#manhunt clowns
laufire · 7 months
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pls @ dc. isn't dealing with just one (1) of these motherfuckers enough.
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deadpuppetboi · 2 years
The Clowns Headcanons-
- Yeah, some of these guys are actual clowns, they have their official licenses.
- On crack 24/7, heavy drug addicts will get massive withdrawals without them.
- They do their make-up, messy sometimes but they got it.
- If they see or hear any mention of The Smileys, they will all go into a massive fit.
- Some dance to the music they play in their hideouts but they will fall.
- Have plenty of tricks up their sleeves, yet they fail to see that they execute them poorly.
- Will make off-handed jokes about themselves, their partners, the parties they go to, and so on.
- Yes, one of them has a massive mallet.
- One of the members looks like a mime but will take offense to being called one.
- One member, in particular, loves to eat kids' meals.
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begaycommittreason · 7 months
a non-comprehensive list of reasons why bruce has tried banning halloween in the manor
1. dick was overly trusting of clowns as a child. he still holds the family record for most kidnappings in a single night
2. jason tried wearing his robin uniform as a costume. every. year.
3. jason then graduated to dressing up as his corpse and haunting (traumatizing) his brothers
4. cass always manages to scare him. no clark he does not shriek.
5. tim, duke, and steph got ‘spooky scary skeletons’ stuck in his head and martian manhunter started laughing at him in a JL meeting because of it
6. damian was followed and subsequently kidnapped by what they assumed was a group of very tall trick or treaters, but were actually just the league
7. that time of year is when jerry the turkey gets a little self aware (re: defensive). there have been incidents.
8. he walked downstairs only to be greeted with every member of his family dressed like green lantern. even alfred.
9. young justice decided to throw a giant party and to get in you had to wear the shittiest batman costume possible for their contest
10. jason won said contest. he didn’t even stay for the party, he just wanted the excuse
11. gotham rogues are drama kids and are therefore sluts for good thematic irony, so half of them do special edition attacks on halloween
12. the kids all do a candy swap at the end of the night, they invite kate and not him
13. tim has an allergy to peppermint and never seems to be aware of this, so he has to keep multiple epi pens on standby
14. he’s expected to wear slutty costumes and that’s just not worth his playboy cover
15. alfred only confiscates the candy he gets
16. he was just really hungover one year
17. damian has made them all watch coraline so. many. times. he doesn’t even get nightmares anymore
18. tim goes on a sugar high and has to be put on tech lockdown or he might frame lex luthor for murder and extort 90% of gotham’s elite
19. when dick and jason were younger they left open pumpkins outside his door and he would accidentally step in them every morning
20. damian tried to convince them to bob for apples with lazarus water
21. tim fell asleep while bobbing for apples (in normal water) and almost drowned
22. dick and steph drew a glittery skeleton over the batsuit
23. when he complains they all call him the grinch. it’s not even christmas.
24. pumpkin carving always leads to them flinging the innards at eachother and making a mess even alfred refuses to clean
25. the validity of candy corn argument comes to blows. every. single. year.
26. duke lead a revolt one year against the tyranny of bruce’s “no slanderous costumes” policy (he wanted to be slutty batman)
27. the kids throw a rager in the cave and somehow never get caught. it’s the only time they’re all willing to clean and it pisses bruce off that he can’t prove it.
28. bruce got sick and clark walked around the watchtower in a batman costume pretending to be him for two days
29. steph and dick glued the lorax mustache to him while he was sleeping because he refused to pick a costume. it didn’t come off for a week, and lois posted an article speculating he was secretly a natural ginger.
30. all the kids stayed in once and watched ‘it’s the great pumpkin charlie brown’ instead of partying and he’s been trying to get them to do it again ever since
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Writing Prompt:
Danny gets joker gassed and escapes through a portal. The whole league tries their best to find him, knowing that every second the venom is on his system makes the effects more and more permanent.
Unfortunately, they fail to catch him before things turn critical, and Martian Manhunter finds him ranting and raving about his powers and the stars while walking along a side street.
Danny is starstruck, being able to find just a little more fight in him in order to talk coherently with his idol.
He keeps Danny company as he takes a turn for the worst, the two of them still walking down the street. Eventually, John picks him up and wraps him in his cape as Danny is racked with tremors and can no longer comfortably move. J'ohn takes him to the watchtower for a last ditch attempt to treat the venom, knowing in his heart that Danny isn't long for this world.
Danny dies fully with a view of the stars, John holding his hand while Batman and the rest of the league scramble to find his family.
Unknown to them, Danny becomes a full ghost, the only evidence of the venom being a fear of clowns and a cut smile.
Whether or not Danny returns to his family is up to you, but either way, he gains new mentors in the league and maybe even joins it.
@die-erlkonigin6083 @disillusioneddanny
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radiantmists · 11 months
this has haunted me since the first time i watched the movie.
[ID: two clips from Nimona. In the first, from the knighting ceremony, Ambrosius turns to Ballister with a wink and says, "Here comes the woo." Then he walks forward, calls "Woo!" and the crowd echoes him. The video cuts to a scene from the flashback, where Gloreth throws a rock into a bucket, then gives herself a little "Woo!" of celebration. Nimona watches from the forest. End ID]
when we first see ambrosius do this, he's just the golden boy jock hyping up a crowd; fine, whatever.
the second time, it's with this little smirking comment to ballister and we realize that its part of his Brand, but we've also seen him constantly joking with and gently ribbing ballister to cheer him up so it feels like a sincere part of his Brand, him sharing his excitement because he knows it makes other people smile. it's self-aware but still feels genuine, like ambrosius is just this class-clown sort of person who likes acting a little silly to make people happy.
and then we get ambrosius cutting his boyfriend's arm off because he was trained to, hunting his best friend down because he's expected to. we see how he hides his mental anguish from the people around him, even the director who he seems to genuinely care about and who's offering to listen. we get him trying to arrest bal, really believinh he's a killer, at least in part because bal's consorting with a monster and ambrosius knows what he's supposed to think about monsters. we see him latch on to the first explanation he's told for the director's confession, because it means she's good and bal's good but misguided and the monster's evil, just like it's supposed to be.
and then we see gloreth do the woo, and it's nothing like when ambrosius does it-- she thinks she's entirely alone, she's just cheering for herself out of pure and childlike joy, because she is a child and she's having fun.
but think about how this little mannerism has to have been carried into gloreth's adulthood, how people must have latched onto it so that it got passed down through generations. how it's not only self-aware on ambrosius' part but a deliberate part of his image as the direct descendent of gloreth.
except that infectious cheerfulness is also how he acts with ballister in private, and the people-pleasing is so ingrained that he pauses a manhunt to sign autographs. he needs his boyfriend to tell people about his allergies. he always smells of lavender and he bleaches his hair blond.
and some of these aren't bad things! but it begs the question, how much of who ambrosius is-- not just how he presents, but his whole identity-- was constructed to fit the perfect golden boy image?
and how sad is it that the kingdom and its forces of tradition and conformity managed to twist even this little, kinda dorky expression of joy into something obligatory?
