#market trading
tradespect · 6 months
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Master the Markets: Explore AI Stock Market Trading with TradeSpect
Delve into a new era of precision trading with TradeSpect's innovative AI Stock Market Trading. Our platform leverages the prowess of artificial intelligence to redefine how traders navigate the complexities of financial markets. With intelligent algorithms, real-time market analysis, and adaptive strategies, TradeSpect empowers users to stay ahead of market fluctuations. The user-friendly interface ensures accessibility for all, from seasoned traders to newcomers. Join the future of trading with TradeSpect's AI Stock Market Trading and experience a transformative approach to decision-making and success in the dynamic world of finance.
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sexybritishllama · 5 months
strap in folks it's time for another neopets drama update
some background reading before we begin: back when neopets wanted to introduce customisation (i.e. dressing up your pet) in 2007, they decided to 'convert' all existing pet art to align with a rigid body structure, rather than all having unique poses. it was just not feasible to create new pieces of art for hundreds of different pet poses every single time they released a new clothing them
customisation had been highly requested up until this point. however, the conversion was NOT popular. in some cases, particularly for basic colours, the change wasn't huge, but in other cases.... uh....
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you get the idea. the more expensive colours like plushie, faerie, grey, royal and darigan got the worst of it because they had the more unique poses pre-conversion, and therefore it was largely agreed that the change to the stiff 'samey', frankly kinda goofy converted look did not look great
most users did not get a choice in having their neopet converted and it was done automatically, but if you had one of these colours where the change was huge, you were given the choice of converting or retaining the old pose (but not having the option to customise your pet). those pets that retained the old, pre-conversion poses are therefore referred to as 'unconverted', or UC for short
once a pet is converted, there's no returning to UC. you also couldn't create UC pets anymore, making UCs a limited resource that would only increase in value with time, particularly as people abandon their pets, leave the site, get frozen, etc.
i could write an entire dissertation on the drama that UC pets have caused for the pet trading economy, the neopet account black market, and general retention of the userbase, but to sum it up, people REALLY want UC pets. they are the single most coveted status symbol on the site
we skip forward now to 2023
the neopets team are planning to introduce UC pets back to the site, so that people will be able to create their own UC pets again for the first time post-converstion (legally at least)
they drip feed bits of information over the year about what this will look like. the main points are
changing a pet to UC will be done via some kind of item bought with neocash, the premium currency on neopets that you need to spend real money to get
putting this item on your pet will give it the UC art style appearance
so. not much really known. but expected release is set for january 2024
yesterday, they hosted an AMA focusing on the new UC pet system and how this was going to work. noticeably absent is any explanation of how much this is actually going to cost and whether it is going to involve any kind of gatcha mechanic, so that's causing our first lot of concern
second lot of drama is that the new UCs aren't actually going to be COMPLETELY the same as the old art, as they're making some small changes for style consistency, see below (old on top, new below):
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the biggest drama, however, comes from how they're dealing with the 'original' UC pets. ALL pets will be getting forcibly converted on the 23rd, with anyone who has a pet that is already an original UC immediately receiving the UC neocash item. there's mention of possibly some kind of trophy or badge recognition for particularly old pets, but it's vague, and generally seems like it won't be possible to distinguish between the original UCs and these new ones
the people who already have OCs are not happy about this
people are allegedly pounding their pets, cancelling their premium, and quitting the site in protest. the boards are flooded with people complaining about the changes and laughing at the downfall of the 'neo-elite' in equal measure
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it's t-minus 5 days until the second great conversion goes live. let's all pray for our souls
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royaltea000 · 3 months
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Two young knights
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aahanna · 16 days
"Haven't you noticed that we often bargain with poor people, like street vendors and auto drivers, but rarely negotiate prices with wealthy individuals or businesses that make significant profits every year? It's time to change this system and reconsider our approach to bargaining and fair pricing."
158 notes · View notes
It’s stock is defying any norms of legit business practices. The company is worth practically nothing and keeps hemorrhaging customers and advertising revenues which should lead to a collapse. Despite plunging somewhat, shares actually went up five dollars recently. It appears to be crypto all over again in that drug cartels, rogue nations, and criminal enterprises are using it to launder money.
104 notes · View notes
sentientcave · 2 months
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Heavy Weighs the Crown
Here we go friends! These chapters just keep getting longer. A larger plot begins to reveal itself to me. I am having a lot of fun here and I hope you are too.
Chapter 3 - Reading Between the Lines
< Prev Chapter - Next Chapter >
Read on AO3
Contains: Generic fantasy setting, Princess Reader, No Y/N, Some exposition, Reader's dad (deceased) was a real piece of work, Bad memories, A spot of magic, Voyeurism, Reader description kept pretty neutral but I kind of got slightly more specific about black hair care so you're just going to have to live with it.
~6k words
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The next morning, it rains.
The pitter-patter of rain against your windows wakes you up, because it sounds wrong. There’s only one small window in your room in Kate’s house, and when weather blows in it’s the sound of water trickling down and dripping off the thatch roof that’s loudest, not the rain itself. Here the sound echoes strangely in the big space, and you wake with a start, disoriented, your heart-hammering in your chest.
It feels like your life in town is the dream, trickling away faster than you can cup your hands to hold onto it. You fly out of bed and wrap a blanket around your shoulders, dashing out into the hallway, bare feet cold on the stone floor. The king’s bedroom is directly across the hall from your own, and you stare at the door, frozen and unsure if you’re willing to risk knocking, breath caught in your throat, chest tight, anxiety squeezing your ribs until they ache.
You’re sixteen and twenty-six both, living two lives out in one panicking body. You no longer belong here and you’ve never been anywhere else. Your father is alive, angry, terrifying, and he’s dead and buried where he can’t hurt you anymore. You are a tossed coin landed on it’s edge, waiting to fall.
