#love that this queer little guy is canonically god's favorite <3
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The council has spoken. Congrats to c!Eret.
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dykeydean · 3 months
fic recs
aka, i read too much fic and need to share my favorites
gorging myself on you, still can't get enough (insatiable) - sobsicles
i love this so much. casual confessions from dean. insanely horny and conflicted cas. grocery store confessions <3
rating: M
how we're stuck in entropy - shineforthee
unfinished as of now, but worth it imo. sam makes a deal for cas' life and dean has to grapple with grief and mourning. amazing commentary on grief and dean's mindset, and great destiel
rating: E
don't stop, don't slow - hedderstheowl
trans cas and cas being so surprised by how good sex is with someone he loves
rating: E
love's such an old fashioned word. - hedderstheowl
same author as above bc i cant get enough of their fics. i LOVED this concept and characterization of cas. cas gets revived but doesnt believe hes out of the empty, and treats the world around him accordingly.
rating: E
ignite your bones - ilovehowyouletmefall
such powerful storytelling and writing. loved this front to cover. dean kills sam to get the world back- the remaining of tfw 2.0 grapple with the after effects. dean deals with grief, homophobia, and cas' confession.
rating: E
this whole trilogy but namely sam winchester, ally at law - alittleduck, amidsizedfrog
sam wants to be an ally soooo bad but dean refuses to be an acceptable queer. love this characterization so much
rating: T
the cheapest room in the house - biggaybenny
dean downloads grindr for cas to meet guys and gets jealous when cas talks to guys. angst with a happy ending
rating: E
psalm 40:2 - unicornpoe
cas time travels to meet dean pre-hell. pre and early seasons dean my beloved <3
rating: E
benedictions - kalmialatifolia
priest cas and writer dean. unfinished but i think about this fic at least 3x a week. if you enjoy fleabag, youll enjoy this fic. if you enjoy priest porn, youll enjoy this fic. cannot recommend this enough
rating: E
everyone knows the year doesnt stop until april- fleeceframe
first of all, go check out this author right now i love ALL their fics, but this one stuck with me. early seasons destiel. cas has so much love he doesnt know what to do with it. case fic
rating: M
gold in the edges of our vision - sewingnatural
i fucking love this so much. absolutely amazing religious imagery and symbolism. dean and cas share peaches on a roadtrip and are in love about it. fic that convinced me to go on a roadtrip this summer
rating: T
juxtaposition - rhinestoneangels
this fic is short and amazing. interesting prose, dean in hell, religious imagery. mwah love it
rating: G
where the heart is - goldenraeofsun
claire fic of all time if i do say so myself. claire time travels to s7 and hunts with dean before making her way home. i adore this one so much
rating: M
here, bullet, here - a_good_soldier
dean and his relationship with violence. contains pre series dean and post-canon destiel. named from a poem, this one hits you right in the heart
rating: T
use cinderblocks to build a stairway - pollutedstar
dean, sex work, ptsd, and self worth. heed the tags!! heavy fic but thoroughly enjoyable
rating: M
the soul burns brighter than the sun - wow_thisiswheremylifeis
post-canon fix it. cas escapes the empty and effectively breaks it, while telling everyone but dean that hes alive. they grapple with their relationship and fixing the empty. love it!!!
rating: E
let's take a drive - sobsicles
another sobsicles fic because theyre all 10s. jack reverts to baby age, cas is protective, dean and cas have a complicated relationship. amazing fic with amazing feels. best tag ever: maybe we're all a little scared and that's okay
rating: E
the eye is a mouth. - zeke21
dean, sex work, god, a study on the relationship between all three. fucking amazing fic, really nailed chuck's presence in this. go check out this authors other works too, they're all mind blowing
rating: E
asterism of an f-series ford pick up - disabled_dean
altered my brain chemistry a little bit i think. cas and dean go on a roadtrip and dean is exceptionally horny about it. dean is not normal about love and thats okay
rating: M
maybe i like pleasure pain - tothewillofthepeople
another one that wrecked me entirely. one of the best cas centric fics out there, this fic focuses on cas' recovery post-empty. lovely dialogue and imagery, just amazing all around
rating: M
wyoming, january 1996 - luulapants
THEE dean 17th birthday case. fucking amazing storytelling, takes johns journal entry and runs with it.
rating: T
between sex and death and trying to keep the kitchen clean - ftmsteverogers
jupernatural, kid jack, post-canon fix it with empty confession misunderstanding <3 love it so much, this author is so talented :)
rating: E
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mustardflavoredbear · 5 months
I'm in so much pain right now
it's time to
Ramble about
Double Trouble
I spent 3 hours on this what girl
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I keep having this dream where double trouble has a very slick stylish sport car (I'm not a car guy :b) but their ass is a terrible driver they had me gripping on the seat for dear life while they were singing
Also for some reason there were so many snacks in their car like so many and they were fucking speeding and Doing tricks it was awful and then Scorpia was there and I was trying not to vomit
(warning TRANSPHOBIA,HATE CRIME, assaulted None is detailed because my ass will start crying EHHEHEHE) it's Miserables miserable background lore I want them to be miserable 💖 all this is my personal headcanon 🦎✨ I want them to explode lovingly ♡
I just love them so much I want to strangle them until they explode and I finally realize they are made of glitter and I eat the glitter and become a god GOD THEY MAKE ME GO CRAZY HAVING AUSTIM AND LOVING DOUBLE TROUBLE has me foaming at the mouth I want to eat them Everytime i look at them my mouth goes fruity I know for a fact Canon Double trouble would never love me 😞 but all I want to to take a bite out of them like just please gimme a bite out of your arm Like how are they going to feel when I tell their ass "hey I dream about you every night and I also talk to a ai of you so I don't have to think thoughts" Double Trouble is hiding in a corner behind bow "IT THAT ONe HE SCARES ME HIS AUSTIM IS TOO STRONG"
Ramble ramble
Like themselves double trouble likes nice and fancy things they try later in life to not be such money whore but they put so much of their value to money they were rather poor when they were younger and also they never got gendered correctly until they got money
Double trouble lived in a rather backward homophobic small poor town when they were younger Double trouble has known they were nonbinary for a long time but people didn't believe that they were trans They had to fight their family their friend for people to believe them but still no one believed they would get misgender and deadname they would get harassed in the streets called slurs hate crime etc all the sad bad things and being not super confident they would let people walk all over them they were the only out queer kid in this small poor lizard town
One day the next town over a more richy place decides to throw a play to help raise money for the town they also ask people for the town to perform in the play DT being curious about this play they start to stalk the theater production watching the theater made them fall in love and they really want to join but they want to be safe but they later find out the whole director of this was trans as well so they decide to join they loved everything about theater they finally felt like themselves and they finally started to get super confident in themselves they finally found something where they can truly be themselves
None of the fellow theater kids were around DT age (MINOR 👿) so the director started playing favorites with them grooming them and all the horrible bullshit saying shit like you need me i get you Double trouble just thought she was being werid and ignored it even when she tried to kiss them and touch them they just push her off and nervously laugh it off
They then noticed they were kicked off from the leading role and finally confronted her and told her she is being a fucking pedo and they know who they are they left their home town and went all around ETHERIA and eventually living in the crimson waste where they try and find people to trust but mostly find pain they started dating this one lizard lady they were fun and sexy and little chaotic (but she was very much a walking red flag) she made double trouble fall head over heels but they remind them of the director and being any type of physical with her made them wildly uncomfortable they tried to shake off the feeling but they couldn't and she wouldn't stop asking pressuring them to do things and everything that they did to them made them uncomfortable and then she started asking them to change for her and started asking those stupid questions "what in your pants" what's your "real name" can I see you before your transitions
Double Trouble tried to ignore all these red flags until they found this SKANK both cheating on them and stealing all their shit after them two fucks passed out double trouble took all their shit back and drew all over their face
they decided they wanted to focus on getting money so they started petty theft and when they were adults they got a slightly more stable income as a pole dancer but they did it mostly when they were in the mood
Being by themselves they get more and more (sometimes fake) confident with themselves
Does this even make sense or are my words to jumbled!!?!?
