#me: i love thunderstorms
one-winged-dreams · 1 year
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ectoplasmer · 9 months
imagine cuddling up with your f/o in bed during a thunderstorm… arms curled around each other, legs intertwined, head resting against chest while it rumbles and pours outside. getting to listen to the sound of their deep, calm breathing with the patter of rain against the window, seeing their features whenever the room is lit up by the flash of lightning… maybe their arms tighten around you whenever there’s a clap of thunder, maybe they make some sort of sound or they snuggle closer to you… just imagine being all warm and cozy with them during a storm, safe and comfy in their embrace <3
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raidenmahboi · 3 months
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Brothers in Arms
Raiden and Fujin Moodboard
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The one thing I wish they would have kept for Kate's story was her genuine terror of thunderstorms.
I loved the slow burn they did with Kate and Anthony and I didn't even mind the changes to the Edwina storyline.
But I missed the storms.
That scene in the library is just as much about Kate allowing herself to be vulnerable with Anthony as the other way around. In the show, Kate's vulnerability tends to be based around her family and duty and responsibility, but her fear of storms is something so deep that even her family doesn't know about it. She knows it's irrational, she doesn't want to worry them, she needs to be strong for them, always, but more than it's the piece of her that never allowed anyone to take care of her. She takes care of everyone else, not the other way around.
And Anthony finds her in that state, that she never shows anyone. And he's simply there. For her. Quietly, without the argument or fire or contradictions that they so often inspire in each other. He's just there.
I wanted that for Kate, that chance to be seen and known at her weakest, just as she sees and knows Anthony at his. I wanted that mirror to the moment when she helps him to breathe after she's stung by the bee. Amidst all of the turmoil of their feelings for each other and everything that was going on, I wanted Kate to feel safe with this vexing man just being her quiet, safe place too.
I would change nothing else, just give me that quiet moment in the library, with the thunderstorm raging and Anthony holding Kate's hand while they hide under the table.
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apollo18 · 1 year
Fawcette citizens would thrive in Gotham but but gothamites would go insane in Fawcette
Does this make sense?
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rosebudbl00d · 2 months
IDK WHAT CAME TO ME but fisherman aiden and lighthouse operator cassie rose :3 // dredge au?? maybe?? idk...
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Def some unrequited love as stupid young kids to switched unrequited love as grumpy old ppl...
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Also aiden can't read, all he knows is his love the sea
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synonymroll648 · 9 months
"And she [Sophie] couldn't help noticing how good he [Keefe] smelled—like wind and salt air and something a little citrusy."
hey guys remember when on page 646 of stellarlune shannon confirmed that keefe is a bit fruity (/hj)
#kotlc#keeper of the lost cities#kotlc shitpost#keefe sencen#soph ty for giving us this detail while you were off being a sophie-koala <3#(sophie-koala is now a term used in canon once so far and i am taking it and RUNNING)#sokeefe#because this is from the sokeefe chapter we've all heard about by now (42)#but also. the fact that he smells like wind and salt air and something a lil citrusy?#using that for at LEAST one keefitz fic#actually that's just gonna be a staple detail about keefe for me now. keefitz sokeefitz sokeefe something else i WILL use a similar#description to this no matter what. keefe absolutely WOULD smell like oranges. to me.#just because i love the idea of him going from eating oranges to use the peel for a smiley face the way kids love to do in elementary#to do it for that and because he just likes the fruit#salt air is pretty self explanatory because he likes the ocean but like. wind?#i'm pretty sure the context in this one is that he was off flying w/ silveny but. i love the idea that he ALWAYS smells like wind#like wind in your hair on a roadtrip like wind whipping against your clothes in a summer thunderstorm like wind blowing through lonely#hilltops like wind trying to catch you when you're falling off a cliff knowing damn well it won't save you but trying anyway#wind is never here to stay. keefe's never here to stay. he's wired to always be on the move#keefe being equated w/ wind is just. yes#damn i kinda derailed from keefe being a fruit but. he can be both guys i promise
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queenofbaws · 21 days
hiii! hope you’re having a nice weekend :) could you write anything for ash x jess please ? <3
Oh, she hated games like these...she absolutely hated them, because no matter what was asked or who was doing the asking, what it came down to was always the same: Lying or being embarrassed in front of everyone.
Her two least favorite things.
"Never have I ever..." Hannah started, dragging each syllable out to buy herself some time, "...kissed...a...girl."
And the circle went nuts - there were a few jokes shouted as people put their fingers down or left them up, things like "Yeah, that tracks," or "Oh please, you're not fooling anyone;" there were wolf-whistles and cheers; there was so much laughter she thought she might combust; and, as she left her own finger up, Ashley thought her face might literally catch fire, she was blushing so hard.
She never could've gotten away with lying, not with everyone looking at her like that, so instead of watching them react, she lowered her eyes to the floor, and...and that was probably why she didn't notice Jess scootch in beside her.
