#macaque did Not look in a mirror
shootsun · 2 years
Wukong dealing with amnesiac macaque, since it's always the reverse
This one was interesting because we don't have a lot of canon information about what Macaque was like when he was younger, so I kinda just... used a lot of fandom hcs about it
tw: mildly suggestive
It's the middle of the night when one of the monkeys jumps onto the small of his back, waking him up with a startled shout.
“Danger stranger demon,” it chitters at him and Wukong feels all vestiges of sleep leave his body instantly. 
"Where?" He asks in a dialect too old to be properly human anymore, and the monkey points in the direction of the cliffs.
Wukong leaps to his feet and tells the monkey to gather the rest of the troop and hide until he gives the signal, and the tiny thing determinedly scampers off.
There's a brief moment where he steels himself, hoping he doesn't run across any of his children injured, but he scowls and starts out the door before his stomach has really settled. 
There's movement in the trees above where the scout had pointed out, and Wukong wastes no time leaping onto one of the branches to even the footing.
A giggle escapes the shrouded figure hidden in the branches, and the noise must spark some mischievous part of his soul because Wukong can't help the feral grin that plasters itself across his face as he lunges at the still laughing demon.
The figure gracefully dodges him, and falls backwards off the branch they were perched on before Wukong can reach them, his hand outstretched into now empty space. 
He sucks in a breath, expecting the crashing of branches or a muted groan or the sound of a body hitting the ground, but instead, there's more giggling from below. 
A flash of silvery white fur catches his eye, and for a moment, it's like he's young again, before Heaven, before Puti, the mountain, the journey, all of it.
"Can't catch me, Shi Hou," floats out across a breeze, and he's moving faster than he has in at least two centuries, but as soon as his claws brush white fur, Macaque is gone. 
"You used to be faster than that!"  Taunts the unglamoured demon, and Wukong yells back, "I don't know what you're playing at, but I won't fall for it!"
"You're not still mad at me for putting your bed in the lake, are you? I said I was sorry!" Macaque pauses, halfway into a shadowy portal, his head tilted and a distressed frown pulling at his mouth. 
Wukong stops in his tracks, staring at his old friend before the words process and he blinks.
 "What are you talking about? Mac, that was centuries ago."
Macaque laughs. "What are you talking about? That was like… last week!"
Just as that unsettling piece of misinformation reaches him, his phone buzzes in his pocket, and Macaque once more slips into the shadows.
He ignores the device now furiously vibrating, and invokes his gold vision to scan the area for Macaque. When he sees a shadow haunch over like it’s trying to suppress laughter, he lunges forward to tackle the demon.
Macaque yelps as he’s tackled out of the shadows, and they roll for a few feet before Wukong ends up straddling the other, his legs pinning the demon to the forest floor. 
It's only once they've stopped moving that Wukong realizes all of Macaque's glamours are down. 
His scar is prominent across the left side of his face, practically engraved through his cheek, his eyes each have a shimmering violet iris, his fur is white with swirls of blue and a charcoal singe, and his ears… All six of his brightly glowing ears are out on display without a care. 
Wukong, entranced by a sight he hasn't seen in centuries, reaches for them before he can think better of it. 
Macaque doesn't flinch from his hand, only closes his eyes and tilts his head to allow Wukong better access, and when the god rubs the bottom most lobe, a steady purr rises from the demon's chest. 
The god snatches his hand back like it's been burned, and Macaque pouts before lazily cracking an eye open. 
"Why'd you stop?" He whines, and reaches for Wukong's hands, placing them on his ears before his fingers are circling Wukong's wrists. 
"I-" Wukong hesitates, and then goes back to gently massaging Macaque's ears, the demon's purr picking back up instantly. His heartbeat seems to triple in his chest as he lets centuries-old memories guide his hands to every spot that has Macaque melting into a puddle.
After a few minutes, Macaque blinks up at him, a steady purple flush covering his cheeks, and then, in less than a second, they've switching positions; Wukong’s back on the forest moss and Macaque's thighs tightening over his own legs. 
"Wait, wa-it," Wukong pants out as hands roam his chest and Macaque leans down to bite along his throat. 
He can't help the whine that leaves his mouth when Macaque breaks skin, the demon's tongue lapping up golden ichor eagerly. 
"Maybe it has been longer than a week," Macaque chuckles slowly, "You're usually not this noisy." 
He digs his thumbs into Wukong's hips as he says this, and the god bucks into the bruising grip with a strangled sound. 
“Liu er,” He hisses, and Macaque raises a teasing eyebrow. 
“That’s my name,” the demon says, his voice low and gravelly before he tugs on Wukong’s earlobe with his teeth. 
A squeak that Wukong would forever deny makes its way out of the god’s parted lips and Macaque’s claws had only just started tugging at the front of his robes when the demon pauses for a moment. 
“-king? Macaque?” Someone calls in the distance and one set of Macaque’s ears twitches in annoyance. 
“Not these weirdos again.” Macaque mutters as he hoists himself off of Wukong. 
“What?” Wukong manages to say as he sits up, but Macaque ignores him and slinks into the shadows without another word.
He has to sit and breathe for a second before he remembers his phone in his pocket and fishes the device out, hoping it would hold some answers.
A series of increasingly frantic texts from MK paints an unfortunately clear picture.
MK had accidentally stumbled upon Macaque meditating and woke the poor demon out of his trance, similar to what had happened with him and Pigsy earlier that year. But Macaque, awaking in an unfamiliar environment and surrounded by strangers, had lashed out, demanded to know where Wukong was, and bolted the minute he figured out the god was on FFM. 
A series of muffled yells in the distance yanks Wukong’s attention back to the present, and Macaque steps back into view, dragging a very disoriented and tied up MK behind him.
“MK!” Wukong scrambles to his feet and tears the shadows binding MK like ripping tissue paper. 
“Oh, is this your newest sworn brother? I swear, you make the family bigger every time I blink.” Macaque shakes his head with a fond grin. “You should’ve said something, bud.” 
“I was wondering why he was trying to be so familiar with me earlier, but I guess if you’re close with him,” the demon jerks a thumb towards Wukong, “He never shuts up about me.”
“I-what?” MK whispers to Wukong, and the god shakes his head. 
“I do to shut up about you.” The golden monkey scowls. 
“Uh huh. Which is why Demon Rhino King knew exactly who I was upon first seeing me and then pointed out my favourite snack on the buffet table within two seconds.” The demon chuckles at the memory.  
“DRK was a notorious flirt and you know it. He was just trying to get me all jealous.” Wukong only barely resists crossing his arms as his scowl deepens.
“Doesn’t hide the fact you talk about me enough that your newest friends can pinpoint me out of a crowd and let me know if the venue is serving anything I’d like.” Macaque smirks, wiggling his eyebrows. 
“Oh, wow. Okay.” MK breathes, and his hands bat Wukong’s own hands off the kid’s shoulders. 
“You’re like…dating, dating.”
“Mates.” Macaque haughtily corrects, and Wukong feels a steady flush return to his face as the bites on his neck throb at the claim.
“Riiight.” MK nods slowly. 
“So. Um. Anyways, how about we go back to Monkey King’s place and get something to eat?” MK suggests, his eyes flicking between Wukong and Macaque rapidly. “I don’t know about you, but all this talking and fighting has made me hungry.”  
Wukong clears his throat and rises, “Yeah, good idea, kid.”
“You know the way back, Plum?” Wukong asks, and Macaque scoffs. 
“I wasn’t gone that long. ‘Course I do.” 
“Lead the way, qīn'ài de.” The term of affection slips effortlessly from his lips, and MK gives him a scandalized look as Macaque winks.
“Anything for you Mo Wang.” Macaque waves and starts down the path, leaving MK fake gagging behind him.
“Oh, this is what it’s like when your parents flirt in front of you. Oh. I hate it.” MK chokes out dramatically. “Go back to trying to ki-”
Wukong rolls his eyes and covers the teen’s mouth with one hand.
“How’d?” He juts his chin in the direction of Macaque’s back.
MK stares at him, practically blue screening before understanding lights up his eyes.
Quickly, Wukong removes his hand before MK can get any ideas (the last thing he needs is the kid’s mouth germs on him), and MK takes a deep breath before stage whispering, “Blunt force trauma.” 
‘Great. We get to sneak up on a demon who can hear us coming from five miles away.’ Wukong grimaces. 
He turns and follows Macaque, MK trailing quickly behind. Halfway to the hut, he sees a curious face poke out of a tree and he makes a shooing motion at the monkey until it sinks back into the foliage.
Macaque leads them back to the falls and gestures for Wukong to leap first with a half grin. 
He lowers the wards surrounding the rushing water as he jumps, and lands on the other side before MK joins him seconds later.
With a flick of his wrist, Macaque draws up his own wards to shield the falls as he lands beside them, and Wukong’s heart aches at the feeling of familiar magic that hadn’t graced the cave in years.
Macaque leads them to a firepit and begins to pull out Wukong’s hair, looking at him expectantly. With a roll of his eyes, the god blows on his fur, summoning a pot and various ingredients before Macaque starts throwing them together.
“I forgot you like to cook,” Wukong says softly, and the demon gives him a confused look before haunching back over the pot.
“It tastes better than just transformed food,” the demon defends as he stirs the soup he’d started.
MK takes a deep breath and plucks one of his own hairs, closing his eyes with a determined expression before blowing on the strand. A frying pan materializes in the teen’s hand, and Wukong wants to cover his eyes as his successor slinks behind where Macaque is thoroughly invested in his culinary endeavor.  
“And just what do you think you’re doing?” Macaque lazily asks, looking over his shoulder at MK.
MK yelps and swings the frying pan, hitting Macaque square in the face with a loud clang that reverberates throughout the cave. The white furred monkey slumps, a surprised look still on his face as he loses consciousness.
With a grimace, Wukong moves forward and catches Macaque before the demon hits the ground. The god gently brushes white fur back out of his old friend’s face.
“Is he going to be okay?” MK timidly asks, fidgeting with the handle of the frying pan.
“Yeah. I’ll take care of him, you go home.” Wukong flicks his eyes up to MK and offers a brief smile before once more taking in Macaque, trying to re-memorize all the little features he’d nearly forgotten. 
“Okay.” MK nods, standing, and turns back to take in one final look at the two monkeys. 
Wukong, lost in his melancholy, and Macaque, half pulled into the god’s lap, entirely unaware of the careful fingers skirting his wounds, old and new alike.