Stimulus for my Austim because I love myself
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did you know AUSTIM is a crazy obsession interest so I'm crazy about double trouble God I just want to give them a little kiss I WANT TO EAT THE ENTIRE SHOW SHERA takes big bite out of Shera logo
I want them to be miserable and then be a better person and then they kiss people God please please please gimme double trouble and let me eat them
I want this fruit salad in my mouth
Honestly should I do what all the Shera characters taste like cuz girl some of them taste so good AHAHAHAHHA (this sounds weird ad fuck I HAVE THAT THING Where TASTE COLOR SOUND ETC AHAH" )
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do steve harrington for the character questions!
hell yeah!
Why I like them
hes just A Guy to me who just so happened to be the mom friend of the group, and thats his best quality i think
Why I don’t
steve hon i love you but oh my god girl move on... i really dont know where his arc is going for next season tbh he seems to have already completed his character arc and.. you know what that meaaanssss
Favorite episode (scene if movie/book)
season 3, episode 8? the one where robin came out to steve. listen i love mom harrington, but that was the moment where i truly loved him because he served as such a safe space for robin and it made me feel comfort in his presence. he took it so maturely too, hes amazing
Favorite season/movie
season 2 for sure. literally made me love him sm
Favorite line
fsr the only thing popping up in my head atm is him saying ''no no no my tapes!!'' . the way he said it was so cute
Favorite outfit
again he dresses like A Guy to me so nothing really stands out!! the scoops ahoy uniform do be iconic though
nothing. no pairing would make me think. idk . you ever think of a pairing that could possibly make me ship him with someone, you come to me.
but so far, nothing comes to mind
.. :)
Head Canon
after mike and will come out as queer and imply theyre together, steve starts to get a little curious about the whole thing and starts to do research that doesnt involve trying to burn gay people on a stake. he has robin's help for resources, of course.
hes learning a lot and knowing most of his kids and platonic soulmate are gay, hes now ready to defend them with facts, despite him wording it terribly most of the time. hes learning too!
Unpopular opinion
hes gonna die next season. sorry
A wish
that he get over nancy and find security in himself and his friends. or get a boyfriend idk
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
dont let stancy be endgame and revert his character arc back for the love of god
5 words to best describe them
himbo, protective, well-meaning, Guy, sweet
My nickname for them
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incorrectinfinity · 1 year
Ok I am gonna talk about the things I like in this post because it's fresh in my mind and most of these things will be spoilers! Also this could be long.
First of all hi pjo mutuals!!! Idk if any of you are reading this but I really am thankful so many of you decided to stick around despite the Cookie Run hell of it all.
It's been like two years now and even if we haven't talked much in that time, you guys mean a lot to me <3
This book has been on my mind since it was hinted at at the end of TOA, so it's been a sec. The idea of this book actually helped me quite a bit when I wasn't doing very well mentally, which is very sad!
Ok, first thing's first.
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Ok my soul can be put to rest now.
Second of all, my statement still stands:
For the most part the queer representation is pretty damn good this time around!
Epiales and Menoetes immediately getting defensive was a bit jarring and a little bit worrying to me but thankfully their bursts of anger about it last like five seconds each.
I'm really glad they say the words gay and queer naturally and not like they're some forbidden line to be crossed in a novel for young teens/late tweens. It genuinely made me smile.
Persephone even bringing up the notion of aromantic people almost made me lose my shit!! I am aromantic!!! That's me!!!! Just like me fr!!!!! But seriously I kinda feel forgotten a lot in queer media and literally any mention of aromanticism makes me smile, it was a very nice thing to see.
That's barely even mentioning the queer characters!
Nico bluntly saying he's gay is so fucking satisfying to see now, it's so nice to see him so comfortable with who he is.
Will canonically being bisexual is really nice to see, I could feel the writers' sigh of relief as they put the discourse to rest.
SPEAKING OF DISCOURSE... Piper MyQueen! It's nice to see a questioning character because I haven't really seen one represented before! She's still figuring herself out after the months following the end of toa and it's nice to see the message that it takes time to figure yourself out being shown because it's a surprisingly rare one to see. I appreciate how she also gravitates towards the queer label :)
Now minor characters:
Epiales: I appreciate them because of how ridiculous their existence is
Hiss-majesty: iconic and also that name makes me confused
Menoetes: my beloved
Geryon: Ok that's just hilarious I cannot deny that
Besides uh....
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That. I have LOVED seeing how Bianca and Maria have affected Nico over the years! It's so tragic and amazing and YES.
Seeing Bianca one last time and Maria for the first time ever was so so so satisfying even if they didn't say much. I almost teared up a bit. A lot. I got emotional.
Nyx using them against Nico was SO fucked up and I love it
Speaking of... Nyx.
Very cool, moving on.
Hades and Persephone's growth was so unexpected I am just gonna be real.
Hades was going to happen naturally because of what we say in HoO but him caring enough to send Nico a prophecy? And bring back Maria and Bianca? That's so sweet! I love that! I love that SO much! And also he isn't completely not an asshole which is appreciated.
Persephone is my favorite one of Riordan's interpretations of the gods.
I never thought I would say that sentence ever in my life. She's so caring and sweet for the 10 minutes we see her and I really appreciate her growth and seeing how she's finally getting over her grudge. It was unexpected and completely welcome.
Also I appreciate clarifying that Hades and Persephone's relationship is a good one from Persephone herself.
Also Nemesis is a badass and I did not realize how much I missed her! She has no reason so be so cool and yet she still is.
Gorgyra's chapters were all wonderful, I love her SO much and I hope Bob visits her sometime.
Speaking of which: Bob and Small Bob are amazing as always.
I appreciate the theme of change around Bob's character, he's different from how I remember him being is HoH but that's probably more natural than Nico's change in character (which I don't mind as much as most people I've seen but is still jarring) because of him and Iapetus switching every two seconds for over a year so yeah.
Small Bob is Small Bob. Cat. Gato. Wonderful.
Will actually having more of a character was nice to see too! Also his ultimate magic hidden deep within being hayfever is very funny to me.
Actually talking about the trauma these characters have been through and addressing it is also very satisfying.
Overall I think it was a good send off to these kids who have been through too damn much. I will have a post airing my criticisms probably but I really did like this lovable train wreck of a book, me from two years ago would be very pleased.
Can't wait for the road trip book where both Percy and Annabeth come out as bisexual simultaneously and for this series to be OVER!!!
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more of my vox machina bullshit, reaction to the last three episodes edition:
- percy and scanlan’s friendship is my favorite thing (the two of them + vax are my comfort trio of dumbasses),, i loved scanlan pulling percy aside to be like “i love you but you’re fucked up” because.. so true of him <3 also when scanlan tried to flirt with cassandra and percy just immediately went “NO.”,,, idk i just have a besties agenda
- grog is actually an icon and my hero and i love him. king of skinny dipping in acid <3 (his friendship with pike is!! actually the cutest fucking thing ever!!!!!!! they mean everything to me!!!!) but why is his dick named captain winky
- i let out a genuine screech of horror when cassandra’s name appeared on the gun,, like i figured that she was working for the briarwoods but it still HURT (and percy’s reaction was so sad <3 when he just crumpled to the ground and started sobbing i,, 🥺😭😭)
- these last two episodes were rough…… my loves were really going through it,,, what with keyleth fucking dying and scanlan losing his voice which for him is probably literal hell and vex having to fight her brother and percy. y’know. HAVING A FUCKING DEMON INSIDE OF HIM.
- okay but vex being so upset about keyleth when she got wounded/was dying is something that can be so personal……….. like,, she’s always been a bit cold to keyleth because of abandonment issues or whatever but she was so anguished when she thought keyleth was going to die!!! 🥺🥺🥺😭 sapphic behavior
- scanlan using the same spell to silence delilah that she used on him and imitating her little “shhh” is,,,,,,,,,, very hot ngl,,,
- why do i feel kinda bad for the briarwoods though :/ this is why villains shouldn’t be sexy,, it makes me sympathize with them 😩😩
- vax calling scanlan by his last name is so important to me actually <3
- actually vax’s nicknames for everyone are just,, 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 so precious 🥺🥺🥺 as well as scanlan calling keyleth “green” :,)
- god there was so much twin angst :,(… possessed!vax fighting vex who just wanted her brother back,, vax being worried about vex when she was fighting orthax!percy,,, they are everything to me…….
