#may do some reruns after the announcement
heizours · 28 days
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summary. when you do not plan to pull for their character banner
tags. gn! reader, grammatical mistakes may occur
cw. one mention of 'die' (dottore), petty and sulky genshin men (all of them i may say)
feat. xiao, itto, dottore, venti, scaramouche
note. the head picture is how i imagine their reaction ☠️
< back to event m.list
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Recently, you've been saving up primogems for an upcoming new character banner that Hoyoverse is planning to release in the next version of the game.
Gosh you were so excited!
It's not like you wanted to pull for the character just because she was attractive. Definitely not.
Even if it takes a lot of time to earn those gems, you were willing to go through it as long as the system better give you that character you are pulling for.
"I can't wait to pull for Navia!"
You squealed in excitement, logging in the game as her banner awaits for you, ignorant of a certain chatacter just eavesdropping around the system.
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Xiao's banner was having a rerun along with the release of Navia's, and while he may not brag it out loud, he had some silent expectations that you were going to pull for him again.
After all, he is proud to be your first five star chatacter, and ever since then he has been on your team and never removed.
To hear you say that you're going to pull for Navia instead of him made him grunt quietly as he let out a quiet huff behind the screen.
"...Well, she is a good character" he admitted while grumbling under his breath, crossing his arms by now as he watched you pull and pull for Navia's banner, only getting the four stars but no sign of a five star yet.
Is he...sulking? oh yes, Xiao believes so as there was a tiny slight pout on his as he looked away, trying his best to not be affected by the fact that Navia might show up at your screen anytime now.
So while you're at it, better save some primos to pull for his rerun banner too, you wouldn't want a sulking Xiao, right?
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After pulling a few strings and fails in the wishing system, Itto was celebrating his victory after ensuring that his banner would have a rerun.
However, that satisfaction immediately crumbled down the moment he heard you saying that you are pulling for Navia instead for him again.
What makes it even worse, is he felt confident that you were going to pick him, and now...he doesn't know if he should throw a tantrum about it or blame the system that he had a rerun the same time with a new character.
"What?! Hey, what about me?" He yelled out from behind the screen, which of course you couldn't hear, as Itto let out a dramatic gasp by the revelation.
Is he making this a big deal? Yes, Itto is making this a big deal, because after all Navia is also a geo character, of course he would somehow feel intimidated that she would take his place in your team.
Best believe that when you are finish with your pulls, don't be surprised that he would not budge leaving your team— trying to replace him with Navia, even if you are already clicking the remove button!
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The doctor was confident that you were saving up those primogems for him considering that his banner hasn't been released yet, nor the gaming system haven't made any announcement about his builds, constellation, marketing drip, etc.
Imagine his reaction when he overheard that you were pulling for Navia, and those primogems for her and not his. He could not hide the disbelief that crossed over his face.
He'll recover shortly after, and just laughed it off strainly as we watched you spending every gem you had saved on Navia's banner, no sign of the blondie woman yet showing up on your screen.
"And here, I thought I was what you are waiting for" He mumbled under his breath, gritting his teeth slightly in the process, keeping a forced smile on his face.
He would rather die than admit it, but this revelation had left a big wound on his pride, and he is a millisecond away of just straight up disrupting the system's controls if it means you get to play him.
Of course that would take some time, but he hopes that you're just as amused as him if he keeps joining you on doing your quests out of nowhere that doesn't even involve him in the first place ;)
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It took so long for Venti to finally have this moment again, and he was more than glad to show up on your screen, on your first pull, on his rerun banner.
One second he was smiling and all giddy, but as you dropped the statement that you are pulling for Navia like a bomb, his smile freezed, his whole body freezed as he sweatdropped.
Not just freezed, you know those kind of special effects in an anime series when a character messes something up, does something awkward or expected something but gets embarass instead, and suddenly they turn into a whole block of ice? Yeah, something like that.
"..Oh, right her! I've heard a lot about her!" He stated, trying to keep up with his cheerful-go-to persona, as Venti awkwardly scratched the side of his neck while watching you spend those gems on her banner, still no luck of the five star geo character.
He failed to continue showing jolly facade, because now he is sulking at the corner as if it is the end of the world, almost as if a big tub of water was dunk upon him.
Please forgive him if he'll be out of character and maybe acting a little petty on your end for the next few hours or days while playing the game. It's not his fault you didn't also pulled on his rerun!
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Scaramouche carries himself with such confidence and prides himself being a part of your team after you pulled on his first banner.
He was smirking with boldness, and eyes closed in satisfaction as he awaits and is all ready for you to pull on his rerun this time. That is until his mouth twitched downward, as he opens his eyes in suspicion right after he heard that you were pulling instead for Navia.
He could not hide the displeased expression painted on his face, as he continues to watch you behind the screen, spend all the primogems you saved up only for her, and like an open book— he doesn't even realized that he is scowling. So far, you're only getting the four stars.
"What about me?" He mumbled under his breath, as he scoffed lightly and by now instead of continuing to frown, there was a slight pout forming on his lips, as he huffed and turned his head away, facing a corner refusing to watch further your pulls on the geo character.
He rejects to believe that he is mopping about as something as this, but his actions says otherwise. He doesn't even know why is so affected by this.
Whether you get Navia or not, make sure you also give him the attention he seeks! We wouldn't want a petty Wanderer disrupting your team's gameplay, no?
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theunholyrogue · 1 year
a bad day (bayv! Donnie x GN reader) part 1
don angst just doesn’t exist unless it’s completely revolving around april… so here’s one that isn’t just about april! i know don isn’t a big part in this but he will be in part 2
tw: angst, 18+ nsfw, cursing, fighting (physically and verbally), alcohol and cigarette mentions, brief forced intimacy + sa mentions, abuse (ties in with the fighting)
read part two here
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“You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me,” you muttered, staring down at your plastered guardian, lying comfortably in their recliner with old reruns playing softly on the television beside you.
“Guess you are TOO hammered to come to my match tonight,” you continued to mumble quietly to yourself, dropping your duffle bag to the ground and grabbing the remote from the coffee table, clicking the TV off. “No, it’s FINE. It’s not like I want you a part of my life or nothin’.”
Your eyes glared daggers at them, resentment having been building up for years. You wished that they would act like the guardian they claim to be, to have some parental role in your life, but you weren’t destined to have that, were you?
After cleaning up some of the stray beer cans and cigarette butts, you grabbed your duffle bag and walked back to the front door to your run-down apartment. You thought about announcing your whereabouts, but that would only be a waste of breath.
It wasn’t a hard decision on where you would end up, having already decided on hearing down to the lair to see your boyfriend and his brothers. You had a lot on your mind and figured that Donatello might be able to distract you with some science experiment or new tech thing he may be working on.
It was still afternoon, so you figured that the guys wouldn’t be on patrol just yet, and had your suspicions confirmed whenever you entered the lair after a 15 minute walk and saw Leonardo and Raphael sparring.
The two brothers hadn’t noticed you, or if they did they were too in tune with their match to speak, so you left them alone to finish their spar and would say your ‘hello’s’ later in the evening. You couldn’t pinpoint Michaelangelo, and honestly couldn’t think about the possibility of his whereabouts at any given time other than with pizza or comic books. That left one terrapin, who was sitting in front of the Shell-Raiser, presumably doing repairs to the outer shell.
