#marriage picnic
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come get yer Laughin'stock! get it hot off the press! free Laughin'stock right here!
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journal-number-3 · 9 months
Jerichos unshakable ace swag vs Grickos unshakable aro swag
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eidolons-stuff · 1 year
Thing: *signs* "Fine. I'll leave. But promise me you want elope without telling me first"
Enid: *giggles* "You would be the first to know"
Thing: *signs* "Good. Because who else would be the ring bearer"
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ladydragonkiller · 2 years
Hey. You. Yes, you. Go listen to the forgetmenauts
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susanoosama01 · 9 months
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Progress! 4hours into it now.
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okeutocalma · 1 year
Draken and Mitsuya [Male Reader].
Draken é um Alpha.
Mitsuya é um Ômega.
[Nome] é um Alpha.
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— Você pode pelo menos cortar os morangos? — O Alpha perguntou ao ômega loiro que tentava ajudá-lo a todo custo.
— Isso é fácil?
— Eu espero que sim Takemichi.
— Eu posso tentar.
[Nome] o olha com a face séria e a sobrancelha arqueada, mas ao ver o sorriso animado no rosto do loiro ele sabia que o pequeno apenas queria ajudar.
— Ok, eu entendo que sou péssimo na cozinha - mas não posso tentar ajudar de vez em quando? E também eu posso aprender com você.
— Verdade.
O loirinho sorriu, saltando até onde o avental sobressalente que [Nome] tinha guardado, O Alpha o observou com os olhos estreitados.
Takemichi colocou o avental da cor rosa arregaçou as mangas e voltou para onde estava com um sorriso. — Eu posso cortar os morangos. Espere e veja!
Ele cortou os morangos corretamente até o quarto,logo depois se distraiu por alguns segundos e cortou o tampão do dedo.
— [Nome]... — Ele chamou pelo Alpha distraído cortando o bolo para colocar o recheio.
— Sim? 
— Se acalma tá. — Com essa fala o de fios [claros/escuros] se arrepiou dos pés a cabeça e se virou tão rapidamente que escutou o pescoço stralar.
— Por Zeus! Jesus Takemichi! — O Alpha puxou o loiro para a sala onde faria um curativo.
Seria bastante difícil terminar tudo em um dia.
[Nome] estava andando pelas ruas, era 21 de Março e as belas flores de sakura já desabrocharam, mas aquele não era um dia como qualquer outro.
Ele tinha acordado e saído da cama com um único propósito em mente, pedir Ken Ryuguji e Mitsuya Takashi em casamento.
O Alpha estava absolutamente convencido de que os dois eram amores de sua vida e queria dedicar o resto a amá-los e fazê-lo felizes.
Quando Manjiro Sano, e o ômega dele, Takemichi perceberam sua decisão, eles ofereceram a ele todo apoio e as opiniões comprar os anéis de noivado, mas [Nome] recusou veementemente; ele queria obter aquela joia importante com seus próprios esforços.
Após passar os últimos meses trabalhando e procurando muito para poder comprar um anel que, para seus padrões, era totalmente digno dos seus parceiros.
O de fios [claros/escuros] estava absorto enquanto bebia uma lata de chá gelado da máquina de venda automática da lojinha ao lado do parque, sentado no banquinho.
O Alpha terminou de tomar o último gole de chá gelado da latinha, sentindo o frescor se espalhando em sua garganta. 
Em seguida, levantou-se com uma cestinha de piquenique em mãos, pronto para montar o local onde ele ficaria com os parceiros e provavelmente rolaria o pedido.
 O sol estava brilhando forte, mas a sombra das árvores tornava o ambiente agradável e convidativo.
[Nome] sentiu uma leve sensação de paz ao observar as flores coloridas e ouvir o canto dos pássaros. Era um dia perfeito para fazer o pedido.
 Com um sorriso no rosto,ele começou a arrumar tudo, estendendo a enorme toalha sobre a grama e logo colocando os pratinhos com tudo, umas vasilhas com morango,doces,o bolo e algumas outras coisinhas.
O Alpha estava sentado em seu assento, observando o local de piquenique que ele próprio havia montado.
