nadiezda · 7 months
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Mi ilustración para la exposición “El Mictlán” en la que participé
El mictlán es el inframundo en la mitología Mexica y Nahua.
Al Mictlán sólo iban aquellos que morían de muerte natural, sin distinción de rango ni riquezas, o de enfermedades que no tenían un carácter sagrado. Para los mexicas, el muerto debería de atravesar nueve regiones.
Las regiones del inframundo formaban la travesía dentro del submundo con obstáculos específicos que expresan niveles de putrefacción y tormentos tanatomórficos que padecen los muertos en su regresión orgánica después de 4 años, y ya cuando los muertos alcanzaban lograr atravesar los infiernos, si es que lo lograban, estos podrían liberar su alma, logrando así el descanso ante la presencia de Mictlantecuhtli y Mictecacíhuatl, el señor y la señora de la muerte, los regidores del inframundo.
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teejaystumbles · 4 months
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I, uh, drew my OC for a change. I'm sorry Mic, I promise to come back to you guys eventually 😶‍🌫️
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mirkokosmos · 9 months
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by Mirko Lalit Egger
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thegoldenshi-shi · 8 months
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"My name is Death, and the end is here"
Mictlantecuhtli and my OC Meztli.
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oldschoolfrp · 1 year
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Mictlantecuhtli, Greater God of Death, usually appears in the form of a lich who can summon and control large numbers of undead.  He can be summoned only by a ritual that requires the sacrifice of 50 of his own followers.  (Jeff Dee, from the Central American Mythos in AD&D Deities & Demigods, TSR, 1980)
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The story of the 5 suns.
To celebrate indigenous peoples day, I wrote my own version of the 5 suns story. With my own alterations to try and fit both fate and my own lore. I do hope you guys enjoy it
Many years ago, the four great gods of Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca, Xipe Totec, and Huitzilopochtli had wanted to create a world and people to inhabit this world. At first there was just water, and the horrid beast that lived in the water: Cipatli. Cipatli devoured anything and everything that entered the waters. So the gods discussed how to be rid of this beast.
"We must kill this beast!" Huitz demanded. The youngest of the siblings was very impatient, and demanded a solution fast. Though didn't seem to have any solution himself.
"They are a powerful beast, how do kill them?" Xipe Totec questioned.
"If we can get them into a vulnerable state, we could all attack them." Quetz, the smartest among them, suggested.
"Let us use some bait to tempt the beast. It thinks of nothing but eating, so a nice tempting meal should work fine." Tezca insisted on his siblings.
Xipe was hesitant at the idea. "What would be a good enough bait for the monster?" He questioned.
"Why not use your leg, Tezcatlipoca? The beast seems to especially love devouring gods, so you yourself should work fine. It is your idea after all." Quetzalcoatl suggested.
"Fine! I shall do so myself." The smoking god decided.
Tezcatlipoca floated himself above the near endless seas that Cipatli made their home, sticking his leg into the waters. The crocodilian monster raced towards the god, ready to devour him. Just as Cipatli leaped towards Tezca, he leaped away, but it had seemed that he was just too slow. Cipatli managed to bite off his leg.
"AAAAH!" The obsidian god yelled out in pain.
Just as Cipatli jumped out into the air to bite Tezca's leg, the other 3 leaped into action. All ganging up on the beast, tearing it apart and killing them.
Tezca gave himself an obsidian prosthetic leg to replace the one he lost. And then, the gods got started on reworking the monster's body into a landmass for the people.
Once the land was complete, the gods decided that they needed a sun to shine in the sky.
"I should be the sun." Tezcatlipoca boasted. "I'm the highest of us gods. No one is more worthy then me."
Huitzilopochtli felt enraged at his brother's boast. Mostly cause he saw himself as the highest.
Quetz was annoyed by her brother's boasts, but also thought the logistics weren't great. "We serve a very important role, brother. Should we not allow another god outside of us four? I think maybe Coyolxauhqui could work."
"No, I insist! I shall be a great sun!" And before any of the other gods could protest, Tezca flew up into the sky and took the form of a black sun.
The sun didn't shine as brightly as the gods had originally expected. The serpent goddess could add disappointment to the feelings she felt about her brother's actions.
"Brother, you're shining pretty dimly up there. Maybe you're not that cut out for it?" She suspected.
"I'm not dim at all! Maybe your eyes need to be checked?" He taunted.
Some of the other gods, who were originally off in other parts of the new world, observed the new Sun.
"Oh there's a nice new light in the sky. Tho, wish we could see more of the earth." Commented Huixtocihuatl, goddess of salt.
"You be quiet you!" Tezca demanded.
