#me when i go silly over wet birbs
lexitheleamon · 21 days
Icarus paces constantly, and maybe it's the fact that they're unsure of what to do or how to stop him from leaving, or maybe it's the fact that they know Ven is to stubborn for his own good on occasion. Either way, Icarus is desperately pleading on the inside for their only piece of steadiness not to leave and leaving them broken realizing the truth of the mess they've created. But it's too late he's already gone.
Kicking Icarus's crutch right out from under them.
And instead of pacing or yelling instead of any arson. Icarus finally gives up. Slouches down to the floor and cries.
They've given up on everything
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there are more of these bc the two towers is probably my favourite of the trilogy, despite the distinct LACK of boromir 😔
BUT i did notice a few things that baby birb totally ignored or forgot about!!! find out what they are........below 😈
one of baby birb's fav shots of aragorn was when he's lying across a rock tracking merry and pippin bc it reminded me of that one episode spongebob squarepants where the lads end up riding a rock to the customer's house 🤣 'it's not a boulder, it's a rock! a big, beautiful ROCK!!' lmao
baby birb ALSO loved all the shots of everyone running. as a smol individual, i had to run EVERYWHERE to keep up with the Tall Folk 😒 sure it was nice seeing THOSE feckers sprinting for a change!!
am still very confused about why anyone listened to grima what's his name, ur man's half the way to gollum u know 👀
tangential to the running scenes: i love aragorn's doofy run where he's flinging his one arm about like a silly. reminds me of my OWN unhinged run 🤣 (it is possible that these films are more deeply imprinted upon me than i thought 😅)
legolas's FACE every time he has an emotion. delightful
knowing that viggo mortensen broke his toe made me laugh at the helmet kicking scene tbh, i know it's meant to be poignant but that EXTREMELY REALISTIC scream of pain got me going like 🤣
shout out to treebeard holding merry and pippin in his tree hands. i kept thinking 'what if he just. smashes them together like barbie dolls 🤣'
that gifset ruined everything for me. 'this forest is old......very old....' old as balls. that's just the line now. i no longer acknowledge the original. 😔
cheeky gandalf!! 'u wouldn't part an old man from his walking stick!! 🥺😳😘🤭🙄' (<- this is how birb thought using emojis worked a scant five years ago. be GRATEFUL i was not on tumblr back then, for the carnage would have been GREAT AND TERRIBLE!!!)
i love love LOVE the scene of the trio beating the shite out of the bg guys while gandalf walked slowly toward the king. u just see legolas punching a dude in the face, aragorn ZOOMING round in front of gandalf and off to the side, it's hilarious 🤣
so many ICONIC lines!!! 'boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew!!'
'it's the beards 👀'
rip eowyn, she's so lonely and sad that the slightest validation from a hot guy she's known for five minutes was enough to make her fall stupid in love with him 😔
(i am also stupid in love with him, but it's different when i do it bc. um. uhhhh. 👀😳)
god he IS great tho, isn't he??? he's so dirty and greasy and wet and soggy, i love him and his dirty face and his dirty clothes and his dirty hands i love him i love him i lo
legolas got SO ANGRY about the orc telling them aragorn went over the cliff, he took it SO PERSONALLY. this makes birb want them to kiss each other 😊
they can kiss gimli as well, i don't mind!!
also the king awkwardly patting legolas on the shoulder like he's a slightly homophobic dad trying to comfort his gay son after a break-up, 'i still care about u but im super uncomfortable so im just not gonna say anything ok?? ok. manly head nod. im out 😐'
side note: poor elrond, here he is trying to make sure his daughter has a good life and all she wants is to marry the dirty ranger like
'u think u know a girl, u raise her for 2000 or whatever years, organise her birthday parties and buy her a pony and teach her how to control the river, and then in the end she leaves u behind and marries a guy with a fraction of her lifespan, dooming herself to future suffering and despair smh 😔'
also arwen's face when aragorn is breaking up with her,,,,,'what did daddy say to u?? this is bc of what he said, isn't it?! i can't believe he's still interfering with my love life!!!!' ;A;
that lil ~half caress~ aragorn does to legolas's hand when he's returning arwen's necklace to him????? it's like??? idk super romantic??? it made my stomach go SWOOP?? if i stare at a gif of this scene i feel a bit dizzy??? is that weird. am i. weird 👀
i want them to make out with each other, sorry lads 😔
the annoying thing in all these medieval fantasy type stories, when there's not enough men for the war, they're always conscripting 10 year old boys, while the teenage girls and young women without any kids are hiding with the elders and children. LIKE. HOW can u justify sending little 8 yo haleth son of hama to the front lines?? LOOK AT HIM!! HE'S TINY!!! surely a 15 - 21 year old young woman would have a better chance of NOT DYING than a wee lad!!! they're peasants, they're used to hard labour!! do directors/writers etc think it's more ~realistic~ or sth?? do ppl think NO WOMAN ever took up a sword in a crisis??? even if certain things are Not Done (and in some places, even under penalty of DEATH), the Rules tend to fly out the feckin window once there's an emergency!!! I THINK 10,000 ORCS MARCHING ON HELM'S DEEP COUNTS FOR AN EMERGENCY???????
