#maybe I just have a thing for competency because I started crushing on them because I was admiring how artistic and dedicated they are
sableeira · 8 months
my partner just randomly dropped photoshoot pictures of the most incredible cosplays on a random Saturday like it’s nothing
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sanguineterrain · 9 months
Feel like I’m so basic but Jason Todd with a crush and him having zero social skills and just being super clumsy despite being highly competent when he’s in the field. Crush is like real sweet and kind maybe a service worker ✨
anon u are so true and real for this bc jason is definitely an unsocialized cat when he has a crush 💓
jason todd x gn!reader. shyish/anxious jason with a big fat crush. baker reader. annoying customer. the duality of jason todd. 1.6k words.
also i fully believe that silently leaving huge tips as a way to flirt is like. a wayne trait. 100% that family does that bc of bruce.
prompt lists are here! i reblog all fics to @sanguinelibrary
Business has been slow.
It's not like you expect your cafe to be packed to the rafters all day long, but you've had a grand total of four customers today. One of them only came in to ask where Starbucks was.
Frankly, you're not sure the cafe can afford to stay afloat for much longer. Gotham isn't known to preserve small businesses, and the conglomerates (cough, Wayne Enterprises) are taking over the world anyway.
So today is a reading day. You might even close early.
You're at a table in the back, so absorbed in Poirot's sleuthing that you don't hear the door open. It isn't until you turn the page and look up that you see your resident lurker waiting quietly at the display case. You flinch so hard that you spill iced tea on your jeans.
"Shit," you murmur, grabbing a wad of napkins and patting yourself dry.
Jason (as is written on his coffee cup) looks up from the pastries, teal eyes wide. You smile briefly at him. For such a big guy, his footsteps are astonishingly soft.
"Is everything okay?" he asks, voice rough like he doesn't speak much.
"Yeah, fine. You just startled me—I didn't hear you come in. Were you waiting long? Sorry about that."
"Oh. No, I wasn't. Sorry." He shifts weight between his feet. "You seemed pretty engrossed in your book. I didn't, uh, want to disturb you."
"Oh, hey, don't worry about that! It's literally my job to be here," you say, though you can't help but melt over how freaking sweet that is.
Jason visits you a minimum of twice a week. He's been coming for a couple of weeks. You know a whole three things about him: he's a university student, he pretty much only dresses in red or black, and he's unfairly cute.
At first, you were reasonably wary of him because it's Gotham, and he's so damn quiet. It's a little scary. You thought maybe he was an undercover spy casing the joint. Now you know he's just awkward.
"Slow day?" he asks.
"Slow year, more like. How are you? How was your exam?"
He blinks. "Exam?"
"Didn't you have an American lit exam last week?"
"Oh. Uh, yeah. Wow. Yes, I did. It was okay. Got an A."
"That's great! I knew you'd ace it."
His cheeks turn pink. Okay, you actually know four things about him: he blushes a lot.
You go to start the coffee machine. "Do you think you'll—"
"I-I have to go."
You watch, stunned, as he hurries out the door. That's when you notice the fifty dollar bill in your tip jar.
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You don't know if you should bring up yesterday. Jason's back; that probably means everything's fine, right? You're not sure if you said something wrong, though. You've gone over the interaction a hundred times since and you can't figure out why he's so skittish around you.
"Hi. Hibiscus tea, please," he says, stoic as always.
You prepare his order, yesterday's interaction still fresh in your head. You should say something, shouldn't you? Or...
"Sorry about yesterday," Jason blurts, so fast you almost miss it. "Running out, I mean. I was, uh—I forgot something."
Well. Looks like he's going to bring it up for you.
"Oh, you don't have to apologize! If I said something wrong..."
Jason shakes his head fervently. "No, God no. You're perfect."
Your eyebrows shoot up. He turns red this time.
"I mean—not perf—well, you're amazing, don't get me wrong! Except, like, what is perfect, y'know? My brother has gotten into the habit of calling everything perfection like some kind of sitcom character. Alfred will make pie, and Dick'll go, "Alfie, that was perfection." And I feel like it's such an exaggeration—"
Jason's mouth snaps closed. He rubs his forehead.
"Um, I actually have chronic foot-in-mouth disease. It gets really, stupidly bad. Sorry."
You're trying hard not to giggle. You want to smother him in frosting and take a bite.
"You're really sweet, you know that?" you say.
"I'm really not," he says with a sigh.
"Not true. Can you do me a favor?"
You go into the kitchen and return with your latest experiment: matcha cream puffs.
"Do you mind trying these for me? You're not allergic to anything, are you?"
Jason's shoulders hunch. "Are you sure you want my opinion?"
"Of course I'm sure," you say happily. "I trust you."
"You trust me," he repeats quietly.
Jason takes a puff and bites. He starts to nod.
"It's really good. You're really—all your creations are—yeah. It's good."
You squint. "No notes? Really?"
"They're perfection, as my brother would say."
Fuck, you like him so much.
"Have another one," you say, pushing the tray towards him.
"I shouldn't—"
"Wait! I'll pack you some!" you interrupt, flitting back to the kitchen to get a Tupperware.
Jason helplessly accepts the container of puffs you shove into his hands.
"Let me pay-" he tries to say, but you shake your head.
"Nope! I won't accept payment for these. Not from my favorite customer."
"Your favorite?"
"My favorite," you confirm, grinning.
"Oh." His ears turn pink as he walks to the door, cream puffs in hand. "Uh, right. Thanks. See you tomorrow."
"Jason? Don't you want your tea?"
"Shit. Yeah." He returns to the counter and takes his drink. This he insists on paying for, so you let him, because you do have rent to pay, after all.
"So nice to see you!" you add, because the stiffness in his gait is kind of throwing you off.
He just nods, slipping out the door as quietly as he came.
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Today, Jason's in a red workout tank. You have to make the conscious effort to not ogle his arms.
"Hey, Jason!" you say cheerily.
"Hi," he says softly.
"The usual?" you ask, and he looks up in surprise.
"You know my order?"
You gently roll your eyes. "Of course I know your order, silly. Favorite customer, remember?"
"Oh." He looks away, brow furrowed. Then he turns to you and his expression smooths over. "Yes, please. Thanks."
"Sure. Give me one second? I just have to finish decorating some sugar cookies."
"Take your time," Jason says, then goes to skulk by the window.
The door is suddenly swung harder than necessary, thumping the glass.
You look up from the cookies. A man in a suit is waving his phone impatiently.
"I ordered a dozen muffins. Where are they, huh?" he demands.
"Oh, right! Well, you called ten minutes ago, so they won't be ready till six, sir. Can I get you something while you wait?"
He scoffs and stomps to the counter. You almost back down, but you don't; that's exactly what these bullies want.
"This is exactly why no one eats at dinky cafes like yours. You can't even do this!" he fumes, shoving a finger in your face.
"Sir, like I said, the muffins are baking..."
"I know the city's health inspector personally," the man spits viciously. "One call, and I can—"
"Say one more word."
You blink as Jason is suddenly between you and the customer, stood at his full height. He's all muscle and broad shoulders, looming over the guy. You peek around him.
"What the fuck, man?" the angry customer squawks. "Move!"
"No, you move," Jason says, tone lethal. "Sit quietly at a table and wait for your muffins to bake. Then you can thank the nice baker for waiting on your sorry ass and you're not gonna come back. They have far more patience for entitled fucks than I do."
"Fuck you," the man spits.
Jason calmly closes the distance between them and whispers in his ear, hand like a vice around the jerk's shoulder. You watch as he turns pale, eyes growing wider.
"Sound good?" Jason asks pleasantly, all teeth. The man gapes at him.
Wow. Yeah. This is really doing something for you.
The oven dings. You go to retrieve the muffins, packing them as quickly as possible. You give him the box and the man nods.
"Thanks," he mumbles, then scurries out of the store.
Jason turns to you, and it's like looking at a completely different person.
"You okay?" he asks, posture stiff like he's still prepared for a fight.
You nod, a little dazed.
"Yeah. Wow. Jason, I... you didn't have to do that. I mean, thank you for doing it, but..."
"Hey, that guy was a jackass. And if you have trouble with him or anyone else, call me, okay?"
This side of him stuns you. If you didn't know better, you'd think he had this exchange regularly.
"Call you?" you ask, smiling. "How will I call you if I don't have your number?"
He freezes, eyes wide. "Oh. Uh. Um..."
You lean over, elbows on your counter. He watches you. You cup your hand around your mouth, pretending to divulge a secret.
"This is where you, the cute guy who frequents my struggling cafe, gives me your number."
"You think I'm cute?" he asks.
"Devastatingly so," you say, grinning.
He's quiet for a long moment. Your smile starts to dim.
"Did I read this wrong?" you ask. "If I came off too strong..."
"No!" he says a little too loud. Jason winces. "Sorry. No. I... you're... fuck, I'm not good at this. I don't even really drink tea or coffee, to be honest. I just come in to see you."
"You do?"
Jason sighs. "Yeah. Shit. That's creepy, isn't it?"
You laugh and he visibly softens.
"No, Jason," you say warmly. "It's sweet."
"So can I still ask you on a proper date? Not coffee."
You grin. "That would be perfection."
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noose-lion · 6 months
Maybe it was just my childhood special interest in martial arts and combat, but the bsd fandom drives me absolutely crazy on how they talk about the characters.
Specifically in combat abilities, fighting 'stats', body builds, ect. ect.
I mostly blame the anime, because it made everyone into twigs, but still. Some of my fellow fans out there are sometimes outright drawing lines over a character in a manga panel and going 'Look at this snatched waist' all the while ignoring basic perspective and forshortening rules. Chuuya is victim to this a fuckton.
For a starting example I'll talk about Kunikida. (Because if I start with Dazai or Chuuya I'll get the "He's petite it's not a crime to call him that" hecklers again).
Because remember folks, no need to get heated about fictional characters that were made up to tell a story.
Kunikida is a martial artist. He has a strong center of gravity, and a great deal of muscle mass. He's shown, (even in the anime mind you), to be competent against opponents who have both the height and mass advantage (that one time he swapped with Dazai mid fight, doing the cool grappling hook switch thing). He's a tall guy and he's drawn in the main manga as very broad shouldered and thick limbed. He's your average combat driven male. Built like a boxer.
He's not really the main talking point I see though. He's usually never called petite or delicate or any of the, quite frankly, ridiculous descriptors for a man of his size and build. It's usually Chuuya and in extension Dazai.
First off, ripping the bandaid off quick and easy. Chuuya isn't petite. (Sure technically petite only means short, but ancient also technically only means old. It's about the connotation.)
Chuuya is also a martial artist. Unlike Kunikida, who relies heavily on grappling technique and using his opponents own momentum and mass against them (a defensive fighter) Chuuya is almost purely offensive (most defense being left to his ability). His center of gravity is less stagnate, more fluid. He's acts quickly, crushing his opponent with efficient and well calculated brute force. Chuuya's body build reflects this. He's got a strong torso and thick limbs, strong shoulders that are lined with cords of muscle that absorb the impact of his attacks. He uses his legs a lot, kicks and jumps, and there is muscle concentration in his thighs and calves as a result. In the main manga, he's drawn with a lean torso, broader shoulders and thicker thighs. He's got a baseball player or a mixed martial artist build. (Broad shoulders and large thighs paired with his choice of suit cut is what creates his 'hourglass figure' so many of yall are obsessed with.)
Second bandaid I'm ripping off. Dazai isn't weak or delicate or whatever, but he is not buff or a tank either. And against men built for combat like Kunikida and Chuuya he's at a fairly large disadvantage.
Most of the athletic ability we've seen Dazai exhibit is evasion based. In the main manga he's drawn broad shouldered and thin, usually cloaked by his coat. Dazai has lean, muscle concentration in his shoulders, upper back and core. He doesn't have the thicker limbs of a boxer or martial artist. He better resembles a swimmer, gymnast, or even rock climber. He's not a stick, as flat as he may be. He's also probably a good deal softer then his martial artist counterparts, not living the stricter healthy life style most martial artist adhere to. Dazai doesn't do well against large heavily muscled opponents, he just doesn't have the needed mass for it. If he doesn't get the upperhand quickly he will loose. Evident in how he struggled so much against that one guy he did the cool grappling hook swap thing with Kunikida.
All this to say, almost every individual in bsd is built for their combat filled life, specialized to fit their fighting styles. It's not a big deal, but I find such thinking and analysis fun.