The door in front of you opens, and you leap back on instinct, but breathe a sigh of relief when it’s John standing there, looking at you with surprise first, and then concern. “Sweetpea?” he asks, stepping forward to meet you, but leaving space between your bodies, like he knows that it would be worse for him to touch you right now. “What’s wrong?”
You press your shaking fingers to your mouth, holding back a sob. You swallow it down, pulling yourself together enough to speak. “I thought it was a dream,” you say at last. “I thought he was still alive.”
There’s no question who you mean. John reaches a hand out, an offering, and you take it, clinging to him like a life-line. He reels you into his arms, and you lean in, the solid, warm bulk of him as reliable and real as the earth below. “He’s not,” he says firmly. “I put him in the ground myself. You’re safe.”
You nod against his chest, feeling small and silly now. “I’m sorry,” you say, although you’re not sure what you’re sorry for. For showing weakness, maybe, for being lost in your own memory, for needing reassurance.
“It’s early yet,” he murmurs against the top of your head. “You should try to sleep a little longer.”
You’re not sure you could even if you tried, and even though you’re still tired, the adrenaline leaving your body cold, fatigue dragging at your bones insistently. You could maybe sleep against John’s chest, holding onto him, his heartbeat steady and strong enough in your ear to drown out the still-frenetic tempo of your own. “I think I’ll just get dressed,” you say, pushing away. He drops his arms instantly, letting you put a little distance between you.
He shakes his head, smiling at you fondly, eyes crinkling up at the corners. “Sweetpea, the sun hasn’t even risen. Go back to bed. I know just the thing to help. Go on.” He turns you toward your door and nudges you along.
There’s no point in arguing with him— You are tired, and although you suspect sleep will be beyond your reach, it’s cold in the hallway, especially now that you’re no longer pressed against John’s warm chest, and your bed is still warm when you climb back in.
Darkness presses down on you, heavy as grave-dirt, and you lay there, staring at the ceiling. You touch the crystal lamp next to your bed to light up the room, but that’s no better, really.
John knocks, but doesn’t wait for your answer before coming in, a dark wolf with blue eyes trotting in on his heels. “Go on, Soap,” he says, and Soap hops up onto your bed and lays down half on top of you, his head on your shoulder, tail wagging. John pats him on the head like he’s just a dog. “He’ll keep an eye on you.”
It should probably feel weird to cuddle up with a werewolf, since he’s really a man, and you’ll have to face that silly, crooked grin in the morning, but you need someone to cling to, and you’re to proud and cautious to cling to John. “Thank you,” is all you have it in you to say.
“He gets nightmares too. Usually sleeps across someone’s bed. I’m sure he’d be happy to stay with you while you’re here.” John says it simply, without a drop of judgment or condescension, and scratches behind Soap’s ear. “He’s a real good listener when he can’t talk back too.” He withdraws, tapping the light and throwing the room into darkness again.
You don’t even hear the door click shut. You bury your face into the thick fur around Soap’s neck and fall asleep almost instantly.
When you wake up again, it's with a very large, very naked man on top of you.
You yelp, scrambling back on your pillows. Johnny’s eyes snap open at your first movement, on high alert before he’s all the way awake. He scrambles too, and falls right off the side of the bed with a solid thud.
"Oh! Johnny I'm so sorry," you look down at him from the edge of the mattress, trying not to laugh. "I forgot you were here."
"It's alright, lass. I didna mean to startle ye. Ah shift back overnight sometimes. Price didnae remember to warn ye." He sits up and leans against the bed, forearms folded over each other. He looks no worse for wear, and like he slept as solidly as you did, those last few hours. There’s a faint imprint of lace from your nightgown on his face, and half of his hair is stuck straight up, the rest pressed flat. "Are ye feelin' better?"
“I am. Thank you for staying with me.”
“S’nothin’ really. Nicer sleepin’ with you than Gaz, he kicks awl night long. An’ Nox doesnae like me none, so I cannae stay with Ghost.” He grins. “Price lets me stay but he makes me sleep at the foot of the bed like a dog. Sometimes a man wants a cuddle, ye ken?”
You giggle. “I ken.”
"Really livin' up to yer name, aye Sweetpea?"
You laugh again. "Johnny, you know that's not my name, right?"
"No? What is it?" He shakes his head when you tell him. "I like Sweetpea better. Suits ye."
"Me too," you tell him. It has no connections to your previous life. It just reminds you of the pretty pink, purple, and white flowers that grow on delicate, curling vines that you like to grow over the side of the chicken coop.
There's a knock on the door, and Johnny leaps up to see who it is. You have to hold your hand up quickly to avoid getting an eyeful of things you're not supposed to see. He's absolutely shameless-- you suspect he wouldn't think twice about strolling down the hallways without a scrap on. You have a curiousity about men's bodies that you're too bashful to indulge, even if you're pretty sure that Johnny would stand still and let you look as long as you liked. Well, maybe not stand still. But you doubt he would mind.
It's Ghost at the door. He doesn't wait for an invitation to come in, but he has clothes for Johnny hung over his arm, so you don't mind. Honestly, you can bear a few overzealous men who feel entitled to your space for a few days, because after that you'll get to go home and get back to your life.
Ghost positions himself between you and Johnny, just as he had yesterday. "Price said you 'ad a bit of an episode earlier. You olright?"
"Just fine," you say brightly. "No need to worry."
"Och, let him worry, hen. He likes ta do it."
"I'm really fine," you insist.
"You want to visit the mausoleum? Might make it feel more real."
You'd be more interested in going there to visit your mother's grave, if you're going at all, but you think that you'll wait for a sunnier day. A gray, dreary morning like the one outside your windows is no balm for dark memories or old wounds. Sunshine might be. "Not today," you say. "Maybe tomorrow." You get out of bed as gracefully as possible, well aware that you have an audience. "Perhaps the two of you could step outside for a moment while I get dressed?"
