#love and positivity and joy in the world ect..
cintipede · 1 year
1000 posts it says ive done... cheers to 1000 posts of being a small jester
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cosmichighpriestess · 3 months
Be what you know you are Let Go and BE.
I think people can become very surprised and lost even devastated when their old world comes crashing down on itself because they were not following their highest excitement and everything based off false foundations came crumbling down on itself because nothing based on love and truth was holding it in place.
They attempt to go back to their old life, old ways, their old career and look for a new job in the same field that were not truly inspired by to begin with. Did you really think you had to kill yourself to live a successful life? God said, Rest and put all your burdens at my feet and know that until you feel inspired, that is the only time to do something. Your heart is always knocking at your door. It will only continue to get louder and louder until you finally answer the door.
You will be molded and created brand new and morph into your higher self when you rest and follow your highest excitement every moment, that is your job, to be yourself, rest when you are burdened and follow your high excitement when you're not resting and taking care of your immediate responsibilities like pets or children. Do the things you don't enjoy and see them neutrally, in a nonjudgmental way with unconditional love, see them through the perspective of God and you will no longer be in your non preferred reality. You will no longer be that other version--you stepped out of it. Then say from that higher perspective, " what is the lesson that you wish to learn, what are you attempting to teach yourself through these actions?" Then you will actually be able to see it the way Source sees it.
You are allowed to ask for help and be a little selfish especially now in the year 2024. When you have to quit your job or you're let go, or a relationship fails, or meditation, praying and old spiritual practices quote on quote "fail", realize this is not failure but rather indicates a graduation to a new state of consciousness, you no longer are in alignment with what previously worked so well. It's indicative of where you are consciously when you think you have to work hard or struggle for something you already carry within you to create. Your soul is already rich and abundant you just need to recognize the abundance already around you and the Universe will spoil you with riches. You always have been worthy without having to suffer for it.
This is the nature of the structure of existence. Remember when something feels bad, when we're experiencing sickness, disease, sadness, pain, suffering, lack, negativity, loneliness, grief, "death" ect. Remember, It's not the truth. Nothing is real except love, peace, abundance, harmony, joy, bliss ect. All Negativity is an illusion based from a third dimensional perspective level of consciousness.
There is NO divine law supporting these things, these are not God ordained concepts, these are human constructs because they are all an illusion in this simulation because God consciousness does not have ideas of lack and limitation. God is not judging you as "an old man with a beard sitting up there in the clouds", God alone IS, You are the wholeness of God, God is not made from man. you are judging yourself, your higher self is the only one judging your physical self. God is not a man sitting in the clouds telling you that you were "bad" or "good". You have free will and everything in this Universe is neutral to begin with and meaningless. Nothing has meaning until you assign it a meaning as either positive or negative. When you accept both experiences as beneficial for you to learn from you become more grateful for each experience and graduate to another level.
We must let go of the obsolete religious and metaphysical teachings telling you to pray this way or that, do this to be spiritual etc. in order to obtain what you believe you or others need. Everything is already spiritual just by existing. Because everything is Source. You cannot pray for peace in the world, and see change outside of you, you must recognize and realize the peace within you and you will shift to a more peaceful world on a parallel reality version of Earth. You only experience the reality you believe you know as truth that you prefer. You must believe nothing bad is happening on your planet. Truth must become in your state of consciousness before it can manifest outwardly.
There are still many old energies that are intense and extremely painful that are being cleared now by being recreated in your simulation such as a lifetime of abuse because you are more spiritually empowered and emotionally prepared now and you are able to re-experience the energy in some form, recognize it for what it represents, and fully release it from your consciousness which never dies, just keeps ascending into the higher dimensions.
If someone or some organization is controlling you or abusing you, there is no Divine Law supporting that behavior, that does not come from God and you have every right to stop giving that person your energy and power over you and leave somewhere you won't be manipulated and controlled anymore. Your true underlying energy is always happy, always has been pure love, always in bliss. Any negativity you experience is not who you are and never has been.
You are apart of Source pretending to be human on this rollercoaster called life on Earth and you are here to enjoy meeting different versions of yourself in everything you meet, you are here to be love and enjoy this rollercoaster because you have no agenda. You are here to enjoy the ride and take in all the experiences in your kingdom you created.
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sharpth1ng · 4 months
I don't know if you remember but I'm the trans guy who asked if there'll be a cis version for the sequel cause he couldn't read the trans version due to some heavy body dysmorphia going on.
Soooo update I finally am able to read the trans version... You probably don't remember but the way you responded helped me a lot to come to terms with the way my body looks right now and that I can still be a man, even like this.
(Tbh for the longest time I thought I was a transphobic woman bc trans characters who hadn't transitioned gave me panic attacks and it's kinda funny in retrospect lol I was just dumb)
And I dunno I just needed you to know that you wrote that beautifully and I'm so relived and happy to be kinda content right now. I haven't felt this good about me... Ever?
And I just read the christmas scene and Stu saw Billy naked for the first time and... And he just wants and loves Billy exactly the way he is and that was so... Healing. (honestly am totally in love with your Stu anyway but this really sealed the deal).
Long story short I have been crying for 30 minutes now. Honestly tears of joy and relief. Thank you!
(I hope you don't mind me telling you this)
Hey dude I definitely remember you! Your ask was important to me, honestly, transmascs like you are some of the people this fic is for. To be clear its for everyone, but the whole reason I wrote two versions was because of my own fluctuating relationship with dysphoria. I understand why you weren't feeling ok to read the trans version, and I'm glad it ended up being a healing experience for you, you have no idea how much it means to me to hear that.
And just as a side note I don't think it dumb you were afraid you were just a transphobic woman. I think it's really easy to internalize transphobia especially when you're still processing your identity. Transphobia is everywhere and it's unquestioned, and in a lot of cases it's more accessible than trans rhetoric that's positive and affirming. I would argue that transphobia has a major presence in a lot of trans communities too honestly, that's what trans-medicalism is.
The reality is our bodies aren't worse than cis bodies, they aren't less attractive. They're just different, but the world acts like it's a fucking tragedy to have to cut your tits off and take hormones, and that's bullshit. I'm a much more attractive trans dude than I was a cis woman. Do I still have a complicated relationship with parts of my body? Yes. Do I still have dysphoria? Yes. But so do cis people.
I wrote the trans version specifically because I wasn't seeing a lot of transmasc representation (in fic or other media) that felt true and affirming to me- not that the other stuff can't be affirming to other transmascs, just I wasn't finding stuff that felt like a positive version of my own experience.
I think theres a tendency to focus on body, dysphoria, and insecurity in trans fiction in a way that isn't untrue, but also which doesn't give me the ability to engage in fun smut the same way I feel cis people get to. Cis people can be insecure about their bodies in lots of ways, I'd argue cis people also experience gender dysphoria (think cis women with small chests, cis men who have breasts or smaller penises, ect.), but it's not nearly as common for sexual depictions of them in fiction to focus on those insecurities, and on navigating the way other people react to their bodies ahead of the actual smut.
The other place I see this happening is with sexual depictions of fat people and disabled people. Our bodies and minds are positioned as barriers in sexual situations, and while realistically we may have things to navigate that cis, thin or able bodied people don't, that doesn't mean those barriers need to be centered in erotica that involves us. Cis, thin, able bodied people have insecurities and sexual hang-ups too, so why do they get to be written as having fun, positive sex without centering those things when we don't? To me it positions transness, fatness, and disability as inherently being a barrier to positive sexuality and I just think that's unrealistic.
I'm rambling but all that is to say, this has been healing to me too. We deserve depictions of ourselves that acknowledge the differences and barriers we do have (like, Billy is still scared about coming out, it's hard for him to do, thats a barrier) without making them the whole experience.
