#martyrdom epic
likewaterfallz · 9 months
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Maqtal says that when Imam Hussain (as) reached Abbas (as) on Euphrates, his head was split open because they hit him with buldgeon. One of his eyes had blood settled in it due to head injury however the head injury was also accompanied by an arrow pierced in his left eye which was weighing his head down. His rib was crushed. His chest was bruised with Mashq sown on his chest with the arrow piercing his chest. His spine was broken due to buldgeon attack with spikes.
When Hazrat Abbas (as) fell from the horse… He had no hands to support, he fell face first chest first so the spears and arrows went from chest to back, his head hit the ground first due to weight of the arrow in his left eye… They didn't just attack Abbas (as) the yazidis attacked the reflection of Ali (as) so they broke him into pieces…. Further they feared him so much that whilst beheading him they struck his body with more swords making sure he would rise although he was martyred already….
Maqtal writes that when imam Hussain (as) tried to lift his body to put his head in his lap he was taking last breaths and his body was shattered that when he placed his hand on his back to lift him the body further sank like pieces falling apart …
Ya Abbas (as) Salutations on you!
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pyrocephalus-rubinus · 3 months
I am just obsessed with the recurring themes of our lives as stories in the Junoverse.
Alessandra Strong reminding us that there are no Happy Endings in real life, only Happy Middles.
Juno being reminded that stories are a way humans have of trying to frame our lives in a way that makes sense, but real life is not that simple. In the reminder that you might want to become the villain in a story to make sense of it but maybe sometimes little kids who live in Oldtown die and no matter how much you blame yourself, it is just not that simple.
In the way Sarah Steel got her story stolen away from her. Andromeda's story, yes, but also her story. And how she couldn't deal with that.
How Juno tried to rebuild a story to survive, with him as a hero as much as he was embarrassed to admit it. And with the part of Sarah Steel pumping through his veins as the ultimate enemy. An epic of heroes and monsters. The way his life was not a simple story in which there was One Clue that would explain everything, One Answer from Ben that would make sense of it all.
The way Juno got robbed of his story by Ramses. Made all those sacrifices, those actions that felt heavy on his shoulders for a plotline that didn't exist. The plot twist was the unraveling of the story, leaving only pain and sadness behind. The way Juno was able to overcome that. To start a new story, to do with his life as he saw fit.
I also love the reminder that we do need stories like Mick's to keep us hopeful. To gather strength to face the big mean world. The acceptance of how useful and sacred the tool of "stories" is.
The way dreams - stories- like having a life of adventure among the stars with the one you love, or like having a home in a city that means death but also hope to you… that those are also necessary. But we can't live in a dream. And the dreams may pass, but it's okay that we dreamed them.
The way Juno could recognize the brutality of stealing Nureyev's story away from the thief. The cruelness of it. How he could sense it coming, looming from that door. How afraid he was for Nureyev.
The way Nureyev's only way of coping all these years has been telling himself a story over and over again. A story of martyrdom. A story of devotion… In order to keep Juno away and not succumb to the desperation to be next to someone he loves and feels like he doesn't deserve, he has been telling himself this story. This lie of how Juno would be better off away from him. How Juno would never understand the sacredness of his life's work.
All these stories, all these versions of what's going on… All these precious lives being used as little clogs of an infernal machine that does not care for stories. Only results and getting richer and richer…
Just ugh… this podcast…
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namesforwriters · 8 months
Music Inspired Names (fem)
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Aida ~ Arabic, Italian, meaning "reward," "happy."
Aida is the name of a famous, tragic opera composed by Giuseppe Verdi. Set in Ancient Egypt, Aida is an Ethiopian princess who is captured and enslaved by the Egyptians. She and Radamès, an Egyptian military captain, fall in love. pronunciation: ay-ee-da, aid-ah
Allegra ~ Italian, meaning "cheerful," "lively," "playful."
Derived from the musical term "allegro" indicating the tempo, or speed, at which a piece should be played. Allegro usually indicates a lively and fast tempo. pronunciation: ah-leg-grah
Aria ~ Italian, meaning "air."
An aria is a piece of music written for a single voice or singer. Arias are most commonly associated with opera productions and refer to both male and female solos. Arias are usually part of a larger work and can be accompanied by instruments or sung without. pronunciation: ah-ree-ah
Bell ~ Old English, meaning "to roar," "to make loud noise."
Most know this word as the name of an instrument. A bell is used in both music and in other parts of life. Bells are commonly used in Christian churches to signal the beginning of service, and bells are also known to come in many shapes, sizes, and tones. pronunciation: bell
Cadence ~ Latin, meaning "a falling."
The term "cadence" is used, in Western music theory, to describe the end of a musical phrase in which a melody or harmony comes to a resolution. It always feels like closure, like a conclusion. pronunciation: kay-dence
Calliope ~ Greek, meaning "beautiful-voiced."
Calliope, in Greek mythology, is one of the nine Muses; goddesses of the arts and music. Calliope was the leader of the Muses and ruled over epic poetry. pronunciation: cah-lie-ah-pee
Carmen ~ Spanish, Latin, meaning "garden," "song."
Carmen is a French opera composed by Georges Bizet. Set in Spain, the story tells of a soldier, Don José, who abandons his post and sweetheart for the fearless, free-spirited, fiery, Romani girl Carmen. pronunciation: car-men
Carol ~ French, English, meaning "circle dance," "joyful song."
A carol is a type of song that is usually festive and sometimes religious in nature. Originally, many carols were upbeat and easy to dance to. pronunciation: care-ol
Cecilia ~ Latin, meaning "blind," also spelled as "Caecilia."