“Hey,” you stated, setting your bag down and walking up next to the turtle.
“Hey, love,” Donatello replied, giving you a brief look before returning to the garbage truck. “What are you up to?” He asked, marking points on the shell for future screws.
“Um, just coming over here before my match tonight,” You replied, taking a seat next to the turtle and grabbing the tools that laid in your now seating spot. “Are you going to be there?”
“I’m not sure,” Donatello replied, taking a step back to turn his attention to you. “It’s just that I have this to finish up and-,”
You cut the terrapin off, “No, no, it’s fine.”
“Are you sure?”
“I mean, yeah, I’ll have-,” you stated before being cut off by the sound of Donnie’s T-Phone going off. You furrowed your eyebrows as he answered, watching him talk to -who you could come to the conclusion of being- April.
“Oh, yeah, I’m on my way,” He said as he hung up, standing from his spot. You followed suit, your extremities starting to feel the sense of a familiar, anxiety-related jitteriness that you often experienced.
“What’s wrong?” You asked.
“Vern’s camera is doing some weird, glitchy thing from what April said, she needs me to fix it so that she can do her report,” Donatello responded, gathering his supplies.
You felt your heart drop.
“Yeah, they also work for Channel 6 News, who can get them a new camera,” you retorted, but he didn’t stop in his tracks. “Did they even try calling their boss?”
“No, I guess not, but I need to go.”
You reached out and grabbed him by the wrist, finally getting the turtle to stop and look at you.
“What’s wrong?” Donatello asked, a sigh escaping his lips afterwards.
You widened your eyes, “You can’t be serious,” you stated, but the terrapin looked impatient. “You just told me that you couldn’t come to my match tonight because you had things to do but the moment April calls, you suddenly have the time to run to her aid?”
“This is for her job,” Donatello stated, your name flowing off his tongue afterwards like unsatisfying candy.
“A job that can provide her and her cameraman with another camera. Is that seriously more important than watching your own partner’s last match of the season?”
“You just said there would more-,”
“Yeah- practice matches! That’s not even the issue here,” You asked, your grip tightening on his wrist.
Donatello pulled his arm away from your grip, “April is already walking on a thin rope, she can’t lose her job again. I’m sorry, I really need to help a friend out,” He spoke softly before leaving the lair.
You stood there in his lab for what felt like hours, stunned at how the turtle just left you. A tear slipped down your face before you quickly wiped it away, walking back over to your bag, grabbing it, and swiftly exiting the lair without saying goodbye.
April had brought the camera to the rooftop to protect the terrapin’s identity. Blissfully unaware of the precious events that had occurred between you and the turtle, she asked about the two of you and how you were doing.
“Well,” Don started to explain as he pulled the camera apart, pulling away to click his headlamp as the sun began to set behind the two. “They are probably mad at me now.”
“Why?” April asked, leaning against the side of the ledge with her arms crossed, awaiting his explanation. The turtle told the female what had gone down between the two of you, and April furrowed her eyebrows.
“Donatello! No sir! You can’t treat your partner like that! They should always come first to you and vice versa. Vern could have easily called and got another camera.”
Donatello gulped, remembering the exact same words that you had already said about the situation. He really treated you like shit.
“You need to apologize and make it up to them immediately, that is unacceptable,” April scolded, walking over and taking the camera pieces back from the turtle. “Don’t lose the good thing you have because you think other things are more important. Nothing should be more important than them. Now go, buh bye!” She stated before waving him off.
You were early arriving at the boxing gym. You thought for a moment that you were the only person there until a familiar face turned the corner from the locker rooms. You started to head for the other set of locker rooms before the person caught your full attention.
“You good?” Eric asked, stopping to look at you. You paused, gazing at him and nodding in response, barely catching what he had asked.
“Yea-Yeah, I’m good. Ready for tonight?” You asked, him nodding in response.
“Yeah. Too bad we don’t get to fight each other anymore this season. You’re one of the best,” Eric winked.
You smiled. “Thanks, I practice hard for it.”
You felt the air become tense and awkward between the two of you. When had he gotten so close? You were about to step away from the male and excuse yourself to the locker room before he glared at you, aggressively pressing you against the concrete wall and pressing his lips to yours.
You felt your fight or fight kick in, immediately pushing the male away from you. “Back off! There’s not a chance in hell that you would have a shot!” You exclaimed, shocked.
Eric furrowed his eyebrows before lunging at you, “Then I guess I’ll just make you,” he muttered.
You thrusted against him, maneuvering yourself so that you could knee yourself to freedom. Eric feel the floor, wincing and groaning in pain as you quickly moved away and into the locker room, locking the door behind you until it was closer to match time.
You were shaking as you felt the adrenaline coursing through your veins, sliding down the back of the door and tucking your head between your legs in order to calm yourself down. You couldn’t believe what just happened, or what had almost happened, what would have happened had you not been strong enough to get away on your own.
And unbeknownst to you, your boyfriend had witnessed the entire event through a glass window engraved into the roof of the building, and he was sick.
You stood there, looking out at the crowd as sweat beads trickled down your forehead before dripping off of your eyelashes. Your arm being held up by the referee as your name is announced to the audience as the winner for the 10th time this season. You had won every single match and had had a happy coach to show for it.
But something about the current situation made your stomach turn, you hadn’t felt this way at any of your previous matches. Andy before you could put your finger on what it was, you felt your hands being dropped and the silhouette of a male sliding in underneath the ropes of the ring. You didn’t have enough time to react before his fist collided with your nose, sending you backwards and onto the mat.
You could hear the uproar around you from the crowd, some believing that this was a skit like WWE, some concerned for your wellbeing, and other comments, but you had to focus on the male that was walking towards you and Ray to finish you off.
You were too focused on protecting yourself to catch his identity at the moment, as he went to take another swing, you raised your left arm to cover your face and used your right arm to attack. You overcorrected, sending the back of the bent wrist into the cheekbone of whoever stood above you. With your force, you caused them to stumble backwards, giving you time to stand up and defend yourself, correcting yourself with your next move, an uppercut, that sent your attacker to the floor. You backed away like you finally heard your coach yelling at you to do, and noticed that Eric was the one who attacked you.
You thought about continuing the fight, but stepped out of the rink before you could act on your instincts. You immediately started to walk to the locker room, glancing into the mirror to notice your nose was bleeding.
“Mother fucker,” you muttered, changing into your old clothes and having a handful of tissues, wiping your nose and sneaking out of the back door to the building to head home. You needed to get home before something else happened to you.
Once you got home, you tried to head for you room immediately, until you heard your name being called from the living room. You held the napkin to your nose and peeked into the room to your guardian half awake and drunkenly looking for you.
“Go grab me a beer.”
“Get it yourself,” You mumbled.
“What?” They asked, raising their voice.
You dropped your bag before looking at them. “Go get it yourself, you lazy piece of shit!”
“The fuck you just say,” they exclaimed, standing up and walking over to you and standing over you.
“I didn’t stutter,” You mouthed.
You felt a sudden sting on your cheek. “You got real nerve actin’ Like that! I work hard to keep us here!”