I'm really glad you're feeling better about things, and i'm really, really fucking touched that my writing could be a part of that 🖤
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the-owl-house-takes · 8 months
Hey I wanted to put a little positivity in the fandom seeing as how their is so much going around.
Honestly, everyone is well within their rights to critic a show that they love; express their disappointments with it, the stuff they liked about it ect. They have every right to express that whether that be in art, fanfiction, critiques or just their own hot takes.
I have no love for season 3--especially with how Belos was handled and Caleb being brushed to side for Luz's glory moment in the finale, as I am Belos and Wittebro fan. Everyone's takes on the finale are completely valid, and whether you liked season 3 or not we all can agree that it would have been better, and longer if it wasn't for the cut and/or if some narratives had been handled differently then what was shown in the finale product.
But this is what happens.
The thing we loved so much is never going to reach our expectations, and sometimes things happen that were out of the productions crew's control. Sometimes they may have even jumped the shark when they should have just stayed on the path they were going, or maybe the pressures from a having a hit show in an ever changing world and (currently) overly judgmental world might have scared them off from telling the story they wanted. That's life. People mess up, people cave into pressure, sometimes there's just nothing else they can do and it's out of their control--as told by Camelia, one of the few things that I did like about season 3.
I share alot of peoples disappointments with how it all was handled in the end, but that is when the joy of fandom comes in. When the thing you loved disappointed you it doesn't mean it has to end there. It continues on in your imagination.
You can even fully reject the ending and tell it the way you wanted. Toh continues on in our imaginations and fanworks and sharing our thoughts and love for it with each other. So instead of us fighting or arguing about whose opinion is more right, about who should feel what about certain characters (looking at you certain toxic Belos' haters who are immaturely hurting other peoples feelings and insulting them and their hard work just cause they like a paper-doll. SHAME ON YOU!) we should be building each other up and accept each others differences, thoughts, opinions and takes (whether they liked the finale or not) on the show, maturely and even learn something new from each other about it.
If we don't like someone's take, just click the back button. Seriously, getting stressed out about someone's take you don't like is not going to be good for you. Make yourself feel better by immersing yourself with works that you'll love and opinions you agree with. You'll be happier and healthier, and you'll help to create a safe and accepting environment for everyone to geek out in including yourself.
This also goes for the people who do love the finale. It's fine if you love it. There's nothing wrong with that, more power to you if you do, but please understand that not everyone is going to share the same opinion. The thoughts of those who don't like it are as validated as yours are. And people should be allowed to like and dislike whatever they want. You wouldn't force feed chocolate to someone who didn't like it, right?
That's what the message was about in TOH, to find the magic in the strange, in EVERYONE'S differences, and to help create a better world where everyone can thrive being ourselves, without hate nor prejudice.
While TOH crew didn't go this route, take what happened to Belos as a cautionary tale of what happens when you don't allow people to be themselves. It causes unnecessary pain for everyone including yourselves (Why I love SU so much because they touched upon this poisoning and harmful mindset so beautifully).
We shouldn't insult each other, nor Dana and her crew--we can definitely share our frustrations and disappointments with the story, just not in a way where we are questioning their intellect. Remember. We don't know them personally or what they went through with Disney so it's wrong for us to make assumptions about who they are as people. We don't like it when other peoples assume things about us and our lives, right? We all have our reasons.
We should encourage each other to continue to create and talk about the show, and have the maturity to mind our own business if someone has a take on the show we may not agree it. We have to start doing that. No one should feel unsafe, or feel like they can't like something. Take what was happening to Luz with everyone in the human world trying to change her. PLEASE don't do to others what was done to Luz. Look how much it hurt her, and realize that may be what you are doing to others in irl. We have to start migrating to those who share our thoughts and leave the others who don't in peace.
And maybe if there is more love going around perhaps the owl house will return someday. It's happened with other shows. But for now let's just all have a fun time. Let's all show our love for a show that touched all of us. Let's build each other up, even if we may not have liked how it ended. Or disagree with those who didn't like it.
We all should have fun being our nerdy little weirdo selves.
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malevolentcast · 1 year
Hey Harlan, hope you had/have a good day!
I wanted thank you for making the content you do and putting in the to interact with fans. I could go on and on about all the details of Malevolent I find truly amazing, but I’ll spare you the essay and just mention some more general things.
The characters feel so real; their development and how it’s shown is done so well. I know this was discussed a bit ago, but it means a lot that Arthur’s and John’s relationship is canonically platonic. I’ve struggled with the idea platonic vs romantic relationships, and I think it was mainly due to the way media and social culture represents both and seems to be constantly pushing romantic relationships. Not that there needs to be a reason for the decision, though. Speaking of ways Malevolent has affected me personally, I’ve always had a rocky relationship with the phrase “this too shall past” and viewed it mainly in a negative light, but the use of it in the show enabled me to see it positively which has really helped me.
The music and literature included are absolutely gorgeous and I love how its tied into the story. Malevolent has been a big inspiration for me to pick back up writing and playing violin. I may have went on a tangent to my former lit teacher about the show since we studied two of the poems read in it in her class. 😅
The story itself never fails to be gripping. The symbolism, themes, ect. are great and are always a joy to analyze. Plus, the choose-your-own-adventure like aspect is such a creative idea, and is integrated into the story so well. Then there is your voice acting?! You are really talented!
I’m not able to catch streams very often, but when I do (or when watching the vod), they never fail to make me smile. When I have the time, I plan to start Dice Shame as well!
Well, I guess this ended up being long anyways. I apologize for taking up your time. I do have two questions, I tried to make sure they weren’t answered previously but sorry if they have been asked before.
If you could change the outcome of one of the Malevolent votes, which would you change? and/or Do you you have a favorite poem (doesn’t have to be Malevolent related), and if so, what is it?
Well that's about the nicest anyone has been. Thank you so much. Means the world. 1. If I could change a vote? Head to the police station in Harper's Hill. Honestly cause it just cut out so much of the story. 2. invictus.
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wiredsmile · 4 months
[ bear emoji ] i have always admired what you do. the writing always impeccable, don't even get me started on their inner voices. i've followed you first because of suzie but then there were march and gwen that really stood up to me. and the craziest part is that you made them sound so different. always stayed true to the character you were portraying. then there's your aesthetics. i've been in awe since day 1 and we keep counting, okay? i can see you put so much work and thought into these too and it's very much appreciated. like even your recent visuals posted here w/ sabrina. it took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize it was her and not the actress that plays suzie in this tv series i truly believed existed. also, how you went from taking a dbd character with just a few lines and a little lore on wiki to being THIS MUCH OF A SHAPED PERSON,, I HAVE NO IDEA. and lastly, i appreciate you for what you do for the rpc. i know life was tough, but you were always so nice to everyone and your commissions are living rent free in my mind because they are perfection. whenever i find a blog i can tell it was you who worked on the aesthetics lmao, they got that abi trademark all over them. and lastly, i appreciate you. you've been so kind to me and understanding and helping since day 1. you're one of the few people that actually made me feel included in the rpc after being on a break for so long and you were part of the reason i stuck doing this. so here's a little reminder that your presence has affected others positively, even if you didn't know it. i am sure that most of your mutuals and friends agree with this. i love you and im always here for you too, okay?
