#more specifically Richtofen about Nikolai
tf2incorrectquotes · 4 months
Medic: *decapitating an enemy Pyro* STAY BACK, I NEED THAT RUSSIAN!
Medic: *when given Heavy's coat* It’s so warm and fuzzy, just like you Misha…♡
Also Medic: Mikhail! I’m glad ve’re friends.
Heavy: ?????
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angelwheat · 8 months
Call of Duty Zombies
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2.0, Primis Crew; Insecure S/O
this is about physical insecurities. not requested!
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Warnings: None | Pronouns: Neutral
"Tank" Dempsey
He probably won't notice that his S/O is insecure until they scoot away from his touches. He didn't think much of it. Perhaps they're just shy. Until he attempted to hug them from behind one time, being cautious and gentle, only to find them wiggling out of his embrace after a little while. Dempsey looks at them, a little upset and hurt that they're pushing his affection away...
He asks his S/O what's wrong. There's a gentleness in his voice as he talks to them, but he's only concerned and a tad bit hurt that they reject his affection. When they tell him about feeling insecure and self conscious, Tank feels so stupid for not realising. Although, they may have been very good at disguising their insecurities until now. Which is why he couldn't pick up on any hints beforehand. But he does apologise for not realising.
Truthfully, Dempsey is astonished to hear that his S/O is feeling insecure. They're so beautiful!! He tells them that over and over. He'll be gushing about it for the next few days. Dempsey reassures them that they've got nothing to be insecure about. He just wants to hug them tight, kiss them all over, and tell them how much he loves them for who they are inside and out. Dempsey may even show them a few insecurities of his own. He's certainly got a few scars from his time in the military. It might put his S/O at ease just to know that he's felt the same way at some points in his life.
Edward Richtofen
Figuring out that his S/O is insecure might be easy for him, for Edward is a tad insecure himself. Although he is very good at concealing it. He might be able to pick up on the signs and the way they carry themselves in a timid manner or shy away from his gentle touches. Or perhaps they're just still a but anxious, especially if it's only the beginning of their relationship.
He asks them about it, specifically when they're alone together. He worries that they may have picked up on his nervous mannerisms, but that's just him being contradicting to himself. When they tell him that they're insecure, his heart sinks. Has he not shown them enough love or told them just how much he adores every aspect of them? Even their flaws, although Edward can not see a single one. They're perfect in his eyes.
He wants to talk to his S/O about it, a little more in depth to really understand why they feel this way about themselves, but he knows that raising the subject of insecurities is not easy, nor can it be very comfortable. In little ways, he let's them know how wonderful that truly are. He compliments them more often. Not that he didn't before. But he compliments little things about them. Their hair. The sparkle in their eyes. The way they get excited about their favourite things. Whatever it may be about them, Edward has taken notice of it, and he tells them just how beautiful they really are.
Nikolai Belinski
Nikolai's way of discovering might be very similar to Dempsey's. He's very cuddly. Although he's a little bit more observant. He's noticed the subtle mannerisms and reactions that his S/O has when an insecurity becomes exposed. They way they tense up, shy away, or cover themselves up with their hands. He begins to think about it a lot, and he's becoming concerned. Nikolai wonders if it's something they grew insecure about since the beginning of their relationship.
It slips out one day when he hugs them, asking them with genuine concern when they wiggle out of his arms. He begs them to tell him what's wrong. He only wants to help, and seeing his S/O upset hurts him greatly. When he learns that they're feeling insecure, he's saddened. He breathes a sigh and asks them if they'd like a hug, reassuring them that they're absolutely beautiful, and worthy of a hug if they're doubtful about that too.
Nikolai is very understanding and empathetic if they profess all their insecurities to him. He admits that it does upset him to see them so uncomfortable within themselves. His S/O is absolutely perfect! How could they possibly doubt their beauty? He takes it upon himself to compliment his S/O more often, and if their insecurity is in a place that Nikolai can easily kiss, he'll do just that. His comforting nature can really help his S/O overcome their insecurities. After all, Nikolai adores every single aspect of them. They're just so amazing.
Takeo Masaki
He's not the most physically affectionate with his S/O in public, but instead, he is observant and very mindful of his partner. He would probably notice small mannerisms of theirs, such as the way they carry themselves, perhaps a little bit hunched to hide themselves, or always pulling their jacket to cover themselves well, etc. On some occasions, when Takeo has initiated a hug, he's felt the way they tense up in his arms and shy away quite soon. He's undoubtedly concerned of course, and only wants to know why they seem so anxious all the time.
Takeo sees a moment alone with his S/O as the best time to ask them about it. When the question falls from his tongue in concern, he notices that their entire demeanour shifts, and when they begin to profess their insecurities and doubts, Takeo is deeply saddened just the same. He reassures them with his beautiful way with words that they're absolutely stunning in his eyes. However, it doesn't seem that they can be reassured so easily.
Takeo is naturally very considerate of his S/O, but he becomes even more so after learning of his partner's personal worries. He smiles at them even if he just sees them walk by. When he hugs them, his touch lingers. When he tells them that they've beautiful, he makes sure to say it in such a poetic way that they won't be able to forget it. In little ways, Takeo shows his love for them, and in time, he can truly help heal his S/O's insecurities by being so attentive. He's undoubtedly compassionate and devotes his utmost to his S/O no matter what.
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m-s-justice · 9 months
In a similar vein from my last post, Dempsey and narrative relevancy because holy shit I have lots of thoughts about this. This is mostly about Ultimis Dempsey, but some of it can be applied to Primis, too, probably.
Dempsey is, technically, the only Ultimis character that we formally "see" pre-corruption. We can hear Ult Richtofen before he was zapped by the MPD, but we play as Dempsey in Verruckt. This was probably retconned and the voicelines of the Marines in Verruckt are not likely representative of what Dempsey was like, but... isn't that just sort of insane to think about?
They so could've remastered Verruckt and have Dempsey, Smokey, Gunner, and John Banana actually be characters. We could've had a glimpse into who Dempsey was before being literally tortured and irrevocably changed.
Now, Verruckt and Nacht aren't really relevant to the overarching plot. Their consequences were, but nothing especially important happens with them, narratively speaking. (I love verruckt as a map, it's my favorite WAW map Der Riese can suck it.)
but I really hate to say it, but Dempsey does nothing and is important to nobody. Excepting McCain, but that was for one map and basically a backdrop for his motivations to be at Verruckt to get captured in the first place.
This is most prominent in DE. ZNS and GK both took place in their main character's respective country and dealt with issues specific to them, seen in their Ultimis counterpart. Takeo realizes his betrayal and Nikolai sees what he could become if he chooses to wallow in his grief.
Dempsey just fucking dies. He dies in a 935 base, still frozen by ultimis Richtofen. He's not allowed to have agency or growth. He't not allowed to have his problems taken seriously or explored in any capacity or to have any personal ties. Fucking Dr. Groph got more development in DE than the guy it was actually about.
And this is true of both Dempseys. Primis is jerked around by whoever is in charge at the time, doing what they say regardless of his own personal convictions, often because he feels like he has no choice but to. Ultimis fucks around and spits you in the eye. Bro does not give a shit about anything or anyone. Not in any real sense, anyways. He's american, but does that impact the story at all? Even when he's captured and held in custody by Broken Arrow, his status as an American and former affiliate of Pernell means nothing, it's not even brought up. He's a marine, but he doesn't really exemplify any of it's ideals or practices, other than surface level shit. Any friends or family he mentions are one off lines. They could be canon, but just as easily missed and irrelevant.
