#miss villain headcanons
turtleblogatlast · 16 days
Every single member of the Hamato family is equipped with the cantrip Vicious Mockery and 80% of its use is friendly fire.
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mintaikcorpse · 2 months
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I like the drama
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paper-gold-theories · 8 months
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When even Demencia thinks you're delusional. 🤣
Miss Heed's adrenaline infused rage gave her temporary super strength and was able to overpower Demencia in a choke hold and dunk her face into a punch bowl. Demencia proceeds to kick her in the face and body slams her into a pile of cake.
Honestly if Miss Heed is coming back, I kinda wanna see crazy fight scenes of her (actually fighting), between the Villainous gang, especially where she's crazy enough to take on Demencia 😂.
(original source from teen titans)
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aimasup · 1 year
something I've noticed about Flug and love
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melonthesprigatito · 1 year
Do you ever think about how the villains must be low-key terrified of Rhyme?
Here comes another superhuman probably an alien lady out of the blue who's got similar powers to and is around the same level of strength as Word Girl and Miss Power. She can't fly, but her frost breath is practically ten times as strong as Word Girl and Miss Power's combined. And one of the first things she did when arriving in Fair City was to destroy a huge chunk of it in a grief motivated rampage after a friendship fallout. Not even Miss Power did that much property damage.
And she had witnesses. Amazing Rope Guy was among the crowd of people watching Rhyme mercilessly kicking Word Girl's ass. Pretty sure that's Dave in there too so he was probably talking about it to Lady Redundant Woman first thing during her shift the next day so that's how she found out.
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Dr Two Brains, Chuck, Tobey, The Butcher, Granny May were bound to have witnessed the aftermath of the destruction during their giant robot collaboration.
Long story short the entire Villains Society would probably be freaking the fuck out, thinking that Miss Power 2.0 had arrived.
Even long after Rhyme proves herself to be a sweet and bubbly and airheaded persona, in the back of their minds, everybody is probably thinking "This woman could kill me with zero effort."
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ultraericthered · 3 months
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"Every heart will return to the light, once all darkness is expunged!"
Time to ellaborate on this beautiful bastard! Master Narix is the overarching Big Bad of the third and final trilogy/"chronicle" in the whole KH Divergence Saga, the Hearts In Chaos Chronicle, debuting in KH4 after having been set up by the secret epilogue of KH3, then serving as the chief antagonist in The Missing Links and one of the main antagonists/final bosses in KH5. The founder and leader of the Luminous Vanguard who dissolved the Dandelion Guild and its unions ages ago, Narix and five of his followers chose to enter a state of time stasis once it became clear to them how impossible the task of eliminating all the darkness and Darklings brought into the World by Darxomnious was, so they'd await the day when Luxu fulfilled his mission and the World was cleansed of that evil, at which point the Vanguard would return to construct a new World order.
Narix has long believed that the majority of hearts are naturally weak and susceptible to darkness that begets dark powers that defile the World, and that only the strongest and purest of hearts should set the course for the World and its denizens. Envisioning a reality where darkness no longer exists, light conquers all Worlds, and he reigns supreme as the light’s oppressive guardian, Narix arrogantly looks to use blight to tear down and reconstruct Kingdom Hearts from within its innermost heart, and will eradicate all that would get in his way.
Since the character concept of Master Narix only solidified fairly recently, most of what I can say about him here are some tidbits:
Quite obviously, I designed Narix as a Contrasting Sequel Antagonist to Xehanort by nature. Xehanort was a former Keyblade Master turned darkness supremacist, Narix is a non-Keyblade wielding Master who's become a light supremacist. The quote up there is even a direct parallel/reversal of Xehanort's famous line "Every light must fade, every heart return to DARKNESS!" And it really ought to be stressed how equally dangerous a light supremacist out to erradicate darkness from the World would be, as not only is, in a wise king's truthful words "the World made up of light and darkness, you can't have one without the other 'cause darkness is half of everything" so the removal of darkness would bring only imbalance and instability, but as has been established before, approaching the task of fighting darkness in a violent, hate-filled, stubborn and self-obsessed way only further feeds the darkness and begets more of it, which Narix is actually smart enough to know since he exploits that with the "blight" power and think it a worthy means so long as the ends he aims for can justify them. He's like Master Eraqus’ moral absolutism and ideals of light supremacy taken to the furthest extremes possible.