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Bateman Begins Part 42
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Notes: I'm aiming to have 3-4 more chapters before wrapping this up. Just a heads up.
Pairing: Nathan Bateman x Reader
Rating: M
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There's police tape criss-crossing the front entrance, and across a few of the windows
The kitchen door is untouched
The camera outside of it appears to be disabled
You scour around, spotting a large rock
It's cool and heavy as you pick it up, and you find yourself wincing before you even throw the damn thing.
The shattering seems ear-splitting in the relative silence around the mansion.
"Sorry, Alfred," You mutter as you slide your sleeve down over your hand, reaching through the broken pane to unlock the door.
The quiet is eerie as you walk around. The mansion has always been enormous, but walking through it alone and hearing the echo of your footsteps makes your stomach churn with discomfort.
Are the cops monitoring this place? They must be, right? Is there anyone stationed nearby, watching the house?
You do not have time to be booked for breaking and entering
And how would that even play in the press?
Deranged Bateman Enterprises Employee Returns to Gotham and Breaks Into Missing Boss' House
Vicki Vale would probably love that.
At least you have an alibi for whatever the hell happened.
And what the hell did happen?
You duck beneath the police tape cordoning off his lab, looking around.
There's police tape across the window there, too. If police had seen Bateman—well, Batman—leaving through there...
You turn to the bookshelves as you consider the possibilities.
Maybe Nathan had to have been coming or going, saw the police and ran.
But to not come back?
Something must have been deeply wrong.
You walk over to the bookshelf, gently levering down Nathan's false copy of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and waiting as the bookshelf sinks to the side.
You walk cautiously toward it, eyeing the elevator. The structure seems secure; nothing appears to be out of place.
You step onto it and pull the lever to lower yourself into the cave.
You turn to look down, listening as the clanking of the machinery awakens some of its bat inhabitants.
Everything in the cave seems as untouched as the mansion. You press your hand to the biometric scanner, looking up as the screens come to life.
Camera first, you think.
Maybe some of the questions that you have can be solved by whatever footage you can get from the mansion.
But when you try to view the logs from the past few days, access is denied.
There's a password protection of Nathan's that you can't override.
You try everything that you can possibly think of, but nothing pops.
You're in the middle of attempting to override his security when a livestream of the news catches your eye.
Your brow furrows as you eye the runner:
You reach down, turning up the volume on that feed.
The anchor's voice crackles slightly before steadying:
"For our top story: Gotham has been gripped by fear as a gang of masked perpetrators wreak havoc on the city. Authorities have struggled to contain the situation, with the Gotham PD launching a city-wide manhunt. Graffiti of clown figures and Joker cards have appeared on buildings across the city, with the rate of their creation outpacing the city's ability to cover or remove them. Mayor Garcia has mandated a city-wide curfew in attempt to stem the rising tide of clown-related crimes. Meanwhile, rumors continue to circulate about the disappearance of both Nathan Bateman and Batman. Some are questioning whether the billionaire has chosen to resume the hermitage that he held after college, or if he's being held for ransom by the masked vigilante. Others speculate that Batman is somehow behind the growing clown posse."
The footage flickered to an older woman on the street, her brows knitted as a microphone is thrust into her face.
"I've never seen this many clowns in my life. Not once. Not even when the circus came to town. Not even when I met my ex-husband's family."
You frown as the footage flickered to a familiar face—one that turns your stomach.
Vicki looks a little flighty, and hardly stands still to answer the question that the reporter poses. Her face is pinched; there are dark bags under her eyes as she gives a staccato reply:
"No one has ever seen Nathan Bateman and Batman in the same room, have they? No one. His last name is one letter away—has anyone ever considered that?"
You scoff, shaking your head.
She's right, of course, but that doesn't exactly settle your nerves.
The news turns to another interview—a young man with closely cropped hair, his features obscured behind a thick smear of white makeup and overdrawn red lips.
"Why's everyone getting so worked up over a little makeup?" His face splits into a grin as he grasps the microphone and runs away with it, cackling gleefully into it.
You wince at the sound of the laugh, a chill running down your spine as it pricks memories of your nightmares.
The footage cuts back to the anchor in the studio shuffling their papers before they fold their hands over their notes.
"Commissioner Gordon has urged citizens to remain vigilant and report and sightings of suspicious acrobatics, or people wearing an excessive amount of makeup or face paint."
You reach out, turning the volume back down as you lean back, eyeing the other news feeds.
"Jesus, Nathan," You sigh. "What the hell happened?"
You can't stop staring at the trash can.
Why the hell did Nathan keep them?
No—No, it can't be the same trash that it was when you left. You haven't been in the Blue Room in almost two years.
You came up in the vain hope that you may have a thing or two left in here, but...It's the same.
Everything is the same.
The designer clothing and bags that Nathan got you are still in the drawers and closet.
Your favorite products are still in the ensuite bathroom.
And as you crouch down and pick up one of the crumpled pieces of paper, your blood running cold as you spot your handwriting.
You drop it again and straighten up, bracing your hands on the desk as your chest tightens.
Why did he leave it like this? Did he close the door and forget about it?
Did he think you were coming back—
You turn away, pushing a low groan out as you shake your tingling hands out, trying to push back your conflicting confusion and hope.
Fuck, whatever it was won't matter until you figure out what the fuck happened—
You freeze at the sound of the brief buzz. It stops as suddenly as it starts...
You wonder if maybe you imagined it—
You look around the room, frowning. What the hell is that?
It's close enough that you can hear it, but it's not in the room anywhere.
You step into the hall, following the sound toward Nathan's room.
You find yourself raising your hand to knock, then shake your head. No one is in there, right?
You're still hesitant to open the door, wincing at its creaking before you step inside. The buzz grows louder as you approach his bedside table.
