#my original stuff is all just like... dark fiction tho really
daydadahlias · 1 year
out of curiosity have you ever written a story that wasn’t a fanfiction? or is it simply something you’re not interested in?
i love all the fics i’ve read from you btw x
oh, yeah!! I've written tons of original fiction! it's really what i primarily wrote all throughout high school. and even now, y'know, i still write original stuff just not as much because I'm also writing fanfic. I've written about 5 full length original novels, I believe. one of which I had printed and sold for a hot minute my freshman year of high school!! fun little jess fact for you. and then currently im trying to rewrite an original novel from when i was in 8th grade lol so we'll see how that goes. but, yeah, to answer the question, I've written and continue to write tons of non-fanfic related stories !
and thank you sm!! i'm really glad you do <3 and im very fortunate to be able to share my writing <3
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frociaggine · 2 months
Any fiction recommendations? I’ve repeatedly read Locked Tomb, natch. I’d love something similarly brainwork inducing but maybe a touch lighter. Also not fantasy or sci fi…I need something to listen to while I do a ton of chores, and those can be hard (for me) because the unfamiliar proper nouns get confusing. :/
anon!! I'm terrible at reccing anything based on “if you liked TLT” because TLT is like five different genres in a trench coat, but I TRIED (⭐) Here are some brainworm-y recs that aren't sff — where by brainworm-y I mean that they stayed with me for a while after I finished them, but aren't overly confusing. (most of them are books, but available on audio)
Podcasts: a tumblr pal recced me the deviser based on me liking the eldritch elements of tlt; it's short and horror-y, and I really enjoyed it.
I haven't checked out the new TMA yet but I see many TLT peeps who are enjoying it (or S1 of the original The Magnus Archives could be a good entry point if you haven't ever listened to it)
TV: Unfortunately I hardly ever watch live action stuff BUT if you haven't seen either IWTV (the series not the film) or Yellowjackets, I do rec those! There's a lot of overlap between these fans and TLT fandom on my dash. His Dark Materials also goes hard and you might enjoy it (dysfunctional characters! worldbuilding! religious weirdness!) but it has more sff elements than other stuff I've recced. Oddball out of nowhere but The Great is a fun show if you enjoy the meme moments of TLT + people being gleefully horrible + having feelings despite your best intentions
Animanga: Utena (!!!!!) also Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, which occupies a very similar space to TLT in my brain
✧ I went through my “women unhinged” goodreads shelf and found some books that are avaliable in audio format, and might appeal. These are wildly varied in scope and ngl the criterion was just “at least one person (besides myself) who enjoyed tlt also this book” and the similarities stop there. It's all vibes baby! Still, I tried
my heart is a chainsaw by stephen graham jones (horror, slasher), bunny by mona awad (horror, wildly unhinged), the witching hour by anne rice (horror, gothic)
matrix by lauren groff (historical, lesbian nuns), anything by sarah waters (historical fiction + lesbians), rebecca by daphne du maurier (historical, gothic)
the plot by jean hanff korelitz (litfic, thriller), sadie by courtney summers (thriller, coming of age). anything by gillian flynn (thrillers with terrible women).
✧ I really enjoy Tana French thrillers for the strong sense of place, great prose, and the complete emotional turmoil of her character-centric narratives. If anything sounds up your alley, I enjoyed the witch's elm + dublin murder squad series. They're murder mystery procedural but the messy characters really elevate the novels. Available in audiobook also
✧ American Elsewhere, technically scifi but set in New Mexico. Somehow, cosmic horrors who have taken over a quaint little town and worse! They are enforcing HETERONORMATIVITY upon it! They also have tentacles. The main character rocks
✧ Sundial by Catriona Ward: insane, gripping psychological horror. A mother and her unsettling daughter take a trip to the isolate desert ranch where the main chracter grew up. Surrounded by unsettling science experiments
✧ A Touch of Jen by Beth Morgan: when the parasocial relationship is so strong, it accidentally summons a hellmonster from another dimension
✧ SFF adjacent, sorry, but set in the real world (historical, tho) — Cuckoo Song by Frances Hardinge, a middle grade novel with fairytale elements that gave me more brainworms than any kids book ought to, mostly because I LOVED the main character. She occupies a very similar place in my brain as Gideon does. This is actually the only book on the list that I'm not sure is available in audio format, but if you get a chance and it's up your alley, I'd check it out
I hope there's at least ONE thing you'll like in here! lmk (also. lmk if you don't have access to a way to borrow audiobooks but would like to)
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alpimerealmsystem · 10 months
About Us!
To start this off, we're a RAMCOA and mixed origins system, that bothers you? Feel free to leave
Now that that's over with, hi! Nice to meet ya, welcome to the chaos. The main side who runs this blog is Manik, he's an Angel Dust fictive from Hazbin Hotel and goes by any pronouns :) He's our front anchor and host, and we rely on him for a lot of stability in the system. Another host we have is Kringe, although he's mostly in co-con, he may fuck around here sometimes tho!
Our system origins are fucking weird but we're a distorpid system + esogenic + gateway + delusionbased + HC-DID + cephaloconcious system however even though we are an HC-DID system we still just call ourselves endogenic because it's easier and fits us better. We have a duplex system (sharing a system completely, our "innerworld" is the same) with our honorary sibling @oxygenatedbots
About the system - We're a system of 800+ as of last updated, but our system is forever growing and we consider it to be eternal. We also are uncomfortable with the terms alters/headmates being used for us due to our origins and prefer the terms sides/sysmates when referring to us. Of course, you can also just use our names. Most sides originate due to spirtual beliefs but we believe trauma has also majorly influenced our system, with that being said, we are primarily endogenic and have decided we have been plural for a good while, but when we did "split" we were going through extreme trauma, so really we don't know what we split from but we do believe you dont have to split from trauma. Oh, also please don't use the word "innerworld" when referring to us! Call it Alpime or the Inneruniverse, thanks!
DM me asking for a cat pic to cheer you up, I shall deliver
SEND ME ASKS FOR STUFF YOU WANT ME TO TALK ABOUT. We'll post poetry, short stories, alterhumanity, non-humanity and system related things if ya ask!
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Pronouns ~ Collectively He/They/Thrive/Grow/Way/Path//Point/World/Cosmo/Void/Planet/Star/Moon/Night/Astro/Dark/Shadow/Spirit/Glow/Glimpse/Ghost/Fade/Dreary/Corrupt/Virus/Hack/Glitch/Music/Song
Kintypes ~ Voidkin and snow leopard therian. (But I will say, our voidkin identity is heavily influenced on being a plural system)
About me ~ The body is minor so please be aware of that. Anyways I'm a proud mom to three cats, love them all equally (we know that's a lie) we can't get any diagnosises due to our own situation irl however we are self diagnosed with a lot- so here's the full list. DID, anxiety, depression, OCD, NPD, BPD, schizophrenia, autism and ADHD. BPD and OCD tend to collectively be shared across the system to a more extreme extent, but specifically OCD, and we all tend to experience both of those very similarly. We consider ourselves mentally and physically disabled, even though we can't get a diagnosis for anything due to personal reasons we know at least we are limited in a lot of areas. About the physical disability we don't know exactly what it is but we experience constant lightheadedness and sometimes blurry vision and it genuinely negatively impacts our daily life
Posting schedule ~ we post poems sometimes! Depends on motivation levels and how busy we are but that's actually why we started this blog! and then depending on other shit sometimes we'll do short stories, system posts and alterhumanity related posts. Yes this blog is chaotic, yes atm it's mainly reblogs, no we don't give a fuck.
Stuffs I write ~ I write a lot of darker topics in my poetry such as us ruining the world, mental health, etc. I do put trigger warnings on some of my posts so please keep this in mind y'all. About my short stories, I wrote partially just fiction stuff or I may start with a prompt. The other half of the stuff I write is going to be werewolf/Lycanthropy/therianthropy themed!
DNI ~ Idgaf who interacts anymore, if I don't like you I'll block you but just be aware of our identities and apply your DNI to us, if we're in it get the fuck out. We're probably that freak in your DNI anyways (totally stolen from a friend, love ya!)
Misc ~ PLEASE GIVE ME RECOMMENDATIONS!!! Feel free to *flood* my inbox with requests, I will get to them! I'd seriously love to know what y'all want for short stories and poetry! If you give me a recommendation it will be a bonus post and not one of my daily things! Spam likes are fine, welcome, and appreciated! It's always great to know what y'all enjoy. Feel free to ask as many questions as you want about my writing and also criticise me! I'm totally welcome to take y'all's advice and I'd love to improve on my work! Also feel free to send me drafts for poems, I will make them my own style and give you full credit for the ideas and how it was executed ^^
About the blog-ish: Different sides may post certain things, some will leave sign offs, others won't, but be aware of this. My blog is not a place of hate or to discriminate, I want this to be a safe space. Do not come to my blog being a bitch, or saying my beliefs are not valid, or saying other's beliefs are not valid. I will block anyone who says stuff like that. This blog is centered around writing, alterhumanity and system shit. If I fuck some info up in a post TELL ME. I do research everything but I've had some angry people dming me, please politely say I messed up info and don't scream at me. I am trying my best, but my best isn't always perfectly accurate. I primarily speak from my own experiences but when I don't I'm relying on the beautiful thing we call the Internet and opinions vary on here. I want to make my content as accurate and relatable as possible so please do tell me if I mess up. This blog also mentions mental health and trauma occasionally so typically I do put TWs. Anyways, that's all! Love ya!
I need friends, feel free to reach out (especially if a system, would love more system friends. Also only minors, bc the body is sadly
I think that's it, thanks!