- ̗̀ ♡⃗    𝒊𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒙 𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒕𝒚  . . .   always accepting ! 
i've had this one in my askbox for a hot minute now , i know , but honestly it has helped me so SO much to re-read & look at again when i'm feeling down or am battling with the never ending writer's struggle of worrying that i'm not good enough , i'm not writing enough , ect . it truly , truly warms my heart & means the WHOLE WORLD to me that you & so many others love suzie & my lore for her so much―  i've struggled writing suzie in so many ways , always find myself worrying that peolpe are going to lose interest in her or disregard her because of how soft & innocent she is despite her horrific upbringing/circumstances ?? & gosh , PLS mentioning march & gwen too has me genuinely wanting to weep out of joy & gratitude , it truly means the world ?? especially considering how much i adore your writing & admire your wednesday ??? but , like i said i've been a lil selfish hoarding this sweetness to myself so long but truly & honestly i want you to know how much this means to me & how much i appreciate you & all of the kindness you have left me in this message <33333 i love you too , & i am so so touched to here that you love my commissions so much & that i have touched you so much & in such a positive way without even realizing it ?? we absolutely NEED to talk & plot more , for real <3333
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aikoiya · 5 months
LoZ - Faron Cultural Tidbits
Due to how the Zonai used to inhabit the area, Faron culture takes a couple of cues from them. Or at least their architecture & food do.
We all know that if you go to Lover's Pond, it's said that you will meet your one true love/soulmate.
However, just seeing a picture of the pond isn't enough.
You have to go there in person or the magic doesn't work.
Sorry, but that's just how it goes.
The Koholina Archipelago consists of Eventide Island (the smallest island closest to the mainland), Windfall Island (the capital that hosts the port town & largest market in the archipelago), Stormbreak Island, Outset Island (the agricultural island; said to be where the Koholina culture began), Gale Island, Greatfish Island, Tombstone Island (a sacred island where the Koholinites send off their dead, hold funerals, ect), & Dragon Rise Island (the island with the most Rito living there).
It also goes by the name of the Koholint Domain as many Zora live there.
The name Koholint comes from the Faronic word Koholina, meaning "to choose joy."
Each island has a Hyrulean Common name & a Native Faron name.
Eventide Island = Ahiahi Moku (Evening Island)
Windfall Island = Makani’olu Moku or Makani Pōmaikaʻi Moku (Fair Winds Island or Winds of Fortune Island)
Stormbreak Island = Makani'ino Moku (Stormbreak Island)
Outset Island = Hoʻomaka Moku (Island of Beginning)
Gale Island = Makani’nui Moku (Gale Island)
Greatfish Island = Akua I’a Moku or Ua’nui Moku (Fish God Island or Downpour/Heavy Rain Island)
Tombstone Island = Ha’alele Moku (Island of Departure)
Dragon Rise Island = Kelekona Keha Moku (Dragon Rise Island)
It's said that Greatfish Island is home to Kilo Hamuni, who is believed to be an ancient Wai Akua or water deity. Kilo meaning “seer.”
Meanwhile, on Dragon Rise Island, it is said that a great red dragon named Kahu Walu dwells. Kahu translating to “guardian or caretaker.”
Along with them, the residents also exalt a pair of twin wind deities referred to as Polinahe & Inikiniu. The two represent the different ways that the wind can influence the world.
The Faronic languages are much like Hawaiian with a bit of several Mesoamerican languages mixed in due to environmental Zonai influence.
The languages mainly consist of the letters A, E, H, I, K, L, M, N, O, P, U, W, & the ʻokina (') with other letters showing up sparingly.
Residents of Koholina tend not to use metal; instead, their tools & weapons are primarily made of wood.
They use various types of Lei'o'manō. Like the most commonly known Lei'o'manō, a Palau Papaniho'manō (sharktooth club). There's also the Pahoa'i'a'me Lei'o'manō (sharktooth spear, also used for fishing), & Ku`eku`e Lima Lei'o'manō (sharktooth knuckles). Along with the Ulimasao (paddle club used to end war & steer towards peace).
Lurelinites are lucky in that they live on the mainland near mountains that have ore deposits. Therefore, they have the benefit of metal.
One such weapon being the Nifo'oti (cane knife).
Of course, Lurelinites also use Lei'o'manō too.
They've also been learning to use Luminous Stone since the upheaval.
Koholint Rito invented the double-limbed bow called Pālua Lima Pana, which is a high-performance bow with a lot of power behind it.
It was actually modeled after the hunting bow of the goddess of love & passion, Karina, who is one of Faron's oldest still recognized deities & referred to as Kalina by the residents.
Faronites are quite adept with weaving & crafting. Their jewelry is typically made from various seashells, pearls, beads, straw, & even flowers, which are all very popular in their fashion.
On their wedding days, Faronites wear a type of lovely necklace of woven straw with cowrie shells & a Sweetheart Orchid sealed in resin for the pendant. It's supposed to grant luck & are called Lā Male Puka.
They are then hung near the entrance to the couple's home together to grant guests positive energy & assurance by showing them that a happy couple lives there together.
If you ever see only one hanging there, it might be a sign that there are some turbulent waters between them.
… Or an Inu'waipā'ani passed by during a storm & stole it. Inu'waipā'ani being playful seabreeze spirits of Faron myth that often play little pranks on people. Mostly harmless, but are much like Koroks in that they are very child-like & might not always understand things. For Inu'waipā'ani specifically, how their pranks might affect others.
Never intentionally malicious unless angered or corrupted by Malice.
As such, most of the time, if they notice that their pranks have hurt someone, whether physically or emotionally, they'll often feel very guilty & bless their victims with Moanipōmaika'i or “lucky breezes” that cause fortunate things to happen as a result of said breezes.
Or in the case of them having taken a very sentimental or important item, they also return said item. Though, it's often a bit scuffed up too.
They are thought to play with Koroks, young Keaton, & even Skullkids.
Faron weddings tend to feature a lot of flowers.
Like, holy cow, the flowers!
This is partially due to Kalina being primarily known as a goddess of both love & flowers in Faronic theology.
LoZ Cultural Masterlist
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harostar · 1 year
Man, they knew the internet would explode. They’ve been waiting nearly a decade for this and I cannot imagine the utter joy to finally be able to fully discuss this romance that has been brewing for so long.
BESIDES THAT THO, several thoughts:
Jaune, Jaune we had all these theories about you and it turns out the himbo just picked the wrong fruit. Fucked with time and then sat on a beach being sad until someone showed up.
And there he is, trying to be the guide of the story and failing miserably. 
Did he say “cats”, as in plural? We really do not know whether or not the Curious Cat can be trusted or not, which seems on-theme for the issues with Authority Figures in this series. Like the Brother Gods, Ozpin, and the Headmasters, we’re again and again faced with figures with knowledge and authority that are mysterious and untrustworthy.
Which Jaune himself has fallen into, becoming JUST LIKE the generation of war-weary adults before him. Like Ozpin, Qrow, Ironwood, Lionheart, Raven, ect he is exhausted and bitter and letting all this trauma color his actions. Interesting how in that Punderstorm maze, his Atlas Era self is always reflected back at him. He knows how the storms work, and also has not worked out his issues so he’s always just having to wait for the storm to pass.
Waiting waiting seems to be the theme with him. He waited for the others. He waits for the storms to pass, to avoid dealing with his problems. He never fixed his broken sword, and let his armor and shield rust over time. He’s stuck in a cycle of believing himself to be a failure that can never save anyone. 
Alyx and her brother, Luis. It’s interesting how Jaune and the Cat both indicate they don’t actually KNOW what happened. The Cat is more honest in stating they didn’t see what happened, while it’s kind of.....unclear whether Jaune caught up to witness things or whether he’s simply making assumptions. 
