is enough of a giveaway that you don't want him to stop. Not really. Especially not when he talks like that and especially when you know how good he is with his mouth.
"You're a very bad man." You say fingers raking the hair at the base of his skull. He moans and grins at you. Sliding his hands further up your thighs, inching the dress up higher. It's tight but the fabric has a stretch that means it gives you some leeway.
"And you are a very bad girl." He says, fingers skimming the dampness of the lacey black knickers he loves so much. Your hips react to him and the grin comes back.
He's cocky.
Too cocky.
"Ready and waiting for-"
The door bell buzzes. His head drops to your chest and he makes a noise of disappointment that makes you laugh quietly.
"We could ignore it." He says into your chest.
"You invited them." You say scrunching your hands in the base of his hair again, just the way he likes, knowing it will do nothing to abate his arousal and now he'll have to answer the door with it and have it hanging over him all night. You press on his chest and jump down off the counter adjusting your dress. "Go answer the door." You say pressing a kiss to his cheek and patting his chest.
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whoviandoodler · 3 days
been thinking about pok a lot again and that moment when riz told him sklonda was dating gorthalax (in some capacity or another) and pok just went quiet for a bit before he wished her well and like. he's riz's father to such a degree that it hurts. he died young, got to paradise and then said, ok time to go back to work, chop chop. and he does take breaks to listen to riz at his grave and he works in a beautiful meadow when he's not down in hell and -literally speaking- he does sit down but metaphorically he keeps on going and going.
and i'm just imagining that- obviously he knows that he's dead, right? but the human* brain is weird in that way where you'll know things, and you might even sit with them and think you've processed them, but then something will hit you out of left field and you'll realize there are so many aspects of the situation you hadn't internalized yet, and i think that one of those aspects for pok was sklonda, or rather all the dimensions in which her life branched off after he died. because with riz he'd always been painfully aware that his kid was growing up and changing, but with sklonda it's a bit more complicated, it's a bit easier to process the grief of being apart from her, purely on an unconscious level, as being away for work. he's working, she's working, she probably tells him about her work and about riz and riz includes his mom in his stories and it's like, oh this is horribly painful, that i can't be there, but in a way he and sklonda share a lot of what they used to when he was working abroad, no matter how far apart- they're always connected by their love for each other and the quiet but omnipresent nuptial tie and the state of being riz's parents.
and then he's suddenly hit with the reality of an area of sklonda's life that hadn't been on his mind before, considering they were happily and monogamously married. truly just a matter of like, this is not a space you occupy anymore, you're fucking dead, until death do us part and all that, and she might still love you but she loves you like a dead husband like a source of grief like the man she once knew not a living partner. and it's neither of their faults, it's purely a tragedy, and he genuinely wishes her the best because he loves her, he doesn't want her to be alone nor does he expect her to be faithful past reason and the vow they made to each other. but the grief of it still really fucking stings, doesn't it?
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starrylevi · 11 months
Levi and the Gym
Levi prefers to work out at home, public places like gyms are breeding grounds for germs. However, you begged Levi to come with you. You said you wouldn’t be able to go without him due to your anxiety. So he does, begrudgingly. He brings his own cloth and cleaning solution. He doesn’t trust anyone to properly sanitize the machines. He wipes your machine down before he lets you touch anything, making you chuckle a little bit but it’s adorable. He’ll work out with you or in different areas depending on what you want to work on that day. He’ll even spot you. Make no mistake, Levi may be short but the man is strong. He can easily take on any of these gym heads. He, of course, won’t say that but you know it. When he’s away from you, he’ll glance over to you every once in a while to check up on you. The one thing that irritates Levi is when others check you out. Sure, it’s a free country but that doesn’t give others the right to ogle you. When he catches someone leering at you, his eyes narrow slightly at the person, being subtle about his stare. Most take a quick glance but this one is taking his time and that makes Levi uneasy. He doesn’t like it one bit. He quickly, but quietly, makes his way over to the voyeur.
“Direct your attention elsewhere.” He says in a low and even tone.
“Or what?” The voyeur counters.
Levi gets closer to the man, looking up at him with steely eyes, his stare piercing. “Do you really want to find out?” Levi’s not one to make scenes but he will if the situation calls for it.
The man walks away with a huff.