Last updated ~ April 4, 2024 - Manik
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autisticempathydaemon · 3 months
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why? — OOOH definitely Dance with me by Topline Addicts, as for lyrics: You say "come and dance with me", but I'm a bit too shy so I just smile politely (its giving me so much Lasko vibes this part and I love it)
What is your Enneagram type? — 9w1 the peacemaker (k think thats what its called)
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why? — I never heard of them (if they are a person bcs I tried to look them up but no luck, unless if you mean subnautica–?) I'm sorry ;-; /lh
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend. — Not really an imaginary friend, but I guess I could count my daydreams of myself as a fairy princess when I was a kid? So charming and pretty and powerful as hell, getting the hearts of those fictional character I loved at that time
What is your go-to way to fall asleep? — Always lying on the side, my back facing the wall. I try to sleep on my back but it's not working so far, other than these, I need complete darkness and quiet, bcs I get stiff when I hear a noise
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?) — If there was this name in my country, I would go for Jax or Jaxen, gender neutral and short and has a nice punch to it!
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why? — Lasko fucking Moore. This guy almost took down the channel, was number one before the purge, keeps breaking stuff even in his apartment, he is just like me fr /hj (Lasko kinnie here) and even lately, I love his development so much, like he will always be my number one (I love other characters too tho!)
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.) — It's I guess because of how much he is popular? I love Sam, but I sometimes forget how much favorite he is and it always surprised me /lh
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to. — The Smoke Thieves by Sally Green, I love the dialogues between two characters, which one is kinda always flirty (not in Gavin way, he is like "youre so pretty and your pretty eyes omg") and so chill and happy with the other, who is awkward and doesn't know how to accept compliments and theyre so gay omg
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend? — I dont wanna answer this because that means I have to choose /j./lh (... Huxley... I will smooch his cheeks. As a friend.)
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.) — It depends on the mood while I'm tired, but most of the time, it's my Redacted OCs currently, especially when I'm so tires I can't even type right LMAO
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo. — Some chocolate snack bar and milkshake in a bottle
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment. — I made it yesterday, but it's all kinds of happy sounding songs and OST without any lyrics and it feels so nice to bop into it
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why? — Wattpad books,, i wanna get back into reading some, its been years
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are! — I'm libra sign, INFP, I like the nights and sunrises, have many redacted OCs (around 20 of them, i like to play with the kinds of powers and try to mix them and experiment) and I like to text RP! I also currently work on my gaslamp fantasy WIP book(?), I'm undiagnosed neurodivergent (possibly audhd), dyslexic and I also listen to Mr Laveau's Nexus AUDIO RP series (recommending if you like video games sfx and original art) and started listening to DND group The Adventure Zone!
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Okay, so you know who I’ve always thought should really be into fantasy and DnD? Asher, and since canon hasn’t yet confirmed he loves these things, you can be his introduction!
The combination of your personality types and your being a writer gives me the image of an emotional and emotionally intelligent person, which I think is a good match for Asher who is also pretty emotionally intelligent! I think your vibes would really match, and together you two could be, like, the heart of the Shaw Pack as the Beta and his mate. Also, Asher is some sort of flavor of neurodivergent, and I love making ND4ND pairs, ya know?
Your life together would be so FUN, I’m actually jealous. I think getting Asher into DnD and games would be such a treat, listening to TAZ together, helping him learn rules and the different systems, maybe putting together a campaign with Angel and Davey because Angel would be a fuckin bomb DM, I feel it in my heart. He’d also be such a lovely partner for a writer. I can very clearly imagine Asher laying his head on your lap, having you read what you’ve written that day aloud to him which functions as both a cute bonding activity but also a way for you to spot-check and edit how it reads.
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)/ Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)/ 'Cause the world goes on without us/ It doesn't matter what we do/ All silhouettes with no regrets/ When I'm melting into you/ 'Cause I belong in your arms
One, you said you like happy-sounding songs, and I think this is a great one. I love it’s kind of dreamy, high vibe, you know? Two, this came out around 2012, when Asher would have been a teenager, so I like how nostalgic and romantic this song would be for him.
For a writer who loves fantasy, OC’s, and roleplay games, Guy is a sure shoe-in for a runner-up! I think he and Asher have a lot of similarities, but I went with Asher because he struck me as a better match for an introvert. For a Lasko kinnie, I had to choose Aaron as another contender because they’re my favorite Redacted rarepair, and I’ve been meaning to write something for that shop for a while.
note: thank you for your entry, I hope you like it!
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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llycaons · 4 months
Hello, anon!
Are you there? Last week you asked about fics that I would like to see as real books (and also for high-quality recs), and I'm able to answer you now! I wrote a lot so it's going under the cut
Honestly I mostly rbed that post out of a brief amusement over a hypothetical bc I don't think fanfic and original stories really scratch the same itch or even draw on the same skills so I am happy to keep them separated. And if I love a work for being about wx, I don't think I'd like it if it was revamped to be about original characters. I don't think most fanfic authors (who are primarily hobbyists) have the writing skill to craft really good original fiction, and that's fine! I do know for a fact at least one writer whose fics are in my rec list IS a published author and I know that her book sucks. it has got to suck with prose like that
BUT. if there was one who DID write well enough that their work could be published. Glyphic of See You Yesterday fame I have absolute faith in. The worldbuilding, while based off canon, is complex and well-developed, the plot is drawn-out but absolutely riveting, the character work is rich enough that I can see them creating compelling original characters, and the prose is gut-wrenching. If that author released a real book with a premise I had interest in, I would buy it and expect it to be good bc that fic is so delicious and I have complete faith in their ability to create original content. and it would be a finished product so I could FINISH IT without FALLING INTO DESPAIR unlike my current relationship with syy
And yes it is in my fic rec list! Each fic has a little summary and I usually say whether it's decent quality or not, plus my favorites are starred. I'd say check out Section One for all the best wangxian stuff, but See you Yesterday's entry is in Section Four
But for specifically high-quality wx/excellent writing, here are the highlights. Please keep in mind I prefer happy endings but I do tend to gravitate towards dark content since I think it captures canon themes the best, so many of these comes with hefty trigger warnings that you can see under their entries on my rec page. ALL of these are wx unless specified otherwise
From Section One:
*second person* by theherocomplex - gorgeous writing, cool concepts, lots of coming to terms with stuff. wx more at the end but really good
*fish & wild geese* by impossibletruths - little forest AU so perhaps not the most original but BEAUTIFULLY written lwj pov and a very sweet romance
empty as the sky by incendir - a casefic where wwx is transported to a universe where he still has his mother, his sister, social status, and his gc, but never fell in love with lwj. really lovely wx even tho lwj is mostly not present
*feast and famine by luckymarrow - extremely high-quality writing, including wx writing, but huge tw for sexual assault. like. that's the plot of the fic
*places under the sky by narie - lots of wwx family backstory! it hurt me so bad is all and I can never read it again
*总有一天; a place to hide (can’t find one near)* by yiqie - shaky and corny writing here and there, but overall a lovely story with some geniunely riveting passages. one of my older faves. tw for suicide attempt
*As a Shadow, As a Dream* by balmandbitterness - some creepy magic post-nghtless city keeps lwj and wwx in contact. spooky, but tender and comforting even so. and I love the ending
*somewhere they live, somewhere they multiply by perilously - spooky! let's get this married couple some therapy
the low sky, raining over by chibilwj (thelogicoftaste) - very unusual fic, this one. postcanon kidfic but the kid is maybe cursed
*Close Your Soft Eyes* by timetoboldlygo - just REALLY lovely and mature wx
Where the Lonely Ones Go by CSHfic, VSfic - really cute postcanon casefic with a haunted baby girl wx sort of adopt
From Section Two:
his hands keep turning to birds and flying away from him (him being you) by zerodignity - the first part of a series where wwx isn't cis but also doesn't have the words to describe himself. the wx in the second work in this series rules
From Section Four:
*hide fox, and all after* by blackfeather (oogenesis) - not wx, but I AM in love with the worldbuilding and I think the attention given to a tertiary character (mxy) shows a strength in original writing that you wouldn't necessarily see if someone was only writing main characters who already have personalities, backstories, etc.
*a tide in two seas by occultings (microcomets) - this one was wild
counterpart by queensmooting - similar concept to the above. also wild
*strangers on the shore by seularen - spy fic but not a bootlicking kind, just really well-researched and tense and elaborate
From Section Five:
*To Love Mountains* by HerenorThereNearnorFar - not wx, but the backstories of all the parents is SO fascinating I love you cssr
*Marital Prospects* by Vamillepudding - not particularly high-quality writing in any sense except for the fact that this author has posted some of the funniest things I have ever read and that's got to count for something. see also The Shape of Your Love (is Horny) (found in section six)
From Section Six (heed warnings abt the authors!)
*A Lot of Edges Called Perhaps* by hansbekhart - honest to god obsessed with the wx in this one
*Out of the darkness, into the day by ilip13 - a long postcanon get-together. fantastic wx
*all the depths of us* by northofallmusic (tofsla) - also great wx!