“Oh yeah, you’re late on rent, maybe chill on the alcohol addiction and try keeping a suitable living place for your kid,” you stated.
“You mind your own got damn business, you little shit!”
“Then act like I’m your business! You have a problem,” You stated before turning and going to your room.
At least, before you heard the sound of a grunt and glass breaking, and a hard knock to the back of your head before everything went black.
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askamydaily · 13 days
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I don't have to care about gender reveal parties.
(The following column runs in newspapers across the country on May 24th, 2024)
Dear Readers: After 21 years writing the “Ask Amy” column, I’m announcing that I’m leaving this space. My final column will run at the end of June.
I’m healthy, happy, and 64-years-old. This is a decision I’ve been wrestling with for over a year.
When I was first hired by the Chicago Tribune to write an advice column after Ann Landers’ death, I was a middle-aged single mother. My daughter Emily and I moved from our long-time home in Washington DC and relocated to Chicago. 
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[Emily and Amy, Freeville, NY. Photo by Chris Walker for the Chicago Tribune]
My welcome to Chicago was to deliver a solo performance of “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” in front of 35,000 baseball fans during the 7th inning stretch of a Cubs game at Wrigley Field.
This turned out to be a metaphor for my experience writing this column, which has been an exuberant and sometimes nerve-wracking effort of trying to hit the right notes before a huge audience. 
After several great years in Chicago, Emily left for college and I moved back to my tiny hometown of Freeville, NY (pop. 505), to spend time with my sisters, aunts and cousins, and to be with my mother at the end of her life. 
My experiences have mirrored those of many of my readers. For me, these last two decades have been about the intensity and consequences of both love and loss. 
After returning home, I promptly tumbled into a Hallmark Channel plotline, when I fell in love with and quickly married a man I’ve known since childhood (we grew up on neighboring dairy farms). My husband Bruno and I then blundered into the oftentimes awkward blending of our family of five daughters. 
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[2008, Freeville, NY]
I became a stepmother, and then a grandmother, all before I believed I was ready. 
My mother and her three wonderful sisters are gone, now. A niece and nephew died, tragically, while in their teens. Much of my recent life has been absorbed by caregiving, mourning, and recovery.
Day in, day out -- over the last two decades – readers have generously shared their own vulnerabilities about many of our common experiences. I’m grateful that we’ve been able to help each other.
I’ve burned through eight laptops, opened bushels of postal mail, written columns in the car, on board planes, in hospital waiting rooms, on my honeymoon, and at my mother’s bedside. During this time, I’ve also written two books, a screenplay, and scores of essays. 
Doing this work has sent me into therapy. It has inspired me to explore the teachings of world religions, and to seek the insight of thinkers like Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung. I’ve quoted the wisdom of Maya Angelou, Joni Mitchell and Fred Rogers -- as well as dozens of poets, social scientists and psychologists. 
I’ve made my share of mistakes, been well-pranked – at least twice (that I know of), and learned how to apologize, ask for forgiveness, and to forgive other people for their own mistakes. Inspired by readers’ dilemmas, I’ve also worked hard to mend fractured family relationships and to be a better friend.
My personal experiences are a reminder that we humans can’t really control what happened before or what happens next. Joy, like grief, comes at you in such unexpected ways. That’s why it is so important to pay attention. I’ve learned to do that.
Being an advice-giver has challenged me to be aware of cultural, social, and relationship trends -- and to appreciate the quirks of human behavior.
When readers get frustrated by my lengthy answers to sometimes petty problems, they will often suggest that I should just tell people to “get a life!,” but I think that wrestling with our questions – from the quotidian to the profound – is living.
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For the next month, I’ll continue to publish fresh columns and rerun some favorites. After that, my fantasy is to drive an RV across the country, visiting people I’ve met through this work who have challenged me and tantalized readers with their anonymous requests for advice.
In my hometown, I’m opening a little lending library. You can find me on social media, through my Asking Amy newsletter, at amydickinson.com, or at the Freeville Literary Society on Main Street – talking books with kids and offering advice to anyone who asks.
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cchsunday · 10 months
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In Defense of Jerry Lewis — by Mark Simpson for Out Magazine, 2009
Forget hair whorls, genomes, amniotic fluid, older brothers, domineering mothers, or disco. I can reveal with absolute certainty the cause of my homosexuality in just two words. Jerry. Lewis. As a kid in the 1970s, I watched reruns of his movies—especially the ones from the early 50s with his on-screen boyfriend Dean Martin—with a level of breathless excitement that nothing else came close to until I discovered buggery in the 1980s. Films like Money From Home (1953), where he pins Martin to the bed wearing a pair of polka-dot shorts campier than Christmas in West Hollywood, and Sailor Beware (1952), where he is pricked by several burly Navy medics wielding ever-bigger needles until he squirts liquid in all directions and faints, made me the man I am today.
In February, after a lifetime of being ignored by a cross-armed Academy Awards committee that never gave him so much as a nomination when he was making movies, Lewis finally got an Oscar. But not for his charming films with Dean Martin or his solo classics such as The Disorderly Orderly—in which, memorably, he happily Hoovers with the appliance plugged up his own ass—but for his fund-raising for muscular dystrophy. Its a charity Oscar in every sense. Lewis is 83 and has been unwell for some time. The Hollywood gays, though, are Not Happy. They have a Hoover up their ass about Lewis. Some tried to block his Oscar because this ill old man, born in 1926, almost used the word faggot last year after hosting a 12-hour telethon. In effect, the gays are running down the street screaming Ma-a-a! Likewise, because he isn’t gay himself and because his nerdy, sissy persona has been deemed exploitative.
Lewis has been almost completely spurned by queer studies, when really he should have his own department. Certainly, though, his films should be set texts. But it was in his anarchic, early-50s TV shows with Martin that the 20-something Lewis was at his queerest and giddiest. Their heads were so close together in those tiny 50s cathode-ray tubes—gazing into each others eyes, rubbing noses, occasionally stealing kisses or licking each others neck to shrieks of scandalized pleasure from the audience. They were a prime-time study in same-sex love. And they were adored for it—literally chased down the street by crowds of screaming women and not a few men.
Their very first TV show opens with our boys arriving at a posh ball, full of Waspy straight couples being announced: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cordney! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Christiandom! And then: Mr. Dean Martin and Mr. Jerry Lewis! The Dago and the Jew same-sex couple. Setting the tone for their series, Lewis promptly trashes the place. The Martin and Lewis partnership was queer punk rock before even rock n roll had been invented. It trashed normality right in the living rooms of 1950s America, courtesy of Colgate. No wonder they’ve almost been forgotten. They should never have existed. True, the explicitness of their pairing depended on the official innocence of the times and perhaps a nostalgia for buddydom in postwar America, which allowed the audience to enjoy the outrageous queerness of what was going on without having to think too much about it. Literally, to laugh it off. But official innocence is a mischievous comedians gift horse.
A skit depicting the (fictional) meeting of Martin and Lewis—or Ethel and Shirley, as they called each other—climaxes with them being trapped in the closet together: pushed together mouth to mouth, crotch to crotch. In another skit our boys end up sharing a bed with Burt Lancaster, playing an escaped homicidal maniac. Boy, Dean, these one-night stands are moider! says Lewis. Moider was exactly what they got away with. In a skit set in prison, Jerry’s bunk collapses on Martin below. What are you doing? asks Martin. I felt lonesome, replies Lewis.
