#mic’s 100% aware of this. Aizawa is not.
presentfuckingmic · 2 years
Did a prompt lmao
“End of the line, Mic.” Thankfully. God, Shouta’s been chasing this guy for years. Literally since he debuted as a hero. The first time he met Present Mic, public nuisance number… well, not one, and not public cause he’s only out at night and no one knows who he is, but he’s up there. Anyway, Shouta quite literally met him on his first solo patrol. And, even as he’s been a hero for 5 years, even as been chasing this guy for 5 years, he somehow hasn’t even gotten this close to the capturing the villain before.
God, his sunglasses and hairstyle are even uglier up close.
“I can’t believe you have all the villain lines,” Mic groans, leaning as far away from Shouta as he can. Considering he’s quite literally tied up in Shouta’s capture scarf and can barely move, it isn’t very far.
“Just- what the hell are you doing?” Shouta asks bluntly. Seriously, he’s wanted to ask that since the beginning. Mic does the weirdest shit! Once, he robbed a jewelry store at gun point and made a point to only steal a penny! Then he returned the penny! Not to mention, sometimes he does stuff that gets dangerously close to vigilantism. Minus the, you know, murder that those instances sometimes end in.
“Huh?” And he’s confused. Well, at least that makes two of them.
“Your grand plan, your end goal, your… whatever you’re executing.” Mic looks at him, incredulous. Well, there has to be a reason for the bullshit Mic does, right? Like no one would just do that for the hell of it! Right? Mic’s eyes widen in realization before they narrow, a smirk playing onto his face.
“Oh, yeah, don’t worry! I’ve got a whole speech that details my evil plan! It has a lot of moving parts, like a Ruby Goldberg Machine, and the meat of it, the real answer to your question of what the hell I’m doing, is right next to ‘I don’t have an evil plan, idiot!’” Shouta blinks, more than just slightly shocked. He… doesn’t have an evil plan? He was literally just doing that stuff just to do it? Not to further some goal?
“Then… you had no reason? Not even just some noble cause that you just tried to fulfill in a not so noble way?” Shouta double checks, because there has to be something. There has to! There’s no way-
“Correct! Got bored, y’know?” Holy fucking shit. He really does do this bullshit just for the hell of it.
“Got bored- that isn’t how villainy works! What about-“ Mic groans loudly, interrupting Shouta.
“Oh my god, shut UP! I never said I was one of those villains you’d see in those overrated, dry as hell movies! Hell, I’m not even pressed for money! I am, quite literally, just bored!” Ok, what kind of selfish bastard would do that? What kind of person would go out of their way to... well, he mostly just mildly inconveniences people, but it’s still a shitty thing to do because you’re bored! God, this guy needs a hobby.
“But what about your acts of technical vigilantism? What about the people you murdered? Was that just because you were bored?!” Shouta demands, tightening his scarf slightly. Mic rolls his eyes.
“I never said it was a healthy way of dealing with boredom! But the healthy ways didn’t work, so I had to try more creative approaches!” Mic argues. Oh, this is more than just “unhealthy”. Retail therapy is unhealthy. This is madness.
“Those are dead people! On your hands!” Well, Shouta isn’t too mad about those. They were all people... well, he can’t say they deserved it out loud, but he can definitely think it. But he’s still pissed!
“Well, the world’s better off without them! And I only ever killed the boss types, so!” Mic retorts, sticking out his tongue. God, this guy is so childish!
“Oh, cause that’s so much better than just killing everyone you think deserves it!” Shouta retorts, tugging on his scarf just to watch the guy stumble. Mic really gets under his skin, and it’s giving him frown lines. At 24!
“To be fair, most of those guys would’ve ended up killing more people afterwards if I hadn’t killed them, jail time be damned. Pun unintended, of course!” Mic exclaims with a falsely cheerful smile on his face that makes Shouta want to punch him. Again.
“Are you messing with me?! God, no wonder we couldn’t catch you! We thought you were some super genius mastermind, and in reality you’re just a fucking child!” And isn’t that embarrassing? This immature brat has been running circles around Shouta for years. Fuck!
“Well, I’ve also befriended a lot of underground heroes, so that definitely helped me not get caught!” Mic says with a grin. Shouta stare at him. What?!
“You what?!” He shouts. Mic... he’s a villain! He’s not a vigilante! Underground heroes shouldn’t like him! Mic sighs and rolls his eyes.
“I’ve literally killed less people than most heroes have.” Okay, so he has a point. But still! “Yeah, it’s still a shitty thing to do and I’m still a murder who deserves jail, but some heroes deserve worse than that!”
“Fuck you,” Shouta hisses. Mic snorts.
“No, I don’t think I will,” he fires back. Shouta groans.
“Fuck off!” He exclaims. Mic laughs.
“Well, I’m trying!” He says. Shouta glares at him.
“I’m taking you to the police,” he states, tightening his grip on his scarf to drag Mic towards the nearest police station. Mic stumbles at Shouta’s first tug, but keeps grinning. Because of course he does.
“Oh, how bad do you think my boredom will become in jail? I mean, I can and will set up a whole criminal network from jail if I’m bored enough!” He teases. This guy literally said he deserved jail, what the fuck?! Like... okay, yeah, Shouta can see him doing that, but still!
“This isn’t up for debate!”
“Everything’s up for debate if your debate partner is still talking!” Wow, this guy SUCKS!
“So you’ll shut up if I shut up? Is that what you’re saying?” Shouta tries. Because if that works, then he will literally never speak again. That’s now much he hates listening to this guy.
“Very much not what I’m saying, but I don’t mind you shutting up!” Oh, what an ass! “But I do have a tip for you.” Shouta pauses, turning to study Mic. He’s given people tips before. Almost all of them were legit, so this might actually be serious. Or it could be something childish and annoying. Whatever, hero work is about taking risks.
“A tip? What kind of tip?” He asks, eyes narrowed. Mic better not be lying.
“One on a villain! And it’s a juicy one, too!” Mic teases. Shouta sighs and rolls his eyes.
“Well, spit it out,” he demands. Mic’s eyes glimmer.
“Check someone’s pockets before typing them up!” Um. What?
“Wait, what?” The scarf falls off Mic in pieces and he sprints off. How… how did he even break that?! Even with the proper knife, it takes a lot of strength to get through Shouta’s scarf! Strength Shouta didn’t realize Present Mic had! “Oh, fu-“
“Bye, Eraserhead! See ya later! You got close this time, I’ll admit!” Mic shouts with a wave before he grabs ahold of a nearby fire exit to pull himself on. Shouta snaps out of his stupor, but it’s too late. Mic’s already disappeared. Again. Shit!
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reodashi · 8 months
BNHA Smells
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Deku - Smells like Spreamint and Lime, it's not strong... But subtle freshness.
Bakugo - He's evil... Unintentionally. He Smells so good, like cinnomin rolls and cookies, but he hates when people get too close.
Todoroki - Subtle lavender from his clothes, and subtle vanilla from his shampoo.
Kirishima - Axe... I love him... But it's axe body spray 100%
Iida - Fresh books, pencils, and oddly cranberries... No one asks why though.
Denki - Probably the second best smelling guy in 1-A, Smells like pumpkin spice and Apple cider... He's aware of it too.
Sero - Very subtle Smells, not strong at all... But vague fresh bread scent.
Uraraka - You know she smells good, she smells like berries, frosting, and candy.
Asui - Grass... It's not bad though. She just smells like fresh cut grass.
Momo - Fancy ass perfume, costed her like 200 bucks just to smell vaguely like vanilla and cocoa powder.
Jiro - I mean this in the best possible way, but basement... Not grungy or gross, but just that nice rustic smell basements give.
Tokoyami - He got a candle named 'Death' which smells of blackberries and coconut. He's emo and berrylicious.
Shoji - Bamboo, Campfires, and Rain... All depending on the day.
Ojiro - Freshly vacuumed carpet, and if he's felling fancy he uses citrus body wash.
Hagakure - Fruity cereals, strawberry milk, and occasionally hazelnuts.
Aoyama - Everyone say it with me! 👏 Jasmine👏 Starbucks👏 and cake batter👏
Sato - Duh, flour, cake, fresh pastries, and Gingerbread.
Koda - This one is hard... He either smells like a summer garden or farm hay...
Mineta - B.O. which he says is his natural musk. And sometimes tries to hide it with axe.
Aizawa - Apple pie, fireplaces, and fresh blankets. He Smells cozy.
Allmight - He Smells like pubs... Even though he doesn't got there often... He also smells a bit like blood.
Endeavor - He Smells like charcoal, gasoline, and arrogance. He Smells like he tries to hard, which is ironic since he didn't even try hard to become #1 hero since it was just handed to him after Allmight. 👀 And never tried hard to be a good dad👀
Present Mic - He Smells like fresh technology, you know when you unbox a phone and it smells similar to a fresh phone... It's like that.
Miss Midnight - She smells like Jasmine, aphrodiacs, and rose petals... Very flirty scents.
Nezu - Hamster food and coffee... I said what needed to be said.
Eri - She smells like candy stores, carnival sweets, and fresh plushies.
Hawks - He's a mix... His breath is minty fresh, his hair smells like masculine cologne, but his clothes smell like leather even though they aren't made from leather.
Mirko - *the lingering affection from simps* Jk... Sort of. She smells like protein shakes, new shoes, and carrot cake.
Shinso - Tea, coffee, energy drinks... Anything he consumes that helps him stay awake really...
Shigiraki - I know he smells dusty, he smells like mothballs, alleyways, and Walmart 100%
Toga - She smells like blood, I mean it's inevitable due to her quirk. Other than blood, she smells like cheap makeup, like the really chemically smelling stuff.
Dabi - *Daddy issues and burnt* He smells like hot summer days, peanut butter, and bleach due to his hair dye.
Twice - Beer, cigetettes, fresh pavement, and depression.
Overhaul - He smells fine, he smells like chalk and tree bark... But his mask smells NASTY, the bitch never cleans it.
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naiadsmystery · 3 months
💜 Match made in heaven: Sailor Moon x BNHA Pro!Heroes 💜
A match made in heaven or Kiki is playing Cupid: Which Sailor Warrior suits which pro hero? Please let me know if you agree or disagree! Also, I am excluding Sailor Moon because she belongs to Mamoru, as well as Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune since they are already a perfect couple and there is nothing Cupid Kiki can do! 💖
Important Note: I am aware that the Sailor Warriors are all between 12 and 19 years old (I think Sailor Pluto is the only one who is not a minor). The age differences between them and the Pro Heroes are in some cases huge (and minors+adults being in a relationship is not okay) and with this note, I just want to emphasize that I was just purely looking at the Sailor Warriors’ personalities and imagined them as adults for this headcanon to match their counterparts. But, if you feel uncomfortable reading this, please let me know because I want this page to be a safe space! Thank you! 💖
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Eraserhead x Sailor Mars
hear me out on this one: You probably thought I was going to put our flame girl Rei with our flame dad Enji but let’s face it they would probably just fight all the time. She doesn’t have a high opinion of men because of her father (again a reason to not put her with dad Enji) that’s why she needs someone who can face her sassy comments and her temper which is usually pretty calm except when she is around Usagi. She hides her warm heart and kindness behind a wall of ice and we all know one hero who is a little bit cold on the outside but a big caring softie on the inside. I can see both of them having the best conversations! Also, despite her anger when it comes to Usagi, she is a very patient and gentle person who is also loyal af. If Aizawa gets in trouble she will have his ass covered. If Rei is in trouble, he will come and support her. I think that their relationship would be a very balanced and calm one.
