kibutsulove · 4 months
LuZhao,,, doomed yaoi….
Zhaozai,,, toxic yaoi…
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fire-lady-ilah · 3 years
How would good dad (good Uncle in this case) Ozai react to LuZhao? Would he help Lu Ten come out? Be a bit shocked yet still supportive? Would it help him come to terms if either of his kids weren't straight? Help him discover he's not straight? (Okay that last one was more a joke)
Dadzai combined with LuZhao? You spoil me, anon, truly.
Honestly, Ozai was one of the first people to realize that Zhao was in love with Lu Ten, before even Zhao himself. He saw the way that Lu Ten's schoolboy friend looked at him and followed him and he knew. The only question in his mind was whether or not Lu Ten loved him in return.
Good uncle Ozai is, in this AU, actually one of the first people Lu Ten tells about his relationship with Zhao. They're not the closest, but particularly when Lu Ten is in his two years between graduating school and joining the military, and Zuko and Azula are in their lessons, Lu Ten and Ozai find themselves spending a lot of time together. Lu Ten just blurts it out over tea and Ozai just kind of stares at him for a few moments before going "okay...?".
That being said, he does soothe a lot of Lu Ten's worries. He also tells Lu Ten that he's almost certain something went on between Jeong Jeong and Iroh before Iroh married Chika.
(Lu Ten trains under Jeong Jeong and he can't look him in the eyes for the first three weeks.)
He also straight up asks Lu Ten if he wants him to tell Iroh and pretend it had been a mistake (Lu Ten nearly died of laughter before realizing his uncle is, in fact, serious. He refuses, but only barely).
If either of his children were to come out to him, Ozai would be similarly unfazed. He would simply ask them if they had a partner he had to threaten or not. Ozai is supportive in the least caring way: it changes nothing other than their marriage prospects.
After all, starting from the age of nine Ozai went to the Royal Fire Academy for Boys. He was more than aware that he himself wasn't straight, even if he ended up only falling in love with Ursa and marrying her.
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ljf613 · 3 years
Why would LuZhao be problematic?
LuZhao is problematic because I headcanon Lu Ten as a nonbender (my headcanons are, of course, The Actual Canon) and bender x nonbender ships are Bad.
Also, that many sideburns cannot be allowed in one ship.
Ask me why your ship is problematic
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Lu Ten is Zhao; Zhao is Lu Ten
No, not in a gay way. I mean that literally.
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What? Slander! The fandom cries, as I’m tied to a wooden stake and burned like an innocent woman in the Salem witch trials. Not on my good Christian Confucian(?) Minecraft Fire Nation server soldier!
Hear me out! 😩 This week broke me, but at least one good thing came out of it. I’m going to try to share my thinking process head-on, since there’s no possible way to render it in neat sections. But first:
WHOOPS: The theory is a bust if the AtLA timeline, crusher of hopes and dreams, is factored in. I realized little to none of the following matches up chronologically after I finished typing up the WHOLE thing, so... screw you, Jeong Jeong. Just sit back and enjoy it conceptually, yeah? Maybe I’ll get to crack open canon like a piñata another time. Anyways.
Or is it... UPDATE: I may have an additional explanation. Please keep reading! I saved it for the very end.
The spark was this: what if Lu Ten had never died, but was captured? Taken as a prisoner of war by the Dai Li, never to see daylight again, until he clawed his way out of their clutches and re-emerged from Ba Sing Se a deserted, cold, and detached man?
I pieced more of the story together as I thought of it from other angles, so that’s what I’ll do here. That’s right - I soldiered on like a doofus, digging around canon for feasibility.
From that spark, I remembered Zhao telling Iroh,
“I was a young lieutenant serving under General Xu in the Earth Kingdom.”
Which is apparently a phonetical playground, because aside from the Xu/Shu question, the first part of the sentence could also sound like,
“I was a young Lu Ten and serving under General Xu in the Earth Kingdom.”
Zhao clearly pursues a naval career, as his ranks ascend (backwards, but still sea-wise) from captain, to commander, to admiral of the Fire Navy. So it’s a bit of a head-scratcher to wonder how or why he served under a general, a distinctly land army title, in the Earth Kingdom near the Si Wong Desert - far from the coast, doubly far from water. Don’t throw his pheasant-squirrels quote at me just yet! A little head-scratcher goes a long way.