Cecilia is the Catholic patron saint of music. It is supposed that Cecilia was a Roman noble lady who was forced to marry despite her vow of virginity. At the wedding, Cecilia sang to God in her heart, and later, her husband Valerian promised to respect Cecilia's vow. Both she and her husband experienced Catholic martyrdom. pronunciation: seh-see-lee-ah, kae-kil-ee-ah
Celeste ~ French, meaning "heavenly."
Sometimes called a "celesta," a celeste is a musical instrument similar to a glockenspiel and resembling an upright piano. More tinkling, soft, and bell-like in sound and tone than a piano, the most famous music piece using a celeste is Tchaikovsky's "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy." pronunciation: seh-lest
Chantelle ~ French, meaning "singer."
Derived from the French verb "chanter," meaning "to sing," Chantelle is a wonderful name with a musical meaning. It can also be spelled as Chantel, and Chantal. pronunciation: shawn-tell
Clio ~ Greek, meaning "to recount," "to celebrate."
Clio, in Greek mythology, is one of the Nine muses; goddesses of the arts and music. Clio is mainly the muse of history, but is also occasionally considered the muse of lyre playing. pronunciation: clee-oh, cl-eye-oh
Demi ~ Italian, meaning "half."
In music, "demi" is rarely used on its own. In music theory, demi can sometimes be used to describe half of something. A demi-cadence (a half resolution), or a demisemiquaver note (half of a sixteenth note, so a thirty-second note). pronunciation: deh-mee
Giselle ~ French, meaning "pledge."
Giselle is the name of a popular ballet. It is considered a masterwork in classical ballet, and is not only one of the most-performed, but most challenging productions in the world of ballet. It tells the tragic, romantic story of young Giselle and a disguised noble, Albrecht. pronunciation: jih-zelle
Harmony ~ Greek, meaning "concord," "agreement," "joint."
Harmony is a huge concept and part of Western music, largely relating to the layering of complimentary notes and passages on top of a melody to create chords, textures, tonalities, and unique sounds in music. Harmonies can be both simple and complex. Sometimes the term "harmony" is used to refer to an ensemble line that is not the melody. pronunciation: har-mon-ee
Hilde ~ German, meaning "ready for battle," "battle woman."
Derived from Hildegard, Hildegard von Bingen was a composer, writer, philosopher, visionary, and medical writer from Germany in the Middle Ages. She is one of the best-known composers of sacred Christian music in the world and one of the best-recorded as well. pronunciation: hill-dah, hill-deh-gard
Kassia ~ Greek, Latin, meaning "hollow."
Sometimes seen as Cassia or Kassiani, Kassia was a Byzantine-Greek composer and poet who lived over 1,200 years ago. She is unique for being the sole female composer to exist in Byzantine liturgy with over 50 hymns and over 260 verses attributed to her. pronunciation: kah-see-ah
Lauda ~ Italian, meaning "praise."
A lauda was the singular most important form of sacred music in the late Medieval to Renaissance times in Italy. The lauda is largely considered the precurser to the modern Christmas carol. Laude are characterized by their simple melodies sung in the vernacular, which at the time, was Latin. pronunciation: lau-dah, lah-dah
Lyra ~ Greek, meaning "lyre."
Derived from "Lyre," Lyra is a feminine name related to the Ancient Greek stringed instrument. Lyres were usually played as accompaniment to epic poetry and story telling. The Ancient Greeks tended to strum the stings like a guitar, but other cultures plucked the strings like a harp. pronunciation: lie-ra
Madrigal ~ Latin, meaning "song for unaccompanied voices."
This term has a couple meanings when it comes to music. The earlier type of madrigal was a Medieval, Italian music form composed for two voices. Later, during the Renaissance and Baroque periods, madrigals were secular compositions written for two to eight voices with no instrumental accompaniment. pronunciation: mad-rih-gahl
Melody ~ Greek, meaning "singing," "chanting."
The term melody can describe the main tune of rhythms and pitches that make a song or piece. The foreground of a piece of music, the melody is arguably the most important element of composition. pronunciation: mel-oh-dee
Meret ~ Egyptian, meaning "she who is beloved."
In Ancient Egyptian mythology, Meret is the goddess of music, dancing, singing, and joy. She helps maintain cosmic order through music. She is usually seen with a blue lotus flower or papyrus reed. pronunciation: mehr-eht, mehr-iht
Musette ~ French, meaning "little bagpipe."
Derived from both "Muse," the name for the nine Ancient Greek goddess of music, literature, sciences, and the arts, as well as a type of French bagpipe, Musette is a great music-inspired name. pronunciation: moo-zette, myoo-zette
Octavia ~ Latin, meaning "eighth."
Octavia is a name taken from the Latin octave, meaning "eight." In music, an octave is a range of typically eight notes. The first and eighth note are always the same, with one higher than the other in pitch. pronunciation: oct-ehve
Scheherazade ~ Persian, meaning "exalted one," "noble lineage."
Known best as as the storyteller from the narrative A Thousand and One Nights, Scheherazade is also the name of an orchestral work composed by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, which is acclaimed to have one of the most beautiful violin solos ever written. Scheherezade is not only a beautiful name, but also has nickname potential. pronunciation: sheh-hair-eh-zahd-eh, sheh-hair-eh-zahd-ee, sheh-hair-eh-zahd
Sirena ~ Greek, meaning "enchanter."
In Ancient Greek mythology, sirens were humanlike beings who often took on the appearances of beautiful women. They lived in the seas, singing in alluring voices, and luring men to their deaths. In modern tales, sirens and mermaids are sometimes described as the same creature. Sirena is derived from "siren." pronunciation: sir-een-ah
Symphonia ~ Greek, meaning "agreement."
"Symphonia" was sometimes used to describe various instruments, including bagpipes, drums, and a hurdy-gurdy. In more common knowledge, a "symphony" is an extended musical composition from Western classical music. Some of the most famous symphonies are Beethoven's Fifth, Mozart's 40th, and Dvořák's Ninth. pronunciation: sim-phone-ee-ah
Thalia ~ Greek, meaning "the joyous," "the flourishing."