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emelinstriker · 9 months
{Eternal Servants AU} Wukong & Macaque ♡ Obedience
Art drawn by me + the OC is mine... Also the mentioned OCs and the AU itself.
My LMK AU's first ever fic, lezgooo- :D
This one's mainly just showing off the relationship between the monkeys as well as the Reader. The AU actually does feature some input from that one OC group of mine, even if they mostly operate in the background. Some of them do occasionally show up. It wouldn't be one of my universes if they had no input since they're all connected by this group of individuals... A good example would be CM from Castle's Pet, if any of my ancient old Quotev/Wattpad Undertale X Reader fans are reading this.
[TL;DR] Just your monkeys being wholesome while murdering another demon.
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♡ ~ Fluff ~ ♡
Seated on your throne, you sighed as you waited for your purple champion's return. You sent out Macaque to retrieve an ancient artifact a demon stole from your palace's storage. Usually it wouldn't take him long to hunt someone down. After all, he was used to tracking down any that would oppose you and would bring them to justice. However, something must've happened since he obviously wasn't back yet. This was highly unusual for either one of your champions.
'Did he get into an accident?', you thought to yourself, now getting worried.
Your blue champion seemed to notice your sudden change in mood. He didn't even need to feel it through your eternal bond, he could just tell by looking at your concerned expression. He leaned down a bit as he obediently stood next to your throne, looking at you with his void black eyes. "Master, is something bothering you?"
You turned your head a bit to look at him. "It's just... Where's Macaque?"
"Unfortunately, I'm not sure whether or not he's still occupied with the thief." He responded flatly with little to no emotion. You hummed in thought for a moment before you turned to face him again.
"Wukong, I want you to check up on your brother... Help him if he needs help, but at least just make sure he's not hurt or anything." You said firmly. The monkey in blue moved in front of you and bowed.
"As you wish, Master."
And with that, he summoned his somersault cloud and hopped onto it before swiftly flying off into the direction of where his sworn brother left to hunt down the thief.
Across the land, a giant smoke monster could be seen fighting a giant demon in green and black. It seemed like a tough battle as the demon the monster was fighting was very aggressive and wild in its attacks. When suddenly, a blunt hit to the back of the green and black demon slammed the demon in green and black face-first into the ground of the clearing they were fighting in. Its body created a giant crater. It was still alive, but just barely as it laid there motionless. It seemed like the battle already weakened it and the blow to the back was too much for it to handle.
The simian piloting the giant smoke monster panted a bit from exhaustion as he smiled darkly at the fallen demon. But then he turned towards the direction of his ginger-furred brother, who was standing on his cloud with crossed arms, and huffed. "Thanks, but I could've taken him down on my own. It just would've taken a bit."
"Master told me to make sure you weren't hurt." Wukong stated as-a-matter-of-factly.
Macaque's smile turned from maniac to apologetic as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, with his giant smoke avatar mirroring his motion. "Oh man, did I take too long again? I didn't mean to make them worry... I just kinda got caught up with stopping the thief. He used the artifact he stole and it turned him into a feral titan." He added as the giant smoke monster gestured towards the other demon on the ground. That's when the monkey on the cloud quickly zoomed down towards the unconscious demon's body. It took him a few seconds, but he quickly spotted the artifact hanging from the titan's satchel. After he took it away from the giant demon, the demon's body seemingly shrunk back to its original size, still unconscious in the ginormous crater. The simian carefully held onto the artifact, as to not accidentally trigger its power, before his cloud flew back to his sworn brother. After Macaque saw the other demon's now normal-sized body, his smoke monster avatar disappeared around him as he stretched with his feet now touching the ground again.
He grinned at the ginger-furred monkey, seeing him hold the artifact the thief stole. "Guess now we also know what thing does... Did Master say anything about wanting us to kill the guy, or to place him in the punishment wing?"
Wukong shook his head in response, his face still not holding any emotion. Macaque sighed. "Well, damn... But I guess we might as well end him now than risk having him try to steal again, right?" He chuckled as he slowly walked towards the unconscious demon's body. The dark-furred monkey gave the demon a wicked grin, not expecting a response as he summoned his shadow staff. "Nothing personal, dude. Just making sure our beloved Master is forever safe and comfortable! Any who are at risk of opposing them in any way must be eliminated..."
And with that, he smashed his staff's thorny end down onto the demon's head, ending his life with one last strike. Wukong just gave the corpse a bored look before he uncrossed his arms. "Do you need a ride back?" The Monkey King asked, referring to Macaque's exhaustion after battle. He could just help the other monkey relax and calm down with his somersault cloud, after all.
However, Macaque just waved his hand dismissively as he took a deep breath. "Nah, but thanks. I'm a bit tired, but not enough to stop me from using my powers. Do you want a ride back though?" He grinned before he summoned a shadow portal on the ground next to himself. Wukong's mouth just faintly twitches upwards for a split second, but it was enough to make his the dark-furred simian chuckle in repsonse. "C'mooon, bud~ We both know my method's faster! Just hop in already!" If Wukong's eyes weren't like a fully black void, his playful eyeroll would've been very much noticeable. He hopped off his cloud, letting it disappear as he approached the portal, straight up jumping into it. Macaque soon followed after, closing the portal once he went through.
On the other side, you anxiously waited on your throne. While you didn't think any of your regular servants would harm you, you still felt a bit uncomfortable without at least one of your champions around. After all, a human ruling over an army of demons wasn't exactly a common thing demons respected. Only those who were already your servants in other lives would respect you fully... probably. And you had no recollection of any of your previous lives.
Your anxiety faded however once your two blue and purple champions emerged from a shadow portal in front of your throne. The sworn brothers didn't hesitate and kneeled upon seeing you.
"Apologies for the wait and for worrying you, Master. The thief ended up using the artifact and I ended up having to fight him to stop him." Macaque says, somewhat sounding ashamed of himself. He didn't like it whenever he didn't meet his Master's expectations. Even if something was out of his control.
You smiled softly as you leaned back. "It's fine, Mac-Mac. It was inevitable if that guy refused to face justice... I'm just glad you're alright and came back to me alive and well." The simian's frown turned into a bright smile as his tail swayed happily behind him. If you used that nickname for him, then he must've done everything right!
Afterwards, you smiled at your blue champion. "Thanks for finding him and taking him home again, Wu-Wu. Great job." You praised him. Now his tail was also swaying more happily. He nodded his head and grunted quietly in acknowledgement. Despite him not talking quite as much as his brother, and usually not showing emotions, you knew he was just as happy and content as your purple champion. His gentle tail sways were enough to understand.
The ginger-furred monkey then pulled out the artifact from underneath his cloaked side, still kneeling as he stared at you expectantly. "Shall I return this to the storage? The Archivist wanted to check on the items later today."
You scratched your head in thought for a moment as you hummed. "Guess that would be the best idea... If the Archivist shows up, then it's best if we have all the items that we borrowed... I don't wanna deal with his colleagues again, to be honest." You admitted, physically cringing a bit at the memory of your last encounter with the group the Archivist was involved in. They weren't happy when an eternal branding iron you used on your servants was stolen. Especially the Judge...
Wukong, knowing what you meant, nodded again as he stood up and bowed his head. "Of course, Master." Then he turned and walked away towards the palace's storage. Meanwhile, Macaque continued to smile brightly at you.
"Do you have another task for me to complete as well, Master?" He asked, eager to follow your every command like an obedient puppy. You hummed in thought again, but before you could respond, you heard the familiar voice of a certain mysterious figure in a black cloak and a fox-like mask...
"They do not. I have a task for you instead, Six-Eared Macaque."
The cloaked entity with the fox mask revealed himself as he walked out from behind your throne... When did he get here? Then again, he was one of the Archivist's colleagues, so you didn't question much anymore due to all they were able to do... You raised a suspicious eyebrow at the masked entity as you spoke. "...What task?" Those cloaked beings weren't to be trusted with how they operated. And while the Oracle usually spoke of the truth and was one of the more gentle-sounding members, you could never be sure whether or not there was malice behind anything their group did.
He responded in a blank tone, as if it were obvious. "The task involves going to the Underworld and retrieving the Scroll of Memory." Macaque visibly flinched slightly as one of his ears twitched at the mention of the Underworld, yet he avoided eye contact and remained quiet. The masked entity continued. "It's not the scroll itself that you might be interested in, but rather the curse that is bound to the scroll. That curse would be an extremely great addition to your palace's security." The entity added.
You grimaced a bit in thought, looking at him with uncertainty as you propped up your head on your hand. "Mhm... Are you sure this is worth it? Macaque isn't exactly fond of the Underworld, and I don't wanna make any of my servants, especially my champions, uncomfortable... Maybe Wukong could-" "NO!" Your purple champion suddenly cut you off as he looked at you, his void black eyes were wide open in panic, practically begging you to hear him out. He coughed awkwardly before bowing his head in a bit of shame and embarrassment for cutting you off.
"M-My apologies for interrupting you, Master... But I'd like to take on this mission myself, if I may." He said firmly, determination clear on his face as he tried to avoid this uncomfortable feeling of having to return to the Underworld. But he really wanted to prove himself worthy as one of your champions. He outwardly expressed his love and devotion towards you so much more than his sworn brother, and yet Wukong usually ended up getting more missions than him despite that.
You gave him a concerned look. "Are you sure? I know you don't like the Underworld after... Well, you know..."
He nodded his head without hesitation. "Yes, Master. Please let me retrieve that scroll for you."
After another short moment of uncertainty, you sighed in defeat. You stood up and moved towards your purple champion, petting his fluffy head. "Alright, fine... But if anything makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, I want you to just come back... Okay? I don't want you to get hurt, Mac-Mac. I'd rather have you here with me without that scroll than have the scroll without you." You said softly as you kissed his forehead. The dark-furred monkey blushed as his breath hitched at your touch and words.
That was all the motivation he needed.
His bright smile returned as he joyfully saluted. "Yes, Master! I'll make you proud!" You chuckled at his sudden eagerness. Almost immediately, a shadow portal opened up beneath the simian as he dropped into it, vanishing. Upon the closing of the portal, you raised an eyebrow at the Oracle.
"...Is this scroll really necessary?" You asked quietly, to which the entity silently nodded. You sighed as you pinched the bridge of your nose.
"It's not just for your safety, Your Majesty. It's also required to garner enough attention for the future paths to be connected to the present path." He responded flatly, which confused you. But again, you didn't question his words due to his occupation. And soon enough, Wukong returned from the storage. The monkey in blue walked up to you and bowed, as if to say he had finished his task.
