#long live the walls we crashed queue
fcistygirl · 1 year
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darkmarkets · 11 years
The Horror of Writing Time
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For me, dinner used to be a relaxing time. It used to be cooking, maybe 45 minutes or so; then eating, during which conversation or engaging television took place; then a few moments of cheerful tidying up; after which I retreated to the lounge with a glass of port or an after-dinner coffee. Dinner used to be nice.
Then, I had...A BABY. (Queue lightning strike and ominous music.)
After THE BABY (lightning, music), dinner didn't change that much, really. I perform the same activities—cooking, eating, talking, cleaning—except now it's like I perform them while juggling a starving weasel with a ribeye taped to my ear. Dinner is chaos. It is the unbridled, maddening kind of chaos that seems to go on forever, like a hell dimension of weasel-dinner, in which the simple act of cooking and eating takes four hours and the kitchen afterwards is an aftermath of spaghetti murder and frozen pizza destruction.
Then there's the added commitment of BEDTIME (crash, scream!) which takes another ungodly two hours of bath and pajamas and story reading, and when THE BABY is finally deposited into his room, my husband and I can finally sit limply and stare at the wall for a little while. And this is before grad school homework; before we get up at 6 am the next day to go to work... And I can't even bring myself to talk about breakfast (queue maniacal laughter.)
Anyway, my point is: a busy life leaves little room to write.
We all have busy lives. Work, school, family, commuting, that pesky sleep thing we never get...it all adds up to a very full day, no matter what combination of commitments we have. So, how can we find the time to be writers? How do we write with a busy life?
Well, first, if you can quit your job and still eat, do that. The best option for a writer is to quit your job and just write all day. (Or, get laid off from your job and sit around writing while you're telling your parents you're looking for jobs.) And, really, that's why most of us want to be published in the first place—so we can sit around a write all day.
But, who gets to quit their job (when we're lucky enough to even have one)? Not many of us are visited by the Free Rent Fairy or the Goblin of Cheap Groceries. When that pesky need-to-eat thing interferes with our fantasy writing career, we have to figure out how to write while being busy. To that end, here's a few tricks I've found to be useful:
Get used to tiny, tiny chunks of writing time. If you don't feel like getting up at 3am (which is usually the only hour of peace and quiet in the modern schedule), then you have to be okay with short, often interrupted writing sessions anywhere you can find them. Fifteen minutes is common; you get twenty if you're lucky. This makes writing fantastically difficult, not because it's hard to pick up a pen between tooth brushing and rushing out the door, but because it's hard to switch mental gears from the Real World to the World of Illusion. So, it helps to...
Focus quickly. Ideally, we need a cottage on the lake with no cell phone or internet and a long afternoon alone before we're even ready to start. If we can't get that, certain tricks help stretch the mind into shape. Listen to music or do a deep breathing exercise; try some repetitive incantations or pain. (You think I'm kidding here, but I'm not. Slap your thigh real hard and how quickly you go back to wondering what the weasels want to eat for dinner.) Coffee and alcohol is also a time-honored tradition (and now we're beginning to see why writers get that self-destructive drunk reputation! Dark Markets does not endorse becoming a self-destructive drunk, by the way.) Whatever you do, repetition is key, so if you have to bite your tongue and spin clockwise three times before writing, go ahead. Just do it every day. But, if you find that you still can't focus...
Write anything. Write a laundry list, write Mary Had a Little Lamb. Write that your thigh hurts. The old adage of "Write Every Day" is about training your brain, and when you write something—anything—for tiny chunks of time every day, your brain will learn how to function under the conditions your life dictates. This is why it's important to remember...
Don't stress out if the writing sucks. The cool thing about editing (and perhaps, the only cool thing) is that it takes less brain power to move and cut words than it takes to spontaneously create them. If you find you only have twenty minutes between dinner and dishes but your head won't work, just write utter crap. Write crap for a week or two then go back and see what gems can be dug up from your heap of nonsense. But if even that doesn't work...
Read. Reading is writing, in a sense; it's pre-programming your brain with special arrangements of words that are known as fiction. Reading is especially useful if you have an undisturbed block of time but you still can't write—say if you're on a shaky commuter train or you're covered in weasels. By reading, you prime your brain for that future fifteen minute genius, and even if you don't get a chance to write all day, your time has not been wasted.
Ultimately, this slow-drip method of writing is not ideal. We all want the experience of being immersed in our stories for a long period of time—cooked in them, so to speak—so that's usually why we crave the sitting-around-and-writing-all-day thing. But, if we want to produce something, stay sane, and feed our darling spawn at the same time, the only way to do it is eek out a tiny bit of writing in between the cracks of the Daily Grind. If we do this every day, eventually, we will have something that can be published.
And that something might be a bestselling novel that makes us a gajillion dollars, so we can quit our jobs and finally have the time to write that bestseller! ...or maybe I'm just talking crazy. It always happens when I've had one too many thigh-slaps.
Lorna D Keach
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yachtlily · 2 years
A weekend away on the boat at last!
Thursday, 4th August 2022
Wind NW 10mph             Sunny morning, heavy cloud later                    Temp 24°C
Total distance sailed 5.43 miles
My back much improved. Took the boat to the dyke to load supplies and to meet boatbuilder, Nick, to discuss the fitting of a winch to raise the mast. He will make some modifications next Monday and, hopefully, fit the winch next Tuesday.
Motored over to the EACC moorings for coffee, boat cleaning and lunch before setting off on a sail to test my back. A steady beat up towards Potter Heigham, turning at the first bungalow to reach/run all of the way down to Thurne Mouth and then on down the Bure. We turned shortly before the black mill and beat back, with the tide under us, to our mooring.
We had afternoon tea and, later, supper aboard before Mrs Crew set off by road to meet up with her book club. She returned about 2230 and I walked down the bank to meet her. We turned in around 2300. It is SO, SO good to be back on the boat.
Friday, 5th August 2022
Wind NW  13mph        A sunny day with cloudy periods                            Temp 22°C
Total distance sailed 5.37 miles
We both slept well. After breakfast departed our mooring and hoisted in the reeds opposite. Then we had a challenging beat up towards St Benet’s, the wind strong with some vicious gusts. At St Benet’s came alongside for coffee and to drop the mast.
By engine up the Ant and through Ludham Bridge. Fortunately, there was space on the far side to moor and raise the mast. Continued up the Ant under engine as there was a headwind. Moored at How Hill for some lunch but then decided that we would stay the night.
During the afternoon a hire boat scraped along the side of us and crashed into the boat ahead. Took a large amount of varnish of our rubbing strake. They were very apologetic. They had been birdwatching and hadn’t seen us! The damage appeared to be cosmetic so during the afternoon I sanded it all back, applied stain and two coats of varnish.
In the late afternoon we were joined by Moon Daisy. It was good to see them. After supper we all went for a walk around the How Hill estate. A chilly night aboard.
Saturday, 6th August 2022
Wind NW 6moh                    Sunny all day                                                   Temp 24°C
Total distance sailed 13.52 miles
A chilly start to the day. We had both struggled at times to keep warm in the night. The day soon warmed up but the cover was quite wet when we stripped it off. Departed our How Hill mooring under engine towards Barton Broad, hoisting sail as we approached the Broad. A good sail around, before furling our jib and continuing under main alone while Mrs Crew made coffee; we drank it underway.
Then by engine to Stalham to join Moon Daisy for lunch. We managed to get a mooring on the staithe. By the time that we returned to Barton the sea breeze had kicked in and we had some lively sailing on the Broad. Around 1500 dropped our sails and came alongside at Paddy’s Lane.
After afternoon tea a walk around some of the country lanes, stopping for a beer/wine while we watched cricket. A very civilised stop. Back to the boats for supper, some card games and bed.
Sunday, 7th August 2022
Wind NW 4mph                Wall to wall sunshine                                        Temp 28°C
Total distance sailed 8.01 miles
Another chilly night but not quite so chilly as the previous night. After breakfast moved over to Barton Turf to fill up our water tank. Then on to Barton Broad, hoisting our sails on the way. A gentle sail around Barton and then a drift down the Ant. Nearing How Hill the wind completely deserted us and we were forced to fire up the engine for a few hundred metres. After How Hill we sailed for a bit but the river was becoming very, very crowded. We dropped our sails and then dropped our mast and joined the long queue to get under the bridge. It was chaos! Eventually managed to get under the bridge and then found that there was nowhere to moor to raise the mast.
Motored to St Benet’s and picked up a mooring there. Raised the mast and sponged out the engine bay. Where is all that water coming from? We then had lunch. After lunch motored off the mooring and raised sail. We then had a very gentle run down the Bure, turning up the Thurne to drop our sails opposite our mooring.
It has been a good weekend away and I have nursed my back very carefully. Mrs Crew has borne the brunt of all of the heavy work hauling up the sails. We were both pleased that it had gone so well. We then went to the rescue of a boat unable to regain its mooring because of the low water level and both of us hurt our backs hauling it in!
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willowswift · 3 years
going to make a queue to try and be a little more active even when I can't be so send me some posts to queue and I'll tag them with #long live the walls we crashed queue
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lumpiya · 2 years
shaw pack as adventure time quotes B)
this is also my first time posting on tumblr and i’m still learning how to use it soooooo don’t kill me pls-
darlin: i’m also exhausted emotionally…
darlin: wait no… i mean- i mean physically
david: no, they’re clones
angel: … what are clones?
david: sigh agroupoforganismsorcellsthatareproducedasexuallyfromoneancestororstocktowhichtheyaregeneticallyidentical
angel: … how did that happen
david: it’s a long story
angel: *smiles* i love long stories
david, done with their shit: GAA
(headcanon that sweetheart hates kids)
sweetheart: hey kids! *picks one up and drop kicks it*
(babe and sweetheart snuck into angel and david’s room to find something)
*door slowly opening*
sweetheart: TURN INVISIBLE *cloaks*
babe: i c a n t
sweetheart: well hide then!!
babe: uh- hide wherrrrrrrreeee
angel: i know someone’s in here… i heard someone say where
babe: *paniks and grabs an orange and peels it*
*door opens all the way*
angel: no sign of the intruder-
*babe squeezes orange juice in angel’s eyes*
angel: MY EYES-
*milo and ash breaks down door after a 911 text from babe and sweetheart*
*babe and sweetheart just playing a board game*
babe: :o they broke the door. the door is broken now
*ash and milo walk in awkwardly*
milo: fix the door?? what??? what? fix the door?! fix what- what’s going on here?? fix the door ash?? what’s going on?? fix the door
*ash and milo spying on david and angels first date with binoculars*
milo: here he comes! they’re talking
ash: lemme see *grabs binoculars from milo* i can read their lips
“angel with a high voice”: hey shorty you should pick your boogers and then fart.
“david with a low voice”: you look kinda like a big pink baguette
*milo snatches binoculars*
ash: it’s just a prank man, for laughs
david: pranks… for laughs… yes of course… just a harmless prank… for laughs… aaaaaa… hAhHahHahaHahahahHahahhHahHhahhHahHha
ash: hahahahahaha
david immediately stops laughing: 12 years suspen-
milo looking for sweetheart: sweetheart…. sweetheart-
sweetheart uncloaks and jumps on his back: SWEETHEART CHOP *chops his head with their hand* if this was a real attack, you’d be dead
david: if you only knew what monstrosities that lurk around every corner-
ash who’s in the back seat: *throws rock at david* DARK ARTS
ash, milo, and darlin: hehehehehehehehe
*crashes front of the car into a wall*
david: *immediately runs out* SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MESS WITH THE DARK ARTS *kicks back of car twice* ILL GET YOU DARK ONE. YOU RECKED DAVID SHAW’S MINI VAN *stumbles back into the van* RRRRRR
*ash accidentally dropped a sandwich that he was extremely proud of*
ash who’s back in the kitchen: ehhhh okay let’s do this. i can make another awesome sandwich! creation realm, inspire me once again!
*looks out window at chimes*
*chimes break and fall*
ash: ō_ō okay
sam: all these people are so terrified! all scared of their own shadows
darlin: we can rule over them! like gods! *queue deep voice and rubbing hands together* angry gods
(angel trying to get sweetheart to like kids)
sweetheart: uhhh… uhh… goo.. goo gooo…
*baby smiles*
sweetheart: mmmmm goo- goo goo- ahhhhhh
*baby’s smile fade*
sweetheart: *aggressively pats it* duh- duh- bluhhhh- do- du-
*pats turn into balls of fist*
sweetheart: blululululululullululululul *stops* MMMMMMMMMM PUT YOU IN MY OVEN *aggressively pushes it off their lap and gets up and looks at angel* ITS GROSS
(ash and david trying to clear out a cave but they’re investigating it first)
*both of them lying on a cliff looking down at all these live skeletons*
ash: *farts*
*fart echos and the skeletons at the bottom hear and see where the two are and start charging
dave: ASH
babe who got kidnapped: 🎵🎵hm hm hm hmm hmm hm hm hm hm hm, broke up dimension you’re breaking my heart, i’m lookin for a broke up boy to break me apart🎵🎵 just kiddin, i got a boy! *pulls up unflattering selfie of ash from wallet*
angel: woooaaaaaa pshhhh bwooooaaaaaaaaaaaaa pshhhhhh waaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooo pshhhh beoooooooooo pshhh
david who’s been getting slo mo punched for the last hour: stop it
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jeon-kookie-dough · 3 years
Caught in the Game - Chapter 01
After growing up in the midst of Toman and a rather wild time in college, you are now working for a popular fashion magazine. You were aware of your boss's gang past - Kokonoi Hajime's name having been well-known during your school time - but after you bumped into an old friend at work the other day, one coincidence follows the next and you find your past catching up to you...
pairings: Koko x reader, Chifuyu x reader genre: angst, gang!au rating: m for violence & slowburn smut word count: 2,536 next>
The subway was much stuffier than usual. Bodies pressed into each other at every curvature, the sweat mingling on the sticky handlebars. And it is only the morning, for fuck’s sake.
The way from my house, which is located kind of in the outskirts of Tokyo, to Chiyoda where my office was located, felt like a lifetime this hot morning. Between trying to avoid creeps in the subway and standing in the longest queue in front of my favorite coffee shop for what seemed like hours, I was trying to supersede immense tiredness.
As of November, of the year prior I was working for one of the bigger fashion magazines in the country and the deadline for my latest article was already scratching at the front door. More like clawing, actually.
Up until starting up this job, I was used to living a half-assed life. School came easy to me, despite having been caught up in some…situations. College was a blur of alcohol and parties and I just barely graduated. After college I held myself above water with various part-time jobs, having been kicked out from home at barely 18 and landed my current job by chance. This upcoming article was more than important to me, thus stressing myself, and crying my fucking eyes raw from frustration, since it was the first time having my work printed in an actual magazine instead of just publishing online.
The second I stepped foot into Marunouchi Park Building, I sighed of relief and thanked who ever invented ACs. I entered the elevator, pushed the button for the 23rd floor and leaned back against the cool metal wall of the cabin. Just as the doors were about to close, somebody sprinted into the otherwise empty cabin. The person was male and of average height, balancing a couple garment bags and shoe boxes in his arms. I wasn’t really surprised that he was going to exit on the same floor, as the other offices in this building were mostly financial firms.
Not minding the other person, I let him leave the elevator before me, clocked in and greeted my colleagues with a friendly nod. I took a while, but in the past eight months, people seemed to have accepted that I was far from a morning person, so they learned to appreciate my curt nods. Only because I bring coffee. At least that’s my hypothesis.
“Good morning, sunshine!”
My eyeballs immediately rolled to the back. Hearing my boss’ voice in the morning was like nails on a chalkboard. I rolled back with my chair, peaking around my cubical. The bright sunlight illuminated the office through the glass front, reflecting in the angled door to the chief editor’s single office. His figure leaned in the door, arms crossed and hand holding out expectantly.
“S’up, Koko?” I mumble. I knew exactly what he had his hand stuck out for, but I wouldn’t give him the gratification he wanted. That rich fuck, I thought. Bet he snorts his coke with 10k yen bills but can’t even get his own fucking coffee.
“Think my hand is missing an iced Americano this morning. Care to explain?” His slender frame circled around the cubicle wall, now towering above my sitting person. My office was usually occupied by five people in total. Inui always being late and the other three on vacation left me as the only victim. I rolled my eyes at him. “Dunno”, I retorted, opting for my most innocent look. “Think I might have dropped it. You can have a sip of my Cappuccino, but I’m afraid I spat in it.”
Kokonoi Hajime was a peculiar person. He stood at 5’9” and his black locks braided away from the left side of his face was his signature look. He cared a lot about his staff being dressed well, as he himself only own designer suits from Italy. Despite enjoying the power he had over his staff, he also was very liberal in the way we communicated with another at the office. I had never met him before taking the job, but I had certainly heard of Kokonoi way before.
Koko was only a year or two older than I was and back in middle and high school he had a reputation. He lived one school district away from me, but the stories about him were also told at my school. Stories of a financial prodigy that hid behind his wannabe gangster friends that, most of the time, resorted to violence.
“You have a foul mouth”, he snickered, grabbing my cup and taking a sip anyway. “Somebody ever told you that?” I hummed in response, counting my coffee lost, and turned on my laptop. “I have a meeting in five minutes, so please take my calls, will you? Inui is useless, as always.” I nod silently, still grieving the loss of my coffee. Koko’s gaze rested on Inui’s empty desk, then on me. “How’s that big article of yours coming along?”
I knew he meant no harm with that question, but my elevated stress levels along with the acid, that always seems to wing in his voice, made me snap. “Fuck off, alright? I’m working on it.”
The chief editor raised his hands in defense and backed away from my desk, a smile playing about his lips. “The meeting’s until noon. Tell Inui to take my phone when his drags his lazy ass here.”
Inui arrived at 10:30, offering a coffee and a doughnut as a peace offering. I told him to screw off and, finally, concentrated on my article. It was almost done, but I needed it to be perfect before handing it to Kokonoi for proof-reading. I couldn’t afford messing this up if I ever intended of becoming a regular in the print.
I was so emersed in my work that I never saw the visitor arrive or leave. At lunch, all that occupied my mind was my hunger. I didn’t really have a lot of money left, thanks to the fucking chief for having me dress in expensive clothes so he quote unquote didn’t have to claw his eyes out at the sight of me, so a snack from the vending machine it was.
With food just in sight, my feet may have become a little too eager and I stumbled a crashed face first into someone walking by, having them fall onto the marble floor with me. I cussed under my breath and tried to get onto my feet, when there was already a hand outstretched to help me.
“You okay?” I averted my eyes immediately, embarrassment written on my face. “Uh, yeah, I’m alright, I guess. Er, I think you dropped something.” I dove right back down, picking up the visitor laminate. It read ‘Visitor for KOKONOI Hajime. Name-‘
My gaze darted up immediately, meeting a pair of silver eyes staring right back at me. “Mitsuya fucking Takashi?” I whispered in sheer disbelief. My opposite grinned, squeezing his eyes shut doing so. “It’s been a long time, huh, (Y/N)?”
I found myself accompanying Mitsuya to a Korean restaurant down the street for lunch. His treat, he said. The sun was merciless, and he scolded me for not carrying an umbrella with me. “It’s bad for your skin, you know?” I grunted, looking up at him. “Like I care.”
My high school graduation ceremony had been the last time I had seen Mitsuya. Up until then, we had almost been inseparable, having lived in the same shitty apartment complex, visiting the same middle school and him only being one year older. Back then, a lot of things happened. We never really had a fall out, at one point things just changed.
At the restaurant, we slid into a booth and a young waitress came to our table to take our order. Her eyes revealed that she found my companion attractive, but as per usual, he was oblivious. A couple minutes passed, and we were handed our drinks.
“Alcohol at this hour?” His eyebrow shot up in worry, vanishing behind his silver hair. He changed it up a bit since then, leaving his shaved sides in his natural black hair color, his top hair raked with black strands in the otherwise light hair. “Thought you had given up on that.”
I stirred my vodka soda with the glass straw, the ice chinking against the glass. “Yeah, I had.”
Mitsuya didn’t dig any further and leaned back into the cushioned bench instead. “So, a fashion magazine, huh? I thought you always wanted to become a sugar baby, what happened?” At his question I emptied half my drink in one gulp, disregarding the straw completely. “Turns out I’m not really cut for sucking wrinkly dick.” To that, Mitsuya busted out laughing. “You achieved just what you always dreamed of. How does that feel?” I asked quietly.
He stayed silent for a while and I watched him gnawing at the inside of his cheek, clearly thinking about how to choose his next words. “A lot of time has passed, you know?” His voice was dull as he finally spoke. “And a lot happened in between. I guess it was either getting my life under control or…” His voice trailed off, but I knew exactly what he left hanging in the air. Prison. Or even worse, death. “For my sisters’ sake, I chose to get my life together.”
I nodded, fumbling with the glass straw, one burning question on the tip of my tongue. How are the others? Is everyone still alive? I was too afraid of the answer, so I pushed the thought way back.
“Tell me about you, though”, Mitsuya smiled and leaned forward, folding his hands and propping his chin on them. “Working for Koko now, huh? How’s that been?” I groaned quietly and let my head hang. “He’s a fucking pain in the ass. Making me buy all this expensive shit so I’ve got nothing left in the bank. If I knew beforehand who the chief editor was, I would have never taken that job.” Mitsuya chuckled and flicked my forehead. Just like he always used to.
“I know what you mean” he mused. “I never thought I’d see his face again after-“ My eyes shot up at the tone in his voice. I never knew they had met before. Back then, I would have feared for his life. Everyone was young and stupid back then; delinquents with nothing but fist fights on their minds. But the folks Koko had surrounded himself with were more on the actual criminal side.