Ghost glances behind him, checking to see if Soap is covered up enough for him to move, and then walks over to your closet and pulls out a screen that you hadn't noticed sitting in the corner there, and sets it up. "There you go, Sweetpea. You'll need help with all your fastenin's anyway, won't you?"
You imagine that he's smiling under the mask, more than a little smug about it, but you let it slide. "Very thoughtful."
"Try to be."
The blank face of his mask gives you nothing when you glance over, aside from that he’s looking back. It’s not the first time that you’ve wished for more insight into what he’s thinking, but there’s a gravity to his attention that you swear was never there before, and it prickles at the back of your neck even after you duck out of sight.
You choose a sunny yellow dress today, to counter the deluge outside, and remove the silk scarf wrapped around your head so you can twist your braids on each side from your brow back to the nape of your neck, pinning the lengths into a knot. You’ll have to redo them soon, but without Kate and her wife to help you, you know it’ll take hours, if not most of a day.
You walk over to where Ghost is sitting and turn your back to him so he can button it up for you. He hands you his gloves to hold while he does so, and you run your hands over the detail of white leather bones stitched on over the well-worn black leather, decoration and extra protection both. Idly, you slip one on, but your hands are so small in comparison to his that you have to stretch your hand out just to get your fingers arranged inside it properly. He stands behind you, and leans over you to gently pull them from your hands, as though to underline again how much bigger he is than you are.
The top of your head brushes his chest when you tip your head back to look at him. “Thank you,” you say.
“I’m always ‘appy to ‘elp,” he says. “I’m with you for the mornin’ anyway. Might as well make myself useful, eh?”
“Stuck minding me?” you tease, sweeping around to fold back the sheets on your bed, only to find that one of them had already done it. Ghost, most likely, judging by how neat it is. You touch his arm lightly in silent thanks, and the three of you leave your room together.
Other than insisting you eat breakfast (served in a communal dining hall, where they insist on bringing things to you rather than let you suffer the indignity of standing in a line, and watch you eat with unnerving intensity), they’re content to follow you around as you refamiliarize yourself with the castle, mapping out changes so you don’t get turned about looking for anything. You find a number of familiar faces here and there, and have an perplexingly similar conversation with anyone you know, where they welcome you back cheerfully, and grow a bit quiet and nervous when you insist that you won’t be staying long, and when you try to press them on that, you’re ushered out, told they’re too busy to chat, and that you’ll find time to catch up later.
You suspect that Ghost and Johnny are the source of their nerves, but both of them always seem to be a few paces out of (human) earshot, and minding their own business, talking about something else quietly between them.
"Where's Kyle?" you ask as you're hustled out of the the healer's work shop and back out into the hallway. It’s become abundantly clear, no matter how well they feign innocence, that your hulking shadows are making the staff nervous, and you decide not to subject anyone else to their company. If you can slip away from them later, you might be able to have an actual conversation.
“Prob’ly ‘oled up in ‘is workshop,” Ghost says. “Some weeks we ‘ardly see ‘im.”
“Wizardy shite,” Johnny adds, his tone disapproving. “As if there aren’t a thousand ways ta blow shite intae bits withoot wigglin’ yer fingers. Can blow up flour, did ye know, Sweetpea? In barrels isnae much different than black powder.”
“Still useful to have a little magic,” you say, flipping your palm over and conjuring a flame in the centre of it. It’s one of the few spells in your cache, and you’ve mostly just used it to light candles and the stove. Your lessons barely dipped beyond simple control— You’d been told that magic was no proper pastime for a lady. When you think back on it now, you think it’s more that your father never wanted you to have defenses that he could not control, or that could be used against him. A grim thought, from this side of things.
“Forgot you ‘ave a little magic in you.” Ghost holds his hands above yours, feeling the heat coming off the small flame. “Come on, pet. Let’s find Kyle. Might be enough to pull ‘is nose out of ‘is books.”
You close your hand, extinguishing the flame, and let them guide you through a few corridors and up a spiraling stone staircase.
Johnny hesitates at the door, nose wrinkling at the slight, hard to identify smell of complex magical wards that are carved neatly into the doors. You can feel the slight hum of it in your teeth. Ghost pushes the door open without knocking (you think all four of these men might be allergic to knocking), and steps inside.
You follow, and stop right there in the doorway while Ghost ventures in further. Kyle is shirtless, doing pushups over a heavy looking book. He doesn't look up, doesn't even stop when he turns the page, just continues the exercise one handed. He's in perfect shape, every muscle well-defined, putting even some of the finely-carved marble statues you've seen to shame. He has a frame for wiry muscle, but he's worked so hard that he's gotten bulky too, and although he's not as broad as Soap or as big as Ghost, it's clear that he's stronger than most men. Certainly stronger than men of his occupation have any need to be.
"What do you want, Ghost?" Kyle asks, still focused on his reading. "I'm busy, you know."
"Brought our girl by to see you, and you don't even bother lookin' up."
Kyle’s attention does snap up at that, brown eyes sliding past Ghost’s legs to you, still hovering in the doorway, Johnny a step behind, peering over your shoulder. Kyle scrambles to his feet, sending the book flying with a gesture. It settles on the desk behind him as he steps around Ghost, dusting his hands against his trousers before he takes yours, pulling you more fully into the space. His skin gleams with a thin sheen of sweat, but he's not the least bit out of breath. “Come on in, Sweetpea. Did you come all the way up here just to see me?”
“Of course,” you say. It’s a silly question, although now that you look around the space, you’re gripped by curiousity. The circular room is lined with bookshelves, each full of thick, leather and linen-bound tomes that hum with power. The whole room sings like a chorus, the sound not in your ears, but tickling the back of your mind instead. “I was wondering where you’d gone off to. I don’t want to interrupt, of course, if you’re working on something.” Although, now that you're looking, it seems like he’s working on many things, all at once. He has a carousel of research tomes open next to the desk, and neatly written pages laid out over the desk to dry, a stack of opened and unopened correspondence in a basket hanging from the side, ingredients measured out by a shelf full of bottles and jars of strange and familiar ingredients, and there are unlit candles set around the perimeter of an open area on the floor, a circle of iridescent tile set into the stone, pale and glittering.
