#mad hatters disease
mazapandechocolate · 6 months
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“No te ama”.
Me vino una idea a las 4 AM, como suele suceder. Ando escribiendo algo con esta temática, si logro terminarlo y no dejarlo a medias como todo lo demás en mi vida, tal vez lo publique.
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ben-the-hyena · 9 months
Apparently "mad hatter disease" which touched hatters and is the origin of the creation of the Mad Hatter due to milleners working with mercury to fasten hats involved many symptoms among them tremors and twitching. Which could explain why the Hatbox Ghost's hand used to shake on his cane in his old animatronic
YES I AM aware back then it was probably to hint he was a very old man who was struggling to stand and may or may not have a start of Parkinson to showcase the age gap with his young bride, but now that most adaptations and fanons (mine too) have Hattie be old but not THAT old, how many theorize he was a hatter and how his new animatronic kinda hint at both (he is surrounded by hatboxes and his official interview says he loves hats and hatboxes, and he no longer shakes nor look weak so no longer as old as he used to be hinted to be), we can imagine he was shaking not out of age but out of chronic mercury poisoning and the spasms remained even in death, perhaps less frequent though
Since I love to see him as very dramatic and eloquent, it could be partly a symptom as well since excitability could be one (hence why hat makers passed as crazy). Maybe as a mortal he used to vomit often too and his skin to hitch out of rashes. Could be why he was not very handsome and if you don't see him as that old either why he still looked like it and got bald. Had he not been beheaded, I doubt he would have lived too long either
This is getting notes so it's inspired from @rose-of-pollux's latest fanfic Grim Grinning Ghosts which is very well written on AOR ! I didn't know shaking was a symptom so I searched a little and omg it fit
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ihatebiden · 8 months
the funny thing about watching breaking bad is that im pretty sure i wasnt intended to come away from it thinking "yeah had a teacher like that once"
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postersbykeith · 2 years
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That post I just rb'd but it's Phineas & Charlotte. Phineas is showing Charlie a slew of magic tricks (bc he's a magician of course he's gonna practice lame ass magic tricks) and of course the Handcuff Trick is there.
For some reason Charlie doesn't even think about it she's just like "yeah sure let's do it!" like girl. the Consequences. (she was just thinkin about being closer to her crush lbr). SO they're handcuffed. and. uhm. Phineas? Where...are the keys??? Cue Phineas frantically calling Morphie (they're at Charlotte's house) and of course Morphie doesn't pick up, because he's sleeping.
So then they have to get to Phineas' house to see if the keys are there and they're like...pretending to be upset about it?? Like neither really WANT to be handcuffed to the other but at the same time...they both have huge ass crushes on each other so the TENSION. And then they find the keys n they're both like "ah...what a shame -- I mean THANK GOD LMAO THAT WAS TERRIBLE LOL" followed by a Live Morphie Reaction.
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arealboii · 1 year
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Tag Dump: Relationships!
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cthene · 1 year
I can’t stand when people are like “Why is Scully still so skeptical after X-many seasons? Mulder is always right! Why doesn’t she belieeeeve already?”
First of all, believe in what? In aliens? In psychics? In Appalachian folk magic? Just because we saw a sewer mutant this week, doesn’t mean we should assume vampires are real the next week. You have to separately prove each of those things.
Second of all, Scully is a scientist. Science is not a set of beliefs, it’s a method for interpreting the world. Science isn’t invalidated because ghosts are real or whatever. If it turns out ghosts are real, then scientists will study them. Scully puts this perfectly when she says, “Nothing happens in contradiction to nature; Only in contradiction to what we know of it.”
Third of all, Mulder is not always right. Half the time he doesn’t even have a theory of the case, he just mumbles something about astral projection and then switches to poltergeists at the last minute and goes, “See, I knew it all along!” It’s easy to look right when your theories are unfalsifiable and constantly changing. Most of Mulder’s claims boil down to “something spooky is happening,” which could mean literally anything. He’s like a stage magician, redirecting the audience’s attention. He will stroll into an interrogation room with a suspect who’s acting crazy and go “Aha! She’s a psychic!” when it could be twenty other more plausible things. Maybe she’s faking it or having a seizure. Maybe she knows where the bodies are buried because she’s the killer, dummy.
Pay close attention. Don’t let Mulder razzle-dazzle you. The vast majority of X-Files are more easily explained by some combination of:
People lying
People being crazy
People being drugged
Cold reading
Government or criminal conspiracy
Unusual but natural phenomena (freak weather events, rare diseases, etc.)
Mulder will literally say shit to Scully like, “A complete lack of evidence is exactly the evidence I was hoping you’d find.” That’s not a theory of the case, that’s a riddle on the inside of a popsicle stick! What is this guy, the Mad Hatter?!
Scully is a fricking saint.
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priestofleviathan · 3 months
The Riddler and the Mad Hatter from my own Batman universe, Batman: BLOODFEST!!