"Now wait a minute!" I hear some of you asking "You said back in this post about the Star Wars sequel trilogy "Apparently a whole lot of folks just think having this one guy serve as the overarching main antagonist, direct or indirect, for two trilogies and then having a completely different guy from right out of nowhere with no link or connection to the previous guy nor anything from the last six installments step up as the main antagonist for the third and final trilogy is perfectly fine storytelling so long as the second guy comes off sufficiently Big and Bad enough or whatever.", but how is what you're pushing with Narix any different?"
There are three major differences. 1. Yes, KH Divergence reimagines the whole Kingdom Hearts saga for 25 years as a trilogy of trilogies, and yes all of those trilogies are intertwined to connect with each other in some way, but they are not CONNECTED in the same way Nomura likes to do; while they share the same universe, cosmology, history, themes, and basic common elements across them all, each chronicle is still more or less its own complete story than can stand on its own even if you did not experience the other ones, with even the handling of continuity being kept as newcomer-friendly as possible in the way most game series' are. 2. Narix keeps with the running theme of "darkness begets more darkness". Darkness in the hearts of people begat Darxomnious, who begat darkness in Luxu, whose actions led to circumstances that begat darkness in Narix, whose actions led to circumstances that begat darkness in Xehanort, whose actions begat darkness in Vanitss and Maleficent and Braig and Ansem the Wise and many other villains, essentially putting the whole series as it began in motion, and so in the series' present day narrative the arc with Xehanort begets the arc with Darxomnious which begets the arc with Narix. It's cyclical by design. And 3. Xehanort still factors into the last trilogy as the one who created Evanessé. When you get down to it, Xehanort was THE chief antagonist of the first trilogy - the KH Trinity, or the Door To Light Chronicle - and of KH0.1 (BBS) but was just part of the Big Bad Ensemble in the second trilogy (playing second banana to Maleficent and Darxomnious in the second and third games of it), and a posthumous Greater Scope Villain behind one of the antagonists in the final trilogy. So you can't say he ever stopped mattering here.
Narix's name is derived from a double meaning. Like the other Lost Masters names, it's a play on one of the seven deadly sins (Avali = avarice/Greed, Fura = fury/Wrath, Gorgeyo = gorge/Gluttony, Jelus = jealousy/Envy, Ecaed = acedia/Sloth, Luxu = Lust); as Narix's sin is Pride, his name refers to Narcissism. The NAR in his name, with how it's pronounced like that, is also pulled from the word "Lunar", as in the moon, like Kingdom Hearts itself. Additionally, it felt right to put the "X" letter at the end of his name. Xehanort had it as his name's first letter (as did Xemnas), both Darxomnious and Luxu had it somewhere in the center of their names, Narix has it at the very end.
His hair being brown is also a deliberate choice. Sora was a brunette hero whose nemesis was silver haired. Now we have Ephemer as a silver haired hero whose nemesis is brunette. It's poetry, it rhymes! And the weird styling of it where it goes up into double pointed ends is meant to call to mind rabbit ears. Yes, rabbit ears. It's another reference to the whole "lunar" connection: the fabled Moon Rabbit.
Design-wise, Narix is meant to invoke vintage Final Fantasy villains, primarily the evil Emperor Mateus from Final Fantasy II. This would also work coming off of Xehanort, who was either a straight-up Disney Villain (Master Xehanort in KH0.1/BBS), a Disneyfied Final Fantasy Villain (Terra-Xehanort/Ansem), the Disneyfied Final Fantasy Villain so re-Final Fantasified that he becomes fittingly an in-between "neither Disney nor FF villain" KH Villain (Xemnas), or a crappy Shonen villain from a crappy Shonen manga/anime (Master Xehanort in every game since BBS in Nomura's KH Canon).
