spider-xan · 1 year
meeeeh every character in existence will get a weird take on social media anyways like how the other day someone called raul thephatonoftheopera more toxic than erik. rolled m eyes and swiped. those will be forgotten in a day or less. i am more incensed with muliti million dollar franchises actually butchering characters to tens of millions.
Well, yeah, of course some people having bad takes on tumblr doesn't have the same cultural impact as a multi-million dollar film in terms of harmful perceptions of characters, but we can and should discuss both! And tumblr is the fandom social media site, so as long as people are not crossing lines into harassment, I don't see a problem with discussing interpretations that may reinforce harmful ideas about real life issues like mental health, etc., just as we can discuss any kind of fandom thing, especially when those ideas do not exist in a vacuum entirely separate from real life.
Like, in the context of the Renfield and Seward discourse, I think it's gone beyond who is more toxic than whom fandom blorbo discourse and getting into some harmful misconceptions about psychosis and personal responsibility, and it's definitely not limited to a one day thing bc these readings are a staple of the fandom at this point, and I don't think anyone wants to be ableist, but these views through which Renfield is sometimes read are rooted in very real ideas that do bring harm to people offline and even on this very site right now.
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klirk-hammurton · 1 year
Hi everyone! Since I'm getting back into the RP community I want to lay out some ground rules, expectations, boundaries when writing with me. I want to start off by saying that I have been writing RPs for 17+ years, so I am quite experienced and well versed in what I do. This is strictly a hobby of mine that I'm trying to pick back up.
Rules 18+ ONLY
1. Please be literate. I understand that English isn't everyone's first language, that some may be dyslexic, etc., and mistakes are bound to happen. It's okay, but do try to be as literate as possible
2. Do NOT control the character(s) I write as. Don't get mad at me if I'm writing a character(s) true to their self and things aren't going your way.
3. No godmodding: that means no controlling the characters I'm writing for/as, no auto hitting in fights, etc
4. Do Mary-Sue characters. They're super annoying and take me out of the story.
5. Do not force any smut/sex scenes. It's super weird. There's more to story lines than just that.
6. I will NOT write incest, r*pe, SA, pedophilia, beastiality. Don't ask for it because I will not do it.
7. Understand that I do have a life behind this screen and am not online 24/7. I sometimes hit ruts with writers block and may take a while to respond sometimes.
8. Please try to avoid one liners. I write para, muliti-para, to novella type RPs. It's discouraging to me to write detailed responses and only get a few words back as a response
MHA (my hero academia)
Soul Eater
Fire Force
Harry Potter
Skylanders (don't judge me)
Assassins Creed
Vinland Saga
Dragon Prince
Last of Us
Justice League
Teen Titans
LOTR/The Hobbit
Stranger Things
Foo Fighters
Van Halen/Van Hagar
Multi paragraph
AU (alternate universe)
Slice of life
ABO (alpha/beta/omega)
I'm also open to original ideas. I can write as multiple characters as needed, but please don't expect me to carry an entire story plot. It's to be 50/50. I'm also open to writing as OCs (original characters) as well as Canon Characters.
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nanostuffs · 7 years
Okay - so I have this idea for a book, it’s completely sane characters stuck inside really bad stories and they have to get of the bad fanfiction like story. The problem is that I would need to have an A plot and a stupidly fun B plot happening t the same time. Or maybe there doesn’t need to be a “B” plot. I mean, bad fanfics don’t really have a “plot” to speak of. I may just do an actual bad fanfic first for funsies.
So who are the leads?
I want there to be a male and female lead. I want them to be best friends and for the B plot to joke about them dating even though they are platonic.
So, a B plot?
Because I’m trash, I want to write a B plot myself and post it on AO3, then write the A plot or what I’m tentatively calling the “Oh God, stop” plot.
Tell me more about the B plot.
Well, okay. Like I either wrote or implied earlier, I want the B plot to either be bad fanfiction, or feel like it. I’m tempted to use Star Trek as the base, but I don’t know that Star Trek would make for a good first project. My Immortal would be fun, but I’m confident I want to write my own bad fanfic. I could use something I have already written, but honestly I want to write a new B plot. Though, since I’m thinking about it, I have a really old fanfic.net account that might have a story or two that could work for this. I should write the B plot for a fandom I’ve never written before, in the future, but one where absurdity isn’t the norm. What I mean is that Gintama would not be a good fandom for this, because Gintama already has good “B” plot, and any B plot I write for it would be more or less stupid in this instance.
So what would be a good fandom for the B plot?
Harry Potter, The Hobbit, and Twilight take themselves too seriously for the B plot to be common ground, thus would be fitting. I have never read Twilight in it’s entirety, and I don’t plan on it, so a B plot for it would be okay, but the A plot would be missing a plethora of in-jokes.