I know I've said it before, It's so sad to think about. Poor guy has so little. Probably intentionally so, at least to some degree, like with the deliberate withholding of his first name. Which drives me even more insane. This guy is such a hollow shell that he's denied everything that makes a real, dynamic character. No real connections, no deep motives, no inner conflict, not even a name. He has next to no affect on anything around him.
Everyday I wake up and thank god I'm not Dempsey.
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Ultimis’ Favorite Things! (What Makes Them Happy)
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Tank Dempsey
A big chunk is revealed in his World at War bio. “Hand him a loaded weapon, a good woman, and something it shoot at and he’s happy.” Dempsey appreciates the simpler things in life. Anything that includes ass-kicking and a lovely lady by his side is enough to keep him grounded. A nice, cold beer would be nice as well!
Cats! He's a total softie about them. Tank actually owned several in his lifetime. As a kid, he had a calico cat named Sadie. She had a cat sibling named Mason, who’s fur was black and white. And then there is his orange tabby back home named Rocket. Rocket finds himself into a lot of mischief easily. Having zoomies around the house and stealing socks (and once munched on Tank’s $20 bill), he eventually calms down and Tank feels at ease having him purr on his lap.
Believe it or not, Tank does have appreciation for the great outdoors. He has a lot of fond memories about his Dad. A big majority of those memories take place camping in late summer. He finds it easier to ground himself when on a long hiking trail, birdwatching, making a campfire and canoeing. No fishing though, he will fistfight a mackerel.
Takeo Masaki
Peace and quiet. Complete solitude. He’s very introverted, perhaps to the point it’s been concerned that he’s a hikkikomori. But that won’t stop Takeo from finding a place with gentle atmosphere. A bonus if he can have a cup of tea as well, lemon ginger with a spoonful of honey to be exact.
His hobbies give his mind distraction. He enjoys tending to his small garden of flowers and a small bamboo plant. If he had to choose, he would say African daisies are his favorite flower. Takeo also loves Lily of the Valley, but knows they can be poisonous so he doesn’t have them. Other hobbies include meditation, reading, working on his memoir, keeping sharp on his combat training and his new interest in woodworking.
Takeo will light up if you have his specific type of witty humor. He isn’t always thrilled by crass comments. But there have been a few times he let it slide by for the sake of making light of a situation. The best I can describe it is that it tends to be a little snarky with some situational humor. It’s what helps him connect a bit better with Dempsey.
Edward Richtofen
I think it goes without question that he is a huge bookworm. But his taste is not what you’d expect. Aside from nonfiction involving scientific topics, he also enjoys romance novels. But he’d never confess that to anyone! One of his all time favorites is a theory written about the concept of time and quantum gravity research.
Edward has always dreamt of traveling. Technically, he is with the teleporter. But it’s not the same as having a getaway vacation like a train ride to the Swiss Alps or exploring a bustling city like New York. He recalls a few times where he tried to make a vacation out of traveling abroad for Group 935 and illuminati related purposes. And his family had visited Italy a few times in past summers as a child. Perhaps someday, he’ll be able to make this dream of his a reality.
Success, of course! Isn’t it obvious? When you’ve had so many colleagues und oppressors order you around, it’s enough of a drive to finally take control in your hands and to do things YOUR way! He’s a highly ambitious doctor. There is always a plan accompanied with a goal or purpose in the long run. The smoother things go, the more gleeful he behaves. Is that why he was so happy at Camp Edward?
I’m mad because knowing him, there is definitely one way to relieve his stress that we will NOT speak of. Ach, primitive simpelton! Instead, I’ll add that he has a soft spot for jazz music and stuffed animals (both real and the teddy bear kind)
Nikolai Belinski
There’s more depth to him than just your standard vodka answer. But we’ll kick things off and say yes he does enjoy a good drink. His favorite besides vodka is Țuică. But it’s SO strong he saves it for special occasions. And he has to drink it at home because he got kicked out at one of the bars he used to go to because of it.
Believe it or not, he’s an excellent cook! He can win the hearts of many with a warm meal. Nikolai enjoys making comforting stews to pelmeni to even bread baking every now and then. It was more frequent when he was sober but he still gives it a shot every now and then. Just as long as he’s regular drunk and not super drunk. Super drunk makes everything a bit disastrous.
Nikolai loves stories. He has many good ones to tell. But he also loves hearing from others about their lives. Nikolai also enjoys card games like blackjack or war. He’s an incredibly skilled player so if he asks you to play, know you have a real challenge on your hands
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cheesy-sausage · 2 years
I wanted to bring up something of a “shower thought” that has been popping on my mind randomly at the worst times.
And this is the very odd but interesting nature of the ultimis crew’s relationships with each other… back in bo1 if you looked through the audio files for the characters voice lines you would notice that often times things were labeled with a sort of nick name rather than what the voice line was actually for.
For example: a “surrounded” voice line would be labeled in the files as (this is an example I’m taking from the Shangri-la map in specific but it’s basically the same for all bo1) “ vox_plr_(1-4 depending on which character it was for)_ohshit_(number that would correspond to how many quotes the character had for that specific situation)… anyways what I mean by this is that what now is referred to as “surrounded” back then was referred to as “oh shit” and guess what!! Same goes for character voice line about each other. all responses to an action performed near you by another player are labeled “resp” this goes for using a monkey bomb, making a crawler, being surrounded or making a head shot. For example:
In the case of Richtofen:
When Nikolai performs an action close to him the voice line is labeled “hr” to specify that the response of for Nikolai.
When Dempsey performs and actions close to him the voice line is labeled “riv” to specify that it is for Dempsey.
When takeo does it there is no response, Richtofen won’t comment if takeo gets surrounded, uses a monkey bomb, makes a crawler or gets a head shot. (He still talks about and to takeo but never as a response, these labels are only for response vls or “_resp” voice lines)
So now, one wonders… what does “hr” and “riv” means… well my educated guess would be “hr” = hero and “riv” = rival… (I’m open to any other possibilities)
BUT there’s more. This pattern is the same for all character.
So this is how it is for all character:
Nikolai: Richtofen= no response, takeo= rival, Dempsey=hero
Dempsey: Richtofen=rival, takeo=hero, Nikolai= no response
Takeo: Richtofen=hero, Dempsey=no response, Nikolai=rival
Richtofen: takeo=no response, Nikolai=hero, Dempsey=rival
You will notice that when a character considers another character a “hero” the “hero” character has no response or “no opinion” about the character that admires him
However if a character considers another a “rival” the feeling is mutual.
(Which is why Tani and Ride are such big ships, because they are just regular old enemies to lovers and that’s very popular)
But yeah. To sum it all up:
Nikolai and takeo are rivals
Dempsey and Richtofen are rivals
Dempsey admires Takeo
Nikolai admires Dempsey
Richtofen admires Nikolai
Takeo admires Richtofen
(All of the not mentioned pairings mean that they don’t feel any particular way about each other)
And that is how they feel about each other, as of bo1 for the ultimis crew.