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In BBF (Batman: BLOODFEST), a blood disease has gripped the entirety of Gotham, and the only cure is to drink the blood of others.
The disease causes side effects such as blood rot, which can be seen on Edward and Jervis here. From my notes you can see blood rot progresses directly from exposure to the disease.
I’ll post more characters from BBF later.
Feel free to ask questions about BBF for the time being <3
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argentumcor · 2 months
The Price of a Bullet
You can find the whole fic posted here, covering Jason's experiences during Arkham Knight.
Notes and thoughts if they interest you:
-I do think Jason was written consistently between AK Genesis, AK, and the Red Hood DLC. There's a complaint that he wasn't, and an accompanying complaint that the Knight is whiny, but that's assuming a level of emotional stability that he doesn't have. Reading AK Genesis, it's clear that Jason's narration regarding Bruce is cope, a product of his time in captivity and the Joker's mental conditioning. Bruce does care- he's just bad at showing it. That's clear in his interactions with the rest of the family, even Dick who would have known him before the haunting loss of Jason. On top of this, Jason spent most of his life from the day he was born being told he was worthless verbally and via physical abuse. Trust comes hard to him. The Joker in the Arkham games is very good at spotting things he can exploit about people, and when Jason was talking to buy time for Batman to come save him, he probably heard Jason's low sense of self-worth (self-esteem doesn't cover it), the perfect thing to use to break Jason to harness.
-Jason's snark is present as the Knight here and there on comms. He's not stable, though, unlike his depictions in other media. The "whiny" tone people complain about is more mania coming through as he gets close to his goal and his programming comes undone. This, I think, was an interesting way to split the baby- in the comics Jason being unstable is a concern of Bruce's to rather...extreme...extent (and unfounded, he isn't unstable except for inconsistent characterization like the rest of the DC cast). What is happening in AK is someone grindingly finding himself dragged back to reality after living in madness for a long time (no way in hell did he "escape" as late as Asylum; let's say it's been five years minimum and it happened during some other breakout).
-A quiet theme in the Arkham games, and in a lot of the better Batman media, is "truth beats lies." Batman beats out fear toxin, beats out Hatter's hypnosis, overcomes the Joker's mental infection because they're all founded on things that are not true. As such, Jason- as his student and his son- is able to overcome the lies the Joker and Harley put into his head in the end.
-It's beyond clear in game he has no respect for Scarecrow qua Scarecrow or any of the other villains he's pulled into this plan. People are mad about that, but he's hyperfocused and obsessive. It's a video game (sillier, yes, I said it) version of his plan, if for different motives, from Under the Red Hood.
-Dini might not have written AK but I'm pretty sure his notes were used or something. It has a lot of the elements I associate with his Batman writing- Bruce as deeply fallible, for one, the Joker as an unsympathetic and very real threat and charismatic. I think Dini found Jason's story a well of potential, based on how BTAS Tim is actually mostly Jason, how Return of the Joker's Tim plot is AK Jason's plot, and how Terry has a lot of Jason's attitude. Dini, for all his oddities as a writer in some respects, has a real gift for spotting things to punch up a character and situation.
-It's funny to me how Tim is the 'generic Robin' of the group so his characterization just gets kind of tossed around wherever the winds are blowing. I like Arkham Tim as the grounded reliable one, but he's Basically Jason in BTAS and in the comics his characterization seems particularly up in the air.
-The Arkham games are very silly, objectively- the whole thing with Titan, the entire idea of Arkham City, the Joker disease and how Bruce beats it, and so much more- but not to themselves. It's a story about a guy wearing a bat-inspired costume and being a vigilante. It is silly. The platonic ideal of a Batman story is silly with a violent dark aspect, cynical about human nature but hopeful about the power of love (brotherly, familial, romantic, agape, etc.), and it takes itself seriously within itself. From these can flow many things, profound, funny, and entertaining alike, and they coexist smoothly. I think the important thing with fiction is to meet it where it's at, especially as a writer, and this is especially true of these IP (modern myth, that's what they are) stories.
-Going through the game for Jason's timeline has been revealing about things I think were trimmed/changed. I'm pretty sure there's a missing Knight boss fight when Batman takes down the air defenses, because Jason just bolts for no reason (I rolled with this in the fic), to let Batman do as he pleases. I also think the vehicle boss fight vs. Jason in the grinder was supposed to be more complex instead of doing the same thing the whole time, but that's generally true of the vehicle combat: mechanically, it needed another pass across the board to make it a less repetitive experience.
-The Red Hood DLC should have been Jason fighting his way to the Asylum where he saves Bruce's life at the climax, potentially with contact with Oracle or even Nightwing which would have been interesting as hell. I really wish all the DLCs would have given us something at the scale of A Death in the Family; I really like these versions of the characters.
-I recommend this sort of fic, where you follow a plot through an alternate POV character, as a writing exercise. It has the merit of having known constraints you don't have to come up with but some creative give to figure out how the POV character got from point A to point B or figured out something or why he did something.