We’re presented with the idea of Sacrificing/Feeding the tree, but at the same time I feel like there’s more to it. So far, the prices paid have mostly been symbolic as opposed to more literal. The auction with prices like “a hug” or “what it feels to be loved” or Ruby trading her emblem as “a mother’s promise”. It feels like just chucking someone into the tree as a sacrifice isn’t going to work, since at its core Ever After seems to run on ideas of Roles, Purposes, and stories. Ideas and Feelings, so the sacrifice is likely not a literal “Who gets tossed into the volcano” kind of scenario. 
Like no doubt that’s the conflict being built up, because OF COURSE they are thinking in terms of how things work back home and all the things they’ve lost. That someone has to die, that something physical has to be given up, that it has to be bloody and cruel and painful. But this has so far been a journey about Self, and figuring themselves out as opposed to dealing with much in terms of physical threats. 
For Yang and Blake, it was a journey of facing their feelings. Accepting that the things they’ve gone through have made them better, and then accepting that they love each other.
For Weiss, she’s reeling from the loss of Atlas and trying to push through a very real and understandable grief.
For Ruby, she’s facing the legacy/ghost of her mother and all the trauma she’s pushed to the side. How overwhelmed she feels, as The Leader and hope for the world but also notably THE YOUNGEST she’s a kid she shouldn’t even have been at Beacon that soon. And she’s team leader, she’s trying to fill Ozpin’s shoes as the leader, and she’s trying to follow her mother’s larger-than-life memory. 
Jaune is broken and haunted and caught in all his heroic dreams being crushed. Being the one in the position of the leaders he resented. 
And Neo, off on her own and lost in her rage and grief and full of new power. 
I think this volume is going to be less about someone dying or being left behind, and more about the challenge of them all having a breakthrough. Letting go of old things, letting go of comfortable illusions, and facing difficult parts of themselves to emerge out the other side. 
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lovely--lover · 2 years
weird request but i'd love to see your take on this. What happens after the movie ends? Does Keller get found? or is he left there to rot. What happens when Alex is returned to his family? ect. :) yk tying up loose ends
Oooo this is interesting!
I believe Keller is found because Loki notices the whistling and begins walking towards it at the end of the film. If Keller keeps blowing the whistle then Loki would continue towards it and probably call out allowing Keller to respond that he is there. If Keller suddenly was defeated and stopped whistling then Loki would have moved on and left. But the forensic team was digging up the backyard so eventually, they would have dug into the tunnel. Making it easier for Keller to be heard and saving him. Although by the time the forensics team found him he would be in a bad condition. My optimistic mind believes that he would have been found. Plus Loki comes off as obsessive and determined especially when solving a case and a finding Keller would have been the final thing that closed the case entirely.
I have seen where people describe Alex as having an easy transition back into his family but I disagree. Alex has Stockholm Syndrome in regards to Holly. There is a deep and toxic relationship between them. He would be very confused and distressed at the information that she is dead and he is going to be with his 'family.' Holly was his family for almost 30 years and all he knew and had left. The memory of his real family prior was probably replaced in his mind with traumatic memories. Because the brain holds onto negative experiences instead of positive experiences, unfortunately. It would be like entering a home with strangers and Alex would not have a good association to strangers. I imagine Alex would be terrified and have outbursts of panic, anger, and sadness. As well as being extremely reserved and having a difficult time forming a connection. Over time his trust could be earned. His IQ and understanding are small so if his family was showing him continuous positivity and love he would slowly understand them as kind and open u more but still be weary. His mother would be devastated to see the state of her son. He is physically and internally unrecognizable as the boy she knew and would have to relearn how to love and care for her son.
For Anna and Joy, I think they both would have to receive extensive therapy to understand the situation and learn how to talk about the situation. They would both wake up with nightmares and have to ler how to exist in the world without constant fear in the back of their heads.
I feel like this would be the case that gets to Detective Loki. He can't stop thinking about it and analyzing all the signs he missed and what did wrong. Eventually, he has to take a break from being a police officer because he can not focus on other cases properly. He definitely checks up on Anna, Joy, and Alex. In my mind, Loki would try to talk to Alex and apologize to him for not knowing he was a victim and not saving him sooner, and blaming him for the crimes.
So sorry this is like an essay but I hope you enjoy my 'endings' lol
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bestiejermaine · 3 years
bestiejermaine’s Boba Tea Legacy Challenge
Welcome to bestiejermaine’s Boba Tea Legacy Challenge!! This is an original 9 generation challenge made by me (mari) and here are the rules.
Basic Rules:
Not base game compatible
Cheating is allowed (money, bb.moveobjects, ect) but not recommended
Normal and long lifespan is recommended for this (short for an extra challenge)
You don’t have to complete every single requirement for the generation, but it is recommended
Generation One: Mango Boba [uses Eco Lifestyle and Seasons]
Your life is full of joy and sunshine! You move to a lovely new town and want the best for generations to come. You spend your life making sure that your lifestyle stays positive and hearty.
Complete the ‘master maker’ aspiration
Start in the fall
Have 3 children
Marry your best friend
Grow a garden just for fun (even have a cowplant OPTIONAL)
Have the maker trait
Make 5-10 things in your lifetime
Generation Two: Green Boba [uses City Living, Get to Work, and Island Living]
You never really like the life your parents put out for you. You don’t like being cooped up in such an outdoorsy lifestyle and want to explore the medical fields. You want to be relaxed and enjoy your life.
Have the vegetarian trait
Grow into a liking of cooking and baking 
Join the Doctor career and reach level 5
Have a child with a one night stand
Live in Sulani (cause you're a rich doctor lol)
Complete the ‘beach life’ aspiration
Generation Three: Strawberry Boba [uses City Living]
What rich parents you have. All of this relaxation has left you wanting to do something for yourself. You want to make your rich life known to the world and “help” them achieve the same goal. You’re really just a showoff.
complete the ‘soulmate’ aspiration
Have 2 kids (preferably twins)
Go into the social media career and reach level 5
Marry someone who you’ve just met
Have the romantic trait
Complete the postcards collection
Generation Four: Taro Boba [uses Get Together, Get Famous, and Cats and Dogs]
Your mother/father has made you a spoiled rat. You spend your days making sure everyone in the world knows your name and every footstep you make. Let’s be glad you have a good enough reputation.
Complete the ‘leader of the pack’ aspiration
Adopt one child (have 2 kids in total)
Have a pet cat
Start a club (can be about anything)
Max out the charisma skill
Have the self absorbed trait
Generation Five: Coffee Boba [uses Country Living]
Back to your roots they say. You spend your time farming and living healthy. You don’t care too much about the limelight and want to spend your time making sure your own family knows where you come from.
Complete the ‘country caretaker’ aspiration
Be unemployed
Own a farm
Have as many kids as you want
Make all organic foods made from your garden
Live in Henford-on-Bagley
Marry a fellow farmer
Have the lactose intolerant trait
Generation Six: Almond Boba [uses Outdoor Retreat and Discover University]
Your parents allowed you to become obsessed with the outdoors and that’s all you want to see. It doesn’t quite work out for you, though and you’re left to become a lawyer instead and never mind your home life.
Complete the ‘outdoor enthusiast’ aspiration
Complete a collection
Become a lawyer
Never really pay attention to your kids
Leave the house work for your spouse
Max the logic skill
Generation Seven: Honeydew Boba [uses City Living and Get Famous]
Well well well.. Your parents won’t even talk to you. Let’s just say you’ve never even really known them. All you care about is your music and your own life.
Complete the ‘musical genius’ aspiration
Max out the singing career
Write a song
Become a 3 star celebrity
Get to level 5 of the entertainment career
Have one child and give them the best life possible
Generation Eight: Thai Boba [uses Get Together]
Thanks for the life mom/dad! If only they understood that I don’t really like physical touch and that I wished to be alone. Nobody will ever understand me.. NOT EVEN MY OWN KID!