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doki-doki-imagines · 4 months
Hey I like your writing! I’d like to request headcanons if you are still taking them? I follow you on a separate account, so that’s why I had the courage to ask this with anonymous off.
I was thinking of the men competing for the reader? It would be like: Raiden/Kung Lao, Kenshi/Johnny, Lin Kuei brothers are each other’s rivals and they do their own things to one up each other or to gain the reader’s favor more 😆
author note: Don't worry! Anyway you don't need to follow me to request something!🫡
Raiden vs Kung Lao: -Ohhh the sparks. No way Raiden will back down, and Lao knows it. -The fight for your heart starts now. -Their approaches are different. Raiden is all soft words and quiet dates (masked as friendly outing). Raiden bets everything on his sweet personality because he thinks he doesn't look good enough for you. -Lao is all for showing off his physique. Biceps always exposed, smiling more than usual to show off the dimples you seem to like so much (and also because Lao is just happier when next to you). -He has no doubt you can fall just for his amazing personality too, but you know, since he has such a great physique, it would be stupid not to use it. -Lao is like a peacock showing off his round tail, hoping to impress you. -Raiden doesn't show off, but he'll always pay when he takes you out to eat or will make you win bets on purpose. -His proud smile makes your knees go jello. -They won't play dirty tricks to each other because, after all, they are friends! -The choice is yours!
Johnny vs Kenshi: -Master rizzer vs Secret rizzer. -Johnny knows about his friend's crush on you, but doesn't mind. No way his introvert friend can woo you! -What he doesn't count is that his friend is an ex-yakuza, and as one, had to seduce people and get into their pants to steal information more than once. -And Kenshi was always successful. -Johnny doesn't mind fighting for your love; he fully believes you'll reciprocate his crush! -He is all sweet smiles and warm eyes gazing into yours. Johnny tries to show off every time you are near him. -Johnny asks you out daily, and sometimes you accept. His smile on those occasions could light up an entire mansion. -He acts like a big lazy cat. If you compliment him back, you can hear a purr blossoming from Johnny's chest. -Everyone can tell that he is wrapped around your fingers. -Kenshi is way more subtle but much more intense. -He'd share a meal with you under a blossoming tree in complete silence. -"I love spring. The flowers on the trees are beautiful." Kenshi would chuckle at your words. Then he'll grip your chin, his hand going so smoothly on it you almost forgot he is blind. "I'm sure it's a way to thank you for blessing them with your beauty every day." Kenshi says it so naturally that you believe him. No comeback goes through your brain. -He is gonna use all his knowledge to woo you. -He is there for you, but never clingy. Kenshi is all subtle touches that leave you hanging. You need to miss him. -Also more prone to talk down Johnny. Kenshi is a man with a mission and needs to brush away all the obstacles to reach his goal. -The tomcat or the sneaky ninja? Okay, maybe the comparison doesn't sound fair… -Welp! It's your choice!
Bi-Han vs Kuai Liang vs Tomas Vrbada: -Mortal Kombat begins now! With the difference that, this is really mortal. -Every day is a brawl. They try to bring the other down all the time. -When Liang thought he had to win just against Tomas, he was quieter. He still wants to conquer your heart, but he doesn't try to bring his brother down. -The same could be said of Tomas. He wants to win your heart fair and square, not spreading lies about his rival and brother. Simply making you fall for him. -But when they noticed how Bi-Han looks at you… -They both look at each other in the eyes, and realisation hit them both like a brick. -Bi-Han really doesn't care about them and will also try to brush his crush for you off. He is grandmaster he doesn't have time for foolish stuff like love. -But when Bi-Han noticed his brothers crush for you… now he absolutely wants you. -Oh, Liang stood you up? "Damn, I'm so sorry. Come with me! I'll pay for everything you want at Madame Bo!" Tomas replies, voice thrilling full of happiness. -If only you knew that Liang didn't arrive because somebody trapped him in the woods. -Tomas forgot about your birthday. "That fool only cares for himself. Take this. My gift for you." Bi-Han pushes it toward your chest, fake indifference dripping from his gestures. The "By Tomas" note carefully replaced with "By Bi-Han". -That ass of Bi-Han froze the walls of your house? Don't worry, dear Liang will help you out warming the house up. And if you don't mind, he'll embrace you "So at least you can warm up." His handsome face dangerously close to yours. -If only you knew Bi-Han and Liang bickered before and the pyromancer made sure for Bi-Han's attack to hit exactly your house… -They are like beasts always going at each other thorats. Sadly, this make them all grumpier. -If they keep going like this, you won't end up with either of them. -But if you are interested, move fast! Or the world will have fewer ninjas soon…
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
Vil announcement has me thinking: Hokay, so.
Groups there at a fashion shoot or whatever Vil's thing is gonna be, photographer sees Vil being soft with Yuu (because romantically or platonically, Vil does have a soft spot for the prefect) and suggests it might be good for Vils image to have a shoot with Yuu, to show a new/rare side to him and Vil agrees.
Cut to Ace writhing as he watches Yuu and Vil pose together for the cameras, worse is thar Jamil and Azul smell the blood in the water and begin teasing him about how good Yuu and Vil look together. Not really realising that this is feeding into his fears that Yuu *can* do better than him so why put himself out there?
Meanwhile Yuu and Vil are in the dressing room for the next shoot and Yuu's going to Vil "Do you think Ace would think I'm cute in this one? 🥺👉👈" just...aahhh. Aceyuu
Vil is such a good character, friend, person, icon, etc. that I could see him maybe bringing Yuu along since they have the ghost camera and take pictures of the school events. This could be a good opportunity for them to make some connections in the fashion industry, and Vil gets to take some photos with his friends for once! I think he'd be really happy to have some photos with Yuu just to keep for memories sake.
And Jamil has got to know about Ace's little crush on Yuu. He was merciless in teasing Trein about his relationship with his wife, and he plays basketball with Ace. He knows. HE KNOWS. As soon as Vil starts posing with Yuu and his eyes are immediately on Ace and he has that stupid infuriating little smile because seriously? "You think you can compete with Vil?" And Ace immediately starts to fumble because maybe he didn't realize until just now just how actually close to Vil you are and Azul oh Azul, he adjusts his glasses and just immediately goes in on trying to sell his services. Hey sucker fell for it once and if Yuu comes riding to rescue again Ace won't be able to complain because no matter what happens he'll have gotten a chance to be closer to you. Really it's genius, now why don't you just sign here...
Meanwhile Vil is giving Yuu some tips on how he'd style their outfit and helping them pick the best pictures to show Ace because while he might not get the appeal he does really like seeing his friends happy. He'll make sure you get your loser or his name isn't Vil Schoenheit fr fr
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intotitties · 7 months
❃ A night to remember
pairing: Kit Tanthalos x reader
warnings: fem!reader, kit is a black cat around everyone but a golden retriever with jade and reader, no use of y/n, 18+ topics but no smut, js kissing, reader has seen Kit a few times but didn’t realise she was the princess before, her mother made her basically never leave the house and work indoors
song: “A night to remember” by beabadoobee and laufey
a/n: it was really fun to write, i hope you’ll enjoy:) if you want to request smh don’t afraid to! english is not my first language but i tried my best to find all the mistakes.
“I swear i have seen her before” Kit sighed as she swinged her sword in Jades direction.
“Yeah? So maybe you should go on a adventure, looking for a girl that you slept with in your dream” she replied sarcastically and repelled Kits attack.
“Oh spare me” she put her hands up, signalling end of the training, “i don’t even remember what she looked like” she groaned and put her sword to its scabbard.
“I don’t know, maybe you will see her again in your next dream” she laughed.
Dreams. Kit got many dreams in her life, but none of them could compete with that one she’s got a week ago. She’d never forget about that pretty girl underneath her white sheets, the soft kisses they shared and the night they spent.. she could remember every detail about that dream, the warmth, the scent of the other girl, the things she felt.. yet she still couldn’t remember her face.
After the training Kit went straight to the dining room, where her mother was already waiting for her.
“Where is Airk?” said Sorsha as Kit sat down next to her.
“I’m here mother” Airk showed up before Kit could answer, sitting down next to his sister.
“Good, now if you let me” she said as she stood up, “since you are getting married to the princess of Galladoorn” her gaze turned to Airk “there will be a party in two days, and i expect you two to show up” she announced.
Marrying a person you haven’t even seen before.. Kit gave her brother a look full of compassion. She didn’t even imagine what he must feel right now.
A weird feeling hit her when she noticed a girl talking with an older maid. Strange warmth filled her heart and a blush crept onto her face as she watched her every move.
“Kit?” Sorsha snapped her out of her trance, making Kit look at her.
“Sorry mother, i’m not hungry” she said as she stood up, when her eyes traveled back, the girl was done.
She ran to the older maid “Excuse me, do you know this girl you were talking with?” she asked politely.
What a stupid question.
“Oh, of course! She is my daughter” the old lady smiled “is there something wrong with her?” she asked worriedly.
“Oh no, no! My mother wants her to help with the food and everything at the party” she improvised, a nervous chuckle left her mouth.
The maid gave her a slightly suspicious look, because ber daughter wasn’t even working in the castle but before she could say anything, Kit was already on her way to Jades house.
“Calm down!” annoyed moan left Jades mouth as she had to listen her best friend ask her about the same thing for the 10th time.
“What do i even do” she cried.
“Make her a bouquet, give her something yours, be creative!” Jade hit Kits shoulder.
“Will you help me?” she looked at her, almost begging for help.
It’s not that Kit was totally clueless about romantic stuff, she was just kinda inexperienced and lost in the feeling. She’s got some little crushes before, but never asked anyone out. She was too scared of rejection, but this time was different.
For the rest of the day Kit and Jade were looking for the perfect bouquet to impress the girl from her dream.
The next day she was planning everything from the start of the party to the end. But i guess everything went to hell when she saw you in the crowd. The feeling of deja vu hit her when she took a longer look of your face.
Flowered blue dress with green corset made you look in her eyes like some goddess, making her even more nervous.
“She is so attractive” she mumbled into Jades shoulder, hiding her flushed face.
“Go talk to her” she answered.
Kit blew up every chance she got to talk to you, which annoyed Jade even more. She even brought her a drink to help her relax, but it didn’t seem to work. And this is how the past hour passed.
Eventually, Jade got mad and intervened. She dragged Kit to the dance floor, where you were talking with someone and pushed her at you, making it look like an accident.
“Oh i am so sorry! Are you okay?” Kit said, her voice trembling.
“Yeah.. yes i’m okay” you answered quietly.
After a longer moment of awkward silence she asked “Do you want to.. dance with me?” her hand waiting for you to grab it.
You nodded shyly and grabbed her hand, she guided you through the crowd to get more space to dance. Her hands rested on your waist as you slowly wrapped yours around her neck, making her slightly pull you closer.
You two swayed to the music “I feel like this happened before” you said quietly, smiling softly under your nose at how absurdly it sounded.
She wished she could see the smile of yours for the rest of her life.
“Well, it’s happening now” she looked into your eyes.
“Have i seen you before?” you said as you scanned her face.
“You don’t know me?” she asked in slight disbelief.
“Should i?” you replied with a nervous chuckle.
She took your hand again and led you through the hallway of the castle, you followed her without hesitation.
“Are you gonna tell me where are we going or i should start worrying that you want to kill me” you heard her quiet laugh at your words.
While the two of you were walking, a small but meaningful to you conversation started. Just about your hobbies, interests, nothing big but you two seemed like you’ve known each others for years.
After a longer while you could see a big garden with a lot of flowers and a big tree in the middle. It was dark outside so the only source of light came from the windows.
“We shouldn’t be there! The queen’s gonna be mad” you whispered, however she didn’t seem to care.
Kit sat down under the apple tree and signalled you to come closer “You look so pretty” she said as you stood in front of her.
A slight blush decorated your face. You sat down next to Kit, her hand brushing against yours “We are gonna get in trouble” you mumbled.
She sighed and looked you, you could notice her gaze on your lips “That might sound crazy but.. with you i feel like i belong somewhere” she said, looking at the cloudless sky “and i know we don’t really know each other but i would really like to get to know you better”
“Maybe it was meant to be like that” you grabbed her hand and looked at the sky as well, “you didn’t tell me your name” your face turned to hers.
“Kit, Kit Tanthalos” she said hesitantly.
The realisation hit you immediately, you were flirting with the princess! “this is so wrong, i shouldn’t be here” you stood up as fast as you could, but she was faster to grab your hand and keep you in place.