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artzychic27 · 4 months
Head Empty. MLB Celestial AU after remembering an old Be More Chill au I loved with all my heart, but I can not longer find the ask blog here. The art shall forever live on somewhere in Pinterest… Okay, enough mourning
Anyway, they’re the human embodiment of plants, stars, and and other space stuff and rule over those domains
Adrien: Sun
Really hopes the moon likes guys
“Earth, how’s your ozone layer?” “I have accepted my slow descent into eternal darkness.”
If he smiles any brighter, the planets will be engulfed in flames
Luka: Moon
When the moon hugs the sun, that’s how a lunar eclipse is made
Seriously considering messing with the tides and flooding the Earth to get rid of the humans
Some control over dreams
Max: Mercury
He’s a mad scientist… Get it? ‘Cuz the element mercury gives people Mad Hatters Disease… I’ll see myself out
Really wishes the sun wouldn’t smile so brightly. It’s hurting his eyes
Loves Uranus, hates his puns
Juleka: Venus
She and the moon have a brother-sister relationship
“Cute rings, Saturn. Wanna check out the painting named after me?”
Nathaniel: Earth
He’s sick, people! Stop killing him!
“I survived nuclear bombs and oil spills, I’ll be fine… Probably.”
Humans seemed like such a great idea at first
Marc: Mars
Conspiracy theorist
“It is not a conspiracy if it is true; I have seen martians roaming around on Mars.”
Seriously worried about Earth
Nino: Jupiter
His red cap is the red spot
Somehow Uranus is taller than him
Sometimes full of hot air, but he means well
Chloé: Saturn
Wears a lot of rings
Secretly good at hoola-hooping
Will not shut up about Pluto
Kim: Uranus
Needs to crack a pun every few seconds or he goes mad
“Kim, no.” “… Uranus is fun.” “OH MY GOD!”
Humans knew what they were getting into when they named him
Kagami: Neptune
Has been told a few times that she’s a little cold
This close to stabbing Uranus if he doesn’t shut up “Make one more joke. I dare you.”
If she must be unalived, she wants to be because the sun smiled too brightly
Alix: Pluto
Couldn’t care less about the “is a planet/not a planet” argument. She accepted the facts
“Nath, when your done coughing, tell your humans to shut up about me.”
She just wants to skate, shut up people
Alya: Satellite
Up in everyone’s business
She’s an AI come to life with a NASA jacket and free WiFi
Makes sure to check on Earth
Marinette: Stars
Star-shaped freckles
Arranges her stars into a middle finger constellation for humans to see
Has eyes everywhere
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docgold13 · 5 months
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Batman: The Animated Series - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Jervis Tetch
A brilliant and eccentric neurologist, Jervis Tetch worked in the experimental medicine division of Wayne Enterprises.  He was assigned to explore means of strengthening the brain to fight off neurological diseases, yet found himself developing technology that would not strengthen the mind but rather enslave it. Using a series of electric antennae and receivers, he succeeded in controlling the behaviors of a group of lab rats.  He manipulated their actions through a broadcaster band fastened around his forehead.  With a stronger circuit, Tetch was certain that this same process would work on humans; that he could control people to bend to his will.  
Desperately lonely, Tetch was in love with a secretary at the office named Alice.  She looked just like the titular character of he most favorite book, Alice in Wonderland and was a sweet, innocent and kind young woman.  Tetch succeeded in augmenting his mind-controlling technology and considered using it to force Alice to love him back… and yet he wanted her as a partner not a slave.  
When Alice’s boyfriend broke things off, Tetch seized on the opportunity to sweep her off her feet.  Donning a costume, he dressed himself as Alice in Wonderland's Mad Hatter. Armed with his mind control technology (which he had imprinted on to circuit cards encoded with the Hatter's signature 10/6 logo), Tetch took Alice out on the town, creating the illusion that he was a celebrity, respected all about Gotham City.
Although the night went quite well, Alice saw his actions as merely the kindness of a good friend. And when Billy apologized and subsequently proposed to her, Alice happily accepted.
Tetch became unhinged upon hearing of Alice's engagement.  If he could not have Alice as his companion then he would have her as his pawn.  He became The Mad Hatter and used his circuit cards to enslave Alice and a group of others, taking over the story-book land area of Gotham Park as his makeshift kingdom.  
Batman interceded, fighting off the enslaved minions the Hatter threw at him.  The broadcaster band that Tetch used to control his pawns was fastened into the brim of his hat.  When Batman knocked this hat off, the pawns all regained their senses and The Mad Hatter was defeated.  Alice and the others were freed and Tetch was sentenced to Arkham Asylum.
It would not be the last time The Dark Knight would go up against The Mad Hatter. Indeed the villain would return on numerous occasions, becoming one of Batman's most formidable of foes.
The great Roddy McDowall provided the voice for Jarvis Tetch/The Mad Hatter, with the villain first appearing in the twenty-seventh episode of the first season of Batman: The Animated Series, ‘Mad as a Hatter.’
