#el mictlan
nadiezda · 7 months
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Mi ilustración para la exposición “El Mictlán” en la que participé
El mictlán es el inframundo en la mitología Mexica y Nahua.
Al Mictlán sólo iban aquellos que morían de muerte natural, sin distinción de rango ni riquezas, o de enfermedades que no tenían un carácter sagrado. Para los mexicas, el muerto debería de atravesar nueve regiones.
Las regiones del inframundo formaban la travesía dentro del submundo con obstáculos específicos que expresan niveles de putrefacción y tormentos tanatomórficos que padecen los muertos en su regresión orgánica después de 4 años, y ya cuando los muertos alcanzaban lograr atravesar los infiernos, si es que lo lograban, estos podrían liberar su alma, logrando así el descanso ante la presencia de Mictlantecuhtli y Mictecacíhuatl, el señor y la señora de la muerte, los regidores del inframundo.
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cadaver-moss · 2 years
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I thought this was funny (it isn’t but whatever)
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loveaetingkids · 11 months
Parallels between Maya and the Three and El Tigre
As most of fans know,Jorge Gutierrez has confirmed that all of his works take place in the same universe.So it comes to no surprise when the audience notices recurring characters or motives,and El Tigre with Maya and the Three are no exception.Thanks to design sheets mainly found by @screenshoteltigre we can see what connects these two shows.
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Let’s start with El Tigre concept art(above),which depicts a skeleton giant similar to the one Sartana summoned in the 18th episode(as it was commented by @fly-chicken under one of my posts;pic below).Although it’s not certain whenever the design is final or if they’re even the same monster,but considering that bones are mostly associated with Sartana of the Dead,it is safe to say that the creature is connected to her.Now,here’s the Maya and the Three concept art featuring a bone monster Mictlan summoned during the final battle against the main characters(mentioned by @lunaislandcitizen under one of my posts):
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Looks familiar ?
This might hit at Santana’s relation to Mictlan,since she is the daughter of Xibalba and La Muerte.
Mictlan and …Mikla?
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Here we have an antagonist that never made into El Tigre series due to it’s cancellation by Nickelodeon.Right off the bat we can notice the name similarity to the certain god of war,as well as Miklas ability to raise the “forgotten dead” with his skeleton hand,something that Mictlan did at the last fight against all kindoms.
Also,there is another concept art of Mikla where he seemingly transformed into giant serpent monster,something that Mictlan had also done:
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Now,it is very possible that Jorge Gutierrez took certain characteristics from this character and applied them to Mictlan,taking into account the time period between El Tigre and Maya and the Three.But if not,then we might have another follower of Mictlan that decided to take revenge on the reincarnations of Maya and Zatz.
That’s all for now.Feel free to write your thoughts in the comments!
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imoonblaze · 5 months
[Daughters of the scale AU] Michel (Mictlan)
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🔥Michel (mictlan's human disguise), Anayatzin, Quetzaly, iztli and AU belong to @imoonblaze (KlfunsskXD)
🔥Mictlan from Maya and the three, Jorge R. Gutierrez
Habia querido mostrar esto el año pasado, sin embargo no tenia ideas para la plantilla 😅 pero finalmente puedo darme el tiempo de hacerlo! Esto vendra en un AU que estoy creando
La historia sigue a dos semidiosas gemelas llamadas Quetzaly y Iztli, hijas nacidas de una de las escamas del dios Mictlan. Ambas jovenes viven de una vida normal en nuestros tiempos actuales, yendo a la escuela, conviviendo con amigos, divirtiendose y viviendo una vida de adolescente colo cualquier otro.
Ambas mantienen un perfil bajo para solo preocuparse por vivir su dia a dia como si fueran mortales, sin embargo, ambas no son las unicas dentro de esta vida. Tambien se encuentran Anayatzin, una bruja serpiente que es maestra en la escuela a la que asisten las gemelas y Mictlan o Michel como le piden aparentar en su forma humana, un dios que tiene que pasar como un humano y estudiante mas en la escuela para cuidar de sus hijas (a obligacion y peticion de Anayatzin).
Ademas de un AU enfocado a Mictlan y a sus hijas, tambien habra dos AUs alternos enfocados en sus hermanos Xibalba (Daughters of the feather) y El Chamuco (Daughters of the flame).
Hasta el momento solo tengo diseños conceptuales de las hijas gemelas de Xibalba y las hijas de Diablo, por ahora estan en su fase beta de diseño. Aun no tengo un sketch de los disfraces humanos de Xibalba y Diablo.
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boujeebunny8 · 2 months
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Too much snakes??
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fangirl201sworld · 1 month
Future Stories Update
Ok, since I almost finish the semester (and have three months of vacation before returning), I felt the need to update this list a little because I really need to organize my ideas and I would like to share them with you.
