#love me some hurt and comfort
pixeltori · 1 year
The next episode of Ted Lasso's synopsis says Keeley and Roy are worried about Jamie, and while I know we aren't getting polyamory, I just know the fanfics will be amazing.
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samkerrworshipper · 8 months
Please could you do an imagine with Lucy bronze where the reader is also on the England team and gets injured during a game and Lucy is basically just being really cute and fluffy as well as a little protective 🥰
I loved this request sm so here you go!
i feel like this could be followed up with a part 2 to expand on the reader and lucy’s relationship so lmk if you want to see that! also please feel free to keep sending in requests god knows i need inspo rn lol
A shoulder to cry on
Lucy Bronze x Reader
fluff, lil bit of angst, injury, graphic injury, pain, hurt/comfort, 3200 words
blurb: when lucy’s girlfriend goes down in a match how does she deal with it and how does lucy look react
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I was too busy watching the ball flying towards goal to see the body flying at me. Too busy focusing on the Australian goalkeeper to acknowledge the knees slowly sliding under my own feet. Too busy focusing on getting my team a goal to give us a chance to stop myself from being floored by the Australian whirlwind, Ellie Carpenter. I went head first into the turf, my body flopping down onto the grass with my head dug into the dirt. My ears were ringing and I was a groaning mess. My whole body hurt and I couldn’t even muster the energy to turn over to access the damage that had been inflicted. All I could feel was gut wrenching pain, from my feet all the way to my hip.
When I was finally turned over I was met with the sight of Ellie and Steph Catley, two Australians that I didn’t want to see right now. I was a screaming, shaking, crying mess. Both women were very clearly taken aback by my emotion. The stadium was a ruckus, and as my teary eyes flashed up I saw my goal being replayed on the big screen, a goal. At least that was something, I’d done something to help us claw our way back. We were 100 days off from the World Cup start though, 100 days. Judging by the amount of pain I was in though that was nowhere near enough time.
As a professional athlete there is always the background fear that you are going to get injured. An overwhelming worry constantly in the back of your head that maybe this time it is going to be your last, maybe the next time you step on the field it might be the last time in a while. As you become a professional, as you start playing for your nation you learn to silence that part of your brain, you can’t afford to live in fear that you are going to get hurt. But watching teammates, friends, people you love get hurt, reinstalls that part of your brain, makes you wonder if maybe you are next, maybe next time it’ll be your turn. That fear though, it’s nothing in comparison to actually getting hurt, nothing in comparison to realising maybe this time it actually is your last.
That was all I could think about as the two Australian women tried to talk to me, tried to communicate with me. The first one of my teammates to rush over was Leah, who shoved both Australians away before crouching down beside me.
“Hey y/n, take a deep breath, the medics are about to get here, you don’t need to worry.”
Leah’s words were like a breath of fresh air, a break from the constant ringing in my ears.
“L-ucy, need Lucy.”
Leah nodded at me, smiling down at my face and nodding. Her hand made it’s way down to my face and wiped away the tears that were falling.
“She’s on her way angel, just stay patient for me, she’s making her way over, just take those deep breaths.”
“Hurts, hurts so fucking bad.”
Leah nodded at me, I watched her eyes creep down my body to my legs and that was how I knew it was bad, because not even Leah could avoid looking.
“I know, I know angel, I am so sorry that I can’t do anything about that. Just keep taking those deep breaths for me.”
I couldn’t help but continue to sob as I waited for someone, anyone to give me some kind of relief. All I could feel was pain and it was clear in Leah’s mannerisms that she didn’t really know how to help me, how was she supposed to help me?
“Y/n, listen to me, take a deep breath, I know you are in pain, the medics are getting here as fast as they can so you just need to take some deep breaths.”
It didn’t help that we were positioned on the opposite side of the field that the medics would be on and it was also a problem that if the umpire hadn’t blown her whistle they wouldn’t be allowed on.
“How bad is it?”
The words left my mouth in between sobs and breaths. Leah clearly didn’t know what to say, she clearly didn’t want to worry me any more but Leah wasn’t a good liar and she had a shit poker face.
“Don’t worry about that, keep your eyes on me. It’s just me and you, kiddo.”
Leah had taken me under her wing long ago, she treated me like her little sister.
I watched her eyes flash up in a panic and before I knew it she was jumping off of her feet and rushing off in the direction behind my head. I couldn’t help but turn my head to watch where she was going. I was still a little bit spaced out so it took me a few seconds to spot her out but once I did I found her rushing towards Ellie, who was sitting a few metres behind me. I couldn’t figure out why she was rushing over until I spotted Lucy approaching, running towards her, a look of absolute anger on her face. Leah was trying to get to her before Lucy inevitably got to Ellie. I watched it unfold as Lucy just made it to Ellie before Leah did, yanking her up by under her armpits.
I didn’t get to see much more, my head was pulled back to being flat on the turf by Millie and Sam Kerr, my ex-teammates from Chelsea.
“Hey y/n/n, the medics are just about to get here, it’s going to be alright.”
Millie’s tone of voice was similar to that of Leah’s, calm, patient, the voice of a captain.
“I need Lucy.”
Lucy was my other half. The love of my life, my everything. I wanted her, I wanted her to be there to hold my hand and to tell me that everything was going to be fine, even if it wasn’t.
“I know, Leah’s sorting her out, she’ll be here in a minute.”
Lucy was insanely protective over me, to a concerning degree. In the past year I’d made the decision to move to Barca, to be with her and it had been great but something I’d learnt from playing alongside her regularly was that she was a little bit too protective over the people she loved. A defender did so much as foul me on the pitch and she did everything in her power to seek some sort of revenge whether it was in the form of physically hurting them or doing anything in her power to get to them.
“I need her Mil, please.”
Millie nodded at me and then looked at Sam, I was in fucking shambles.
“I’ll go get her okay, feel better kid.”
Sam patted me gently on the shoulder before leaving just me and Millie. I was still lying on the pitch, fighting back more tears as I looked up into the sky and just prayed for this to all be over, for the pain to subside and for everything to just dissipate.
The medics were the next people to make it over to us, accompanied by Sarina and our trainer. The game had obviously been stopped for me so they seemed to be in a rush to get me off, with my goal we had a shot at winning now.
“Hi Ms y/l/n, how are you feeling?”
“In pain.”
My answer was flat and the medic let out an empty laugh at my reply.
“Okay, on a scale of 1-10 where would you put yourself at?”
“A 6.”
Sarina snorted at my reply, she knew that I had a high threshold for pain, I’d met her originally when I was playing as a rookie for Chelsea, she’d been the Netherlands coach at time and the coach for a professional team in the Netherlands which she’d tried to recruit me for but I’d turned her down. I’d never have guessed a few years later she would be coaching me on a National level.
“That means its a nine.”
I glared at Sarina, she knew me a little bit too well.
“Okay, this is a penthrox whistle, it should administer immediate pain relief, enough that we should be able to get you on the stretcher and off the pitch.”
I looked at Millie, then at Sarina, then at the Medic, immediately shaking my head.
“I’m walking off.”
All of their faces told me that I was missing something.
“I can’t allow you to do that.”
In all of the chaos, all of the emergence, I hadn’t had the opportunity to even look at the source of my pain.
Before I could say anything more Lucy was crouching down beside my head and I couldn’t have been more grateful to see her. Her hand slid into mine and just her face, her smile, it was enough to make me feel like I wasn’t fighting a fucking battle.
“Luce, can you please tell them to let me walk off the pitch, just let me have that.”
