#mistletoe shenanigans are cheesy
lightningbig · 5 months
the most wonderful time of the year, huh?
hello, take some rambling for a pissa christmas not-fic under the cut! hope u enjoy the sillies, happy holidays friends <<33
very much inspired by the classic cheesy hallmark holiday movie vibe except based in qsmp bc i started getting carried away with making a modern au and it very quickly Overwhelmed Me. so, we’re on the server, and there are stupid amounts of mistletoe about. as one does for the holidays. it very quickly becomes a game - everyone is hyper aware of where the mistletoe is, not because they’re trying to avoid it but because they’re all VIGILANT about calling out people getting stuck under them together. prime heckling hours, can’t let the pair (or group) away without a kiss, come on, everyone knows the rules. 
so cue Incident One. it happens either just at spawn in a crowded group, or maybe at a holiday party that gets thrown with everyone around. phil’s been pretty good at staying out of the shenanigans, mostly just egging things on from the sidelines. so maybe he lets his guard down a little and isn’t paying attention to his surroundings. and maybe he ends up next to missa under an overhang, with some sneaky mistletoe above them. it gets pointed out and their friends delightfully rib them about it, making it clear they won’t stop until A Kiss Happens. phil is… maybe panicking a little bit internally. they still haven’t had the feelings conversation. he hasn’t had a feelings conversation with himself - philza minecraft, repression king, is maybe being forced to realize some things Very Quickly. when he looks over, missa is blushing, the flush of his face visible under his mask. and the thing is… yeah okay phil’s nervous. that’s undeniable. but also… that’s his husband. he looks at missa and all he ever feels is an overwhelming love, a warmth in his chest that burns steady and safe. and so when missa smiles and leans down, phil’s stomach swoops in excitement. 
but missa just smacks two over exaggerated, silly kisses over each of his cheeks. grins while the rest of their friends laugh and let them off the hook. the moment passes and they all move on and missa doesn’t mention it again and phil tries to crush the disappointment he feels like a pit in his chest. he feels silly about it - of course missa didn’t kiss him. why would he? that’s not what they do. he should’ve known better than to get his hopes up!! he’s usually so good about locking that shit down, and for this very reason!!!  
on the other side of the group/party, chayanne is clawing at the walls. absolutely despairing. desperately looking to tallulah like, ‘are you seeing this shit???’ because now he has someone ELSE to agonize over this with. his silly, oblivious parents and their awful pining. at this point he’s ready to sabotage the bunker doors and just lock the two of them in the hatch together. it’s that bad. tallulah, recognizing the direness of the situation, helps him hatch (ha) a plan, dubbed operation ‘lovebirds’. since they are the two sneakiest eggs in the whole WORLD (real and true) they make/find/steal a silly amount of mistletoe themselves and hide it in their backpacks to bring back home. 
when the party winds down, or the conversation ends, and they all go back to the wall, the two of them wrangle missa and phil into a task together. distract the two of them so they aren't paying attention while chay and lullah are SUPPOSEDLY getting ready for bed... but are really running around the house and putting up more mistletoe. everywhere they feasibly can, everywhere they can reach, anywhere they think their parents are gonna walk together and be able to see it. cue very silly montage of them hoisting each other up to reach the ceiling, climbing on top of the storage chests, etc etc. phil and missa are none the wiser. 
the kitchen ends up being the spot, maybe. missa offering to make something, or phil putting on tea, the two of them just staying up a little later after putting the kids to bed. and maybe they're sitting across from each other at their little table and maybe phil looks up and catches the sprig hanging off of the light over them and maybe he buries his face in his hands, "oh my god, those little shits" and maybe missa laughs but its so warm and his hands are gentle, coming up to tug at phils wrists. and he asks, "a kiss, right?" and phil is staring staring staring, lost in it, in the warm points of contact, and he just nods a little. can't make himself speak. and missa leans in and kisses him, soft and sure, and phil doesn't hesitate to pull him in farther, kissing him so soundly.
and if they hear twin little cheers in the next room, well. they can't get in trouble for staying up late, it's christmas. chayanne, exasperated, laying himself face down in the moss because "FINALLY!" and tallulah is giggling and when phil and missa come back in. phil sweeps her into his arms and it only makes her laugh harder.
he can barely even pretend to be angry, he's still smiling so hard his face hurts, but he tries anyway. classic, "YOU! and what did you guys think you were doing, huh? think you're sooo funny?" but they're all laughing, silly, and the four of them end up in the kitchen together staying up late for hot chocolate and cookies, maybe. chayanne at the stove making something sweet, missa helping him. phil is watching with such a lovestruck look and tallulah doesn't even have to try hard to tease him about it, but she's happy seeing her papa happy. having their little family whole, just for a little while. 
basically just some silly fluff for the holidays c: as you can tell i am a sucker for ‘thinks their feelings are unrequited but they’re just oblivious’, it is indeed one of my favorite tropes in the world. qphil and qmissa two sides of the same coin. both of them standing under the mistletoe sweating bullets nervous as fuck. they are Fools and i love them dearly.
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thus-spoke-lo · 6 months
Okay I saw the falling in love with your best friend Christmas post before I went to do a few chores before bed and like I can’t get it out of my head because while law probably isn’t the typical thought for that kinda thing, I feel like it fits?? So I’m giving you my thoughts because I need to sleep soon and I cannot stop thinking about it
Either you ‘make’ him because all he does is study, or he just offers once because you had a breakup or something and he felt bad.
Like he’s fake pouty about it enough in order to make it seem like he doesn’t love it, but not enough so that you think he hates it and wants to stop
And as you’re doing all the activity you get a little too close, some touches here and there, and then sitting on the couch to watch a holiday movie with some spiked eggnog/hot chocolate and not realizing instead of the movie being cheesy it’s a little spicier and you’re both just slightly tipsy so you throw comments critiquing things here and there instead of turning it off until it’s too much and you’re just making out on the couch, matching sweaters on the floor >>
Also the little slimy one liners might make me explode
Hehe I'm looking forward to the little slimy one-liner mini-fics.
And aaaahhhh Law as the best friend who's sooo down bad for you and puts up with your shenanigans because he secretly kind of likes it but would do it even if he hated it because it's you.
Standing there in the sweater you bought him, holding your box of ornaments while you carefully pluck them out and place them on the tree. He feels his heart skip a beat at the sight of you, sweetly concentrating on finding the perfect spot for that silly dinosaur ornament, a little bit obsessed with how cute you are when you're focused, your tongue tucked between your lips and your brow furrowed.
And when you sit down to watch movies later, sloppily pouring Kahlua in your hot cocoa, he can't help but feel like you're too close to him--you're sitting pressed against him, your hip against his, your head lolling against his shoulder now and again, your fingers tracing the tattoos on his hand as you have so many times before. And he blames the alcohol for the way you're behaving and how warm it's making him feel, even though he knows it's so, so much more than that.
"Too bad I forgot to get mistletoe," you laugh softly as you set your mug down on the table beside you.
"Oh?" He stiffens, inhales sharply as you're suddenly on him, your leg swinging over his lap so you're straddling him, your arms draping over his shoulders. "And why's that?"
"So you'd have an excuse to just fuckin' kiss me already."
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foreverindreamlandd · 2 years
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Hey friends! So this holiday season is going to be a bit of a bummer for me (which will be pretty blatantly explained in a personal fix-it fic I plan on writing in December lol....who's ready for some Lumberjack Bucky??), and decided to do a month-long sleepover to ignore my issues in the real world! Yay!!!!
LOL for real though, I do love the holidays and watching Christmas movies and reading cheesy winter-related fics so I thought it would be fun to do this! It'll be a mix of inbox-related shenanigans as well as a writing challenge-ish type thing (aren't I amazing at explaining things? Lol).
Here is all the fun stuff I have planned
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Inbox Shenanigans!
🎄 fic recs: Send me recommendations of your favorite fics to add to my ever growing TBR pile!
🎅🏼 secret santa: Anonymously write a little love letter to another blog and I'll tag them in it!
☃️ christmas cards: Send me some winter-themed asks!
🧣no context ships: Send me a random fact and I’ll ship you with a marvel/stranger things character or bucky barnes au (please tell me which you would prefer in the ask!) ((oh and if you ever wanted to ship ME with someone I’d be the happiest little bean 🥺👉👈))
🌿 mistletoe: Send me 3 people/mutuals/characters and we’ll play classic kmk (kiss, marry, kill...sorry fam but we keep it mostly PG on this blog lol).
🍪 holiday faves: Tell me your favorite holiday/winter books, movies, tv shows, foods, all the things you love about this time of year!
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Winter/Holiday-Themed Writing Challenge!
Obviously this is a no pressure thing, it's just that I low(high)-key love holiday fics and want to read any of the ones y'all come up with ;) You're also welcome to share an old one that you wrote and just want it to get some extra love!