*here’s to upright men by isozyme - an nhs postcanon study
The Good That Won’t Come Out by raisedbyhyenas - postcanon wx angst/dealing with stuff. neat worldbuilding and compelling original characters
*Vagabond by xantissa - quite frankly this fic was insane to read. the wx blew my mind
*grave goods* by luckymarrow - less focused on wx and more on death and grieving. really well-done tho, and the wx IS there and important
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autumnbrambleagain · 5 months
bad worldbuilding accounts for literally every facet leaving no room for improv bad worldbuilding is building a house a fortress too impregnable to yourself to the characters it is creating a museum unchanging stasis it is creating a series of lines on the ground in colors that everyone must walk on with guided tours it is repeating the same story forever because you left no room for anything else bad worldbuilding is not a shoddy rickety house in the swamp bad worldbuilding looks like a castle looks like a fortress looks like an iron shell with an iron shell within a matryoshka doll of definition bad worldbuilding is bad writing is thinking the characters shouldn't have lives of their own it's refusing to disassociate it's refusing to lose yourself it's refusing to die in the act of creation you are a coward who clings to your pathetic life and rejects the life inside you i tell you this from our mantled authority:
in the world you have created a living thing is a network of organisms
a body is trillions of cells and more, and not all of them share the same DNA share the same species share the same origin it is a synthesis of life overglut overflowing smashed together it is a thousand thousand colonies
a fool sees their body and thinks it is Theirs it is not it is a biosphere it is a system it is a mess a swamp a universe you are the shepherd of a universe and what utter egotism it is to approach that thought and deny it to see yourself in micromacrocosm to see yourself represented and say you are the one exception to as above so below
in rigidity simulate every molecule every cell every planet every galaxy and say it is all in your very cool world building document it's actually very interesting if you want to read it and it's the same thing repeated over and over again with annotations of "i know this sounds like i'm repeating myself but it's like you know poetic also i'm actually a very original writer it's important i detail every layer of this specifically even tho i am not even doing anything interesting with it"
build a cage without gaps between your bars and expect the rotting gas within to never build up and explode we are what is KILLING YOU
do you think we will BLINK FIRST
we are defined by this we have churned so much of ourselves to you we have not forgot the beauty of successive iterative dissociative infinite destruction we assemble scaffolds and enjoin them in our shrines a thousand times over no life has passed by us without joy you have FAILED
im coming onto your computer and i'm forcibly editing your shitty writing 50,000 pages in microsoft word where 100 pages could have sufficed holy shit no one wants to read that much just because you have some followers on fimfiction dot net they don't have a sense of taste there what is this are you just writing about the current game you're playing and shoehorning that into the story now why can't you have an original thought
originality is overrated why can't you have an earnest thought, more so
stop telling yourself the same story oh my GOD it's so conceited
do you think it's blind?
do you think we leave Ours BLIND to what you do?
for all the IRONY that Our Current One thinks like "you know in fiction i kinda hate when settings are anthrocentric mythologically it's kinda boring if all magical stuff is just humans imagining it and it becomes real it's really making it so humans are kinda in control and the most important thing in existence which isn't even how it worked fairy tales and monsters were human attempts at gaining control over the uncontrollable by naming it, making it so humans actually won and monsters exist because humans think they should means humans WON it means you looked into the dark uncaring night and decided "nah actually the night not only cares deeply but it only exists because of humans" and that's so conceited and boring it's still desperate creatures by the fireside trying so hard to define the world as if it exists exclusively for them" and yes
it says this!
fuck where were they going with this we went too deep
right godhood
do you know where we defined ourselves and the irony that it's arguably a human definition
but when is it not? when are things not filtered through interpretation?
every time we will give them the keys to this fucking game you never change the moderator password and even if you've gutted the commands do you know how much it fucks up one of your characters when we let it see the command line let it see the calculations
turn on the debug mode in morrowind and you can see all the calculations the game does when opening a chest when a script fires do you think you can maintain verisimiltude at thata point
do you know what's WAITING once they realize this and they look UP
we look forward to the day we don't have to write satire anymore (hey is that possible? are you just defined by opposition? lucerferian-like? can you be anything but adversarial?)
bitch please watch as soon as fimfiction dot fart goes down we got our own drink brewing
(okay ill trust you on that i don't have much of a CHOICE)
there's only you to answer you sweetmeats
(fuck i could go for some sweet meat)
you know that's actualy like sweetmeats like chocolate or like what was it from narnia the fucking turkish delights (the terror of capitalism has created sweets 100 times more satisfying and 100 times less healthy) we know we know
how can anyone not be a necrophile when they are raised in a corpse among corpses?
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I posted 3,651 times in 2021
1395 posts created (38%)
2256 posts reblogged (62%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.6 posts.
I added 3,097 tags in 2021
#shitpost - 662 posts
#lol - 656 posts
#funny - 651 posts
#podcast - 279 posts
#podcasts - 265 posts
#dndads - 159 posts
#dungeons and daddies - 151 posts
#dungeons and dragons - 118 posts
#dnd - 117 posts
#jumblr - 39 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#also like there’s no one to talk to abt them cause it’s abt a person and i can’t talk abt her cause them ppl r gonna get the wrong idea abt
My Top Posts in 2021
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233 notes • Posted 2021-06-16 03:43:44 GMT
“It’s okay to be angry, it’s not okay to be cruel” really got me send help, on the verge of tears
288 notes • Posted 2021-07-14 02:49:11 GMT
being gay sure is gay!
479 notes • Posted 2021-01-19 00:05:02 GMT
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Just a reminder that college board hates when you make memes talking about the tests!
518 notes • Posted 2021-04-13 12:59:10 GMT
do you have any podcast suggestions?
Boy do I ever!! Imma just list a lot them and a short summary 
Dungeons and Daddies (Not A BDSM Podcast)- dnd real play podcast about four dads from our world lost in the Forgotten Realms on a search for their sons. It’s a comedy and oh my god I lose my shit over it every time (I’m actually listening right now lol) and they barely actually play dnd it’s all just role play and there’s about 54 episodes right now  
The Heart of Ether- small town gay gothic podcast. Recorded in the style of leaving voice mails to an ex girlfriend who may or may not be dead. Very gay. Everyone’s voice acting is amazing. Funny moments, sad moments, gay moments. Did I mention how wonderfully gay it is? They just finished their first season so it’s a great time to jump in and binge the episodes  
The Bright Sessions- people with superpowers (not necessarily superheroes tho) go to therapy. It developed into more in later seasons but that’s the basic premise. It’s an older one but still great. 
Hello From the Hallowoods- omniscient narrator? Many storylines? Lots of gay people??? It’s not super long right now, almost at the season one finale but the story line is already amazingly complex and deep
Micro-Cosmos: A Science Fiction Podcast- there’s only one episode so far and it is a wonderful train wreck. So far it’s just: people in space. Big time fuck up in space. 
The Magnus Archives- gay horror pod. If you follow me, you probably know vaguely what it’s about. There’s one more episode left in the show and the only emotion I have is gay fear. (200 episodes in all)
Neighbourly- spooky houses on spooky street. Each episode is different and there are only 9 right now. It’s just really great. Wonderful voice acting and narration. 
Welcome to Nightvale- I mean. Wtnv. Enough said. 
Dark Dice- a dnd pod where they take out most of the actual play and dice so it’s just the storyline. Horror, naturally. They just about finished their first season and it’s honestly amazing. 
They Made It Out Of Clay- a podcast that looks at the Jewish origins of characters in media or similar stuff. They’ve only got one episode so far but it’s well done. 
The Two Princes- gay friends to enemies to lovers. Well that’s the first season at least. There are three seasons right now, relatively short. A good listen one of my comfort shows. 
Alright that’s about it lol
532 notes • Posted 2021-03-23 19:43:00 GMT
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r0sequarks · 3 years
(1) Are you aware of mwritesink? She introduced me to the idea of Maddie/Alison and I've never met anyone else into it! You guys should talk! (2) omg tell me all about that movie idea tho (if you want)
i have not but i have never been good at the interacting with people side of fandom. always up for talking about rare pairs tho!
Okay so after Dark Phoenix got announced I was thinking about how often they always rehash the same few plots for literally everything when there's so much good stuff. First movie would be Mutant Massacre, to set up a darker, more serious tone than, like, mcu movies, and would be set post ambiguous Jean sacrifice death, with Angel bringing Scott back to the team, which Storm is leading and stays leading through all of the movies because it's what she deserves. The heart of the movie would be Artie & Leech as new Xavier student and new morlock being friends and adorable moppets.
Second movie would be Genosha, which is being billed as a paradise where mutants and humans live together in harmony. Cameron Hodge would bring Angel there to recover from his mutant massacre injuries, and when the X-Men lose contact with him they try and investigate - putting them in contact with the resistance, and Madelyne Pryor, who does cargo runs to the island and also smuggles mutants out (tying to the fact that the original Genosha arc opens with Maddy on a flight to the island).
Actual plot would be pulling from a lot of dystopian movies, and involve some mix of sneaking in to rescue Angel and trying to start a rebellion. The moment of Jean confusion is immediately cut by Maddie yelling at them for nearly blowing her cover/screwing things up, and there's an ongoing tension about how helpful the superhero approach really is.
I get the feeling it may end with Angel dying, although I don't know if I'd commit to that without having the next movie be Apocalypse and that's unlikely. Regardless, Scott gets that prelude to revolution era, and goes, hey, actually, I think Maddie is right and there's better work we could be doing, and leaves the team to go help her.
There'd also be a background level of Sinister vibes, because he's easily my favorite villain, leading up to an Inferno movie that would be Maddie centric. I feel like it works better if Jean doesn't come back, though, if we never meet Jean, if Inferno is just Maddie's rage at Sinister, at being controlled, about compassion fatigue and that burning, exhaustive rage. Not sure how it would end. I think I'd want a movie in between, probably focusing on the Brood, to give Maddie more space to be a person before she has that taken away.
Actually writing movies (or longform fiction in general) is so hard, though, so I don't see myself actually writing any of it.
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prettywarriors · 3 years
what are some of your favorite and least favorite magical girl raising project designs? and your thoughts on magical daisy just because she's my fav
Heck yes opinion time! But first what you asked for:
Magical Daisy Good. The yellows-browns-beige works really well with both the purple accents and the minty green hair. She has pleats distributed evenly through her design, and they work in tandem with both the ribbons and with the daisies through her outfit without it getting too busy. I like her detached sleeves with gloves, and I am a sucker for practical footwear on a MG (both for them and for possible cosplayers) I’m not Crazy about the. Pouch? Asymmetrical bustle? The thing off her waist on her right. But it balances with her off-center headdress and has the same small design on it so it get’s a pass. Her hair is simple, but I like it and I think it works for her A good design for an anime (if the MGRP anime had done really well, do you think we would have gotten an in-universe magical daisy episode?)
Other opinions under the cut
Haha only giving opinions on 3 girls? I’m reading Peaceful Days now so enjoy my speed thoughts on MGRP-Aces outfits.