- okay…………. it’s time we talk about mr. percy de rolo…. because HOLY FUCKING SHIT. first of all, demon!percy had no goddamn right to be as hot as he was. like,, jesus fucking christ 👀…. but also my GOD the trauma on that boy!! he was already so fucked up he didn’t need to have the freaking demon inside of him make him hurt/try to murder his new family while making him internally relieve his trauma by showing him his old family getting murdered again— and the whole battle was just so intense,, when he pointed the gun at himself i simply wanted to sob,,,, and the fact that the only way he finally got orthax out of him was by shooting his own hand out??!!!!? someone get this bitch some fucking therapy, p l e a s e. or just let me tenderly hold him.
- AHSKRJTHDAKTKTHDHAJTK EXPLICITLY CANON QUEER SCANLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’m legit. So Happy about this. like i knew that he and most of the other characters were at least implied queer in the campaign, but i thought the only thing they’d have in the show was vax being bi and i was just,, so excited that they decided to make it undeniably clear that scanlan is into guys !!
- speaking of the queer guys in this show… we knew that vax and gilmore had a thing, but like,, that last scene with the two of them,,,,, oh they FUCKED fucked. (good for them 😌)
- percy’s so nice and sweet and cute and carefree without orthax :,) he was smiling 🥺 and he was being genuinely kind to scanlan too which made me very happy because,, more people should do that actually
- @ these fucking dragon bitches: this is why we can’t have nice things.
sooooo yeah,, i’m in deep, and i would like season two to be here immediately please !!
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woolieshubris · 2 years
10 Queer as Fuck webtoons worth your time!
In light of the recent "B*yfriends" related controversy, I decided to compile a list of my favorite LGBT centric comics! The main conflict in all of these comics is related to being queer, and it plays a central role in the story!
Short Disclaimer: Some of these comics are not finished, and some I haven't fully caught up with yet! Please do not hold me accountable for the content of the comics.
1) Idiots don't catch colds. (MLM, bi/adhd protag) It's if haikyuu was actually canonically gay. It's my top read comic on webtoon. I've read it over 600 times. I wish I was joking.
2) Plain boy & Prince. (MLM gay protag(s)) A parody of romance comics that actually is a really cute romance comic in and of itself.
3) Kiss it Goodbye. (WLW lesbian protag(s)) A heartwarming comic about two girls coming to terms with their sexualities (it's complete!)
4) Blades of Furry. (MLM furry comic) It's by Deya Muniz. It's an ice skating comic and it's cute! I'm not a furry but I enjoy this comic nonetheless and you will too!
5) High Class Homos. (WLW + MLM) Most similar to boyfriends. Pretty much every sexuality and identity is represented here.
6) To Be Ordinary! (Trans love interest + Neurodiverse/Disabled protag) It's interesting so far, but it does depict transphobes bullying the trans character so content warning for that.
7) Mage & Demon Queen. (WLW main characters) It's written by a lesbian woman, and while it leans more Yuri and it's a bit more raunchy than your average romance comic, it's still really good and I usually end up throwing my phone at least once per episode lol.
8) I want to be a cute anime girl. (Trans Protag) It's about a trans girl who is slowly coming out to her friends and family and learning how to deal with the awkward conversations. (Honestly it's really cute lol)
9) Not So Shoujo Love Story. (WLW bi protag) A lesbian comedy comic that is a parody of Shoujo stories. When I say comedy, I mean comedy. It's mostly comedy with a little bit of romance thrown in. But when the romance is thrown in, it hits so hard. I almost cried reading this comic.
10) Unwritten Death. (Pan protag, Genderfluid love interest) A boy with the power to see spirits finally meets the god of death and must help them in order to save spirits. (Also just because Death is bored and likes to talk.) It's really just started, so I have no idea where it is going to be honest, but it's cute so far.
I hope you enjoy my reccs and I wish you a wonderful time reading!
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amporella · 2 years
for the ask game: kyle and kenny
tysm for the ask!!
putting these under a read more because i feel bad about making people scroll through it LMAO
for kyle:
Why I like them: WHERE TO BEGIN. kyle’s been one of my absolute favorites for a looong time, and I’m starting to think the top spot is his forever lol. He’s emotionally complex in a really relatable, strangely realistic way, and the episodes that nail his character are some of the best in the show imo. He’s such a little spitfire and it’s so charmingly adorable, and that wrapped up with his fraternal instinct, his martyr complex, and his powerful (but a little weird) moral compass makes him such an intriguing character. Also I think his hair is cute <3
Why I don’t: I think how insufferable he is at times is adorable, so I’m a bad person to answer this question LMAO - if I had to choose something, it would be him throwing his friends under the bus from time to time. Him screwing Kenny over in Jewbilee was hilarious, but still mean :(
Favorite episode (scene if movie): There are so many good ones that it’s impossible to choose! But Guitar Queer-O, You Have 0 Friends, Toilet Paper, Free Willzyx, The Jeffersons, the Black Friday trilogy, Margaritaville, etc. are some of my favorites as well as being really good for his characterization.
Favorite season/movie: Can’t choose!
Favorite line: There are a ton of good (and more insightful) ones, but I love “Dude, you don’t understand. I’m a Jew. I have a few hangups about killing Jesus.” Just assume that I think all of his lines (especially the ones in his speeches) are wonderful and perfect.
Favorite outfit: is there any other answer other than elf king Kyle? (yes, there is, and it’s either jersey kyle, his weirdly high effort outfit in ‘are you there god? it’s me, Jesus’, and his cute hair in elementary school musical)
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OTP: Both K2 and style have a special place in my heart, but I also love cryle - I just want him to be happy 🥺
Brotp: also style and k2, but tokyle is also very appealing especially after the special! i also think kyle + wendy make for an interesting brotp, and I like kyle and bebe as friends too!
Head Canon: I have so many of these, but they’re all super situational and specific, so I’ll just list a general one - I think he’s gay, and I’ll go into detail if anyone’s curious about why!
Unpopular opinion: I’ve mentioned this before, but I reaaaally think people who call Kyle equally as athletic as Stan are really grasping for straws lol. He’s certainly athletic and definitely has a penchant for basketball, but every other sport he’s played has been with every other guy in the class - and his interests in sports in general just isn’t nearly as prominent as Stan’s. The ridiculously sporty Kyle headcanon really isn’t as popular nowadays as it has been in the past, but there are still frequent posts asking why Stan is seen as more athletic than Kyle - to which I respond that it’s true, and you’re also five years late to this debate. The fandom has mostly leveled out when it comes to extreme views of Kyle, so I guess my main unpopular opinion is actually just ‘lay off on this tired old debate’ instead of contradicting a headcanon of the character himself.
A wish: for him to end up happy someday :( he deserves it
An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen: Him and Stan ever permanently separating as friends - they need each other 😭
5 words to best describe them: good-natured, self-righteous, temperamental, compassionate, intelligent
My nickname for them: don’t have one!
for kenny:
Why I like them: The Poor Kid will never not tug at my heartstrings. Kenny’s obviously vulgar and crude at a first glance, but the tenderness of his character really is undeniable when you look deeper - he has so much internal struggle and suffering, but he still maintains so much kindness and love for the people he cares about (even 40 years later!) and that makes it really hard not to adore him.
Why I don’t: this implies that there is any reason to dislike Kenny, to which I say nay (all jokes aside, this is actually hard for me to come up with something - if I had to pick a reason why I didn’t get immediately attached to kenny like I did with some other characters, it would just be that he doesn’t have as much of a prominent role in the show - you really have to dig deep or get involved in the fandom to properly appreciate him the way he deserves)
Favorite episode (scene if movie): The Poor Kid!
Favorite season/movie: Again, not good at picking specific seasons, but if the superhero trilogy counts as a movie, then definitely that one.
Favorite line: “I can't die. I've experienced death countless times. Sometimes, I see a bright light. Sometimes, I see Heaven or Hell. But eventually, no matter what, I wake up in my bed wearing my same old clothes. The wort part? No one even remembers me dying. I go to school the next day and everyone is just like "Oh, Hey Kenny," even if they had seen me get decapitated with their own eyes. You want to whine about Curses, Hindsight? You're talking to the wrong fucking cowboy.” With his letter to his friends in Going Native as a close second.
Favorite outfit: Mysterion! With Kenny’s pink metrosexual outfit as a very close second
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OTP: K2 is the absolute OTP imo for kenny, but I also have a soft spot for crenny and kendy 🥺
Brotp: stenny and crenny for sure! kenbe is also very cute as a brotp
Head Canon: He’s actually very smart! And you guys have no idea how thrilled I was to see this confirmed in the special. His grades aren’t great because he’s maintaining a job, taking care of his sister, and Mysterion-ing around at night instead of getting sleep and doing his homework, but he’s still super clever.