Complete the ‘bodybuilder’ aspiration
Have the dance machine trait
Have a black cat
Become emo during your teenage years
Have one best friend you fall in love with
Have one child and basically lock them in their room
Generation Nine: Black Boba [uses Vampires]
I blame my grandparents to be honest. If only they listened. At least I’m okay on my own.. No I’m not. I’ll just create my own family, that will love me.. forever
Complete the ‘vampire family’ aspiration
Never come out of your room
Have your own vampire family
Live in the basement lol
Complete a collection (recommended; bugs)
Extra Notes:
thank you all for attempting this challenge
If you post it on your tumblr, use the hashtag “bestiejermaineBOBA” and i’ll repost you!
thanks @simcloudlogic for making graphics!
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theveryworstthing · 3 years
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it’s time for part 2 of the zodiac based Carot cards. Horn cards are horizontal instead of vertical because they’re meant to be placed above the three other suites which lay side by side. the last two suites are tentatively named the Travelers and the Island and now that i know what direction i want to take with them i’ll hopefully get through those in between work. anyway, here’s some lore.
Horn Signs
Horn signs are the second half of the rabbit/hare zodiac system. When a rabbit or hare is born they have sharp little starter horns encased in rubbery membranes that fall off soon after birth. These horns will eventually shed in a process similar to teething when they get older, but before that they’re basically baby’s first shank. A nasty natural surprise for any predator looking for an easy meal or any parent who gets too tired to keep track of the pointy bits on their child.
Your horn sign correlates to how many points your birth horns had. Again, no one takes this seriously lest people start catching their death of prophesy. But since horn points are the way that many parents initially tell kits apart in litters where they look very similar, it’s fun to joke about.
The Horn Suite
1 The Cut Worm: luck, brushes with disaster, and hope. This sign is very rare because to qualify for it you would either have a second horn so small that it’s just a bump on the skull under the skin, or you wouldn’t be born with a second horn at all. While the odd super stubby horn shows up once in a blue moon, missing either horn completely is a sign that the kit is missing pieces of skull, which makes this birth defect life threatening at best.
Some see the Worm as the simple ‘dodged a bullet’ sign and think of it as a totally positive symbol of natural good luck/perseverance. And it can be! But dodging a bullet still means you had to get shot at in the first place, and it doesn’t mean other less fatal bullets don’t hit. Bullets have a tendency to travel in packs. This makes the Worm a complicated sign. It is scars and struggle and survivor’s guilt, but also joy and absolute cussedness when it comes to comes to life. If the universe wants them dead then it can come over and do it itself. Oooh~ you gonna let biology try to do your dirty work? Fuckin’ coward.
2 The Message: curiosity, knowledge, and questions about yourself. Message signs are very introspective. And outrospective. Just spective all over really. What are you willing to do to obtain knowledge? How free you are with information in general? Do you keep all thoughts to yourself? Do you gossip constantly? How good are you at reining in your curiosity? Would it literally kill you to mind your own business?
3 The Sea Hare: seeking and accepting the truth no matter how weird. These signs are believers, dreamers, and realists all at once. The vaguest sign. Weird things always seem to happen to them. Or maybe it’s not that weird things are always happening to them but that they notice and accept the weird things that happen to everyone else as real instead of brushing it off as dreams or tricks of the light. They hate liars or people who embellish facts for whatever reason because they believe that truth is always stranger and more interesting than fiction.
4 The Cocoon: change and liminality. The world is an ever shifting mess and Cocoon signs are more apt to revel in and pay attention to the strange in between spaces. These rabbits are always on journeys. Physical, intellectual, spiritual, whatever, what many would consider destinations end up be rest stops for them before they wander back into the liminal spaces that call to them.
5 The Pepper: navigating risk for personal pleasure. Will this plant get you super high or kill you? Is this person dangerous or just exciting? Are the odds in your favor? Let’s find out. Pepper signs are willing to at least entertain the ideas for a lot of risky business if they think something wonderful can come from it. The ‘take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!’ sign. Their level of common sense usually determines life expectancy (which is true for all creatures but ESPECIALLY these rabbits good lord).
6 The Fungi: personal relationships and connection. Fungi signs are always seeking real connection. If they like you and you show them love and or respect they’re ride or die for you. Good at reading people and figuring out what makes them tick, they can either be the important connective tissue in any community or manipulators who can woo anyone to their side. Depends on how much of an asshole they are.
7 The Hawk Pyre: healing and cycles. When a hawk dies, it burns and burns until there’s nothing but ash and a tiny egg. Rabbits believe this cycle happens endlessly, that the same hawks have had endless lives in endless cycles since hawks turned up in the world. Rabbits under the Hawk sign are very in tune with the cycles of the world. The cycle of seasons, aging, crops, mistakes, fashion, abuse, ect, it’s all patterns. Patterns that they’re good at spotting, flowing with, and breaking. Need someone to help you get your life back together after a tragedy or give pretty good weather forecasts? Ask a Hawk sign! Or don’t, because none of this is real.
8 The Lantern: knowing what is actually worth spending time being worried about. Not everything in the dark is a monster, but that doesn’t mean warning signs are to be ignored. Lantern signs are good at reading situations, especially when it comes to danger and opportunity. They’re good advisers and listeners, able to make connections easily and take many things into consideration at once. Rabbits joke that good warren leaders are usually Lanterns and shitty ones have had their candles blown out long ago.
The Void (2 of these): either something is horribly wrong or everything is fine. I don’t have to explain which card means what, that’s obvious right? Right?
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optimisticbritt1 · 3 years
How to do real shadow work.
TLDR: Worth the read I promise.
A lot of people are starting to do shadow work and that is truly amazing. As we heal ourselves we also heal the collective. The problem is not a lot of people know how to do it, what it is, and you might even feel like you aren't making real progress. If you are getting your sources from TikTok understand that it bounces around a lot and can leave you feeling confused. Let me break it down and make it easy for you.
There are two true emotions in the world and that is fear and love. Growing up we either felt those two. Every emotion stems from those two emotions.
Shadow work is about loving yourself authentically. It's not about judgement or changing anything about yourself. It's about being worthy and deserving of love. You can journal all you want but it's better if you have a foundation and structure to see true healing and progress.
Shadow work is about identifying your trauma and triggers.
How do you establish a foundation to start your shadow work? You need to start from the beginning. The earliest memory that you can think of and work through all your memories. All trauma and triggers are unprocessed emotions. Emotions get stored in our body. As you do the shadow work you release those emotions and free yourself.
Step #1. Have 2 fresh note books and 2 intention pens. Have one notebook for affirmations and one notebook for healing
Step #2. Have a ritual before you begin. Each time you do shadow work do your ritual it let's your subconscious know that it's time to start healing and will allow you to become more receptive to it. I shower, meditate, call on my guides, and release any resistance.
Start with making a clear check list of all the memories of your life in order as far back as you can remember. Be detailed. It might take you some time to write it all out could even take a few days. Play it like a movie in your head.
Example: earliest memory. Then move up.
Age 4 I lived here and these were my care takers. I remember feeling... (Whatever you were feeling, doing, or expierencing)
Age 5 we moved here. New people were introduced I remember feeling and doing whatever it was that you were feeling and doing.
Break it down as far as you can go. Leave check boxes next to them and a few lines space in-between in case you forgot a memory and need to add to it.
Start with your ritual and when you are ready start with your earliest memory call in your guides and ask "what emotions do I need to release and process right now?"
Protect and ground yourself, release anything in that moment that is not serving you.