You petted him as well, also kissing his forehead with a little smile. "Good job, Wu-Wu." And just like his sworn brother, his tail started to sway in a happy daze as he blushed despite his still expressionless face. He clearly also loved it when you called him by that nickname. The Oracle, upon seeing the Monkey King return and being showered in affection, quickly bid you farewell for now as he still seemed to be busy with other matters. Meanwhile, you continued to pet the ginger-furred monkey, waiting for his brother again. You even decided to continue petting him while your were seated on your throne.
However, at some point while petting your blue champion, a thought crossed your mind...
"Wu-Wu... If your brother isn't back within the next three hours, I want you to go look for him in the Underworld... And help him out if need be." Wukong's eyes were closed as he leaned into your gentle, addictive touch, while his tail swayed slowly behind him. He simply nodded without opening his eyes.
"Understood, Master."
[ Masterlist ]
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hexologh · 1 year
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Azure was totally caught off guard by your dirtiness... Wait, I mean your impressive level of confidence! I mean, seriously, just take a good look at yourself! You had this innocent facade going on, but deep down, you unleashed a dominant aura that sent shivers down his spine.
Will and want you to pound him into the ground, fuck him until he's holding onto you for dear life.. woah.. slow down satan.. 😟
Dang, whenever you playfully laid your hand on his thigh, it was like an electric shock racing down Azure's spine. But hey, it wasn't fear that got him all worked up, oh no! It was pure, unadulterated excitement.
He willingly signed up for the 'No Walking Challenge' because, with you around It's gonna be a wild ride and Azure is ready to embrace the thrill!
Imagine edging him. he'd definitely let you do it, But also imagine tying his wrists together and doing it back. he finds it hard to hold back..
And Legs? Pfft, overrated! Azure would put on a brave face, claiming he could handle anything.
But when the heat turned up, he'd be a sobbing mess, begging you to stop (not that he really meant it, wink wink).
And let's not forget his poor brothers! Azure would concoct the wildest excuses to skip out on missions, but it seems like his excuse generator is in desperate need of a reboot.
Time to find some fresh alibis, my friend!So, check it out, Azure lion, the ultimate definition of lowkey, was just, like, mad quiet at the diner table, you feel me? But he took it up a notch, like he was on stealth mode or something.
And, yo, imagine this—there he was, straight-up whimpering as your hands did their magic. It was a total mood, for real! I mean, it was so hilarious, like you couldn't help but ROFL at how completely and utterly pathetic he was in that moment. It's like next-level comedy gold.
"Hng, mhn~....ngh..!" Azure murmured as you gazed at him, raising a hand and placing it on your cheek while your other hand did the work.
"What's wrong?" you questioned, tilting your head back and your eyes shone.
"Cat got your tongue?"
Oh, let's dive into the Monkey King's struggles!
I mean, this guy is the Great Sage Equal to Heaven, for crying out loud! He's all about power and not taking any nonsense.
But, hey, when you cast your gaze upon him, Like, he's low-key simping so hard, it's hilarious! Who would've thought the mighty Monkey King could be reduced to a puddle of mush? Love makes us all do crazy things, doesn't it?
Monkey King, surprisingly enough, finds pleasure in your roughness, reveling in the intensity and passion it brings. Equally, he adores the tenderness and warmth you show him, finding solace and security in your gentle touch.
It's a beautiful balance that makes him feel safe and cherished in your arms... As you demolished his insides ❤️
Bro like fuck him until his insides are the shape of your strap/dick or whatever.
Oh, let's spill the tea on the Monkey King! Here's the deal: He despises having to beg and bow down to you, or so he claims.
But guess what? Secretly, deep in the depths of his mischievous heart, he absolutely adores it! It's like he's caught in a love-hate battle, but the truth is, he's head over heels for the thrill of submitting to your power.
"o-Oh!... fu-fucK...ngh!" Sun Wukong moaned and groaned, he could almost feel tears rolling down his face, loving the way your fingers went deep within him.
"Look at how pathetic you are," you say as he flushed in embarrassment, his eyes closing shut and turned his head away.
Sun Wukong gasped before letting out another moan as your other hand seized his chin with force.
"Keep your gaze on the mirror."
When he found out, oh... Brace yourself for Macaque's wild desires! This guy thrives on rough play, even going as far as enjoying being stepped on.
But let's not forget his mischievous side! Picture this: you're in the midst of work, and Macaque is right there, incessantly poking your head, like an annoying but lovable sidekick.
He's a handful, that's for sure, HE IS SO ANNOYING 😭
Like, "mommy issues?", "Daddy issues?" NO, HE IS THE ISSUE 👹😠
But alas you love him, CUZ YOUR A SIMP, But me too bbg 🖐️☺️
He's laying on the ground, his hips stuttering pathetically as he whines, gripping at your leg and pleading with you to keep walking on him, to release this overpowering need to cum.
Macaque, the lovable troublemaker with a heart full of love! Despite his antics, he adores you with every fiber of his being and isn't shy about showing it.
But here's the twist: when you unleash your power and reveal your true strength, it catches him off guard.
Well, he probably should have seen it coming! I mean, it's you we're talking about—the unstoppable force that commands attention wherever you go.
But like I mean, Slay queen/king 💅Get ready for Macaque's wide-eyed surprise, mixed with pure admiration, as you unleash your might upon the world!
And Slowly breaking him? He loved it, fucking him so good that every time he's in your presence for the next several days, his mind instantly returns to that day, his dick throbs at the sheer sight of you.
"haha.." you chuckled.
"Hah.. Hng! S-ShIt!" Macaque moaned aloud as your hands stroked his cock as the other hand pinched his nipples as tears roll down his cheek.
"Awh, did I hurt your feelings?"
My guy thought he had it all figured out, expecting to be the dominant force in the relationship. But, nope! UNO REVERSE BITCH! his expectations shattered when you swooped in and stole his spotlight! Though.. not that he minds being pushed down on the bed harshly as you literally rearrange his guts.
Ne'zha is the type that loves to try different and dirty things. so don't be surprised if one day he asks you to choke the living life out of him, like there he is officer, The horny 😧
Has a preference for being praised over being degraded, childhood trauma am I right? This man is 100000000000% a good boy <3
Tbh he would jack off right infront of you if you commanded him too, slut of the month, right here.
He'll never forget that day when he was talking to a maiden who seemed.. really interested in him.. more like his body.. I mean this guy probably wears things that are real tight, YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE IS TIGH-- Okay I'll stop 😔
Anyways, He could practically feel your eyes glaring at him, and that's when he knew, he's so fucked, EVERYONE POINT AND LAUGH 😂
"Come on.. you can take more, right? You aren't the third lotus prince for nothing.." you murmured as your fingers gently wrinkled Ne'zha's chest up to down, as the vibrator in his ass works it's magic ✨
"C-CanT- No.. Hng, Can't anymore.. nghh!~" Nezha could feel the ropes tighten on his exposed skin, you frowned as you put a finger under his chin, forcing him look up at you, his weeping eyes looking at your disappointed ones.
"How utterly pathetic you are.."
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nilolol30 · 7 months
Hey can you do scenarios of Wukong and Macaque comforting reader of they forgot their birthday?
(I didn't know if you'd want them together or separate sorry if it was together)
Everyone is aware of how easily something's slip over the great sages head but after awhile you two got together he promised he'd always remember every special moment and occasion with you including birthdays.
He had many close calls but never forgetting he went so far to put the date of your birthday on his kitchen fridge, bedroom wall and even a small note on the bathroom mirror it was really sweet but he was bound to forget once.
You received a few birthday calls and texts in the morning from the gang they asked if you could come down to Piggy's Noodles so they could treat you out.
Starring at the text you look over to Wukong who was laying on the couch watching a movie with the little monkeys "Hey you wouldn't mind if I go to Pigsy's for a bit right?" Wukong looked over to you "Uh yeah I don't mind you don't need my permission peaches" he let out a small laugh.
"You want to come with me?" You slightly hoped he'd say yes at least you'd celebrate together "Nah I'm good" he smiled and went back to watch the TV again it's then you realized he forgot but it's okay you didn't want to bother him and it was just another birthday nothing special.
"Okay see you tonight then..." but you gotta admit it still stung a bit.
After you left one of the little monkeys stared at Wukong unimpressed the sage could feel it he looked at the monkey next to him "What?" The monkey only sighed and jumped off the couch and made it's way to the kitchen.
"Well someone's in a bad mood" rolling his eyes Wukong went back to watching the movie after a minute the little monkey jumps back on the couch and shoved a piece of paper in their kings face.
"Hey hey! What's going on with you today what's this?" Wukong takes the paper a read it...it had your birthday written on it and his face immediately fell into disbelief "CRAP" he jumped up from the couch and immediately ran out of the hut and summoned his cloud and speed down the mountain.
He managed to catch up to you halfway down and hugged you "Im so sorry! Im such a jerk peaches I promised not to forget and I did I love you so much happy birthday I'm so-" you hushed him before he continued to apologize again and again you hugged him back.
"It's okay honey! It's not that important-" "Yes it is! You being born should be celebrated! Even all over the world!!" He chipped in and giving you kisses on the cheek "Okay okay but still it's okay!"
After that Wukong went with you to Pigsy's and insisted on treating you and pampered you the entire day while still slipping in some apologys.
Macaque rarely forgets things he always tries to keep even the smallest details in his mind but everyone gets forgetful especially after a extremely busy few days you left earlier today even inviting Macaque to come with but he declined.
He thought he saw a flash of disappointment on your face but you smiled and said okay and left now he's laying in bed eating a banana he grabbed through a portal.
Halfway through the banana he decided to listen in on you he swears he only does it to check up on you so he was surprised to hear a friend of yours tell you happy birthday he immediately paused mid bite when he connected the dots.
"Oh sh*t..." He threw the half eaten fruit out the open window and immediately went to work.
You walked to your front door unlocking it your other hand holding a bag with some presents your friend/family gave you when you heard the click you pushed the door with your foot but let out a small gasp at the sight in front of you.
The living room was decorated with streamers and balloons themed with your favorite colors and Infront of you was Macaque himself kneeling holding out a cake with frosting that said 'Im sorry happy birthday!!' You smiled closing the door and putting down the bag.
"Macaque...thank you and it's okay" he smiled and stood up setting the cake on the table "Still though sorry about this morning should have realized sooner" you gently put your hand on his cheek and gave him a kiss on the nose.
"It's fine but you didn't have to do this" you laugh looking at the decorations "Uh yes I did! What kind of boyfriend would I be hm?" Macaque took your hands and lead you to the couch "Now how bout we light some candles so you can have your birthday wish!"
