#look at that big smile 😀
wisefoxluminary · 7 months
I just love Jensen's cheeky, shit eating grin in this photo. I just want to hold onto him tightly and stuff him into my pocket like gold coins you find in a treasure chest. Cause god this guy is so adorable.
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atrirose · 8 months
bf!enha x f!r 샌 warning. none + fluff 🐰 seiu notes : and award for being the most inactive when i promised to be actives goes to seiu tada (revamping)
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HEESEUNG : calls you good girl, this man he plays those dangerous games, he knows what that phase does to you, how red you get or how you words start to jumble up but does that stop him from not calling you this at least in public? no it doesn’t “have a bite” he said as he bought cake near your mouth “like it?” heeseung said as he wiped the excess cake from your lips, you nod not expecting what came next “good girl” RAGH STOP THIS MAN I WILL COME FROM HIM
JAY : leaning over to buckle your seat belt, here is the thing, his car, it’s expensive and the feeling you get after sitting in a clean expensive car with a hot man that is supposedly your boyfriend (if he was my boyfriend i would have a crush on him even whilst dating him) so when leans in to buckle your belt which you on purpose didn’t buckle, he smiles and the chic perfume hit your nose as he spoke in a low octave “ready to go?”
JAKE : zipping your jacket, the poor boy cares about you and he genuinely thinks you can’t zip it on your own like before you go out he needs to check if you have your phone with you, your wallet (he is paying of course, yours is for show), house keys and OH the most important, your jacket, will zip it and then hug you like a big polar bear “let’s go! this time i will drive” jake unlocked the car “you drove last time too jake” he said smiling “yeah? i don’t remember”
SUNGHOON : very evident that he loves your hair, he loves to try new hairstyles on you but most importantly he brushes your hair off your face when he is listening to like a love sick boy, nods and hums, most of the time sings as he try to braid your hair, most of the time it’s not so great and if you went out with it people might thing you just got out of a fight but hey it’s the thought that count, poor baby tries his best :( “i think it’s good this time” sunghoon said as you opened your eyes, it wasn’t the best hairstyle ever but for you it was special.
SUNOO : sunshine loves to tie your shoes for you, but he acts like he is 50 and bending to tie the shoe is like breaking his hips “yn you are so lazy ugh” sunoo says as he bends down for the 5th today to tie your shoes, he loves it okay don’t let him fool you, he even untie it on purpose and doesn’t let you do it because ‘apparently you don’t know how to and would break your face after falling’.
JUNGWON : holding your hands while crossing the road or pulls you so he is at the outer side while walking. looks left and right, subconsciously always reaches out for your arms so he can pull you just in case a truck hits you. “yn follow me closely” he tugs on your sleeves as you cross the road with him “yeah yeah wonie”.
NIKI : lifting chin or moving it to talk to him or opening your drinks for you. he could be talking to anyone or just watching TV but it’s his job as self proclaimed man of the relationship to open you can or any drink you have in your hand, and WHEN I TELL YOU this man makes you face him when you guys are talking?!, he would literally grab your chin and make you look at him or look up to him because you know how tall he smh 😀. “i like it when you look at me when you talk” loves eye contact with you and will smirk at how flustered you are “hmm you are bright red” he said as he lightly strokes your cheeks
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ghostgirl101 · 6 months
Oliver Quick Being Obsessed With You Would Include...
A/N: Watched this recently and got too many ideas because it's what I do 😀 if you've got any requests for the Saltburn crew then drop them in my inbox and I'll get round to them. Have fun reading- just know that there are obviously spoilers for the Saltburn movie here, so if you haven't watched it, zip to the cinema and come back 😎 or don't.
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☓• It's hard to know where to start with Oliver... all I can say is that once you're in his sights, you're never getting out of them. Big never. Even if he has to wait years to get what he wants, he'll wait, and he will get it. And of course, the it we're talking about here is lucky you. So lucky you 🙃
☓• Say goodbye to your close friends and possibly your family if they're taking up too much of your time or happen to see through his harmless, quiet, normal act to something a lot darker and obsessive tainting his pure blue eyes every time they latch onto you. No one's managed to get in his way yet, and it stays that way.
☓• The first unknowing encounter with Oliver must have been somewhere around Oxford Uni, where you all go to and study. Maybe in the library, outside talking to friends - doing practically anything and making it look amazing and beautiful and something to be wanted above anything. He watches you a lot, a lot a lot, before you bump into each other, because the meeting has to be perfectly natural and it's his only chance to start things off on the right foot.
☓• Coincidences happen a lot and no one can be called out on them, because nothing seems to be wrong yet. You'll end up spending the majority of your time with him, maybe even without realising, whilst he finds out ways to know more about you and get closer to you. Oliver's not so good when it comes to talking about himself, telling you with one of his awkward but earnest half-smiles that he's not half as interesting, and so the conversation ends up steering back to you. From family life to friends, growing up, hobbies, favourite colour, tell him anything and everything. Because he won't forget a single thing.
☓• He's easy with where you want to go to hang out too, so long as he's there. You could just be talking with your friends in the nearby pub or at a party where the invite was extended to him as he's with you, or studying together at the library. Ignore the weird looks from Michael.
☓• But what Oliver prefers above all that is just being together and alone, maybe in your dorm room, or just out somewhere at a park or at the bridge, sitting and talking, opening yourself up more and more to him. This boy is an incredible listener. If your voice trails off when you become self-conscious of how much you're rambling, all you'll get in response is Oliver blinking out of his trance and giving you a calm smile and a shrug. "No, it's fine, I don't mind. Carry on."
☓• Number one supporter, naturally. Oliver tries to be the best friend and more, so hard, with you. He'll be anything you want and need him to be without you even having to mention it. Whatever club or team you're on, he'll give you a little wave and small grin from the sidelines... take a few pictures when you're not looking. For safekeeping.
☓• It can get more than a little frustrating for him when you're distracted by your other 'friends' at Oxford, even if it's something as small as looking over essay answers and revision notes with Farleigh. There's always a back-and-forth thing happening between those two, and so when Farleigh starts becoming friendly with you and outrightly mocking with Oliver, to you, all that will happen is Oliver giving him an unblinking, blank look that looks a touch too cold and repressive, before he ignores him. And that's all you'll ever know about it.
☓• If you happen to stick up for Oliver when someone brings up how different and odd he is, a bit awkward to talk to and a cheapskate or whatever, he'll never get over it. You stuck up for him. That just proves that he was right about you, from the second his dark gaze latched onto your unknowing self just a few weeks ago. He was right. You're... perfect.
☓• There's so much good about Oliver, that if you ever hear anything different, it's hard to actually believe it. It's just Farleigh causing trouble, or gossip that has gotten out of hand again, not actual hints of something deeper bubbling beneath the surface. Oliver would never watch you outside your dorm room at night, what are they on about? And when Oliver hears of them too, or gets the worries out of you when he instantly notices that something's up, he'll act as effortlessly, convincingly confused as you are. If there's the slightest bit of proof in the accusation, he'll cover it up with a flawless explanation that swerves away from him and onto someone else within a second, while still seeming without grudges towards anyone. "You shouldn't listen to them, they're just trying to get in your head. Or maybe they want you for themself or something. I mean, I can understand that. Completely."
☓• You will eventually notice just how clingy Oliver can get when he seems to be everywhere around you, and you might be looking for a moment to yourself. If you gently bring it up, he'll reluctantly go on the promise that you'll text him back, which gives him time to change tactics. He will go as far as saying someone in his family died, or as small as admitting that the isolation from everyone who is so different to him in this place makes him feel a bit broken up. Maybe he should leave? And you, being you, encourage him to stay on and hang out with you and your friends, and boom, his back in.
☓• It's so easy for Oliver to subtly manipulate his surroundings and its people. Everyone, except for you. With you, the manipulation comes in seemingly natural events, nothing too forward. Because what he likes the most is you coming to him with whatever, problems, thoughts, feelings. Then he's done his job, and everything else that will build up a beautiful, beautiful relationship, will slip into place for him.
☓• Again, everything has to be perfect, and it will be. Maybe your first kiss with him is on your birthday, or out somewhere nice as a treat with some other rich friends. Or it's just you two having a movie marathon or pulling an all-nighter. Every time, he'll inch closer with little sweet, honest lines spoken in a calm, low tone, his eyes locked with yours and scarcely blinking. "Do you know how loveable you are?" "I think that your smile is something to live for." "I never want to be without you."
☓• Oliver will edge closer and closer, holding hands, brushing your hair back from your face when you're reading with a tender touch, meeting your eye and not letting go until you smile in bashful amusement and look away. He'll meet you outside all your classes and bring you your favourite drinks and study notes that he got from his work, so that you never fail an exam. Oliver's a lifesaver, one of your closest friends, someone who's always there for you to be whatever you need whenever you need. A great comforter, supporter, study buddy, moral support, you name it. He created and adapted himself to be boyfriend material especially for you, and so it happens, and he's won, like he knew he did the second he saw you. Now he can be as clingy and overly affectionate and outwardly obsessive as he wants, all day, all night, tirelessly. And don't think he won't.
☓• Straight-up, he's a starer. And I mean starer when you think you're alone in your room, starer when you were with a fling or someone you might have been interested in before... before Oliver worked his magic behind the scenes. Now it's a lot easier to, when you're in a relationship, because he can pass off his staring as something romantic, which it kind of is, without the dangerous obsessiveness lacing it. You'll look up from your phone or wake up in the night to see Oliver's eyes on you in wonder and something else you can't quite place, before you smile and ask him what it is. It's always the same answer with the same soft, adoring smirk that manages to make your cheeks flush with colour and smile back. It's not 'nothing.' It's always, just, "You."
☓• Once he's got things how he wanted them, if anything tries to ruin it, they will have literal hell to pay. He did not come this far for nothing. It's an agonising process of waiting and being patient so he wouldn't scare you off, getting gradually and naturally closer to this point. So whether it's Farleigh telling his tales or playing off his tricks, or someone else pointing out the unobvious obvious, good luck to them, because one of his special coincidences will fall right onto their heads.
