#maybe a future fic
cerealboxlore · 1 year
Billy Batson my son you deserve more attention
Quick post bc my family is celebrating a relative's birthday, but I've been thinking about the Teen Titans show again. The good one, the original one, in case there's any misunderstandings 👍
And since this is a Billy Batson blog, y'all know where I'm going with this. It would have been nice if had there been another season, we could have gotten an episode featuring Captain Marvel, aka Billy Batson, interacting with the Teen Titans, but it's just Billy actively trying to get the Teen Titans out of the Rock of Eternity because they accidentally got inside. Billy is younger than the Teen Titans, but yet he's secretly a member of the Justice League, a Co worker of Batman. This could lead to interesting conversations and scenes.
I also really want to see Billy Batson in the original Teen Titans art style, even if it's just a quick cameo.
Maybe the episode could talk about the ethics of children and teens becoming superheroes and the morals of all that junk.
The season that we didn't get was supposed to be about starfire, maybe it could focus on Billy and his position as the Champion of Magic as a child and how Starfire is a princess of Tamaran (I can't remember how it's spelled). Being a guardian of magic and the ruler of a planet (not currently reining/on the throne at the moment but you know what I mean) could bring forth a lot of issues to the surface.
Or, you know, maybe it's a babysitting episode. Where a Justice League member stops by Titan's Tower and just drops Billy off because they found out he's a kid and not an adult, and they need to make sure he won't transform into Captain Marvel until further notice. That could be fun.
Sorry if my thoughts are incoherent, but I'd love to hear y'all's thoughts on this! What do y'all think? What other DC shows should Billy had a cameo or episode in? Billy deserves his own animated show tbh
Bonus: It is a firm belief of mine that if we ever got that last season, we should have gotten a brief cameo of Superman at the finale of that final season. Just as a treat not as anything important. Maybe the Titans save Metropolis while Superman is away and they get thanked for it. With free pizza 🍕
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aberfaeth · 2 years
transfiguration’s gonna come for me at last
[stranger things, Eddie/Steve but also Eddie&Robin, Eddie&Max, And Such. character study/fix it. 6k]
“So, like, what’s up with your mailbox?”
Trust Steve Harrington to waltz into your house, sprawl out on your armchair, and hit you with a whammy like that. Eddie pauses, midway through locking the door behind them. “What?”
“Your.” Steve fumbles. He gestures to nothing, lips pursed. “Y’know, the thing on the wall outside. You always touch it when you walk by. I thought it was maybe, like, a tiny mailbox? But now that I’m saying it out loud, that sounds… really stupid.”
(or, Eddie Munson and Judaism.)
hi guess whos back back again. this time with a niche jewish headcanon fic! this one’s a lot of friendship, a lil romance, and a pretty solid matzo ball soup recipe. i hope u enjoy <3
read transfiguration’s gonna come for me at last here!
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soldierofsirens · 2 years
I have brainrot since I rewatched the show, and now all I have are crossover idea with angst, infinite amount of Kusuo so done with his own shit, and everyone is just confuse at him.
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payasita · 7 months
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navybrat817 · 4 months
Do you think Bucky would be possessive if you aren't his girl?
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Nonnie, I think you forgot a word at the end of your question.
You aren't his girl yet.
But imagine Bucky is sitting at a table and a few agents are sitting there as well. He tries to block out the chatter, until one of them mentions your name. Followed by his.
"Barnes, you hitting that?"
Which would have him seeing red. Because he wants to fuck you, yes. He also wants to give you the care you deserve. He wants you to be his completely.
"If you're asking if she's my girl," he says as calmly as he can manage, "No."
"So, I have a chance," the agent smirks.
That look is quickly wiped away when Bucky takes a knife out of what appears to be thin air and drives it through the table as the chatter ceases. The blade is right between the agent's fingers. Miraculously, he didn't get cut.
The former Asset is that good.
"You didn't let me finish. She's not my girl yet. So, no, you don't have a chance."
But the question is, did you happen to walk in and witness the event or did word get around?