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
TMKATI AU Wukong accidently spawning pig ears every now and then. Only seems to happen when around Pigsy for extended periods of time or when he's looking for dad flavored validation. Pigsy at first thinks he's being mocked and complains to his husband. Tang subtly asks Wukong about the ears in private just to find out Wu had NO IDEA he was doing it! Pigsy is crying. Years later, after Wu finally found out it was happening and actively tries not to bc thats embarrassing, he texts Pigsy an unsteady photo of little MK messing with his hair in a mirror oblivious to being watched, trying to shape a second ear with gel he found. Child is frustrated. Caption: "What the baby doin???"
Another photo of MK noticing his audience and lighting up. Caption: "Hold on, he's asking for help"
Last photo, half an hour later. Both Wukong and MK are in the photo. MK in his dad's lap with Wu's head on top of his, both beaming at the camera. Both sporting fuzzy "pig ears." Wukong's are the manifested ears from before, MK's are his natural bang and a second ear sculpted with hair and gel. Caption: "He didn't understand why he was the only one to 'inhawit' anything from Dadsy and why he was missing an 'ear', so we fixed it lol :P"
omg, Wukong's limited shapeshifting abilities manifesting when he's in an emotional state/mood is so based.
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I feel like shapeshifting is *not* uncommon among demons, many use it to appear "more human" and fit in, or to hide blemishes or injury, or even just to fit inside buildings. But the side of it thats effected by the user's emotions is not 100% well known. It's like only seeing experts in sports or games, you have a hard time telling whats "Hard" or a "Beginner" move.
I'm imagining Pigsy and "Wu" cleaning up after a very busy and stressful day (first time Wu has ever handled a rush hour), and they're just chilling when a convo like this occurs;
Pigsy (wiping down the kitchen): "You didn't screw up." Wu, sweeping: "Huh?" Pigsy: "For someone who hasn't worked in the service industry for a long time, you did really good today. I'm proud of you." Wu, quietly smiling: "Thanks..." Wu: (*suddenly shapeshifts a pair of pig's ears*) Pigsy, confused: "Tf?? Was that intentional? Whatever, he's weird enough already." ₍ •̀ ⚇•́₎
Later he mentions it to Tang, a little offended thinking Wu could have been mocking him, only for the scholar to point something out;
Tang: "Wait. You said he spawned pig ears when you told him you were proud of him?" Pigsy: "Yeah! He didn't even comment on it or nothin'! He just finished cleaning, still with the ears on!" Tang, thinking: "Well it's said that demons who use shapeshifting a lot can glitch out when they feel strong emotions." Pigsy (rarely uses shapeshifting): "Huh?" Tang: "Yeah. You telling Wu that you were proud of him probably meant a lot to him, and his magic responded by trying to mimic you." Pigsy: "Why??" Tang, shrugging: "I dunno. The article I read said it most often occurs in interspecies adoption since kids want to *be* like their parents and- Piggy are you crying?!" Pigsy: (*emotional at the realisation that Wu likely sees him as a father figure and/or role model*) "No." (*Lie*)
Macaque witnesses Wukong do this one day and just snickers. Him and Nezha are just quietly betting on how long it'll take for Wukong to even notice that his normal monkey ears now have a permanent "flop" to them, like a pig's ear.
At least until Nezha looks at himself in a mirror and notices that his regular tiny red face markings have spread into a suspiciously familiar... heart-shape. He clams up about any emotional shapeshifting after that.
I am just adoring the phone scenario with MK thinking his hair bang was him inheriting Pigsy's ears, it's so cute! X3
And the baby isn't shy about shapeshifting either. Pigsy and Wukong were super-confused when they went into the resturant one day and saw a little brown piglet standing there - only to both scream with amazement/pride when they realised that MK had manifested his first ever *full* transformation.
On the flip-side Macaque has been accidentally spawning fox ears and extra tails for centuries since his biggest parental figure was Jiuweihuli - who like her title indicates, is a nine tailed fox. He mostly has it under control, but the extras tend to "pop out" when he's being very catty or mischievious.
The vixen warns Macaque about flagrantly shapeshifting or "You'll get stuck like that" as any mother does like to a kid pulling a silly face.
When MK is born with three tails (like his kaiju form), Jiuweihuli smugly declares herself correct - after sobbing with joy after meeting her adoptive grandbaby.
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skellebonez · 1 year
And What If I Think Of You As Family Now?
In which MK is very lost while contemplating his new form and Macaque tries his best to actually comfort him for once.
This is just a little fic I wrote because I REALLY wanted to explore Monkey MK and what the revelations may mean for MK and Macaque moving forward. I like the idea Mac becomes a very reluctant uncle/big brother figure to MK on accident.
MK poked at his face.
Poked again.
The soft pinkish orange mask that framed his eyes did not come off on his fingers.
He reached his hands over to the side. Pulled on the side burns that now framed his face.
Yeah. Yeah, they were still there.
He pulled the sleeve of his jacket up, looking at the fur that he saw glitch onto his arm multiple times.
It was still there.
"I… think it may be permanent, kiddo," Macaque said behind him. "... color's good on you?"
"What?" MK looked back, staring at the immortal standing behind him in the doorway to the bathroom in confusion.
"Your, uh, your face mark," Macaque continued. It was so obvious to MK that he was feeling as uncertain and awkward as the Monkie Kid was. A far cry from the usual snarky and assured dramatic and theatrical man that MK was used to. "Looks. Good, with your... fur and all that."
MK nodded slowly, turning back to the bathroom mirror to stare at himself again.
He almost couldn't believe he was looking at himself. But it was him. His face was staring back at him. It just.. had a few extra features.
A few... monkey demon features.
This was the first time he had been able to actually get a good look at himself since the... what was it that happened in the scroll? Glitching? Glamour glitching, that's what he thought Macaque called it. He had a glamour on.
He'd... always had a glamour on and he never knew it. Pigsy never knew it. Macaque never knew it. Sun Wukong...
No one knew. No one knew until the ink demon curse had done something to make it crack. Macaque called it an embedded mental glamour, something someone else had to have put on MK since he was born given the strength. Someone had done that to him without him knowing for his entire life.
Someone who no one knew.
Correction. Given his encounter with a certain ancient teacher, MK was pretty damn sure there was ONE person who at least had a guess. But would he actually be forthcoming with the information? Probably not.
The only thing anyone seemed to be forthcoming with lately were their own opinions.
He tried not to think about the fight they were all in only a few hours ago. How Yellowtusk and Peng had come to capture them on orders of the Azure Emperor. Of course Azure Lion would have started to call himself that, when MK looked back on the situation he could see how self-important the man who may have once been his Sworn Uncle thought of himself. That was probably why he sent his Sworn Brothers down to capture them instead of capturing the group himself.
More important things for the new emperor to handle.
He tried not to think about how Yellowtusk made him question who he was and where he came from, tried no to think about how the elephant had questioned where his fur and tail had gone since their last encounter. Yellowtusk, however, hadn't been the problem. He was more muscle then banter, only hitting where it hurt at just the right moment when pointing out how MK's "true form" could have been an asset logically in battle and questioning why he would refuse to use it.
It was Peng that caused his current predicament.
"I know why you're not using it," he had said with the sneer he wore when he has hurt his friends in their first meeting. "You don't want us to think of, what? Your mentor?  Brother? Your father?"
MK has screamed that Sun Wukong was not, in fact, his father.
And then.
"Does it really matter? It doesn't change the fact we know what you are. Just like him? You're a MONSTER."
MK didn't know exactly what happened after that. Just that... he changed. The same glitching happened and he felt something shatter and then he just.
Couldn't change back.
At least Yellowtusk and Peng had retreated, so afraid of the burst of power that the shattering of his glamour had let out. MK couldn't help it, it had burst out of him unbidden and sent everyone flying away.
He still felt bad for Nezha, who was standing closest to him outside Peng. But, unlike the bird, he had someone to catch him as he went flying back (MK felt he needed to thank Sandy for being a literal wall of a man). Peng had to be picked up Yellowtusk as he ran, nearly knocked unconscious by being sent into a nearby wall.
The worst part about all of this was that the thing they were trying to get, the artifact they were sure might be the thing to fix the slab... hadn't even worked in the end.
A waste of time that only earned MK more questions and a form he did not feel comfortable in.
He traced the marking around his eyes, noting that the color was… very similar to Sun Wukong’s own…
... Master Subohdi had said he was born of Sun Wukong's rock, but not in the same way... could Peng have been right about them being related in some way?
"Macaque?" MK asked softly. "Is this… who I am? Is this who I really am? Was the other me just… fake?"
"Kiddo, you…" Macaque said with a sigh. "I wasn't ready for an existential crisis, mother of f-"
"Was Peng right?" MK continued. "Am I a monster?"
"NO," Macaque countered instantly. "Bird brain can stuff it, he has no idea what he's talking about. You're MK. Always have been, always will be."
"I only have that nickname because Tang thought it was cute when I would get excited about the Monkey King," MK said with a half-hearted laugh. "That isn't even the name Pigsy gave me."
"Doesn't have to be your given name," Macaque said with a shrug. "You chose it out of all the ones given to you, that means you are MK. Simple as that."
"I guess," MK muttered. He reached up, scratching at his side burns.
They felt so odd against his cheeks. He'd never liked having longer hair for some reason, the feeling of it on his neck and face uncomfortable for him. That was why he kept his hair shorter, pulled up with his headband and the hair gel Tang had introduced him to.
It was only a few months ago that MK had been trying to mimic the chirping of the monkeys on Mount Huaguo. He would have been ecstatic if that sound came out of his mouth then. If he had discovered this form at another moment, long before this.
He winched as some kind of chirp came out of his mouth in response to his scratching.
MK didn't realize he started crying until he looked back up and saw a few tears rolling down his face.
"I… come here, sit on the floor," Macaque said softly, suddenly. He waved his hand, gesturing for the other to follow him.
MK looked at him wearily, unsure of how willing he was to move from his spot in front of the mirror. But eventually he gave in, turning away and leaving the bathroom.
The other sat on the couch, tail thumping on the couch beside him as he gestured to the floor in front of him.
"Back to me, sit however you like."
"Uh... o-ok..." MK said softly in confusion.
He sat down as instructed, his legs crossed comfortably. His tail didn't seem to know exactly where to go, and he didn't blame it, swishing and thumping against the floor in agitation.
"If you get uncomfortable you need to let me know," Macaque said.
MK didn't get the chance to ask him what he meant before the older monkey demon's hands were on his head.