Present Mic x Sailor Mercury
Hizashi, Present Mic, loud boy who needs lots of love and attention. He is 100% an extrovert that’s why he needs someone who is 100% an introvert. Ami is a very shy person at first but as soon as you get to know her, you will meet her sweet, gentle and caring side. She is a quiet girl with a loud soul and because of her calming demeanor, she is the perfect fit for Hizashi. He lives life to its fullest, la dolce vita is his slogan and this is something Ami needs to learn: to stop overanalyzing everything and to just dare and Hizashi will help her to experience life and to take more risks. On the contrary, when his life gets a little bit too loud he has a safe and quiet place he can go back to which is Ami.
All Might x Sailor Venus
It doesn’t matter if you think of Big!Might or Small!Might both are a perfect fit for Minako. There is a reason why she is Sailor Venus, the Goddess of Love since her whole personality is made to fall in love with her. She is friendly, clever, can be a goofball and seconds later she is the most serious person you have ever known. Minako is exactly the kind of girl that would sweep Toshinori off of his feet. He feels down and needs someone to talk to? No problem, Minako will listen patiently and give him a warm hug afterwards. He had a stressful day and just wants to relax? No problem, Minako will first crack a joke to make him laugh, before she prepares the most luxurious bath he has ever been into. Small!Might is dealing with low self-esteem? Minako will shower him with honest compliments while covering him in kisses. Big!Might on the other hand has to deal with a Minako that always wants to do arm wrestling. She has a pretty athletic physique but all her strength is in her arms that's why she always wants to challenge Toshi. He, of course, would break her arm if he would use all his muscle power that's why he just lets her win (most of the time). To sum everything up: The things that Minako give are the things she receives from Toshi. The answer to her kindness will be more kindness. Her happiness is his happiness and both of them would die for each other.
Fatgum x Sailor Saturn
Again, another: “Hear me out on this one!”. Taishiro and Hotaru are THE MOST PERFECT MATCH FROM ALL OF THESE MATCHES OKAY!?!? Fatgum is what you would call a good boy! He is kind and his top priority are always the people around him, whereas he always puts himself last. Even though he can come off as serious, he is a very extroverted, funny and playful person who just loves to laugh (and to eat). He is a pure ray of sunshine that will always make your day brighter. Hotaru however is a beam of moonshine: She is extremely shy, can be at times socially awkward and has a hard time making friends. But when she opens up to someone she is the most kind-hearted person you will ever know! She is quiet on the outside but on the inside, she is soft, caring and a complete romantic! Why do I think Taishiro and Hotaru are the most perfect couple? Because they are so different they balance each other out perfectly! He will talk when she is too shy. She will give him the most romantic surprises you can think of and in return, he will make her laugh until her tummy hurts. Both of them would fight and die for each other because their love is the purest of them all (I’m going to cry). Extra Note: Hotarus is the one who has the brains in the relationship and you can’t change my mind.
Hawks x Sailor Jupiter
(not gonna lie he and Usagi would be a great pair too cough)
My little precious babies who only deserve the best! Makoto lost her parents when she was very young which meant that she had to learn how to take care of herself from a young age. She is very independent and sometimes she has a hard time relying on others. Despite being on her own most of her life she is a very outgoing person who loves to live life to its fullest! Because of her loud personality and her tall-looking appearance, she comes off as a tomboy but luckily she does not care what others think of her, EXCEPT her senpai from high school. She was once in love with a boy at her school who sadly rejected her and for a long time, she couldn’t get over her broken heart. She tried to find a new partner that was similar to her high school senpai but she ran out of luck. The reason why the universe didn’t want to see her with her senpai was because she was meant to be with Keigo. Keigo had a troublesome childhood himself and even though he is a very optimistic person, he has a hard time openly talking about his feelings. He always casts his emotions aside because he sees them as a weakness and as a pro hero he can’t be distracted by something so trivial. But his carefree and friendly character is what caught Makotos’ attention. Both of them just want to live life but they are also very loyal to the ones they love and look up to. Every second they spend together is full of laughter and none of them are too shy to show how much they love each other. They are a perfect match because he can learn from her how to feel his emotions deeply and how to align with them, whereas Makoto finally learns that there is no shame in relying on others.
Gang Orca x Sailor Pluto
I will not lie, this couple is a wild one and something neither You nor I might have expected! BUT these two have something very trivial in common: They both look like villains but are the sweetest people you will ever meet. Kugo is undoubtedly a big softie with the biggest heart ever. He loves everyone even though he pretends not to be. His caring nature and his loyalty are two traits that others appreciate about him. He might be the No. 12 hero but is probably the No. 1 hero that you can rely on and this is something our outer senshi girl Setsuna needs. She carries a cold and distant facade, which is a result of her responsibility as the Guardian of Time and Space. She has this huge task on her shoulders and one mistake would have fatal consequences. Despite the loneliness she feels inside, she never lost her loving heart and the motivation to turn the world into a better place. She is like a mother to her friends and all those she loves and will always take care of the needs of others. It is like a personal mantra to her: To serve others before thinking of yourself. She is selfless, wise and has the most beautiful smile. Kugo adores everything about her and if he could he would take away the burden she has to carry.
BONUS: Endeavor x Sailor Neptune
At first, I wasn’t sure if both of them would fit together but the more you think about it, the more it makes sense. Enji is a very straightforward but also complex character: He did many things wrong in his past and his abusive behaviour towards his wife and children should not be excused. Still, he kind of got his redemption arc and you could tell that his demeanour was changing, that’s why I believe he deserves a second chance in love as well. Behind his wall of confidence, stubbornness and coldness lies a man who is insecure and just needs to be truly loved. He has a gentle side that he never had a chance to explore before but now that he is trying to reconcile with his children and himself, a perfect woman is waiting for him to make him a better man: Sailor Neptune aka Michiru. She is what you would call a princess: She is intelligent, well-mannered, kind and confident. At first, she might come off as distant and arrogant but she has a heart of gold and would sacrifice herself before the people she loves get hurt. She is a perfect match for Enji because she will cool him down when he gets hot-tempered. She is not obedient and openly communicates when she is hurt or thinks that Enji is getting out of control. And because she can talk back and think and fight for herself she is his perfect counterpart.
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queercremation · 4 months
hear me out, Boku no Hero Academia explores how failing of government and powerful organizations exploit and misuses their power to fuck over other people for the sake of gaining more money (i.e. All Might and the Hero Public Safety Commission, Hero Rankings, Quirk Discrimination, THE EXISTANCE OF UNDERGROUND HEROS AS ATTEMPTS TO CHANGE AND GO AGAINST THE GREED FROM WITHIN, etc) [i'm aware this will piss a bunch of people off]
Here are headcanons that I think fit with the characterization
All For One would 100% be a zionist, he'd definitely give quirks to other zionists, he'd be in it for the "chaos" and would tell the League (mostly Shigaraki) that supporting zionism would help their cause (it won't)
Shigaraki would be a zionist up until Kamino, once All For One is imprisoned and he see's Kurogiri as having left him (Gigantomachia and 'Giri gets arrested), he does his best to lead the League on his own; he goes and learns, both online and cuz they're living on the streets, he gets to know (at least a bit) the other members and begins breaking out of the echo chamber AFO had him in, then after the battle with Re-Destro and becoming the leader of the Paranormal Liberation Front he would stand firmly as an anti-zionist and support the struggle for the liberation Palestinians
Toga and Spinner would both openly and strongly support the liberation of Palestinians. I've grouped them together here because of the nature of the quirks, they both understand what it's like to be demonized for a part of them that they have no control over. Toga would understand the pain of having to hide that part of her (aka her parents forcing her to hide the nature of her quirk), and Spinner would understand being unable to hide that part of him and then being blamed and abused for just existing. Grouped together because they'd have similar understandings and feelings.
Dabi would 100% be an anti-zionist, I hc that Endeavour would be a Zionist and therefore at first Dabi was only an anti-zionist (after waking from his coma) to spite his father, but then he started to see some parallels between him and some Palestinians. During his time on the streets I think he'd definitely burn and start fights with zionists and definitely has a hatred for them; i could see this (along with his general anger) could factor into his scars being as bad as they are
Kurogiri wouldn't necessarily be a zionist, up until his imprisonment he was owned by AFO and would definitely act like his was just to avoid more probable torture. Once in jail he has a lot of time to think and after the visit by Aizawa and Yamada (Eraserhead and Present Mic) the control AFO and Garaki had has been shaken, I think his views are definitely more towards anti-zionist but there's a lot of trauma-focused therapy work and deprogramming to be done. However, Oboro, Kurogiri's 'base', would definitely be anti-zionist and prolly learned about everything from Aizawa and Yamada.
Compress is anti-zionist and possibly learned from his father, he 100% troll zionist, and while supporting more 'serious' forms of protests he understand the necessity of being a fucking goof and troll in impactful ways.
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dgalerab · 9 months
okay assuming overhaul is still 👀 @ erasure in ur oboro lives au, how do u think a situation where overhaul kidnaps aizawa and mic and oboro have to rescue him would go?
honestly this scenario would be wonderful bc no matter what when they do find aizawa he's just there with eri like hello thanks for the rescue we have a child now. but while trying soooooo hard to seem very stoic and unaffected by it. but like in a way that doesn't upset eri. truly playing 4d chess to hide the feelings literally everyone is 100% aware he has.
anyway i think it does depend on whether or not they're aware of eri bc if they don't know that a kid is involved, i think in this au mic would have a lot easier time with the "go nuclear until everyone is safe" option bc his has his team to do disaster management for him while he's on the warpath (shirakumo will make sure no one gets seriously hurt and can alert mic to any kind of situations that he needs to be aware of so he doesn't have to handle things with kid gloves)
BUT i think if they know there's a kid there both shirakumo and mic would be very focused on making sure she's safe and relatively untraumatized, so i think it'd be a more surgical procedure - likely mic and several other heroes (like in canon) taking on the brunt of the force while shirakumo slips in and gets aizawa and eri
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stringledcheese · 2 years
You paint their nails
Pairing: Dabi (Toya Todoroki), and Mina Ashio (separate) x GN!Reader Warnings: None at all  A/N: First time writing Mina! It was really fun but idk how good I got her and I definitely made her section a little long, so sorry for that :> (This was supposed to be three people, but I couldn’t find my rough draft for mic and I don’t have enough energy to search for it I’ll be honest.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Todoroki Touya / Dabi
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(Yes I know the picture isn’t formatted but I don’t have the energy to make some fancy image) - In general?
- He just doesn’t want them painted. - At all. - He’s a big scary man, and a big scary man scared of weakness and intimacy. Two facts that make a combo meal of rejection and disappointment. - Dabi’s definitely had his nails painted before. - Back when he was the punching bag (literally and figuratively) eldest child. While his parents were a completely different topic, he would’ve done anything for his siblings. - That includes makeovers from his younger sister. - Nowadays however?  - Without a sister to sit him down and slather it on like a young kid without very good hand eye coordination, Dabi didn’t see a point. - Plus, Dabi’s the big brooding stoic villain man, usually. - All of that flies out the window with you. - As previously stated, Dabis just a big ol’ softy of a older brother behind his mile thick steal walls he has built around his heart. - But if you do your Y/Ning right, and stick a thorn of love in that wall It’ll infect it like a slow acting poison. - Then it will be a waiting game. - Switching between asking him to paint his nails and waiting until his “Your not painting my nails” cooldown ends. - Until, his walls crack, and he lets you paint all over his immaculate hands. -Yea, I have no shame, I would wear his hands like necklaces 100%. - During the duration of your painting, he won’t look happy during it. Dabi has mastered the art of bitch face to the point it’s near impossible to crack or read. - Only time it changes normally is when he gives you his famous shit eating grin. Internally however, he’s just a spooky school boy whos crush is touching his hands. - You, touching him? He’s onboard. - You touching him gently? - Call him the black plague because he’d kill upwards of 20 million europeans to live in that moment forever. - It’s kinda cute, and on character too. - All jokes aside though, he really does love the gentle touches you give him doing something as mundane as painting his nails.  - It’s a type of intimacy that is near unknown to him and secretly loves any touch you give him. - With scaring and staples covering a lot of his body and his very quick trigger finger (lighter finger? Fire hands.) he has been regarded as a monster most of his teen and adult life. - Getting to the point that honestly he thinks himself an unloveable monstrosity incapable of doing anything but destroy and hurt. - While Dabi sure as rain has progress to be made and barriers to be broken down he’s learning to love not only himself but you. With all the love you give him he might even be able to believe he can be something more then a villainous monster.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ashido Mina / Pinky
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- Mina’s the one to get you to paint her nails, but at the worst times.