The Mother of Faces is singlehandedly the backbone of this theory. Her ability to alter identities and memories (keep in mind for later) is a pretty sound explanation for the Fire Nation failing to recognize their own revenant prince, chief among them his own father. And Zhao is regarded, in essence, as one of the only two Fire Nation men with decent spiritual knowledge. (You saw this coming from a mile away, but like father like son? 😉)
Another peculiarity is Zhao’s noticeable shift from suave and calculating in his first appearance to the rash, off-the-cuff hothead in... most episodes after “The Southern Air Temple”. Now pair this with Jet’s behavior after coming to the realization that something was very wrong after his soirée with the Dai Li, more or less aware his world was a tampered truth.
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Panicked, angered, distrustful - a sharp change from the friendly tagalong helping the Gaang find Appa.
And speaking of sharp changes, these men side by side may barely resemble each other - hence the handy Mother of Faces card - but what if there’s a deeper study to Zhao’s sunken eyes, the hard lines around his mouth? As if he’s seen the kind of things you don’t retain all of yourself from... as if his features were once strained for prolonged periods of time, forced to hold a wide, Joo Dee PR smile?
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(Be mindful of the wear and tear of trauma age!)
I should have peppered in disclaimers that I wasn’t high when I drummed this up... too late, I guess! 🤠
Drifting into speculations that hyped up this theory’s potential, consider the following:
Does this tie into the rate at which he’s promoted? Would that imply Ozai was aware of his nephew’s status, or that Lu Ten retained his charisma? This is rather important because it makes Zhao’s exact age difficult to determine, meaning he’s anywhere in the ballpark of Lu Ten’s generation to Ozai’s. Between those eyebags and those quick promotions, it’s free real estate.
Is the trauma dealt to him the reason he has an obsession with destroying one of the nations - out of vengeance? A desperate need to be remembered?
Does it offer an explanation for his immediate animosity towards Zuko, as if he thinks Iroh wasted no time replacing him?
Is it why Zhao is the only character on-screen who brews tea that Iroh doesn’t immediately reject? (Again, like father like son 😉)
Is it why he keeps knocking at Iroh’s door, trying to recruit him to serve at his general? Does he just want his frickin’ dad back? (Ow...)
Is that why Zhao listens to him at the North Pole when ordered to release the moon spirit, rather than the popular belief that Iroh scared him shitless? To be fair, could be both.
Is it why he snaps when he leans over the pond - a fairly-assumed magical pond, that is - like he’s seen his reflection in the spirit waters? His true face, as the deserted son?
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Speaking of true faces... what about Noriko and the Blue Spirit? Did their encounters with the Mother of Faces coincide, or did Ursa’s come a few years after Lu Ten’s? She’s fond of theater, and the “Blue Spirit” in that context is the Water Spirit that battles the protagonist. Identifying Zuko’s mask for what it accurately was might have accelerated the search for him - was Zhao unable to disrespect it that way?
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Last but not least. The introduction of Koh, the son of the Mother of Faces, in the same episode as Zhao’s last appearance. Maybe another hint Aang could have received was related to the admiral’s real identity? Canon is in its infancy here, so Roku’s failure to remember the Mother of Faces (hell, lion turtles too) when pointing Aang to a spirit “old enough to remember” is shaky grounds to theorize on. But still. It’d be very Koh-like for his mother’s efforts to slip his mind, or for him to intentionally wish Zhao dead.
One last interesting bit of canon: spirit doggos! The Mother of Faces only helps those chosen by her wolf companion, such as when Ikem found it (or it found Ikem) drinking from a pool in Forgetful Valley. Sure enough, lupine creatures also exist in Wan Shi Tong’s library: Knowledge Seekers which keep him up to date on the mortal world.
They’re not too similar in appearance, but a lightbulb should go off... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Cousins twice-removed?