☓• And if, by a twisted turn of events, you walk into one of Oliver's schemes, and see flecks of his true, darker self and violent, delusional side unearthed from his usually calm and easy way, he'll beg you with racking tears and heaving breaths and literal vomit to stay. He'll do anything, just as he has been doing anything, for you. What he's saying and doing is suddenly terrifying, and whether or not you want to accept him as freely is your choice, but if not, Oliver won't go away. He'll wait some more if you manage to escape his grasp this time. See you in a few years as an adult, maybe. When you're vulnerable in different ways and water's gone under the bridge. He'll slip right back into your life like he was always meant to be there, with his earnest, devoting praise and comfort and support, and that's Oliver Quick's life come back together yet again, with you lost at its centre. Trapped.
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ickymichi · 2 years
guys we’re so cute
0 notes
disneyprincemuke · 6 months
they ask, "do you have a man?"
alternatively: can’t be discreet to save anyone’s life
in which everyone is curious why the grid princess is still single despite instagram posts from them seem to be giving out another narrative
(series masterlist)
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logansargeant posted on their story!
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alexalbon ur never beating the dating allegations if u keep posting shit like this i fear
kidy/n omg i look so slay in that dress
logansargeant ugh you’re so right bb
lilymhe i need to know where she got this i fear 😔
logansargeant she said she will text you like a true girls girl ✊🏼
lilymhe ugh im in love with her
user1 gonna need you guys to announce you’re dating actually
user2 posting this and denying every dating allegation is actually crazy
user3 what if i jump in front of a moving train???
user4 such a boyfriend coded story from someone who’s not her boyfriend
kidy/n posted on their story!
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kidy/n is there ever a day u wake up n ur not an outright hater?
oscarpiastri no cause you guys are hanging out without so that really fuels my ability to hate
kidy/n u got ur own gf mate, spend time with her?? >:(
sebastianvettel this doesn’t scream “not dating” to the rest of the world btw
kidy/n ugh nobody will know grandpa
sebastianvettel wow hater alert
georgerussell63 still not dating i presume? 🤨
kidy/n no sir
georgerussell63 i smell a big fat lie i fear
user6 pls stop lying to the world and just kiss after a race 🙏🏼🙏🏼
user7 and why exactly is he nOt the one pushing u in a kart??
📍 home
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant and 56,984 others
kidy/n didn’t see the news cause we were somewhere else
view 30 comments…
comments on this post have been limited.
oscarpiastri having fun without me should be a crime tbh
sebastianvettel this is why u weren’t answering ur phone?? ☹️
lilyzneimer photo credits where? 😔
kidy/n omg so trueeeeee i’m sorry i forgot
charles_leclerc making the uk look fun is a magic power
maxverstappen1 i heard the uk is only fun cause y/n lives there
landonorris what’s all this slander???
🎵 rex orange county - best friend
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liked by oscarpiastri, kidy/n and 56,940 others
logansargeant the only problem living with your best friend is that every night is party night
view 288 comments…
kidy/n why are u telling people we’re alcoholics
oscarpiastri first you move in together, and now you’re not even inviting me to drink???
lilyzneimer cant believe i scored an invitation and u didnt
oscarpiastri wtf
kidy/n lol tough life oscar
user8 wow i thought they lived with oscar ngl
oscarpiastri ugh i wish
user9 why would he? he’s got a girlfriend
user10 really not dating?
sebastianvettel not sure how to feel about this
user11 them actually not being romantically involved is my roman empire
user12 in one universe, they’ve GOT to be dating
kidy/n so based
user13 wait i
formula1 drink safely pls 😀 (i’m begging for an invite)
logansargeant only if u pay for the alcohol
williamsracing not very family friendly of u ngl
kidy/n im sorry williams i tried to stop him ☹️
williamsracing its only ok bc its u
logansargeant ?
kidy/n posted on their story!
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logansargeant wowwww look at you go bb!! so pretty!!!
kidy/n ehheheheehhe
oscarpiastri wow busy girl
sebastianvettel and kristen approved of this!!?!?
sebastianvettel oh ok. youre just kinda wild lately idk
kidy/n whats that supposed to mean
sebastianvettel 🤷🏼‍♀️
maxverstappen1 the uggs are a no from me
kidy/n ok red bull merch lover
“thank you so much for being on the show,” hannah smiles into the mic. “i’m shocked to even receive the email from your pr manager, actually.”
“no, yeah,” she grins, nails pressed against her lips, biting down on the bottom. she’s never actually been on a podcast before. “we were talking about making an appearance somewhere, but i’m kinda - very - intimidated by men. i chose this podcast specifically.”
“oh, you know of our existence,” emma gushes, giggling slightly. “we feel so honoured. thank you so much.”
“honestly, i’m always around men,” she laughs, scrunching her nose. “i live with a man. so being around women is always a very nice change.”
“right, you recently moved in with logan sargeant in the uk,” hannah points out. “if you don’t mind me asking, how did that decision come about? because you’re really good friends with oscar piastri as well, how come he doesn’t live with you guys?”
“oh, that’s an interesting point,” emma frowns. “i never thought of that.”
“yeah, so growing up oscar and logan actually stayed with my family on and off just because they’ve got brothers and sisters that their parents would have to attend to back home,” she recalls out loud, remembering the sleepovers they’ve spend in the living room with her siblings. “i think when i was… like 15, oscar was 16, and logan was 17, obviously.
i think my sister and i had a really bad fight that turned the house upside down. i mentioned that i couldn’t wait to move out and never speak to her again — i was very overdramatic as a teen. and they were like ‘yeah, that’s a good idea! we should get a place!’”
“oh, so you didn’t even propose the idea of living together?”
“exactly! they just love inviting themselves to be a part of my life. they’ve got cars while i don’t, so that’s a big plus,” she laughs. “then, well, oscar met lily when he was 18 and they got an apartment together after oscar landed reserve driver for alpine. which then left logan and i to kinda figure things out. then, we both landed a contract to race in the 2023 season and both our racing headquarters are in uk, luckily. so we made the decision to move in together earlier this year.”
“so oscar bailed!”
“that’s okay,” she scoffs, waving off the host’s concern. “we live pretty close by, so lily and oscar are always at our place anyway.”
“so, i totally don’t wanna get into it. but like, girl to girl,” hannah grins giddily. “and i promise we’ll get into the racing stuff in a bit, but i’m just curious.”
“it’s okay because i like you guys,” she jokes. “ask away.”
“there’s a lot of speculation that you and logan seem to be too close to just be best friends,” hannah explains. “and it’s seemed to be a trend since you were in f2 together, so i just wanna ask you if… well…”
she smiles. this isn’t exactly the first time she’s heard that. while they preferred to keep their relationship under wraps for several reasons, her and logan aren’t very discreet either.
there are pictures on the internet, after races where they head to weigh-in together with logan holding her things, laughing as they walk, which is normal. but there are also a couple of pictures where they were caught with logan’s hand on her cheek, or of them walking in the paddocks with her hands wrapped around his arm.
she’s not shocked that people talk about their relationship, but more shocked that everyone seems to shrug it off as them being really good friends.
“we’re actually not romantically involved at all,” she lies, though her cheeks flush up at the thought of her boyfriend. “i think we met really early on in life so we’re super comfortable with each other.”
“so, you’re setting the record straight. you don’t have a man.”
she nods firmly. “i don’t have a man. not planning to get one — i’ve just been really busy with my career. if anything, logan is my stand-in date for every event.”
“that’s true friendship if i’ve ever seen one.”
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chriss-slut · 2 days
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~ Dom!Chris X sub!fem!reader ~
Synopsis: Your friends slip up who's your favorite character, but also your fantasy kink.
warning: SMUT!! rough unprotected sex, petnames, degradation kink, daddy kink, cursing, and a lot of stuff that i can't even remeber anymore lol
A/N: this is kinda MY fantasy kink so.. 😀 btw if there's any spelling mistakes, im sorry, i didnt have time to check it :)
I have always been, in some way, a big fan of Harley Quinn (if not obsessed). I discovered her when i was around 12 years old, when Suicide Squad came out. Everything about her inspired me. Whether it was her behavior, intelligence, madness, or eccentricity, deep down, I dreamed of being like her, of being as sexy and alluring.
As I grew older, my passion for her became something I no longer showcased, simply out of fear of being judged by others. I was now 20 years old, and it seemed weird, even boring, to others to see me in the same costume at every dress-up party.
When I met Chris, I never really talked to him about this little obsession I had, mainly out of fear that he would find it strange.
Up until now, everything had been going well between us, and I didn't find it important. He didn't need to know more about this subject.
I was at home with Chris and my two best friends. We had planned to spend the afternoon together so they could meet, especially since our relationship had just become official.
Everything was going well until Julia started talking about what I was trying to keep secret:
"Oh, by the way, are you still coming tomorrow night?" Julia asked me, completely changing the subject while munching on her chips.
"Tomorrow night?" I asked, confused.
"Yeah, to Noah's costume party, like every year, Y/N!" she said in a "duh" tone, rolling her eyes.
"Um... I forgot. Honestly, I don't think so. Chris and I had planned to spend the evening together, so it's going to be difficult for me," I said, trying to find a plausible excuse to avoid further questions.
"What??!" she exclaimed, looking disappointed.
"You can come with him, and that way, you can get to know us a bit more, Chris!" added my other friend Stella, turning to my boyfriend with a big smile, and the others nodded in agreement.
"That would be nice," Chris replied with a shrug.
"See? Come on, you're coming. I don't really plan to give you a choice. We go every year, there's no way you're skipping it this time!" Julia added.
"I don't have a costume anyway, and I'm exhausted right now. It's going to be a no from me, guys, sorry," I said, trying to sound genuinely disappointed.
"You're such a liar. Are you going to make me believe you don't have a costume when you spend all your time dressing up as Harley Quinn at every opportunity?" she said, laughing.
My eye widen and i start blushing a bit. Chris turned to me, and i look at Julia with a face that says "Please, just shut your mouth."
"Oh, because, yes, I suppose you already know, but your girlfriend is completely obsessed with Harley Quinn. It's like she's totally in love with her!" Julia said to Chris, giggling.
"Julia! oh my god!" I said, embarrassed, now trying to hide my face in my hands.
"She's not wrong," Stella added. What a bunch of traitors.
"You never told me about this?" Chris said, confused, while I stood there, dying of embarrassment at the thought that the girls might make things worse.
"What, you mean she never bored you with her Harley Quinn obsession? I'm sure her biggest kink would be sleeping with you dressed as her!" Julia said without any restraint, and this time it was too much for me.
"Julia!! What the fuck is wrong with you!" I said, getting angry.