I could use Gravity Falls, but the fandom back lash scares me.
I’ve brought Star Trek up several times, but like I said, I don’t think it’d make for a good first project.
Code Geass could be fun, but doesn’t sound like a first project either.
Homestuck is something I’m comfortable with, and has an in cannon example of what I’m trying to do via Roxy, but I don't want people in the fandom to accuse me of stealing Husies’s idea, which is not what I’m attempting. While I’m positive my idea is not original, I find the execution to be unique, and I hope my A plot proves to be truly unique.
Oh dear, I went on a tangent there. I was supposed to be picking a fandom. The Adventure Zone could be fun, and the meta-ness of the A plot could be fun, but I know that sometimes the McElroy brothers read fanfics, and I would just about die if they put me on blast for the B plot before I have a chance to work on the A plot. But, I am still flirting with the idea of Taco being the one to help my A plot leads to figure out what’s going on. And I’m half in love with the idea of writing really bad Merle/Lucretia smut, and in the A plot having my male character freaking out about the age difference. If you are reading this and have no idea what I’m writing about, it’s major spoilers and go listen to The Adventure Zone either on Max Fun, or on Google Play, or wherever you download podcasts. Except sound cloud. I’m not sure they post stuff on sound cloud. Most people cite I-tunes, but I’m a google play user. In any case, even if you aren’t into RPGs or DND you should give it a listen to, because in truth Griffin McElroy wrote a fantastic story, and I believe good stories and goofs are better than any problem people may have with RPGs. I firmly believe that you can enjoy TAZ without being into DND or any RPG game.
Another fandom I’d like to work in is possibly X-men. But, since one version of the movie-verse set Wolverine and Saber-tooth up as brothers, anything I could create would pale in comparison. I could write an A plot about that alone.
I also kind of want to work in How To Train Your Dragon animated verse, but I seriously ship DagCup, and as a member of that row boat, I just couldn’t write a B plot involving them because that B plot could hurt the ship.
Enough about fandoms for B plots, talk about the leads.
My A plot leads are just shells right now. Currently they just have place holder names, just so that I can talk about them without having to cal them Male, and Female, which reads as just awkward for me. The female shall thus be called Mela, and the Male shall be called Giovanni. These names are just temporary, and are subject to change.
So, my basic idea is that Mela and Giovanni are BFFs, but often joke about being a couple. I just hate the idea of two characters of opposite genders to be a couple in one of my stories, because romance subplots are dumb, and there really aren’t enough opposite gender duos who are just friends. Before you point to Zootopia, I’ll remind you that Judy and Nick had a lot of romantic sub-text. I really just want the couple thing to be a joke for Mela and Geo. I might not even write any jokes about it, just so that the idea isn’t planted in anyone’s mind.
I know what sort of woman I want Mela to be. I want Mela to be compassionate, but stubborn. I want her to be the kind of person who knows exactly who and what they are, but still be insecure about making the right decisions. I want Mela to be bubbly, but smart. I still wonder if maybe I’m too impractical about my female lead. If it seems like I’m trying to hard please SJWs, while still trying to be unique. Ultimately, I’m fearful of being too traditional with Mela, but I’m worried that she comes across as too “main-stream.”
As for Mela’s appearance, I want her to have short hair, and I’m liking the idea of her being blonde. I think she should have dark brown eyes, but I’m still playing with how I want her to look. I think I want her to be pear-shaped, and tall for a woman (5′9″).
Giovanni is even less planned out. I like the idea of him being a mix of Deanna Troi, and Spock.  By that I mean I want Geo to have the presence of Deanna Troi, but to have the logical reasoning of Spock. In Homestuck terms, I want him to the the Sylph of Mind to Mela’s something (Maid?) of Heart.
As for Geo’s appearance, I’m flirting with him being 5′4″ and not having a complex about it. As fun as it is to write short bad-ass characters, it’s an overdone trope, and I don’t want to have my work be a cliche. I very much like the idea of Giovanni being being an appearance foil to Mela. If Mela has short blonde hair, Geo should have long, dark hair. If Mela has dark eyes, Geo should have light eyes.
Astute readers will notice that I haven’t given either Geo or Mela a race. Traditionally Mela is a Polish name, and Giovanni is Italian. But Mela and Giovanni are place holder names. What this means is that I haven’t planned either’s race. Because of the wonderful world of human genetics, I could decide they are both Mexican or Hispanic and real life would be fine with that. Before you argue genetics with me, I beg you do do your own research into the shear ridiculousness of human genetics. It’s expansive and there’s a reason why some geneticists believe humans will all look Brazilian at some point in the future. In any case, giving Mela and Geo a race isn’t something I consider necessary. My personal belief is that if you give your characters enough detail, letting the reader decide what race they want the characters to be is perfectly fine.