In his hair.
It only took a few seconds for MK to realize what the other was attempting to do, the motions and the way he carefully picked and parted his hair all too familiar. It was something that Sun Wukong had done to him multiple times when he and MK had thought he was just a normal human.
MK's tail slowed down in it's thumping, instead slowing down to swish at his side calmly. He thought he might want to do something about that in the future, the idea of his tail giving so much of his inner emotions away in battle making him concerned. Besides, he would need to learn how to use it properly to grab things and the like anyway.
They sat there for a while, Macaque grooming through his hair and picking out all the dirt and knots leftover from their battle earlier in the day while MK just. Let him. It was odd to remember that Macaque had once been one of his first major enemies. He manipulated MK to steal his powers (though, as explained in a long conversation later, that was not his original plan). He tormented his friends in the shadow play (though he refused to explain why he really let them all go in the end). He'd worked with the Lady Bone Demon (the fact he actually had no choice and was desperately trying to escape her hold on him was picked up by everyone once they thought about the ritual and his actions during it, though Mei's continued distrust of him after that was still validated by everyone whenever she questioned why he was helping them now... even by Macaque, actually).
But now they sat there in Sun Wukong's living room. Where Macaque had just recently had him play a game in his own weird attempt to give him a life lesson. One on the couch and one on the floor.
One would think they had been friends much longer with his comfortable MK was becoming as the hands worked through his hair and removed his headband. He didn't bother to stop the other, not when he felt how carefully he removed it and watched how he carefully folded it on the couch next to him.
"I'm sorry you couldn't have your first proper social grooming session with…" Macaque trailed off, hands stuttering in their movement for just a moment before picking up where they left off.
"It's ok," MK said with a chuckle. "Monkey King did this so much before we found out about all… this that it probably wouldn't feel any different."
"And this does?" Macaque asked tentatively.
"Yeah," MK said with a slight nod. "Like… like I have 2 different brothers doing i-OW! Macaque, what the hell!?"
"Sorry!" The word was said too fast, too loud, foreign in the darker haired monkey's voice. "... I just… didn't expect… I have no idea why you've been so chill with me out of everyone, MK, then you pull out the family comparing card? Brother, really?"
"Would uncle be better?" MK offered smoothly. "Weird estranged uncle that shows up at family reunions."
"THAT'S NOT THE- the point, kiddo…" Macaque trailed off, sighing as he went back to his work.
MK smiled at the lone monkey that always hung around him or Macaque always climbed into his lap, curling up and going to sleep. MK felt his hands itch to groom through his fur, instincts catching up to him. But he didn't want to disturb the little one or do something wrong in accident...
He saw Macaque's tail come around to tap him on the shoulder.
"We'll get him back," Macaque said firmly.
"How do you know?" MK asked.
"He's Sun Wukong," Macaque chuckled, gesturing to the cottage they resided in. "He's gotten himself out of worse than this, that means we can get him back. Besides, would Peng and Yellowtusk have been sent after us if we DIDN'T possibly get close to something Azure thought would work?"
"Maybe," MK admitted with a nod. He looked down, realizing his fingers had started running through the fur on Macaque’s tail as he looked for knots or bugs without even thinking about it. "...thanks for trying to make me feel better."
"Don't think too much about it," Macaque said as he finished his grooming through his hair. "Jeez, MK, how much product do you use in your hair? My hands feel gross."
"I'm sorry for wanting to look COOL," MK countered with a haughty chuckle. "Besides, I picked it up from my... dad."
"Tang?" Macaque inquired.
"Yeah," MK confirmed with a hum. "Feels weird to call him dad and not Mr. Tang. Pigsy and I never really called each other father and son openly until now."
"Things change, kid," Macaque said with a chuckle as he stood up. He made a pointed effort to keep his hands airborne and far away from his clothes.
"Does this mean I should call you Uncle Mac?" MK asked as he stood as well, gently placing the sleeping monkey on the couch. "Or something else?"
"Absolutely neither," Macaque said, his tone light with a chuckle under it. "I'm just Macaque, your not so friendly neighborhood shadow demon. Now I'm gonna wash my hands and get something to eat, I'm starving. You want me to grab you anything before your friends get in here?"
"Pigsy's making us food, you know," MK said with a raise of his brow.
"... he's making you food," Macaque said with a confused tone.
"Us," MK corrected. "You're part of the group, you know."
"... oh," Macaque said in a tone MK didn't know how to place. He had a far off look on his face for a moment, not looking at MK despite looking in his direction, before his eyes widened in some form of surprise. "Uh. Still washing my hands, BYE."
Mk didn't even have the chance to yell out a "wait" before Macaque vanished into a nearby shadow.
"That guy knows how to make an exit," came not even 5 seconds later, Pigsy's voice shocking MK into a yelp.
"How long were you standing there!?" MK asked, hand on his chest. His heart was racing, the relaxing mood from earlier shattered in an instant.
"Since around 'Uncle Mac'," Pigsy answered with a smirk. "You'd probably have more luck callin' him Mac and Cheese with all the walls that guy has up. What were you two doin' in here anyway? You... you good, son?"
"Yeah," MK answered honestly. "Yeah, like I said, I just needed some time to think. Macaque helped me out with that, pulled me out of my head when I started overthinking all... all that stuff from earlier."
"With the bird brain?" Pigsy asked with a snort and a growl. He'd been angry since they came back, since MK changed even. He'd been high-strung and on edge, snipping at everyone that he needed time alone and that time was best spent cooking. Usually Pigsy let his answer out openly, but this quiet anger? This meant he was way more upset than he wanted anyone to know. "When we get our hands on that jerk I'm gonna turn him into fried chicken. Or at least make him think I'm gonna. Then we're gonna get some answers about all... this."
"Do you… would you be less upset if I was a pig demo-"
"NO," Pigsy said instantly. Firmly. "No, MK, that's not what I'm upset about. I'm... I'm sorry if me snapping about wantin' to be alone and all made you think that. I'm not upset you're a monkey or at you. I'm upset you had to find all this out like… like this. I'm upset because my son deserved better than this."
MK didn't realize he was crying again until his dad wiped the tears running down his face away. Until he pulled MK into a hug and tucked his face into his shoulder and let him cry more.
"You deserved to know all this sooner, kid," Pigsy said. "But it doesn't change anything."
"Except that I have fur," MK muttered into Pigsy’s shoulders. "And a tail."
"Not literally, ya doofus," Pigsy said with a chuckle.
The two stood there for a moment, just hugging each other as tightly as they could. It reminded MK of when he was smaller, when he was younger, of when Pigsy would comfort him after a mean kid bullied him for not being able to ride his skateboard as well as the other kids (and now that he thought about it, his balance was way better now that he had a tail... huh).
"Food's ready," Pigsy said after they finally pulled away from each other. "We kinda made up a table outside for everyone to eat together, I just need to grab some stuff from Monkey King's kitchen first. I'll meet you outside."
"OK, dad," MK said with a smile.
Pigsy watched as MK rushed outside, ears perked as he listened carefully for the sound of the door to shut and rushing water to turn off.
"You too, 6 Eared Pain In My Ass," Pigsy said with his arms crossed and foot tapping. "MK wasn't lying when he said the food was for you too."
There was silence for a moment and the chef worried that, once again, the shadow monkey had decided to escape an awkward situation of having to interact with the man (who had thrown a spatula at him, to be fair). But he didn't have to wait long, noticing a shadow growing close to the window before Macaque popped himself back out to watch MK reunite with his friends outside.
"... he's a good kid," Macaque said softly. "Almost too good... almost."
"Means I did something right by him," Pigsy said softly. "I... wasn't the perfect dad, but I tried my best."
"Must have worked out somehow," Macaque mused. He was... oddly subdued compared to his normal bombastic nature. "... How... I know it's not the same but like..."
"You wanna know how to be a good guardian," Pigsy said. Not even asked, it was a statement.
"Hate to admit it, but... Kid's grown on me," Macaque said slowly. "He's one of the only people even to try to give me a chance, even if I was a jerk to him. Now I'm worried about him, and... with Wukong gone there isn't anyone to show him the ropes of being one of us."
"Then it sounds like you need to learn how to dad from a dad."
"I am NOT going to be his dad," Macaque snapped instantly. "I would rather he call me UNCLE any day."
"Then I guess Uncle Mac and Cheese better get his ass out to the table and interact with everyone else."
It was so worth seeing the offended look at the immortal's face.
An hour after everyone else went to bed Pigsy found a visitor outside the room he and Tang were sharing, asking him how to cut fruit for his new family member.
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its-malarkey · 7 months
Crying hissing vomiting as I get through more of Burn and realizing (again and again, every day) that Eliza’s accusations at Hamilton mirror Macaque’s argument with Wukong in “A Lifetime of Mistakes”
You and your words obsessed with your legacy
Your sentences border on senseless
And you are paranoid in every paragraph
How they perceive you
You, you, you!
And then Macaque and Wukong:
Macaque: “You're the one who's always running off! Looking for more power, more sources of immortality! You're the one who wouldn't quit while we were ahead! Not the Great Sage, he's gotta drag everyone else into his mess!”
Wukong: “You're not in this mess! You're still free! Everything I did was for us!”
Macaque: “You did it for yourself. You become like this... obsessive demon! I told you going against the Jade Emperor was a bad idea, but no, Wukong doesn't listen to anyone. He just does whatever he wants! You put yourself here, not me.”
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Short but sweet <3
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Day 9: Scars
Macaque x Reader
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You were the only being in this or any other world he trusted enough to drop his illusions around. 
It wasn't something he did often, and he was only doing so now to try and conserve some energy, his last fight having really taken it out of him. Sitting on your shared bed on the Dojo, you watched as he tended to his latest injuries in the mirror. His shirt had been tossed aside so bandages could be applied, leaving his bare torso exposed to the room. Scars normally hidden by his illusions were clear as day.
Your heart couldn't help aching with sympathy at all he'd endured. Many of them were old, and he presented them with pride when asked, but you knew some of them had been… difficult to endure. Even if he felt comfortable dropping the illusion that hid them from view, he still refused to show vulnerability with you. 
A soft wince caught your attention as he attempted to get a better look at an injury on his side. Unable to stand by, you got up and approached with the hope of offering what help you could.  
"Here…" you said gently as he turned to you, holding out a hand to take the gauze. You wanted to let him know he could rely on you, that he didn't need to suffer another injury alone… A lingering hesitation in his eyes encouraged you to insist gently by taking his hand. 
"I can help."