"Wow, calm down, I was just joking," she said, frowning.
Stella's mouth was wide open, and Chris looked like he didn't know where to put himself.
"You guys should go home. 'm tired, I need to rest," I said to escape the situation.
"What, seriously? You're going to be mad at me for this? Y/N!" I heard Julia shout as I left the room.
I went up to my room and shut the door behind me. My reaction was probably over the top, but I didn't want Chris to know about this. She had no right to humiliate me like that in front of him. I bury my face in my pillow and try to think about something else.
After a few minutes, I heard some knocks on my door.
"Julia, go away! I don't want to talk to you!" I shouted from my bed.
I heard the door open anyway, so I turned around to tell her to leave, but to my surprise, it was Chris.
"I'm not Julia, sorry to break it to you," he said, trying to make me laugh.
"It's not funny," I said, rolling my eyes before sitting up on my bed.
"Can I come in?" he asked.
"You're already inside anyway..." I speak, shrugging
"Are you mad at me or Julia? I don't understand anymore," he said, raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms.
"Sorry," I replied, biting my lip, and he came to sit next to me.
"The girls left and asked me to tell you they really want you to be there tomorrow night," he said, placing his hand on the small of my back, and I sighed.
"Listen, I'd be very happy to go with you. I don't mind. We can always come back together and spend time alone after the party, but I don't want you to fight with your friends because of me," he said, and I turned my head towards him.
"That's not why I fought with them, Chris," I said, looking back at the floor.
"Then what was it about?" he asked.
"It's something stupid. I don't really want to talk about it!" I said, feeling the embarrassment return.
"Come on, tell me. I'm not going to judge you," he said, shaking his head.
"No!" I said, avoiding his gaze.
"Is it because of what she said about your obsession with Harley Quinn?" he asked.
"I'm not obsessed with her!" I said, getting angry.
“And that’s not what I implied. I was just repeating her words!” he responded immediately.
I sighed, realizing it was becoming ridiculous to keep this hidden from him any longer.
“Yes…” I said softly.
“Why did it upset you so much?” he asked.
“Because I was afraid she’d say more, and you’d find it weird!” I sighed.
“Why would I find it weird?” he said, gently rubbing my back.
“I don’t know…” I said, shrugging.
“I don’t find you weird, Y/N. You have every right to be a fan of any fictional character if it makes you happy. I really like Harley Quinn, too. You could have told me; I would have been happy to talk about it with you, baby,” he said, smiling.
My eyes sparkle as i hear him say that and i immediately look at him again. “Really?” I said, looking at him with admiration. I truly have a wonderful boyfriend.
“You know what, why don’t you dress up as Harley Quinn, and I’ll be your Joker? That way, you won’t miss the party, and I get to spend time with you and your friends,” he suggested, standing up.
I smiled at him, leaned to hug him tightly, and nodded.
“And when we get back from the party, I’d be happy to fuck you in your costume to fulfill your kink,” he whispered in my ear, playfully smacking my ass.
“Chris, she made that part up!!” I said, blushing deeply.
“Too bad, I was really down for that part,” he said, laughing.
i laugh too, still embarrassed, and i stand up, going to the bathroom.
it's now the next day, almost 8pm, and I'm with my boyfriend arriving at my place. We just left the mall, where we went to buy a Joker costume to him.
i open my front door and we both run towards my room, since we're kinda late.
"dress up in there while i do it in the bathroom, okay?? i want it to be a surprise for you!" i say sweetly, quickly pecking Chris' lips before heading to the bathroom.
after an hour or so, i knock on the bathroom door so i can have Chris' attention and i shout from inside "Are you done??"
"Uh... I've been done for 20 minutes, Y/N." he says from my bedroom.
I burst out laughing for a bit and then i open the door, making a little pose for Chris, showing my costume.
Chris' jaw drops as soon as i open the door. He stands up and stay froze, staring at me.
i giggle softly and go over him, resting my hands in his chest "What'chu think?" i speak, in a slightly higher-pinched voice, trying to recreate Harley's voice.
Chris' jaw just drops more after hear me, he stays froze for a few more moments until he finally speaks. "wow... you look... wow!"
I giggle "you liked it?"
"Liked it? I just fell in love with you all over again!" he says, now hugging me tightly and lifting me from the ground.
I laugh cute and hug him back, tightly. "I'm so happy you liked it!"
Chris buries is face on the crook of my neck, sucking it softly. "There was no way for me to not like it. you look so hot." he whisper before kissing my neck.
I moan softly and move my hand to caress his hair. "thank you, baby..." i speak before pulling away and look at him. "You talking about me when you look like THAT is crazy!"
He grins at me "thank you, sweetheart! Lets go to that party, then?"
"Yeaaah!!" i yell happily, jumping.
He chuckles at my jump and grabs his stuff. We walk out of my house, going to the party.
After a while, we arrive at Noah's house. A lot of people outside of it, all dress up as various characters and monsters. I lead Chris into the party and after a few seconds, Julia and Stella run up to us.
"HEY, GIIIRL!!" Stella yells, happy to see me, as she hugs me from the side.
"Hey, guys!!" Julia shouts at us both, still a bit scared of me being mad at her.
"Hii!" Chris says at them, waving with a smile.
"Hi, girls! Love your costume!" I speak at Stella. She nods with a smile "Thank you! You look amazing yourself, but I'm used to see it already,"
I laugh softly, not really happy about her comment but i brush it off. "You look good too, Ju!" I speak at Julia.
She smiles at me "Thank you! You too, as always... Can i ask you something?" Julia says, with a soft expression. "Yeah, sure!" i say back.
"Uh... i just wanted to know if you're still mad at me for yesterday... I've been thinking about it all night and, I'm sorry..." She speaks softly.
I smile reassuringly "It's okay... I'm sorry too! I shouldn't have become so mad at you..."
She smiles softy and nods "It's okay, i guess we both screwed up!"
"Yeah, but its alright!" i lean to hug her as she does the same.
Suddenly, Stella speaks, loudly. "So, let's party?!?" We all yell "yess!" and that way, the party begins!
After hours, me and Chris are going back to my place, tired from dancing and jumping all night.
I open my front door and Chris holds the door for me to enter, smacking my ass playfully as i pass through him.
"Let's to the room. Now." He speaks in a soft but demanding way, which makes me a bit confused but i obey.
Once we get into my room, Chris closes the door behind him and quickly presses me in it, causing me to gasp softly.
"Remember what i told you yesterday??" Chris speaks, his hands caressing my sides.
"U-uh... y-yeah..?" i speak, slightly nervous, since Chris looks so hot and in a rough mood right now.
He smirks and attacks my lips in a hungry kiss. We both make out for a while. As we're still kissing, he puts his hands under my ass and picks me up from the floor, taking me to bed, where he throws me on.
He crawls on top of me and says, looking down at me "You look so damn hot right now. You have no idea how much i had to control myself to not drag you to a bathroom and fuck you right there." He leans and starts kissing my neck, intensively.
I moan in response and i wrap my arms and legs around him, pulling his body closer to mine.
"Tell me, what do you want me to do with you, Puddin'" Chris whispers, making me freeze for a second. Him calling Joker's nickname to Harley made me see stars... and made me wet.
"i-i want you to fuck me..." i say softly.
"huh? i didn't hear you, baby." he says, now lifting his head to look at me.
"i-i want you to fuck me, Chris. Please!" i whine, already desperate.
Chris smirks at me "Good girl" he says before leaning to kiss me again.
While we kiss, he takes off my Harley Quinn Jacket and toss it to the side. He gives wet kisses down my face to my collarbone, where he stays as he takes off my boots.
"mmh, you're so hot, babygirl~" he mumbles as he kisses me.
i moan softly in response, my hands now trying to take his jacket off, which he helps me with.
After a while kissing, he's now in just his jeans as i still have almost the full costume on.
He grabs my jaw tightly and speaks, firmly "you gonna do justice to your costume and act like a little slut f'me?"
I look up at him with puppy eyes and nod. He smirks and whispers "Good girl~" He moves two of his fingers that was on my jaw and slide it into my mouth, pressing it on my tongue.
"Fuck, you look so good like this... oh, imma fuck you so so good today~" He speaks, in a sensual tone.
I moan against his fingers, swirling my tongue around it.
He then takes his fingers off my mouth with a bop and attacks my lips again, then going down to my neck as his hands go under my shirt, caressing my chest over my bra. He lifts my shirt and move his hands to my back, unbuckling my bra and taking it off, without taking off my Harley Quinn shirt.
He then leans and suck my nipples, which makes me moan "mmh Chris...please, i need you..."
Chris lets out a soft chuckle and grabs my jaw again, harshly, making me look at him "I'm the one in control, got it?" he says in a demanding tone. i just nod, looking up at him.
He nods back and start kissing and sucking my breasts again, now going down my stomach, until he reaches my red and blue tight shorts.
"i gotta take this off, it drove me crazy all night." he speaks, now pulling it down, letting me in my fishnet tights, my thongs and my Harley shirt. He looks down at me and bite his lip. Chris caress my thighs and spreads them, softly passing his hand in my clothed pussy, making me whimper. "Chris, Please..."
"Did you not hear me when i said i was in control??" he speaks in a serious tone "I'll do whatever i want with you, understand?"
I sigh softly and nod. "Good." he speaks before slapping my inner thigh hardly, earning a loud moan from me.
"God, you're so good to spank!" he says, slapping my other inner thigh hardly, i moan loud again.
"Turn around f'me, ma" he speaks to me and i immediately do it. He smirk down, looking at my ass, half covered with my square tights and he spanks my ass, strongly. i cry loud, burying my face in my pillow.
He grabs a fist of my hair and pull my head back, for me to look at him. "Don't wanna mess that make up yet, do ya?" i shake my head, whining from the pain in my scalp. He throws my head on the pillow again, now with my head to the side. He slaps my ass again, and again, and again, making me whine in pain, but also in pleasure.
The last time he slaps my ass, he spanks between my ass cheeks, making me moan loud. He lets out a soft chuckle from my reaction and says "Looks like someone likes to be spanked, isn't that truth?" i whine in response and he slaps the same place again, now gripping my hair again. "answer me. with words." he speaks firmly and demanding. "y-yeah, i do... i-... i l-like it..." i speak, whiny. He lets go of my hair and whispers in my ear "you're so pathetic, aren't you? Look at you, looking like a real whore f'me"
He slaps my ass again and turns me around one more time. He digs his fingers in my square tights, right between my legs, and he stretch it out, ripping it over my pussy. He looks at my sexy thong and he looks at me with a smirk. "is this for me?" I nod softly. He slaps my clothed pussy, making me whine loud, with a smirk. "Be ready, i think you'll need to~" he says to me, before ripping my thong and tossing it to the side.