Here are a few ideas below! Feel free to use any of them or write something totally different that's winter or holiday themed! I will be creating a separate ongoing masterlist for submissions and will read/share as many as I can!
My only rule on this is that it cannot contain any smut in order for it to be shared on my blog. 💖
Prompt Ideas:
prompt list 1
prompt list 2
The sleepover will last for the entire month of December! Feel free to participate as much or as little as you'd like! Thank you for being so supportive of me and my blog these last 18 months <3 I'm sorry I've been a little MIA but I'm excited to spend the holidays with you all :)
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No-pressure tagging some moots:
@sweetascanbee @sweetdreamsbuck @treatbuckywkisses @imaginearyparties @itistimeforusalltodecidewhoweare @rodrikstark @fandoms-writings @writing-for-marvel @carrotfantasimp @traitorjoelite @pellucid-constellations @navybrat817 @simmerandcry
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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anxietywriter · 1 year
holiday prompts!
once read the softest fucking fic about a pairing making latkes (they're like potato pancakes) together and my heart,,, anyways just a bunch of prompts based on what i know abt hanukkah and christmas but can also be applicable to any other holiday if there's any overlaps <]:)
flashback to what was written five seconds ago, the most domestic fluff about a pairing or found family making food for the holiday together, not something super elaborate like thanksgiving dinners, but more homey comfort food
love the different ways people choose to pass the time together during the holidays, like watching a seasonal movie or playing games games together with ridiculous costumes that fit the holiday (a 'sexy' dreidal costume exists and i love that)
mistletoe fic is so cheesy but so so good, love when one character is really shy and goes in for a quick peck while the other hums for a bit and encourages them to do more
last minute gift shopping or that frantic feeling of ordering something online as a present and just hoping or calculating that it gets delivered on time
not really a hanukah thing but i keep seeing tiktoks of jewish peeps looking at hanukkah-themed toys and stuff at large retail stores and making fun of how bad it is, just absolutely tearing apart everything wrong with the product and how it does/doesn't relate to hanukah (i find it amusing and informative lol)
the struggle of wrapping gifts, scraps of excess paper on the floor, somehow someone got tape in their hair, the gift looks a little lumpy, the gift is not in a box making it somewhat harder to wrap nicely
hiding gifts until the day before they're gifted or until they're wrapped, shenanigans as the giftee tries to find where the gift is hidden
angst fic about being unable to afford a nice gift and the anxiety of picking out something that they'd want or need while still being in budget, especially if the person they're buying for is more financially well off or they're not a gift person
reverse-ish, where the giftee is into so many different fandoms and loves so many trinkets and junk and stuff, to the point where the gifter struggles to settle on one 'best' gift
love it when found families get together and interact, the excitement for the gifts and quality time and food, the peace because they've been through so much together they deserve rest, just them being happy and healing
christmas specific and again, common trope, but secret santa! love when there's meddling to rig the secret santa, the scrambling for a gift, the wooing potential, the dramatic reveal, the anxiety, the happy ending, mwah
decorating for the holidays and it really is a team effort, but by the end it looks nice and all you can do is admire it, even if it's only the bare minimum inside decorations because hey! it makes you happy :3
gotta say that i love snow shenanigans, but as someone who has never seen snow, i love the hilarity of people being able to go out swimming, wear shorts or croptops or hawaiian shirts, and just hanging out because it doesn't get that cold and when it does it's usually mid to late december (it does however, get cold enough to hail sometimes)
love how soft people look when they dress up for the winter like the fluffy sweaters that kind of just swallow them, damn, the lovely soft scarves, damn, the cutest beanies, damn, and like they just look so huggable
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fancymuffinparty · 7 years
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Rating: T; for language and suggestive themes
Pairing: Reiner Braun/Bertolt Hoover, Porco Galliard/Pieck
Summary: Embarrassing things always happen at Christmas parties. They just do. (Canonverse. Pokopiku. Reibert. Setting takes place after the Clash of the Titans arc and before the Return to Shiganshina arc.)
Word Count: 2457
A/N: I’m so Christmas AF right now. I’ve had the strong urge to write more pokopiku so I sat down and cranked out this holiday fluff! :) This is also my first time writing Reibert, as I’ve been wanting to do so for a realllllyyyyy long time! I just love the warriors and I’m worried about them so I wrote this to cope with my anxiety :’)
Snk 100 better not kill me, but oops, it might! :)
Side note, I’m not really sure how the peeps in the Snk universe celebrate holidays, but I’d like to think their celebrations at least somewhat resemble ours, i.e, the festival in chapter 98. This is just for funsies anywayyyy.
“You have that look on your face… What are you scheming about now, Reiner?”
Bertolt’s voice is barely above a murmur, unsure how to feel in anticipation for a response. The burly blond at his side sports an all-too familiar smirk, his arms folded across his chest.
He’s wary of the expression Reiner wears rather shamelessly, utterly certain his companion is up to no good. Against his better judgment, Bertolt directs his own sight to follow Reiner’s line of vision and instantly pieces it all together.
He’s looking back and forth between Porco and Pieck.
“It’s not a scheme,” Reiner finally replies, shaking his head. “Just an idea.”
Donning a sly grin, he turns to face Bertolt, marveling at how his visage has completely morphed from the anxiety-ridden ‘Reiner, what are you doing’ to that of the disdainful ‘I’m getting real tired of your shit, Reiner’.
He’s grown to love both looks equally.
“I have this theory…” Reiner begins.
Bertolt suppresses the urge to groan. “Go on.”
“Porco has a thing for Pieck.”
“Uh huh.” Wasn’t that obvious?
“And Pieck has a crush on Porco.”
What a groundbreaking theory, Reiner, Bertolt thinks. Marley ought to give you an award for your deduction skills.
“…okay?” he says instead.
“You see that up there?” Reiner asks, pointing out an obscure object that hangs from the ceiling. Bertolt squints a bit, rolling his eyes upon recognizing the tacky holiday ornament.
“The mistletoe?” Bertolt knows exactly where this is going now, but he keeps up with Reiner’s little guessing game so as not to dishearten the big guy.
Reiner gives a single nod, smiling wide in pure satisfaction. “Curious to see what would happen if they somehow got caught underneath it?”
“Not really,” Bertolt says with a shrug.
Reiner scoffs at Bertolt’s lack of enthusiasm. “Well I am,” he asserts, rubbing his hands together. “So let’s set this plan in motion.”
“What plan?”
“It’s simple,” Reiner insists, stepping aside to allow for clear instruction. “Get Pieck to meet you at the center table. That’ll be close enough to where the mistletoe is hanging. I’ll distract Porco as best I can, but that’ll probably piss him off so he’ll most likely try to walk away- and when he does… it’ll be too late.”
Bertolt cocks a brow, unimpressed. “What exactly are you trying to prove?”
Reiner lets out a deep breath. “How much do you wanna bet that when it comes down to it, Porco won’t be able to go through with kissing her in a room full of people?”
Bertolt huffs, believing the whole conversation to be beneath him; utterly juvenile. “So you’re theorizing that Porco won’t be able to handle the pressure?”
Reiner nods again. “Affirmative.”
One thing’s for sure. The holidays have some sort of fucked up effect on Reiner. It’s obvious his behavior has undergone drastic alterations with the latest news that they’ll be returning to Paradis for the second time after the new year.
Hell, it’s the little things they should enjoy while it lasts. Small moments to cherish in place of all the horrors and torment they’ve been exposed to.
They’re not guaranteed tomorrow, especially not when they’re warriors.
With that in mind, Bertolt realizes he could learn to live a little…
For Reiner. He’ll put up with this for Reiner.
“I’ll take you up on that bet,” Bertolt says, dispelling a wistful sigh. I guess.
Reiner’s entire face lights up, his eyes practically as luminous as the decorated Christmas tree hoisted up in the corner of the mess hall.
Before he can brood over his decision, Bertolt articulates a concern. “What are the terms?”
Translation: “What kind of weird stuff are you gonna make me do if I lose?”
Much to his disapproval, Reiner opts to remain evasive. “We can figure that out later, Bert.” His gaze returns to the task at hand, determined to time everything out just right.
The window of opportunity is fast-approaching.
Sights momentarily fixed on Porco’s movements and Pieck’s carefree wandering, Reiner finally nods and gives Bertolt the go-ahead.
“Move out,” he commands in a subdued voice, using a half-assed salute as an unconventional signal of sorts.
At ease, Reiner, Bertolt thinks sarcastically.
He doesn’t quite remember signing up for this when he enlisted in the military. Unless it was written somewhere in fine print on ‘page whatever-billion’ of his records. You know, the thick pile of documents that no one wastes any time to actually read.
Either way, he’s determined to uphold his end of the bargain.
Taking long, slow strides toward Pieck, Bertolt quickly makes up something to say before reaching her.
“Hey, Pieck.” Bertolt pauses to look over his shoulder, instantly pinpointing Reiner’s location. There’s no yelling or cursing yet. That’s a good sign. Anyway… “How’s it going?”