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theyareweird · 1 month
Kianna in Wonderland – Part 4
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Card Castle
Kianna stood up from the table. She politely thanked everyone for the tea party before leaving. The Cheshire Cat had quietly vanished from the scene. With the royal couple and Kianna being escorted by the card soldiers, they left the Door Mouse, March Hare and Mad Hatter back at the Hatter's cottage. As the group made their way through the woods, Kianna noticed another Alice's corpse rotting on the ground. This one wasn't decayed down to the bone like the previous body. Instead, this girl appeared fresh with maggots mutilating its crevices. The oder in the air was fowl, causing Kianna to clasp a hand over her nose and mouth. Luckily, she was at least ten feet away from the body and wouldn't be at risk for contracting diseases.
Eventually, the twisted trees of the woods came out of view. A large castle now stood in the distance. Card Castle was a traditional castle, but it was built of cards. The idea was honestly impossible, but the building was there nonetheless and it looked magnificent.
"Welcome to Card Castle". Kaname said.
Upon entering the foyer, Kianna was surprised to see the castle's interior somehow managed to appear as though it was constructed of sturdy walls. Golden chandeliers hung high to light up the space. Black, red and gold furniture were everywhere.
Suddenly, Seiren, Ruka and Zero dispersed. Kianna was now alone with the King and Queen. "We'll give you a tour, Alice". Yuki beamed. From the foyer, the Queen led Kianna into the next room. "Past the entrance hall is the grand dinning room. We have lunch and dinner here. Breakfast is served in our rooms". She happily explained.
The long, rectangular room contained a grand buffet table with many padded chairs lining its perimeter. Beyond that, the left wall was taken up by several  windows, which met the ceiling. The red velvet curtains were drawn to reveal the courtyard outside. There, white rose bushes and various stone fountains decorated the landscape.
"The courtyard can be accessed in another hall. We also have a red rose garden and a hedge maze at the back of the castle". Yuki smiled.
"Your castle is lovely". Kianna commented. She then looked around the environment and asked, "Where is the Cheshire Cat"?
"He probably left to take a nap somewhere. He lives in the castle with us as our cousin. Don't worry, you can visit him later". Kaname reassured.
None of the previous Alices had ever been curious as to the Cheshire Cat's whereabouts. Perhaps this Alice might even be a bit concerned about him. Either way, this level of emotion towards Senri told Kaname she must be the Alice they've been waiting for. With this in mind, it was time for a celebration.
"Tonight, in your honor, we'll be hosting a ball". Kaname announced.
"I'll dress you up, Alice"! Yuki exclaimed.
Kianna froze in place. She was stunned to say the least. Kianna had no idea why the King and Queen were going through this much effort to make her feel welcome, but it was making her flustered.
"I'll leave to allow you both to prepare for the party". Kaname said, kissing Yuki's hand. The king the parted ways and retreated to his own bed chambers.
Meanwhile, Yuki took Kianna to her own bed chambers. The room had been prepared years in advance for the arrival of Senri's future mate, but had never been in use until today. Unfortunately, Kianna didn't have time to take in her current surroundings. She had to dress up for the ball and Yuki was eager to help her prepare.
The dress Yuki laid out of Kianna was certainly extravagant, but not too luxurious. The right side contained a puff sleeve while the left shoulder was held up by straps. A black and white diamond pattern adorned the waist and flared out into a side ruffle layer. Finally, the skirt flared out at the waist, consisting of white and pale blue layers of subtle large flower pattern fabric. Yuki handed Kianna a pair of Marry Jane shoes with vertical black and white striped stockings.
While Kianna sat on the bed, pulling up her stockings, she turned to Yuki, who was holding a pair of Marry Jane shoes for her. "If I could ask, why does everybody call me Alice"? She asked.
Yuki smiled and said "That’s your name".
Kianna frowned at this. 'Alice' wasn't her birth name, nor was it a name she preferred to be addressed by. Regardless, she needed to focus on survival at this point.
Yuki then gawked at Kianna's facial expression. The queen could tell she wasn't happy. "Do you not like your name"?
Kianna's amber eyes widened. If she was going to potentially escape this place with her life, she needed to be on good terms with everyone around her as to not cause suspension or anger anyone to the point they decide to take her life. "Uh, no, I don't hate it". Kianna said, shaking her head. "I'm just surprised everyone knows it".
"Of course we all know it". Zero stated. The knight of spades stood at the entrance to Kianna's bedroom. "We've waited for your arrival for a long time". He mumbled.
"Zero". Yuki smiled.
"Kaname told me to fetch you. It's time for you to return to your bed chambers and get ready". Zero said in a flat tone.
"I see. I'm coming". Yuki said, trotting up to the siver-haired knight. The Queen immediately left Kianna and the knight alone. Before Zero left, he turned to the side and said "One more thing... The King says he's glad you passed the first test".