- Picture this
- It’s some obscene time of night, the dorms are quiet because everyone is - knocked out in their dorms.
- Except for whoever is knocking at your door with such fury your surprised that Aizawa hasn’t come and scolded them already.
- Because you don’t really feel like having to talk to said dark haired grump of a teacher and the person didn’t seem any closer to stopping, you got up.
- Half-awake, slightly aware of your surroundings, and bumping into at least one thing you got to the door and opened to...
- Mina. - Not just Mina though, Mina with a bag with every color and bottle of nail polish known to man clinking around with any movement of the arm holding it.
- Before you were fully aware of what, why, and how - Mina brushed past you and sat on your bed and started to unpack her little to-go salon. “So. Ok, I know it’s really late but I noticed that your nails and my nails weren’t painted during class soooooo-” - She shook her little acetone bottle. “I thought we should have a little gossip&nail session. I got some tea for you as always” - Meanwhile your just at the door trying to fully understand her and adjust to being vertical so suddenly. - When you started to shuffle towards your bed she had already set up her own little mini salon on your bed. - So as much as it seemed like she was asking to gossip and do each other's nails - It wasn’t really a question, more like a plan- - Mina has all the good deets on everyone though so you can excuse this - With a flood of sentience, you closed the door and went to sit next to her while scrubbing at your crusty eyes. “Mina what time is it-” “Oh, I don’t really know, like 3:30 give or take?” “Mina, it’s a school night..” “Yea I know” - No one knows how she does it but they know better than to ask- -Give her your hands and she will go on autopilot - Doing everything and anything to your nails - All the while talking about some hot n spicy story about a two girls break up she “overheard”. “And then she said “You cheated on me too”! Like she didn’t first??” - At the end your hands will look like gold (literally, she used gold leaf). - She’ll make you wonder why she hadn’t dropped hearo work for this honestly. - After everything is good to go with your nails, it’s your turn to take up the mantle of nail doer. - Mina keeps good care of her hands despite wanting to go into hero work, so not much besides the polish really needs to be done manicure-wise. - She probably asks for pink, black, or purple, despite being naturally two of those colors. - Mina does talk with her hands alot, so breaks will be needed to get her flappies out, but despite putting your job on expert mode you both come out looking awesome. - Too bad the sun is coming up though- - Yea you both basically flat line in class the entire time from exhaustion.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thanks for reading :> Have a lovely time existing.
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cherrysnaps · 2 years
ya’ll like dancing headcanons? bc I revamped them, this time featuring: eraserhead, all might, midnight, present mic, hawks and hound dog. here you go <3
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Aizawa doesn’t mind dancing with you on the rare occasion that he isn’t dead tired. He’s not one for energetic and flashy moves though, at most he’ll twirl you around and dip you but he prefers a slow dance in general. That way he can wrap his arms around your waist, rest his head over yours or on your shoulder and relax. You’re free to talk about your day or anything else but he’s practically half asleep at this point. He’ll just hum along as you talk so you know that he is listening.
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Toshinori isn’t extravagant either when it comes to dancing. He’d always been so busy with being the number one hero that he never had a chance to slow down and indulge in what life has to offer. Things are a different now though. Now that he’s retired, his life has significantly slowed down. He has more time for you and he’s finally getting to enjoy what life has to offer. Holding you close to his chest and dancing to your song has to be one of the greatest feelings yet. Also likes being able to talk to you while you’re dancing.
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Very sexual in nature. Lots of grinding, twerking, lap dances, etc... Nemuri 100% has a dance pole in her house and you’d best believe she knows how to use it. If we’re talking typical dance styles though, she likes something sensual like tango or salsa. It’s safe to say she’s taken dance classes of all kinds, she might surprise you.
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Everything with Hizashi is exciting and dancing is no exception. He’s energetic and spontaneous so you never know what you’re gonna get. His style of dancing really reflects his personality though. I like to think he took the same dancing classes as Nemuri so he’s just as well versed in dance styles. The jitterbug has to be his favourite and it’s not hard to see why when you see how energetic it is. You can expect a lot of dipping and twirling. I also stand by what I said about constantly stepping on one-another’s feet, it’s just part of the fun!
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Much like Hizashi, Keigo’s energy and personality are reflected in his moves. He’s a natural when it comes to dancing and for some reason really likes scaring you by dipping you without warning. The way you clutch onto him for dear life makes him laugh. Teasingly asks you if you really thought he would drop you. If you wanna get him back for it, sweep his legs from under him and dip him, he’ll stare at you all owl-eyed. Additionally, he likes a slow dance at times. There’s nothing better in his mind than holding you in his arms and shielding you with his wings as you sway to a love song.
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Very awkward but looks like a lost puppy which is kinda cute. Ryo has no spatial awareness when it comes to dancing so there’s a high risk your feet are going to get stepped on. To avoid this, stand on his feet and let him do the footwork. He won’t say so but it’s obvious he’s enjoying himself.
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
Yamada: so how did you and izuku start dating
Aizawa: I saw him crush a watermelon with his thighs and I accidentally said out loud “oh god I wish that were me right now” and here we are now
~The way this immediately and completely ate my entire brain~
Of three things Aizawa Shouta is absolutely sure:
One, he simply was not built for operating during the daylight hours. Nighttime really is where it's at in his opinion. The general lack of crowds and eye-searing sunlight just can't be beaten. (Dusk and dawn hours also get a pass but they're both on thin ice.)
Two, the beach is a sandy hell-scape whose only redeeming factor is the convenient access it provides to the eldritch horror that is the ocean aka the place he'll doubtlessly end up drowning himself when he finally, and according to Hizashi inevitably, snaps and runs gibbering mad into the abyss.
And three, he's absolutely and irrevocably cursed. He's being singled out and punished from on high by the gods themselves. His name is writ large across the cosmos in mockery. There is a cosmic "kick me" sign taped to his spiritual back and Shouta's going to hunt his former student Sero down and give him detention for life for encouraging his family's patron god to put it there.
By this point it's really the only logical explanation.
Which, as a card-carrying atheist, he's pretty sure is saying something about the depth of his feelings regarding his current circumstances.
Because there's no other explanation for why or how he's managed to find himself in this current situation.
The situation being, of course, Shouta, in full hero gear, standing in the hot sun on a pristine sandy beach, surrounded by screaming fans as he provides extra security and crowd control for the 20th Annual Heroic Sukiwari Charity Drive.
Shouta has seen hell and it is both Ms. Joke's open mic night and this exact moment right here.
Because, again, he's absolutely 100% cursed.
And the avatar of said curse is, obviously, his soon-to-be ex-best friend who somehow roped him into this entire thing.
Because some people say divine retribution when talking about cosmic revenge plots but Shouta tends to just says Yamada Hizashi. The two are, in many ways, interchangeable.
Shouta's going to put purify salts in all of Hizashi's hair products and also his sugar jar and possibly his energy drinks the next chance he gets.
Because if he never sees another shirtless pro-hero or another watermelon again in his life it'll be too soon.
He's pretty sure he has permanent hearing damage from all of the screaming and screeching the crowd's been doing since this thing started.
And if, after all these years of friendship with the personification of a megaphone, watching a bunch of pro's crush watermelons with nothing but their personal strength on a beach to raise money for various charities is what finally destroys his hearing Shouta is going to shave Hizashi bald before he finally embraces sweet death.
Or enacts Nezu's birthday plans and becomes a supervillain.
The jury's honestly still out at this point.
Shouta does his best to shut out the screaming behind him as one of the cameramen slides up beside him, getting a better angle on the stage as Hizashi, who's currently screeching about Miruko's performance, practically dances across the sand in front of where Shouta's standing.
"Wow, wow, wow," Present Mic chants as he dramatically fans himself, "that was one on heart-stopping, hare-raising show. Let's give it up for everyone's favorite bad, bad, bunny, Miruko!"
For her part, Miruko just struts off the small stage with a nonchalant wave to the crowd, her tiny white bikini in place and the pulverized remains of the half dozen watermelons she'd dropped kicked into soup left behind her.
"But don't lose that rhythm yet listeners," Mic announces gleefully. "Because we've got one more hero set to take the stage! So, without further ado, it's the moment I know a lot of you have been waiting for, myself included if we're being honest. The pièce de résistance of our little shindig, the showstopper himself, the one, the only, the #1 Can Do Hero Dekiru."
The crowd is absolutely deafening.
And, for once, Shouta has to grudgingly admit that he can't actually blame them.
Shirtless, sculpted shoulders and tight abs on display thanks to his low sitting and almost criminally short green swim shorts, and with his trademark bashful smile in place, Dekiru trots out from behind the curtained-off area with a crate of watermelons resting on his shoulder like it's no big deal.
Shouta's pretty sure someone to his immediate right faints but considering they're not currently a trample risk he ignores it.
But the casual show of strength with no quirk use in sight is more than a bit impressive.
For all that people, romance specifically, and attraction in general, have all been things to be considered on a firm case-by-case basis for Shouta, even he has to admit that Dekiru is ... captivating.
Rather drastically so for Shouta considering he's never actually met the man before in person.
Though Shouta does feel like he almost knows him on some level considering the fact that it really would take an act of the actual gods to get Yagi to shut up about his erstwhile protege during staff meetings.
Dekiru waves his free hand at the crowd as he sets his crate of watermelons down on the stage.
"Show us what you've got!" Mic demands from a few feet to Shouta's left. "And let's give him some encouragement listeners!"
The crowd starts up a loud and steady chant of "De~ki~ru!" as the hero pulls his first watermelon out and begins his set.
With an effortless flex of muscles, Dekiru digs his fingers into the watermelon and wrenches it completely in two.
Shouta reaches up to tug at the top of his uniform, relishing the small sip of cool air it grants him.
Shoulders and biceps flexing, another watermelon meets its end between Dekiru's palms.
Shouta really needs to add a water bottle to his utility belt because hydration is important. Or so he's been repeatedly told.
"Those hands, those muscles," Mic groans dramatically. "He really is the Can Do Hero!"
Cheeks noticeably flushed, Dekiru sits down on the stage and fits a watermelon between thick, toned thighs.
His hips twist, those thighs flex, and the watermelon cracks, spilling juice and sweet pink flesh all over Dekiru's lap.
"Oh god," Shouta can't help but say, "I wish that was me right now."
On stage Dekiru's eyes go wide as his attention somehow abruptly zero's in on Shouta.
It's at that moment that Shouta becomes aware of the deafening silence that's fallen over the beach.