“What? Mitsuya, you never told me!” Even I was surprised at the pure horror in my voice. “Why didn’t you say something?” Mitsuya shrugged. “Nothing bad ever happened. It was just a surprise to see him in a position like this, that’s all.”
After lunch, which was fucking delicious, dare I add, Mitsuya and I exchanged numbers before going our separate ways.
The rest of the day I couldn’t concentrate on anything anymore. Before I headed home, I met Kokonoi’s gaze through his glass door and it gave me the shivers. Like he was watching me. Like he knew something. Creep. This weird feeling followed me all the way home and I caught myself looking back at every turn, at every red light. For some reason the conversation I have had with my old friend had me nervous. Nervous for him, for me, for everyone. What if Koko’s the same old thug, but with a lot more money and influence?
At home I opened a bottle of white wine, dunked the cap in the bin and sat at my desk, ready to catch up on the time I wasted at the office being worried. With a little liquid confidence, of course. Cheers!
I had approximately gotten about three hours of sleep. My body felt like it had gotten run over by a truck, my brain felt like soup. The only silver lining was, that I had, hallelujah!, finished my article – and my favorite co-worker Natsuki returning from her vacation. She had been working at the magazine already when I had started and showed me around.
Only a few days after I had started working, Atsushi Sendo had been transferred from another internal office to ours. There had been a lot of rumors occurring around his transfer, sexual harassment among them, but in the end, he had only royally fucked up his latest pitch and, as a punishment, had been put under Koko’s supervision, since he’s known to be the meanest editor. He ended up liking to work with us so much that he just stayed. The three of us ended up becoming the bane of Koko’s existence.
I stepped one foot into the office, yawning and pulling an Inui, I can’t believe that I arrived even after him, before I heard Natsuki already picking a fight with the chief editor. I silently put her coffee next to her cup of tea, handed another one to Inui and sat down at my own desk.
“With all due respect, Kokonoi, but you can’t expect me to not freak out when I come back after three weeks and find myarticle published under your name!” I leaned back into my chair, eyes closed, and head thrown back, and listened to the bickering in the chief editor’s office. A few minutes later, Natsuki threw the door into the lock behind her, the heel of her shoes dangerously echoing in the otherwise silent room.
It only took a moment before my sleepy body jumped awake when it got hit by a paper ball. My eyes ripped open just to find her eyes lingering over the wall between our cubicles. “Thanks for the coffee”, she said, raising the cup in a silent toast. I did the same, somewhat straightening up my spine in the seat. “Glad you’re back”, I yawned. “Old scrooge was unbearable.”
“Was?”, Natsuki barked under her breath. “He’s the spawn of hell! Remind me to never take anything from him again. He’s the kind of person to always expect something in return and I don’t even want to think about what he would expect.” I grunted in my chair and sipped on my black coffee, leaving a red lip print on the paper.
“Money” Kokonoi, who unbeknownst to any of us had left his office, answered Natsuki whilst keeping his sly eyes on my. “I don’t take anything but cash. (Y/L/N), where’s your article. Deadline’s today.” Natsuki’s and my eyes met over the screen. Our boss rarely called us by our names, much less our family names - he prefers shit like darling or sweetheart. Why the fuck am I still working here?! – so we knew something was up. And maybe I have a hint.
“Check your mails. I submitted it at, like, 3.” “A.m.?” Natsuki mouthed in disbelief, but I kept my eyes fixed on Kokonoi. He beckoned me with a finger to follow me. “Come in my office for a minute, would you, sweetheart.” There he was again. The egotistical, chauvinistic asshole. The chair hit the screen behind me as I rolled back a little more forceful than intended, but I followed him, anyway.
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rekrappeter · 4 years
back in love || jj maybank
pairing: jj maybank x reader
summary: three years since he left, he comes knocking on your door 
warning: cursing || not proof read in the slightest oops
notes: i wrote this in about thirty minutes, just wanted to take my mind away from studying so i hope y’all enjoy. it’s quiet short and simple but hey, sometimes they turn out to be the best ones
masterlist ||
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The first thing that gave it away was the whispers and sympathy stares that followed you around all day. Then it was the spontaneous phone call you got from your mother. Then finally, it was the knock on your door that confirmed it. You knew it was bound to happen, but that still didn’t ease the nauseous feeling in your stomach when you opened your red coloured door, leading to the porch that overlooked the marsh. 
Usually, when you opened the door at this time, you were met with a beautiful sunset that glistened orange sparkles on your face. You usually had a cup of brewing tea in your hand, or a cold beer. But this time, you were met with the face of that man that left you nearly three years ago. 
His hands were stuffed into the pockets of his hoodie, that draped over a pair of swim shorts. His gaze was to the floor, his head hanging low, and you could tell how tense he was with how his jawline was popping. He still had the boyish features, his tousled blonde hair and little stumble decorating his upper lip. 
Seeing him didn’t release the nauseous feeling, it only exaggerated it. You’ve thought about this moment every night for three whole years; the most common scenario was slapping him across the face and slamming the door in his face. But when he stood there, it was as if the anger just fizzled away and you were left aimlessly looking for some explanation. Why did he leave the Island, why did he leave you? 
JJ finally gained the courage to lift his eyes to you, his heart aching at the sight of pain and sorrow washing over your expression. He was speechless, he had thought about this moment every minute that he was gone. He wanted nothing more to wrap his arms around you, bringing you as close as he can, and never letting go but there was barrier there now. That same wall he spent years knocking down was there again, this time even higher than before. 
He sucked in a deep breath, offering you a sad smile. He wasn’t surprised when you didn’t return it, your face blank. ‘Hey,’ his voice was nothing more than a whisper, an exhale. 
‘Hi,’ you replied, your heart fluttering at the sound of his voice. 
‘Can I come in?’ 
You shook your head, ‘I think it’s best if you don’t.’ 
‘Oh, okay,’ JJ muttered, fidgeting at a loose strand in the pocket of his hoodie. ‘How have you been?’
You couldn’t even work up the effect to roll your eyes at his question, only shrugging in response. It was like the world around you paused, you hadn’t noticed any of passer bys or the barks of dogs that echoed in the background. You only saw JJ, with the orange sky outlining his figure. 
‘Have you finished college?’ He questioned, pleading for any kind of reaction from you. 
‘I dropped out.,.’
‘Oh,’ JJ was taken back, knowing that you had dreamed of having a successful career. It was why you used to get so stressed out when it came around to exam season, it was something he always admired; you also kept him in school, forcing him to study with you. ‘I bet you had good reasons, I mean it’s never too late to-’
‘JJ, are you honestly going to stand here and give me a speech about going to college?’ You interrupted, this time rolling your eyes in annoyance. 
‘I guess not.’
‘You’re right. Now if you don’t mind, can you please leave?’ The pain in your chest was getting too much, watching him tip toe around the topic hurt you. You thought you deserved as much as an explanation. ‘That’s what you’re good at anyways.’
‘Hey, now that’s not fair,’ JJ retorted, standing up straight and bringing his shoulders back. 
‘No!’ You exploded, watching his eyes widen in shock at your outburst, ‘What’s not fair is the fact that you fuckin’ disappeared anf fucked off for no god damn reason, and if you’re not going to tell me why, then kindly fuck off’ 
JJ blinked rapidly, his face heating up but he was solemnly focused on the bundle of tears piling up on your bottom lashes. He wanted to reach out and take you in his arms but he knew it would just be met with a slap across the face. He never remembered you cursing, nevermind cursing multiple times in one sentence but he knew you were upset, you were right to be upset. He messed up.
‘Why did you come here? Why did you come back?’ You asked when your outburst was met with complete silence. 
‘I-I thought it was time.. to come back. I missed you- no, let me talk,’ JJ begged, shutting you down before you retaliated on his statement. ‘I never planned on leaving, you have to believe that. It was an impulsive decision.’
‘Yeah, one that lasted three bloody years.’
‘Y/N, let me talk!’ JJ pressed, running his hand down his face. You kept quieting, indicating for him to continue. You crossed your arms in front of your chest, your face stern but his eyes only softened and he took a deep breath. “The first thing you need to know is that I loved you, I still do love you. Every day I was gone, I only thought of you. Every time I rang one of the guys, the first thing I asked about was you. I missed you like hell, honestly, the hardest thing to do was stay away.’
‘Why did you?’ You only whispered, not trusting your voice. 
‘I planned on coming back earlier, but then I found out you started seeing people again. I thought you were finally getting your life back, that spark you always had. I didn’t want to ruin that,” JJ swallowed deeply, his eyes flickering around your face. 
‘You still haven’t told me why you left...’ 
‘All I ever wanted was for you to be happy... I couldn’t do that, we were falling apart, you were miserable-’
You shook your head in disbelief, letting out a dry chuckle. ‘You know, usually couples try work through their problems. Not run away from them.’
‘I was young and stupid,’
‘But that night, I bumped into your mother in the store.’ JJ retorted, biting down on his bottom lip. Shock filled your features, and you uncrossed your arms, tucking them into your pockets, feeling exposed. Your brows creased in confusion, waiting for JJ to continue. ‘Sh-She begged me to leave you...’ 
‘No, no..’ You muttered, feeling the tears immediately releasing down your cheeks. 
‘Y/N, I’m sorry but we both wanted the same thing, we wanted you to be happy and successful and I was holding you back.’ 
‘You didn’t have the right to make that decision!’ You forced, pushing him back on his heels. JJ grabbed your wrists, watching your emotions take over you and you crashed into his chest, sobbing into his white t-shirt. He quickly wrapped you up in an embrace, feeling your chest heaving rapidly. ‘Why didn’t you speak to me?’ You sobbed.
‘I’m so sorry..’ JJ mumbled into your hair, and he continued to whisper it softly until your breathing calmed down and you were all cried out. You don’t know how long you stayed there for, the sun was long gone, the night’s stars decorating the sky. You weren’t sure if it was the concept of being back in JJ’s arms that made you not want to pull away or the idea of confronting your mother who pretended to be concerned for you following the departure of JJ. 
‘Do you want to come in?’ You finally spoke when you detached yourself from him, your eyes moving from the tear stain on his t-shirt to his face. He nodded slowly, walking in behind you. The feeling that washed over him made him dizzy, it was like he never left; he welcomed the familiar smell that brought along a powerpoint of memories he shared with you in this house. 
JJ followed you into the living room, taking a seat next to you when you returned from the kitchen with two beers in hand. He accepted one from you, knocking it back, releasing a sigh when the cold liquid lined his throat. 
‘How long are you back for?’ You asked, crossing your legs on the couch.
JJ coughed awkwardly twisting to face you, ‘I-I bought a one way ticket.’ 
You tried to hide the twitch of a smile, knowing that you and JJ were nearly two completely different people from when you were teenagers. ‘So, you’re back for good?’
‘Yep, that’s the plan anyways...’ An awkward atmosphere surrounded the pair of you, you kept stealing glances at him and he was doing the same. It felt strange being back in his presence, but the love you once held for him was still there. You weren’t sure if it was ever going to go away. He still looked at you with the same soft eyes, a look of adoration that never faltered. 
As the night went on, the laughter increased and it was like he never disappeared. One beer turned to three, which ultimately led to being a bottle of your mother’s best wine. It wasn’t until you were laying on your couch, your legs draped over JJ’s knees and your eyes were drooping closed that JJ took that as his queue to leave. He lifted your legs from his and got up from the couch, pulling the blanket from the back of it to cover you. 
JJ watched you for a moment, your face calm and relaxed. He leaned down, placing a kiss on your forehead and the feeling of your fingers wrapping around his wrist startled him. ‘JJ?’ You whispered, peeking your eyes open seeing him hovering over you. ‘Please don’t leave me again.’
‘I promise I won’t, we can speak tomorrow.’ JJ replied, but he haltered any movements when you shook your head.
‘Don’t leave me tonight, stay.’
‘You sure?’ He asked, but he was already kicking off his sneakers and climbing underneath the light blanket. The heat of your body wrapped around him, welcoming him as he wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you as close as he can. He squeezed you tightly, causing you to giggle. 
Raising your hand to brush across his face, you missed being this close to him, feeling his breathe fawning over your face. His eyes were drooping, just like yours but you could still see the sparkle in them, the happiness. He leaned his forehead against yours, breathing in your scent. ‘I missed this’ You broke the silence, feeling the vibration of his humming against yours cheek. 
You unconsciously brought your lips to his and he lazily leaned into the kiss. His eyes fluttered completely closed, as you insisted on deepening the kiss, bringing your tongue into his mouth. He never forgot what your kisses felt like, every night he imagined you laying there with him. Every night he dreamt of kissing you again. This didn’t even feel like real life right now, having you back in his arms. 
His fingers caressed your jaw, running them through your hair and pulling you even closer. The sound of the kiss echoed around the living room, but all he could hear was the beating of his heart and the blood rushing through his veins. You pulled away, breathing heavy. You took a moment to tell him how much you missed him before bringing your lips back to his. Welcoming the thought of spending the rest of the night like this. 
pls gimme feedback
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Kombat Krew and Summer Headcanons: Part two.
Have some fluffy headcanons, before Smutty Saturday and Smuttier Sunday. I can hear you all, ‘But Smut Goblin, you’ve already written these’ Well, I have more ideas, and my thirst is now unrivaled. So, Summer with the Kombat Kast Part two: Electric fucking Boogaloo. Oh yeah, there’s also smut, I lied, they aren’t just fluffy.  
I know I said I’d have more characters. But this was ten pages. TEN FUCKING PAGES! So, like Part 2.5 is coming up! Enjoy. 
Warnings: Fluff, Smut, Shitposts about Kano. 18+ under the cut. I fixed Sindel and her retcon. I hope.  GIFs do not belong to me. Either found on the Tumblr Gif finder thing, or google. 
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·       What fresh fucking hell is this? Short haired Fujin is because he’s sick of this shit. His hair is sticking to his fucking back, he can’t cope with the warmth. So, he cut it. And now he looks like sin incarnate. Fuck yes Fujin.
·       He’s an actual sweetheart when you both go for walks. If it’s too warm and he sees kids trying to fly their kites, he may, just may, summon a breeze. Because he’s actually a giant softie. When you ask him if that was him, he’ll tilt his head and look shocked. Him? Use his powers like that?! He wouldn’t dream… don’t tell Raiden.
·       He loves discovering new mortal customs and culture. Day drinking still confuses him. Why is everyone drinking at 2 in the afternoon? He jokes Bo Rai Cho is having an effect on everyone. He’s not opposed to have a sneaky drink with you as the suns setting though. He does like to have a good time, as we’ve all heard in his intros. You’ve never seen him drunk, you’re pretty sure he can’t get drunk. But he has joked that the Elder Gods must never know, that you’re both drinking wine at 2pm.
·       He’d love visiting winebars on an evening for nice relaxed drinks. Any bar with an outside area, bonus points if it’s got a balcony and a good view… he’d suggest Sky Temple, but relaxed drinks, turn into a bender with Bo Rai Cho. With Bo often suggesting skinny dipping. Raiden has consulted the Elder Gods, ‘Relaxed drinks’ are banned.
·       Long walks. This man has stamina for days. He loves getting out into the middle of bum fuck nowhere and walking. Nature seems to love him and flocks to him. Every. Fucking. Time. You. Sit. Down. You look away, and when you look back, there’s just a fucking rabbit sat near you both. Fujin is feeding it grass. He looks so happy and content.
·        If there’s any music/art/food festivals on, then you’re going, he wants to know more about mortals and their customs. So, any opportunities he’s going to want to take up. Nothing better than him playfully wrapping an arm around you and chuckling when you blush. He’s not that against PDA whilst you’re amongst mortals. He’s sure his brother wouldn’t tease. But Kung Lao would. And he doesn’t fancy a lecture from his brother. It’s not a lecture, but, it’s a lecture.
·       As much as he loves exploring. He’ll also love those lazy warm days. Either sat comfortably close, talking about anything and everything. Or lounging out in the garden or your balcony with him.
·       He’ll always make sure you’re hydrated. Like ‘Y/N, do you need some water? You look dehydrated. Please don’t get dehydrated.’ He’s a bit of a worried mother hen sometimes.
·       He’ll also love watching the sunset, whilst you’re both comfortably laid together. You’re always unsure if the cool evenings breeze is from him or not. You like to think it is.
·       Lots of cute photos. You take loads. He’s so photogenic. He’s always got such a happy genuine smile on his face. He’s got super long arms too, so he can always get the best angle.
·       He secretly loves you both walking together, and you holding onto/your arm linked with his. He loves the way you kind of fall forward when you laugh, placing a hand on his as you do so. He’ll always flash you a half smile.
·       The first time you had sex in the shower was when you were taking a cold shower the try and cool yourself down. He naturally wanted to join you, because this fucking heat can fuck off. Long story short, a bit of teasing, led to him fucking you against the wall of your shower. The shower didn’t cool you down at all. In fact, you were warmer in the shower than out of it.
·       Lazy sex on the sofa too. He loves watching you ride his cock. He loves running his hands up your side, as you slowly ride his cock and savour every moment.
·       Is the weather making everyone uncomfortable? He had no idea. He fucking did, because he’s living for the chaos. He’s also used to this weather. Chaosrealm is either baking hot or extremely cold. So, he’s literally chilled with this. Why is everyone panicking? He’s sat there in sunglasses and drinking a Pina Colada. Such a little shit.
·       He’s a hot mess all the time. But summer makes him an even hotter mess. You’ve never seen someone give less of a fuck till you met him. Great thing about Havik, he doesn’t give two fucks about anything. He’s so laidback. You don’t want to go out because it’s too warm? That’s fine. You want to go out and get wine drunk? He’s got two hands to carry two bottles. Whatever you want to do.
·       Relaxed drinks in your garden, he’s burning the food on the grill, your neighbours are telling him to put a shirt on, because you don’t have a fence. Everyone is having a great time.
·       He lives for terrible BBQs. He loves the disappointment more than the food. Your parents aren’t who this fucking behemoth in the most chaotic Hawaiian shirt is. No one is going to tell him his shirt is gawdy, because he’s so fucking tall.
·       He knows all the lyrics to ‘We didn’t start the fire’ which is a skill and slightly concerning.
·       Extremely good at limbo… too good. You’re watching as people’s faces switch from whimsical whimsy to fucking shocked. You’re sure someone was sick. Lives for the chaos.
·       He hates going outside for long periods of time. His face itches and it’s too warm to wear everything normally. Badly. Loves Halloween though, because people always compliment how great his ‘Costume’ and makeup is.
·       You’ve had a few comments on how handsome he is and laid back he is. He doesn’t get the ‘handsome’ thing, he prefers his face, when half of it’s you know, missing.
·       He loves Summer and how warm it is. When you ask why, he admits ‘It’s because Hotaru will be miserable’ And then he’ll smile. Summer is his Christmas. Because Hotaru is miserable.
·       When you can’t sleep, he’s awake, you’re not sure he needs to sleep. But he’s awake. You’ll have long chats, and, you both end up sat on your Livingroom floor, playing trivial pursuit. You’re sort of surprised by how much random knowledge he knows.
·       He’ll go on walks with you. This is where he met his first goose. He fucking loves them. What are these hate filled, angry creatures? Why does he want an army of them? When one hisses at him and falls in the river, he’s so happy. The circle of Chaos goes on.
·       Loves the beach. Because there’s loads of water. He fucking loves it. Ready to jump in as soon as he sees you. Pulls you in and you both swim for ages. He loves watching the waves crash against the shore with you, your head on his shoulder, whilst he draws circles… or squiggles on your leg.
·       Summer sex with him is so easy going. You’re sure you always end up fucking him in your car more than usual. You’re down to fuck on the way back from a day out? Fucking pull over, he’s good to go.
·       Don’t let him drive. He can’t drive.
·       Havik fucks hard and he once broke your headboard with his grip… and two fingers. But that’s fine, he just put them back together all good.
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Tomas Vrbada Smoke:
·       He’s not a fan of this shit. He’s not overly bothered about the heat, it’s his hair. It’s sticking to his back and he doesn’t like it. Has asked Bi-Han for a hug. He just wants to feel cold.
·       Queue the manbun. He’s not cutting his hair. He loves it too much. So, hair is up and tied back. Which only elevates his hipster status… and makes him look that little bit hotter. Burns hotter than the weather.
·       He’ll always put on sunscreen. He burns very easily. Way too easily. No tan. Just burns. He does get a slight dusting of freckles over the bridge of his nose. He’s not overly keen on them… but you think their cute. He starts to like them a little bit more when you remark how cute they are… and when you run your finger over them.
·       He’ll love doing something a little adventurous in summer. Which surprises you. He’s normally pretty introverted and wanting to relax and lounge. He’ll love doing something like hiking in the hills or taking long walks along a river. He just lives strolling, hand in hand, if it’s not too warm, and chatting genuine shit.
·       Imagine: Smoke, grey short-sleeved t-shirts, some cropped jeans, a good pair of hiking boots (Probably timberlands, the hipster) and a grey flannel jacket wrapped around his waist. Fucking hell. I need a fan!
·       Cute dates to cafes, where you both either talk about what you’re reading, or you both go to read. Said café dates can also be in the park with a takeaway ice coffee. Smoke is a hipster, fight me on this. You’re both looking up at the sky, laid arm on arm, head to head, whilst watching the clouds go by. You love moments like this and you both feel so content.
·       If you can ride a bike and are into that shit. He wouldn’t be opposed to having a bike ride, either along a canal or river. Somewhere that’s got a nice even off-road trail, with shade, nice scenery and is easy going. He’ll always make sure to pack lots of snacks, water and also sunscreen. Lots of sunscreen. He’ll plan a huge day out for you both, with lots of stops to see sights along the way. It’s all going great until he gets a bug in his mouth. Then he remembers why he hates the outdoors.