Kianna was confused. She didn't know what he meant by that. Regardless, the knight walked away before she could question him. Once Kianna was dressed, she left her room to attend the ball, but she had no idea where she was going. At this point, the short girl was nervous. Kianna had never been to a ball before and she didn't want to cause any trouble. Sadly, it was clear she had been transported to a wacky world where it's inhabitants were insane... and immortality corrupt. If the petite girl wasn't careful, she could end up dead. These people had no qualms of killing an innocent person for no reason.
Suddenly, a floatting grin appeared before Kianna. "Where are you going"? The mouth asked.
Kianna recognized the voice. It was the Cheshire Cat. "I'm trying to find my way to the ballroom". Kianna replied.
Senri's full body then appeared in front of Kianna. The cat was currently dressed in a white and pale blue suit with black pants. A black and white diamond tie was tucked under his vest. It was obvious his clothes matched Kianna's attire. "You could go this way". Senri said, pointing to his left. "You could go that way". He continued, pointing to his right. "Or perhaps, you'd prefer to travel up in that direction". Senri said, pointing in the direction of the staircase.
"I don't care how I get to the ballroom". Kianna blurted. "Can you please just tell me how to find my way"? She politely asked.
"Of course, none of them lead you down the right path..." Senri added.
Kianna blinked in response. "Oh". She sighed. Finding her way around the castle was going to be harder than she thought.
"–To me". Senri purred. His tail flicked mischievously. Senri then slid up to Kianna's side and slyly licked his arm with hers.
Surprised: @nunezs-stuff
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ben-the-hyena · 7 months
Ooooh, your blog is amazing! I’ve just read your post about favouring ‘mad hatter’ Hatty and I’m in agreement. Especially as I don’t view him as being OLD-old. Just, dedicated to his craft. 😂
Thank you so is yours, you have a lot on your resume/portfolio it seems so I am quite honored you follow me !
Mad hatter disease at least ! I borrowed that from a fic because just like you I see him not as a super old man !
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blues824 · 1 year
could I ask inbox rqs list if it's not a trouble? Me worried Tumblr ate my rq when I sent it, thanks !!
Requests are closed!
December-February Requests:
707/Luciel Choi!Reader W/ Housewardens + Jamil (lost motivation, will circle back)
Kobeni Higashiyama!Reader W/ Housewardens (lost motivation, will circle back)
Kumagawa Misogi!Reader W/ Housewardens (lost motivation, will circle back)
Iruma Suzuki!Reader W/ Housewardens (lost motivation, will circle back)
Atsushi!Reader W/ OHSHC (lost motivation, will circle back)
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Frog Prince!Reader W/ Vil & Malleus
Alucard or Dracula!Reader W/ Hashiras
Reader Rick-Rolls All of UA
Sophie Hatter!Reader W/ Housewardens
Human!Reader W/ Uta (Tokyo Ghoul)
Innocent!Reader Heard Moaning Coming From Asmo's Room
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Belle!Reader W/ Armin, Jean, Eren, and Mikasa
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Lisa Imai!Reader W/ Heartslabyul & Diasomnia
Hange Zoe!Reader W/ Hashiras
Shinobu Reacts to Reader Training Their Monkey in Medicine
Titan Shifter!Reader W/ Vice Housewardens
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Agnostic!Aethistic!Reader W/ Rollo Flamme
Orphan!Reader W/ Other Twisted Wonderland Characters
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Alice: Madness Returns!Reader W/ Housewardens
Yuta Okkotsu!Reader W/ Housewardens
Black Panther!Reader W/ Savanaclaw
Luna Lovegood!Reader W/ Housewardens
Short!Athletic!Baker!Reader W/ Idia, Azul, Leona, Deuce & Jamil
Akaza!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Sun Wukong!Reader W/ First Years
Xiao!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Reader Gives Deuce & Jack a Kiss on the Cheek to Tell Them 'Good Job'
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Claude Faustus Flirting Headcanons
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Carrie White!!Reader W/ Housewardens
Gundham Tanaka!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Jumpy!Reader W/ Glamrock Freddy, Monty Gator & Michael Afton
Layla!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Zhongli or Malleus Draconia!Reader in the Remarried Empress (up to me)