You open the drawer and find it...Empty.
But you can still hear and now feel the vibration. You knock on the bottom of the drawer, thrilling as you hear the hollow thonk.
It takes a few tries, but you find the small tab to lift the false bottom and find...
A flip phone.
A flip phone? Why the hell would Nathan have a flip phone?
This seems like the kind of thing that he would've mocked you for having when you first met.
You pull the phone out of the drawer, eyeing the caller ID.
You hesitate before you flip it open, raising it to your ear.
You don't speak, you just listen.
For a moment, you hear nothing. And then—
"Where the hell have you been, man?"
The man's voice is familiar. It's on the tip of your tongue...
"Still not talking?" He pushes. "You're lucky I'm not tracing this call after all the shit you pulled. Look—the mayor is on my ass. I need you to meet me tonight, usual time, usual place."
You flounder wordlessly before you push out the lowest, gruffest answer you can: "Can't."
You wince. Damn—You couldn't sound like Nathan if you tried.
The man's so flustered that he doesn't seem to notice.
"The hell do you mean, can't? You can't go AWOL like this. I need you to rattle some cages. I've got a lead on this clown gang, but I can't go after it myself."
You scrub your hand over your face. You can't go after them the way Nathan could, but you could do some research, right?
"Send the information," You grit out.
"It's too sensitive to send."
"...I'll send an address and time," You manage before snapping the phone shut.
You stare at the phone for a few moments, braced as if it'll explode.
When the man doesn't call back, you push out a soft, relieved breath.
Alright, you need somewhere you can meet whoever this is—somewhere you know the terrain, have the upper hand.
You may have once promised Nathan that you'd never go back to the Narrows without him, but he isn't there.
You are. You need answers.
Whatever this person has might lead you to Nathan.
But how the hell are you going to turn up without revealing who you are to...Whoever this is?
Nathan's armor is too heavy for you.
You're not in bad shape, but Nathan is strong in a way that you aren't.
You can pair down...Can't you?
You don't need all of the armor. If you play this right, whatever this meeting is won't end in conflict.
But you have a bigger problem than the armor.
You can't growl all night. That little bit in the bedroom hurt, and you'll never get away sounding the way you did in person.
You look around the lab, trying to cobble your thoughts together.
The helmet. You'll start with the helmet.
You'll need to adjust the design to include a voice modulator.
Okay. You can do this.
You've sent the C.G. contact an address and a time. You'll meet with him at five to midnight. You have eight hours.
You need to make the voice modulator first.
Once that's done, you'll go through the cave and see if any of the lighter kevlar that you designed and ordered is still there.
You're not as worried about covering your legs, but your arms, chest, neck, and voice are what you're worried about tonight.
With any luck, this is the only iteration of this suit that you'll need, and the only time that you'll need to wear it.
Tag list: @blueeyesatnight ; @massivecolorspygiant ; @foxilayde @danniburg ; @brandyllyn ; @missredherring ; @the-feckless-wonder ; @ew-erin ; @xocalliexo ; @youngkenobilove ; @chattychell ; @lorecraft  ; @thembosapphicclown ; @buckybarneshairpullingkink
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phantom-dc · 1 year
Dad Hood - part 13
‘And this is the bat-computer!’
Tim was showing his friends around. He was being supervised by Dick so he didn’t get overzealous and show stuff he wasn’t supposed to, and Danny and Jason tagged along as well. Danny had been eager to see the creepy lair. Superboy, Wondergirl and Impulse were also impressed.
‘This is so cool!’
‘How is this place so big?’
‘Is that a dinosaur?’
Batman was annoyed. He was still on the Bat-computer, trying to find Joker when the group had entered. Now his concentration was being challenged. But he had promised Tim a month ago that he could show them around, so he couldn’t say no. Not as long as it seemed that Joker still hiding and not making any moves. Meanwhile, Danny was getting curious over Tim’s friends. Did everyone in Gotham dress in weird outfits?
‘Are you all like my family? Everyone dresses so weird!’
Impulse puffs up his chest, eager to impress the little man.
‘Yep! We are all super heroes! We even have powers, unlike the Bats here!’
Danny looks confused. He thought that his Daddy was a grave digger, not a superhero. This was way cooler! This takes the group by surprise. Why would Danny think that Jason was a grave digger?
‘Uncle Dick told me daddy puts bad people in the ground! I thought it was really nice that he makes graves for bad people. Everyone likes to have them. Then your friends can leave you gifts! I wish I had a grave, then I could get gifts too!’
The group gets uncomfortable. As Jason laughs it off, he gets a weird feeling. Handing Danny over to Dick, he takes out his notebook. He looks at Danny. He looks at Bruce still doing research. Then he looks back at Danny. And lastly at the notebook filled with powers. Telling Dick to get Danny upstairs, he grabbed Superboy by the collar and dragged him of.
‘Kon, with me. NOW!’
Superboy was confused, letting Jason drag him to the Bat-computer. As they reached Bruce, Jason took a deep breath.
‘Hey, B! I was thinking, with how badly this investigation is going maybe we could ask for a bit of help? Now that Tim’s buddies are here anyway?’
Bruce sighed. He usually didn’t want other supers operating in his city, but Jason was right. Perhaps Superboy could find something he missed with his X-ray vision, or hear something he couldn’t. After Bruce showed Kon the location Dick last saw the Joker on a map, Kon took off. Tim was looking at Jason, suspicious at his nervous behavior. Taking Jason apart, he asked Jason why he was acting weird, which Jason denied.
‘Weird? Me? No no. I’m just… nervous. I don’t like having that clown on the loose, especially now that I have a son! I don’t think that is weird at all! It would be weirder if I wasn’t nervous!’
Before Tim can interrogate him further, Kon comes back. He too looks very nervous. Bruce approaches him, telling him to report.
‘Yeah, so… uhm… He’s… underground?’
Bruce was getting frustrated. He asked Kon to elaborate. Is he in a tunnel? An underground hide-out? He needed details!
‘Well… no. He’s… stuck. Like, in the ground. It’s almost like he phase-shifted like Martian Manhunter, but got stuck halfway. I’ve never seen anything like it.’
The group was shocked. How could that happen? Bruce feared the answer on his next question:
‘Is he…’
‘Oh, he’s very dead. I don’t know if it was because he was unable to breathe, or because literally every inch of his body is filled with soil. He must’ve died almost instantaneous.’