While Tezca fulfilled his duty as the sun, Quetz went onto making the humans that'd inhabit this world. The first go around, the people were very large. They didn't seem very intelligent either, but Quetz loved them regardless. The other gods didn't argue with her, tho did wish they were more intelligent.
After a very long time, the gods and people grew accustomed to the dim sun. But Quetz was still annoyed by her brother. After many years of him boasting, she grew tired and decided to act.
"Ok brother, I have had enough of you and your boasting Bull crap!" She yelled. Rising into the sky with her powerful wings, Quetzalcoatl raised up her Macuahuitl, and spiked her brother down onto the earth below!
"Why you piece of shit!" Tezca yelled out. In retaliation, he turned into a huge mighty jaguar and devoured all of the giant humans Quetz created. In shock and horror, Quetz attacked Tezca in response.
Eventually many other gods had to separate the two from their fighting. After this, Quetz took up the role of the sun. The other gods decided to create new humans. These humans were smaller than the originals, and seemed smarter too.
As the sun, Quetzalcoatl shined much brighter then Tezcatlipoca. The humans and gods seemed to appreciate this. Tho Tezca wasn't exactly a fan of this.
Over time, the humans seemed less appreciative of the gods. They slowly stopped praising them, stopped praying and stopped building temples. Many of the gods didn't appreciate this.
"Why have the humans stopped praising us?!" Questioned Huitzilopochtli. "how could they be so ungrateful!?"
"Maybe we aren't as cut out at human making as Quetzalcoatl was?" questioned the water god, Tlaloc.
"Maybe them being smaller is the problem?" The god Xochipilli thought.
Eventually, the humans even stopped being so intelligent. Running almost entirely on base instincts, acting the same as animals.
"I have had enough of these pathetic humans!" Tezca yelled out. "I shall give them a form fitting their actions."
Then the god turned all the humans into monkeys. Seeing this, Quetzalcoatl was outraged! In retaliation, she whipped up a powerful wind storm, destroying most everything on the surface of the earth. Blowing away almost all of the monkeys. Leaving only those who hid in caves or the like.
Quetzalcoatl had stopped being the new Sun, instead continuing her duty of being the one to create humanity.
The gods reconvened in Teotihuacan to decide who'd be a better sun.
"I think our duties are for too important to let them go to be the sun." Stated Xipe Totec. "We should have a god outside of us 4 fulfill the duty."
"Who would be able to do such a thing?" Questioned, Tezca.
"I think I know a very good candidate for such a duty." Huitz said confidently, as he raised himself up. "My good friend Tlaloc would be more than worthy of fulfilling such a duty."
"Maybe he would be a good fit?" Considered Quetzalcoatl. "We have other rain gods to help fill the void he'd leave while as sun."
"Tlaloc you say? His wife is very beautiful, but demanding. Are we sure this would not upset her?" Tezca commented.
"She shall be fine!" Huitz insisted. "Beside, I shall help make time for them to meet up on occasion."
And so the other gods agreed, albeit somewhat reluctantly, to have Tlaloc be the next sun. The rain god was honored, and more then ready to attempt to fulfill the duty.
As he was doing so, Quetzalcoatl went about to make new humans again. They were the same size as the previous ones, but already felt more appreciative of the gods then their predecessors.
While Tlaloc was busy with his duty as the sun, Tezcatlipoca saw an opportunity. He went to the now more lonely Xochiquetzal.
Xochi was surprised to see the dark god in her chambers. "Oh, Tezcatlipoca! What brings you here?" She asked.
"Well, I knew that since your husband was busy with his sun god duties, I figured you might be lonely without him around." Tezca explained to her.
Xochi then got a somewhat downtrodden look on her face. "You are correct. However it isn't just his sun duties that make me feel lonely." She expressed.
Tezca raised his eyebrow in curiosity. "Oh? What else could be troubling you?" He asked.
"Even before this, I have seen him talking so closely to my sister Chalchiuhtlicue. I don't know what they speak of, but sometimes he seems to forget about me when this happens. I feel he doesn't have the same love for me anymore." She explains.
"Oh?! How a fool like Tlaloc be so blind as to ignore such a beautiful wife?" He asks, while getting closer to Xochiquetzal. "He has hurt you so much, hasn't he?"
Xochiquetzal nodded her head.
"Would you like to hurt him back? I can help you." Tezca tells her.
The two then started to get intimate.
After some time, Tezca brought out Xochi into the open, in plain view of Tlaloc and the other gods. "Hey Tlaloc! Watch this!" He yelled out.
As Tlaloc and the other gods watched on, Tezcatlipoca and Xochiquetzal kissed passionately in front of everyone.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Tlaloc yelled out.
Huitz, was also enraged. "BROTHER! You cannot take away his love like that! I command you stop this immediately!"
"I shall listen to no command from you, little brother!" Tezca responded back.