Ele estava se sentindo ansioso, mas também muito orgulhoso do resultado, talvez seu lobo ferido estivesse de certa forma preocupado com as reações mas... Eles não eram Izana e Kakucho.
Tudo estava perfeitamente organizado, desde a toalha de piquenique até as vasilhas de comida cuidadosamente colocadas sobre a toalha.
 A brisa suave fazia com que as folhas das árvores se movessem gentilmente junto das flores de sakura jogadas na grama, criando uma atmosfera acolhedora e serena.
 [Nome] não podia acreditar que havia conseguido montar tudo sozinho, e estava perfeito,tinha cozinhado várias coisinhas. Estava orgulhoso de si mesmo.
Esta não era primeira vez que ele organizou um piquenique e estava muito animado, o último piquenique não tinha dado certo pois Izana não tinha gostado da comida que tinha feito… Esqueça eles! Estava seguindo em frente.
 Embora estivesse sentindo um pouco de nervosismo, reconheceu que essa era uma oportunidade de mostrar sua habilidade em deixar as coisas perfeitas e que valia a pena o esforço. 
Draken e Mikey estavam discutindo sobre questões da gangue quando Mitsuya apareceu de repente e puxou levemente a mão de Draken. Ele girou em sua direção, com uma expressão surpresa no rosto.
— Sim meu amor?
— Desculpe interromper, mas há algo que eu preciso falar com você em particular. — Disse O ômega, sua voz baixa e urgente.
O loiro assentiu e se afastou de Manjiro que tinha um sorriso maroto nos lábios. Eles caminharam até um lugar mais discreto o arroxeado falou em voz baixa.
— Eu estive acompanhando algumas atividades recentes de uma nova gangue e descobri que estão planejando um ataque a Tokyo Manji e estão a procura de [Nome]. —  Disse ele, seus olhos sérios. — Eu ouvi alguns comentários que Kisaki está pagando uma grande quantia para quem saber do paradeiro de [Nome] e que aparentemente os líderes da gangue estão doentes, Hanma está controlando os planos para o ataque.
Ken franzia a testa, lutando para controlar suas emoções, ele sentiu o celular vibrar no bolso.
Ele pegou o aparelho e desbloqueou,um sorriso bobo apareceu nos lábios dele e de maneira instantânea Mitsuya entendeu.
— É o [Nome]? — Ele perguntou e o loiro entregou o celular ao parceiro. 
— Vamos ao parque encontrar [Nome].  —
Ambos começaram a caminhar em direção ao parque, de mãos dadas.
Ao chegarem no parque Mitsuya se maravilharam com as flores.
— Sakuras! — Ele correu até a área, salpicado com flores rosas.
—  Eu gosto destes. Eles são tão bonitos. —
Ele quebrou um galho da árvore onde tinha flores concentradas e cheirou suavemente. Ele começou a colher todas, principalmente as mais "novas".
Com cuidado Draken começou a tecer os caules juntos para formar uma coroa áspera e logo fazendo outra, que ele orgulhosamente colocou no monte de cabelo macio na cabeça de seu ômega.
— Obrigado Alpha. — Deu-lhe um leve beijo na bochecha e observou o maior ficar com um leve tom de rosa. Ele soltou um sorriso suave e riu.
"Eu adoro quando ele ri, ele é tão adorável." Pensou o loiro.
O Takashi realmente se sente sortudo por ter esse homem - bem quase - apenas ele mesmo. Ele realmente não se importava em compartilhar - ainda mais com seu outro amor-  já que algo tão incrível merecia ser experimentado com mais de uma pessoa. 
(Só se essa pessoa fosse [Nome], se não ele esganava).
Finalmente eles chegaram ao outro Alpha, e eles se acomodaram à sombra de um grande se sentando sobre a toalha que o de olhos claros/escuros tinha estendido…
Enquanto isso, o ômega olhou espantado e maravilhado com tudo que [Nome] tinha feito.
Com cuidado eu tiro a caixinha de veludo preto do meu bolso e a olho brevemente, não estava sabendo o que falar nesse momento, minhas mãos tremendo levemente,estava tão óbvio.