all im saying. is if we're all going to die anyway, then EVERYONE should get a sword. even the kids. ESPECIALLY the kids. it went really well in the walking dead when the lil girls each had a pistol. i promise i can be trusted with weapons i p romi s
the best thing in medieval-style warfare is when the two armies stand across from each other and shout insults back and forth for a bit, like 'you're ugly!' or 'you're smelly!' or 'i slept with your sister, and it weren't anything to write home about!!'
please could somebody fetch gimli a ladder, ur mans can't see above the fecking wall like nnO NO NOT THAT KIND OF LADDER
legolas and gimli counting their kills will never NOT be funny to me
god when he shoves open those doors and ARRIVEs it's so so so fucking hot. god he is sso hot. he's so hot i love him i love him i
lol they sneak out the side door like 'hee hee hoo hoo, no one shall see us~' 🤣
'TOSS ME!!!!!' *yeets the dwarf*
im sorry
imagine being such an asshole that u make the fucking TREES angry??? like, u make the trees hate u SO FUCKING MUCH. that they literally come MARCHING OUT OF THE FOREST to commit mass property damage???? 👀
when i watched the scene i shouted 'TILL BIRNAM WOOD DO COME TO HIGH DUNSINANE!!!!' out loud but nobody laughed ._.
come onnnn it's funny right??? esp since we know that 'no man of woman born' can kill the guy in the next film!!! iT'S FUNNY, RIGHT??? ;A;
sam and frodo tumbling down the stairs also made me laugh but i paid for it immediately after when sam goes 'it's your sam. don't you know your sam?' fucknig KILL MEEEEE PLS
the most iconic, most beautiful, most painful line of the film-----the one that always makes me cry, the one i couldn't forget if i wanted to, the words that stand between me and DEATH------
'That there's some good in this world, Mr Frodo. And it's worth fighting for.'
GOD. IM FUCKING DEAD 😭😭😭😭 beautiful delivery as well, shout out to samwise gamgee for being the best man to walk middle earth, i will now lie in a puddle of my own tears _(:3」∠)
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whumpy-wyrms · 9 months
Hello hi! Just read the newest chapter and I am Insane
I saw the update and I was so excited I nearly dropped my phone, I was almost normal enough to read it when I saw the wing whump tag, the crowd went insane and it ended up taking nearly 15 minutes for me to start actually reading.
I am insane, your writing is so beautiful.
(This is just me reacting to the entire fic I'm sorry (no I'm not), you don't have to respond to this one)
Anton, the wet cat of a man, watching the trees for an hour each day and counting that as touching grass enough.
He deserves immortality, I think he should get it, he can be trusted yes.
Hjshjshsjsgsjhsjshjshj he's being accommodating with the lights and the textures my heart- (we stan the tisms supporting the tisms)
"But hey, it's for science!" My Absolute Beloved, Anton can do whatever he wants to do he deserves it.
When the when the when the when the autistic wet cats of men communication (Anton and Dew talking at any given time)
The flinch going to the table >>>>>>>
The descriptions are so beautiful and vivid, have I mentioned I love your writing?
The Cloth Gag Yes
I just had to put my phone down for a second at that line woa I'm not usually one for duct tape gags, but this may have changed my mind on that front
When the man is in Pain and the other man is sat Criss-Cross Apple Sauce
He is in pain for weeks oh my with only Anton for company oh my he is going as insane as I am
He is Breaking someone get him a plushie this is beautiful I am handing him a chicken plushie because he is
He is Breaking poor guy ohno
""I'm tired of being scared of you,"" I Am On My Knees Good Sir I Didn't Need My Heart Anyways It's Okay
I am holding him so gentle
A lil kiss on the forehead if he's okay with that
Hold lab birb gentle like hamburger
I am giving him a week's paid holiday somewhere maybe just home for a bit (oh wait that's the lab now isn't it :3 )
What's the Anton doin
I was going to say give Dew a weighted blanket but I guess he has one already huh
"maybe four weeks? Fuck, that was insane." I'LL TELL YOU WHO ELSE IS INSANE OVER THIS
"keeping Dew from moving an inch away from his captor?"