The new pair then ran off to continue their acts out of sight.
Now in a depressive state, Tlaloc had stopped the rain altogether. The earth started to dry up thanks to this.
With the plants, animals and people struggling to survive thanks to this, the gods struggled to think of a solution.
"I am going to rip his heart out of his chest myself!" Quetz yelled out about Tezca.
"That's not going to help the current situation, sister." Xipe stated.
Quetzalcoatl also held the youngest of siblings, Tlazolteotl, with her. When not creating and watching over humanity, she also helped care for the young goddess.
"You do not do that with someone's wife!" Huitz yelled. "He deserves retribution!" He demanded.
"We can consider that another time. This drought is a much bigger problem." Xipe tried to tell his siblings.
In the meantime, many humans would beg for Tlaloc to bring about rain. Most were persistent that with time he'd return the rain. However some had lost faith, and turned to other ways to help. One village decided to sacrifice one of their own to the underworld lord, Mictlantecuhtli. This female sacrifice would give her life to protect her family, and would eventually go on to become the lady of the dead, Mictecacihuatl.
Unfortunately, the begging from the majority of humans would grate on Tlaloc. He grew tired and decided enough was enough.
"Oh, you demand rain so much?! Fine! Then you shall have it!" He said, before bringing forth a rain of fire to destroy the land, and its people.
In the midst of this, he did not see Quetzalcoatl coming in, enraged at his actions. Just like with Tezca, she spiked him out of the sky and onto the scorched earth below with her Macuahuitl.
"I have had enough of the humans constantly begging for rain. This is what they get." Tlaloc said back.
All this got him in return was a threatening look from Quetzalcoatl. But before she could continue any attacks, the other 3 great gods came in.
"It is clear we need a different sun god." Xipe Totec stated. "You made a good effort, but we shall be trying with someone else instead."
Tlaloc then decided to return to his realm of Tlalocan and forget about this. But before he could, Tezcatlipoca still had something to say.
"Before you leave. You should know, Xochiquetzal birthed your child. At least I assumed she's yours. It is far too early to be mine." He stated.
Surprised at this, Tlaloc went off to get the child. He may have lost the marriage with Xochiquetzal, but he refused to lose his child too. The child was the goddess of drought, fittingly, and was named Atlacoya.
In the scorched remains of the earth, Quetzalcoatl found the body of a burnt bird-like animal. She felt horrible for the creature, and taking pity on it, used her blood to bring it to life. This would turn the animal into the wind deity, Ehecatl.
Meanwhile, in Tezca's realm of Mictlampa, a lone human found himself in the God's presence after death. The human had cursed the sun in his last moments. Tezca had found respect in this, especially since he still harbored Ill will towards Tlaloc in regards to Xochiquetzal. So in gratitude, he had made the human into his second, Tepeyollotl.
After the dust was settled, the water goddess Chalchiuhtlicue, Tlaloc's new wife, took the role of the sun next.
The goddess took to caring for the humans, giving them all the water they needed.
While Chalchiuhtlicue excelled at being the new Sun, Quetzalcoatl decided humanity was in need of a new food source. She had discovered an ant carrying a corn kernel, and so disguised herself as another ant to follow behind. Then Quetz eventually discovered a mountain of food, mostly maize.
"Oh so much food! I should take these back to the humans. They could use this food.
As time went on with the humans being so appreciative to Chalchiuhtlicue, Tezca started to become suspicious of her.
"Chalchiuhtlicue" Tezca called out.
The water goddess was suspicious of him, knowing what he had done to her husband. "What do you want?" She asked.
"Why do you spoil the humans so much? What did they do to earn this?" He questioned.
"There was no earning." Chal stated. "I just appreciate them and their prases. Humans like being treated well."
"Oh? Could it be that you're only doing this to take all their attention for yourself!?" He accused her.
Chalchiuhtlicue was so very hurt by this accusation. "H-how dare you!?" She yelled. Before crying an endless amount of tears. Flooding the earth, and ending humanity once more.
Quetzalcoatl had grown more and more impatient with her brother, Tezcatlipoca. "I HAVE HAD ENOUGH, BROTHER! I will have no more of this!"
"Enough you say? Ha! You're too soft, birdie! Growing so attached to these humans. It only clouds your mind." Tezca said to her.
Quetzalcoatl, growing impatient, attacks him. Breaking off his prosthetic and attacking him with it. "No more! I will not allow you to end humanity anymore! Be gone to your Mictlampa! We do not need you to create the next world." She yelled.
"Fine, I'll leave. But I shall return, and you'll regret this." He stated.
Most of the gods went about trying to pick a new Sun. But Quetz, growing tired of making humans over and over, decided to do some recycling.
She went to the gates to Xibalba, and was greeted by her twin, Xolotl.