Thought I’d share this dumb but interesting thing
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eunchancorner · 10 months
I infiltrate your inbox to drop the most random idea in my head right now
The Zombies Bois (can be either crew or Combo idk) getting introduced to modern day trends/things. Since ik they're all from the WW2 era/around that time, how would they react to gen z trends? Specifically I thought of the bois finding out about those hoverboards from a few years back and trying to figure out how the hell to stay on those things without falling over lmao
Imma do the combo crew for this bc that's all I have the brainpower for
Richtofen: He would be absolutely amazed and fascinated, trying to study every little thing to see if he could remake it, better or just bigger. Although he almost breaks something trying out the hoverboard, he doesn't like it anymore
Dempsey: He wants to try everything, see how it works and how he can have fun with it. He may not be smart but he's stubborn as hell, so it's no surprise that he's the second to be able to balance on the hoverboard through sheer stubbornness
Takeo: He's a bit more skeptical about all these new things, as he's kinda like his Ultimis counterpart, very stuck in his ways. But his agility makes handling the hoverboard pretty easy, he's quickly the first to balance on it
Nikolai: The ever curious alcoholic can't help but investigate everything, but over the shoulders of Dempsey or Richtofen. He's also not quite the most graceful, but he does balance on the hoverboard eventually
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misguidedswagger · 2 years
How He Would Comfort You When Sad (Primis Crew x Sad!Reader)
Summary: How each of the Primis!Crew would comfort you if you weren't having the best day. *This is specifically if you weren't having a good day/week/etc. I can make more like these if these are enjoyable
Please feel free to make requests! Thanks.
Side note: yes, I know "Hoshi" is a name and not a noun, but please just bear with me for the story. Thank you.
Translations: Hoshi: Star маленький медвежонок: little bear meine sonnenblume: my sunflower Scheiße:shit meine Liebe: my love herz: heart дыши: breathe
You didn't need to tell Takeo that you were feeling sad. He could see it in the way your gesturing grew less and less emphatic, and the way your smile began to look less natural. It began to look more forced. When you were finished talking to others, he tried to make up a random excuse to get you away from everyone. "Y/n..." he started, causing you to turn towards him, "Yeah, Tak?" You questioned, silently hoping he'd noticed you were upset. You and your boyfriend had a silent understanding that you needed to talk to him from a single look and you were so relieved that he picked up on it and no one else did. He began to speak again, "I require your assistance with something." He almost blurted out. If you were thinking clearer, you would've laughed at how silly he was being. You nodded and walked towards him without saying goodbye to the others,  taking his hand in yours, as you kept your head down.  Tank raised a brow and muttered to Nikolai and Richtofen, "Are...Did he seriously just steal Y/n from us to go f-" Richtofen thumped Dempsey in the head before speaking, "Don't be so filthy, Dempsey. I am sure it is something more complex then that."
You and Takeo now sat outside on the ground, looking up at the sky. "Talk to me, if you'd like, Hoshi."
You raised a brow, "Hoshi?" You repeated, confused. "Ah." The man sighed out, "Hoshi in Japanese means Star." He looked down to you, holding his arm out for you. Gladly, you obliged and laid in his arms. "I call you this because having you brings so much brightness to myself. You are so beautiful to look at, so bright, and so much more powerful than you realize." He said certainly. Hearing his words invoked a deep reaction from you and you began to cry. Once they started, the tears simply wouldn't stop. You let yourself cry for a long while and the whole time Takeo held you into his chest. With a deep sniffle, you finally pulled away from his chest and wiped your tears and took a few cleansing breaths.
"Are you ready to talk now?" Takeo asked quietly, searching your face for an answer. Watching you in such an upset state brought tears to your boyfriend's own eyes, but he his his emotions by blinking harshly. He didn't want you to worry about him in the moment, he wanted all the focus to be on you. Swallowing hard, you nodded and began to pour your emotions out. You told him everything, from the start of your issues to the things that almost sent you over the edge. Takeo listened carefully and attentively, nodding every so often to assure you that he was listening and retaining everything you were saying.
When you finished venting to him, he was silent for a moment and you were nervous you had freaked him out. "Honey, I'm sorry if that was a-" Takeo held a single finger up and shook his head, "You must never apologize for having feelings." He smiled very softly before continuing to speak, "You mustn't ever give up. You are a warrior. Warriors..." He paused briefly to consider how he wanted to express himself, "Warriors have many challenges to face, many swords to bear...But, warriors never give up, even if they feel the need to. You may not have served the Emperor, but, you are still a warrior to me. You..." He swallowed his emotions, "You make me proud, Y/n. I love you. Very much."
Nikolai hadn't immediately picked up on you being upset and he feel like quite the fool when you came to him on the verge of tears. "маленький медвежонок," He whispered when he saw you. He scooped you into his arms and held you for a moment, "What has happened to you?" he asked, "Are you hurt? Was it one of the others?!" You could see the anger begin to bubble underneath the surface. Poor baby. "Do you need the first aid kit? How bad are your wounds?"  He hadn't realized you weren't in physical pain yet. You shook your head and laughed dryly, causing Nikolai to grow confused. "My love," You started, pulling his arms around you, "It isn't physical pain." You started, "It's..." You pointed to your chest and he frowned deeply, pulling you into the deepest hug he could, peppering you with kisses. After he was done, he pulled away slightly. "Tell me everything." He demanded softly.
Telling Nikolai all of your struggles lifted a huge weight off your chest. As you showed Nikolai this side of you, he covered you in kissed and made sure he was constantly touching you. When some of the harsher parts came up and you got emotional, your boyfriend shushed you for a moment and let you take a moment to calm down. He pulled you into his chest and rubbed your back, "дыши, маленький медвежонок, дыши."
In attempt to add levity, you asked "Translation, Nik..?" Of course, you both laugh quietly, "I apologize, I say 'Breathe, little bear, breathe.' " After he translated himself once, you didn't ask again and let him repeat his words in Russian. When you finished telling Nik everything, he pulled out a small cup of water and handed it to you, brushing your hair back as you gulped it down. "Do you feel better?" He asked, studying you. "What can I do for you?" He offered, causing you to smile and curl up into him.
"All I want is to lay here with you for the rest of the day." You stated, laying your head on his chest. He smiled and wrapped an arm around you tighter, "Now that..."
"That can be arranged."
"Babe! " Your boyfriend called out to you, cleaning off his Bowie as he walked into your shared room. "You won't believe what the hell just happened! My God it was fucking amazing we-" He stopped mid-sentence after hearing a sniffle come from you. "Honey?" Dempsey entire demeanor changed as he sat down on the foot of the cot, rubbing your leg. "Honey, talk to me. What's going on? Did someone hurt you? Was it that fucking Doctor? Oh I swear I'm gonna go stab him wit-" You abruptly cut him off, "No!" Well. That shut him up,  you thought to yourself. "It had nothing to do with Richtofen..." You said, shaking your head. "I'm fine, baby. I'm telling you it's just...a cold! yeah, that's what it is!" You mentally facepalmed at how ridiculous you probably sounded. You looked up to meet his eyes and saw him staring through you, hollowly almost. "Honey..." He tried again, moving closer to your upper body. "Darling, please tell me what's wrong. I want to help you." He placed his Bowie knife down on a crate and took both of your hands in his, "Please let me be here for you, I want to be." He frowned, pushing some hair from your face. You inhaled shakily, nodding at him. "Fi..." You cleared your throat to stop it from wavering, "Fine..." You finally got out.