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Extra Lenny face since I’m feelin’ like it: the Mother of Faces has a pretty clear plant-based structure, which the spirit library (admittedly only shown in LoK) seems to echo in its design. Maybe a leftover trace of her presence? She is a major spirit, credited with the beginnings of the world; easy to imagine the forest of Forgetful Valley itself rose in her footsteps’ wake. Plus, hardly any vine-like formations should crop up in the harsh climate of the Si Wong Desert.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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So, ALL of that leads me to the complete narrative, a rough sketch of what became of Lu Ten as it exists in my head:
The prince is presumed slain at the six-hundred day siege of Ba Sing Se. His remains are never found. Iroh would almost prefer it that way, prays his ashes are carried away by the winds, and solemnly returns home.
Home is what Lu Ten dreams of for the next excruciating few years. Maybe it’s longer than he thinks, or even shorter - each moment stretched out to a thousand. It’s cold and miserable under Lake Laogai, and a city’s secret police force doesn’t take kindly to a two-year long siege. None is spared when the general’s own son is dragged into the endless maze of dark, winding corridors.
He hears his friends die. Sometimes he watches. Lu Ten always hears of it, one way or another. He can recall few days in the searing sunlight: another bumbling citizen, loyal servant to the Earth King, a guard who never marches out of rhythm.
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When he crawls out into daylight, bloodied and irreparably scarred, he runs without looking back, with such aimless direction that the search for him is abandoned. He should turn up dead soon enough, and his memories are nonexistent - why bother?*
But if his years in captivity amount to anything, Lu Ten was a survivor. He races across the Earth Kingdom, keeping to the shadows, into the treacherous heat of the Si Wong - finally guided to the spirits. If his father’s journey into the spirit world in search of him had any role, the prince never finds out. He collapses after a much-needed drink, and witnesses a blurred, blue wolf carry him to refuge, where the Mother of Faces and the great owl greet him.
She tries her best to fashion a new face and mind, though the Dai Li’s scars are preserved in both: tired lines and blinding thoughts. Wan Shi Tong opens the library’s doors, pitying the years of knowledge stripped from him. The soldier leaves after recovering, repurposed from royalty into a man with no worth to his name except the scroll in his fist - Zhao.
Able to bend, and a cold shell of himself, content with that much of both. He leaves a wing of the library in flames. Prince Lu Ten had drowned in Lake Laogai, roamed the above world until another victim could take his place - the half-existence of the Shuî Guî. Now it was his turn to hunt.
In the years he struggles to rebuild, old scars resurface. General Xu’s troops find him a rambling madman, patch him up in the short time he serves on land, then ship him off to better uses in the navy. Zhao’s obscure story begins and ends with the scroll, and the man himself is repulsive, so he’s left to his devices. Deserted within a roiling mind, as dark and endless as the Dai Li’s fortress.
By the year the Firelord’s brother and son arrive at his harbor, he remembers enough to choose to take the truth with him to the grave. Zhao grows to hate their faces; when Iroh grows to hate him, too, he’s convinced it’s too late.
Fate is unkind, in the end. Instead of drowning the Water Tribe civilization, he’s dragged under the freezing current. The cycle folds in on itself, a Shuî Guî doomed to wander the Fog of Lost Souls. One day, a familiar face appears... regards him with sad, aged eyes... and turns away with a shake of his head.
“I came marching home...” He raises his voice across the fog, hoarse. “I searched, I fought, and I killed. For you!”
“... Then you are no son of mine.”
*I owe credit for the plot centered around one godawful Lake Laogai to the horror game I’m currently into. Outlast follows an investigative reporter as he records as much as he can of an insane asylum before making a break for it to expose to the world, so long as the asylum doesn’t swallow him up first. Truly gruesome. I put Lu Ten through the same :p
And, well, I wasn’t going to leave you hanging without tying the whole thing into the East-Asian mythos! Let me introduce the Shuî Guî, drowned ghosts that combine Zhao and Lu Ten’s fates into one symbolic shebang.
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They begin as people who drowned without a proper burial, lurking around the body of water where it happened in search of a vessel. When a victim comes close enough, they’re dragged under themselves, and the spirit takes possession of their body - while the victim takes the place of the Shuî Guî. Rinse and repeat (ha).
Plugging in Lu Ten, the war prisoner who “drowns” under Lake Laogai, occupying Zhao’s form in spirit thanks to the Mother of Faces’ handiwork, there’s some great stuff to be done with it. Zhao’s ultimate fate at the hands of the ocean spirit doubles as a meaningful end to a soldier who chooses for himself, a last time. Maybe for the first time.