— Eu queria fazer algo para agradecer e agradar vocês… — Ele olha para os dois que estavam sentados e travados, Mitsuya tinha chantilly cobrindo toda a boca - lembrava uma criança - enquanto Ken se deliciava com um croissant recheado.
— Eu... Não estou sabendo muito o que falar mas... Debaixo desse belo céu, eu pergunto para vocês… — Vocês gostariam de ser meus reis? Eu sei que estou quebrado, preciso melhorar, não quero errar como eu errei com Izana e Kakucho.  Eu sei que sou imperfeito, mas eu quero tentar ser um Alpha melhor para vocês dois.
Lágrimas começaram a brotar nos meus olhos, atrapalhando levemente minha visão enquanto ele continuava a expressar seus sentimentos. 
— Eu amo vocês. — Disse ele finalmente. — Eu quero construir um futuro maravilhoso juntos, com respeito e amor verdadeiro.
Depois de alguns minutos que pareceram horas, eu senti ser deitado por cima da toalha e logo os dois subirem em cima de mim, os feromônios livres deixando claro o quão felizes estavam.
— Sim! Sim! Eu aceito, eu aceito. — Ambos repetiram em coro, se fosse combinado não tinha saído tão certinho.
Passaram-se um mês desde o pedido, um mês desde que os três estavam morando juntos na "humilde" casa que [Nome] tinha comprado apenas para eles.
E estava no começo do ciclo de calor do ômega, que de maneira civilizada - te puxando - te levou no grande quarto e o mandou sentar no banquinho perto da porta enquanto ele montava o ninho na cama que estava cheia de roupas.
Trabalhar em todas as peças e inspecioná-las quanto à qualidade certamente levaria um tempo, mas o ômega era paciente. Sempre que uma roupa passava no teste de sensação e cheiro, ela era entregue ao homem de cabelos [claros/escuros], caso contrário, era logo jogada descuidadamente para o lado pelo arroxeado.
No final, talvez metade das coisas escolhidas foram consideradas boas o suficiente e Mitsuya poderia finalmente iniciar o complexo processo de construção do ninho.
 [Nome] sorriu enquanto observava o Takashi mexer em várias roupas, tentando encontrar o lugar perfeito para colocá-las em seu ninho. A essa altura, ele já tinha o estofamento feito de cobertores e travesseiros à sua frente. 
O Alpha estava sentindo-se orgulhoso e feliz por está acompanhando um momento tão importante que é a construção do ninho de seu parceiro.  
Mitsuya se levantou para rastejar até seu ninho, seu movimento cuidadoso e pensativo enquanto o arroxeado navegava pelas almofadas macias. 
Ele se sentiu um pouco desconfortável com o arranjo, alguns dos travesseiros foram colocados errados e ele meio que queria algo perto de sua cabeça que cheirasse a seu companheiro [Nome].
Sem sair, o ômega começou a reorganizar os travesseiros macios antes de finalmente apontar para uma camisa em particular que havia colocado de lado antes. 
— Me entregue este. — Ele falou confiante. 
O Alpha sorriu enquanto se inclinava para pegar as roupas desejadas, entregando-as ao parceiro apenas para que ele as arrancasse de suas mãos. Você o observou enquanto seu ômega lentamente preenchia seu ninho, com cada peça fazendo com que tomasse mais forma.
Não demorou muito para que ele estivesse em seus retoques finais. Foi quando ambos se assustaram com a porta se abrindo repentinamente.
— Amor, você peg- — Ken estava prestes a perguntar algo enquanto entrava no quarto, apenas para parar quando notou seus dois noivos. Ele ficou um pouco congelado quando viu Mitsuya cavado no que o loiro só podia imaginar ser um ninho em andamento.
 Os olhos da cor lilás arregalados e cheios de horror por Draken ver seu ninho inacabado sem permissão.
Okay, Mitsuya escolhia quem que ele quisesse para estar perto na construção do ninho, às vezes ele fazia com a companhia do Alpha ou escolhia fazer sozinho.
— Fora Ken! — O ômega ordenou com um grunhido. O loiro nem mesmo disse mais uma palavra quando deu um passo para trás e a porta quase não atingiu seu rosto quando ela se fechou.