You sat up and you began to tell Tank everything, from the most minuscule details to the most important details. The whole time, Tank held you, petting your hair. An occasional, "I'll kill all those bastards who hurt you.." Or "They thought they could get away with that? No fucking chance." And in moments when he didn't speak, he just made noises under his breath, holding you a little tighter. After a little while, you went silent and Tank realized you were done speaking. "Darling, you should've told me sooner!" He almost cried out, "I feel so stupid for not noticing you were struggling sooner. I'm so sorry." He said, holding you tightly as he kissed your head.
Before you could interject, he continued on. "I know you can't kill everything that inconveniences you, but I also know that you can't struggle on your own." He pulled you up a little bit so you could see his eyes more directly, "We're together." He kissed your lips softly, "Which means that your battles are my battles too, physical and internal." He pushed your hair back, kissing your hairline. "I call you sunshine for a reason, but don't make me change your nickname to Cloudy." He joked, messing your hair up a bit, "Tankkkk!" You pouted, fighting a laugh. "You know I love you." He smirked, placing another kiss on your temple.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever..." You chuckled.
You held your breath and quietly knocked on the doctor's door. You heard a hum and then his voice, "Ja? Who is it?" He called out, "Ack! Scheiße!" You heard him whisper-shout as you opened the door. he dropped some metal thing on the table and shook his hand in pain. Richtofen then flicked his head up to the creaking metal of the door and stared at you in shock for a moment. Your eyes were bloodshot and a little swollen, perfectly matching your tear stained cheeks. "Meine Sonnenblume..." He trailed off, rushing to your side. He shut the door as he scooped you into his arms and rubbed your back, cooing softly to you as you began to cry again, "Meine Liebe, what is the matter?" He asked softly, stroking your hair gently. You shook your head and let yourself fully weaken in his arms, almost collapsing. It took the German a second to adjust to the weight change, but it was no issue to him. He held you as tight and as close as humanly possibly and shushed you quietly and kindly, "Y/n, you must tell me what is ailing you." He pulled away only slightly to look into your eyes, offering a small smile.
You opened your mouth to begin talking when a certain American marine slammed the door open, "Jeez, Y/n, could you be any louder?" He tried to joke, not realizing what he was interrupting. Tank couldn't see your face, but Edward could. Seeing the corners of your mouth and seeing your eyebrows twitch sent him over the edge. Once more, your boyfriend pulled you into his arms, only this time he covered your ears and began to yell at the other man in the room. "You have no reason or right to be in this room right now! If you stay in here for one more moment, I will skin you from head to toe und I will feed you to ze dogs!" He seethed at him. Dempsey left as quickly as he came in, without another retort. If it were another day, it would've frightened you too. But, as soon as he left the room, Richtofen released his hands from your ears and pulled you forward, looking into your eyes. "I am sorry for yelling. What were you saying?" He said quietly before leading you over to the table, sitting you down on top of it.
"Where should I start...? You choose." You said jokingly with a hint of bitterness and Edward shook his head, "Nein, Nein. Start wherever you'd like."
And so you started at the beginning. As you talked about your struggles, Edward pulled out a paper and pencil and began to take notes. In little breaks between talking, he would look up at you and squeeze your hand before kissing it. As he took notes though , he kept one hand intertwined in yours the whole time. He let his thumb roam over your knuckles as he listened. When you finished, he quickly scanned over his notes and nodded to himself. "It seems you have a lot on your plate, Sonnenblume..." He almost whispered, and you nodded as you dropped your head in shame . He lifted your head to look him in the eyes, "You. need. to. be. focusing. on. yourself." He stated, poking your nose between every word which caused you to giggle softly, warranting a smile from him. "I know, I know..." You reassured, but he didn't seem to believe you.
"Nein, Y/n. I don't think you do." You opened your mouth to object, but he held up a finger and continued to speak as he looked down his notes before looking up at you again, "I am looking at everything you have told me, und it seems you have forgotten something quite important!" He exclaimed, causing you to cock your head in confusion, "Wha-? What did I forget?" You asked, "To focus on your own battles. You cannot keep worrying about other people, the only thing that matters is you und your family!" he flicked through his notebook once more before continuing, "If you only focus on the other people who do not matter, you will have a much more negative view on life and that is not fair to you! The bad people do not deserve your good herz! " He declared, causing you to smile wider than you had in the past few weeks. "I love you, Edward." You said quietly, pulling him close.
From where you were sitting on the table, Edward was taller than you so he placed a kiss on your forehead and smiled against your skin, "I love you, meine Liebe."
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widowswineapologist · 3 years
Who do you headcanon as most to least cuddly/touch-starved?
ranked them on how cuddly i think they are. touch starved is a completely different topic but i think i can safely say they're all touch starved to some degree, even if they dont want to admit it. also u didn't specify a specific crew so i just went with the classics, if u want a different crew then lmk!
Ultimis Nikolai: Personally, drunk Nikolai gives me the type of vibes of someone who's very touchy. (I think this is kind of canon?) So he'd probably be more willing to act on cuddling his s/o or even just holding their hand. He probably feels a need to be touching them somehow, someway at all times because it comforts him.
Primis Nikolai: If he loves you, you're dealing with cuddles and bear hugs literally any chance he can give them to you. He will be damned if there's a single second where you don't feel completely and absolutely loved by him. He feels he's made that mistake before and he won't allow himself to repeat it a second time.
Ultimis Richtofen: If he wants to cuddle you, he will cuddle you. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. He might randomly pull you into a hug, give you a kiss and then promptly run away giggling like a schoolboy, or grab your hand and mutter something about how his are cold. (Sir, you're literally wearing gloves.) He kind of goes back and forth between really affectionate and then being extremely distant, but he really wants to hold you all day, every day. It's just that sometimes he can't trust himself to do so.
Primis Takeo: BELIEVE IT OR NOT, THIS MAN HAS EXPERIENCE WITH RELATIONSHIPS AND I WILL DIE ON THAT HILL!! He knows that physical affection is important in a relationship so while he may be reserved, he will hold your hand and give you hugs from time to time. Cuddling is an entirely different ordeal but if it's night time and no one's around to see, he will definitely cuddle with you. He's the little spoon.
Ultimis Dempsey: He gives me the vibes of a guy who, in a relationship, will physically play around with you, but he's not really a cuddler. If you want that kind of affection, you can suggest it. Otherwise you're just gonna have to deal with him playfully smacking your ass or randomly picking you up to hear you squeal in shock. He may just cuddle you when he's tired as fuck though, just so he knows you're there and he can protect you if need be.
Primis Dempsey: Legitimately has forgotten you can be close to another person and they won't be trying to rip your throat out with their teeth. He's kind of reluctant to be physically affectionate because of what he deals with on a daily basis. It's much easier for him to yell "LOVE YA!" over a fuckton of gunfire and explosions than it is for him to hold your hand. He has...many a problem with being vulnerable, sorry y'all.
Ultimis Takeo: He may be touch starved but there's no way in hell he's gonna embarrass himself in front of those dumbasses he has to call allies. I'm sorry y'all but if you wanna get physical affection from old man Takeo in any way, shape, or form, you're gonna have to be completely alone with him.