Pieck greets his arrival with a warm smile. “Bertolt! Have you had the chance to try my fruit cake yet?”
Bertolt shudders at the mere thought, turning away to hide the grimace seared onto his face. He’s heard horror stories about her many attempts at baking; an adversity he swore to himself he would not fall victim to.
“Actually, no,” he replies, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. It’s in that moment that he hatches an idea. He spots the horrendous-looking fruit cake at the center table-  almost exactly where Reiner instructed him to lead her.
Welp, here goes nothing.
Bertolt forces a smile. “But maybe I can try a piece now?” If worse comes to worst, he can spit it out when she’s not looking.
Pieck beams upon hearing his request, overtaken by a sudden wave of exhilaration. Perky as ever, she links her arm into his and tows him along. “Oh you’re going to love it! Zeke helped me out this time, but I did most of the work.”
Bertolt gulps. Zeke is just as useless in the kitchen. If not worse.
Wiping the single bead of sweat rolling down the side of his face, he briefly looks for the mastermind behind this whole charade while still at the mercy of Pieck’s behest. Even with the limited field of vision, he somehow manages to get a feel for the status of the situation on the other side of the room. Reiner is keeping Porco surprisingly calm, devoid of the boisterous theatrics that usually dominate their interactions.
Bertolt wonders what they’re talking about, though it’s evident that Reiner is the one doing most of the talking.
But even so… he knows how this will all play out. He’s seen it happen too many times.
Oh boy, he thinks, cringing to himself. It’s only ‘the calm before the storm’.
Any second now, Reiner’s going to hit a nerve and say something that’s bound to set the young Galliard off. (Sometimes he doesn’t say anything at all and his mere existence is enough to set Porco off. Those are the really bad days…)
Pieck, meanwhile, acquires a small utensil and cuts into the fruit cake, preparing a small sample for the giant in her midst. “I don’t mean to brag or anything,” she says in mid-slice, “but this might be the best fruit cake I’ve ever made. I guess this sort of thing just comes naturally to me.”
Bertolt blinks a few times, falling short of any audible response. Her enlivened demeanor almost reminds him of her panzer unit fanboys; unfathomably cheerful and lovelorn.
Oh, Pieck…
He certainly won’t be the one to criticize her cooking. He simply doesn’t have the heart to.
Finished slicing into the crusty dessert, Pieck lifts her gaze and extends her arm toward him, entreating him to accept the sample.
“Here,” she offers, so sweet and endearing. “Let me know what you think!”
Bertolt inwardly prays for the protection of his sensitive palate. Bringing the questionable holiday treat to his nose, he inhales deeply and closes his eyes in despair.
In spite of his circumstances, he tries to be polite. “It looks… so good…” he musters out, desperately stalling for time.
Pieck’s still waiting for him to take the quintessential first bite, eyes glowing with intrigue.
Bertolt’s hand trembles slightly, the fruit cake hovering over his mouth.
Right before he’s about to lower his jaw and force the ominously disfigured excuse-for-food into his mouth, some miraculous form of divine intervention saves his appetite from forever being ruined.
 “Fuck you, Braun!”
 Porco’s finally snapped.
And Bertolt couldn’t be any more grateful!
Pieck heaves a sigh, turning to address the rattled blond. “Pokko, there’s no cursing allowed at the Christmas party,” she chastises, though her voice is tonelessly nonchalant. The endeavor is a futile one.
Porco always ends up cursing at their Christmas parties. It never fails.
Bertolt sees the moment as his cue- and his way out. Leaning down a bit, he whispers into Pieck’s ear. “Maybe this will cheer him up.” He hurriedly presents the dessert nestled in his palm, plotting his escape.
Pieck nods in agreement, only disappointed she hadn’t thought of that herself.
“Pokko!” she calls out. “Come hither and try my fruit cake!”
In mid-storm across the room, Porco comes to a halt, weighing his options. If it were anyone else he’d tell them to fuck off, but Pieck has always been there to calm him down when the going gets tough- or when Reiner grates on his nerves.
The girl is practically half of his impulse control, and he’s in desperate need of her soothing abilities. Grunting indignantly at the look Reiner subsequently shoots him, Porco makes his way over to his petite comrade and sits down.
Bertolt sneakily sets the piece of fruit cake behind an array of candles, ensuring it’s hidden from view. As Pieck begins preparing a sample for Porco, he cautiously slips away and heads over to where Reiner has stationed himself for the next course of action.
Which is to wait…
Soon enough, the others are quick to take notice of the staggering sight before them. A round of giggles and whispers encircle the duo at the center table, prompting Porco to realize he and Pieck are under scrutiny- for amusement.
Reiner struggles to suppress his laughter, while Bertolt contemplates the very real possibility of a heart attack as the result of the erratic thumping against his chest.
If this ends badly, no doubt Porco will kick his ass too.
Having had enough of the idiocy surrounding him, Porco stands to his feet and glares about the room. “What the hell’s so funny?” he spits out.
A smirk plastered on his face, Reiner points up, the gesture providing him with an answer.
An answer in the form of a small green bough with marble-white berries dangling directly above him and Pieck, red ribbon attached to the top.
Porco freezes, in both awe and disbelief.
Pieck on the other hand is rather oblivious. Daintily so, she finishes cutting yet another slice of her prized fruit cake and holds it up for Porco. “Here,” she insists. “You’re probably just hangry.”
When she looks back at him, she’s confused as to why his attention is fixated toward the ceiling, his face appearing as though he’s seen a ghost.
“What’s wrong?” she asks, looking up as well.
“Oh!” Pieck smiles even wider. “Mistletoe!”
Too stunned to speak, Porco slowly tilts his head back down, watching over Pieck as crimson coats his entire face.
The room is silent now, with every attendee waiting on the couple to uphold the holiday tradition and commence the obligatory smooching.
Reiner leans against Bertolt, convinced he has won the bet. “Any moment now, Porco’s going to bolt for the barracks,” he whispers a little too loudly, finding it a challenge to contain his excitement. He’s enjoying this a little too much, and that makes Bertolt a tad uncomfortable.
But Bertolt holds out purely for his optimistic side…
After all, Porco hasn’t budged. Not one bit.
Meanwhile, Pieck has seemingly tuned everyone else out, focused solely on the now bashful boy before her.
“There’s no need to be shy, Pokko,” she teases delicately. “We do this in your room all the time.”
That particular revelation leaves no one in shock.
Still, Porco can’t help but tense up, the red deepening along his cheeks.
Fuck it, he thinks, willing to take a loss on this one. Might as well.
As Pieck leans forward, he reaches for her hands and meets her halfway, enveloping her soft lips with his own. The kiss is an innocent one, vastly different from the makeout sessions they frequently indulge in under more private settings.
But it’s definitely earned the approval of their amassed audience.
The entire room erupts in cheers, a few whistles echoing throughout the crowded space.
They… actually did it!
All but one continue to pour out their love and support for the duo… and that one is none other than a stupefied Reiner Braun.
Bertolt quickly singles him out, nudging the brawny blond on the shoulder.
“Soooooo,” he begins, feigning a cough to jolt him from his trance. “Looks like you lost the bet.”
Reiner avoids eye-contact, exasperated by all the lovey-dovey chants and coos aimed at honoring the darling couple, Porco and Pieck. He’s also reluctant to admit defeat, convinced that Bertolt will take advantage of this victory to the fullest extent.
Alas, he gives in when he remembers that he was the one who started the whole thing.
Fair is fair.
Putting aside his pride, Reiner gives Bertolt his undivided attention.
“Yeah,” he says with a nod, grimacing. “I lost the bet.”
Bertolt can’t help the half-smile that tugs at the corner of his mouth, admiring how adorable Reiner is in this light, his lips forming an irresistible pout.  
The fact that the blond is hopelessly unaware of it only drives Bertolt even crazier than he thought possible.
And he’s seen Reiner shirtless for fuck sake.
A few beats pass before Reiner speaks up again, oblivious to the enamored gaze Bertolt is still holding.
“Well, what’s it gonna be?” Reiner chuckles. “Two birthday presents? Three…? Are you gonna make me do something embarrassing? Just let me know so I can prepare myself for the humiliation…”
Bertolt stops him from droning on and on, wordlessly grabbing him by the hand. He leads them both toward the center table, aiming his sights on the ornament hanging above.
Must be the sudden surge of holiday spirit.
“Bert,” Reiner mumbles, “where- what are we doing?”
Bertolt looks back and offers a firm response. “I’m making good on this bet.” And rightfully so.
It’s not long before Porco and Pieck make way for Bertolt and his plus one.
It’s not long before he and Reiner find themselves underneath the same mistletoe.
 It’s not long before Bertolt finally claims victory- and Reiner’s lips with his own.
