#michael cliffford
Falling From Grace- Part 2: Deleted Scenes
Calum, Ashton, Luke, and Michael have a prophecy to fulfill. They might not have always been Calum, Ashton, Luke, and Michael but they have always been brothers in the fight. Mythology!sos. Each guy is a God reincarnated from various mythologies. 
See the full story. 
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No one has my permission to repost this fic, including translations. All rights reserved. Copyright © be-ready-when-i-say-go.
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He’s known the museum sitting there for years now. He’s just never step foot into it. Felt way too close to home knowing that statues of people he actually knows sit about. But Ashton walts in this time. It could be fun he figures. It’s not like anyone knows him, knows his connection. So with his hair tied back for the moment, Ashton pays admission and starts about the exhibits. Most of the place is way too pristine. The white walls look more like a hospital and it feels like one too but much less sorrowful. He keeps his hands tucked into the pocket of his pants, restricting the yearning to touch some of the frames. 
He misses the frill, the extravagant gold accents on his usual robes. The frames are the closet he’s going to get right now. Ashton follows the line down before rounding the corner and finding him at the door of another exhibit. Busts line the walls and he grins to himself. He recognizes these faces, knows them all too well, even if they are in white marble. Some are chipped, the wear and tear of time never being the most merciful force in the universe. 
Ashton poses in front of the first statue, mimicking the facial expression. He sends the photo to the group chat. This guy was a dick. Or is a dick, still, I guess is more correct. He moves down to the second bust, pulling a face similar to the one sculpted. Less of a dick, he types, grinning to himself. He takes a photo with the last bust, furrowing his brows, and pulling down the corner of his lips. Less of a dick than the first two. Guy’s still not my favorite. 
A couple of minutes later his phone buzzes. Michael’s replied, I’m saving these for evidence. You’ve been warned. 
They hate me anyway, so good luck with that.
Damn it. Why do all the Greek Gods hate each other so fucking much?
Because we do. It’s our Brand™. 
Alright Meme Lord. 
Ashton chuckles, pocketing his phone. As he walks through the rest of the museum he ponders what else to do with the photos? Should they just sit forever in the groupchat? What’s the real harm in posting them? He doesn’t have to put a caption. If he’s going to live in this life then he’s going to live it to its fullest. 
As Ashton settles back onto the cushions of his house, he hovers over the post button. He’s had the pictures sitting for ages in the post. Nothing’s going to happen to him. The Gods aren’t going to smite him, for all their seriousness, humor is not lost on them. Just post it, he thinks to himself. It is not the end of the world. He’s all acquainted with how that goes. His thumb twitches, the posts loads before the screen changes. There, staring back up at him, is his own face next to faces he’s always seen in the flesh. 
Maybe it’s a bad idea. Panic starts to hits his chest. His phone buzzes. It’s Calum. I know you, mate. Saw the photos. They’re funny. Don’t worry. Ashton starts to draft his response, tell them how he needs to delete the photos before another messages comes in. If you delete them, it’s more suspicious. Leave them be. We are human right now. What’s the point of having this humanity and not using it.
Calum is right. Ashton exhales, deleting all the panicked message and replacing it with a simple, Thanks. 
Michael finds himself as the next one in a museum. This time not as accidental as Ashton’s trip. He decided to go out for the day, see some sights, to get away. They need a break. Recording and writing, more writing, more recording. He just wants to shut his brain off for a moment, just enjoy his time while it’s still mostly his. As he’s walking through the exhibits, awestruck by the use of colors and the line work that’s still incorporated into the final details of the piece, he jokingly poses in front of some pieces. He’s only doing it for the jokes, the giggle behind the camera. 
But at the conclusion of his journey through art, he realizes that some of those poses were pretty spot on. He posts the set of recreations with the caption, Immerse yourself. Become art. He wants to add more. You are art. Everyone is art. Everything is art. There’s an art in just existing, in just breathing when everything feels like it’s telling you not to breathe, to not exist. However he figures it best to stay positive, to keep it light and funny. He’s becoming art and that reminds him, even in all the struggle of making this album he still has a duty to himself. 