I was fighting back tears and I could tell that Lucy was fighting an internal battle. Her eyes flashed down to my legs and then back to my face and just the split second gasp was enough to tell me that it was bad, really bad. Her hand fell to my face and that was how I knew it was not good and that was when I started sobbing again.
“How bad is it? Stop beating around the bush just tell me.”
All of the people above me looked between each other before the medic spoke,
“Your knee is dislocated, you’ve got some deep lacerations and stud marks in your shins and a piece of your tibia is sticking out of one of them. You are bleeding a lot, we need to get you off the field and to hospital, take the green whistle and we’ll get you off the field as soon as possible.”
Those words hurt, a lot, more than the injury itself. I nodded to the medic, I wasn’t walking off the field with that list of injuries, I was surprised I was still conscious with that comprise of injuries.
“Baby, just take the pain meds, you're in enough pain.”
Lucy’s voice, her convincing was probably the only thing that made me nod my head and let them pass me the inhaler. I got straight to inhaling it, and within the first ten or so inhalation I felt the pain relief start to kick in. It was good, it made me feel almost ten times better. Lucy was there the whole time, whispering sweet nothings into my ear as they medic attended to my legs and Sarina wrapped a blanket around my shivering upper half.
It was about five minutes before I was floating on a pain free drug induced cloud. When that happened they started to transfer me to the stretcher, with the help of Sarina, Lucy, Millie, Leah and the two medics. It was a touchy process, they were very clearly trying to keep the movement of my leg limited. The actual movement of getting me onto the stretcher had me screaming, pain relief or not it hurt insanely and I knew at that moment that my World Cup dreams were pretty much over. I cried the whole way to the ambulance. Lucy and my teammates had to desert me once I made it over to the sideline so they could finish off the game, eventually, along the way I passed out from the mixture of drugs and blood loss, something I was grateful for.
When I started to stir I had a headache but I felt warm. It took me a few seconds before I cracked my eyes, it was dark outside, my room was dark. But not so dark that I couldn’t make out everything around me, the lights from the hallway and machines giving me a steady source of light. The first thing that I saw was that a big percentage of the Lionesses were piled into the room, Georgia, Leah and Keira and piled onto a pull out sofa, Rachel, Millie and Mary sharing the spare cot beside me and a few of the other girls scattered in seats across the room. It was cute, looking at all of my teammates who were clearly gassed from the game but still here. Sarina and Lucy were slumped in the seats immediately to my side. Just as I let my eyes float over to Lucy her own blueish eyes tiredly connecting with my own. A tight lipped smile made its way to her mouth as she acknowledged me.
“Hey baby.”
Her voice was hushed, it was clear she was trying her hardest not to awaken any of our teammates. As she blinked away the sleep she slipped her glasses over her face, locking her eyes properly with me once the frames were slipped over her eyes. Her voice was enough to put more tears in my eyes, I was pretty sure I’d cried enough tears for about six people.
She stood up quietly, letting her hand fall to my face, gently rubbing a circle against my cheek. It was enough to have my lip trembling and my eyes darting across the room. Before I knew it I was a pleading staggering mess.
“Why me? Why now?”
Lucy’s facial expression just broke into a frown and I could feel her worrying from a few centimetres away from me. Before she said anything she pressed her lips to my forehead. I sobbed into her, not really worried about waking up any of our companions.
“I know sweetheart, I know, it’s okay, I’m going to be here for you every step of the way.”
My breaths came out in hiccups and the hospital gown I was in clung to my body with the sweat that I was producing from working myself up.
“How bad is it, did we win?”
My words came out in pieces, it sounded like my Spanish, which was very rough and not very consistent.
“No, but don’t worry about that. They relocated your knee, you had to have surgery on your leg but it’s just a metal plate and some stitches for the lacerations from Carpenter’s boot.”
I honestly felt bad for the Australian defender, she’d had it bad enough with the press for the last while, let alone getting someone else’s blood all over their cleats.
“So my world cup dream is over.”
Lucy let the words hang in the air for a few seconds, it solidified the words in the room.
“Hey, not necessarily. The doctor said that the surgery went really well, that the fracture was pretty minor and that he expects a speedy recovery. You could be back running in 4-6 weeks.”
Even Lucy didn’t sound that optimistic, it was clear she was trying her hardest but she was struggling.
“My fitness will be shot, 4-6 weeks off the pitch pre world cup practically guarantees my spot gone, even if I’m running, in what world would Sarina take the chance of putting me on the pitch.”
Lucy’s brow furrowed, it was hard to catch in the dim light but I managed to with my eyes adjusting to the darkness.
“I won’t have anyone putting my girl down, especially not you. You will be fine. I can’t promise you that you will make it back on the pitch, you will make it to Australia, if it’s the right fit. Maybe it won’t be, maybe that’s fate and I know that’s shit to accept, shit to get the short straw and I am so sorry that you are in that position. If I could switch with you I would. I would do anything for you and you know that, I’ll be here for you everyday, I will give up anything to make this easier for you, I can promise you that. I can promise that I’m here to be whatever you need. You need a shoulder to cry on? I’ve got two. You need someone to listen? I’ve got two working ears and great advice if you want it. You need someone to just be here for you? I will sit with you for as long as you need.”
Lucy’s words hit home for me. She had always been willing to do anything for me, she’d walk to the ends of the earth to do anything for me, she’d made that clear from when we’d first met. I’d been apprehensive from the beginning but she’d fought and fought until I’d given into her and when I had I’d fallen head over heels in love with the woman.
I moved myself over in the bed and patted down next to the space I’d left open beside me. Luc seemed apprehensive to begin with, her eyes darting between my leg and my eyes.
“Please, I just want my girlfriend to hug me, can I have that?”
Lucy bit her lip, she was clearly a little bit nervous about the idea but her slumped shoulders and tired eyes were enough to tell me that she was tired and just as needy as I was. Neither of us slept well without the other, on the rare occasion that we were separated we both struggled with the loss of contact.
“I’m not sure y/n/n, I don’t want to hurt your leg.”
She was so cute when she was nervous, her voice a nervous murmur. I put her worry to rest fairly quickly though, the pain meds were running through my veins and I was equally as tired.
“Luce, my bad leg is on the other side, I just need some contact, I need to feel loved and comfortable and this hospital bed is making that hard, so please, just hug your girlfriend.”
Lucy sighed and nodded at me, she couldn’t deny me, ever, I had her wrapped around my little finger.
“Alright, how about I slide behind you and you can rest against me?”
It took a little bit of push and shove and some wincing and pain on my side but eventually we got Lucy situated behind me, up against the pillows. I was resting comfortably against her chest and stomach, my head resting in her neck. It was everything I’d needed to make me feel a little bit better and once we’d both gotten settled I smiled up at her gratefully. She pressed her lips to my forehead, I swore that I could feel the compassion behind it but maybe that was the morphine speaking.
“I love you.”
She’d smiled down in that goofy way that she did when I gave her a compliment. Lucy was a goofball, it was one of the things that I loved about her. She was always laughing and making people around her laugh, she was just full of good energy and it made me a better person.
“I love you too, my love, always, get some rest. It’s all going to be okay.”
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haezen · 2 years
how he apologizes 
suna, makki
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haikyuu!!  genre: hurt/comfort
a/n: they’re so silly and i’m in love with them (heheehehahaha) if you guys like this, show it some love.  (i love seeing you guys reblog with # ! i read them and they make my day!)  maybe i’ll do sakusa and atsumu next :>
dedicated to my lovely best friend @nami66m !
Rintarou is unbearably stubborn. 
He says things that he doesn’t mean and his words are venomous. When the two of you got into a fight over something that didn’t even really matter, you are shocked when he spits your biggest insecurity back in your face. He will never forget the pained expression that washed over your features and almost instantly, he regretted ever saying it in the first place. 
