#mental illness check :)
blackheart1690 · 1 year
AO3 why must you hurt me so
ao3 was down I was crying over the loss of my bedtime storys of smut or angst and then ao3 was back I was happy then it went down again now Im angry and sad this is not helping my mental illness lol 
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if i put all this in a blender will i get academy era thoschei do you think
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charlotine · 1 year
when does one grow out of their incurable personality disorder? asking for a friend
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the-moon-cat-exists · 2 years
My husband just watched me count my pills and gave me a look of extreme concern. Honey, I don't count my pills in the wonder of how many I need to take in order to die, I count my pills so I know what I need a refill on and when. I don't wanna die. I wanna function.
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simcardiac-arrested · 5 months
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them’s the breaks, little friend
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redrisingsun · 2 years
I’m so tense that I am trembling all for one episode of bullshit
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courtmartialme · 9 months
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woag .. otp
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actuallymagsdump · 7 months
i miss the rage
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envysparkler · 1 month
A verse where Dick kills the Joker and the Joker stays dead.
Jason comes back as Hood and finds this out, along with the news that Dick is in Arkham Asylum. Full of righteous fury, he goes to break his big brother out--not really noticing that Dick is in Arkham's civilian in-patient facility and not its criminal wing.
Well, he gets a clue eventually, though whether it's because Dick seems utterly, sincerely convinced that Jason is a hallucination and resumes a conversation that Jason has no memory of, or because a deeply annoyed Robin shows up to chew him out for leaving Dick's meds behind remains to be seen.
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cemeterything · 9 months
extremely inconvenient but also kind of funny how sometimes i'll develop a delusional thought pattern or notion only for the facts and logic department in my brain to eventually get back to me weeks or months later like "hang on. that's not real." after i've already begun to restructure my whole existence around believing it. makes me feel like an army general who mobilized troops and marched out to the battlefield only for a bird to show up with a message from the city saying they negotiated a peace treaty moments after giving the order to prepare for war and they don't need me to raise an army anymore, i can just stay home actually.
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ennieasys · 20 days
you know you're disabled when you have to do Tetris to fit your pills in the organizer 😅🙃
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shkika · 8 months
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She is a dragon princess do not steel1!! And is my stupid awful moron daughter.
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artemis-pendragon · 2 years
I am a creature of habits and none of them are very good
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Night check✨✨
9:25pm EST
Well I made it to Friday! Thank fuck it’s the weekend hopefully it’s nice and I can take the dog for a nice walk.
The horses start their summer turn out routine may 1st which means work gets a fuck ton easier lol
Today was the first day I was able to keep food down so I actually ate and now I’m regretting it. I hope whatever bug I have goes away ASAP it’s been a solid week.
I would kill for a mani pedi someone tip me so I can 😝 lmao Jkjk
I hope everyone had a great Friday and have a wonderful weekend! If you have fun plans tell me in the comments 💕
I love you
You are loved
You are wanted
Take your meds
Drink your water
Be kind to yourself
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harrowharkwife · 1 year
i hope yellowjackets never gives a clearcut answer vis a vis the whole "how much of it is the supernatural and how much of it is the trauma" question, but like, at this point my best guess for tai is that she physically has a screw loose in the most literal sense possible. like something is not right up there. and i don't even mean in the mental illness sense, they're all deeply traumatized and different shades of mentally ill at this point, but like- this degree of sleepwalking, and dissociating, and losing time? it's giving neurological damage, it's giving uniquely horrible and very strange form of traumatic brain injury. like that plane crash knocked something Loose i swear to god
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insufferablemod · 26 days
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