#source: COD zombies
tf2incorrectquotes · 4 months
Medic: *decapitating an enemy Pyro* STAY BACK, I NEED THAT RUSSIAN!
Medic: *when given Heavy's coat* It’s so warm and fuzzy, just like you Misha…♡
Also Medic: Mikhail! I’m glad ve’re friends.
Heavy: ?????
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Dempsey: Listen, Richtofen. I didn't wanna say this in front of Tak, but that hat makes you look like a girl.
Richtofen: ...Am I a pretty girl? :3
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its-stimsca · 3 months
Russel Adler with a retro theme cool if you Want :33
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Born in the wrong generation- forced to fight a zombies!!!!
📼 🎞️ 📼 / 🎞️ 📼 🎞️ / 📼 🎞️ 📼
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joitiks · 10 months
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bi annual cod shitposts: tokyo drift
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starinapond · 1 year
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shinmiyovvi · 1 year
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Happy Birthday to this unhinged yet lovable man! 🎂🎉💖
Didn't notice that it's already December 11 and forgot to make something for him so have these old renders I made months ago 💖
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jamieaiken919 · 1 year
“I calculated the odds of this succeeding versus the odds I was doing something incredibly stupid, and I went ahead anyway.”
-Ultimis Richtofen, probably
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aliceindaisychains999 · 3 months
I've always loved Spongebob, but a little light has recently clicked in my brain that finds the show especially comforting to me. So expect me to start fixating on it at the moment
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reds-skull · 2 months
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More Cyberknight AU sketches... I can already tell I'll have to do something with this universe, considering how much I'm thinking about the world building, plot, characters...
Speaking of world building, gonna write down some of it under the cut, if anyone's interested... (it turned out to be....... a lot..............)
Alright, so obviously there's a lot of influence of medieval knight armor, so my first line of thought was adding some sort of magic system. Initially I was like "well, can't use the magic system I have in my original stories, since Revenant AU is based on that, and if I do that again it would be way too similar". I considered scrapping magic off this AU completely, because I didn't think I could make a magic system different enough from rev AU to not be just the same thing but To The Left. And then it hit me.
COD already has a magic system. In Zombies.
Now, the Aether is not really treated as magic, more like scientific phenomena, but it's practically magic, taking to account the field upgrades, and its effect on living being (zombies, and special zombies like manglers, mimics, disciples...).
And the moment I thought about that, everything started clicking together.
Picture this, post apocalyptic world. Operation Deadbolt failed, and the Aether spread from Urzikstan to the rest of the world. Decades later, humanity found ways to ward it off, leaving swaths of land infected with the Aether, quarantined away from the remaining human cities.
This quarantine isn't perfect, however, and certain Aether forms threaten the delicate peace on the cities. This is where the Cyberknights come in.
Using Aether portals (the ones in-game), they teleport deep into Aether territory, and with motorcycles traverse the land, tracking big Aether forms that pose a big enough threat.
Scientists have found ways to build weapons made of Aether. The more in the metal, the better, so guns were now dwarfed by the power of swords and spears. These new weapons use the Aether of fallen enemies as a power source, for charging a powerful attack (in-game they're called Field Upgrades, and I'm giving them a lore explanation as to why it takes a while to charge them, and why it charges by killing zombies).
There are a few types of Aether forms: Aether-Mechanical (think the Manglers from the game), native Aether forms (Disciples, mimics, Aether worm), and infected Aether forms (humans turned zombies). Because of that, each unit must include at least one of each: a mechanic (in charge of equipment, and the mechanical nature of Aether-Mechanical forms), an Aether expert (for teleporters, and Aether forms in general) and a fighter (acting as sort of a tank as the others work).
I also thought a bit about the 141's weapons and field upgrades, so here's a little blurb on each:
Soap - Wields 2 short swords, the right with Cryo Freeze (Ammo Mod in-game), and the left with Napalm Burst. Field Upgrade is Frenzied Guard: Killing zombies grants a shield, but all hostiles are attracted to Soap once he turns it on. This Field Upgrade is usually reserved for fighters, which Soap used to be, but he's now acting as a mechanic for the 141 unit.
The blue and red in his design are for his ammo mods, ice and fire, and the helmet obviously resembles his hairstyle. Originally I went for something more Scottish, but it didn't look exactly like I imagined (Scottish warriors were notorious for not wearing a lot of armor, and they kinda scared other cultures, sometimes carrying the head of their enemies to intimidate others. So metal haha).