Love and thanks! ❤️
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gojonanami · 4 months
thinking about gojo asking you if you think you would be together in your other lifetimes and you say yes. and you are — he’s a model and you’re his photographer, he’s a prince and you’re his knight, he’s your actor husband and you’re his singer wife, and he’s your target and you’re his assassin—
and you are together in every life — one way or another — but in this life, you part, as you watch him fall to Sukuna.
and you wait for the next life, where you can finally be together.
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hotpotghosts · 30 days
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deadtiredghost · 13 days
we deserved more of 2018 Casey
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nixoon-again · 3 months
i have so many thought about tails growing up. like sonic gets more like tails, tails gets more like sonic in a way but worse.
sonic learns how to show more affection through words and actions, where he didn't know what how to deal with his emotions and buried them deep for no one to see, he learns to be more open and grows as a person who wants to be here with his friends and family, and learns to share his worries with his family too.
while tails — raised by an 11 year old who didn't talk much, didn't stick around for long, didn't like long hugs, felt trapped in too many people, hated being stuck in one place, wanted nothing but the fresh air in his quills away and alone yet so selflessly helping everyone he can — grows into a person who doesn't really know if his emotions even matter or what he should do with them. he doesn't want to cry, he doesn't want to be seen crying, he doesn't want anyone near him in his more vulnerable moments. he loathes the idea. he questions himself every night whether he actually loves his friends and family or whether they love him or are they just being nice for the sake of an unlovable kid. it's drifting them apart, it snowballs from the solo adventure tails was so excited to go on. he doesn't know how long that adventure is going to be or should it even be called an adventure because really its just him running away from the people whose presence is starting to suffocate him, he doesn't know if its the idea of hugs and "I missed you"s and celebrations that makes him want to run or his inability to handle his own emotions anymore. he's not fond of physical contact, he would rather not use his voice, he doesn't want to stay here anymore, there's an itch within him to get away, get away, get away.
but he can't. that's not who he is. so he returns and suffocates.
sonic tries to surprise him one night after a successful project by making dinner. he welcomes the fox, now taller than him, with open arms and a warm smile. tails looks at him, knows sonic is offering the hug this time for no reason but simply because he can — and where a certain 8 year old would've been ecstatic at the sight and would've ran into his brother's arms and wouldn't have let go, now is a different story. tails doesn't know what to do. he looks lost, none of his seemingly infinite knowledge helps him in that moment.
sonic notices the distress and asks if everything is okay but tails, having heard it so many times in his life, simply says "nothing. you worry too much."
tails barely touches the food, neither of them talk, he doesn't sleep. its 1:34 am. he gets the tornado and leaves.
sonic waits because regardless of everything, tails always comes back.
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theorderofthetriad · 2 years
sucks that we're having regressive arguments about the direction of ao3 like "should we ban some content" and not forward thinking discussions like "we should get the ability to search or exclude all ship tags with a certain character name in it"
EDIT: 0kay, new discussion!
"there are a lot of elements of ao3 that people do not know about as they are not immediately obvious, or in fact require information that is not readily available. so it's kinda douchey when someone says 'i wish ao3 had this' to then respond 'well ao3 DOES have this!' without actually bothering to tell the person how to do it."
No thanks to literally anyone who made this sort of comment. Actual thanks go to @batcavescolony for explaining it in the replies like a decent person.
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nibbelraz · 3 months
You have any parenting hcs plss what do you think moshang and bingqiu would name their kids 🥺
Shockingly I never thought too in depth about Moshang/Bingqiu kids, I love the idea that they'd have some and I adore fics with them.
I think both couples would be good parents but definitely struggling in the beginning like REALLY STRUGGLE I can only imagine Qingqiu freaking out over a baby, yes he helps the disciples but a WHOLE BABY?! He would be screaming. Shang Qinghua would also be freaking out, they're both trying there hardest as new parents.
If I ever did a full au I think I'd want Moshang with three kids and Bingqiu with two, but since they're all immortal, then they'd probably have a LOT more 😭
I'm also not sure what they'd name them but I after seeing this ask I tried to do some sketches!