"Sister!" Xolotl exclaimed excitedly. "It's great to see you!" She said, hugging Quetz.
"It's great to see you too, Xolotl." Quetz responded in kind.
"What brings you here?" Xolotl asked.
"Well, I wish I could say it was just to visit, but I need to get in there." Quetz told her twin.
"Oh?" Xolotl said, cocking her head like a dog's. "Whatever for?"
"Our brother Tezca has caused the end of another earth, and I grow tired of making humans from scratch. So I have decided to just bring the bones of humans back from Xibalba to speed it up." She explains.
"Ooooh. I don't think that's a great idea" Xolotl says in response.
"Well that's where you come in!" Quetz says. "I need you to help me in, and to distract the lords of Xibalba so I can get the bones and get out." Quetz explained to her sister.
"Oh! That should work then!" Xolotl says.
Meanwhile, as this was happening. Coyolxauhqui saw that this time most of the gods were more preoccupied then others and saw this as an opportunity. "Too long have you angered us, mother." Coyo says to herself. "Why does he get so much of your love?! And we get almost nothing?!"
Her sister, Malinalxochitl grew worried. "Coyo, it is not wise to just attack mother. You know Huitzilopochtli will retaliate in kind."
"I DO NOT CARE!" Coyo yelled out. "He is just a spoiled brat! He is not the all powerful being he claims himself to be, I shall destroy both him and mother!"
Back in Xibalba, Xolotl was successfully distracting Mictlantecuhtli and Mictecacihuatl. Giving Quetz the chance to steal the bones.
As she picked up the bones, a small figure revealed herself to Quetz. "Oh! You must be the princess." Quetz said, addressing the young goddess.
The princess of Xibalba, Nexoxcho, stood in front of Quetzalcoatl. She was still young and so was also still very small.
"Young lady. If you could just go back and return to your chambers, that'd be apprec-"
"MOTHER! FATHER! THE BONES ARE BEING STOLEN!" The princess screamed out to her parents.
Quetz could only make an annoyed face in response to this.
She and Xolotl found themselves in front of the queen and king of Xibalba.
The skeletal figure of Mictlantecuhtli was very annoyed by this development. "What is the meaning of this?!"
"I need to recreate humans again, and I have grown tired of creating them from scratch, so I decided to recycle some bones." Quetz answered honestly.
The queen whispered in her husband's ear. He seemed to roll his eyes in response to what she said, but still agreed. "Ok, we shall give you the bones. But only if you play our shell, while dancing in a circle 3 times." The king said.
"Y'know, weird things like this are part of why the hero twins killed your predecessors, Mictlantecuhtli." Xolotl said.
"Silence! I am attempting to be reasonable." He explained.
Meanwhile, back in the heavens, the primordial goddess Coatlicue found herself besieged by one of her daughters.
"So this is the thanks I get for raising you?" She states.
"Raising us?!" Coyo yells in frustration. "That's what you call neglecting us, and giving all your favor to that brat?!"
"Enough sister!" Malinal pleaded. "She is not worth the anger."
"No! I shall have the blood that's owed to me" Coyolxauhqui stated
And in an instant, a slash went through Coatlicue's neck. Her head had fallen to the ground.
"Yes!" Coyo yelled in response.
But before she could Celebrate, two enormous snake heads emerge from the stump. "YOU FOOLISH GIRL!" The heads yelled in unison.
Before long, Coyo found herself sliced in pieces. The plasma hot flames of Xiuhcoatl slicing her flesh like butter.
"Sister!" Malinal said in horror.
Huitz was then seen floating the pieces of his elder sister. "What an ungrateful sister. To dare to cut off mother's hea-"
But before he could finish, the pieces of Coyolxauhqui found themselves floating back up together. "What is this?!" He yells out in anger.
"I AM NOT DONE WITH YOU YET!" The floating head of Coyolxauhqui screams.
Back in the underworld, Quetzalcoatl found the shell that Mictlantecuhtli gave her lacked holes. So to remedy this, she dug deep into the ground and grabbed earthworms to drill holes into it. She then called upon bees to make the sound.
When the King and Queen saw she managed to complete the task, she was sent on her way with the bones. But the princess still wanted to pay 1 more trick.
"Dont think you're getting away without one more 'gift' serpent" Nexo said.
Having her mother's attendants dig a pit ahead of Quetz, and placing a Quail at the edge. Quetz tripped and fell into the pit. Causing the bones to snap in the fall.
"Oh no!" Quetz said!
"Wait! Maybe we can still save them." Xolotl said.
They had gathered them back up and then spilling blood upon them, new humans were born.
Meanwhile, in Teotihuacan, Xipe Totec had two gods ready to try and become the sun. They were to throw themselves into a great pyre. However before they could start, Huitzilopochtli, being chased behind by Coyolxauhqui both fell into the pyres.