Damn that line. Someone fetch me my fainting couch. I must be dramatic and think of this line often.
Anton you're not the birb here why are you cooing
"excusing Dew's mention of his old life just this once" Dew should slip up :3 as a treat :333
Anton is but a silly guy. A harmless, silly guy.
He has never done anything wrong ever. I support Anton's rights and wrongs. But he has not done wrongs. He is so. He is a little guy, ur honour. He should be allowed to do whatever he wants in life.
Birb instincts *sounds of wait hold on wait I need a minute wait*
Dew's got wings now yay :3
Also his clone doing his own top surgery is even better.
Have a good 24 hours!!!! I'm going to go try to be a little less insane about this I swear (difficulty impossible)
Also I wrote the live react thing in a word doc and it ended up 661 words long! Sorry for so much!
A CHICKEN PLUSHIE FOR DEW OMG im definitely gonna draw that now :))
Anton and Dew are both silly little guys living in our silly minds rent free
us when Anton does Anything: its okay he was just feeling silly :3
anyway i was giggling kicking my feet the whole time reading this,, these asks make me so happy :) its still such a surreal feeling having people react to my writing and ocs this way AHHHAJSKDGAKJ this means So Much to me you don’t understand. thanks so much again for the support it makes me so happy people like my writing and characters!!!!! :)
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tainted-wine · 3 years
What will happen if we combine Scumbag! Hawks + BirdBrain! Hawks? 👀👀
Dealing With an Asshole Bird (NSFW)
(This is more obsessive than scummy, but I hope it pleases!)
Warning for Yandere vibes
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— Birdbrain!Hawks is a dumbass, but he’s a powerful dumbass. If he has his sights on you, you’re gonna have a hard time escaping.
— You’ll find this bastard in your home somehow, tidying up your room to impress you. He’s very patronizing as he describes how messy your ‘nest’ is. “Good thing you’ve got an organized guy like me around to help you out. Lucky girl!” He brought some of his belongings as well, and combines your stuff with his to transform your bed.
— Don’t lay on the bed. Settling on the nest that he made tells him that you accept his proposal to be your mate. Turn around and go sleep on the couch or something. Actually, just leave the house.
— Wait, don’t do that either. What are you gonna do, tell people that the Number 2 hero broke into your house and began aggressively rearranging your things? He’ll just chase you down and get everyone on his side in no time.
— Well I guess you’re Hawks’s mate for now. At least the sex is good. He’ll always give you a grooming session after doing the deed, but he’s still talking down on you every other minute. “You’re always such a mess after I fuck you. At least I’m not the type to bang and leave. Without me, you’d just be lying here...all sticky and fucked out.”
— Hawks negotiates with the Commission until they allow him to bring you along during work. After all, he can’t let his careless and helpless mate out of his sight. The Commission is very aware that he’s an idiot bird and will entertain his avian side if it means he keeps doing his job well.
“You can’t just put me in danger while you fight villains!” You say.
“Aww, my baby bird forgot that she’s talking to one of the top heroes. Like I’ll let you get hurt on my watch. You’re so precious ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵘᵗᵉ ᵈᵘᵐᵇ ᵇᶦᵗᶜʰ.”  
— He’s extra flashy around you, using unnecessary and extravagant moves while you try to stay out of harm’s way. If you try to run off when he isn’t paying attention, he’ll screech and hop around in a tantrum. To prevent an angry birb, praise him and feed him strips of meat every time he rescues someone or catches a villain.
— He’ll become a panicked squawking mess if you escape him, and the Commission is going to hunt you down because “Hawks is going apeshit so get your ass back over there.”
— You’ll get a scolding once you’re returned to him. A surprisingly angry one. “Do you know how dangerous it is running off alone? You don’t have any talons or wings to defend yourself with!” Try tossing a dark cloth or blanket over his head. The darkness will calm him and he’ll quickly forget what he was so pissed about.