So he leaves it at just that. Become art. Becoming is the best part of existence. He can become anyone. He can become anything, even if in some ways he is still restricted by another’s diction. He will always becoming something in this human form. He hopes he never stops becoming either, even in the old age when bones are more brittle. 
__ Everyone’s buzzing about Marvel. It’s always somewhere in the corners of the internet the correct way to watch the movies. Calum’s never been one to delve head first into this. But Michael enjoys it and rather than tune out his friend’s interest, he suspends all he knows and finds the action scenes and the comradery admirable. Even if people are robots made out of blue scraps, and someone’s a purple giant, and there’s two green people. But only one’s technically the alien and the other deems himself an abomination.
It’s not very amusing when the interviewer jokes about potentially spoiling the movie. Calum can tell Michael’s a little on edge. So he jokes, “Is Spiderman in it?”
“Yeah, I haven’t even watched the trailer because I don’t wanna spoil it,” Michael replies, looking down at the slight furrowed brow of the brown man slouched, picking at his nails. 
“Is Spiderman in it?” Ashton echoes. 
Calum speaks up again, “Is it Toby?” HIs face in deadpanned. He knows Michael will think he is serious. 
Michael for a second is shocked, voice dripping with disbelief. “What? No.” He watches the very faint smile that overtakes Calum’s face and then laughs. Of course Calum would ask that. He knows it’s not Toby but it got a chuckle out of Michael. 
Calum faces forward, staring directly into the camera, like in The Office. Not too many people will catch onto the joke, the play that just happened. But it’s fine. It’s for Michael anyway. The stab about spoilers wasn’t funny to anyone and rather than let that tension grow, Calum knew he had to break it somehow. This then spurs Ashton onto a rant about how Toby is better. 
Calum interjects, mostly at Michael, “I like Tom, but I like Toby more.”
Later on, after all the interviews are done, they settle into the dark of the theater. They laugh, they gasp, they admittedly cry. Though it only maybe only a couple of tears and no one would admit it, it’s still a shock. Calum pulls out his phone, Why is Gamora? He decides to focus on the positive, on the laughs. Though the question itself is still a very valid one. Why is anyone? Why the question purpose, and sometimes the most difficult one to ask. Why anything? Why the four of them? Why is it so humid in Singapore? The t-shirt, that Calum figured would be thin enough, does not provide much circulation. His pits feel like a swamp, the leather to the couch they’ve been sat on for the last two days takes no prisoners either. 
Calum has learned, however, that he can question why until he turns blue in the face? He could analyze every interaction, every word in existence and it would still only lead him to more questions. He doesn’t let that stop him from question some things but he tries not to question too many things. There is some, while it is scary, serenity in knowing that one does not have all the answers. He is allowed to question Why is Gamora and it is nothing more than a funny piece of dialogue from a widely accepted heart wrenching movie and it will provide answers of its own accord, at its own pace. All he simply must do is walk into a dark theater. 
“So we can see, Calum out there has had a long day,” Luke starts, shirtless, watching out onto the balcony where Calum, “on the treacherous waters.”
“He was fishing for Tilapia,” Ashton interjects. 
“Catch Calum on the newest season of Deadliest Catch,” Luke concludes. He doesn’t find himself to be the funniest guy, but every so often he likes to get in a joke. 
Ashton opens the door, “You okay, buddy?” Calum’s earnest glance back makes all three men laugh on camera, including a small chuckle from Andy, who’s behind the camera. It makes Luke happy, that just for a moment, they aren’t too serious. Even though this is work, steaming his voice before a show, and he’s currently unsure of what he’s going to wear tonight, there is some play. 
Later on, after the adventure in Cream Soda, venturing down the dark streets, Luke pulls Michael to the back of the group for an ‘interview’. It quickly goes down south. They continue on down the street. The saying all work and no play makes Jack dull is right. So they make sure to have fun, even if it’s in the backseat of the car, shakily hitting a falsetto about Shake Shack. It reminds them all, but Luke especially to try and shake the bad times off. 