Seeing him ripping my clothes always make me more turned on, seeing his arms muscles flex gives me butterflies.
He slides his finger through my wet slit and he says "so wet for me. such a little slut for liking me treating you like this." He pushes one finger in my hole, making me moan a bit. He keeps with it in, not moving, and he looks at me. "Look at you... I'd take a photo of you just to show everyone how much of a slut you are... looking so good just for me."
Suddenly, Chris pulls his finger out and slam three fingers into me, making me moan. He starts fingering me roughly, hardly and fast.
"O-oh Chris! fuck!" i moan, leaning my head back from the intense pleasure.
He, then, stops again, making me moan frustrated. "All fours. Now." he speaks demanding and i do it, my ass now almost at his face.
Chris slaps my ass and caress my wet cunt. "so beautiful like this, puddin'... so perfect~"
I whine softly in response and he stands up, unbelting his pants. He grabs his belt and hit the bed hardly with it. "If you do something i didn't tell you to, you'll pay for it. Got it?" i nod frantically.
He pulls down his pants and take them off, tossing it to the pile of clothes on the floor. He grips my hips and pull me to the edge of the bed, so he can fuck me while standing up. He grabs both my ponytails and pull my head back. "You gonne be a good girl and not cum for me until i say it, alright? Don't leave this position and don't scream too loud until i let you, alright?" He speaks in a firm and demanding tone.
"Yeah..." i speak softly. "Yeah, what?" Chris says, pulling even more my hair. "Y-yes, daddy..." i whine. Chris slaps my ass and throw my head forward "Good girl~".
Chris rubs his clother hard dick against my wet pussy, making me moan softly. "You're so wet you're making my boxers soaked. slut!" He pulls his boxers down and slams into me, making me scream loud. He lean over my back and slaps his hand on my mouth, pulling it back harshly. "What didn't you understand about not. screaming.?" I whimper, squeezing my eyes shut, and speak against his mouth "i'm sorry..."
Chris lets out a breathy mockingly laugh and takes his hand off my mouth, my head falling down harshly. "fucking pathetic." Chris mutters, now pulling slowly out of me. i whine at the sensation and then moan loud, trying hard not to scream, when he slams into me again.
Chris moves one hand to under my shirt, squeezing my breast, and the other to my hip, now starting to thrust in and out of my cunt.
I moan as he fucks me, slowly. "Chris, please..."
Chris stops middle-way and says demanding "First off, I'm not giving you want you want. second, you're not calling me that."
I whine softly "S-sorry, daddy..." Chris slaps my ass again and start thrusting into me again, still slowly.
After a while, i give up on moaning and i stay quiet. My head down with my eyes squeezed shut. Chris notices that and start going faster, hitting my g-point every time he pushes into me. i moan and i lean down to rest on my elbows, my back arched and my ass higher.
Chris slaps my ass again and groans lowly. "mmh, baby~ why are you so hot and perfect? looking like a real slut like this, while your pussy clenches around me. fuck!" He starts punding harder, slapping my ass a few more times.
I moan deep, trying to not be loud though. Chris keeps pounding into me until my cunt starts clenching too much around his cock. He stops and speaks "You ain't cummin' now, bitch. You know what happens if you do." and starts fucking me hard again. i start moaning louder, trying my hardest to not cum. I whine "p-puddin'... p-please... i-i can't..."
Chris slaps my ass the hardest he can and says, roughly "No. You're not cummin, Y/N. Or should i call you..." he leans over me, putting his mouth right behing my ear "Harley?".
I can feel the knot in my stomach almost exploding ad he whispers that to me. I can't believe I'm finally realizing this fantasy.
He feels my pussy clenching more around him as he says that and he laughs, smacking my ass again. "oh, you liked it, dont you? you want me to call you Harley? Is that it?"
i nod frantically, barely able to speak at this point. "Words." Chris says roughly, pouding into me roughly.
"o-oh.. y-yeah, d-daddy! p-please, c-call me t-that! o-oh, fuck, its so g-good! p-please!" i whine slightly loud, tears forming in my eyes already.
Chris smirks and start fucking me harder and faster. "fuck, ma! s-such a fucking slut! such a whore f'me!" he says, groaning. I'm so glad i told Chris i liked being degrated! I'm wetter than i was supposed to.
i keep moaning loudly "d-daddy, please! i-i need to cum! p-please lemme cum!" i whine.
Suddenly, Chris pulls out and turn me around, so we're now in missionary.
Chris slams into me again and puts his hand around my neck, hard enough to hurt but not for me to be breathless. "If you gonna cum, I'll see you cum. Gotta see that pretty face with that pretty make up all messed up." He puts his hand on my face and slides it down, messing even more my Harley Quinn makeup.
He, then, slides two fingers into my mouth the deepest he can, fucking my mouth as he fucks my cunt. He starts pounding roughly again, making me scream against him fingers, also gagging a bit.
My eyes starts rolling back with tears, just as my back arching and hips jerking up, feeling myself really close to the edge.
"Look at you. All fucked up like a whore. You really became Harley Quinn, didn't you? That hot bitch. I bet you wanna fuck every guy of the city, don'chu? fuck, puddin'. you're so fucking beautiful." Chris speaks between groans as he pounds into me. i start moaning even louder as i feel myself not being able to hold my orgasm anymore. My cunt clenching around Chris' cock just makes him groan and moan more.
"Cum. Cum f'me, Harley. C'mon, babygirl, cum for daddy~" Chris whispers in my ear. That gives me the final push and i finally cum in his cock. Not a simple orgasm, though. All of this roleplay and dirty talk made me cum hard and squirt all over Chris, which makes him cum inside of me and collapse on top of me.
We both panting hard and shaking. We stay there for a while and then Chris pulls out, laying next to me.
"You did so good f'me, Harl..." He speaks softly, caressing my cheek
"y-you too, puddin'..." i say softly, still panting.
Chris leans and kissed my lips, a long peck. When he pulls away, he looks down at me, admiring me. "Why didn't you tell me this before? This was the best sex I've done in my life..."
i smile softly at him and speak softly, now turning to face him, "I'm sorry for that... if i get another kink, I'll promise to tell ya!"
i hope you liked it! pls comment what you think, I'd appreciate it! :) xoxo
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restinslices · 6 months
Lin Kuei Bros: Play Fighting
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Smoke so dramatic-. Anyway, don’t ask why I thought of this. The voices were loud
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Play fighting with any of them is bold as fuck but HIM? You don't like your life 
I'm not saying he's gonna straight up assault you but out of all the brothers, he has the highest chance of hitting you hard as shit on accident 
He probably wouldn't even like play fighting that much. He'd prefer sparring cause at least you're working on your skills. Why you just fucking around?
You gotta catch him on the right day. Some days he's busy and some days he's just legit not in the mood. 
“Imma start it off slow. Imma scope the scenery out-”
If you somehow get this man to cooperate, first of all good job. Second of all, y'all do not stop until you give up. 
The type to pin you down and not let go until you admit he won. If you refuse, you're legit not moving. 
This is a big guy so you're not moving him. You give up, he lets go and you manage to crack a smile out of him
We never see him smile in the game but listen bitch, I'm here for the fantasy-
If he's not in the mood, I can see him just saying “no” like you're a puppy or smth. 
You'd go to swing on him again and he'd either grab your hand or give you a look that tells you he's being serious 
Going back to him accidentally hitting you hard as shit, he's used to sparring with two other buff ass men. Imma guess you're not as buff as them, and some of y'all reading this ain't men. Accidents are bound to happen 
You'd think the Grandmaster would have more control but I just think it slips sometimes. He's stupidly prideful and he's used to sparring so sometimes that's where his mind goes. Also once again, he probably sometimes forgets a hit Kuai Liang could handle is a hit that'll take years off your life. 
I would love to say he gets on his knees and apologizes but this is the same man who betrayed his brothers and was like “why y'all tweaking?” so um… 
You're gasping for air and he's “see why I always say no?”
I feel like I'm making him sound abusive but as someone who's play fought with my older siblings, they hit you hard as shit then tell you you're a bitch when a tear slips out. Why the fuck are you hitting me this hard in my chest? You got 5+ years on me-
He's an older brother. He's gonna hit hard. I swear it's in their DNA 
And if he does apologize it's not really verbal. He checks to make sure your limbs are alright then offers to do something else. 
“Are you gonna say you're sorry?” “For?” “For almost breaking my damn lung” “You started this”
You'd expect that the next time you wanna play fight he'd decline cause he doesn't wanna hurt you again. Wrong. 
Remember he's an older brother. THE older brother. Y'all squaring up again. You don't care about your health so fuck it. 
Honestly would be super fun besides the limb you're gonna lose 
Kuai Liang
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Would be more cooperative than Bi-Han but still isn't overly excited to play fight 
Bi-Han is the “tell mom. I don't care” older brother. Kuai Liang is the “wait wait wait, I'm sorry. You can hit me back. Calm down. You want some candy?” older brother 
Fully aware he could cause terrible injuries but as time passes on, he relaxes more 
Definitely play fought as a kid but after Tomas started jumping everytime he heard his voice, he thought “maybe I need new hobbies”.
You’ve interrupted his recovery
He actively focuses on holding back and being soft even if you tell him not to
“Hit me harder” “No❤”
Honestly a fun time though. He holds back when it comes to strength but still tussles with you. Also let's you get hits in even when he could easily dodge them. 
If he accidentally injured you frfr, he's checking up on you immediately and says y'all stopping for today. 
“No, I'm ok” “Can you even breathe right now?” “Uhhh… yes😀” “We're done”
For sure feels like an asshole depending on how bad you're hurt. He's not sliding down the wall in pain but he's like “damn, that was a little too hard”. 
“You can hit me back” “No. I've seen Twilight” “What?” “It's gonna hurt me more than it's gonna hurt you. I'm not doing that”. (Now I wanna write you making them watch Twilight. I'm never gonna be rid of this addiction-)
You gotta hit him back so y'all can be even. It's the only way to move on
Y'all are not doing that shit again for at least another week or so. 