You held your head up high, trying to ignore the lump forming in your throat and the tears threatening to spill, before heading out of your shared home. He could tell that you were heartbroken to hear something you told him in confidence thrown back in your face. He knew that he fucked up, but yet he stood there unmoving like a statue, too afraid to move a muscle or utter a word. As he watched you storm out, he told himself that he never wants to see you leave out that door, running away from him again.
He stood in that same spot for a while, frozen. Why did he say those things? What were you even fighting about in the first place? How can he fix this?
He doesn’t know what to do. Before, all he did was run from his problems and avoid people he wronged like the plague. He’d ignored their texts and calls. He’d act like he wasn’t home when they’d knock on his door, begging for an explanation on why he went ghost. He’d even act like he didn’t know them when seeing them in public. 
Rintarou doesn’t know how to admit he’s wrong because he believes that if he admits it, then you’ll find somebody better. You deserve somebody who wouldn’t hurt you in the first place: someone who acknowledges their faults and overcomes them with humility. And he has never done that — he doesn’t know how to. 
So as he sits on the couch with his head in his hands and unbecoming tears streaming down his face, he decides that he needs to drive to the only person he can trust to ask for advice: Osamu.
You finally come home at midnight. Your cheeks and nose are red and he instantly realizes you’ve been walking out in the cold. 
But when you open the door, you’re greeted by the warmth of the fireplace, candles lit everywhere you look, and Rintarou standing right in the kitchen like he’d been waiting there for hours. He offers you an uneasy smile, one that doesn’t reach his eyes. He smiles like he’s unsure of what to say or what your reaction will be. 
Deep down, he wants to run and hide like he usually would. He’s afraid that you will leave him first because you’ve seen how ugly he can be.
He gestures to the kitchen island, and you see he’s made you your favorite food. It’s not perfect and the display looks awful, but the hopeful look in his eyes is begging for your acceptance and validation. You know he’s never done anything like this before. 
The gesture makes you want to cry all over again, but you’re hesitant to forgive him so easily. When he’s met with silence, he continues.
“I made it all myself.” He explains, “But...I had to ask Osamu for help because I didn’t know where to start.” He admits, voice a little lower than before.
You step into the kitchen to take it all in  — the kitchen is a mess, the sink full of dishes and it looks like he spilled something all over the stove. But you know he’s trying, in his own stupid way, to make it up to you.
He approaches you carefully, scared that you’ll storm out again. To his surprise, you await his embrace. He wraps his arms around you while you hesitantly wrap yours around him.
“I’m sorry.” He whispers for the first time, “I didn’t mean what I said.” 
You think he might be crying.
“I’m so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you.” 
He hates to think that he could’ve done something wrong in the first place. 
Because it was only a joke.
You had invited your family over for dinner. While all of you are having a good time and getting along for once, Makki decides to make a joke in an attempt to make your family like him. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the time or the place for this particular joke —   it’s inappropriate and borderline offensive, especially to you.  You, most out of everyone, are appalled and shocked that he’d even bring something like that up. It makes everyone stiff and the aura is suddenly uncomfortable; the air is stuffy and no one knows what to say in response. You excused yourself from the table, dragging Makki outside to the balcony by his ear. He groaned in complaint and once you left the table, everyone shared knowing looks. By the time the both of you returned inside, everyone had already finished their food and was ready to leave, eager to leave the tense atmosphere. You were beyond embarrassed and disappointed that the night had gone awry.
You pointedly ignored him for the rest of the night because you decided that you were too upset to fight. You cleaned up by yourself despite Makki’s protests to let him help you. You shouldered him off and he didn’t know what to do. He was starting to get frustrated, but he knew not to say anything in retort. 
Unfortunately, like most men, Makki has his pride. But, he realizes that he would much rather admit he’d done something to upset you rather than sit, brood, and refuse to apologize. Of course, since it is Makki, he has to put a fun and exciting twist to it.
He’ll usually give you your space for a few hours, acting like he is oblivious to the silent treatment you always give him when you’re upset. He looks past all the harsh glares you throw his way and he ignores the scoffs you make when he walks past you in your shared apartment. He even gives you a flippant, ‘bye!’ when you leave to get some fresh air because the tension is so thick that the both of you feel like you’re going to suffocate.
While you’re gone, he scrambles to get things ready as he prepares to build a blanket fort for the both of you. It might be childish, but the two of you have never been afraid to indulge in ‘kiddie’ activities. And he knows how much you love to watch movies together. He even makes the quickest trip to the convenience store in his life – rushing to get you your favorite snacks and drink. 
He barely makes it home before you return. He's putting the final touches when he hears you unlocking the door.
 As he whips around, you walk in and your eyes go wide.
“What’s this?” You question, eyeing his guilty expression. 
“I’m sorry.”  Is all he says.
You scoff for probably the hundredth time today. As you unlace your shoes and shrug your coat off your shoulders, you hear him messing around with the television. Your heart is racing as you try to decide if you’re still upset at him. 
“Do you know how uncomfortable you made everyone? You’re so–” 
“I shouldn’t have made such a stupid joke.”
“You think?” 
You fail to realize that your boyfriend has closed the distance between you two. He sweeps you off your feet, strong arms picking you up to hold you bridal style. 
“Hey!” You scream.
“I’m sorry.” He murmurs with a soft smile, before he playfully throws you inside the fort, your back hitting an array of pillows. You squeal in response and he is quick to follow you inside. You look around and he’s put a lot of effort in – he even used the bar stools so that you’d have more room. He sits beside you, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulls you to his side. 
“Please forgive me.” He whispers into your ear, kissing all over your face and neck as you protest. 
“‘Hiro!” You laugh, trying to fight him off but it’s fruitless. You enjoy his proximity and even, you recognize the fact that he’s doing his best to cheer you up.
You can’t help the giggle that bubbles up from your throat as he restlessly starts attacking you with his affection.
 Then, you forget why you were even mad in the first place.
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I am late but I really wanted to jump on the Daisy and Mario friendship train. This one honestly took me forever.
I used this by sarahsketches on Twitter as a refernce for the "oh this just a scratch doodle".
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valoale · 30 days
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Sketch Saturday or me trying to be more active here with art
Q: Harry has ran after him in the pouring rain and is calling for him; what is he saying?
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sysig · 7 months
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Utterly Defeated (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#<Sticking to my tag so they're all together ♥#Dexter Favin#Max Vyer#But really that's ZEX in there! What's left of him anyway ;;#ZEX#Hhhhhhh it was so goooood and saaaaad <3 <3#Helix is a tragedy - on repeat in my mind ad infinitum#I made most of these upon initially reading - and then I had to sit on them through all of October!! Can you imagine the impatience??#I've been absolutely chomping at the bit for these hhhhh feelings!!! So many!!! Max's eyes and ZEX being behind his single remaining ;;#Dex wanting him to be safe and knowing he used to and now he can't offer it anymore I jifdsahfdjsaf#Have I mentioned I love them lately I love them <3 <3 All of them! Dex and Max and ZEX! And DAX I'm sure ZEX misses him so badly#In a way it was good that I had a bit more time to set it down and come back - I reread it very recently hehe <3#I still get teary at some scenes ah </3 It's so beautifully sad#But it also gave me some time to finish ZEX starting to shape the word ''Max'' and then back off it ahhhh it hurts!!#The rest were at least all lined at the time - came back in to tone some recently but they were all ''finished'' October 1st ah#Especially of Dex waking ZEX to call him by his title hhh they both just want peace so badly but it looks so different to both of them#Lingering on his scar and then carding through his hair <3 Comfort and softness and it's all not enough#His scar is quite fun to draw as well ah - scars tend to be like that haha ♪ The stitches and discolouration give it a unique look!#And the way his hair pulls back from it ah#I had a lot of fun with his hair hiding his bandaged eye as well - just barely peeking out always just enough of a reminder#And all his lying-down poses - his hair is fun to pose like that as well#One of the original Landel doodles of ZEX talking about what Hell would look like for a VUX really struck me as well#Dex can't help him in so many ways ehn </3 He wants to! But he wants Max and he just can't have him anymore#Hhhh it was such a good read <3 <3 <3 Thank you again to Zarla it really made and still makes me happy to read it ahhh ♥♪#Now that I've (finally!) gotten my thoughts out I can read the other!! Yay!!