Without warning, there was a hand tipping her chin back, a pair of glossy lips sliding across hers; "Now you have," Jess smiled against her mouth, pressing one last bubblegum-flavored kiss to the corner of her lips before pulling back, basking in the hoots and whoops of the group as Ashley struggled to remember how to breathe.
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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24-guy · 1 month
Richie and Max cuddles... maybe Max is afraid of thunderstorms
You have. No idea how much I loved drawing this. Also. [Projects onto Max. Ill explain in the tags.]
If I could be bothered, I would make a flashing lightning version. But I don’t have that energy. :)
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Edit: oh god the crunch. Click it for better viewing...
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giggly-squiggily · 10 months
*slides in with more team z shenanigans and crashes right into the wall*
ahem. remember that wonderful wonderful dabble you wrote about the chigiri is scared of thunderstorms thing? (because i do. i actually think about it every day.) i know that scenario was a nagiri one but i raise you: gagamaru and raichi finding out because i love them. and they maybe try to comfort chigiri a little and are having a hard time because they're not experts at it but we all know that one foolproof method shxdjfaskj
please don't write if not feeling like it, as always <3
Rey you know I'm always down to write for you :3 And oh my GOODNESS! I freaking love these idiots (affectionate) akljrjklejkakje they make me beyond happy! I've gotcha covered, friend!
Cloud 9 (Taglist peeps):
“My hands are sticky.” Gagamaru raised them to the ceiling, turning them in the light.
“Gee I wonder why- it’s not like you eat dumplings coated in sauce with your bare freaking hands.” Raichi rolled his eyes, turning the corner with him as they made their way back to the main room. “Why don’t you try washing them for once, you overgrown garden gnome?”
“I did wash them- and watch yourself; I’m not a garden gnome.” Gagamaru sounded almost offended, bringing his hands back down. “I’d be a forest orc, thank you.”
“Yeah, and they don’t wash up either-” Raichi’s complaints were cut off when he saw a figure shuffling out of the room. It wasn’t that big of a shock- people came in and out all the time during the middle of the night. However…
“Hey, Princess!” Raichi called out, making the redhead stiffen. “Where are you off too? Gonna go do your hair before bed?”
“Maybe he’s gotta call in the birds to do it for him.” Gagamaru suggested.
“Are you kidding? Look outside- it’s grayer than your hair!”
“Listen here you-”
“I’m just going for a walk.” Chigiri cut in, voice sharp as a knife. “Not that it matters to either of you what I do here.” He turned to go again, quickening his pace-
A clap of thunder followed by a massive boom rattled the facility. Raichi jumped, cursing under his breath. Even Gagamaru seemed mildly alarmed. “God, what the hell- who pissed off Zeus?” He growled, glaring up at the ceiling. He went to say something else to Chigiri but found him…on the ground. “Princess?”
The redhead didn’t respond, crouched low with his hands over his ears, shaking like a leaf. All of Raichi’s earlier snark dried up instantly as he slowly approached. “Chi-”
Another boom. Another squeak from the redhead as he curled into himself further, frozen in terror. Raichi and Gagamaru looked at one another, understanding clearing their faces.
“Oh shit- you’re scared of storms?” Raichi asked, finally making his way over. Once close, he kneeled beside him and- froze. What the hell was he supposed to do? Comforting people wasn’t exactly his thing- he was known for chewing out jerks and declaring cool lines at dumbasses.
“Should we get Kunigami?” Gagamaru asked, equally confused. Raichi was about to nod when another clap came down, earning a small whimper from the redhead. A hand shot out to his wrist- the message was clear.
Don’t leave me.
“Forget it- he sleeps like the dead.” Raichi decided, figuring adding anyone else to the mix would worsen the situation. “Come on, Princess.” He tucked an arm across his back, pulling him to his feet. “Let’s move- there’s got to be somewhere not so freaking loud.”
Sure enough, the recording room proved to be a more muted place. The booms of thunder could still be heard, making Chigiri jump with each clap, but it wasn’t nearly as ear shattering. The redhead hadn’t said a word up to now,, opting to curl up against the wall furthest from the door. “Thank you…I’ll be okay now. You don’t have to stay.” He whispered against his knees, everything about him going against his claim.
“Yeah, and I’ve been recognized as the president of the Sexy Soccer Association.” Raichi smirked, flopping down beside him and getting comfortable. “The hell I’m leaving- this room’s got AC.”
“All the rooms have AC though.” Gagamaru pointed out as he sat on Chigiri’s other side, sandwiching him between them. “It wouldn’t feel that much different anywhere else.”
“You try sleeping next to Iemon and then tell me about the room feeling different. I swear that guy’s breath is beyond hot, and he snores! Wide open mouth and everything.” Raichi tsked, grinning at the redhead between them. “One of these days I’m gonna get a cork to shove in it- that’ll shut him up.”
Chigiri barely reacted, face glum against his knees. He looked absolutely miserable.
Sharing a look with Gagamaru over his head, a new idea came to mind. It was a bit risky, but what was Blue Lock without some risks?