The whole year creating the album broke, and maybe in some ways, created chains and burdens. Expectations is the worst thing they’ve ever faced. They’re always expected to restore balance to the cosmos. That is an old cross they bear. But it is strange now to be so far into the limelight, to be told that they are expected to work almost endlessly day in and day out without allowing themselves the truth of the situation. They grow tired. They grow weary. 
They sing in falsetto though. They make sure to have these small moments to be strange and to be weird to remind themselves they are bound to humanness. They are not exempt from doubt even with the expectation to be superheros in the eye of the music world, even though they know normally they are able in deity form do miracles things, that are incredibly human right now. And it’s okay to have this tender moments. They’ve earned them. 
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5sospicturesque · 5 years
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Clearing out my camera roll 7165/?
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thecurlsofgod · 5 years
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these spot the difference games are getting harder and harder
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im-robins-bitch · 5 years
Penis plate | m.c
You and Michael paint plates before he goes away on tour and yours looks a little...off.
“That looks like a penis” Michael laughed, pointing at your poor attempt at art. 
“It’s supposed to be a group of vegetables!” You giggled, trying to fix it, but somehow making it worse with every stroke of the brush. “I am not eating off of that!” Michael Snickers.
“That’s not fair!” You cried, looking at his plate, which was decorated with soft flowers curling around the edges. “We’re supposed to be painting each other plates” You pouted, looking back at your debacle of a plate.
“That was before you drew a penis on mine!” 
“They’re vegetables!” You grumbled, “I was trying to be cute and remind you to eat your veg!”
“That's what you get for trying to make me eat greens.” He smiled, looking down at the plate he had painted for you, he knew about how bad your art skills after you had attempted to spruce up an old cupboard. “Done,” He smiled, holding the plate out for you to see, making sure you kept your paintbrush far away. 
“It’s really pretty.” You said, your voice almost breaking as you remember why you were painting these plates in the first place. So you’d still have a bit of each other when you were eating, you knew Michael was doing this mainly for you because once he went you would have no one to eat dinner with apart from the tv. “How about mine?” You questioned with a grin, holding up the plate with your hands, leaving a couple of orange fingerprints on the brim. 
“Beautiful!” He declared! “Just as beautiful as you!” 
“So I’m as beautiful as a penis plate?” You said, not getting a reply as Michael had already pulled your face to his for a kiss. Smiling as he felt your paint-covered fingers cup at the sides of his face. 
When you pulled away you couldn’t help but smile at his cheeks covered in your orange paint marks. “love you” You whispered. kissing the tip of his nose. 
“Love you too.” He croaked, kissing your nose before giving it a light bite. “Everything about you, even though I’m gonna be eating my dinner of a penis.” 
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dirtycliffoblurbs · 7 years
1.0 Friend, Please
Alissa’s POV
As we finish off the last of the Chinese food I notice how tired I actually am. “Guys what time is it?” I say yawning.
“About eight.” Calum answers.
“Can I go to bed.” I ask wearly.
“You could've whenever you wanted.” Luke says laughing tiredly.
“Well okay I’m exhausted.” I say making my way to the beds. I grab a pair of pjs and my toothbrush. I slip into the bathroom and put the pjs on and brush my teeth. I take a look at myself in the mirror and notice the makeup still on my skin. Fucking hell. I walk out into the small hallway, but before I can reach the bunk full of bags, Michael runs into me.
“Sorry.” He apologizes.
“It’s fine.” I say looking away from him. As we stand awkwardly I huff out an annoyed breath. “So are you going to move or,” I trail off.
“I’m waiting for you to move out of the way of my bunk.” Michael says pointing at the top bunk behind me. I look over my shoulder to see a name tag that reads Michael. Looking at the bottom bunk I notice my name.
“Oh sorry.” I say brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. “I’m trying to get to the bag bunk.” I say pointing behind him. I notice Michael cracks a smile at my statement. “What.” I say irritated.
“Just we call it the Junk bunk, bag bunk just sounds funny.” He says try to conceal his shit eating grin.