Thalia, in Greek mythology, is one of the Nine muses; goddesses of the arts and music. Thalia is the muse of comedy, or, stories that have happy endings. She's sometimes portrayed with a horn or trumpet in hand. pronunciation: t-ah-lia, th-al-ia
Viola ~ Latin, Italian, meaning "violet," "of the arm."
The viola is a musical instrument slightly bigger than and lower in pitch than a violin. A traditional string quartet usually has two violins, a viola, and a cello. Overshadowed by the violin, violas are nevertheless beautiful instruments. pronunciation: vie-oh-la, vee-oh-la
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These name lists are intended to help writers and artists. There is no expectation of credit, and these lists aren't meant to be the end-all be-all lists of possible names. There are millions out there, and this is just for fun!
If you have a suggestion for a name list, or want to see something specific, feel free to submit a request!
And if you see something that is wrong (a pronunciation, a meaning, an origin), again, feel free to let me know!
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i’ve seen a lot about yue’s impact on sokka, but way less about how yue’s death might’ve impacted katara or the NWT (actually I haven’t seen anything, but it’s admittedly not a search term i’ve dived into). i specifically want to point out this gender dynamic. yue’s tribe preserved the role of battling—and therefore sacrifice—to the men leaving the women to either mend their men’s wounds or grieve their lost would-be saviors. katara could see this more clearly than the rest, not only because her tribe was made up of women who refused that paradigm and fought for themselves and their people. when those women were killed for their resistance, katara felt the loss, frustration, and abandonment caused by men setting out for the epic journeys, their iliads and odysseys, while she was forced to wait, collect the stories, and pray for salvation. 
yue’s sacrifice, both emphasizes and counters these narratives. she surrenders her desires for the greater good of her people and the world, as she had been prepared to do in her specific arranged marriage, as the women throughout the NWT had been doing within the patriarchal culture that had emerged in an attempt to organize resistance against an invading empire. yue’s submitting to a forced choice, in one light, was simply the ultimate expression of domestic submissiveness in a long line of submission by the women of the NWT. 
from another angle, though, yue finds a path out of her enforced gender role. she finds a way to become the active dynamic hero she’s been forbidden from becoming. she becomes the moon—ranging, changing, and the source of her people’s power. how might witnessing this act have shifted the mind’s of the men like her father, the chief, in the tribe and impacted the politics, especially right after Katara’s open rebellion to their patriarchal traditions around waterbending? 
i want to put one more thing out there. this is a mythic show and we should be eager and ready to put faith in the mythic narratives presented and recognize the way mythic understandings shape cultures’ world views and individuals experiences of the world (including our own). there are readings of the show, though, about the development of the myths. yue dies. she accepts death. you could even say she chooses death. in the face of imperial violence and in the face of her own culture’s patriarchal power, she sees an out that lets her escape the forced choices, and she takes it. by finding a third way out for herself, she invents an end to the conflict for others in her tribe. and even as we get this resolution, which is made more palatable by the mythological element, the questions it presents haunt the rest of the series: is death the only way violence and oppression can end?  is self-sacrifice the method of heroism? 
it’s easy to see the way these play out with aang, but i think deeper dives into katara’s development around this topic, especially in response to the gendered aspect of yue’s action, can provide a lot of rich thematic goodies, too. it’s in the very next episode the katara voices the pain she feels seeing aang in the avatar state and refuses to watch his presumptuous pursuit of it with the earth kingdom general. this assertiveness is new for her in the series and takes on new meaning when considering what she’s just recently witnessed with yue and begun to understand about her own position in a narrative where she’s dependent on a savior. by the end of that season, despite a lot of growth, she still finds herself acting as the grieving woman in the face of the final tragedy of martyrdom, too, leading to her messy and fulfilling third season explorations of a life beyond remaining simply a witness to the story.
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Me before the Forum: Perhaps these outfits and lyrics express Gerard’s gender identity.
Me during the Forum: Perhaps these outfits and lyrics express possibly the most creative long-term performance art saga that dissects femininity and martyrdom both through the angles of pop culture as a whole as well as MCR’s and Gerard’s own career, both lyrically, imagery, and everything they went through, as well as Gerard’s gender identity and struggles and the developments that happened with it alongside this incredibly ambitious and groundbreaking project. This is absolutely all planned. Literary analysis can be written, as this is an epic.
There will never be another concert series like this in the world.