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witchmd13 · 3 years
I’m in a very cheesy romantic mood so hear me out. a merthur the princess switch going like this (you can read it even if you’ve never watch the movie):
Merlin is Stacy, Arthur is Edward, Lancelot is Margret, and Gwen is Kevin.
Because of course Merlin and Gwen are best friends who own a bakery.
Lancelot and Arthur are stuck in an arranged marriage to be. They don’t know each other that well.
Lancelot with his view of duty and all? He’s the perfect Margret who would put his duty above love and everything else. Also Lancelot and Merlin and identity theft Christmas shenanigans? Please?
It can be a modern AU or a canon AU, doesn’t really matter, but it has to be with magic and it’s not banned.
Merlin and Gwen are invited to compete in a baking competition in Camelot. when they get there Merlin meets Lancelot like on merlin bbc (if it’s a modern AU, maybe Lancelot saves Merlin from a speeding truck, lol idk) except Merlin uses his magic and Lancelot sees him.
They get to know each other, and Lancelot tells Merlin how he’s supposed to rule over people he doesn’t even know and how he wishes he can be normal.
Merlin mentions he can switch them into each other’s bodies, or maybe cast a spell that would change their appearance so no one can tell it’s them, or something. They agree that’s exactly what they’re going to do.
Things get on just like the movie, Gwen and Lancelot fall in love in the sweetest most hallmark movie way you can imagine. It’s snowball fights and hot chocolate and late night movie dates and everything.
Arthur and Merlin almost kill each other the first time they talk.
Arthur is an insufferable prat <3 Merlin is a little shit <3 no brain cells in sight <3
Morgan finds everything out the moment Merlin/Lancelot opens his mouth for the first time. Because ofc she does. She is suspicious of Merlin at first then when she sees how good he is for Arthur, she adopts him.
The ball happens. Merlin asks about the charity the ball is for and of course says how charity balls are the worst idea to get people to donate money, “because all the money you’re spending on the damn thing is literally being wasted on a getting a bunch of nobility drunk while what you must get out of it is nothing in comparison?”
Uther is himself and embarrasses Merlin. Morgana is a queen she shuts him right up <3
Merlin, embarrassed, tries to leave and Arthur follows him and some adorable apologizing happens.
Merlin gets asked to play the piano just like Stacy was. Arthur saves him from embarrassing himself when he helps him play. Oh and that little thing with Arthur placing his arm around Merlin on the seat so he can play the keys on his side? And that ending up in him almost hugging Merlin as a result? And Arthur blushing and Merlin giving him a shit eating grin? Please? It’ll kill me?
Adorable shit ensues.
The mistletoe scene because of I’m writing/reading this, if they’re not kissing under a mistletoe with everyone cheering and my idiots blushing, then what’s the whole thing for?
Arthur gives Merlin his mom’s sigil (Edward gives Stacy his grandmother’s crest? Can this get more merthur? I’m dying?)
Merlin and Lancelot’s shenanigans having to end at some point and each go back to their respective lives.
Lancelot tells Arthur everything when he realizes how in love arthur is with him/Merlin.
Merlin and Gwen win the baking competition.
Arthur and Lancelot are supposed to hand out the winners their prizes.
Love confessions happen. Lancelot and Gwen have an official date. Merlin and Arthur are half married. Morgana calls them all idiots. They all live happily ever after.
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madlymiho · 3 years
OMG I can't believe I'm one of the lucky winners <3 I hope it's okay to ask for NSFW wintry headcanons? Shanks & Law, please? I'm soooooo happy <3
Hello!! and I’m super happy you won a prize!! 😋 people seem to be happy with this event and it’s definitely fun to write it, so I hope you’d be happy with these headcanons!
Happy Christmas again! 🎄
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Winter Event #4
Warning: NSFW
Informations: fem! reader (applying my general rules regarding NSFW here)
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• For Shanks, Christmas doesn't thoroughly equals to something dirty, but since you're around, surely it can put him in a different mood. Perhaps the need to seek for some shared warmth, the Christmas mood, the booze? Is there really an excuse to be a teasing bastard?
• During winter times, Shanks' courting shifts colors, like the good peacock he can be to amuse and seduce his dearest one. For sure, he loves to joke around, and that will be mostly his way to seduce you, but you're clearly not ready for the display of stupid jokes and shenanigans he has for you
• Ugly sweatshirts and underwears would definitely be involved. Something with a horrible quote to catch your attention, such as "hoe, hoe, hoe!" or even worse, "come give a kiss on my christmas tree", it makes you roll your eyes impatiently, but dammit, you also want to laugh and undress him right away
• Shanks might be even more clingy and careful in those cold times, having multiple reasons to roll his coat around your shoulders and trap you inside of it, his single hand deliciously following the curves of your hips and ass when no one would be able to see what he's doing, because heck, aren't you so pretty in your winter outfit? You're definitely having those cute vibes he's melting for
• Chimney dates are also a thing with him! Just him with his eternal opened shirt, patting the rug below him so you can sit with him and share some chocolate, fruits, meat, until the Irish coffee he offered you put you in a very different mood, his mouth sliding on your neck as he gently begins to undress you
• Having sex with him means having a lot of sex in front of that fireplace, the cozy moments often turning into something carnal. It's also a way for him to use different positions than his usual ones, because it's cold outside, and he wants to feel your breasts against his chest while he pounds so tenderly inside of you, praising how gorgeous you are even if he keeps teasing you nastily
• Did you say... bath dates too? He's not the most romantic man but he can be cheesy when it's cold and snowy, sharing a hot bath together with a good whiskey, as he can finger you in the water, and rubs his hard shaft against your rear seems like the best way to spend the evening... and just imagining it turns him on quite quickly, so much that he just lifts you up and carries you directly to the bathroom
• No need to mention the long mornings laid down on the bed, covered in blankets to keep you warm, bodies plastered together, sharing hot kisses until it would lead to something else... Shanks is a teenager in heat and you can't truly fight his needs to have more of you
• Surely, your emperor boyfriend is definitely in the mood to feel hot with you, having all the best cold reasons to drag you closer, because it's a matter of survival after all, right? So both of you should really stay plastered together like this... and you know he'll find a way to convince you
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• Well... Not the easiest mind to read in the first place because Law doesn't really change his attitude around Christmas. It's another celebration for sure, but does it mean he's more open-minded and readable? Ah... that would be a real miracle!
• Even though there are so hints which prove that Law might be indeed in a more celebrating mood, sort of say. He appreciates the general good and cozy atmosphere, and seeing his crew all happy and relaxed obviously works on his mood as well
• Spending time with you seems important, so Law will definitely join you to bed earlier, seeking for a warm place to share in the first place, until his hands would be quite more obvious regarding his intentions. There's something hot about the giant hoodies you're wearing, and the long shivers travelling down your spine when he touches you
• He's definitely into some sort of winter lingerie as well. Christmas high socks with nothing else is definitely a turn on, and if you ever dare to enter the room like this, you better be certain he will be only focused on you. Eating your core against the wall, taking you there, while he calls you a naughty elf... yes, that's really his thing
• He's also more in the mood to share long showers with you, since it's pretty cold in the Polar Tang, and he doesn't feel very well in baths due to his power. He loves the narrowness of the shower cabin, forcing you to grind your rear against his cock, as he only has to lift your leg to slide himself in
• He's still very careful not to overly expose his sexual appetite, but honestly, the suspended mistletoes around the Polar Tang are a good excuse for him to drag you into the nearest cabin and have fun with you, from very hot and long foreplays to edge you, or simply a quickie, as he can't help himself but being thrilled by the forbidden pleasure of semi-public sex
• So yes Law is definitely more into a kinky mood, sometimes even toying you in a cold alley outside, whispering that you shiver so hard under his fingers, appreciating your hard nipples rubbing your shirt when he rolls his thumb on your clit. There's something about winter which drives him a bit more needy than before and you can't really complain about his sudden mood
• For sure, he still prefers when he has a cozy and warm place to be with you, sharing the warmth of a comfortable bed to share those cold evenings, whether you'd be fucking, making love, cuddling and whastoever... He just feels really content to share those precious moments with you
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koolkat9 · 2 years
If you're taking anymore cheesy christmas AUs, what if Lilli (Liechtenstein) is a disgraced elf who did something stupid and is banned from the north pole unless she manages to make the cold hearted Natalya Arlovskaya believe in Christmas and love again. If she doesn't she is permanently banished.
Through some really silly shenanigans and a very heartfelt flashback Lilli compulsively kisses Natalya, who now believes in Christmas and its magic.
Lilli has the opportunity to go back but she doesn't and she chooses to live with Natalya and they live get married, adopt children and grow old together.
W h y i s b e l a l i e c h s o f l u f f y
I can just imagine Lilli following Nat like a lost puppy when they first met. But Nat is not heartless so she let's this strange (but cute) woman stay with her.