“Wise choice.” Levi mutters before making his way over to you on the other side of the gym.
When you see him approaching, completely oblivious to what happened prior, you light up, smiling like a goof.
“Missed me?” You tease as you lean into him.
As you wrap your arms around his waist, he playfully rolls his eyes, placing a chaste kiss to your temple. “Maybe.” He says with a hint of a smile.
Without you having to ask, he’ll stay by your side the rest of the time at the gym, making sure you’re not overexerting yourself. He’ll motivate you from time to time; it’s like you have your own personal trainer but better.
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wikiangela · 1 month
tease tidbit tuesday
tagged by @diazsdimples @dangerpronebuddie @loveyouanyway 💖
forgot it was tuesday and it's still tuesday somewhere right lol (tagging y'all for tuesday or wednesday or whenever <3)
so, all my other wips are still on hold bc I posted my 7x06 tommy pov fic last night, and now I'm writing a (much shorter and without repeating all the dialogue) buck's pov version just bc I'm kinda insane about them rn and i need to get into Buck's head at the 'so are you' moment lol 🙈🙈
He’s so happy that Tommy makes time to come to the bachelor party, all the nerves about wanting it to go perfect flying out the window for just a second when he sees that smile and hears that soft “hey”, and gets enveloped in those strong, big arms. Damn, he’s big and strong, and Buck can’t stop his thoughts going in very inappropriate directions whenever he looks at him. He has to reel it in for now, because he doesn’t want to rush himself or their relationship, but damn, he wants to devour this man.
Tommy is on standby so he can get called into work at any minute, and knowing how the universe likes to screw with Buck, of course it has to happen. But still, he showed up, and Buck’s heart is beating out of his chest – he made time to be there when he could be resting in case he has to go to work, and it’s- it means so much to Buck, really, having someone be there just because he wants them there. And after the initial outrage, he doesn’t even care about the stupid Henley (okay, he cares a little bit, he specifically said 80s theme, it was for Chimney, who Buck knows would absolutely love it if he actually made it, but it’s fine, Tommy had to be ready for work, he understood – still would’ve loved to see him in a cool 80s getup). One smile from Tommy has him melting, and he forgives him for not following the dress-code instantly. Oh, he already has such a hold on Buck.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @thebravebitch @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @weewootruck @spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @nmcggg @rogerzsteven @bidisasterevankinard @giddyupbuck @sunshinediaz @honestlydarkprincess @911-on-abc @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @buddieswhvre @fortheloveofbuddie @daffi-990 @hoodie-buck @aroeddiediaz @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @tizniz @exhuastedpigeon @underwaterninja13 @spotsandsocks @hippolotamus @your-catfish-friend
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sixlane · 8 days
the bridge
jegulus microfic | just a few words | i only read this over like. twice. so um. hope you like it.
“Noooo, no no no Reg this is not happening,” James said, clinging to the railing of the pedestrian bridge.
“This will be fun,” Regulus had said, “amazing views,” he’d advertised. And now here James was, a million or whatever feet in the air over rushing rapids, his head spinning and his palms sweaty.
“James you can’t wimp out now. We’re already halfway across.” Regulus gestured toward the other end of the bridge where the rest of their tour group was waiting for them.
“Regulus, baby, I love you so much but there is no way I will make it over there. Just leave me here to die.” Maybe he was being dramatic, but it truly felt like the bridge would collapse with even the slightest movement.
“I’m not leaving you to die on our honeymoon. I think that would probably ruin the mood,” Regulus said with an eye roll. “Okay how about this. Just close your eyes. I’ll hold your hand and guide you the rest of the way.”
James started to shake his head. “I don’t know—“
“I’ve got you, James. It’ll be okay. Just me and you.”
And in that moment, looking into the eyes of the man he loved so deeply, so complexly, and so completely, James knew it was true. He would always have Regulus to guide him. His own personal north star.
“Okay,” James said, “Just me and you.”
As he took Regulus’ hand, even though they were 50 stories up, James had never felt more grounded.
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reiverreturns · 30 days
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a rough draft wip? on wednesday? groundbreaking.
said another way - we're fully on the mota train now girls buckle up
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roomwithanopenfire · 1 month
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Six Sentence Sunday
Happy Sunday Everyone!! Thanks to @monbons for tagging me, so excited for the next chapter of your fic!