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carminavulcana · 1 year
RRR Fics Masterlist
(listed from oldest to newest)
1. Shahadat - Shahadat. To Witness. Shahadat. Martyrdom. Why is a mother helpless in the face of both. (Akhtar's ammi's POV during Komuram Bheemudo) (1,077 words)
2. A Matter Of Mercy - Bheem actually managed to run away with Malli on the day of his hanging. But he is only human. Who healed him just enough to give him another chance at freedom? A missing scene between guilt-ridden Ram and unconscious Bheem in the aftermath of the flogging. (1,813 words)
3. An Afternoon In London - What became of Jenny and Bheem eventually? What became of their great love? A story set in 1982. (3,478 words)
4. Too Much Mugwort - Ram and Bheem have a quiet moment after the dust settles, in the aftermath of their fight against Scott's forces. Bheem is consumed with guilt over Ram's condition after his imprisonment. He intends to make amends. And the first thing on his mind is getting some food into his dear friend. (3,180 words)
5. A Pattern Cast Twice - Can Jenny learn to love again? Will the memory of Bheem chase her like a ghost for the rest of her life? A companion piece to my story An Afternoon In London. (1,944 words)
6. A Different Kind Of Love - What if Bheem is unable to save Ram? What becomes of him? Of Ram's promise to bring guns to his village? And most importantly, What becomes of Seetha? (5,516 words)
7. Testimony - Poetry speaks where prose falls short of words. My small tribute to the countless heroes of the revolution who made untold sacrifices to bring an end to the colonial occupation of my country. (97 words)
8. The Date From Hell - Bheem was very lucky that Ram agreed to come with him to the party at the Gymkhana Club. However, what would have happened had he gone there alone? (4,626 words)
9. The Road To My Home - Ram's thoughts and yearning to someday return to his home. But Home is not such a simple concept for a living martyr like him. (182 words)
10. Parallel Lines - The love between Bheem and Jenny may have begun with simple human attraction and appreciation of each other's kindness and gentleness. However, something fundamentally changed after Bheem's flogging. To him, she would forever be a goddess that he wouldn't bring down to his level where only suffering and injustice exist. To her, he is no less than the God that suffers and dies for the sins of those who call him their savior and redeemer. (309 words)
11. A Son Called Akhtar - Bheem found a beautiful family in Delhi who took him in as their own and loved him with all their heart. How did he become so important to them? How did Komaram Bheem, a child of the Gond tribe, become Akhtar, the cherished son of a Muslim family in Delhi? (5,225 words)
12. A Ballad Of Few Words - A poem about the revolutionary ideals and stories of Komaram Bheem and Alluri Seetha Rama Raju. And of course, their epic friendship as imagined by the movie. (174 words)
13. Twelve Hours - Written for the prompt Bheem/Jenny X Rain (Bheem and Jenny spend some time together in Hyderabad while he is there for some errands) (3,009 words)
14. I Will Bring You Home (Work in Progress)- Bheem may have suffered a setback with his arrest and his flogging. But he is not one to give up. He will get Malli home. However, the process of going home is long. The road to home is dangerous. The risk of failure is great. A story in which Bheem pushes the limits of human endurance to bring Malli home. Along the way, he becomes her emotional rock, her teacher, and a storyteller. Along the way, he saves Ram and exorcizes his demons. Along the way, he gives so much of himself that one day, his reserves of strength finally run out. (9,367+ words)
15. The Friend (Work in Progress)- Lacchu's injuries, while less severe than Bheem's, end up getting infected. And because they are on the run, they are unable to save him. Bheem is unaware that the man who tortured and hurt Lacchu is Ram himself. When Bheem reveals that he feels broken because Lacchu died on his watch, Ram admits that he was the one responsible for Lacchu's death. Bheem feels no anger for what Ram did to him. But the thought of what happened to Lacchu is too much for him. Can he forgive Ram? Can their friendship survive the bitterness of this truth? (9,589+ words)
16. The Promise Of Eternity - Jenny and Bheem live together in Adilabad. Bheem does everything in his power to keep Jenny happy. Why, then, won't he allow her to do the same for him? (3,894 words)
17. How To Kill A Poet - Bheem may not know the English language. But that does not stop him from being a poet. What fate do poets meet in a world not built for them? Or Ram takes Bheem to the house of a courtesan. (6,683 words)
18. The Scholar - What if Ram decided to not give Bheem a chance to run away? What if Malli was actually forced to witness the execution of her anna? Would she still find her way home? A story in which Malli struggles with loss and living in the absence of Bheem's protective aura. And Ram cannot run from the consequences of his actions forever. (7,536 words)
19. Tales Of The Tigerrr Celebrrration Fic in collaboration with @stars-in-the-distance - In April and May 2023 we held an event on Tumblr and challenged creators to create many new artworks, fanfics, poetry and other works celebrating Bheem. To thank all the creators, we have written a celebratory fic with references (and links) to ALL the created works. It's a romantic fic about Bheem growing old and looking back on his life and remembering all the good and bad memories that have been part of it (Part 1). An alternate universe in which everything turned out alright. Since Bheem is shipped with either Jenny or Ram, the fic has two different endings (Part 2). A big thank you to all the creators, this one is for you! (10,551 words)
20. Sanctuary - Bheem and Jenny finally get to enjoy their relationship. Having dealt with so many ups and downs, it is only fair that they get a chance to experience the beauty and blessings of life as well. There is one last remaining obstacle in their path. In this story, they will overcome that as well. But like all things in their lives, it won't be without its own unique challenges. Warning- The second chapter deals with Bheem's time in police custody, between his arrest and the flogging. That section is heavy and angsty. Approach with caution. But, the ending of the fic is happy. Not bittersweet like my usual. It is happy! (13, 823 words)
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21. On Treachery - Bheem's POV on Ram's betrayal. A poem.
22. Some Days - Ram and his relationship with Delhi. For the prompt Ram X Rain.
23. The Toy - Catherine Buxton's thoughts on a variety of things including Bheem and a prized possession that she is proud of. For the prompt Catherine Buxton X Toy.
24. Saccharine - Jenny's mettle as she settles into her new life in Bheem's village. Written for the prompt Bheem/Jenny X Saccharine.
25. Fire and Water (Moodboard + ficlet)- Prompt: Don't tell me about how a fire met another fire. Tell me about how a fire met the water and how they didn't end up destroying each other.
26. A Song Of Seetha - Love as devotion when time carries nothing but the message of its own passing. A poem. For the prompt Ram/Seetha X Rain.
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8 and 15 for the ask game :)
8. Favourite movie you've watched this year?
The Message (1976). It's about the life of Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him) and based on the Hadiths. I have a love for two and a half hour religious epics and need recommendations of more. They made the interesting decision not to have anyone play Prophet Muhammad and keep him offscreen the entire time. Unlike Catholics, Muslims aren't fond of depicting important religious figures. It's often considered disrespectful.