“There is nothing wrong with this! Please.. wait here for a minute, promise me” she said, begging you to stay.
You sighed loudly and sat down under the tree again, she disappeared immediately.
Kit couldn’t believe that she forgot the gift she got you. She was never running this fast, the risk of loosing you from her sight again was too high. She grabbed it quickly and ran back to the garden.
When she got back, you saw her with a big bouquet of jasmines, yellow roses and forget me nots that she was holding. Your mouth slightly opened as you watched her get closer.
“Where did you get that?” she sat next to you and gave you the flowers.
“Save those questions for later, i still have something to give you” she showed you a pretty ring “it’s amazonite” she put it on your ring finger and kissed your hand “i hope it will always remind you of me”
“It will, thank you.. but i don’t have anything to give you” you said, feeling genuinely sad “oh! wait” you said as you took off your necklace “it was my grandmas, it’s ruby stone” you kneeled behind her and put it on, she smiled at your gesture.
“Do you like your gift? It was really hard to get” she laughed under her nose.
“Why are you doing this?” you said quietly, she looked into your eyes again.
“Sometimes, people listen to their hearts and do things that they don’t really know why they are doing” she got closer to you, one of her hands traveled to your cheek.
“I guess they will figure it out” you whispered.
Her lips brushed against yours as you closed your eyes. She laid you down and kissed softly - as if she would hurt you if she kissed harder. You deepened the kiss and put your hand on her neck what gave her more confidence. The kiss got more comfortable as you two got lost in the moment. You could feel her smile between the kisses. Nothing else existed, it felt like you have experienced this before.
Maybe you did, in another universe?
taglist: @lxxk2sua @rin-idk @that-one-little-soybean @venusbequiet @vster0769 @cherryflavoured7777 @lightwhoranoutoflight
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
ZB1 : falling asleep on them ㅡ hyung line version
ZB1!hyung line x gn!reader
genre : fluff
warnings : maybe some suggestives sentences for hao's part??? one bed trope for hao's. mention of quitting school to become a stripper in hanbin's... yeah that's pretty much it
note : I'VE NEVER WROTE FOR JIWOONG BEFORE CAN YOU BELIEVE IT????? i'm anxious i hope i did it right 🫡 if you guys liked the hyung line version i might do it for the rest of the members... peace 👅‼️
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• Jiwoong
"and... cut! good job guys, we're all getting a break. come back in 15 minutes!"
after the announcement of the producer, it seems like everyone on the set started breathing again. it was your debut movie. you used to act before, mostly in web dramas, but this was your first role ever in such a big project and the movie was already very anticipated by the public. your co-star, jiwoong, was used to those long days of just filming, but you were absolutly not. you, and the whole production crew as well, was now filming for 12 hours, and acting for so long was actually more tiring than it seems to be.
the scene you were filming before the break was outdoors, at night, in a park that the production crew privatized so no one could disturb the filming. the night temperature started to bite the tip of your fingers and made you shiver. you were sitting alone on a bench when jiwoong came to you with a smile. he went to take your coat from the staff, and also thought of taking a blanket for you. without a word, he helped you wearing your coat before wrapping the blanket around your shoulders. you smiled back to him.
you guys were working together on this movie for months now, and you were confortable enough to let your head rest on his shoulder when he sat next to you.
"thank you for the blanket" you mumbled.
"you looked like you were about to turn into an ice cube'' he joked. he couldn't help but keep a smile on his face when you softly laughed to his remark, a sweet melody to his ears. little by little, a calming silence fell over the two of you. jiwoong lips were still curved upwards to the feeling of you curled up to him, and he couldn't help but look to your face after a few minutes. your eyes were closed and your breathing was calmer than it was previously. when he realized you fell asleep on him, a pinkish color appeared on his cheeks, and no one could tell if it was because of you or because of the cold.
gently, his hand went to take yours as he tried not to wake you up.
this moment, caught on camera by the staff who was filming the behind the scene, quickly made you and jiwoong the talk of town and brought more hype to the upcoming movie...
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• Zhang hao
"well, i'm gonna have to warn you, i naturally cuddle things when i sleep. if it ever happens, don't think i have a crush on you or anything. okay? it's my nature, it's just how i work, so please-"
"oh my god, hao could you please just shut up!"
you shoved your face under your pillow to let him know he was pissing you off. hao sighed.
"i'm simply warning you..."
"okay and i'm also warning you, if you ever cuddle me i'll probably strangle you. that's my nature, it's just how i work." you said, using his own words.
"that's some weird and agressive way of working but okay..."
for as long as you could remember, hao and you were rivals. don't ask me in what field you guys are competing, because at this point, y'all are turning everything into a competition. and this is literally how you ended up that night, in the same bed.
you both took music as your major in college, and a school trip was organized for the best students. when you arrived to the hotel, the teachers simply gave you the keys to the room that were reserved for you, and let you choose the ones you wanted. they warned you that there was one that have to be shared, but zhang hao and you were not listening at this point. why? you wanted the third room, but he wanted it as well. it started a fight between you two, while the rest of your classmates simply chose the room they wanted. that's how you ended up having to share a room with him. with one bed.
now, you were both lying down on the back, looking at the ceiling. an awkward silence settled in the room, as you were too tensed to sleep properly. zhang hao, on the other half, didn't care. he decided to lay comfortably to sleep.
"are you not going to sleep?" he asked.
"i don't trust you enough to close my eyes."
"don't worry about it, i'm not doing anything without your consent."
"n-not that i'm willing to do anything with you even if you wanted to! i don't have a crush on you or anything..."
"you probably said you don't have a crush on me five times this evening, that's suspicious.."
"shut up."
surpringly, you listened to him and didn't fight back. the silence came back again, and zhang hao's were closed as he started to doze off. surprisingly, you called his name, and he could sense that you hesitated before doing so. he simply hummed, letting you know he was listening to you.
"don't you think the room is cold?" you said in a small voice he was not used to hear.
"do you?" he asked back, thinking the temperature of the room was good enough.
he looked at you, inspecting your face despite the darkness in the room. you didn't seem to be lying. hao frowned his eyebrows.
"are you really cold?"
"why would i lie about being cold?? look" you put your hand on his neck, making him jump back.
"take your icy hands off me??" he said, offended.
"see?? i'm cold!"
an idea crossed zhang hao's mind. he coughed to clear his voice, not looking at you.
"well, people usually say my body is warm..."
"if you're really cold, i can let you use my body... okay, no, this sounds really weird, what i wanted to say was-"
"i get it! don't freak out like this."
once again, zhang hao sighed. but this time, you did it with him. with hesitation, you went closer to him. your arm held his waist as he was laying on his back, and you rested your head on his chest. he didn't even realize that he stopped breathing when your body became so close to his own. zhang hao doesn't have a crush on you. but there was no other way he could explain the feeling he felt in his chest when you snuggled up to him after you fell asleep on his chest.
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• Hanbin
"maybe i should quit school and become a stripper..."
"i wouldn't shame you for that to be honest."
your best friend, hanbin, put down your order on the table. you immediatly took a sip from the drink, a sigh of relief leaving your lips.
"if it wasn't for your coffee, i think i would've die studying."
"i'm glad if it helps."
hanbin looked around. today, his mother's cafe was emptier than usual. you were the only customer here, actually. he took the occasion and sat next to you.
"maybe you should take a break now? you've been working on this for hours now. drink this at least, and go back to studying after."
"you're right. plus, it sucks that you're here but i don't get to hang out with you."
hanbin shyly smiled at the last sentence. you were totally oblivious to the heart eyes your friend was sending to you, focused on drinking your coffee. stray strands of hair were falling before your eyes and hanbin couldn't help but find you cute.
"should i tie your hair for you?"
"i wish, but i didn't take hair ties with me..."
hanbin simply showed you his wrist, with a hair tie around. he always carry one with him in case you needed it. "you're amazing", you said as you turned back to let him tie your hair. gently, he made sure to tie every strands that were disturbing you, and made sure he could see your pretty face properly.
"all done" he grinned. you locked your arm with him, snuggling closer to him and letting your head on his shoulder.
"thank you. for everything."
"i know you would have done the same for me", hanbin mumbled, a bit shy despite being used to this kind of the skinship. with his free hand, he took yours to his lips, placing a soft kiss on it. "is it okay if we stay like this for a bit? since there is no customers..."
"hm, don't worry. i'm focused on you anyways."
you whispered another 'thank you' to your friend, not aware of the racing heart you caused inside his chest. the sight of you slowly falling asleep on you was so endearing, that when a new customer finally came in, he simply apologized to them and said they were closed.
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lestappenforever · 4 months
So, I’m like a realist, right? Sure, yes, I ship people from time to time but I know it’s just for funsies. So, I saw a lestappen edit last week and was like “hey cute guys, what’s up with these two? I better check it out.” and have fallen into a bit of a rabbit hole it seems. So I’m back in the real world now, where Max is in a long term relationship and Charles has a girlfriend, and am wondering: how does one explain Max’s behaviour? Does he just have a friend-crush on Charles? Has he always wanted to be friends with him since they were young and it was just hard since they’ve been rivals for so long? Does he envy him maybe since his father wasn’t a pos and he still turned into a great driver? Is it a “it’s lonely at the top” kind of situation, where he’s never been able to make many friends his own age? (I’ve seen Charles with a bunch of friends outside of racing, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen Max with any, but that could be on me.) I mean, a blind person could see that Max takes every opportunity to talk to him or be close to him and he knows stuff about him I’d personally be too embarrassed to admit (like getting his “stupid” quote exactly right or knowing about the twitch thing with his girlfriend forgetting her keys, etc.). I guess I’m looking for the actual non-shippy explanation for this behaviour cause it fascinates me. What are your two cents on this?
Hi anon, and welcome to the world of Lestappen! We're happy to have you. ❤️
I will preface this by saying that shipping is solely for fun, and I don't actually believe Max and Charles are in a secret relationship or anything of the sort. The majority of Lestappen shippers on Tumblr are on the same page about this, with some exceptions, but there are exceptions to anything. And a big part of shipping is speculating, being delusional about them, and overanalyzing things.
Now, in terms of a non-shipping explanation as to why these two behave the way they do around each other, I think it's a combination of all the reasons you've already listed. And the thing about Max and Charles is that they have known each other for so many years. They have been in each other's orbit, in one way or another, for the majority of their lives, and there is no denying that they have seen each other as one of — if not the — biggest rival they've had since they were children. Despite the fact that a lot of the current drivers on the grid have raced each other at some point before F1, there doesn’t seem to be any of them that have the same sort of rivalry that Max and Charles have, which goes so far back. And that kind of bond is one that I believe sticks with you forever.
Now this is not a delusional take at all, as this quote by Armando Filini, manager of the Maranello Kart, the first team for which Leclerc raced, proves: “They were always fighting. It didn't matter if they were competing in a tie or in a final, if it was raining or if the track was dry. Once we were in Genk, Belgium, in the first free practice, and they went on track. Charles and Max met, began to push each other and almost hit each other, with the risk of being left out. Jos Verstappen and I were glued to the fence to look at them and he turned around and said to me: 'These two will fight forever. They will fight even in F1′. A prophecy”.
Even though Max and Charles obviously haven’t been best friends for the majority of the time they've known each other, and they've only started building what appears to be a genuine friendship in the last few years, they share a connection that has been evident to people around them since they were little.
Max's comment from last season where he said that he wasn't surprised both him and Charles were sitting in that press conference together because he always thought that if he made it into F1, Charles would too, is just another testament to how tied together they actually are. And Charles' fond recollections of their karting days in the past season shows that it's a mutual thing: that Charles feels that same bond with Max that Max feels with him. And I think this is the whole baseline for why they've never been able to be normal about or around each other: because they go so far back and their lives are so intertwined that I honestly don't think either of them is fully capable of treating the other as just any other colleague or friend, because they don't see each other that way. They're something more, and by that I don't mean they're secretly in love with each other — they just have this bond that goes beyond normal friendship, forged through years of rivalry, envy, conflict, mutual growth and respect, and eventual friendship.
I have a childhood friend sort of like that: obviously not with the rivalry and drama that comes with the surroundings in which Max and Charles met and grew up, but someone that I share a bond with that I don't share with any of my other friends, old or new, and it's honestly my most treasured friendship because it has helped shape me as a person in a profound sort of way. He's not my closest friend and not the friend I talk to the most since we live on different sides of the country and our paths haven’t crossed much in the past few years, as is often the case when you grow up and become an independent adult. But when I do talk to him and hang out with him, it kind of feels like coming home. And to me, it seems like Max and Charles share that same type of bond.