"Yeah…" he agreed after a moment of hesitation, trying to sound as much like this was his own idea as he could. You played along, taking the bandage and dropping to one knee whilst bracing a palm against his chest for a better look. It didn't skip your attention that he leaned into your touch rather than away.
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elirastudio · 2 years
I've got a little imagine/drabble with the Shadow King AU I'd like to share if that's cool
Xiaotian was a strange little thing, where other human babies would whimper and cry at the sight of the celestial monkey Xiaotian would just coo curiously up at him.
Macaque had just taken the baby into his care a few days ago and was admittedly still unsure of him. Don't get him wrong, he had no ill will towards Xiaotian but they were still strangers to each other.
It was one night when it seemed like nothing could calm the little boy down. He wasn't hungry or soiled or anything and the king was utterly clueless to what he needed.
"Shh, Shh Xiaotian," Macaque's hushed voice was nearly pleading, "Everything's OK."
Xiaotian only cried out in the monkey's arms, the subtle rocking motion having no effect. Macaque thought back to the baby monkeys of Flower Fruit Mountain and how their mothers would soothe them but it would seem that human babies were more.. temperamental.
Macaque didn't notice how his multiple ears twitched in thought but Xiaotian did, cries quieting to focus on the delicate movements.
Macaque's thoughts screeched to a halt to look down at the boy reaching up curiously and chuckled softly.
"Do you like that, Xiaotian? Here watch this,"
Macaque fluttered his ears making some effort to make them glow. Xiaotian's red-rimmed eyes widened at the sight before his face crinkled in delight and started to laugh. A sweet sound that seemed to spark something bright in the king.
Some deep dark part of Macaque's heart that was thought to be shriveled in his chest suddenly bloomed, warmth spreading to the ends of his limbs.
Macaque mirrored the boy's giggles and found himself nuzzling the Xiaotian's cheeks with his own making the baby only laugh harder.
It was then he knew he'd protect Xiaotian, the strange little thing who seemed to shine as a star, with his dying breath
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Guys I should be the one that make you cry over this au not the opposite
I love it so much
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imminent-danger-came · 4 months
So, here's a thought about the idea that Qi Xiaotian is Underworld x Sun Wukong- in the original text, Macaque was a metaphor for a person's darker side, Wukong's darkest impulses. We never even saw what he actually looked like because he spent most of the chapter transformed into Wukong and he died.
So, maybe the whole harbinger thing is a reference to that. Wukong's darkest impulses are killed, maybe without a metaphor, and that part of his soul gets sent down to the Underworld. That part is scooped up, repackaged in the stone egg, and left to soak up Flower Fruit Mountain and Sun Wukong energy for an extra boost.
Dots are connecting, I'm probably not connecting shit, but dots are connecting.
I'm reading a summary of the jttw chapters (ch. 56-58) with the six-eared Macaque in them, and apparently "not even the imp-reflecting mirror [could] tell them apart" ("Origin of the Six-Eared Macaque and the Character’s Influence on Black Myth: Wukong" by JTTW Research). In lmk, this imp-reflecting mirror is the demon revealing mirror from 2x02, which I've had a lot of fun thinking about in reference to MK.
During Wukong and false-Wukong's fight, they traveled down to the underworld, and then they were sent to the Buddha who recognized the imposter immediately. The Buddha then gave an explanation of the 4 spiritual primates (which feels relevant to a conversation around MK and his relation to Wukong for obvious reasons), and he's able to identify Wukong's double as the six-eared Macaque. Macaque senses that he is in danger, and he turns into a bee to attempt to escape.
JTTW Research's article also brings attention to Wukong embodying the concept of a "Mind Monkey" (typically paired with the phrase "Idea Horse"), which is a Buddhist concept describing "restlessness, capriciousness, and lack of control in one's thoughts". In the Villains Wiki (which isn't the most reputable source but it brings up an interesting concept), the six-eared Macaque is referred to as representing "what Wukong could become had the latter chose power and chaotic freedom over protecting Sanzang." This is in line with what Macaque highlights in 4x11, "Wukong was on a path of self-destruction—we all were. But when he met the monk, it set him on a different path."
Ch. 58 of JTTW also calls attention to the concept of "non-duality", and as JTTW Research discusses "One mind” (Sk: ekacitta; Ch: yixin, 一心) is a high-level philosophy and core tenet of many Buddhist schools that refers to a tranquil, immovable mind that encompasses non-duality". If an individual has two minds instead of one mind, "disasters he’ll breed; / He’ll guess and conjecture both far and near”. I find this idea of "non-duality" super interesting, especially in context with MK's two distinct identities: his identity as "MK" and his identity as the "Monkey Kid"—his identity as a "Regular Noodle Delivery Boy" and as a "Monkey Demon". MK is constantly at war with himself, and I feel that his path as a "Mind Monkey" involves the restlessness that comes with mental illness and neurodiversity. So MK's own path forward will involve him stepping off the path of self-destruction—which means reconciling the different parts of himself, to be "one mind".
Now, this doesn't offer an explanation for MK's origins, but I do think the concept of pre-stone MK being "what Wukong could become had he chosen power and chaotic freedom" is worth discussing. I've always posited/enjoyed the idea that Wukong gave MK a second chance (with the reincarnations of the pilgrims), just like Wukong himself was given a second chance. With MK being given the title of "Harbinger of Chaos" in s4, and Wukong's original trajectory being one of chaos, MK has the potential to go/have gone farther than his mentor ever did.
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
would you say macaque is something like a necessary evil in the novel?
I would say you are talking about the Six Eared Macaque right? There are a few Macaques in the story. I mean I wouldn't really say he is "necessary" as that isn't really the role he plays within the novel.
When I think "necessary evil" I think more like a force in society that is kept in order to keep the peace or to preserve other social forces that are considered more important to keep than to lose. A necessary evil is an evil that someone believes must be done or accepted because it is necessary to achieve a better outcome—especially because possible alternative courses of action or inaction are expected to be worse.
Which I do not believe the Six-Eared Macaque plays at all.
He is to play the role of the mirror to Sun Wukong. He is supposed to represent the absolute worse of what Wukong is capable of, not really being the opposite of Wukong but rather more of a foil to show Wukong what he could have been (I actually think another great foil character is Erlang Shen for different reasons). A version of Wukong that if he continued to be a warlord, continued to kill without regard for the value of life or consequences that the would turn into him.
The Six-Eared Macaque is not given a backstory so it's hard to say if they have similar backgrounds but rather it is that they are the same species and have the same drive that Wukong had at the start of the novel. Both being of immense power and, like Wukong, The Six Earred Macaque's greatest desire was to get fame and glory and to be recognized for it, despite the consequences.
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Personally I believe that the Six-Eared Macaque was inspired by the Buddist saing “The dharma is not to be transmitted to the sixth ear" which means that there isn't a third person around to easdrop, usually between student and teacher. This is only used once when Wukong was speaking with Master Puti and this is where I think that the Six Earred Macaque learned the same skill that Wukong did.
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Of course, this also means that he doesn't have a complete understanding. He would always be slightly off with his own teachings, always a step behind, and only be able to imitate what they were eavesdropping on as they were never told directly.
Kind of like how Wukong is supposed to be a master of transformation when he fought Erlang Shen and still lost the SIx Earred Macaque is supposed to discern and have knowledge but he is still just eavesdropping. He is never going to have the real thing.
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Wukong is meant to represent Nothingness or emptiness, literally in his name meaning "Monkey Awakened to Emptiness" and how he and the Six Earred Macaque are meant to be of one mind but they are "two mind" that are fighting each other. One being one's natural impulsive thoughts and the other is the self-control people practice to think ahead. They are both inside a person's mind but only one can have full control of the body so to speak. I think a good western example of this would be like Ego vs ID but please don't take that as a one-to-one, it's not!
It is connected to how Wukong is the mind monkey and in order for him to reach his namesake that state of overcoming uncontrollable thought he needs to fight the worst version of himself, which is what I think the Six-Eared Macaque is supposed to represent. This actually goes with how I think Wukong and his connection with Bailong being the Horse of Will show how Wukong has gradually started to overcome his own thoughts and practice self-control though his dedicated willpower. (Bailong is an important allegory yet again.)
Long story short I think that the Six-Eared Macaque is to more represents Wukong's character growth. Rather than be a "necessary evil" he is another milestone to show that Wukong is about to look at the worst traits of himself and through fighting himself and wrestling with who he is, he is able to come to accept himself as well... and by defeating his doppelganger he shows that after battling himself he comes out the victor. Him moving on and changing throughout the journey shows him to be stronger and more sure of himself both mentally and spiritually.
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starsfic · 4 months
Valentine’s Week- Day 1, Part 1
Summary: Xiaojiao takes Isabela clothes shopping and gives her the opportunity to choose.
"Are you sure?"
"I mean, you said you wanted to mix things up, right?" Long Xiaojiao set the heap of clothes she held into Isabela Madrigal's arms. "I kinda just grabbed the stuff I noticed you looking at. There's some pastel stuff and stuff like your purple dress, but I tried to grab a range of stuff."
And Isabela could feel it in her arms.
"And...I just try it on and see if I like it?"
"Yes!" At least, the Spanish word Xiaojiao said sounded like 'yes.' "Don't worry about what I'll think. If you really wanna show me, then show me. But it's your wardrobe. Do what you want."
And with that, Xiaojiao shut the changing room door.
Isabela blinked at the sudden end of the conversation. "Thank you," she said because Abuela had distilled manners in her, after all.
But not a lot of choice, which was the real weight in her arms.
Ever since she had run away from the Encanto with Xiaojiao, choice had been a constant weight on her shoulders. Xiaojiao had learned enough in their first night together to give her constant options whenever they went. Isabela loved that about her, even with her unladylike decorum and poor Spanish dialect. Xiaojiao was trying and Isabela tried just as hard.
She was the one to decide to do this, after all.
Isabela sighed and got to work.
First, sorting into piles. There were piles of stuff that was close to what she usually wore, stuff that matched Xiaojiao's own modern sense, and stuff...in the middle. The first thing on top of the first pile was a purple dress.
Isabela grabbed it and yanked it on.
It wasn't like her old princess dress with multiple layers of tulle. It was more modern, with a shorter skirt that just went to her knees and a brown belt in the middle. Xiaojiao had even found a cute pair of sandals that went to the belt. Isabela twisted and turned, looking over herself.
She glanced up at the mirror.
No, no. No frown. She needed to smile. People smiled when she smiled. But not too big, otherwise she'll look manic. There. A proper smile for...