I've been having a really good week, I finished up all my finals and all my papers, and I moved all my stuff out of my dorm room—meaning I'm back home now and ready for summer! I have two weeks before my main summer job starts, so that means a lot of time for writing! And I've already gotten a start by having a super productive week writing-wise this week as well (finally got some solid work in on my COBB fic, turns out getting some vampire name inspo from @fiend-for-culture and seeing the first peek of the artwork really brought back all my excitement for this wip!!!)
I'm posting the newest chapter of Proof of Life tomorrow, which is one that I'm super excited to share. Unfortunately, this is the last chapter in my backlog, so I'll have take a small posting break after this, but that just means that if you haven't had a chance to start reading yet, you have time to catch up 🙃
But even more exciting news! I realized that I missed the 2 year anniversary of the first fanfic I wrote for this fandom! After reading all three Carry On books, I absolutely devoured fanfiction for probably around 6 months before ever writing my own. And the only reason I wrote anything was because I had a scene absolutely stuck in my head, and no one else had written it yet. So honor of being a month late to it's birthday, here are 6ish sentences from the first fanfic I wrote: Tense Silence (under the cut because this is already getting long):
“You’re a vampire.” says Simon. His voice came from above me. “You really are.”
I look up to see Simon standing, staring down at me. He has the Sword of Mages in one hand and the silver cross dangling in the other. It is very close to my face. I turn my head away. He moves the cross closer. I close my eyes as I smell the metal hanging merely centimetres away from me. 
“You tried to bite me.” He says. “You really tried to drink my blood.”
As you can see, I started out the fandom almost exactly where I ended up—writing angsty vampire Baz fics. While there's some things that I would do differently now and a few noticeable mistakes (Simon's cross is gold not silver, Past Lily, get it right!), I'm still really proud of this fic. I remember spending weeks working on it and being very nervous to post this 6k fic, so it's definitely kind of crazy to look back it and see how much I've grown as a writer, and how many friends I've made in fandom since then.
Tags & Hellos!
@you-remind-me-of-the-babe @facewithoutheart @run-for-chamo-miles @raenestee @artsyunderstudy
@onepintobean @prettygoododds @noblecorgi @hushed-chorus @angelsfalling16
@thewholelemon @shrekgogurt @brendughh @a-maisie-ng @hertragedyconnoisseur
@beastmonstertitan @valeffelees @horsesarenotdeer @drowninginships @supercutedinosaurs
@fiend-for-culture @rimeswithpurple @cutestkilla @alexalexinii @ileadacharmedlife
@arthurkko @rbkzz
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menelaiad · 10 days
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the narrative/timeline of the tantalids as i understand it.
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willowser · 2 months
for the spicy asks ✨bakugou and worked up? 👀 because i think once y’all actually get going he’s all systems go, he’s never been one to hold back in any other area of his life so why would he be restrained here? but at the same time i just KNOW he has to work himself up to actually initiate anything w/ you, he’s so nervous!!! that boy is an Overthinker!!!
lil whimsy 🥹🩷✨️ how sweet 🩷✨️
worked up : what is your f/o like when turned on ? are they desperate, tense, barely restrained ? how do they handle it ?
YEESSSSS omg exactly !! he IS an overthinker 🥺 i think when he's turned on, katsuki is kinda....hover-y....if he's in the office and i'm in the kitchen, he'll mosey in every now and again to see what i'm doing....and then mosey back out when he thinks he doesnt want to interrupt me LOL bc he hates feeling driven by his dick !! LMAOOO truthfully i wouldn't mind hehehe but !! he is how he is !!! and even when he's not home or we're not together, he'll send out a text or something, get brave enough behind a screen to send a lil 🩷 or a "love you" 🥺🥺 he wants me to think about him !!! wants me to know he's thinking of me !!! 🥺
for the most part, he's pretty restrained, and i think he kind of feels like. is it selfish of me to want to interrupt what you're doing just because of what i want ?? but you're right that once he gets going, all bets are off !! that's when it becomes obvious how long he's been kind of holding back, bc clothes start coming off pretty fast and he's near dragging me across the house back to the bedroom LOL
spicy/nsfw self ship asks 💐
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switching back and forth between reading classic novels and modern ya is weird because you see my writing rapidly switch from deep dramatic figurative language and tragic endings to haha fun teens jaunting about and making silly references and goofy quips
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the80hbee · 1 year
If a Ranger dies while their still-in-training apprentice survives, then that apprentice carries their Oakleaf until graduation around their wrist. When they graduate, they have a choice between getting their own Oakleaf or inheriting their Mentors.