“Nothing important this moment. Just studying while I wait for ink to dry. The mind grows dull if you don’t take the time to keep it sharp.” He glances at Johnny meaningfully, and receives a rude gesture in response.
“There’s more’n just books if ye want to keep sharp,” Johnny says, his voice flinty. “Isnae the only way to learn, ye know.”
You glance at Ghost. His mask looks back at you, blank as ever. “There’s a place for books, and a place for practical application,” you say diplomatically. “Wisdom can be found in many places.”
“In a pretty girl, for one,” Ghost says approvingly. “Would be good for you to crack a book once in a while, Soap. And for you to spend a little less time ‘oled up in ‘ere.” His head turns toward Kyle.
“I have a lot to do, you know,” Kyle says. “I can’t just shove everything to the side whenever I please.”
You drift closer to the desk, peeking at the tome he was referencing earlier, the pages opened to a chapter on illusion spells. Curious, you glance to his notes, humming with interest at the first page you glance at. It’s something about setting spells of illusion into fabric, weaving magic into the very stitches. “Are you trying to make a cloak of shadows?” you ask, picking up the page carefully by the edges, still mindful of the mostly dried ink.
Kyle looks over at you and smiles, but it’s all teeth. “Something like that. I didn’t know you were interested in magical theory.”
“She’s got a little sorcery in ‘er,” Ghost explains. “Maybe you should give ‘er a lesson or two. While she’s ‘ere.”
Your ears perk up at that, and you drop the paper back to the desk, forgetting it entirely. “Would you?” you ask excitedly. “I really would love to learn more.”
Kyle slips his shirt back on and beckons you over to one of the bookcases, smile turning sly and conspiratorial. “Can you give me a hand Sweetpea? I need something off the top shelf.”
You look up at the top shelf, which is well out of your reach. “Kyle, I think maybe you should ask Ghost.”
“Sorry, pet, I’m busy keepin’ Soap from pilferin’ alchemical ingredients.”
"Wasnae pilferin'! Just takin' a wee looksie. Isnae a crime."
"Soap," Kyle says pleasantly. "If I find anything missing we are going to have a long talk about it." He shakes his head lightly, sweet brown eyes finding yours, amused.
"D'ye think he means a good rough fuck?" Johnny asks Ghost, not quite quiet enough for you not to hear it. "Or an actual chat? Because that's goan ta change what I do here."
"I really don't think I can help," you say to Kyle, ignoring Johnny's query as much as you can. "Unless you'd like me to climb the shelves."
"Here." He crouches down in front of you and hugs your knees to his chest, other hand a higher on the backs of your thighs to hold you steady, and pops up. You let out a little shriek, and press your hands against his strong shoulders for support. "Don't worry, Sweetpea, I've got you. Now, can you grab that slim blue volume to the right? The one with no title on the spine."
Scanning the neat row of books, you locate the one he means and pick it up. "Ive got it," you inform him, laughing. "Now please put me down."
He slides you down his front carefully, adjusting his grip, your skirts bunching up and exposing your stockinged calves, and he holds you just above him for a moment. You loop your arms around his neck reflexively, holding the book behind him. He looks up at you, so dazzlingly handsome, you're almost surprised that he's real.
"Kyle," you remind him gently. "Please put me down."
“You sure?” he asks, bringing you down just a little more, so that your face is just above his own. “You look a bit tired today, princess. Could just carry you around for the rest of the day if you like.”
“That will not be necessary,” you say firmly. “But it’s a very kind offer.”
You hear a snort from the other side of the room, but you’re not sure if it comes from Ghost or Johnny. “Nothin’ kind about it,” Johnny says, crossing his arms. “Bastard just likes the idea of bein’ pressed up against ye all day.”
“You slept in her bed last night,” Kyle reminds him. “There’s no need to be jealous.”
“Ahm no’ jealous! Yer just bein’ a fandan charmer tryna cop a wee feel, an’ ye willnae admit ta it.”
You look over at Ghost, and he shakes his head. You imagine that he’s rolling his eyes, just as exasperated by the two of them as you are. He comes to your rescue though, carefully pulling you out of Kyle’s arms and setting you back down on the floor. “Thank you, Ghost,” you say archly, shaking your crumpled skirts out with one hand.
“Sorry, Sweetpea,” Kyle says, and you can’t help but note that he certainly doesn’t sound sorry. “If you read the first chapter of this tonight, we can do a lesson in the morning. This will probably be a step up from whatever paltry lessons the old wizard gave you— I know he took offence to the idea of training you at all, the closed-minded old bastard. If you have any questions, make notes, and we can go over it.” He taps the top of the book you hold. “You can write in it, if you like. I’ve scribbled in the margins a few times myself.”
You tuck the book into your pocket. “Thank you, Kyle. I appreciate that.”
“Anything for you, Sweetpea.”
You hesitate, a bit nervous to ask a favour when he’s already agreed to take time out of his day to give you a lesson in something you’re not sure you have enough talent in to warrant. He’s cleary a busy person, and you don’t want to waste his time.
Kyle senses your hesitation, and reaches for your hand, squeezing reassuringly. “Anything,” he repeats, brown eyes oh-so earnest.
Your ears feel hot. Flirting comes as easily to him as breathing, and even though you’re sure he means little by it, by his relationship with Johnny and the claim that John has laid on you, it’s hard not to grow flustered when he directs the full force of that sunshine smile at you. “Did you ever, um, help your sisters with their hair? I’d like to have a bath this afternoon, and wash my hair, but it’ll take me ages to rebraid it alone. I would really appreciate an extra set of hands if you have a spare minute tomorrow.”