Ainda um pouco perplexo, o loiro olhou para a porta. Ele não viu muito, mas viu claramente aquela pequena pilha de roupas que pertenciam a ele.
Ken não sabia quanto tempo ele ficou sentado lá, distraído, antes de sentir a porta de repente ceder um pouco. Foi o suficiente para pegá-lo desprevenido e bater com a cabeça na porta de madeira como um tolo. [Nome] colocou a cabeça para fora e olhou para ele com uma sobrancelha levantada. 
— Amor, você estava correndo com essa camisa, certo? Dê. — Ele estendeu a mão sem espaço para discussão. Não que o Alpha fosse recusar, não quando era por seus parceiros.
Logo depois que o outro Alpha pegou a camisa, ele empurrou a porta, deixando o loiro mais uma vez sentado lá, mas agora vestido apenas com um par de calças.
Estava no dia do casamento.
O nervosismo e a empolgação de [Nome] aumentam quando ele veste o traje de casamento, um belo terno finíssimo da cor branca. 
Um suspiro baixo saiu dos lábios dele, o Alpha estava tão ansioso. Ele ia se casar com os amores de sua vida.
Ela ia se casar com Ken e Mitsuya!!
— Vamos logo doido, com certeza não gostaria de chegar mais atrasado que o ômega. —  Baji entrou no quarto.
 — Com certeza. — Você respondeu com um sorriso nos lábios.
Eles estavam parados esperando o ômega caminhar até o altar. Passos foram ouvidos, Mitsuya estava chegando.
O ômega com quem ela estava prestes a se casar foi chegando cada vez mais perto até que ele estava bem na frente de [Nome] e Ken.
O arroxeado mordeu o lábio inferior enquanto todos olhavam diretamente para ele.
[Nome] olhou para o pedaço de papel em seu bolso, os votos que tinha escrito para os amores de sua vida.
 — Eu prometo mantê-los felizes.— Ele falou, olhando com paixão e carinho para os dois.
(Autora não sabe o que colocar como votos)
— Você, [Nome] [Sobrenome], aceita Ken Ryugi e Mitsuya Takashi para serem seus parceiros, para ter e manter a partir de hoje, no pior e no melhor, na riqueza e na pobreza, na saúde e na doença, para amar e honrar, até que a morte os separe. — O padre falou.
— Nem a morte irá nos separar. — Os três falaram em conjunto.
— Então pode beijar os parceiros.
Antes que tal momento poderia acontecer um som alto foi escutado e logo Nahoya apareceu com uma caixa de som,
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xdb-fbi · 9 months
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isabellafoster13 · 2 years
This was requested on AO3 by ccnchas.
It's about time I get a LoLu request! I have been dying to write something for these two! I love LoLu! ZerLu may be the ship that led to me getting into Fairy Tail, but LoLu was my first ship since watching the show. It's no longer my OTP, but I still love it nonetheless. I love their Princess x Knight dynamic! There are not enough LoLu fics and I would be more than happy to provide some. A romance between the two of them would likely be forbidden, but they would still make a really good couple, I think. I love this ship a lot! 
I hope you enjoy!
A Lion's Pride (Loke x Lucy)
"Iris! Eros! Come to eat your sandwiches!" 
Loke stood in the shade of a tree, his arms crossed over his chest and leaning against the trunk of the tree. A fond smile stretched across his face as he watched his wife sit on a picnic blanket with a basket next to her. A pair of seven-year-old twins, both auburn-haired and brown-eyed, ran to their mother. One twin, a boy, had Plue in his arms while the other twin, a girl, had a doll clutched in his grip. The two children sat in front of their mother and began eating the food that had been packed for them, resting before they resumed their play in the surprisingly empty park. 
A silent sigh escaped Loke as he watched his family, his pride. He remembered the day he married Lucy like it was yesterday. The journey to that point wasn't short. He chuckled internally when he recalled how long it had taken him to get Lucy to agree to date him. Loads of flowers, mountains of chocolate-covered strawberries, hundreds of love letters, and countless promises to never flirt with another woman again. For three years he pursued his wizard, but it was all worth it, in his opinion, because Lucy had finally agreed to a date. And it was an amazing date. 