“We gotta scrap right here right now” “No”
Does the thing older siblings do when they put their hand on your head so when you swing at them, you're just hitting air. 
It's so infuriating so you gotta stop. 
The next time though, you swear you're gonna win. You will not. 
Tomas Vrbada
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The most willing and having the most fun 
Tomas has two older brothers that probably jumped him on several occasions growing up and you're gonna try and convince me he doesn't have aggression to get out?
People would probably expect he's the softest but no. He's the youngest. As the youngest myself I can assure you, we are used to putting our all in these fights cause we gotta use all our strength to defeat these evil mfs we live with. Sometimes it's not enough-
You're not his older sibling so he's not scrapping like his life depends on it but I do think he's hitting somewhat hard 
Not as hard as Bi-Han, not as soft as Kuai Liang 
You feel his hits but it's not knocking the wind outta you 
Super fun cause he's also using the environment. Definitely is grabbing a pillow and starts swinging it at you. Definitely is running around the couch to chase you. Definitely has thrown you but made sure to aim at something soft. He's probably even turned off the lights then threw a folded blanket at you 
“Cheater” “Don't be upset you didn't think of it first”
You're fighting but laughing at the same time. There's no real tension. Just fucking around. 
Probably starts initiating it too
If he does injure you fr, for a split second he'd actually see it as a victory then he'd remember you're not his older brothers and is like “oh shit-”. 
Injuring those two would mean freedom (or a worse jumping. really depends), injuring you is not good. 
He knows how bad those hits can hurt so he makes sure you're alright. He's not watching you as much as Kuai Liang would but he'd still make sure you're not overly sore. 
He doesn't feel as bad as Kuai Liang would cause he kinda knows this shit happens. Kuai Liang kinda got a little bit of guilt cause Tomas gets into a fighting stance when he raises his hand up. Tomas hasn't victimized anyone so he's more chill about these situations 😭
Tells you random ass stories about when he used to play fight with his brothers. 
“One time Bi-Han threw me in the air and Kuai Liang jumped to catch me only to throw me against the wall”
“This reminds me of when Bi-Han swept my feet from under me and Kuai Liang jumped on me”
“What is it called when someone jumps on you elbow first?”
“This one time I woke up to them standing over me. I knew it was a wrap”
“One time Bi-Han slapped the back of my neck so hard, it was red for at least a week”
“One time Kuai Liang-” “Tomas… you need a therapist” “I don't think that's what it is”
Unlike Kuai Liang who makes you wait, he's cool with scrapping days later. 
Actually says “time out” when he wants a break. Also says “time in” fast as fuck though to catch you off guard 
Legit the most fun brother. I don't make the rules (except I do). 
I did not mean to write the least for Kuai Liang but I was really brain empty for him. Y’all should give me ideas, thanks bookie
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butterfluffy · 1 year
“love me!”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· how would these supernovas react when you don't say “i love you too” to them?
⠀⠀➧ smol angst, not really tho | m. d. luffy, r. zoro, t. law, e. kid, killer, b. hawkins, (diez) x drake, j. bonney (separate) x gn!reader | multi-character headcanons + scenario
⠀⠀➧ warnings — none. tiny angst if u squint...! mistakes may be present too.. so do ignore them, thanks!
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed until further notice!
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Stares you down as the once big smile on his face fades away by each second that passed without you saying those three words back to him.
Like, 😁 → 😀 → 🙂 → 😐 → ☹️
He tries to be patient, waiting for you to say it back—but you didn't.
Luffy then looks at you in disbelief, frowning like a child, grumbling about how you won't say “I love you too.”
“Hey y/n! i love youuu...!” Luffy exclaims, pulling you into a quick embrace then looking at you with bright eyes, waiting for your response.
“Mhm-mhm. Thanks Luffy.” You hummed, ruffling the boy's hair as he chuckled, eyes still on you, head tilted to the side, the big smile on his face slowly fading away.
“..So? Y/n, what else you gonna say?” He muttered, scratching the back of his head as you shrugged, walking away from him with a cheeky grin.
“Hey, wait! You're supposed to say “I love you too”! Right, Usopp!? They're supposed to say that!!” He grumbled to his friend who sweat-dropped, just nodding his head as Luffy caught up to you, getting you to spill an ilyt for him.
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Zoro is shy with saying “I love you,” so he'd be looking away from you if he does
...He will then do a slow head turn when he fails to hear your i-love-you-too—
Followed by a “ha!?” expression on his face, irritated that you didn't return the I love you.
Just say ilyt ffs. 😠💔 - R. Zoro
“..Mhm, I love you.” Zoro mutters, caressing your back, faced away from you as he spoke, obviously shying from saying those three words.
“Thanks.” You hummed as Zoro jolted, doing a slow head turn to see you with a smile on your face that contrasted his irritated “ha!?” look.
“The hell you mean “Thanks.”...!?” The moss head growls, mimicking the way you said your words, causing you to chuckle at his attempt and expression.
“..Nothin', hehe...!” “Don't “hehe...!” me and just say “I love you too,” for fuck's sake..”
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Law rarely says his I love you's or I love you too's, so not returning them is... 😦
Honey, just don't. Please do not try to not say ilyt/ily.
Traffy will either be gloomy the whole day or will pretend that you simply don't exist, out of annoyance from your dumb little act.
That's right. His petty ass will be ignoring you unless you apologize and shower him with love.
“Law, don't you love me anymoreee? You never say “I love you” to me at all, it's making me sad, like, reaaallyyy sad..!” You muttered, a pout on your face, that got Law playfully rolling his eyes.
“Tsk.. I love you. There. I said it, so stop complaining and saying that I never say I love you.” Law says under his breath, then kissing your forehead, causing heat to creep up your cheeks, same as a sneaky idea..
“Okay.” You snickered, stifling a laugh when Law reacted to your reply by having his mouth fall agape, frowning, then pulling his hat down, hiding his face.
“Alright.” Returning the cold reply, Law then left you, ignoring you for the rest of the day until you apologized and gave him a kiss as a sorry..
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Oh nooooooo, darling, nooo......
This tulip man will go from 😀 then 😡😡😡😡 within seconds.
Prepare for a small fight, yeah. Cuz he'll be rambling again and again until you finally say ilyt.
Won't be satisfied by just that though, so you'll need to woo this forking man-child with explosive anger issues. Good luck.
“Damn, I fuckin' love ya, darling.” Kid admits after kissing you with his red painted lips that is curved up into a big, smug grin that you badly want to wipe away, so..
“Sure.” You dryly replied, leaving Kid's side after, knowing that he'll be exploding soon. I mean, you tried to leave.
“WHAT THE FUCK!?? YOU DON'T SAY “SURE” AFTER I JUST SAID I LOVE YOU, YOU SHIT HEAD!!! YOU SAY I LOVE YOU TOO!!” Kid growls, holding you off from getting away from him.
“Alright, alright, I'm sorry! I love you too, okayyy!? Now don't be such an angry tulip, damn it!” You shout, holding Kid's cheeks then kissing his nose to cool him off, which worked. Luckily.
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Silent treatment go brrttttt... 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Kil will just be there, not saying a single word at you, but he still does acts of service here and there.
Gives you space, thinking that you're mad with him or something. Not wanting to fight with you, unlike a certain someone..
A little petty though. He won't say I love you again, unless you initiate it first.
“Love you.” Killer hums as he held your hand, caressing it, then kissing it despite having his mask on. Still showing you his acts of love.
“Yeah.” You muttered, causing Killer to pause, letting go of your hand. A sigh escaping his mouth before he left without a word for a few hours, then returning to you with a snack.
“Ah, Kil. Thank you.” You said with a smile, only receiving a nod from Killer who remained silent. “By the way, Kil...”
“Love you.” You whisper, kissing him, causing the blond male to finally speak up, a smile on his face, hiding under his mask. “Mhm, love you too..”
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Blankly stares at you with his eyes squinted before sighing, letting you be.
Hawkins doesn't let that act of yours effect his life, in short, he.. Doesn't care. Kinda... 😗😗
Goes a little distant with you bcs of that, but Hawkins is still watching you from a far, analyzing what's the matter with u.
Then consults his cards, shaking his head by the answer it gave, cracking a smile on his stoic face by your antics.
“..I love you, Y/n.” Hawkins, your lover, whispers. Pecking your lips after he spoke, while you let out a small hum in response, just smiling at him...
Staring you down in silence with his red eyes squinted at you, Hawkins then shrugged, walking off and continuing his work. Trying to ignore the fact that you didn't say ilyt.
He tried. He really did. But his curiosity got the best of him, so he ended up consulting his cards, revealing the truth—
“Y/n, the cards told me what you're up to. Quite silly, I admit.” The blond man says, a rare expression displayed on his face; a smile, and a chuckle leaving his lips..
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Shocked. Very, very shocked, and heart broken by not hearing your sweet reply of I love you too.
And then he panics, thinking of what he did to upset you so much that you didn't say ilyt to him.
Dino man then does various romantic acts to woo you.
Pls gib my ilyt. 🥹💔 - Heart broken dino man
“Hon, I'm off to work now. Love you.” Bidding his good-bye, Drake gave you a sweet kiss and an ily before he left, waiting for you to say it back—
“Mhm, okay. Take care.” You hum, giving him a hug instead of what he's waiting for. Taken back, Drake stood by the door, looking at you with a small pout.
“..Never mind. I'll call work and tell them that I'll leave next week instead.” He sighs out, dropping his things to the floor, closing the door and returning inside, to you.
“Oh, why? Not that I'm complaining though..” You mutter as your husband looks at you, scratching his nape. “Because, uhm, well my dearest won't say I love you too. So I won't leave until you do..”
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Uhm, hellooooo?? Excuse me, where the hell is my ilyt at???? - Ms. Glutton
Confusion to the max.
Repeats her ily again and again until you finally give your reply that she awaits.
Will literally turn into a child if you still don't though, or tackles you to the groud and squish ur cheeks, demanding an ilyt.
“I love yoooouuuuuu!” Bonney brightly exclaims, pouncing on you to give you a tight embrace, peppering your face with her sweet, sweet kisses.
“Aww, how sweet, Bonney.” You chuckle, kissing her cheek, while the girl blinks twice at you.