Maybe Lilli comes across a book of Natalya's family Christmas traditions or something and basically makes Natalya show her all of them. Like they bake, get a tree to decorate, get each other gifts, etc. They go to the town's tree lighting ceremony. Lilli even gets Natalya's siblings to come over to celebrate.
Eventually, Nat starts opening up, talking about Christmases of the past. Maybe she was dumped on Christmas which is why she's so sour about the holiday.
Don't know how it would work, but I'd like to add mistletoe to their first kiss to make it cheesy!
They'd probably have a winter wedding a few years later.
Sorry...I would have put more, but I don't know...my inspiration is kind of low right now. But I also wanted to get this out before Christmas.
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trickzill-art · 3 years
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✨GW Holiday Exchange Gift ✨
Here it is, my gift for @simulacraryn , drawn from a requested prompt “cheesy mistletoe shenanigans” with a wish for a rare pair (hence 13x1x6). Hope you like it 💕
Here is Christmas in After Colony 194, Treize getting caught under the mistletoe with both Zechs and Lady Une and before he even has a chance to decide whom to kiss first, he is caught by the media and needs to pose for a photo. In which order they share their kisses, it’s up to your own interpretation ✨ I hope the giftee and the rest of you will like it, I’ve put all my heart into it 💕 (Late) Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
@thisweekingundamwing @thisweekingundamevents
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This Week in Gundam Wing (January 10-16, 2021)
Hey everyone!  Here’s your weekly roll-up.  Be sure to give your creators some love!
--Mod LAM
December on the Outside by @lemontrash​ for @2pcbart
Characters: Duo and Wufei
Pairings: N/A
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags / Warnings: friendship fic, Post-EW, Preventer AU, Christmas, Christmas Fluff, Friendship, Local man attempts emotions for sake of best friend, Gift Giving
Summary:  Christmas. Wufei understands the concept, in theory. It’s a Christian festival now mainly about shopping, with some guff about finding the true spirit of family and happiness tacked on. It’s something both sentimental and aspirational, which to Wufei summarises Duo in a nutshell. Duo is famously a people person in the exact way that Wufei is not, and Christmas is very much a people occasion. An occasion that Duo's not getting this year unless Wufei does something about it. Armed with 24 hours and an awful list of suggestions from the Internet, Wufei's on a mission to deliver a last-minute holiday.
Strangers (Ch.15 and 16/16) by @chronicwhimsy​
Characters:  pilots + OC Oliver McGann
Pairings:  Duo x Wufei, background Quatre x Relena, background Heero x Trowa
Tags / Warnings:  long lost twins, pining, post-Endless Waltz
Summary:  In which Duo and Wufei finally use their grown up words, and then do some grown up activities. Followed by an epilogue. 
Without Prompting by @doctormegalomania​ for @antarespromise​
Characters: Trowa, Quatre
Pairings: Trowa x Quatre
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags / Warnings: fluff, post-wars
Summary:  It's been so long since we last saw each other. I wonder, do you think he remembers me?
Just a Thought by @expewrites​ for @lemontrash​
Characters: Duo, Trowa, Wufei
Pairings: Duo x Wufei
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags / Warnings: friendship/love, partners to lovers, developing relationship, reunions, reconciliation, companionable snark, romantic gestures
Summary: They do say it's what counts.But Wufei would like to know just what Duo was thinking, meeting him at the spaceport with a big bouquet of flowers.
Champagne and Cider by @noirangetrois​ for @seitou​
Characters: 5 pilots
Pairings: Heero x Trowa x Quatre
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags / Warnings: crossdressing, MPREG, nonbinary character, fluff, cuteness, happy beginning, happy ending, good natured teasing
Summary:  Heero, Trowa and Quatre have a happy surprise for Duo and Wufei.
Winter Wonders by @lifeaftermeteor​ for @noirangetrois
Characters: Mariemaia, Une
Pairings: N/A
Rating: General
Tags / Warnings: family fluff, holiday fluff, domestic fluff, post-canon, post-EW, ice skating, holidays, Christmas
Summary:  Mariemaia and her guardian, Cordelia Une, enjoy a night out in Brussels’ Christmas Market.
Once Upon a Time in Mars by @tziganecaffiends and @zaganthi​
Characters: Wufei, Treize, Sally, Kathy Po, Mariemaia, Une, Zechs
Pairings: Wufei x Treize
Tags / Warnings: major character death, body swap, identity swap, PTSD, memory alteration, grumpy old men
Summary:  He held the device in his hands, turning the helmet over and over again as he thought about it. He had been quite adept at ZERO even before they had modified it. It had never been difficult for him. He could choose so many ways to go, if only he wanted. He already knew what he was going to do, though.
Thin Ice by @seitou​ for @lokineko​
Characters: 5 pilots + Relena, Hilde, Cathy, Iria, Sally
Pairings: N/A
Rating: General
Tags / Warnings: trans character, trans Sally, unintentional deadnaming, mostly fluff, let them be children
Summary:  Sally believes there are things everyone should experience at least once.
LAM!verse Snippet by @lifeaftermeteor​
Characters: Trowa, Quatre
Pairings: Trowa x Quatre
Rating: General
Tags / Warnings: slice of life, post-canon, post-Endless Waltz
Summary:  This was not the first time Trowa’s next photography excursion had come up during their video calls, but it was the first time Quatre had seriously pressed him about financing the trip. In full this time.
Looking for Yourself Out There by @amberlyinviolet
Characters: Duo, Wufei
Pairings: Duo x Wufei
Rating: MATURE
Tags / Warnings: PTSD, guilt, self-recrimination
Summary:  The story teases out of Duo in bits and pieces. He scatters it into conversation over coffee, sprinkles it like salt over dinner. Talks around it in the living room. It’s not that he doesn’t want to tell Wufei, it’s that he doesn’t know if Wufei wants to know.
Stone Soup by @2pcbart for @original-kakabel​
Characters: 5 pilots 
Pairings: N/A
Rating: General
Tags / Warnings: fluff, softness, loosely Ep Zero compliant
Summary:  The pilots are stuck spending the new year in a safe house post-Endless Waltz and decide to make it a special night for themselves by cooking some of their favorite dishes from their memories.
Cheesy Mistletoe Shenanigans (13x6x11) by @trickzill-art for @simulacraryn
Heero and Duo celebrating the New Year by @manybeary for @duointherain
Hot Mess x 6 x 3 by @lokineko for @2pcbart
Trowa and Quatre by @antarespromise for @expewrites
Trowa and Quatre by @antarespromise for @expewrites
Several by @idrawprettyboys
Duo with his hair down 
Relena Darlian 
Heero Yuy
Heero Yuy (tw: self-harm, cutting)
Duo Maxwell in a kilt
Duo Maxwell 90s fashion
Duo Maxwell (cw: non-explicit masturbation) 
Heero and Zechs
Zechs and Noin
Heero, Trowa, and Apples by @seitou​
Noin on Mars by @theboringbluecrayon​
Trowa Barton by @sabisbastelkiste​
Quatre x Dorothy by @alphaikaros​
Relena Darlian by @alphaikaros​
Trowa and Quatre (WIP) by @keiko1183​
Other Fanwork
Headcanons and Discussions
Duo is the only normal one by @cynthiaandsamus​
GW Critical Analysis by Students, shared by @ikuzeminna​
Other Fun Stuff
Duo and Relena’s first meeting by @incorrectgundamwingquotes​
@incorrectgundamwingquotes​ continues to make us laugh (example)
Calendar Events
Cocktail Fridays with @gwcocktailfriday
Post your response on Fridays between 3-5PM EST
This week’s prompt is over here.
The Holiday Exchange just wrapped up yesterday with @thisweekingundamevents
I’ve tried to catch as many as possible that were posted here, but in case you (or I) missed one, @thisweekingundamevents will be posting a roll-up of all of htem on January 22, so stay tuned!
Month of Heero as advertised by @thisweekingundamevents​ is still going strong. 
The current prompt (Training) wraps up on January 18. The next one (Technology) will run January 19-25.
Valentine’s Event by @thisweekingundamevents​
No formal sign-ups, but be sure to check out the link to vote for this year’s prompts.
Lemony Shenanigans Event hosted by @gwlemonyshenanigans​
Sign ups to participate in the NSFW event run January 6-March 1.
Posting will run May 1-31.
2021 Rhythm Generation Zine with @gundamzine 
Theme will be announced on February 1, 2021
Mods are answering questions from the interest check so be sure to follow the zine account for info and updates!
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champion-prism · 3 years
I can’t stop thinking about Leon and mistletoe shenanigans. Mistletoe taped to his snapback bill? Yep. Mistletoe hung all around his house purely because he wants to kiss you whenever you come over/whenever you’re both home together? You bet. Bringing mistletoe with him so he can bring it out if he feels like being cheesy? Absolutely.
he’s the absolute dorkiest. he connives to get you under the mistletoe- which isn’t that hard because it’s everwhere and he’s not really conniving, he’s pretty unabashed about pulling a squashed mistletoe from his pocket and dangling it over your head so your just have to kiss him, you absolutely do.