They dated for a few years, trying to survive Mira. They watched as Natsu married Lisanna, Gray married Juvia, Erza married Jellal, and Gajeel married Levy. It made Loke yearn for the same thing. He had spent several months watching Lucy closely every time the prospect of marriage, wondering if that was something she wanted. Eventually, he finally decided that he would ask her. When Lucy told him that she had dreamed of getting married since she was a child, the first thing he did was get the biggest diamond ring that he could find. 
The sound of Lucy screaming "yes" was the best sound he would ever hear. Tears trickled down both of their faces as they kissed, hugged, and professed their love for each other multiple times. Their wedding had followed just a few months later, courtesy of Mira, with Natsu as Loke's best man, Levy as Lucy's maid of honor, Aquarius walking Lucy down the aisle, and Makarov officiating the couple's marriage. 
Two years later, the best day of both of their lives arrived. After fifty hours of painful labor and crushing worry, as well as a nearly broken hand on Loke's side, a pair of twins were born as the sun rose above the horizon. First, a girl. Twenty minutes later, a boy. The names of their children weren't difficult to pick. There were only two names that could fit the small angels they were gazing down at lovingly. 
Iris and Eros. 
As time went by, Loke spent as much time as he possibly could with his family, to the point that he was in Earth Land more than he was in the Celestial Spirit World. He didn't mind this, though. All he wanted to do was spend time with his wife and children. 
Loke pushed off of the tree he was leaning against and walked toward the picnic spot, calling out as he got closer, "I'm here!" 
Iris and Eros whipped their heads up to look at him before they threw their sandwiches onto a couple of plates and ran to the celestial spirit, yelling joyfully in unison, "Papa!" 
Loke laughed and kneeled on one knee as he opened his arms wide to accept a hug from his twins. Iris and Eros soon pulled away and pulled their father over to the picnic blanket, both telling him about what they had been doing all day. Their chatter came to a stop when Lucy spoke, "Iris. Eros. Finish eating and then you can play with Papa." The twins obeyed, diving back into their food. 
Once finished, they jumped up and ran off, wanting to continue playing as they urged their father to join them. Loke chuckled and answered the pair, "give me a moment. I want to talk to Mamma." 
When the twins ran off, he turned to his wife and leaned forward to kiss her a few times. Lucy placed a hand on his chest and gently pushed him away, muttering when their lips were now only an inch away, "you're late." 
Loke smiled, pecking another kiss to her lips before he responded, "sorry, I got into a fight with Aquarius." 
Lucy chuckled at that. The couple kissed a few more times. When they pulled away, the celestial wizard leaned into Loke's embrace, giving a contented sigh as her husband wrapped an arm around her. Loke reached his other hand toward her, rubbing gentle circles on the small, but noticeable bump in her belly.  
He asked with a hushed voice, "do we know the gender yet?" 
Lucy answered, her voice just as low as his, "I was hoping we could wait until the baby is born."
Loke nodded, telling her that he was perfectly fine with that. He then questioned, "any name ideas?" 
Lucy snuggled closer to her husband, answering, "I was thinking Medea if it's a girl." 
Loke thought about the name, quickly deciding that he loved it. He then looked back down at his expecting wife to question, "and if it's a boy?" 
Lucy shrugged, responding, "I was thinking you could pick one." 
Loke gave a slight chuckle before he took a few moments to think of a boy's name that he liked. It didn't take him long to come up with something. "How about Damon?" 
Lucy nodded as she mumbled, "I love that name." 
Loke tightened his hold on Lucy, just slightly, as he looked back at his other two children playing with Aries, who had been summoned by one of the twins. The soft smile on his face got bigger as he soaked in the peaceful moment. 
This was all he needed. A day at the park with his pride. He couldn't think of a more perfect way to have family time. 
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emeraldbabygirl · 6 months
I can’t stop thinking about this clip :( ren’s face when he’s playing with the lil baby I can’t my hearttttt 😭😭😭😭 imagine him with his own kid and his pretty lil wife or whatever huhuhhuhuhu I want this too :(
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ninebluehearts · 2 years
Giona is here to save the day and beat away stress. -thinks hard and quick- What about our soft doctor boi Mikael or Jonathan Levy? I can envision both of them walking in the park and having picnics.