“Uhm, what? I said, I love you.” Bonney says with a pout, repeating what she had previously said, as you gave the same reply again and again each time she repeats her I love you.
“God damnit! That's not the reply I want to hear! It's ‘I love you too, my dearest, Bonney’!” She shouts, tackling you to the floor and then pinching your cheeks, not letting you go until you said the magic words that will leave her heart fluttering.
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© butterfluffy 2023
⠀⠀ʚїɞ · likes, comments, reblogs, and/or feedbacks are highly appreciated!
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creedslove · 9 months
Joel gives me the vibes that he’s big and hard has a hard up to other people but when it comes to you none of that exists he just turns into a cuddly teddy bear would do absolutely anything for you and would let u do things to him he may not like it but it’s you so he allows it
No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: omfg anon 🫠
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• Joel Miller might come off as rude, asshole, mean to some people, all because he is a tough man™
• Joel Miller is the kind of man who's not afraid of getting into a fight if he has to, he's not gonna look for it but if someone picks a fight with him, you can be sure Joel will teach them a lesson
• He seems very angry at people overall, and he might not be the most talkative or warmest ray of sunshine out there but when it comes to you, his darlin', Joel Miller is something else
• He even tried acting tough for you but of course that didn't work at all, he just let you wrap him around your pretty finger and if there's anyone he's soft for, that's you
• Joel Miller does anything he can to please you and no matter if he doesn't like it at all, if you like, he'll do it
• Joel doesn't like taking pictures, but if you ask batting your eyes at him and giving you your sweet smile, that man is immediately
• it doesn't matter if he tells you you need to take your own jacket because if you get cold he isn't giving you his jacket, the moment you shiver lightly he's already placing his heavy leather jacket on your shoulders
• he groans and complains but he knew that would happen, that's why he's got an extra flannel underneath it anyway
• he told you you should have worn sneakers or boots instead of heels but you didn't listen to him because you knew no matter if he tells you to wear something else, his cock gets hard to see you on those heels high enough to make you almost reach his height
• and because when you get home with your feet sore, Joel will place your legs on his lap and he will massage your feet very gently so you can relax
• a footjob afterwards is not mandatory, but it's more than welcome
• he says he's not the cuddling type, but he is the cuddling type when he's around you because Joel doesn't mind at all, having your fingers running through his soft hair, or resting his head on your lap or your chest
• Joel would 100% give you piggyback rides even if his back KILLS him
• he would order extra portions of sides you like, no matter if you want fries, or more shrimp or egg rolls, he will just get it done for you
• and if he doesn't order any extras, he'll pretend he's already full so he will give you his
• if he eats something different during his work day, for example runs to a coffee shop and tries a donut he will feel guilty about not taking you so you can have it as well
• he pretends he doesn't care about your anniversary, but he cares a lot and he marks the date on his calendar so there are no chances of him forgetting about it and he always comes up with something to do, whether it's a dinner date or some short trip
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vex91 · 5 months
Miyawaki Sakura - Now you have me
Pairing: Miyawaki Sakura x Female Reader
Fandom: IZ*ONE / Le Sserafim
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: havnt seen much of sakura miyawaki around 😞😞 so may i request smth with her and the reader where the reader overworks themselves on accident and she noticed obviously and it just gets worse and she find out later. just fluff and angst for my girl :(
Summary: Due to your past experiences with people you tended to keep your problems and struggles to yourself which wasn't right for Sakura.
A/N: I really need Sakura in my life like rn😀
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3rd's POV
I'm sorry love but I won't make it to our date later. I'll make it up to you :(
Sakura sighed as she looked at the message.
It's okay love, take care ❤
She send it and turned off her phone as she let her head fall against the couch with a groan. Chaewon looked at her from the kitchen "What is it? Y/N still unavailable?" The question made Sakura groan louder "Yeah, she's probably working on something from her work again" She answered already used to you canceling on her because of your work. You had a bad habit of getting too into your work. Sakura hated this part of you not because you didn't had time for her when you worked but because she was worried about your health. You often skipped meals and didn't sleep much and she hated that but you promised her to never let yourself get overworked too much.
"Again? When is this girl resting?" Yunjin who overheard the conversation chimed in "Probably never" The older member mumbled as looked at the ground. Chaewon noticed how worried Sakura has been of you, despite your promise she still worried that she may have missed you overworking yourself due to how busy she was with the group's promotions "How about you go to her place and spend the night there. Have some time with your girlfriend" Seeing how Sakura was about to protest due to their next day schedule Yunjin spoke before her "We'll cover for you tomorrow so don't worry, you deserve some rest and time with your girl" After giving it some thought Sakura finally agreed and thanked the girls before changing and leaving.
On her way to your apartment Sakura stopped at the restaurant you both often visited and got your favorite meal. Finally at your apartment she used the spare keys you gave her and let herself in quietly. The house was dark despite it still being early and the only light that could be seen was from your room. Sakura quietly walked into it and noticed your figure sitting in front of your desk, a big stack of papers next to you as you tiredly wrote something down. Your eyes were close to closing but you still forced them to open. You were a bit pale which worried Sakura as she wondered when was the last time you ate or slept.
"Love?" You turned around at the sound of her voice, a small smile falling on your lips when you noticed her "You're here? That's a nice surprise" You said as you hugged her tightly. Your girlfriend caressed your hair as she hummed "Yeah, I missed you and I was worried. How long were you working?" You looked away from her at the question and that gave Sakura all the answers she needed to put all your work stuff away despite your protests.
"Listen here Y/N, you are going to sleep right now and when you wake up we're gonna warm up the food and eat it together. You're gonna continue your work tomorrow" You wanted to protest but you knew that there was nothing that would made you win when Sakura got so serious so you just quietly nodded as you layed down with her. The comfort of your bed immediately made you relax and you couldn't help but close your eyes as Sakura held you. You had to admit, you needed that after all that work.
Sakura watched happily as you slowly fell asleep, relieved that you were with her resting. Before she let herself also fall asleep she mumbled into your hair.
"You don't have to take all the work and stress on yourself love. Now you have me to be there for you and help you. Rest well, I love you"
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majestichyuk · 8 months
Kutabare (くたばれ)
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Pairing :- Jeno lee x Fem!reader
Summary :- Just jeno in his simp era.
Genre :- college student!Jeno, college student!reader, kinda cute, flirting, never back down never what- 
Wc :- 876 words babe
WARNING :- cringy overload but that's just me 💀lmao. Nut groping because why not lol, A lil lick moment but nothing drastic CALM DOWN. 
NOTES :- No smut (unless you ask ofc 😀). This is my second story cause I couldn’t help myself honestly. Had to refrain from going overboard because ion got much of a big following and need to know what my ppl want, so I can deliver what they need ✊. I’m open to critique because I can improve by it and praise is always appreciated. LIKE, FOLLOW & REBLOG. 
⌛ ⌛⌛
“Why are you following me Lee?” you asked for the 20th time today but he still continued to be on your ass ever since you transferred to this school 2 weeks ago because of personal reasons.  
“Because I simply can?” stating like it’s so obvious and as if you’re supposed to magically be aware of his odd innuendos. Ignoring him you continued to search for your next class.
Jeno of course had the same class as you and started playing with the little charms you have attached to your bag. You tried to fan his hand away but he quickly moved to your right and roughly pulled you to his side, his left arm resting on your shoulder.
“You need to lighten up more, putting up this persona isn’t gonna make me any less attracted to you,” He tightened his grip on you, whispered into your ears, and sultrily licked the side of your neck.
“It makes me want you even mor-” Before he could utter the next word you quickly pushed him off.
“EW WHAT THE FUCK JENO?!” you wiped the side of your neck, looking at him in disgust. You fixed your bag strap and pasted away to your class but Jeno swiftly leaped forward and grabbed your arm.
“Oh come on, don’t act like you didn’t like it,” He placed his other hand on your next arm and positioned you in front of him. 
You suddenly felt a ting in your lower stomach. You’ve always had a thing for Jeno but never wanted to act out those intrusive, unruly thoughts. You’d have to repeatedly remind yourself why you transferred in the first place, 1. To get a better education at a school with more open opportunities, 2. Start over and actually focus on the work and not make the same mistake you did at your previous school because failing is a feeling you’ve become to not like and you weren’t about the let Lee fucking Jeno distract you and get in the way of that. You’ve studied too hard to get accepted here, and he’s not going to make this whole progress a fluke. 
Jeno began to walk backward, leading you to a nearby janitors closet. “I just want to get to know you better, y/n,” He sang your name as he placed his hand on the back of your waist while stopping in front the door of the closet.
You roll your eyes and pull him by the ears. “I’ll allow you to get the know me better when I’m ready Lee Jeno,”.
He smiles seductively at you as he hunches over the more you pull on his ear groaning lightly. 
“Eh!?,” he let out a cute noise, tilting his head and looking at you as if you killed his dog the more he processed your words.
“But I know you enough,” he cupped your cheek whilst he removed your hand from his ear, leaving you stunned. He leans in closer to you, tightly wrapping his arms snugly around your waist. You could feel his minty breath brushing the tip of your nose, his bulging bicep digging into your skin in the skin-tight shirt he decided to wear, and his stone-hard chest pressed firmly against yours, feeling his rapid heartbeat, it almost made you blush. He smirked as he inched closer, but somehow, you felt something and got a little bold, so you held his gaze intensely. 
“You excited little boy?” you cheekily smiled as you groped him through his jeans. Jeno let out a strained moan as he looked you in the eye pleadingly. 
“Well you excite me by just being here. Simply can’t seem to help myself,” Jeno turned the knob of the closet door and pulled you inside.
The fourth-period bell began to ring indicating that class had finished and the next lesson was to begin. You halted your steps and backed out of the closet, leaving Jeno stunned.
“You’re gonna leave me here, bricked up in broad daylight?” Jeno braced on the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest cocking his brow at you, waiting on your reply. 
“Well, yeah” you chuckled lightly at seeing his discomfort. 
“I’ve got to get to my classes, and I’ve already missed one,” You brushed down your shirt. “AND you’re not gonna make me miss the rest,” you held onto your bag straps as you slowly took small steps backward.
“It’s not like we don’t have some classes together,” Jeno retorted.
“Keyword some and now you know why I sit away from you,” You place your arm in front of you when you realize Jeno walking closer to you, stopping him in his tracks.