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shivroy · 9 months
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future shiv
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alicentsultana · 2 months
Calling all besties to debate with me!
Hotd modern!au, what would Criston work with?
I particularly see him in something like military official or a firefighter, lieutenant or capitan, something that involves fighting and security of some sorts.
In the same au, what would Alicent do?
In my head, she probably would divorce and have to redo her life, she's very clever, and I believe that she well versed in history, culture, knows a little bit about language and dialects, so I see her as either a professor or a tourist guide, I totally can see her showing monuments and explaining it, and I also can see her doing a slide presentation and telling students to write an essay for next Tuesday.
I also think about the children, Aegon would totally try to drop out of high-school and give up college, furthermore as a way to help his mother after the divorce. However, Alicent would force him to finish school and tell him to get a half-period job (maybe in mctargaryen), but I think he would try to take care of his siblings so his mother wouldn't worry.
Helaena and Aemond would clean the house and attempt to make some food (pasta, that's a lazy home alone sibling food), and I picture they would fight over who's turn it is to change Daeron's diapper (he only begin to walk recently).
Anyway, tell me you guys opinions and hc, I need some ideas.
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gojonanami · 3 months
thinking about being best friends with gojo and you’ve had a crush on him forever but never think he would feel the same. so when he takes you home one night, all your friends are asking you if you like him. and you tell them no, even if we kissed nothing would ever happen between us. and gojo hears it.
yet another night he’s walking you home from a hang out with all your mutual friends, and he asks you right as you get to your door, if he kissed you right now would anything happen? and he leans close, breath warming your lips…only to flick you on the head and walk off.
and you’re left wondering that the hell that was
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vampyrsm · 2 years
i’m absolutely feral for street racing aus
just sat in bed imagining bakugou as some infamous street racer, he’s known to be cocky and mean to his opponents and rightfully so, he’s the best at what he does. his car is his pride and joy, it’s a beautiful black in the dark but under certain lights it changes to a deep army green, black tinted windows that have gotten him into trouble more times he’d like to admit.
as much as he loves racing, he also loves fucking about with friends in their cars. finding obscure places to drift and do donuts with his friends, it’s a good way for him to relax and goof around without worrying about the outcome of a race that means he might be eating good for the month or not at all.
so i��m picturing it’s one of those nights, he’s sat on the hood of his car whilst he watches kaminari and sero in the distance practicing their drifting. it’s usually just a friend gathering so colour him surprised when kirishima turns up, late by the way, with a pretty girl climbing out of the passenger door and kirishima is absolutely beaming at the way bakugou is shamelessly staring.
he hasn’t quite seen anyone like you before, sure he’s seen plenty of models who come to the races and the after parties but there’s something different about you. something that’s got his stomach flipping and heart beating faster when you look his way, and with a gentle smile that automatically has him giving a soft smile back.
kirishima finally brings you over, and bakugou scoots over to let you lean against the hood of his car next to him and you do, he can see you hesitate because it’s a pretty expensive car. eventually kirishima jogs off to go help kaminari with something & leaves the both of you just in this weird silence. it’s not awkward so to say but he doesn’t know how to speak to someone beautiful like you.
“so how’d shitty hair rope you into coming to shit like this?” comes his rough voice, and you look at him finally. you’re so close he can see all your features clearly, the gloss on your lips shining when you pout a little to think about your answer. you’re so gorgeous it hurts.
“i told him that i attended the race last weekend, and that whoever came first totally deserves to have their dick sucked for the manoeuvre they pulled.” you laugh, shrugging a little. and the longer he stares, watching you get embarrassed at your own words. shit, you mean that.
he grins now, that signature cocky smile. “that was me, sweetheart.” and you gape at him, wide eyes in shock that you admitted such a thing. how didn’t you recognise his car? maybe it’s the lighting here, it is pretty shitty. “so am i allowed to take you up on that offer?”
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chocochipclaire · 1 year
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in honor of the all the times I’ve tried drawing geralt carrying regis out of tesham mutna, I just wrote a 9k fic instead - (this is) the thing
includes: survivals guilt, hansa remembrance, oblivious geralt, and a lot of touching
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