Giona, you bad bitch, ilysm 💕 I've had a big thing for Jake Lockley AND Jonathan Levy lately, so lemme talk about Jonathan rq 🤚(though, I love my boy Mikael too) 😩🥰
This is honestly his favorite thing to do for a date- Jonathan does every basic thing about a picnic that you could imagine. From the cucumber sandwiches and lemonade, to the red and white checkered blanket and wooden basket.
Once you finish eating, he has you both lay on your backs and cloud watch, insisting that the cloud looks identical to a bird, when it's so obviously a bunny. He would then pack everything up and take you for a walk around the park, holding your hand the entire time.
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antimonyandthyme · 1 year
'until some tragic thing happens'...
Athy pls no don't do that/j
But imagine, seb and max being dynamic duo (their drift compatibility is holding record at shatterdom), max coming out of his shell, actually making effort to be with people (team playing, learning about their habits etc) and seb finally letting his accident go (visiting his friend's grave, holding max's hand (max is trying not to think how small seb's hand is))
oh oh 'until some tragic thing happens' like... like kaiju attack. not your typical kaiju attack bc they never attacked together before, always alone. but not this time. max and seb dealt with first monster but much smaller but sneakier one got behind and strikes them right in the middle, max got a hit at his head and lost consciousness for a moment, seb immediately understand what he had to do. it is tricky, to hold jaeger on your own without your partner, seb almost lost consciousness himself but he can't. he can't lose max, he won't survive it. so he dispatched max from jaeger and send him away, away from battle but in his moment of weakness he didn't close the drift. he wants to feel max right before his last breath.
imagine max waking up to news that his partner, his one and only partner, is dead trying to save him. no he screams, no he cries, no he muttered. shatterdom staff let him grieve (after all seb was beloved by many)
days come and go, max still grieves. he isn't laying down no, he is training like never before, he doesn't talk with his peers, he almost live in church, asking, begging for something he know he would never take. but something isn't right. something buzzing him at back of his mind. one day it came to him.
oh. the drift never closed. max never felt seb's death.
hope is dangerous thing but max could deal with danger. he said, asked, demanded, begged and head of shatterdom let the order to find a man. make it lowkey, search for a man (or his body) in hospitals, morgues etc.
max in his dreams started to search for that buzzing thing in his head, trying to call seb ('father, forgive me for thinking you would leave me'), it is so soft and making that noise like bees do. he is holding on that, knowing that seb would be delighted how max's end of bond looks like. max wonders how his end would look like. he can't wait until he asks the man himself.
searches went and came back, there is one man, who fits all signs and lays on hospital bed. max never run to car so fast in his life.
okay idk what am i doing but your line about some tragic event really make me think
Athy, i love all your /check notes/ 5 pacific rim aus (especially can't wait for vettonso one<3)
same seb/max pacific rim au anon
Anon are you... trying to make me cry... because I will... huehuehue... They should be making a movie out of your story I'd watch it I'd be the first in line... huehuehue... He never... cut the drift... he wanted... max to be the last thing he felt... Anon I'm sobbing on the ground...
First of all, Max giving Seb the courage to visit the grave of his old friend? The one who Seb thinks is gone because of him, and will never forgive himself for? Max holding on to Seb's hand tight as Seb dissolves into tears? Max thinking to himself, Hand tiny... Must protect forever...
Kaiju attack, Kaiju attack! They're dispatched from the Shatterdome. Anon--since this is your story, what should their Jaeger be called?
It's a fight with teeth and fangs and canons and metal-plated armour and Seb and Max are so concentrated on the Category IV in front of them that they aren't prepared for the Category III creeping up behind. Kaijus aren't known to work together. Jagged teeth rip through the centre of their Jaeger, and it's chaos. CODE RED CODE RED. EJECT EJECT.
Eject where? They're dead outside of the Jaeger, as is their city. That won't do. They stay in and try to fight, but the suit is falling apart. Machinery crumbles around them, and one large part falls and knocks Max clean out. Seb's screaming, "Max, Max! I need you, Max!" But Max is unconscious.