Speaking of, Narix's motivation should ring familiar. He wants to clean the universal slate so that darkness is no more, the World is pure and bright with the light of Kingdom Hearts always shining over it, and he remains bound to Kingdom Hearts' inner heart in order to forever safeguard that light and reign over all who have hearts in an oppressive way, "to stop the weak from polluting the World with their endless darkness - to dictate their destinies." Yeah, THIS is the sort of antagonist such self-righteous and fascistic motives actually works with as opposed to shoehorning them onto an established immoral researcher who has historically fancied the darkness. Xehanort started out believing he could "tear down a tyranny of light". Narix wishes to instill a tyranny of light. And the way he seeks to do so is truly insane: he wishes to dismantle and reassemble Kingdom Hearts itself from within its inner heart (to clarify, Kingdom Hearts' "outer heart" is what birthed the World. It's "inner heart" is what birthed every other World and keeps it tied to this KH multiverse) so as to eliminate all darkness across the multiverse, all costs be damned. In doing so he ironically creates an evil force called “blight”, light that’s been perverted to the point where it works in tandem with darkness.
Whatever else can be said about him, Narix is definitely a man of strong ideals and convictions. And one prominent ideal of his is his absolute abhoring of Keyblades. The events of Waning Way, learning more about the Keyblade War, and what occured with Luxu all served to make him swear off the weapon, believing such a weapon to not be fit for human hands. He passed this belief down to his followers in the Vanguard as they cracked down on Keyblade Mastery. The reason the Guardian Keybladers in KH0.1 is such a small and secretive order? Yeah, this would be the reason.
(And seeing how out of hand Keyblades got it Nomura's canon, I can honestly kind of sympathize!)
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Now, don't confuse Narix for a Frollo or Emperor Belos type of evil, bigoted, hypocritical religious fudamentalist villain who have openly unpleasant personalities that we can all recognize as being evil beneath the superficial charisma - Narix is a very convincingly affable, charming, parental and seemingly noble individual, which makes it all the scarier to see his more pompous, self-obsessed, and even cruel side come out, especially the more he dabbles in blight and darkens his heart and soul. Narix can also be quite humorous and snarky, not in "lol weird and random" way like the Master of Masters, nor even like Xigbar, but in a more "Ardyn Izunia" way.
For Narix's English voice, I had to think of a VA, namely one who's a big name in anime and video games, who was a super veteran in the industry for years now and would be officially middle-aged by the end of the 2010s yet has a voice that retains this youthful quality to it, capable of performing the smoothy, silky, mellifluous voiceover that the character would need. Who could that be none other than the one and only Johnny Yong Bosch. A sampling of how he'd sound:
The nature of Narix's main power, "blight", is quite insidious: the Masters and lower mages of the Vanguard use their staves to steal light from other people's hearts and transfer it into the veins of creatures of darkness, creating this power where the darkness and light intermingling with each other causes one another to go totally out of whack. It effects the new "Demi-Deterged" Heartless so that rather than be attracted to the darkness of people’s hearts with the instict to prey upon those hearts, they seek out darkness and attack it in violent ways that prove dangerous to the hearts they come into contact with and destructive to the very fabric of the World itself.
While the full stories and scenarios for the Hearts In Chaos Chronicle entires are incredibly hazy to me overall right now, one of the things I can see very vividly is the Final Boss stage for KH5. Basically, the final world brings us back to...well, The Final World, right to Kingdom Hearts' doorstep, at which point a fucking enlarged, Demi-Deterged Chernabog starts tearing up the place and becomes the Climax Boss. And then comes the Final Boss, which is, I shit you not, essentially the one famous Kamina line from Gurren Lagann - "the Drill that will pierce the heavens!" An enormous tower-like contraption that is trying to drill its way into Kingdom Hearts to reach the inner heart, and three competing factions for light, darkness, and nothingness are all trying to make it work in their favor. Stage 1 of the fight pits Ephemer and friends against all the strongest "miniboss" tier enemies in the game all at once. Once that's cleared, Stage 2 is against Neodarkness and his powers of darkness. Clearing that gets you to Stage 3 against Evanessé and his powers of Nil. Clearing this advances you to the penultimate stage where of course it's Narix who's the last one standing. The final phase is triggered when the blight at last becomes too much for the unhinged Narix, filling his heart with darkness, becoming darkness itself! Defeating Dark Narix finally brings the whole thing down, freeing Kingdom Hearts and keeping the multiverse still in order. A completely broken Narix still insists on the rightness of his cause and how he could've improved all Worlds, at which point Maleficent enters the scene to zap him with her newly restored dark magic, obliterating his heart and physically transforming him into a basic Darkling who fades to the Dark Realm.