As Bruce was processing the information, the group heard a loud bonk. Jason had fainted for the second time in 3 days.
The next day, the whole family had gone to the mall. Alfred had ordered it as a distraction from the revelation of the day before.
‘Jason, you can’t say this is my fault!’
‘I. Blame. You.’
Jason and Dick were arguing quietly. They couldn’t let the others hear them, especially now that they were in public. After Tim’s friends had left, Bruce contacted Martian Manhunter to remove the body. He had been on Mars and couldn’t be there for at least a month, but it wasn’t like the body was going anywhere. So to take his mind of things, Alfred had ordered Bruce to take his kids out shopping. Now that Jason was awake Bruce could take him and Danny on a shopping spree, and Danny was delighted at the amount of toys they had already collected. This had done nothing to ease Jason’s nerves, though, and he was taking it out on Dick.
‘Look, how was I supposed to know Danny could phase-shift? It wasn’t in the notebook!’
‘Yeah, the book you didn’t read! And you wouldn’t have had to know if you had watched Danny like you were supposed to!’
Dick shushed Jason before he got too loud. The family still didn’t know that Danny was at the scene of Joker’s death, nor that Danny was a meta. Jason made it very clear he didn’t want Bruce to know about Danny’s affinity with the Lazarus Pit.
‘And for god’s sake, why did you tell him that I ‘put bad people in the ground’? Why on earth would you say that to a kid? What were you thinking?’
‘Look, Jason, I was so tired! I couldn’t think straight!’
‘Yeah, obviously you didn’t! I mean, what-’
Tim decided to cut the brothers off. They were getting loud, and if they stayed back much longer Cass might pick up on their argument. They were lucky she was distracted with Danny for as long as she had been.
‘Keep it down, you guys are going to alert the whole shopping mall! What’s done is done. What matters now is how we’re going to hide this from Bruce?’
‘Hide what?’
Suddenly Bruce appeared behind them. He was wearing a disguise, as he didn’t want the media hounding them. So far it had worked, and he had gotten Danny half a toy store worth of stuff. Looking behind Bruce, Jason could see Duke carrying a bag full of stuffed animals and Steph was holding so many Justice League toys they nearly fell out her hands. Cass was holding a box with an action figure of every member of the Bat family and the Justice League and a very expensive Make-your-own-hero set. It had been Cass’s suggestion, since the Red Hood didn’t have an action figure, with him being a drug-lord and all. This way they could make Danny a figure of his dad to play with.
‘Hide the… bottle of champagne Jason bought to celebrate. You know he hated the Joker, but we thought it was inappropriate to party in front of you. Sorry about that.’
Tim was one of the few that could lie successfully to Bruce. Jason was very happy that he didn’t rat them out. Hopefully they could keep this hidden a bit longer.
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w0oin · 2 years
I'm bored i keep thinking about Danny having yt channel him singing with other ppl voice since i learned that he can do voice manipulation... I'm just imagining him singing let's say 'This is Halloween' JL ver. Him singing it was for a dare but it got viral because of how it matches perfectly. The very scary ass voice for Batman, the strong voice for wonder women and the goof but so much Flash voice. The voices they usually heard when watching the news of world destruction, ppl who tried to evacuate from danger turned into catchy song.
Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
Come with us and you will see
This, our town of Halloween
This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Pumpkins scream in the dead of night
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene
Trick or treat 'til the neighbors gonna die of fright
It's our town, everybody scream
In this town of Halloween-danny
I am the one hiding under your bed
Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red-the flash
I am the one hiding under your stairs
Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair-batman
This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Halloween, Halloween
Halloween, Halloween-danny
In this town we call home
Everyone hail to the pumpkin song- Green lantern
In this town, don't we love it now?
Everybody's waiting for the next surprise- Martian manhunter
'Round that corner, man hiding in the trash can-
Something's waiting now to pounce and how you'll scream- flash- green arrow
This is Halloween, red and black, slimy green
Aren't you scared? Well, that's just fine-Superman
Say it once, say it twice
Take a chance and roll the dice
Ride with the moon in the dead of night- wonder women
Everybody scream, everybody scream-batman
In our town of Halloween-danny
I am the clown with the tear-away face
Here in a flash and gone without a trace-aquaman
I am the who when you call, "Who's there?"-wonderwomen
I am the wind blowing through your hair-wonderwomen
I am the shadow on the moon at night-batman
Filling your dreams to the brim with fright
This is Halloween, this is Halloween-aquaman-flash
Halloween, Halloween- wonderwomen
'Alloween, 'alloween
'Alloween, 'alloween-aquaman
Tender lumplings everywhere
Life's no fun without a good scare
That's our job, but we're not mean- GL
In our town of Halloween
In this town, don't we love it now?
Everybody is waiting for the next surprise- Martian Manhunter
Skeleton Jack might catch you in the back
And scream like a banshee
Make you jump out of your skin-Green arrow
This is Halloween, everybody scream
Won't you please make way for a very special guy
Our man Jack is king of the Pumpkin Patch
Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King now-superman
This is Halloween, this is Halloween
'Alloween, 'alloween
'Alloween, 'alloween-danny
In this town we call home
Everyone hail to the pumpkin song-batman
Flash who found the song blast it through the watch tower. The Justice League maybe who was included in the song just confused why and how r their voices in the song. Meta who can mimic other ppl voice just by hearing it?
I am bored this is corney af and ain't regretting shit
Also this- this.
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roetrolls · 2 months
Loose Reins
Zerkev is just about sick of dealing with clowns. Putting up with Yumeno’s useless ass was bad enough, but this? This is something else.
“I should kill them both right now,” the Marauder spits, his vision practically blurred with the heat of his rage. In front of him, the Dominion cocks his head, a finger resting against his cheek and the faintest hint of a smile on his lips.
“Just them?” he asks, amused. “How merciful.”
In a flash, three golden prongs are leveraged at his throat. The giant allows his glowing gaze to drift, briefly, to the trident in his overseer’s hands.
“You crossed the line,” Zerkev growls through a throat full of gravel, expression dangerously cold. “A smarter man would be begging on his knees for my forgiveness.”
“A younger man, maybe. I fear I’d struggle to get up again.”
“Is this a joke to you, Mahkir?”
“A joke? Never. Amusing though, certainly.”