Close second is Life of Pi. On it's surface, it's about the life of an Indian boy and how he ends up stranded in the middle of the ocean with a tiger on his raft. But its so much more. It's about faith and desperation and what people are willing to do in horrible situations. The ending always gets to me.
15. Talk about a thing!
What's been on my mind all day is a heavy topic. But I'll try to keep it reasonable. I'm getting bored of the arguments over whether 9/11 was an inside job or not. I'm far more concerned with how it's effected Muslims (especially of my generation, growing up during the War on Terror) when it breaks the rules of warfare in Islam itself.
There. I said it. This is absolutely baffling to me. We're told that whomever kills an innocent person is as guilty as someone who kills all of mankind, and ordered not to attack non combatants during a war. So when people say crashing a plane into a building is Jihad, they're not understanding what martyrdom is according to Holy Quran.
I could go on about this, but I'll cut it short. I have opinions.
-Abraham ♡♡♡
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indifferentamir · 2 years
Lessons of Karbala, and how Muharram is more than just blood and mourning!
1. Be righteous, even if you are alone. Standing up for what is right is important, even if you have to face death with certainty. It is important for the greater good. This is the only way to defeat injustice. (Labaik Ya Hussain RA/AS)
2. Be just. Don't be selective when speaking up against tyranny. It does not matter if the oppressed person is not related to you. Similarly, it doesn't matter if the oppressor is related to you. You have to stand up for what is right. Alone Hussain (R.A) looked to the heavens on Ashura and said:
"Ya Allah! what makes it easier for me is the fact that you're watching."
3. Be kind, even to your enemies. Hur was the General of the enemy army. He and his group of soldiers had run out of water while on their way to intercept Hussain (RA). Hussain (AS) served them with water despite his limited stock.
4. Be patient. The overall goal is more important than your personal feelings. Abbas (RA), the brave son of Ali (RA) and the younger brother of Hussain (RA), was a famous warrior of his time. He drove fear into the very souls of his enemies. Yet, he kept quiet in the face of many provocations as commanded by his elder brother, Hussain (AS).
5. Be brave even when you have lost everything. Zainab (RA), the brave daughter of Ali (AS) and the sister of Hussain (AS), was taken as prisoner after seeing her family being massacred - her loving brothers, her nephews, and her own two sons. All were killed in one day, yet, she didn't lose focus of the goal of her brother. Tied up in ropes, she fearlessly spoke against the tyrant ruler right in his durbar/courtyard.
6. Hussain(RA) is for all. Message of Karbala is vivid and clear that it was not meant to grab a patch of land, rather it was intended to secure and uphold core human values. It was a battle between good and evil, right and wrong and justice and oppression.
7. It’s never too late to repent. One of the heroes of Karbala that met his martyrdom is known as Hurr (which means free). He was one of the commanders of the opposing army. It was only in the final few hours before the battle that he switched sides to the army of Hussain and to certain worldly doom, asking the repentance of Hussain for his actions. He was one of the first people to be martyred by the army of Yazid. The story of Hurr is proof that it is never too late to repent, and no sin is too heavy to come back from. Hussain (RA) said to Hurr after he repented: “surely you are free as your mother had named you.”
8. Live the Life of a Freeman. Imam Hussain (RA) believed that living under a tyranny was nothing but living in hell. In Karbala, when Imam Hussain (AS) was placed in a dilemma by the oppressors to be humiliated by swearing allegiance to Yazid or to fight and die with glory, he said he would not accept humiliation and obedience to mean people. Hussain (RA) invites the whole world to reject submission to oppression; to practice freedom.
9. Loyalty. We see, on the day of Ashura, after Abbas (RA)’s right hand was cut off by the army of Yazid –when he had gone to get some water for the children and women- he bravely recited these epic verses: “By Allah, if you cut my right hand, I will never stand back, and I will protect my religion, and I will support the Imam who stands firm in his belief and is the grandson of the pure and truthful Prophet.
10. Significance of Salah. In the midst of the battle of Karbala, Imam Hussain RA never forgot the importance of Salah. When it was time for Zuhr, Imam Hussain along with his companions stopped to pray even with Yazid’s army constantly shooting arrows towards them. The importance that Imam Hussain gave to Salah is a prompt for us to always prioritise Salah wherever we are and whatever we are doing.
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raayllum · 2 years
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Viren earlier on in 2x06 says something similar to Harrow’s more in-depth letter (that yes, still makes me cry every time) - the lie of history being about epic battles, when in reality it is about something much deeper and more emotional. But it is interesting Harrow phrases it differently: True strength is about vulnerability, forgiveness, and love. Not sacrifice, as Viren phrases it - because the sacrifices that happened weren’t necessary. Also speaks to parallels between Runaan and Viren - “If all goes well, we can accomplish our goals without sacrifice” “We must be willing to sacrifice, even the things we love!” - vs TDP’s thematic Judaism of encouraging values of survival, endurance, and reform > martyrdom.
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giraffe44 · 1 year
Quo Vadis, 1950, Is Playing on TCM on March 17 (USA)
The epic Quo Vadis, 1950 is playing on Turner Classic Movies on Friday, March 17 at 7:30 a.m.  If you haven’t seen this, you’ve missed something truly special. The 1st century Roman Empire, the fire of Rome, early Christianity, martyrdom…this historical content was dealt with in many films before and after 1951. Yet, it is LeRoy’s Quo Vadis most viewers associate with the infamous period of…
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likewaterfallz · 6 months
The Two Severed Arms
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To the arms that held water, Only momentarily until they rejected it's coolness And slapped Euphrates for it's unworthiness When the parched lips of Sakina (sa) Still lamented "Al Atash" While the Euphrates flows!
To the arms that held, The water bag close to the chest, To safeguard the hopes of the children of Hussain (as) And to alleviate their longing and pain To bring water in bowls held in their tiny hands The hands, mighty enough to bring down the rains!