"What is happening?!" Xipe yelled.
"BROTHER! GIVE ME YOUR HEAD!" Coyolxauhqui said, now burning with ashy flames.
The eagle and jaguar for the ceremony, not realizing what went wrong, lifted both gods into the sky. There, they became the sun and moon. With their constant movement fueled by the chase for vengeance Coyolxauhqui desired.
And that is how the world was created.
Hope you guys liked that story! I don't do this stuff often, but it's still very fun. Lemme know if you want anymore myth retelling.
Tags for friends!
@hasbbdoneanythingwrong @hathor-liderc @lastofthemessengers @hasspartacusdoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong @300iqprower @agnerd-bot @pastellepastary @sofiaebby @the-belial
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dragongirl028 · 11 months
Take To the Skies
Holy shit! My first fanfic on Tumblr!? And it’s Onyx Equinox related!? You bet it is, and YOU BET IT IS!!! (Heh, heh ... bet? Get it!?)
Word count: 1521 (😨)
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“I love you, Izel.  It’s okay.  Be br—”
Before she could finish her words of reassurance, a warm feeling instantly emanated from her throat and quickly flowed down her chest as a profuse stream of blood ran down from where the obsidian knife slashed across her neck.  No pain, no haunting gurgling; just darkness and an almost complete silence, were it not for the light breeze blowing west and the steady drops of blood pooling between her feet.  Seconds ago, she was standing; as the supportive hand of the priest drew away, Nelli’s body fell backwards, and her descent down the cenote began.  Her headdress, with its elegant streams of quetzal feathers dancing wildly as she fell, soon came off of her head entirely just before her body made contact with the groundwater in a loud splash echoing throughout the sinkhole.  From a fast-paced descent to a slow, cradling slump, Nelli’s body unhurriedly lowers towards the large, glowing gate to the Underworld hidden deep within the cenote’s waters.
A bright flash of white shines as Nelli’s body crosses the gate.  Seconds later, she finds herself seemingly alive, standing on the edge of a dense jungle.  Ahead of her is a small, yet foreboding range of limestone mountains, the sun’s rays shining behind them just as they were as the star ascended in the mere final minutes Nelli had in Uxmal.  The ground ahead of her is reminiscent of xeric shrubland, occasionally dotted with palo verde trees colored with their typical yellow-orange flowers.  She looks down upon herself—the elaborate sacrificial attire no longer drenched in her own blood; her feet, hands, collarbone, and parts of her face still painted in bright Mayan blue; her headdress firmly in place atop her head.
“What is going—”
A gust of wind blows behind her.  Nelli braces herself momentarily, closing her eyes before they snap open at the sound of a loud roar coming from above.  She can only stand in awe as her eyes widen upon seeing an enormous teal and red serpentine-like creature weave though the sky, its flowing scarlet mane of fur-like feathers trailing along its back as the creature flies to the peak of the tallest mountain centered among the range.  One thing comes after another, and a large flock of macaws emerge from the jungle and fly above Nelli, calling as they too, fly towards the mountain range, some scattering to different peaks, while others make a beeline towards the centermost peak.  The wind settles slightly, and after a momentary pause to collect what she just witnessed, Nelli finds herself staring at the most prominent peak of the mountain range, entranced.  Wordlessly, she finds herself walking towards the peak, almost as if something is drawing her in.  As she moves, an occasional rattlesnake either retreats into its burrow, or silently gazes as she walks by.  Passing by a tree every once in a while, butterflies flit around the flowers, some coming close to her face, to which she smiles warmly.  Eventually, she finds herself at the base of the mountain, and a smooth, almost frequently treaded path weaves its way up the peak.  Wordlessly, she begins her ascent.  Nelli takes her time climbing, and despite the growing elevation, she doesn’t find herself needing to catch her breath or take a momentary pause.
Many hours pass, but eventually, Nelli reaches the summit.  She gazes at the horizon from which her journey began, the jungle’s green expanse contrasting with the somewhat drab shrubland sandwiched between it and the mountain range.
“Well … I’m glad to see you’ve finally arrived.”
At this, Nelli turns around and widens her eyes.  Sitting upon a marble throne—painted in a range of red and green paints, armrests stylized as feathered serpent heads, and a top adorned in intricately carved marble quetzal feathers—is Quetzalcoatl.  Appearing in his King Form, he resembles a youth with white hair and yellow eyes, wearing an ornate headdress and red beak mask.  Yellow face paint runs vertically down his face surrounding his eyes, a bisected conch shell hangs against his chest, and his shoulders are covered by a green serpent, whose body trails down the god’s back into a train of dark green feathers.  Resting on his left hand is a macaw casually preening itself, which the god lightly moves to one of the trees bordering his throne, raising his hand high enough for the tropical bird to reach.