Close your eyes with your hand over your heart and drop into that memory. Do not judge simply observe. Recognize where you needed love and recognize feelings of fear, sadness, anger,abandonment, ect.
Play that memory in your mind from the younger versions point of view. Feel those emotions as intensely as you can. Don't force it. And try to live it as if you were there.
Once the memory is done drop into your current self and tell your younger self all of the things that you wish you were told, and how the people in your life could have reacted from a place of love and understanding. Act with compassion and love. You can now incorporate EFT to help move through and process and release those emotions. Eft helps you identify where you stored them. (Google it) you don't have to but it does help.
Allow your emotions to flow. Keep your journal next to you and journal about how you feel. Once you have processed usually through relief, crying, anger outbursts, laughing, joy ect grab your affirmations journal and journal about positive self talk, kindess ect. I am worthy to be loved. I am enough. I love myself as I am. You will also notice how much easier it is to forgive yourself and those who hurt you.
That is how your affirmations will stick in your subconscious so you don't feel like you are lying to yourself. This affirmation journal is NOT about manifestations, you need to heal before you start telling yourself you are wealthy. That will come with time.
Breathe. Take multiple deep cleansing breaths throughout this process. As you progress and clear your emotions it will get easier to become more emotionally mature and connected in your day to day life. There is true freedom to this. If you have a memory that is especially triggering take your time through it and don't force it. You can always come back to it when you are ready. Be kind to yourself and do it as you are ready Be sure to check off your memories with the check boxes and move up the list.
Once you start to feel better in your current life don't think that your work has stopped. Go through all of them up until where you are now. You can do as many as you feel like a day, or even one a day. For me all my memories could easily take 3 months. Go at your own pace and allow rest. Do not force yourself to do this. If you start to feel resistance take a breathe and ask your guides to help you release resistance.
As you do this through your day you might get flashes of other emotions and as you dream you'll be called to address other things. Try to stick to the order of it. Our emotions stack and you will have to clear it all the way back. If you jump somewhere in the middle you will still have to deal with underlying emotions. Once you get the roots and foundations of where it started it will be easier as you progress.
If you try to clear emotions without your foundations you will encounter resistance and it'll be harder to budge. Start from the earliest point and move forward.
I encourage you to do this with your therapist as somethings are especially hard and we all need support systems to help them through it. Go SLOW! If you try to force it or move fast you can hurt yourself. This will be beneficial for therapy if you ever felt like therapy was not helping you. Discuss how you plan to do this and keep that checklist so you know what you've accomplished.
I'd love to know if this actually helps any of you. Best of luck, light, and love. ❤️
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cosmichighpriestess · 11 months
When you are the family generational curse breaker, you will not receive applause or approval from anyone around you. They will keep expecting you to fail. They will keep expecting you to give up and join in their toxic cycles. They will expect you to accept defeat.
They will push all of their toxic ways onto you, to keep your chakras blocked and to keep you complacent, oppressed and defeated with their tyranny. You will be bullied into becoming a sheep with them. But you are no regular sheep. You are the ONE and only black sheep who decided enough is enough. I don't want to live this way. They don't understand you because they have wracked up an endless amount of false negative beliefs from society and their own family and friends all because they were brainwashed into believing they weren't enough as they were. That they needed the world's outside validation and approval, they needed pieces of paper and awards that told them they were accepted to be deemed better, equal or worthy to everyone else.
You need no illusionary piece of paper, no diploma, no title, no award to know what's best for you to receive validation. You receive validation from within, not outside yourself. When you can see clearly, that this mess they created for centuries, from even family curses and abusive cycles all in the name of "that's just what I was taught, that's just how we were raised. We only know lack, scarcity, using people to get what we want. We believe the news and we don't question anything we're told. We need drugs to survive. We're brainwashed. We behave the same way that was modeled to us. We don't know God for ourselves because we gave up on God a long time ago. We only know how to struggle for the things we want. We don't have faith. "
That mindset, that lack of inner self reflection that they have Is not working for them, you or anyone around you then you can realize "Oh, I don't have to buy into this. I don't have to sacrifice my own well being to satisfy other people who don't even know any better. I don't want this life for myself. Oh this has nothing to do with me. These are not my burdens. I don't need anyone's approval to create my reality from within. Oh I'm worthy enough to have boundaries so that no one can take me out of my loving energy. I don't have to blame everyone for my problems. I don't have to buy into their negative belief systems."
They are going to see you as crazy. They are going to see you as the villain. They are not going to show you any empathy. They are going to want to see you defeated for going against the grain in their eyes. Because how dare you think you're better than them, to quit those drugs, to quick drinking, to help homeless people, to be single instead of in an abusive relationship, to protect your kids, to count all your blessings, to eat healthy, to meditate often, to leave toxic jobs that you don't belong in, to mind your business, to do self care/self love, to stand up for yourself when you're being attacked ect. How dare YOU? See, you're not going to be praised. You're now the crazy one for choosing peace, harmony, forgiveness, abundance, joy, LOVE, freedom, ecstacy, happiness, health, gratitude and fulfillment.
God said, THEY will be the ones having to accept defeat, not you. You will be winning. You will be the first millionaire in your family. You will be helping the poor. You will be successful in your life path. You choose peace over war. You will break free from the chains they tried to shackle you with. You will be positive no matter what circumstance or surprise is thrown in your face. It's going to be worth it. God will never leave your side and God will never let you accept defeat. Pray for the people who wish for your failure because you already won the war. Their battle has only just begun.
You're built different because you don't want to escape your own energy. You love your own energy. You are going to have a beautiful, abundant, breathtaking life they can only dream of. Everything they wished for you is going to fall right into their lap. Remember, these narcissists feel lack within themselves, they have the ability to look within, but their distorted false perception of themselves won't allow them to look within accurately so they will always blame you and everyone else for their problems because they believe all the lies they tell themselves. Not you. You see the TRUTH and you have faith and you will persevere, you already won. Have faith over fear. Even if no one tells you they are proud of you, I will tell you I'm so proud of you, I love you congratulations, we did it. Relax, you don't have to be perfect, you're exactly where you're meant to be right now. You are so deserving of love. An abundance of wealth, freedom, peace, love, joy, success, and ecstacy are your portion from now on. Thank you curse breaker for your service to humanity and raising the frequency of the entire planet. Well done.
You're not unworthy, or weak like they told you, you were their source of energy, you are a goddamn powerhouse. You're not a follower, you're a leader. Many people would have died a long time ago if they had to walk a mile in your shoes. They would have never been able to handle the multitude of attacks you faced on the daily. God tested everyone around you to see how they would treat you before you became what you are and who you've always been underneath their distorted perceptions. Your character outweighs their money and status. Your energy is intimidating to them and so they are jealous and so they need to make you feel less. They sit there laughing at you, talking badly about you acting like they aren't generational trauma in the flesh. Even though they are the most stagnant group of people you know, but excluded you your entire life because you have a mind of your own , you're not brainwashed and you appear to be a loner. They have no idea who you are, they have no idea what battles you've faced, what giants you've faced on the other side and defeated on your own. All they see is your flesh and bones, but God sees a warrior, God sees Divine Royalty, God sees the powerful lion the, generational curse breaker disguised as human.