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a-schrodingers-fox · 11 months
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“Xenk, please. Please wake up”
“I can’t do this without you”
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hi dove!! congrats on 100 followers!! ┌⁠(⁠・⁠。⁠・⁠)⁠┘⁠♪ if it's not already taken, i'd like to request the "long-distance relationship" prompt and 🥺🌃📞 with jade (bc im obvious)? for backup, maybe "stargazing" and 🌠🙏⛺ with deuce? as always, you don't have to write it if you don't want to
thanks for always spreading joy and chaos on my feed hahaha, you're such a sweetheart ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ
Long-Distance Relationship; Jade Leech
Content; Gender-neutral reader, hurt/comfort
Word Count; 800 (on the dot)
AN; The final drabble for the 100-follower event, and the third Jade drabble! I hope you like the direction I took this in, Rinna! *hands you a tissue just in case* As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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It felt weird, being back home. Being in your bedroom, the one that had all your personal belongings. Your clothes. Your memories. You were back, no longer in Twisted Wonderland, which you dared not share with anyone else save they question you, or worse off, it wasn’t real. But it was real, the photos showed that much. Photos of your friends. Photos of all of the different events. Photos of the man that had captured your heart. A coy smile, a glint in his mismatched eyes, and hands that would gently hold yours. You missed Twisted Wonderland, you missed Jade.
You looked towards the window, seeing the faintest hints of the thin curve of the moon, and only the brightest stars being visible due to all the light. There was no magic… and everything seemed more dull without it. Of course, you would be struck with all these thoughts in the dead of night, with only the barking of the neighbour’s dog and the sound of far-off sirens keeping you company. It was no use staring out the window, or worse, the ceiling, and yearning for a place you couldn’t return to. So you got up and went to your desk, to look through the photos that still moved. That gave you bright smiles… that reminded you that your heart was elsewhere.
You stalled on the one photograph; it was a photo of Jade on a mountaintop, looking at you as the sun set behind him.
“Prefect, let me help you up. Are you alright, it seems like you tripped over something,” you heard his voice play in your head. The photo played on a loop, of him turning around and giving you a kind yet playful look. Of a perfect moment in time.
You didn’t even have time to give him a proper goodbye, having been sucked through a mirror suddenly; much like your sudden arrival. “I miss you,” you whispered. 
Closing the photo album gently, you went to the window. Nothing had changed since you left. All of your trinkets from over the years were still in their places. And you don’t really know what compelled you, but you picked up the small snail shell that you picked up from a shop, and you held it to your ear.
If you hold a shell to your ear, you’ll hear the ocean. So you listened, and while it did remind you of the crashing waves at the beach, it reminded you of Jade. Only once you get close enough could you hear them, telling you his thoughts only once you had earned his trust. Earned his respect.
“I find it humorous,” you heard him hum, “how my unique magic is Shock the Heart, yet with you, it feels like it has been cast on me.” 
You brought the shell to your lips. “Please, I just want to see him again. To hear him… please.” But the only thing that happened was a breeze coming through the window screen.
There was no magic, so wishes don’t come true here, especially not such large and impossible ones.
I should try to get some sleep… So you crawled back under the covers, clutching a pillow to your chest as you fell into a black, dreamless sleep. But after what felt like only a few short moments, you were jolted awake by the sound of the phone ringing. That’s weird, I usually keep it on silent… UGH, WHY IS IT SO LOUD?! It’s too early for this.
You blindly groped around for your phone, but once you had it in hand you realized it wasn’t the source of the ringing. You checked the landline, which was also not the source. The ringing wasn’t coming from either of the phones. “Where the hell is it coming from,” you muttered. “It’s too early for this!” The sun wasn’t even up yet!
But you found what was making the ruckus; it was the shell. That shouldn’t be possible. It can’t be possible. Shells don’t ring. There’s no magic here that could do that. But you picked it up, holding your breath.
“Hello?” It was Jade. By some miracle, the voice on the other side of the… shell? Phone? Shell phone? Was Jade.
You felt like your centre of gravity had shifted. “Jade,” you choked out.
You heard a soft exhale on the other side of the line. “After so many attempts, I finally found you.” For the first time, you heard so many emotions at once just in his voice. “We never got the chance, but, Prefe-... Y/N, I love you, and somehow, we will meet again.”
He feels the same. He… loves me. “I love you too.”
And the connection between shells never broke, and one day, the two of you shall meet again.
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sinclairstarz · 5 months
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i cant stop thinking about them :(( ignore the bad quality
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princip1914 · 9 months
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Some biblically infused dramatic cuddling inspired by the Elevator to Christian Iconography promo pics. We can have a pieta, as a treat!
(OG version below the cut)
If you haven’t seen it, this fanart is modeled on this famous Michelangelo statue:
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I’m still not totally happy with my version, but it was time to put it out into the world. Plus at least it’s not whatever this is:
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cerise-on-top · 13 days
Cried on the train today, then thought of this! This is just me coping to the highest degree again, but I thought other people might like this as well!
Nikolai as a Father
First off, he’d likely be absent rather often. He was a soldier, he runs a PMC, he’s a busy man through and through. That’s why he won’t be able to see you as often as he’d like. He’d have loved to see all your accomplishments, meeting your first partner and intimidating them, your graduation, the first time you performed on stage, but it wasn’t possible due to work. He does feel bad about it, but he can’t help it. He will try to make it up to you somehow, though he’d understand if you couldn’t forgive him. He does try to be there for you whenever he can, visiting you whenever possible, but you will be apart from each other more often than not. However, if you ever have any suggestions regarding what you’d like to do together, he’s all ears. He has enough money to grant you any wish like that. You wanna go to Japan? You want a boat trip? You wanna go karaoke? It’s all possible, as long as he gets to experience those things with you. He really does wanna make up for the lost time.
He’s a pretty relaxed kind of father. The kind that would allow you a sip of beer when you were young. He’d have no problems with you drinking, as long as it doesn’t get out of hand. You should be responsible about that sort of thing. But if you ever wanted to invite a friend over to drink a bit, then he’d have no problem with getting the booze for you. Nothing too strong while you’re still young, of course, but he gets it. You’re young, you want to be stupid and do foolish things. He was like that too when he was younger, so he won’t stop you. In fact, he’ll even drive to the nearest fast food restaurant and get you and your friend something to eat. Sometimes he might cook himself, though. Nikolai’s food is downright godly, he can cook just about anything and cook it well too. As long as you don’t invite a friend over to get blackout drunk every weekend, all is good.