Head-turning agonizingly slowly to the left, Shouta's confronted with the sight of Mic, microphone in hand, standing shoulder to shoulder with him.
His sunglasses are askew and he's staring at Shouta with a look on his face that's one part horror and one part unholy glee.
As a matter of fact, the entire beach is staring at him in much the same way.
For a moment Shouta just freezes, body going still at having so much attention turned in his direction.
This ... was not the turn he was expecting the day to take by far.
His first instinct is to, honestly, use his scarf to slingshot himself directly into the sun so his soul can be cleansed with cosmic fire.
But then ...
"Ah," Dekiru speaks up from on the stage, one hand ruffling the back of his hair and cheeks darker than before, "maybe we could go on a date first though? If you'd like?"
There's suddenly a part of Shouta that doesn't actually want to delete himself from existence via self-immolation.
And there's an even large part that doesn't want to outright reject Dekiru's seemingly sincere offer.
Because, when it all comes down to it, Dekiru seems to be, by all accounts, what passes for exactly Shouta's type.
Whip-smart if his very public arrest record and tendency to argue online and on the air with people he disagrees with is anything to go by.
Cute, with that dark green hair and sharp undercut, matching wide eyes, and a face sprinkled liberally with freckles.
Leanly built and small enough that Shouta's sure he could move him around easily but obviously muscular enough to be able to put up just the right amount of resistance in the right situation.
And, above all else, if the stories are to be believed, obviously some degree of batshit insane.
More than one story Yagi had told during breaks had Shouta questioning if the man had imported special American demons back to Japan and then stuffed them all into the deceptively charming and approachable-looking hero that is Dekiru.
So there's really only one logical way to proceed forward in this situation.
Shouta grins.
Several people in the crowd around him step back.
He's pretty sure he hears someone start reciting a prayer.
But Dekiru just blushes, eyes locked on Shouta's and teeth tugging at his lower lip.
"Hope you like coffee," Shouta finally says into the breathless silence that's fallen over them, "and cats."
Dekiru lights up, a smile brighter than the sun and twice as deadly blossoming across his face.
Just off of Shouta's side, Hizashi's busy having some kind of hysterical seizure.
Around them the crowd is going absolutely feral.
Yagi's going to birth actual kittens in the middle of the staff room when he finds out about this.
Shouta can't wait.
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afterhourswjay · 2 years
This time I have I have an idea about the man, the myth, the legend, Hizashi Yamada. Could you by any chance do some head cannons about him with an autistic/Neuro divergent partner? That would be absolutely amazing!
(Copied and pasted for those who are confused in seeing them answer this again lol)
Yup, no problem!! warnings: unnamed asshole lady being an asshole Tag list: @dynacats
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- while he may not care that you're autistic/neuro divergent, in the 'doesn't make a big deal of it' and doesn't treating you 100% different or like glass, he is very aware of your needs - you guys have been dating since your high school days, which shocks him sometimes! you- you still love him so much, even after all this time? It literally blows his mind - you have a pretty strong quirk, and a hero license. but not because you want to be a hero. you have a license in case hizashi ever gets bored or needs help during his workday - what's your quirk? idk, some sorta ice quirk. you typically make and sell ice sculptures. if you focus particularly hard, you can condense the molecules of your ice to the point of virtually being unmeltable unless under extreme heat (such as being hit by a fire quirk) - you normally have everything under control and that's fine, but the one time you can't really control your quirk all that well is when you happy stim especially if you do any sorta hand movements (he finds it cute even if you accidently end up flinging ice in his direction) - sometimes you'll be talking about a project your excited about doing or something in a show that you love, so you get to talking. And talking. Your hand movements become more aggressive, more erratic, as you try to keep up with how fast your brain is moving. next thing you know, mic lets out a small yelp and your brain screeches to a halt when you see the entire front of hizashi covered in a thin sheet of ice! - he told you, as best as he could with his mouth frozen shut, to be careful when removing it. When you were done, you were left with a funny ice impression similar to that one starwars scene where Han Solo gets stuck in the block - sometimes when you're out and about with Mic, you'll stop to get food at a local cafe or mom n pop restaurant. and you and mic sometimes like reminiscing about memories n such - mic had to go to the bathroom really quick, and almost the second he's gone, some lady stomps up to you. you're about to ask her if she needs something, but she doesn't give you the time as she immediately launches into a semi-aggressive tirade about how loud and disruptive your being - especially your laugh - you don't look away from her face, can't look away, as her face squashes and contorts in various forms of anger. you stutter out an apology in a very quiet, and very broken voice, clearly close to crying - your saved when hizashi comes back from the bathroom and, with one look at your distraught form, tells the lady off before deciding that the cafe cannot properly handle your excitement and that you two can go be excited elsewhere - you usually just make ice cubes the way non ice quirk users do, but if your friends (or hizashi) want a drink, then you'll form little personalized ice cubes. you'll ask them if there's a particular type of ice shape they want. aizawa almost always asks for cat shaped ones, and mic likes asking for bird or music note ones - if you ever get mad, you ask mic if you can have permission to use UA's training facilities. somehow, he's always able to get the permission you need to be able to blow off steam- when you're mad, you frequently let loose blasts of ice that put shoto's ice blast at the festival to shame. not only are you able to shoot ice, but you're essentially able to bend it (kinda like waterbenders w water) so you never have to worry about 'running out' of ice. however, the more you reuse your ice, the more brittle it becomes - sometimes you like to imitate movie magic and one of your attacks resembles elsa's ice spikes. you're careful to use them as a last resort when helping mic as you don't want to hurt anyone, even if they may seem to deserve it - despite the two of you having different types of quirks, you two fight against villains together scarily well. it gets difficult sometimes cuz mic's sound quirk sometimes breaks the more brittle ice attacks, but all in all, you two are a well rounded team
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hhbluedynamite · 3 years
MHA Headcannons: Eri
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Her room is between Aizawa and Midnight’s rooms: So that when her horn acts up or when she is having trouble sleeping.
She likes Jiro’s singing: While she was more focused on Izuku during the festival, she loved the song Jiro sang. Sometimes, she would even sing Eri a lullaby for her naps. Speaking of singing…
Present Mic once sang Eri to sleep: it was a rough night for Eri, as nightmares kept plaguing her. Midnight didn’t want to keep using her Quirk because eventually Eri would get immune to it. So, Mic volunteered to sing to her. Everyone thought he was gonna beatbox her to sleep. Nope. He sang a very beautiful ballad and it worked! It even put Aizawa to sleep.
She was initially weary of Aizawa: I mean, the guy isn’t the most approachable looking hero you’d find on the street. But, after him visiting at the hospital while she recovered from her fever, she started to trust him a little.
She found Present Mic off-putting for a while: the man is way more zanier than Mirio and can be a little much for Eri.
She suffers from depression: at this point, I think the majority of MHA characters are depressed one way or another. Anywho, sadly enough, kids do get depressed.
Eri isn’t aware of a lot of heroes: Because she was essentially sheltered for a long while, she isn’t aware of many Pro Heroes. That even includes All Might.
She doesn’t like getting shots: Like any little kid, though she is a special case. The only person she trusts with the job is Recovery Girl as long as someone is with her – like Aizawa, Mirio, or Izuku.
She likes Sailor Moon, Ojamajo Doremi, and Hamtaro: She started watching these shows with Hadou.
Eri has a playmate in Kouta: Aizawa and Mandalay figured that this would help with their trauma. And they were right. Kouta is now teaching her how to play Yu-Gi-Oh.
She has cooking sessions with Satou: another part of her therapy. She’d even appear on a few YouTube videos with him on the class’ channel, which she is a frequent guest star.
She’s afraid of showing her arms and legs: Even if the temperature is 100 F, she’d still want to wear long-sleeved shirts and leggings/pants to hide her scars. It’s a work-in-progress that she needs to overcome. Thankfully, everyone is patient with her.
Has called Aizawa ‘daddy’: She had a horrible nightmare that woke her up screaming. She started crying out for ‘daddy’, making some think she was talking about Overhaul – thus thinking she was trying to get away from him – only to grab for Aizawa and calling him ‘daddy.’ Thirteen gushed at the sight – as did All Might though secretly as he doesn’t want to be subjected to Aizawa’s glare. Midnight and Present Mic are happy to finally be an aunt and uncle respectively. Aizawa is not amused at their reactions…though he appreciates the sentiment deep down.
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wank127 · 3 years
expelled/drop out musician denki au!!!
(this has been in my drafts for a while now(also ik it’s a lil out there but it’s an au so shush))
he’s on mics radio show a lot
bc they’re besties✨
publicly hates on ua and hero society cause it sucks
has a tiktok where he posts snippets of songs, the occasional dancy dance, rating pro hero’s/teachers, swag things y’know
he calls out anyone and everyone when he needs to (boy does he shit on endeavor and nezu)
i can’t decide if he would be in a band or a solo artist
i also can’t decide if his music is like harry styles, andrew rannells, pierce the veil, green day, P!ATD, melanie martinez, bo burnham, joe iconis, one direction, fall out boy, anthony ramos, or even billie eilish. like he could do anything. it’s all fits to me
has that one pair of trousers(pants ig) that klouse from umbrella academy has. y’know the leather lace up ones? yeah those
has like a lot of water bottles and snacks at the front of stage and round the sides of the crowd at his shows
his merch isn’t expensive or any more money that it needs to be
he sells sick hoodies and t-shirt’s man
has a youtube (obviously) but makes like videos to raise awareness, makeup/hair/beauty toturials/tips and just like vlogs of when he’s doing something really interesting
he uses his platform to speak up and help people
updates the little linktr.ee things on every account he has whenever he sees something to put on it
every once in a while he’ll tweet something like ‘ayyy drop y’all’s gofundmes and fundraisers down below. i’m in a retail therapy kinda mood’ and donate to every single one
still talks to everyone from ua
gives them all free tickets and shit if they want it
has a whole album with jirou
and another one with the a band
he’s really good at composing and writing lyrics. like they’re so beautiful and perfect
he can’t read sheet music that well. he definitely learns by ear
made songs about how shit the hero society is and school and just everything that did him dirty
his most popular tiktok is of him just fucking around but accidentally meeting up with present mic when he was on patrol
they had a lil unplanned dance party together. they did the same moves and synchronized with each other on accident
they were both on the floor but the end of it
thirst posts about all his friends from ua
pretends they’re strangers in interviews when they’re actually best friends
best fucking music videos ong
best fashion and makeup
sponsored by skittles
no one knows why or how
he just is
once at an award show he won(duh) but when he had to go up on stage he got his hand stuck in his glass/cup
did the whole speech with a cup hand
has wayyyyyyy too many memes made out of him
very open about his views and values, what he does and doesn’t support and who he is as a person
reads all the fanfic and looks at all the art of himself
reposts them of course
y’know that one tiktok audio? the ‘goddammit which ninja turtle are you?!?!??’ that was him 100%
fell off the stage at least 38 times
actual WORLD tours
mf goes everywhere
amazing visuals in music videos and concerts
makes autism/epilepsy friendly non-flashy/stroby versions of his videos so everyone can enjoy
posts pages of a ‘where’s waldo’ book on twitter for his fans but instead of waldo it’s aizawa
sheesh this was very all over the place, apologies
all in all he’s amazing 10/10 would record to a friend or coworker
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a-monsters-love · 4 years
Hi! I just had a thought and thought it might be fun to write! So we all know Hawks is a pretty cocky guy, and he likes to brag about his speed, but what if his s/o beat him in a race? Maybe with the same glitch quirk?? Could also with Bakugo considering how competitive he is! (Also hi I absolutely loved the last thing I requested 100/10!!!)