To the arms that lay severed On the plain of Karbala and picked one by one By the one who held those arms for thirty two years, He who broke and said, "Abbas! Where are you my dear?" The two arms that if had not been severed There wouldn't be Shaam and Sakina (sa) in tears…
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tribridkissed · 1 year
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#TRIBRIDKISSED: Indie & Selective, Originals!Based, Hope Mikaelson, of TVDU's Originals and Legacies. Heavily influenced by Originals and personal headcanons. Canon Divergent. NSFW and triggering content such as smut, violence, gore and character death are present, so interactions will be 18+. A Study In: martyrdom, loss, survivor's guilt, immortality, mental health, the monster inside, epic love, witchcraft, lycanthropy, vampirism, being the only one of your kind, miracles, and so much more. USES BETA EDITOR.
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Heavily Affiliated with @mudbirthed.
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raisinchallah · 2 years
u know im of two minds with the whole ending of xena i definitely get why people hate it and i really dont care for the implication that her redemption can only truly happen if she dies i guess a natural consequence of them ushering in the age of christianity like damn xena maybe you wouldnt have died to conform to christian ideas of suffering death and martyrdom for redemption if u hadnt killed all the greek gods ever thought about that but its also like i dont really feel like its anywhere near as egregious an ending as other shows ending on dead gay characters and i truly dont get why people take it that far cuz its like both xena and gabrielle have come back to life countless times and we have seen future versions of them how their souls always find each other in every world in every reality in every time so like shes not actually dead you know like its a kind of cruel place to end the whole story and it did make me sad watching it but its a show thats way more than its ending and i find it kind of insane ive seen people online say they wont watch the show cuz its “bury your gays” or something which is crazy to me crazy and sad that its reputation is preceded by this when like ok please name me another show thats like complex insane campy fun 6 season long epic gay love story you cant.. and if u do hate it so much cuz frankly a friend in need is not a great episode or anything u can just end on when fates collide and many happy returns like alternate universe where xena and gabrielle never met and they destroy fate itself to come back together and then sappho poem episode :3 u wish you could do that
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mostlymaudlin · 2 years
Something’s Gotta Give Now, 1, 11 & 13 (cause your love your jams)
TY i love this fic!! might be my fave snowbaz thing ive written.
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
so this fic was supposed to be for crack fest lol. i was just talking to @sillyunicorn the other day about how i am really terrible at letting myself be very silly in writing -- i get very caught up in, like, "but they wouldnt do [insert silly thing] because [characterization thing!]" and then i ruin all my fun. THAT BEING SAID, i think that starting out by INTENDING to write crack manifested into something really goofy, if also loaded up with other emotions. i think that this is perhaps the only way i would've been able to stomach writing a break up/getting back together fic.
11: What do you like best about this fic?
i genuinely think this is my most well-written snowbaz fic in a lot of ways. ive said this before about it i think, but it was a return to writing snowbaz after id just spent a month figuring out how to write andreil. writing new characters was super challenging, but it taught me a ton -- and it was exciting to bring the new perspectives back to snowbaz. i think i had grown rather complacent writing snowbaz, so this fic just feels fresh to me in a way that some of my older writing doesnt anymore.
also, id been wanting to do a "baz plays a cheesy vampire in a cheesy tv show" thing ever since i joined this fandom hahaha. so i was PUMPED to get that in there
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
ok, who am i?? bc there's no playlist associated with this fic. wild.
i wrote this in 1 night lol. and based on the publishing date, i was probably listening to this playlist, which i describe as "upbeat but still winter." and honestly, this makes sense, because thats kind of the vibe? at its core, this is a fic about people who care about each other, but broke up because of some pretty epic miscommunication and martyrdom. because of this, they had to weather a years-long winter of a breakup. but like, its also VERY silly, and the general tone of the story is for sure upbeat.
wow. metaphor.
also, the title is from one direction's "one thing," because there are 1d references in this hahaha. always more boybands. especially boybands as a comfort listen <3
from this list of fic Qs!
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kamreadsandrecs · 8 days
Tenth-century churchmen devised the twin concepts of the Peace and Truce of God, both of which were actively promoted at synods like Urban II’s at Piacenza and Clermont. The Peace of God was a sworn promise made by knights and other warriors to abstain from attacking the poor, weak, helpless or pious at any time. The Truce of God was similar: an oath taken by warriors to observe periods of total peace, during which they would not attack one another either. The Church also began actively blessing warrior kings and even welcoming them into the traditions of martyrdom. Thus the saints of the church included Saint Oswald, king of Northumbria (d. 641/2), whose conquests throughout the British Isles were deemed by writers like the Venerable Bede to be offset by his enthusiasm for baptisms and prebattle prayer; and William of Gellone (d. 812/814), a Toulousain duke who slew thousands of Spanish Muslims in the late eighth century before retiring to see out his days as a monk.
from Crusaders: The Epic History of the Wars for the Holy Lands, by Dan Jones
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lesser-mook · 1 month
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DUNE PART TWO (Recommendation: Round 2) *light spoilers
Went in for another watch: I wasn’t tripping, this is definitely Jesus parallel/more so Anti-Christ propaganda. On the level of The Matrix, which is what this is, this generations Matrix. (also Jesus imagery/Anti-Christ/transhumanist propaganda)
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Dune is worthy of that position too; Cause think about it, it’s accomplishing a level of epic the MCU took 10 years to build up to.
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There’s no, and I mean NO REASON why the stakes, the action, and the characters of DUNE (movieverse) are this good when not only is Disney trying so hard to do the exact same thing AGAIN and failing —
But this is custom lore a lot of people aren’t even familiar with, this isn’t a superhero or a anime adaptation, this is coming from some book I’ve never even heard of and it’s this good? (Not a masterpiece, it’s just well made)
Both propaganda, (Matrix /Dune movies) don’t get it twisted but they’re good, except Matrix 4, that was ass.