·       If gets too warm, you’re both going to the Lin Kuei temple. Smoke doesn’t care. You can live his room. He’s got a kettle and plenty of cup of noodles. Kuai thinks it’s nice that Smokes found someone. Bi-Han teases, because what kind of older brother would he be? Bi-Han totally views Smoke as a younger brother. He comes up with a cute ship name and he makes sure everyone refers to you both by it.
·       Loves the beach. Loves drinking iced tea at the beach. He’s under a big umbrella though. Sat in the shade, sipping his tea, reading his book, looking absolutely fine as fuck. People fall into ditches watching him lounge around. Bi-Han wanted to come with you both. Suns out guns out. He totally throws a bucket of water on him, saying he needs to cool the fuck down. And throws the bucket at him. Only to proceed to fall flat on his face.
·       Relaxed afternoon drinks at some hipster bar. He’s drinking an IPA. He doesn’t give a shit what you think… he really does. But it’s too warm for a hot chocolate.
·       He’s not overly fond of sex if it’s really warm. But saying that, on those cooler evenings, he’ll love just having you ride his cock. It’s soft, gentle, with a lot of touches and caresses. He loves you and loves spending time with you. He’ll also love the sight of your body in the moonlight. That slight summer breeze cooling you both down. The sound of the city below you, drowning out the moans.
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·       Pre-Burn Kabal is so hyped for summer. The moment that barometer or the weather says it’s slightly warm. That’s it. He’s wearing cropped shorts, showing off those finely tuned calves, and wearing a vest that may as well not be a vest, because side-boob.
·       He totally as a duck barometer on his desk, that turns yellow when it’s supposed to be warm. ‘Sorry Kano, can’t work, Mr Quack says it’s going to be sunny. You know what that means’ Queue everyone sighing, because they know their in for a month of awful outfits.  
·       You notice he slows down a lot in the summer. ‘Babe, papa is out of shape’ is the most uttered phrase for him. He’s used to the heat, but that doesn’t mean he wants to be speedy. He wants to savour every moment of his favourite season, with his favourite person.
·       He’s a mix of lazy and energised. He’ll want to go for long walks in the park, the woods, the river, the beach. But he’ll also want to lounge around in his underwear, AC on, whilst you both watch shit TV and binge watch bad films.
·       Drives at 2 am in the morning, because he wants a really cold drink, and he knows this place that does really good slurpees. Queue, some very bad summer music. If you have to listen to ‘Steal My Sunshine’ One more fucking time, you’re going to scream. The slurpee is pretty good.
·       He’ll also tease your thighs on the way back home. Which leads to you giving him a blowjob whilst he drives. Which leads to him having to pullover and fuck you in the backseat. Lord have mercy he can’t cope.
·        He’s really good at BBQ you’re so surprised. You both have two people BBQs, you’re both sipping on cocktails, having fun, listening to terrible music. Annoying your neighbours who don’t want to hear his shit music. He’ll love spinning you around and picking you up over his shoulder and carrying you back inside. Just so you can make out on the couch.
·       Prank calling Kano at 2 in the morning. With very unfunny jokes. But it’s funny, because it’s Kano and it’s winding him up.
·       Nothing better than walking into the living room and seeing a near fully naked Kabal on the sofa. Sprawled out, glistening skin, playing on his Playstation. Glasses on and a lazy smile. God.
·       If you wear shorts, he’s going to be very distracted. Loves your ass in them. And will always give it a discreet and cheeky squeeze. He’ll always lean in to whisper and tease you, about what he’s going to do when you both get back.
·       Going to the beach or swimming is always fun. He’ll totally drag you into the pool and splash you.
·       He’s so glad his hair is fairly short. Because who’s got the time in this heat.
·       Cute dates to diners and relaxed drinks on the kitchen floor. Because it’s cool, and you can both eat ice cream from the tub.
·       Post burns everything is different.
·       I still headcanon he’s not a massive fan of his body and his skin is hypersensitive to the heat.
·       He’ll love you rubbing sunscreen affectionately onto his skin, or maybe rubbing a balm to try and ease it. If you’re whispering sweet nothings, or how much you love his body, whilst doing this, it’ll make him so fucking happy. He wants to feel loved.
·       Sometimes, the gentle rubs, turn into teasing rubs, and then into needful grabs. Which leads to some pretty intimate and passionate sex. Lots of body worship and lots of caresses.
·       He will want to stay in more in Summer. His skin will feels like it’s on fire and it won’t be comfortable. He will not dress casually in the summer when out in public. But when that confidence returns, he’ll be back to wearing next to nothing on the sofa.
·        He can handle this better than Kuai. Or so he says. He hates it really. He fucking hates this warmth and this weather. He wants to be cold. You’ve caught him threatening to climb into the fridge or the chest freezer.
·        Endearing whines from him. He loves the excuse however, that gets to lounge around in next to nothing. Queue you coming back from work to see him on your couch, wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. Complaining that he’s melting. He knew he was hot, but he didn’t think he was this hot! You hate and love that joke.
·        He’s eaten all your ice cubes, ice cream and ice lollies. He’s trying to cool down, but nothing is working. When you suggest maybe going to back to Arctika, he’s not down for that. He wants to stay here with you… that and going back, would confirm to Kuai that he was right and Bi-Han was wrong. He ain’t having that shit!
·        He’s constantly taking ice cold baths and showers. But nothing is helping. But on the bright side, you’ve got an unlimited supply of ice cubes. He sees yours are melting, boom, have some more.
·        He does manage to lower the temperature of your house, but he really has to focus, and he hates his concentration face. Kuai makes him look really majestic, Bi-Hans looks confused, sad and angry all rolled into one. He ain’t a fan of it.
·        He does love spending time with you though. He’ll love wrapping his arms around you out in public. Barely anyone knows he’s the Grandmaster of The Lin Kuei so why the fuck does it matter?
·        He’ll love going on cute bar dates, he looks pretty fucking FINE in a suit. All dressed up, looking like a whole three course meal. He’ll love sitting on a balcony, with some good food and a few glasses of wine.
·        Ultimate tease. His hands are cooler than any drink, and he’s an obsession with your legs in summer. He’ll love running a hand up and down your thighs, cheekily squeezing your ass in shorts. He’s very discreet, which makes you call him a Ninja, he’ll wrinkle his nose at that. He’s no ninja, he’s just good at been discreet.
·        He’s also a fan of sitting on the kitchen floor because it’s cool. You’re both listening to music in your kitchen, sat on the floor, eating ice cream and drinking frozen drinks.
·        Summer sex for Bi-Han involves a lot of him surprising you with some sweet kisses. Which get heated. Very heated. He’ll end up picking you up, placing you on your kitchen counter and helping you get rid of some layers. The counters cool against your skin, and he’s still pretty cool, so it’s all round refreshing.
·        He loves the beach. Not only because he loves showing off his physique, but you look cute and he likes the thought of the water been cool.
·        Water is saltier than he is. But he doesn’t give a shit. He can swim pretty well, and he’s soon out pretty far. It’s so good to finally be cold.
·        Low-key drags Smoke and Kuai with you both to the beach. Smoke is chilling, vibing with his book and the little sandcastle version of the temple he built. Kuai is fucking miserable.
·        Bi-Han will chuck you into the sea if you ask. If you want to be Yeeted, he will yeet you as far as you want to go. He’ll also playfully push you off the pier and jump in after you.
·        Small kisses in the water, his arms around your waist.
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Kuai Liang (Sub Zero):
·        He still hates this. Nothing has changed. Summer can go fuck itself. He handles the complaints better than Bi-Han but he doesn’t handle the heat better. The only upside, he gets to spend some quality time with you. With no Bi-Han interrupting. Because he’s the worst.
·        He still doesn’t let on how bad he’s feeling it. He’s there, stoic, teeth gritted, whilst you’re having lunch. You decide to surprise him with a cold bath, the AC on the lowest setting, and ice in the bath. You leave him a note saying ‘Surprise and enjoy’ he fucking loves you. His heart actually may do a backflip.
·        When you get back, he’s less teeth gritted and more relaxed. He’ll take your hands in his and bring you in for a very soft kiss. You’re in your apartment so no one can see. It’s all cool!
·        He still tries to dress in his Grandmaster gear. He’s trying to remain stoic and trying his hardest to be his usual self. You remind him, that no one but you can see him in your apartment.
·        He will bite the bullet eventually and will shed his upper half of clothes. He’s currently sat in the comfy pair of short joggers you bought him. He’s a Grandmaster but he’s going to melt unless he changes. This is no different than when he’s in his relaxing gear back at the temple.
·        Your neighbours are in for a treat. When he wakes up, does his morning meditation in front of the window… only to realise the curtains and door are open, your neighbours are watering their flowers, and they are just stood there. Staring. Wondering how one man can be so chiselled and fine looking. Que him, leaning over to close the curtains. ‘Y/N. Did you open the curtains whilst I was meditating?’ ‘Yeah, why?’ ‘I don’t think your neighbours appreciate seeing me’ Oh, if only he fucking knew.
·        His bonus for living through his own personal living hell, you’re dressed in your cute summer clothes, and you constantly want to be close to him in your apartment. He does love how close you are to him. He loves when you’re relaxing on the sofa, and your head is on his shoulder. He will watch you from the corner of his eye, a small smile tugging on his lips. Just as his arm snakes around you more.
·        He doesn’t drink a lot. He isn’t against it. But then you introduce him to a Long Island Iced Tea. He can’t taste the tea but it’s pretty nice. He’ll love lounging with you on your balcony, watching as the evenings sky bleeds into the nights sky.
·        He’ll tell you about the constellations as a refreshing breeze washes over you.
·        He’ll love going for walks with you. He loves been out and exploring more of Earth in a more relaxed way. He’s been to many places, but they’ve always been mission related.
·        He may not be able to last long with the heat, but he does love wandering around the Forests and woods. He’ll spout random facts about the wildlife and fauna you pass.
·        Sex with Kuai when it’s warm is often difficult. He’s feeling flustered by the warmth and struggling. You do offer to run him a cold shower. He’ll sit there, asking if you wish to join him. You’re not going to pass that up. It’ll start innocent, with him just holding your body. Musing how he’s missed your touch.
·        A few kisses later and you’ve got him all flustered again. He’s not entirely sure what’s going on, when you slowly sink to your knees and take his cock into your mouth. At first, he’s like ‘Y/N, we can’t do this in the shower’ But, even all of that stoic training can’t help him here. His moans betray him, hands hovering over your hair, before you tangle them for him. This leads to him showing you some of that strength of his and fucking you against the wall of the shower.
·        After, you’re both panting messes, and you hear him chuckle. He comments on how he guesses the weather has bonuses. That’s as horny of a comment you’ll ever get from him.
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Kung Lao:
·        He’s actually fine in this heat, why do you ask? Kung Lao can handle heat, who said he couldn’t? Their lying. Okay, they’re not lying. He hates it. He fucking hates it. He’s confused at how Raiden can be stood there, completely unphased, and Fujin can be there with long fucking hair. They are winding him, and he knows it.
·        Liu Kang is fine. But he’s fucking not. Of course, he’s fucking fine with the heat.
·        He does love spending the time with you though. I mean, you look pretty cute in those shorts, and he loves how you smile and your so giddy about going out places.
·        His arrogance will be the death of him. Death will be caused by melting. He won’t admit how much he’s not overly fond of the heat. But when you see him staring into the fridge, you know he’s too warm. You suggest going for a swim and going to the beach.
·        Best idea in the fucking world. He can swim pretty well, so he’s dragging you into the water, before you can even pull off your clothes. He’s like ‘Lets go Y/N. Lets go.’ He’ll splash you, like the dick he is, he can give but can’t take when you splash him back.
·        Will feign falling over, only to have you rush over to him. He’ll then pick you up and spin you around and launch you into the water. You both piss about far too much. Lord Fujin is smiling down, so happy and proud, Lord Raiden is face palming so hard. The Elder Gods couldn’t give a fuck, their too warm as well.
·        He’ll always insist you take photos, bonus if it’s a polaroid so he can take the photos back. He will continuously show Liu Kang, Raiden and Fujin. He acts like the heat wasn’t that bad… Fujin knows the truth but he’s not going to say shit.
·        He’ll love going for small evening walks with you, just as the suns starting to set, you’re both strolling beside a rive. A small breeze is blowing past you. When you’re not looking, he’s thanking Fujin for been a bro and having his back. ‘Thank you…’ ‘What was that Kung Lao?’ ‘Nothing Y/N. You look very pretty. How’s that breeze?’
·        He loves the sunshine though and will want to make the most of going out in it. Que you both spending as much time as possible outside. Whether you’re just lounging, walking or exploring.
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Sindel: (The Smut Goblin will do you right, since 11 just retconned you.)
·        Outworld is naturally warmer than Earthrealm. She knows this and understands that it may be hard to cope. She’s there, looking ethereal, not a single hair out of place, barely breaking a sweat. Whilst you’re boiling. She thinks it’s cute.
·        She’ll always shake her head when you deny how warm you are. She’ll make sure you’ve always got fresh water and are kept cool. If it’s warmer than usual, she’ll make sure you’ve got baggy clothes to keep you cool and make sure you’re okay.
·        She’s not mean by any standard, but she will tease you ever so slightly about it. If you’re slightly red from the heat, she will tease you about it. ‘Y/N, blushing to see me already.’ Will tease you discreetly. And she will always remark about how she didn’t know she had this effect on you.
·        She’s discreet. She can’t be embarrassing Kitana like that. She ain’t about that life. Kitana fully supports your relationship. She thinks it’s nice her mother has found someone to spend her life with. Shao Kahn who? Who’s that dick? Never heard of Shags Cars.
·        She’ll personally request you join her when she goes to try and cool down at the warmest part of the day. The pool is surrounded by blooms and lush scenery, scenery you didn’t know existed in Outworld. Because, it does look barren.
·        You’re not arguing that it’s a mirage, until she strips down and asks you to join her. Everything is pleasant and cool. She asks you all about Earthrealm whilst you’re chilling in the cool water.
·        She wants to know more about you and yourself. And what better place than whilst taking a leisurely dip.
·        She’ll love lounging around on one of the balconies in the evening. Wine in hand, whilst you’re leant against her. She’ll plant a gentle kiss on your head, before asking if you’re comfortable. Very caring, because you know, she’s actually a caring person. NetherRealm seemingly forgot this shit. Let me remind them.
·        Sex with Sindel is fucking WILD. She can go from a pillow princess (Queen?) to a fucking dom in seconds. One minute she’s sat on your face, trying to stifle a moan, less anyone hear. The next, she’s got you flipped over, pinned down, whilst she attacks your cunt with her very skilled tongue.
·        You forget about the heat of the day and focus on the heat that’s pooling in your stomach for a few moments. Once you’re spent and wasted, she’ll always remark ‘I told you I could make you forget the heat my dear’
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·        For a man that has lived an eternal life and has lived through the heats of many summers. He’s never got to experience them because of ‘Can I see the manager’ Kronika. Fuck her.
·        He can cope with the heat of the day and is pleasantly surprised when there is a refreshing breeze. He’s so happy to be able to enjoy the summer and the sunshine, without the Titan of complaints, bossing him about.
·        He’s blissfully unaware of how mortals struggle with heat.
·        When you go on nice walks, to show him more of Earthrealm, and so you can both take cute photos. He’s walking miles head, happy and curious about everything. ‘Isn’t this nice Y/N. What a refreshing breeze… Y/N?’ Turns around to see you in a puddle on the ground. Que him turning back and picking you back up.
·        He loves experiencing different cultures and will love you exploring different parts of your city and trying new things. Kronika was a bitch and didn’t give him any downtime.
·        He’s loving this new lease on life, the fact he doesn’t have to go on bullshit missions for the Elder God of bullshit and family problems.
·        He’ll love cuddling up with you, whilst you both chat, and he tells you all the stories of his life. You name a time period, and he has lived through and experienced it. Bonus if you’re doing a history degree.
·        ‘Actually, my boyfriend was there and that’s not what happened. Give me my 100% on my test’
·        He’ll be a little confused why you always take photos of him at first. Until you explain you’re creating memories. Then he’ll be constantly posing for your photos with you. He takes the cutest selfies. He’s got such a warm smile and some gorgeous eyes. You’re the envy of all of your friends.
·        When you suggest going to the beach, he’s all for it, he loves the sound of the waves and finds it soothing.
·        He makes the most impressive sandcastles. It puts everyone else’s to shame on the beach. He’s not even trying which is the best part.
·        Geras is a tall guy. So, when he wades out into the ocean, you’re stuck behind in a bit of a shallower end. He wants you to come with him, so you’re getting picked up, and he’s got you on his shoulders. Your toes skimming the waters edge. He loves hearing your laugh, and you swear you hear him chuckle when you fall in.
·        He often remarks how he’s no longer eternally alone. And it makes your heart skip a beat.
·        He loves life in the slow lane, time is no object to him, so why not take things slow?
·        He’ll prefer slow and passionate sex during the warmer months. He knows you’re warm and he wants to make sure you’re okay. So slower and softer sex is on the cards. But if you want him to fuck you rough, then he is down for that, and the man has skill.
·        Geras needs a hug and I think we need to give him one.
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kiarcheo · 3 years
A Whole New World    5/10
Jane and Kat find out there is more to each other…and to the new world they have found themselves in.
Read on Ao3 too
‘Look what I’ve got?!’
Kat grabs the slips of paper Jane is waving in her face. They are train tickets. ‘Okay?’
‘Do you know what’s there?’
‘No?’ Kat is confused but can’t help smiling at Jane’s excitement.
‘Amusement park!’
‘Yes! We’re going to make a day out of it.’
‘What about the others?’ As much as she chafes at being ‘controlled’, a whole day out, leaving the city, probably warrants a heads-up at the very least.
‘Sadly they are unable to join us as they all have prior commitments either in the morning or in the afternoon.’ Jane doesn’t sound sad at all.
‘You cheeky fox.’
‘Nobody expects subterfuge from the village idiot.’
‘Hey, that’s my role! You’re Dumb, but I’m Dumber.’ Kat swats at her.
‘We should get that on t-shirts.’
‘And you’re clearly the brain of our duo.’
‘Wow,’ Jane brings a hand to her chest, ‘nobody ever accused me of such a thing.’
‘Well, certainly you’re not the brawn. You might have built some muscles in your legs skating, but you still have noodle arms.’
‘Would you like a map?’ the cashier at the entrance asks as he hands them their wristbands.
‘Yes, please, it’s our first time visiting.’
‘Then you choose a good day. Mid-week we don’t get too many people so you can enjoy and explore the grounds without too much crowds...and queues.’
They move away from the gates before stopping.
‘Where to first?’
They both look around in awe.
‘Adult slides?’
They study the map trying to find them. ‘Here!’ a finger points the number corresponding to the picture. ‘Astroglide here we come!’
‘Should we try something else?’ Kat asks, picking up her mat, after they had gone down the slides various times. ‘We can come back,’ she adds seeing the yearning look Jane shoots the attraction.
‘Do you want to...’ Jane points towards the roller coaster.
Jane nods.
‘Not really?’ Kat winces as even on the ground they can hear the people currently on it screaming their heads off.
‘Thank God,’ Jane breaths out. She is not keen on being that far up in the air. She is sure it’s safe and all, but like with airplanes, she doesn't really want to test it herself.
They keep walking around. ‘What about this?’ Jane asks stopping in front of a garish bright structure that announces itself to be a fun house.
‘Never again,’ Kat pants out, face flushed and hair escaping her ponytail. ‘Never been this close to dying for a second time!’
‘There is nothing fun about dying of a heart attack,’ Jane agrees, hands clutching her chest. ‘At the cost of sounding like an old lady–’  
‘Yes.’ Kat nods. She can’t find it in herself to muster up her usual teasing about Jane’s age. It’s like she has lost her sass together with her breath. ‘Let’s find something nice and calm.’
The hall of mirrors proves to be the right choice, leaving them breathless but this time with laughter.
‘Are they crashing into each other on purpose?’ Kat looks on confused as colourful little cars bump into others much to the hilarity of everyone involved.
‘Fancy a drive?’ Jane elbows her. ‘Could be a literal crash course on driving.’
Kat rolls her eyes at the pun, but soon they find themselves seated onto a small, pink bumper car, Kat at the wheel.
‘You know how you said you have no plans to get a car?’ Jane asks, bracing herself, as once again the car jerks, the forward movement immediately stopping as Kat tries to figure out how to drive it. ‘Please stick to that.’
‘Let’s see how you do then!’
She makes to stand up, car still in the middle of the floor with people bumping into them.
‘Maybe we should pull over to one side before swapping?’ Jane throws an arm around her waist, stopping her.
‘That's the whole problem!’ Kat snarks. ‘If I could do that, we wouldn’t be swapping.’
Thankfully the time runs out and all cars slow down. Some people leave theirs, new people getting in, others stay waiting for the new session to start. And Kat and Jane trade places.
‘Never getting into a car with you,’ Kat informs her cousin as they leave the attraction.
‘What? Why? I was good!’ And she was. In the thick of the action, skilfully – especially for a first timer – trying to evade getting bumped while chasing others, and gleefully and viciously crashing into them.
‘Because I saw the glint in your eyes. You make for a scary driver. And I bet that you would have road rage.’
‘What happened?’
Jane and Kat, who had just returned home, stare at Anna confused.
‘Your...’ the fourth queen motions with her finger to her forehead.
The cousins look at each other. Then realisation dawns on Kat. Indeed, there is a red mark on Jane's forehead.