Isabela's smile dropped.
Xiaojiao hummed as she tapped on her phone, making her little mech block the attack of the other mech. Isabela had been in the changing room for a while, but she didn't let it bother her. Her girlfriend needed this time to pick for herself what she wanted to do.
A text popped up from Macaque, blocking her view. Before Xiaojiao could dismiss the notification, the other mech shot out and it was over.
"Awwww!" she couldn't help but whine. She tapped the notification and began to draft a message about Macaque ruining her game. Before she could, the door opened with a creak.
"How do I look?"
Xiaojiao looked up and swore her heart went thump, just like it did when she found a woman beating up a tree with vines.
Isabela looked hot. Well, she always looked hot, but in a stern princess way. This hot, however, was wrapped up in a navy shirt with purple flowers across the chest, ripped jeans, and a dark leather jacket. Were those purple Converse?! Xiaojiao felt her hand rise up and summon her camera.
"You look amazing!" She was up and out of her chair in a moment, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend and pressing an eager kiss to her cheek. "You look hot! I mean, you always look hot, but you look great!"
Isabela blinked, and, for a moment, Xiaojiao swore that there were tears in her eyes. Then, a smile, wide and bright, spread across her face. "Thank you, Xiaojiao." She leaned forward, and Xiaojiao shivered at the brush of lips against her collarbone. "However, I think this outfit is missing something..."
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lunar-wandering · 2 years
Regarding the fantasy break au, how do they know what the stories want them to do in order to move forward? Does the story itself give clues or are these stories both monkeys are familiar with? Is it possible that they get transported into a story only one of them is familiar with and they have to explain it to the other?
for the most part they’re both familiar enough with the stories to get through them, and if they’re not, then yes, the story itself will give hints.
they also have the option of asking the others, I don’t know if I said this clearly but they can communicate with MK and the others in the outside world through mirrors, so they can just ask them to research the story if they really need too.
There are, of course, ones where only one of them is familiar with it. For example, Wukong mainly knows the Disney versions of western fairytales, while Macaque has actually read some of the originals.
...Which is why it’s a problem when they end up in The Little Mermaid.
Macaque is the mermaid, which, of course, means he can’t talk and tell Wukong how the story goes.
So. Wukong fully believes that to get out of the story he has to kiss Macaque.
He likes. Takes a bit to work himself up to it, and then just goes for it and kisses him in the hopes that getting flung out of the story will make Macaque immediately forget about it.
...And then they both just sit there in stunned silence until Wukong starts panicking as he realizes the story didn’t kick them out. Macaque flails trying to somehow communicate how the original story goes but is very much failing to do so due to a mixture of being flustered and just being entirely unable to speak.
Eventually he thinks clearly enough to find some paper and a pencil to tell him that in the original story the Little Mermaid turns to seafoam instead of killing the prince because he love was unrequited, and Wukong just. Reads the paper, hums, then goes “Well obviously that doesn’t have to happen for the story to let us out, right? ....Right?”
Wukong tries to come up with other ways to get them to breakout of the story, and eventually tires himself out to the point of falling asleep.
It’s the sound of a window opening and tiny pearls clinking onto the floor that wakes him up.
He runs after Macaque, and jumps and tackles him to hold him close, Macaque’s tears turning into pearls and scattering onto the beach-
But he’s too late, Macaque touches the water and turns to seafoam within Wukong’s arms.
They story kicks them back out into the ballroom.
They’re both pretty shaken by the experience (this is the first one where one of them has had to die for them to be let out), and just. Forget about keeping up the facade of being rivals/enemies and just cling to each other, deciding to not do the next story for a bit as they try to collect themselves on the ballroom floor.
Eventually though Macaque remembers Wukong kissed him and they both start having a crisis though. (”WHY DID YOU KISS ME?” “I THOUGHT IT WOULD GET US OUT OF THE STORY!” “SO THEN YOU DON’T LOVE ME?” “I MEAN I DO BUT- HOLY SHIT YOU DID NOT HEAR ME SAY THAT-”)
They end up getting startled when MK contacts them through Macaque’s mirror compass, and very much avoid the questions about why they both look like they’ve Been Through It and are Avoiding Each Other’s Eyes.
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shootsun · 2 years
Did i write more of that shadow au? yes. am i going to write more after that? maybe? 
@winterpower98 @animemoonprincess
Part 2 (oops)
He’s not sure where he’s going, as long as it’s away from Flower Fruit Mountain, but the familiar walls of his dojo has him blinking in surprise. Everything is covered with a thin layer of dust, and the lights flicker on weakly before the power buzzes off when he flicks the switch beside him.
“Home sweet home,” he grumbles under his breath. His eyes catch on the long mirror in the corner and he scowls at his reflection.
“You need to get it together.” He tells himself, his shadow, and he feels the thread of magic connecting them pull taunt as his shadow struggles to separate from him.
“Stop it,” he hisses, and he can feel all the emotions he’s shoved down, shoved out and onto his shadow come to a roiling boil under his skin.
Macaque swears and releases the magic, shutting the connection down to the barest thread as his shadow bolts halfway across the dojo before stopping and looking back at him.  
“You’re such a nuisance,” he growls, and he can almost hear the snapped reply of “And you’re repressed.”
Throwing his hands into the air, Macaque paces the mats. “You could at least have let me know you were cuddling with the enemy here!”
His shadow crosses its arms and he scowls at the tilted head and jutted hip.
“Don’t try and turn this on me. I’m trying to avoid him.”
It’s his shade’s turn to throw its hands into the air, and he’s briefly struck with the absurdity of arguing with his shadow.
“Whatever,” he growls. “I’m just going to tough it out, demons be damned.”
At that, his shadow looks worried, and steps forward. Macaque shakes his head as the shade mimics magicking back.
“No, I’m not going back. I can handle a gang of demons on my own.”
“Is that so?” A voice purrs from behind him, and Macaque whips around, ears flattening to the side of his head. Surely, he would have heard someone come in, he wasn’t that distracted…
A sliver of ice-cold worry worms its way down his spine as several pairs of eyes blink out of the shadows and he realizes they were laying in wait for him.
“Don’t you know it’s rude to break in to someone’s home?” He snaps as the leader steps out of the shadows and into the pool of moonlight streaming through the window.
“Don’t you know it’s rude to keep switching sides?” The demon in front of him mocks. They’re tall, a water demon of some sort, and Macaque feels his false confidence waver in the face of the sharp teeth that gleam in the moonlight.
“I don’t have a side,” Macaque steps back as the demon steps closer, and he glances behind him in time to see his shadow vanish into the night.
Hopefully to get help.
The leader juts their chin in his direction, and he manages to dodge the first wave of demons that leap at him by falling into the shadows, but a hand reaches in after him and yanks him back into the dojo. He’s tossed to the floor in a heap and in less than a second, there’s a pile of shuffling demons dogpiled on top of him.
Macaque snaps his teeth angrily and tries to portal away again, but half a dozen clawed hands grip him tightly before he can fall through the swirling shadows.
“Are you done?” The leader crouches down to peer at him from under the tangled mass of limbs, and he growls, before tapping into his strength, shoving himself away from the floor and sending the various hench-demons flying across the room.
“Is that all you’ve got?” He taunts, hands on his hips as he leans forward slightly. He knows it’s probably not a great idea to piss off a demon that looks like they could swallow him whole, but being an asshole is his favourite coping mechanism, sue him.
The water demon chuckles and unhinges their jaw with an unsettling pop, and Macaque pales. Rows of razor-sharp teeth flash, and he tries again to run, but before he can get far, a bone tooth dagger pins him to the wall, sinking into his arm. He bites back a pained groan and glares at the leader.
“It’s going to be fun ripping you to shreds,” the demon muses as they stalk forward, their hands toying with another dagger.
“I don’t know. I’ve had some pretty wild Friday nights.” Macaque tries to subtilty pull the dagger out from where it’s pinned his arm, but the second bone sliver pins his other hand before he can move more than an inch. He can’t contain the pained hiss this time, and the demon smiles cruelly.
“Shut up, traitor.” One of the cronies hisses from the shadows, and Macaque bares his teeth at the encroaching crowd.  
A clawed hand reaches for his face, and he flinches, squeezing his eyes shut. Instead of pain or the brush of claws, there’s the sound of shattering glass and then screaming.
Macaque opens an eye to see Wukong kick a demon through the wall opposite him and then almost rip the arm off another as the leader tries to slink away into the shadows.
There’s a strangled cry and then the water demon trips in the dark, his shadow humming darkly as it steps forward into the light. Wukong drops a groaning demon henchman to tilt his head at the water demon, now looking up fearfully into the face of an enraged Monkey King.  
The demon doesn’t even have time to choke out a word before Wukong smashes a crater where the demon lay. There’s silence for a moment before a rafter clatters to the ground and a chorus of groans reverberate from around the dojo, including from out of the pit.
Macaque lets loose the breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding, and Wukong looks at him for the first time since bursting in from the ceiling.
“Are you okay?” The golden monkey asks quietly, and he nods, not trusting his voice just yet. His shadow appears from the side and tries to tug on the daggers still attaching him to the wall, but it recoils as a shower of silver sparks flairs up when the shade attempts to grasp the handle.
“Here.” Wukong crosses the room in a stride and rips the daggers from the wall, throwing them behind him with a clatter.
“Thanks.” Macaque mutters, and rubs at the already healing wounds.
Wukong nods and then sweeps him off his feet before leaping out through the hole in the roof of the dojo.
He yelps and swats at the arms holding him as Wukong summons his summersault cloud before they hit the ground.
“I can walk! And portal!” He punches Wukong in the arm, but the other monkey ignores him until Flower Fruit Mountain is in sight.
He’s dumped unceremoniously onto the ratty couch and with a glare is told to stay. He’s in the process of ignoring that when his shadow wraps its arms around him and sinks them both halfway into the couch.
“Well, that’s…interesting.” Wukong says when he walks back into the living room, hands full of first aid supplies.
“Shut up.” Macaque grouses. His shadow releases him, and he bounces gently back up onto the couch with a pained grunt.
“You know as well as I do, it’s me and I’m it, but not. It’s like…” He chews on his bottom lip as he thinks about how to phrase the next bit.
“He’s everything you shove away about yourself, I remember.” Wukong nods.
“It’s not a person,” he says sharply, curling his claws into fists at his side.
“You’re a person, and he’s part of you. I think he deserves a little respect.”  The golden monkey says sadly. He holds his hand out, and without thinking too, much about it, Macaque rolls up his sleeve and relinquishes his arm to the waiting monkey.