I think he’d probably lie to you about his job when you’re younger. You don’t need to know that he kills people for a living. You can know that he does paperwork, though. So he’d likely tell you he works an office job that has him traveling a lot. Speaking of traveling, he’ll always bring you a souvenir. That could range from a small snow globe to a nice T-shirt he found that you might like. He may be busy, but he does think about you very often. This continues into adulthood as well. If he can’t see you and give it to you in person then he’ll just mail it to you. Won’t ever allow you to work in the same field he does, though. You’re too sweet to work as a mercenary. You can become anything you want to be, but he’ll do what he can to not have you work in the military or in a PMC. He wants you to live and live well. There are no exceptions to this. He knows you might not listen to him, but he’ll tell you over and over again that those kinds of jobs are not what you might think they are. He doesn’t tell you what to do very often, but you should listen to him when he does. He’s an older man, who actually knows what he’s talking about. Besides, he only means well when it comes to you.
A very accepting father, in all honesty. You’re gay? You’re trans? He’s very supportive of you. Besides, it doesn’t matter who you bring home, he’s gonna try to intimidate them either way. Only the best of the best for you. If you ever find yourself some sleazebag, who won’t spoil you rotten like you deserve, then he’ll make sure that person will learn their lesson. He can be a very scary man when he wants to be. If you’re transmasc, then he’d delight in going clothes shopping with you and finding something that you look good in and that fits. He might even buy you a bomber jacket like he has so you can match. He’ll get you the fanciest suits too. Whatever you need, he’ll give it to you. If you’re transfem then he might not be the best suited candidate to go shopping with you. He can tell you what you look good in, but he might call someone like Laswell to help you find nice clothes that suit you well. However, he won’t save any money on anything. You know what you want? You can gladly have it. Nikolai will even pay for your surgeries as well. As long as you’re happy, he’s happy. No price is too high when it comes to your happiness. In fact, he probably has the means to get you a prescription for hormones as well. It might not be entirely legal, but it’s better than nothing if you have shitty doctors.
Likewise, if you come out to him as aromantic or asexual, he won’t mind. Sure, you might have to explain what that means, but once he understands he won’t make you feel bad for that sort of thing. Gives you a side hug and tells you that he’s glad he doesn’t have to worry about your heart being broken by some asshole who can’t appreciate you for who you are. Unfortunately, if you do come out to him as ace, he might make some puns about it. Nothing offensive, but he’s your father, he can’t help the urge to make awful dad jokes from time to time.
If you don’t know Russian then he’ll teach you. He’s a proud Russian, so he does want you to know the language. He can hire a teacher for you too, if you’d prefer that, but you won’t be spared. He’ll talk to you in Russian and compliment you on your progress. Besides, it’s never a mistake to know another language. If you do know Russian then he’ll speak it with you whenever he can. Yes, even when the likes of Price are around. Doesn’t matter if it comes off as rude, it just feels homey to him. It makes him feel at ease.
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samkerrworshipper · 6 months
pain, sweet, pain | leah williamson x arsenal team
leah’s return from her acl injury is nothing like what she wanted nor expected, but her team are there to help her up when she’s down.
content: hurt/comfort, angst, sadness, pain.
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Leah’s never been a good loser.
Whether it was U8s playing with the boys, or playing for Arsenal, or playing for England.
She knows this, it’s both her biggest strength and weakness. She likes to think that it makes her a better player and person, because she experiences the highs and lows like nobody else, but realistically she knows that's just the part of her that hates that she feels so inherently deeply worthless when she team loses and it feels she's somewhat at fault.
Captain Leah would never in her wildest dreams blame a loss on anyone, because she plays an eleven person game, a team game, one person cannot take the sole blame for a whole 90 minutes plus stoppage time.
Leah, 26 year old Leah, who's just coming back from an ACL injury and feels like her world is ending, can’t do anything but blame herself.
Never in her life has Leah felt so worthless, so scared for the future.
She’s worked so hard, worked every single day of recovery, for her knee and for her mind.
She’d thought she was ready, and physically she is, but mentally absolutely nothing prepares you for the moment when you step back on the field for your first game as a starter and you play like absolute shite.
Leah’s worked for over a year, tirelessly, to get to this point, she’d dreamt about it her whole recovery, dreaming of a pinnacle, a perfect moment at the end of the treacherous path, it had seemed perfect.
Realistically, Leah knows that it was never going to look exactly like that, but she’d hoped for something more, happiness, joy, a good game, fulfilment above all else.
Yet, she’s left feeling the complete opposite.
Leah didn’t wait around on the pitch, she was inconsolable, and she knew it, she didn’t need fans seeing her vulnerable, she didn’t need Sarina who had travelled all this way to see Leah play look at Leah with that look of disappointment that you could always catch in the corner of her eye. Leah just couldn’t do it, she couldn’t ever bear to look at Kim, her captain who cared so deeply at her, she couldn’t face that, couldn’t face a woman who was the person who was supposed to keep her accountable but also pick her up when she’s down.
So Leah slips away, slips into the tunnel before she gets stuck in some stupid surface conversation with Alex or Jill, even though she’s desperate to catch up with them, she just can’t do it right now. Drawing with Man City feels like a loss, Arsenal are second on the ladder, the only team they should be drawing or losing to is Chelsea, or at least that’s what Leah’s brain is telling her.
She slips into the bathroom, going unnoticed by anybody in the tunnel and keeping her eyes on her cleats as she makes her way into the away team lockers.
Leah doesn’t sit down, she moves straight to the bathroom, stepping into the first stall and locking the door behind her before she slides down onto the floor, bringing her knees to her chest and her head down onto her kneecaps.
Leah can’t breathe, Leah can’t think, all Leah can do is sit on the floor, contemplating whether it was all really worth it, whether the fucking months of blood, sweat and tears amounted to this. She doesn’t think so, Leah’s telling herself that all of that time, all the wishful thinking, all of the bullshit that she put up with is pointless.
She is Leah Williamson, England Captain, European champion.
Yet she had never felt more like an imposter in her own body.
Alex and Beth had told her about how playing her first full game would be the best moment of her life, especially after sitting out for a whole year.
It was a big step, sure, she’d been getting on the pitch, but being on for ten minutes of stoppage time hardly counted as playing, when Jonas had told her that he planned to have her start the Man City match Leah was excited, ecstatic even, in hindsight it was false confidence.
“Le, honey, are you in there?”
Leah realises that there are tears rolling down her cheeks, subconscious tears of anguish that she hurries to swipe away with the hem of her jersey.
Leah tries to silence herself, for long enough that Lia will leave her be, but she inevitably knows that even though Lia phrased it as a question, she knows Leah is hiding in the stall.
Leah and Lia are…. confusing.
Especially for Leah.
It’s this weird friends with benefits arrangement that somehow started after Caitlin and Lia broke up, it wasn’t very long after Leah and Jordan had broken up and one drunken celebratory night they fell into eachothers bedsheets.
It was blurred lines, sex and emotions that neither of them were ready to face.
Leah loved Lia, in so many ways, but she couldn’t do this, she couldn’t be vulnerable in front of a person that she had frequent casual sex with.
The sex was a confidence booster, for both of them, it made them both feel better, stronger, and Leah was fairly certain that Lia seeing her like this would wreck that.
“Le, baby, open up for me?”
Leah knows that she’s shaking, it’s the middle of fucking winter in London and she’s sitting in a tiled, cold bathroom in nothing more than her uniform. She doesn’t care though, she doesn’t care about anything, the only thing she is thinking about is how the fuck she is going to return to the locker rooms without looking like a complete fucking wreck.
“Leave me alone Lia, I’m fine.”
It’s a blatant lie, both women know it. The breakage and croakiness in Leah’s voice is enough of a sign.
“Don’t be like this Le, whatevers up, we can sort it out together, just open up the door.”
Leah can feel the sickness rising up in her throat, can feel the pain and anxiety coursing through her bloodstream.
“Lia I told you to fuck off, get the fuck out, I’m fine.”