‘She walked into a glass wall,’ Kat reveals with a giggle.
‘All your fault.’
‘Yes! Who distracted me?’
‘I just called your name. It was you who decided to turn around to flip me off, and consequently headed straight into it. How is that my fault??’ Kat protests. ‘Also, headed....because you went with your head in first, you got it?’
Jane storms off.
‘She doesn’t want to admit that the pun was brilliant and she loved it,’ Kat tells Anna before going to the kitchen.
‘Aaaahh!’ Jane screams jerking away. ‘Bloody hell, K, it’s cold!’
‘Well, it is ice.’ Kat holds the pack up with a grin. ‘For your head.’
Jane snatches it from her. ‘That was not my head.’
‘I thought about throwing it at you...’ Kat plops down on the bed.
‘How is slapping it on my nape any better?’ Jane grumbles but joins her on the bed, scooting towards the wall to lean against it. She tilts her head backward so that the ice pack stays in place without holding it there.
‘Does it hurt?’ Kat asks, genuine concern in her voice.
‘Not really. Only if I furrow my brows.’
‘Then don’t,’ Kat says, moving so that she is in the same position, back against the wall.
‘Thanks for the advice, Doctor Howard,’ Jane remarks drolly. ‘What are you going to do?’ she then asks out of the blue.
‘The number.’
‘Oh,’ Kat hums in realisation. ‘Nothing.’
‘You are not going to call?’
‘I don’t even know her. All we exchanged was, well, our orders and some small talk.’ And then as they were leaving, the waitress had handed her a slip with her phone number, along with the receipt for their food. ‘And I live in a different city anyway.’
‘So it’s not because it’s a girl?’
Kat stiffens. An uneasy silence falls as she stares at her lap, picking at the skin around her nails until Jane’s hand covers them, stilling their movement.
‘It’s okay.’
'Is it?‘
‘Of course.’ Jane hasn’t heard such vulnerability in Kat’s voice...well, she never did. She IS cagey with her feelings, and even once they got closer, Kat had switched from not talking about how she feels to talking about it sarcastically. ‘I don’t care who you like, as long as they treat you well.’
Kat twists around to hug her. ‘Best sister I could have asked for.’
‘Cousin. Second cousin.’
‘Shut up,’ Kat grumbles. ‘You know what I meant.’ She releases her. ‘We were having a moment and you ruined it.’
Jane knows Kat is not really upset, but– ‘I love you too.’
‘Now,’ she drawls, ‘I never said that.’
Jane shoves Kat, who ends up sprawled on the bed. ‘Now who is the one ruining the moment?’
‘Ow!’ Kat rubs her arm. ‘I did not throw the ice pack at you! And a book hurts more.’
A flash of remorse appears on Jane’s face, before vanishing. ‘You deserve it.’
‘I deserve to have a book chucked at me?’
‘Yes. Because you told me to read it.’
Kat picks it up to look at the title. ‘I just told you about the series.’ She had not read it herself. ‘But I thought you liked the first one?’
‘Exactly. Except the others are terrible.’
‘I’m…sorry? But I can’t really do anything about that?’
Jane still looks quite...perhaps not upset, but annoyed.
‘Want to talk about it?’
The regret starts fifteen minutes into Jane’s rant.
‘Am I right?’
Kat blinks at her. ‘I have not read any of them, so I have no idea what you’re talking about.’
Jane deflates.
‘How you tried checking online?’ Kat suggests. ‘It was a really popular series so I‘m sure that there are other people who didn’t like it...maybe you can find some to complain with?’
‘You were right,’ Jane announces, walking into Kat's room.
‘I usually am,’ Kat says cheekily, ‘but about what?’
‘There are lots of people hating those bloody books. Or better, the wasted potential of them. They are even writing alternative storylines and endings!’
‘Are you going to do it too? I remember you having lots of opinions and ideas on how the story should have gone.’
Jane stares at her for a long moment. ‘Do you think I could?’
‘Of course.’ Kat has no hesitation whatsoever.
‘Really?’ Jane seems to have plenty of them though. ‘I mean, I know I’m not Cathy.’
‘Just because she was the one who wrote in the past, it doesn’t mean she is the only one allowed to write now,’ Kat points out. ‘Perhaps we should all die again soon too, since–’
‘Fine, fine, I get it, no need to–’ Kat has a point, but still... She blows out a breath. ‘But I’ve never done it. Not now that we’re back, and certainly not in the past.’
‘Everyone has to start somewhere. And it’s not like you have to publish or anything like that, you know? If you want to write, write. Even if you do it just for yourself.’
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starchildwannabe · 4 years
Landing in New York
Genre: fluff
Pairing: bang chan x reader; side minlix
Word count: 5.3k
Warnings: this fic is mostly just fluff but they also drink
Author’s notes: I wrote this based on a prompt generator to try to finish a full story. It’s unedited but I hope it’s not too bad! Also it’s short but I hope you like it :)
Summary: you meet Chan in New York on New Year’s Eve
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2:58pm. I rub my eyes as the fatigue of 3 o’clock starts to slip in. How ironic (or cruel really) that New Years Eve was on a Thursday this year and that the deadline for this month’s project was today instead of next week. I let a slightly exhausted sigh escape from my lips as I finally look up from the computer screen.
“3 o’clock already,” a familiar voice on my left says prompting me to swivel my chair in their direction. A smile slips onto my face.
“You know what that means,” I say, holding out my hand to my lovely desk mate and exceptional best friend, Felix, who takes it without even slight hesitation.
It’d been a while since the honeymoon phase of working in a new place passed and both Felix and I started crashing around 3pm on workdays. It hadn’t been long, though, since we decided that the 3 o’clock fatigue meant stretching our legs and walking across the street to our favorite (by default) coffee shop to get a little pick me up. Today, however, I was more looking forward to the after work festivities rather than the assured line out the door of the Tom N Toms just for 3pm coffee. On December 31st in New York, everywhere was crowded no matter what time of day, and especially in Times Square from about rush hour on. So today was not a day you wanted to be stuck in the office after 5, let alone at all, but sacrifices had to be made for the dream of working and living so close to where the ball would drop at midnight.
When I step outside, already pulling my scarf tighter around my neck to escape the brisk wind and soft snow flurries, I’m surprised to see that the line hasn’t made it out the door yet and take that as a queue to get across the street as fast as possible.
“I’ll race you,” I say, giving Felix a mischievous look and a wiggly eyebrow.
“What are we, five?” He says giggling.
“No, six.” I say and take off across the crosswalk before the blinking green man changes to red. I glance over my shoulder when I get to the door of the Tom N Toms to make sure Felix actually made it across the street, and when I see him behind me, open it to reveal the warm air trapped inside the shop.
After waiting in the incredibly slow line for 10 minutes, we make it to the counter and give our order.
“You think Mr. Kim will be mad if we take a little longer than the usual 15?” I ask Felix and check my watch again as we walk toward the pick up counter to wait. Names are being called in the background, surely for other customers to get their orders, but I don’t really pay close attention because it’s too soon to be ours. I look up when Felix starts to reply, but I miss what he says because my attention is fully on a guy less than a few inches away from me holding an iced coffee in the hand closest to me and brace for impact because it’s too late to sidestep him. In less than a second I can feel coffee running down my shirt and thank God that it’s just cold and not scalding my chest instead.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry,” a panicked voice is saying as I awkwardly hold my shirt away from my body, “I didn’t even see you I don’t even know how that happened I’m really really sorry,” he says in a somehow even more panicked tone. I give an extremely awkward smile to try to lighten the situation and that’s when I actually take a second to look at the person frantically apologizing and all I can think is holy shit, is he beautiful.
“Ah, um, it’s okay,” is all I can manage to say because he’s shoving napkins at me. Then one of the staff with a mop is at the area where the coffee spilled and Felix is pulling me towards him and the boy is being pushed by the crowd the other way and the conversation ends before I can even ask him his name.
“Are you okay?” I hear Felix ask behind me and then the boy is gone because I turn my head to look at Felix instead.
“Yeah, I’m just a little uncomfortable, and coffee stained is all,” I make a mental note that I would probably be more upset if the person behind why I was covered in coffee was less attractive and then mentally kick myself for being shallow. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom to try to get this off, can you handle getting the drinks?”
“Yeah, dude, of course,” Felix says, and gives me a little push towards the bathrooms.
Fortunately, the rest of the hour and a half in the office passes without much problem. Unfortunately, I have to spend the rest of the afternoon and commute home with a horribly stained white button down. Fortunately, I have a coat to cover it when I go outside. Unfortunately, Felix hasn’t stopped talking about the boy that caused said stain since we made it back to the office, and as we’re walking out again at 5.
“But do you think you’ll see him again?” He’s saying for the 2nd time since I made it back from the bathroom in the Tom N Toms, “I think he was interested in you, and he was hot,” he adds and I sigh.
“I know,” I say in a pouty voice, “but like I said last time, I probably won’t. I’ve never seen him before today anyway, he could be a tourist for all we know. I mean, he did have an accent that was clearly Australian.” I look at Felix when I say the last part.
“Well I’m Australian and I live here,” he says, and adds, “I’m just saying,” when I give him a side eye.
“Well all I’m saying, is that it’s not likely.”
The conversation dwindles and then moves onto plans for that night and after about 10 minutes of walking and brainstorming the best way to get even remotely in Times Square without having to stand outside for the rest of the night the conversation somehow goes back to the coffee shop boy.
“You know, if he’s a tourist, he’s probably here for the ball drop,” Felix states. “And if he’s here for the ball drop, that means he’ll be somewhere in Times Square at midnight.”
“Who?” I ask even though I already know who he’s talking about.
“The boy.” He glances over at me and slits his eyes. “From Tom N Toms.” He deadpans.
“Felix, there’s going to be literally a million people in Times Square, maybe even more than that, we’re never going to run into him.” I sigh at the realization that we’ve been talking about someone, that I’m probably never going to see again, for the better half of the afternoon. “If we see him again, I’ll be convinced that he’s my soulmate.”
“I think if we leave now we’ll be able to be in the very very back,” Felix says from behind me. “And I’m sure if we squint, we’ll actually be able to see the ball drop.” I stop searching through my closet for a second to glance at Felix who’s casually sitting on my bed.
“Look it’s not my fault someone spilled coffee on my shirt.” I say and turn back to my clothes. From the other side of the wall, I could hear a slight pulsing from music that’s turned up too loud. “You’d think the owner would tell them to be careful about getting noise complaints.”
“Well it’s not like it’s illegal to rent out your place as an Airbnb anymore.”
“I mean I guess,” I glance down at my watch, “why are they even here still? If they don’t leave soon, they won’t be able to get anywhere near Times Square.”
“You’re telling me.” Felix says. I quickly grab a shirt and pull my coffee stained one over my head. Once I have the fresh one on, Felix stands and walks to the door.
“Wait,” I say and he turns his head in my direction. “Does this look okay together?”
“Yes, but I don’t see why it matters so much, your coat’s gonna be over it the whole time.” I turn my head towards my closet one last time. “Let’s just go.” Felix adds with a slight urgency in his voice.
“Okay, you’re right it doesn’t really matter.”
As I’m turning my key into the handle, I have a sudden urge to knock on the door next to mine and tell them to turn the music down, but I let it go because we’re leaving anyway and it’s their fault if they have to watch the ball drop from the very back of Times Square. I turn away from the door and give my watch one more glance as I head toward the stairs. 5:24pm. When I get the the stairs, Felix is already at the bottom of the first flight.
“We should get to the entry on 6th in less than 5 minutes, we don’t have to rush that much.” I say to his clearly urgent body language. He pauses for a second before replying and I lift my eyebrow.
“I, uh,” Felix hesitates, “kind of told someone we’d meet them at 6th at 5:30, but I didn’t think I’d mention it until we got there because I didn’t think it’d take this long to leave.” He lets the end drift off.
“Oh.” I say, “that’s fine, but like I wish you would’ve told me before. I would’ve spent less time changing.” An awkward laugh escapes, but I feel a genuine smile on my lips.
“Sorry,” he says and his hand comes up to rub the back of his head.
“Do I know them?” I ask to try to ease the tension.
“Oh, uh, yeah actually I think you’ve met one time.” Felix says and then adds, “but I don’t think you know his name.”
“And his name is—“ I say drawing out the last word.
“Minho,” I nod confirmation as he says it. “You were there, when we met.” I look at him with a confused expression. “It was a couple weeks ago at the bar,” when my expression doesn’t change he adds, “come on, you know, kinda tall, brown hair, cute nose, great laugh. I gave him my number?”
“And I was there?”
“Yes, you were there! You were literally sitting right next to me when this happened.”
“Wow, how drunk was I, jeez.” I shake my head a little and then say, “Well as long as he’s nice and doesn’t make things awkward for me, I don’t really care if I know him or not.” I chuckle and then look at Felix with pouty eyes, “but who am I supposed to kiss at midnight now?”
“Well it wouldn’t’ve been me anyway, so I guess that’s a personal problem,” he says and then gives a nice genuine laugh.
“I guess I’ll just have to go another year without a New Years kiss.” I feign despair and over exaggerate my sigh.
At exactly 5:32pm we make it to the entrance at 6th. We look around for a bit and then Felix jogs off toward someone that he recognizes. I stand awkwardly by myself as I witness their encounter, and confirm that Felix was right, he does have a cute nose. After maybe a minute, Felix turns around and walks back to me with Minho close behind.
“So this is Minho,” he says to me and I give a smile and wave to the boy standing behind him, and then he turns to Minho and adds, “she couldn’t remember you from the bar, can you believe that?” His laugh is light and fluttery, and I make a mental note to ask him about this later.
“You stole my midnight kiss,” I comment and wink at Minho and both boys’ cheeks flush pink.
“I, uh,” Minho’s voice is frantic and his eyes search Felix’s face for help.
“I’m just kidding,” I say and then laugh and pat Minho on the shoulder. I check my watch again. “I’d say we have like 20 minutes before they stop letting people in, so let’s make a quick bathroom stop and meet back here.” I say and then point toward a nearby building that I’m sure will let us in.
By the time the last hour of the year comes and is almost gone, and the sun has been gone for over 6 hours, the only thing that’s keeping me alive and not freezing to death in the brisk wind, is the sheer amount of people that are in Times Square (and also the alcohol that’s in my system from the very kind and very sneaky people standing next to us). Of course, Felix and I had forgotten to hide any booze in our coats before we left since we were rushed and now that I’m a little bit more than slightly intoxicated, I’m glad that we didn’t. I’m overly grateful for the people next to us, because they made the time pass while Felix was busy flirting with Minho next to him. Around 10 minutes before midnight, I could hear some commotion going on somewhere in the crowd in front of me, and then saw a small group of people making their way to the back of the crowd. As they passed by us, the people next to me said something like, “you know you can’t get out now, when it’s so close to midnight.” But they didn’t stop walking, just pointed vaguely behind us which seemed to be good enough for everyone. After that, the crowd shifted enough that Felix, Minho, and I got pushed away from the people next to us and into a new area of the crowd. I frown at the thought of not being by people I know anymore and push my coat back so I can look at my watch. 3 minutes to go. I look up at the ball on top of One Times Square and excitement floods my body. It’s almost to the bottom already.
I lean closer to Felix and Minho and ask, “Any last words before our lives change forever?”
Felix slightly rolls his eyes and then leans into Minho’s ear.
“She does this every year,” and then looks back at me and smiles and adds, “All I’m going to say is that I hope there isn’t an alien spaceship waiting for the last 3 seconds before midnight to blast us all off the earth.” Minho scrunches his eyebrows.
“He says that every year,” I say leaning toward Minho. Felix shrugs.
“It’s true though.”
“Minho?” I ask.
“Um,” he glances at Felix, “I hope that next year is at least as good as this year was.”
“Aw, wait that’s really nice, and a million times better than Felix’s” I say and clasp my hands by my chest. “I think for me, I hope that in—“ I glance at my watch again, “45 seconds I can get a New Years kiss.”
“Those are you last words of the year? Really?” Felix deadpans next to me.
“I don’t see the problem,” Minho says and shrugs.
I can hear someone around me yell “30 seconds,” and then the noise level of the crowd goes up from excitement and everyone’s eyes are glued to the ball ahead.
20 seconds. 15 seconds. 12 seconds.
At 10 seconds everyone starts to count.
9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4... 3... 2... 1...
Everyone in the crowd is shouting happy new year to the people around them and before I can even blink I’m being pulled closer to someone in front of me and they’re whispering in my ear with an extremely familiar accent, “can I kiss you,” and I’m whispering back “yes” and before I can comprehend what I’m doing, a kiss is being pressed to my lips. All I can think in the moment is what chapstick do they use? because their lips are so pillowy and smooth. When I finally open my eyes and reorient myself with my surroundings I see none other than the boy from the coffee shop standing in front of me.
“It’s you!” I blurt out before I can catch myself.
He laughs a honey sweet laugh and then says, “Chan or Chris, either is okay.” And then he smiles so wide his eyes almost disappear entirely.
“Okay, Chan or Chris, why? How? What? I’m so confused.” I say.
“Clearly,” the honey sweet laugh comes again. “Just call me Chan,” he says and glances at Felix and Minho giving them a little nod. I look at Felix when he does this and notice that his mouth is hanging open and let out a chuckle at the sight.
He grabs my arm and pulls me towards him and then says loud enough for only me to hear, “so you meet again, it must be fate.” I roll my eyes and then he lets my arm go and holds his hand out in front of Chan and says, “I’m Felix, we met earlier but you were in a bit of a rush, I’m assuming.”
“Ah, yeah sorry about that,” Chan says, he grabs Felix’s hand and lets his sunny smile cross his expression once more. “I’m glad we met again,” he turns to me when he says this, “it was really getting under my skin that I didn’t get to apologize to you properly.” An awkward chuckle escapes his lips.
“Oh, no, no it’s no big deal at all,” I say more rushed than I intend, “I’m sure you were busy, with it being New Year’s Eve and all,” I give him a little wink and his smile grows even bigger. “Plus I can kind of tell that you’re not from here,” he looks at me with a confused expression, “I mean your accent is obviously not American.” I say with a laugh.
“Looks like you caught me,” he laughs and puts his hands up by his shoulders. Before he can say anything else, though, one of his friends is leaning into his ear and whispering something to him. I try to catch what they’re saying but it’s too loud around me to hear. At this point the crowd has dispersed into a much less dense one and there’s enough room around to move freely. I glance over at Felix and at the same time feel a slight brush at my hand before it’s grasped by someone else’s. I look up and Chan’s attention has fully returned to me.
“We’re gonna head back to our Airbnb now, but I’m wondering if you want to come?” He asks with a smile plastered to his face.
I look back at Felix to see his reaction and then say, “I want to, but I would feel better if my friends could come too?” Felix is nodding behind me and Chan slips a quick glance to them before turning back to me and smiling again.
“Yeah, of course, the more the merrier!” He says. The friend that whispered into his ear before taps his arm and gives a little jerk of his head when Chan looks over. He starts to lead us through the still thinning crowd to the entrance, and I notice that Chan hasn’t let go of my hand since he first grabbed it. When he looks back at me when we make it back to the entrance, I can feel my cheeks heating up and hope that it’s too dark to see them change color.
“So,” he starts to say, “if it’s so obvious that I’m not from around here, what’s your guess?”
“My guess?”
“Yeah,” he says, “where do you think I’m from?”
“Oh,” I pause for a moment, “well your accent is pretty similar to Felix’s, so I’m guessing Australia?”
“You’re pretty clever,” he says in return, “I don’t think I could ever get used to it being cold in December though.”
“Really? Then why come to New York during the coldest time of the year?”
“Well, it’s on everyone’s bucket list isn’t it?” He says and then adds, “to come to New York for New Year’s Eve.”
“Yeah I guess so, but I don’t really see the big deal. You can’t even go to the bathroom once you’re in the barricades.”
“Yeah I know,” Chan says with a sort of defeated tone in his voice, “I wish someone would’ve told me that before we got inside.” He trails the end with a laugh.
As we round the next corner, snow starts to lightly fall from the sky. Chan’s friends in front of us start to murmur to each other like kids seeing snow for the first time and I let out a small giggle at that. After about a minute or so the road goes back to the calmer atmosphere it had before, and I realize that we’re walking directly toward my apartment. I give Felix a quick glance to see if he’s noticed it too, and when our eyes meet he lifts his eyebrow at me.  I shrug as if to say what’re the odds and then turn back to Chan who’s telling me that if he were in Australia today, he’d be wearing shorts and flip flops with a zero percent chance of snow in the forecast. Then he’s telling me about how he would probably be swimming too and I can’t help but wish I was somewhere warm while we’re walking down a freshly snow covered street.
“You know, I live really close to here,” I say at a break in the conversation.
“What? Really?” Surprise crosses Chan’s face.
“Yeah, actually it’s only like a minute away.” I say and then hear someone ahead of me say  “We’re almost there!” in a bright tone. I lift my eyebrows when we head toward my apartment building instead of turning down the street. I point ahead and then add, “that’s my apartment building.”
“No way,” Chan says as we inch closer and closer to it. “I think that’s where we’re staying.”
“Very funny,” I say.
“No, I’m serious,” I search his face to see if he’s lying, but we reach the stairs and it’s enough to know that he’s telling the truth. “What floor are you on?” He asks as we climb the first flight.
“3.” He’s silent for a moment too long so I add, “you guys aren’t on 3 also, are you?”
“Actually,” he pauses, “I think it’s 304.”
Then tension sits in the air for a moment before I say, “you should really think about playing music will less bass.” Chan gives me a confused look, “I’m in 305,” I let a smile fill my lips when I say so.
“Wow, what a coincidence.” He thinks for a second, “wait, that’s actually pretty convenient.”