Primis Richtofen: I'M SO SORRY BUT IT MUST BE SAID, this man is so absolutely touch starved but cannot bring himself to do ANYTHING about it. You want him to cuddle you? He might freak out internally and say no because what if you don't like it? What if he makes you uncomfortable and you never want to speak to him again? Please just let him be the little spoon.
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alyssa-fanfics · 3 years
Takeo 2.0 x Reader
Located: The Giant The night was cold and dim. (Y/n) had been sat atop this catwalk for 14 hours straight now. The undead hordes seem to have never ceased. At least now, she had time to count her remaining ammo. The German and Mr. America had recently gone to scavenge for more ammunition. Meanwhile, the Russian went out to get a drink from one of those wretched machines. No matter the cost, (Y/n) was never gonna drink one. With them 3 leaving, this left her alone with Takeo Masaki. The muscular Japanese soldier stood ahead of her, catering his arm wound by attaching more bandages to his arms. (Y/n) stood up and rested her hand on his shoulder. Takeo turned his attention to her. A slight smile appeared on his blood-covered face. “(Y/n)…” he said “I don’t know how I made it this far without you being here for me.” Takeo lifted her chin so their eyes met. Despite their faces being tired and worn down, their eyes sparked into life after seeing each other’s souls within one another.
(Y/n) gave a slight purring sound as the tall man stroked her chin gently. What a feeling it was. Slowly, Takeo inched in closer to her until their noses touched. (Y/n)’s face went red. She wasn’t ready for this. After all, she had just graduated from Hull University earlier that year before the whole world fell. But no matter what qualifications she had, they wouldn’t be fricking useful out here at all. Like, what use is Sociology during a zom- Before she could finish that thought, the hulking man stood infront of her had pressed his salty, pink lips against her’s. It didn’t take long for (Y/n) to fall into the trance known as love with this glorious human male.
However, before they could advance onto one another any further, a loud Grunting sound came from further down the catwalk. The two lovebirds looked up to see Tank Dempsey looking as smirk as ever. “Why don’t the two of you get a room?” he yelled jokingly, “I think Richtofen’s room is available.” His ear-splitting laughter made (Y/n)’s face turn red with anger but befor she could bite his head off, Takeo cut in. “Do you REALLY think I would dishonor my ancestors by sleeping with a woman in the bed of our enemy?!?” he exclaimed. Dempsey shook his head slowly, “Take it easy Tak, I was being sarcastic. Gee, can’t a guy joke nowadays?”
“NEIN!” yelled the doctor. He was just climbing up the stairs and had a large bag filled with ammo. “We must pay close attention to ze plan! Now, where oh where could Nikolai be?” He searched the room in a panic. “He went out to get one of those terrible drinks. Jugger-not I think it was.” Replied (Y/n). This, however, made the doctor furious. “DON’T YOU EVER SPEAK WRONGLY ABOUT THOSE DRINKS AGAIN YOUNG LADY! DR. MONTY DESIGNED THOSE SPECIFICALLY TO AID US!” bellowed Richtofen. “Come, Dempsey, let us find our Russian friend.” Begrudgingly, Tank followed him. “Hey Doc, who was that Dr. Minty you were on about anyway? That’s a new name.”
Takeo turned to (Y/n), “now, where were we miss?”
The End….
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alastairisdead · 3 years
So..Richtofen has instincts to guard and adopt children..Why? Since the wendigos are part of the aether wouldn't they just abandon their children? Or does it have something to do with Tank wendigos? Nikolai seems fine with children..so It doesn't look like brutes would be a threat.
Yes and no.
The kind of wendigo Richtofen is specifically has instincts to protect it's child because it is one of the only two types of wendigos that can mimic noises and it doesn't want it's child [if it happens to also be a mocker] to get itself killed by chirping,roaring or other things. Not everything that comes from the aether abandons it's offspring. Check out reechtofen's stuff please,They know more about that stuff ah-
Tank wendigos are hostile regardless of where they are unless you have pet them or they are around their mates/territory/pack and they've accepted you as part of that. Now,I do have a drawing of Dempsey [floyd doesn't have a bby. Yet.] With a wendigo fawn/cub that isn't his own,But that's because Richtofen is part of his little circle of mates which makes Eddie his son.
Tank wendigos usually look for things to eat. They get stronger when they eat meat so they try to maintain their dominance over their territory by making sure they are the biggest threat there is. This also means if they see offspring to another Tank wendigo,They will kill it.
Ex given: if Floyd saw Eddie,Cody or Dimitri,He would have the instincts to kill them. Nero wouldn't let him though. Nero would keep the babies.
As for brutes,They care for their babies. Not much else.
Here's a doodle
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dr-donogood · 4 years
Gonna- put this in a separate post cuz I kiiiinda ramble here for a bit XDDD and I don't wanna spam the comments with my long ass essay. so sorry in advance for this being so long I get a little bit passionate about COD stuffs lmao
Don't take this as hate on you in any way <3 a lot of this stuff isn't directed towards u once again I was kinda just rambling about things in general XD
I can't click the link but I miiight know exactly what post that is??? Maybe??? I remember seeing it when Tag came out. But m- they are wrong. It WAS Primis Nikolai.
Prim Nik had WAY more of a reason to poison everyone than Ult Richtofen.
And most of the fandom is in a big kinda agreeance that it was definitely Prim Nikolai-
Like really- what was Ult Richtofen gonna do once he poisoned everyone? Take over the universe? How TF if he gonna do that again??? And without any help? Like- part of the reason he got the others to help him was because he can't fight hoards and hoards of Zombies on his own- which im assuming he would have to do.
Ult Richtofen isn't dumb, he may be evil but he wouldn't just poison his team for shits and giggles when it would definitely most likely get him killed.
That plan is reckless and a bit of a stretch and im sure Ult Richtofen would know that considering how obvious it is-
And either way, he learned his lesson and didn't wanna do that kind of shit anymore. And yes he DID genuinely feel bad. he wasn't lying like I hear a lot of people saying.
Prim Nik on the other hand had a reason and had a solid plan that would work. And he was literally the one giving the speech, talking about how the Multiverse must come to an end- the way he talks really implies heavily that he was the one who killed them and he knew what he was doing. He also literally has a quote where he talks to the other Prim characters about killing Prim Richtofen, so he isn't beyond killing off team members for the "greater good."
And either way, assuming it WAS Ult Richtofen did poison everyone. going off what you said he knew Ult Richtofen was gonna poison everyone and did nothing- in fact- he piggybacked off of that and took advantage of it, which is still super shitty on his part.
I'm gonna be fully bluntly honest here, the whole "Ult Richtofen poised everyone, not Prim Nikolai!" Is literally just an excuse people make up so that they can keep acting like Ult Richtofen is the bad guy, and Prim Nikolai is the good guy. Whether it was intentional or not. All black and white no morally gray. And it's more and more excuses to shit on Ult Richtofen and shift the blame on him.
Yes, he's a bad guy, but so is Prim Nikolai. And I'm also tired of people acting like Prim Nikolai is perfect. He's done a lot of shitty things but people kinda ignore it.