Gaz - Wields a spear, that uses Aether as a sort of magnetic force, meaning he can throw it and pull it back. Field Upgrade is Energy Blast: turning it on will create a force field around him, pushing and injuring anyone attempting to get close to him (this is a modified version of the Energy Mine in MWZ, just thought I can make it more interesting).
The purple on his belt are Aether crystals, as he's the 141's Aether expert. The "horns" on his helmet are actually a detector of Aether forms (and they're there to look cool).
Price - Wields a foldable shield, and a short sword, with Brain Rot applied to it (Brain Rot will make a zombie turn to your side for a short while, attacking hostiles for a few moments before their head explodes). Field Upgrade is Healing Aura, which will... heal everyone around him, obviously. Price is the fighter of the 141.
Price is nicknamed "The White Knight", as a well known fighter with a long history of felled Aether superforms. The piece on his right arm (his right), is his shield in folded form.
G.H.O.S.T. is a robot, powered by Aether, the first of his kind. This means he uses 2 Field Upgrades: Aether Shroud, making him go invisible for a short while, and Tesla Storm, which channels bolts of electricity through his body and his teammates', as well as his knives, so he makes sure to throw them in tactical positions before activating this. The electricity doesn't hurt his teammates, their armor makes sure of that, but it will kill lower Aether lifeforms, and damage the stronger ones. G.H.O.S.T. is the secondary fighter of the 141.
G.H.O.S.T. - Wields several knives, that use a similar technology to Gaz's spear, meaning he can pull them back at will.
[Edit: forgot to mention that the things sticking out of his forearms are his knives]
His design is based on the "Gilded Ghost" skin in-game, without the gilded part lol. The purple parts are the Aether powering his mechanical body.
For the story, I have something planned... but I don't wanna spoil you lmao. I was thinking a lot about Soap, who (if I make a fic which lets be honest I probably will) will be the POV.
Soap joins the 141 mainly as a mechanic. Each unit has a fighter, a mechanic, and an Aether expert. Gaz is the Aether expert, and Price is the fighter, G.H.O.S.T. acting as a support for Soap when the unit splits up. Soap comes from the northern territories, so he's very different from the rest in terms of his background, basically an outsider. He used to be a fighter, but a knee injury forced him to change positions. All members of a unit can fight, but it's not their main job, bar the fighter of course. He feels bitter about that.
He finds in G.H.O.S.T. an odd companionship, considering the robot can't feel. His AI is exceptionally advanced, so he does talk unnervingly, almost like a human. Soap often just rants, talking about his home city, about the life he used to have, and G.H.O.S.T. listens with no complaints, not that a robot can really complain.
It all changed on one fateful deployment, where Soap and G.H.O.S.T. get separated from the rest, and Soap finds the truth behind G.H.O.S.T.'s technology...
That's all I'm gonna leave you with for now, haha. As you can probably tell, I spent a lot of time playing Zombies in MW3 (idk I just find it a good way to relax), so I really enjoy trying to think of explanations for each mechanic, and how the world would look like 50 years in the future.
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amazeingartist · 9 months
ok art’s not working rn but I still wanna share ghostsoap in my zombie au here too after seeing a bunch of the cod zombies stuff on twitter (I’m very autistic about zombie and since tumblr doesn’t really have a limit y’all will get more info. depression works hard, but autism works harder /j)
anyway tags for any of y’all who don’t vibe with this type of content
CW: zombies, so cannibalism, body horror (mutation based zombies they’re not the rotting kind), gore mentions, a little bit of death (not proper mcd)
(Will update if I’ve missed a tag)
SO the timeline is set far into the future of the zombie apocalypse where anything zombie related is very normal and apart of everyday life with relics and stories to the old word. Humanity is kinda thriving, there’s technology, medicine, secure food sources, water, functional cities & towns, overall the quality of life is pretty good, it’s a lil sci-fiy but not overly so.
