#magic jaskier
televised-dreams · 1 year
magic jaskier!!! magic jaskier!!!!!!
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spielzeugkaiser · 1 year
Someone beat me to OnlyFans, so you can ignore that prompt lol. How about a throwback to fae!Jaskier? Maybe give him a holly crown?
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An oldie but goldie! They are married in that 'verse, soooo... Accidental proposing through magic and flowers? Yesss
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no more keeping jaskier in the same outfit all season. let him mysteriously turn up in a new outfit that he should Not have and geralt be like "where the Fuck did you get that?!" and there's just a flash back to jaskier nicking a shirt off a washing line
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flowercrown-bard · 1 year
Geralt stared at the nervously chattering guy, unblinking. 
He was an idiot. 
A brightly dressed idiot who had driven to the wild life rescue centre in the middle of the night, close to tears because he had found an injured animal on his way to a party. 
"Can you save him?"
"Her," Geralt said automatically and took the small fluttering thing from the man. Oh, hadn't he mentioned? The guy was an idiot, who had stopped his car to help an endangered and dangerous species. 
The guy was an idiot. 
Geralt already felt his heart fluttering like the griffin's wings. 
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thedemonofcat · 1 year
A rare magical ability that Jaskier has (probably associated with his singing). But Jaskier is the last person to realize that he has such a talent. The perception that Jaskier has been conditioned to have from a very young age has been that he is nothing special.
Slowly, others realize that the magical thing they've seen is because of Jaskier, and when they try to explain it to him, he thinks they're jokes.
Geralt learns about Jaskier's magical ability after some time has passed after the events of the deathless mother have taken place. As he tries to explain, Jaskier believes Geralt is just making fun of him so the others (who Jaskier believes are the special ones) can have a laugh at Jaskier's expense.
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whumpypepsigal · 9 months
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The Witcher s03e08: “The waters weren’t successful. They’re meant for natural beings, not mutants.”
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Prompt #3
Geralt is the spirit of winter. He brings death and sickness wherever he goes. He understands when the people in towns shun him and cower in fear rather than greeting such a powerful being. He's just kind of... Grown used to the hatred. The fear. Humans don't like him. He is nothing but death. A killer. It's near the end of his time, this year. The seasons will change and he can stop tormenting the poor humans. He doesn't like his job, but it's the only job he can do. The world needs winter. Just like how the world needs spring. But spring just... Isn't coming. Where is the spring spirit? Thus the spirit of winter goes on a journey atop his trusted mare to find the lost spirit of spring, only to come across him captured by idiotic humans and on the edge of life. Winter defeats the villains and brings the spirit of spring back to his own home to watch over him as he heals. When the spirit of spring, Jaskier, comes to, Geralt finds it hard to dislike him. No wonder the humans love spring so much. It's bringer sings nearly all words and soothes with every move he makes. Geralt is sure the spirit of spring could never even grow to like him, let alone love him. This becomes a problem, because Geralt is growing head over heels with Spring's Spirit as he hosts his convalescence.
♡!Optional addons!♡ • Jaskier has always looked up to the spirit of winter, and has just been afraid to introduce himself (perhaps even already having made songs about him)
• Maybe instead of just normal humans, perhaps Jaskier was kidnapped by mages
• Perhaps we could also meet the spirits of autumn and summer. Eskel and Lambert? Yen and Ciri? Triss?
• Geralt is afraid to touch Jaskier in fear of making his flowers and goodness and warmth die (Jaskier wants nothing more than for Geralt to touch him)
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finleycannotdraw · 1 year
37) kissing it better, bc u know jaskier does that a lot for geralt looool
37) kissing it better
ehehehe no injury is too big or too small for the grand powers of jaskier’s affection
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rebrandedbard · 1 year
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Surprise! It’s sticker time!
Now that my (most of) friends have received their surprise stickers in the mail, I can finally post these little guys! Feel free to print them at home if you like on some sticker paper, make yourself a little bookmark, use one for an icon, whatever. If you think they’re cute enough, leave me a tip lmao
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geraskierficrecs · 1 year
Magical Jaskier Fic Recs:
a smile made for war by andrewminyards
You are destruction, Jaskier’s mentor tells him. Death and destruction thrum in Jaskier’s core of chaos, his magic bringing nothing but annihilation, and Jaskier hates it.