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🎄Twelve Days of Promptmas🎄
It’s that time of year again, my friends! The holiday season is here and I’m so excited to get this started! BUT it’s gonna be a little bit different this year! 
Last year I did a “25 Days of Promptmas” and that was so fun!! This year though, I thought it would be just as fun and a bit more time friendly if it was a 12 day event instead of 25! And instead of a single, specific prompt every day, you’ll have a bit more freedom! 
Under the cut there will be a list of concepts (caroling, baking, mistletoe), a list of various pieces of dialogue, and a list of Christmas songs! From these, you can make your very own prompts for each day! You could choose a concept, some dialogue, and a song, or maybe two concepts and a dialogue option, or just a song, etc. Mix and match ‘em! You can write a small, three sentence fic, or something 10k and beyond! Whatever you want! We’ll start posting on December 14th, all the way up until Christmas Day!
Happy Writing!! 🎄
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Picking out a Christmas tree
Mistletoe kisses
Hot Chocolate and Peppermint
Ugly Christmas sweaters
Meeting at a holiday party
There’s only one bed at this BnB
Cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies
Cold, sleepy cuddles by the fireplace.
Snowball fight
Stuck in a blizzard
Wrapping presents
Looking at Christmas lights
Stuck at the airport on Christmas Eve
Baking cookies/Holiday baking
...or Nice
Candy canes
Fake dating for Christmas!
Winter proposal
The first snow
Ice skating shenanigans
Favorite traditions
Secret Santa
Gingerbread houses
First holiday season together
Fuzzy socks
Matching PJs!
Baby’s first Christmas
Building snowmen
Christmas markets
Decorating the tree
Getting into the festive spirit
Sleigh bells
All bundled up
Wish list
Advent calendar
Cold winter nights
Family Christmas
Finding the perfect gift
Greeting cards
Nighttime walks in the snow
Opening presents
’Twas the night before Christmas
Christmas morning!
“Do you mind?” “What? I’m cold.”
“Do not throw that snowball.”
“No peeking!”
“Hey! Those cookies were for Santa!”
“It’s called ‘roasting’ marshmallows, not setting them on fire.”
“Your hands are freezing!”
“That ornament doesn’t go there.”
“Oh come on, don’t get your tinsel in a tangle.”
“Stop eating all the popcorn! It’s supposed to go on the tree!” “Okay, but who puts popcorn on a Christmas tree?”
“The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!”
“You didn’t think I’d let you spend the holidays alone, did you?”
“It’s snowing!”
“Listen, Santa doesn’t have to know about this.”
“I like this tree.”
“It’s Christmas Eve, so that means I get to open a gift!”
“Do you think we could maybe turn the Christmas music off? Just for like, two seconds?” “Nope.”
“Do you like it?” “I love it.”
“Oh, I know exactly what you’re trying to do. But you will not ruin my Christmas. Not again. Not this year.”
“Is that a candy cane in your pocket or are you just--” “Yeah, do you want one?”
“I love you, but your taste in Christmas music is horrible.”
“Why did that present just bark/meow at me?”
“Wow, looks like Santa threw up in here.”
“This is the fourth time we’ve listened to the entirety of the Nutcracker.”
“Let’s make snow angels!” “How old are you?”
“No, no, no. You’re the reindeer this year. I get to be Santa.”
“Why are you staring at me?” “Nothing... You just look really cute right now.”
“The cookies! They’re burning!”
“Who wrapped this?”
“Keep doing that if you wanna end up on the naughty list.”
“But it’s Christmas!” “...It’s November 19th.”
“You do know that Santa’s not real, right?”
“Is that... mistletoe?”
“Bah humbug!”
“Isn’t it beautiful?”
“Man, I need to slow down on the eggnog.” “It’s not even spiked?” “...Oh”
“You did all this for me?”
“You have frosting on your face.”
“I’m bringing the holiday cheer to you!”
“Where’s all your holiday spirit, Scrooge?”
“Why are you under the tree?” “Because I’m a gift.”
“Don’t let the fact that I’m freezing my ass off out here fool you; I’m having a great time.”
“You know... the older I get, the more and more I can relate to the Grinch.”
“I’m sorry, but you make a terrible Santa.”
“Where did you get that sweater?”
“Wake up! It’s Christmas!” “It’s 6 am, go away!”
“You sure you have enough hot chocolate with your marshmallows?” “Shut up!”
“Do you wanna build a snowman?”
“Ha, this gingerbread man looks like you.”
“But baby, it’s cold outside--” “Absolutely not.”
“Merry Christmas.”
(Literally any song you can think of! Here are just a few ideas!)
Last Christmas 
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
Winter Wonderland
Santa Baby
Sleigh Ride
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
All I Want For Christmas is You
Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree
Silent Night
Feel free to tag me in your creations! I’d love to see what y’all come up with! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
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gerudospiriit · 4 years
Mistletoe Mission
[After all that angst, I felt like I needed to write something silly, cheesy, and totally cliche! 
A little Chrimbus gift for the bae, @maryarkham, have a little DantexLady silly holiday shenanigans!
I hope you like it, bebe! <3]
Dante watched the front door expectantly through the gap between his boots, the sprig of mistletoe taped over it. With only three days until Christmas, this had to work, and it had to work soon. Otherwise, he lost the element of surprise; mistletoe still decorating a home after Christmas just looked desperate. He expected his prey to kick open those doors any second now…
The rumble of a motor out front alerted him of her arrival, the engine cut seconds later. Heightened sense of hearing heard her boots stomp up the stairs to the front doors. Dante stood up and prepared to pounce.
The doors flew open, and Dante stepped out from behind his desk to meet Lady at the front door. Unfortunately, he miscalculated her frustration. Like a spurned cat tossed in a puddle, Lady cleared the space between the helf devil and the door, her bicolor eyes blazing. Out of range of the mistletoe. Damn it.
“Dante, what the hell is this?!” she demanded, shoving a piece of paper in his face. “Do you think this sort of thing is funny?”
Though he knew what was on the page, surprise knit his snowy brows together. “What’s wrong with it, Lady?” His lips twitched at the corners as he gazed down at his handiwork. In order to piss her off and ensure she would pay a visit to Devil May Cry, Dante had sketched a crude drawing of her with a few exaggerated features and wearing nothing but a Santa hat and taped it to her front door. At the bottom, he had written in red ink, “Have a rockin’ Christmas, Lady. Feel free to show up dressed like this next time you come to the shop. XOXO Dante.”
“What, you don’t like your Christmas card? It took me at least an hour to draw that!”
Lady snatched the drawing back from him and tore it to little bits. “Try another stunt like this and I’ll add interest to your debt, asshole.” She tossed the bits of paper in his face and stormed out of the office, leaving Dante amused but unsuccessful in his mission.
It took Lady two days to finally cool off and pick up her phone when he called. Perhaps Christmas Eve had softened her up or she realized his card was actually funny after all. He guessed it was the former, but either way, he convinced her to help him wrap some presents, claiming he wanted to “do it the right way” this year, instead of stuffing gifts into bags or folding newspaper shoddily around it. Claiming his lack of wrapping skills really had gotten old, Lady agreed to help him out.
Opting for a new strategy, Dante hung the mistletoe over the kitchen doorway. The perfect place to employ a sneak attack that she would never see coming. He had just finished taping it up when he heard her motorcycle’s engine from down the street. Moments later, Lady entered the shop balancing a stack of boxed gifts in her hands. One threatened to topple from the top, and Dante leaped across the shop to catch. 
“Show off,” Lady mumbled, dumping the packages in his arms. “You did buy wrapping paper, right?”
Dante carried her gifts over to the couch and laid them out on the coffee table. “Give me a little credit, Lady. I don’t always mess things up.” He grinned and nodded toward the multicolored tubes of paper leaning against the side of the couch. “I didn’t know what kind to get, so I just got your basic reds and greens with snowflakes and Santas. Festive shit.”
Moving back over to his desk, he started rummaging around, as if trying to locate tape and pins and anything else they needed to wrap presents. Lady peeled off her gloves and started for the couch. His moment. “Oh, hey, wait a sec. We gotta do this right.” The huntress paused, a dark brow raised in question. “There’s eggnog in the kitchen. You wanna go get us some while I get my gifts out?”
He was sure she was going to tell him to do it himself, snark him about how he has legs and if he wants eggnog, he can go get it himself. Finally, she rolled her eyes. “For future reference, I prefer hot cocoa.” 
Dante waited for the sound of clinking glasses before making a swift and silent move to station himself outside of the kitchen door, just out of view. He listened to her hum “Carol of the Bells” as she poured eggnog for both of them. Her footsteps reverberated off the linoleum, closer, closer, one more step…
He slid from his hiding place into the doorway, ready to pull his fellow devil hunter into a festive smooch...but he didn’t calculate that the element of surprise might work a little too well. Lady gasped at his sudden appearance and jolted backward. Eggnog spilled from the glasses and soaked the front of her shirt, pooling on the floor at her feet.