Part 2 of Riddle Rosehearts!Reader Being Captured by Demons
Tohru Honda!Reader W/ James “Bucky” Barnes
Female Solomon!Reader W/ Xiao
Female Riddle Rosehearts!Reader W/ Scaramouche
Izuru Kamukura!Reader W/ Xiao & Scaramouche
Tighnari!Reader W/ Nagito, Izuru, Kokich and Gundham Tanaka
Reader Returns to Twisted Wonderland and Reunites W/ Housewardens & Jamil
Diasomnia Reacts to Reader Having Hanahaki Disease Due to Someone Back in Her World
Silver/Riddle/Leona/Sebek/Trey/Jamil React to Reader Going Into Depressive Episode Because She Can’t Go Home
Class 1A Reacts to Reader Photoshopping Monoma’s Face onto a Donkey’s Face
Part 2 of Glyph Magic User!Reader
Celestia Ludenberg!Reader W/ Muzan & Uppermoons
Tarot Reader!Reader W/ Heartslabyul
Shapeshifter!Reader W/ Housewardens
Nagito Komaeda!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Kamado Squad Reacts to Human!Reader Who Hates Humans
Ado (singer)!Reader W/ Housewardens
Rarity!Reader W/ Savanaclaw & Pomefiore
Chuuya Nakahara!Reader W/ Lords & Butlers
Shang-Chi!Reader W/ First Years & Malleus
Solomon!Reader W/ Lords, Butlers, & Undertaker
Obanai Iguro!Reader W/ Snake (Black Butler)
Rook Hunt!Reader W/ Fate of the Empress Characters
Osamu Dazai!Reader W/ Heartslabyul
Izuru Kamukura!Reader W/ Housewardens
Izuru Kamukura!Reader W/ Staff
Male!Reader W/ Muichiro Tokito (I write for male readers as well)
Chuuya Nakahara!Reader W/ Lords & Butlers
Kamisato Ayaka!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Shenhe!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Izuru Kamukura!Reader W/ Uppermoons
Nagito Komaeda!Reader W/ Uppermoons
Gundham Tanaka!Reader W/ Tighnari, Yae Miko, and Gorou
Tighnari!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Ron Swanson!Reader W/ First Years
Izuru Kamukura!Reader W/ Vice Housewardens
Izuru Kamukura!Reader W/ First Years
Part 2 of Solomon!Reader W/ Housewardens, but only with Vil Schoenheit
Tanjiro Kamado!Reader W/ Lords & Butlers
Hades and Persephone’s Daughter!Reader W/ Housewardens & Jamil
Paranoid!Reader W/ Housewardens
Lan Wangji!Reader W/ Housewardens
Yae Miko!Reader W/ Vice Housewardens
INFP!Writer!Reader W/ Steve Rogers
Celebrating x-mas with Cheetah, Killer Frost, Enchantress, Raven, Livewire, Galatea and Blackfire
Housewardens & Rollo Get Jealous Because Reader Gives Everyone a Gift
Lady Tamayo!Reader W/ Host Club
Rosalyn!Reader W/ TWST (characters unspecified) (Trash of the Count’s Family)
Shinobu Kocho!Reader W/ TWST (characters unspecified)
Apple Jack!Reader W/ Housewardens
Housewardens React to Reader Falling in Love With a Toilet Because of a Love Potion They Drank
Xiao!Reader W/ Hashiras
Nagito Komaeda!Reader W/ Tengen Uzui & Wives
Part 2 of Solomon!Reader W/ Hashiras
Platonic!Klee!Reader W/ Hashiras
Undertaker!Reader W/ Hashiras
Kyojuro Rengoku!Reader W/ Pomefiore
Inosuke Hashibira!Reader W/ Housewardens
Prequel Kalim Al-Asim!Reader W/ Hashiras
Giyuu Introduces Kamado Squad to Kalim Al-Asim!Reader
Jack Sparrow!Reader W/ Octavinelle
Part 2 Izuru Kamukura!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Tanjiro & Nezuko React to Izuru Kamukura!Reader Packing Up Demons on the Side of the Road
Part 2 of Izuru Kamukura!Reader W/ Uppermoons
Gundham Tanaka!Reader W/ Fischl
Shinobu Kocho!Reader W/ Housewardens or Vice Housewardens
Land Lady!Reader W/ Housewardens
Pure Vanilla Cookie!Reader W/ Neige, Kalim, Vil, Leona and Malleus
Hemokinesis Quirk User!Reader W/ Izuku, Bakugo, Kaminari and Todoroki
Telepathic!Reader W/ Malleus, Leona, Idia, and Vil
Wild Wild Pussycats React to Reader Who Likes Throwing Insults at Enemies
Yoriichi Tsugikuni!Reader W/ Phantom Blood Boys (from mutual, don’t request JJBA)
Duwang Gang React to Josuke Higashikata W/ Yoriichi Tsugikuni!Reader (from mutual, don’t request JJBA)
Izuru Kamukura!Reader W/ Jojo & Dio
Giorno Giovanna!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Izuru Kamukura!Reader W/ Albedo
Malleus Draconia!Reader W/ Ciel & Sebastian
NOS-4-A2!Reader W/ Livewire
Luz!Reader W/ Riddle Rosehearts
Heartslabyul & Savanaclaw React to Toddler!Reader Calling Trey/Ruggie ‘mama’
Candy Candy!Reader W/ Pomefiore
Orphaned!Reader W/ Housewardens
Housewardens + Jamil React to Receiving Handmade Gift Baskets
Doom Guy!Reader W/ [No Fandom Specified]
Housewardens + Rollo React to Receiving Chocolates and Candy
Gravikinetic!Reader W/ First Years + Rollo
Vampire Dragon Hybrid!Reader W/ Azul, Lilia, Vil, Leona, and Malleus
Reader Teaches First Years + Ortho About Chinese Zodiac Signs
Class 1-A Goes to Reader’s World??