The specific zombie strain to is a mutation based one, so there’s different zombie types and it affects all living things; herbivores are the only type of infected that’s non-aggressive unless provoked, while all carnivorous/predatory animals and certain omnivores are always hostile. Regardless of aggression, the disease can be easily transmitted via blood, bites, scratches, ingestion of contaminated products, and saliva depending on the zombie type. (fun fact—zombie cows are a thing and are used to deter attacks on living/healthy livestock)
Anyway, world building context done (for now), Ghost & Soap are partners in “community security”, meaning they are to deal with threats to the livelihood/safety of people. They mostly work with towns since towns have less means to protect themselves—cities have fences and walls which are patrolled whereas towns outside a city might only have a simple fence and a couple zombie cows—from the hordes, raiders or particularly bothersome zombie types, while occasionally doing specialised work in the cities.
Ghost is blight, a humanoid zombie that has retained their human consciousness despite turning, while Soap is a delayed, a immune human who’s blood can used to suppress the affects of infection for via regular prescribed shots. Both are incredibly rare btw, (for both human and zombie) and are literally an ideal working pair because blight’s are highly infectious to the point where their drool is a safety hazard (one of the reasons they’re muzzled), but since Soap’s immune there’s no risk. Blight’s are also susceptible to unexpectedly going feral which Soap prevents by keeping Ghost in touch with his humanity; literally Soap’s lack of fear of Ghost is what helps them be a perfect working pair (that and Ghost genuinely enjoying Soap’s company).
So yeah, they patrol for raiders and redirect any wandering corpses frequently, with the occasionally job from some regular folk that’s too dangerous to do themselves—just all things that genuinely help people keep and feel safe.
Unfortunately for Soap, when dealing with zombies he can’t hide or mask himself as easy a regular person, a problem Ghost, unless displaying aggression, doesn’t have on account of being an actual zombie. Soap does abuse his immunity though, throwing himself in front of others to act as a meat shield and protect them from infection. Cause of that though his body is littered in scars of bite and scratch marks (zombies that harm Soap usually don’t exist for much longer if Ghost’s around)
As a blight, Ghost’s mutated state is centred around his human base but has elements of other zombie types; from pale and dark veiny skin, his jaw and throat are split into mandibles which Ghost needs a custom compression mask to be able talk, his arms have exposed boney spines/blades that are both retractable and can be used as projectiles (throwing knife equivalent), his nails are basically claws + are also somewhat retractable, and over certain parts of Ghost’s body are have bone plating as armour. It’s unclear the exact limit of Ghost’s capabilities as it’s near impossible to test him as he hates doctors/labs, (the reason he’ll consistently stepping into a lab for is for a blood transfusion/feed).
[^^^may be updated as I think more about this au]
Little Ghoap moment, but Soap will help Ghost in his upkeep of himself by either filing down Ghost’s claws or brushing the rows and rows of sharp teeth for any bits of stuck flesh and to keep an excess buildup of bacteria from forming. It’s literally something only Soap can do, both cause he’s immune and because Ghost only feels comfortable letting Soap help. It’s not an process that should take very long, but Soap is meticulously and after holding Ghost’s mandibles awkwardly extended for some time, he’ll gently massage the muscles; despite the horror it’s actually a pretty sweet gesture. When they’re off duty Soap’ll unlock Ghost’s muzzle and massage his face after being compressed for a couple days too (Soap’s one of the few people with the authority to unlock Ghost’s muzzle)
and uh yeah. I think that the end of that for now, hope it’s enjoyable. I’m combing my current hyperfixation with an idea/project I’ve been working on for years and is quite dear to me so there’s a lot of information to share lmao. feel free to ask any questions if there are any, preferably via the asks but comments are fine too (just I can tag asks together)
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stigandr-the-cat · 3 months
Behind the world of "What Crawls in the Night" the pseudo-science
'What Crawls in the Night' Masterlist
AN: This was not written by a professional I am just a nerd. This is pseudo-science for an upcoming post-apocalyptic AU. Nor have I played COD I just think it (it being TF141) looks neat.
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*Recovered Historical Document - HDC-TF141-483-NHL*
A Summary of Known Information on Toxoplasma Grant (T. Grant)
By Dr. Stigandr Katten et al
Summarize the history, symptomology, modes of transmission, prevention of infection, and what should be done in the face of Toxoplasma Grant.