“I respect it.” Macaque scoffs. ‘I just don’t love it,’ He thinks.  
“Right.” The other monkey continues wrapping a small bandage around Macaque’s wound, and then does the same with his other arm in silence.
The quiet continues for a few brief blissful moments before Wukong clears his throat.
“So.” He fidgets with the edge of his sleeve as his eyes dart from Macaque to his shadow and back again.
“You really didn’t send him to keep an eye on me?” Wukong blurts out.
“No! Gods, you’ve got a big ego, thinking I would waste all that effort on you. I thought it could relearn the lay of the land, do its own thing for a bit. I had no idea it was trailing after you like a lost puppy.” Macaque glares at his shadow and crosses his arms, careful of his new sore spots.  
Wukong raises an eyebrow at the outburst, and leans forward. “‘Waste all that effort’, huh? Didn’t you spend at least two centuries trying to hunt me down?”
“Old news,” Macaque waves his hand and rolls his eyes as Wukong huffs, but leans back.
“I’m glad you’re okay.”
“Yeah. Yeah, thanks… for uh… coming back for me.”  Macaque clears his throat and starts to shuffle backwards, off and around the couch. “I’m gonna… gonna go to bed. Night, Peaches.”
“Night, Plum,” Timidly follows him as he all but sprints back to his room.
@lozfanchick hi
Part 1
Part 3
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platinumrosetail · 1 year
Yandere shadowpeach freenoodles dbk sliktea x baby fem raptor reader
Like the reader is blue baby and she fall into the lmk world and become kinda more human just has a huge raptor tail legs hands and teath and eye's and her skin's pale just image them trying to take care of her and telling her to drop things like she acts like a cat she keeps putting everything in her mouth and they say drop it lol ( rip bull CLONES and an immortal monkeys on the island or whatever she could put her mouth on lol)
Hehehe this is going to be a funny request.
Waning: noob author, dark theme, platonic yandere characters, and others.
Characters: shadowpeach, FreeNoodles, dbk, waterspider/silktea.
You met them when some of the monkeys alerted the two on how there is a human with dinosaur features teething on one of the immortal monkeys.
(Do they even know what a dinosaur is? 🤔 I have not a clue on that but anyway back to the request.)
Before you came here you and your mother; blue, were just scavenging for food but you were interrupted by being dragged into this new world and gaining human features while still very hungry.
Macaque was the one to try and get you to drop their immortal monkey citizen but all you did was shake your head at a fast pace making the monkey in your mouth dizzy.
The only way to have gotten you to stop trying to eat the monkey was to get mk to bring some of pigsy’s noodles and offer it to you like a sacrifice or trade.
You get situated into their family soon after; getting along with macaque, mk and Bai he, sun not so much.
He tries to steal your food that mama Macaque; as you like to call him, made for you! So you hit him every chance you get when he tries to eat your portion.
One time you bit him and didn’t let go for an hour before it fully turned into three hours until sun realized you fell asleep and decided to use this chance to cuddle with you, even bringing you to the bed and having the others join in the family pile.
You broke into the restaurant kitchen fridge as you were very hungry when you had appeared into this world but was stopped by pigsy and tang who both heard the commotion; mk didn’t as he’s a deep sleeper and only reason Tang up is because pigsy heard you making that commotion.
They were very much in shock to see that instead of some wild/stray animal that somehow got it, it was in fact a half raptor half human girl that was looking straight at them like a deer in headlights while holding opened food containers of various of food that used to be in the fridge.
They decided to just clean up the mess and your face and then go back to sleep to discuss in the morning because they had a long day plus it seemed like you had the same idea as well.
When they first woke up they completely forgot about what happened last night and was too tired to acknowledge that there is a raptor like human in their room just staring at them with her slitted eyes and covered in a nice cozy blanket that they got for her. She slept in the bed with them at first but woke up and moved away from them as a sign of caution since last night she was too tired and hungry to even think if she could trust them or not.
When they do remember what happened; from seeing the mess in the kitchen, they quickly scurry to their room and came across you just staring into the mirror that they have.
They then see you back up some feet before running towards the mirror knocking both you and the mirror down. When you saw another raptor in the mirror; which you didn’t know was called that as you would always stick to your mother, blue, you decided that the raptor you see was a threat and decide to attack which seem to be the same plan for the other raptor; you ended up getting a nasty bruise that made the two people who you met last night patch you up.
Even though you create chaos with how you like to chew and chase thing you do somehow behave on some occasions and would make sure mk don’t go overboard with his powers.
Dbk family:
You had somehow sneaked into their home and was tearing the bull clones left and right before they had found you; when they found you, you had a pile of torn bull clones while you sat up top of it while teething on one of the arms from the unfortunate destroyed bull clones.
Redson was pissed as he had made those clones and now they were destroyed by a kid that suspiciously looks like a rapper but with some human features.
Pif was somewhat impressed you had got through her son’s security and not be detected until later and wondered how such a child would be able to do that, she decided that you would be a wonderful choice for another child to the family.
Dbk himself didn’t really care as it’s not really his focus and he knows his wife and son wold take care of it but he wasn’t anticipating that you would steal you place in everyone’s heart in this family so soon with your cute actions.
Redson noticed on how you don’t act like you know anything about humans so he guessed that you actually used to be a complete raptor and had somehow gained human features before coming to their home.
They all have to chase you cause it seems you always have something in your mouth that they need at the moment or you can’t have it because it’s something you shouldn’t have in your mouth.
You would eat anything that Dbk would cook for you, hips wife and his son so that’s a good thing as it save them the trouble of trying to somehow find a way to hide it in your meat, plus with that sense of smell it’ll be hard if you didn’t like vegetables as you would somehow work around it and find a way to eat all but your vegetables.
(I know this has ‘hips wife’ but why change it when it’s such a funny autocorrect 😂)
Water spider/silk tea:
You had almost ate mo when the three of you met each other. You had somehow gotten on the boat all hungry and looking for a snack and since you were never human to begin with you didn’t comprehend that you couldn’t eat a cat with how small a human’s mouth could be.
Huntsman was a little weirded out by you on how you’re part raptor while sandy didn’t mind you but they both stlill made sure you didn’t try eating any cats and on how to tell them when you’re hungry.
You act somewhat like a cat they noticed but also like how a wolf would when they did some research on how you seem to see them as a parental figure as well as a alpha.
Your tail that you. Seem to have loves to knock down anything or anyone so the two tried to teach you on how to maneuver your tail around things. You got it for the most part but would sometime knock something or someone over when you forget and don’t notice until it’s too late.
You seem to have taking a liking to knitting and so sandy would teach you how to create many things from objects; big and small, and clothing no matter the size.
You and mo soon got along after you had apologized for trying to eat him and soon you now have a kitty army that treats both you and mo as their leader and alpha. So yeah if anyone ever tries to mess with you or mo they get swarmed by many cats and would soon gain scratches sand bites soon after.
You seem to always like to bite so they got you something soft and easy to bite on so you don’t go biting anything that would cause you discomfort or anything that would bring you harm.
(A/n: so as you probably notice is that i didn’t do research on raptors, reason why is because I forgot to do I it and when I remembered it was already to late to go back and fixe it so I musta went with it from where i left off. Anyway i hope y’all like it!!! And hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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I hunger for more AU what happens to the antagonists in the Reincarnation AU
Ooh, good question :)
(Note I has Edited this)
So pretty much all the villains in the show got reincarnated via the spell and I guess this is going to explain what their reincarnated selves are like:
Jin and Yin became con artists though they somehow got their hands on some pretty useful mythical artifacts
PIF became an infamous thief known as Ironfan and she steals priceless and ancient artifacts from all over the world
DBK became Wukong's landlord and he's less of a villain this time around because his brother plays a much more antagonist role (for reasons I'll explain later)
Red Son isn't an antagonist in this au because Mei and MK befriended him when they were younger. They were more of a skating rival.
Spider Queen is an alchemist and due to her being born with six arms (she's half spider demon) she got treated rather harshly as a child and so now she's hellbent on turning everyone into spider demons like herself and ruling over them. She's also tricked the other spiders into working for her promising them each something that she'll give them once she rules the city.
Syntax wants someone to fund his research and tech and Spider Queen promised him that so he joined her.
Spindrax is just in it for the chaos and to watch her brother's back (her brother is Syntax)
Huntsman is a creepy dude (like horror movie villain creepy) and he is also an assassin. He joined Spider Queen for the money.
Strong Spider joined Spider Queen because he thinks that she'll make the city a better place. He's also a select mute in this au. He's also the only one in the spider gang that started out as a full Spider demon.
Scorpion Queen is still a Scorpion demon but she looks different now. She really just wants a good friend as she was always betrayed by her friends in the past which caused her to go a little mad in her search for the perfect friend aka she's a bit insane not going to lie
LBD and the Mayor are mafia members.
The Mayor is Bai He (LBD's hostess) dad and he was an okay dude but when his wife divorced him he got angry and LBD manipulated that anger and got him to join her and her mafia family.
LBD grew up in the bad parts of the city and vowed to make the city a better place so she became a politician but when that didn't work she sought out a future seer and asked them if she could ever change the city. The seer pointed her towards a life of crime and so LBD started her own mafia family. (She's also meant to be a mirror of Wukong in this as a way to contrast how Wukong could have turned out or how LBD could have turned out so they have similar childhoods).
However, LBD didn't get a chance to complete her mission as a young cop named Ba (See the reincarnation of General Ba from JTTW) shot and killed her in a cop vs mafia family shootout. This of course crushed the (not) Mayor and so he spent the next several years trying to find a way to bring her back, which he does eventually, but in the process, he ended up distancing himself from his daughter.
The camel ridge trio technically never got released from the scroll because everyone died before the events of season 4 could happen but they actually do show up because a mystery villain shows up and uses them like pawns to knock some sense into the celestial realm.
(Bonus) Macaque isn't really a villain in this au as he's more of a lancer for Wukong but, but he does get antagonistic moments as he keeps getting fucking possessed or his powers go out of control. Macaque's whole deal is that before he died against the possessed Monkey King he sent out Rumble and Savage to find him once he was reincarnated and give him back his powers (which they did) but while also giving him back his powers he got his memories back as well. Anyways by wizard rules in this universe, Macaque becomes a wizard. However, fun fact, he's wanted for grand theft auto (Ba hates him for this but hey, cars are cool).
(woah so long) But yeah this is what happens to all the villains in the Reincarnation au however I do add plenty more villains to the plot to keep it moving forward.
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