“Well one of us needs to move so, move.” I say impatiently.
“Why don’t you?” He asks snarkly.
“Seriously Michael I’m too tired to deal with your shit at the moment just move.” I say trying to push him to the side. The second my hand makes contact with his skin he stiffens. “Oh my fucking god, seriously this isn’t funny Michael.” I glare pushing him as hard I can. Michael doesn’t even flinch.
“I’m sorry.” Michael says in the most serious tone I have ever heard him speak. He then quickly slides out of my way and waits patiently for me to grab my things. His head is hung low inspecting his socks intently. I quickly grab my face wash and makeup wipes.
“Uhm I need to get back into the bathroom.” I say softly.
“Sorry okay.” Michael responds not looking at me, he moves out of the way of the bathroom door. However not looking where he was going, he runs into the sliding door. He stumbles back holding his forehead.
“Are you okay?” I ask concerned.
“I’m fine.” He says grimacing and clutching his head.
“Look at me.” I say sternly. Michael just keeps his head low. “Michael.” I say warning. He slowly looks up but doesn’t remove his hand from his head. “Let me see.” I say looking him at him in the eye. He slowly removes his hand over the already forming bruise. I walk closer to him reaching out to examine it. Michael winces as my fingertips brush against the freshly formed cut. “Sorry.” I say retreating my hand back to my side. “It looks like you’ll probably have a bruise tomorrow and you are bleeding a bit. You should clean the wound and then put some ice on it and take an ibuprofen.” I say looking him in the eye he stares right back at me calmly.
“Thank’s Ali-Alissa.” He stutters out.
“Do you want any help?” I ask still slightly concerned.
“It’s okay Ashton is really good with first aid stuff.” Michael says averting his eyes from my own.
“Are you sure?” I ask.
“Yeah I’m really clumsy so the boys are used to having to help with my frequent minor injuries.” He says laughing. He then winces from the pain of the bump on his head.
“Okay if you’re sure.” I say unsure.
“It’s okay.” He reassures me. I hesitantly nod my head and turn to walk into the bathroom.  Closing the door behind me I watch as Michael makes his way towards the front of the bus. I quickly remove all my makeup, and wash my face with cleanser, and then quickly smack on some moisturizer on my face. I then wash my hands off. Walking out of the bathroom I walk towards the front of the bus to tell the boys goodnight.
“Ow ashton that hurts.” I hear Michael groan.
“Well if you sit still it wouldn’t hurt so much.” Ashton says irritatedly.
“But it hurts. What do you expect, me to just be like oh this feels so fucking awesome?” Michael says annoyed. As I approach the two boys Michael looks back down and doesn’t speak.
“May I?” I say to Ashton.
“Go ahead he won’t listen to me.” Ashton huffs standing up and giving me his seat. I sit down next to Michael. He doesn’t look up at me.
“Michael,” I say softly. His eyes look up to me shyly. “May I?” I say grabbing a cotton ball and pouring some alcohol onto it. Michael slowly nods lifting his chin up slightly. I scoot closer to him so I can reach his face. “Okay this might sting a little.” I say softly. “Give me your hand.” Michael looks at me confused as he searches my eyes for any answer. I quickly reach for his palm. “Squeeze my hand as hard as you need if it hurts. But try your best to not move because it will make it hurt more.” I say sternly. Michael nods his head slowly and setting his hand in mine barely even touching it. “Okay ready.”
“Guess so.” Michael shrugs. I then reach up and swab off the dried blood surrounding the bump. He stays stiff as a brick. I then slowly move towards the cut and I can seem him wince.
“Squeeze my hand.” I say softly. He barely squeezes back. I continue to rub at the cut. He then out of nowhere squeezes my hand tightly. “You’re doing good.” I say as I rub at the worse part of his cut.
“Fucking hell.” Michael says shallowly. He squeezes my hand harder but then quickly softens his grip. “Sorry.” He says softly. I brush my thumb over the top of his hand. His shoulders slowly relax.
“Okay so now I’m going to put some neosporin on your cut. This shouldn’t sting, Okay?” I say softly.