He grins at that, pleased to be able to help you with something that Ghost and Johnny are ill-equipped to. The scar on his cheek dimples slightly when he smiles this hard, the slight flaw in his complexion more a dashing accessory to his charm than any detractor. “Would be happy to help. Do you have everything else you need? Oil? Curl cream?”
You hadn’t thought to check what was in the cupboard in the bathroom. “I’m not sure,” you admit.
“I have some. I’ll bring them by your room later this afternoon, just in case.”
Ghost offers to walk you back to your room, leaving Johnny behind to discuss something with Kyle, although as soon as the door closes, you hear a crash and a series of colourful swear words. You glance behind you as Ghost ushers you down the stairs. “Should we—”
“No. Trust me, Sweetpea. They’re just fine, and not doin’ anything you want to see.”
“Oh.” The implication warms you from the tips of your ears to somewhere in your belly.
“You’ve got the lads all worked up,” Ghost adds, as though you needed more context. “Competin’ with each other to get a smile out of you. Let ‘em blow off a little steam.”
“I don’t understand why they’re so concerned with me, if they have each other,” you say, trailing one hand over the wall, feeling the bumps of cool stone and seams between the cut blocks as you descend. “And John has made no secret of his intentions.”
He touches your arm to halt you, and moves past, taking a few extra steps so he stands below you, the near-hidden gleam of his eyes on level with yours. The two of you are alone here, where the curve of the stairs create a private universe, a pocket of stone and crystal light casting meagre shadow. "What are your intentions?" He asks. "Are you goin' to just let 'im take what 'e pleases?"
"I intend to go home," you say. "I won't be staying."
"Olright, maybe you do go 'ome. And what'f Kyle or Johnny came sniffin' round to court you themselves?"
"They won't."
"Why wun't they? You're a ray of sunshine sweet girl. You're the only one that don't see it."
"No, hush up for a moment, princess. You've got the wrong idea. I personally threatened every man that so much as looked your way. For years. Din't think about 'ow that'd make you feel. You're beautiful. Enough to chase, enough to go to bloody war for." His body is still, save for the slightest twitch of his fingers. “I don’t know why you can’t see it. You make us all crazy.”
The surety that John would really let you go slips as Ghost speaks, something fundamental about your footing in the world shifting uneasily beneath you. You had found comfort in the idea that you were quotidian, unremarkable. That the crown alone was aggrandizing, and you could pass unnoticed without it. Now you wonder if you’ve ever gone unnoticed, or if it was just that you had been too obtuse to see. “It doesn’t matter,” you insist. It’s easier to reject what he says outright, even if Ghost has never lied to you, never given you a reason to doubt his words. The ground settles. “I will be going home in a few days, and once John has my official endorsement none of you will have to keep an eye on me again.”
“You won’t rid yourself of me that easily,” he says firmly. “Keepin’ you safe’s one of the only jobs that I do that’s worth doin’. I promised your mum I would, an’ I don’t intend to break my oath just because you don’t think you’re worth it.”
“My mother asked you to?” You had always thought Ghost’s orders had come from your father, setting the quiet, faceless, black-clad knight on your heels, as close as a shadow, only leaving your side when the king sent him off to fight, somewhere far and away. “Why?”
“Figured she could tell I ‘aven’t got an ounce of ambition in me. Used to, before I came ‘ere. Didn’t do me any good. Can’t trust my own head, sometimes. But if I can trust what’s ‘ere—” He puts his hand to his chest, head tipped slightly to the side. “— Then I know I can trust what’s in there.” He lifts his hand and taps his finger against your forehead lightly.
You blink at him, surprised by how much he’s said all at once. Abruptly, he turns around and continues down the stairs, finished the conversation. You spur yourself back into motion, sweeping your skirts up with one hand so you don’t trip. There’s no doubt that you could trust Ghost to catch you, but the risk of sending you both tumbling down the long spiral staircase has you moving cautiously.
He stays with you for a bit, offering help unbraiding your hair and unbuttoning your dress, and leaves without protest when you ask him to. Predictably, he’s quiet the entire time, as though he used up his daily quota of words all at once in the stairway.
You lay out everything you need close to the tub, and sink into a hot bath, sighing. This is perhaps one of the few things you really did miss about castle life— Hot running water. If you wanted a hot bath in town, you would either have to go to the public bathhouse, or spend a good hour boiling enough water to fill a tub at Kate’s house.
You hum happily to yourself, which turns to singing out loud, the acoustics in the tiled room too good to resist. You sing your way through a number of folk songs as you run a cloth over your skin and scrub your hair clean, hot water and soap washing away what little of the darkness from that morning that company and distraction hadn’t banished, clinging shadows in the corners of your mind scoured clean again.
You pull the plug and let the water start to drain, and stand up, wringing your hair out before you reach over to the towel you’d set aside for yourself, bracing you hand on the side of the tub.
“What are you two muppets doing?” John’s voice coming through the cracked open door startles you. And it startles Johnny and Kyle too, because they tumble through the door onto the tiled floor, landing on top of each other in a heap.
You clutch the towel to your front, unable to keep yourself from letting out a surprised shriek. It takes a moment for surprise to give way to anger, your shocked, wide-eyed gaze traveling from Johnny’s red face to Kyle’s guilty expression to John in the doorway, a complicated mix of stony anger and surprise in his blue eyes. Both emotions fade as his attention lingers on your exposed legs, crawling up slowly.
“I came to drop off— But he was—” Kyle starts to try to explain himself.
“Dinnae try to blame tha’ on me, ye fuckin’ roaster, Ahm no’ a’ fault for what yer doin’,” Johnny cuts him off angrily, shoving Kyle off of him. “Yer no’ better than me just ‘cause ye weren’t here first.”