“Dante! Ugh!” 
She stomped back into the kitchen, Dante following close on her heels feeling like a guilty canine. “I didn’t mean to, Lady! Honest!” He grabbed up a hand towel. Ice blue eyes drifted to the stain, a smirk curling his lips as he extended the towel toward her soaked bosom.
“Give me that!” She snatched the towel out of his hand before he could make contact and angrily mopped up her front. “What the hell is wrong with you? You’re acting more like an idiot than usual!”
Dante rubbed the back of his neck, his smirk melting away. He really sucked at this surprise kiss business. He would probably have a better chance of landing a kiss if he just asked her for it at this point.
She sighed. “I’m going to have to go home and change. Throw this in the washer before it stains.”
“What? Aw, no don’t do that!” He caught the towel when she threw it to him. “I can get you one of my t-shirts and wash your shirt for you. It’s the least I can do.”
She eyed him, searching his face for anything that suggested he meant to further humiliate her. When she found only sincerity, she huffed. “Fine. Nothing red if that’s possible.” She pushed passed him and headed back out to the living room.
Without wasting any more time, Dante dashed up the stairs two at a time and dug through his drawers. Much of what he owned did fall into the category of some shade of red or another, but he managed to find a clean black v-neck t-shirt for her buried beneath the array of crimson shirts. He pushed away thoughts of Lady dressed in only his shirt and shoved the drawer closed. For once, he opted to keep his mouth shut and not suggest that to her; he had probably done enough damage for one holiday.
He headed back down to the main floor and found Lady waiting at the foot of the stairs, arms crossed and a disgruntled expression on her face. He extended the shirt to her and managed a small smile. “It was a tough search, but I think I found you something suitable.”
Lady took the shirt and turned it over in her hands with a thoughtful hum. “It’ll do.”
With a nod, Dante turned to head to the couch and actually wrap gifts like he promised Lady. At least she didn’t have her pistol on her in that moment. He would likely be walking swiss cheese if she did. Maybe next year he would be more successful. He could start rigging up some sort of mechanism where the mistletoe followed her around, meaning she was always underneath it when she was at the shop.
“Hey, Dante.”
He turned around only for Lady to tug him down by the collar of his shirt. Her soft lips meshed with his. He slid his arm low around her waist, coaxing her body flush against his and deepening the kiss. He relished the warmth of her and the naturally sweet taste of her lips. All too soon, she pulled away, releasing his collar and taking a step back. Her cheeks were tinted a rosy pink, but she wore a shit eating grin on her lips.
“If you wanted a kiss so bad,” she jerked her thumb back toward the mistletoe dangling over the kitchen door. “All you had to do was ask.”
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mazzelloiii · 4 years
Cheesy Christmas songs - TGIC gift for @fallingprincess
hi @fallingprincess, i’m your secret santa for the fantastic Thank God It’s Christmas event organized by @dtfrogertaylor ❤️ i hope you have a great day filled with many many amazing things!!!!!!!!!!!
this is your gift, a lil Ben x reader fic i wrote. hope you like it!
title: Cheesy Christmas songs
pairing: Ben Hardy x reader (but the whole borhap squad is in it)
warnings: none, really. (i just wanted to say that english is not my first language, so if there are spelling mistakes or wrong structures or whatever, just let me know)
words count: 2.2k
summary: Since you moved to England, your life has been nothing but work. With Christmas just around the corner, you find yourself hating everything holiday-related because you don’t have anyone to share the magic of Christmas with. Or do you?
Christmas was all around you. Decorations were hanging everywhere you went, people overcrowded the streets with their hands full of bags, still shopping for presents, and you could hear All I want for Christmas is you or Baby it’s could outside in every shop, café, even in your workplace and in your apartment, coming from your neighbours’ place.
It was a downright nightmare.
You hated it, and so you had been in a bad mood since the beginning of December.
To be fair, it wasn’t that you hated Christmas per se.
Actually, you loved it when you had the chance to spend it with your family and go all out, hanging mistletoe everywhere in your house and putting a massive tree up in your living room, drinking hot chocolate and blasting Michael Bublé’s entire discography at all hours of the day. Yes, you were just like all those Christmas-crazed people in the streets you had almost yelled at.
But this year… everything had changed. You had moved to another country, and that meant that you didn’t get to see your family during the holidays, and that already put you in a bad mood. Add to that the fact that even though it was the holidays you were going to work most days, because you needed as much money as possible to pay your rent, and that you hadn’t met more than a couple people since moving, and it all explained why you were acting like the Grinch.
You couldn’t help it, really. You wished you could spend the holidays being carefree and light-hearted, but it was all so much… you felt overwhelmed.
Having responsibilities really sucks, you thought while retrieving your small apartment’s keys from the pocket to open the door.
In that very moment your phone started to ring.
-One moment, just one fucking moment!-you yelled, as if whoever was calling you could hear you.
It probably was an advertisement call, or your boss telling you that you had to cover someone’s shifts.
When you saw the caller ID, your eyebrows shot up in surprise.
Lucy. She was a coworker, a fun girl you really enjoyed talking to in between shifts or during breaks, but you still weren’t so close that you would dare to call her a friend. Even though the relationship you had with her was probably the closest thing to a friendship you had made since moving in that goddamn place called England.
You answered, curious as to why she was calling you. You had never talked on the phone, nor you had exchanged texts.
-y/n! Fucking finally!-she said with a laugh. You could hear other people talking in the background, as well as music. Needless to say-a Christmas song.
-Sorry, I was opening the door…-you replied, a little embarassed.
-Oh, it’s okay. Don’t worry. I was calling to invite you to the fucking-best-Christmas-Eve-party eveeeer!
She had sung the last part, and you heard whoever was with her laughing and mocking her.
-Oh yeah, she’s definitely coming after that stunt-said a deep voice, while another added:-Sorry if I tell you this, Luce, but singing is not your greatest skill.
You thought for a moment. Why was she inviting you? You weren’t even that close… and she was clearly in good company already. Was it out of pity?
-Listen, Lucy, thanks for the offer, really, I appreciate it, but I’m really tired, so I think I’ll just get in bed really early…
She interrupted you mid-speech:-Oh, stop already with that, Grumpy! Come on, you’ll have fun. My friends want to meet girls and at first I got really offended because they have me and don’t appreciate me enough, but then I thought that they would really like my amazing coworker. So just come… please?
Despite everything, you found yourself smiling.
Maybe… it wasn’t a bad idea, after all?
You had just got home from a shift, and your next one was tomorrow afternoon. You had plenty of time to stay home nursing a hangover in case things got a little too crazy at that party… for fuck’s sake, you deserved some fun.
-Yes, Lucy. I’m coming.
-Yesss! I’ll text you the address. Come as soon as you can.
Maybe your Christmas was going to be a little less shitty than you originally thought.
 You got out of the uber, trying to find balance on your heels. You had been trying to find the right outfit for what felt like forever, finally opting for a simple red dress that showed your shoulders, elegant but not too much. Then you had put on a layer of mascara and a coat of lipstick.
You didn’t want to look like you had put too much effort into it, even though it was the first social event you were attending since moving to England.
You approached Lucy’s building and quickly got in, feeling a little nervous as you found the right floor and rang the bell over the tag that said Boynton.
The door opened and you found yourself in front of a guy with blond hair and the most striking blue eyes you had ever seen. He was tall and quite muscular, but he was wearing the most obnoxious Christmas jumper you had ever seen, red and green with little Santas in different positions all over it.
-Nice jumper-you grinned.
He immediately blushed at your words.
-I’m Ben, and I don’t usually wear clothes this ugly, I swear-he said-you must be y/n.
You shook hands and you felt a shiver go through your body at the contact… who knew Lucy had such attractive friends?
When you walked through the door, you were welcomed with the smell of baked cookies and the view of Lucy sprawled across a couch with another guy, plus Ben who had just joined them.
-y/n!-Lucy yelled-come here, join us, I want you to meet everyone!
You sat with them and the guy introduced himself as Rami. He seemed quiet but fun, and he and Lucy were quite the pair, him all silent and her screaming at the top of her lungs.
-Sorry for her, when she drinks she always gets like this…-Rami explained to you with a smile.
-I didn’t drink anything! Stop saying bad things about me, you meanies-she retorted with a pout, then she hugged Rami and put her head on his chest.
Ben gave you a meaningful look and stretched you his hand to take:-Why don’t we go see what Joe and Gwil are doing, y/n?
You took his hand and he led you to the kitchen just around the corner, where two other men seemed busy with a tray of gingerbread. Ben’s hand left yours, and you had to stop yourself from reaching for it again. It had felt so warm…
-y/n, you are here! Come taste our cookies-said the shorter man of the two, who had reddish brown hair, with an American accent.