Toxoplasma Grant (i.e., T. Grant) is also known by its common name, “Night Crawler”, so named after how it causes its hosts to be active at night and not, ‘as some may claim’, because of one of its original researcher’s love of the Marvel Character. T. Grant was originally found in a cave hidden in the permafrost of Siberia. The geological team led by Dr. R. J. Antony stumbled across a group of ten mummified human remains that were littered with holes. The team called for support from both an anthropologist as well as a parasitologist when one of the students of the geological team astutely observed that there was what appeared to be a dried, hyper-enlarged parasite inside the holes. This unknown student is the only reason we have been able to gather this paltry information or even know about T. Grant. Without their observation, we would be lost in the dark as this infection rolled over the globe; it’s a shame then, that their name and also their life was one of the first lost to the parasite. 
Dr. Shanti Cale of UCSF's parasitology department was sent to investigate, along with her assistant, Steven Banks. A Doctor of Anthropology, Zackery Addy of Georgetown, was also sent. It was during one of the many autopsy sessions that video evidence shows Steven Banks accidentally cut himself and squirted one of the pipettes with rehydrated worm larva into the cut. Instead of informing the doctors, Mr. Banks cleaned the wound perhaps believing falsely that it would be ok. As we know now, that was the furthest thing from the truth. During its incubation period, Mr. Banks became severely ill, vomiting into a sink that flowed into the communal water tanks for the site. We believe, but can't confirm due to loss of the site, that faulty filters didn't pick up the presence of the parasite, which then was given back to the researchers in the water they drank. Even without that confirmation, within hours nearly all of the assembled teams were infected, as is evidenced when, after its incubation period of about 24 hours, video shows Mr. Banks, as well as the other infected, attacking and killing other members of the teams. From there, the hosts start dissipating from camp while shortly after, cases start appearing in Russia, China, Mongolia, and other eastern European countries.
  Sources have started to also call hosts 'Zombies,' since they hold many of the same characteristics as the made-up monsters. Unlike the monsters, who some of my teammates have informed me are considered near immortal, the hosts start decomposing after the frontal lobe is eaten by the parasite, as the brain no longer has the ability to tell the body to replace or repair cells. Movement becomes limited the further the infection progresses. An odd pattern has been observed that the infected avoid sunlight as well as warmth, moving more towards colder climates. A debate has been raised as to whether or not the parasite realizes its host's body is decomposing and trying to find ways to slow down that process. Personally, this researcher doesn't believe that a parasite could be capable of that kind of thinking and instead posits that it avoids the light as normally it is only found alive in the dark. Hopefully, time and more studying will reveal the answer.
Recent autopsies conducted on hosts of T. Grant show that the parasite goes from the intestinal tract to infect the blood and then starts burrowing into the muscles and organs of the host, eating away at them and from there growing in size. For some of the infected, about 15%, the parasite can't cross the blood-brain barrier. We do not know at this time if anything can be done to save these kinds of cases, but we do know that within a week or two of infection, the patient is driven mad with the agonizing pain of being eaten alive and death is a mercy. It's almost to be considered a blessing then that most of the time the parasite eats the brain first. The only way death can occur in victims or the brain-dead-but-walking hosts is to shoot them in the head or remove the head in some other fashion. Once the host’s body reaches the active and advanced stages of decomposition, they are no longer able to move but still are considered an active and dangerous carrier.
The initial indicators that one has been infected by T. Grant are brain fog, as well as muscle cramps, and abdominal pain, followed by hematemesis. After 24-72 hours, depending on the digestion system of the host, the biggest sign, to put it bluntly, will be the host trying to attack and eat you.
Modes of Transmission
There are three common vectors for the transmission of T. Grant. First, the blood, spit, waste, and other viscera of infected hosts. Second, reservoir host animals are a concern, as, while animals can't develop fully the parasite like the human body can, eating undercooked meat—especially the intestines of infected animals—leads to human infection in nearly all cases. Third, the parasite has been found in wastewater as well as natural bodies of water. Dr. Mary Wolfenstein of Lancaster University postulates that this is from rain waters falling on the putrefying bodies of T. Grant's victims or should a host fall into a lake or free-flowing body of water during decomposition.
Prevention of Infection
  Avoid contact with the infected, including the non-moving. Only once a body has reached full skeletonization is it safe to touch. If contact can't be avoided, do not allow any of the host's fluid or body to enter your mouth, other orifices, or wounds.