And well, Seb's already made his decision the day he decided to step into a Jaeger. Max will outlive him. He'll make sure of it. No one's heard of piloting a Jaeger solo for long, but this is the dead man's grip. The kind of grip that gives you enough strength to lift a car. Seb detaches Max from the suit, and sends him floating gently away. He can't bring himself to sever their neural link, it's the last thing he wants to know on this earth. And in a last-ditch attempt, he blows up the rest of the suit to defeat the 2 Kaiju.
When Max wakes, it's quiet. Why is it so quiet? It's not been quiet since Seb.
Where is he? he screams. Where is my partner? Where is Seb?
They tell him to take the time off, that the loss of a partner while in a drift is so traumatic some pilots never recover from it. Max thinks he'll fall into that statistic. He curls up in one of the benches in the church in the Shatterdome and cries himself to sleep.
Wait, wait. He jerks awake. What's that quiet buzzing sound at the back of his head? What's that pull toward someone he can no longer see? What's this?
Forgive me Father, for thinking you would ever leave me.
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pocketanimals · 1 year
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Taking very candid and authentic engagement pics
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dumptydumpty · 2 years
So canal+ really had a scene of Louis XVI saying “My father did not betray my mother and I will not betray my wife.” and “A man who loves his wife does not stray.” only to have Marie Antoinette, his wife, having an affair with Count F*rsen two episodes later?
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Romantic Beach Proposal Ideas for the Perfect 'Yes!' Moment
Proposing on the beach is a timeless and romantic way to ask the love of your life to marry you. With the serene sound of waves, the soft sand beneath your feet, and a picturesque sunset as your backdrop, a beach proposal can be a magical experience. Here are some creative and heartwarming ideas to make your beach proposal unforgettable:
1. Sunset Serenade
Plan your proposal around the breathtaking beauty of a beach sunset. As the sun dips below the horizon, get down on one knee and pop the question. The vibrant colors of the setting sun will make for a stunning and memorable moment.
2. Message in a Bottle
Write a heartfelt message and place it in a bottle. During a romantic beach walk, suggest looking for seashells or treasures. "Find" the bottle together, and as your partner reads the message, take the opportunity to propose.
3. Beach Picnic
Set up a cozy beach picnic with blankets, cushions, and a basket of your favorite snacks. Decorate the area with fairy lights and flowers to create a romantic ambiance. As you enjoy the intimate setting, surprise your partner with the proposal.
4. Sandcastle Surprise
Enlist the help of a professional sand sculptor to create a beautiful sandcastle with a hidden compartment for the ring. During a leisurely stroll, "discover" the sandcastle and reveal the hidden treasure, then ask the big question.
5. Flash Mob Proposal
If you want to make a grand gesture, organize a flash mob with friends and family on the beach. As the choreographed dance unfolds, join in at the end and propose to your partner, surrounded by loved ones and the rhythmic waves.
Planning the perfect beach wedding proposal can be both exciting and overwhelming. For a stress-free and magical experience, consider enlisting the help of Certified Cupid Picnics and Proposals. They specialize in creating unforgettable moments tailored to your love story.Make your wedding proposal a moment to cherish forever by choosing one of these romantic beach ideas. With a little creativity and planning, you'll create a memory that will last a lifetime.
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Marriage proposal in Phuket
http://www.photographerphuketthailand.com Surprise marriage proposal as sunset time at Le Phang beach Phuket Please feel free to contact us for more information about photography services and Setup Chat on WhatsApp Picnic setup Please contact https://www.instagram.com/charisa.picnic.phuket/
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icterid-rubus · 9 months
Man, feeling super bummed after this family vacation because it became an unending parade of people asking why I’m single and why I don’t date. I replied honestly the first few times that no one has ever been interested in me, and they reacted with such horror. They genuinely asked if something was wrong with me. Why would no one want me. Ouch.
And like, I know, I know it’s weird to go one’s entire life as just a coat rack in peoples lives, fulfilling a single important role that goes no further than anything polite, but to have other people point it out and laugh is quite hurtful.
I don’t know why I’m like this and I don’t know what it is I do that puts people off. I think I act politely and kindly, but who knows. Maybe it’s the way I look.
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