So, how bad would the B plot be?
If I’m going to pre-post the B plot by itself, sort of as a prelude, then you can expect bad spelling, no grammar, and Mary-Sues. Expect the B plot to be simple and poorly executed. It’ll be the fanficiton version of a botched Mac’n’cheese, or burned and frozen fish fingers a’la Lisa Simpson having a mental breakdown. In contrast, the A plot should have zero spelling and grammar issues. The A plot leads need to be complex and well developed in comparison to the botched B plot characters. If the B plot is dumb, the A plot needs to be brilliant. If the B plot has a major dose of Miller Time, the A plot has to be the fix it.
The issue with not having a B plot written and posted prior to the A plot, is that there won’t be a true comparison. A way to reconcile this is to write a B plot chapter, write a comparison A plot chapter, and post both on the same day. I do not like this idea. It sounds needlessly complicated and messy AF.
Tell us more about the A plot!
Well currently I’m planning it to be first person while the B plot will be 3rd person. I plan on alternating between Mela and Giovanni's point of view. I want this because I write a lot of 3rd person limited, and have learnt that I have a hard time describing my lead unless someone else talks about them. I do not like the idea of someone talking to either Mela or Giovanni about how they look. Here’s my example for why:
“Damn Mela, why is your blonde hair so short?”
“Mela, I love your brown eyes.”
“Your pear shaped body is banging!”
Those lines sound forced, and I’d like to think I can write better dialogue than that. Writing alternating first person allows me to give both Mela and Geo well rounded descriptions without being obnoxious about it. Geo in his chapters can describe Mela’s blonde bed-head, and think about her eyes sparkling in joy, while Mela in hers can think about how bothersome Geo's long hair must be, and about how his [insert colour] eyes look when he concentrates on something. Making the descriptions sound natural would be challenge, but certainly wouldn’t have the issues that 3rd person limited has.
The more I think about it, the more sense it makes for the B plot to also be first person, so that my Mary Sue can talk about how she looks, a’la My Immortal and Forbiden Fruit. I also like the idea of playing with some Gary Stu's for fun, because I’ve noticed a distinct lack of them in bad fanfiction.
Basic Plot Summary, please!
Mela and Giovanni are two humans who find themselves thrown into bad stories with no logic or reason. In these stories there are poorly written characters, purple prose, and dumb plots. Mela and Geo must attempt to escape the B plot taking place before them.
Any closing thoughts?
Umm... expect a bad fanfic from me in the future? Currently I’m hoping to write some short bad fics, just because those take less time to write than entire multi-chapter plots, but my first two projects are going to have multiple chapters. I mentioned earlier that I have a really old FF.net account. I won’t share the name of it just yet, but after writing the rough draft of this post, I went looking for it and found it almost immediately. I am so embarrassed that it exists, as I wrote the two stories on it when I was in the 8th grade and they are so freaking bad, but I kind of want to work with them anyway, just to show how much I’ve improved my writing over the years. I’m thinking of it as a critique of what I did wrong as a child. All in all, it should be fun.
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rhirhidamiengurl666 · 5 years
Sending anon hate, because you don’t like a ship makes you looks like an asshole. Just remember the cyber bullying laws by harnessing or telling someone to kill themselves or caused them to harm themselves or their death could land you in prison.
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thicksimpx · 3 years
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Last Update : 10/26/22
no update schedule. Request are accepted.. please read my rules prior to making request
Valentine’s Day Collab - Hotel aamourrr
Omertà- Haikyu Mafia Collab
Hood Nigga Piccolo
Sex, drugs and Crime - Sanzu Haruchiyo
Dark Twisted Fantasy - Former ProDom!Levi Ackerman
Presence - Toxic! Naoya Zenin
Muliti-Fandom Smut
Erwin Smith
Levi Ackerman
Bokuto Kotaro
Iwaizumi Hajime
Meian Shugo
MSBY Imagine
Suna Rintaro
Matsukawa Issei
Ukai Keishin
Futakuchi Kenji
Kuro Tetsuro
Oikawa Toru
Fruits Basket
Shigure Sohma
Tokyo Revengers
Taiju Shiba
BJ Alex (Manhwa)
MD/Kim Myung Dae
Dangerous Convenience Store (manhwa)
Bum Geon Woo
Jujustu Kaisen 
Toji Fushiguro
Principal Yaga
Nanami Kento
Naoya Zenin
Suguru Geto
Gojo Satoru
One piece 
Roronoa Zoro 
Trafalgar Law 
Rob Lucci
Portgas D Ace
Tokyo Ghoul
Shuu Tsukiyama
Anti PT (Manhwa)
Taehyun Han & Param Lee 
All might  
Mr Compress
Retired!Pro Hero Endeavor 
Keigo Takami
Seven Deadly Sins
Fire Force
Vulcan Joseph
Black Butler 
Sebastian Michaelis 
Kisuke Urahara
Demon slayer
Muzan Kibutsuji
Hunter x Hunter 
Thicksimpx© 2022. Do not copy, claim, modify or translate my work without my permission. thanks 😘
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Rules: Tag 15 people you want to get to know 
New post because I don’t reblog shit
I was tagged by @gaylittlepieceofsh1t
Name: Zoe
Gender: Cis Female
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: 5’ 8″
Sexuality: Asexual Panromantic
Lock screen image: The default one. I’m lazy and hate change.