Don’t mind me freaking out over how many layers this adds to every Zhao interaction:
- “And General Iroh, great hero of our nation.” [Internally] ThisisforLuTenyoubigfatwhitenastysmellingfatbitchwhyyoutookmeoffthemotherfuckingschedule-
- “Do you have any ginseng tea? It’s my favorite.” Yeah, I remember, Pa. Unlike yOU
- Iroh: *flings him back twenty feet to protect Zuko* Zhao: X
- “So this is how the great Commander Zhao acts in defeat-” aT LEAST I DON’T ABANDON MY SON PA
- “Thanks again for the tea. It was delicious.” Zhao: X
- “I’ve heard rumors about your journey into the spirit world...” Too bad it wasn’t permanent, you geezer- wait you were trying to bring me back? O-oh... *sniffle*
- Zhao: But rest assured, this will be nothing like your legendary failure at Ba Sing Se. Iroh: I hope not, for your sake. Zhao: X
- [Internally, as his men are taken down at lightning-speed] OH GOD DAD’S MAD DAD’S MAD DAD DAD MAD RUN RUN RUN-
- “You’re the Blue Spirit, an enemy of the Fire Nation!” I’m just about fed up with your shit, cuz. Wait, where’d he go- AAAAAAH
- Zuko: Take my hand! Zhao: X
- ETC. TONS MORE. I can’t cover all of them in-depth 🥺
Jeong Jeong is a little &@$;/! who couldn’t wait a few more years to desert but... whatever. I can fix the WHOOPS moment.
Lu Ten “dies” five years before the end of the Hundred Year War. Jeong Jeong deserts ten years before the end of the war. This twists the theory by having “Zhao” learn under Admiral Jeong Jeong almost eight years after the dude bailed.
So an area I planned to leave up to interpretation - whether the Mother of Faces assigned Lu Ten his new name, or for some reason, he chose “Zhao” himself - is one I’m going to snag for personal use.
Consider these three things, which I will then attempt to relate, slapping a big ol’ bandaid on this oopsie in the space-time continuum:
The tribe Jeong Jeong is seen residing with in “The Deserter” took him in after proclaiming he was a living god
Tu Shen, rabbit god of homosexuals
Sozin’s Law
🐇 Cool. Now check this:
Jeong Jeong never states his pupil’s name before Aang puts it together for himself and the audience. Lu Ten’s weakness could have easily been a lack of discipline, considering a) his father’s own tendency to joke about burning a city to the ground, b) a Fire Nation soldier’s drilled-in purpose to “spread greatness”, and c) “If only I could have helped you.”
It’s fitting that a name the prince would chose should do with war. While “Zhao” has no meaning I could find outside of a feudal state in the Warring States Period, the point stands. Warring’s in the name, maybe a chunk of AtLA history we aren’t privy to. Great! Onto the next thing: staying under the radar.
Sozin’s Law criminalizes same-sex relationships. This does not, by any means, dissuade a man like Jeong Jeong, and that’s a hill I’ll die on. I now declare AtLA’s version of Tu Shen, the Chinese deity who oversees queer affairs, to partly or wholly resemble the first deserter of the Fire Nation Army. The tribe in the northwestern Earth Kingdom are free-living gays who recognize their heavenly representative, and our buddy Chey is a very obvious simp. Tu Shen is also called the Rabbit God, which, if I had to draw two parallels off the top of my head between Jeong Jeong and the animal, would be a) fluffy white hair, and b) excellent at speeding out of sight.
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Boom. Coincidental gay god of AtLA. Thank me later. Onto the last thing: Lu Ten is Hama but switch out the a’s with o’s.
He trains under Piandao just as Zuko did, followed by bending instruction under Piandao’s dear husband Jeong Jeong. The White Lotus has its connections, of course... ones Iroh might readily ping for teaching his son. When delicate, potentially incriminating matters threaten to come to light during Lu Ten’s unruly teenage years, Jeong Jeong urges them to switch to pseudonyms, resuming more anonymous instruction as the rumors lose traction. Works stupendously.