“Okay.” Michael says still holding my hand. As I place the goop on his cut I rub it in, Michael squeezes my hand.
“What hurts?” I ask confused.
“It’s okay you were just pressing a little hard.” Michael says softening his grip on my hand.
“Do you want a band-aid?” I ask looking through the first-aid kit.
“Do I need one?” Michael asks.
“It’s up to you.” I say grabbing a band-aid.
“Okay band-aid’s fine.” Michael says in a hushed voice. I peel the wrapping off the band-aid. I then peel the two tabs off. I quickly place it on top of his cut. Pressing the two tabs on, Michael squeezes my hand again.
“Alright you’re all good.” I say looking at him.
“Uh thanks.” Michael says softly. We both sit there for a minute awkwardly looking at each other. I look down at our joined hands and notice his other hand is shaking.
“You alright?” I ask referring to his hand.
“Oh uh well I always have had shaky hands.” Michael says shakely.
“Alright.” I say then looking at our connected hands.
“What are you two, wait what have I just walked in on, I’m sorry.” Me and Michael's eyes dart to look at Luke who is walking backwards.
“No Luke this is definitely not what it looks like, as cliche as it sounds it really isn’t.” I sputter out.
“Then what’s with the hand holding?” Luke asks disbelieving. Michael releases my hand instantly.
“I was cleaning his cut and he wouldn’t stop moving so he was squeezing it so he wouldn’t move.” I defend. “You seriously think, after no communication at all for three years, I’d be okay with him just randomly holding my hand?” I ask scoffing and quickly standing up.
“Then why’d you help him?” Luke says raising a brow.
“Because he wouldn’t sit still for Ashton, and he’s too much of a pussy to not listen to me.” I say crossing my arms triumphantly.
“Whatever you need to say to let you sleep at night .” Michael says laughing. And once again the asshole is back at it again.
“You know what fuck you. I try and do one nice thing and you just turn around and become a dick.” I say huffing as I walk towards the bunks. Luke stops me, and pulls me in for a hug.
“Hey goodnight.” Luke says softly. I take a deep breath and smile.
“Night Luke.”
“The other boys are in the back if you want to tell them good night.” He says pointing his thumb over his shoulder.
“Thank you Luke.” I say as I walk toward the sliding door. As I push the door open I see Calum and Ashton sitting watching some film.
“I thought you were going to bed?” Ashton says puzzled.
“I am. I just thought I should say goodnight.”
“Oh okay.” Calum says hopping up from his seat. He quickly wraps his arms around me. “Night Alissa.” Calum says as he leans his chin on the crown of my head.
“Goodnight Calum.” I say resting my ear on his chest. Calum lets me go and I go over to Ashton who is enveloped in the film. Leaning over I give him a hug although he hugs me back he tries to watch the film over my shoulder.
“Goodnight Ashton.” I say giggling.
“Yeah night.” He says distracted by the film. I just smile and let him go.
“See you guys in the morning.” I say as I go to the hall to where the bunks are. As I go into the hallway Luke is walking towards me. “Night.” I say as I pull the curtain back from the bag bunk and grab my phone charger. Luke scoots past me saying a quick night back. As I turn towards my bunk I see a small glimmer of light coming from the bunk above me. “Night dickhead.” I say silently to myself. As I open the curtain to my bunk I notice there are three oversized pillows and black cotton sheets with a matching fuzzy comforter. Smiling  I remind myself I will need to thank whoever remembered I can’t sleep without three pillows. I quickly climb into the bed and plug my phone into the outlet in the middle of the bunk on the wall farthest from the curtain. I then quickly set an alarm for nine in the morning. I set my phone down next to me and cuddle one of the three pillows. Slowly I drift off to sleep.