(What you will see below will be the possible titles of my stories, so I’m not confirming anything yet)
Para Volver a Amar (Joaqu��n and Chela’s love story)
Write Your Own Story (TBOL Role Swap AU)
Fantasmas (One-Shot (Amaite’s Origin Story))
A World Of Our Own (TBOL Spirit AU)
Miracle Gifts (MATT and Encanto Crossover (Modern AU))
Dark Decisions (El Tigre’s Revenge Story)
Again, these are just possible titles for the stories I plan to do. I don't know exactly when they will come out, but I know that this takes time to develop well.
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quewea · 2 months
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contexto: se supone que me iba a bañar y termine viendo un stream de missa resubido (lo siento pero es mi droga, me encanta ver streams de missa, tipo- no se me encanta incluso si no tengo twicht) y no se cuando pero abri paint y comence a dibujar esta vaina AJAJAJAJAJA
tengo cierto headcanon en que en los missasaurios hay diferentes tipos: unos son dinosaurios fantasmales y otros son parecidos a perros o gatos, pero generalmente criaturas relacionadas con la señora death mictlan o seres prehistoricos
AJAJAJAJ el moises si se parecia con ganas de cenarse al beni y madre de beni en este capitulo la re odie, que el vato de la bici no la bendiga pinche señora (ejejej el gatito me recuerda a mi kitty)
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tzompantli-ink · 1 year
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Camazotz el decapitador, llevando los pedernales de obsidiana en sus fauces para decapitar en la prueba al mictlan , Yacametztli o nariguera en relación al nectar de flor de maguey y polinizador nocturno, espejo de obsidiana en el pecho en referencia al señor oscuro Tezcatlipoca, Copilli adornado con pluma y ornamenta. 🔥💀🦇🐚
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senig-art · 2 years
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Un dibujito en chibi X3 y si publicándolo a esta hora :v a las casi 4 de la mañana XD, pero es el único momento en el que realmente tengo tiempo TvT
Los señores del mictlan y Catrina en su forma original, aquí se ven tiernos, pero si los hiciera un poco mas detallado, por lo menos Mictlantecuhtli se vería aterrador XD
Catrina si debe verse tiernita X3 y La señorita Mictecacihuatl, ella depende XD
Espero y les guste VwV
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kaibutsushidousha · 1 year
FGO 2023 roadmap prediction
New Year: New Year campaign featuring Kotomine Kirei, the main villain of Fate/stay Night and Fate/Zero.
January: Nahui Mictlan part 2 featuring Anubis, the current main villain of Fate/Requiem.
February: Valentine's event featuring Francesca Prelati, the main villain of Fate/strange Fake.
March: White's Day event featuring Michael Roa Valdamjong, the main villain of Tsukihime.
April: Kara no Kyoukai Main Interlude featuring Araya Souren, the main villain of Kara no Kyoukai.
May: Adventures collab featuring Bai Ruolong, the most marketable villain of The Adventures of Lord El-Melloi II.
June: Gudaguda event featuring Maxwell's Demon, the main villain of Fate/type Redline.
July: Anniversary campaign featuring Sodom's Beast, the main villain of Fate/Grand Order Arcade.
August: Summer event featuring Bazett Fraga McRemitz, technically the villain of Fate/Hollow Ataraxia.
September: That Luluhawa sequel BB has been promising for years featuring Twice H. Peaceman, the main villain of Fate/EXTRA and Fate/EXTRA Last Encore.
October: Halloween (aka Witch's Night) event featuring Kuonji Alice, the expected final boss of Mahoutsukai no Yoru.
November: Fuyuki 2 featuring U-Olga Marie Animusphere, the main villain of Fate/Grand Order.
December: Christmas event featuring Amakusa Shirou, the main villain of Fate/Apocrypha.
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vortex-vipers · 1 year
I dunno if this has been noticed. In Book of Life, while the Sanchez family are on their way to see La Muerte in her castle, "Bolom Chon" plays.
The same song plays after Maya loses her brothers to Lord Mictlan. I just think it's just another cool detail Jorge Gutierrez included in the El Tigre/Book of Life/Maya and the Three universe.
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lubay-nue · 11 months
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Happy Birthday Mictlan!
Hice este dibujo desde el mes pasado xD ho si, no hice nada para mi cumpleaños pero para la bendición hasta me esforcé xD
Quedo hermoso 💙💙💙
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historiasdeldivan · 1 year
El frío llegó para recordarme que ya vas a venir a verme.
Te he esperado el año entero y ahora los días pasan serenos.
Tu ya comenzaste tu caminata, yo ya empecé a preparar todo.
Que no falte tu mole, tu dulce de camote, que no falten tus tamales, tu atole.