Zerkev’s face darkens, almost imperceptibly, but the purpleblood is keen enough to spot it. He straightens slightly in his throne, shifting away from the weapon with as much subtlety as he can manage. Imposing as Harlan’s stature may be, it is not his presence that sucks the air from the room.
“Take your weapon,” the general orders.
Harlan regards him curiously. “Is it a fight you want, Pravus? I thought you smarter than that.”
“Take. Your weapon.”
Wordlessly, the Dominion follows his command, reaching over his seat’s left side to close his bulky fingers around the club that lays propped against its base. He twirls it idly in his hand and moves to rise, empty right fist gripping the throne’s arm for leverage.
Then, before he can stand, he is forced back by the triad of spikes that Zerkev plunges through his bicep, piercing both skin and muscle in one single, practiced thrust. Pink light bounces off the golden surface once more as Harlan turns his eyes to the injury, the mild bewilderment they carry masking any hint of the pain he must be feeling.
“I see,” he sneers before turning his focus back to the seadweller.
“Where did you find him?”
“Oh? Was I meant to be involved in your little manhunt?”
He can feel the fury pooling in his gut, but Zerkev maintains an eerie calm as he turns the trident, a half inch at most, and watches the clown grit his teeth in response. A warning.
“You involved yourself,” he hisses coolly, “when you sent your dogs after my child.”
“Such a strange practice, parenthood. Hard to imagine you of all trolls denying the natural order of things so egregiously.”
“I did not ask for your commentary.”
“You’re not here for a chat?”
Zerkev growls, fins flaring in agitation, and Harlan breaks into a grin. It’s rare to see such emotional displays from the Marauder, and even with the man’s weapon lodged in his arm, he is clearly delighted. They both know how transparent--how vulnerable--he has just made himself.
“What are you here for, Pravus? Do you know?”
“I am reminding you of your place.”
“How is that going?”
It takes everything in Zerkev’s power not to twist his trident in response. As much as Harlan deserves the goring, rewarding him with such a strong reaction would serve only to grant him more power. The Marauder exhales through his nose and squares his jaw, certain that his knuckles have gone white beneath his gloves.
“You are on very thin ice, Mahkir,” he warns him instead, fighting to keep his voice level over the thrum of blood in his ears.
“So I can see.”
With a snarl, Zerkev lunges forward and grabs the behemoth by the collar, yanking hard to bring the clown’s face level with his own. Harlan’s eyes widen slightly, surprise momentarily wiping the smug expression from his face.
“I understand this may be beyond what a heartless bastard like you can comprehend,” the seadweller grits, “but I want you to listen to me, Mahkir. Very. Carefully. If you ever touch my son again, I will kill you.”
His quiet intensity is enough to startle even Harlan, and the clown opens his mouth silently in search of a response.
“You hear me, you overgrown brute? No fancy threats, no dramatic vagueries; the next time you come for one of mine, it’s your head.” He jiggles the trident for good measure, his tone eerily calm for the promise it carries.
Harlan regards him carefully, still hunched awkwardly in Zerkev’s grip, then that cantankerous smile emerges once more. “You know, the past twelve sweeps make far more sense to me now.”
Confusion and wariness creep onto the seadweller’s face in tandem. Harlan continues with a hum. 
“I’d assumed it was merely your usual neuroses, but… Blood of all things? That is a rather glaring weakness, isn’t it?”
The Marauder’s stony expression drops, and Harlan pulls out of his slackened grasp to sit up straight again.
“I’d have cut my losses the moment I learned of it, personally. Terrible liability.” He taps a finger against his chin, his casual, musing tone a stark contrast to the threat behind his gaze. “So easy to leverage.”
The comment, as simple as it is, is exactly enough to push the general over the edge. He can almost feel it as the final straw lands upon his back, and with fangs bared, he at last gives in to the impulse that has plagued him since he entered this wretched chapel: 
Hurt him. 
A growl bubbles from Zerkev’s chest as he wrenches the trident in Harlan’s arm, inviting three thick streams of viscous purple blood to ooze from the wound as he gives the staff a vicious, painful twist. The Dominion masks his grimace with a snarl, free arm shooting across his chest to grip the pole and hold it still. 
“Your audacity is mind-boggling,” Zerkev hisses. “You want to play extortion, Mahkir? Fine.”
Satisfied for now with the violence he has inflicted, he tugs the trident free from his underling’s flesh, leaving the giant to clamp his dominant left hand over the gaping holes now bleeding freely in his arm. 
He should have known better than to threaten the snake himself. Harlan thinks himself invincible, and any harm Zerkev could promise the man would be easily dismissed. Making a real, actionable threat is going to require a different approach.
“If Mallum ever comes to harm, by your words or by your actions,” he scowls, “I will personally see to it that no grub bearing your name will leave the caverns again.”
The Dominion’s lip twitches, pulling back into a lopsided snarl that broadcasts exactly how easily this new angle has burrowed beneath his skin. Zerkev, however, is too busy seething to appreciate the triumph.
“That glorious symbol of yours will be nothing more than a marker-- a note to the caverns to cull on sight and exterminate your pathetic spawn like the pests they are.”
Now it is Harlan’s turn to growl. It rolls from his chest in a low, menacing wave, blanketing the church with the noise. His rumbling permeates the senses, seeming almost to grow louder as the scene begins to shift.
Sunlight trickles past the curtains in a thin, shining stream, guiding Zurven’s eye across each of the sleeping forms slowly coming into focus beside him.
There is no trident in his hand-- only Veylin’s delicate fingers laced loosely with his own. The sound that all but shakes their walls is merely Benjin’s gentle snore, oddly soothing despite its volume, and perfectly in place within the dimly lit bedroom. 
The oracle sits up sluggishly, still blinking the sleep from his eyes and squinting through the dark to look at Mallum dozing on the bed’s outer edge. Zurven watches his chest rise and fall, gills fluttering in time, and takes a deep breath of his own.
He’s going to throttle that idiot.
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justforbooks · 5 months
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In the childhood memories of more than one generation, Glynis Johns, who has died aged 100, will be best remembered as the Edwardian materfamilias of the hugely popular Walt Disney musical Mary Poppins (1964). Winifred Banks, married to David Tomlinson’s George W Banks, is the mother of Jane and Michael, the children in the care of the magical nanny played by Julie Andrews. A protester for the right to vote, Winifred delivers a spirited rendition of the song Sister Suffragette – “Our daughters’ daughters will adore us. And they’ll sing in grateful chorus: ‘Well done, Sister Suffragette!’” – as the children’s previous nanny tries to quit.