Lewis’ on-screen queerness may have been just a phase, but what a phase! It was so unruly, so indefinable, so crazy, so ticklish, so exhilarating that gays—and probably most people today—don’t really know what to do with it. It’s a bit scary, really. But that—in addition to the fact that it’s still piss-your-pants funny—is precisely what is so great about it. [And] why I still think Jerry Lewis is at least as much fun as sodomy.
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twstgameplay · 1 year
actually just needed your guesses honestly—
I’ve been playing the jp one for a while and checking the last second anniversary shop for the limited ssr shop, do you think it’ll be the same or perhaps different?
Hello! We’re not sure since they haven’t made a dedicated announcement for the 3rd anniversary campaign yet, but since some events got reran after 2nd anniversary, I expect that those event SSRs whose events already had a rerun will appear in the upcoming limited SSR shop. This includes FG Leona, Halloween 2 SSRs, and Camp Ruggie. I don’t expect cards like Silk Jamil and Apple Boa Epel to appear because they were only in the game once and may be rerun in the future.
However, do note that I can be proven wrong, and these are my speculations based on what 2nd anniversary did.
~ 🐙
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ingek73 · 2 years
We didn’t ask for Lady Hussey to resign. But, really, the monarchy must do better on race
Mandu Reid
I witnessed the racist remarks, but blaming one person alone distracts from the depth and breadth of racism in that institution
Published: 19:31 Thursday, 01 December 2022
I generally avoid news about the royals. So it was a real eye-opener to find myself at the centre of a royal story. At a reception on Tuesday to honour those working to end violence against women and girls, I witnessed racist remarks from a member of the royal household directed at my friend and fellow activist, Ngozi Fulani. Lady Hussey’s prolonged interrogation about where Ngozi was really from, what her nationality was and where her people were from, was not – as many people have insisted to me over the past 24 hours – the kind of well-meaning curiosity that all of us experience from time to time (though it’s possible that Hussey believed that it was).
“Hackney” was Ngozi’s answer, but Hussey refused to accept this. Her response implied that Black and brown people couldn’t really be British. It implied that we were trespassing – and it made me reflect on the increasingly hostile environment of this disunited kingdom.
Even so, the media furore feels disproportionate, given the avalanche of huge stories you might expect to be dominating the news cycle. It’s not that this one isn’t serious. Racism always is, which is why I’ve spoken out. But something about this media frenzy feels … off. Even as I write this, interview requests are coming in faster than I can say no to (in one case my refusal was countered with the offer of a huge fee). If you have seen the emergency appeal that the Women’s Equality party launched this week, you will understand how hard that particular refusal was, though it confirmed why my decision had been right in the first place.
The initial calls I received were from journalists not looking for my account, but my corroboration. It took some time to realise that it was the very fact that the incident had been “witnessed” that made it significant, and forced the palace to respond swiftly (and in my view, unsatisfactorily). Unlike when the Duchess of Sussex made her accounts of royal racism, such as the “concerns” that were expressed over how dark her son’s skin might be, the palace wasn’t able to deny or deflect this time. It couldn’t rerun the famous line that “recollections may vary”, because three of us have identical, and identically uncomfortable, recollections of that encounter.
Soon after the first media reports were published, the palace announced that Hussey had resigned. This is a gambit that I have become increasingly familiar with since the Women’s Equality party started campaigning against police misogyny. What I’ve learned is that the “bad apple” narrative is potent not only because it masquerades as taking responsibility without the institution having to do any such thing, but also because it often helps drive a backlash against the “woke brigade” for cancelling yet another innocent. I see that “She’s 83” is now trending on Twitter, imploring us to leave this nice old lady alone, a stance that adds a dash of ageism to the racism that has pervaded much of the commentary.
The funny thing is, neither Ngozi nor I wanted Hussey to receive the grand order of the boot. Ngozi didn’t even name her publicly; it was social media that did this, immediately seizing on the story as another chance to form into polarised rival camps. Instead of stepping down, Hussey should be encouraged to step up, along with senior members of the royal household. This is much bigger than one individual: blaming Hussey risks minimising and distracting from the depth and breadth of racism that is enshrined in an institution that carries the heritage of empire, slavery and inequality (we are their subjects, after all).
Buckingham Palace trumpets its commitment to diversity and inclusion on its website. In a statement on Wednesday, it promised to remind staff of its policies. That’s a big ask when its own annual reports show a lack of diversity among the upper echelons of its staff. The palace’s history is dotted with failures of inclusion. Still, it’s not the worst of the royal courts. Anecdotal evidence suggests that honour falls to Kensington Palace, which didn’t even release this data in its last annual report.
Perhaps a starting point for an institution where staff think it’s OK to touch a Black woman’s hair or question her belonging would be signing up to cultural competence training. I know just the organisation to provide that. Sistah Space, the charity Ngozi runs to support African and Caribbean heritage women affected by domestic and sexual abuse, offers such courses to institutions that don’t know where to begin.
Wouldn’t it be something if Buckingham Palace asked for their help? It would certainly chime with the Queen Consort’s speech at the reception, in which she said that the starting point for responding to survivors of abuse was listening to them and believing them. Perhaps, one day, that principle could extend to Meghan too.
Mandu Reid is leader of the Women’s Equality party
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cru5h-cascades · 10 months
Splatfest Concepts!
Hey everyone! After the announcement of the Money v Fame v Love splatfest, I've been thinking about new splatfest themes that we could possibly get (along with some joke ones I've made that could be used for custom splatfests!). Anywho, here's some of my splatfest ideas (I may or may not do artwork for these)!
CorruptFest: Sanitization v Mammalification v [insert corruption type in Side Order here] (we don't know how Side Order's enemies could possibly be corrupted like yet at the time of me writing this). All players' cosmetics will be altered during this splatfest to whatever corruption type they've chosen and their ink will match that of their corruption of choice. To promote this splatfest, all players will recieve the octoling gear from all 3 games! This splatfest would happen sometime after Side Order's release, sort of like how we got Squid v Octopus sometime after Octo Expansion.
Plaza Fest: Splatsville Plaza v Inkopolis Plaza v Inkopolis Square. Splatsville Plaza members will have yellow ink, Inkopolis Plaza with orange ink, and Inkopolis Square with pink ink.
Coca-Cola Collab: Coke v Sprite v Fanta. Coke members will have red ink, Sprite will have green ink, and Fanta will have orange ink.
Battle of the 2000s Consoles: GameCube v DS v Wii. GameCube members will have GameCube purple ink, DS will have light gray ink, and Wii will have bright light blue ink.
Battle of the Bands: Squid Sisters v Off the Hook v Deep Cut. Squid Sisters members will have green ink (matching Marie's since her team won S1's final fest), OTH with pink ink (matching Pearl's since her team won S2's "final" fest) (I put final in quotation because of the rerun fests and Mario splatfest), and Deep cut will have purple/blue ink (matching Shiver's just to have some more color variation).