Reverend Mother said it best:
“There are no sides”, none.
Just the order, in chaos. And if there is no chaos, well well well, better brace yourself because we’ll create a tragedy to course correct.
(Said the person part of an elite group manipulating events of the world and pulling strings, wiping out bloodlines, breeding their own followers with certain people in power to artificially bring forth a force from the “outer world”. They’re literally telling you what’s going on.)
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Both propaganda, but one works & the other doesn’t (Sequel trilogy, Phase 4 MCU).
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Why? because them being female isn’t their stake in the setting or their stake in your mind as you’re watching it, they’re just good characters first, people first & it registers to you as normal, not woke. Not exceptional because they’re women.
I didn’t really pay attention the first time but Florence did a good job as Irulan, channeling that mature wisdom of a leader in the making. She’s pretty smart (not in the way that modern society WANTS girls to be smart which is a Scientist or something, she’s intelligent politically and well read) and after she explained her case of the dangers of downplaying prophecy, religion & martyrdom and what that means to people wanting hope — To the Emperor. He said she’d make a fine Empress.
And he’s right. It’s easy to miss what she’s doing (actually) in the story, you see Florence ofc, but Irulan is easy to miss. That’s because the story doesn’t over-inflate her importance, when she’s more significant than she appears.
Point being, she’s a royal with a conscience (a good example of a decent person on the side of the “enemy”), she’s here & there throughout the story, being the voice of reason even to Reverend Mother, until she’s face to face, not with Paul but Muad’Dib.
Everything she said and did led up to her facing him, a force of nature of a man. Completely different animal. And both of them told the exact same thing (“Strategic alliance”)
The story begins with Irulan and it ends with Chani.
Why doesn’t the movie inflate the fact that they’re strong women? Because the movie doesn’t treat you like an idiot. That’s how it should be done.
It’s not putting them on a pedestal like many woke productions, or bending them over the couch for the sake of pandering like in Anime. Two different extremes.
Yes, Chani mentions that the Fremen way is that men and women are equal or (how any competent society should be functioning). If anyone reaches to say that’s woke? (I’m not even going to entertain that, or be smartass. Just relax. That line doesn’t mean what you think it means/ And this is coming from a mf who’s calling this Anti-Christ propaganda, so IF I’m saying the line wasn’t that deep, then it wasn’t that deep.)
Cause if you wanted to nitpick? That’s easy bait, when it’s really not.
Overall, this reminds me of Aaron Ehasz’ writing chops, how a Live Action Avatar The Last Airbender should be written.
Paul survived a genocide just like Aang but “Usul” is going in a very different direction:
Unlike Deku & Aang, Muad’Dib is not here to make friends, appeal to your inner child or some shit or hand out mercy for nothing in return.
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But you’ll see what I mean. Paul is a little Gary Stu-ish (on purpose, hence the chosen one narrative. One of the signs is that he knows some of the Fremen way without being taught. Neo was a gary stu too.)
Yet the guy (Paul) still has to be taught, like Neo & Aang, he’s not perfect. He cries, he gets pissed, he doubts himself, he’s human still.)
Not a perfect little angel like Deku (who cried way too much, gets pissed only when convenient but when abused by the same guy his entire life) or unless it was time to make a CRaZy FacE during a fight. Please.
DUNE PT 1–2, Not as groundbreaking as The Matrix, not even close.
But given the fact that this has an almost 200 million lower budget than Endgame and is a better film than Endgame in story, (some) visuals, direction, writing and effects?
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So yes, still a decent little movie, outside the realm of conspiracy.
Part One did it’s justice setting the groundwork, which is why it felt dry or boring for some people.
It got the work done, so the second could come out swinging, which is why the pacing felt so much better in this movie, it started right in the thick of the plot. The work was done already.
The level of foreshadowing in this movie, throughout? Is insane (PT 1 too). I counted it somewhat, the most throwaway line or an establishing shot you’d easily miss or overlook as random or an artistic decision, sets up something that will happen later, or in a couple of minutes; Or the next movie, and no I’m not even talking about Paul’s dreams.
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Visual foreshadowing, visual storytelling. Vision. Not agenda shoved down your throat, not blatantly anyway. If you want to sell people propaganda without them rejecting it?
Make it good & wait for them call it a “masterpiece” or something. (People won’t question what they like, because bias lowers your defenses. That’s warfare for the mind, The Matrix mentioned something similar.)
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But? When he goes Lisan-Al Gaib mode? And his speech scene in the southern temple? (my fav scene in the movie, how it began, the scene that led up to it, his stride, that shot, the MUSIC. Jfc, Hans Zimmer.)
Projecting his voice, like a godly apparition in human form. His aggression, body-language, he’s not asking, he’s telling you what’s going to happen.
The man can see timelines without an Infinity Stone, the LAST thing he wants to hear is someone informing him he has to kill one of his many mentors because of “tradition”, ALL just to speak his mind in a gathering.
Yeah, anyone would get pissed when all they’ve been hearing is “Prophecy, prophecy, prophecy” for the past imma say…(3 months toa year)
That entire scene was him embracing the role, while expressing his frustration that he had to do it at all.
He sells it 100%, reminds me a lot of Jesus roasting the priests in the temple. Same exact situation. Some other hang ups I have would be:
We never get to see exactly how Worm Riders dismount their Worms, we’re never shown how they get off. Especially how they manage to get a pregnant woman & crowd on and off one of those behemoths.