“Take this as your first lesson in getting to know me better, I like the color blue,” you passed him and quickly left to get to your scheduled class. Jeno called out your name, and you turned your head in his direction.
“I can buy you a blue teddy bear, you know?!, THIS BIG” Jeno shouted, opening his long arms to dramatically show you the size of the imaginary bear, gaining some odd looks from the other students in the hallways. 
“Bye Jeno.” You playfully rolled your eyes and couldn’t help but smile and his cute gesture and went into your classroom. 
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
Asking Them Their Tip Color (NSFW)
I’m horny and miss doing these stupid HCs
Black Fem Reader in Mind
Ft. Sanji, Zoro, Luffy, Law, Ace, Shanks
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Knows exactly what you meant is is both shocked and turned on.
Face is so cute and pink :(
He is more taken back by how casually you asked. Was you being fr?
“I’m curious what color is it.”
“Uh…it—um…y-you wanna….seee?”
He was so prepared to get slapped for asking but opened his eyes in shock to see you already tugging at his belt.
“Lemme seee. I bet it’s a cute pink. Like your cheeks.”
And you were right.
It tasted as good as it looked too.
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You ask this question like once a week.
“Y/N I swear—“
“It’s a medical question.”
“….so is it light brown or da—“
“Next island we’re dropping you off and leaving.”
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He knows what you’re talking about, but is too busy trying to cover his blush to answer you
“Gatta be brown—“
You make this man a flustered mess. Absolute mess. 1. He already likes you and that’s hard for him to handle. 2. You openly admitted to having his dick on your mind
You give up trying to ask, and honestly Zoro sometimes regret not possibly telling you because maybe it would stop the lonely nights he has fucking his fist to you
Maybe you could have seen for yourself if you pushed the envelope a bit more.
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“Mmhm. What color is it?”
Luckily you pointed at his dick so he knew what you meant. His head looks down and he does a crooked smile at you
“Well aren’t you direct…you really wanna know?”
“Ugh…are you ganna tell me or not?”
“Depends…what color are your nipples—“
He laughs, he loves teasing you.
“Light brown.”
“Oh?……can I make it white?”
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“Indian Red.”
“around #CD5C5C—“
“7.8 inches—“
“I got one big fat ass vein and it curves to the left so when i fuck you it will hit just ri—“
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“Tip of what.”
“YOUR tip.”
“Of what.”
“Your dick.”
“My dick?”
“Your dick, Luffy.”
He shrugs, not really giving a damn and casually just unbuttons his shorts and literally looks at his dick in front of you.”
“Ion know…y/n what color is this?”
He literally pokes out his pelvis for you to see it. Though you were shocked at how nonchalant Luffy was to show you his dick. You still looked.
“It’s Bro—“
“What the hell are you two doing?”
It was awkward explaining why you were looking inside of your captain’s shorts in front of Zoro.
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moamidzyism · 3 months
on hate. (c.bg)
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wc. 822
genre. smut
tags. beomgyu x fem!reader, college!au kinda, sorority girl!reader, bathroom sex, oral (m receiving), toxic!reader, gaslighting/manipulation, kind of angsty.
a/n. repost; my friend and i have a collaborative note titled "girls gaslighting", this was inspired by one of the entries. wrote this in like 50 minutes so be proud of me that it didn’t take 500 and a half business days for be to write 100 words 😀👍
more of my work
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beomgyu is convinced that he hates you.
he hates the way you invite him to these parties your sorority throws with your brother house, just to leave him standing in a corner all night to socialize. you know he doesn’t like going to things like this, but still you begged him to come with you. it was the first party of the semester and you wanted to spend time with him. he never goes out with you; he never spends time with your friends, you whined. so he agreed to stop by just this once.
he hates the way he feels when your sorority sister drags you away for what feels like the tenth time that evening. he’s just been sitting on the old, lumpy couch, sipping on his now lukewarm beer, watching you waltz away with your friends with the promise that you’d be right back and it was an emergency. how many emergencies a sorority could have in one night, he would never know.
he hates watching you dance with one of those dumb frat brothers, his hands tracing the curves of your body, slowly hiking your little black dress up exposing your plush thighs. he remains on the couch while everyone else is dancing and he feels so stupid watching his girlfriend grind up against some other guy, who is not so subtly leaving hickies on her neck. but he quickly comes to the realization that he doesn’t need to be here and if you’re not going to spend time with him, he can just leave.
he hates the way you look at him when you see him at the door, coat on, ready to leave. the dumb frat dude, who he aptly names dickwad, finally leaves you alone and you turn around to see your boyfriend at the door, looking directly at you. the smile on your face drops and his heart breaks for one second. you walk over to him. gyu, baby, don’t leave. you pleaded. his heart skipped at the nickname. you always knew how to make him weak. you promised we would hang out.
he hates how you manage to convince to stay, dragging him through the party and upstairs. the two of you slip into a bathroom and you close the door behind you. i can’t believe you were going to leave without telling me. he also couldn’t believe how you were going to flip this on him. you’re standing opposite him, the fluorescent lights in the bathroom accentuating the rawness of your skin where dickwad was sucking. you were too busy flirting with other guys for me to get to you.
he decides now that he hates you. he hates you so fucking much and you don’t even care. beomgyu, i wasn’t flirting. you state, making him scoff in response. that wasn’t flirting. you unsuccessfully try to convince him. it’s called dancing, gyu. and you hate dancing. what was i supposed to do? the nickname that once made his heart flutter, now made him feel nothing but disgust. he was going to push past you to leave, but you stopped him, sinking to your knees. 
but he loves the way you look from your knees as you apologize, hands unbuckling his belt. i don’t want to fight with you, baby. you slip his cock out of his boxers and he shudders at the feeling of your hands around his length. he loves how well you know him, his body, and all the things that make him tick. he loves the way you look up at him with big eyes, your lipstick contrasting against his cock, as you lick its flushed tip. he loves it when you fully take his length in your mouth, so much so that he leans his head back against the bathroom wall, eyes closed, biting his bottom lip so hard he could draw blood. the way his dick hits the back of your throat, the sounds that you make as you gag around him, your manicured hands fondling with his balls. all of it, he just loves so much. he loves how his climax creeps up on him and his hands find the back of your head, his fingers tangled in your hair. f-fuck, fuck, fuck, baby, i’m gonna, m’gonna cum. he moans, flooding your mouth with his release.
he especially loves when he looks down at you again, your cheeks stained with tears and mascara, lipstick smudged around your mouth. you open your mouth to show him that you swallowed his cum. he groans again, cock twitching in your hands. he quickly gets dressed again and helps you up. you lean in to kiss him. i love you, gyu. i don’t ever want you to be mad at me. you tell him before you leave the bathroom together.
more than he hates you, he hates himself for how easy it is for him to bend to your will.
taglist: @boba-beom @dearlyjun @atinyniki @isabellah29 @wiisoob
fill out this form to join my taglist!
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tentative title: hung hyung
Permanent 🔞 Ecstasy
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gif ©️ me! believe it or not 😭
pairing: Intak (P1H) x male reader (dynamic up to individual interpretation tbh)
author’s notes: I am currently miles away from my comfort zone… I don’t think I've written MxM anything in around 10 years 👀😀. However, I made a vow to myself that I'd write a thing for my Intak-biased bestie whose birthday is this week. On top of that, last week we saw Piwon for the 3rd time, and this title is from Victoria Monét's "On My Mama" which Intak covered so deliciously. 🤭 There is an alluding to pup!Intak that’s been all the rage here recently – if you squint.
content warnings: profanity, semi-public blowjob (reader received)
Your friend has the midas touch, and you swear by that, as you enter into the dressing room backstage per said friend’s invitation. You expected to see all the members shuffling around to get ready for the show. However, you only see Intak rise up from his seat already dressed as the door opens, politely greeting you with that big smile of his.
You were not complaining in the slightest as THE Hwang Intak confirms your name that was given to him by word of mouth. “It’s so nice to meet you, Y/N! I heard you’ve been a fan since debut…” Intak says after you’ve greeted him back. His appreciative doe eyes stare right into your eager eyes as he thanks you for being so supportive since the beginning of his career.
“Of course, Intak,” you reply, “and you’ve always caught my attention… Your rapping is so good, and the way you move is incredible.” You don’t expect anything when your eyes subconsciously cruise up and down that toned body of his, but you find his eyes doing the same thing in that brief moment of silence after thanking you again.
You definitely don’t expect him to call you cute in such a shy manner before briefly peeking at his phone. As you continue staring at him, taking this moment in, you spy some naturally formed blush hitting his cheeks.
“You good, Intak?” you can’t help but ask him, that blush on his face getting a deeper pink, almost like the magenta on the UTOP1A concert logo.
“I’m… good,” he starts off, “but a bit nervous. Never had a one-on-one time with a fan before… especially a handsome one…”
His confession catches you off guard, the compliment at the end almost leaving you in disbelief. The moment you look down his body again, that disbelief intensifies as you notice a bulge forming in his pants.
Out of curiosity, you ask him, “Well… how did you expect this [interaction] to go?”
After pondering a moment, he begins to answer before trailing off in thought. “Not too sure… T-talking…” Honestly speaking, the moment Intak was informed about this encounter, and your friend showed him a picture they took of you, his mind started racing at a pace he was struggling to grasp. “Can we do something else though? We have time.”
You admired how cautious he was trying to be, eyes surveying his surroundings as he briskly walks over to the door, awaiting your confirmation before turning the lock on it. It was almost as if you both knew what happens after the locking of any door (in this type of setting) because it did not take long before his lips touched yours, and you granted him access to your mouth.
Moans escape the both of you as you trail your hands that were cupping his face down his seemingly chiseled body. Unlike Intak, you were a bit more unashamed with your actions, but tried to be just as cautious with your approach.
“Fuck,” Intak breathes out as you gently grab at his hardened bulge. His hand grips your thigh in response as you come to the realization that you’re just as hard. Intak’s soft lips graze down your neck, stopping at your chest before looking up at you (in part) for permission. You knowingly nod, admiring how he balances his shyness with his natural confidence so well.
Both of his hands rest on your thighs before congregating at the belt buckle atop of your shorts. Now, one would’ve solely unbuckled the object, but this showman here asks if you know about his solo stage.
“Of course!” you exclaim a bit breathlessly. “I… love that song… and what you did with it.” He smiles at the praise you give him for his hard work before he gradually pulls your belt out from your garments completely.