  Reservoir host animals are typically carrion birds and other carnivorous animals; avoid eating these animals, especially if they are undercooked. Omnivours also can be reservoir hosts, but not as frequently as carnivores. Caution should also be applied to animal waste as parasites can live in it for weeks to months. Until the waste is fully dried or sterilized, it should not be handled without great care. Thankfully, research has shown that herbivores can't be infected even when given infected water or injected with the parasite. Early studies have shown that this could be due to the rumination in their complex stomach systems.   
When dealing with water, research has shown that the only way to rid the water of the parasite is to boil it for five minutes or let it rest in a clean environment for 10-14 days, with a shorter timeframe of 4-6 days if the water is in a warmer climate or the contaminate has been removed from free-flowing water. Standing water should be avoided on principle.
  Caution is also to be extended to soil if it's been contaminated by carnivorous or omnivorous animal waste or decomposed host bodies. So it should go without saying don’t eat soil or get infected soil into an open wound. Now depending on soil temperature, parasites can live for five months in environments where the soil temperature is 40°F (4°C) and three months at 70°F (21°C). With the evidence of the permafrost mummies, should the parasite stay in a host that is then rapidly frozen after death, it can live for close to thousands of years if the carbon dating was accurate. While plants can't host the virus, should you improperly wash vegetables or fruit grown in contaminated soil, you risk infection.  
What Comes Next
  Given all of this information, we should be preparing for a long siege by the parasite. Yet, the United States as well as many other 'developed' countries are currently using AI technology to search and destroy any content relating to T. Grant. When I questioned a source at the CIA, they could only offer the idea that this was to keep from repeating the violence and hysteria of the ‘Odin Crisis’ and the COVID-19 pandemic—to which this researcher can only say, bullshit—people need to be preparing. We have, at most, months if not weeks before this parasite is completely global. People need to be barricading their homes with enough food and bottled water to last at least 6 months, if not fleeing to warmer, southern climates. Yet, many governments are not only burying their heads in the sand, but one politician I spoke to said, "If this is how Armageddon is meant to come, then we can't stop it." Without any action or preparation, we are looking at 95% of humanity dead within 2 years. This is a fact that I wish I was making up, but computer model projections show that when the virus hits the United States, 60% of humanity will be dead within six days, 84% at two weeks, 89% at six months, 93% at a year, and finally 95% at 2 years. With the proposed 6-month quarantine, we are still looking at losses close to 74% on a global scale, but it would mean a billion or so lives that would be saved with those preparations.
  However, it seems that government policy will remain the same. If the government will do nothing, then we, the scientific community, must do something. Speak out about this coming crisis. Warn all around you to prepare. The end of humanity comes not with the splitting of an atom or a shot heard around the world, but with a parasite that will eat us from the inside out.
*Historical note - While this document is different than contemporary scientific articles in its structure and tone, evidence has been shown that this document was meant to be the start of Dr. Katten et al releasing all gathered information; and therefore more of a call to action to a scientific community that was stunned at the swift silencing of information by many governments. Dr. Stigandr Katten was killed soon after the publication of this article. While police claim it was a home invasion gone wrong, recovered internal NSA emails offer evidence they were killed in an attempt to silence the truth from getting out. Following their death, the rest of their team was disbanded with more evidence showing they were threatened into silence.
*More Information - The journals of Dr. Katten, as well as portions of the team's notes, were recently discovered showing the work put in to build the parasite’s profile. Should you wish to read either of these documents, please contact the New Hope Library about receiving an e-copy of them. The physical copies will be on display in the New Hope Museum in the 'Survival During the Endemic' Wing. 
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Takeo: Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?
Nikolai: I think he's thinking what you think he's thinking.
Dempsey: If he's thinking what I'm thinking, then I'm thinking that we shouldn't just be thinking. What do you think?
Richtofen: Huh!?
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dr-donogood · 6 months
Hey! Idk if this still interests you or not but I saw your post saying Richtofen isn’t a n@zi
I also believe this and have done a lot of research but I think I have trouble with finding sources as I haven’t been able to find anything that shows that he is against fascism + hates it, which makes it difficult to argue that he isn’t one when talking to others about it.
Do you have proof or some sort of instance that either states or hints towards this that could help with the argument that he is against n@zis?
I’d appreciate any info you give!
Hello anon! Oh wow It has been a hot second since I've Codsed my Zombies. I'm not sure how much you know already. So I'll just go down the list of things I remeber! And i'll make this a bit beginner freindly, just in case anyone needs to show this to someone.