Leah only just manages to get the expletives out before reaching for the bowl of the toilet, the sound of gagging filling the silent bathroom.
Leah hates the acidic flavour that rises up from her throat and directly out of her mouth into the bowl, the clear white being tarnished with the slightly orange tinged bile, Leah supposed it was probably from the gatorade that had been handed out at half time.
“Le, honey, you can open the door for me, I won’t judge you.”
Leah knows that Lia is just trying to be nice, that the Swiss woman really does have a heart of gold and would never judge Leah, not even at her darkest moment. But her mind is betraying her, everything she believes in seems false.
“Lia get the fuck out.”
It’s almost a scream, definitely a yell.
The overwhelming silence that comes after it is deafening.
Then Leah’s ears are blessed with the sound of cleats slowly trailing away from her, it’s the first time since the whistle blew at the start of the game that she feels just a smidge of peace.
Leah tries to pick herself up from the floor, at least the toilet bowl, but it’s a losing battle, the uneasiness in her stomach suddenly forcing more bile up her throat.
Leah hadn’t eaten this morning, so most of it was just bile and liquids that she’d had before the game and at halftime, it burned her throat, making the already abundant ache so much more prominent.
It’s just as Leah is finally pulling her head out, swiping her long blonde ponytail out of the way that she hears the sound of a loud and deft knock against the stall door.
“Leah Williamson, open up, right now.”
Leah’s body shivers more than it was before, whatever gods are up there, she just prays that Kim didn’t hear her vomiting, or crying, or anything.
“I’m fine Kim, leave me alone.”
Leah sounds even more of a mess than she did a few minutes ago when she was trying to convince Lia of the same thing.
“I didn’t ask if you were fine, I told you to open the door.”
Kim’s Scottish accent is so deep, so enunciated in the way it always seems to be when she’s using her stern captain's voice.
“Kim, please just leave.”
Leah is pleading, something that she hates to do, but if Kim asks her once more with that voice she knows she’s not going to resist. So she’s not necessarily pleading to be left alone, but she is pleading for Kim to not push, to not force her to do something she doesn’t want to.
“Leah Cathrine, open the door now, if I have to ask again I will exercise other options to get to you.”
Leah hates how responsive she is to Kim’s voice, she doesn’t manage to get herself up from the bowl, but she does manage to reach one of her long and gangly arms up to the lock and flip it to the side, leaving the door unlocked.
It takes Kim a total of a second to fling the door open.
She doesn’t waste time in the doorframe looking Leah up and down, she steps into the stall, locking the door behind her immediately and sitting down against the door, where Leah had previously been sat.
Kim doesn’t say anything, pretends that she doesn’t notice the tear tracks and snot all over Leah’s face. Instead she extends a windbreaker out towards Leah. Leah shakes her head and Kim just shakes her head, still holding her arm out.
“Leah take the fucking jacket, I won’t be the one to tell your mother that you got hypothermia because you refused to put a jacket on after a game.”
Then it hits Leah, there are people here, at the game, for her.
Her mother, grandmother, father, brother.
Keira even managed to make the trip down just for this game, and yet Leah is crumpled over in a loo, having a fucking breakdown.
Kim shoves the jacket at Leah, and Leah just gives in, pulling it around her shoulders but leaving her arms out so she doesn’t have to remove them from the toilet seat, out of fear that whatever is left contained in her stomach will arise.
Leah and Kim stay that way for a while, Kim just sitting and watching Leah carefully, whilst Leah clutches onto the toilet seat.
She vomits once again, but this time it’s just stomach acid, it burns but it makes her stomach rest a little bit easier, easy enough for Leah to push herself up from the toilet bowl and rest against the wall beside her, so she’s diagonal from Kim.
“Don’t you have teammates to pep up?”
Kim just furrowed her eyebrows at Leah.
“Yes, you.”
Leah grimaces at that answer, she isn’t normally the consoled, normally the consoler, taking up the same job that Kim is right now.
“There are people who have bigger problems right now than I do.”
Kim nods, which throws Leah off a little bit.
“Yes, there are, but I think you’ve been needing this a lot longer than you’d care to admit.”
Leah can’t look at Kim’s eyes, can’t bear the amount of concern that is being directed at her, so she keeps her eyes on her cleats.
They’re muddy, and sopping wet, and Leah’s feet are shivering like crazy, her toes numb from the cold.
“Needing what?”
The question hangs in the air, empty but yet also so full with wonder.
“Needing attention, comfort, vulnerability, needing to not be the invincible Leah Williamson for a minute.”
Leah can’t disagree with Kim, even if she wanted to, it’s just a lie that Kim would catch her out on, and she’s dealt with enough disappointment today.
“I should be happy, on cloud nine, it’s my first game back.”
Leah’s voice betrays her, betrays every single thing that she’s wishing she was feeling.
“There isn’t anything you should be, there are things you can want to feel, but there’s no exact way that you should be feeling right now. Remember Viv’s comeback? Recovery isn’t linear Leah, you know that.”
Kim’s scolding her a little bit, she knows how to get through to Leah, she needs tough love, none of the soft pity bullshit.
“I played like shit, you should be yelling at me not sitting on the bathroom floor with me looking at me like I’m a kicked puppy.”
Kim cocks her head, this is how she works her way in, she doesn’t even have to ask the questions, she just slowly works the answers out, she can play the long game.
“You missed a few passes and intercepts, it's not the end of the world, so did everyone. Do you think I should be yelling at them? We had a bad game Leah, it happens.”
Kim’s words are strong, passionate, but Leah knows there is a lingering question hanging beneath them.
“Leah, how are you doing?”
It’s such a bleak question, so simple but yet so impossible to answer.
“I’m fine, I’m good, I’m back on the pitch, I’m happy.”
It’s all lies, Leah is fairly certain that she hasn’t felt fine or good in a few weeks now, and definitely not happy. She doesn’t think she deserves to feel happy, especially not when she’s been playing how she has.
“You know that you don’t have to sugar coat things with me, you don’t need to lie to me for the sake of trying to get me to leave you alone, it won’t work.”
Kim is probably the most stubborn and selfless person Leah knows, it’s normally the thing she admires most about the Scot, but right now she couldn’t detest it more.
“Leah, you do know it’s okay to be upset, or annoyed, you're coming back from a major injury, I’d be concerned if you weren’t feeling some of those things.”
Kim’s words are reassurances, she’s trying to send Leah into a false sense of comfort, enough comfort that she’ll start to open up to Kim, that she’ll finally let all of her walls and mental barricades down.
“Kim, seriously, I’m fine.”
Kim exhales, deeply, she’s letting go of her lenient side, breathing it out and expelling the soft part of her that was dancing circles around Leah’s mental state, hoping that she’d open up on her own, but it was crystal clear that was Leah was not going to be volunteering that information.
“Leah, have you been struggling?”
It’s a blunt question, and as Leah looks up at Kim with complete shock and fear on her face she can’t find anything besides concern and questioning in her eyes.
“What does that matter?”
It’s a deflection, a weak one, an attempt at trying to pivot Kim, Leah knows subconsciously though that it’s not going to work, Kim sees through it.
“I’m worried about you, I know a lot of the team is. I know you’re struggling Leah, whether you want to admit it or not.”
Leah forces herself to take a deep breath, the unwavering depth in her Captain’s eyes is unmissable, tormenting her from a metre away.
“Leah for the last month you’ve looked like you’re on the cusp of a nervous breakdown, and that’s okay, there is nothing wrong with that. But feeling that way for a whole month isn’t normal.”
Leah knows Kim is right, the older Scot is hardly ever wrong, she’s only seven years older than Leah, but sometimes Kim seems wiser than her mother, sometimes she treats Leah like her daughter, this moment is one of those moments.