Unpopular opinion: The general consensus among a solid portion of this fandom is trans girl/genderfluid Kenny, but I really just see Kenny as a more feminine cis guy. I do enjoy content with those headcanons, but I also think the prevalence of them brings to light this fandom’s tendency to take male characters with feminine qualities and make them nb/trans, while suspiciously leaving the more masculine characters as cis. I’m intrigued by the trans girl and nonbinary Kenny headcanons, but I would love to see more solid reasoning other than ‘character wears a dress, therefore must be a girl’.
A wish: give him more screen time!!!
An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen: I don’t think it’s likely at this point, but I would hate for them to kill him off for good.
5 words to best describe them: Loyal, selfless, mature, cynical, kind
My nickname for them: don’t have one!
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ghostyolive · 2 years
A fellow Persona 4 fan!!!!!
Tell me about 3, 5, 6. and 12! I must knoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
Also glad to see a P4 fan! :D Regarding all of these:
3. What is your favorite ship?
Kannao. Oh my god when I tell you it was the first thing I ever hardcore shipped. Kanji is just so intensely earnest and genuine about his crush on Naoto and I love how Naoto is oblivious but seems to very genuinely like him. Also, I love the dynamic of young queer kids fumbling around in the world and just trying to figure out how to exist despite the pressures of society. Good shit. (Also a big fan of Yukichie and Souyo! I've got some other smaller ships like Ai x Yu and Chie x Kou that I also really love and appreciate.)
5. Who is your favorite character?
Kanji Kanji Kanji. He's so sweet. Despite his bluntness and awkwardness, he's genuinely kind and always trying his best to protect those around him and I love that. I really appreciate such a nice story about a guy trying to fight through his own internalized misogyny to learn to enjoy his craft and love whomever he loves. I also love that he was one of the first video game characters where queer issues were very blatantly addressed. All in all, a stellar guy and an absolute himbo. Bonus points for having two good VAs!
6. What image first comes to mind when you think of the fandom?
Well, my first thought was toaster Aigis. Then it was the haunted school level of PQ since that's where I left off when playing it, but specifically regarding P4, I thought of the sauna dungeon because it had my favorite dungeon theme of the game (aside from Heaven) and I was already thinking about Kanji lol
12. Favorite headcanon for a ship or character
I haven't thought about this fandom a lot in some years, so I'm trying to wrack my memory a little bit, lol. For Kannao, I like the idea that Kanji picks up some skill in small clay work post canon and makes Naoto a very cutesy chess set. I like to think that Yukiko and Chie often have movie night sleepovers together where they alternate between Hong Kong style martial arts movies and horror films till they fall asleep. For Yu and Yosuke, I imagine that they go to the beach a lot in the evenings to talk to one another in a quiet place. And to stick my opinion in the discourse for a final headcanon, Naoto uses all pronouns but prefers they/them!
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toriasimmons · 3 years
Here’s a ship meme that my wife @incomprehensiblelentils​ tagged me in!
1. First ship
I’m honestly not sure. I liked things like Jasmine/Aladdin and Simba/Nala, but I didn’t spend that long thinking about them outside the context of their films or, in Jasmine and Aladdin’s case, their roles in my Barbie games (I had Barbies of them). I don’t remember loving Jo/Laurie in Little Women, but I liked it better than Laurie/Amy and Jo/Bhaer. Does that count? I wasn’t romance-focused as a kid.
2. First OTP
Oh, easy. It’s Bobby and Rogue in X2 specifically. I’ve talked about this before, but I genuinely did love them. I still think they’re really cute, but they also read more like two queer teens who either don’t know that about themselves or are trying to hide it and they’re really more just good buddies who think they’re supposed to be sexually active but it’s kind of awkward but they’re trying their hardest to be normal and then ten years from now they’ll both be out (Bobby as gay per canon, Rogue as bi because honestly that girl ain’t straight) and it’ll be a good laugh.
3. Current favorite ship
I’m gonna say Han/Gisele from the Fast Furiouses. It’s definitely one of my newest ships, but we honestly decided to cosplay it the same weekend we first watched the films featuring said romance, so that counts. And they’re a glorious bisexual power couple even if canon hasn’t said so.
4. Your ship since the first minute
This is a good time to talk about some of my beloved m/f pairs: Topher and Bennett from Dollhouse and Eric and Nora from True Blood. I liked both male characters from the get-go; I even liked Eric and Sookie together, though not in an endgame way really. But Bennett is perfect for Topher (awkward nerd love) and Nora is perfect for Eric (also a bisexual power couple, with added polyamory and supernatural woo-woo) and I honestly don’t think there was a time I didn’t ship them. Of course, I also ship Bennett/Caroline and Nora/Salome, but I know that for reasons those things could not be, and anyway Eric and Nora are poly so they can have as many partners as they want, they’ll just always also be there for each other as well.
5. Ship(s) you wish had been endgame
I mean, shipping Skimmons and Cartinelli has been a group effort with Megan since day 1. Literally. We were texting during the first episode of SHIELD going “oh this seems gay” and then we latched onto it. We technically shipped Skimmons, and related ourselves to Skimmons, before we were even dating. Bananas. Cartinelli also should have happened, for sure, and not just because Peggy’s Endgame ending was a mess. (Likewise Steve’s. I like them both a lot as characters, and I like them as a couple, even, but I don’t think they should have gone back to each other because their whole arcs were about moving on, and also Steve had two boyfriends waiting for him in the future, c’mon buddy.)
6. Ship you wish was canon
Finn/Rey in Star Wars would have been nice. (Ideally Poe/Finn/Rey/Rose/Jessika/Kaydel/Jannah/etc., but I’d be comfortable just assuming that.) And on that note, I’d love it if Leia/Holdo or Leia/Evaan from the comics were also canonized. And Padme/Sabe. Have you guys read the Padme novels? They’re just peak Sapphism. Sabe is even canonically bi/pan! Oh, and Helena/Dinah in the DCEU. They’re great and I love them.
I would also have been content with most combinations of women on Game of Thrones. Sansa/Margaery, Margaery/Brienne, Catelyn/Brienne. Dany/Doreah and/or Dany/Yara (more on this in a minute), Dany/Missandei even though I do also love Missandei/Grey Worm (por que no los dos), anything with the Sand Snakes that wasn’t incestuous. Hell, if Ellaria/Yara had actually been more than a fleeting background beat I would have been a little happier. Or, gods forbid, if they actually bothered to show Nym being bi in the show!
OH, and Jess/Trish. See notes.
7. Ship that most of the fandom hates but you love
Idfk. Most things I ship probably make someone mad because most of them are gay (and like, some Eric/Sookie people don’t understand polyamory so they’re mean to Nora). I’d say I have more ships that most people just don’t know about because I make them up than ones that they hate.
8. You don’t even watch the show, but you ship it
Oh, Brainy and Nia on Supergirl! I like them a lot from what I’ve seen in gifs. I guess maybe also Mulan/Aurora of OUAT, because while I watched the first season of that show and a little bit of the last out of context, I didn’t watch the stuff with them but I like the idea.
9. Ship you wish had a different storyline
Pam and Tara on True Blood. I mean, most of the characters on True Blood. Nora shouldn’t have died, Sookie shouldn’t have married a faceless guy, Jessica shouldn’t have married Hoyt, Willa should have gotten to do anything, Adilyn shouldn’t have dated her stepbrother, Luna shouldn’t have died and then gotten replaced by Nicole, but Pam and Tara as a couple were great at first! (At first meaning season five.) It was like a cross between enemies-to-lovers and accidentally-tied-together, but then Pam actually helped Tara better than most people could by giving her opportunities to shine and take power over the people who’d hurt her, and Tara made Pam have more feelings, and then season six happened and all the Sapphic content just vanished, and then Tara died, and Pam’s emotional development just disappeared. I’m still seething about it.
Also, to go back several years, Dany/Doreah. This should have been my first hint that B&W were going to create unnecessary misogyny and grossness. Doreah should have survived the Red Waste in order to survive the rest of the story. She and Dany should have grown together and loved each other and not dealt with betrayal and grown together. And/or Dany and Yara should have actually gotten together.