Also feel free to add to it!!! Or feel free to point out if I misspoke it HAS been a bit...
1) For starters, although the lore reason for Richtofen's outfit is unknown (most anything i could say here would be pure speculation and HC), we do know that he was originally just a re-used asset from the main game. He comes from the villian character Heinrich Amsel. When COD Zombies (previously Nazi Zombies) first started out, all the characters were blank slate re-used and slightly recolored assets. They ofc later gave them all names and stories (although testing the waters at first, a lot of early story got ret-conned. Such as Richtofen being a back ally surgeon.) But they unfortunately never re-designed him outside of removing the swastika :( but I also belive it's important beacuse I feel like it's one of the only things ppl bring up when the try and say Richtofen is a nazi, and I feel like it holds no weight beacuse of these things.
(Here is Heinrich Amsel. As u can see, clearly where Richtofen's original model comes from.)
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2) lore stuff is dificult to pile evidance for due to how the lore in the game itself is presented. If you want the freshest and best sources (aside from meticulously beating every easter egg and finding all the secrets) YouTube videos with the quotes/Easter eggs/secrets are your best bet aside from going in game and grabbing them yourself. I can't particularly remeber what exsact maps may be able to help you. Aside from Classified!
It's just generally a real important part of the basic lore that Richtofen isn't a Nazi and hates them. It's kinda what kicks off....everything that happend. Im sure anyone could get this information from any reliable Cod Zombies lore video (i uhhh don't know which ones are reliable i haven't watched any! Probably check out Mr.RoflWaffles?). For starters, Richtofen was always a spy. He worked for the Illuminati before Maxis asked him to join Group 935, and Richtofen only joined so he could feed information back to the Illuminati. It's also important to note that Group 935 was not originally associated with Nazis. Maxis made a deal with the nazis without anyone's permission (funding and test subjects in exchange for weapons and super soldiers.) And that was one of many things that pissed Richtofen off so badly that he gathered everyone up to make a secret section of Group 935, that both worked with the allies, and planned on killing off Maxis. (Ofc his goal was later shifted and corupted by the Apothicons. But this is about how Richtofen isn't a Nazi, not questioning him as a dubious person. There was also all of the moon shit, Maxis not caring about Richtofen's experiments, a whole boat load of resons that Richtofen wanted that man dead.)
(Also. Richtofen never fought in ww2 and ww2 is already over by the time the zombie breakout happens.)
Here is a link to the Film Reels in Classified, many of which talk about how Richtofen was working against Maxis (and the nazis) and even has some verbal confirmation from Richtofen about his distaste for nazis.
Also here is also the Kronorium! As far as I know, it should still be a reliable sorce! (Like i said, it's been a while). And I think it's a bit better than the wiki (which still says his nationality is nazi german...instead of just saying he's german....) there is plenty of stuff in the interactive book that explains
2) here are some instances of his voice actor, Nolan North, confirming that he isn't a Nazi! (Thank you @jamieaiken919 for digging these up for me!!!)
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And did that's kinda all I have for now! Like I said anyone is free to add!
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primewritessmut · 5 months
YOU DID IT 1, 3, 4, 12, 14, 15, 24, 25,
favorite fic you wrote this year
Oof. I think I've said this before but my favorite fic is always the one I'm currently writing. Like, once a fic is done, I hope it loses my number because it is dead to me.
That being said, I'm really fucking proud of Songs for the Zombie Apocalypse (for a lot of reasons) so I'm going to say that one. And also... Normal Frenemy Shit because it has maybe my favorite Spideypool scene I've ever written in it. And the wound fucking, of course.
3. favorite line/scene that you wrote this year
Man. Okay. Well, I already mentioned the Normal Frenemy Shit scene (the eating on the obligatory rooftop "date" one). The ninth chapter of Hang Me Up to Dry (SFTZA). Annnnd, let's say the closet scene from every star for you because the world needs more wlw smut.
4. total number of words you wrote this year
Just wrote? Not published? I mean, I'm not done but I'm definitely over 400k. (Also, I can't believe you always make me share my shame inducing numbers with you.)
12. favorite character to write about this year
Mobius. If you had asked me before I watched Loki, I'm not sure what my answer would have been, but now it's Mobius. I love him as just Some Guy™️ with the dad jokes and swag to capture a god's attention. He's such a compelling character, and so, so different than a lot of the representations of "men who work for authority" we get. He's just the guy that said, "I can fix him" and then actually did. The order to Loki's chaos.