But the husky-voiced actor had other claims to fame from her more than 60 films and 30 stage productions. In 1973, Stephen Sondheim composed the song Send in the Clowns for Johns when she was cast in the leading role of the premiere production of his musical A Little Night Music, on Broadway. And she had won initial stardom in the British cinema as a mermaid.
In the title role of the film comedy Miranda (1948), she travels from Cornwall to London and causes romantic complications among the Chelsea set. Although the film’s whimsy may now seem strained, it was a great commercial success in its day, making Johns a top-liner in British movies. Miranda returned in a rather belated sequel, Mad About Men (1954).
By that time, Johns had moved almost completely from stage to films, where she was associated chiefly with lightweight roles, alternately fluffy and feisty. One of her most appealing opportunities came in the thriller State Secret (1950, released as The Great Manhunt in the US), playing a cabaret artiste in a fictitious Balkan country, and gamely singing Paper Doll in a wholly invented language.
It says something for her properties of youthfulness that at the age of 30 she could play a teenage schoolgirl in the melodrama Personal Affair (1953). The same year she played in two fanciful Walt Disney British productions, as Mary Tudor in The Sword and the Rose, and as the heroine wife of Rob Roy, and she went on to make her first Hollywood picture, the Danny Kaye comedy The Court Jester, in 1955. The following year she played a cameo role in the star-studded Around the World in 80 Days.
At the time Johns alternated between American and British films, generally in subordinate roles, but a rewarding one came in The Sundowners (1960), set in Australia, as a jolly barmaid who takes a shine to a visiting Englishman played by Peter Ustinov. It brought her an Oscar nomination as best supporting actress. Top billing came in a stylish horror movie, The Cabinet of Caligari (1962). She was well enough known to American audiences by this time to star in 1963 in Glynis, a TV sitcom series that ran for just one season.
In 1966 Johns returned to the London stage in The King’s Mare, as Anne of Cleves to Keith Michell’s Henry VIII. Her Welsh heritage came into play when she took the role of Myfanwy Price in a screen version of Dylan Thomas’s Under Milk Wood (1971) starring Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor and Peter O’Toole, and two years later came her great Broadway success as Desiree Armfeldt in A Little Night Music, which brought her a Tony award.
Glynis came from a show business background: her mother, Alice Steele (nee Wareham), was a concert pianist who performed under the name Alys Steele-Payne, and her father was the prolific character actor Mervyn Johns. He was a stalwart in particular of Ealing Studios films: father and daughter appeared together in an Ealing drama, The Halfway House (1944).
Though her vocal intonations pointed to her Welshness, Glynis was born in Pretoria, South Africa, where her parents were on tour. She was reportedly carried on to the stage at the age of three weeks, and it was not too much longer before she was appearing there in a professional capacity, making her performing debut at the Garrick theatre, London, as a dancer in a revue called Buckie’s Bears (1935).
Educated at Clifton high school, Bristol, and South Hampstead high school and the Cone School of Dancing in London, she rapidly graduated to juvenile acting roles in both theatre and cinema. Her first screen appearance came at the age of 14, as politician Ralph Richardson’s troublesome daughter in South Riding (1938), and on stage she was the young sister, another Miranda, in Esther McCracken’s comedies Quiet Wedding (1938) and Quiet Weekend (1941).
That year brought the opportunity to appear in the film 49th Parallel, starring Leslie Howard and Laurence Olivier in a spy thriller intended to bolster second world war support in the US. When the prospect of playing a mermaid came after the war, she was able to draw on her theatrical versatility: “I was quite an athlete, my muscles were strong from dancing, so the tail was just fine. I swam like a porpoise.”
Johns returned to the London stage in 1977, as Terence Rattigan’s choice to play the murderer Alma Rattenbury in his well-received dramatisation of the Rattenbury case, Cause Célèbre. Her acting appearances became sporadic, though in 1989 she starred with Rex Harrison and Stewart Granger on Broadway in Somerset Maugham’s The Circle.
She was occasionally a guest star in US television series such as Murder She Wrote and The Love Boat, and played Diane’s rich mother, Helen Chambers, in the first series of Cheers (1983) and Trudie Pepper in the sitcom Coming of Age (1988-89). By the time of her final films, While You Were Sleeping (1995) and Superstar (1999), she was a characterful grandmother.
Johns was married and divorced four times. Her first husband, from 1942 to 1948, was the actor Anthony Forwood. Their son, Gareth, also an actor, died in 2007. Marriages to two businessmen followed: David Foster, from 1952 to 1956, and Cecil Henderson, from 1960 to 1962. She was married to Elliott Arnold, a novelist, from 1964 to 1973, and is survived by a grandson and three great-grandchildren.
🔔 Glynis Margaret Payne Johns, actor, born 5 October 1923; died 4 January 2024
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attystark · 2 years
OK but, TMA entity inspired theme park divided into different sections based on the entities.
If you enter from the main guests, you’ll first see the Eye, which has a dark ride inspired by Jonah Magnus’s house, and a museum of oddities where visitors can give statements.
The Lonely has a forest garden, so big that you could walk for hours and see only your reflection on the lake.
On the opposite side of the lake, every night, the Desolation hosts a firework show that ends in an illusion of setting the lake on fire, and a coaster through the forest as you flee a blaze. 
Cutting through the middle of the park, split into two halves, is the Food Corridor. 
The front half is both a parent’s dream and their nightmare, themed to the corruption, it’s all unhealthy sweets, doughnuts and the kind of dubious cafe food that makes you wonder if it’s made of plastic, but there’s also loads of stuff about learning about bugs, like a butterfly garden, and a kids coaster called “Moths Flight.” 
The second is themed to the Flesh. It sells a lot of meat products (obviously) and is probably sponsored by KFC. There’s probably a few carnival games themed to the bone gardens and stuff, as well as a dark ride about the human body and a shop offering piercings, those plastic body halloween props and bone flower models. 
The Hunt and Slaughter share a section, and it definitely attracts a lot of thrill seekers. There’s loads of coasters including one of those duel ones so you’re trying to catch/escape the other track called “beasts” and a kid’s playground with mass games of laser tag, hide and seek and manhunt overseen by staff members. 
The Dark and End’s section tends to blend together, featuring a space mountain style ride for the dark, a graveyard dance 4D experience that sells fake death certificates from the End, and special shows on Eclipses. The Dark also has a shooter where you ‘turn off’ the stars. 