“I must say, you look elegant.  Then again, a noble and willing sacrifice such as yourself deserves especially ornate attire.”
“Quetzalcoatl!” Nelli exclaims before quickly but respectfully bowing on her knees.  The god chuckles slightly.
“Now, now … no need to be so formal.  You can stand.”
Nelli hesitates for a moment before slowly rising back to her feet.
“You chose me?” Nelli inquires.
“Are you surprised?  Why, I figured your attire would give you as much of a hint.  Your willingness to sacrifice yourself in place of your brother was an incredibly noble act.  Not just any god could take such a willing sacrifice.”
“But you’re opposed to human sacrifice.  Why would you want me?”
At this, Quetzalcoatl pauses momentarily, staring intently at Nelli.
“… Because I need your assistance to help me save humanity.”
Nelli’s eyes widen slightly and her mouth drops open a bit.
“… What?”
“I’m sure you heard about what happened at Dani Baán.”
Quetzalcoatl pauses for a moment and chuckles slightly.
“Well, of course you did.  Otherwise, why would you have been sacrificed, besides taking the place of your brother?  Anyway, Mictlantechutli shamelessly began a holy war by abducting Dani Baán due to the ongoing blood drought; though, I know this isn’t the only reason for the destruction of the city.  In due time, I shall tell you what I know.”
Nelli furrows her brow slightly, but continues listening intently.
“Tezcatlipoca believes the constant wars and infighting taking place among humanity have spilled wasted blood which could otherwise feed us gods.  He intends on starting the world anew at the equinox.  I believe your kind is worth preserving.  So, I have chosen your brother to close the five gates of the Underworld.”
“Izel?  But he’s never fought anyone, let alone traveled great distances without me.  How is he even supposed to find the gates to the Underworld!?  And even if he does find them, can he even do this—close five gates and save humanity—on his own!?”
“Oh, he’ll have help, I assure you.  Nobody can do this alone, not even a god.  I have bigger plans for him besides closing the gates, which I will also divulge to you in due time.  However, I can’t keep watching over my champion, lest I catch Tezcatlipoca’s attention.  This is where you come in:  I need you to follow Izel on his journey and report back to me whenever you can.  You can … nudge him along a few times as needed; otherwise, you must maintain a fair distance from him, and don’t intervene or interfere in any way.  Or else, Tezcatlipoca will take notice.”
Nelli looks down at the ground in front of her before speaking.
“Izel has always been rather fearful.  I don’t doubt that—even with help—he’s going to be afraid and unsure of himself.  But if you truly think he’s the one who will save humanity … and from what I’ve seen when I’ve encouraged him to persevere … I think this journey will mature him.  Whether or not he succeeds, he’ll be remembered by the gods, and perhaps our descendants, through legend.”
At this, Nelli looks up at Quetzalcoatl with a stern, yet determined expression on her face.
“I’ll help you, Quetzalcoatl.”
Underneath his mask, Quetzalcoatl smiles.
“But … how am I supposed to follow Izel and report back to you?”
“I expect you … to fly.”
At this, Quetzalcoatl rises from his throne and a gust of wind blows from behind him to the west.  Various dark green feathers from the long train behind him fly towards Nelli before spinning around, enveloping her completely.  Small rays of cyan light penetrate through the spinning mass of feathers, which distorts into a large ball floating towards Quetzalcoatl, who now has his right arm outstretched.  Finally, the mass of feathers disappears and the wind dies down, revealing a medium-sized heron with white feathers, black legs, and cyan eyes, perched on Quetzalcoatl’s arm.
“Not only will you be able to fly, but you’ll be able to travel great distances instantaneously with my power in order to reach me.  You should be proud, Nelli.” Quetzalcoatl praises while looking ahead to the now setting sun.
“Not only will you watch history be made, but you will see your humble brother ascend to eminence in more ways than one.  Now, go, follow him, take to the skies.”
At this, Nelli flaps her wings once and rises before taking off in the direction of the sun.  Quetzalcoatl lowers his arm and simply watches in silence as his emissary flies further west before disappearing in a flash of light—her duty having just begun.