Platonic!Nayuta!Reader W/ Riddle, Malleus and Octavinelle
Human!Reader W/ Rize Kamishiro
Venti!Reader W/ Diasomnia
Ciel Phantomhive W/ Reader Who Is the Illegitimate Child of his Target
Izuku!Reader W/ Poison Ivy
Lapis!Reader W/ Twisted Wonderland (characters unspecified)
Klee!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Dio Brando!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Nene Kusanagi!Reader W/ Housewardens
Nahida!Reader W/ Overblot Crew (platonic)
Genie!Reader W/ First Years + Scarabia
Six!Reader W/ Housewardens + ADeuce
Housewardens React to Reader Wearing a Wedding Dress
Ryuko Matoi!Reader W/ Leona Kingscholar
Fairest in the Land W/ Vice Housewardens (Floyd instead of Jamil)
Mad Hatter!Reader W/ Riddle, Azul, Vil, Malleus
Scaramouche!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Muichiro!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Tanjiro!Reader W/ Hajime, Izuru, Nagito, Kokichi
Aspiring Chef!Reader W/ OHSHC
Twilight Sparkle!Reader W/ Hashira
Neopolitan!Reader W/ Hashira
Magizoologist!Reader W/ Twisted Wonderland (characters unspecified)
Luz!Reader W/ Batfam
Deon Hart!Reader W/ [Fandom Unspecified]
Kind!Muzan Kibutsuji AU
Doll!Reader (Black Butler) W/ Tanjiro Kamado
Hunter!Reader W/ Batfam
Leona, Vil, Malleus and Jamil React to Reader Singing for them at the VDC
Himuro!Reader W/ Housewardens
Black Widow!Reader W/ Rook, Malleus, Rollo and Jamil
Menace!Reader W/ Heartslabyul
Muzan Kibutsuji Reacts to Demon!Reader Being Able to Have Demonic Children
Ace, Vil, Deuce and Leona React to Reader Defending and Bragging About Them
Luz!Reader W/ Housewardens + Jamil
Kokichi!Reader W/ L Lawliet
Nahida!Reader W/ L Lawliet
Pomefiore, Riddle, and Malleus React to Reader Who, Back in Their World, Traveled With Pegasus-Drawn Chariots
Makima!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Power!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Class 1A Reacts to Capricorn!Reader
Mikan!Reader W/ Housewardens
Makima!Reader W/ Housewardens
Reader Teaches Vice Housewardens, Cater, Ruggie, Floyd and Silver About Chinese Zodiac Signs
Twst!Reader x Class 1A Girls
Effortlessly Attractive!Reader x Leona, Azul, Vil, Epel
Class 1A Girls Reacting to Reader Photoshopping Mineta’s Head onto a Pig
Izuru Kamukura!Reader x Death Note 
Izuru Kamukura!Reader x Rohan Kishibe
Part 2 Izuru Kamukura!Reader x JJBA
Tartaglia!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Elysia!Reader (Honkai Impact) x Housewardens
Spider-Man!Reader x Bakusquad
Kars!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Tanjuro!Reader x Housewardens + Vice Housewardens
Depressed!Demon!Reader x Muzan Kibutsuji
Twst Characters (of my choice) React to Walking in on Reader Singing Disco Girl
Reader Tells Leona that “He would make a very handsome throw rug”
Hela, Mystique, Viper Celebrating Reader’s Birthday
Part 2 of Carry White!Reader x Housewardens
Cyno!Reader x Bakusquad
Shiro!Reader x Housewardens
Mikasa! or Mikey!Reader x PJO/HoO
[Platonic] Eri!Reader x Housewardens + Teachers
Wei Wuxian!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Horror Enthusiast!Reader x Suicide Sadie/Clockwork
Nahida!Reader x TWST Dorms
Keyblade User!Reader x First Years
America Chavez!Reader x Housewardens or Vice Housewardens
Lilo!Reader x Platonic! First Years
Luca Kaneshiro!Reader x Housewardens
Power!Reader x Remarried Empress or Overblot Crew
Rohan Kishibe!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Kokichi!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Housewardens React to Reader’s Senior Quote Being “I should have burned this place down while I had the chance”
Reader Shows Trey ‘Is It Cake?’