“I wouldn’t have—”
You level a glare at him that has his mouth shutting so fast that you can hear the click of his teeth. “Get out.”
The two of them scramble up and nearly fall over themselves trying to get out as quickly as possible, mortified to have been caught. They start sniping at each other before they’ve even gotten out of earshot.
John, however, doesn’t budge from the doorway. You direct your fury at him. “John. Get out.”
He doesn’t scramble to obey like the younger men did, as is he has any more right to be there than they did. “Sweetpea,” he says evenly, as though he expects to be able to talk you down from your very justified anger with a few measured words.
“Now,” you snap. “Before I lose my temper.”
He hesitates a moment longer, but the look on your face makes him reconsider trying to have a conversation with you for the moment, and he leans into the room just enough to grasp the door handle and pull it closed behind him as he retreats.
You look at the ceiling for a long moment, swallowing down the urge to scream.
By the time Ghost comes to fetch you for dinner (unsurprising that the other three didn’t have the nerve) you’ve mostly calmed down, untangling your emotions as you do your hair. You hope that John will have news of your cousin’s witness, so you can count down the days. The longing for home has intensified, and all you want is to curl up in your bed in Kate’s house and cry. If it will be weeks, you’ll ask if you can go home in the interim, and come back when the time comes to make your speech.
Ghost helps you button up your dress. You’re so tired of needing help from them. Your ire bleeds over, and you’re snappy with him too, annoyed that you’ve had to spend so much time with men lately. Aggravated that you’re forced to rely on them for something as private as getting dressed, when they shouldn’t even be alone with you in your room to begin with.
You apologize on the way down the stairs, however. Ghost just chuckles in response. “Even when you’re snappin’, you’re a peach,” he says. “Don’t think you missed a single opportunity for a please and thank you. Can’t ‘elp yourself from bein’ sweet.”
“Well, you didn’t do anything,” you say. “I’m not angry with you, I shouldn’t be rude.”
“Think it would be a bit of a lark, you bein’ rude.”
You laugh, and it clears away some of the lingering bitterness, like sediment washing away downstream. You feel remarkably clear-headed when you enter the dining room and face the three sets of guilty eyes.
All three of them start to speak at once, and stop as soon as you raise your hand. “I don’t want to hear it,” you say firmly. “All three of you are grown men, and you should know better than to behave so shamefully.”
John frowns, not happy to be receiving the same share of the blame. “Sweetpea, I wasn’t—”
“I am not finished.” You cut him off with a sharp look. “I know I do not need to chastise any of you. All of you were in the wrong. But I share some of the blame too, allowing you all free access to my space in the first place. So here is what will change. One, I would like a lock on my door. No more popping in without permission. Two, you will all learn how to knock. Three, I would like a lady to accompany me for the rest of my stay here. It is not appropriate for me to accept assistance from any man with dressing, and I do not require shadows following me everywhere I go.”
Ghost shifts beside you. “Now ‘old on,” he says. “You need protection.”
“I need no such thing. I do not believe there are assassins waiting around every corner for me.”
“I should be with you,” he insists. “If somethin’ ‘appens—”
“What do you expect is going to happen?” you ask hotly. You’ve lived on your own for years, and your hiding place was apparently well known to everyone. If an assassin was coming to dispatch you, they would have already come. The opportunities had likely been plentiful.
“Ghost is right. You need to be kept safe.” John holds up both hands when you look at him, half a surrender and half a plea for you to hear him out. You raise your eyebrows slightly, waiting. “A compromise. A fighting woman. Someone that can help you with anything you need, and can defend you if something were to happen.”
You incline your head. It’s a reasonable compromise. “That would be acceptable.”
“Farah?” Kyle asks.
“If she’ll say yes, she’d be the person I trust most with Sweetpea’s safety.” John glances at you, and offers you a little smile, like he’s not sure that you’re entirely done scolding. “You’ll like her. I’ll have her meet you in town tomorrow. Want you fitted for something nice to wear for your speech.”
“There is a closet full of perfectly nice dresses in my room,” you say. “I do not need anything else.”
“Indulge me. Your cousin’s man will be here tomorrow night, and the day after we’ll have you make your statement.” John’s smile widens, turning the slightest, inexplicable bit smug. “Want you to look your best, if it’s to be your last day as a princess, hm? And then on to better things.”
You sigh. It can't hurt to give in on this matter, since you won't have to stay much longer. “Very well, John. Although I think it’s a waste.”
The look in his deep blue eyes is inscrutable, but his smile doesn't slip. “I disagree. Nothing you let me give to you could ever be a waste.”
Image credits: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - Divider by CafeKitsune
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asha-mage · 1 year
I know complaining about the lack of socioeconomic information on the various societies in FFXIV is a bit like complaining about my omelet not having any chocolate syrup on it. But Robert Jordan has truly brain scorched me because I can't look at the Crystarium without wanting to scream how are you a functional society, what on EARTH must your tax code look like?, followed by shaking the whole place like an etch-a-sketch until it gives me answers.
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blockchain-official · 6 months
Hey everyine great news! My drop shiopping courses have been enough of a scusess tbat the
33 slurp juices remain. Your mission is to eliminate all of them before they can combine with an astro ape and mint a new astro ape
NFT game is back on! And there’s even better news!!!
Just ship a dead rat to 38.89679° N, 77.03601° W for a big surprise!!! Send me a pic of the surprise and you’ll even get a jared leto joker nft valued at 10 million billion dogecoin on us!!!
But hurry! This once in a lifetime opportunity is going away flr goot in just [function.timne+1]!!! Be sure to get in on the ground floor because forget the moon, we’re going all the way to freaking mars!!!
Did YOU seee the hiddem nessage??? Be sure to read the post thoroughly for any clues you might have missed!!!