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mythos-soup · 5 days
heyyyy its been a while but I have some more aztec mythology head canons regarding the four tezcatlipocas
Ooo okie letsa see
(Yes ik theres more than four but thats bc of the like depends who you ask thing)
Tezcatlipoca: the kind of guy that gets upset if you dont pick up the phone or show up like 2 seconds late for something while never answering the telephone and always showing up late, is thinking miku miku ooeeoo, waluigi on mario kart, rage quit playing knots and crosses with a computer;
Mictlantecuhtli: listens to classical music like its heavy metal and calmly listens to metal like ots classical music, idk why but i think he watches novelas, cinnamon roll, "cant rn, having a tea party with gertrude, shes telling me about her grandkids and how excited she is to see them in dia de los muertos", yoshi in mariokart, the embodiment of that "literally name one thing better than a dog" post if yk what im talking abt;
Quetzacoatl: if he got the golden ticket he would have robbed all of the chocolate in the factory and helped the oompa loompas to make a workers union, toad in mariokart, likes to laugh at conspiracy theories;
Xipe-totec: same vein as mictlantecuhtli with music stuff, great at cooking, baby peach in mariokart, victim of deez nutz jokes;
Huitzilopochtli: do not allow him on the kitchen my man cannot cook for the life of him, "be the reason why the music stops in a videogame", luigi in mariokart, is in the sun deities groupchat and only ever replies with "k." when someone tells him its his turn to be the sun;
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mythological-mayhem · 4 months
To keep up the ice cream gods thing i think Mictlantecuhtli would like lemon ice cream and Mictecacihuatl would like coffee icecream :]
Yessss that's perfect, thanks kata :)
I think that Huitzilopochtli would like chocolate ice cream, because he's such a complex guy it would be hilarious if he had such a simple flavor (also the chocolate thing again because the four Tezcatlipocas would all have chocolate components in their ice cream and you can't convince me otherwise)
I can imagine Tezca and Huitzilopochtli's conversation about it going like
"Okay but you like chocolate ice cream?"
"Like, plain chocolate? Idk man I always thought you would like some kind of insane flavor like peanut butter cookie and chili crisp or some shit."
"..." *mildly disapproving stare*
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My gods with me:
Nyx: I swear you and your boyfriend share the same sleep schedule, and I WATCH OVER BOTH OF YOU!! WHY CANT YOU BOTH HAVE A DECENT SLEEP SCHEDULE.
Sobek: drink more water, take care of your body and health.
Morrigan: Time to practice some divination. Perhaps your friend can also use a spell bottle.
Arawn: ...I'm going to pet your dog, and I'll be on my way. Also, don't forget to upkeep your wards. Go out sometime. You both need the sunlight.
Ereshkigal: Don't forget to grieve properly for those you lost. They are always there no matter what.
Kali: Stop tiptoeing and start doing Shadowwork. You can't ignore it.
Mictlantecuhtli: honor and remember your ancestors. Know your mother is beside you.
Loki: Don't forget to start some chaos while you are it. *chuckles* You've survived worse child, don't forget you're unbreakable and nothing can hold you back.
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rampurrsszn · 7 months
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Forgot his piercings but let’s just pretend he took them off
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bjdavis5 · 1 month
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Bayonetta 3 - demon masquerade part 1
Madama butterfly form
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Gomorrah form
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Phantasmaraneae form
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Wartrain gouon form
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Baal form
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Malphas form
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Labolas form
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Umbran clock tower form
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Mictlantecuhtli form
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teejaystumbles · 1 year
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my OCs demand my attention, so have these old sequel sketches to show them off! I will gladly answer questions or direct you to my webcomic Behind the Obsidian Mirror but the reading situation is a bit awful right now. I'm starting a tumblr sideblog for it but first have to redraw the prologue before it can really hit off there. You can also check out my Patreon, where I post new pages first and sketches and art that doesn't make it to the other sites because it's secret sequel stuff (like this lol)
(yes we don't need to speak of how Mictlantecuhtli looks a lot like Morpheus - he was conceived by a teenage girl fresh from reading Sandman over 20 years ago, no suprises there - the Daniel look of Metz is not intentional though)
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thejxnetwork · 5 months
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Finished my first color board. Was fun and painful :3.
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milkaloloart · 2 years
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“La ultima puerta. Nivel 9”/ “The last door. Level 9” This piece is part of my show THE WALK HOME II at @cactusgallery check it out! Link in bio #thewalkhome #cactusgallery #chicunamictlán #mictlán #mesoamerica #mitologia #azteca #mexicanart #mesoamerican #mythology #aztec #neomexicanismos #artemexicano #mictlantecuhtli #soul #journey #afterlife #underworld #ancientgods #lifeanddeath #contemporaryart #figurativeart #surrealart #latinamericanart #latinaartist #womanartist #mexicomagico #folksurrealism #dayofthedead #diademuertos https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjb4IDXjKCp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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That Special Feeling of Christmas
Maria walked into a meeting room, with Kukulkan and Ququmatz in tow.
“are you sure about this idea, mija?” Ququmatz asked Maria.
“Sure, I'm sure. I have more than enough authority as an Underworld goddess to make this happen!” She said, confidently.
“I have faith that she'll manage!” Kuku added.