“Kim, please just leave me alone.”
Leah is pleading, begging, praying that Kim will just leave her be, stop trying to make her feel things that she doesn’t want to.
“I’ll shut up but I’m not leaving you alone, not when you feel like this.”
Leah feels like Kim knows what she’s feeling better than Leah does, and that’s a weird feeling, knowing that Kim knows exactly what swirly weird thoughts are happening in Leah’s confusing brain.
“Leah, you’re obviously not doing very well.”
Leah cuts Kim off before she can say much more, because she’s honestly sick of hearing Kim’s half lecturing half concerned voice in her ear.
“Thanks for stating the obvious Kim, no, I’m not doing fucking well, I’m pretty sure a blind man could figure it out, so please, for gods sakes, leave me the fuck alone.”
In some strange way, it’s like music to Kim’s ear, hearing Leah openly admit her problems, because it means that Kim is slowly easing her up, slowly getting her to hone in on her emotions.
“Leah, talk to me, what’s up?”
All of a sudden Leah’s face contorts into one of genuine pain, and Kim feels her gut drop for a second.
“Kim I need you to just leave me the fuck alone like I’ve already fucking asked you too.”
Kim likes to think that she’s fairly lenient, she knows how much her girls, her teammates, can take. She knows how to handle most situations, and to an outsider, in this situation they’d probably say that Kim should leave Leah alone.
Kim knows Leah, just like she knows everybody else on the team. She knows that Leah, in all of her stubbornness and masking, often needs someone there for her, although she’d never admit it.
“Leah Cathrine, you can be as angry as you’d like, but you won’t talk to me or anybody like that, especially someone who is just trying to look out for you. Now, I’ll ask you once again, and give you the opportunity to answer me honestly before I haul your ass out of here and onto the bus. Leah, you know that I would never judge you, nobody on this team will ever judge you, and if they do they’ll have me to deal with. We all love you so much, you’re our Leah, our baby girl, and we all just want the best for you.”
Leah forces herself to take a breath, she feels more tears falling down her face as Kim’s words truly start to impact her.
“Sarina’s here, and I played like shit. My knee fucking kills, the olympics are in two months and I’m playing like shit. I’ve never had anxiety, never had a panic attack besides the euro finals, and all of a sudden, I’m a emotional fucking wreck and can’t get my shit together, I need to be better.”
Kim takes a good look at Leah’s franticness, it’s so unlike her, but also not unexpected.
“Leah, take some deep breaths for me honey, use your diaphragm.”
Kim’s voice has dropped a few octaves, and it’s lost all of the tension that was previously in it.
“Everyone on the team thinks I’m weak, stupid and weak, fucking useless.”
Kim stops Leah’s ramble before she takes it too far.
“Leah, listen to me. You are not weak, or stupid, or useless, or anything that your brain is telling you. You are recovering from a devastating injury. You are not perfect. You are doing your best.”
Leah looks up at Kim, with big doe eyes full of tears, she looks so helpless, like a young child.
“You are Sarina’s captain Leah, she’s going to pick you for the olympics. She’d be crazy not too, and if she doesn’t, which isn’t going to happen but with the off chance, then we can go watch them, or we can stay in London and work on your recovery. There will be people around, friends, family. You will not be alone.”
Leah doubts Kim, even though her captain sounds so sure she can’t help but feel a little bit insecure. Millie’s been doing her job for almost a year now, and she’s been doing a bloody good job of it, it makes Leah wonder if Sarina is even going to want her back, especially when her and Millie play the same position on the pitch.
“Leah, honey, I say this as someone who loves you and cares about you more than you’ll ever know. If your knee is hurting, then you should be telling the trainers, and not pushing it. You know your body, and if it’s hurting you need to rest. I know that you want to be playing, and you're finally allowed to so it’s this big deal, but you need to listen to your body and not hurt yourself further. I don’t want to have to tell Jonas and the trainers that you are playing through pain, so I need you to do it, before I bench you for endangering yourself.”
Kim hates how broken Leah looks, and if she could she’d pick Leah up and give her a big hug and say sorry for everything that she’s going through, and she’ll get to that, but right now, Leah is the most impressionable, and this is Kim’s chance to get through to her.
“Leah, every single person on this team loves you, no matter what. This team, this family, all of the love is completely unconditional, you don’t have to put on a brave face for them, I can guarantee you that if we walked into that locker room right now all they would want to do is make sure that you are okay. Nobody is here to condemn you, or make you feel like shit. We all care about you Leah, we’re all worried about you, not mad or angry.”
Leah looks up at Kim, her wobbling bottom lip between her teeth and tears, she looks so gutted, so much smaller than she really is.
“I failed them.”
It’s the first words that have left Leah’s mouth in a while, and it sends a sob barrelling directly from her lips.
This sob, this breakage, this sign of outward weakness speaks volumes to Kim, and it has her scooching over so she’s sitting beside Leah, their shoulders brushing up against each other. When Leah leans into the contact Kim raises one of her arms, putting it across the back of Leah’s shoulder blades and bringing the younger defender into her body.
Kim leans down, pressing her lips to Leah’s forehead, letting them linger for a little bit.
“Leah, honey, no matter what, you could never fail any of us, even if you had ten own goals in a final, none of us could care less, your our Le, our super star. You could never fail us.”
Leah forces herself to take a deep breath, to compose herself, Leah Williamson does not cry.
Except today, today she does, for so many different reasons, and yet absolutely no reason.
“I just don’t want to disappoint anybody, everyone needs me to be good, everyone expects me to be good.”
It’s like a mantra to Leah, a reminder, it’s her bible.
Leah Williamson does not lose, Leah Williamson does not disappoint, Leah Williamson cannot be a failure.
Yet today, it feels like she’s done all of those things, and it’s too much for her, too much for her heart to handle.
“Leah, I’m not wanting to rush you, we can sit here for as long as we have to for you to feel better, but the bus is waiting for us, and I know the girls really want to see you. Plus, my old lady knees are starting to cramp up in here.”
It’s lighthearted, but Leah feels the pressure fall down on her chest like a stack of heavy bricks.
Kim sees the change, and she does exactly what Leah needs, she brings her into her lap for a bone breaking hug.
“They’re going to be mad.”
Leah’s voice is a murmur, low and so quiet that Kim almost misses it.
“Leah I can promise you nobody in that room is going to be mad at you, proud, happy, overjoyed, yes. But one hundred percent not mad. We’ll go out there, get you changed out of these freezing clothes, you can talk to whoever you’d like to. We’ll leave the changerooms, there will probably be people there to talk to you, maybe Sarina, maybe so people from the press, probably your mum. Talk to whoever you want to, then we’ll hop on the bus and get back to the hotel. Okay? I just need you to be brave for me and do it, because I know you can, all of us girls know you can, okay?”
It takes Leah a little bit to nod in agreement with Kim, but eventually she does, her head lifting from its spot buried in Kim’s windbreaker.
“C’mon then, let’s get you up.”
Kim uses all of her strength to lift herself up off the floor, the pre match soreness has settled into her bones and muscles and she makes an internal joke about the old age really starting to get to her.
Once she’s stood up properly she reaches to pull Leah up, even if her back is aching and her knees are sore.
Leah’s unsteady on her legs, like a baby with sealegs, or a newborn baby horse. Kim has to quite literally manhandle Leah into leaning onto her, her arms wrapped around Kim’s much smaller form.
It’s uncomfortable, but Kim makes do, unlocking the stall and dragging Leah over to the sink.
“Wash your face off honey.”