— What are you doing eating that solid food? You might choke, silly bird. Let Hawks eat and regurgitate your meal. Now it’s mushy with a coating of wet love! You’re just staring at the gross pile of pulp while he eagerly stares at you like:
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“Hawks...uh...this is very sweet of you, but I can eat whole foods just fine. In fact, I’m not even hungry right n--”
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“Nevermind this shit looks bomb and I can’t wait to gobble it up.”
— I know you really don’t want to, but try to keep your ‘meal’ down while he’s around.
— You’re not allowed to be near mirrors alone. There’s always another winged bastard hanging out with you. Hawks has no idea how he keeps getting into the house, and he looks just like him, like he’s trying to fool you. And knowing how clueless you are, it might work! For all Hawks knows, you probably brought the imposter home because you thought it was him!
“Hawks, calm down! It’s you in the mirror!” You say.
“Are you serious? You really can’t tell me apart from this asshole?!” He says while sounding truly hurt by your words.
— He attacks the mirror, shatters it, and knocks himself unconscious. When he wakes up, he discovers that the phony is finally gone! Sure, Hawks may have blacked out and is suddenly covered in cuts, but the bastard is finally gone! Serves him right!
— Ah shit the fake fucker is back in another mirror.
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studiopoprocks · 5 years
Owl be Back
“If anyone who can write stuff nicely can anyone do a Hawks x S/O and his S/O have to take care of a baby owl until it can be let free but it keeps just coming back, it be very cute.”
Thank you so much @liliththeedgy for letting me write this super cute request, for the best under cooked Chicken nugget ever!
Ship: Hawks/Keigo Takami x Reader
Warnings: This is a Drabble people! Hold on to your fedoras!
Category: Fluffy Fluff
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Waking up like most mornings, you were pinned to the bed by the wings of your sleeping boyfriend. For such delicate looking extremities, they really were heavy. It honestly surprised you on how Keigo was able to casually walk with them all his life. But they were warm, and helped block out a bit of the sun coming from your open window, so you weren’t really complaining.
However your peaceful morning was interrupted by a loud bang, causing you to look around in worry. There was a light smear mark on your window, and your heart fell. It wasn’t the first time a bird had died this same death, but their little wings always reminded you of the man beside you. One of your biggest fears was that he wouldn’t came home one day, and you’d find his body similar to the dead birds.
You slightly slapped your cheek, knowing you shouldn’t be thinking about that kinda thing. Looking over at your boyfriend, your challenge of escaping without waking him began. You attempted to lift the dead weight of Keigo’s wings, kinda rolling out as you did so.
You thought you were free, before you felt a tug on your arm, then a two big wrapping around your middle and flinging you back onto the bed.
‘Kei, I’ll be right back.’ You promised, but he just tightened his wings. ‘I’ll bring up the leftovers from last night’ at the mention of getting chicken, he finally let go.
It was quite early in the morning, the dew still lingering on the blades of grass that covered your yard. In the middle sat the tiny bird, or more specifically, an owlet. However instead of lying lifelessly on the ground, it was struggling. Rolling around, trying to take flight.
You knelt in the grass, ignoring the wet spots it created on your pyjamas. ‘Hey there’ you spoke calmly to the little creature. It glanced up at you, fear in its eyes.
Both of you stayed perfectly still, waiting for the other to make a movie. The tiny owl maintained eye contact as it tried to fly away again, failing and crying out in pain.
Out of instinct, (dealing with your bird brained Boyfriend) you picked up the baby and did your best to comfort it. It pulled away, scrambling to get out of your grasp.
‘Hey, hey, it’s okay’ attempting to pet it with the tip of your ring finger. Which surprisingly worked very well. It whoed at you, watching you out of curiosity instead of fear.
You did your best to not disturb it as you sat up, grass sticking along the length of your legs. Scared of frighting the bird, you continued to talk to it as you brought it inside. Of course it didn’t understand you, but there was no harm in reassuring them with a soft tone as you brought it into a different environment.
Once inside, you racked your brain for different wing injuries. Keigo’s reckless behaviour had turned you into a pretty top notch nurse, and the creature in your hands was basically a tiny version of him.
You ended up freezing a wet paper towel to use as an ice pack, and wrapping it’s poor wing in a brace type thing made out of a popcial stick. Thankfully it’s wing wasn’t broken, just a small sprain. But that did mean it would be under your care for a couple weeks.