And I OFC don't have a problem with people likening him or wanting to see him as a big innocent Russian bear dad
Like- fuck yeah! You do that. I use to love that ver of Prim Nikolai (personally, Tag kinda made me realize a lot of the stuff he did and just- I really personally can't look at him the same way and I hate it- and there is another reason I hate Tag- it kinda ruined Prim Nikolai for me >:( but I still love seeing a lot of the cool content people make of him! Especially yours :D)
But then some people turn around and see people doing that to Ult Richtofen they get really mad for some reason
I know he's your fave and personally hearing people shit on my fave upsets me 2 so I'm once again sorry JSJSJ- but that's exactly what people are doing by spreading stupid shit like this. Shitting on Ult Richtofen with no rhyme or reason just because some people wanna paint him as the #1 bad guy.
People are shifting the blame from Primis Nikolai or ignoring shitty things he does so that they can act like he's this perfect being, and then they turn around and yell at people if you even dismiss anything Ult Richtofen did (a lot of which is stuff Maxis did that once again gets pushed on him) and it's really shitty and needs to stop
(it's not you- I know you definitely don't do that and I'm not diecting any of this stuff at you specifically NSJDJ I'm just talking about like- other people I've seen do this kind of stuff- it's just that by spreading the false info that Ult Richtofen poisoned everyone you are helping push that whole idea that "Prim Nikolai did nothing wrong but If you act like Ult Richtofen is even a little bit innocent ur evil"- which was- kinda my whole point with this last bit- idk if it makes any sense or if it's kinda off topic- I apologize for that HDHDHD once again im mostly just rambling at this lmao)
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angelwheat · 3 years
Call of Duty Zombies
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»»————- ★ ————-««
2.0; Edward Richtofen X Reader (One-Shot)
From Wattpad
»»————- ★ ————-««
Location: Zetsubou No Shima
The withered tress stood dormant. A breeze not dared to blow across the element-ridden land. Wild flowers and vines climbed and ate away at every structure still remaining, though most lied in a crumbled heap. A dark shadow cast over the island, the sun was setting. The stickiness in the air grew each passing day, making zombie slaughtering a chore.
A lone Doctor traipsed across the muddy plains aimlessly. Much like his very own plan, the German remained a mystery to all. Typically, his demeanour was rather collected and reserved, however, upon recent confrontation with the man, his manners changed drastically. Specifically, when his female counterpart were present.
“Edward!” A female voice bellowed in the distance.
Frightening the man, Richtofen spun on his heel swiftly, frantically trying to locate the girl. He squinted, seeing her skipping towards him with a bright smile adorning her face. An item she gripped in one hand, though Edward was unable to decipher what it was.
The girl stopped before him and in a cheery voice she spoke.
“Hey.” She giggled.
Edward felt his breath hitch and nervously wiped his hands on his shirt. Seemingly charmed by her bold grin, he became unable to return a small greeting. Instead, he smiled.
(Y/n) hid her hands and said item behind her back, rocking on her heels, baring a cheeky grin all the while.
“I have something for you.” The girl declared, averting her gaze almost sheepishly.
Edward felt intrigued to know what she held behind her. He cocked a brow, staring at the girl intently. “What is it?” He quizzed.
With words unspoken, (Y/n) revealed a rare piece of weaponry. It glowed under the beams of the basking sun. The dials on the gun reflected streaks of light onto the tattered flowers surrounding them. Lying the gun on both her hands, she urged the man to take it by shoving it towards him.
Edward lead a hesitant hand, reaching out the take the weapon, though quickly he retreated on the idea.
“(Y/n), my dear, you worked extremely hard for this weaponry. I can’t accept this.” He protested.
In the blink of an eye, (Y/n)’s expression had changed. Her brows furrowed as her eyes became saddened.
With a frown on her face the girl spoke. “You haven’t been yourself lately. I thought this might cheer you up.”
“I’m quite alright, (Y/n).” He perked up, speaking quickly.
“I still want you to have this gun. I’m telling you to take it.” Her tone sounded commanding, as her gaze sharpened. “I won’t take no for an answer.” She added.
Edward sighed, giving in to her persuasive attitude. After finally taking the weapon into his very hands, he twirled it, watching the scarlet-red metal shimmer and glisten under the rays of the ever-darkening ombre sunset.
With a smile present on his face, Edward said, “Thank you, (Y/n).”
Returning a grin, the girl replied. “You’re very welcome.”
With a spring in her step, (Y/n) sauntered away from the man, teasingly swinging her hips as she stepped.
Edward turned, eyeing the girl as she gradually sauntered out of sight. His gaze fell onto her swaying hips. Little effort was made to tear his eyes from her being. Soon enough his face flourished in a bold cherry-red fluster. To clear his thoughts, he shook his head, and carried on traipsing across the land.
Hordes or the undead flooded across the island. Gunfire rang through the air, never ceasing. Shrieking screams pierced the ears of anyone nearby as another zombie fell lifeless to the floor.
(Y/n) fought side-by-side with her fellow German friend. Bullets from the girl’s heavy machine gun sprayed at every undead creature in sight. Edward popped off multiple zombie heads with his ray gun, smirking as he watched their bodies sink onto the mud.
Unbeknownst to Edward himself, (Y/n) happened to be sneaking glances at him. Never would she let a zombie close to him, and if such a thing were to occur, she took it upon herself to slaughter the being right where it stood.
A pained yelp caused the girl to whip around in a panic. Seeing a large gash on Edward’s forearm made (Y/n) fill with rage. She lunged at the zombie, slicing her blade across its throat, and throwing the corpse to the ground. Thankfully, that was the last of them.
The pair panted heavily. (Y/n) wiped away beads of sweat that collected on her forehead, eyeing the man in front of her. She observed as he grabbed his forearm with a force, hissing in pain, and trying to contain as much blood as possible. Edward scurried away fast, leaving (Y/n) to watch him in worry.
The skies turned to black long ago. Stars littered the blank space; clouds dared not to cover them. After traipsing the island for some time, the crew had found a perfect spot to make a fire. Now, they sit before the roaring flames, perched atop some scattered logs they managed to gather.
With some bandage he had salvaged, Edward wrapped his wound. Though, in (Y/n)’s eyes, it seemed like he was fumbling with the material, trying to make the procedure longer than needed. She watched as he would slowly wrap the material around his arm, sometimes even restarting with patching the gash.
“Edward.” (Y/n) called out, seemingly causing the man to jump back to reality.
His face blossomed in red as he stared at the girl, now also ceasing his task. Edward knew that her voice had caught the attention of his friends. He glanced at each of them, feeling their gaze upon him. Seeing Dempsey smirking at him made his gaze sharpen.
“Need some help there?” She giggled.
Utterly speechless, Edward shook his head in response. However, (Y/n) ignored that and stood from the log, soon coming to sit by Edward’s side.
With a soft hand, she grasped his own, making Edward stare with wide eyes. (Y/n) took the bandage and proceeded to finish what he started. The man observed her actions intently, though he felt himself in a daze.
After (Y/n) had finished wrapping his wound, Edward felt as though her touch lingered. Truth be told, the girl enjoyed the closeness they shared in the moment. The girl glanced at Dempsey, having a knowing feeling that the man would be smirking at the pair.
Startling Edward, (Y/n) leaned against his shoulder, feeling tiredness sweep her up. Hesitantly, he wrapped his bandaged arm around her, letting his hand rest gently on her waist.
Little conversation was passed around the fire for some time, until eventually, the flames had dulled to a smokey orange glow upon scattered ashes.