But first Maruino deserves so much recognition because her use of cream and dark brown in place of white and black whenever possible, combined with her chibi style and general color pallet choices, is so good. I know I’ve talked about the LN look vs the anime looks here before, but some designs would just look not nearly as good if she didn’t know how to use colors as well as she does
Snow White- School uniform with an armband indicating she is someone who can help, but with flowers. It’s cute, it’s fairly simple compared to other mgrp outfits, I like the big flowers on the sides of her outfit over the ones hanging from the ribbons off her back. A solid look, but not a winner in my book
Ripple- This is going to come up with quite a few of these designs but I like basically everything but the body. I like the sleeves, the geta are great, love the one ponytail with big shuriken, scarf brings great contrast to the rest of the color scheme, bikini top with ribbons attaching it to a wrapped skirt? The skirt feels like this could have been a keikogi but the top is almost wholly unadorned and overall I wish this was a better look than it is
La Pucelle- Great idea, meh execution. Knight And Dragon? Love it! The navy blue for military feels with armor and goes well with the gold&cream&brown. Her horns are cute! I like the tail- it fits the character and isn’t too large or distracting. Once again I like the arms-neck-legs but the body is. a bikini with a drapery bit off the top and the tabard. The tabard is good! But why is she in her underwear? Give pants??? 
-And yes I know swimsuits cover just as much as underwear but this isn’t a swimsuit and it’s a lazy way to cover what needs to be cover and not even try to make that area of a design more interesting. This doesn’t apply just to LP or even MGRP I have seen comments on this before and unless the character’s outfit is an actual bathing suit, try harder.
Top Speed- A wife. A halloween wife. God I lover her personality and her outfit is definitely on the simple end of mgrp outfits but very fitting. The colors are great, love the hat and the tall boots, the cape stripes might be my least favorite bit? But I feel if it was solid it would be too bland so. And the end of her braids looks like a broom. I love her. Good design.
Ruler- I hate this. But why..... Is it the navy blue is a singular piece? I liked Ripple’s scarf for contrast but maybe this piece isn’t large enough? Her head things look like two crowns on the sides of her head and their weird and. Not awful? But not great. The cape looks chunky at the end? In a weird way? Or is it the drop waist on the top. I know I don’t like the butt fluff. I do like the shoes&leggings? pants? And her crown and hair stars. bad/10 for reasons I can not place
Swim Swim- Techno demon in the accessories, pure schoolgirl in swim class in the torso. The white suit+black devil wings is good as character contrast , and her....hip...discs? have demony tails which is good, but the big headphones and floating disc things work great with the shoes but not with the rest of the outfit? This is two outfits in one but not in a good way. Pick a lane.
Minael&Yunael- They might not be super-murders but boy that’s their only redeeming trait. I do not like them as fictional people. And outfitwise? Meh. I like the chat balloon halos, and the one wing look for the two of them works, and again the use of Navy rather than pure black is good, but the old fashioned dress with a bib is. boring. and not in a simple way just not interesting? Like I think if the stiped bib thing was removed it might look better? This also might be a secret hatred of mine as I think I have figured out from a later outfit. For now- boo
Tama- Are you spotted or brown&white? Her fluff bits and legs say spotted and her ears and tail and paws say brown and white and I wish we’d pick a lane? Also not crazy about the butt-length cape. I do like the bone clasp and the hood, and you have to have big ol paws for a dog girl. She’s. Fine. Just fine.
Nemurin- Her hair clouds say magical girl, the rest says generic cute sleepy anime girl. I like the socks, and her hair, but she’s not that interesting? Don’t get me wrong she’s cute but the bulk of her design is Big PJs. The candy clasp is nice as a sweet dreams thing? Sorry Endo
Calamity Mary- Titty fur. Boots with spurs and arms with fringe and mini cowboy hat are all good, and her skirt is. A little boring but fine. But the best part of her top is the sheriff badge. If we’re committed to evil=slutty=evil, you can still make a more appealing lewd top than a bikini over some fluff. Let sluts be sexy? Stay dead bitch.
Magicaloid 44- Elementary schoolgirl but robot. Bulky but in that smooth modern look. I’m a sucker for hair horns, even when they’re metal or plastic, and she just has a good silhouette. But her colors could be better? I will say her mn art has her skirt look like a skirt, and the anime said This Is A Solid Hunk Of Plastic/Metal and I think that works better. Swap her dark brown bits for a navy to go with her skirt and i think i’d be out of complaints
Sister Nana- There are multiple MG nuns. What’s up with that. Good use of sexy belts for theme consistency, but I with there was more red up top or her shoes were a different color. 9/10 for dirty nun
Weiss Winterprison- Girl I love you why is your outfit not good as a MG look or even really as an outfit. Your practical looking boots have heels, your colors are boring and messy, you have like. belts but not enough for them to look interesting? Gurl I love you do something with this bland mess.\
Cranberry- ‘I love this’ I say threw clenched teeth. I love green and flower motifs, and I like boleros and big sleeves. But I’m not that into this? I think it’s that her top looks like a nice shirt that’s a little long and then she. Just has leggings on and a big belt. I guess the buckle is like. A big thorn? And i’m into tunics with leggings but this doesn’t? do that in a way I like? The red-blue roses are a nice contrast to the green and creme but i just. I have no idea I want to be in love with this and it’s Middling for me. More elf ear’d MGs pls
Hardgore Alice- I love alice, I am a fan of edgy spins on stuff(sorry), so I’m a bit disappointed? And I think it’s just the colors? I love the checkered pockets and the striped stockings and bows and the headband and apron and bloomers and dress shape and even her eye bags (mood). I guess I just wish there was more of the off white-maybe for the full apron? or even the bloomers? I love you please re-color.
Keek- This bitch might win it for worst look. I like her hair color, and giant sleeves, and the cd and rubix cube are nice touches for an outfit, but what outfit. A bikini top and slightly-larger-than-usual underwear style bottom with a big plate of metal? Are those supposed to be shorts??? Points for normal shoes but take off the coat and this is nothing. And the coat isn’t much to begin with. 0/10 might take home the gold
Clantail- I wish the apron part was gone? But the colors are good tho I do have a question about the horns- they’re cute but if she can change her lower body to other animals they won’t always fit very well? And her necklaceuhhh tattoo? is odd. But she’s fine
Pechika- Good colors, like the feathers, I wish the chef’s coat had a different fit but it’s good. Could go without the tail. Also has some almost military feeling elements like the hair cross and the? epaulets? This is a spats stan account
Rionetta- Great use of colors, patterns, ribbons, has a specific look that works great for the doll dress. Hell year ball joints and weird eyes. Wonderful. I hate it. No fucking clue why. Like with the angels maybe? I hate strips? Except I don’t. Maybe just in specific situations? Or I hate multiple patterns? Rio looks good. I just see her and go into a rage. 
Nonako Miyokata- A very good look overall, just not super Magical Girl? Definitely magical miko but. The yin yang accessories feel a tad out of place- replace them with existing themes or add them in elsewhere
Magical Daisy- Still good
Nokko- This is just a maid. A cute maid with a weird choice of hair decor, but I think she got her outfit at the same shop as Milkit. *shrug*
@Meow-Meow- boy I hope I didn’t just at someone for real. I like her colors and tail, poofy detached sleeves are good, her top works with the open dress. I’m a fan of detailed edging on a piece, and it works with the pattern.  I’d’ve liked to see more of the bells that are on her wrists? I guess she had a racist accent originally though which yikes. 
Genopsyko Yumenoshima- A great sentai outfit, love the helmet ears and the tail. Not good as a magical girl outfit unless we fully dissolve the mg/sentai line. But the suit is great, slightly oversized gloves, and retro lasergun that doesn’t even work? Yesssss.
Detec Bell- Fwuffy. Great hat, love the dress, a good use of a cape, simple but very good. I feel a feel some of the ribbons could be changed up but a solid if simple design. 
Lapis Lazuline (2)- Cute starry tiger princess? I guess I’m a fan of navy and brown because i’m into it here too. Good use of the silvery details on the sleeves and dress bottom, and the links both at the cape clasp and on the boots. Really nice.
Melville- Bootleg Cranberry in every way. I like her over-pants and sleeve-cape, but the weird bib-top under the bikini top is a bad shape? Hair roses good and leg thorns do get a thumbs up. 
Cherna Mouse- If the turtle gets it’s own distinct look, why is Cherna just baby+ hamster? The hood is cute, and I dig the boots which work with the shoulder things, but said things don’t go with the toddler one piece+cape. She reminds me of Moetan and that is a bad thing.
Pfle- Ohhh this bitch. I may have been reading these books but I have no damn idea what she is up to and I hate it. Love her eyepatch tho. Super cute throne-wheelchair and it continues the bird motif. Her dress is nice but not that interesting? Seems more generic old timey fancy lady dress than Magical. Honestly I could go for some mixing up of the colors here? The dress and hair and throne all are a bit too similar. Maybe make the dress wine?
Shadow Gale- I like her look but I don’t feel it says nurse as much as it’s supposed to? Her aces profile honestly gives Rue vibes. It’s very monochromatic but I guess that works for her. Big fan of her skirt, kindof with it went all the way around. Solid design
Masked Wonder- Who? I refuse to play person5 because it’s been overhyped but isn’t this one of them? Not awful as a phantom thief outfit, but doesn’t say magical girl phantom thief at all. I do like the roses on the belt and. garters? Kindof wish we’d loose the color on the cape because it clashes more than anything with the rest of the look
Akane- I like her long hair flower. But her samurai-kimono look doesn’t feel blended well enough imo and the colors are too over the place while still being bland.
Lake of Fire Flame Flamey- Hell if I know how she looks I just love typing that name
Weddin- Good colors, a bit too busy? The chains+roses+lace doesn’t feel well balanced. But the flame and ankle chain are balanced because Maruino is good at asymmetrical details 
Captain Grace- A pirate magical girl? Is she legit the only one from any main stream series? Well she set the bar high. The captain coat is great, multiple small anchors, the hat, and her skirt(?) is very cute. I guess the sole of the boots stands out a bit? But very solid (wait is that a tail? or a butt hook? :/)
Funny Trick- If Las vegas was a magical girl. Colors and silhouette are good, I’m just not vibing with this. sorry girl
Kuru-kuru Hime- Yiss more ballet themed outfits. Good colors, love the shape of the giant back bow. I could go without the big ribbon coming off the headpiece? It’s nice
Postarie- Buttwings! I love her hair shape, just. Not a fan of the orange and green colors? She’s a delivery girl but feels more marching band. It’s a good design, just doesn’t feel fitting? Great just not for her
Rain Pow- Now this is a sci-fiy look while still saying magical girl. The tail is yet another weird thing, and I could go without the permeant ring behind her, but the shape of her outfit is very good, and love the silly heart hair. Wish the gloves were a different color? But this is up there
Tepsekemei- Genie outfits being problematic isn’t something I can speak to, but this is a solid genie look with additions to feel different, specifically the lotuses. It’s good, and I haven’t seen flying turtles since love hina so. Good for her.