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marcherarrant · 3 years
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"On this day, March 1st 2021, Marcher Arrant sets off for his biggest walk yet...a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail."Here we go!!! This is so surreal,  I can't believe this is happening! I'm excited and nervous! This is so much more than a walk. Every walk I do is. It is my way of life, my art, my therapy,  my source of meaning, ect. But this walk in particular is something even more. This walk is the crossing over of a threshold. It is a self created rite of passage, a new beginning. As a Walker my I embrace a philosophy of becoming, of constant movement, of no beginning or ending, constant flux. That being said, there are moments of being, moments when flowers bloom. I'm in love with shows and movies in which you see people become their destiny. It's perhaps a banal example but the first show that comes to mind is Better Call Saul. I watched that with such joy seeing him become the sleazy lawyer he was meant to become. I was destined to become this person I have always dreamt myself to be, Marcher Arrant. This walk is where I become him fully.  I made a real life flag as a symbol of that. I was born a Walker. I began walking more than those around me when I was in 6th or 7th grade. And my love for it has continually grown through the years and there have been countless thresholds I've crossed that have been pivotal in marking me for my destiny. It was around middle school or early high school that I walked from my house to downtown Columbus,  a 4 hour walk. I later walked there and back. Years later I walked the tracks from Boulder, Colorado to Denver, a twelve hour walk. I ended up doing that walk a lot. Eventually I walked to Denver and back, walking for more than 24 hours without stopping. Then I started doing aimless 24 hour walks all the time. I moved to Paris. From there I did my first long distance walk, a month-long  trip from Paris to Rocessvelles, Spain. That opened up a whole new door. I then walked the entire length of every street in Paris. And on and on and on... so many walks. In Paris,  maybe 10 years ago now, thanks to my homie Curve (@thecurvazoid, forever grateful) I began toying with graff, came up with my character and name. I later moved to Spain and did many more walks.  For most of my life my walking was something personal that I did not share with anyone. I thought it romantic, beautiful and pure that my art was just for me.  But then I had a health scare and it was then I got the urge to share what I do online. I felt I had something unique to offer the world and I did not want to die without sharing it.  I am glad I did because doing so gave my life so much more meaning.  I then got into making art and books and fell in love with that.  2 years ago I decided that before I did another big walk that I would catch my art up to my life and make books and art from all my previous walks so that when I did the next walk I could focus for the first time on making art and a book while I was doing the walk instead of going back and doing it after the fact. I finished all the art and books for my past walks. This is the first walk where everything comes together for the first time, the walk, the art, the book, the graffiti. Also over the last two years I decided to set up for myself work so that I will always have a job no matter where in the world I am so that I can walk with no pause. I began an online English teaching business. It was a long road to be able to get enough students so that I could make a living from it.  I have finally gotten to the point where I am fully booked. I begin my dream life now, a sustainable life where through art and teaching English I can walk forever and take care of myself.  My dream is to spend my life walking the world, alternating from long distance walks to living in new cities and fully exploring those, walking every street and painting and making art.  This is a dream come true, my idiosyncratic idea of the perfect life, a life I will never tire of, one that suits who I am in the most perfect way.  I am in love with the writer Nietzsche who philosophy was about making your life a work of art, living in a way that ties together all the aspects of you into a beautiful whole. The work I have done over the past few years with the walking, the graffiti, the English teaching, the art and books, the travel and how they have all tied together at this moment, with this walk, I have accomplished this goal of making my life a work of art and tying all the aspects of my life into a harmony. No matter what happens in my life now, I can die happy having accomplished this. For me, it is a sort of intangible form of art, my greatest accomplishment.  It is so hard to figure out who you are and what you want when there is no precursor to it. I am so fucking proud of myself for believing in my strange vision despite the fact that until very recently it never gave me a cent, never did anything to advance my life or do anything for me besides the meaning it gave to me. It is so hard to keep doing something that seems to everyone around you, to society, to be utterly useless. You have to be brave and trust your vision. 
The hardest part of any walk for me is getting to the starting point.  I grew up pretty poor.  When you grow up poor, at least for me, everything seems so out of reach.  You have this unconscious feeling that you would never be able to do so many things.  This is great because when you do those things your mind is just blown and you  are so amazed and in disbelief and you don’t take it for granted in the slightest.  I never in a million years thought I would be able to live in another country.  I thought that was something rich people do which is totally untrue but that is just the kind of mentality you have when you grow up poor.  When I moved to Europe it was surreal. Every single day, for the ten years I lived there, I was in total awe that I was there. I did not have a single boring day. Every single day I could not believe I lived there and that did not lessen a single minute bit the entire time I lived there.  It is the same way I feel about doing long distance walks. I was so amazed by the idea of the Appalachian Trail when I was a kid. But I thought only rich people could do it.  The fact that I am setting out to do it today is absolutely surreal. I am in total disbelief that I am doing it. I keep getting scared that somehow something is going to happen so that I can’t do it. I don’t take it for granted in the slightest that I get to do it.  It literally feels like a miracle to me. And there are so many to thank for it.  First I want to thank my mom and step dad who let me live at their house rent free while I worked on starting my online English teaching business and making barely any money.  I never could have started my business without them and saved the money I have.  I thank my grandma, my dad and step mom, my sisters, my brother and all my family who have helped me so much. Thank you so so so much to the people who have bought art, books, stickers from me over the past couple years, people who have given me donations, people who bought shirts, pins ect. I never could have done this walk without that support and I am eternally grateful and forever in your debt. I take none of that for granted. Thank you for all the kind words, messages and comments, you have no idea how much that has helped me to keep on. You have no idea. No fucking idea. I could kiss every last one of you. These past two years have been two of the hardest years of my life. For the past year I worked 7 days a week, waking up at 4:30am. For various reasons I went through some horrendous depression, so many suicidal thoughts. So many times I wanted to take the money I saved for this walk and check myself into a mental hospital. All the positive words from people really helped me to keep on. Thank you so much.  Thank you to my crew, the Abe Lincoln Brigade, Impeach, Hank, and Alamo. I’m so grateful and honored to be in a crew with such legends, people who I’ve always idolized. Thanks again to Curve (@thecurvazoid) for giving me one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever been given, the gift of getting me creating art.  And thank you to Art Primo (@artprimo ) for sponsoring this walk with art supplies. Not only does this help financially but the fact that such a legendary company believes in what I do enough to give me supplies is such an honor and so fucking encouraging. 
There are two new things that I am doing with this walk. One, is that I will be making art with the guidebook pages as I do the walk. I have already made art with maps from my walks, but I did it after I did the walk. This is the first time I will be making art as I am actually doing the walk. I am so in love with this idea. And I love that when I send the art it will be from whatever town I am in along the walk. I think that makes the envelope itself kinda a piece of art. Selling art along the way will also make it so I spend the money for my trip at a slower rate and hopefully not end totally broke like I usually do. The second new thing I will be doing is making it so people can follow my walk online. I have a gps device that also tracks me and sends that information to a website. I think that’s kinda fun and cool. It also makes it so if you want to meet up and you see I’m near you you can reach out. A lot of people have offered me a place to stay or just meet up and I am so disorganized that It makes it hard to remember all the people and where they live. Hopefully this helps to make meeting up possible. You can follow my walk at share.garmin.com/marcherarrant. Again, thank you all for everything!
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🕯Meanings of Candle Colors🕯
White: peace, truth, purification, cleansing, banishment of negative energies. These are very useful for purification spells when you need to cleanse yourself (or your space). I personally like to burn a white votive candle after hefty spell work to clear out my space.
Black: absorbing or destroying negative energy, protection, banishment, repelling negative energies from others. Can also be used for curses/hexes/jinxes. I love to burn these if I'm doing a protective spell upon myself or my house.
Gray: neutrality, balance, stability, discernment, wisdom, patience. This color has an energy similar to silver. If your life needs stability and you are doing a spell for such things, a gray candle might be what you are looking for.
Brown: house blessings, earth, animals/pets/familiars, protection, stability, finding lost things. A brown candle might be particularly useful in a spell to protect or bond with one's familiar.