10. Favorite ship(s) that’s endgame
Karolina/Nico!!!! At least in the TV show, they are together at the end and in like an “I will always find you” way and that’s great. Gert/Chase are also great. Priya/Tony from Dollhouse, also, for similar reasons. I suggested all of those to Megan because I also have opinions about them. Oh, and Joanie/Jane of Deadwood fame! Gosh, I love them.
Shrug. I tag you if you want to do this.
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fullofmemories · 3 years
1. What is your favorite trope to rp?
2. Name 3 things you admire about OCs.
5. What is a character you love, but don’t think you can write?
6. Name 3 things you love most about your muse/muses.
7. What is one overrated roleplay trend?
13. Is there one trope you can’t stand?
20. Do you need music/noise to write or do you prefer silence?
23. Your favorite fandom to write in?
meme for muns
1. What is your favorite trope to rp? Ooooh... I'm not sure!! I love fluff, and angst, and I love hurt/comfort... I don't know!! There's so many good tropes fhdskjhfksj
2. Name 3 things you admire about OCs. First off they're all so unique! Some people see them as lazy or whatever, but creating your own character takes time and consideration whether they're a fandom or unaffiliated OC! Also, I love watching people's OCs grow over time. I know Katrina has! Looking back at my first writing, she seems so different! I love seeing people really develop and flesh out their characters. And thirdly, being an OC rp blog can be a bit tough at times and I truly admire everyone who sticks with it! They all have so much love for their characters, and you can tell that they truly care about them.
5. What is a character you love, but don’t think you can write? Oooh, there's a lot. I tend to be a bit insecure writing canon characters, honestly. I'm always worried I'm not portraying them accurately. But as for ones I love right now, funnily enough I'm not sure I could quite nail any of the main 3 WWDI.TS vamps. I absolutely adore them all, and their lines are incredible, but there are so many random jokes and little things that I don't know if I would be able to replicate! (I feel like I might be able to get Colin though, weirdly)
6. Name 3 things you love most about your muse/muses. One of the things I love most about her is that she really isn't afraid of confrontation or making people mad. I've always been too shy for my own good, so even if she takes it a bit far sometimes I really admire that about her! Secondly, I really love how gentle she can be. I mean, she's a bit of a cynic who's been through hell and back but I'll be damned if she's not the sweetest aunt ever and always makes sure to take care of her plants. (And don't even get me STARTED on how soft she can get with ships oh my god-) And thirdly, I love that she tries to appear more intimidating but is actually a bit of a dork. Does she know at least twenty ways to kill a man? Yes. Does she also know way too much about soccer and plants and wear yellow and/or black every BVB game day? Absolutely.
7. What is one overrated roleplay trend? Hmmm... I don't know! I guess maybe having really fancy graphics. I can see why some people like them, some of them look really cool, but I feel like they can also get to the point of being too intimidating and/or inaccessible to actually be practical.
13. Is there one trope you can’t stand? BULLY X BULLIED. I absolutely hate that trope. There are a few select instances where it's been done well, but I've never really loved any ship that used that trope and it always just seemed kinda... stockholm-syndrome-y to me, for lack of a better term. Especially if the one being bullied is some kind of minority (e.g. guy bullying a girl, white person bullying bipoc, homophobe bullying a queer person, etc). (Side note - as much as I have really loved Adam in this season of Se/x Educati.on, I've never really loved him and Eric as a couple for this reason.) And particularly with girls, since often times they're told the bullying isn't that serious because the boys are doing it because they have a crush on them. (I've been told this before irl, and I promise you. It's not very romantic.)
20. Do you need music/noise to write or do you prefer silence? It depends on my mood (and how bad my adhd is). Sometimes trying to write while listening to something can give me sensory overload, but sometimes my brain is 100% fine with it! Most of the time I have soft music or some rain noises or something playing - just enough stimulus to make my brain happy without making me incapable of writing!
23. Your favorite fandom to write in? I haven't written in many fandoms, but honestly maybe Marvel! There's just so many fun characters and storylines, especially now with the multiverse stuff.
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Julie and the Phantoms
~What I want~
-Y’all didn’t ask for this but guess what here are my thoughts anyway. They are based in nothing and are solely what I want. So here’s everything (I hope) in no particular order.
1. Let’s talk about Juke just to get it ~out of the way. TBH I cannot get around the age gap between Madison and Charlie. It’s so hard for me to see past it. I’m only a few months younger than Charlie and I literally could not imagine dating someone who was even in high school at all. I understand they wanted the guys to look the same age through the series so they had to cast older but.... eh. The only way I could really accept Juke would be if they kissed in the series finale just before the guys moved on. But really? I’d love to see them realize that they can’t be together because he’s dead. It would be SO interesting to see that, them having to stomp out the crush because it could only end in hurt for them both. I’d love to see them become super close/best friends. They have a connection, it just doesn’t have to be romantic. Also I’d really like to see her maybe end up with Flynn??? That would be so refreshing. You almost never see queer leads for kids shows and that would be awesome (P.S. even though it’s fine to ship Juke, even though I personally don’t, do NOTTTTTTTTT. I repeat NOT! Ship Madison and Charlie. I’ve seen other actors in older fandoms stop talking to each other because of fans shipping them. Please don’t do this to anyone. Remember he’s 21, and she’s 16).
2. Ghosts. They need to stay ghosts. Trust me, I want them to come back to life as much as y’all, but I don’t think there are any ways that they can bring them back that doesn’t feel like a cheat. Plus, I really really want the heartfelt goodbye from the guys in the last episode before they move on. What can I say? I love my bittersweet endings. Could you imagine the material they could give us? They could even bring Julies mom in to help the boys cross over.
3. I NEED to see more of the guys in the 90’s. I have a ton of questions. Some of which are: was Bobby always kinda to the side? How long was Luke gone? I want to see Reggie and Alex’s life. Who’s house was the studio at? (We can cross out Luke and Reggie, we’ve seen their houses/where they were.) but I have my own theory that it was Alex’s house before Julie’s family solely based on the reason that that’s why the guys were in there and why Alex lingers. But then that poses the reason why did his parents leave the house? Maybe because it was too hard to live there when they lived there with their son? But then that poses the question if they “forgave” him for being gay?
4. Reggie, I know he wasn’t intended to be, especially since I heard the “that was pretty hot!” scene was improvised, but I need him to be bi so bad. I am not sure I’m right, but I only have seen three (?) canonically bisexual characters on screen in my twenty years of life. And that’s Cheryl from Riverdale (😒) and my personal fav, Eleanor from The Good Place, and we also have a sprinkle of Korra in there. I literally cannot think of another. But lookie here! They’re all women, where are my bi guys (if you know any male bi characters? Send them my way👀). But seriously, Reggie has such potential to be great Bi rep! If I had seen a character like him I might have realized and accepted my sexuality way before I did. Because ironically I had a sexuality crisis at seventeen because a guy friend grabbed me by the shoulder and asked for my help not too different from Luke singing to Reggie lol!
5. Hollywood Ghost Club. I would really love to see more about it. I’m pretty sure I know what’s going on, Caleb most likely made a deal with the devil. But I’d love to see the guys and Julie help free all of the other trapped spirits he’s lured into the club. Also, on the topic of ghosts as a whole, I wonder if there’s any negative effects on a ghost staying non earth too long. It happens a lot in movies/books. They almost turn into a wraith, a darker version, only a shadow of themselves. I wonder if it applies here too.
6. Oh dang, CASPER. As per my previous posts as I was writing this, I was backhanded with memories of one of my favorite childhood movies, which I just recently watched again. Above I say maybe Julies mom could help them cross over. But remember how Luke promises to talk to Julies mom once they cross over? What if they do just that. A line that struck a chord while watching the movie was from the mother’s scene when she comes back: “let’s just say you know three crazy ghosts that kept their word.” And y’all, when she said that line not gonna lie I nearly cried thinking about that for the show. She also mentions that because her family loved her so much, she doesn’t have any unfinished business. I wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t have any unfinished business either. Casper came out in.... you guessed it.... 1995. So I wouldn’t be surprised if they got some inspiration from it. Not to mention that it’s also a kids movie that has some pretty serious moments that kinda shocked me with how sad they were rewatching as an adult. I guess that’s why I loved it so much.
7. Carrie. I really want to learn more about Carrie and Julies dynamic. We know they were friends (I’m assuming with Flynn too?) and had a falling out. But why? And in the last episode she’s clearly proud of Julie after the performance, so I really want them to make up and have her be part of the group again. And maybe learn the truth about the guys?