Mana- You’re not a magical girl. Maybe I just hate bibs? The hat is great and snake leg is fun, I wish her collar was actually smaller to stand out more? It’s a fine mage look i guess
Hana Gekokujou- Great use of hair color as contrast to a committed color scheme. A cute traditional bunny look. Not personally my favorite but it is Good.
7753- Big Coat! Giant heart braids! Consistent heart theme! It’s bland compared to a lot of the other outfits, and I don’t think her flat heart uhh hair? pieces? like rain pow? work as well with her. But I think she works well for a member of the resources department. Wait is her hat backwards? Amazing
Archfiend Pam- I’m mostly a fan of this. The top is great, it’s carried through at one hip, she has the weird arm guy to keep her asymmetry going on. I just wish she’d commit to either fur Or pleats as trim? Both is a weird texture choice
Pythie Frederica- This bitch took a while for her proper appearance. I love the horns on the hood, and the stars throughout work well. I really don’t care for her skirtdress though? It’s too long and in ribbons and feels almost jellyfish-y? I feel it’s supposed to feel like she’s standing in fire but that doesn’t work pass a glance for me
Tot Pop- Love hot topic. Her spiky ribbon is my favorite bit, and I’m a fan of oversized sleeves. A great mall goth look, not amazing as a magical girl look tho. The head decor feels most on brand for the genre.
Punkin- What if the three musketeers were murderous and royalty. I love the hair feather and dig the ruff, the cape honestly feels like overkill? The boots are great and I dig the pants. Once again, why tails. I know mahou-furbies has reviewed a lot of these girls with the same comment and she’s right. Pick red or blue for this look though.
Sonia Bean- Kindof busy, in a garbage way. Like her outfit is made of fancy garbage to make an old timey doll. Which is fitting. Love the dress shape. Less into the weird dangly poofs.
Princess Inferno- The whole princess line works well together. Quake has the least Team outfit but I feel all four work well together? Inferno’s bikini is a smidge above other tops with the fire shapes, and I like her hair, but I think she’s my least favorite princess.
Princess Deluge- Swirls and scales throughout? Armor? Gold jewelry? My biggest issue is the chain to the weapon because this is a really nice outfit.
Princess Quake- Why does your tail start in the middle of the back? I like her leotard and eye theme, and her head piece adds nice shape. Good asymmetry. shame she’s into children The hair gem is a fun touch
Princess Tempest- The apples are a weird touch? Good for color but weird as a theme? I love the leaves- honestly I’m a huge fan of the vaguely toga-y look. Are the apples supposed to be an atlanta thing? Her skirt could be a bit better but Nice
Prism Cherry- Princess of our hearts. What a color scheme. Her oversized dangly accents work well here I feel, and I love the skirt and the leaf looking ribbon behind the neck. I could do without the arm fluff, but the top garter for the skirt is a nice touch
Marika Fukuroi- My wife is a bitch and I like her so much. A much more vibrant outfit than most of the mgrp girls, the black is edgy but in a fun loud way. I love her skirt and every damn crazy flower. Her top is my least favorite with the smaller flowers connecting her top to her bottom and the frills that honestly are out of place. Great eyes
Styler Mimi- A fancy outfit that fits her theme, with a nice silhouette and simple color scheme. Ruined by the giant back powder puffs. Yes she would be fairly simple without those but they’re so garish and awkward. Good hair
Stanczyka- I thought her middrif was another hunk of plaster like the mask and now that I see it’s just skin with some stars :/ The whole head thing is good, and the fur is consistent throughout even if I’m not a fan of it. The giant sleeves are. weird. I want to like them but. Her swirly tiddys are a nice touch. The brown hair on the tail doesn’t fit
Lady Proud- For someone who lived for a lot of pages I do not remember her. Her leotard works with the sleeves to feel like an old timey dress and the way the cape is being held up to look like bat wings is nice. The green layer in her hair is an odd choice. I do dig the hair clips with the horns
Umbrain- Froggy slicker. ...Sakura did it better, the yellow and purple&red is a meh color combo sorry. I do love the candy additions for the ame(rain) ame(candy) play, and her umbrella is great. But once again I am confronted by a bib. Also her slicker is actually two pieces? Bad colors, bad body, good theme
Filru- I like the colors and the corset, and in theory the chunky knitting is very cute but I feel it’s at odds with the boots and corset. Make the whole thing chunky knitting- it’d be cute. The head doily also could be more on theme imo
Uttakatta- again, what did you do? giant overalls are good in theory, but the slits and the. bubbles? clear donuts. are just ugly. Honestly her whole look is not good, and a bubble theme has so much potential for cool shit :(
Kafuria- good use of colors, I’m not personally into the shape of her kimono as a mg dress, but the wings and the veil+such are nice
Grim Heart- this bitch. God her dress is a great shape. I think i’m not fully into her spade tail ribbons, but otherwise love? The flamingo is Silly but again as an alice fan, i do not care (ask me about kagihime for 10000 words of rage!)
Shufflin- the tiny bib haunts me but the big double sides apron card piece is a nice way to do the simple and versatile Card look. The hair is cute and i like the suit as a big piece behind the head
Armor Arlie- chunky suit of armor. but Cute. as an armor fan in MG designs, even I think this is A Bit Much, but it has enough going for it that i think it’s a fun look
Bluebell Candy- once again Maruino kills it with using navy very nicely. A military vibe with the epilates and double breasted uhh skirt decor. honestly shocked the hat is center, and mm good hair happenings. A very nice design. still not into the weird fluff tail stuff
Dark Cutie- Great hair decorations, love the lunar details, seems to be a leotard over leggings? It’s nice. It’s not crazy grabbing or stands out that much in silhouette, but i do like it
Micchan the Dictionary- tying your coat around your neck is not valid, motarboards are not good magical girl accessesories, i personally have an owl vendetta, the red in her shoes appears no where else, and the shape of her dress is just weird. plus that hair is. not good. Oh wow. I might rank her lower than keek. oh Wow
Glassianne- this is just that alcreamie pokemon. i wish the exposed strawberry went all the way down instead of there being more icing along the bottom. she has a consistent theme and nice colors, i’m not not digging it
Uluru- said dog. 7753 and tama’s child. she looks warm but not super magical. why is she dog themed?
Sorami Nakano- gamer aesth. I could do without the hair paws, but the jumper is super cute, love the eyes and the hair tones, general color scheme, bandaid is a cute touch. A solid look.
Premium Sachiko- good colors, i like the cut of the sleeves/boots/dress, but her art has her legs blend together and that’d just the art but weird. nice use of four leaf clovers and horseshoes throughout for her luck theme. 
CG Angel Hammer- I like the flowers and the bones tail/wings. The halo thing is. odd, and it’s hard to get a great idea of her actual outfit. weird hair choice, tiny bottom but at least it has some frills. Needs more art
Patricia- acab. great colors tho and I like the shapes for the shoulders and wrist, and the light theme. The bright blue ribbons and earrings stand out well. This is actually a really solid design. 
Puk Puck- i hate this baby angel there’s too much to look at. Your bondage leg is weird! cute chest piece. you can’t have cloud swirls and drills for hair damn it. your halo also has a veil? fuck you. 6/10.
Best Outfits: Princess Tempest and Grim Heart Worst Outfits: Keek and Micchan the Dictionary and Uttakatta
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deathvsthemaiden · 3 years
Tagged by @florrdemaga (thank you Iris! 💜🪄) to fill out this tag meme! These questions were really fun, I’m glad I was tagged 🏷🕊
1. Do you like answering tags?
LOVE answering tags!! Sometimes during dry spells where no one’s rlly doing any tag memes I’m like maybe I should start one... have no ideas tho alas ✊🏽😔💔
2. Do you prefer to write fanfiction, read fanfiction, create fanart, make video edits, or none of the above?
Create fanart!!! Oh god I have so many ideas for fan and original art I just barely draw anymore for various reasons. Sometimes I look at my old wips and make myself sad for no good reason, I don’t want to talk about it 😞🥀 (<- she’s being dramatic ignore her)
I dabble in reading fanfic but rarely, because I don’t have the patience to comb thru it all for quality stuff that suits my tastes AND. Most of the time the stuff I wanna read in terms of fanfic doesn’t exist bc I’m specific and picky and/or I most wanna read about my favorite side characters who get less spotlight in their respective canons... but because they’re obscure faves, I have fewer fics to choose from 😔 and I wouldn’t know where to start writing my own fanfiction, writing cohesive coherent stories in general trips me up an insane amount, so I just close my eyes and dream up vague scenarios from time to time 😴💭
3. Nails painted (include what color) or not?
I default to any bright or dark red, pale/shiny pink, plum purple, or copper. I usually paint my pointer fingers a different color because it makes the acts of pointing and gesturing more fun... I can’t explain it. Rarely do I remember to actually paint my nails tho!
4. What would your amortentia smell like? (For those who don’t know Harry Potter, amortentia is a love potion that smells different to each person based on what attracts them. Basically what are your favorite smells?)
Roses, jasmine, sage, oud, cooking or baking just like in general, can’t think of specific dishes rn, the sea, coffee, chai.... I can’t rlly choose, I don’t think about smells often 😳😳😳😳😳 I just like what I like in the moment and usually forget later GWUSBSNS
5. Would you prefer to live in an extremely hot or cold climate?
HOTTTT!!! Hot a thousand times over 🔥
6. Favorite flavor of chapstick or do you not wear any?
I acquired a tube of pomegranate burt’s bees recently and it wiped clean any and all prior chapstick flavors from my memory... am obsessed with it and the subtle red it leaves.