Feathered Serpent!Reader x Savanaclaw/Ace/Malleus
Allen Avadonia!Reader x MHA
Nezuko!Reader Snapping With the Platonic!First Years/Grim
Menace!Reader Showing Housewardens Disney Movies
Kyojuro Rengoku!Reader x Izuru
Kohane Asuzawa!Reader x OHSHC
Rapunzel!Reader x Hashira
Rapunzel!Reader x Demons/Muzan
Spearfisher!Reader x Pomefiore, Malleus, Leona and Jamil
Lindsey Stirling!Reader x Anybody I Choose
Apex Predator!Reader x Octavinelle
Bobcat!Reader x Savanaclaw
Plant and Water Wielding!Reader x Bakugo, Kaminari, Kirishima, Todoroki
Gravity Falls x Tanjiro!Reader + Nezuko
Dendritic Vision User!Reader x Sumeru
Solomon!Reader in Gravity Falls
Undertaker!Reader in Gravity Falls
Cale Heniruse!Reader x Housewardens
Reader Sneaks Snacks to Ace, Floyd, Lilia, Kalim, Leona and Cater W/O Getting Caught
Reader With Beaver Familiar x LOV
Sayaka Miki!Reader x Housewardens
Izuru Kamukura!Reader in Gravity Falls
Eclipsa!Reader x Lords and Butlers
Daki/Ume!Reader x Overblots + Malleus
Who Would Voice the TWST Cast?
Esmeralda!Reader x Second Years
Hu Tao!Reader x Tanjiro/Zenitsu
SCP 105!Reader x First Years
Solomon!Reader in the Remarried Empress, Part Whatever
Izuru Kamukura!Reader in the Remarried Empress, Part Whatever
FNAF Fan!Reader x Diasomnia
Dragon Rider!Reader x Diasomnia
Wednesday Addams!Reader x Muzan Kibutsuji
Vanitas!Reader x Octavinelle
Runaway!Reader x Ciel Phantomhive
Dutch Angel Dragon!Reader x Diasomnia
Latina!Demon Slayer!Reader x Yandere!Upper Moons (plus Hantengu and Gyokko)
Conservative!Reader x Housewardens
Death by Touch!Reader x Deku, Iida, Tokoyami, Bakugo, Todoroki
Feather Star Mer-person!Reader x Octavinelle
Platonic!Pure Vessel!Reader x First Years/Housewardens
Dark Pearl Cookie!Reader x Housewardens
Newton Scamander!Reader x Clark Kent
Paranoid!Reader x OHSHC
Xie Weijin and Yuan Jing Confess to Their Crush
Diluc!Reader x Dick Grayson + Jason Todd
Zhongli!Reader x Demon Slayer??
Platonic!Omnitrix!Reader x First Years
Reader and Ciel Cross-Dress for a Mission
Schizophrenic!Reader x Housewardens
Toya Todoroki's Twin Sister!Reader x Muzan Kibutsuji
Muzan, Enmu, Kyogai, Rui and Douma With Reader Who Is Fascinated By Their Blood Demon Art
Quasimodo!Reader x Malleus (and a little bit Rollo)
1st/2nd/3rd Years Comfort Reader Who is Traumatized by 9/11
Housewardens React to Reader Accidentally Finding Out They Have Magic
Cyno!Reader x Leona, Jack, Kalim
Platonic!Orphan!Reader x Divus Crewel
Platonic!General!Reader x Housewardens
Raiden Shogun!Reader in the Remarried Empress
ADeuce, Trey, Scarabia With Reader Who Does Backflips When Excited
Akaza!Reader in the Remarried Empress Part 2
Xiao!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Josuke Higashikata x Hashira
Bill Cypher!Reader x Douma
Nezuko!Reader x Pillar Men
Bill Cypher!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Vil, Malleus, Rollo, Azul, Cater, Idia, and Leona x Reader Who Comes From a Long Line of Mages
Electricity Manipulator! Strong! Short!Reader x First Years
Depressed!Demon!Reader x Muzan Kibutsuji
Sea Serpent!Reader x Leona, Azul, Malleus, Kalim and Jamil
Quirk Creator!Reader x Midoriya, Bakugou, Kirishima, Kaminari and Todoroki
Half Vampire Half Vampire Squid Mermaid!Reader x Azul, Vil, Malleus, Lilia
Riddle Rosehearts!Reader in Gravity Falls
Batfamily Reacts to Bruce Marrying Kyojuro Rengoku!Reader
Overblot + Malleus x Reader Who Can Control Overblots
Wolfwalker!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Reader Hides Feelings from Octavinelle But Portrays it Through Art
Gravity Falls Crew Reacting to Douma!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Douma!Reader x Bill Cypher
Kazuha!Reader x Housewardens
Kaijudo Universe!Reader x Housewardens + Jamil
Lloyd Garmadon x Diasomnia
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offshore-brinicle · 1 month
I personally believe this but I wish to hear the words of the people
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themuseumlady · 3 months
Mad Hatters Disease
an exciting tidbit found while putting together the textile handling/display policy for my museum - Until 1941, mercury (or more specifically mercuric nitrate) was used by milliners (makers of womens hats) to stiffen rabbit and beaver fur into felt.
As milliners worked in often poorly-ventilated rooms, such prolonged exposure of mercury vapors lead to chronic mercury poisoning, dubbed "Mad Hatters Disease". Some symptoms included tremors, headaches, insomnia, emotional instability, and psychosis including hallucinations.
Because this illness was so common among Milliners, the phrase "Mad as a Hatter" was created!
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