The Stranger’s section is split across the food corridor, with the small section being more adult. There’s a coaster where the idea is you’re running from a killer clown, and year round 16+ horror maze with a similar premise. The other section is for kids. There’s a two story carousel, a massive circus, a wax museum and a few kid’s coasters. It probably also has a bounce house. 
The Vast and Buried are next to each other. On the overlap between the two opposed entities is a dive coaster similar to Alton Towers’ Oblivion, where riders plunge from a vertical drop into an underground section, though both sections last longer than AT’s one. 
The Vast has a massive aquarium, one of those spinning swing rides, a log flume and a drop tower. 
The Buried has a mine train that really goes underground, a massive sandpit just called ‘DIG’ and a zoo exhibit with mongoose or meerkats where you can walk through the underground part of the exhibit and see the tunnels they did in a large, clear tunnel. 
The Web is one of the smaller sections, with only a puppet show that runs twice an hour for twenty minutes, hosted in a theatre that looks like a run down old house on the top of a hill. In the same building is ARACHNID ENCOUNTER, a shooter ride where you shoot spiders. 
The Spiral has a maze and hall of mirrors, as well as a downward corkscrew coaster just called ‘spiral’ and some other carnival rides designed to be just vomit inducing. 
The smallest section of the park is fenced off, but promises to ‘TORMENT YOU SOON’ and is rumoured to be extinction themed. No one knows much about planned attractions, just the titles: one called meteor people think will be a family coaster and an experience called ‘After Us’ sponsored by the Lukas Corporation. 
At the center of the park, flanked by a hotel, is Smirke Square. It hosts a market, impermanent carnival rides, and a large stage. On this stage, every morning at 6 hotel guests can watch the park be opened to a ritual, and every evening at 10 anyone can watch the closing ceremony of a counter ritual that shuts the park down for another day. 
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familyabolisher · 1 year
what do you think of gretchen felker-martin’s work, if you’ve read it? I expected a lot from manhunt based on everything I heard about it but found it to be just fine
short answer: manhunt's prose sucked
long answer: i'm so over this little clique which has identified - by and large correctly - that what tends to sell in mainstream publishing scenes for genre lit is v meek, tepid writing with timid politics and didactic liberalism shaping its discourse, and used this fact to effectively carve out a marketing niche. the selling point of manhunt wasn't felker-martin's skill as a writer (to be perfectly honest: she does not have a lot of this); it was her consciously positioning herself amidst a discourse of "puritanism," liberalism, "censorship," "childishness"(!) etc in genre lit such that buying and adulating her book was a way to signal one's immediate "side" in the genre lit discourse wars. like ... that's a grift and a half, innit.
i do have some sympathy for this position! i know that gretchen is largely responding to the harassment of isabel fall, and i respect that. and i do, i guess, agree with her that the bulk of contemporary anglophone genre lit in mainstream spheres is having to measure up to a particular palatability such that eg. trans women's writing comes under heavy scrutiny & the sort of writing that fall was doing encounters precisely the backlash she got. i just - don't buy into her imagined solution of publishing a very graphic horror book about terfs with tor nightfire to own the libs.
the problem is that it's an incurious position. going to the capitalist hegemony and getting mad when there's liberalism in the literature is like going to the circus and getting mad that you saw clowns. there's no desire to move away from these circuits which reward easy stories & bury difficult ones; there's no desire to question why we hold these sites of production up as ultimately legitimating structures. there's a real sense that just getting the big names in publishing to publish the Right books is a significant accomplishment (and by extension, you as the participant who Agrees with gretchen on this matter must therefore Support Her Work).
i'll admit that i never actually finished manhunt - i didn't get very far in at all because the prose just drove me insane. so maybe i can't give a fair assessment of the book. but the problem i had reading it was that like, the prose was bad! more specifically, it was an incurious prose, reflecting what i identified above - an incurious approach to storytelling. it was an excessively didactic voice guiding me as a reader from discourse point to discourse point like she was worried i wouldn't get what she was going for if she didn't make it absolutely crystal clear in quotidian prose. this tends to make for the kind of story where i'll think about it for maybe 20 minutes and then be done with it forever, because you've already given me all the answers yourself. like. challenge me! stop patronising the reader! if i wanted this i would go read a medium article!
like, i like novels that construct discourse through literary technique such that they leave me with these various entry points & angles from which i can think about them & respond to them in a sophisticated manner. when a book comes barrelling into my living room and goes Hi, I Am About Discourse Points 1, 2, and 3, i am left with very little space in which to do that. i also just - and maybe this is boring of me, but - i like when prose is good! it's very like, well, congratulations on publishing a novel where you write jkr getting like burned alive in her castle or whatever it was but did you care about this story as anything more than a vehicle for Discourse? lol
(there's absolutely a place for quotidian + straightforward prose, fwiw, and i wouldn't appeal to Literary Technique as a measure of quality, but - like, it just wasn't a technically skilled book, and it wasn't a book which had much of a desire to be received as much more than a bit of grist for the discourse mill.)
also i find gretchen annoying on twitter but since twitter is the website for annoying people i guess i can't hold that against her
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ashley-j-green · 2 months
What if Lex Luthor actually killed Superman and the Martian Manhunter had to take Superman's place
The day that the Justice League announced Superman's recovery from injury, people saw Superman coming to the fountain square. He gently took a bunch of Virgin Lily prepared by Lois and hugged her for a moment. Then he smiled and waved to the crowd, but compassion appeared slowly when he turned around.
Lex looked down at Metropolis from the window wall. As the star climbed up, Superman visited his window, folded his arms and said nothing. "You know it won't work." Lex said gloomily, shredding the newspaper in his hand, the reporter Clark Kent's obituary appeared on it. The Martian Manhunter could take on the responsibility of Superman, but could not bear to deceive Clark's family and old acquaintances.
"I don't think you're going to spend your days looking for a way to get Superman's attention anymore, Luthor." Superman - the Martian Manhunter - calmly stated.
"No, that's not necessary." Lex admits. And not being able to vent made him upset.
"Maybe from now on you'll be willing to consider using your abilities for a better tomorrow, as Superman had been always hoping for you." The Martian Manhunter said, "He insisted that you could change - until the very end. I promise to convey this to you." In the last moments before the Son of Tomorrow fell, only the consciousness of the Martian Manhunter was with him.