“Because you can go home whenever you want.” We reach the 3rd floor then and the door to apartment 304 is already being opened by one of Chan’s friends. When we get into the main room, it looks the same as mine except the furniture has a vintage 70s vibe and the couch in the center of the room is an ugly green color. There are two more rooms splitting off from the main one, and after counting the number of Chan’s friends I’m assuming they’re bedrooms with more than one bed in each of them. The only light other than the dimmed overhead light is coming from different colored hexagon tiles that are hanging on the wall. Before long, there’s music bumping through the speakers on the entertainment center. Chan has to lean into my ear before saying, “pretty cool isn’t it?” because the volume is up pretty loud. After he leans away, he holds up a beer in front of me and tilts his head. I grab it from him and give a soft smile.
“Thanks,” I say and then add, “it looks nothing like mine, apart from the layout.” Chan leads me over to the couch, we sit, and cheers glasses before both taking big swings from our bottles.
2 and a half beers and 3 shots of soju in he asks, “Do you like living in New York?”
I think for a while and then say, “Yeah, I didn’t grow up here, but I always liked the idea of moving to a big city so I applied to college here and when I moved for my freshman year I just kind of never left.” I shrug and take another drink from the bottle I’m holding.
“Aw wow, it’s cool that you got to reach your goal.” I give him a slightly skeptical look.
“I wouldn’t say it was really a goal, more like an idea that I liked.”
“Yeah but it’s still cool,” he pauses, “I’m thinking about moving from Australia, but I’m not sure where I would go,” he pauses again, “just an idea I like, I guess.” He shrugs this time and I clink my almost empty bottle to his. “You know what else would be cool,” he eyes me and leans a little closer than he probably would if he was completely sober, “if you showed me your apartment.”
I let out a genuine belly laugh, “that’s what cool is to you?”
“You bet,” he pops up from the couch and throws his hand out to me.
“Alright, if you want.” I take his hand, finish the last of my beer, and place the empty bottle on the coffee table in front of me before standing up. As we walk across the room, I catch Felix’s gaze and throw up a peace sign with my free hand. He pushes himself off of the wall he’s leaning on and walks over to me.
“Heading out?” He says into my ear.
“We’re just going next door,” I chuckle, “So, yes and no.” He glances back at Minho, who gives him a bright smile when their eyes meet.
“Well if you’re gonna ditch, I think we’re gonna head out too.” Minho nods from behind him and then inches close enough to rest his head on Felix’s shoulder. I lift an eyebrow at him and he raises both of his back at me two times in quick succession.
“Text me when you get home,” I say and smile.
“Wouldn’t think not to.”
When I turn back to Chan, he’s talking to one of his friends. After 10 seconds or so he looks at me with a grin on his face and says, “ready to go?” I nod and we head to the entrance.
It takes less than a minute for us to get fully inside and situated in the apartment next door.  I flip on the lights and watch as Chan starts to wander into the living room.
“You’re right,” he says after a couple of moments of silence.
“I’m right?” I question from across the room.
“Yeah,” he turns to me, “that apartments nothing like yours.” He turns towards the doors the opposite wall. “But it feels like home.” I let out a muffled giggle and I can see his ears turning red before he whips around and adds in a rushed tone, “A home, a home, not my home, not my home at all, just a home,” my giggles escalates into a full laugh at his rambling. “Not that I don’t want it to be my home, just, uh, I’m trying to not be weird.”
“Aw really?” I say when I’ve composed myself, “I was hoping you’d move in.” I fake an exaggerated sigh and then continue laughing with Chan joining in. “You’re really cute when you’re flustered,” I say.
“Oh yeah, well,” he pauses for a moment and then says, “well, you’re just really cute.” He turns away from me and faces the doors again. “I’m gonna guess that the left one is yours.”
“Hmm, well, you would guess wrong.” I say and walk over to the door on the right side of the room. Chan gives a pouty expression and lets out a little “hmph”
“Does anyone live there?” He says pointing to the left.
“Yeah, but she’s out for the week on vacation for New Year’s Eve.” I glance over at her door and let out a little sigh. “Must be nice to have a job that lets you have the whole week off.” I push my door open and then lean on the door frame. “I do want to say, though,” Chan looks at me with a look of concern, “I don’t usually bring guys home with me the first day we meet, so—“ I let the end drop off.
“Oh, I wasn’t expecting— I didn’t think we’d— uh,” Chan gives a cheeky grin, “yeah no worries.”
I walk into my bedroom and lay my keys on my dresser before sitting on the bed. Chan follows suit but spends quite a lot more time making his way to the bed because he’s preoccupied with looking around the room. When he’s finally satisfied he stops in front of my nightstand and bends halfway over to inspect the tiny cactus and succulent trio that’s in a small pot.
“These are cute,” he glances over at me and then back at the plants, “do they have names?” He asks in a genuinely curious tone.
“Oh, actually,” I pause for a moment to think, “no they don’t.”
My face falls slightly and I only notice because Chan is saying “oh no don’t worry it’s okay,” and turning his attention fully onto me and away from the succulents. We stare into each other’s eyes for a moment and then he peels his eyes away and I can see his cheeks dusting pink. “How about we name them together?” He asks.
“Okay,” I say and smile. Chan plops down on the bed and then let’s out a low hmmm.
“How about, Chan,” he says.
“Oh my gosh, no.” I say laughing.
“Okay, okay, how about we name this one,” a second slips by, “Tom.”
“What? Why Tom?” I ask.
“Because that’s where we first met each other.” He says with a contagiously sunny smile.
“Oh that’s right,” I say, “it feels like that was 2 weeks ago, but it was literally,” I check my watch, 3am, “12 hours ago.”
“Wow can you believe that?” He kicks his feet up, resting his legs on my thighs, and lays down on the pillows with his arms crossed behind his head. “What if we didn’t meet again?” He lifts his head slightly to look at me.
“I don’t know,” I say and then lift Chan’s legs up and move onto the bed to lay next to him. He turns his body to face me.
“Well I’m really glad we did,” he says, his tone soft and sweet.
“Me too.” He inches a little closer to me and rests his forehead on mine.
“Can I kiss you?” I nod in response and lean into his pillowy lips for the second time that night. The kiss is soft and innocent and it feels like something out of a dream.
“I don’t want to leave,” Chan lets out an exasperated sigh.
“Then don’t,” I say and connect our lips again but this time the kiss is much more rushed and wanting, full of unspoken desire. I can feel my cheeks heating up and at the same time Chan is rolling us over so he’s embracing me. Our kiss deepens into something even more raw and I have to pull away before I can’t help myself. He peppers tiny kisses all over my face and I can’t help but giggle.
“This might be a weird question, but can I sleep here?” He asks.
“I would love that,” I say and place one more quick kiss onto his lips before pulling out of his embrace. “But if you’re going to stay I’m going to change into some pajamas.”
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lillaxtrigger · 3 years
Young Hope: Chapter 41
The tall, clear glass set within the towering buildings of Townsville reflect the glisten of the afternoon sun and shine them down upon the people of Townsville; walking through the streets and driving through the roads on the way through their daily communes, almost nothing but the city ambiance echoing through block after block. Simply going through the motions of their day to day lives, the people walking through the sidewalk are broken from their near trance like state when a wisp of emerald green wavers past; some of them leaping out of the way when a pair of speeding figures soon follow after. Among their pursuit after the fleeting green spirit flame do both Mally and Biz swerve around both people and vehicles alike, some of the cars they pass honk to them while other’s rudely flip the old middle bird; ignoring their upset fits to simply focus on what they pursue. The magenta woman that Mally calls her mentor speeds forth as both of them are on approach of a busy intersection that the wisp hovers right over; Biz soon leaping off the pavement and gliding right along the glass surface of the building beside her; wall grinding higher and higher. Nearing the crosswalk, the magenta skater leaps out in the peek of her grind and bounds above the passing cars and trucks; Mally watching in utter awe as her teacher manages make it out to the other side of the street unscathed. Peering out ahead to what could aid her pulling off the same stunt, the orange girl’s eye lock out to a street lamp standing just short of the crosswalk; Mally taking her beloved grapple yo as her mind rings up an idea. The skater casts her gadget straight out to the light and lets its string hug its top; the very moment that her gadget finishes wrapping around the light’s steel does the orange skater jerk herself up into the air and swing out above. The people of the city watch anxiously as the orange girl bounds right over the line of busy traffic; some of them holding their breath as Mally grazes right off the top of a semi truck. The crowd lets out a relieved sigh when she lands right on the other side of the street, all while Mally continuing her pursuit after her mentor and the wisp unabated.
In her chase after the coveted emerald spirit, Biz finds the fleeting ghost hovering straight up a set of concrete steps; the woman picking up as much speed as she could as she approaches the railing splitting the stairs. Finally nearing the base of the steps does the magenta skater hop right atop the rustic incline, all the speed she had built up letting her ascend up to the very top of the steps with ease. In following her teach does Mally then build up as much speed as she could as she closes in on the rail; finally hopping right along the bottom end and smoothly sliding right up to the very top. Hopping right off the rails does she come to witness her teacher take an extremely tight turn from the split road up ahead; Mally once again glancing to her surroundings ahead for a way to follow after, a stop sign along the corner of the street giving her just what she needs. The orange skater tosses her grapple yo once more out to the approaching sign ahead and envelopes its string right around its very neck; Mally holding on tight as takes the turn without loosing a single bit of momentum.
That very boost around the corner lets her catch up to the magenta skater, Mally skating right aside Biz as she asks her: “Any luck catching the wisp?” “Slippery little bastard. Just a couple inches closer and we could trap it with this thing.” Biz claims, digging through her pants pocket to pull out metallic jar fitted with lines of neon green. “Why don’t I give it a go?” the orange girl persists as she snatches the jar right out from her mentors grasp, zipping straight ahead after the fleeing spirit. “Mal, hang on a sec!” her teacher attempts to warn, though her words fall of deaf ears as her pupil simply speeds off.
Out to the fleeing green wisp ahead does Mally speed through the streets, the girl tasting the green bits of spirit the wisp leaves behind in its wake as she grows closer and closer to its tail. The feverish chase leads the young lady to entering a busy highway, where countless vehicles flow through the concrete roads like a running river of metal. As the cowardly emerald wisp flutters between the numerous vehicles, the girl that pursues it skirts across the sides of these cars and trucks as she refuses to give up the chase; some of the drivers within jumping when the orange lass leaps off their side windows. Despite her feverish pursuit after the ghostly spirit, Mally finds the distance beginning to grow and ponders for a way to close the gap as the cars aside zoom past. Its in the Doppler effect of some of these vehicles passing my that she gets another idea and jumps up to the top of a nearby car; the gap between her and the spirit swiftly closing as she leaps from motor vehicle to vehicle. Meager moments before the girl could swipe the spirit from the air does the wisp suddenly veer straight off the side; Mally waiting not another moment as she hangs off the side of the semi and leap right after the fleeting spirit. Careening through the air, the orange skater reaches out as far as she could as she glides closer and closer to the flighty wisp; finally swiping the spirit in the metal bottle. “Gotcha!”
Though excited over the prospect of capturing the slippery wisp, her demeanor is swiftly shot down when realizing herself falling down off the side of the highway and down the long drop towards the concrete below; the girl yelping out as she starts to descend. Midst her screaming descent does she peer over to discover her magenta mentor zooming through the air beside her; Biz shouting out to: “Throw your yoyo to me!” Without so much as another word does Mally do just that and flings her gadget out to her teacher; Biz catching her students grapple yo and clutching it tight as she drags the orange girl through the air with her. Descending down upon the pavement of an empty road, the magenta skater cleanly lands on her feet before manages to catch her plummeting pupil in the nick of time before she could smack into the asphalt. Upon catching her student, Biz finally puts the breaks onto her skate through the streets as she comes close towards the side of an apartment building behind them; coming to a skidding halt before both of them could crash right along its hard brickwork.
“You okay there, Mal?” the magenta woman questions as she sets her pupil down on her own two skates. “Yep. Caught the wisp in all its ghoulish glory.” the student response with presenting the enclosed metallic jar glowing bright green. “Nice. Pretty ballsy of you to just leap off the edge of a highway like that.” “Eh. After helping your brother’s take down a primordial cosmic shaper of the universe alongside the other sort of stuff I been up against, not a lot phases ya no more. It’s still pretty much a blast though.” “That’s what I like to here. Kickin ass and taking names. You might just have a future in the supernatural if ya keep this up.” Biz compliments as she takes the captured wisp from her pupils grasp.
On that very queue do the two of them suddenly hear a distinct ring go off in the magenta woman’s torn up jeans; Biz digging right in her pocket to pull out her phone making the noise, gazing to the screen to find the alarm mentioning how its almost time for work. “Dammit. Gotta punch in the clock for work. Mal, I really hope you’ll get a better future then I have. It’d definitely beat going on the grind everyday at this run down diner, serving cock head assholes while getting yelled at my your shitty boss.” “Why you working as a waitress anyway? Don’t these supernatural hunt jobs get you by enough?” “They help from time to time, but the pay ain’t nowhere near enough to get by in this day and age. So much crap to keep track of. Food, phone, internet, rent, water bill, electric, and all that just for an overpriced apartment. God, being a grownup fucking sucks, makes me miss being with my uncle Dib. If there’s one piece of advice I wanna leave ya with, Mal, its to plan for life to fling shit her way; cause sooner or laters, its gonna.”
Right as her magenta mentor was on the cusp of splitting, something the woman’s pupil asks makes her stop right in her tracks; Mally questioning: “What time do ya get off?” “Clock out after 8. Why?” “Why don’t ya let your food bill take a little break and come over to my place for a bite. My mom ain’t the best cook out there, but she always finds a way to make’em take real homey.” “Sure, why not. I’ll stop by your place once I clock out. See ya.” Biz accepts before she skates off with the trapped wisp secure in her hands. Amidst waving goodbye to her mentor, a small metaphorical thorn pricks the back of the orange lass’s head; making her wonder what exactly she’s forgotten about. … “Oh hell, Vivi!”
Set in the middle of a lone suburban backyard are numerous training dummies spread out among the fresh cut grass; all of them surrounding a half skeletal blonde, who tightly clutches the neck of a scythe as she prepares to lunge forth. Finally taking the first steps in her assault, Vivian manages to roughly cut straight through the bodies of these dummies as easily as slicing paper; the skull girl slicing straight through their straw necks, chests, and torsos with multiple strokes. “Hey Vivi.” Mally sudden pops in among the girl’s swinging frenzy. With it too late for her skeletal pal to stop her own swing, Mally pulls out her grapple yo against the scythes very blade; countless sparks flying as the blade slides against the gadgets hard shell.
Having gotten so close to her orange pal, literally face to face, Vivian backs away from Mally’s personal space in a fluster; shouting out how: “Mal! Fuck sake girl. Nearly yeeted ya damn head off! You’re so-” “Late? Yeah, I know. I was taking care of some stuff. But the way you cut through all those dummies like better. Sick as hell.” “I...Th-th-thanks, comes with some practice.” the skull girl stutters, her face glowing bright red. “Though I gotta ask, why are ya so amendment on practicing with that scythe? Thought you hated so much as the thought of touching it.” “Ah, I still hate this fucking thing. Just can’t get out what Ryan bitched at me outta my head.” “Vivi, you still thinking about that. It’s okay, you don’t gotta worry about it.” “But I do, Mal. The first time I used this damn scythe to help her out outta that hole city wide riot, felt as if a horrible dread was creeping on very being the more she used it. Thought I could just ignore all that helping you guys take down that Mall guy. That bull just made things worse, couldn’t use it like I did back in Townsville. Best my sorry ass could do was just jump around and cut stuff. That whole trip I took with you really forced the truth right down my throat.”
“Viv…” Mally utters. “Yep. Pretty much the whole reason I signed up for the League.” “The-the Vanguard league!? You sure about that, Vivi?” Mally questions after the initial jump. “Pretty damn sure. Standing alongside the other fresh meat outta gimme the motivation I need to push through the wall of my own pent up shit.” “Viv, the league ain’t a contest. Its a superhero organization made to help people.” “Its why I signed up. Figure if I can use this fucking oversized gardening tool for some good, maybe I can convince myself that its powers aren’t so bad.” the skull girl explains. “Alright. If you think that’ll help.”
“Yeah...Speakin of help, the hell were you doing that made ya an hour late?” “Oh, uh...I got sidetracked helping my teach out catching this loose wisp through the city messing with people. Bothering the elderly, flipping the bird to drivers, possessing people to make them commit sexual harassment. Ya should’ve been there Viv, both of us were just skating through the streets, grinding rails, gliding along walls, jumping on cars just to try and catch the little bastard. Finally wound up catching it jumping on the side of the highway. My teach saved my ass last minute before I could splat on the pavement.” “Damn Mal, sounds like your teach be real bitchen.” “Oh yeah. All that and more. Gonna have her over at my place for dinner. Wanna meet her?” “Hells yeah. When should I bust down yer door down to eat?” Vivian asks. “She said something about not getting off work til 8. Try comin over then, kay.” “Cool. What’s on the menu?” “Not sure. Haven’t exactly told mom about it yet.” “And you throw shit at me for being reckless.” “It’s like what close to what, 3 right now? I got plenty of time. Let’s just help you out with your practice right now.” Offering such do that do they immediately get started on practice, Mally donning her Yoyo and taking up a stance while Vivi does the same with her scythe.
The first out from the two to start, Vivian takes charge straight out to her sparing partner with blade in hand; ready to swing out its sharp end out to the orange girl before her. Midst ducking right underneath her skeletal opponent scythe swipe, Mally sweeps at one of Vivi’s legs to make her lose her balance and fall flat on her back; the orange skater’s shadow blanketing her foe as she asks the downed skull girl: “So, wanna try that again?” “Oh, you are fucking asking for it.” Vivi states as she pulls herself off the grass.
Lunging out to her opponent once more, the skull girl this time slashes vertically out to the orange girl; Mally sidestepping out from the swipe easily and thrusting her fist out to counter once more. This time however is the skull girl more prepared and holds the flat of her blade out to block her foe’s assault; the metal of the blade vibrating from the harsh impact. “Nice block.” Mally compliments. “Got more up my ass than that!” Vivi claims as she pushes the orange girl back. As the skater backs away from her skeletal sparring partner, she tosses her out grapple yo out in her retreat; its string wrapping right around the neck of Vivi’s weapon. Despite attempting to hold onto the scythe the best she could, Mally ultimately yanks the weapon straight out from her grasp; Vivian’s boney arm incidentally popping off as it holds onto neck of the blade for dear life. The blade thrusting straight into the dirt behind the skater. “Seems you been left utterly disarmed.” the orange girl jests. “Fucking! Sure as hell ain’t over yet.”
The match not declared over, Vivi recklessly charges after her orange opponent with but a single remaining arm raised; Mally ready for what she has to throw out as the skull girl’s other arm lets go of the scythe and works on uprooting it from the earth. Even with a punch thrown, a kick swung, and a head butted, any strikes that Vivi attempts to inflict are dodged and easily blocked; soon jumping back to try and catch her breath. Seeing the moment to strike, Mally takes charge after the skull girl to attack from the side and knock her sparring partner down on her ass once more. “Whelp, that about wraps it up.” the orange girl claims, Vivian peering behind her to find her skeleton arm having finally dug her weapon out from the dirt. “Don’t count me out just yet.” In but a single throw, Vivi’s detached arm casts the scythe out their way; the weapon hurdling right past the orange skater and landing right in Vivian’s other arm. Her confident smile his suddenly broken apart when seeing her sparring partner fall onto her knee’s, clutching her side as she doubles over in pain.
“Mal!” the skull girl screams out as she races over to her downed friend. “Oh god! Are you okay!” “Yeah, think I will...But you won’t be.” the orange skater answers with glaring up to the skull girl with a sly grin. Faster than she could possibly react, the orange girl trips up her opponent and swipes her weapon as she tumbles back; Vivi falling onto the ground once more and finding herself on the other side of her weapon, the one that her opponent now wields.
“You fucking cheat!” she quickly accuses Mally with. “Hmm. I don’t remember us setting any sort of rules before we fought, did we? And hey, this should be a pretty important point to remember; something one of my bros taught me a good while. In a fight for your life, there ain’t no such thing as cheating.” “Dare ya to eat those words!” Vivi exclaims. In a brief instance does the skull girl take a page from her pal and sweep at Mally’s leg; causing the orange skater to fall forward right next to her and dropping the scythe. Glancing aside does Mally find her friend staring to her with a smug grin, Mally letting out a little chuckle and claims that: “Alright, guess we can call it a draw.” As the two of them pull eachother off the fresh cut grass, Vivi can’t help but ask: “So. That teach of yours taught ya that?” “Well, she’s helped me refine some skills I was already working on. That and teaching me how to bash people’s skull’s in with a hockey stick.” “Color me fucking intrigued. Definitely gonna be stopping by at your place now. Just hope I can convince my folks to let me go over by my own. I love’em, but they can be pretty damn embarrassing.”
As the bright afternoon sun starts its descent down into the horizon, its light shines through the glass of a window leading straight into Mally standing in the middle of her living room; the girl facing her blue haired mother sitting onto the couch having just heard the plans her daughter has. “Yeah, I ain’t too sure about this whole evening set up Mally.” the mom replies. “Hey, if ya need help in the kitchen tonight, ain’t nothing stopping me from tagging in.” Mally offers. “That isn’t what has me weary here. Its the fact your bringing over two of your friends who have never met with each other before. Believe me when I say a situation like that can veer off real fast.” “That’s why I’m wanting to invite them over, to get them to warm up to each other. If both Biz and Viv like me, then they outta like each other, right?” “Mally, you can’t make everyone you like get along with each other.” “I can try, mom. I sure as hel- heck can try.” “Remember the last time you “Tried”? Thankfully we had Tore and Roy to help crowbar everyone off eachother and get them to calm down for a single second.”