The Voice, as a concept is too broken. There should’ve been some kind of criteria like if you try to use it on someone who can also use it, it can be countered or something (Like “The Force”). Or you risk injuring your vocal chords if abused etc. It’s way too broken, you can win pretty much any fight by just commanding them to die. It’s basically Lelouch’s Geass
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Paul is a sympathetic MC, he’s cool, he’s a bookworm, it’s good to see him learn something from others (to negate too much gary-stu energy), he’s like the quiet, nice kid in class. But he’s not all that interesting, that is until he transitions and he starts carrying himself a little differently. Pretentious? Sure, Messiah complex to the max, but again, consider his frustration with the whole thing. And he’s got the energy to make people follow, and I’m interested to see what he does next, that’s the point essentially. He’s not that engaging until he is.
PART TWO is worth the money because it’s 2 films in one, surprisingly well paced. But there in itself lies an issue, there’s a lot going on in just this one movie that could’ve been fleshed out. As you notice, there’s very subtle points where time-skips are implied, like Maud’Dib’s reputation, we didn’t really get to see how Usul got that reputation just that the name means something infamous to the Harkonnen’s at a point, so much so that that’s how they address him, like he’s Robin Hood or Captain America during the Civil War Arc (books). But it works because it keeps the movie from being 3 hours, but definitely skimmed over some things.
Some of the fight choreography has some chinks in the armor in the bigger scenes, like a character’s back it turned to someone who’s facing them and they don’t strike. The combat is overall solid, but that (in any movie) drives me nuts, and I saw it on my first viewing lol. But I won’t specify when or where, I don’t wanna ruin it. Because I can’t unsee it myself.
I find it very, VERY unlikely that the Harkonnen’s wouldn’t have a contingency for The Sand “Demons”/ Worms by now. Nukes exist, space ships, personal shields, hover jet packs, but not an Orbital Rail gun? Or a mounted Rail gun on a base wall? Fishy. Awfully convenient. (Harkonnen’s would have my ass in R&D because that’d be my first question to Chain of Command “What if we simply designed-”)
This is not a masterpiece, it’s a well made movie with an interesting parallel to The Matrix, very very well composed (Props to Hans Zimmer), well acted, the setting & story are interesting for what it is and how ambitious it is.
And very ominous overtones that caught my eye.
Might shill it again another time.
I recommend you watch it in theaters at least once before it goes.
If you have tinnitus or something, DO NOT brave IMAX.
That shit gets so loud it physically assaults you sometimes.
And if not, then enjoy it however you can get to it. It’s the same movie wherever you watch it.
TMI: I personally ignored the first movie when it dropped, “Paul’s Dream” OST somehow found it’s way to me via a playlist in 2022, finally watched PART ONE March 2024, then I was impressed with what PART ONE was setting up, and the sequel impressed me more —
So, If this is trying to be a Trilogy, I’m definitely going to have eyes on that 3rd installment.
Because Paul’s Dream in PART ONE regarding what Chani does to him, definitely makes more sense given not only — how uneasy she was the moment he broke off from the worm caravan suddenly to (do what he did), what he did in the temple, and how scorned she was later on (won’t specify) —
We can only imagine what else he's going to do that (might) lead to her making that call.
And that’s an “if” because Paul says to Jessica (after the attack, tent scene) he saw his death but claims that’s not what it means. 
And it also makes sense in context of the story. The knife was given to him by Chani, and to begin his journey to become Kwisatz: Paul had to die through killing another (Jamis). Killing another is killing himself. So the vision’s meaning was likely isolated to PART ONE’s plot, but it’s something to keep in mind for potential PART THREE.
It’s funny, cause My Hero spoils the ending in just the second episode, it doesn’t work because there’s no narrative point to it, doesn’t progress or fit the kind of story that it is.
Like Spider-man 2002 didn’t begin with Peter saying he’s Spider-Man, it began with a question:
"Who am I?"
It ENDED with him saying who he is, answering the question, because narratively, it makes more sense to hear it AFTER we see the goddamn story, and what he just sacrificed to be who he is. All to justify the answer to the question:
I bet you before now, you didn't really even think that hard on Peter's question making sense to that extent until now lol. That's how subtle it is.
Tangent: (Horikoshi copied other people’s homework without knowing why their shit worked in the first place, in context. The man at heart was a fanboy of A LOT of franchises, and you can see it in the entire story *He named a street after "Tatooine"* But his execution & ideas needed more time to mature. His mistake was getting involved with Shonen Jump before he had it figured out and or getting involved with them at all.)
Otherwise, main reason SM2002 narration works: Is because it isn’t a fantasy film with prophetic elements, it’s a superhero title and it didn't spoil anything.
For that MHA story, us knowing Deku becomes the greatest hero contributes to nothing, because for that story, that doesn’t make sense to know it that goddamn soon.
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But in this story, with visions & prophecies, all these biblical parallels, knowing what happens in fragments, works because of how the film executes it, the setting is compatible with it — hooks you to keep watching, some visions are proven right. So for the audience that gives us a sense of progress and achievement even though all we’re doing is watching, we’re not doing anything, It’s very immersive. 
Like J.J Abrams “Mystery Box” technique but it’s not shit.
Hence why, DUNE: The movies, so far, are already a better Sequel Trilogy than the Sequel Trilogy of Star Wars. Because like EPISODE 7, PART ONE was just 100% Set up and foundation. And PART TWO was basically EP8-9, and now we might get another.
2 ways to technically spoil events here, but 2 out of 3 examples work. Because the storytelling methodology are completely different.
MHA was just copying an aesthetic without understand why the original worked (which is why the story began promising but ended up a narrative failure)
DUNE is compatible with it because the story itself already has mystic/biblical/prophetic elements, so it’s compatible with the trope
And for Spider-Man 2002 specifically, it didn’t jump the gun before the story was even finished in the writing room. There was a long-term point to the narration and the question.
It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it.
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