OKAY. ALRIGHT YOU FUCKING PSYCHIC. I DEADASS JUST HAD A CONVERSATION WITH @eraser-baby ABOUT AN IDEA LIKE THIS WHEN I RECEIVED THIS REQUST. I love the idea of using the glitch quirk ✨however✨ I feel like that’s cheating lmao, how do we feel about a Gran Torino reader? 😹
Because that’s what I’m gonna use, and since this wasn’t specifically a head cannon request I’m gonna write little blurbs ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
[Master List]
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Takami Keigo (Hawks):
“-A man who might be too fast.” You read aloud, the article you found on your boyfriend was hilarious. You weren’t a well known hero so you never had to worry about the media smearing you, but gods did you love reading them. You sat slouched on the couch in your living room as he paced around.
Keigo groaned in the background, “Just because there’s no one faster than me doesn’t mean I’m ‘too fast!’ I mean-“ He tossed his hands out. “What’s wrong with being fast?!”
You laughed harder, “Awe~” You teased, sitting up and leaning over the back of the couch. “Sounds like your ego’s bruised.” A cheeky smile spreads across your face.
He rolls his eyes and smirks at you, “You’ve never complained about my speed.” He teases back.
You blush loudly and playfully scowl at him, “Now that I’m thinking about it maybe you are too fast.” You chide.
He gasps and dramatically places his hand on his chest, “I’m wounded! Truly hurt!” He leans over as if he got hit in the gut.
You hum at his sarcasm when a delightful idea comes to mind, “What if we hold a race?”
He walks over to the couch and sits beside you, leaning into his hand with his elbow on the back of the couch. “A race?”
Your fingers fly on your phone screen, “Yeah like one of those Pro Hero events?” You pull up an example. “We can prove that you might be the fastest but not the only fast hero?”
He hums and agrees that it could settle the current media drama as well as being up his approval rating, “It couldn’t hurt anything.”
After a few weeks of event planning the race was set, all around Tokyo there were streets blocked off for the race. Media and other agencies participated, you decided to let rookies and sidekicks alike join the race with the pro’s. “You’re participating?” Keigo asks you while you’re adjusting your boots.
You chuckle, “Of course! It’s my event.” A Cheshire smile grows at your lips, “Why? Scared of losing, Birdy?”
His smile drops for a moment, a light blush dusts his face and he forced a laugh. “In your dreams, Dove.” His voice was flirty but you knew he was challenging you.
Contenders get to the starting line, you and Hawks were standing next to each other. Everyone got into the positions best suited for their quirks and you leaned into a traditional racing pose and took the deepest breath you could manage. *BANG* The starting flare was shot and a strong burst of air knocked Hawks and all the other contenders over. You had vanished, everyone was silent for a moment until they heard your voice, “Didn’t the race start?” You yelled teasingly in the distance.
Laughter was heard in the crowd and you jetted off again, everyone else clamored back into position and took off. Hawks stared at you in awe for a moment before nearly scowling and flying off, he dusted the other contenders until you were in sight again. The two of you were about 30 feet from the ground, when you hear him behind you. “I thought you didn’t like the media’s attention Dove.” He teases, you glance back and smile.
“Not liking the attention and taking this race seriously are two different things, my love.” You wink and blow him a kiss before taking another deep breath. You land on the side of a building and pivot, shooting down the next street and passing under Hawks who was paying more attention to you than the building in front of him. “Pivot, sweetheart!”
After nearly crashing into the on coming building he flips and follows after you; you tease him and bounce between buildings faster than his eyes can keep up. Keigo hears your laughter periodically as you jet by, “You seem to be having fun (H/N), ready to lose?” He chides as he dive bombs towards the finish line.
You took the biggest breath your lungs could hold, the sound that came from your feet could be compared to a jet plane itself. Keigo stretched his legs in front of him for the bannered line as you dove towards it.
With photo evidence you grasped the banner and rolled on the ground coming to a stop. Cheers were heard as you sat up, your legs spread out and your hands were on the ground in front of you. You stayed sat tangled up in the banner while the dizziness passed, “(H/N) won the race!” Present Mic announced over the PA, “THE TITLE OF FASTEST HERO HAS OFFICIALLY BEEN PASSED ON!” You smiled widely as you heard, plopping on your back to lay on the ground.
Hawks hovered over you with a shocked expression and offered you a hand, “I’m stuck.” You whined and grabbed his hand. He pulled you upright and you teetered as he helped untangle you. You huffed for air from using your quirk so much.
By the time the shock had settled he found himself laughing, “What the fuck, (Y/N).” He laughed out, part of him was living for the fact that you can be that fast the other part is internally squawking ‘what-the-fuck.’
His wings fluffed and fluttered in frustration, he knew he’d hear never hear the end of this from the HPSC. You watch him go through the stages of ego-death and can’t help but laugh. “Come on, Birdy.” You tug on his jacket. “If you’re gonna challenge me you have to be ready for every outcome.”
You wink at him and usher him to the even stage, where he gets the pleasure of hanging a meddle on your neck. He groans as he remembers he agreed to this part, “Remind me why I agreed to this?”
“Because you love me.” You jeer.
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Bakugo Katsuki:
It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye, or in this case until someone gets blasted into the void. This thought has been running through your mind on repeat as Aizawa had planned a handful of ‘fun’ competitions for the class to partake in rather than your ‘standard’ gym class. It’s not that you didn’t love the idea, in fact it was brilliant. Everyone would have the chance to see how far they’ve come, it would give everyone the opportunity to work with each other to improve your skills. However Aizawa seems to forget a certain someone in your class, Bakugo Katsuki, your beloved boyfriend. As much as you loved him your were fully aware that he would pay no expense to beat everyone (including yourself) in a competition. Today’s competition was a race at Ground Beta, you were delighted because this is something you were good at. You, Iida, Izuku, Tokoyami and Bakugo would definitely lead the competition with your quirks.
You knew Bakugo would never hurt you, gods only you knew how delicate the guy could be. That didn’t change his competitive nature though. “No eye gouging.” You muttered more to yourself than Bakugo, he looked at you confused until he remembered the phrase that rule came with.
He huffed and rolled his eyes, “I can win without doing that.” He retorted, you hummed at the comment. “What?” He hissed.
You chuckled a bit and stretched as everyone lined up for the race, “Nothing ‘Suki, I’m just excited to see how this turns out.” You shrugged your shoulders a bit with a smirk on your face and started your controlled breathing techniques and Aizawa blew his whistle.
You were off, it looked as if you’d vanished before everyone’s eyes. Izuku was the only one who really knew your quirks capabilities since he interned with your grandfather. Those who followed were the expected bunch and a couple others, Iida and Bakugo were directly behind you, Tokoyami used Dark Shadow to fly, Shoto used his ice to propel himself forward, Tsuyu and Izuku hopped powerfully to keep up. Bakugo was launching himself above the 7 of you, you chuckled and took a deep breath as the obstacles began.
You shot gracefully between the cement panels Cementos had put up, using them as platforms to push farther. You could hear Katsuki laughing from above, “You won’t get far if you weave around like that!” He chides as he goes.
You snort when he fails to realize the cement structures are moving, they grow higher blocking him. He blasts it immediately and clicks his tongue. “Strategy, my dear. It’s easier to see where they’ll move from the ground ‘Suki.” You wink at him, the other behind you seemed to notice what you meant when they heard you.
After the panels pass a new obstacle began, taking a sharp turn through the buildings and launched yourself high in the air from the ground. The other started to get ahead, Katsuki in the lead as you started to free fall. You were dive bombing past the new obstacle, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” You hear your boyfriend screech at you, he looked at you incredulously.
You looked back with what can only be described as a casual yet confused look, “Falling?” Your retort, almost sounding like a question, only seemed to irritated him.
The concern and frustration fought for dominance in his expression. Your chuckle seemed to snap him out of it, he grunted and blasted past you again when you jetted by.
Bakugo could feel his arms starting to ache from his quirk as you both neared the finish line. With Iida catching up, the three of you were neck and neck for first place, you took the biggest breath you could take and blasted past the two. With your knees bent you braced for impact as you crash landed into the finish line. You stood on wobbly legs as you panted for air, honestly you didn’t care if you won. You started laughing between breaths because of how fun the race was before looking up to see the candid photo of you winning. “Oh shit.” You droned, laughter dropping from your tone, you know you’ll never hear the end of this now.
Yelling is heard behind you, along with the sound of explosions. You could hear Aizawa and Iida telling Bakugo to calm down as you turned to him. As much as he wanted to congratulate you, rage consumed his face. He stomped up to you and you smiled softly at him, “Rematch.” He stated, you could tell he was holding back. “Just us, no obstacles.” The words seethed between his teeth and you could only giggle.
Your laughter got thicker and more obnoxious as he tried to make his demand seem reasonable. “Your quirk isn’t speed based Katsuki.” You snorted out while rubbing your eyes.
He stumbled for words in frustration before letting out a growl, popping is heard from his hands. “I WANT A REMATCH.” He finally bellows.
Laughter bubbles up in your stomach again as he barks and whines about a rematch. His face gets red in frustration as you fall on you butt laughing, by the time he burnt himself out from yelling he squat next to you. “We should race more though, that was a good race.” He mutters soft enough for only you to hear.
“There’s nothing wrong in admitting you had fun, ‘Suki.” You tease, only for him to stand quickly in frustration.
“Shut up!” He snaps and ruffles his hair.
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notchesandbullets · 3 years
Saving Her (Ojiro Mashirao x Wolf!Reader)
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Part 8: A kind gesture for Aizawa gone wrong, compensated for with a ton of fluff and shenanigans by the big three. Aizawa also being 100% done with Yamada.
Word Count: 4k
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You were skipping down the hallways of UA, on your way to the teachers' lounge. In your hands, you held a bento box.
Sato had been teaching you how to cook. His cooking was just as good as his baking and he had taught you a bunch of skills already in the kitchen. How to peel a potato, cook rice, correctly cut vegetables and meat, the list went on. Most times, you liked to watch him, observing what he did and then tried it for yourself.
He was a very good instructor, even though he brushed off your compliments more than once. He was too humble for his own good.
You knocked on the door a couple of times, a bit louder than last time. Over time, your confidence had been building up thanks to Aizawa's guidance and the constant support you had from your friends surrounding you.
Everyone should be at Lunchrush by now, there was no reason for anyone else to be in the classroom. You had gone there initially but the room was empty and that's when you remembered that Aizawa liked to sleep during that period.
In the teachers' lounge, hidden away from the world in that same yellow sleeping bag.
Your mouth twisted down in a faint frown as you recalled how he never seemed to eat much. Even when the others invited him for dinners at the dorm, seeing as how they rotated who cooked each night, he never seemed to eat a lot or stay for very long.
That was going to change.
You heard someone say it was okay to come in, so hesitantly, you pushed open the door, poking your head inside.
"Excuse me, is Aizawa-sensei here?" You asked politely.
Midnight immediately sprung up from her seat, dashing over to you and squealing at how adorable your ears were.
Her hands, however, were halted a hairbreadth away from your fluffy ears, entwined in familiar cloth binds.
"Nemuri, we talked about this." Aizawa glowered, hair floating as he activated his quirk even though it wasn't necessary.
"Awwww, Shoutaaaaa~" Midnight sang and you offered her a sympathetic glance.
You shifted uneasily. He really didn't have to go to such lengths, you weren't that used to people doing that yet. It still felt a bit weird.
"Ah, it's okay, Aizawa-sensei!!" You stammered out after finding your voice.