But music is not destruction. Music is creation, and it sings in Jaskier’s veins. There is nothing quite like the rush of joy and energy whenever music flows through him, and he forgets about the destruction that his chaos is capable of as music fills his soul.
After decades of being a sorcerer, Jaskier finds himself in music, and for the first time, his magic brings life.
we dance around a ring and suppose by bilboakenshield27
“He twirled between tables, voice rising and falling, glancing surreptitiously around for an escape route. There was a small door behind the dais and the main entrance through which the queen had entered—both manned by four guards. Jaskier mentally calculated the blows to his dignity if he just booked it through the main door mid-song."
Jaskier is an empath.
Lightning in a Bottle by stars_and_selkies
Jaskier has made plenty of mistakes in his long life. Most of which include sleeping with married women, admittedly, but one of the worst mistakes he has ever made was following Geralt of Rivia like a lost puppy. The worst mistake he's ever made in over 80 years of living... and the best.
Flowers Can’t Grow on Stone Floors by a_static_world
Julian Alfred Pankratz was born a happy, healthy baby, one misty November morning in the small duchy of Lettenhove. Strangely, the boy hadn’t cried once; he’d seemingly been born content, blinking blearily at the outside world like an old man who’d lost his spectacles and wasn’t quite sure whether he'd seen his grandchildren or an oddly-shaped boulder. By the time Julian turned two, his earlier silence had been all but forgotten.
Destiny Denied by hyrulehearts1123, sageclover61
Stregobor created Witchers to be the perfect monster hunters, but they rose up against their creators and were not loyal to them. And so in revenge, Stregobor kidnapped one Witcher’s child of surprise, a young Julian Alfred Pankretz de Lettenhove. And yet, because of one small medallion that spoke to him, Jaskier’s loyalties were not to Stregobor, but to the Witchers who tried to raise him despite the distance.
You’re Everything (I Just Didn’t Know) by ScentedBooks
Jaskier gets gravely injured and his magic isn't helping, Geralt refuses to let him die.
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dreamofbecoming · 2 years
this isn’t ready for ao3 yet bc i have more planned and i don’t want to make it chaptered, but i’m actually quite pleased with how this turned out, so please enjoy this first taste of my banshee/siren hybrid jaskier story!
part 2
minor warning for gore
wc 745
now on ao3
Jaskier knows the taste of death.
He tastes it more often than he’d like (which is to say, at all); every few towns or so, whenever he makes eye contact with the wrong person. An old woman putting out her washing, a young man in a tavern, puffed up and boasting while his fellows egg him on to show off, a girl with bruises on her arms and her eyes downcast, walking in the shadow of her husband. The sickly taste of rot will coat the back of his tongue and he’ll feel a Song rising in his throat.
He never Sings it.
He’s tasted the deaths of a hundred strangers, and while his heart breaks a little every time, he fights down the Song and swallows the rotten bile and turns away, knowing he has no power here. There is nothing he can do for them, now.
This time is different.
This time, the Song he can feel building in his chest isn’t for a stranger.
It’s for Geralt.
Something— breaks, inside him. The Song, which has always before felt like a living thing unto itself, separate from the man who hosts it, just waiting to be unleashed, expands to fill his lungs. For a moment, Jaskier chokes on the sudden absence of air, before his world narrows down to a single thought: No.
He feels the moment when the magic inside him changes, when the Song becomes a part of him instead of simply a parasite. For the first time since his failed training as a child, he lets it loose.
The first to fall is the bowman in the treeline, the one Jaskier saw but Geralt didn’t. Jaskier is too far away to see his face when his hands turn the crossbow on himself, but he can taste the moment when his body falls from his perch, leaving his fellows without cover.
Geralt has felled four of the remaining bandits, but three still encircle him, and Jaskier can see him slowing.
“A single thread
hangs limply down,
and I breathe,
‘Not now,
not now,’”
All three men pull back from their attack on Geralt in an instant. The witcher doesn’t stay his strike and cuts down the one immediately in front of him before whirling to stare at Jaskier in shock, but Jaskier can’t stop now. The Song isn’t finished. Geralt isn’t safe.