14. a fic you didn't expect to write
A Particular Set of Skills. I really, really didn't want to start a whole other fucking fic for those two, but Black Ace captivated me and it couldn't be helped.
15. something you learned this year
I AM CAPABLE OF WRITING THINGS THAT DON'T END IN ROMANCE. Don't get me wrong, I love romance and am glad to be back in fluff city, but for so long it felt like every fucking thing I wrote ended not just with a happy ending, but with a romantic one. I like happy endings, and I'm not going to cull them from my stories forever, but it's nice to know that I have the skill (now? always?) to write something that isn't (strictly) romance.
Sapphic gothic horror here I come.
24. favorite fic you read this year
I'm going to pick something that so far away from a fandom I would typically participate in. Not because I don't like it, but I just wouldn't come in contact with the source material.
Poison Apple by surveycorpsjean which is a SoapGhost (COD) fic that scratches some of my worst itches. (You recommended it to me so thanks!)
25. a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
Here I was, so proud of myself that I could come up with an answer to the last question, and you hit me again. Is this where I admit that I don't read a lot of fics? 😬 Okay. Okay. No. I have one. I think everyone should read it because it's entertaining as hell (and a super quick read, too!), but I definitely think that writers should read it so they can see just what kind of shit you can do with limited words and only dialogue.
we're never speaking of this again by @periodically-puzzled
As I was going through my bookmarks, it hit me just how much this single fic probably impacted A Particular Set of Skills. So, as usual, you and Puzzle inspire everything I write.
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jellybeansconghosts · 7 months
I’m bored and thinking thoughts so have this messy piece as I try to find a foothold in the personalities of cod men that isn’t just what they act like in smut (Not trying to hate on Smut I just don't think/know if that should be my main source outside of the games)
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Imagine being in the zombie apocalypse by yourself, barely surviving and on the brink of losing it. The only upside to this all is a strange immunity to a zombie’s bite, the couple bites on your arms still itch, veins more pronounced around them, but you still have a clear mind…as clear as it can be when in an environment like this.
You’ve given up on trying to make friends, either finding people who have less than kind intentions or people who try to “mercy” kill you the moment they notice the bites, not listening to any arguments that they’re clearly healed and you’re no threat. Recently you’ve found shelter in a little gas station, snacking on what hasn’t been ransacked already, sleeping behind the counter as you hope this place will keep you secure for at least another day or two. Zombies sometimes wander in but they leave you be, almost blind to your presence, after a while they’re somehow a safer sight than other humans, at least you can tell a zombie’s intentions, you can predict their thoughts, or lack thereof.
It’s dreary, and taxing, but you get by fine.
Until one day you meet a soldier, the first encounter is a little rough, as any encounter in this situation is bound to be, his skull mask scared you half to death, but you go from barely surviving on your own to having some mildly off-putting man help take at least a little of the burden of survival. Sure, providing for two is a little more annoying, being even more mindful of supplies, the constant fear of weighing him down and being a burden isn't the best thing in the world, but it's company. It's a break in the solitude that could have driven anyone at least a little insane.
It's a bit of extra safety, having someone watching your back, especially someone who's actually capable, even if he at times gets snappy due to the difference in survival skills, you have someone looking out for you. And when he notices the bites, even if he too jumped to a conclusion he actually heard you out, even if you did have to reassure him multiple times that you wouldn't suddenly turn rabid when he wasn't watching, that you didn't mean to hide anything from him but were too scared to mention it, everything worked out in the end. You have a buddy, even if he's a little scary.
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revolver115 · 8 months
Fun fact: Did you know ARK: Survival Evolved shares many similarities to COD Zombies? Somehow? Despite one being about shooting Cthulhu with a 12-gauge, and the other being COD Zombies?
-Story centers around an element linked to eldritch and/or evil influences.
-Space bases all over the fucking place.
-Evil entity linked to the digital plane and/or electricity.
-Time travel, technically.
-A looping timeline, technically.
-Killing god with the power of Friendship, a walkthrough, and 12 tonnes of ammo.
-Randomly has famous actors' likenesses.
-Ray guns for no reason in particular
Source: My dad for ARK lore and lore videos and gameplay up the ass for COD Zombies.
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