Que no falte tu jarro de pulque, que no falte tu veladora, que no falte tu chocolate.
Y el cempasuchil que tanto te gustaba ahora se convirtió en tu perfume, y viene la brisa a embriagarme con el y sabe a ti y a nosotros.
Que no falte nada en tu altar, aunque aqui a mi lado faltas tú. Falta tu sonrisa al despertar, falta tu consejo sabio, falta tu manera de hacer mejor mi día. Falta tu voz, falta tu valentía, faltan tus ganas de comerte al mundo, falta todo, faltas tú.
Pero los dioses saben de mi agonía y en un gesto compasivo abren las puertas del Mictlan unos días, y te veo venir. Majestuos@, pulcr@, elegante, con tu brillo de mil soles. Y te sientas conmigo junto al altar, y susurras suavecito nuestra canción favorita junto al papel picado que se pone a bailar.
Ya vienes, y yo acá te espero siempre 🧡🏵️🧡
Texto: @metztlicitlalli
#octubre #noviembre #diademuertos #nomellores #cultura #mexicanroots #mexicovive
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milkaloloart · 2 years
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“El cortejo del Sol”/ “The sun’s courtship” This piece is part of my show THE WALK HOME II at @cactusgallery Check it out! Link in bio For more info on this show please contact [email protected] #thewalkhome #cactusgallery #cortejo #sol #sun #courtship #warrior #death #trascender #tonatiuhichan #tonatiuh #afterlife #mitología #mexica #mesoamerica #mesoamerican #mythology #aztec #milkalolo #latinamericanart #artemexicano #mexicanart #neomexicanismos #ancientgods #contemporaryart #mictlan #underworld #soul #journey #goldleaf https://www.instagram.com/p/CiBbavmu98K/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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imoonblaze · 11 months
[El Tigre - Maya and the three OC) Quetzaly
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🌷Quetzaly belong to @imoonblaze
🌷El Tigre and Maya and the three belong to Jorge R. Gutierrez
My new OC of both the El Tigre series and Maya and all three.
🌟Name: Quetzali
🌷Nickname: N/A
🌟Age: 16 years old
🌷Sex: Female
🌟Sexuality: Asexual/biromantic
🌷Specialty: Dancing, singing, crafts, drawing, dealing with plants.
🌟 Species: Semi-goddess / angel
🌷Height: 162cm
🌟Weight: 54kg
🌷Abilities: Alter the space around her, summon vines and flowers, sonic voice, turn her hair clips into her weapons, turn the tattoos on her back into wings to fly and take the form of a snake.
🌟Likes: cats, snakes, dancing, listening to relaxing music, simple and comfortable clothes, being in her comfort zone, chocolate, reading, making friends, making crafts (paper cutouts, stone bracelets or recycled materials, etc.), drawing, using handmade accessories, green, pink and gold colors, flowers, animation or cartoon movies, the rustic style, the smell of lavender and pine wood (these smells relax her).
🌷Dislikes: loud noises, yelling, places with too many people, physical contact for too long, clothing that can irritate her skin (she has a wheezing), getting into fights, invading her personal space, being yelled in her ear (it hurts her), horror movies, spicy food, dogs (she can't stand their barking, although she doesn't exactly hate them).
"After Lord Mictlan was defeated by the princess of the teak and the other kingdoms that fought alongside her...before he died, a part of him fell to earth as a golden flake...from that flake, he gave birth to a young angel who wandered the mortal world until our times..."
🌷About her🌷
A demigod and angel with autism, who lives her life as an ordinary person, she loves to dance and dance so much while she enjoys being in her own world. Due to her autism, she is sensitive to sound, so she should always wear headphones that can isolate noise so as not to hurt her ears and not feel tense.
When she wants to distract herself, she always seeks to draw something that comes to mind or write a new song about it....on other occasions she simply decides to read a favorite book or a new one, others to watch movies, mostly animated or cartoon, that can relax her (she is terrified of horror movies, besides she can't stand the screams of the characters).
The best thing that she is given besides writing songs and drawing, is dancing and singing, they would be like the main most polished talents of hers.
As for combat...she has weapons, but she doesn't like to get into fights and conflicts due to the problem she has with her hearing, so she only uses them in self-defense while avoiding a confrontation and looking for a solution to get out of the problem unscathed.
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boujeebunny8 · 2 months
Genuine Question:
What are your guys’s thoughts on this ship?
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I mean, his only good trait was actually loving her. (Kinda)
They’re definitely not like Xibalba and La Muerte. Nor El Chamuco and La Noche (I mean, at least I don’t think)
I remember seeing this other au where Lord Mictlan wasn’t such an ass and Maya lived down there.
I personally have no interest in shipping them. Even in the beginning lol.
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