Being reminded of this past blunder causes the orange skater to let out an irritated groan as she flops down onto the couch next to her mom; the blue momma herself gazing to her youngest daughter and consoling to her how: “Mal, I know you just want all your friends to be happy with eachother, but trying to just glue together people like that isn’t wise.” “But I know that both my girls can get along, they got so much in common; both are brash, ready to jump into action, always looking to bust people’s balls. I mean, they’re practically like long lost sisters already.” “Hmm...Just be prepared for anything sweetie. Now if you’ll excuse me. I gotta prep a dinner for six that she was completely prepared to make tonight?” the blue  woman states with snide sarcasm. “Hey, I said I was gonna help out.”
Eventually does the twilight sun fully set out in the horizon and the stars above glimmer across the moonlight sky; a figure sliding through the darkness and stopping just short of a suburban home. As the door to this abode creaks open, the escaping light reveals this visitor to be the magenta skater herself to greet with: “Sup, Mrs. Mal’s mom.” “Biz. Glad you showed up. We just got plates set up. Why don’t you come in and have a seat.” the blue haired woman welcomes, letting the magenta woman into her abode.
The very first site she beholds to when passing through the living room and to the dinning room is the face of her orange pupil; who welcomes her teach with: “Biz, glad you made it.” “Yeah, thank god my boss let me off when he did. Practically a miracle he didn’t make me work over...time…” Biz’s speech starts to wane when seeing another guest after finding both of her pupils bro’s sitting at the table; a blonde girl with a skeletal like complexion sitting at the other end sporting a little grin. “Uh...You’re bro’s invite someone else tonight or…” the magenta woman questions. “Nah, I lent them a ticket in. Vivi here heard about the shenanigans we get into and the sort of moves you’ve been teaching me. Wanted a front row seat.” “Hella fine to finally put a face on the bitch whose been teaching my girl how to shove her foot straight up some unlucky bastards sweaty asses.” the skull girl greets with. “Mean, its not that she’s been training with us for 6 years of her life or anything…” Roy whispers under his breath.
Sitting her ass down on one of the available seat set before her, Biz asks the mother: “So. What sort of platter you cooking up tonight?” “I’m just about done grilling everyone’s burgers out here. Only thing left is to grill the buns.” “God, I...seriously can’t get enough of the way that woman grills em. Don’t know what the hell kinda spices she uses, but the way she butters and toasts the buns is a fucking fantasy, like holy shit.” The purple merc then compliment. “Yeah...Wasn’t there a restaurant chain that did that wit their buns, butter the bottoms and put them on the grill. I know there was one out there that did.” Tore then joins in to ask everyone. “Think it might be five guys.” Viv chimes in with. “Nah. Ate there last week. They don’t do that.” Roy denies. “You sure you ain’t thinking of a local joint? Ton’s of those will do that for ya if you ask.” Biz then wonders. “No, I specifically remember it being a chain restaurant of some sort.” “Are you sure you ain’t mistaking them for mom’s burgers she made for one of her friends parties a couple years back?” Mally then questions.
Right upon that very queue does the mom finally come in with a tray filled with numerous, well dressed, delectable burgers; both Biz and Vivi left somewhat astonished by the presentation of the meals. “Damn. That sure looks hella real to the kind of gourmet shit they make over in the real expensive joints.” “Thanks there, Viv. I got the recipe from one of my brother’s that runs a restaurant back in Florida, his burgers were the real deal so much, it’d practically spoil you for every other burger.” “Which one was that? You guys got like six uncles or something.” The violet angel then asks. “I think it might’ve been Darren. He was always in the kitchen cooking stuff when we were little.” the mom answers.
Upon taking the first bite does Biz start to realize what she means by this, letting out a moaning awe from the swirling taste through her mouth. Though the rest of them start on their plates, they are left ultimately distracted when seeing the magenta woman scarf her burger down in a messy manner: “Damn girl. You don’t get enough to eat back home?” Vivi questions. “With as tight as my budget as mine, don’t get to to eat anything as good as this. Best I can scrape up is cheap store brand garbage they somehow got away with classifying as edible.” the magenta lass answers with. “We were talking about this earlier. The supernatural jobs she takes aren’t going for enough money; some of the barely breaking 1’000, and that’ including her working at this dinner for about 9.50 an hour.” Mally then adds. “Damn Mal, seems ya got yer work cut out for ya getting both your girlfriends outta some tight spots.” Roy then mentions. “I’m 24, jackass.” Biz then reprimands. “You poor girl. Don’t you have family to go to?” the mom then asks. “Did have any uncle that raised me for a good long while. Nice guy. Though last we saw each other,  we didn’t exactly see things eye to eye. Let’s leave it at that.” Biz mentions.
“The hell kind of odd jobs you go around doing.” Vivian then follows up with. “Investigations, hunts, searches, etc. Usually with ghosts, chimeras, aliens, just other weird stuff. Course, prices out there’ve been going down ever since this new league’s been out. Why hire some random woman when you could ask for a bunch of organized kids to help ya for free, am I right? Know its for the greater good or some other type of bull like that, but god does it mess with my paycheck at the end of the day” Biz rants out. “Ya know Biz. If ya looking for merc work, think you should expand your horizons out for more than just ghost hunts, and chimera sitting. There’s stuff out there that can get ya from earning the hundreds to the thousands.” Roy goes on to explains. “The skill set I got on me is for supernatural hunts, though. Doubt that stuff could apply anywhere else.” Biz retorts. “From the sort of stuff Mally’s told me ya pull off, ya could put those skills to use in other fields. Delivering unmarked packages, assassinations, personal extraction and retrieval, anonymous handies to rich cows.” “Roy remember, no sex talk at the dinner table.” the mom butts in with. “Point is that there’s all sorts of other stuff you can do for people under the shade that need done.” “Eh, maybe.” “That type of money can get ya out of eating bologna every night.” Mally then adds. “...I might consider it.”
An awkward silence waning through the dinning table, Mally decides to break through the quiet by asking Vivi: “So, how’d ya convince your parents to let ya come here my yourself with them being so mildly overprotective?” “Told the two of them I was practically 15 and can handle myself. My dad was seriously crying so fucking hard, it looked like he was on the verge of pissing himself from the snot coming out from his balloon red nose. But once I convinced them that this’d give them some alone time with eachother, mom was all on board and sent me off; she always looks pissed as all hell, but saying all that made her mood change.” These specific details reaching Biz’s very ears, a certain suspicious starts to sprout up within her as her site narrows to the young skull girl.
“Man Vivi. Feel a little sorry with how strict your parents sound. Heck, when we were around ten or so, Mom had Roy, Mally and I fly a couple towns over to help one of our uncles move out. He told us to get some stuff to help out in the trip from downtown; and during the trip, we ran into this weird shadowy cult that was kidnapping people and taking their organs. They lured us into some sort of warehouse where they kept all the people they were gonna harvest. But when the time came for them to pick off someone to, us three leaped right on in and beat the loving crap out of every single one of them.” Tore inputs with. “I remember one of the sharting himself when I punched him in the stomach. Seriously laughing at him while he was just breaking down in tears thinking “How the hell did my life turn this sour?” Good stuff.” Roy then adds. “Once we got outta there, we went over to get what their uncle needed to move and went back home. Course when mom found out about the whole thing, she nearly had a panic attack.” Mally concludes. “When I heard all three of them fought their way out that easily, I realized something that day. After incidence like that one happened so many times before hand. no matter what sort of trouble they all wind up getting into, they’d have the fortitude to get themselves right out of it.” the mom explains.
“How was living with your uncle like Biz?” Tore then questions. “Well Uncle Dib didn’t really put that many restrictions on me; always just about letting me do almost anything. Skip some days of school just to bring me along in one if his supernatural ventures. I still remembers the time I took a blaster out on this big specter and shot dozens of holes straight through its body; that was my first successful ghost hunt I had bagging one. Still remember how my uncle said he was proud of me.” “He-...He let you use a gun while you were that little? Like a gun gun?” the mom blurts in with. “Technically laser rifles and stuff like that.” the magenta woman corrects. “Goodness.” “Then there was this other time he took me out in the middle of a quarry to investigate a banshee that was going around gouging people’s eye’s out; gnarly shit seeing the dead bodies.” “How old were you then.” the blue haired woman worries. “Uh, say about 11, 12 back then.” “And he didn’t mind you seeing that stuff with your own eyes?” “Mauricia, you act like this is some sort of surprise. All of us seen way worse when we were younger.” Roy then defends. “But you really shouldn’t have.” “Yeah. Even with a some screws loose in the head, my uncle always loved and cared for me like his own, even if they’re lifestyle and line of work was unhinged as all hell.” “I-I…” “You wind up catching it?” Tore then resumes to ask. “The strangest thing wound up happening when we found its lair, it was already left a bloody corpse on the cave floor; something had made a clean slice straight through its torso.”
“Damn. All that makes me recall the time I went with my parents along a trip to reclaim some lost souls after Grim was meant to collect them.” Vivi starts her story with, the very name she had mentions perking some suspicion within Biz as she and the rest of them continue to listen to the skull girl. “A lot of the fuckin time we were trying to chase after all those souls, my dad wound up getting distracted at almost every turn; sometimes from a display window of puppies, other times it was cause he spotted a penny in the road. It happened so often that my mom just decides to leave him be and just move on ahead after some of the souls. We then actually started to get some actual progress, getting wandering spirits left and right to have Grim let them pass on. It was the last soul they needed to catch that was actually pretty tricky for us to catch up with; going through walls and possessing people left and right. We didn’t know what the hell to do to nab the bastard. Right then and their did my dad happen to come back along after somehow finding them and showing up with this huge vacuum cleaner and through sheer luck wound up sucking the damn spirit right out from the air. Damndest thing, really. Still got the pictures we all took during that little shitshow.”
Mentioning this does Vivian then pull out her phone to show everyone the numerous pictures depicting her alongside a woman with a nasty scowl, a man with a huge nose, and a hooded figure wielding a scythe. The magenta woman’s eyes start to widen as she beholds her parents within these photo’s; suddenly reaching over and swiping the skull girl’s phone right out from her grasp as she goes: “Let me see that!” “Whoa! The fuck!” Among beholding the photo’s up close, the woman’s arms start to tremble as her fist tightly ball up; her expression souring to bitter resentment in the span of seconds. Finally left at her very limit, Biz tosses the phone across the table and back in the hands of the skeletal lass; the woman standing up and marching towards the door as she coldly leaves with: “Thanks for the meal." “Biz. Biz, wait!” Mally then shouts out while chasing right after her magenta mentor.
As soon as she races out the front door and into the yard, the orange skater peers out to both ends of her street in hopes of finding which way her mentor had ran out in a huff; gazing to the left to discover the shadow of the magenta woman skating off. “Biz!” Mally sprints off after the skating away young woman as fast as her bare legs could carry her, Biz growing further away despite her pupil pleading out to her with: “Biz! Biz! Biz, wait! What’s the matter!? Say something! Please!” Among her skating retreat through the streets does Biz finally humor the notion of listening to her and slowly comes to a complete stop, turning back to face her orange pupil as Mally finally catches up; the young girl taking a moment to catch her breath before she finally asks: “What was all that about? You just snatch Vivi’s phone out of her hands and just leave? Why the change in mood? Was it the burgers!” A forlorn breath escapes from the magenta woman’s mouth as she stares to Mally; finally explaining to the girl how: “No. Burgers were good!” “Then whats the problem?” “...I told ya about my parents, didn’t I?” “Y-yeah? Your mom quite literally threw you at your dad to take care of ya.” “Then after like several years did my dad doing little to support me, his friend forced him to gimme right back to my mom; who still didn’t give a shit and just hauled me off straight to uncle Dib.” “What’s all that gotta do with tonight?” Mally then in turn questions. “You get a look at the dad right? You find anything familiar about him?” “N-Not really. Only thing I could really notice was the guys nose; kinda looks a lot like y-...No.” “Yep.” “That guy in the picture’s is your dad!?...But that...so that woman he was with is-” “The same one who made him toss me out. Made my dad give me back up to a mom who wanted nothing to do with me. “You all fucking serious?”
Upon hearing this does Mally peer back to discover Vivian herself standing behind her; left at an utter loss over what she had just heard and could only utter out: “Does that make you...my sister?” Rather than answer the skull girl that stands behind her pupil, the magenta woman simply decides to turn back and skate off into the nightly darkness; all without another word. “I-I…” Gazing back to her skeletal pal does Mally find a thick coat of utter dumbfound plaster everywhere long the blonde girl; Vivian struggling to even speak as all she could force herself to say is: “I gotta go!” With Vivi now retreating out into the suburban night streets, both of the girls leave the orange skater to crumble to her knee’s as they walk off in the opposite directions.
Just outside the orange girl’s home do both Tore and his Mom stand upon the porch and keep their eyes down the very street that Mally had gone down after their magenta house guest; Roy standing right along the door frame as all of them patiently await for their youngest’s return. “She gonna be okay?” Tore asks his mother. “I’m not sure. With Biz just racing off in a huff like that, me thinks that there be some uncovered secrets poking out from the surface.” “Do...do you think we need to go get her or will she just-” “She’s coming back.” Roy claims, not even looking in the same direction as either of them.
Out from the dark recesses of the suburban streets do the two of them find Roy’s claim to be accurate as Mally emerges out from the shadows; the orange skater going at a snails pace as her head is slumped towards the concrete. The three step off the porch out to the slowly approaching girl, the blue haired boy among the trio first asking: “So...What happened?” A small breath winds up leaving the young girls lungs as she shakes her head; finally answering out: “So...Turns out Biz and Vivi are half sisters...And on top of that, Biz has resentment over Vivi’s parents ditching her when she was little.” “...You seriously pull that old soap opera bull outta yer ass or what?” Roy doubts over. “Oh, poor girls. I can’t imagine what sort of thoughts are going through their heads about all of this.” the mother pities over. “Heck, I’m still trying to process what just happened. I mean neither of them barely even look like they come out from the same guy.” the orange girl then claims. “Maybe talking things out outta clean some air.” Tore suggests. “I wouldn’t even know the first step towards getting that far. Biz basically hates both of Viv’s parents and from the way she’s described it, I can’t exactly blame her.” the orange girl states. “So, you needin both ya girls to come together and cooperate, huh. Think I might have a good idea on how to bait them both:” the purple merc offers, a devious grin cracking across his grin. “And I’m already not liking this.” Mally responds with.
Out along the middle of Townsvilles park the very next day does Mally rest on a wooden bench; the orange girl gazing out through the park field as she waits patiently with nothing but the song of the birds to keep her company as she waits for both of her girls to arrive on the scene. How in the world is anybody supposed to untangle this whole mess to reach a compromise here? So many ties left tightly woven into other sensitive knot. One wrong move and there might not be any way left to mend this mess; just left as a whole cluster of confusing angst, bitter resentment, and enraging sentiments. Just don’t fuck it up, Mal. Just don’t fuck it all up.
In the middle of repeating these words of warning to herself does the orange skater suddenly hear in outcry of distraught echo out in the distance; Mally peering over to witness Vivi bolting through the park in a frantic hurry, racing over any park goers and flowers that stand in her way. “Mal, holy shit!” Vivian shouts, the orange girl in question hopping off the park bench as the skull girl approaches. “Vivi, what’s the matter!?” Mally urgently questions as her skeletal pal takes a moment to catch her breath. “Ah, ah, ah. One…one of your bros came over and mentioned something about you getting your arms and legs blown off and was literally an hour away from fucking eating the bucket...Why are your limbs still on?” “I-Is that seriously what Roy went to feed you to come over here? Jesus. If I knew he was gonna come up with something that drastic, I’d just make up something myself.” “So your fine then?” another familiar voice chimes in with. Peering back do the two of them discover the magenta woman they had dined with last night standing before them both, Vivian’s face souring fast as she goes: “Are you fucking shitting me?”
“I’m outta here.” Biz declares as she starts waltzing back. “Wait, wait, wait, wait!” her student begs, prompting her to stop right in her tracks. “I know this looks bad, but the reason I brought the two of you here is cause I wanted to work things out with the two of you. I know’s that there’s probably a lot going through both of their heads about this whole long lost sister cliché, which is why I set this whole thing up to have them talk things out; maybe fish out some questions bobbing up along the surface of their pondering minds.” Despite giving the two of them her reason for fooling the both of them to come together, such an explanation leaves the two of them utterly silent, the orange girl growing less hopeful as the quiet is drawn on. “I’m sorry. I just don’t want to loose you both to this.” Upon hearing their girl comment this sad truth to the two of them do both of them finally turn back to face one another; a little smile forming underneath Mally’s nose as both Vivi and Biz sit themselves down onto the bench.
That hopeful smile starts to waver unfortunately when finding neither of her friends willing to even lay a single glance to each other, both of them peering off in the opposite direction. “Alright, um...How bout we begin this whole makeshift unregistered therapy session off by going over our upringing’s with yer dad, that’d be a good start. Why don’t you go first Biz so that we can gain some perspective on why ya mad.” Mally starts off with. “Where to even start? Thinking back to it, I can’t recount the sort of neglectful bullshit I wound up dealing with. That fucking idiot even noticed I was even there.” Despite growing further upset over the woman beside her insulting their dad like this, Vivi nonetheless remains quiet as she further listens to the magenta woman go on how: “The few times he realized I was there and played with me might as well be but small bumps in the road of my life. Hell, his other family wound up raising me more than he did. And don’t even get me started on what that blonde bitch he wound up having another kid with who threatened to do to me whenever I wound up acting up, telling me she was gonna leave me out in the middle of the woods.”
“Shut your goddamn mouth! You don’t know what the fuck your talking about.” the skull girl beside her blurts out. “Viv, I-” Mally attempts to speak over, but is left unsuccessful as Vivian simply continues to rant. “Both my mom and dad aren’t anything like that. My dad was the funniest guy I knew, always playing catch, cracking jokes, and always letting me go on life threatening adventures with him. And my mom is one of the most incredible, tough, most badass women that I’ve ever known, always standing up to others when they mock the way I look; sometimes even kicking the shit outta them. Sure, she can be scary, but that cruel? Both of them had helped comfort me throughout all the years of mocking, bullying, bitching, even fights that I had to put up dealing with from other people; all the piss I’d gone through because of how she looks, how I don’t look like one of them. I absolutely fucking refuses to believe that my two parents that comforted her through all that shit could be so neglectful and heartless.”
“You gotta be kidding.” Biz remarks as her mood sours further, standing off the park bench and threatening to bail. Before the magenta woman could go very far however does her orange pupil suddenly race right in her way; skidding before her pleading with: “Biz, wait! We just started.” “I can’t listen to this shit any more, Mal. The fact that my dad wound up putting in more years of love and care into his second kid than his first. And don’t get me started on that horrible nightmarish woman that girl over there calls a mom. Fucking hell. The fact that woman is capable of parental love at all just pisses me off to no end. The only thing I felt during the times I was alone with her was unrelenting fear and paranoia. Felt like the woman would snap any second. And hearing those two having a kid and loving her…” Midst ranting over all this does it take every single ounce of willpower in the magenta woman to not break down; her entire body trembling as she attempts to calm herself from all the rage boiling inside her.
“Listen, I get what your saying, Biz. But you ever think that fact that they raised Vivi so well might show some remorse over how they treated you?” Mally then counters with. Hearing this from her orange pupil, the magenta woman starts to calm herself a bit, her body ceasing to quake as takes deep breath to retort back over: “Mally. They had every chance to feel like that in the 9 years I’ve been with them, and it was only after the fact they gave me away did they even humor it. You think that cause they didn’t fuck up one kid means makes the other one they did screw over all okay? That I should let everything slide with a hug and a kiss?” “I- No. But-” From behind them does Vivian then literally leaps out from her seat and bust right in the middle of this argument, the skeletal girl countering with: “So that makes it okay to give em shit over what happened before I was even born!? How all the crap they did is supposed to come back into hating me and how my life turned out compared to yours?” “I...I don’t hate you, alright? Just the way those two raise me compared to you.” Biz then admits, her statement quelling some of the skull girls fury.
“How could I even start spiting you for what happened before you were even born? When you were nothing but a microbe swimming around in our dads ballsack?” “Biz, don’t. I get enough of that dirty talk from Roy.” the orange girl behind her then requests. “The sort of shit that went down back then was just between me and your folks Vivi, ain’t fair to pin all of it on you.” “If that’s what it is, then why don’t you come over and bitch to them about it. Like Mal said, all that bullshit that wound up happening with her might’ve made them think over each other when I came into the picture…Guess when ya put it like that, I should be thanking you, for turning them into better people for me. Honestly, think my life would be way worse if you didn’t come along and snap some sense into them.”
“Yeah. How bout we invite them into this sesh and we can try to get around all this together.” Mally backs up with. Despite her pupils backing up the skull girls suggestion, all that the magenta woman could do in response was was take in a small breath before answering: “Nah…Don’t think I’m ready to tackle whole wall of shit.” Mally’s hopeful grin starts to deflate when thinking this whole talking session was going straight down the crap shoot; the gears in her mind rapidly turning on how to fix it before she hears her teach go on to mention how: “But that don’t mean I should throw that cascade of piss out your way. This whole show’s between me and them, not you.” “...Gotta be honest here. Finding all this out’s been one hell of a mind fuck and a half. Kinda wondered how life’d turn out if I had a big sis like you around. Maybe some of those assholes might’ve backed off if they’ve seen what bad bitch of a sister I had.” the skull girl admits, the magenta woman left flattered by her statement.