One-by-one, Nikolai, Takeo, and Dempsey had wandered off to their makeshift beds, in desperate need of sleep. Now, (Y/n) and Edward sit comfortably in a gentle embrace, keeping a single hand intertwined with one another. They exchanged jokes about anything, making the other giggle. Tomorrow’s plans were spoken of, though neither of them took much notice. It seemed their only focus was the person next to them.
“I wish you would smile more, Edward.” The girl spoke softly.
The Doctor sighed. “I know, my dear.”
Wriggling out of his arms, (Y/n) faced Edward. She noticed that his smile had fallen, and now setting a look of concern upon her face.
An idea soon came to mind, and in one quick motion, (Y/n) had planted a sweet kiss to Edward’s cheek. Immediate heat rose to his face once more, earning a giggle from the girl, and a smile from the German, despite how flustered he was.
“You’re blushing!” (Y/n) teased, poking at his face playfully.
Quickly, Edward concealed his face with both hands, however the girl refused to let him hide. She pulled his arms down, catching Edward of guard, and smashed her lips onto his. Once they pulled apart, Edward merely stared at the girl in bewilderment.
“New, I assume?” (Y/n) smirked upon seeing Edward nod meekly.
The girl had swung her legs across Edward’s lap, sitting contently by his side. Both her hands clutched his body, drawing herself closer to the warmth he radiated. The German held her tightly, wanting to savour the moment as much as he could.
Breaking the silence, in a luscious and seductive whisper, (Y/n) spoke, “Is there any way I may be able to tempt you into telling me about your plan?”
The girl moved to sit on the dampened soil, taking Edward by the hand and urging him to do the same. Hastily, he followed her.
(Y/n) sat straddling him in an instant. Upon seeing an awestruck expression on Edward’s face, it only encouraged her wicked smile to grow more. She bit her lip, as her eyes fell half-lidded and brimmed with lust. Her hands crawled over his chest, occasionally toying with the buttons on his shirt. (Y/n) let a single hand run through his jet black hair, all the while placing wet, open-mouthed kisses along his neck and collarbones.
Unbeknownst to Edward himself, his hands were ghosting over (Y/n)’s curves. Edward watched as he tightened his hold on the girl, it would only fuel her actions more.
Upon feeling Edward shudder beneath her after nibbling a certain spot on his neck, she drew away from him playfully, a smirk adorning her face.
“You’re such a tease.” Edward whispered with a grin.
(Y/n) giggled and soon came to whisper in his ear. “Well then, if you don’t want me to tease you, find me somewhere a little more secluded.”
With those words spoken, Edward stood before scooping the girl up into his arms. “If you wish.”
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alternitavely · 4 years
Werewolf idea Chaper 8
@lovely-llamas-bro @kitkat-the-snacc
When he awoke, the German wanted to rest further.
He had the time to do so, as he still saw Nikolai by the fire sitting in comfortable silence with the Captain who seemed to appreciate the time to think. He stood slowly, as to not alert the sleeping Marine next to him, and brought the Kronorium to open, reading through the ancient knowledge that tore at his sanity at every waking moment. He paced sluggishly, gripping the tome in a death-like grasp as he tried to understand what had gone wrong, why he couldn't open another portal. He tried over and over, the metal of the summoning key cutting into his skin as he gripped it tightly, his frustration getting the better of him.
Nikolai had been observing the doctor in silence, eyes following his movements. He felt like his eyes were coated with mollassess with how dreadfully slow he paced, but his body was tense. He could see the German loosing his patience as he read the book of forbidden tales, and worried that even he didn't know what to do now. Though the Sargent knew little of what Richtofen had planned for them, he had bits and pieces that he coaxed out of or over heard the Doctor muttering to himself. He could see clear as day that Edward was terrified, which in turn scared Nikolai. The German frantically tried to put forth a wall to calm his team's burning desire to understand, but they all knew it did little to protect him. Nikolai worried that if he didn't feel safe with the other three, it would be the death of the Disturbed man. The Russian sighed, and stoked the flame, watching the embers rise and die out as they cooled.
Richtofen's frustration grew for each page he turned only to leave it having found no answers. He slammed the book shut, casting it to the ground and running his hands through his hair. He sighed deeply as he looked up at the sky between the large branches of the low hanging oak tree, miss swinging with the cold wind and stars dancing in the empty black void of space, hidden partly by thick clouds. He could see the moon, in all of it's not-quite-full glory, hanging above him as though taunting him with the answers he so desperately sear he'd for.
Werewolf's definitely weren't that strange compared to what he'd read and experienced, but how had he managed to bring himself to such a specific circumstance?
Why had the beast that attacked him not come back to finish what it started, and why had he only seen one of them? As far as he knew about wildlife, wolves hunted in packs. He huffed and gave a scathing look at the large rock orbiting some version of the Earth before walking away, grabbing the Kronorium and tucking it beneath his arm as he went to sit by the fire. He seated himself on the stump of a fallen tree, avoiding Nikolai's gaze as he stared into the fire, mind buzzing with questions, nervous.
He glanced to the Russian, and mustered up his courage. He'd might as well admit it now before a situation arose, he thought to himself.
"I know," he started, sitting up straight as he continued avoiding the Sargent's gaze, "you have many questions, Nikolai. And I know that me telling you the same things over and over is frustrating, and that you have no real reason to trust me."
He turned to the other man.
"But something I will be honest with you about is that I'm now just as lost as you. I've read and re-read every line in this dammed book," he gestured to the book that now sat next to him, giving it a nasty glare, "and yet I cannot find an answer for what has happened."
He sighed, hearing the Russian shuffle a bit, still listening intently to the German.
"I know you think that I am using you all, but I swear to you that is now why I cannot tell you what is to come."
He paused, looking for a reaction in Nikolai's face, any signal that he should be on the defence. When he found none, he continued.
"It is frightening to me that I am untrusted by our last hope. You three are vital to securing a future without these demons that plague us, and I need you to know I will sacrifice whatever it takes to keep you all safe."
He let out a deep, shaky breath and felt his chest loosen it's tight knot when he finished. Nikolai nodded a bit, and thought hard on the information given to him. For a few minutes, the two were silent, Richtofen not meeting his eye as the Sargent searched his face for some kind of give. The Russian saw the Doctor's tense stature and realised that to him, this was absolutely terrifying. Edward was never the biggest on the block, always one built to hide when he knew he couldn't handle a situation. He knew that the Doctor had been the one at the short end of the stick all his life, no stranger to the wrath of large men. His gaze softened when his raising hand led the other to flinch, bracing himself. Nikolai set his hand gently on his shoulder and brought the German to look at him.
"I am sorry that you feel unsafe with us, Doctor. I assure you it was not any of our intentions, and certainly not my own." He said solemnly. "I know you feel as though I wish to bring harm to you, but I do not. I am sorry that I have been so hostile towards you. I only want for this nightmare to end."
Richtofen gave a small smile, one that for once reached his tired eyes. Nikolai hadn't seen such light in the man's eyes before, and couldn't help but feel his chest swell with pride in himself. He knew it would take time for him to completely trust the deranged Doctor, but he would take that time if only to make the trek easier for all of them.
Nikolai still had a concern, however. The German being fearful of a larger person is perfectly reasonable, especially in his weakened state. But what Richtofen showed as reaction to him had to be something sated over time, something that scarred him deeply. The Russian wasn't one to prove into others personal lives without reason, but he feared the Doctor being unable to handle himself should they be in a dangerous situation.