No apprentice has ever chosen a new Oakleaf for themselves.
@brilliantinsultsgalore ‘s hc ^ (from a post of rangerthursday’s) has spawned this devastating idea in my head.
imagine an au where halt dies for will somewhere in the whole skandia plotline. and will does this. gilan taking will aside on the docks as crowley stood, frozen, unable to comprehend that halt was dead and gone, and tying the leather cord with shaking hands around will’s thin wrist. tears sliding down both their faces.
gilan probably took will on as his apprentice. their mentor-apprentice relationship was a little unique for its near-equal, older brother-younger brother dynamic — and part of that was very intentionally done by gilan because he wanted will to be sure that he wouldn’t ever try to take the place of halt in will’s life, but also partially because gilan was unsure of himself and felt he couldn’t teach will as well as halt would have.
crowley was hesitant at first to let gilan take will on since gilan was pretty inexperienced and rather young for an apprentice. but gilan was the one who welcomed will back from skandia and cared for him 24/7 through that initial week back filled with a constant onslaught of night terrors and flashbacks and panic attacks. not that they stopped then, but the healer they were working with had suggested they try going back to a gentler training schedule to put some normalcy and structure into will’s life. and when will had said that he really, really didn’t want to be apprenticed to anyone besides gilan, gilan had been determined to move heaven and earth to make it happen. so crowley resigned himself to the fact that halt passed on his stubborn, fierce protectiveness to gilan (and was secretly warmed to see the strength of love and family created between the two apprentices of his, uh, his lifelong best friend), and let gilan take will on, so long as gilan regularly kept in touch with crowley and another nearby senior ranger (in a neighboring fief), in case gilan ever had any questions or wanted advice.
and after the first months of gilan being will’s mentor went amazingly well (within the context of will continuing to work through the trauma of skandia — halt’s death as well as all the canon things)), crowley moved the two of them back to redmont. because honestly, they both know the fief very well from their time with halt, and the duo were proving very capable. and not that crowley said it in his reasoning, but redmont was closer to araluen than meric fief, and this way crowley could visit them much easier.
at some point, will takes to rubbing at halt’s oakleaf on his wrist as a sort of comfort/nervous fidget, and some of the scuffing on its surface left by halt’s everyday wear starts to fade, polished away by time and will’s rough fingertips. will panics when he first realizes this because he feels like he’s erasing the evidence of halt from it, and gilan finds him on the edge of a panic attack one day, going back and forth between saying it’s a stupid worry then sobbing that he had failed halt — which was really about will’s survivor’s guilt, his deep fear that he hadn’t done enough and it was his fault, that he should have saved halt or halt shouldn’t have had to save him in the first place. gilan knows that deeper issue isn’t something he can solve right then, but he could sit with him and help will at least see that no matter how the oakleaf changed, it was and always would be halt’s oakleaf — and one day, also will’s, because there was never any doubt about that. and gilan and also is like. well maybe rub the back and edges more since most of the scratches and dings and stuff are on the front right? and will is like. oh. right. yes. (and then gilan jokingly affects a stern look, reminding will of what they’d just said about how, whatever he does, will is not erasing halt from the oakleaf either way — gilan’s way of gently and humorously making sure will got the point of their talk, which he did).
and later, halt’s oakleaf turns into a sort of anchor point of halt’s memory for will and he starts staring at it as he has the whole ‘hearing the voice of someone you know very well in your head randomly popping in to give you advice or respond to something’, and then also when he thinks ‘what would halt do?’. (though he often stares more at his wrist and sleeve since he keeps the oakleaf tucked away a fair amount of the time so it isn’t dangling about and getting in the way of everything he did). then will starts more directly engaging with his mental!halt and uses the oakleaf as a conduit for that, eventually sometimes even talking out loud to the pendant and lowkey processing a lot of his grief by talking to halt via the oakleaf.