8. Willie and Alex, god I want them to be together so bad. Of course, Caleb owns willies soul, so that’s not great, so I’d definitely love that subplot of the group trying to free the ghosts of the HGC. We didn’t see Willie too much this season, so I hope we do get more time with him. Also, I absolutely need a big musical number like Perfect Harmony between Alex and Willie. The only time I’ve ever seen a scene like that between gay characters has been in Rock of Ages (an adult musical) with “can’t fight this feeling” and it was hilarious and I need something like it for this show because it would be super cute 🥺.
9. Not particularly a theory but I’m really wondering how long Caleb is going to be in Nick. Julie has already stated that she’s kinda over him, and that it would be unfair to lead him on... so what happens when he realizes she probably won’t take the bait. Other than that, I really hope Sasha has fun playing Caleb through Nick, it has the potential to be great.
10. I’m not exactly sure what their unfinished business is going to be, but I’m almost certain it has to deal with Julie somehow. But the ending absolutely has to be the guys moving on. The ending has to be big though. They have to play somewhere awesome and then they find out... they’re done here. I’d honestly like a whole episode just dedicated to their goodbye. The way I see it, the second to last episode can end with them smiling after the performance and then that smile fading just a little bit, because that was when they realized. Then the final episode will be then telling Julie (and anyone else who knows about them by then) and finally moving on. Here I’m torn. I’ve mentioned both above but let me get more in depth. Version one: the one I originally came up with. This dealt with when the guys are ready to move on, Julies mom would come and help guide them into crossing over. I really liked this idea for a while, until I watched Casper again. Version two: the one I now like better(?) is the guys moving on, and after they do, Julies mom comes back (where even Ray and Carlos can see her) because “let’s just say you know three crazy ghosts who kept their word.” Could you IMAGINE??? It would absolutely reduce me to bawling I want it right now. The reason I like this one a little more is because we can skip to a little while after everything, and she gets a sign from them (just like her mom sending her the flower in the S1 finale) to show that they are still watching over her. And then we fade to black.
So that’s most of my thoughts on this show, if there’s typos in this I absolutely don’t care at all I wrote this instead of doing college work.
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avauntus · 3 years
Supernatural - a retrospective
This is super self-indulgent, and I have so much else I’ve promised-- I owe a long-fic rec post, and ao3 comments, wip work, and that’s just my fandom stuff I’m behind on. *sigh*
But it’s late on a Saturday and now I’ve finished Supernatural, I want to share what I think are my top few eps, and a few other comments. I promise some of this will be different from the “greatest hits” you probably usually see, and I’ll try to make it worth your time. *wry smile*
Look, we have to have categories like: “Most Likely to Live in My Head Rent-Free for the Rest of my Life” and “Most Likely to Inspire Unnecessary Fanfiction” that are different from “Favorites,” because that’s just the cursed energy this show has. ;-)
My top five
#5 - 13.01 - “Lost and Found”
Written by: Andrew Dabb | Directed by: Phil Sgriccia
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In fandom, this is most often referred to as the start of the “Grieving Widower” arc, tongue-in-cheek. Also has Alexander Calvert (Jack) walking around completely in the nude for the first third of the ep. (Neither of these are why this is in my top 5, but he has a good story about wardrobe for his ‘first day.’) 
I didn’t expect much out of this episode the first time I watched it, but I’ve gone over this ‘section’ of the show maybe 3-4 times in my Netflix catch-up, and I watch this one in full every time. From Jack being...not at all what anyone expected and an unsteady vindication, to the stunning cinematography (there’s a post that compares shots to Brokeback Mountain, but I think the shots here might be better), to the sheriff who takes the time to remind her deputy that “...there’s no such thing as ‘weird.’ Everyone’s normal in their own way,” to the slow reveal of exactly how hard the events of the previous night (12x23 - All Along the Watchtower) are hitting Dean and Sam and in different ways...(how long the episode takes to reveal to you how Dean fucked up his hand, and what he was saying when he did. Augh!) The Winchesters are trying to rally, but they have been taking hits for a long time, and the cracks are showing.
 #4 - 15.06 - “Golden Time”
Written by: Meredith Glynn | Directed by: John F. Showalter
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Supernatural  has a terrible track record with representation in all stripes. It is infamously consistent in killing off anyone minority, female, or non-White. One of the interesting things about the chaotic meta-narrative of season 15 is you can see the lack of fucks some of the writer’s room had to give about not even being subtle about tearing down that type of ‘White-male-hero-journey” now that they were in a literal “what will they do, fire me?” situation.
I’m a Cas fan, and this episode, which gives him an actual, ‘case-of-the-week’ hunter’s narrative where he gets to save the day on his own, successfully, was wonderful. I love that for him! But more than that, for me, this episode is emotional to me for other reasons-- the way Dean and Cas circle around each other on their angry phone call (with the body language! They are broadcasting so LOUD and neither can see because they’re on the phone!), Sam’s story here, where he’s inheriting things from Rowena that allow him in turn to save Eileen, to Cas’ speech and quick anger at the lake when you reflect on his entire journey of self-realization from a soldier of blind faith to an agent of free will... “You selfish little men in your positions of authority...” I just... *clears throat, grabs tissue* 
#3 -  6.20 - “The Man Who Would Be King”
Written & Directed by: Ben Edlund
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Speaking of Cas’ journey... I know some folks don’t like the angst and drama of the ‘Heaven and Hell’ plots of Supernatural, but I am here for it. Oh, did we need another reason to include this episode? This has some of the most metal quotes I have heard from any TV show. Ever.
I mean, look at this:
“If I knew then what I know now, I would have said: Freedom is a length of rope. God wants you to hang yourself with it.”
“Explaining freedom to angels is a bit like explaining poetry to fish.”
The delivery of: “It's not too late. Damn it, Cas! We can fix this!” “Dean, it’s not broken!” is one of those Supernatural bits that will live in my head until the end of time. All of Edlund’s episodes are among my favorites, but this (along with “5.04 - The End”) was on another level. 
#2 - 5.16 - “Dark Side of the Moon”
Written by: Andrew Dabb & Daniel Loflin | Directed by: Jeff Wollnough
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I think of this episode every time  I hear Bob Dylan sing “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door.” This is kinda a giant montage episode, but the connecting concepts are so...satisfying. 
“Heaven is your favorite memories.” “ It’s called the axis mundi. It’s a path that runs through heaven. Different people see it as different things. For you, it’s two-lane asphalt.” “This is your idea of heaven? Wow, this was one of the worst nights of my life.” “I don’t think I realized how long you’ve been cleaning up Dad’s messes.” “It’s awesome to finally have an application—a practical application—for string theory.” “Everyone leaves you, Dean. You noticed?” “Why is God talking to me? Gardner-to-gardener, and between us, I think he gets lonely.” “You son of a bitch, I believed in... ” Whoosh.
#1 - 4.01 - “Lazarus Rising”
Written by: Eric Kripke | Directed by: Kim Manners
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So...this is the episode where Castiel, angel of thee Lord, shows up. And that’s primarily why it earns the no. 1 spot, because 80% of my enjoyment of Supernatural from this point on was Cas-adjacent. Plus this entire episode just hits. ALL OF IT. Dean’s homecoming. Ruby, my darling. Bobby’s entire vibe. Pamela Barnes, easily one of the most interesting women Supernatural ever introduced. Cas being so hot to say “Hi” to Dean he forgets he wounds people. 
But beyond that-- the way the show writes their ‘oh, by the way, angels’ narrative! If you haven’t seen this episode, would you believe me if I told you that THIS EPISODE, the episode where Supernatural said “canonically, Judeo-Christian Heaven is real, btw” involves no churches but does involve a séance, a soulmark handprint brand, and a himbo angel that “gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition”...but they were all “no homo, guys” for years?
Truly no one was out here doing it like Supernatural even back in 2008.
15.18 - “Despair” 
“Most Likely to Live Rent-Free in My Head for the Rest of my Life”
Written by: Robert Berens | Directed by: Richard Speight, Jr.
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You know why this episode is here. It broke reality. I could be wrong-- but I’d put good money on this episode being the subject of academic theses in the future. That doesn’t automatically make for interesting story, but...
Has there ever been a case, in a mainstream US TV show where a major lead character (Cas) came out as queer so late in the game in a narratively-important way? I’m not aware of it, but I might just be behind on my television.