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hammadchauhdary · 3 months
Mastering Forex Trading: Essential Skills and Techniques for Success
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As an experienced forex trader, I have come to understand the massive potential and opportunities that the forex market offers. Forex trading, also known as foreign exchange trading, involves the buying and selling of currencies to make a profit. The forex market is the largest and most liquid financial market in the world, with trillions of dollars traded daily. In this article, I will guide you through the essential skills and techniques that are crucial for success in forex trading.
Understanding the Forex Market
Before diving into forex trading, it is essential to have a solid understanding of the forex market. The forex market operates 24 hours a day, five days a week, allowing traders to participate from anywhere in the world. It is a dispersed market, meaning that there is no central exchange where all the trades take place. Instead, trading is conducted electronically over-the-counter (OTC), which means that all transactions are done through computer networks between traders around the globe.
The forex market consists of currency pairs, where one currency is bought while the other is sold. The value of a currency pair is determined by various factors such as economic indicators, geopolitical events, and market reaction. It is important for traders to analyze these factors and make informed decisions based on their research and technical analysis.
The Basics of Forex Trading
To begin your forex trading journey, it is crucial to grasp the basics of how the market works. The first step is to open a trading account with a decent forex broker. Choose a broker that offers a user-friendly trading platform, competitive spreads, and reliable customer support. Once you have opened an account, you can start practicing trading with a demo account. This allows you to explain yourself with the trading platform and test your strategies without risking real money.
In forex trading, you have the option to go long or short on a currency pair. Going long means buying a currency with the expectation that its value will rise, while going short means selling a currency with the expectation that its value will fall. It is important to note that forex trading involves leverage, which allows you to control a larger position with a smaller amount of capital. While leverage can amplify your profits, it can also increase your losses, so it is crucial to use it wisely and manage your risk effectively.
The Importance of Forex Trading Skills
To become a successful forex trader, it is essential to develop certain skills that will set you apart from the crowd. One of the most important skills is discipline. Forex trading requires a disciplined approach, as it is easy to let emotions take over and make thoughtless decisions. Stick to your trading plan, set realistic goals, and avoid chasing after quick profits. Patience is also a key skill, as forex trading is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes time and practice to develop a profitable trading strategy.
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Essential Techniques for Successful Forex Trading
When it comes to forex trading, there are several techniques that can greatly improve your chances of success. One such technique is fundamental analysis, which involves analyzing economic indicators, central bank announcements, and geopolitical events to predict currency movements. Stay updated with the latest news and economic data that can impact the forex market.
Another technique is technical analysis, which involves analyzing past price movements and using various indicators and chart patterns to predict future price movements. Learn to use popular technical indicators such as moving averages, MACD, and RSI to identify entry and exit points.
Furthermore, developing a trading strategy is essential for consistent profitability. A trading strategy outlines your approach to the market, including your entry and exit rules, risk management techniques, and the time frames you will trade on. Back test your strategy using historical data to ensure its effectiveness before applying it to live trading.
The Stop-Loss in Forex Trading in Depth with Examples
The stop-loss order is a powerful tool that every forex trader should utilize. It is a predetermined level at which you will exit a trade to limit your losses. Setting a stop-loss order is crucial for risk management and protecting your capital. Without a stop-loss order, you are exposed to unlimited losses if the market moves against your position.
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Risk Management in Forex Trading
Risk management is a crucial aspect of forex trading that cannot be ignored. It involves identifying and managing the risks associated with trading to protect your capital and minimize losses. Here are some key risk management techniques that every forex trader should implement:
Determine Your Risk Tolerance: Before entering a trade, assess how much risk you are willing to take. This will help you determine the appropriate position size and the maximum amount you are willing to lose.
Set Stop-Loss Orders: As mentioned earlier, setting stop-loss orders is essential for limiting losses. Always set a stop-loss order when entering a trade and adjust it as the trade progresses to lock in profits or reduce losses.
Use Proper Position Sizing: Position sizing refers to the number of lots or units you trade. It is important to calculate your position size based on your risk tolerance and the distance to your stop-loss level. This ensures that you are not risking too much on a single trade.
Diversify Your Portfolio: Avoid putting all your eggs in one basket by diversifying your trades. Trade different currency pairs and consider other asset classes such as supplies or keys to spread your risk.
Keep Emotions in Check: Emotions can cloud your judgment and lead to impulsive decisions. Stick to your trading plan and avoid making emotional trades based on fear or greed.
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Legal Aspects of Forex Trading in Pakistan
Forex trading in Pakistan operates under the regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP). The SECP is responsible for overseeing the financial markets and ensuring the protection of investors’ interests. It is legal for Pakistani residents to engage in forex trading, provided they do so through a licensed broker.
When choosing a forex broker in Pakistan, make sure to verify their regulatory status with the SECP. Licensed brokers are required to follow strict regulations, including the segregation of client funds, ensuring fair trading conditions, and providing transparent pricing. By trading with a regulated broker, you can have peace of mind knowing that your funds are protected and that you are trading in a secure environment.
Forex Trading Strategies and Tips
To succeed in forex trading, it is important to develop a trading strategy that suits your trading style and objectives. Here are some popular forex trading strategies:
Trend Following: This strategy involves identifying trends in the market and trading in the direction of the trend. Traders using this strategy aim to capture large moves in the market.
Breakout Trading: Breakout traders look for price levels where the market breaks out of a range or a specific pattern. They enter trades when the price breaks above resistance or below support levels.
Range Trading: Range traders identify price levels where the market tends to bounce between support and resistance. They enter trades when the price reaches the upper or lower boundaries of the range.
Scalping: Scalpers aim to make small profits from quick trades. They enter and exit trades within minutes or even seconds, taking advantage of small price variations.
Regardless of the strategy you choose, here are some important tips to keep in mind:
Stick to your trading plan and avoid impulsive decisions.
Practice proper risk management to protect your capital.