‘Oh, so you didn’t leave me to go run off with the circus.’ Your sleepy boyfriend mumbled as he caught sight of you. ‘When you said you’d get me chicken, I didn’t expect it to be alive.’ He joked, blatantly adoring the owl in your palm. His wings even fluffed out, something you were used to whenever he found something enjoyable.
Wordlessly he ask if he could come close, and hopefully hold the tiny thing. As he came closer the baby seemed intrigued by his wings. Flapping and moving it’s good one, as Hawks would do the same. Must be a bird thing.
‘Their wing is only sprained,’ You commented as you transferred the bird to your boyfriends hands. ‘Won’t take long to heal, but we’ll take care of them until then, okay?’
You swear you could see happiness radiating off of the bird boy. ‘Can I name him?’
‘Him?’ You questioned, ignoring his previous question.
‘Ya, I’ll name him Hawks Jr!’
‘Not happening.’ You laughed, guiding the small bird back into your hands. ‘What about Avis? It means bird in Latin!’ At your comment, the tiny owl whoed, seeming to enjoy his new name.
‘Little Avis Tamaki’ both you and Keigo smiled.
You best believe you took multiple pictures. Originally it was so you could track his growth, but silly photos were always more fun. Plus now you’d probably get a pretty cute photo album from this experience.
The first week was definitely the hardest. Neither you nor your pro hero boyfriend had much time, so between work, and caring for Avis, you two were exhausted. Thankfully Hawks knew a suprising amount about different bird species, so nutrition and environment wasn’t that hard.
Avis had also become pretty clingy. Not that you minded, but it must be a bird thing as Keigo acted similarly. It was nice though, you all went for walks either early in the morning or late at night. Sometimes even flys if Avis was particularly restless. Of course he had to sit in your hands, but it was a small price to pay for his enjoyment.
‘Where’s our little chick?’ Your boyfriend had developed the habit of calling Avis your chick, which didn’t surprise you in the slightest. Little Avis poped his head out from under your bundle of hair, whoing in a greeting soft of way.
However that smile on Keigos faces quickly disappeared, as the tiny bird launched himself towards him.
‘AVIS!’ Both you and Hawks lunged to the ground, attempting to catch the little birb. However, Avis just spread his wings and slowly drifted on top of Hawks head.
You looked at the baby in shock, debating whether to be happy that his wing is getting better, or upset because he put himself in harms way. However Hawks was one step ahead of you.
‘You can’t just jump off of your mother like that, you almost gave up a heart attack!’ He plucked the owl from atop his head, ‘but, we are both happy you seem to be feeling better. Can you copy me?’ Although Avis likely didn’t understand, he did copy Keigos actions.
Slowly he spread his wing out to the side, Avis copied. Lifting it up, then down, and Avis copied. This went on for a bit before Hawks told him to copy one last thing. He surprised attracted you with a kiss to your cheek, but the cutest part was that Avis copied it the best he could. Thus another photo to add to the collection.
You spent the rest of the afternoon preening Avis’s feathers. Since he hadn’t been using them much, the matnece had gone way down. You were used to preening your boyfriends wings, even if they didn’t need it, but Avis was much tiner, so it proved more of a challenge.
‘You’ll do mine next right? Please?’ Keigo wined, pulling you closer. Making it difficult to focus on the cute bird infront of you, while a hot bird was behind you. Hawks had gotten really protective of both of you, and it was adorable. Suffocating, but adorable.
Kissing Keigo on the cheek, you returned to your job, straighting our all the loose feathers while Avis cooded happily. ‘You can’t just kiss me then ignore me!’ He laughed, turning so he could plant some of his own along your face. ‘Revenge!’
After the second week, things started to calm down a bit. Even getting enough time to start up date night again, which was one of the best in a while. Throughout this experience, you and Keigo had gotten so much closer, although you thought that it was impossible. You swore he almost read your mind now, and you his. Knowing what eachother needed before they even knew.
‘Hey mama bird.’ He would say whenever you were with Avis. The little Owl has grown so much over such a short amount of time, even being able to fly for short periods. At this rate, he would be all healed up within the next two weeks. You were happy, or at least you wanted to be. Avis, as Hawks would say, ‘was going to leave the nest’, likely never seeing him again.
Your solution: spend as much time together as possible. You even managed to get a long weekend, with one of the days lining up with Hawks’ day off!