gilan finds will doing this one day and will is rather horrified and embarrassed until gilan pulls back his sleeve and shows will a bronze oakleaf around his wrist — gilan’s old apprentice necklace. gilan quietly explains how he wears it as a tribute to his mentor and father-figure, as a way of saying halt will always be gilan’s mentor and gilan always his apprentice, to hold close his memories of him time spent with halt (much of it happening when it was that necklace around his neck), and as a way of taking halt with him wherever he goes. and gilan says the oakleaf has come to represent halt for him too and that, sometimes, he also talks to halt through it, holding the pendant in both his hands and closing his eyes. gilan then reaches and takes will’s hand to lead him back to the cabin. their clasped hands are the ones each chose to wear the oakleaf on (will’s right and gilan’s left), and the bronze and silver metal gently bump against each other with a light ting! as they walk back together.
will almost doesn’t make it through his own graduation. gilan and crowley decided to keep to just the three of them, guessing that will wouldn’t want to have to deal with a big party. it would be hard enough already with halt’s painfully obvious absence at what was one of the most important events in will’s life, one where halt should have been present more than anyone else. will is eternally grateful to them for it. he decides to celebrate with his friends with a night out a few days later, and it doesn’t hurt as badly then.
after his graduation, with the familiar weight of halt’s silver oakleaf now pressed over his heart, will’s wrist felt oddly bare and untethered, so at gilan’s suggestion, he also begins wearing his old apprentice oakleaf on his wrist.
crowley smiled when he saw this. all those years ago, pritchard had fashioned a rough sort of bronze oakleaf for halt at the one year mark of halt’s unofficial apprenticeship. one night after duncan et. al. had chased morgarath back to the mountains of rain and night post-hackham heath, crowley and halt were alone back at castle araluen and with a night to themselves. halt quietly told crowley the story behind that oakleaf and then gave it to crowley, telling him he wanted crowley to have it. and crowley gives halt his apprentice oakleaf in return. crowley saw gilan with his apprentice oakleaf tied around his wrist when gilan and will had stopped by castle araluen on the way to redmont from meric, and when they left, he took halt’s apprentice oakleaf from where he had kept it in a little box and tied it gently around his own wrist.
halt’s death changed them all, forever. crowley would never again love like he had loved halt with his entire being and then more. will would never feel the love of a father, see someone like his father as he had in halt. gilan would never again trust so wholly, in unfettered totality, like he had trusted halt.
but it would be okay.
on the first anniversary of halt’s death, crowley had ridden quietly to halt’s old cabin and spent the night with gilan and will. at first, they just sat together in silence, alone together around the crackling fire. then, crowley pulled back his sleeve, showed will and gilan the rough little oakleaf dangling there, and told them its story. they spent that night crying and laughing with each other in turn, telling stories about halt, remembering the mentor and father and love of a lif-uh, best friend, that he had been to them. and so, they found they had created their own little family in one other. they were gathered at the start by the almost magnetic quality of halt’s presence that drew them all in. they were bound together by their love for halt and their grief at his death. and now, they saw their love for each other was beginning to grow and fill in the cracks. in time, it would become enough to glue them back together into something new. not quite whole. not quite broken. but okay. loved.
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plan-3-tmars · 4 months
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just finished reading dungeon meshi (I will never recover) so take some sleepy thistle panels I collected
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whentherewerebicycles · 2 months
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thedeathdeelers · 8 months
boo: the sequel
(as opposed to boo the prequel)
julie shakes her head as she takes in the sight before her.
he was still standing by the piano, too stubborn to know when to take a break.
she had left him to take a shower and work on her assignments over two hours ago, and yet it doesn’t seem like he had moved an inch.
he needed to step away and take a breather, and julie knew she had to step in to make him do just that.
with her mind made up, julie sneaks up behind him, tiptoeing closer and closer as he continues to stare fixatedly at the loose sheets spread out in front of him on the piano. he suddenly leans forward, the curved edge of the instrument digging into his forearms, and proceeds to pull at his hair in frustration.
she had come at the right time.
julie positions herself behind him as quietly as possible, peeks around his arm to check that he was still too focused on the music in front of him, pulls back, and jumps into action.