.....Hold on, I feel like I might've heard this story from Disney before.
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A character model for Master Narix, and a close-up of his face.
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Mecha Max Would Have Her Own Cambot Called The Max-Cam
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I can imagine her cam would be purple and look very bunny themed.
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infinitelilith · 6 months
I have decided that the Missing Link Astral Plane girl is going to be a twist villain and none of you can stop me
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ghost-the-writer · 2 years
You can’t convince me that twice wasn’t having full on therapy sessions with the nomus
Prolly say shit like:
Twice: you know it’s hard, it feels like at any moment I could just split in half, I wanna be about to feel whole again.
Nomu: *indiscreet screeching*
Twice: yeah it’s like there’s 4 different versions of me sharing a body, it’s choatic
Nomu: *ironic screeching*
Twice: you are such a good listener
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need….more shigaraki x latinx! reader content.…
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~ LaVeyan Tomura with Theistic Satanist S/O ~
Au, and self inserted obv because I'm Theistic Satanist myself
Ngl I can picture him being atheistic satanist, like being atheist, but sexier and more iconic mmm yes ugh 🤭😩
Genre: headcanon writing, crack, fluff mostly, suggestive in end
Warnings: last genre I mentioned, my opinions and views, if you can't stand them go away or I'll spray you with satanic water
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YOU HAVE TO HEAR ME OUT OKAY? I feel like he wouldn't like abrahamic religions, he hates being controlled, told what to do, what's right and what's wrong. He despises hero society, so it wouldn't be surprising if he despised Abrahamic God when it's same like with the heroes, they view them both like complete good that do nothing wrong, they're innocent in the eyes of brainwashed people and he's sick of it, he doesn't want that.
He knew about satanism before and how misunderstood it is, he used to be in none religious path, although he was always curious about satanism and was willing to learn new stuff about it. He found LaVeyan Satanism to fit him the most and joined it, he likes how it teaches people to take their own responsibilities for their lives, actions and behaviour, and how they're the one who decides and shapes their own destiny, not some god, how they embrace freedom, he doesn't believe much in supernatural beings, but is down to learning about some of them if they're interesting to him, he's curious about paranomal and likes watching videos about them sometimes, he's not sure about what comes after death, but finds different theories about it fascinating, he enjoys some deep late night talks. Almost same goes for magic and witchcraft, he doesn't believe much in it and doesn't understand it but he's curious about it, maybe he might try it, magic always fascinated him since he was a kid anyway.
Even though he's atheistic and LaVeyan, he disagrees with Anton LaVey's views on theistic/spiritual satnism who says it doesn't exist and isn't part of satanism. He thinks Satanism is all about personal path and beliefs, it's not same for everyone. He basically doesn't give a shit, as long as it's not harmful, do what you want and he approves.
When I came into his life and after we got close he found out I'm Theistic Satanist he wasn't judgemental or mad, nor surprised, he was rather all curious, excited and slightly teasing. Even though he knew I didn't and wouldn't do something like that he would mess around and say stuff like "are you sacrifing people to Satan?", "Were you drinking blood while I was asleep last night?" just to annoy me a little on purpose and mess around, because he knew I heard shit this at least few times before from dumb people.
Loves to listen to my random informations about deities I worship and about my beliefs, he finds it wholesome how passionate I am about it and sometimes insane how much I know about them because when I find something interesting, I dig in so deep there's almost no returning, he sometimes wonders how the fuck do I get such detailed informations, I can write whole book with all of them how much I have them. He wasn't surprised when I told him I have whole account for Theistic Satanism and plan to make my own website to educate people who just want to understand it, and newbies into it. He enjoys helping me edit photos for for posts, finds my way of posting satisfying and brain scratching, he's a bit sick of those same Baphomet and goatheads background photos everyone else uses for post about Theistic Satanism, so he likes something new and different.
Finds it absolutely hilarious how I deal with hate comments, he's glad I don't take shit seriously and mess with their heads instead, he even joins me when he's in mood to drive someone insane, though some of my replies are jaw dropping and how unfiltered they can be. When I'm busy and someone attacks my post he defends me in comment section like a lawyer then slams his desk from frustration when everything disappears because I blocked the person during argument between them and their comments disappeared, still laughs because they got cutted off before they could say anything else.