You felt kinda dizzy for a moment, realizing that in only five minutes you had had more social interactions than you had in months.
You smiled and took a cookie from the tray.
 -These things you baked… what the fuck are them?
Ben’s question caused Gwilym and Joe’s immediate indignation: the tall Welshman you had met in the kitchen flipped him off, while the other man blew him a raspberry.
You just laughed at their shenanigans.
The four of you were sitting on the living room floor, on the carpet right next to the Christmas tree, sipping hot chocolate and eating gingerbread cookies. Rami and Lucy were on the couch engulfed in each other’s arms, their eyes closed but not quite asleep yet.
-Really, were they supposed to be gingerbread men? This one I’m eating looks more like a rugby ball.
-Shut up. y/n likes them. Don’t you, y/n?
You nodded exaggeratedly at Joe’s question.
-Yes. They are perfect. Don’t listen to this one, he’s just mean-you said, gesturing to the blond man sitting right next to you.
At your words, Ben’s mouth gaped.
-Et tu, Brute?
You shrugged and showed him your tongue.
-I thought you were on my side-he pouted.
-Aw, but I am, you poor thing-you replied sarcastically, but you couldn’t help but smile at his petulant expression.
-Doesn’t seem like it.
You comforted him with a caress to his shoulder, and out of the corner of your eye you saw Gwilym and Joe exchanging a glance and smirking.
You felt your face heat up.
Was it that obvious that you were really flirting with him? But most importantly, was he flirting back?
-So, are they… a thing?-you said out of the blue pointing to Lucy and Rami, trying to divert the general attention from you and Ben.
-Not officially. They are making us suffer so much, for fuck’s sake. It’s so obvious that they are into each other, but first there’s Lucy coming to us worried that Rami doesn’t like her back, then Rami calls me and says he’s sure Lucy doesn’t like him like that. It’s like being back in middle school, Christ-Gwilym answered, his eyes rolling up to the ceiling.
-And you, y/n? Do you have someone special, a boyfriend, girlfriend?-Ben asked you nonchalantly.
-Oh, no. I moved here just a few months ago… I barely have any time to eat or sleep, left alone to find a boyfriend-you said, a little embarassed.
-And no one’s tried to make a move on you? Wow.
You didn’t know what to answer to that, so you just chuckled lightly. So he was flirting back with you.
-Ben, why don’t you show y/n the balcony? Gwil and I will go make some other cookies, since you ate all of them-Joe said, getting up and heading to the kitchen with the other man.
-Shall we go?-Ben asked you, extending you his hand.
You took a deep breath and took it, nodding.
 -Pretty, isn’t it?-Ben asked you.
You were on the small balcony of Lucy’s house, looking down at the park just across from it.
-I mean, it’s not the greatest view, but it’s really rare to find a house with a balcony in London-he added right after.
You nodded and leaned against the white wall next to you, closing your eyes and enjoying the cold air of the night against your face.
Then you let it all go.
-Tonight seems so crazy to me. I hadn’t been around people like this in so much time… I only worked and studied, and barely took care of myself. Hanging with you guys made me realize that this is all real… I really moved and my life is continuously changing every day. And I’m so fucking terrified.
He turned and looked at you, but remained silent.
-This is all such a cliché-you laughed then. The whole situation seemed absurd.
He looked startled at you.
-What is?
-Everything. Me, my life right now, you flirting with me and taking me out to show me the balcony… I thought you would use a better excuse to get me alone, to be honest.
He snorted at your words.
-This was all Joe’s doing, actually. He tries to be a good wingman, but I would do much better on my own. Is it working, by the way?
-Me flirting with you.
You felt butterflies fluttering in your stomach but tried to hide it with a snarky smirk.
-Oh… I’ll have to think about it. Try harder, maybe?
He rolled his eyes, then his face became serious and he took your hand into his gently, giving you time and space to retract it if you wanted. You didn’t.
-And about what you said… I get it. Moving away from home is scary and hard, and you are a hero for enduring it all on your own for so much time. But you don’t have to figure it all out alone. We are all ready to help you if you want. Lucy, Rami, Joe, Gwil and me, of course. I can be your friend, before we try to be anything else, if you want to.
-Wow, I… Thank you.
You were at a loss of words, and you could feel your eyes welling up with tears. Don’t cry, don’t fucking cry now, you told yourself.
You hadn’t realized how difficult it all had become to do everything on your own and not have anyone to share your daily life with, and now you were feeling all the weight you hadn’t even known was on your shoulders leaving you, and the sense of relief was amazing. You didn’t have to do it all alone. Thanks God.
Before you could say anything else you felt loud cheers coming from inside the house, and then someone put on Mariah Carey’s All I want for Christmas is you.
Ugh, cheesy Christmas songs. Maybe you could start to like them again, after all.
-Looks like it’s midnight. Merry Christmas, y/n.
You smiled at Ben. Then you did something that surprised even yourself: you got closer to him, so close that you could feel his breath on your face, and gently put your lips against his.
He immediately responded to the kiss, putting his hands on your middle.
It was quick and sweet, just a brush of lips against lips.
When you pulled away, you both had your cheeks red.
-Merry Christmas, Ben-you whispered.
Maybe your holidays weren’t going to be as bad as you originally thought.
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commoncoral · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Transformers - All Media Types, The Transformers (Cartoon Generation One) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Megatron/Optimus Prime, Bumblebee & Starscream, Jazz/Prowl Characters: Optimus Prime, Bumblebee (Transformers), Megatron (Transformers), Jazz (Transformers), Prowl (Transformers), Wheeljack (Transformers), Starscream (Transformers) Additional Tags: Mistletoe, Fluff and Humor, Attempt at Humor, Suplex, Cheesy, Christmas, Shenanigans, Megatron is Bad at Feelings, ceasefire, Christmas Party, Party Ambulance Summary:
Optimus learns a human tradition of kissing under the mistletoe and as a prime he must oblige to this rule, so he kissed Megatron suddenly as they were in the middle of fighting each other.
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xmenageriie · 5 years
🔧 — christmas shenanigans / @houseofvaricty
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Who spends hours putting up lights only to get tangled in them and storm off?
Groot. There’s no way Rocket’s going to willingly make the ship pretty. It’s too much of a hassle, and he’ll remind Groot of that. But once Groot gets fed up, Rocket will sigh, rolls his eyes and lend a hand.
Who accidentally eats a whole box of Christmas chocolates in one sitting?
Groot. He seems fond of sweets, especially as a beebee. Rocket won’t be the least bit surprised if he finds Groot covered in crumbs and holding an empty box of cookies.
Who insists on watching the cheesy hallmark Christmas movies?
Groot. He doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into, but movies are fun, right? Rocket falls asleep ten minutes in. Too much emotion, too lame.
Who insists on playing nothing but Michael Buble in the few days running up to Christmas?
Neither of them. They have no idea who that is, and — for Rocket — it’s bad enough listening to the music Quill plays without adding Buble into the mix.
Who gets their presents wrapped at the mall so the other can’t go snooping?
Neither of them. Groot probably wraps his gifts in vines and leaves and makes them all pretty, and Rocket just sort of.  .  . tosses his gift, unwrapped, at whoever it’s for. Makes it seem like he put zero effort into it, even though he thought of them in the first place.
Who insists on making snow angels?
Groot. He’ll make so many snow angels, and Rocket will only join after someone’s thrown him into the snow. But then it’ll be more of like a snow demon with all the flailing.
Who put Christmas outfits on all the pets?
Do they go to family’s or have a quiet day in?
Quiet day in. Christmas isn’t a big deal on their ship, even with a Terran on board. They don’t get too crazy. Basic decorations and acknowledging that the holiday is coming is enough.
Who insists on wearing matching ugly Christmas jumpers?
Groot, and Rocket hates it. But because Groot got it for him, he’ll begrudgingly wear it for a short while before burning it.
Who waits up until midnight to give the other their present?
Rocket. He gets nervous. Being soft and thoughtful is still hard for him, and he doesn’t want to screw it up with the wrong gift. So he’ll pace and worry before chucking the present.
Who insists on hand-made presents only one year?
Rocket and Groot both willingly go for home-made presents. Groot’s are always thoughtful and sweet as heck, and Rockets are always practical and dangerous. Always dangerous.
Who puts mistletoe on every door frame?
Groot but only because he can sprout them and Quill asked him to! He has no idea what they’re for, but they’re pretty.
Who gets too drunk at the work Christmas party and has to be picked up at 9:15pm?
Rocket! Rocket’s going to get sloshed, and poor Groot is going to have to piggy-back him to the ship.
Who gets angry and almost tells kids that Santa isn’t real?
Rocket. He’s mean and doesn’t entirely like children, and it’ll be no skin off his nose is he happens to make one of them cry. Okay, he might feel a little guilty, but he’s not going to admit it.
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