This is just my personal take as I obviously don't know Max or Charles, and this is all based off of watching their interactions and watching their relationship develop over the past few years, as well as deepdiving into their history in the past. But this is the explanation that makes sense to me.
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mageofseven · 1 year
Demon brothers and side characters react to Luke who has puppy crush on MC
Aww this is so cute~
However, I want to let you know that I will not be including any newer characters. I never finished the first game because I lost the login info a long while ago so I never got to read when characters like Raph and Thirteen(?) were added.
So just to clarify, I will only ever write for the Brothers and Former Undatables until such a time comes where the newer characters are in NB and I can get familiar with them.
But anyway! On with the post~
Is more or less unbothered by it.
I mean, little kids get crushes; it happens.
He's seen his brothers go through the same as kids in the celestial realm
So he expects no different from Luke.
His opinion remains the same even if Lucifer is dating MC.
He's a bit annoyed if Luke's puppy crush causes the boy to become a bit possessive of MC though.
Tries to pretend it doesn't bother him
But it does.
I mean, that kid is always hanging off of MC and following them around.
When can the Great Mammon just have time with his human and only his human?
If Mammon and MC are dating, you can bet he will be childish enough to fight the young angel for MC's time.
Not like real fighting, but definitely compete with the child.
Maybe even make a bet on who can convince MC to spend the most time with them in a week
Just to end up owing Luke a hefty amount of grimm.
Is just plain bummed.
Not about Lukey crushing on MC, but because of him taking up so much of their time.
Even if he's dating MC, he won't get competitive with the kid for MC's time.
Boy just sulks.
Luckily, MC notices his sulking and makes an effort to even out their time between Luke and Levi, to the child's disappointment.
Basically, he dislikes Lukey having a crush on MC because it means he gets less time with MC.
Like Lucifer, the fourth brother really isn't bothered by it.
At first.
After Luke starts making a habit of dragging MC away while they were spending time together, the wrath demon begins to lose his patience with the angel.
May or may not have threaten the little angel to stop this
Resulting in Luke crying to Simeon, Simeon going to Lucifer, and Satan getting stuck in Lucifer's study while being lectured by the two older men.
Him threatening Luke is more likely if he's dating MC, but even if Satan isn't dating MC, there's still a chance .
It's not the best response to a little boy having his first crush, but hey, this is the Avatar of Wrath we're talking about.
He could have done much worse.
Oh Asmo thinks its just so adorable.
I mean, Lukey baby has a crush!
Regardless of whether Asmo is dating MC or not, he won't be upset that they're who Luke likes.
Because of course that sweet angel has a crush on his Dolly! Who wouldn't?
Acts the same as always
Though might be a teensy bit more jealous than he shows if Luke is spending more time with MC than he is.
But its fine! He just joins the two with whatever they are doing.
It bugs Lukey, but MC is happy spending time with them both so it's all good.
Honestly took a bit for this man to even realize Luke was crushing on MC.
More likely than not, he finds it out from hearing his other brothers complain about it.
Finds it cute, but doesn't gush about it like Asmo.
Misses spending time with MC as much as he used, but understands why Lukey wants to spend more time with them now.
Sometimes, he will hang out with both of them, but he doesn't force it like Asmo does.
Overall just kinda accepts thats this is how things are for now
And honestly enjoys seeing how happy spending time with MC makes Luke and seeing him practically hang from their arm with a big smile.
The little angel is happy and MC enjoys spending time with him.
That's all that matters to this big guy.
Unlike with the other brothers, Beel's feelings on the situation don't change if he's dating MC.
If his Muffin is happy then he's happy. Simple.
Okay listen here, you little chihuahua--
Belphie is not a fan of Luke's newfound crush on MC
Especially since he feels the need to wake him and MC up to see if MC will bake with him.
He's done this more than once and this sleepy grump hates it.
If he's dating MC, Belphie hates it even more.
Like ya, ya , puppy crush, right.
How about choosing a different person to crush on?
Unlike Satan, Belphie doesn't threaten the angel; he's just pretty dismissive of him.
"Can MC--" No.
Him and MC get into some arguments about it.
Overall, Belphie's just a big grump about it.
Like Asmo, finds Luke's crush on MC to be cute.
All kids develop a crush at some point
And with how good MC is with him, it was almost inevitable.
The human is always up for baking with him and listening to him when he learns something new or finds something that her likes.
Not to mention that MC just has a knack of making people feel special, regardless of whether they are an angel, demon, or human.
Overall, not bothered by it in the slightest.
Even if Dia and MC were dating, he still wouldn't mind how often the little boy is dragging them by the hand and filling up their time.
Dia himself is always busy with work so if anything, this man is grateful that the sweet angel is spending so much time with his Queen while he himself can't.
Overall, Dia finds Luke crush on MC to be cute and hopes the two have fun while he works.
Was quick to notice Luke's little crush.
With that realization came a smile, but otherwise, the butler gave it very little thought.
Afterall, that is Luke's business and not his.
If Barb and MC are dating then the answer is similar to Dia's.
This busy man is just glad his Love is enjoying their time Luke.
Oh this man could tell. Luke wasn't exactly discreet with his crush.
I mean, no child is really discreet when they are crushing on someone.
Plus, he noticed how frequent Luke would join him and MC when they hung out.
Ah childhood.
It's been so long that this wizard couldn't remember much of his own childhood, but he enjoyed watching Luke experience his.
Will lightly tease Luke about it every now and then, but overall is just glad that his little angel friend is happy.
Solomon's view doesn't change, regardless of whether he and MC are dating.
It's just an innocent crush after all.
This man figured it out on his own
But it still meant a lot to him when Luke told him.
Luke told him that he wishes he could marry MC when he's older, but was sad that MC probably won't live long enough to see him him become a grown up.
Simeon comforted the child and told him that was all the more reason to treasure his friendship with the human now.
If Simeon is dating MC, he'll feel a bit awkward about the smaller angel's crush.
I mean, his relationship with MC is a secret after all.
Honestly, he's just worried that if the little boy found out that he'd feel betrayed that his guardian was dating his crush without telling him
But Simeon had to keep it a secret. From everyone. It was the only way to keep MC safe and without drawing the eyes of the Celestial realm upon them.
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wordstome · 7 months
Single Dad!König (Dream Daddy au)
(+ a bit of Ghost under the cut)
Thank you to everyone who indulged (said exactly what I asked them to say 😅) me.
Here’s the paragraph I wrote:
I imagine his heart sinking when Ava comes home sad and quiet, unwilling to look her dad in the eye. He recognizes what that means: that used to be him as a kid. His worst fears are confirmed when Ava admits she's being harassed by a boy at school, replaced by anger when Ava says her teachers simply shrugged and told her that boys will be boys, and has she considered that maybe he just has a crush on her? Needless to say, by the time König's walking out of that school, nobody will ever be hurting his little girl ever again. Honestly, one glimpse of Ava's dad by her classmates will keep her free from bullying for the rest of her life.
Now here’s a bit more about single dad König, namely, how he came to be a dad…and single :( Angst and death tw ahead (nothing graphic)
With Ghost, I said he would only have had Caden due to an accident, because of Simon’s previous trauma involving his family. He was firmly in the mindset that he would die in the field, he’s just not built for civilian life anymore, he's a danger to everyone who loves him. However, when Caden shows up at his doorstep, all he can think about is Tommy and his nephew Joseph when he looks at the boy. He probably does his best to get Caden sent to a different family member, but let’s suspend our disbelief that any responsible social worker would leave a kid with Simon “Ghost” Riley for a moment and say that the social worker is like “It’s you or the foster care system.” Realistically, Simon would probably be like “foster care is safer than living with me” but for the purposes of the AU, he took the kid in.
With König, he doesn’t have the same trauma/hangups regarding kids and family. He’s in the same boat as Simon: he’s a human weapon, and can’t function properly in civilian life. For König, his work is an outlet and keeps him stable. I’m gonna have to sit down and make a proper post about my König’s character (Alexander), but for my König, violence is a method of regulating his emotions and a way to manage his anxiety. Having power and being hyper competent in the field is key to his mental stability. However, I think he would be able to settle down, it would just take a very patient, special woman. (For the purposes of the AU his first partner is AFAB she/her.) Here’s where I start breaking hearts… 🤭
In Dream Daddy au, König considers his first wife the love of his life. She deeply understood him as a person and wasn’t afraid of him, even when he was socially awkward and intimidating. They were honestly kindred spirits: both of them had their neuroses and flaws, but instead of trying to fix each other or mold the other into some ideal partner, they accepted each other and thus were able to grow together. (And tbh they were already a match made in heaven anyway.) König’s wife never asked him to quit, and was completely ready to raise a child with him frequently being gone. She was a badass woman, and she really, really wanted to start a family with him, so they had Ava.
For three years, König was probably the happiest he’s been in a long time, and if you asked him he’d probably say it was the happiest time in his life. He was moving up the ranks at work, his mental health was in check, and he had a wife and adorable little daughter to go home to every leave. He started planning to transfer to a safer/more stable position, because as much as the military has done for him, he’s ready to step up as a father and a husband. Then he gets a call that changes his life forever, and suddenly he doesn’t get a choice anymore.
(I'm eternally sorry to the little fictional people I made up in my head because I entertained the idea of putting the Brooklyn 99 "Guess who got murdered!" gif here...)
One thing y'all need to know about my man Alexander is that he is the embodiment of "I am not meant for casual. I was born for soul-crushing devotion." His problem is that he never had devotion before his wife: he craved it like a starving man, and it engulfed him like water flowing into a basin when he got it. He had it for a handful of years (I'm thinking 6 but that's a flexible number), and now it's gone again. You know in movies when something horrible happens and they cut all the noise and there's just a high pitched ringing sound? That's König getting that phone call.
God. All I can imagine is König dropping everything and taking the next flight home. He’s in a daze, in a way that he’s never quite been before. His mind is finally quiet, but the emptiness is not peaceful. Then he finally sees his little girl, she runs into his arms, and the dam bursts. He just holds her and cries. He’s numb, a dead man walking throughout all the business that needs to be taken care of after his wife’s death. The only thing that brings him back to the land of the living is Ava. She’s so small, so sweet, and she doesn’t really understand what death means: all she knows is that her mama’s gone somewhere, and her dad is so, so sad all the time. She’s all that keeps him going, and the only reason he keeps himself alive.
By the time you come into his life, it’s been several years, but Ava is still a little girl. She doesn’t remember her mother at all except what König tells and shows her, because he’s determined to keep her memory alive. König’s been slowly rebuilding who he is as a person from whatever scraps are left. There’s a gaping hole inside him, and he’s reconstructed himself around the hole. In some ways he’s a totally new man, in other ways, he’s gone back to who he was before his wife came along. He’s bitter and angry at the way his life has treated him just as he was as a young man, but now he’s swallowed up by guilt and self loathing. He's gotten better at coping and functioning as the years have passed and life has continued on, but his grief has never really gone away.
(alexa, play "right where you left me" by taylor swift)
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brucewaynehater101 · 16 days
Inspired by "Jason adopts Tim" fics on AO3, prompts by puppetmaster13u & others on here and that one AO3 fic where because Bruce told Jason pre-death he can take whatever is his and Robin is his it's fair game to nab Tim and the AO3 News Article fic where Red Hood decides the best revenge is tricking the world into thinking he's the Third Robin's dad, some of your posts—
—and my love for inhuman folks
Jason resurrects and he isn't human anymore. Dealer's pick on what he is precisely but he has become much more wary of just how fragile the lives of humans are
How fragile his own life may still be
+ he's got trauma piled on top of his fresh instincts and confusion on what happened after his death
Thus when carving his place as Red Hood, he is more vigilant in making Crime Alley a place where people don't just survive, but live and maybe even thrive.