So the weekly night flying became daily. You’ve explored the entire park and forest by your place. Plus between you and Kei, you’ve almost tripled the amount of photos of the little bird. Even going as far as to get one from the fancy photo booths in malls.
Honestly the weeks flew by, and you felt the realization on a early morning flight. It was slightly chilly, but it was beautifully sunny. Avis sat, nuzzled in your hands, while his ‘father’ did loops around the clouds. But just like him, Avis wanted to be a little daredevil, and jumped straight out of your hands to fly beside the both of you. Avis had been with you for three and a half weeks, and he’d already given the both of you two heart attacks!
But boy did he seem happy. You and Kei knew what had to happen. So the next morning, you did one last test. One last round of Hawks stretching his wings, and Avis copying, which of course ends with a kiss to your cheek and a photo. Avis’ wings were as good as your boyfriends, which he’d use to fly away.
Making Avis his favourite insect meal, and saying goodbye as you brought him outside to where you first found him. You tried your best not to tear up or cry Hawks obviously did while you said your final words.
‘We both love you Avis,’ you started, ‘We want to keep you forever, and just have you as our baby bird. But you have to be free.’
‘You’re strong just like your mom, you’ll do great things!’ Hawks continued, ‘If you understand anything we’re saying, I hope it’s that we both want to see you again. Someday.’
‘We love you!’ You joined in with Hawks, and Avis nussled you both. Saying a goodbye ‘who’ before flying into the sky.
Never in your life had you been more thankful for your boyfriend. Your emotions were all over the place, and having him with you through all of it really helped. You would be his rock, and he would be yours. He had realized this too during the time you spent with Avis.
You went to work early the next morning to distract yourself. While Hawks figured out his master plan, after a certain someone came pecking at his window after you had left.
The next day started off normal, pinned to the bed by your boyfriends large wings. A faint ‘who’ outside of your window prevented you from drifting off into the blissfulness. Half asleep, you thought it was your boyfriend. Kinda like sleep talking for birds. But once you listened closer, it sounded more familiar. It was Avis!
You scrambled out of bed, flipping Kei’s wings to who knows where. Looking out the slightly dirty window you saw him, your little baby owl. So if course you quickly opened up the window for him.
‘Hey honey!’ You quietly whispered in case your boyfriend was miraculously still asleep, ‘What that on your leg?’
A tiny letter was attached, carrier pigeon style to his leg. You gently took it from the eager bird, who was waving his leg about, pulling full attention to it. You could almost cry as you read it:
Dear my little dove,
Guess who came to visit yesterday when you were off helping others? So I decided he could help me with something I’ve been meaning to do for awhile now. You’re the love of my life, the chicken to my nuggets. And the past few weeks only confirmed all these feelings I have for you. I hated seeing Avis leave, but then I realized, what if you ever left. I honestly don’t think I would ever manage without you. So I was wondering if you would like to stay by my side forever? What I’m trying to ask is...
‘Will you marry me?’ You heard from behind you. Hawks bent on one knee, a ring in one of his feathers. Or at least that’s what you think as the tears kinda blocked your vision.
You furiously nodded, making multiple mhmmm noises as you tacked your fiance into a hug. Even Avis was whooing happily at his parents joy, even if he didn’t really understand what was happening.
So that’s how your life is right now. Engaged to the number 2 hero, furiously in love, and a owl son who visits you almost every morning. You leave the window open enough for him to get in, and most of the time you’ll wake up to him nuzzling your face. He wouldn’t spend long, just enough to say a quick hi and be on his way.
However another surprise was about to arise. One beautifully sunny morning, as you waved Avis goodbye, your boyfriend grabbed your hand, lovingly stroking you with his thumb, and mumbled ‘I want a baby.’
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kinkyacademia · 6 years
Mod Pasta, Pasta of my dreams, it’s your smol birb magpie requesting your writing prowess! I’m so excited for Power Loader, beautiful gremlin man that he is! Would it be oh so possible to have either a nsfw scenario or headcanons (which ever takes your fancy) of his fem s/o surprising him with the fact she knows like a ton about cars and mechanics since it’s canon that he loves cars I could totes see this revving his engine *pun intended* Please and BIG Thank you and many 💕💕💕
Cars 4 next year? MORE LIKE CARS 69 RIGHT HERE WHOOOOOOOOP!Oh my gods, I never realized how entirely attractive Power Loader is until today. What an emo stud.👌P.S. I know nothing about cars, I don’t even understand how engines work O_OP.S.S. It’s 4AM, so this is unedited :)
-Mod Pasta🍜🍝
 You two had been together for a couple weeks, hanging out off and on and just getting the whole “relationship” ball going. It was working well, though, and you seemed to be hanging out at his house a lot. You still haven’t found something to fully bond over, though; just minor subjects, nothing big enough to talk about for hours on end. It just happened that you were spending the night at his place when he brought up his old 90′s peach coloured Toyota as you ate the French soup you made. Your eyes widened, “That’s so beautiful, is the paint original?”