In a move similar to one from that performance, your belt is wrapped around his big hands before it’s discarded to the side. You both can’t help but smirk at the action before he guides you onto the vanity counter, leaning back on your hands as you anticipate Intak’s next moves.
He doesn’t even bother undoing the button of your shorts, he just pulls them down until they’re around your ankles. Mere seconds pass before your boxers receive that same treatment, your hard cock springing up, precum already dripping out of the tip.
He licks his lips, constantly looking up at you for permission. This time, you place a hand of yours on the nape of his neck before nodding at him to proceed. He sticks his tongue out, feeding himself some of your precum as an appetizer before taking you in his mouth.
You can’t help but curse out at him in pleasure, your legs planting themselves over his shoulders as he indulged in the feeling of your dick in his mouth. He moans around you in sheer delight before looking back up at your pleased expression. Your eyes were too closed to see how proud of himself he was becoming at the fact that he was clearly making you feel good.
While bobbing his head up and down your length, he caresses your thighs with varying degrees of roughness, feeling you shake ever-so-slightly beneath him. “Holy fuck, Intak,” you spit out, earning a quizzical moan from the boy, feeling the vibration rather deeply before you continue. “You’re really fucking good…”
Intak kept moaning as he kept sucking, one hand grabbing your nutsack with a bit more intensity than you would’ve been prepared for. What you may have missed was that Intak grabbed his still clothed hard cock at the same time, just barely thrusting into his hand in alternation with his bobbing head.
Both of you seemlessly transition from soft moans to low groans, your dick twitching in Intak’s mouth in a way that eggs him on even further. Once he hollows his throat to receive you to the hilt, you begin to lose it.
“I’m gonna cum, 'T-tak!” you manage to yell in a whispered state. Those same puppy eyes you were met with in the beginning approve of your next moves before they close tightly. He squeezes yours and his balls simultaneously before you both let out the most unabashed sounds, as you feel ropes of your warm semen enter Intak’s warm throat.
An echo of obscenities follows as you come down from your peak. Intak slowly backs away from you with a close-mouthed grunt, waiting until your heavy eyes reopen for him to open his mouth. You couldn’t help but moan at the pool of your release still resting in his mouth before he swallows.
For several reasons, Intak smiles in relief before slowly getting up. “I have to change my underwear,” he admits, chuckling so adorably. He begins to discard of everything on his lower half rather quickly, and that’s when you officially return to reality… To the practically vacant green room in the venue where you initially just came to enjoy a concert of one of your favorite artists.
Moments later, Intak returns clothed, almost running to you, whose pants… and belt… are back on your person (because you know timing is not of the essence in a situation like this). He seems to share a mutual interest in not wanting this moment to end anytime soon, as he manages to steal a couple more kisses from you before hearing the doorknob jiggle.
“Can you come back after the show?” Intak asks before unlocking the door. His gaze never leaves you as he awaits your response. You take it upon yourself to steadily get up from the counter to avoid any speculation before answering.
“If I can walk, sure!” you both laugh before the door opens and the remaining members of P1Harmony enter. You quickly greet them before scurrying out of the room to allow them some pre-show privacy.
This is already the best concert experience of your life, and it hadn’t even begun yet.
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nanawritesit · 1 year
Choi San Boyfriend Headcanons!
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listen, this man is my ultimate bias for a REASON. you are SO lucky if you have him as a boyfriend 😭
he’s a huge fan of PDA. holding hands, linking pinkies, having an arm around your waist, linking arms, hugging, and kissing are all things he’s comfortable doing in public (just pecks on the lips though, not full on making out LOL) he always has to be touching you in some way 🥰
he loves to play with your hair! no matter how long or short it is, he’ll always be running his fingers through it, twiddling with the ends, or ruffling it (if it’s long enough, he’ll even learn to braid it! it’s a very relaxing ritual that both of you love!)
and while kissing, his hands often end up tangled in your hair ;)
san isn’t really into big grand gestures of love… it’s the little things he does for you that let you know he loves you. he definitely has an “acts of service” love language!
he’ll wake you up when he notices your alarm doesn’t go off, brings you lunch while you’re at work, helps you with projects, carries your bag around for you while shopping… he does stuff like this without even thinking
i can’t imagine him yelling at you no matter how angry he might be. he’s very good at controlling his feelings so if he gets upset, he’ll just leave the room to give himself a moment to calm down before talking with you about the situation calmly and rationally
if you ever break a glass or plate of his, he’ll gently reassure you that it’s okay, it was just an accident, and first checks your hands for any injuries before helping you clean it up (cries in childhood trauma 😭)
you catch him just staring at you with a big dopey smile on his face ALL the time. and when you ask what’s wrong he goes “nothing, i just love looking at you.” 😊
he’s the best person to be around when you’re sad. (he is our comforting mountain after all!) he’ll never judge you, and instead just hold you tightly while you cry, whispering little reassurances and patting your back gently… after you calm down he’ll immediately offer to help you with whatever’s bothering you
he’s a big fan of the nickname “baby,” he uses it probably more than your actual name (i’m sorry if you hate it 😟)
“baby, come look at this!” “what’s wrong baby, do you need some help?” “i’m sorry you’re sad baby, everything will be okay.”
every once in a while he’ll let a “my love” slip, and when he’s begging for your attention he uses “honey” in a sickeningly sweet, whiny voice
he’ll never pass up an opportunity to tell you how beautiful you are. even when you’re bare-faced, have bed-head, and are wearing sweats, he thinks you’re absolutely stunning 🥰
you definitely don’t help with his plushy addiction… you buy him one like every week, and soon you both have to buy those nets that hold stuffed animals against the corner ceiling (oh god and if you ALSO love plushies??? your house will be DECKED OUT.)
that definitely wasn’t just a headcanon for me bc i have a squishmallow addiction ahahaha
he tries to act annoyed when you pester him while he’s reading, but he secretly thinks you’re super cute when you’re begging for his attention 🥺
wooyoung is so jealous of you for the longest time… you guys didn’t really get along until san locked you both in a room and told you to work out your differences 😀
which worked, surprisingly 😀 you both came out laughing up a storm and hanging off of each other
now you and wooyoung are besties. you even team up against san sometimes to bug him. he just corners you both and stares at you intensely, forcing you to look up at him to fluster you (he loves his little brats tho 💞)
we all know san needs to hold something to sleep… and i’m sorry if you like having room to yourself when you sleep, but that something is going to have to be you sometimes (cries in starfish sleeper)
maybe not every night, but at least once a week, he HAS to fall asleep with you in his arms
he always lets you lay your head on his shoulder while he does other tasks, in fact, he encourages you to!
like if you’re sitting next to him to relax, he’ll just reach over and push your head down to rest on his shoulder
he loves to paint your nails together 💅🏻 and do face masks!
when he’s away on tour, he’ll stay up all night talking to you if no one stops him (usually hongjoong has to lmaoooo)
speaking of which, he gets all flustered every time the members bring you up… he starts blushing and smiling like a fool 🥺
then he can’t stop himself from rambling on and on about how amazing you are ☺️
he also won’t stop flirting with you just because you’re dating
he’s constantly dropping pick up lines and hyping you up
like if you get all dressed up for a special event, his jaw will drop open and he’ll say something like “hey pretty lil thing, you come here often” 👀
and you’ll be like “san i’m literally your partner” 😑
he shares everything with you, without even thinking about it
snacks, drinks, hoodies… he’ll just hand them to you absentmindedly
at the end of the day, this boy would do literally anything just to see you smile. he thinks your smile is the prettiest sight in the world. he believes you deserve the world and wants nothing more than to give it to you 💞
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tarotphlow · 1 year
Astro Observations 8
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🌻Saturn in the 3H natives tend to have difficulties with phones or cars, whether that be always having a broken phone, or their car literally just not wanting to work for whatever reason
🌻Looking at what sign is located on your 12H could give you insight on to what life was like while you were in the womb. Ex: my 12H is in sag, before I was born my mother would pray constantly for her to have another chance at being a mother, she ended up having a kid with a man from a completely different state. (♐️ rules travel and religion).
🌻Have a big secret you need to get off your chest? Tell a Scorpio Mercury, they will never tell a single soul. I’m friends with a lot of Scorpio Merc’s and it’s amazing how well they can hold they’re water. (Hm, on second thought this might just be for scorp placements in general 🧐)
🌻7H placements how do you do it? Being so desirable to the point that people say they want to marry you without knowing anything about you at all? I just know y’all just smile 😀politely with so many confusing thoughts in y’all’s heads 😭
🌻I’ve noticed cap Venus will always gravitate to dating someone out of their age range.
🌻unlikely duo that actually goes super well with each other is Gemini and Scorpio. I think this has to do with how intelligent both of them are, this combo reminds me of detectives in a way.
🌻with NN going into Aries soon, Libra placements are gonna see a lot of stuff they buried in the distant past come back(like past life stuff 🕰️), probably gonna be a time of relearning some of those old old lessons or just seeing how well you developed since your last life!
🌻Moon in the 3H with a harmonious aspect with Uranus= extremely talented at vidya games 🎮
🌻If you have Gemini in the 6H you should try your hand at an online job, not as a profession but just as a job.
🌻Neptune aspecting your sun could indicate having trouble figuring out what you want to do in life.
🌻Uranus aspecting midheaven seems like you could be either really popular, really really weird or something of the two, but hey at least your smart😭😭
🌻Taurus Is definitely a foodie we know that, but surprisingly Capricorn is also kinda a glutton too lol, I have know idea why but I’ve noticed a lot of caps in my life really live for a good meal lots of savory things and also really really big on desserts as well. They also have sensitive noses, I mean scent is responsible for 80% of our taste so I guess that makes sense.
🌻our brains stop developing at age 25 and become a fully fledged functioning adult with no more growth which is really interesting because the profection year for age 25 is in Taurus which is the sign of stability.
🌻I really feel for Saturn dominants, they really just get the hardest trials out of everyone and expected to just be okay with that, Yk a lot of people say Saturn is gonna reward them and blah blah, but like I feel sometimes they’re trials are kind of unnecessary? Other planet ruled people (besides Scorpios) learn those exact same lessons but less harsher and the reward they get is quite possibly equivalent to Saturns soo idk… I feel like Saturn is just a bit much. (Let’s discuss this I’m curious to know what people have to say 🤓)
End of observations! I hope you all enjoy these as much as I did!
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