Putting down threats like predators for good in death. But doing so too much will get Batman breathing down his neck
So he takes some inspiration from Batman after his death and before Tim to inflict some fates worse than death, and rubs it in the Bat's face whenever they face of against each other. "It's not killing B"
He tries—and due to trauma—fails to bring himself to kill Joker. Which crushes him with every crime the Joker (that he in a fucked up sense allowed) commits onwards
Onto the next best thing, acquiring wealth and asking for public donations all over Gotham to build up a sufficient bounty on Joker's head to draw in the most competent killers of them all
Whoever can kill and bring the Joker's remains as evidence gets the money, and the bounty price builds up over time
He'll even add more to the bounty time to time
Jason overworks himself on his Crime Alley to the point his own men compare him to a more benevolent Batman, one who doesn't need an emotional support child
"Could you elaborate on that? I had to spend time out of Gotham for a time and don't know what happened during that span of time"
Batman gave Robin to another
But he didn't revoke Jason's ownership, did he?
Humans are oh so fragile
He knows from experience
In classic not-human logic, that makes the new Baby Bird his now, no? Especially with Batman so incompetent as to depend on him
Titans Tower is not found with Tim bloody and broken
Titans Tower is found without Timothy Drake, and countless leads implicating several yet all seemingly frame job dead-ends
Penguins and Red Hood and Luthor. Joker and Two-Face and beyond
Red Hood is found in a meeting room by his men with a Third Robin—the Robin the city owes guilt and more to—in the Crimelords arms
"B always said that I could take what's mine whenever I want, and he never said it never extended to his . . . My kid. He's mine now . . . "
Words spreads in Gotham City. It spreads indeed
It's fitting, it's fitting. Inheritor of another's name, this Robin, this Red Hood is
Joker Junior and every other tragedy only solidifies Jason's resolve to keep and care for the kid
It's funny. Jason has barely felt human since he woke up from death, since he started overworking himself for his people
Now, with a baby brother in his life? With somebody to care for under his roof? Those domestic times he swore were killed alongside the Second Robin?
This is bliss
Jason feels a weight off his chest when his Merry Men sends a message that the Joker is dead, and the bounty has been sent to the killer
When Jason discovers the Fourth Robin, too dead and revived? when he finds her alive at all? Girl is getting snatched and doted on, especially if he finds her after she's had her baby
And I wouldn't be surprised if he tracked down her kid so she could have raise her baby herself and provided all the resources and support nessecery for it
[Daughter and grandchild acquired!]
When Damian comes and the Robin mantle is passed down onto him— yoinked by Jason again!
Damian is fuming because he wasn't told that this was part of being Robin!
"If you're right that Batman is trapped in the timestream, that everyone is wrong about him being dead, before presenting this to the Justice League I think this should be a family discussion.
"Because I know otherwise I'd do everything in my power to let him die for real. Ensure nobody is the wiser that Bat could've been saved.
"And at least one of the Bats will disagree with me. And this is a scenario where everybody needs to have their input accounted for."
Oooh! All of this is fantastic, but I especially love the end.
The end combines a healthier approach to the BruceQuest with a trope I love: leaving Bruce in the timestream because fuck that guy. Regardless of what they decide, I'm glad Jason at least indicated it was an option.
I wonder where Dick and Cass are in all of this. I'm also curious about how Jason would react to the We Are Robins movement. Does he adopt every Robin or just those acknowledged by Batman?
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sailorblossoms · 11 months
Gosh, Simon did that very gay thing (perhaps even very acespec thing) where as a boy he didn’t feel shit toward girls and he choose who he was going to “like.” That kid thing where everyone around you is starting to think about boyfriends and girlfriends and having crushes or liking a boy or a girl in your class feels So Very Serious and you don’t want to be left out (or people around you won’t accept “I don’t like anybody” as answer, so you just come up with someone based on aesthetics or vibes or someone who has something you like, even if you don’t like like them) (perhaps a bit of projecting there, I’m aware)
I remember seeing a joke about “Simon dating the hottest people in school” or something and ngl I needed to log off right there – the comphet of it all completely kills the warm fuzzy feelings I could otherwise get from the hotness factor. But it got me thinking into how Simon’s head worked then…
I also remember a twitter thread where someone asked the author if Simon was ever in love with Agatha, or whether he only loved her as a friend, and she replied “I think it’s obvious he was never in love, his instincts toward her are never romantic” etc etc (she’s also consistently said Simon hasn’t experienced attraction before Baz – she said that when CO came out, and again after awtwb – he never has sexual thoughts or feelings toward Agatha, etc) but I brought up that thread because the author went on to say something like “Simon would love the idea of being in love with someone like Agatha, the security, the stability” and maybe even “the status of dating the prettiest girl in school”
Simon wasn’t into Agatha because she was pretty. But he wanted to. Simon wasn’t into Agatha… but he was into the idea of dating the prettiest girl in school. On a deep level, I think that scene where Simon shares that “I always wanted Agatha” moment (where it shows he didn’t truly want Agatha, he wanted to be like her) it’s saying a lot about his self-esteem and how he has always felt ugly and unwanted. I think when Simon “decided” he liked Agatha, when he “choose” Agatha as the girl he “wanted” as a girlfriend, he’s also showing something else: he doesn’t just want to fit in, he wants to be aspirational. When all the boys around him want girlfriends, he wants the prettiest one, not because he actually wants the girl, but because he’s supposed to want that. Because that’s what all the other boys want…. It must have been a boost then, when he started dating her, and the others boys would “envy” him – for him, being someone people wanted to be like would feel like the extreme opposite of being rejected and neglected. (It’s what Simon does when he sees Agatha: he wonders how it feels to be as pretty as her and finds it aspirational. He projects things into her beauty. And then wants to be “close” so he can too be “pretty” and “aspirational” by association)
It would make sense that someone like Simon, who doesn’t know how love and attraction feel like, would go about it in that way. That it would be one of the elements playing into him “falling into comphet.” And that would be part of Simon reframing his attraction to Baz as “jealousy” because heteronormativity says Baz, who is attractive and good at the things he does, who is smart and competent, “should be aspirational” for other boys, and certainly not someone another boy desires. It explains Simon focusing on an alleged competition between Baz and him “for the prettiest girl” (who can be the most “successful”) in not wanting Baz “to win” (neither could ever win inside of heteronormativity, certainly not Agatha either) (it’s also a safer line of thought than “Baz dating someone would hurt in ways I’m not equipped to handle”)
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avaelangel · 6 months
Marie is an emotional drunk.
LiMoreau blurb. I thought, since Jordan has tolerance towards most abilities in terms of combat, they also might have an inhuman tolerance to any substance. Or spice, but this is another story. Anyway, Marie doesn't have than kind of tolerance, even though she might be able to control how a substance will affect her bloodstream.
Dimmed lights in Jordan's room would have been a good start to an intimate atmosphere, if Marie wasn't beating her partner in Mortal Kombat. It was newbie's luck consistent of smashing buttons and learning their position without looking down at the controller. Marie was torn on Jordan letting her win or at least letting her down easy. They did show her the ropes and activated the fatality the first moment they got. ''So not fair!'' Marie nudged laughing Jordan, that even fell over to make her feel better, while Sub-Zero showcased Mileena's crushed head on the screen.
''Sorry! Couldn't resist,'' they nudged her back, but much softer, ''Do you want a beer? Or like a gummie or something?''
Their thoughtful gaze and Marie's complete unfamiliriaty with all things perspective-altering. But she squinted, sighed and noded.
''A beer, please. Do you really have a fridge there?'' Awkwardness was overcome with curiousity.
Jordan laughed again, getting off the floor in front of the TV.
''You know NOTHING about me,'' that earned them an eye roll.
''To be fair, we are sitting in the dark of your...'' Marie trailed off, feeling Jordan's eyes on the back of her head, ''Very nice room,'' Jordan let out an exaggerated sigh, still smiling. They did clean! Very fast, because they ran back from class to get here before Marie.
''I do mean it, though,'' she said, when Jordan sat back down with with two bottles of beer. They opened one, handing it to Marie while feigning seriosness,''I like your room. It looked lived it. If it weren't for Emma, my room would look like dungeon,''
Jordan smiled in a way that made Marie want to look away. It made her feel too special. The way their eyes sparkled, their soft head tilt that made their nicely curled hair fall on the side of their face, but not too much to be a nuisance. Marie managed to take a huge sip of beer to stop herself from gawking.
''You'll get to it. I could get you a fluffy duvet to compete with Emma's. Maybe a plushie?'' Jordan, seemingly, only now remembered about their beer and opened the bottle.
''Make it the pinkiest and the sparkliest one, please. I want to be a worthy opponent,'' Marie chuckled turning to the screen.
''Deal,'' Jordan was proud for the idea to dim the lights. Because they felt their ears burning a bit.
Marie stuck to Mileena and nearly knocked down her beer, desperately trying to get to a fatality of her own. When she finally did, she watched in awe when Mileena became a flying murder spinning circle that eviscerated Jordan's D'vorah.
''Mileena wins!'' Marie threw her hands in the air, ''Finally!''
Now it was Jordan's turn to look at Marie in slightly offended astonishment.
''How dare you! It's not even the forth time and you won!'' They sounded fully upset, but they watched Marie intently. Jordan felt so happy that they got her this moment of joy from a video game. And then she laughed all her breath away, she swayed towards them and Jordan changed to reach a hand around her shoulders, while she finished her beer in a final sip. They both haven't noticed how easily their bottles got empited.
'Wanna go again?'' Jordan nearly stattered, looking into Marie's eyes.
Come on. You already kissed.
They didn't have much time to chastise themselves for being soft. Marie nodded eagerly.
''Yeah! I want the yellow one now,''
''Which yellow one?!''
Marie ment Scorpio and she also remembered his name. Another win went to her, Jordan sulked less each time, still enjoying full on weirdo screams of the victor. It was exhilarating to be liked by Jordan in any way, but sometimes just being slightly annoying was the most delicious thing of all. She knew with all of her heart that Jordan feels the same. They were almost competetively annoying. Also very cool, and strong, and...
''You are so beautiful, by the way,'' Marie felt warm and wobbly, but she didn't mind. Jordan stopped before loading a new fight. Their brows slightly furrowed, they couldn't quite pin point what was wrong.
Marie was actually tearing up.
''Are you crying because of my beaty?'' Jordan put away their controller, turning to face Marie.
''No,'' she giggles, wiping her eyes prematurely, ''Well, yeah, kind off. I think I got so happy with you that I went the full circle,''
''Awww,'' Jordan tugged her closer, wrapping their arms around her, ''You are such a light weight,'' but when she hugged them back, pressing her face to their chest, Jordan felt drunker than ever before. They weren't expecting to feel as tender as an uncooked stake today.
''I am really glad you don't hate me anymore,'' Marie murmured and shifted her face, so her tears wouldn't stain Jordan's shirt.
''You are very hard to hate, even for a hateful dick like me,'' they were totally joking, but it made her worry.
''Nooo,'' Marie raised her head and shook their shoulders, suddenly, ''You are so much more than just a dick. Shit, sorry, no. I mean, you are great. You so beautiful, you can literally slay a dragon and carry me like a princess. I mean, I had dreams, but I don't have that much imagination to dream up someone like you,'' she sniffled, another tear falling down her cheeck.
Jordan wiped it without thinking and quickly hugged her again, now much stronger. They couldn't stop blinking, their face hot and their heart heave and light at the same time. To be honest, changing into their impenetrable self didn't do shit. They stil were crumbling, because for some reason, somehow, they ended up with Marie as their girlfriend.
''Did you have a favorite princess?'' Jordan asked in a quite voice.
''Yeah. Mulan still the best,'' Marie was hugging them with all her strength.
''She wasn't exactly taken by a dragon,'' A smile spreads on Jordan's no longer trembling lips.
''Shut up. You know what I meant,''
They look at each other for a moment, hands touching at least the smallest amount of skin. Moving into the kiss was incredible natural, even though Marie grabbed onto Jordan's shirt, giving the moment a more dramatic flare. When they both pulled away, both sighed.
''Want watch Mulan?'' Jordan asked, then adding, ''I had a katana when I was a kid because of her,''
''I might cry more,'' Marie warned, averting her gaze.
''You are not getting another beer, then,'' Both laughed.
Jordan will be salty about ending gaming on Marie's win. It will lure Marie into playing again, so she could win more. It will be another nice evening and a night, maybe even weed-infused. But for now, they snuggled into Jordan's bed as the movie started. Almost putting their head on Marie's chest, Jordan pulled away, reached their hand under the bed and took out two full bags of chips Marie had never seen before.
She judged them so hard in this moment.
''I'm moving in with you,'' she said bluntly and shook her head, wraping a hand around Jordan's waist.
''I kick in my sleep,'' they retorted with a smirk, opening a bag of puffy tofu chips.