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goldenlukelit · 7 years
Santa Monica// Calum Hood Imagine
‘You know I love you” Calum breaks the content silence between the both of you. You’re currently driving to Santa Monica “mmh” is all you say. Calum takes your hand of the gearstick interlocking yours “I’m serious” you nod your head slowly “I know..” there’s a pause, if your radio wasn’t broken you would have turned it on. “Go left here’ Calum gestures and you do. “Shall I park here” You look across at Calum his dark eyes, slightly lit up from the moon and the colours of the ferris wheel having a party in his big brown orbs. He nods and you take time to notice the dark circles surrounding his under eye, the slight stubble covering his chin and jaw, beautiful all the same but different. 
you don’t realise Calum’s opened your door to busy watching the ocean “Thanks” you speak softly climbing out of the car remembering to lock it, Calum extends his hand which your gracefully accept. When you reach the beach Calum just stares out at it, obviously zoning out. You know finals have been getting to him you just let him be, you pull out your phone and snap a quick picture of your beautiful  Maori beau. You stand wiping the sand off your skirt “Cal wanna explain why you made me drive six hours to arrive here?” you ask him but he stays staring at the sea. “We have to carry on moving” 
“Why? What’s wrong? Have you done something?Are you in trouble?” I rush, fearing setting in.
“No but i’m done.” he rests his hands on either side of his head crouching on the sand “Why?” I ask going down to his level “All this” he shouts abruptly standing up “I don’t know what I’m going to do with my life but wait... I don’t even get a choice I’m taking exams that decide that for me” He’s stressed I can tel by the way he’s shoulders are hunched and how his hair is a mess, he may even have lost weight. I pill him into a hug knowing I definitely don’t have the word to fix this, to my surprise I feel his two arms wrap around my neck and his head fall onto mine. Yep definitely skinnier. “You’ll be fine...It’s just a test it doesn’t mean shit...” I feel Calum place a kiss on top of my head before he walks to the dry sand sitting down “I should be looking after you, not the other way round” He rests his head on his knees.
“I like looking after you” I smile at him. 
“I miss home” I tell Calum.
“What San Franscio?” Calum looks at me puzzled, confused as how you can miss a place when you’re been gone less then a day. 
“No you dummy. England.” I stare out at the sea. “Sometimes I just stare at the sea and think. it’s not that far away.l I could get on a plane, a boat, even a submarine” I smile at the last bit as does Calum “I could runway... “ I smile a small smile and Calum take4s my hand in his “One day” he presses a gentle kiss to the back of my hand and I blush at the simple action. “After finals..We should take a break” I stare at Calum eating for his to elaborate “We should travel, we should eat really good food and learn the real stuff that we’ll actually use. And I want to fall more and more in love with you” Calum stands helping me up “I’ve been waiting for the right time to do this but hey we’re on our first road trip and you look so pretty right now” I laugh at Calum shaking my head slightly “ listen, you’re the best person I’ve ever meet. And nothing is going to chance the fact that I love you, not even some stupid fucking finals results because you are the only 10/10 I need in my life. I got this a  while ago but then you went to India so I never to a chance to give it to yo but you’re my forever person and I know it” Calum pulls a ring out of his pocket with the words forever engraved into it “I know, it’s nota lot but I promise one day, I’l get you the best--” I cut him off kissing him “I love you” 
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its-our-realityy · 8 years
okay but outlaws by green day is the type of song that michael would ask the dj to play at your wedding when everyone else has already left and you'd slowly dance along with his hands on your waist and your head on his shoulder while he mumbles the lyrics into your ear as you sway back and forth in an empty ballroom
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saturnblossom · 8 years
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he's a work of art.
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cashton · 8 years
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and at last I see the light || michael + tangled
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vampireassthetic · 8 years
My condolences go out to Michael Clifford in this tough time because Arzaylea and her brother are in his house.
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5sospicturesque · 5 years
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Clearing out my camera roll 6855/?
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quirkycth · 9 years
my new quote is "hoodbye" for when 5sos does more shit that kills me internally.
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its-our-realityy · 8 years
can you believe that michael clifford actually exists?
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punkrock5sosposts · 9 years
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mikeygordo · 9 years
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Behind the Scenes of She’s Kinda Hot (x)
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vampireassthetic · 9 years
Looks kinda hot while bitchin
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