"Uh huh," He grunted in your general direction, dragging his colleague over to Yamada and detangled his capture weapon, releasing his quirk.
Immediately after he made sure she wasn't going to move, he lumbered over to you. It appeared to be lethargic but you knew better. He had that same concerned gleam in his eye whenever Midoriya would get reckless or one of his other students hurt themselves.
"What's wrong?" He demanded, inspecting you from head to toe for a single scratch.
You waved frantically, then yelped as you momentarily forgot you were holding the bento box and launched it into the air by accident. Scrambling to catch it, you were successful but you crashed into the lounge with a loud thud.
Aizawa's eyes were wide, not expecting you to suddenly flop in front of him. It happened in the blink of an eye but he recovered quickly and helped you up immediately, but not without scolding you first.
"What were you thinking? You could've gotten seriously hurt." His tone was scarily even and your ears fell as it washed over you. "We talked about this, Y/N."
He didn't understand what could be so important that you were willing to risk hurting yourself.
"... 'm sorry..." You mumbled, holding up the box as a sort of peace offering. "I... This is for you."
Aizawa took it but didn't take his eyes off of you, worried that if he stepped away for a second that you would injure yourself.
Mistaking his attentiveness for disappointment in you, you found yourself high-tailing it out the door before he could stop you, holding back tears.
Present Mic approached his best friend with a frown on his face as Aizawa sat down in his chair with a sigh.
Now that he was up, he should mark these papers before the next period. The sooner he got that done, the sooner he could sleep.
Yamada's head shaking in disapproval caught his attention and Aizawa rolled his eyes, not noticing how Kayama was sneaking over to his desk from the opposite side.
"Not cool." Was all his best friend said.
Aizawa lifted an eyebrow. "What?"
Yamada scoffed and Aizawa was taken aback.
"What the hell did I do?" He demanded, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "She knows not to bother me when I'm at work by now."
He didn't mean it exactly like that.
It was just that he had talked to you about it previously, the added risks of walking by yourself to the school when it wasn't an emergency. He thought he made it clear.
But he didn't mention that the real reason was because he knew how accident prone you were and was beyond worried every single time you left the dorms.
His best friend just shot him a look of disappointment and Aizawa could feel the irritation creeping up his spine.
"What do you rather me say?" He snapped.
"It's not what you said, it's how you said it." Kayama corrected, twisting around the box that you had brought to him.
In his haze of concern that you had hurt yourself with that nasty fall, he had discarded it rather carelessly, thinking you gave it to him to hold onto while you regained your balance. In his haste, the lid was jarred, revealing the hot, steaming food inside.
Aizawa's heart twisted painfully as Kayama pushed it over to him gently, and he lifted the top off, his heart sinking even more as he saw the carefully crafted katsu curry inside.
It was clearly homemade and clearly for him and he felt awful that he didn't even thank you before you left.
"Fuck." He sowre, grabbing his capture weapon and throwing it over his shoulders.
Ignoring his friends' knowing looks, he sprinted to the door, hoping and praying he could catch you before you went back to Heights Alliance. If you had already left, he would catch up to you. You couldn't have gotten too far away from the school.
He knew that the thought that you had disappointed him would weigh you down and cause you to drag your feet. He prayed that it would work in his favor.
But he was known to have the worst luck in the world.
Running the calculations of how much time was left in the period and combining it with the fastest route to intercept you all went out the window when he threw open the door, stopping himself just in time from crashing into you.
You jumped in surprise. "Aizawa-sensei?"
He thanked the universe.
He was breathing hard and you grew worried. Then, a thought hit you and you stepped to the side, thinking you were blocking his way. He looked like he was heading out somewhere.
He growled at you. "What the hell are you doing?"
Crap, that wasn't at all what he meant to say.
You just blinked, holding up a pair of bamboo chopsticks in your hand. "I... I realized you probably can't eat without these so I went to Lunchrush and got some. I'm really sorry I came today but I was worried that you didn't bring anything to eat today and since Sato-kun's and Todoroki-kun's been helping me, I thought I could—"
Cutting off the rest of your nervous rambling, he engulfed you in a warm hug.
"Aizawa-sensei?!" You burst out, now really worried something was wrong.
He never showed affection so openly like this. You didn't know what to do.
"I'm sorry."
Now, you were really freaking out.
His arms curled around you tighter and you just stood there, unsure what this was all about. Was it the food? Oh All Might, did he hate it?
You knew it. It would've been better just to buy something and have them deliver it to the school. But you really thought that it would taste okay—
He stopped you from spiraling too far.
Aizawa sighed heavily, detaching himself from you and regarded you with poorly concealed gratitude. "Thank you for the food. It was very thoughtful."
He nearly cringed as the words left his mouth since he wasn't used to being so blunt in this way, but the smile that stretched across your face as he said it made it worth it.
"R-Really?! You don't hate it?!" You blurted out without thinking and in that instant, his expression changed.
Aizawa's chest tightened painfully at how innocently earnest that came out. "Kid, what the actual—"
You clapped a hand over your mouth. "I'm sorry!!"
"When did I say that?" He demanded, quite sure he never said he hated anything you made.
But as you shifted uneasily in front of him, he couldn't quell his disbelief. You thought that it wasn't good enough for him, that you had disappointed him.
All the puzzle pieces fit seamlessly and he cursed himself for not seeing it sooner as well as for his foolishness earlier. He never was very aware when he woke up.
"I'm about to eat it now, how about you come in?" He asked awkwardly, just now noticing how he was having a conversation with you while you were still in the doorway.
You nodded and stepped inside rather shyly, making sure not to trip this time. Unbeknownst to you, Aizawa was looking for the same thing.
Midnight was nowhere to be seen now but she was most likely with Cementoss nearby. Present Mic waved enthusiastically to you from the back and you returned it rather timidly, hiding behind Aizawa before you could stop yourself.
Aizawa chuckled but made no move to pull you out into the open. He had social anxiety, too, so he understood perfectly. Everybody knew how intimidating his best friend could be with that quirk of his. It was the perfect match for his personality.
You walked over to his crowded desk, papers spread all over the place along with a handful of pens haphazardly strewn around. The bento box you had made him sat neatly in the center and you beamed up at Aizawa, tugging on his sweater not-so-discreetly.
He hid a smile at your eagerness, sitting down across from you only after he grabbed a chair for you to sit down in. Vlad King wouldn't mind.
You had to sit on your hands to keep them from shaking as he broke the chopsticks and grabbed a piece of meat from the bento box. You held your breath as he popped it in his mouth, chewing carefully.
He looked thoughtful as he swallowed it and you couldn't contain your silence any longer.
"Is... Does it taste okay?" You questioned, crossing your fingers.
You really wished you had tried it before giving it to him, but at the thought that he would end up with less made you skip over that part, leaving all your previous attempts on the counter and you finished the final product.
Maybe you should've tasted it.
But everything else melted away as a small smile tipped up the corners of his mouth and you squealed.
Aizawa wiped it off of his face. "Calm down, kid."
"You liked it!!" You cheered, dancing around him obnoxiously. "You liked it, I can't believe it!!"
"I didn't say that." He tried to reason but the damage control wasn't enough.
You were too far gone. "You really liked it!!"
"Kid, stop making so much noise." He ordered, hoping that would be enough to get you to stop shouting and dancing circles around him.
"No way, old man!!"
"Old man—?!"
His incredulous protest was cut off as you threw your arms around him, hugging him tight.
"I'm so happy." You cried, unable to stop the flow of tears after all your hard work was rewarded. "I'm so glad you liked it."
Aizawa froze for a second, taken aback by the sudden display of affection. He knew you were rather clingy, in part due to your wolf quirk, but he never expected this. Hesitantly, he returned your hug, finding that he rather liked holding you.
It made him feel like you were his daughter.
Oh All Might, you were his daughter.
You sprang back, wiping your tears with the back of your hand and he already missed you.
For a few seconds, the two of you stared at each other, a newfound understanding forming. It was disrupted as your stomach growled loudly.
Aizawa's eyes narrowed. "Did you eat anything yet today?"
Your sheepish smile answered that question for him. In your haste to get his done on time, you had skipped your own lunch.
Ignoring Yamada's snicker in the back, Aizawa gestured to the meal you had prepared for him. "Have some."
You pouted. "But, I made it for you."
"And I want you to eat some." He found himself saying even though he could easily scarf the whole thing down.
As delicious as it was, something stopped him from nearly inhaling it all.
These wretched parental instincts. Still, he supposed he was willing to accept those instincts as long as it meant you didn't go hungry.
Seeing you still hesitant to accept his offer even though you were clearly starving, he motioned for you to come closer and once you did, he dropped a hand on your head.
"We'll share, okay?" He compromised softly and you gave him a meek nod, giving into his father-like authority that left no room for argument.
Aizawa stretched out the chopsticks without thinking but you took it without pause, delicately picking up a piece of food and munching on it. It didn't escape Yamada's notice and growing curious, he sidled over, eyes glinting with mischief.
"YOOOO, Y/N!!!!" He shouted, the glass of the windows rattling from his loud voice.
You jumped at his volume and Aizawa smacked his best friend over the head, scowling at him.
"Stop that." Aizawa said, checking to make sure you weren't too shaken up by his careless colleague.
But your eyes were transfixed on Yamada as he pointed to the chopsticks in your hand.
"He used those already, here, you can use these."
In a show of good faith, or perhaps as an indirect apology for messing with you, he extended another pair of chopsticks that hadn't been opened yet.
But to both of the men's surprise, you shrugged your shoulders, grabbing one more piece of meat and eating it. "It doesn't bother me."
Both of their jaws dropped but Aizawa recovered faster.
"It doesn't?" He asked curiously.
You shook your head. "Nope, thank you though, Present Mic."
"Oh please, little listener, Yamada-sensei is fine." He reassured you quickly and you shot him that bright smile that melted his heart.
You were just about to take another bite when he interrupted you.
"Do tell me though, Y/N, how come you aren't bothered by sharing germs with this guy?" Yamada asked, poking his best friend in the face.
Aizawa scowled at him, batting him away in annoyance and you giggled, knowing it was all for show.
You rarely got to see him so at ease, it felt like you were being privileged to see a side of him that his students didn't get to yet.
"I don't know, it doesn't matter if it's family right?" You responded before your attention was taken by a particularly enticing piece of meat.
Yamada looked extremely satisfied with that, but Aizawa, he was floored.
You considered him family already?
He swallowed hard, clearing his throat, cheeks pinking slightly and giving away his embarrassment. The other man spotted it immediately and grinned.
"Yeah, it doesn't matter if it's family." Aizawa affirmed softly, making you look up.
You beamed at him, handing back the chopsticks that you had wiped clean with a napkin. "Thank you for the food, sensei!!"
He snorted. "That's my line, kid."
You giggled and the walls he had put up around his heart after years of working as an underground hero crumbled one by one.
That's it. He was screwed.
One of your fluffy ears swiveled as you faintly heard the bell chime from outside, marking the end of the free period. Everyone would be making their way to Midnight's class and since it was your day off, you had planned to get back to the dorms even though you had nothing to do.
Surprisingly, you were rather good with coursework, finishing it rather fast and nailing the topics with relative ease that flabbergasted your classmates.
The teachers had staggered your schedule around the others so that you didn't take on too much at once and this allowed you more time off than the others to compensate for your rigorous schedule.
You didn't have any classes today so that's how you had the time to make him all of this and not be worried about making it to next period.
Thinking it would be rude to ask to stay longer, you reluctantly got up, making your way towards the door. You supposed it was time to go back to the dorm and clean up the mess you had left behind in your hurry.