“boo!” she exclaims, wrapping her arms around him.
he yelps in surprise, jumping in place.
julie grins against his back, her face pressing against the soft fabric of his old tee. her smile only grows in size when she feels the strong healthy human heartbeat skip against her cheek, then rapidly increase in speed.
it takes him a moment, julie counting along to the racing beat of his heart, but he finally lets out a breath, easing into her embrace as his hands come up to rest on top of her own.
“i thought that was my line,” he finally breathes out, voice still somewhat breathless.
julie giggles at his words, pleased with herself. she had managed to startle him enough to look up from the sheet music.
he tugs at her arm, twisting in place as he turns to face her. he looks down at her, eyes sparkling, as he wraps his arms around her.
“hey,” he says, a smile gracing his lips.
“hey,” she quips back, resting her chin against his sternum. “break time?”
luke lets out a chuckle, shaking his head as he carefully pushes away from the piano, taking julie with him.
“break time,” he agrees, walking her backwards towards the couch.
“and jules? next time maybe just tap me on the shoulder? i don’t think my heart can deal with anymore surprises.”
julie laughs at his words, falling onto the couch when she feels the back of her knees bump into the cushions. luke follows suit, collapsing next to her, his arms still loosely wrapped around her.
“i can’t make any promises,” she says, reaching out to pat the spot right above his heart. “but your heart is doing just fine, it can handle it.
luke lets out a long suffering sigh, even as the smile on his face grows wider.
he pulls her closer to him as julie snuggles against his side, head coming to rest on his chest.
“you’ll be the death of me,” he laments, just as his arms tighten around her. “first time hot dogs, second time human wrecking ball.” julie giggles as luke shrugs at his own words, sighing again. “you’ll just have to bring me back again.”
julie hums, readily nodding in agreement as she settles into the comfort of his embrace.
operation get luke to take a break and cuddle on the couch was a success.
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sschmendrick · 22 days
You have received the title of honorary Brazilian many times and once again I give it to you 
🇧🇷🛐Title of Honorary Brazilian🛐🇧🇷
Não sei por que recebei este titulo más muito obrigado Arethaaaa ! (não me sinto bem por que fui à um concerto de um artista brasileiro e não tive o coragem de falar com ele em português :') )
I will wear it with great honour !! I don't know what reason made you bestow it upon me but I will do my best :D
Oh ! Minha mãe morou em Portugal durante algumos anos (depois da revolution do 25 de Abril quanto foi uma menina) e ontem ela me dou um livro de cozinha portuguesa pra ajudar mim em aprender português (ela e eu gostamos muito de cozinhar) :D
Preciso encontrar uma boa receita pra fazer pães de queijo pelo próximo lanche de fim de aula !!
Fr fr I will cherish it ! Thank you again ! Thank you Brazil! 🙇‍♂️🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
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Soooooo I wrote this incredibly self-indulgent thing about Miles. I have many feelings about how he keeps himself so tightly in control. It's gotta go somewhere.
Disclaimer it's quite dark, so mind the trigger warning and keep yourself safe <3
TW: self-harm, not what I would consider graphic descriptions, but it is the central theme and way more than a mention
The lock clicks. He slips his suit jacket off. Loosens then removes his tie. Untucked, buttons undone. It’s all laid out on the bed. Step by step. Shoes set to the side and trousers swapped for silken pajama pants.
The bathroom door closes behind him. The second lock between him and the world. The shower comes on. Towel laid out on the counter.
His drawer, second down on the left. He pulls out the small black bag. Gold zipper. Supple leather. Inside, his collection. Three packs of new razor blades. An open pack of blades; used ones tucked into the back. A single hypodermic needle. A crafting knife. Two unopened band aids.
The rest of the drawer’s contents is ignored, antiseptic and suture kits, butterfly closures and rolls of gauze, in favor of practiced hands sliding the tin of blades from the bag and the blade from the tin.
He sits on the toilet, lid down. Elbow straight. Fist clenched. The first slice with a small inhale. Bright and sharp and stinging. Familiar and comforting. Line after line as red blooms from the wounds. The ecstasy second only to the Kiss. Rivulets follow gravity down. Strategically placed tissues catch the mess.
Stained crimson, they fall into the waste basket. He flexes his wrist, testing the pull of the broken skin, blots the last of the blood away. Blade inspected and stowed; everything returned to it’s place. Pajamas folded on top of the toilet, he steps into the shower.
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