Sometimes he calls me spawn of satan.
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He loves watching people go insane over my pfp and get so offended over one picture because the original didn't even looked the closest to Jesus when you think about it.
When he found out I like stuff that is seen as disgusting and sick by most people he started spoiling me with them. I like animal bones and skulls and Satan likes them too? He orders them on internet and even saves some chicken bones he had after KFC or lunch, he learned how to clean them just for me, he finds bones cool anyway so he doesn't mind. I like shark teeth? He orders them, he wasn't expecting me to make him necklace out of them too as a thank you. I like dead bugs framed and in jar? He started collecting dead moths around his room. I love big hairy and ugly spiders? He got me wholeass tarantula pet. I like snake skin? He gets some and so be it. He even got me books of prayers, rituals to Satan and some goetia books when he found out I like learning about demons too.
He used to find it a bit weird, but then cute how devoted I am to Satan and how I see him as a dad figure, when he learned more about him from me, even though he doesn't believe in supernatural beings much he places some tiny offerings and gifts for him on my shrine/altar for Satan that he feels like he'd like them. I found that out by finding some random dragon toy on altar.
He shat himself a little when satan's candle's flame went tall and bouncy quickly after he placed something on altar, but he chilled out when I told him he didn't mind and actually liked it. After seeing that he was questioning his views on supernatural, specially after thing or two got knocked out off satan's shrine out of nowhere while window is closed, it looked like someone smacked it to get attention but they're invisible, sometimes he finds it funny, a bit creepy but still funny.
He got a little heart attack when he entered my room once and saw me for first time in black robe with hood on sitting by altar in dark, but bursted in laughter. He sometimes teases me for it but now less since I told him I wear it when working with demon/god who prefers black to be worn and something formal/extra. He even got himself one to match with me, he likes wearing it randomly around house to scare the shit out of me, usually he stays in the hallway or follows me around quietly then just waits until I realize someone's behind, sometimes he gets impatient and just grabs me.
Likes hearing out prayers and poems I wrote on my own and also helps me make them sound better if he has any good ideas.
One time when he was gaming he smelled the fire and thought shit was burning in house, he jumped from his seat in slight concern then saw me in room just burning a paper with some sigil...he was just standing there in disbleif before waving it off getting back to his business.
Sometimes takes photos of me when I stare at candle so long and moon, he finds it hilarious because I look like some kid that found new toy. He often looses me in store when we go in it together and always finds me where candles, plants, herbs/seasonings are, but also glassy stuff such as vases, jars, cups and plates. He finds it a bit annoying how easily I get distracted but also adorable that he can't get mad at me and yell at me for it. Secretly gets stuff I touched in store to surprise me later. He loves how I'm so fascinated with such simple things.
He likes to poke me sometimes and annoy me during my meditations but knows when is too much and when to stop. He couldn't stay with me in same room when I meditate because he would laugh out loud, I look like dead Victorian man just laying/sitting there, he had to leave. Sometimes he tries things I'm doing, found meditation awkward until he found out there's dark type of mediation music, I shared some with him, he loved them and felt so relaxed, he uses it when he can't sleep, it knocks him off easily and calms him down.
Collects feathers he finds outside, flowers, pretty rocks and shiny things for me. He dries the flowers before giving me them because I prefer them like that. He gets in return casted spells for him, handmade necklaces and bracelets. I infected him with my obsession with scented candles, he started getting them too and giving me jars/containers they were in after they melt out completely because he knows I make candles too. I make some for him too, he likes how they look on top, they have some herbs and crystal chips, sometimes glitter. AND ALSO INCENSE, one of his favourites are sandalwood.
Goes on nature walks with me, he likes them, we're always on places where nobody is, the only thing that could be heard are wind, birds and leafs cracking when you step on then. We sit on bench together and lean on eachother while watching clouds in the sky and butterflies flying around, we don't mind silence between us, it's not awkward but more comforting and peaceful. All fun and good until a wasp shows up, I jump and run around from fear. He's just laughing and watching in satisfaction and entertainment until one flies at him as well, he starts running away with me.