Final Splatfest: Past v Present v Future. Past members will recive tan ink with hints of bronze (like old photographs), present will recieve metalic gray ink (matching iron used in modern infastructure), and future will recieve white, pearlescent ink with hints of blue in it (matching past depictions of the future). All players will recieve the Chaos v Order gear from S2 (since we only got final fest exclusive gear in that game), alongside new pieces of gear for this splatfest specifically. Winner of this splatfest will determine the asthetic of the next game, along with weapon types. If past wins we'll recieve more of a 90s/2000s asthetic, if present wins the next game will have an asthetic similar to the past 3 games, and if future wins we'll have a more futuristic, pehaps even cyberpunk asthetic.
Joke splatfests that won't happen in a million years (feel free to use these for custom splatfests! just credit me for making the idea!)
Lost Childrens' Programming Fest: Candle Cove v Gregory's Room v Welcome Home. Candle Cove members will have a blue ink color with some white in it (resembling waves), Gregory's Room will have bright green ink (resembling Gregory's shirt), and Welcome Home will recieve red ink (matching Home)
Minecraft Collab: Villagers v Pillagers v Witches. Villager members will have green ink (like villager eyes), pillager members will have dark gray ink (matching their color scheme), and witch members will recieve purple ink.
Proxy Fest: Hoodie v Masky v Ticci Toby. Hoodie members will have yellow ink, Masky with white ink, and Toby members with orange ink.
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mariacallous · 2 years
I generally avoid news about the royals. So it was a real eye-opener to find myself at the centre of a royal story. At a reception on Tuesday to honour those working to end violence against women and girls, I witnessed racist remarks from a member of the royal household directed at my friend and fellow activist, Ngozi Fulani. Lady Hussey’s prolonged interrogation about where Ngozi was really from, what her nationality was and where her people were from, was not – as many people have insisted to me over the past 24 hours – the kind of well-meaning curiosity that all of us experience from time to time (though it’s possible that Hussey believed that it was).
“Hackney” was Ngozi’s answer, but Hussey refused to accept this. Her response implied that Black and brown people couldn’t really be British. It implied that we were trespassing – and it made me reflect on the increasingly hostile environment of this disunited kingdom.
Even so, the media furore feels disproportionate, given the avalanche of huge stories you might expect to be dominating the news cycle. It’s not that this one isn’t serious. Racism always is, which is why I’ve spoken out. But something about this media frenzy feels … off. Even as I write this, interview requests are coming in faster than I can say no to (in one case my refusal was countered with the offer of a huge fee). If you have seen the emergency appeal that the Women’s Equality party launched this week, you will understand how hard that particular refusal was, though it confirmed why my decision had been right in the first place.
The initial calls I received were from journalists not looking for my account, but my corroboration. It took some time to realise that it was the very fact that the incident had been “witnessed” that made it significant, and forced the palace to respond swiftly (and in my view, unsatisfactorily). Unlike when the Duchess of Sussex made her accounts of royal racism, such as the “concerns” that were expressed over how dark her son’s skin might be, the palace wasn’t able to deny or deflect this time. It couldn’t rerun the famous line that “recollections may vary”, because three of us have identical, and identically uncomfortable, recollections of that encounter.
Soon after the first media reports were published, the palace announced that Hussey had resigned. This is a gambit that I have become increasingly familiar with since the Women’s Equality party started campaigning against police misogyny. What I’ve learned is that the “bad apple” narrative is potent not only because it masquerades as taking responsibility without the institution having to do any such thing, but also because it often helps drive a backlash against the “woke brigade” for cancelling yet another innocent. I see that “She’s 83” is now trending on Twitter, imploring us to leave this nice old lady alone, a stance that adds a dash of ageism to the racism that has pervaded much of the commentary.
The funny thing is, neither Ngozi nor I wanted Hussey to receive the grand order of the boot. Ngozi didn’t even name her publicly; it was social media that did this, immediately seizing on the story as another chance to form into polarised rival camps. Instead of stepping down, Hussey should be encouraged to step up, along with senior members of the royal household. This is much bigger than one individual: blaming Hussey risks minimising and distracting from the depth and breadth of racism that is enshrined in an institution that carries the heritage of empire, slavery and inequality (we are their subjects, after all).
Buckingham Palace trumpets its commitment to diversity and inclusion on its website. In a statement on Wednesday, it promised to remind staff of its policies. That’s a big ask when its own annual reports show a lack of diversity among the upper echelons of its staff. The palace’s history is dotted with failures of inclusion. Still, it’s not the worst of the royal courts. Anecdotal evidence suggests that honour falls to Kensington Palace, which didn’t even release this data in its last annual report.
Perhaps a starting point for an institution where staff think it’s OK to touch a Black woman’s hair or question her belonging would be signing up to cultural competence training. I know just the organisation to provide that. Sistah Space, the charity Ngozi runs to support African and Caribbean heritage women affected by domestic and sexual abuse, offers such courses to institutions that don’t know where to begin.
Wouldn’t it be something if Buckingham Palace asked for their help? It would certainly chime with the Queen Consort’s speech at the reception, in which she said that the starting point for responding to survivors of abuse was listening to them and believing them. Perhaps, one day, that principle could extend to Meghan too.
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cynthiaandsamus · 2 years
[Can you give me the latest on Toonami? How is that block doing?]
(They've been a little rough lately, they finished Assassination Classroom and a bunch of other shows lately so right now the block is Reruns of the first season of Primal, the new Lupin the Third part, and double helpings of One Piece and Naruto Shippuden before we get into Shenmue and Attack on Titan reruns, so we really only have one 'new' anime on the block and premiere episodes of old shows most people have already seen while the rest is reruns.
Now they have announced they're going to be showing rerun episodes of the Season 2 premiere for Primal when that comes out next week and Yashahime Season 2 is coming shortly after that so we do have some things in the pipeline but it seems they've been having trouble getting ahold of existing new shows because most of these things are either seasons of shows they've already shown or things Adult Swim already has the rights to that they're able to jump on with, they had a similar problem when Covid hit and they weren't sure what to do with the block for a while and bounced back pretty strong so it's not unprecedented and kinda happens sometimes.
The good news though is they have numerous new shows they're creating or co-creating that they're putting out over the next year or so, they seem to really want to be in on the production end of things which may help them get a cut if anything does well and offset the cost which may be why they haven't been grabbing new series up as frequently. So far they've had a hand in FLCL Progressive/Alternative, Fena Pirate Princess, Blade Runner Black Lotus, and the Shenmue anime. Personally all of these have been kind of lacking in one way or another, FLCL Progressive was a confusing fanservice laden show that was kind of fine if you don't think too hard, FLCL Alternative was kind of genuinely good but not as amazing as the original, Fena was REALLY good except the last two episodes kind of botched the ending, Black Lotus was okay but hit during a time when they were short on shows so they kept dropping marathons for it and playing the first few episodes over and over and it got really old and the story was kind of unremarkable at the end of the day. Shenmue I can't tell if it's a boring terrible anime or a genius anime that accurately adapts a boring and terrible game series.