Lu Ten isn’t the first to find a safety net in using a separate identity: one among dozens accepted under Jeong Jeong’s wing, happy to continue their shadow lives like rabbits jumping to and fro out of the law’s sight! Zhao, he calls himself, proud of how it leaps off the tongue, daring as the slice of a sword. And when the Mother of Faces tells him to choose a new name, he knows exactly.
And Jeong Jeong, god of the gays, knows exactly who has returned from the dead to haunt them, knows exactly what to call that monster. Luckily, he also knows when secrets are better off as secrets. Seeing Zhao in the flesh only steels his belief that fire is destined to tear the bender apart.
Done!! Hopefully I... fixed it?
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zhaozaipalooza · 3 years
Your Weekly (LATE) Drabble! - His Name
Whoever started the Moon Spirit!Zhao prompt owns my heart mind and soul 🤍
In appreciation, have some of the one and only Zhaozai (with next week’s theme sprinkled in)
- - -
The moonlight is humbling.
A radiance that doesn’t sear through paper-thin retinae, smudged red rings and white toadstools dissolving between hard blinks... Agni’s was a blinding grace that disarmed the onlooker, left them clumsy-footed and batting away sharp pinpricks.
This glow is a gentle bathe. Catching on pale fingertips, a mesmerizing dance in and out of stolen crevices where shadows frolic instead of burn in stark lines against the sun. This glow entices him. This glow emanates power as secretive as its host, and he’d tangle his hands in the roots and tug, if only he could slip close enough.
The admiral is changed - and far from granting him permission.
He’s found atop a courtyard pond as fish dart underneath rippling foam. His feet brush the surface instead of capsize, only the pads wet, a lotus twining his skin as if the touch gives it life. Palace attendants have to usher him past corridors to the summoner’s chambers, seat him and comb the crusted salt from his pearlescent hair, and attempt to cut the flower loose - the spirit relents, a ringed hand motioning for get out.
His lips thin as wine turns in the glass before him, no force between it but the table and a cloak of heat. The Firelord is oriented a sailing cutter’s length across, a sea of ice churning at their feet.
“This must have been difficult for you.”
Before the spirit’s lips part, insofar so muted that the seam between top and bottom is adhered, Ozai finishes, “... deserting your post. A man of your status, allying with the enemy.”
A snow-white brow quirks. “Like master, like pupil, I suppose.” Before the Firelord can cluck, a dry tongue that rakes the back shelf of his teeth, Zhao finishes,
“Did you enjoy allying with the Dai Li to repel the two-year siege? You advised them to strike the general where he was weakest. He returned days later, an heir without a progeny...”
“Please.” Mincing words wasn’t remotely their preference; blunt edges couldn’t throw off sparks. “We’re not strangers. Your mind is mine, and mine yours. The throne is worth its weight in blood as much as gold.”
“Ozai,” he hisses, a name only feared and praised. The wine freezes, micro-movements gripped in suspension.
Zhao’s voice is clawed. “I knew him.”
“Everyone knows a dead man.” Airy, curt. “They pass on. You and I will not.” He rises in a smooth curtain of silk, extending an arm for his - the lotus shrinks back, fastening to the elbow. “You and I...”
He rips loose. “His name was Lu Ten.”
“What happened in the North wasn’t my choice, but what I do with my fate is. I know more than I did. People pass on, but their spirits...” Zhao scrambles for the words, finds only silence, thick and painful.
“... I hear him, in the cold morning wind. His laughter in the waves. His power in every storm. They don’t leave. Spirits - they become a part of something greater. They govern all nations, not just their own. Even your rule won’t reach every leaf on every tree. I am one, just without crossing over, without leaving this world and moving to the next... I see them. I don’t know if they see me.”
His eyes are hard. Icy as the rock that shines off the sun, phases of a whole brilliance. “You don’t see them. You can’t see anyone but yourself.”
Their gap narrows... Ozai clasps him without effort. The protest is little, but there, balled knuckles that bend the wine in his cup to gleaming points.
“I see opportunity. I take it.” Hunger winds around the golden ribbons of each iris. The Firelord’s stare is bottomless; no amount of power would be enough.
A nail grazes a lip. A tip of speared wine lights on the back of Ozai’s neck. His tone is unruffled. “And I see worlds beyond our own, in you.”
“Only you. Always you.”
Zhao’s fingers, laced with a fragile control, twitch.