He asks me often about witchcraft and wants to learn more about it, he was in love when he found out the truth of it and wanted to try it himself. He finds it attractive how I stand close behind him and guide him in spell casting while leaning on his neck or shoulder. Goes even more crazy from inside when I hold him for waist or hip and talking close to his ear, he gets goosebumps and slight shivers. Sometimes he gets distracted and just looks at me and my mouth while I'm explaining him stuff, it only gets us both distracted, he gets all breathy and hungry then witchcraft lessons become a makeout session instead, he just pins me down on floor with his weight and presses his mouth on mine, or it becomes a "cowboy" game if it gets too heated..💀
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liliallowed · 5 months
Can we share headcanons cause I wanna know your opinions on mine!
I have a headcanon that just to annoy Dust the Player would probably just make fun of him. Joke about how kills people or attacks. Calls him short and flirts in derogatory ways. Pokes fun at his past loved ones and when he kills the player they claim jokingly he's a husband/wife/non-binary spouse beater. They are just the silliest little killer you've ever seen how could you ever be mad at them!
Just a smug bastard!
oh definitely.
I see them having a whole bunch of different sides.
a cruel apathetic side that LOVES the chase. they'll casually wait around on purpose to let him get more LV just to pin him down and give themselves more of a challenge. or sabotage his attempts by warning other monster or scarring them away. they mock him just to grin at his sweet sweet pretty HATEFUL GLARE.
a playful careless and reckless side that LOVES the attention and mind games he plays with them. they love getting stabbed in the back or feeling the surprise if having the rug pulled from beneath their feet when they thought they had a steady grip on their blade. they love his expressions, his reactions. SPECIALLY when he's angry. they try messing with him just to rile him up.
it was effective at first but then dust learns quickly and becomes unresponsive to their taunts or flirting.
they try to mask their weaknesses with these cruel jokes. to tell themselves and remind themselves it's just a silly little game they shouldn't take too seriously. casually joking about killing his family or... him being bad at exp farming... or...
it used to be fun... but now it just feels like they're pushing against a lie. a big lie that they don't care about this world.
they do. not the world that came before. they're attached to this hellscape purgatory of their own making. this desolate wasteland filled with monster dust feels like home.
and the third side they desperately pretend that doesn't exist...
tw: angst warning (self sabotage)
tw: potential triggers maybe
a saddened and broken sympathetic side they hide away because it'll only make things worse. sympathy is just an insult added to injury that they refuse to throw at sans. because they already know his response. of course they would. it's only natural. they would hate themselves too... they... do hate themselves! it's why it feels SO good when HE'S the one winning. they can feel a sense of relief. a sense of triumphant victory over the big bad evil human who they can project their own problems on. they wished they had his courage. his dedication. his sheer WILLPOWER to face their demons too. but no. they can't just GIVE him the win can they? no he has to struggle. he has to TAKE it from them. like the disgusting trash they are!
they don't have the RIGHT to be sorry. no they chose this and they'll STICK TO IT TILL THE END. they WANT this. right? they've always wanted this. but they feel empty. so empty. so pointless. and it always ends up in a way that the world just... forgets? if it means SCARRING the world to MAKE it remember them? so be it.
if it means they'll be a villain? SO BE IT! so much being a savior of monster kind did for them anyway.
it doesn't mean they don't care. it doesn't mean they sadistically enjoy seeing dust suffer. it gives them a sense of catharsis. they don't LIKE hurting him. but they also enjoy seeing it happen so that he can PAY IT BACK TENFOLD. they feel powerful when he takes them down. wishing that maybe their problems would just... vanish.
seeing his pained expression breaks their heart but also... makes them feel more understood somehow. makes them happy. it makes the sad. it's so bittersweet. so ironically HIM. it excites them. it makes them want to cry.
it makes their numb heart FEEL something. and they're addicted to it.
they're not a monster. just a person trapped in their obsession. someone who never had their closure and was stuck in the past. someone who would not let things go even if it meant they were also the one hurting.
but they're also quite silly and goofy. making jokes and doing the randomest unpredictable bullshit possible to throw dust off.
all in all I think they're ALL of the above to some extent. the do feel guilt and shame. they do get rage baited and extremely pissed at an unfair kill. they would scream at the screen with an angry face, and would laugh their ass off if dust gives them an unexpected reaction.
they're still them. despite everything.
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click here to see dr flug’s private only fans nudes leaked!!!!! (100% real not a virus!!!!!!)