''I lived with worse,'' Marie shrugged and took one, cursing at how tasty the chip was. They legit could camp out in Jordan's room and never go out. But she stayed silent, putting her cheek on Jordan's head that was on her shoulder.
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selfindulgentpixies · 8 months
The hands that hold you ch9: Here for you
SatoSugu x GN!reader master list
It's finally here! Also holyshit we're at chapter 9. This series is the longest thing i've ever written solo before. I know this one was super delayed. Between me getting horribly sad and depressed over certain events for several weeks and just being busy this one took a while. It also took a bit because it was hard to write emotionally for me. Reader goes through it in this chapter for a bit. We get a bit more of a glimpse into things they've been rather tight lipped about and then.. well i'll say it because he's his own warning label, Naoya shows up. Note: 1.While at the beginning of second year Yaga is still a teacher I had him get his promotion by the fall for the exchange event to principle though he still maintains his teaching duties as well. 2. I said it before but i'll make note of it again, since the japanese school year typically starts in the spring it is still Satoru and Suguru's second year. CW: GN!reader, Afab!reader (I haven't said it explicitly until now but given the self inserty nature of this reader and how Naoya treats them it's fairly obvious. Only they/them pronouns are used for reader), Allusions to past abuse, the word whore is used. If you've gotten this far you probably already know that reader is foreigner who was adopted by Yaga (Listen i look at him and all my thoughts are "dad? Dad.You're my dad now." Don't ask why.) ___
“That’s such crap! It was fine when Suguru and I competed a year early for the exchange event! We should be able to participate this year too.” Satoru’s voice cuts into the hall as you walk alongside Haibara causing the two of you to slow your steps as you pass the classroom. 
Inside Satoru looks annoyed, arms crossed and leaning back in his desk chair. Suguru only looks mildly disgruntled by the news Yaga is giving the two of them. 
Yaga sighs. “You weren’t special grade yet. You’re a lot stronger than a year ago. I’ve already talked to Gakuganji about it. He's firm on the fact that the two of you shouldn’t compete since having two special grades will unfairly tilt the odds of the competition in Tokyo’s favor. “ 
Satoru replies, voice mocking Yaga’s, “Yeah well it unfairly tilts the odds in kyoto’s favor if you put us down two students,” he then continues in his normal voice, “And maybe if kyoto’s students were stronger they wouldn’t have to disqualify us to win. Guess they’re not over losing last year because of a pair of first years.” Suguru makes a sound that could be taken as agreement. 
“The terms of the competition have already been set, Satoru.” Yaga runs a hand over his short hair, frustration building. He could understand both sides of it and while he wasn't a fan himself it was what it was. 
Haibara and yourself are too focused on what’s being said inside the classroom to notice as Nanami walks up behind the two of you. “What the hell are you two doing?”
You squeak and Haibara gasps , you both startle enough to jump slightly and Haibara’s larger frame jerking against yours causes you to fall over, pushing the door open as you face plant onto the floor followed by Haibara falling on top of you. 
The tension in the room breaks slightly as everyone falls silent and stares at the two of you. 
You groan out what could only be deciphered as an ‘ow’ from beneath Haibara, unable to be embarrassed immediately with your face squished into the floor and all of your friend’s muscle crushing down on you. 
“Ah! Sorry, ___!” He rolls off you quickly, still on the floor. You push yourself up, rising to your knees, pointedly staring at the floor, both out of embarrassment and just knowing you’re in trouble. The stifled laugh from Satoru doesn’t help and flicking your eyes up shows Suguru has placed his hand over his mouth.
Yaga pinches the space between his brows and lets out a slow breath, doing his best to subdue his mounting irritation and rising headache. “Now I know you know better than to eavesdrop.” 
You shrink back and fold your hands on your lap, eyes remaining dowcast. Haibara has assumed a similar position but looks sheepish instead of nervous. In unison the two of you speak. “Sorry, Sensei.” 
“And you?” Yaga directs his attention behind the two of you. 
You can’t see it but Nanami raises his hands and shakes his head. “I was just passing by, I swear.” 
Yaga’s focus turns back to you and taking in your actual nervousness he sighs. “I suppose this works. How much did the two of you hear?”
You glance up at Yaga and shift uncomfortably. “Something about not allowing Satoru or Suguru to compete in the upcoming exchange event?” That was exactly what it had been of course but you phrase it as a question, something odd to your voice. It causes Suguru’s brows to knit together. If Satoru catches it he doesn’t let on and instead he groans and hangs his head back causing his glasses to slide onto his forehead at the reminder of what they’d been talking about before you and Haibara had interrupted.
Yaga nods. “That’s right. And If you didn’t hear Satoru did point out how when it comes to numbers the competition will be unbalanced. Shoko would be the only second year involved and her focus isn't combat. To balance out the numbers it’s not unheard of for first years to compete in the exchange event.“
Haibara speaks up. “Ah! So are you asking if we’ll be in the exchange event?” Excitent fills his voice and when you glance at him you swear his eyes are sparkling. Of course he’d be excited. Somewhere behind you  you swear you hear Nanami sigh. 
“That’s it exactly.” He confirms.
Nanami who hadn’t been eavesdropping, speaks up. “Wait, why aren’t Geto-senpai and Gojo-senpai competing? Wouldn’t they be a lot more likely to win-” and so another round of conversation and argument starts though by the end of it it’s decided that you and your fellow first years would indeed be competing in place of Suguru and Satoru. 
After, when you go to part ways from your boyfriends to go with Nanami and Haibara, Suguru stops you with a gentle hand on your wrist. “If you don’t mind, I'd like to steal you for a bit.” You turn and blink up at him and then glance at your classmates. Haibara gives you an encouraging wave. 
“We’ll see you later for the mission, yeah?” 
“Of course,” you try for a smile though it doesn’t entirely reach your eyes until you turn toward Suguru. It falters again though when you see the worry clear in his eyes. Oh. Oh this was probably going to be a not so fun conversation. A glance toward Satoru shows he’s also watching you more closely now that he’s not lamenting how unfair the situation with the exchange event is. 
Nanami and Haibara are already around a corner but you still try to make an excuse. “Ah actually maybe I should go with them-”
When both young men retain their serious air and Suguru maintains his hold on your wrist your shoulders deflate just a bit. You really hope he wants to talk to you about the eavesdropping but you know deep down that won’t be it. He wouldn’t care about that enough to pull you away from what you were already doing. Honestly you sort of wished that the two of them weren’t so observant right now.  “I don’t want to talk about it here, really I don’t want to talk about it at all, but if I can’t avoid it let's go to one of our dorms or somewhere else private…” 
“Of course,” Suguru replies gently, just glad that you’re showing some willingness to talk even if it’s reluctant. 
The walk to the dorms goes too quickly for your liking and when you enter Suguru’s room you go and flop face first on his bed. After you hear the door slide closed the bed dips twice, once on either side of you. 
“So you wanna tell us why you looked like a nervous rabbit back there?” Satoru’s voice is deceptively light despite going straight to the point. If your face wasn’t still buried in Suguru’s comforter you would have seen the look he shoots Satoru. Honestly though it was probably better that he was being direct. 
You mumble something into the comforter and then feel a hand on your shoulder before you’re being encouraged to roll onto your back, which you do. “No, I don't want to tell you. But I suppose the two of you won’t let this go until I do… It’s stupid honestly.” 
The young men share a glance before Suguru speaks up. “Can’t be stupid if it’s got you this stressed out. “
“It is though… I shouldn’t still be reacting that way after nearly three years away from…” You trail off your brows knitting together. 
It’s not hard for Suguru and Satoru to slot the pieces into place then.  You were always so reluctant to talk about your life before Yaga adopted you.  In fact anytime anyone has so much as tried to ask you more than the most basic questions about it you change the subject. 
“I was overreacting to the idea that I was about to be in trouble…” you continue quietly. “Even though Yaga sensei has never given me a reason to be nervous about it.” 
This was true, it had been something of note that Yaga was gentle even with his reprimands of you. Despite being a bit of a muscle brain in Suguru’s opinion he was more gentle than expected. Honestly both he and Satoru had just chalked it up to him having a soft spot for you since he’d taken you in. This was beginning to paint a more complete picture of why, even though you were still being purposefully vague. That’s when Suguru hears it, a small sniffle. He hadn’t realized he’d been getting lost in his head, fists clenched tightly on his lap until he looks over at you. Your lower lip wobbling slightly before you pull it between your teeth. 
“Hey hey… shhh..” Satoru’s hand rests on your cheek, thumb swiping beneath your eye catching a tear you hadn’t even realized slipped out. 
“I’m sorry-” your voice comes out tight, you hated that your walls you’d crafted so carefully around these particular emotions were cracking so easily. You’d hoped you could just speak matter of factly and clinically about it. But the show of care makes something give. 
Suguru’s laying down next to you in a moment, arm going around your waist. “Why are you apologizing? You didn’t do anything wrong.” 
That makes several more fat tears roll down your cheeks. And honestly? You weren’t sure why. You just know the show of emotion is making guilt constrict your chest. 
When you fail to answer Suguru tugs you against his chest, his eyes flicking up to Satoru after he tucks your head under his chin. Satoru runs a hand over your spine. “I’ll be right back okay? Gonna grab ya a couple things,” Satoru says in a soothing tone that would be unfamiliar to anyone but you and Suguru.  
When he comes back he’s brought tissues along with bottled water and your favorite snack. It doesn’t fix everything but it helps. The show of care helps a lot. Later the two of them will quietly agree to not push on this topic and to let you tell them things at your own pace, if you ever wanted to tell them at all. 
The time leading up to the exchange event passes about as peacefully as time can pass for young sorcerers. When your schedules line up you and your fellow first years train with Suguru and Satoru. Honestly you may have been a little too gleeful to see them get tossed around the training field like you’d been  for months. You still got tossed around too but at least Nanami and Haibara couldn’t tease you about it. Especially since it almost seemed like your boyfriends were harder on you than them. Tough love is what it could be chalked up to. If you wanted to train with them it wasn’t going to be half assed. It wasn’t like curses and curse users would take it easy on you just because you were the subject of affection for two of the strongest sorcerers. If anything it was a reason to train you harder. Both of them were painfully aware of how you could be viewed as a weak point for them.
It all goes by too quickly. Soon enough you’re meeting the students from Kyoto. Regrettably you’d soon realize. You stand in front of Shoko who’s sitting on an old stone fence, idly picking at some of the moss growing on it. Without looking at you she asks, “So are they going to show up to greet the Kyoto students?” 
 “Hmm? Satoru and Suguru? I doubt it. It was Kyoto’s principle that got them disqualified from the event and made it so Nanami, Haibara and I would have to sub in. Satoru was still pretty bitter about it all this morning.” You glance briefly at your fellow first years who are a small ways away from the two of you speaking with some third years you weren’t familiar with.
“And Geto?” Shoko’s words draw your focus back to her.
“I’m not sure he cares anymore. He seemed pretty apathetic about it all,” it was actually starting to worry you how many things he was starting to act apathetic about honestly. Well now that you thought about it he wasn’t entirely apathetic about the competition. “Well.. beyond asking me to be careful.” 
Shoko gives you a small smile. “Who knows, maybe that means he’ll show up just for you, maybe they both will.” 
Neither of you notice the figure approaching you.
You laugh a little, shyness and affection warming your chest at the idea. “Nah.. I mean they saw me this morning before I left. Satoru even got up early despite being grumpy about the event so he could have breakfast with me and see me off. Pretty sure he went back to bed after.” 
“Huh, so you must be the one since you’re using his first name all familiar like even though he’s older than you.” An unfamiliar voice cuts into your conversation, sounding unimpressed. 
You blink and turn, coming face to face with a blonde teenage boy you can only assume is one of the students from kyoto given his uniform. When did he come up behind you? Before you can say anything though he continues. 
“I guess your face is pretty enough that I can understand keeping you around.” 
Shoko mumbles something distinctly impolite under her breath while you bristle at the stranger’s words. You tip your chin up and meet his eyes with a glare. “Excuse me, just who are you to speak to me that way? I don’t even know you.” 
He sneers at you. The defiant look in your eye instantly pisses him off. “You’re right you don’t know or you wouldn’t speak to me like that. You’re what, just a little whore and an outsider sleeping with the future head of the Gojo clan and his best friend right? Hoping to advance your station in a place you don’t belong?” He takes a step toward you, invading your space. 