“Of course, I’d never settle for less,” Your comment spiked his interest, and you felt it in how he began to ping-pong small automobile subjects off of you, testing the waters so-to speak. His relatively dim, dirty kitchen seemed much more lively as the conversation diverged, and he promised to show you his old navy blue Mustang after dinner. You talked about his other collections as you ate, but the food got cold from how long you two talked, smiling and laughing, gawking and recognizing the signs of a perfect match between the both of you. Being a designer, he had collected and restored many cars in his past.
“I really don’t think this wine goes with cold soup,” You admitted, and he chuckled and nodded in agreement as he, rather excitedly, pushed himself up to throw his plate in his sink. You kept the wine, joining him and placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah, yeah, we got distracted, but that’s okay,” He shot you a grin, “It was delicious, though.”
“Oh quiet, I want to see your garage,” You hit his shoulder, and your skinny (Yet burly) boyfriend whisked you away to just where you wanted to be. He couldn’t stop bragging about different pictures and parts on the way there, and you paid attention the whole time in awe.
“This one’s, oh this one’s with that damned kid who stays after. She tried to make a hovering one,” He sighed, covering his eyes as he walked past the train-wreck of a picture. You giggled to yourself, wow, he did love his students, didn’t he?
“I guess you must be doing something right,” His head snapped around to you as he opened the door to the garage and turned the flickering light on.
“Why do you say that?”
“She keeps going, you must inspire her,” You took in the Mustang. A little beat up, but in amazing condition for how old it was and how many miles it had.
“Huh,” He thought for a second, then shrugged and patted the hood of his car, “I’d take her for a test run, but the street’s packed around this time,” You two talked the car over, and your wine disappeared into the night with the empty glass forgotten on the floor. You both were fascinated with each other’s knowledge on the machines. It was when the subject of your old hobby of fixing your friend’s cars came up when he couldn’t stand it anymore.
“So she said “The tire’s out, but my whole e-”
“I think you fit perfect,” He interrupted, and you tipped your head to the side. His glazed over eyes offset you, and you wondered just what you little mechanic was thinking.
“What? Like, in that tool belt we were talking about? Never in my wildest dreams!” You laughed, but quickly cut out when he grabbed your waist and pulled you to him, swaying slowly as his piercing eyes caused your face to flush. You’ve been this close to him before, but never with this much intimacy, with this level of understanding of one another. Your own hands hesitantly trailed up his dirtied white tank top, brushing past tufts of orange hair and to his cheeks that you never realized were so perfectly sculpted.
“Nah,” His smirk sharpened, and he pulled you in for a heated kiss. Butterflies filled your stomach, and you excitedly reciprocated the intensity. He tasted like rum and your sweet soup, and you found yourself falling in love with the taste with every second that passed by. When he didn’t pull back very quickly, you pressed yourself to him in hopes of getting more of the delicious friction you were feeling. He took this as an open invitation to take a step around you, one of his feet slipping between your own and forcing you to straddle him as he hiked you against the front of his car, “You’ll fit just nicely face-down on this here hood, don’t you think?”
“But-wouldn’t I-?!” You exclaimed in shock, your blush deepening and eyes widening. He was ready to do that with you? He was usually such a ruthless, romantic tease, you couldn’t tell if he was joking. When his rather large hands greedily groped your ass, though, you knew he was serious. You bit your bottom lip, nodding and swallowing hard; you wanted this. And damn if you didn’t want to get fucked silly against this beautiful machine, “Get it… dirty?”
“Do I look like I care about dirt, (F/N)?” He narrowed his eyes, leaning in until your noses touched. You ended up giggling, and he snickered and caught a quick kiss. You shook your head, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Well, then I think that’s a lovely idea Maijima,” You purred, and he smiled to himself in victory.
“Then you’ll have to be face down,” He took a step back, his hands sliding off your ass and leaving you cold without him. You happily did as he told you to, the cold metal pressing against your breasts and making you very aware of his much softer touch as he leaned over you, his hips pressing into your heat, “You’re sure, (F/N)?”