GoldHeart and Miss Heed totally clicked the link.
I headcanon for his public image GoldHeart calls everyone (his follower, heroes, ect) "friends"
Demencia cackled for an hour before showing this to a flustered Flug.
Flug rose from the dead on social media after many years just to unblock GoldHeart (who was still writing in caps) to dm him to confirm if he clicked it, which he totally and profusely denied. Their conversation lasted for an hour which somehow lead to another conversation of GoldHeart trying to convince Flug to redeem himself which lasted for another few hours that ended with Flug blocking GoldHeart again. (So GoldHeart was able to dodge and distract Flug from the original topic and managed to keep his secret safe)
Everyone wondered who created this?
It was actually BlackHat who asked V.I.R.U.S. to create this for his own trolling amusement and entertainment in exchange for another Hero Extermination Service.
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glambots · 1 year
It's hard to explain. Hm. I meant like just in the pizzaplex as robots, I guess? But I guess it doesn't really matter since their personalities would be about the same in most AUs.
Oh, you mean like, how I interpret their personalities! Okay, okay, okay. It's a little complicated and I'm going to have to keep things as short as possible or else I'm going to write you a fucking dissertation on these two:
(I also apologize in advance for these being so dark, I have been in. An angsty as hell mood lately. What is going on.)
Sundrop: A self-loathing, try-hard, desperate, tightly wound, resentful, constantly afraid for his life, wracked with guilt, lowkey-highkey hates his job and (most of) his coworkers, "fake it till you make it" type. Lowkey-highkey despises the Glamrocks for their popularity, hates running a Daycare, would throttle almost all of his human coworkers if he had the chance. Any semblance of kindness is taken with a grain of salt, but repeated acts absolutely flip his "kind of obsessively desperate to keep you around please don't leave him" switch.
Moondrop: Genuinely believes he is a villain, because he was designed to be that way. Loves scaring people, because it's really the only way he can get anyone to acknowledge that he exists. But everything he does is just a performance. He hides behind the mask he puts on. All the world's a stage. Fear the Moon, love the Sun. It's all he knows. Anything else...he's unsure of how to handle. His instinct is to try and push you away through his usual tactics. But if you stay, just know that he'd kill for you. This is not an exaggeration.
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iidirty-pawsii · 1 year
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Some icons for Miss Heed!
Free to use so long as you don't take credit for them, providing credit where possible is highly preferred.
The flags (in order from left to right) are HPD, Pan Lesbian, Lovecoric, and ILOVEYOUgender.exe. ID below the cut.
[ID: A series of four square icons, each containing a character in front of four flags. In each of the four options, the character appears slightly different while the flags are the same in every icon. The character is a humanoid with light pink skin and bubblegum-pink hair and eyes. They are wearing a superheroine costume with a rosy heart-shaped chestpiece that exposes their stomach, a magenta heart-themed headset, glowing pink bracelets, a gold choker, a hot pink superhero mask, a hot pink skirt, and a hot pink stomach-length cape. In the first image they have their left arm bent at the elbow and up behind their head and their right shoulder is shifted up slightly towards their head. Their head is tilted to the right and they have a playful expression on their face. their pose in the second image is the same as the first, but the image has been flipped and zoomed in on. In the third image they have their right hand on their hip and their left arm bent at the elbow with their hand held near their face. They are making a 'come here' motion and have a smug expression. Their pose in the fourth image is the same as the third, but zoomed in. The four flags in the background of every icon are the same, and are, from left to right, HPD, pan lesbian, lovecoric, and I love you gender .exe. End ID]
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melonthesprigatito · 1 year
I know how most people headcanon Miss Power's planet to be some sort of military conquering dystopia where only the strong survive and the weak perish in order to explain why she's like That™ but…. What if she's just a freak by their standards?
Sure, maybe all of the people from Miss Power's planet feed off emotions, but who says they can only feed off NEGATIVE emotions? For all we know, Miss Power's planet could be this My Little Pony/ Care Bears-esque sugary sweet society where the power of love and friendship reigns supreme and Miss Power was like "Nah, fuck that" and left to find a new home. Maybe people think she's just a weirdo by choosing to feed off of suffering. Maybe she's just a cringe fail member of her species.
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