Keep a trading journal to track your trades and learn from your mistakes.
Stay updated with the latest news and economic data that can impact the forex market.
Continuously educate yourself and stay well-informed of new developments and trading techniques.
Forex Trading Tools and Resources
To enhance your trading experience and improve your chances of success, there are several tools and resources available to forex traders. Here are some essential ones:
Trading Platforms: Choose a user-friendly trading platform that provides real-time market data, advanced charting tools, and the ability to execute trades effortlessly.
Economic Calendar: An economic calendar provides a schedule of upcoming economic events, such as central bank announcements and economic indicators releases. It helps you stay informed about potential market-moving events.
Technical Analysis Tools: Use popular technical analysis tools such as moving averages, MACD, and RSI to analyze price charts and identify trends and trading opportunities.
Trading Education: Invest in your trading education by enrolling in online courses, attending webinars, or reading books on forex trading. Continuous learning is crucial for staying ahead in the ever-changing forex market.
Trading Communities: Join online trading communities or forums where you can interact with fellow traders, share ideas, and learn from each other’s experiences. Networking with other traders can provide valuable insights and support.
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Conclusion and Next Steps
Mastering forex trading requires time, dedication, and continuous learning. By understanding the forex market, developing essential skills, employing effective techniques, and managing risks, you can increase your chances of success in this exciting and dynamic industry.
As a next step, open a demo account with a reputable forex broker and start practicing your trading strategies. Take advantage of the educational resources and tools available to you and stay committed to your trading goals. Remember, consistency and discipline are the keys to long-term profitability in forex trading.
Now that you have the essential skills and techniques, it’s time to begin your forex trading journey with confidence. Start small, manage your risks, and always strive to improve your trading skills. With time and experience, you can become a successful forex trader. Happy trading!
Open a demo account with a reputable forex broker and start practicing your trading strategies today.
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bitchesgetriches · 4 months
Want to learn how to invest?
Our beloved comrade, Dumpster Doggy aka Amanda Holden, is teaching an investing workshop starting THIS SUNDAY, FEB 4. Dumpster Doggy designed this workshop as your first step toward financial freedom, and it is perfect for beginners and those who just want to understand the reasoning and mechanics behind investing.
This workshop is for you if you:
Have debt — yes, you should consider investing even if you have debt now
Don't know where to start 
Want to be certain that your educational foundation is absolutely solid 
Understand that investing is the key to building wealth, and know that a paycheck alone is not wealth
Don't want to work forever
Want your money to start working for you
Know that you just need to get started—no matter how small the dollar amount! 
Know that education must be your foundation and that investing without knowledge is dangerous 
Have a workplace retirement account
Don't have a workplace retirement account
The course costs $15. We wouldn't recommend something paid like this if we didn't believe in it, so this endorsement does NOT come lightly. Amanda is one of our ride-or-dies, and she left Wall Street so she could teach investing through a feminist lens.
But if $15 is too rich for your blood, we are offering Amanda's course FOR FREE to our Patreon donors. Sign up at the $5 level or higher and it's yours ($15-$5=$10 SAVINGS HOLY CANNOLI). We'll have the information for Patreon donors up tomorrow.
Lastly, if you can't make it live, you'll still get a recording of the workshop. So don't worry if you're not available this Sunday. Ok here are those links again:
Investing for Freedom Workshop with Dumpster Doggy
Bitches Get Riches Patreon for free access to workshop
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somecunttookmyurl · 6 months
good morning i slept for 1.5h last night and i can feel every one of those 90 minutes individually
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slythereen · 9 months
hey christian horner do you remember how you were talking about mclaren forcing daniel to alter his own driving style little by little and destroying his talent and how heinous they were to do such a thing and thank god rbr saved him. remember that
anyway totally unrelated: wouldn’t it be great if charles leclerc didn’t have to fight his car every week
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anhed-nia · 3 months
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These THINGS are in my ROOM. I keep covering my eyes and saying ARE THEY STILL THERE?, and then I look and they ARE. They EXIST. Be warned, this can happen to you too if you pre-order my SPLICE novelization from Encyclopocalypse Publications! Eternal thanks to the extremely supportive Vincenzo Natali for making my life much, much weirder.
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xchdraws · 3 months
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he loves playing caravan so the playing card design for a swap card fits perfectly. if i do say so myself
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clotpolesonly · 10 months
i wonder what kind of money laundering scheme the Lynches had set up, cuz ain't nobody nowhere believed that that cattle farm would make them multi millions of dollars
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electoons · 3 months
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giving my ldb a daughter. embarrassing for all involved. mostly me
#her mom is an orc and her dad is a wood elf so she's going to be a very pointy orc. angular#like ok i suppose i leaned a little heavy on the elf features but also shes 12. she'll develop more orcish features. Not My Fault 😐#mimiart#weird little girl who pretends to be a wolf -> actual werewolf pipeline#elder scrolls#skyrim#shes sooo sweet and smiley :) idk where that comes from. not either of her parents. neither a point for nature nor nurture#calling her Khara for now. might change idk#re: my caption its only embarrassing because of who she had the child with. he fucking sucks#but so does she which is why they get along and they make each other worse. but also sometimes better#whatever. they love each other and their weird kids#at first they said “no kids absolutely the fuck not” then they decided to adopt alesan because like. hes already pretty much self sufficien#like he had a job and everything right. this will be a breeze hes already pretty much a fully formed human we can just help him out#by letting him sleep in our house right. and then like not even a full year later uloth gets pregnant oops 😬#does anyone here know how to keep a baby alive. thankfully uloth has amassed basically a small village of followers/friends/housecarls#some more responsible and knowledgeable than others. so dw the kids are okay and not dead#they just keep the necromancy and shady black market trading and unethical experiments OUTSIDE THE HOUSE#tes#ocs#oc#khara has only broken her dads finger once. orc grip you know how it is
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