So yeah, the Toonami-created anime have kinda had a rough time with it but that seems to be where they're focusing a decent amount of attention at the moment. ATM they have two Horror anime, the Manga-style adaptation of Uzumaki and a new thing called Housing Complex C which both look pretty interesting despite Uzumaki going through like two years of delays but I think they're really trying to nail the style which I'd rather them work hard on it and have it be good than rush it and be bad but at the same time idk how the animated manga look is going to translate since we have a few series like the Netflix Way of the Househusband anime that don't exactly get great reviews for the same style. They also have two MORE FLCL series coming in the form of FLCL Shoegaze and Grunge and who fucking knows what that'll be like since FLCL is a series of wildly varying quality now.
But yeah, TLDR they've gone through periods of experimentation and are currently a bit light on stuff to watch but it's happened before and they come back so it's nothing to worry about too much and they do seem to have more stuff planned they just have a habit of not telling the public until right before it drops for some reason. They recently had an anniversary special a few months ago that saw TOM and SARA board a futuristic version of the original Absolution ship which was pretty cool so it's still doing well just hitting a few bumps here and there.
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dorothydalmati1 · 9 months
Obscure Animation Subject #82: Mission Hill
Originally supposed to be posted on Twitter a week ago but delayed and moved here due to abysmal TOS update.
Created by Bill Oakley and Josh Weinstein for The WB, it premiered on September 21, 1999 with a 13-episode order, but was cancelled and only eight aired, with the final episode airing on July 16, 2000. The unaired episodes aired on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim programming block from May 26 to August 11, 2002. A second season was originally planned with 5 scripts written for that season, but ultimately didn’t get completed due to the series cancellation.
The reason for its cancellation was due to low ratings, it later developed a cult following thanks to Adult Swim reruns, but not enough to order a revival, unlike with Family Guy which became an immediate break-out thanks to Adult Swim reruns and DVD sales.
While it didn’t get a revival like Family Guy, I understand why it did get a cult following because of how interesting it is. It’s about a group of roommates that live in a hip neighborhood in a major city. Pretty standard for a sitcom show but it makes up for it with great humor. This show satirizes the modern day teen life and throughout the series there are tons of pop culture references, relatable humor for young adults, and some drug humor. It's got it all for this show about 20 something year olds just chilling. The visuals look inspired from cartoons in the 1950s and 60s, and it makes the show very vibrant and interesting to look at.
In 2020, co-creator Bill Oakley announced plans for a spinoff titled "Gus and Wally" and they would include the unproduced episodes that were being worked on in the original. I do hope that this show will be successful, it's nice that after all these years it can come back for another hurrah, and it better be worth the wait because I don’t want a revival that’s like Clone High season 2 or Futurama season 8, I want it to be very true to the original series with keeping the same style and humor while also something new that doesn’t kill the show. That what I want out of a revival right there!
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Gutfeld Says He’s Thought About Leaving ‘The Five’ For Tucker Carlson’s Old Time Slot
Popular Fox News host Greg Gutfeld shared big news this week when he revealed that he’s thought about the idea of taking over the primetime slot that was previously held by Tucker Carlson, who was taken off the air by the network in late April.
   “Obviously, it’s crossed my mind,” Gutfeld told The Wall Street Journal in an interview published this week. “If I did 8 o’clock, I would definitely not do The Five, and I would no longer do Gutfeld! Those just happen to be the two most popular shows on Fox these days. I would just do one show because I would prepare for that show like crazy.”
   Tom O’Connor, the executive producer for “Gutfeld,” said he believes the host would be a perfect fit to take over the 8 PM prime time slot.
   “I think he could probably be successful in any of the timeslots,” said O’Connor. “I mean, we were on at 3 in the morning East Coast time when we did ‘Red Eye,’ and people found us.”
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   Fox News has faced a slew of backlash, negative headlines, and a significant rating drop since taking top-rated host Tucker Carlson off the air in late April.
   However, one Fox News personality has gotten a handful of good news in recent weeks.
   Popular co-host Greg Gutfeld announced a new book, both shows that he co-hosts — “The Five” and “Gutfeld!” — are dominating the cable news ratings, and he’s reportedly being considered to take over a primetime slot on the network.
   Despite the fallout from ousting former top host Tucker Carlson, Fox News remained the most-watched network in all of the cable news in May.
  “The Five” was the highest-rated show on cable news with 2.6 million average total viewers and 267,000 average demo viewers. His late-night comedy show “Gutfeld!” was also in the top 5 for cable news.
   Below is a breakdown of the top 5 shows on cable news in May, all of which belong to Fox News:
   The Five – 2.63 million (276,000 in the 25-54 demographic)
   Jesse Watters Primetime – 2.14 million (194,000 demo)
   Hannity – 1.91 million (178,000 demo)
   Special Report with Bret Baier – 1.81 million (187,000 demo)
   Gutfeld! – 1.65 million (224,000 demo)
   The popular host announced a new book, titled, “The King of Late Night,” which will be released July 25, and details how Gutfeld “destroyed the mainstream late-night landscape of heavyweights and became the host of the #1 late night show in all of television.”
   Fox News has announced a slew of changes in recent weeks.
   Last week, the network announced that Steve Hilton’s Sunday show in the 9 p.m. time slot has been canceled.
   Fox Business has canceled the long-running show “Kennedy,” which airs at 7 p.m. ET. The network plans to air reruns of former Trump administration economist Larry Kudlow.
   The report said that Lisa Kennedy Montgomery will remain at Fox News, where she will be a recurring figure on “The Five,” “Outnumbered,” and other shows.
   Donald Trump Jr. has said he was warned by insiders at Fox News that network bosses were not happy with his criticism following the sudden firing of top-rated host Tucker Carlson in late April.
   The former president’s oldest son says he was told to “expect retaliation” after ripping the firing as unwise and accusing top executives of “censorship.” He went on to say that he also has not been invited onto the network in nearly nine months, the report noted.
   “I’ve been watching the censorship happening even in conservative mainstream media,” Don Jr. said on the Steak for Breakfast podcast. “I mean, you saw what sort of Fox did to Tucker Carlson, last week, and the week before that, it was Dan Bongino and, you know, the people who would actually question some of that narrative.”
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fancoloredglasses · 1 year
[RERUN] Yesteryear (Time travel that doesn’t necessarily mess up the timeline)
[All images owned by Filmation and Paramount. Please don’t sue me]
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Possibly one of the most powerful episodes in The Animated Series was a call back to The Original Series episode The Guardian of Forever...
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...which featured a portal capable of sending individuals back in time. Following the episode was to have taken place, the Federation put restrictions on the Guardian’s use to avoid altering the timeline (a “Temporal Prime Directive”, if you will)
Which brings us up to speed. If you would like to see the original review, you may do so here. If you would like to see the episode, it’s available on Paramount+, or if you don’t have a subscription it’s available on Internet Archive.
[Quick note: One thing I didn’t mention in the series review was the cost-cutting measures for the voice cast. First off, Filmation originally just wanted William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley (those three for obvious reasons), James Doohan (who, thanks to his versatile voice (he gave over half a dozen accents when auditioning for Scotty before Roddenberry settled on the Scotsman), could convincingly voice any male character the producers needed (including Lt. Arex and all but one of the supporting male characters in this episode), and Majel Barrett (for the female characters, including Lt. M’ress), but Nimoy refused to join the cast unless George Takei and Nichelle Nichols were brought in as well. Poor Walter Koenig gets no love.]