Using her authority, Maria summoned a large stone gate, shaped like a skull, opening up in the middle of the room. Varying gods came out of the gate, gathering into the room.
Suddenly, Maria shifted into a somewhat horrifying appearance, fitting for an Underworld goddess. “GREETINGS MY SUBJECTS! I HAVE SUMMONED YOU FORTH FOR ONE EXPRESS PURPOSE”
All the underworld gods who had been summoned stood in attention to her. Eyes pointed straight at her, with the upmost respect.
“I HAVE SUMMONED YOU- to help me with Christmas!” Mari says, as she turned back into her more standard appearance.
All of a sudden, those summoned seemed to have lost some of the fear and respect they originally had. Now being skeptical and a lil insulting.
“SILENCE!” Shouted Ququmatz, with rageful burning eyes.
The gods stopped their prattling, and stood at attention again.
“You guys know Christmas, right?” Maria asked them.
One of the gods, Xquic, spoke up. “I've heard something about it. Is it like a celebration of winter or something?”
Mari sighed in response, “not exactly. It takes place in winter, but it doesn't celebrate winter. Uh, the history is complicated but there's various things celebrated. Family, love, peace, the winter solstice, this one pretty important Messiah figure for this one religion. That kinda stuff.
Then another god, Chamiabac, commented “Wait, what was that last-”
“Eh, that's not super relevant for us. Instead we have something else to worry about.”
Then the Camazotz of PHH questioned “and what would that be?”
“Santa Clause!” Mari said. “Here in Chaldea, every year around Christmas, one servant gets to be the Santa for the year. Their job is to deliver presents and/or spread ‘Christmas joy’ in some way shape or form. And this year, that's my duty!”
Then another god, Miccapetlacalli also had a question “So where do we come into this?”
“I need someone to help me get ready! This is a big job, and I can't just do everything. I need people to help make the gifts, help with my outfit, and inevitably there will be fighting too-”
Then someone interrupted Maria.
“Oh fighting?!” Cabrakan said. “I can definitely handle that!”
“I enjoy the enthusiasm.” Mari said.
Then the Queen of the underworld raised her hand, and had a question. “Could you give us a few examples of aspects to Christmas?”
Mari thinks for a bit. “Well I have a few things.” She picks up a present “this is a present! Starting with a box, wrapped in paper and ribbons!”
Some gods now had questions. “Oh what's in it?”
“Is it a heart?”
“Is it bones?”
Mari clarified “the point is to not know, but it could be anything!”
“Very morbid of them” Kukulkan commented.
“That's their default setting.” Ququmatz explained.
Mari then picked up a stocking. “Now this is a stocking! We hang it up on the wall, and fill it with treats!”
More gods commented
“Is that where the bones are?”
“Or maybe eyes?”
“Maybe cacao?”
“Maybe some blood?”
“Blood would ruin the sock!” Kuku corrected them.
“The cacao was closer, but only by so much.” Mari explained.
Maria then picked up a Christmas tree. “This is the tree! Covered in lights, topped with a star, and underneath is where we put the presents.”
“That star is kinda small” said Cabrakan.
“It's not a real star” Ququmatz said.
“Don't be so stupid, brother!” Zipacna scolded.
Mari tried to get them to understand. “Very rarely would some of these gifts include things like blood or hearts. Tho, since the purpose is just to make the recipients happy, it could theoretically include those things! Like for all of you!”
Suddenly the gods got excited!
“Hearts and bones?” One said.
“Sacrifices for us! What an exciting festival!” Another commented.
Suddenly Mictlantecuhtli raised himself up, and in a deep and intimidating voice said “as the feared and dark gods of the underworld, we rarely get our pick of the better offerings. Especially after those damn hero twins cursed our lands. If we were to receive such quality sacrifices and offerings, we'd be happy to assist you, Miquitzlicoatl.”
“Well that's amazing to hear.” Maria responded.
Everything seemed to be going great!
Then, after assigning the gods their duties, Mari took Kuku and Ququ somewhere else.
“Everything's looking good Mija!” Kuku said.
“Si! Looks like things will go smoothly!” Ququ said.
“It's good to see things go smoothly!” Mari said “but also I wanted to tell you guys something.”
“What is it?” Kuku asked.
“Well, Blonde Mama had been Santa before. But that was before you two came, and as such you missed out. So I wanted to help remedy that.” She said.
“What are you saying?” Ququ asked.
“While I'll still be Santa, would you two be willing to be my Reindeer?” She asked them.
Simultaneously they both said “OH!!!!”
Ququ said “Oh that'd be great!”
“We’d love to, mija!” Kuku said.
Now Mari was a Santa with not only helpers, but reindeer too! Everything had been going oh so smooth so far! But I can't help but wonder if things will stay that way.
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