“And I find you all
trying desperately
to sew,”
The two bandits left take jerky steps towards each other, swords raised, eyes wild and terrified. The leader makes a low, despairing sound as his friend’s innards spill beneath his blade.
“And I know the kindest thing
is to leave you
As the last man drags his own dagger across his throat, his eyes never leave Jaskier’s.
The magic cuts off abruptly, the Song finished with the death fulfilled. Not Geralt’s death, somehow, not anymore. He’s done what he swore he never would, he’s outed himself as a monster, but Geralt is still warm and breathing behind him, so it was worth it. Whatever fate he meets at his witcher’s hands, it was worth it.
Jaskier can taste nothing but decay and blood, and he doubles over, his stomach heaving painfully as he expels his breakfast.
He’s still hunched over the ground, coughing on the lingering taste of death while spots dance in his vision, when he hears Geralt come up behind him. His footsteps are more tentative than Jaskier is used to. Understandably cautious around an unknown threat, Jaskier thinks bitterly. He’d known it was coming, it’s what he expected, but it still chafes. Most of all, he just wishes he had more time. More time with Geralt, but just more time in general.
Still, he won’t die crouched in a puddle of his own vomit like some beast. Whatever his parentage, he has more dignity than that. He’ll meet Geralt’s silver sword standing tall, and it will still be a better death than he could have met if he’d stayed at home, like his sire had expected. Love doesn’t need to be spoken to be worth dying for, after all.
Except, the spots in his vision don’t fade when he stands, like he’d expected; in fact, they grow. He sways on his feet as the world tilts alarmingly. The last thing he sees before the world goes totally black is Geralt, hands empty of silver or steel, lunging to catch him, his eyes wide with concern.
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thedemonofcat · 1 year
au: Jaskier was born with some kind of rare magical ability. Despite the fact that he could control plants and bring dead ones back to life. He also could make new flowers grow from the ground. However, his selfish parents wanted to use his power for their own gain. In the Pankratz family home, Jaskier was locked away.
The majority of Jaskier's life, he was told a lie that he was too ill to leave the house. Jaskier was drugged by his parents to make sure he stayed at bay with his powers, and sometimes he was even too sick to leave his bed. Jaskier was so sheltered during his childhood that he barely knew that monsters existed, which further prevented him from learning about his magic. It was only when he saw his father pay a witcher for killing a monster in Lettenhove that he realized the truth.
However nothing could stop Jaskier from discovering his love from his music and So Jaskier ran away with a desire to travel and play his songs.
The first time Jaskier got to Oxenfurt, he was extremely unaware of what was transpiring on most of the time out on the continent. Since Jaskier was so naive, most people assumed that it was just a misunderstanding or some kind of act on his part. As a result, no one noticed when Jaskier's magic came out in small bursts.
This is part of the reason why Jaskier sings about something that doesn't exist in the world when Geralt first meets him. As a matter of fact, he didn't even know what monsters were real and what were works of fiction.
Initially, Geralt thinks that Jaskier is merely stupid, due to his lack of knowledge of what actually happens in the world and the way things actually are. In time, Jaskier does reveal his childhood experience of being confined to his house. Considering that Jaskier has never smelled sick before on the path, Geralt is suspicious.
In the aftermath of the mountain, Jaskier is captured and brought back to Lettenhove by his parents. His condition suddenly deteriorated to the point where he was stuck in bed again. In the meantime, Lettenhove has grown crops better and the size of the crops has increased.
Hence, rumors spread that Lettenhove is a magical town. The rumor is heard by a witcher who remembers Jaskier telling him that he came from Lettenhove a long time ago. A friend to whom Geralt desperately wants to apologize.
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appleleef · 1 year
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witcher au except I like the game armour better and I think Steve would be a Griffin
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cherryjuicegf · 10 months
god's weakest soldier (just listened to enchanted flowers instead of waiting a few hours)
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jhontography · 10 months
i like watching The Witcher but since i haven’t read the books i have literally no idea what is going on in the show 90% of the time 
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chaosandwolves · 1 year
Happy birthday @joeybateyofficial you magical creature.
I'm wishing you a life filled with love and joy and crazy creative people who can keep up with you!
Thank you for sharing your magical art with us mere humans.
It's impacted my life profoundly.
Have a wonderful day.
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