The Enterprise is assigned to assist a team of historians using the Guardian to study Orion history (the military on an academic mission? What could possibly go wrong?) While McCoy assists the historians, the Guardian (voiced by Doohan) announces the return of Kirk, Spock, and a random redshirt...
(Thanks to CBS)
And this is why you don’t use a time vortex unsupervised, kids!
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The scientists admit they were scanning Vulcan history while Kirk, Spock, and the redshirt were in Orion’s past. In the new history, Spock’s younger self died during the kahs-wan maturity test. Spock recalls he was saved from an attack by a wild animal during that time by a cousin named Selik.
Kirk and Spock concluded (through some wild speculation) that “Selik” was Spock, gone back to the past to save himself (which couldn’t happen since Spock was already in the time vortex when the historians viewed Vulcan using the Guardian. Does your head hurt yet?)
Spock prepares to return to Vulcan to repair the damage (hopefully without changing history further). Thelin realizes this will mean he won’t be on the Enterprise after the repair is made (so? You’ll probably be First Officer on some other starship, no doubt still with distinction), but wishes Spock good luck.
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While this isn’t the first visit to Vulcan (that happened during the TOS episode Amok Time), it is the first glimpse of the Vulcan landscape (Amok Time just showed a mountaintop that spanned the length of a soundstage).
(Thanks again to CBS)
Geez Sarek (voiced by Mark Lenard, who played Sarek in The Original Series), no pressure or anything!
Spock recalls that he had gone into the desert as a “practice run” for the kahs-wan on the day he was attacked.
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Of course, he remembered after his younger self left (with I-Chaya following)
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“Selik” catches up with Spock as the boy is being chased by a Vulcan carnivore known as a La Macha.
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I-Chaya manages to fight off the beast until “Selik” could subdue it. Spock then has a heart-to-heart with himself (confused yet?) and reveals that Vulcans aren’t emotionless, but merely learn to suppress them in favor of logic and reason (the first time this is ever mentioned in Star Trek)
In the middle of this revelation...
(Thanks to St ar)
Forgive me, I have a bit of loss of innocence in my eye *sniff*
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Spock returns to the present to see all is back to normal (including McCoy being his usual semi-racist self toward Spock)
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Filmation, upon reading the original script, didn’t want to have I-Chaya’s death in the episode, but Roddenberry insisted they use DC Fontana’s script as written, and it made for an important lesson in dealing with loss for kids.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go have a good cry now.
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casliveblog · 2 years
(That moment when some good anime finally come out but I don’t wanna watch them because they may be on Toonami at some point and rewatching anime for Toonami does kinda take some of the fun out of it but then Toonami’s like ‘we have nothing planned for the next two months, have double Naruto Shippuden’, which I get because Housing Complex C just came out and it’s four episodes long and that makes it the perfect length to be a Halloween marathon and you don’t want to start a new show just to interrupt it with a Halloween Marathon but like there’s nothing really to look forward to as far as existing anime and it’s kinda frustrating since a lot of the new anime they’ve made have been mediocre or bad and I just want some guaranteed quality.
Just looking at anime that have new seasons that haven’t been on Toonami we have:
SSSS.Dynazenon, My Hero Academia (Season just started but still technically counts), Mob Psycho 100, Made in Abyss (Same as MHA), Jojo (scooped up by Netflix so not expecting it just worth noting), Food Wars, Demon Slayer, Megalobox, Pop Team Epic (See MHA)
And then as far as things that haven’t aired on there before but REALLY should given their general connection or even promotional materials that have aired on Toonami we have things like Jujutsu Kaisen and Chainsaw Man
So just as a way to vent I’ll list my top wanted things and the things that I’m baffled haven’t been on the block yet
Demon Slayer and Mob Psycho 100 are kind of the odd ones out given how long their second seasons have been out and there was even a rerun of Mob Psycho Season 1 that everyone thought was going to lead to season 2 being announced for the block that just... didn’t happen
Megalobox and Dynazenon aren’t my favorite picks by any means but they do seem to gel really well with what the showrunners want for the block and I think they are going to be scooped up at some point when things cool down a bit
MHA, Pop Team Epic and Made in Abyss will also probably come at some point, like Toonami legit can’t keep its hands off MHA it’s basically its big moneymaker since it found out it can’t milk Dragon Ball endlessly, they got their hands on Made in Abyss at a good time right before season 2 was really being talked about so it kinda just kicked up the discussion again and that may mean there’s a deal to be made there but I don’t pretend to know how this shit works and Pop Team Epic is just a wild card in every sense so who knows.
Food Wars has a weird history with the block given how its seasons are broken up into some weird copyright mess so that’s kind of a toss-up whether they’re going to pursue that or not but it’s there should they decide it’s worth going after.
But as far as new series I’d like to see on there within the next year that could really give the block the shot in the arm it needs are Jujutsu Kaisen, (I mean come on the fucking movie advertised on the channel why is it not there) Chainsaw Man (just started so we’ll see about the news) and... believe it or not, Spy X Family, like it’s probably not something most people think of when they think of Toonami but it’s a popular show with some action, at least as much as some of the more chill shows that have been on there.
Ever since Dragon Ball Super ended and MHA’s seasons have been sparse, Toonami’s really kind of struggled to find a new flagship series and covid certainly didn’t help and it seems like they’re putting more effort into creating new shows rather than acquisitions but I think grabbing something with good press behind it already would probably give everything the boost it needs given none of the originals have really been able to get off the ground. I get there’s probably business reasons why creating new shows you have full rights to is probably easier/more profitable than trying to bump gloves with Netflix and Disney+ (the whole reason I didn’t mention Bleach) but that doesn’t do much good if nothing’s pulling in the numbers and we just kinda let the block sit on reruns and shows that are decades old. I’m thrilled One Piece is getting another shot I really am, but it can’t carry the block and if Toonami’s not going to pull the anime that are actually in current conversations then it’s going to get left behind, I respect that it’s trying to make that conversation rather than leech off of it but there needs to be a mix since production takes so long and as we’ve seen with shows like Shenmue and Black Lotus just doesn’t yield the results they’re looking for)
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coinprojects · 2 years
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New Post has been published on https://coinprojects.net/the-sandbox-token-sand-eyes-1-on-this-bullish-signal/
The Sandbox Token (SAND) Eyes $1 On This Bullish Signal
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The Sandbox metaverse’s native token, SAND, defied broader market weakness over the past two days as an event in New York kicked off.
SAND rose 8% in the past 24 hours, and is trading around $0.97. Another 4% gain could see the token trade above $1 for the first time in two weeks.
The token recovered sharply in the past two days after The Sandbox kicked off an event in New York City, as part of the NFT NYC conference.
The metaverse, which is one of the biggest players in the space, announced a slew of partnerships at NFT NYC aimed at boosting user engagement.
The Sandbox partners with Time, OVER
In its most recent partnership with a major established brand, The Sandbox earlier this week said it has partnered with TIMEPieces, an NFT initiative from TIME Magazine.
Under the partnership, the two will build a new location in TIME’s land in The Sandbox based on Times Square.
The metaverse also announced a partnership with Ethereum-based augmented reality metaverse Over, under which the two will launch a NYC-wide treasure hunt.