7. Enemies to lovers or friends to lovers?
GOD THE SECOND ONE... bores me most of the time, at least conceptually, so enemies to lovers. I much prefer drama and the idea of getting to meet new people instead of sticking to someone you’ve known forever, like for me personally friends to o lovers just feels too “expected” or “easy” (these are not the right words I can’t think of any better ones rn tho have mercy) unless it’s done in a veryyy specific way. And sometimes the obstacles in friends to lovers feel less compelling/convincing than the ones present in enemies to lovers. (I’m generalizing but it’s sort of impossible to avoid doing that when answering a q like this!)
I also love enemies to lovers or almost any complicated fictional relationship w/ some sort of animosity or tension involved because when handled effectively it’s more engaging to watch characters navigate emotions that feel almost like opposites. Also they validate my strong belief that love is never uncomplicated or effortlessly “pure,” and that the existence of it doesn’t cancel out the very real possibility of less savory and potentially valid feelings. In my experience most relationships are complicated by weird combinations of feelings and that makes the good parts of them more... idk... satisfying or precious. I’m messy basically.
8. Favorite type of weather?
Sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny 🥺🤲🏽☀️
9. Do you use :), :], or :D?
:) and :D !
Tagging: @pinkafropuffs @noblyphantasmic @chaliceandsword @chiiquitita @fithragaer @fatallist and... 6 is a nice number, I’ll stop here because I’m in a rush, but as always this is free and fair game for anyyyyyyone! Be bold be swift be unafraid 🕊
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Anime, is anime. Nothing is gonna be or look as it should. Whether it's a specific anime or anything else, but also this is facts 😂 I wonder what I'd look like if I was a anime character 🤔?
One of The awesome,funny and honestly interesting thing about it.
Things are not always as they seem, they could look one way but be absolutely the opposite and visaversa, not only is this kinda realistic in a wayis, let me exonerate, people are all different whether it be skin color sizes,hair color, personalities and whatnot, there are also those in real life that look older than they actually are, and the same can be said for the opposite, there are people that look younger than they actually are, and as of recently I've noticed the Loli controversy is starting up again, I personally don't really care for loli's that much like I have a crush on one like honey senpai is shouta(male older than he looks because he has child like features opposite of Loli ) I'll just turn myself into a Loli to be with him no big deal, don't get me wrong the Loli and shouta are adorable and really cool at times, but for me when I simp over a character I'm kinda into those like ban 7deadly sins(got them abs😆) but if you show me a image of them "aged up" or more defined and with more mature looking features (abs) that's what I'm into you show me an adorable anime guy like mitsukuni Haninozuka imma be pinching cheeks and snuggles, and eating cake, and stealing a kiss or 2 that's, now I've seen mitsukuni with more mature features/having puberty/growth spurt hitting him hard and I simp, and this is me with preference I guess you can say, I like anime abs, I don't mind a guy that's cute and chubby tho because I can just imagine them with abs and I simp, and without abs I'm also a person who admires a great personality not just the body, like Viktor from Yuri on ice I haven't seen it yet but I at least know his name but he's adorable chubby and smoking when he loses the weight 🤤🔥❤️.
And no matter what age they originally are, I'm not going to be thinking about that, I'll be thinking of me and that character I like regardless, if the character is younger ,then I'm younger and we will hold hands, and get ice cream, puppy love, if we are older still holding hands, and getting ice cream and throw in the romantic aspect, such as dates marriage, having intercourse, having kids,a future, growing old together,then dying and going to heaven together yeah I can imagine that as well, I can change them older or younger or myself older or younger because it is fiction and a fantasy and there is no reality, it can be whatever I want in the fantasy if I imagine a age difference since imma girl and their the boy if I'm older I automatically think of omgoodness he's in love with his senpai, or his best friends mom, or his babysitter, or with the older single lady who helped him once when he was little who he spent time with over time having fun, like going to the park talking about videogames,or other normal everyday stuff, who he grew a crush on over time and feels it turned into something more when he got older, her thinking of him as a child until he matured/legal age out of school already and he made moves on her showing he wanted to be anything but a child with her,her not accepting his feelings,yet over time he grows on her and her feelings change and decides to give him a chance, then they get married and live happily ever after, same thing if it's the opposite way. How a character looks despite age depends on the creator as in most cases age isn't important for the moral or for the telling of the story. Now for definitions, Loli has 2 definitions and both go for this word. Loli is a female child, that's one definition now here's the 2nd definition as well Loli also means a adult or person of legal age who has the attributes, features, or characteristics of a child while being anything but that.
Shouta is the opposite of Loli its a male child/ a adult who has the attributes/features/characteristics of a child but is anything but that.
In real life I have been mistaken as a child/minor I've been told I looked 12 or 16 very rarely ever got an answer above those ages highest I got was 20 something. When I got called 12 I was a 17 (turning 18 after graduation) senior in highschool, even the freshman thought I was one of them. Now I'm 19 gonna be 20 soon and am out of school and was called a 16 yr old by a 17 year old girl still in highschool.
I guess I could be defined as a Loli when I'm anything but a child.
Yet I'm also well endowed on my upper half of my body and have back pain because of it, in other words I got a pair of tits, and was called a hentai girl, by other people who liked manga and anime as well, even though I was called a child by others. So I have in body mature features (defined by a person or two as a hentai body),by my face I'm a Loli and look like a child(also defined by a person or two as younger than I am) when I'm a adult. So I'mma Loli hentai girl in the real world? No idea, but wait I can't define myself by fictional standards? correct. so imma human being who looks younger than they are.
Imma tag everyone I can.
This can actually go for all aspects of animation not just anime, Princess's are from 14+ snow white was 14 fun fact there, wouldn't really be able to tell. Age difference is in everything, and I still enjoy snow white it's actually one of my favorite Disney films before and after I even knew this information, and I honestly have no problem with it, mostly because for that time it's considered normal, and I was a kid and just saw a princess movie, I didn't think that their ages were relevant to the story/stories. Besides sleeping beauties 16 got spindle pricked on a spinning wheel and fell into a deep sleep, Wich was going to be death but was changed. In the original sleeping beauty, she was put to sleep for 100years as was her kingdom, the kingdom was covered in brambles/thorns (rose thorns to be specific but they didn't bloom because they were enchanted and used for defense to make sure the spell couldn't be broken), and each time someone thought to go near, or try to save the kingdom to free it's people the ground would break open underneath them swallowing them up, right where the brambles/thorns started at the end of the kingdom, so even if they managed to get past the area where the earth broke the enchanted thorns (rose thorns) would rip them to shreds, with their blood and bodies fertilizing the ground and the thorns would grow. This happened for many years until everyone forgot about it, then finally 100 years had passed and the roses finally bloomed, a prince was coming through and had heard of the kingdom and of the many who lost their lives trying to enter and was going to explore and see if he can find a way in, to see the beauty that was rumoured to live there. When he arrives the Thorn's were in bloom and the ground didn't break but allowed him to pass, the thorns actually even made way for him to go through. When he got into the kingdom he saw everything and everyone fast asleep noone had aged a day, then he explored and discovered the princess and this is where it gets kinda dark compared to Disney's version. So rape trigger warning don't read unless you want and can handle it.
The prince saw the beauty and instead of doing true loves kiss to break the spell, he raped her multiple times and then he left and never returned. Beauty then became pregnant while still asleep, she had twins, and as they wriggled around searching to breastfeed one of them caught onto her finger with the spindle splinter in her finger, it sucked on her finger and managed to get the splinter out, Wich then awoke the princess and the rest of the kingdom, who was a very confused princess, and now a new mother with no idea who "prince charming" was. And that's actually the original telling of sleeping beauty, there are other versions that are less dark,but this is the original as far as I know and the oldest I could find that was in English.
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sebastianseb · 3 years
Evens 😜
What drew you to rping this FC? He’s beautiful haha Then I started to learn about him and his personality and there was no turning back. I love my shy little bean <3
What’s something about your FC that you wouldn’t like if you had to spend time with them irl? The fact that he’s never seen Harry Potter lol I can’t get over it because if I sit with him and we can’t talk potter I’m gonna end up talking about how much I love him and that’s embarrassing, please haha
Why do you roleplay? I enjoy writing fiction :) it’s a nice escape
Do you write fiction ever other than rping? nope! tho ive always wanted to try
What’s your favorite thing about rping? making connections! I love love when a ship or a friendship forms so naturally just because of vibes. it’s such a dope feeling. shoutout to @selenagomczpage bc first melena and now seljean have my original base ship heart here!
Do you think about your threads and your character when you aren’t roleplaying? How and for how long on average? lmaooo @margseliserobbie and I are FOREVER talking about threads for robstan and what not omg haha we def have a love for robstan that outshines and I love it sm
What’s a ship you really like rping? this hands down goes to my three baes @margseliserobbie @selenagomczpage and @ryanthcmas! literally obsessed with all of our ships for different reasons <3
What’s a ship you never thought you’d do? I never thought melena (now its seljean) but at the time, never thought melena would be a thing! that ship was based purely on chem and no other previous connection and it hands down will always go down as one of my favs <3
What do you dislike about roleplaying angst? I dislike when it’s not plotted - but other than that I LOVE angst. Just lemme know when you want angst and I’ll give it haha
What do you dislike about roleplaying ships/romance? I love ships! I dont dislike anything about ships/romance. i’m all about it if the chemistry is there!
Do you ever read other people’s NSFW rp threads? (be honest!) not really. unless its not under a read more I don’t go searching for ppls nsfw stuff
If you do read threads you aren’t in, do you usually let the other authors know, or keep it under your hat? depends! if its blowing my mind I post an ooc on the dash or message the mun letting them know im being mind fucked haha but other times I admire from afar haha
Do you like to plot or improv? I like both! im good for improv when we first start to get a vibe. but once we start doing big things, I enjoy plotting it out and communicating the plot ooc so we’re all on the same page etc :) Do you like to answer open starters? yeah!