Your cheeks flush with angry heat, his words like a slap to the face. No one had ever called you something quite like that before. But more than that, the insinuation that you were using Satoru made your blood boil. Everything else falls away. You don’t even register Shoko’s hand on your shoulder or the rising voices before the loud crack of the back of your hand colliding with this jackass’s cheek creates a stunned hush among all present. 
He stands there in disbelief before his eyes narrow at you, with a snarl he grabs the front of your uniform, free hand drawing back- 
Satoru flops back onto the bed, stretching out all his limbs and entirely taking up the space earning him an unimpressed look from Suguru. “Are you really going to go back to bed?” followed by a mumbled ‘and get out of my bed if you're going to keep your day clothes on.’
“I mean we actually have the day off, everyone else is busy with the exchange event, what else is there to do but catch up on some well deserved rest?” He stretches his arms above his head in an exaggerated manner before folding them under his head. He pointedly ignores Suguru’s complaint about his state of dress.
“I feel we should be there at least for the initial meeting, Satoru.” 
“Why? We’re not participating,” a bit of annoyance creeps into his tone. “And we already wished ___  luck before they left to meet up with the others.” 
“That’s the thing… Who are the participants this year? On our end it’s our first years, Shoko and some third years that ___  hasn’t actually had a chance to meet. Utahime just entered her fourth year so she’s not competing. Then for Kyoto it’s…”
“A bunch of weaklings,” Satoru says flippantly before continuing. “Mei-san has also aged out of competing.” then a thought seems to occur to Satoru. Last year kyoto had a certain first year who made a fuss about not being allowed to compete while he and Suguru were. The smarmy smirk of a boy he’d seen more times than he’d of liked when he’d been pulled along on clan business by his father flashes through his mind. “Naoya is going to be there this year.”  He sits up and looks at Suguru. Apparently he’d been waiting to see if Satoru would come to the realization on his own. 
“Are we sure they’ll be okay running into him? Pretty sure other than you this will be their first time running into another student who’s a member of the three clans. And he’s from Zenin on top of it. He’d probably mostly behave if we were there as a buffer but I can only imagine the sorts of things he may say without us there. Especially if he catches them one on one. He’d probably bring up all the worst of the rumors too.” 
Satoru swings his legs over the side of the bed. “Tch. Can’t believe I forgot he’d be showing up this year..  Not to say I don’t trust ___ abilities but i’d rather not just leave them to deal with Naoya without warning..” It should have been an entire talk, not just about Naoya but about how sorcerer’s outside the school may view them based on rumors alone of the relationship the three of you share since none of you even attempted to hide it.
They leave in short order after that. Honestly they both hoped they were overreacting and that with other people around Naoya would behave. Then they could warn you of what to potentially expect from him during the actual competition so you wouldn’t be caught off guard. When the two of them see Yaga and Gakuganji along with several students from kyoto they have some hope until they notice Naoya isn’t among them. It’s not like you’re alone though and they know you’d hate if they made a scene of rushing to you if you weren’t in any trouble, so they casually approach the group. They brush off the suspicious glances from the two principles. Brushing off any questioning with comments of ‘what? Just because we can’t compete does that means we’re not allowed to show up and greet the other students? They can’t fight but they can show some goodwill for the goodwill exchange event right?’
It’s while they’re ascending the stairs that they hear some of Naoya’s words, venom dripping from his every word. And if the look on Yaga’s face is any indication he hears as well. 
“You’re right you don’t know or you wouldn’t speak to me like that. You’re what, just a little whore and an outsider sleeping with the future head of the Gojo clan and his best friend right? Hoping to advance your station in a place you don’t belong?”   The words silence all surrounding conversation once they leave Naoya’s mouth, finally getting the attention of the other surrounding students. 
Satoru’s blood boils, both at the words in general but the fact that he’d try to put in your head that you were using him in anyway. Yaga begins to say something but before the words seem to reach anyone they all watch wide eyed as the back of your hand connects with Naoya’s cheek. It wasn’t something anyone expected, least of all Naoya considering he hadn’t reacted at all until his head snapped to the side from the action. 
Both Satoru and Suguru see it though, the moment murder flashes in his eyes. Once he touches you though, one hand fisting into the front of your uniform while the other rears back Satoru is there in an instant his own hand wrapping around Naoya’s wrist, stopping him before he can do anything. “I knew you were an ass but I didn’t think you were stupid too, Naoya.” Satoru’s grip on his wrist is so tight that the bones creak. Suguru is there nearly as quickly smacking Naoya’s hand away from your uniform and pulling you to his chest.
“Tch” Naoya goes to yank his hand away but Satoru refuses to let go. 
“Enough!” All eyes turn toward Gakuganji, as he stands at the head of the stairs. Yaga’s jaw is set tight as he stands beside the old man. It’s only after meeting Yaga’s gaze that Satoru roughly releases Naoya’s wrist, which is already an angry color that will surely turn into a dark bruise. It's a tense meeting of the schools from that point. Satoru and Suguru crowded close to you and Shoko glaring daggers at Naoya. They’re not the only ones either. If looks could kill Naoya be dead several times over. 
Yaga looks you over and then around at the other Tokyo students. “You all go on ahead to the meeting room. I need to have a talk with Kyoto’s principal. Begin planning your strategy for the competition.”  No one argues as he walks off. 
The walk to the meeting room is uncomfortable. No one quite sure what they should say to you and you unsure what you would want to say back in turn at the moment. You feel embarrassed, ashamed even at how Naoya had spoken to you. The things he’d said run on repeat in your head and you stare at the ground as you walk. Suddenly Shoko is squeezing between you and Satoru and throwing an arm around your shoulders. “I want to talk to you for a minute.” She pulls you away from the rest of the group and when Satoru and Suguru try to follow she gives them a look. “I want to talk to ___-chan.” 
You give them the best reassuring smile you can. “It’s fine.” Your voice is thinner than you’d hoped it would be but after sharing a look they seem to decide that letting you go with Shoko is fine. 
“We won’t be far if you need us, alright?” Suguru offers gently.
You smile a little more genuinely. “Okay.” And with that Shoko leads you toward a different room. 
Flicking on a light and closing the door behind the two of you, Shoko then leads you to sit on a plush couch. Once seated you begin to speak, “I’m sor-” Shoko’s flicks your forehead and you let out a little ‘ow’ and rub at the spot instinctively.
“Don’t you even start apologizing. You didn’t do anything wrong,” she says firmly. The words ring familiar in your mind. You begin to speak again, to argue in some fashion but she covers your mouth. When you give up she huffs and continues, though her features soften. “Like I said, you didn’t do anything wrong. Naoya is just a prick. Most Zenin men are honestly… But he’s especially open about it.” 
With her hand removed you look down at your lap with a pout. “Is that really how people see me?”  
She suddenly squishes your face between her palms and makes you look at her. “You listen to me. The only people who think of you that way are people who don’t matter. I see how you look at those two idiots and I see how they look at you. It would be annoying how much love is there if it wasn’t so sweet. And i’m not the only one, all our friends do too. Nothing Naoya says or what anyone else thinks can change that. It can’t change that you're a good person who’s loved and works hard and cares deeply for those around you. It won’t change how Gojo and Geto feel. I’m sure you’ll hear that from them later.”  She releases your face and leans back against the arm of the couch. 
You’re quiet as you mull over her words. She was right of course. There’s a knock at the door making the both of you jump slightly. The door opens and Haibara sticks his face in. “Sorry if i’m interrupting, Yaga-sensei is back and we’re waiting on the two of you.” He looks between the two of you concern furrowing his brow. You didn’t know it yet but he and Nanami had been only moments from intervening if not for Satoru and Suguru suddenly arriving. 
“Ah, of course, we’ll be right there.” You stand  and so does Shoko. You glance at her. “Could you give us just a minute more?” 
He nods. “I’ll let everyone know the two of you are on your way.” He offers you a smile though it’s not quite as full of his usual cheer.
Once the door closes you turn to Shoko. “Thank you, Shoko-senpai.. I think I needed to hear you say that.” 
She smiles and surprises you by pulling you in for a hug. “Anytime. Like I said before I’m sure Gojo and Geto would have reassured you but I think it’s good you hear it from people on the outside too.” She pulls back and smiles when she sees you looking just a bit bashful at her sudden display of affection. “Now let’s get back, yeah?” 
“Yeah okay.” You give her a shy smile in turn and she links your arm with her’s before leading you from the room and down the hall toward everyone else. 
Oh this was great. The only thing that would have been better was if they’d been allowed to kick Naoya’s ass for how he’d spoken to you. It even numbed the sting of not being able to compete in the exchange event themselves. Satoru and Suguru lounged in their seats, watching the competition unfold on the monitors with the teachers. They weren’t the only students here though. Not far off, looking absolutely miserable and pissed was none other than Naoya. Freshly disqualified for his conduct and they got to watch him huff and scoff each time you scored points for Tokyo. He probably at least wanted to see you screw up or get injured but instead you did anything but. Effortlessly slaying the released curses while guarding Shoko. 
Every once in a while Naoya swears and grumbles about his team and why the hell they aren’t targeting the two of you harder. After all, if they made a concerted effort they could overwhelm you and get at your healer, right? More than once she’d kept someone from your side in top shape. Yet his team had only tried one at a time to have a go it seemed and there you were each time, keeping Shoko safe. Pride swelled in Satoru and Suguru’s chests. They’d admittedly been worried that what had happened earlier would throw off your focus but instead you seem to have turned those emotions outward and were using them to fight instead of letting them eat at you. 
They even got a bit of a treat near the end, getting to see how well you and Nanami work together in a fight. Him joining you when you reported that the main curse was near your location. Haibara volunteered to stay with Shoko while the two of you engaged it since he needed an injury healed anyway and you didn’t want to give Kyoto the time to take it out by waiting. 
The duel blackflashes at the end from you and Nanami finishing off the curse and winning tokyo the competition was just the cherry on top. The action elicits high fives between Suguru and  Satoru and even a cheer from Yaga which he coughs to cover up. Naoya meanwhile finally having had enough gets up and storms from the room. Gakuganji is forced to get up and follow him to try and make him return since he was only allowed to stay on campus under the condition he remain supervised. Honestly your boyfriends would be snickering at him if they weren’t so focused on what Nanami and you just pulled off. 
The day ends far better than it began. Yaga taking the Tokyo students out to dinner to celebrate the win. Nanami and you, much to your mortification, get special attention in way of an improvised sing-song cheer by Satoru that Haibara joins in on in the restaurant, causing both of you to try and vanish into your seats. Haibara slings an arm around Nanami’s shoulders and Satoru does the same to you, continuing on with their little routine. Despite how you cover your face with your hands to hide from all the eyes focused on you, you’re smiling.
And that's where this one ends! I hope it wsn't too rough of a read. I'm just bringing together certain threads i've hopefully established before now. I hope the ending makes up for some of it. I know techinically there is a day two to the exchange event but I don't feel like writing it. Before i decided to have Naoya get kicked from the event i was playing with the idea of him and reader being put against eachother in the 1 v 1 match but I got tired of putting him in the same space as reader... He's an emotionally tolling character for me to write.
The next chapter will be snapshots of the rest of second year (including me planning to show Satoru and Suguru's birthdays) christmas, new years, ect. It'll be a bit disjointed. The chapter will probably literally be called snap shots. After it's it written though we enter the stage of stuff i actually wrote ahead of time and just need to tweak to tie it together better to the rest of the story.
Thank you all for being so patient with me while i got this chapter figured out.
Special thanks once again to @strawberrystepmom for beta reading this for me otherwise i may have scrapped the entire idea of including the exchange event because i was having such a time with this chapter.
Tag list: @nanamikentoseyebags @icy-spicy @biscuitsngravie @sleezzsister @moonsua1 @yuuuumii @yokaimoon @chibiizzy @porridgesblog @suhmie @defacatestenderly @agentdedf1sh @strawberrystepmom
@night-shadowblood-writes2 @missphanosaur18
(Pls have your age in your bio before asking to be added to the tag list. My blog isn't for minors.)
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nevernonline · 8 months
✧.* remind me; wjh
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remember when you spent the night with your best friend? or do you need a reminder of what it was like all these years later.
✿ paring: junhui x afab! reader
✿ genre/s: the one that got away, friends to lovers to strangers.
✿ warning/s: smoking, reader has female genitalia, smut, swearing, mentions of drinking. minors dni.
✿ word count: 2.3k
✿ note: not much, just me thinking of junhui. especially after the 5:26am teaser photos iykyk. also def not edited, srry lol.