The Sandbox has also set up a real world booth in New York City to increase user engagement. The metaverse has tieups with several major media franchises, including Snoop Dogg, The Walking Dead, and more recently, Lionsgate Studios.
The metaverse also announced the upcoming launch of The Sandbox Alpha, a play-to-earn initiative that will launch in November.
NFT volumes boosted by NYC conference
Hype over the NFT conference supported trading volumes in some NFT projects. Doodles saw a nearly 400% jump in daily volumes after the project announced a sequel- Doodles 2.
The increased interest helped somewhat offset an ongoing decline in the crypto market, which has severely dented NFT prices this month.
But while established players such as Bored Apes and CryptoPunks have logged large price losses, they are still trading relatively stable in comparison to the broader crypto market.
  With more than five years of experience covering global financial markets, Ambar intends to leverage this knowledge towards the rapidly expanding world of crypto and DeFi. His interest lies chiefly in finding how geopolitical developments can impact crypto markets, and what that could mean for your bitcoin holdings. When he isn’t trawling through the web for the latest breaking news, you can find him playing videogames or watching Seinfeld reruns. You can reach him at [email protected]
The presented content may include the personal opinion of the author and is subject to market condition. Do your market research before investing in cryptocurrencies. The author or the publication does not hold any responsibility for your personal financial loss.
Source link By Ambar Warrick
#Altcoin #Bitcoin #BlockChain #BlockchainNews #Crypto
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obliviousriki · 2 years
So uh
This game better be good
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Keigo Takami / Hawks x Reader
Summary: You push Keigo to actually guide Tokyami instead of just using him as a means of getting the scoop on class 1A. 
Masterlist and other information
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Hawks? Who didn’t love the guy? He was one of the top three heroes and the public adored him, the ladies loved him, and heroes in training looked up to him? To you? Well....
“You invited Tokoyami to do what? To gossip like some old aunt or grandmother and then to just humiliate him?” You questioned with a stern look upon your face as Keigo looked to you as he slurped the cup of noodles that were being cradled in one of his hands, but the lowering of his wings showed what he felt. It was like when a dog’s ears would tilt downwards in guilt upon being scolded. That slurping on those noodles could hide the emotions that would have snuck up on his face but those wings betrayed him big time as he lowered the cup coolly from his face. 
“Come on, I was interested in the USJ attack. I mean, a whole bunch of freshlings in a hero course taking on the League of Villains and making them even retreat? Who wouldn’t want to know more details.....and I may have felt like the hero commissions office wasn’t telling me everything” He spoke calmly with a shrug of his shoulders as he sat hunched out his cup of noodles upon the couch of the apartment you shared, soft glow of the late night program glistening upon his face. 
You how ever only rolled your eyes as you barge into the lazy view he had upon the tv at the rerun of a cartoon he had watched, mouth opening in protest midway through lifting another bite of noodles to his face. “Keigo, that poor boy took you up on your offer to shadow you because you are in Japans top three heroes only for you to want a bit of gossip and to have him chasing after you like the rest of your sidekicks? You are suppose to be instructing him to be a hero not a sidekick!” You exasperated to him as he could only sit there and silently stare at you at a loss for words as the noodles plopped back into the cup, splashing the broth onto him in which in return gave a yelp out as it had already began to possibly stain his shirt.
“Alright! Please look over today’s agenda! Emails with certain tasks will be emailed to your work emails as well, so don’t forget to check them!” you announced to the division of sidekicks that were under your supervision. They all gave their polite responses before heading to their cubicles or rushing off to their other duties. Phones were already ringing and causing a ruckus, but you saw Tokoyami waiting patiently, you giving a sigh as you begin to walk forward now giving a small bow to the hero in training. “Hey there, I hope Hawks isn't being a handful” you spoke out with a little laugh.
“He is quite fast, but its something that I must go through to become a hero” the young student spoke out seriously, though you couldn’t help but just see that disappointment flash across his face. 
“Well it must be tiring nonetheless, join me and Hawks for dinner tonight, I’ll contact Eraser Head to make sure he is aware of the arrangement. We’ll also make sure you are back safely” You spoke as you gave his shoulder a comforting squeeze before you were marching off with your clicking heels. You didn’t even allow him to give a yes or no to an invite
Nonetheless, he was now slipping his shoes off, back in his school uniform, besides Hawks who was now tossing off the yellow protective eyewear and stripping his jacket off with a sigh of relief. Tokoyami didn’t know what to expect when he tried to picture your home, but it wasn’t this. It was homey and the walls were filled with pictures from all stages of life. Pictures of first dates, birthdays, honeymoon, anniversary, wedding. It was strange, but he surely didn’t mean to stare at them for too long.
“That was them and I’s first anniversary” He commented as he stepped forward to point to one of them that Tokoyami’s eyes landed on. “We went to Kyoto, they are into history and more traditional things, but anyways I bought them a ring, pretty diamond to go with their wedding band and some bird had the audacity to steal it right from my hand!” He spoke out, though looked past Tokoyami as he heard a giggle.
“Hawks went searching for forever until he finally stole it back from their nest, but he came back to me covered in scratch marks” You finished the story as you took Tokoyami’s school bag to place off to the side upon a shelf that your purse sat on. 
Now this really was a culture shock. Average people never really think that a hero actually has a life behind the hero scene unless you run into a specific heroes kid like when he met Shoto. Tokoyami also had to admit that Hawks was really on the bottom of the list of people that he would have pictured actually having a family of his own. And it was weird.
Hawks seemed normal talking to his wife, just talking about his day at work and she just felt like a motherly figure when she had began to inquire about how school was going for Tokoyami and what his future goals were. An odd fuzzy feeling rose to his chest as he ate his food and spoke in turn and politely listened. All this time he felt brushed off to the side, forgotten, like his time was wasted once again by showing up again to shadow under Hawks, the number 2 hero, but why now does he feel like he is part of a family? He almost wanted to curse himself. 
“Come on Tokoyami, lets go for a little outing before we call it a day” Hawks spoke as his chair slid back as he rose from it, wings stretching out wide. Tokoyami was quick to follow, almost nervous for what was to come.
“You boys be safe now, you hear?” You called, smiling softly at the ‘yeah we will’ that followed and the door closing. It wasn’t until a bit later the door was opened once more, you already standing before them. “Alright you two, huddle together!” you chirped out as you lifted you phone up.
“What for?”
“I didn’t get a picture last, but Tokoyami was your first and only student you brought in and I want to remember this special occasion. Now come on you two” you beckoned, smiling down proudly to the picture after it was taken. “Cuties..now Tokoyami, here's your bag, I hope you don't mind but I made mochi for you and packed it away in there” You spoke as you handed him his bag. “Visit us every now and then too, I want to be able to see what a fine hero you will become” You spoke up with a proud smile. 
That very same night when Hawks had returned for bringing Tokoyami back to the UA dorms, you waited for him expectantly for details. Though he only gave you a shrug “What? I just gave my little hatchling some pointers” And that brought a smile upon your face and a sense of relief.
The next time Tokoyami had came to you and Hawks’ home for dinner, that very picture of him and Hawks was framed right at the doorway for everyone to see and that warm and fuzzy feeling plagued his heart once again.
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