"Maybe Nikolai looks too deeply into things," the Sargent spoke carefully, seeing the German's head peak up curiously. "But I have noticed you seem.. skiddish towards Dempsey and I, and I cannot help but wonder if there is some underlying reason for your fear of larger people?"
Edward's head shot up, both startled and a bit weary of the sudden inquiry.
"I am not sure I know what you are talking about, Nikolai. Perhaps you are simply looking into things." He suggested, firmly dismissing the Russians question. He blinked hard, and chidded himself for doing so. He was supposed to be making connections, not enforcing barriers.
"Sorry." He said, "I suppose it is a habit of mine to be a bit.. touchy with things. It is not something I wish to elaborate on, however," he explained, "I assure you it will not be something of concern. I know you push only out of such."
Nikolai nodded, appreciative of the honesty. The German had slowly opened up to a more casual conversation with the other man over time, and all too soon the sun rose once more. Takeo, who decided remaining silent was his best skill at the time, was happy to see his Russian friend be on better terms with their unstable leader. Though, he didn't appreciate his time to rest and contemplate being inturupted. Dempsey was still asleep under the tree when Richtofen returned for his things, and he felt a small smirk play on his lips as he crouched down to stick a wet finger in his ear. He laughed at the Marines disgust and helped him up, thanking him for his hospitality.
"There's nothin' to thank me for Eddie, everyone needs a break every now and then." Tank brushed off, giving the German a small slap on the back.
The four continued onwards, trekking through the deep woods for hours until they found themselves on a cliffside that hung over what looked to bed the remains of a fallen city, much different than any they had ever seen. Deciding their need of supplies was worth the risk, a slow and cautious creep through the empty agreed set them on edge, every small noise or movent sent attention snapping in it's direction. Eventually, Takeo spotted something written in barely readable English;
The men raided the store for whatever they could salvage, bandages, water, medicinals, bags holding ad much as would fit.
"Looks like we really lucked of this time, huh?" Dempsey cried in a victorious note as he found a small stash of non perishable food. When they had all but emptied the small store, the moved on finding nothing of interest for a while. Richtofen flipped through his Kronorium from time to time, attempting to make connections but being unsuccessful. When they reached deeper into the city they noticed small barricades with empty bullet shells around them, blood scattered all around.
Nikolai grew concerned.
"Where are the bodies?" He asked, just before an echoing cry rang through the tall buildings and streets. More and more voices quickly joined, and the Survivors all felt dread fill the deepest pits of their souls.
The onslaught had begun.
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richtofen2015 · 4 years
If you was to meet Richtofen, Dempsey, Nikolai, or takeo in real life(if they was to exist in real life) how would you react to that?
I feel that my first immediate reaction would be excitement. I love these characters and I love their stories. I read about their stories. I appreciate who they are. Hell, I write about them too! Meeting them would be an interesting experience and I’d love every second of it.
HOWEVER, the analytical part of my brain would soon realize that they’re here for a specific purpose. And it’s likely a purpose that will change the universe as I know it (more particularly my universe and those in it since I’m the one meeting them in this particular instance). I’d be a little worried about that. I’d try to help how I can but I’d be a little skittish about them being here too, I can’t lie about that.
I got a little long winded, my bad. 😂❤️
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angelwheat · 3 years
Call of Duty Zombies
★·.·´¯`·.·★ X ★·.·´¯`·.·★
1.0 & 2.0; S/O Is Hurt
You get yourself hurt by taking on a few zombies alone, how do they react?
★·.·´¯`·.·★ X ★·.·´¯`·.·★
1.0 (Ultimis)
“Tank” Dempsey
He immediately noticed you when you wobbled into the room, with a hand pressed against a blood-gushing wound. He would fret over how it happened, more so than the injury itself. Depending on the severity of the wound, Dempsey would rather tend to it himself, even if you insist on bandaging it on your own. However, if the gash is severe, he will begrudgingly take you to Richtofen. While the German tends to the injury, Dempsey will sit by your side until its done. He just wants to make sure you’re ok. He may become more protective of you.
Edward Richtofen
He will not panic at all. Edward will frown, and ask you how you ended up in such a mess. If you patch up the wound yourself, before he sees the injury itself, Richtofen will gives you a few stares for a while; never saying a word. If you go to Edward for help, he will forget about his precious plans and assist you. While he wraps the wound, he might scold you for being careless at the time; he makes sure he’s not being to hurtful with his words though. He will keep an eye on you for a while, specifically because he blamed himself when you got hurt. He wants to make sure you’re safe.
Nikolai Belinski
He will cringe at the sight of you bleeding. Nikolai has no problem with blood itself, but when you approached him with a massive gash on your body, his complexion grew pale. If the wound is too severe for him to handle, Nikolai will not hesitate to take you to Richtofen. He will not leave your side for a little while. If the injury is causing you some pain, Nikolai might offer some vodka to distract you. Constantly he will ask if you are feeling ok, and makes it a promise to ensure you are safe.
Takeo Masaki
He is the least panicked of the group. However, he is concerned for your well-being after the incident. Takeo will want to bandage the wound himself, if you have not already done so. If the injury is severe, and you insist on asking Richtofen for help, Takeo will protest. He despises the German and will not allow him to touch you. If you decide to go against Takeo’s wishes, and go to Edward, the man will make sure he can watch Richtofen’s every move. Takeo becomes protective of you, but will try and make it subtle. If you happen to become caged by the undead, usually you will see Takeo rush to your aid in the blink of an eye.
2.0 (Primis)
“Tank” Dempsey
He will instantly beat himself up for not being there to prevent you getting injured. As much as you tell Tank it was not his fault, he will still apologise for allowing such a thing to occur. Dempsey will want to wrap the wound himself, if it’s not too severe. Seeking Richtofen for help will not bother him. If Edward assists you, Tank will not leave your side. He will hang around you for some time, and will always accompany you on supply runs. He wants to make sure it never happens again. Expect him to be quiet for a little while.
Edward Richtofen
This man will drop everything and help you immediately, even if it so much as a small gash. He will ask how it happened, and if you tell him, Edward will tell you how you could have prevented getting injured. Quite often he will ask how you’re feeling. He will not let you out of his sight when fighting off the undead, Edward would not be able to bear a fatal injury (If another were to occur). He cares abut you very much, and will always hug you when you’re alone together.
Nikolai Belinski
Much like his 1.0 counterpart, he will go pale at the sight of blood oozing from a wound on your body. Nikolai will not take you to Richtofen. He does not trust the German. But thankfully, Nikolai knows what he’s doing when it comes to tending to your wound. As he wraps the gash, you might catch him glancing at you, a worried look in his eyes. He cares for you, and will not hesitate to tell you so. Nikolai will latch onto you more so than before, hugging you often. But, his hugs are the most comforting thing you could ever want.
Takeo Masaki
Much like Nikolai, Takeo knows how to bandage your wound, if you allow him to. He will question how you ended up in such a predicament, and will apologise for not being by your side at the time. He will be worried about you if he sees you taking on zombies by yourself; expect him to be by your side when fighting hordes. Takeo will “subtly” keep an eye on you, though you will always notice when he does look over you. If you lock eyes when he checks over your being, you might fluster him.
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