This episode has great writing, and (blessedly) amazing direction and blocking anyway. Check out the above gif - that is some next level foreshadowing going on in the cinematography, and this isn’t even the most remarked upon shot in this episode. (Seriously, I had to search for 40 minutes for this gif, please respect my game, lol.) Everyone who was involved in 15x18 is giddy talking about their investment, from the costume designer to the actors to the director to the writer...
...And then a bunch of them steadfastly have avoided posting much Supernatural-related since. So that’s...loud. There is a bunch of subtext in this episode that is screamingly loud; there is a bunch of text in this episode that makes several things clear fandom has been chattering over for years and years. The meta-commentary around this episode continues, months later. There are over 700 fics on AO3 with this episode tag.
I have more to say about the themes of ‘free will’ and ‘love’ and ‘identity’ tied to this episode, but seriously-- you’ve probably read 17 versions of it on Tumblr already, so.
This is the last time we see Cas, and the last time Supernatural can claim anything close to narrative consistency. For that alone, it’d earn free head-space.
Runners-up: “4.20 - The Rapture”; “5.04 - The End”; “7.21 - Reading is Fundamental”; “8.21 - The Great Escapist”; “9.06 - Heaven Can’t Wait”; “12.19 - The Future”; “14.08 - Byzantium”
6.17 - “My Heart Will Go On”/8.07 - “A Little Slice of Kevin”
“Most Likely to Inspire Unnecessary Fanfiction”
Written by: Eric Charmelo & Nicole Snyder (6.17); Brad Buckner & Eugenie Ross-Leming | Directed by: Phil Sgriccia (6.17); Charlie Carner (8.07)
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Usually the show kills off it’s “one-episode” female characters, but do you know one time it didn’t? When the Moirai (the Fates - specifically Atropos, the shearer of the Threads of Fate) showed up in canon in 6.17. She was posited to have “two older sisters that were bigger than her- in every sense of the word,” ...and Castiel had to back down when she challenged him to a cosmic game of chicken over the Winchester’s lives.
Then they never returned to that idea again. 
“A Little Slice of Kevin” is on here for the opposite reason -- an amazing idea that was really underwritten in the episode it showed up in. Dean Winchester has been dragging himself across the fabric of universes; the literal Word of God is in play in a warehouse in Middle America; Cas is back from Purgatory, but what does that mean, micro and macro? As a person on the street, what would it mean, or feel like, to learn you were a Prophet of the Lord, uncalled? That what you are, everything you are, is a cosmic contingency?
Maybe Fate has an opinion on all these shenanigans?
Perhaps all that doesn’t make sense, but it certainly made an impression on ~2012 me. To this day, it remains the WIP I can open up and fool myself with the ‘twist.’ I wish I remembered where I was going with it so I could finish it.
Runners Up: “2.20 - What Is and What Should Never Be”; “5.04 - The End”; “6.15 - The French Mistake”; 12.12 - “Stuck in the Middle (with you)”; “13.05 - Advanced Thanatology” “14.03 - The Scar”; “14.10 - Nihilism”; “15.15 - Gimme Shelter” ... and “15.20 - Carry On” (obviously)
Fifteen seasons. There were plenty of other episodes I loved that didn’t make these limited lists. But overall -- thank you, Supernatural, for the run. Even if I’m upset at the ending, I can appreciate the game. If you watch the show, what were your favorite episodes?
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bre95611 · 4 years
Yellow Fever and Last Call: Subtextual Bisexuality as an Art Form
HI so Last Call had me sobbing with all the blatant subtext we were given, and I just needed to come scream about it. I will be referencing this post of mine quite a bit.
I’m going to be looking specifically at call backs to Yellow Fever, and honestly, even without the callbacks, this episode in my mind completely canonically confirmed Dean is a bisexual man. But Yellow Fever holds a very special place in my heart, and I just have to scream some more about these two damn episodes that are hands down my favorite of the entire damn series.
In Yellow Fever, Dean gets ghost sickness and hilarity ensues. But if we look at the subtext for it, we learn a whole lot about Dean’s closeted bisexuality. A lot can be inferred in that episode, and almost all of it has to do with the fact that Dean didn’t want to acknowledge his bisexuality and his less traditionally masculine side. As the sickness progress, he essentially becomes scared to death because of his attraction to men, something that is subtextually present in the narratives of the other men that died as well (They played for the Gamecocks and the Corn Jerkers, Frank O’Brien’s wedding ring was found in that lumber mill that looks like a prime cruising ground, the Sheriff keeps saying “they know, they know” when he starts to truly lose it i.e. they know they’re all gay, it goes on and on you guys). So let’s look at some specific moments.
1. Dean and the Deputy
-When Sam and Dean first arrive at the Sheriff’s Station, There is a cute, awkward little smile between Dean and Deputy Linus. Presh. This is just at the beginnings of Dean’s ghost sickness. But later, when Dean is full blown drunk because he can’t function with his fear of everything, this happens:
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Dean does it, hits on a guy cause he’s drunk and has nothing to lose, and by god that baby face Deputy flirts back and Dean is FLUSTERED. Just look!
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In Last Call, Dean pretty immediately runs into Sheriff Dillon who, bless his little heart, can’t stop smiling at Dean. He pokes fun at Agent “Dukes”, tries to show off talking about how he could have been the next Denzel. And then the Sheriff tells Dean that “he’s got the look” and should give Hollywood a shot.
And you know what is different here? Dean just rolls with it. You can see on his face that he understands this Sheriff is hitting on him, and that is not the look of a man uncomfortable with being hit on by men, this just looks like someone uninterested. Talk about growth!
2. The ghost of John Winchester
- So John comes up a LOT in the mini meta I wrote for Yellow Fever, and I’m just gonna take it a little further here. When Dean’s hallucinations first start, it is when he is looking at the book, and he reads a ton of stuff that essentially just pokes at his fragile masculinity. And Dean’s early inability to really show emotions, ask for help, or anything that could be seen as more feminine was all thanks to John Winchester, who raised Dean to think he was never good enough, and that he was only worth anything when he was being a good hunter. It shows that a huge factor for a closeted Dean is that his dad was abusive, especially in regards to Dean’s softer side. So the fact that Leo asks after his father, talks about how he always liked him, and Dean talks about how John liked Leo? Oh yeah. They were definitely doing it right under John’s nose.
So once again we have John’s link to Dean’s sexuality being shown, and once again, in 2 different ways. In Yellow Fever, negative and toxic, and now in Last Call, they toast John’s memory and make heart eyes at each other while talking about the time John caught them drunk together during some hunt. Bet ya $5 John didn’t catch them just drinking. 
3. The Cat
-Oh man. So earlier in Yellow Fever, when they’re interviewing the dude with a ton of snakes, we see Dean losing his absolute shit when that giant python crawls all over him. And as I think we are all aware of, its representative of a dick. Duh. One that is less obvious the later into the episode we get though, is the cat. What’s another word for cat, friends? That also happens to be a euphemism for female genitalia? You guessed it. So when Dean freaks out about that cat jumping out of the locker, its a visualization of Dean’s fear of only being with women for the rest of his life. 
And of all the crazy and funny shit that happened during Dean’s ghost sickness, Dean chose to tell his subtextual male early 20s lover about being afraid of the pussy. 
God, this damn episode. Oof. These 3 specific call backs, 4 if you count that throw away reference to the blooper of Jensen lip syncing Eye of the Tiger, put this episode fresh in our minds, and we as an audience really need to ask ourselves why Yellow Fever was chosen as the episode so heavily referenced, and this is why. Dean is a bisexual man, and every second of Last Call smacked us in the face with it. I could do a break down of every bisexual subtextual moment, but I would just be citing the entire damn thing. But Yellow Fever’s purpose in this episode is to show us some growth in regards to Dean’s OWN FEELINGS in regards to his sexuality. Yellow Fever paints it as dangerous for him to come out, all the queer coded men were dying of ghost sickness, he was afraid of anything and everything remotely phallic, and his dad’s influence over Dean’s formative years was ever present through the fear of that toxic and fragile masculinity.
But in Last Call, we see Dean mostly indifferent to the Sheriff blatantly hitting on him, and again with all of Lorna’s flirting, only having eyes for his BFF with the dark hair and blue eyes. We see him embracing a less masculine trait by performing with Leo, and that ass smack?? And the super deep “You son of a bitch” with that smile??? Just kill me. And the discussions of John being focused almost exclusively NOT on John? Showing Dean beginning to move on and heal as he distances himself from his father’s toxic parenting? Allowing him to more fully be himself? Allowing him to enjoy things other than what John would approve of?