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Day 15: Body Worship
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This soft smut is filled with adoration, love, and downright worship of your partner.
AO3 Stats:
ATLA (Mature): 5 fics featuring Kataang, Zutara, Azulaang, and Ozai/OC
ATLA (Explicit): 37 fics featuring Zukaang, Zutara, Sukka, LuZhao, Zukka, Zukaang, Hakoda/Jeong Jeong, Zhayu, Aang/Kai, Zuko/Reader, Kataang, Jetkotara, Aang/OC, and Taang
LOK (Mature): 6 fics featuring Kyalin, Kuvopal, and Korrasami LOK (Explicit): 17 fics featuring Korrasami, Broh, BoLin, Borra, Masami, Makroh, Makrohsami, Suyin/Ursa, Korvirasami, Makorrasami, Lin Beifong/Reader, Korvira, Kuvirasami, and Irosami HUGE SHOUTOUT to our friends in the Ember Island server that have helped us to get stats together! 
Fic Recs:
this beauty i’d missed by @myargalargan​ - Sukka
Of snowy days and fireside nights by @irina0371948 - Zutara
dripping like a saturated sunrise AND touch my trigger by tiffaniesblews (@asajjvxntress​) - Zutara
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middleofnowhere92 · 3 years
If you’re still rating pairings and polys, I was introduced to the wonderfully named Zhayulu today and would love your thoughts. (it’s a combo of LuZhao + YuTen).
A: I love it
I love everyone involved in this situation, but I just have so many questions about their dynamics together. This ship depends a lot on how Lu Ten is characterized. If he's nice guy Lu Ten then him and Yue could really temper Zhao. If he's dickbag thinks the Fire Nation is the best Lu Ten, then Yue has a lot to deal with.
This ship has hella potential. Works in a captive AU, works in a Lu Ten lives AU, gives me feels in a modern AU.
Send me a ship and I'll rate it.
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clown-cult · 3 years
Thank you for being the biggest source of laughs for the luzhao community 😌💅
You’re welcome, I guess. Happy to know all the work I put into art and writing for my respective ships is being put to some use, even if it’s just laughing at me. That’s what I’m there for.
Thank you for reminding me of exactly where I sit in this fandom.
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rasnak2 · 2 years
Update on the story chain:
Ongoing - Makrohsami, Makopal, Bumizumi, Sam/Suren (Sam Wyndham series)
Planned for next week - Huko, Makroh, Irosami, Baatar Jr/? (If anyone interested that is)
Future plans - Makkorasami, Wumakroh, Luzhao, Yue/Sokka/Suki
If anyone wants to suggest a pairing/would be interested in being tagged for the mentioned pairings, comment please!
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cixixiongwei · 3 years
Can the air purifier filter the virus?
Can an air purifier filter viruses? In response to this problem, at a press conference held by the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council on the afternoon of February 16, Feng Luzhao, a researcher at the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that the air purifier consists of a fan and a filter device. The fan sucks air in and the filter device passes Adsorption filters out various pollutants, and then discharges the filtered air.
Feng Luzhao said that the air purifier is mainly suitable for removing one or more pollutants in the air, but its product standard does not require the killing rate of viruses or other pathogenic microorganisms, so the air purifier may not be able to filter out. Virus, it is recommended to ventilate the family daily.
This afternoon, the State Council’s Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism held a press conference to introduce the progress of the epidemic prevention and control work. At the meeting, Feng Luzhao, a researcher at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, introduced that according to the current management requirements for close contacts, centralized isolation medical observation should be taken for close contacts, but for some areas that do not meet the conditions, or for some  China Air purifiers manufacturers  close contacts Special groups of people, such as infants and young children, or those who are not able to take care of themselves, can conduct home medical observation under the guidance of community medical staff. However, the management of observation objects and the protection of other family members should be strengthened when staying at home.
In addition, the selection of centralized isolation and observation sites and the requirements for internal facilities have put forward some suggestions in the fourth edition of the new crown pneumonia prevention and control plan. All regions can requisition appropriate hotels, schools, etc. as centralized isolation observation sites according to relevant requirements. .
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fire-lady-ilah · 3 years
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“Crown Prince Lu Ten is unavailable to see you.”