Leah takes one look at herself in the mirror and is instantly shocked, her eyes are thoroughly red rimmed, puffy and altogether Leah just looks like a complete mess.
She leans down to the sink, turning the faucet and washing some of the ice cold water over her face. It doesn’t do much, it doesn’t really do anything besides wipe the tear stains from her face and make a little bit of the redness subside. Not enough to make it look like she hasn’t been crying herself sick, and definitely not enough to make it look like she has her shit together.
She wants to tell Kim to go ahead without her, but one look at the Scottish captain through the mirror tells Leah that anything she says is going to be useless.
So she swallows and spits a little bit of water to clean the acid taste from her mouth and then she stands herself up, righting her uniform and leaning herself back onto Kim, her legs and stomach feeling as uneasy as her current metal state.
When Kim makes it to the door of the bathroom, Leah feels her stomach drop, plummeting to her feet. Kim doesn’t hesitate, even with Leah draping her studs down against the concrete.
Leah keeps her head down, completely ashamed and unable to look at the faces of any of her teammates.
Kim leads her over to her cubby, sitting her down on the seat gently before sitting herself down in front of Leah, pulling off her soaked cleats and leaving them on the floor for later.
“Leah, honey, look at me please.”
Leah struggles to take her eyes from her lap, where her hands are sitting, fiddling aimlessly with the skin around her nail beds.
She eventually does though, keeping her eyes solely focused on Kim’s face, not letting her eyes travel to any of her teammates.
“You need to get changed, but my knees are really sore so I don’t think I can hold you up by myself, I need to go see one of the trainers. Who would you like to help you?”
No one.
That’s the answer that bounces around Leah’s head.
“I can do it myself.”
Leah’s words come from a stubborn mindset, the mindset that is making her feel even sicker for being so openly vulnerable.
“How about Viv and Beth, or Katie, or Jen?”
Leah hates all of the options, because they all include her having to be vulnerable with more people.
“I can do it myself.”
Kim rolls her eyes, her face still as stern and set as ever.
“It’s not up for argument Leah, I’m going to go get Viv, okay?”
If Leah had to make a choice, it would have been either Beth or Viv, because both of them have been through what she has, but Viv is the better option, because she won’t try and make jokes with Leah.
So Leah allows Kim to get up from the floor in front of her, and wander off to wherever she has too, to find Viv.
It’s about thirty seconds later that a pair of white nike shoes show up beside Leah’s sock covered feet.
“Leah, liefje, kom voor mij op?” Leah, love, stand up for me?
Leah’s not fluent in Dutch, she can’t speak a word of the language besides some simple conversation and basic terms of endearment, but for whatever reason she understands Viv perfectly.
Using the wall of her cubby as a crutch, she stands herself up, looking at Viv with a lot of questioning in her eyes.
Viv doesn’t wait for permission, she just reaches for the bottom of Leah’s jersey, lifting it up until Leah’s forced to put her arms up so Viv can pull it over her head.
Before leah’s left shivering, Viv’s helping her pull a long sleeve top and hoodie over her body, making her once freezing body a little bit warmer.
Once Viv has the hoodie pulled around Leah tightly she moves to her shorts, once again not waiting for permissions and tugging them as well as her compression shorts down.
Before she tugs the sweatpants on though, she secures a knee brace and ice pack to Leah’s knee.
Leah’s almost embarrassed about the fact that she nearly moans when the ice makes contact with her knee, the cold contrast feeling so incredible on her inflamed and sore skin.
Viv then moves onto the sweatpants, pulling Leah’s feet through the bottoms of them and then pulling them up and over her knees gently before securing the pants loosely around Leah’s hips.
Once her clothes are on, and Leah is feeling a little bit happier and spacey from the welcome warmth, Viv sits her back down on the bench.
She pulls Leah’s socks off, dutch simplicity leaving her lips as she gently applies, newer and softer socks to Leah’s feet, Viv’s warm hands gently rubbing over Leah’s feet as she pulls the socks over her toes and ankle, before pulling out a pair of ugg boots that Leah has never seen before and tugging them onto her feet.
Normally, Leah would revolt against the break of uniform, but she’s too tired, too vulnerable, too broken to care.
Viv can apparently tell, because in a few seconds time there is a group of girls flanking her, all with the same soft, calm expressions on their faces.
Katie, Beth, Viv, Jen and Lia.
“Hey baby girl, time to get you to the bus hey?”
It’s Beth’s gentle voice, quiet and soft.
“M’ sorry.”
It’s the only thing going through Leah’s brain, endlessly repeating like a record that keeps replaying.
“Hey, you’ve got nothing to be sorry for and we’ll talk about it on the bus, but we just need to get you there, okay? So Viv and Jen are going to help you, Katie will grab your things and I’ll make sure that any press stragglers stay away, okay?”
Leah feels defeated, and broken, but she nods anyway.
Jen and Viv reach down to pull her up, Beth leading the way out of the change rooms and back into the tunnel. Luckily, there are no stragglers, and the trip is fairly easy, Kim joining the group somewhere along the way with ice packs secured to both of her knees but she looks as if she's in good enough spirits.
They manage to manhandle Leah onto the bus and into a seat, cocooned between Kim and a window.
Kim whispers sweet nothings in her ear the whole ride home, reassurances that Leah doesn’t really hear with her ringing ears.
It’s actually Viv who brings Leah out of her trance, pulling Kim out of her seat beside her so Viv can sit down.
Leah, liefde, listen to me for a second please.”
Leah takes a deep breath.
“You did everything you could have, we all did everything we could have, this is not your fault nor your burden to take. None of us will accept you taking the burden for this. You can’t allow yourself to, because this,” Viv’s hand falls on Leah’s puffed up knee, covered with an ice pack, butLeah understands what she means.
“Is not going to get better if you don’t allow yourself to heal mentally. We’re all here for you, we’re all going to carry you when you are down, please Leah, for me, for your mum, for anybody, just let yourself rest. We’ll review, and as a team we will get better, but we need you beside us getting better as well, we need you out here leading the team, like we all know you can. Take a night, reflect and then come back tomorrow with the mindset that you have something to prove, to us, to Jonas, to Sarina, yes?”
Leah looks at Viv, looks at how genuine she is, how she definitely knows exactly what Leah is feeling.
The words linger for a few seconds, before a mass of Arsenal hoodies are piling on top of Leah and Viv, a struggle of arms and hands securing themselves around Leah.
It’s warm, happy and loving.
It’s everything that Leah has been working to create in this environment for years, not for herself, for everyone around her. But having it come back to her, it hits her like a freight train, and suddenly, or not so suddenly, Leah realises that she’s not doing everything by herself, she doesn’t have to when this is her team.
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miquella-everywhere · 14 days
The fact that Malenia's prosthesis are so complex and exhibit such hyper-fine control heavily implies that Miquella invented elden ring auto-mail 🤔
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soaps-mohawk · 20 days
Reader should get kiddnapped soon(In need of angst right now)☺️😍
That would be so evil though 😭 sorry but there's no angst for a bit in the fic (I mean there's some, but not like before) I just dished out a ton of angst, so it's time for fluff again for a while.
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kunikisss · 2 months
all fanfiction of every single character i ever like is smut and ON TOP OF THAT 99% of it is noncon😭😭 what is this curse
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cereusblue · 6 months
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Well boy howdy, getting back into hyperfixations with lamb game, excited for the upcoming update. Been chatting with my lovely friend about it for a while now, having dragged them back into the game with me lol.
Also, most definitely did not get back into writing again just because of lamb game, no, course not. Something I don't know when it will be posted but the document grows each passing day.
Just some doodles of my lamb that I did while chatting with my friend. You know who you are.
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