With this all out in the open and somewhat resolved so far, Mally lets out a hella relieved sigh as she stands before both of them and claims how: “God, I’m so happy that this whole stunt didn’t spiral out of control like I thought it would. Seems like I don’t haveta choose between my two favorite girls after all.” “Yeah, maybe having a little sister to screw around with might not be that bad.” Biz claims. “But I thought I was already like a sister to you.” the orange girl them calls out. “Can’t say she can’t have more than one. I wound up seeing my girl in action couple times and thought maybe you can tell me how to kick as much ass as she can?” Vivi then asks the magenta woman, a sentiment which makes Mally blush. “Wait a sec. I thought Grim was teaching you how to use the scythe.” the orange girl then reminds her. “Eh, ain’t nothing wrong with getting some fine ass outside pointers every now and then.” “Just who are you even calling Grim.” Biz then wanders aloud.
And here we come to what would've been a rather messy situation for Mally to tackle between her two best girls, an unexpected family matter nearly splitting apart their relationships. Thankfully both Biz and Vivi worked it out in the end for the sake of their orange haired friend. Though this might prove just a flimsy patch job at best, for who knows how long it will last before some secrets come out from the floorboards to severe the ties of blood.
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angryschnauzer · 4 years
In Another World
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Summary: In another world, it was Jensen that got the role of Captain America, not Chris. You have dreamed of meeting Jensen ever since you saw him in his CGI glory in The First Avenger, and your comicon experience you discover to be underwhelming. But then you meet a cosplayer in the bar... and life takes an altogether different turn for you.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Comicon, Comic Convention, Strangers at a Bar, Cosplay, Captain America Cosplay, Unprotected Sex, Hotel Room Sex, Oral Sex, Fingering, Blow Job, Anal Play.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Female Reader (no race specified)
The above Jensen manip i cannot trace, it was sent to me years ago by a now deactivated tumblr user, with the signature half chopped off. Its the artwork that inspired this fic. In case you weren’t aware, Jensen auditioned for the role of Captain America but it of course went to Chris.
I do not operate a tag list, but feel free to go ahead and follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, as you will then be notified when i post a new story. Oneshots will be posted on Tumblr and AO3, Multichapter stories will be AO3 exclusives.
Due to the amount of stories i have written over the years i no longer have a masterlist, instead please check out my AO3 HERE.
In Another World
You sat at your computer, staring at the screen as you streamed the latest press junket. Marvel was going all out with its ten-year plan for The Avengers and with this press tour for The Winter Soldier you had fallen in love even more with Cap.
 As the images streamed live from the far east, you watched as Jensen flexed his muscles and his co-stars laughed in admiration. He was born to be Captain America.
 But you weren’t the only one watching.
 In a small apartment in Boston another pair of eyes watched with an added level of sadness. He remembered the audition. Standing in the hallway with a bunch of other guys, all in their 20’s, all having a few bit-part roles under their belts in teen TV shows or low budget horror movies. The same green eyes that stared out of the screen had looked at him in the hallway, holding his hand out to shake;
 “Hey man. Jensen”
 Jensen smiled;
 “Strong Boston accent there dude”
 Chris chuckled;
 “Say the same about you, what’s that Houston?”
 “Eh, close enough”
 They chatted for a while as the guys ahead of them in the line entered the room, only to leave 5 minutes later. They didn’t look up at the guys left, no-one wanted to read expressions to give themselves fake hope. The door opened and the annoying droll voice of the elderly secretary called out;
 Chris looked up, holding his hand out to his new acquaintance;
 “Break a leg man”
 Shaking it briefly Jensen nodded;
 “Thanks man”
 You clung to your priority tickets, the excitement so intense you weren’t sure if you were going to puke or cry. You hoped for neither. It was your first convention and you had maxed out your credit card and called in sick from work when the special edition tickets had been released, refreshing your computer every ten seconds so that when they had been released online you had made your purchase within 30 seconds. 
 Now standing towards the front of the queue you were terrified. You had loved Jensen from the first moment you’d seen him in all his CGI glory in The First Avenger. You’d followed his career and had even gone back and watched his entire back catalogue. He was a natural for the role and the stealth suit from the most recent movie had made him look so handsome you had actually swooned when you had seen those first opening scenes of the movie aboard the Lumerian Star. 
 The con volunteers were doing an amazing job, herding the fans into some form of order, and as you got closer you could hear the laughter and squeals of joy as fans ahead of you were rapidly shown in.
 It was your turn. The flimsy black curtain was pulled aside, and you were pushed into the brightness of the well-lit area that was surrounded on all sides by vivid blue panels that bore the con’s logo. Jensen turned and smiled, putting his hand out and you found you were standing next to him. Your head swam;
 “Do you have a pose?”
 “Umm…”  You could see the con workers and volunteers moving their arms in a ‘hurry up’ motion; “I guess… a hug?”
 “Sure thing”
 He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pointed towards the bored looking photographer;
 “Smile sweetie”
 You did. You smiled, your saw blobs as the flash blinded you. You didn’t even register as Jensen pressed his hand to your back, thanking you before turning to the next person who had already been pulled through the black curtain. A volunteer took your wrist and pulled you gently through the curtain on the far side, giving you your photo number as they apologised it was so fast.
 The curtain closed and you stood there, blinking as you tried to focus on the small piece of paper you held. It was done. Over. You’d met Jensen and it had been so rushed you hadn’t even had chance to look at him. 
 The bile started to rise, you looked around and saw a trash can, leaning over it and vomited into the piles of used coffee cups and candy wrappers. 
 The hunt for a bottle of water at a con hadn’t been something you would think would take so long; a lot of the vendors had already sold out, others the line was so long it would have taken you longer to get the water than the queue for the con in the first place. It seemed as if everyone was walking against you, or you were going against the flow of them, but when you finally got your water you drained the entire bottle, soothing your bile parched throat. Wiping your mouth with the back of your hand you heard an announcement over the PA system;
 “We apologise, but the Jensen Ackles panel won’t be broadcast out of the auditorium due to technical issues”
 “WHAT?” you grabbed your wrist, looking at your watch as your eyes went wide. You’d been so dazed by your photo op and feeling ill afterwards you had forgotten about the panel. You needed a drink, and something stronger than water.
 Chris adjusted the helmet of his costume as he looked in the mirror. The men’s room was quiet, the main panel of the con was on and he couldn’t bring himself to sit in the same room as the guy that had won the role that had made him millions; of fans and dollars. 
 After not getting the Captain America role Chris had continued to take bit parts and small independent movies. He was recognised occasionally but he hadn’t hit the big time. In fact there were months when there was nothing coming in and it was only after someone had asked him to fill in at a kids party where one of the superhero guys had fallen sick at the last minute did the idea of cosplaying come to him. Now however he was well known in cosplay circles, even getting paid for some appearances. He was called a natural for the role, but that was the hardest to hear. He’d worked hard with his costumer and within just a few weeks of the latest movie coming out they’d successfully recreated the amazing Stealth Suit in its darker colours. 
 Checking his pants for his wallet he decided he needed a drink, and something stronger than a soda. 
 Nodding to the bartender, you thanked him as he set the beer down in front of you before he went to the far end of the bar to pull the latest load of glasses out of the dishwasher. You sat picking at the label and tracing patterns in the condensation that gathered on the cool glass. You were vaguely aware of other people coming and going, and when the barstool next to you was taken you didn’t look up.
 “What’ll it be Cap?”
 The bartender’s greeting drew your attention from your drink, casting your gaze to your side and your breath was sucked from your body. You watched as the man set his helmet onto the surface of the bar before nodding to what you were drinking;
 “Same as the lady please”
 Your eyes travelled from where his hand sat on the countertop of the bar up the dark sleeve of his stealth suit, taking in his wide shoulders and up to the fluffy dark blonde hair, slightly messed up from where he’d been wearing the helmet. You couldn’t help it, but you were staring. Your jaw was hanging low as he turned slowly to you, his blue eyes sparkling with just the faintest hint of green as he looked at you and a self-conscious smile tugged at the corner of his mouth;
 “You’re… you’re…”
 “No, just cosplaying…” he turned back to his beer for a moment until you finally found your voice
 “No. You’re Chris”
 He set his beer on the countertop and turned to you, this time a genuine smile on his face;
 “Do we know each other?”
 “Well…” you blushed; “We spoke on Instagram” He cocked an eyebrow, but his attention didn’t waiver from you as you continued; “You’re ‘AlmostCap’, right? You posted about wanting advice on how to dye leather boots a deeper colour? I messaged you with the details of the dyes costumiers use”
 His face broke into a wide smile;
 “Oh yeah, that really worked! How did you know that?”
 “Majored in theatre design at college”
 “Well that titbit of knowledge brought the whole costume together” he motioned to his stealth suit and you couldn’t help but to look him up and down; “Without you I wouldn’t look this good”
 You snorted back a laugh;
 “I’m sure you look just a good without the suit”
 Bringing your beer to your lips you took a sip, not realising Chris had moved closer until his lips brushed against your ear;
 “Would you like to find out?”
 The hotel room door crashed against the wall, the metal doorknob leaving a dent in the drywall. Chris had you pressed up against it, one hand holding you flush with his chest as his other hand blindly reached out for the door to close it. As soon as his fingertips grasped the cool wood he threw it shut with a thud that reverberated through the room. 
 Your hands clawed at Chris’s costume, desperate to find purchase, something, anything to hang onto and anchor yourself as he kissed you so hard you saw spangled stars. He’d put his costume helmet back on for the rather quick walk through the convention to the hotel where you were staying. His lips traced patterns over your cheek before he pressed kisses down your neck, whispering as he went;
 “I don’t normally do this…”
 “Me neither…
 “...especially in costume…”
 “Oh Chris…Cap…”
 “It’s Captain tonight, Princess”
 His fingers had found their way to the buttons on the front of your dress, skilfully plucking each one from its grasp on the thin cotton fabric, before his still gloved hand roughly cupped your breasts. As his lips found yours again, he groaned into your mouth as he weighed your breasts in his large hands, the rough leather against the lace of your bra sending chills through you. If Chris had a Captain kink you weren’t about to say no, hell, it would be one of your biggest fantasies. 
 You found yourself being manhandled towards the bed, Chris’s kisses hard and ravenous, and when he wasn’t kissing you his tongue was doing the most devilish things on your skin. The bed touched the back of your knees and you were falling back onto the covers, Chris following seconds later as he pressed you into the mattress. With a thick thigh he pushed your legs apart, the rough Kevlar fabric of his suit brushing against the delicate skin of your soft skin as his fingers sought out the juncture of thighs. The brush of the harsh leather of his fingerless gloves made you groan into his mouth as he tugged your panties to the side and his thumb found your clit. Rubbing small circles, he teased it from its hood, before his fingers slid through your folds to ease some of your slick moisture from you to smooth his efforts. 
 When his lips left yours you chased after them, but his voice made you settle back against the bed and open your eyes;
 “Uh-uh… stay there Princess”
 You watched as he brought his fingers to his mouth, before his kiss bruised lips closed around his glistening digits and he moaned as he tasted you;
 “You taste amazing”
 “Umm… thank you?”
 He brought his hand to your mouth and you grasped it as you sucked gently on just the fingertips, watching as Chris’s already lust blown pupils widened even further;
 “Jesus fucking Christ, your tongue…”
 Letting go of his fingers with an audible pop, you pushed yourself up onto your elbows, resting on one arm as you slid a hand between your bodies and palmed his erection through his suit;
 “What about my tongue?” you grinned before you tugged him down to lay beside you. 
 Pushing up onto your knees you ran your hand down his chest and stomach, the costume warm from his body heat and firm to the touch. Your fingers clawed at his suit to try and find the zipper, and after thirty seconds of searching you let out a huff;
 “Ok, how the fuck to I get in here?”
 With a low chuckle Chris reached down and lifted a hidden Velcro flap that revealed the button and the top of the zipper, and you eagerly tugged the pants of his suit open. The large bulge in his boxers immediately filled the space of the open zipper, and you found yourself nuzzling against the hardness that the soft jersey fabric could hardly contain. Pressing open mouthed kisses to the hard shaft through the fabric, you felt Chris’s hands on your head, he wasn’t pushing but you could tell he wanted you. With a smile you just about tugged his boxers down enough to free his cock, the thick shaft standing proud from the fly of his stealth suit. You wrapped your hands around it, the flesh hot to touch and pumped him slowly. 
 “Ah fuck Princess…”
 “Yes Captain?”
 He sounded wrecked, and as you leant forwards and licked at the bead of clear precum that was pooling at the tip you not only heard but felt the low rumble of his moan of appreciation. Wrapping your lips around the tip you started to suck, your tongue working over the hot smooth flesh as your fist worked up and down, pumping him slowly as you let the saliva pool in your mouth so you could take him deeper. In a moment when you pulled off to take a breath Chris’s hands were suddenly on your hips, moving you until you were kneeling on the bed and straddling his shoulders, and for a moment you squealed where his sudden strength had moved you with such ease.
 “Gotta taste you…” he muttered from beneath the skirt of your dress, his hands smoothing over the globes of your ass and you could feel his breath hot on your skin. His fingers tugged your panties to the side and he was pulling you down onto his mouth, his tongue swiping through your soaked folds. 
 For a moment you lost yourself, Chris’s efforts driving you closer to orgasm than you thought was possible, but you found your senses and leant forwards again, taking him as deep as you could and you felt his moan deep in your cunt as he almost came on the spot. Working your fingers into his suit you cupped his balls, feeling them tight and hot in your hand as you sucked hard on his cock. At the same time you felt Chris drive his tongue into your soaked hole and his thumb sought out your clit. Your orgasm was rapidly approaching, and you could feel your legs start to shake. The harder he drove forwards the deeper you took him into your mouth. You heard a muffled cry from between your thighs and you felt that first tremble of the thick vein that ran the length of his cock. At the same time you felt his fingers dance over the crack of your ass, one finger pressing lightly against your dark rose and you were cumming over his face as he pumped thick ropes of cum down your throat. 
 When your legs were about to give out you tactfully rolled to the side, laying on the bed next to Chris as he fought to catch his breath. With laboured efforts he wrenched his helmet off, and you propped yourself up on your elbows to watch as he started to fumble with his costume;
 “Gotta get out of this…”
 Watching a hot guy strip was not something you’d experienced before, and a hot guy dressed as Captain America? Well that was hitting all your buttons in one go. You smiled as Chris was muttering to himself;
 “Fuckin’ suit, so fuckin’ hot… fuckin’ drenched in sweat…”
 When he was down to just his pants you finally spoke up;
 “Need a hand there Captain?”
 Chris looked up and grinned;
 “You mind if I use your shower?”
 “Sure thing, it’s all yours…”
 Chris started for the small bathroom door, his utility pants hanging low on his hips before he paused and turned, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth;
 “Wanna join me?”
 Showering with a guy you had literally just met was a surreal experience. The comfort and security of being partially clothed during a hook-up was completely stripped from you as you stood in the small shower enclosure the hotel room offered. Chris had looked absolutely sinful as he had stood beneath the cascading water; his skin patterned with multiple tattoos and just the right amount of chest hair that made you want to run your fingers through it as the hot water coursed over his body. Your fingers had trailed down over his hard stomach, tracing the trail of hair that led to his thick cock hanging heavy between his muscled thighs. 
 His lips had met yours eagerly again, and he soon had you pressed against the wall, his leg wedged between your thighs as you ground yourself against the firm muscle. Chris’s hands found your ass and eagerly pulled you hard against him, trapping his now angry cock between your bodies;
 “Fuck… you’re so fuckin’ sexy” he muttered against your ear, his fingers digging into your asscheeks; “You gonna cum for me Princess? Soak my thigh?”
 “Yes Chris, please…”
 “What do you need Princess?”
“Something…. Just more…”
 He pulled back from you, searching your expression for something, anything as he chose his words;
 “I can give you more…” The depth of tone sent a shudder down your spine; “I’m gonna ask you this and you can say no, and I won’t walk out that door if you say no, but do you like ass play?”
 You growled. You god-damn growled like a feral wildcat, nodding eagerly;
 “Yes Chris… fuck, yes…”
 He captured your lips for another fierce kiss as his hands slid over your ass and one finger trailed up the seam of your cheeks before pressing gently against your rear;
 “Now Princess” he muttered against your lips; “I haven’t got any lube in here so it’ll just be a gentle press, you tell me if you want me to stop”
 You nodded, biting your lip as he pushed forwards, one hand gripping your hip as he slid you up and down his soaked thigh, the other pressing gently but insistently against your back door.
 Just that stimulation alone was enough, and you were cumming hard, your head pressed against the cool tiles as Chris sucked a hickey into your neck. 
 You stood there panting as you tried to regain your composure, Chris holding you tight in his arms as he gently caressed you as you finally came to your senses. Nuzzling against his neck you felt him push his hips forward, his thick cock hard again against your hip;
 “Ready for another round?”
 “Anything for you Cap” you grinned.
 The pair of you had fallen back onto the bed, half dry and oblivious to anything other than pleasure. Body heat rising, you felt your back naturally arch as Chris lay on top of you, pulling his knee up to part your legs further and you could feel his thick length laying hot and hard against your soaked folds. As his other leg pushed up and parted your thighs even further, you felt that first nudge of his tip at your soaked entrance, your legs instinctively wrapping themselves around his waist and with one firm squeeze you felt his breach your body and slide into you.
 The base noise that escaped your throat as you felt each glorious inch stretch your velvet walls was music to Chris’s ears, and he let you take the lead even though he was the one on top, letting your body grow accustomed to his size. His lips brushed against your ear as he spoke softly;
 “You’re doing so good Princess, feel so fuckin’ amazing, takin’ me so deep”
 You slowly relaxed your thighs grip on his waist and Chris started to move, sliding his hips back as he slid out, before pushing slowly back in. Propping himself up either side of you, you watched as his arms bulged as he looked down and watched as he pulled out again, your wetness liberally coating him. 
 With his tip just notched inside you whined at the loss, before with a powerful thrust he filled you completely;
 “Holy FUCK!”
 “Do you like that Princess? Like my thick dick splitting you open?”
 “Fuck Chris, yes, do it again… please!” you whined.
  The gorgeous man above you grinned down, seemingly turned on by your begging, and with a loud grunt he started to pile drive into you, his impressive girth stretching you in all the right ways, the slight upward curve to his shaft making your g-spot his number one target with every push. The man was a demon in bed, fucking you hard as he pressed kisses to your chest and breasts, all whilst uttering the dirtiest things about how good you felt, how well you were taking his dick. You begged for more and he eagerly gave it, fucking you through one orgasm before chasing another. His thrusts started to get sloppy, his hips stuttering and he cursed quietly under his breath;
 “Fuck… I’m gonna cum soon…”
 “Cum inside me… I’m on the pill…”
 He pushed a hand between your bodies, rubbing hard circles against your clit and soon you were coming, your orgasm triggering his, and you as your body milked the cum from his body you both felt like you had found heaven. 
 With a grunt Chris rolled to your side, his dick sliding out of your soaked channel and he lay on the bed, his head propped up on one elbow, his dick full and swollen at your hip, still shining with your combined fluids. Your body trembled with the aftershocks of your intense orgasm, and you practically purred when Chris gently ran his fingertips over your breasts;
 “That was fuckin’ amazing… I’m probably going about this the wrong way, but can I buy you dinner?”
 “That’d be nice”
 Dinner had been a fun affair; you had redressed, and Chris had worn his stealth suit pants but just wore the thin Under Armour undershirt instead of the full suit. Although the hotel was well used to people in cosplay costumes during the conventions using their facilities, Chris didn’t want to draw attention to himself, instead he wanted his sole attention to be able to be on you rather than people asking for photos. Throughout your meal the conversation had been fun and light, Chris telling you how he had in fact auditioned for the Marvel role but didn’t envy the craziness that came with the now worldwide recognition that Jensen had to put up with. You had explained how you now worked for a theatrical costumer’s agency on the West Coast, but had heard about some openings for a new series production out of Vancouver.
 Chris laughed softly;
 “Typical… I fall for a girl that lives on the opposite side of the country”
 “You… you’ve fallen for me?”
 Chris paused, resting his hand over yours;
 “I’m sorry, I’m kinda sappy when it comes to relationships… and I gotta be honest, when I saw you at the bar, I recognised you from your Instagram and when you helped me… I was trying to play it cool…” he took a deep breath; “I hope I’m not scaring you off…”
 Leaning forward you pressed a kiss to his cheek;
 “No… it’s nice… its more than nice…”
 Once the meal was over the pair of you stood in the foyer, unsure what to do before Chris pointed out the rest of his costume was in your room.
 “Where are you staying tonight?”
 “I was meant to be crashing on a friends couch”
 Grinning you pulled him close;
 “Did you want a bed rather than a couch?”
 “Fuck yes”
 Minutes later you were crashing in the door to your room, Chris’s hands and lips trying to cover every inch of your body, and this time with the knowledge of how his costume worked you knew exactly how to get his pants open, tugging them to the floor as you pushed him into one of the chairs and knelt at his booted feet. With his dick in your mouth he was soon hard again, but that was when he took control, standing and moving you until you were knelt on the soft chair arms looking out of the high rise window over the convention center and city below, the lights of the city oblivious as he flipped your skirt up and pulled your panties down, and filled you with one smooth thrust;
 “Fuck… this pussy is fuckin’ perfect, you feel like heaven…”
 Wrapping his strong arms around you he pulled you flush with his hard chest, sucking at your neck as his dick rubbed so beautifully against your g-spot you were coming again, screaming out your release as Chris pulled out and lifted you, pulling you to your feet before you found yourself pressed against the wall and he filled you again. 