“Ah. I see how it is. Too stuck up to laugh at spongebob jokes.” Raichi winked over his head, sharing a growing grin with the other. Without much warning, he started poking Chigiri’s ribs. “Fine then, Princess- tell us what jokes you like.”
“Dumb ones? Smart ones?” Gagamaru prodded his other side, listing off various types of jokes. “Anti-jokes? ‘Cause I got a few.”
“Mm!” Chigiri all but jerked at the feeling, arms slamming down against his sides as he tried blocking out their fingers. “No-Sto-op that!”
“Nope.” They said in unison before attacking fully, twenty fingers poking and prodding into his torso. Any attempt to prevent himself from laughing was lost as Chigiri squeaked, doubling over as he kicked and squirmed.
“Nohohohohoho! Stahahhahaap thahahahhaht! Doohohohohn’t tihihihihihckle mehehehehheee!” He batted at their hands, clamming up further when Gagamaru wormed a few fingers against his belly. “Dohoohohohhon’t! Geahahhahaha, cohohohohohme ohohohohohon!”
“Aww, Princess is so ticklish!” Raichi cooed, one hand finding the back of Chigiri’s neck while the other stayed at his ribs. “No wonder Kunigami likes tickling you so much!”
“He’s so head over heels for you. Can’t blame him- you’re cute.” Gagamaru agreed, clawing at his belly with his entire hand now. “So he’s the Princess and Kunigami’s the hero- and we’re the ogres?”
“The hot ogres, mind you. Kuon can be the ugly one.” Raichi decided.
“Ogres can be hot?”
“Sure they can!”
“Are you secretly a shrek man, Raichi?”
“Gagamaru if you don’t-”
“Ehehahhahhahaha! Guhuhuhuhuys pleahhahahhase!” Chigiri didn’t know what to feel- flustered by their teasing and weakened by their tickles. The shrek comment didn’t help in keeping his giggles at bay either. “Ehehhehhenouhuhuhuhgh!”
“Hmm…should we spare him? Raichi asked, lightening his tickles till they were gently tapping along his side. Gagamaru followed suit, tilting his head up like a dog.
“Mmmm….one last thing and we’ll be set.”
“Whahahait, last whahahat? Wahhahat are you tahahalking ab-Ahahahahhahahaout!” Chigiri all but squealed when his knees were grabbed, two hands kneading and pinching until he was breathless with laughter once more. “Ohoohohohkay ohohohoohkay stahahhap!”
“And done. It’s gone now.” Gagamaru confirmed, sitting back to give Chigiri space to breathe. “Feel better, Princess?”
“Whahahat….are you tahahalking about..” That’s when it hit him. The sound of rain against the facility had vanished, alongside the thunderstorm. “Oh…”
“Heh- didn’t even realize the storm ended, did ya?” Raichi grinned, ruffling his hair before standing up, stretching out his limbs. “God, I’m beat. If we have to wake up early tomorrow I’m gonna lose it.”
“It’s Blue Lock- we always have to wake up early.” Gagamaru reminded, standing as well before holding out a hand. “Come on- let’s go to bed.”
Chigiri stared at the hand before looking between the two, trying to make his throat work. “I’ll catch up with you two- you go on ahead.”
“Ah come on-” Raichi began, but Gagamaru had caught the hint, throwing an arm over the other and dragging him to the door. “Whoa-...ah, alright. You know your way back.”
Chigiri nodded just as the door shut. Only when they were out of earshot  did he let his tears fall, a small sniffle escaping his lips.
“You jerks…” He spoke to no one, something warm in his voice as he formed a shaky smile.
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0joodles0 · 1 year
I have polls and there's a lightning storm where I am, so I'm curious C:
reblogs aren't required but appreciated :]
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philemonsdarling · 11 months
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lips like lightning, skin so sweet
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euesworld · 2 years
"I'm in love with the way you laugh, it's like bubbles of joy erupting from your heart and it tears through me like the softest thunderstorm of perfection.. if I could hear you laugh all the time, my life would be complete."
I fall in love every time that you laugh - eUë
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ahabsleg · 8 months
“If ever, my dear Hawthorne, in the eternal times that are to come, you and I shall sit down in Paradise, in some little shady corner by ourselves; and if we shall by any means be able to smuggle a basket of champagne there (I won't believe in a Temperance Heaven), and if we shall then cross our celestial legs in the celestial grass that is forever tropical, and strike our glasses and our heads together, till both musically ring in concert, — then, O my dear fellow-mortal, how shall we pleasantly discourse of all the things manifold which now so distress us, — when all the earth shall be but a reminiscence, yea, its final dissolution an antiquity. … Let us swear that, though now we sweat, yet it is because of the dry heat which is indispensable to the nourishment of the vine which is to bear the grapes that are to give us the champagne hereafter.”
Herman Melville in a letter to Nathaniel Hawthorne, June 1851.
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thediamondarcher · 9 months
I kind of want to see Michael and Darcy in the same room while there's a storm outside because Michael hates storms a lot and Darcy loves them
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