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Over the course of five years the thought running into Jun had become basically nonexistent, sometimes you'd go into your favorite coffee shop or book store imagining him bowsing along as you not so casually run into him. 
His smile felt like it was fake now, something you’d imagined in your head. Maybe your ex was a made up character in your life. 
You were so casually shopping in your favorite sweat suit when you thought you caught a glimpse of his perfect side profile, but you knew it was just your imagination. Thinking some other guy in the store was him. It could never be. He left you, he left town, when he skipped you knew it was over with the both of you from the start. 
Jun had always been a bit of a nomad, but so you were you. It was just another thing in common you had put in your pros and cons column of some document you titled ‘The Perfect Man.’ He left his home town to move to a big foreign city in pursuit of a dream, for him it became reality for you it became many years climbing a corporate latter you weren’t sure would end in your favor due to, well one, being a woman and two how competitive your field was. 
The day you had met as interns you clicked right away, both working for the company's CEO one of you always grabbing his sugary coffee drinks and one of you running his investment numbers, based on your bosses tastes you always were the one running ‘wife tasks.’ like picking his kids up from school, grabbing his dry cleaning, booking him dinners that he needed you to attend for the company, but mainly to look like his much younger girlfriend to appease his clients. 
Jun was the only person who made you feel real at your job. I mean, he was the only shining light in a stepping stone to what you really wanted, because he understood. He always felt bad leaving you with the boss's dirty work. 
To be fair you never blamed him for getting the real jobs, even after you both graduated university. 
He was perfect. He was competent, smart, and well liked. But, you were those things too, it just so happened half the office was obsessed with the fact that they could fuck you that they paid no intention to how good at your job you were. 
A night spent out nearing your final days of your internships and graduation on its tails, you both decided to take the chance to get a luxury dinner from your boss. Jun texted saying you’d be a fool to miss expensive wine you didn’t have to pay for yourselves. 
At the restaurant you remembered the feeling of being the only female intern, especially once the rest of your so called class got more and more waisted, you were just a face, you were just another person for them to fantasize as they worked ‘hard’ in the office. 
Jun changed that, he fought for you, fought for your chance to be seen as more than someones ticket to a luxury hotel bedroom fuck that they didn’t have to tell their wives about. He was the only one who saw you for you. 
That night you had your first kiss, you had your first taste of his lips on yours. Not because he was the only person who understood you, well, maybe that, but also because you had a crush on him too. 
You and Jun had a romantic night in a hotel room paid by your boss, you fucked, you kissed, you even ordered food on his tab just to spite him for the way he had treated the both of you during your intern year, but the moment you woke up he was gone. 
You never could understand why he left, until you saw him on the local news being promoted to the company's CFO nearly seven years later. You had tried to move on, but did he? 
It really didn't bother you as much as you thought it might, he was successful, he was kind-hearted, came from a decent family, he was really the picture perfect person for a job like that and you knew it. 
The one thing that really bugged you is that maybe you felt like a victim, like your old boss said you didn’t deserve the job for being too distracting. 
After the news you were out with your friends, trying to avoid anything to do with the one person you never seemed to be over. But, he was here. 
Him, Wen Junhui, the boy you once knew with his perfect side profile, his perfect laugh, his charisma that went for days. 
The odds? I mean, none really. The city was big enough that you both could never run into each other, except for tonight. 
You watched him silently while your friends drank and celebrated across the room, he was confident and happy as ever. And beautiful. 
Maybe the buzz of too many tequila soda’s make you confident or maybe it was your taste buds suddenly remembering how his plump lips tasted against yours, that you were reminded of him. 
Some girls surrounded him in flocks, but you noticed how disinterested he seemed in their advances just waving them off in the most polite way he could.
Not being able to watch him much longer, you excused yourself from your friends and headed to the back door to take a hit of the joint burning in your purse pocket. 
After a few minutes of being alone in the cold post winter air the heavy metal door opened, revealing Jun. 
“Y/N? I thought it was you?” 
You weren’t sure how to respond, taking a long hit before handing it over to him. 
“Uhm, Hey. Here.” 
He took the perfectly rolled object from your long manicured fingers, nearly grazing them with his hands. 
“I haven’t seen you in a long time, I’m sorry.” 
Sorry? So he was sorry for leaving the morning after you hooked up. Isn’t that a convenient thing to say?
“Right, I’m sure.” 
Jun was taken aback by your coldness as he breathed in a deep pull into his lungs. 
 “I am. Look, I kind of chickened out. I really liked you, but everyone told me that being with a company girl was a bad look, that I should be a bachelor for a while. I guess I just took it to heart a little too much. Just, I guess trust me. I haven’t been with anyone since you.” 
Anyone? A perfect, rich, beautiful guy hasn’t been with anyone in seven years? It was heard to believe, but his expression was one you remembered, one of his sincerity. 
“In seven years? Not one person?” 
“Well, maybe for needs I couldn’t handle myself. But, there's been nobody like you I’ve met. I really tried for a while, it’s just nobody compared. I know this is so stupid, I’m drunk and I don’t care.” 
“Jun, you don’t mean that.” 
“No. I do. You’re the only person I can’t get out of my head. I think about you consistently to the point where seeing you in the bar tonight I just assumed it was some random aura, I came out here to get some air actually when I found you. You’re my youth, y/n. That intern party and finally kissed you, it stuck with me. It’s like since then I’ve only looked for people who reminded me of you, like, I guess doing myself a disservice?” 
“Me too.” 
Me too. The only words passing through the lips Jun had missed. 
“I miss you, I miss the way you felt in my arms. I miss the ways you fucking held my hands, I even miss the way you stoke french fries off my plate when you told me you didn’t want any. I was so in love with you, I think I still am. I’m sorry.” 
Jun’s body turned back to the metal door paned into the brick wall, suffocating the sound of loud club music coming from within, but before his hands could open it, you grabbed him. 
“Look, I don’t know if this is stupid or if it’s just because I’m cross-faded, but I was in love with you too. The reason I came out here was just because I saw you, I wished for so long we’d meet randomly and when it finally happened I freaked out.” 
Jun couldn’t believe his ears, the sweet sound of your love for him coming out of the mouth he so badly wanted to plant kisses on and well, do other things with. 
“Will you leave with me?” 
“Won’t all your girlfriends be mad you picked up a company girl” 
“No, fuck them anyway. Why’d you leave the company after we hooked up if you don’t mind me asking?” 
“Why did you leave me the morning after we hooked up?” 
“I asked you first.” 
“Well, I overheard some of the guys talking about us. I just felt like I was being kept around because I was a good fuck or something. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I just used my new corporate business experience and opened up a bakery. Feels good to not be a suit I guess.” 
“Wait. You actually did it? Wasn’t that your dream since you were a kid?” 
“Yeah. Sweet you remember me so well.” 
“I would’ve never forgotten you anyway. That morning, I got a call from the CEO asking me to come straight to the office because of a complaint and I panicked, but really he offered to train me to be the new CFO if I became his assistant, the only catch was he told me I couldn’t date within the company and that I should forget you, get myself a basic girl that just wants to stay at home and tend to me, because I’’ll be busy. It was stupid, leaving you, but I just thought it was the right move at the time. I’m sorry, you believe that right?” 
“Yeah, I do. I’m not mad at you, you know. I just wished you would’ve told me why.” 
“Hate me?” 
“I’d never hate you, Jun.” 
“Good, let’s go.” 
Jun’s hand wrapping around yours gave you deja vu and here you were together at last. 
“Where are we going?” 
“My place.” 
“Trying to fuck and forget again, Junhui? I thought your mom taught you better.” 
“Nope, trying to bed and wed.” 
Needing to feel him closer to you, you stopped in a narrow alleyway and pushed his white collared covered back against the cold bricks of a building to your right. Placing a feral kiss onto his mouth, unbuttoning his shirt one by one. 
“Someone’s desperate.” 
“I can’t wait to get back into your apartment, just fuck me here. Please.” 
Without another thought Jun traded his position against the stone with you, now stripping you of your panties that were hidden below your skirt and putting them in his back pocket. Kneeling now, revealing his perfect face between your thighs as he went in and placed soft kisses on your soft skin, before reaching the aching spot of your pussy. 
“Fuck, I missed you.” 
Jun just mumbled into your wet center as he continued pleasuring you. You missed the way your hands felt in his hair while he ate you out so sweetly.
“Can you just fuck me already, I mean the head is great, but I need you to be inside of me so badly.” 
“Whatever my baby wants, my baby gets.” 
Jun now crawled up your body just to the point of pressing his clothed cock onto your leg, sucking on your neck, causing you to moan louder than you ever thought you had as he slowly unzipped his pants in the process. 
He was teasing you now, rubbing small circles against your center with the tip of his penis before finally entering bliss. 
“God, you feel the same.” 
“Fuck, thats kind of hot but you’re bigger than I remember.” 
“Probably the implant.” 
Your laugh rang in his ears, he missed making you laugh while he fucked you, he missed seeing the way your eyes were glazed over in pure euphoria from him being inside of you. 
His movements gained momentum, placing his hand behind your head as he fucked you faster, making sure it didn’t hit the brick wall too hard behind you. 
“I don’t think I can last much longer, Jun.” 
“It’s okay baby, you can finish. We can always go for more later.” 
WIth a few final soft kisses and thrusts you held on as long as you could before he reached his peak too, releasing himself inside of you and cleaning you up with the panties he stored away into his pocket. 
“Wait, how far do you live? I don’t think I should walk around with no panties for too long and I have to pee.” 
Jun’s hand pointed to the brick wall he just fucked you against. 
“Here actually.” 
Your cheeks grew hot and you placed a hard smack on his arm. 
“Oh my god, you mean we could’ve just went upstairs?” 
“Yeah, but where's the fun in that.” 
“Touche, cutie.” 
“Cutie? Still? I’m not like hottie, sexy, handsome?” 
“Nope, just a cutie forever and always.” 
“Not even sexy when I wrap my hands around your neck?” 
Entering through Jun’s front door, he jokingly wrapped his pretty fingers around your neck to give you an idea of how he would take you later since you provoked him by calling him cute. 
“Pulling out all the big moves tonight?” 
“Mhm, only for my girl.” 
“I’m still your girl?” 
“Yeah, my one and only. If you’ll have me.” 
“Remind me, what's your name again?” 
Suddenly your feet were pulled off the floor as Jun carried you into his bedroom where he’d remind you all night long. 
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chaconnenha · 27 days
idk if you do these sorta things, but if you do then can i ask for moots as love tropes with their biases?
if not just ignore this :3
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ooooooh i haven’t done this before but i rlly wanna try!! thanks for sending this!! imma do it for only a few of my moots who i immediately think of a trope for since it's easier for me that way--might add more when i think of them ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
@mxxninthesky yes i'm starting with you selene!! you give me major academic rivals to lovers vibes for some reason... since you may or may not be currently simping over jungwon, imagine you and jungwon always fighting for the top grades, but ends with him smirking whenever he gets a higher grade than you... but to everyone it just seems you have major tension and are like "stop competing and kiss already" >.<
@dollyyun love triangle for my wifey ruby ngl. specifically, a love triangle between best friends heejake, who make it their mission to see who can make you fold the fastest. it's literally their tradition, where they choose a sweet girl every year, lead her on for a bit, and then regardless of who she chooses, she always ends up heartbroken... until you get them both to fall hard af for you, maybe even fight a little for you (but then they agree to share you yayyyy) ^^
@flwrstqr danielle gives me brother's best friend vibes. like her crushing super hard on her older brother's best friend heeseung since they meet because he's just so sweet to her, helping her with homework, tying her shoelaces, patting her head when she's done something good. he's just too soft with her. and she is down bad for him.
@cupidhoons sunshine x sunshine protector for my bb liz, with a sunghoon who always looks really cold, but immediately becomes warm and soft whenever he's around her, because of her cute smile and cute little habits (sorry liz but ur so cute like stop) getting cuteness agression and clenching his hands into fists bc he just wants to pinch your cheeks so badly... but also, will throw hands when someone talks badly about you ugh i want that.
@lovelypham mina is the good girl x bad boy trope and i will die on that hill. like her being all sweet and cute, and jake thinking he's gonna have fun by messing around with her, and flirting with her, only to realise he's down down bad. people start to notice the way he doesn't go out to the club as much, stops messing around with women, and basically grows up, and it's all because he's whipped for his only girl <3
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