Zuko felt frustration boil inside of him. It was bad that he was stuck in this world — even if the world itself seemed fine, after all, Uncle was Fire Lord here. It was even worse that, since nobody knew who he was here, he couldn’t just demand an audience with Uncle. And now they were saying he couldn’t even speak with Lu Ten?
“Fortunately, Prince Consort Wei is available and more than willing to pass on any messages to his husband.”
Zuko found himself being led into a sunny office where a man was waiting. He barely noticed as the man bowed his head, making the flame with his hands.
It couldn’t be.
— an excerpt from the dimension travel story I’ll (probably) never write, in which Zuko, instead of learning the true meaning of fire from the dragons, finds himself transported to a world where Iroh never laid siege to Ba Sing Se, Lu Ten never died, and the war is already over.
Oh, and Zhao is married to Lu Ten, apparently.
My submission for day 3, prompt: Royal Consort AU, for the Zhaozai Palooza — both an art piece and a hint of writing.
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soclaimon · 4 years
Can novel coronavirus be brought home via shoes? #ศาสตร์เกษตรดินปุ๋ย
#ศาสตร์เกษตรดินปุ๋ย : ขอบคุณแหล่งข้อมูล : หนังสือพิมพ์ The Nation
Can novel coronavirus be brought home via shoes? International Feb 17. 2020
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[Photo/VCG] By chinadaily.com.cn Rumors said novel coronavirus can be brought home via shoes.
According to Feng Luzhao, an analyst form Chinese Center for…
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I dont ship zhaozai, but their shippers deserve better
i have a holiday in june, so i might make an actual event for the shippers they deserve it
I get this in my inbox right as I was thinking about organizing an event someday 🥺🥺 I love you, you psychic
Unfortunately I have gov school for all of June, so my schedule’s jam-packed this summer. I’m sure some people like @nuclearhazelnut, @clown-cult, and @jcpmop would be interested in anything you plan!
Maybe a broader “Zhao and Ozai week” would let even more shippers into the loop, since I know some very talented LuZhao and Fried Fish shippers 😆 A healthy dash of Urzai, Ozara, and the intriguing Ozai/Vachir etc. ~ and we have a general Fire Husbands Appreciation week! That’d be a lot of fun!!
Gsgdhdh I got carried away sorry- If I tagged you and this doesn’t apply, please feel free to ignore!
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zhaozaipalooza · 3 years
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the SHOTS (so controversially yet so bravely) fired today
@fire-lady-ilah bless.
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Day 2: Secret Relationship
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Art by @authorjoydragon
The thrill and tension of hiding your lover usually has consequences.
AO3 Stats:
Tagged secret relationship
ATLA (Mature) 48 fics featuring: Zukaang, Zukka, Zutara, TyZula, Jeongdao, TySokkla, LuZhao, Azula/OC, Rangshi, Jeeko, Sokkla, Jetko, and Jinko
ATLA (Explicit) 40 fics featuring: Zutara, Zukka, Kataang, Jeeko, Tokka, Sokkla, Maiko, Zutaraang, Zhayu, and Azulaang
LOK (Mature) 7 fics featuring: Korrlok, Makroh, Korrasami, and Korvira
LOK (Explicit) 12 fics featuring: Korvirasami, Korrasami, Lin Beifong & OCs, Linko, Wuko, and Kuvopal
Fic Recs:
Tell Me by @gimmezutara - Zutara
Smut by @writebecauseyoucannotbreathe - Azulaang
a great cord sings by zuko96 - Zukka
First time for everything by BeAnaVin and Thyri_saber - Jeeko
Old Wounds by punknuois - Rangshi
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richardbonzou-blog · 4 years
Education / Chine : les écoles sont exhortées à prendre des mesures de prévention pour leur réouverture
Education / Chine : les écoles sont exhortées à prendre des mesures de prévention pour leur réouverture
Les écoles à travers la Chine ont été exhortées à prendre des mesures de prévention face au COVID-19, dans le contexte de leur réouverture progressive.
Les écoles doivent élaborer des plans ciblés pour la prévention et le contrôle de l’épidémie et la réponse d’urgence et assurer que ces mesures soient bien appliquées, a indiqué Feng Luzhao, chercheur au Centre chinois de contrôle et de prévention…
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