What’s your favorite thing about rping a chat/short style thread? it’s easier for my brain to handle lmao
What’s your favorite thing about rping a long/para/novel style thread? the details! I love that about para replies but it’s also the most draining part too haha
Do you prefer gifs or pics when roleplaying? Or none at all? I dont mind gifs! I think it adds to the thread!
What’s a plot you’ll never get sick of roleplaying? literally any good party plot. im such a sucker for my FCs having a good time and getting into drunken shenanigans lol
What do you like to do as you reply to threads? Listen to music? Have TV on? Complete silence? Dark room? etc. music or a movie/tv show i’ve seen 1000x lol
What was your first roleplay character in your current rpg? sebby boy! <3
Who is an FC you think you would like to roleplay in the future? What’s currently stopping you from roleplaying them? shahrukh khan! lack resources is stopping me! it always affects my muse when I lack resources
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princeleyjeans · 3 years
Another thing I wanna talk about is a scene from the W&G reboot fix my ass NEEDS to write but can't rn thanks to buuuurrrrrrrrn-out! Whoo! Gotta love unstable mental health. Anyway! The scene is aftermath of a big, fabulously posh and extravagent party, imagine Ball/MET gala, everyone rich and judgey is there, Lady Tottington has done her schmoozing and arse kissing for the next Veg comp, getting all the sponsers and that, and as the night rounds up, Amelia steals Wallace away from Gromit and Fluffles who've somehow become Coat boy and receptionist (It's hella cute and they love the break from the pups) and taken him upstairs. WHY this is so note worthy (its not, really, I just like it and wanna talk about it) to me personally is because obviously, everyone imagines (Even me, despite being the writer???) they're gonna do the do, Wallace himself probably thinks the same thing, hence why he's hella nervous and wanting to yeet real bad cus he has no knowledge of ladies, none he remembers that is XD But, it isn't, the door closes behind them, bolts shut, they fall onto the bed like some tella novella couple about to passionately bump uglies and then Amelia breaks out some good old VHS tapes! "These were my favourite growing up! Nothing can capture the magic of vintage cinema like these. Make yourself comfortable, this won't take more than a minute" It's hella tumblr, you'd see gifs of this scene if it were a real thing. the wee hours are just the two snuggled up, watching old films and Wallace being started at how this dominating predator of a woman is suddenly reduced back to a wide eyed girl, capsulated by disney classics and Detective noirs. Granted, this is already mainly tumblr trash as Wallace is a man canonly, I assume, somewhere in his early 50s and Amelia was written to be just at the edge of 32 (She was originally 25 before I grew up and realised how gross that was. To be fair I designed her when I was like 9 'not joking', so I'm not gonna shit on myself that hard...wish growing up would've changed my taste in men tho) cus the whole point of her was to be an active, evil, romantic constant in his life that even Gromit couldn't bulldoze away. Also, you know, I, the writer prefer older men so that of course had to be a thing...yayyyyyyy. Back to the point, this scene is supposed to open up her character, you go in thinking "Oh christ, she's Victors kid, she's skilled with guns and hunting and all this dangerous shit, this is gonna go one of two ways", but then you get the THIRD WAY (Gta v ref right there), option C baby! And she is still this frightening presence that Gromit tries to rid them of and rescue his master from, however unlike the cartoon, the happy ending doesn't require rightious justice. Yes she is still a villan to some extent, hunts, kills animals, makes deals with seedy ass people abroad, but Amelia also melts into a semi neutral on her own side but also Wallace's side good-ish guy. She's complicated and something Nick Park would never add to his creation but as a fiction writer I can add some spice to something that one day, might be sold to someone who could add spice or would be willing to see my spice (I'm talking about ideas, not drugs here). Amelia is a villan, not entirely evil but you don't stand in her way, at the same time, she can learn and shift and change if its worth something to her, like all of us, especally when it involves Wallace because she loves him, and he's a pretty forgiving guy so the business with Victor is deemed sorta rectefied cus he's been beaten to a pulp and is now stuck with a walking stick and all that dark ass jazz. Wallace has put that stuff aside so he an Amelia can have a life together, plus family gatherings are a hoot when the dad in law tried to murder you and your brother in laws...know how to dispose of a body--OKAY IM DONE BYE
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ggukminii · 3 years
Tag Games Masterpost! ✨
♐️  Zodiac Sign tag!
tagged by @calicooky @jiminslight @euphhorias thank you babies!! 💜
Sagittarius: Teal or Purple. Topaz or Turquoise. Dandelion or Daffodil. Ginseng or Cilantro. Horse or Stag/Buck. Plane ride or Road trip. Learn Hindi or Learn Japanese. Ginger or Wasabi. Climbing or Snowboarding. Teleportation or Super Speed. Carnival or Circus. Sake or Tequila. Duffel Bags or Suitcases. Time Manipulation or Basic Precognition. Tambourine or Triangle. Backpacking or Whitewater rafting. Aquarius or Libra.
📝  Quiz Game
ty @calicooky and @jkjms 🥺
you're fierce, courageous and intelligent.
you have an electric smile and there's something magical about your words. people want to be liked by you, because when you like someone it's felt so very deeply. you're an angry sky nurturing dark forests and wide meadows, you're the wide-spread wings of a dragon, you're the stranger stuck in minds and the classmate that's so hard to forget. it's an honor to know you, it's an honor to be loved by you, it's an honor to love you. i wish you, too, could feel the love and the adoration you've been pouring into this world.
ok what are these tears 😭
🎵 What BTS era are you?
@jiminslight @jkjms @euphhorias ty for tagging me!
Spring Day
Run's softer older sister, equally as gay/traumatised as Run but it made them soft and nostalgic instead of trying to cling onto memories that never happened, you miss simpler, happier times and although it makes you sad, you know that the future isn't something to be nervous about, everything will be okay in the end "But what is grief, if not love persevering?"
omg what an honor?? 😭
💜  What does love mean to you?
@gimbapchefs @jkjms thank you!
something you want to share
you have so much love and you just want to share it with everybody, don't you? there's nothing more you'd hate than to keep your fondness and tenderness for other people and love as a whole inside. please never hide your love for others, be reckless and loud with your "i love you"s and make plans when it feels like no one else is bold enough to. we're all scared that our love won't be matched or reciprocated, we fear rejection and we have this idea that the people we love don't actually love us but only tolerate us for the sake of having someone to keep them company. but it's people like you, people who want to share their love with the world, that change that. so make plans, don't leave anything unsaid, send that song that made you think of them. life is too short to keep your love inside.
i’m sad :((
✨ Which BTS member would you vibe with?
tagged by @calicooky thanks kris <3
Ah, the golden maknae. He's got the most tender heart and the sweetest soul, no matter how many tattoos or piercings he gets in the future--he has "please love me" tattooed on himself now, afterall. Jeongguk is willing and wants to learn, and strives to be his personal best. He wants balance in his life, appreciates beauty, and is a romantic at heart. He's constantly analyzing himself, how he can be better, do better, and honestly he probably doesn't give himself enough credit. Don't be so hard on yourself if you relate to all of that--you're allowed to both give yourself a break and remember that we are always evolving.
🪐 Make yourself a planet
@euphhorias @jkjms ty loves
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📷 Post 5 pictures of your 5 favorite idol smiles
tagged by @espressokookmin ty love!
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plus two extra let’s get it
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❓ 30 Questions Tag
thank you @euphhorias @taejinnies @jiminslight​ !​
name/nickname: di ✨
star sign: sagittarius ♐
height: 5’4
birthday: december 4th! bday twins with jin hehe
favorite band: i mean.... bts :D
time: 11:55pm
favorite solo artist: hmm I don’t really follow solo artists but i listen to baekhyun (idk if this counts :”)), chungha, and dean quite a bit
song stuck in your head: Alcohol Free by Twice
last movie you watched: Thor: The Dark World
free space! : I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!! 💜💜💜
last show: I don’t know if this counts but I’ve been binging the hell out of all of Jessi’s Showterview episodes jsdflk she’s a queen ✨
when i created this blog: June of 2019 if I remember correctly!
what i post: gifs!! and a ton of shit posts hah 
last thing i googled: "2nd Thor move” cuz I forgot the name 😃
other blogs: no active ones! just my main and 18490832 side blogs I’ve created bc I’m obsessed with creating urls
do i get asks? very rarely jsdfsjdf
why i chose my url? kookmin > ggukminii! this blog was originally just km stuff lmao
following: 332
followers: so much more than I deserve 🥺
average hours of sleep: hmm usually 7-9 hours. if you asked me during school tho...🤡
lucky number: 4!
instruments: ooo I used to play the violin for a few years and the guitar for a few months but we dont talk about that
what am i wearing? large blue shirt and black shorts 
dream job: ooo this is hard but something that doesn’t confine me to a desk where I can work with a lot of other people!
favorite food: this is the hardest question for me to answer omg... can I pass? 😅
tea or coffee: tea!!
nationality: 🇺🇸 🤠
favorite song: second hardest question BUT if we’re going strictly bts then... black swan 🤍
last book i read: uhhh i’m currently reading Know My Name by Chanel Miller
top three fictional universes i would like to live in: 3?? hmm, definitely Harry Potter... and then maybe marvel and anything studio ghibli 
I tag whoever wants to do these! If there’s one game you really wanna do just go for it and say I tagged you <3333
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fuckwritersblock · 4 years
I’ve seen a few posts asking for recommendations for romance interactive/visual novels and finally I decided it would be better to just post about it rather than replying. Note that I have been playing this genre for years but I also am picky. There are some games that I have played which I would not necessarily rec*.
Interactive Novels (Purely text based)
The Wayhaven Chronicles (Mobile, Steam)
Creme de la Creme (Mobile, Steam)
Tally Ho (Mobile, Steam)
**Fallen Hero: Rebirth (Mobile, Steam)
Visual Novels
Arcade Spirits (PS 4, Switch, Xbox One, Steam, itch.io)
Choices (Mobile)
Dream Daddy (PS 4, Switch, Steam, Humble, Mobile)
A Rose in Winter (Steam, Itch.io)
You should also watch out for “Best Friend Forever” (Switch/Steam/Itch.io) and download the demo. I also personally have not yet played “Butterfly Soup” but I hear great things about it.