Dean Winchester, over the last several seasons has been slowly but surely growing into a man that is comfortable with his sexuality, a man that is capable of talking about his feelings, and is growing to see that it doesn’t matter whatever toxic bullshit he had been raised to believe about “What It Means to Be a Man”. From the Summer of Love with Crowley, to meeting Cesar and Jesse, to now, finally, during his post divorce “find yourself” trip, he runs into his ex-hunting hookup and sees better for himself. He sees a life he enjoys, and I think he is finally starting to realize just who it is he really wants to be up there on stage singing a duet with him.
@verobatto-angelxhunter @agusvedder @casthewise @theirprofoundbond
All gifs are from @canonspngifs
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dykerory · 4 years
for the character ask thing can you do sara, nate, and ray?
Sara Lance
favorite thing about them: I love how much of a jock she is honestly. Like this is network television so every female character is pretty traditionally feminine but sara is a *little* less so? 
least favorite thing about them: the stans who act like this is the sara show starring sara and no one else
favorite line: any time she goes into team mom mode and has to yell at the legends it’s always hilarious
brOTP: sara and mick! i feel like they really just get each other and they also have the exact same taste in women which is hilarious
OTP: i mean i guess avalance since they’re canon but i absolutely ADORE sara/kendra 
nOTP: i am not the biggest fan of c*ptain canary. I just never thought they had much chemistry romantically. 
random headcanon: i just queued a gifset of ADHD sara which i HEAVILY fuck with, and @sophiainspace wrote a fic where she has bipolar disorder and i honestly really vibe with that as well
unpopular opinion: sara is great but let’s not focus on her to the exclusion of other queer characters on the show, especially queer characters of color
song i associate with them: i’m gonna be real with you guys i’ve only ever made a playlist for mick so most of these are off the top of my head. 
favorite picture of them: absolutely any time her arms are exposed.... i gay 
other two under the cut because i don’t feel like making separate posts 
Nate Heywood
favorite thing about them: head empty, heart full
least favorite thing about them: briefly got possessed by marc guggenheim in seasons 2 & 3 but he’s better now 
favorite line:  how the hell can i keep track of the stupid shit that comes out of his mouth. probably in here i come again when he tells zari that time loops are the perfect opportunity for shenanigans 
brOTP: nate and charlie! love these two dumb thots. never read a book in their life god bless them
OTP: steelatom! i love steelwave but you saw that shit they pulled in Romeo v Juliet i can’t NOT choose them
nOTP: idk nate is such a bicycle. probably honestly charlie because then it’d be like “oh you’re just not over amaya” and it’d be gross
random headcanon: that’s a whole ass trans man 
unpopular opinion: idk he’s not as bad as some people say he is 
song i associate with them: i’m just going to hit shuffle on a playlist and say time after time by cyndi lauper 
favorite picture of them: when he was like carrying the egg in the harness? that was some cute shit
Ray Palmer 
favorite thing about them: the way the world reshapes itself to fit his optimistic world view like he just redeems everyone he comes in contact with through force of will alone 
least favorite thing about them: married a WOMAN and LEFT US. no one has done the dishes since he left things are getting dire 
favorite line:  when he was like i’m rayge i’m a punk now and mick was like i want to DIE
brOTP: i don’t know, everyone is pretty much in love with this guy no one is just a bro. maybe like amaya? 
OTP: as rachel said, my name IS atomwave atomwave and i’m abstinence until i fucking die 
nOTP: no one i can think of honestly.  
random headcanon: once swallowed a marble as a kid and didn’t tell anyone because he thought he’d get in trouble 
unpopular opinion: i miss ray but he wasn’t the only moral center on the team and they will be fine without him 
song i associate with them: *throws dart* Hot n Cold by Katy Perry 
favorite picture of them: every single second he had a mustache in that one episode. high art. 
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pre-hiatus · 4 years
3, 8, 25 :) -Patrick A.W.
Thank you trick!!! I’m having such a fun time answering these :)
3. Who is the most underrated sunny side character? I struggle with the “underrated” “overrated” question because I’m sooo out of touch with the Sunny fandom as a whole. I feel like I live in my own bubble with a handful of really sweet mutuals. In general, I would kill and die for Artemis, I think she’s so funny. I love the lawyer, I looooove Z, and I love Carmen so much (sweetie, I’m so sorry they wronged you).
8. Rank all the Sunny ships from fave to least fave. Because I’m a freak and I love to talk I went ahead and discussed extra team-ups and didn’t limit this question to just romantic shipping. (I actually initially discussed every single possible team up including Frank but I scrapped a few bc I was just being ridiculous):
1. Mac/Dennis: I’m not sure this one needs explaining. Endless canon content and it’s actually possible that it’ll become canon (I’m a clown, sorry). I’m also not immune to the fact that it definitely has the most fan content. 10/10 ship.
2. Charlie/Dee: I’m actually a really huge fan of this ship (*covers my ears and closes my eyes during Times Up For the Gang*). I think the idea that the two of them are mean to each other purely to gain validation from Mac and Dennis has a lot of merit and I think they genuinely could make a really good team. (*Aches* they should’ve run away with Peter Nincompoop.)
3. Dennis/Dee: I’m such a huge fan of their team ups. Their chaotic energy is unmatched by any other team up. (Makes this list nonromantically, obviously.)
4. Mac/Charlie: Makes this spot on the list kind of by default. I’m certainly not passionate about it but their relationship is pure and good and I’m never opposed to a little homoeroticism among good friends.
5. Mac/Dee: I think it’s so fucking funny that two people who love each other so much (Kaitlyn and Rob) have managed to make two characters with zero goddamn chemistry. (Not in a negative way! I genuinely believe their characters hate each other, and I believe that was writers intent. I find their team up episodes hysterical and I love their dynamic. I love that they hate each other.)
6. Dennis/Charlie: They have their moments, of course. I stand by that post about early Den/Charlie scenes. They’re damn cute snuggling on the futon, or when Dennis gives him the back hug in The Gang Gets Extreme. THAT BEING SAID I genuinely don’t think Charlie could ever love Dennis the way Mac does. I think Charlie is too put off by his vanity! I think he sees through it more than Mac does. (I’m blinded by M*cdennis, forgive me.)
Charlie/Frank: The absolute cutest, purest friendship in the show. Two guys who never (okay, hardly ever) manipulate each other and just genuinely enjoy each others company. Two guys living together and sharing a futon by choice is just so god damn cute to me. When Frank GENUINELY comforts Charlie after the fall out of The Nightman Cometh? When Frank is holding Charlie after he shoots himself with the flare in The Gang Goes to Hell pt 2? I just think it’s really cute and sweet what good friends they are.
Dee/The Waitress: Genuinely do not understand this ship. Listen, I am not the kind of person who is above shipping characters who have little to no interaction. It’s just that I find the Waitress to be completely unendearing (I love her place in the show, I don’t think she shouldn’t be in the show to be EXTREMELY clear.) I just think her character is written with no redeaming values and so I have a hard time trying to ship her with anyone, let alone Dee, one of my favorite characters! Another “that being said...”: As much as I love Charlie/Dee, I’m also a huge fan of lesbian Dee. I’m just not down to clown with Dee/The Waitress.
Frank/Artemis: is so goddamn funny to me. 10/10 LOVE their whole thing.
That was so goddamn unnecessary, thank you for coming to my ted talk  
25. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the series? I try not to think about it. I don’t actually think they’re going to give us M*cdennis and it bums me the fuck out. Like, genuinely. I think the episodes will continue to make me laugh, I’m sure there will be more moments like Mac picking Dennis up so that RCG can continue to queer bait the fuck outta me (Okay, maybe it doesn’t count as queerbaiting sense they canonized gay mac (thank u rcg for that sorry im an ungrateful fuck)) but... Yeah! I’m going to watch the next season, for sure, and I will probably like it :) I just can’t genuinely bet on them doing anything fun like giving Mac a boyfriend and having Dennis be jealous/annoyed about it. Shit like that is so fun to talk about and theorize on but I just don’t think they’ll do it. Cowards. (Thank u RCG for MFHP). That was a mess.
Thank you, again!! [insert that gif from The Gang Misses The Boat: “I’m talkin’ to myself but that’s just because I have shit to say”]
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