loveifeelforme · 1 year
love from a distance
I'm used to watch you from afar. I just want to know if you're okay, how was your day and if you're happy. I'm used to love you from a distance, it's all I have been doing, after all... But don't mind me, I just want to make sure you're alright and happy, because if you're happy, then even if I am not the one making you happy, I am happy for you. That's what love is, isn't it? But if you ask me if I want to love you close, yes I do, if you want me to... But as for now, I will keep loving you from a distance.
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loveifeelforme · 1 year
Dear future me,
I actually don't want to know how things are going for us, I just want to tell you that is okay to take a break sometimes, you've been working REALLY hard for a long time, don't feel too pressured to do all the things in your "to do" list. You are exactly where you need to be, don't rush what you want to last for a long time. We still got time to make life wonderful. You are loved, you are protected, you are abundant, you are magical, you are the main character, you decide how you want to live your life. You are doing great, I admire you! Please don't ever give up on yourself. I love you a lot.
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loveifeelforme · 1 year
February 23rd, 2023
The decisions of other people are not my responsibility. People should keep their things accountable and deal with their own shit. Is not my responsibility to fix everyone's problems neither take full responsibility for their lives as i have been doing before with my own family. I shouldn't and i wont worry about things that are out of my control, things that dont only depend on me. The actions of others dont reflect on who i am and how i feel about myself. Also, i will not be doing things for others when they are fully capable of doing it themselves. Its not my responsibility to make sure other people are responsible. Its not my job to rescue people from their drama and if they get angry at me because of that, that's totally fine and understandable as i am not acting as they expect. Its totally okay for me to say no when i dont want to do something for others. If people get offended by me being fine with my mental health and being emotionally better, its fine by me. I am not supposed to feel and stay in an anxious mind just because other people feel good about me feeling bad.
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loveifeelforme · 1 year
I've always been...
I've always been afraid of something, hiding something or expecting something that never came and I'm tired of it.
My entire life has been full of fears and insecurities, and doubts and not feeling good enough for anything or any one.
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loveifeelforme · 1 year
I am my home
Finally I got to understand that my body is my home, my body is where I belong. It doesn't matter where I am on this planet. I am my own home. Maybe that's why I've always had the feeling that I don't belong to anywhere and anyone. Because I belong to me.
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loveifeelforme · 1 year
as fanfics que eu crio na cabeça
Ser uma adolescente com alma romântica e mente criativa ferrou com o meu emocional. Digo isso pois, me afoguei em fanfics e estórias que me tiravam completamente da realidade que eu vivia. Apenas a minha vida já não era o bastante, eu queria mais, eu queria novas experiências, novos amores… Mas com pais meio controladores que eu tenho, isso não fazia parte da minha realidade. Por concequência, eu fugia para o mundo dos livros e fanfics. Buscando alguma coisa que eu não sabia o que era. Como sou criativa ao extremo e amo escrever, não demorou muito pra eu me aventurar na minha própria mente. Começando com pequenos textos postados em redes sociais da época, até que eu comecei a usar meus cadernos em branco pra contar estórias. Imaginava a vida que eu sonhava em ter, e claro, com os meus ídolos sendo o meu par romântico. Quem nunca? Escrevia sobre os garotos que eu era apaixonada, criava várias expectativas e cenários na minha cabeça, tudo com um toque de livro da Jane Austen. Mas quando eu caía na realidade, era tudo completamente diferente do que eu tinha imaginado. Lógico, a vida não é uma fanfic escrita por uma menina de 16 anos. A vida tá mais pra roteiro de filme de suspense de Alfred Hitchcock. Com isso, eu me iludia sozinha, com todos os cenários, diálogos, momentos, expectativas, com tudo que eu mesma criei na busca de viver uma vida diferente da minha. A vida foi passando, a fase adulta chegou e as vezes ainda faço isso. Não dá pra negar as raízes romântica criativa que eu sempre tive. Mas agora, as minhas fanfics estão bem mais realistas, bem mais perto da minha realidade do que quando eu fazia isso a anos atrás. A armadura (vulgo meu coração) foi ficando mais forte e agora, não é fácil eu me iludir. Pelo menos não com relacionamentos, mas se me perguntar se eu crio fanfics sobre a minha carreira no futuro… Isso sim, isso eu continuo a fazer e continuo a fazer de tudo também para não ser só uma fanfic que eu crio na minha cabeça.
J. M.
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loveifeelforme · 1 year
Quando será o momento certo para o amor? E será que existe o momento certo para o amor?
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loveifeelforme · 1 year
Chega uma hora que você se pega pensando "Acabou pra mim, já chega". Isso não faz mais parte de quem eu sou, está tirando toda a minha paz, consumindo toda a minha felicidade. Olho pra esse relacionamento e penso "O que eu estou fazendo aqui?". Deixou de ser confortável, deixou de fazer sentido e deixou de fazer falta. E quando deixa de fazer falta, acabou.
april 11, 2022.
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loveifeelforme · 2 years
second chance
in the world we are living today
if you look close enough
you'll see you have a second chance
every day.
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loveifeelforme · 2 years
Wish I could go back in time, so I wouldn't make the mistake of asking you out.
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