"Oh, he's delusional." Lex unconsciously sarcastically, a rush of anger to his head, "This arrogant liar - you fancy dress-up clowns might as well get ready, because I'm sure I'll expose Superman's -" death.
But before he could finish his threat, Superman sighed and looked away blankly with his sympathetic blue eyes. The Martian Manhunter couldn't handle the complicated emotions of facing the real killer of his best friend, and he rushed off into the darkness of Metropolis.
Left in place, Lex Luthor suddenly realized that Superman had never lost patience with him. He watched the red cloak drift away, like a blood-red petal in the wind. Suddenly he had an impulse to leap into the sky from the tallest building of Metropolis. Then he reached down and closed the dark curtains. He doesn't need this window anymore.
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infrxred · 3 months
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ Intro ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
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✮⋆˙ About Me
[yea im not new to tumblr i’ve been here since last year but i want more mutuals T_T]
hii my name is cameron but you can call me cade or ronnie too !!
i’m 15 right now (born in 2009)
prns are he/him
i post mostly in english
i live in the states (california)
Film and Television
Hannibal (NBC)
Final Destination
Saw Franchise
Zero Day
American Horror Story
The Walking Dead
Video Games
Resident Evil
Silent Hill
Cry of Fear
Call of Duty
Dead By Daylight
Life Is Strange
Black Metal (Darkthrone, Burzum, Immortal, Bathory, Watain)
DSBM (Lifelover, Psychonaut 4, Intig, Xasthur)
Punk (Descendants, Minor Threat, Suicidal Tendencies, Black Flag)
Shoegaze (Slowdive, MBV, Ride, Whirr)
Industrial Metal (KMFDM, Rammstein, Ministry, Chemlab, Nine Inch Nails)
Misc. (The Cure, The Smiths, Car Seat Headrest, Insane Clown Posse, Deftones, Duster, Radiohead, Pierce the Veil)
Literally throw anything at me I’ll be interested in it I promise
͙͘͡★ Other
i don’t really have a set dni ? just please don’t be an asshole or really creepy thank you :3
you can message me through tumblr dms but really i prefer discord: #infrared777
i’ll talk to literally anybody dude don’t be afraid to message me 🗣️
i post whatever i feel like— nothing is consistent anymore
random updates on me are tagged under #infraredspeaks
my ask box is always open but fuckass tumblr won’t display it on my page ?? so you’ll have to send them manually sorry 😭
i should clarify that i do reblog tcc stuff sometimes but i do not condone nor am i a hybristophile ?? i like researching stuff.. my interest is purely educational 😇
that’s all 4 now thank you for reading !!
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burins · 10 months
more JLI post dump! this'll be issues 6-10
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i know this reads different in 1987 but also i DO like it for dinah. also like of course she's friends with bruce
the rest of 6 is a lot of big-scale dr fate stuff which i know is DeMatteis' wheelhouse but which i also don't particularly care about.
7! we are now officially justice league international because the united nations choose to ratify the league. reagan is here! i warned you!
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the fact that clark has to talk to reagan regularly, in the course of superhero comics, is so much for me to contemplate.
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A) i think it's SO funny that bruce has a special earless cowl for going to space and wearing headphones. i realize this may just be an artistic mistake but i'm choosing to believe it's a deliberate costume choice
B) cold-war era comics!!!!!! really truly the geopolitics of superhero comics are fascinating to me. i have to do some digging to see what's been written on them
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i capped this whole panel but i really just want everyone to focus on beetle. this is how you know he's queer is that in each issue he invents a new, gayer way to sit
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ok in issue 8 the league are moving into their NY and Paris embassies. as you might expect. shenanigans ensue!!
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j'onn. ilu
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J'ONN!!! ILU!!!!!
unfortunately for the next few issues the scans they put into hoopla are preeeetty rough in terms of quality (and so are the scans on the other website i sometimes use) so some of the dialogue is a little hard to read.
batman seems to have punched guy into a personality transplant. instead of a miserable he-man reaganite he's become like, pollyanna. it's extremely funny and frankly, as much as i enjoy him being a heel, nice to read him not sounding like clint eastwood.
booster and beetle (at the paris embassy) go out to hit on women. #justbrothings. booster strikes out very very badly with a woman he later learns is their local liaison. whoops!!
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mister miracle crashes a helicopter through the NY building. also once again i love j'onn!!!!
we also learn about the (actually international) superteam the JLI are supplanting. sorry y'all. also very funny that we have this international superteam and then one year later we're going to get the wildly ill-fated new guardians. sometime i'll do a whole separate post on the new guardians except i don't really want to bc it would require me to reread that series,
everyone is being mindcontrolled by the manhunters! i will admit that i do NOT know the difference between these manhunters and j'onn's manhunter situation. i will presumably learn this at some point.
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guy is having a great time being personality-swapped and so am i
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it is also time for feminism jokes. alas.
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i DO love an ear joke though. more people should make fun of batman's ears they are objectively so so silly
we're also starting to get some good and ominous setup of a maxwell lord subplot. jli! it's not just jokes!
10: we're chasing the manhunters to space!
i'm learning so much about hawkman, a character i know nothing about. for instance. he is a cop???
also arisia is here. i have heard of her and her plotline. 😬 this issue comes out also several months before the writers finally let her and hal break up, but it's not a big plot point in the issue aside from one panel. uhhh csa/grooming cw if you go digging into that plotline? idk it's bad
cut to the manhunters BIRTHING CHAMBER?? this is explicitly how it's described. clark burns up the baby manhunters with his heat rays (fine! normal!) and the parent gets pissed and leaves.
i forgot to mention that this is the intro of gnort, who is a green lantern nepo baby.
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i love him.
cut back to earth, where scott and ted are having shenanigans!
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even editorial is bullying ted for his japes and jokes... he's my special little clown
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salted-caramel-tea · 1 year
(skeppy baked these muffins) suck it green boy you’re a little hater bitch speedrun these nuts yeah you’ll end up in a ditch you’re a clingy motherfucker yeah your ass is so reliant the only way you’ll leave unharmed is turning on your clients boxed like a fish ywah dreams boxed like a fish take away your last canonic life and give your mum a kiss (mwah) only man that slips away a hundred fucking k pvps biggest loser man was beaten by the blade (bruh) manhunt manhunt all you do is lose ywah dreams looking like a clown in them goofy ass shoes (haaAAA)
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