You nodded in excitement, “Of course,” and pressed back into his growing bulge. You’ve wanted this for a while, now, and was happy that he finally felt the same way. He practically purred as he leaned down, his teeth dragging from the base of your neck up to right under your ear, where he bit and began to make a hickey. You whimpered, hands kneading the top of the car. He pulled your bottoms down, pushing your panties to the side and fiddling with something on his hands. When you almost got the confidence up to ask, you realized that he was taking a couple rings off of his fingers before sliding a single digit into you. His forwardness was a breath of relief, and you ground back into his hand as he enjoyed your warmth.
His hands were big on their own, but you were becoming dripping wet for him. Once he was satisfied with his rather large hickey and your own panting, he pushed another finger in and lovingly pumped slowly, his own arousal becoming painfully restricted. You felt a pressure inside of you, and his name slipped out of your lips as you got closer and closer to your orgasm. Before you could reach it, though, he slipped his fingers out and pulled himself away from you. You were left dazed and surprised, “M-Maijima? Please, Mai…” You whimpered, leaning up seeing him wiping his hand on a rag from a pile of cleaned ones. They must be for cleaning tools. Before you could walk anywhere, he turned to you. His eyes held so much lust, so much intensity, that you froze in place.
“What? Nobody’s getting hurt from waiting,” He then opened a drawer, searching around for something. Among his pens, measuring tools and screwdrivers, he found what he was looking for. When you saw what it was, your heart tightened, and you bit your bottom lip as he came back. His smile was contagious, and you ended up pulling him in for a quick, yet passionate kiss as you used your other hand to slide your panties off and leave you bottomless. He gently pushed you down against the hood of his car, lengthening the kiss as he pulling his jeans and boxers down. You found yourself anxious and needy for him, pulling back from the kiss to meet his eyes with your own.
“Please, Maijima, please fuck me,” Your whisper was just what he needed to push his length inside of you, slowly filling you up. He held you up with his arms around your back, the remaining braces on his fingers digging into you a little. He started out with slow thrusts, but as he picked up the pace, he ordered you to “hold on” so he could have some upper body fun.
“Look at you, pretty little bird perched on my car,” He growled, one arm keeping you close so he could observe your panting, sweaty face, his other hand sliding into your shirt and playing with your breasts. He’s always been a materialistic person, and digging through hard dirt all day left him craving your soft body tonight, “You’re the prettiest thing in this whole house.”
“I’d h-have to a-argue,” His thrusts, becoming fast and overwhelming you with pleasure, were rough and greedy, “This Mustang’s awfully nice,” You laughed, but your giggles faded into moans and gasps. He leaned over, nibbling your growing hickey and causing you to turn your head and expose more of him to yourself. You wanted more of him, all of your mechanic boyfriend.
“Yeah, but I’m not willing to wreck that beauty,” He chuckled darkly, causing  goosebumps to form on your skin. You definitely knew what he meant as your orgasm returned with a vengeance from being denied before. You pulled him closer, letting him bury himself deeper and deeper inside of you. Soon you felt yourself clench around him, and you closed your eyes and clamped your legs around his waist and gasping as you came. He let you, continuing for a couple more seconds before giving in himself and leaning down to lay you across the hood. Your flushed chest caused his own cheeks to be painted red as well.
“F-Fuck, I didn’t know you had that in you,” You bit your bottom lip, unconsciously smiling up at him. Alas, of course your dork had to ruin the moment.
“Technically it’s inside you, (F/N),” You hit his arm, and he snickered to himself as he pulled out. Pushing yourself up on the cold hood, you glanced down to see what really had been inside you. Satisfied immensely, you looked back up to see him wiping his forehead with a rag. He came back seconds later, arms crossed as he slipped his removed braces back over his fingers, “Did I leave marks on your back? I forgot about these.”
“It’s fine, they’re badges of honour,” You teased, and he nodded as he stared at you expectantly. Your eyes widened in confusion, “What, Maijima?”
“Turn around,” He ordered simply. He must order people around a lot at work, because this sort of stuff slipped off his tongue like butter. You turned, though, and he pushed you back against the hood, “That was just round one, who said we were done little bird?” You moaned softly as he slid himself back into you, already starting to get hard again. You couldn’t believe you had this man.
“God… fuck yes.”
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