Red: Passion, energy, love, lust, vitality, power, aggression. I find these good if you want to bring more passion into a current relationship but would not use them for a spell to call new love into your life. It's just a personal thing but new love=pink candles in my mind. These are also good for spells done to make you feel more powerful or confident.
Orange: Joy, energy, strength, vitality, friendship, attraction, stimulation, education. If you are doing a spell to attract anything or bring it into your life, be it wealth, a new job, success, health, love, friendship ect, orange is a great color to use. Also might be useful in a spell to boost your energy level or health.
Yellow: confidence, happiness, positivity, manifestation of your intentions, bringing plans into action, creativity, and intelligence. If you want to do a spell to call more positive energy, emotions or circumstances into your life yellow is good for this, too. It is a "happy" color.
Green: wealth, nature, health, fertility, luck, success. If you are short on cash and want to do a spell to increase your wealth, green is a go-to color. Also I find it to be particularly useful for healing magick.
Blue: opening lines of communication, healing, inspiration, a feeling of calmness, forgiveness, meditation, happiness, fidelity. If you're in a turbulent place emotionally and want things to calm down a bit, blue candles could be good for this kind of soothing spell.
Violet: spiritual awareness, wisdom, tranquility, spiritual awakening, communication with spirits and certain deities. If you are doing a spell that involves communication with the spirit world, purple candles would be good for this.
Pink: positive self love, joy, friendship, harmony, new love, new beginnings. I associate pink with new things. A "budding" friendship or romance. A fresh start.
Silver: feminine energy, lunar energy or deities, psychic development, inhancing intuition, removing negative energies. A silver candle would useful in a cleansing spell or if you want to do a ritual to help you development your existing psychic abilities
Gold: strength, wealth, success, solar deities, masculine energy, good fortune, spiritual awakening. Gold candles may be useful in a glamor spell to make one seem more masculine.
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firelord-frowny · 3 years
not that i’ve ever done it before, but here’s How To Set Up A Very Good Community Orchestra since it’s Frowny Gets Mad About Music At Night time. 
1. Determine what kinds of players are most common in your community. You want to know (a) what instruments people play, and (b) what styles of music they’re most familiar with. This is going to inform the kinds of repertoire the orchestra focuses on. For example, if you’ve got a bunch of strings players but not many winds, you’d do well to organize a chamber orchestra that’s strings-only. If you’d still like to include other instruments, there are pleeeenty of string-heavy pieces that feature a handful of winds or percussion or piano, etc. If you have mostly wind players, you’d want to do a wind ensemble. 
2. Determine HOW MANY of each kind of player is likely to participate. This will inform the scale of the repertoire you focus on. For example, if you’ve only got like 6 violins, a couple cellos, and a lil smattering of winds, you probably shouldn’t play shit like Mahler or Brahms or Dvorak. You’d be best suited for works that are more typical of peeps like Mozart and Haydn. Basically, anything BUT romantic era music would be well-suited for a smaller orchestra. Baroque and Classical are your best bets for the most part. 
3. Determine the skill level of the LEAST SKILLED players. An orchestra, literally, can ONLY be as good as its worst player. If your players aren’t great at advanced techniques, then you shouldn’t torture them or yourself by trying to play things that are Too Hard. there are LOTS of beautiful pieces that are doable for weak ensembles. Don’t play Ravel’s pavane if your players can only handle Faure's pavane. 
4. Commit to hiring AT LEAST one professional player per section - ESPECIALLY if the general skill level of the group is low. There NEEDS to be someone in each section who can guide the others as far as stuff like fingerings, bowings, articulations, how to execute specific techniques, how to practice, ect. If a player has a question or doesn’t understand something about the music, there NEEDS to be someone there who is qualified to help them.  If you collect ~dues~ from the participants, some of that money should be allocated to the professional section leaders to ensure their commitment. 
5. REHEARSALS. ARE. MANDATORY. The ONLY excuses that should permit someone to miss rehearsals while still being allowed to perform are the same excuses that would permit someone to miss a day of school or work without penalty. 
6. REQUIRE practice logs. Obviously, volunteers may not have a WHOLE lot of time to dedicate to practicing, but if you genuinely have NO time at all to practice, then you need to just not be in an orchestra at all. Participants should show proof that they’ve been practicing by submitting a 30 minute-or-so video of a practice session. SPECIFY which parts of a piece they must include in their video. 
7. If the general skill level of the group isn’t high enough to deliver a super solid performance of fun, engaging repertoire, ALWAYS INCLUDE ONE PERFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE at every event. For example, the full orchestra performs something simple and manageable, and at the same concert, the professional players perform alone. Bc like... let’s be real. People go to concerts to ENJOY THE MUSIC, and you can’t enjoy music that isn’t played very well. The audience deserves to hear a performance that’s well done. The audience DESERVES to know what classical music is supposed to sound like. This is ESPECIALLY important if the mission of your orchestra is to “bring the joy of music to underserved communities,” as is the case with so many regional volunteer orchestras. You can’t Bring The Joy Of Music if all of the music sounds like shit. Let the community celebrate and support their peers, and then let them hear a beautiful concert. 
8. this should be obvious but apparently isn’t: DO NOT select repertoire that is too difficult for any of the players. Everyone should be able to play every note with decent intonation and rhythm, and they should be able to play it at the correct tempo. Don’t play Moto Perpetuo if you’d have to slow it down an egregious amount in order for anyone to be able to play it! 
9. There are a LOT!!!! of pieces that have VERY easy orchestral parts, and very challenging and interesting solo parts. These are especially common in Baroque pieces, like Vivaldi’s double concertos, Corelli’s Christmas concerto, Paganini’s Moto Perpetuo, movements from Holst’s Holber Suite, etc. Consider choosing this kind of repertoire to allow the highly skilled players to shine, supported by the less-skilled players who will sound lovely because the parts are compatible with their skill level. 
10. SECTIONAL REHEARSALS ARE MANDATORY!!! It’s literally so fucking ridiculous that any orchestra would try to function without having sectionals. Like. the worlds greatest professional orchestras need sectionals, so OF COURSE a lil rinky dink amature orchestra needs sectionals! These sectionals should be led by the resident professional players. There should be at least one or two sectionals prior to any performance.
11. Encourage all participants to have a private lesson or two with the professional players before each concert. Since they would likely need to pay for the lesson, it shouldn’t be mandatory. But it should definitely be strongly encouraged. 
12. It is literally ALWAYS better to just cut a piece from the program if it turns out that the orchestra is doing a shitty job at it. It’s MIND NUMBINGLY ABSURD every time i hear a community orchestra absolutely butcher a piece in concert. Like. There’s no reason to do that. Just cut the piece and replace it with something easier, or replace it with a piece that only includes the professional and more advanced players. You should ALSO be willing to selectively remove certain players from a piece of they demonstrate that they’re unable to do a decent job at it. 
13. Seating auditions should be held in preparation for EACH AND EVERY CONCERT - not just for new members, and not just at the beginning of a performance season. This accomplishes two things. (a) players have more of an incentive to actually practice, and (b) it places the strongest players in a position where they can more easily support the weaker ones.
14. MASTERCLASSES!!!!! At least once per performance season, hire a bona-fide pedagogue to work with each major section. I’m talking about those kinds of teachers who have the knowledge to help a student reach a world-class skill level. These kinds of teachers can offer insight that can turn a shitty player into a half decent player in just MINUTES of instruction. Attendances to these masterclasses should be mandatory. 
boom! congrats. you have now created a volunteer orchestra that can legitimately encourage an appreciation of western art music, and can everyone can feel proud of theirselves for delivering good performances. 
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