Ever had a crush on a teacher: No. Appreciate aesthetic appeal? Once or twice.
Where do you see yourself in ten years: Hopefully not dead in a ditch.
If you can go anywhere in the world where would you go?: I like it here, but maybe Canada.
Coolest Halloween costume: Uh, greek goddess?
Favorite 90s TV show: Well, I had to look at a list. I’ve seen a few episodes of a couple of them, so I guess I don’t have one.
Last kiss: Couple of months ago.
Have you ever been stood up: No, haven’t had the chance to be.
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: Nopers
Favorite shoes: A pair of purple and gray Asics that are the only shoes I wear.
Favorite fruit: Tomato
Favorite book: I can’t pick one!
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done: Um, I’ve done a lot. Uh, I threw a mud ball at a glass once and my child brain thought it wouldn’t break. Spoiler: It broke.
Tagging: @paintbymoonlight @muliti-fandom-munster @randomfandoms153 @battleblaze @supernatural618 @fruking-awesome @panic-attacks-at-the-disco @deadlycinnamonroll @paintbymoonlight @simplefabi @gabethearchtrickster @wacheypenaart @whatislife2 @thislumpoffuckicallabrain @oliviatheshipper @literal-sabriel-trash @ther-221who @vesseltryingtosurvive @fippogrox @elegantstudentthinguniverse @surprise-im-pan @spookypolaroids @gayest-i-can-be @excusemeimjustahoe
Ok, more than 15, but eh, the more the merrier.
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412u · 6 years
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Random muliti-fandom/original/pathfinder/dnd sketchdump?
just wanted to upload a few things I’ll never finish lol
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ao3feed-mileven · 6 years
A whiskey on a Rocky Start
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ps5EP8
by CrepefilledBungolos
After a long day all El wants to do is get a drink in a bar in her beloved Manhattan. She doesn't expect to see old memories sneak up on her but surely knows she won't be able to hide anymore.
___ Probably Muliti-Chapter
Reunion AU/ Mileven after that
Words: 1313, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Eleven | Jane Hopper, Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Will Byers, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Lucas Sinclair, Jenny Flint, Jacob Kowalski, Jim "Chief" Hopper, Joyce Byers, Steve Harrington
Relationships: Eleven | Jane Hopper/Mike Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper & Mike Wheeler, Maxine "Max" Mayfield & Lucas Sinclair, Maxine "Max" Mayfield/Lucas Sinclair, Will Byers/Original Male Character(s), Dustin Henderson/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Mileven, Inspired Work, Dustin is #1 best friend, Along with will, Mileven renunion, El just loves her papa hop dude, Mike is very confused, Star wars refrensises, This title is so chessy i swear
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ps5EP8
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A whiskey on a Rocky Start
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ps5EP8
by CrepefilledBungolos
After a long day all El wants to do is get a drink in a bar in her beloved Manhattan. She doesn't expect to see old memories sneak up on her but surely knows she won't be able to hide anymore.
___ Probably Muliti-Chapter
Reunion AU/ Mileven after that
Words: 1313, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Eleven | Jane Hopper, Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Will Byers, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Lucas Sinclair, Jenny Flint, Jacob Kowalski, Jim "Chief" Hopper, Joyce Byers, Steve Harrington
Relationships: Eleven | Jane Hopper/Mike Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper & Mike Wheeler, Maxine "Max" Mayfield & Lucas Sinclair, Maxine "Max" Mayfield/Lucas Sinclair, Will Byers/Original Male Character(s), Dustin Henderson/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Mileven, Inspired Work, Dustin is #1 best friend, Along with will, Mileven renunion, El just loves her papa hop dude, Mike is very confused, Star wars refrensises, This title is so chessy i swear
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ps5EP8
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