Aizawa's low tone halted you in place and you turned around, wondering if he was going to ask something of you.
To your surprise, he gestured to the empty seat next to him.
"Want to help me grade these?" He asked and your eyes lit up.
"Can I?!" You asked excitedly.
"Sure, kid." Aizawa replied, a hint of a smirk pulling at the edge of his mouth at your enthusiasm to do something so boring as grading papers.
Pumping your fist in the air, you sped over to his side, nearly tripping yet again in the process but managed to right yourself before crashing to the ground.
Yamada leaned down and lowered his voice, mischievously whispering as you plopped down in the chair next to him. "I always wondered what it would be like if you had kids."
Aizawa sharply elbowed him in the ribs.
"Shut up." He hissed to his nosy best friend before getting to work alongside you, teaching you what to look for while you skimmed each paper.
After grading papers for a while, he turned to you. While he knew that you hadn't eaten a lot since you were busy making him such a thoughtful lunch, that didn't mean he was going to let you off the hook.
You were currently wolfing down a bowl of gyūdon that he had ordered in for you.
When you objected to the generous offering, he had flatly told you off, easing up and letting you know that he was worried you weren't taking care of yourself and warned not to do it again when your eyes watered dangerously.
You were sly and sneakier than he gave you credit for as you tapped his shoulder. "Can I make you food from now on?"
"No." Came the dry retort from the stoic man, not taking his eyes off of the essays in front of him once.
You turned your best puppy dog eyes on him. "Pleaseeeeee~"
He shot you down again, still not looking at you. "No."
Huffing, you casted a look over your shoulder, puffing out your cheeks. "Yamada-sensei, he's being mean."
Immediately, a wind picked up around you, spurred on by the outraged shout that filled the air so much so that you had to clap your hands over your ears to protect them before your eardrums exploded.
"SHOUTA, WHY ARE YOU BEING MEAN TO MY NIECE?!?!?!?!" Yamada screamed.
Thank goodness it was only the three of you left in the lounge. Midnight and Cementoss had left a while ago and Vlad King wasn't going to be back until much later.
"She's not your niece." Aizawa snapped, throwing a textbook at his face.
Yamada deflected it rather easily and pouted sadly. "But Shouta, if she's your daughter, then that makes me the uncle!!"
Aizawa stiffened, unsure how you would take being labeled as his daughter but his shoulders slumped in relief as you doubled over with laughter.
"He's not wrong." You told him teasingly and he rolled his eyes.
"You two are too much to deal with." Aizawa complained, though there was light in his eyes, giving away his amusement and dare he say it, happiness.
"Hah!! Y/N, we did it!!" Yamada high-fived you excitedly.
You giggled. Aizawa instructed you to finish your food before you helped him grade anymore and you obeyed with a cheeky smile, pushing the rolling chair away so that you slid across the floor, your bright laughter ringing out as you spun around.
Yamada bent down, resting his arm on Aizawa's shoulder as soon as you were out of earshot and occupied with your new toy.
"She's a sweet girl."
Aizawa smiled slightly. "Yeah, she is."
That was the only agreement they reached in that afternoon of craziness.
"Hey, Y/N!! Can you make me lunch, too!!" Yamada shouted over the empty office cubicles from where you were playing fetch.
Definitely not a good idea but you were so full of energy that it was either this or laps around Gym Gamma and this seemed a lot more appealing to you.
"Oi." Aizawa shot him a glare. "Don't make more work for her."
"But her katsu curry is sooooo good." He complained, a dreamy look in his eye.
You readily agreed to make him lunches too, and Aizawa's concern grew.
"You don't have to, you know." He jabbed a finger at his colleague who was reaching for the food in the background, only to be swatted away by him. "He'll survive without food. Unfortunately."
You stifled a laugh at the jab, but it burst out anyways as Yamada heard it and narrowed his eyes at his best friend.
Clutching your midsection, you doubled over when Present Mic jumped on an unsuspecting Eraserhead from behind.
"Gah, get off of me!! You're heavy." Aizawa groaned, shoving him off.
Yamada's gasp was way too over exaggerated for him to actually be insulted and you giggled when he allowed himself to be pushed off.
"Shouta, you love me~" He sang gleefully, dancing back over to him and sticking his face close to his.
"No, I don't." Aizawa expressed emotionlessly.
"WHAAAAAAAT?!" Yamada cried, bawling as he sank to the floor dramatically.
Your laughter had turned silent as you ran out of air to produce sound, tears leaking out of your eyes from laughing so hard that Aizawa actually had to rush over and make sure you were still breathing.
After that, he didn't let the loudmouth get that far again.
Once the chaos died down a decent amount, he became concerned as he realized that by making his annoying best friend food from now on, it'll be too much of a hassle.
Aizawa's thoughts ran rampant as he tried to think of valid reasons to talk you out of it.
You could fall behind on your studies. You could overwork yourself. You would make the rest of the students lazy if they caught wind of your delicious cooking.
But you brushed him off, flashing your canines as you confidently reassured him that you would be okay making both him and Yamada lunches every day.
"I can make them when I free time and plan ahead so that you have food for each week." You told him, subtly insisting that you could handle it.
Aizawa rubbed the back of his neck, thinking you shouldn't be putting so much pressure on yourself to do this for him, but in the end your determination won out and he surrendered.
But only after telling you repeatedly not to overdo it.
You hid a smile behind your hand as he resumed his work, your ears twitching as the next bell rang and you stood up to get back to Heights Alliance, collecting the empty bento box on your way out.
He might deny it if you asked him while Yamada was there, but you were quite sure that was his way of saying that he loved you.
Taglist: @katsukis-sad-angel​
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Hmm, still thinking about character profiles… might try and do something with that after this arc, since I didn’t do it before the USJ arc. Or maybe I should wait until after the Sports Festival? I suppose I’ll have to wait and see if I have enough material…
Still, it does feel weird to try and do character profiles when there are other ones out there that are so much more detailed and really dig into things. I mean, it can’t necessarily hurt for me to do, but it’d also push back the chapters even further when I just want to get caught up, so… bleh.
Anyways, chapter.
[No. 16 - Know Your Enemies]
First off, Mineta, why. Just. Sigh. 
Our first panel has izuku and Tsuyu wading towards the edge of the water, Izuku cradling his broken finger while Tsuyu drags Mineta along. Long and short, Mineta says the villains will be stuck together all day. Izuku is muttering about how lucky they were, because that move was a real gamble, and if the villains had been smart, a few of them would have been hidden under the water. He can guess they weren’t thinking ahead, but they still need to be careful…
Tsuyu tells him to stop, since what he’s muttering about is scary. She then asks him what they should do now. Izuku determines that their top priority is calling for help, and that if possible, they should follow the shoreline and make for the exit, avoiding the plaza altogether. (Meanwhile, Tsuyu asks if Izuku’s okay, which he confirms even while wincing over his injury.) Izuku’s narration recounts that their first battle ended in a win, but that he’d made a deadly wrong assumption. 
Huh. Izuku is using his elbow pad as a temporary compress for his broken finger. Interesting.
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Tsuyu accepts Izuku’s plan, and then notes that Aizawa is drawing a large number of villains to the plaza. Izuku is worried about their teacher, noting that there’s too many enemies. Of course, Eraserhead is holding his own out there, but it’s too much for him, and that he had to know that, but jumped in to protect the class anyways.
Mineta think Izuku is planning something stupid (which I mean, rude but fair) while Tsuyu gives a neutral ribbit. Izuku clarifies that he isn’t saying they should dive right into the fight - just that they watch for an opening and do what they can to lighten their teacher’s load. The narration from above finishes with an ominous statement - thinking that they stood a chance against those enemies was a grave miscalculation.
Then we get an overview of the USJ and where everyone was sent, serving as the ‘cover page’ for the chapter. 
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Interestingly, neither Aoyama or Hagakure have a confirmed location, though I am aware that Hagakure later states she was in the same zone as Shouto. And Shouji… oh, poor Shouji…
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Can’t believe my good hugs boy was slandered like this… damn you Viz…
Not to mention the disrespect to our goddess Yaomomo… when will it end...
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Next up, we get to see Shouto being casually intimidating. He exhales a chilled breath as his shoulder starts to steam, musing about the villains’ divide and conquer strategy. He then notes with a half-hearted preemptive apology that it’s hard to see the villains who were in the landslide zone as any more than thugs with quirks they can’t even handle. 
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Jesus christ where does his ice end.
Shouto approaches the closest villain - perhaps the leader of that squad - his boots crunching in the ice as his left side continues to steam. The squad leader(?) calls him a bastard and complains how he reacted the second he was warped there, as well as wonders if he’s really just a kid before complaining about the pain from the frostbite of the ice.
Shouto briefly flashes back to Shigaraki mentioning how they brought along so many playmates (which I guess confirms that Jirou and/or Shouji forwarded some of what the villains were saying down in the plaza because otherwise there’s no way they should have heard from that distance.) He thinks about how the villains want to kill All Might, and and first, they’d all seemed elite, so they could use their numbers to overwhelm him. But taking a closer look, the pawns are only there for the kids, nothing but a gang of low-level cannon fodder. As far as he can tell, there are only about four or five really dangerous individuals there.
He then sits down(!!!) as he gets the villains’ attention, noting that at the rate they’re going, their skin will rot away from frostbite. The villains are alarm, but Shouto continues on, explaining that he’s trying to become a hero, and that heroes don’t do such horrible things. As he thinks about what he needs to do next, he asks the villains what makes them think they can kill All Might, and to tell him their plan.
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Shouto, my man, that is a power move and a half right there, I cannot believe he actually sits down and makes them talk to him like an unruly class of students or sommat. Just, fucking hell, I don’t even know if he realizes how effectively he just asserted his dominance.
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Our next scene shift (and the last for this post) is over to Yaomomo, Jirou, and Kaminari in the mountain zone, surrounded by enemies. 
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Pick your fighter. I’m Birb Dude. 
A lot of those enemies have weapons of zome kind and are overall fairly intimidating, though there’s also this one fucker-
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I’m sorry I just cannot take this one seriously, what the FUCK is that. There’s certainly some other questionable villains in this mess, but that one just. What.
Anyways. Kaminari just dodges a heavy punch from the big villain with the weird helmet on. He yelps as he gets closer to the girls and gets into formation (back to back to back), complaining about his whole life flashing before his eyes and asking who the hell those guys are and what they’re doing there. Jirou tells him to worry about that later, with Yaomomo stating they need to figure out how to get away from that mob. 
Jirou asks Kaminari to confirm he’s a ‘lightning guy’, and then tells him to just fry them all to a crisp. While she’s holding a presumably metal sword. Yeah no, I can’t see anything wrong with that plan. Kaminari is offended because why wasn’t she paying attention when were partners during the battle training? 
He then goes on to explain that he can only cover himself in electricity (so he wants a weapon), then goes on to say that he can discharge it, but he can’t control it - he’d hit them as well! Kind of like Todoroki’s power. He also states that he’s still trying to call for help, but his special transceiver is being jammed. He then finishes with the statement that they can’t rely on him, so he’s relying on them, giving a thumbs up with a bit of zap coming off of it.
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Jirou grumbles about how he blabs a lot for a guy, then turns and kicks him into the crowd of villains, telling him to be a human stun gun. Kaminari yelps in disbelief at the betrayal, smacking right into the huge villain who almost punched him before and giving the guy a real good zap. Jirou is unimpressed as Kaminari realizes that the adhoc plan actually worked, and that the two can in fact rely on him after all. Jirou notes that that was easy.