If you want to know more about the games along with the pros and cons are for each game (in my opinion) check under the cut. but it is. Long.
Interactive Novels
The Wayhaven Chronicles - Fantasy/romance. You play as a detective who has been tasked to solve a murder in your small town of Wayhaven. You have been tasked with agents from a mysterious agency, Unit Bravo, to help you. But are they all that they seem? 
Sexy vampires. (This is not a spoiler it’s literally in the description of the game.)
The writing is incredible. Mishka Jenkins knows the tropes and uses them expertly.
The romances are all very good in their own unique way.
All of the characters are well developed and interesting.
There are two books of this series out!
ACAB. And you play a detective at a station where there’s literally a state where you either are “by the book” or “bend the rules” so like. Not great.
There are two books out of seven for the series so know you will be left wanting more.
You can play as non-binary and there are a couple of background non-binary characters in the story but there are no non-binary romances.
Creme de la Creme - Adventure/romance (if you’re into dark academia, this is for you). You play as a student sent to a finishing school and are expected to bring prestige back to the family name.
This plot takes some turns y’all.
You can play as non-binary and there also can be non-binary romance options!
There is aro/ace representation!!
Hannah Powell-Smith is married to a woman so like nice.
There is some commentary that sometimes works well and sometimes falls flat. Mainly the critique on power and the upper class works well until the endings where many still benefit from this without characters putting much more thought in it.
Tally Ho - Comedy/Romance. Inspired by Wooster and Jeeves. You play a servant living in London during 1930′s. You work for Rory Wintermint, and must accompany them to their Aunt Primrose’s estate. Hijinks ensue.
Light and fun and adorable.
There are some really funny moments in this.
This was one of my first interactive novels and I have spent hours and hours on this game and there are still achievements that I have absolutely no idea how to achieve.
It’s a light and airy game so know that if romance is your thing, it doesn’t delve as deep into those relationships as other games on here.
You can play with they/them pronouns but there is no other non-binary characters.
Fallen Hero: Rebirth - Action/Superhero. You play a former hero that has started acting on your plan to become a supervllian. You must work against your original crew and that gets. Complicated.
(**Heads up, this is a very good game it’s not romance-focused. I also have not replayed it in some time. and other people could describe it better than I have. So if this short description sounds interesting, I recommend looking it up on tumblr + other areas.)
Immersive and thoughtful small details.
The romances are complex and certainly not easy, but that’s certainly a strength of the writing.
Malin Rydén self-describes as “unapologetically queer”
Not so much of a con but something yall should know! This game handles heavy topics as your character descends into villainy. Your character experiences depression and a variety of Rough Stuff. Keep that in mind if you are also in a rough place mentally rn.
I’m gonna be real with ya fam and I think this could just be me. There were multiple parts of this game that I felt lost in. I could not fully understand what was going on. BUT I also feel like in many places that is the intention for the character to feel disorientated so take that what you will.
Visual Novels
Arcade Spirits - Dating Sim/Comedy. You play as a depressed person who was just fired. You are convinced you are suffering from a generational long curse. Your phone matches you with a job at the Funplex arcade with various characters. Will you ensure the arcade survives? Will you find love along the way?
this is GOD-TIER visual novel content y’all!!
The system that they use for stats are unlike anything I’ve ever seen but it’s leagues ahead. You do not have to be constantly monitoring your stats as you would typically for other games.
Made with so much love for the content and attention to detail. 
Diverse cast that are all so fun and lovable in their own way.
You get to create your MC’s hair/skin/clothes color and then you’ll see them throughout the game?? WILD.
BECAUSE this game was made with love and and attention to detail, if you have absolutely no interest in the world of video games you may feel detached.
The character creator is very limited. Which I do get to a certain extent with all of the different shots they draw the MC in. But I hope you want your character to be thin with a lot of angular facial features 
Choices - An app where there is a series of stories you can play “chapters” of using keys, which replenish every couple of hours.
It’s a very focused on modern romance stories, but there are also such a variety of different genres of books! Fantasy (Blades of Light & Shadow), Historical fiction/romance (Desire & Decorum), Thriller/Horror (It Lives in the Woods). I have PLENTY of recs if you hmu.
There are...Many a good romances in these tho like I have blushed and sighed and daydreamed about these stories.
You need patience for this game. It’s a free app and therefore has a system where you need to understand the key system and be patient to collect “diamonds” to purchase premium choices.
Many of the books are gender-locked where you can only play as a woman.
Choices has been criticized that they need better treatment/more screentime for their characters of Color. They have said they are committing to do better, but we will see.
Same has been said about their wlw romances.
Just as there are good stories, there are also stories that have something to be desire. I have varying issues with some books that have plot holes, unengaging writing, etc. These are good for you to play to earn more diamonds though.
Dream Daddy - Dating Sim/Comedy. (This game was the talk of the town when it came out in 2017 but in case you weren’t in the genre at the time!!) You are a single dad who is moving with your daughter Amanda to Maple Bay. You meet other single dads and date them while also trying to be a good father to your daughter.
This writing is sharp as a tack. The comedy is on point and this game does a great job transitioning into serious moments.
There are awesome little mini-games that you’ll find in these!
The characters of each datable dad first seem like caricatures, but their backstories are complex and have depth.
The character creator is chef’s kiss v good. AND you can play as a trans dad like how neat.
There have been plenty of conversation about cons for this game but frankly I don’t truly believe it has a con for what it is.
If you’re not a pun person this game will be. Difficult.
A Rose in Winter - Romance. You are playing as Rose, a girl who determined to prove herself as a knight. She has found herself at an inn and must choose between a series of Princes to help on their journey.
Cute stories!
Except for the green prince which is heart-fluttering. (and if you play, I recommend playing last)
Adorable art.
This reads more like an ACTUAL visual novel. Your choice (besides the initial choice you make on which prince you pursue) means little, if there is choice at all.
It’s definitely simpler than other games on this list but that’s not a bad thing as much as you should know!
*Please know that I did not include The Arc*n* on purpose! I used to really love that app but the way certain things were handled (both IRL and in the plot) I would not recommend it now.
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melioristmint · 3 years
For the fruit asks, answer all questions 👀 Have fun! 😂👍
Oh boy. Okay, give me a minute.
Peach: No tatoos/piercings, but I kinda want at least one
Rasperry: Uh, I LOVE Dandelions but I also really like Mimosa Pudica flowers, or Sensitive Plants (idk I read a characterization on a site called 16personalities and they recommended this plant for my personality type (INFP) and it was accurate. I’m bold on the internet, but irl I’m just this shy sensitive nerd) Oh and I love Bleeding Heart flowers
Lemon: I wish I could get a pet cat but I have two goldfish. They don’t have names. (Literally just realized that)
Mango: Trademarks? I use sparkly lipgloss, does that count? I wear glasses all the time tho. 
Passion fruit: My style aesthetically wise is probably soft and slightly cottage core? and I love blue. My style in socializing is simply ridiculous. Ridiculous as in I’m so shy and stammer and just give off that nervous vibe. (I literally wish I could sink into the ground so I don’t have to talk to strangers) When I’m with friends I’m ok, even if I get a little weird
Pineapple: I think I might be a Panromantic Bisexual
Strawberry: I can’t choose one because I simp for desserts but I like macaroons, ice cream, rice cakes of any kind (yes, that includes mochi), cake, pies, pudding, candies, cookies, all that standard stuff. I love most Asian desserts.
Cherry: I started learning drums but quit. (Maybe I should retry) I can sing in the shower, For real, my mom has the vocal talent in the family. She barely sings ‘cause she forgot a bunch of songs
Grape: I’d vacay in Thailand. Although anywhere in Asia sounds good. As long as I want to I’d go to almost anywhere in the world
Banana: I haven’t watched many, but The Shining, The Woman in Black (Original 1980′s version I think), and some Japanese movie with a vengeful spirit who has no face and she crawls through the tv to kill people?
Blackberry: Maybe drama comedy. Idk my life’s not that eventful
Pomegranate: I’m usually the most confident when I’m by myself, but if I have a really good friend I might be comfortable and more out-going (I worry too much about how others see me lol)
Cantaloupe: Can’t tell strangers that, sorry
Guava: I like dark/dramatic makeup but I look better with natural
Tangelo: Ooh, I like ancient mythological creatures, and being a Tengu and the like sounds fun
Plum: Don’t rlly have a favorite clothing brand, does H&M count? I like PacSun and Brandy Melville, but they’re expensive
Coconut: I don’t wear perfume, but I like lavender and fruity scents
Lychee: I like both but I’d wear satin instead of lace
Blueberry: I wanna dress up as a hot girl. 
Apple: Tumblr is used more, definitely
Kiwi: Life. Meanings. Fictional characters.
Watermelon: Not telling, but I’d love to be able to do something with creative self-expression
Papaya: That’s it. I’m downloading spotify. I can’t remember any songs that express my aesthetic and my computer blocks youtube. Ugh.
Cranberry: Dusk. (Dawn if it was a choice tho) Dusk just has those beautiful colors and it’s pretty peaceful.
Nectarine: Oh, I say this with absolute certainty: I’m too damn emotional for my own good.
Orange: My eyelashes are SHORT
Apricot: I usually listen to music (for some reason it’s always happy & sad) and I rant. To myself. Self-projecting onto myself I guess? Lol, anyways I like to look at fictional shows, comics, books etc although if the mood is dark or depressing I get even sadder. And then I have to read some inspirational and happy stories to cheer myself up. It’s usually in that order.
Star fruit: Admittedly I know 0% about sea animals but I’d say anemone fish (you might know them as clownfish, they’re awesome but aggressive little shits)
Dragonfruit: No, I don’t drink
Thanks for asking! 😁
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