Two other villains move to go after Kaminari, who is STILL somehow zapping the guy (how is that villain not dead yet??), with the rock fisted guy aiming a massive bouldery fist at a scared Kaminari. However, right before it hits, it gets cracked open by some kind of soundsave, leaving the villain’s unprotected fist to land right in Kaminari’s face and get them brutally zapped as well.
The boar-masked villain with knives tries to leap in, but a net shot from seemingly nowhere catches him mid-air and sends him falling to the ground caught up in it. We see right after that it was shot from Yaomomo’s right forearm / elbow, all while she’s blocking another strike from a different villain with her staff. She tells Jirou and Kaminari to get serious, with Jirou apologizing as she lifts her short sword again. 
Jirou unplugs her ear jack from the speaker in her right boot, the jack retracting to normal length as she notes that she had a good plan, but Kaminari… (something? IDK. I guess he’s in the way? Or she wasn’t expecting his quirk limitations?)
We get her full name - Jirou Kyoka - and a description of her quirk, Earphone Jack.
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We also get to see her use her quirk without the speakers, directing one of those amplified heartbeats as a direct attack at some of the villains, who hold their hears as they shout from the pain. Jirou blocks another up-close sword attack with her own short sword, nothing that in her costume request, she asked for a way to focus her sound in one direction.
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A question about her costume, like. Why are the speakers in her boots? I mean, I know her costume needed speakers to direct her quirk, but why not go for something like Present Mic’s costume where she could have the speakers on her shoulders and so a lot closer to her quirk???
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Yeah, I need to try and keep remembering that these are first draft costumes made by fifteen year olds and not meant to be used in the field / against villains yet. Sometimes I am a dumb. Thank you discord for knocking my head straight.
Moving on, we get Yaomomo kicking another villain back as she states that ‘it’s ready’, which confuses Jirou and I guess the villains as well. The villain she kicked stumbles back as Yaomomo crouches over, her back starting to bulge as she notes that it took some time, what with it being a larger object. The back of her costume tears open in a fairly gruesome-seeming image, only for the next panel to reveal it’s some kind of huge sheet that shoot out over her and Jirou’s heads before coming down to completely cover them both.
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The villains are confused about the sheet, asking if the kids are trying to shield themselves. Meanwhile, Kaminari seems done shocking the other villains, stumbling as others start to run at him with their weapons or hands poised to strike. Momo clarifies that the sheet is a 100 mm thick insulation sheet, then tells Kaminari ‘now.’ Kaminari, nose bloody, realizes her plan and let her know that. He lifts his arms, telling the villains that he’s actually super strong before bringing them down and fully unleashing his quirk, zapping all of them at once.
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Pikachu, use Thunder!
As the quirk wears off, we see all the villains are in no condition to keep fighting. Smoke rises from the insulated sheet as Yaomomo lifts the edge, noting that now that that is handled, she’s worried about the others, so they need to hurry up and regroup. Jirou is flustered as she points out Yaomomo’s wardrobe malfunction (which I will not be sharing here), while Yaomomo calmly replies she can make more clothes. We also get a blurb on Yaomomo’s quirk:
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As well as probably one of the most important things that Bones cut out for some stupid reason: belly rolls!
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Yes, Yaomomo actually has a healthy weight in the manga. I mean, all the girls do, but still. Why do animes just ruin this stuff. 
Anyways, our last two panels of the page and this half of the chapter show Kaminari totally brain dead as he cheers, with another blurb about his quirk:
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Behind all three of them, we see a fist smashing up out of the ground, showing that someone managed to dodge that super-attack after all…
Anyways, that’s a wrap for now. Next time is all Aizawa and Shigaraki, and that’s gonna be… messy. See y’all then!
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thequietmanno1 · 3 years
Thelreads, Vigilantes 42, Replies Part 2
1) “…
Alright, this… this is gonna get disturbing, isn’t it? The implications already are a bit uncomfortable,.. between this and the boys on the last page, oh lord…”-  Oh, extremely disturbing by chapter’s end, though an early indication that the druggist was female was that all the victims- that we’ve seen thus far- were male. Easier to slip a roofie or trigger shot into your target’s unsuspecting beverage when they’re a member of the opposite sex, and you thus naturally let your guard down as the conversation flows. It being the shy wallflower works even more into her favour, as nobody really notices her at these mixers, nor does she stand out much compared to others, so that’s a natural advantage for her.
2) “Yeah, Aizawa isn’t exactly one that you’d call “in with the cool kidz™”, he wouldn’t know how to mingle even if he didn’t looked like a 40-something hobo.”- It’s a toss-up with him whether he’s too old or too tired for any of that shit.
3) “No guys, you don’t get it, his aura is so grumpy that it would completely ruin the mood of the party if he as much as stepped foot on that place. he’s doing this to protect the people that wish to have fun, that’s why he’s sacrificing his own social life.”- Aizawa may have the natural ability to attract extroverts like Mic towards him, but that doesn’t do anything to improve his own natural sourpuss attitude. It doesn’t matter how many people liven up the place around him if he’s got an instinctive killjoy mind-set towards having fun that doesn’t involve fighting somebody.
4) “And by god, I wish it was Koichi, but no, Midnight was the one tasked with the job, Koichi only ended up there by coincidence and because the universe hates him and wants him to be at danger 24/7.”-  Sooner or later, somebody’s going to start treating Koichi as an early warning bell for incoming disasters in the immediate area.
5) “Yep, it’s her alright. If Pop was delegated to focus on the less important target, then of course she’s going to be the one to be the actual villain here, just so Pop can be in danger.”- In the same way Koichi attracts trouble, Pop attracts opportunities to become a Damsel in Distress, often without being aware of it, meaning that when they show up in ‘non-hero’ situations or meetings together it’s almost a guarantee that something’s going to go sideways somehow through their combined danger attraction. That’s twice now a social event for Pop has placed her in the crosshairs of a simultaneous trigger investigation, and by the looks of it, she’s going to end up with a double-dose of trigger in her system by the end of the night… actually I wonder what Trigger would even do for Pop? Boost her floating ability to the point she basically becomes Uraraka?
6) “Yep, it’s her. She’s always with the prime suspect, but since she’s so ~shy and quiet~ nobody would even suspect her to be the one drugging people left and right. Now remains to be seen if this personality is an act or if she’s just making use of the cards that god slammed on the table.”- Probably a little of Column A, a little of Column B. She probably isn’t putting on an act 100% of the time like Scarface is to ‘get into character’ but on the other hand, the chapter’s ending shows that there’s a side to herself that she keeps well hidden from her ‘precious Rin’. On the other hand, she does seem to legitimately care for her, even in a Yandere way, so she might have developed her ability to hide her true feelings so well because she’s concerned Rin wouldn’t really accept her for who she is deep down, which also happened to help out a lot with this ‘side gig’ assuming she’s anything like Kuin and Scarface, both of whom tend to treat their interactions with Trigger testing as a part-time job that they need to get what they want eventually, rather than something they’re truly invested in personally.
7) “Hey! Don’t talk like that about my wet noodle boy, alright? I’ll let you know he’s the real fucking deal, a huge Casanova, he’s gonna steal the hearts of every single person in this mixer, the phantom thief.”-
Koichi: (proceeds to steal Rin’s heart effortlessly without noticing)
Devilshroom: I’ma steal his heart!! (grabs knife)
8) “And what’s worse, the only personality, the only role she has just got stolen by someone that is genuine and with a natural charm that make people actually want to know her, I can see why you got so bitter, it’s actually a real bummer.
:(      “- And ironically, this is Midnight putting on a fake identity and role to blend in, hence why there’s a distinct lack of uncomfortable mentions about youth and young love.
9) “Oh Koichi, don’t say stupid shit like that, you might run the risk of making her fall in love with you, which is usually the outcome of every single time you open your dumb mouth near a woman.”- Too late, the Koichinova strikes again. He’d actually be less infuriating if he acknowledged the serious game he has with the opposite sex, but nope. Wasted opportunities circle the dense cloud of obliviousness his head is lost in.
10) “Alright, time to see that there are people that actually worry about you, even if you barely know them. And of course there are people that worry about you that have known you for a long time, even if you never noticed.”- This bodes poorly for Koichi, given his quick reaction to help Rin was probably interpreted by Devilshroom as him ‘stealing her chance’ to get close and help Rin in her time of Need.
THAT OR SHE’LL BREAKDOWN, AND I DON’T KNOW WHICH ONE IS WORSE”- Both, it seems, but she cares enough about how Rin sees her that she’s able to exercise enough self-control to have her ‘Me Time’ where Rin can’t see her ‘shameful side’. Alas, we poor readers weren’t spared the gory details.
12) “ALRIGHT, SO SHE DECIDED TO FLIP HER SHIT, OKAY. AT LEAST HER TARGET IS PROBABLY GOING TO BE KOICHI RATHER THAN POP, SEEMS LIKE THE GIRL IS OFF THE HOOK FOR THE TIME BEING.”- Koichi’s ability to attract danger seems to take on many varied forms, but the most common one is homicidal rage towards a person you’ve never met before and yet have an insatiable desire to suddenly do bloody harm to. Really, Scarface actually seems like the Outliner now, given the amount of people who can’t resist trying to harm Koichi after interacting with him for a few minutes.
13) “SHE IS-
OH GOD I NEED A MINUTE AFTER THIS”- Yeah, I… needed some mouthwash after this. By the pint. My imagination is good enough that I could practically taste the vomit on the towel when I saw this panel. Still don’t feel really clean.
WHAT THE FUCK FURUHASHI”- So, we have one specific target, a Villain with an indirect method of attacking said target, and a bunch of people in a room together that said Villain doesn’t want to tip off about their nastier intentions. I foresee this going full Loony Toons by the end, wherein Hina keeps trying to shoot Koichi up with the drug and gets up getting everybody in the mixer but him, and increasingly losing her shit as she keeps ‘missing the mark.’ She’ll probably just try to stab him with the full dose by the end if he keeps accidentally passing on the poisoned beverages to some other poor shmuck.
JESUS.”-  Vigilantes: Where the sleazier side of heroes and villains is on full display. You ain’t seen nothing yet. @thelreads
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
outside of the bloodhounds, are there shifter communties? underground shifter trafficking? are certain breeds of shifter given more leeway than others (ie dog shifters given a chance to 'work' under duress whereas a big cat shifter would be killed without hesitation?) is anyone aware of hitoshi and aizawa's status as shifters?
Some shifters with ‘valuable’ forms are taken at birth and trained for government use, either shifter location and capture, or skintaker hunts. Forms like birds, dogs and the occasional particularly ‘easy to handle’ big cat or wolf are used for police and military work. They are assigned to a handler and often forced to remain in animal form. Todoroki Enji, a member of a skintaker hunting task force, is the handler of a hawk shifter. They are treated like animals, and, if they ‘misbehave’ they are shot dead. 
Any shifter over the age of 15 is culled, under the age of 10 they will have a behaviour assessment and then will either be culled or conscripted into training. Shifters are born at a rate of about 5 in 100 births, but only 10% of those shifters will have a desired form. Training has around a 60% success rate.
There are 100% underground trading rings for shifters, for anything from pelts, labour, what is basically glorified bearbaiting or dog fights, or for private collections, creeps, or people with a particular interest. 
Nezu is aware Aizawa is a shifter, and has probably sussed the others in his school out as well. All Might is also aware Aizawa is a shifter, as is Mic. Other than Aizawa’s strong suspicion, no one but Shinsou’s birth parents were aware he was a shifter until he had a particular run-in with Izuku and discovered his best friend was also one of the stray cats he’d been feeding roast chicken to for like 5 years. 
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