 Clinging to his wide shoulders you felt him filling you over and over, your pleasure climbing higher than you ever thought possible. Chris’s strong arms were holding you up, his large hands gripping your ass as he fucked you into the wall, your legs wrapped around his narrow waist;
 “Chris, I’m gonna cum…”
 “That’s it, cum for me, let me feel that pussy milking me as I fill you up… you feel so good, I’m never letting this pussy go…”
 As you came so did he, your walls squeezing him so tight he thought he may pass out from the sheer pleasure. For the longest time he just held you there, your bodies joined until Chris’s dick softened enough to slip out of you. Letting your feet fall to the ground you kissed as you made your way to the bed, falling onto the mattress before wrapping the covers around your flushed bodies, falling asleep soon after.
 The sound of a phone ringing pulled you from sleep, the warm body next to you grumbling at the sound before it rapidly jumped out of bed;
 “Fuck, that’s my phone”
 Through bleary eyes you watched Chris’s naked ass as he rummaged through the piles of clothing on the floor, finding his phone and answering it just in time;
 “Yeah… uh-huh… for real?! Yeah absolutely! Send me the details, I’ll be there!”
 You watched as he listened a little longer before ending the call, turning to you and he had the biggest smile on his face;
 “I might have gotten a part!”
 “Really? That’s amazing!”
 “Yeah, they want me to do some screen tests with a possible co-star, see if there’s chemistry”
 Jumping out of bed you ran and hugged him, kissing him deeply as he carried you back to the bed;
 “I feel like celebrating… how about breakfast in bed?”
 “Ok, I’ll call room serv… oh…”
 Chris was pushing your legs apart and kissing up your inner thigh, and that’s when you realised he was talking about a different kind of breakfast in bed. As you lay back and enjoyed the magic he could perform with his tongue, you blissed out from pleasure.
 Three Weeks Later
 Chris finished the last scene, the director calling cut and he grinned as he looked at his castmates. None of them could quite believe how they were there, standing in a cold and rainy British Columbia small town, with writers and directors that had been trying to get their series picked up for years. 
 The rest of the cast of ‘Supernatural’ was a small ensemble, and having been given the role of the older brother; Dean Winchester, Chris felt at home with the role and had been given he contract straight after his screen test with his on screen brother Sam. Laughing with the actor that played Sam - a native New Yorker by the name of Sebastian - the two of them had immediately clicked and their friendship and on screen chemistry shone through the camera.
 “Hey Evans, Stan!”
 The sound of the producer’s voice caught Chris’s attention;
 They need you two back at the studio, costume fitting”
 “Sure thing”
 The sound of the small doorbell that had been fitted on the counter drew your attention from the racks in the back room, calling out for your new arrival that you’d be out in a second. The job you’d applied for in Vancouver had pulled through, and it was your first week. A new show that needed a lot of men’s casual wear, yet things like jeans and jackets needed seams strengthened for fight scenes and pockets added for prop weapons. You were yet to meet the two main stars of the show, the casting having not been fully finalised until just days ago, and everything was hush-hush until it was going to be announced at one of the late summer conventions. 
 Dumping the armfuls of clothing onto the counter you turned and almost fainted;
 For a second he looked in shock before he vaulted the counter, and took you into his arms;
 “You’re here? You’re really here?”
 “You’re the star?! You didn’t tell me!”
 You kissed him deeply, before a quiet cough from behind Chris drew your attention, Chris turning;
 “Seb, I want you to meet the girl I was telling you about”
 The other guy raised an eyebrow;
 “You’re THE girl? Wow, it’s a pleasure to meet you” he held his hand out over the counter and you shook it, Chris still holding you in his arms; “I’m Sebastian but everyone calls me Seb”
 Looking at the two of them you knew in that moment the show was going to be a hit, and you looked forward to making these two look even better on screen… if that was even possible.
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saturnberry · 3 years
Tumblr media
Daffodils in the Rain
tw: verbal / physical / emotional abuse & biting
cw: toxic relationship & misogyny
characters: Tubalcain Alhambra & Original Character
this work of fiction was used to illustrate different extremes of muses i roleplay as, if you do not like the content listed above do not read
Static hued ash fell abruptly into an ash tray as a gloved hand tapped the cigar in which it fell from. It near its end as the smoker made his way to the butt of the tobacco stick.
Silent footsteps pittered against the carpeted floor of the apartment, moving at a rhythmic pace to hurry towards the man of the house. The sore, tired feet coated in leather and raised by a thin shard of metal were always moving throughout the day -- whether striking against sidewalks to sign papers for her partner, or clicking on tile while she cleaned the shared luxury apartment. The feet never seemed to rest, nor did the owner of them, for the blonde had no time to ponder about useless ideas or tasks; she only worried herself over the orders she was given.
A white covered hand gracefully pulled the chestnut door open, just enough so the blonde slipped through --on queue. She knew this apartment all too well, having memorized the routes she takes everyday to please her partner's desires.
"Saturn, took you long enough."
"I apologise, but you have to give me credit; it's not easy waitin' on you hand 'n foot from dawn 'til dusk."
Dainty fingers set a tray of hot substance down onto the glass centerpiece that lay in the middle of the living room. Unveiling that the substance was a blood broth with close to raw meat inside of it. The meal prepared was not taste tested before being served, for the blonde had not the same appetite as her partner.
"I will give you some lead way, but you've been doing this for years now. There is no excuse at this point,"
Gloves were gently removed as the other began to eat, only making contact with his partner after a few bites.
"Do you have the paperwork and reports?"
Papers dropped onto the glass table, some gliding out and revealing themselves from the manila folder.
"Right here. I still don't know why you're fallin' through with this; giving these people promises yet not carrying through with 'em . . . it- it's not right, Tubalcain."
"Do you think I care about what is right and what is not? Look around, the world is not good nor sparkly like how you wish it to be."
"I'm not sayin' it should be perfect --I myself do things that are not morally correct-- this is just devilish. These people have done nothin' wrong yet you blatantly lie to them even when they are servin' no purpose."
Olive toned hands dropped silverware harshly onto the glass table, as the blonde rushed to make sure they did not cause damage or crash to the floor, her partner had grabbed her wrist.
The aura of the room changed drastically. Cold air seeped through the walls, even though the temperature outside was a scorching 81° . The blonde's partner rose while clutching the fragile wrist, towering over his petite lover once he was fully erect.
Translucent eyes quivered with the rest of the body. He terrified her. The things he was capable of were things she dared not to ponder.
"We are dealing with pathetic humans; idiotic humans no better than sheep. They shall not deserve our pity."
His voice was low, though still had a bitter tone as he spat out every word.
"Don't get so full of yourself, Tubalcain. I'm the only one besides two out that entire organization that was never human. If humans are sheep then so are you."
Bones began to creak while his grip tightened. Small moans escaped the girl's mouth as she stood their and took it. There was no use in running, she would be brought back by her unbearable desire for this . . . creature.
"You are not to speak to me that way. I am not a sheep."
The calmness in his voice as he brought himself closer to her neck was unsettling, she knew what was going through his deranged mind. He had done this before --multiple times in fact. However every time had been for a good reason, so she had no room to complain.
"Thanks to you, my dinner's cold. But that's not a big deal, because I have you. Right? Don't I have a lovely fresh meal in my hands?"
A warm, moist leathery tongue moved down her neck and circled the blonde's collar. She braced herself, prepared for the pain her partner was about to inflict onto her.
Sharp teeth sank their way into pale flesh, letting irresistible blood pour out and lap directly into the vampire's mouth.
His teeth were cold compared to his hot mouth. It felt as if dull needles were being shoved into her, burying themselves deeper when the vampire took in how delicious she was.
It was horrifying. Partners did not do these types of things like hurting each other, if any other person were doing this to her she would have left years ago.
But not him.
He was something she could not let go of. He was too special, too lovely to give up on. He would leave her empty. Nobody could fulfill what he could give her.
"I am not even comparable to those pathetic lumps of meat. They are below the both of us, far below us. I may have once walked on the same tier as them, but no longer am I there. I am better,"
Dark hands brushed away coiled locks.
"I love you, Saturn. Don't go worrying about those useless humans."
Tubalcain leaned into a kiss, letting his fiancé's lips cake the same shade of red his own were coated in.
Saturn did nothing but let her partner do what he pleased with her. She was used to it.
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willowswift · 3 years
I have 13 posts left in my queue... fun
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copias-thrall · 4 years
Things have been Not Great, so I wrote an angsty Mary fic to cope.
FYI: this is not a lighthearted, heart-of-gold Mary fic. He’s kind of an asshole, and there are some heavy themes.
*brief domestic abuse (not Mary); angst; recreational drug use*
It happened after an impromptu party at her place.
The bars had closed, but no one was ready to stop—so everyone had grabbed some beers and snacks from the all-nighter and headed back to her place. Friends of friends were called, and suddenly at 4am there were maybe 30 people in the cramped 3 bedroom in a run-down house she shared, complete with a DJ and speakers. They'd partied even after the sun came up, too drunk or high to give a shit.
When she passed out around 11am, there were still 10 or so people grinding on each other or playing a slapped-together game of beer pong in the living room.
Waking up at 4pm had been a disconcerting experience, but at least she wasn't too hungover. She’d shuffled out to the living room to assess the damage (lots of trash, but fortunately no irreparable damage)—and that's when she heard noises in the kitchen.
She’d made her way there and saw a skinny punk boy with floppy hair and smeared makeup making eggs on her stove. Upon her arrival, he’d turned and said,
“Oh, hey. You want some?”
And that’s how she became friends with Mary.
He was suddenly around all the time.
Sometimes he’d show up early evening with a 6-pack, and the two of them would smoke weed, or play video games, or she’d listen to him pontificate about the musical artist of the week he was mainlining before he left to troll the bars.
Sometimes he’d show up on her couch in the morning, sleeping off the night before, and she’d have to coax him up with coffee and the promise of bacon before he stumbled back out into the world to do whatever it was that Marys do during the daytime.
For a while he became something of an unofficial roommate to everyone—sometimes bringing supplies, other times eating what wasn’t his; sometimes leaving a mess of dishes in the sink, other times taking out the trash—but always her friend first.
That all changed the night one of her roommates gave the couch to a friend from out-of-town. There’d been a soft knocking at her door, and then Mary was slipping into her room.
“You mind if I sleep on your floor?”
She’d looked down at the space rug that she hadn’t vacuumed in months.
“I don’t mind scooting over. But you have to lose some layers. I don’t want your denim pressing into me all night.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, it’s fine.”
He’d hesitantly stripped down to a t-shirt and boxers before sliding into the space she’d made for him. There’d been some jostling, but Mary had kept his hands to himself.
The friend had finally left the couch, but Mary never left her bed.
Now when he needed a place to crash, he crawled in through her window in the middle of the night to slip into bed with her. (And maybe there was some snuggling—but two friends sharing a twin was perfectly normal, right?) He suddenly seemed to prefer hanging out in her room—chilling cross legged on her mattress as he packed a bowl or they cued up a movie on Netflix—only showing his face in the common rooms anymore when there was food to be had.
Her other roommates even remarked on his lack of presence, to which she’d shrugged. He was her friend, after all.
One morning changed everything.
She’d woken up from a steamy sex dream still unsatisfied—still wet and throbbing between her legs. Half awake, she’d mewled in frustration and rolled onto her stomach, hand reaching down between her body and the bed so she could rock into it.
At the sound of Mary’s voice, she’d frozen. Suddenly fully awake, she’d snatched her hand back up, scrambled to the other side of the bed, and plastered herself against the wall.
“I was just! It wasn’t! I didn’t know …”
Mary was lying stock still, face flushed and very obviously affected. Seeing where her gaze had landed, his hands had flown to cover his erection.
“Uh. Sorry. But you were … you know.”
She’d quickly gone from mortified to fascinated.
“That … turned you on?”
His blush deepened.
“Well … yeah.”
He’d gone to gesture, remembered his predicament, didn’t.
“You were touching yourself. I mean. I thought maybe you were having a nightmare and then …” He’d shrugged. “Kinda hot.”
“You thought it was hot? Even though it’s me?” She didn’t think someone like Mary could find someone like her attractive. That’s why he’d never hit on her, right?
“Even though you’re my friend?”
“Because I’m. Me.” She’d swept her hands up and down her body.
He’d rolled onto his side and carefully arranged the sheets to cover him. She’d watched as his hand reached out to rest on her knee.
“You’re very attractive.”
She’d scoffed at him. “I have a mirror. You don’t need to patronize me.”
His hand had scooted up to her thigh, and he’d looked up at her. Her heart had begun to pound just as all the blood that wasn’t already between her legs rushed through her ears.
“Do you … want me … to show you how attractive I find you?”
His hand had slowly traveled up the leg, and was now resting on her sweaty inner thigh. Adrenaline was coursing through her—making it hard to verbalize her need for him to keep going—so when she’d opened her mouth, all that had come out was a whimper. Still looking up at her, Mary had pressed his thumb with unnerving accuracy into her clit.
Like it had been a release valve, she’d let out a long whine as her body opened up. His thumb had continued to pet at her clit through her dampening panties, and she’d rocked into his touch, legs splaying wide.
And maybe it was because she’d been so worked up already. Or maybe it was because it had been so long since someone else had touched her. Maybe it was the dangerous expression on Mary’s face … but she’d cum in no time—her clit bubbling as she twitched and groaned to each pulsing wave.
Before she’d had time to come down—or feel embarrassed—Mary was on her, all previous attempts at modesty gone as he’d pressed his hard-on into her thigh.
“Can I fuck you?” he’d mouthed into her neck.
Her first instinct had been to tell him “yes” … but it had been so long since anything bigger than a finger had been in her, and she’d hesitated. Feeling her tense, Mary had backed off.
“Or, I could just jack off.”
“No—I …” she’d wiggled around and kicked off her sticky panties. “Thighs ok?”
Mary had eagerly pressed into her back. “Yeah. Yeah, that’s great. Wanna feel how wet you are.”
There had been some wiggling around on his part—to divest himself of his boxers, she’d supposed—and then she’d felt as his dick eased between her closed thighs. He’d grunted, and then his arms came around her: one held her hips steady while he thrust, the other grazed and pinched at her nipples through her nightshirt.
“So hot,” he’d said as his lips smeared down her neck. “Wanted you for a while.” They came back up to press behind her ear.
All she’d been able to manage in return was a gasp as his clever fingers worked at her body—his free hand grazing her nipples and his steadying hand slipping down to rub at her clit again. Panting, he’d brought her to climax once more before clutching her tightly to him so he could finally pump himself to release as well.
Wheezing into her shoulder, Mary’s hips had finally stuttered, and he’d let out a breathy moan right before she’d felt the wetness of his cum start to drip down her thighs. Languidly, he’d rocked his hips as he worked himself through the aftershocks; then,his arms had loosened their hold, and he’d sighed before placing a quick kiss to the back of her neck.
Her head was spinning, and she’d murmured out a “Yeah.”
He’d shifted around, his arms withdrawing from her space.
“C’mon, let’s go back to sleep. Still early.”
“But the mess …” she’d begun, but he’d just pulled her onto his chest.
Mary had fallen asleep immediately, but she’d lain awake wondering what whatever the fuck had just happened meant.
Neither of them really talked about it later, but Mary had stopped showing up just to hang. Instead, she’d leave her window open, and most nights he’d crawl through her window in the AM and stick around for breakfast. A fresh box of condoms (since the existing ones in her underwear drawer were 5yrs old) and a few solo practice sessions later had her back on the horse. Mary had relished the full access to her body, delighting in fucking her lazily while he played her body—his mouth sucking on all the right spots while his hands and fingers teased at her other erogenous zones.
He always made sure she came before he did—often multiple times—before finally letting loose and using her body to get off. He always seemed so desperate for it, and she was happy to let him use her—afterward contently sighing into his chest while basking in the afterglow as his arms wrapped around her. It was nice to be wanted, to be touched—even if she missed the part where the two of them drank shitty beer and talked shit while gaming.
When she voiced her regret to her roommate, they had just rolled their eyes at her.
“Have you been out of the game that long? He was courting you then. That’s just how men are. Don’t worry about it.”
So, she tried not to.
It’s one of those nights she feels the stirring to go out. She tries to coax one of her roomies to come with her, but they all beg off with the excuse of work in the morning.
“I do too! We don’t have to stay super late!”
But they remain unmoved.
So, she shimmies into the dress that makes her feel the best about herself, pust her face on, and goes out for a drink.
The bar is moderately crowded when she gets there, and she makes a beeline for the electronic jukebox, determined to get some of her bops into the queue so maybe she’ll even get to hear them before she leaves.
Satisfied, she approaches the bar to order a chocolate porter. And hey, wait!—she recognizes that shape across the bar! As her eyes adjust, she's even more certain that it’s Mary. A smile breaks out on her face—she can’t wait to surprise him after she gets her beer.
Pint glass in hand, she makes her way through the bodies to the other side of the bar to where Mary is talking to the pink-haired woman next to him. He’s so engrossed that he doesn’t notice her standing in front of him. In fact, it’s the woman he’s talking to who notices her first.
“Um, hello?” says Pink Hair.
“Oh. I … just wanted to say hi to Mary.”
Mary looks over at her, but his expression is guarded.
“Oh, hey.”
Pink Her takes an exaggerated sip of her cocktail.
“Did you need something? Because I’m kinda busy here,” he says.
She can feel her smile fall. “Oh. O-ok. I just thought …”
“Look, I’ll catch you later or something, ok?”
Her stomach turns to ice. “Oh, um. Ok, sure.” She starts to say that she’ll be here for a bit, but he’s already turning back around, a smile breaking on his face just for Pink Hair as his hand goes to res on the woman’s knee.
As she stiffly walks away, she hears Pink Hair say, “Who was that?” and Mary respond, “Just some girl who follows me around. You know how it is.”
On autopilot—heart making a rapid tattoo against her ribs—she makes her way to an open high-top. Her good mood has evaporated like water during a scorcher. The sensible thing to do would be to go home—but she hates herself, so she stands there, nursing her beer and trying to make it look like she’s not zeroed in on Mary and his … friend? No need to think the worst. Maybe Pink Hair’s having a rough day and Mary’s listening to her. He’s good like that.
Her bubble of delusion pops when she sees him lean in to kiss Pink Hair’s neck. When his mouth meets the woman’s, her heart officially drops into her stomach … but for some reason she can’t seem to look away. She feels an almost destructive need to make herself see this.
The two of them make out for a bit before Mary puts a bill on the bar and they start to make their way to the exit. For half a second Mary’s eyes catch hers across the bar … and then they slide away, his hand on the small of Pink Hair’s back as they leave together.
She watches the door for a long time after they disappear. She wonders if she’s going to be sick.
Beer unfinished, she sluggishly makes her way to the door, no longer interested in a night out. As she walks home in a daze, she keeps replaying the entire thing over and over in her head to the extent that she walks half a block past her apartment.
Her roommates are still up when she makes it inside, but she just mumbles out a “Hey” and goes straight to her room. For several minutes she just stands there, unsure of the next action to take: change clothes? smash things? brush her teeth? cry?
She ends up walking over to her window. Instead of lifting the pane open, she makes sure it’s closed all the way before thumbing the latch to locked. To make a further statement, she pulls her curtains shut. Mechanically, she undresses and crawls into bed—she'll brush her teeth in the morning.
It’s only because she's still awake—her brain unable to shut off—that she hears it: little plinks. At first she wonders if it’s raining, and then she realizes something is hitting the window pane. A glance at her clock tells her it’s 3:56am.
Even though she already knows what she'll find, she sloughs over to the window and parts the curtains. There’s Mary in his leather jacket, arm raised as if to throw another pebble. He grimaces at her, then motions for her to open the window.
But she's just some girl, so she closes the curtains again and gets back into bed.
As she lays there, a horrible thought passes through her brain: Is this how it always is? He always shows up around the same time every night. Has … has he been coming to her after he’s had his way with his stunning girl du jour? Is she just a warm bed to sleep in after they kick him out? How many times has she been sloppy seconds? Was he even attracted to her, or were those just pretty words to keep him in her bed?
Rolling over for the hundredth time, she thinks about how he always fucks her with her back pressed into him. She'd always thought it was nice—cuddled up close to Mary, his hands free to touch her everywhere … but now she wonders if it was so he didn’t have to look at her, so he could pretend she was the girl he’d just left.
Well. No more.
The next several days crawl. Her roommates give her a wide berth, waiting for her to say something … or not. Every night around 4am, she hears the telltale plink of detritus hitting her window, but she doesn't show her face again.
She wishes he’d just go away.
And then he does, and she wishes she knew what she wanted.
She never does say anything to her roommates, but with her mood and the lack of a Mary Goore, they put two-and-two together. They arrange movie nights with vodka and popcorn; they drag her out to clubs that play booty music; they snarl at any man who dares approach her.
She'd never met Mary before her house party, and now it’s like she can’t go to a bar without running into him. The first couple of times, her friends and roommates had barred him from interacting with her with hissed words and thinly-veiled threats, and he’d backed off. But as the leeway around The Event wears off, she eventually has to tell him to fuck off herself.
“But I just want to …”
“No. We’re done, Mary.”
“Go away. Or I’m gonna grab a bouncer.”
She feels like she already knows what he’s going to say, anyway, and she’s already exhausted. While she never assumed he was her boyfriend, she had assumed they were exclusive. But: it’s not like the two of them ever talked about what they were, so he has her there … and she can’t help feel like he got away on a technicality on that point. Even before he started sharing her bed and then fucking her, Mary was crashing at her place on the reg. Was it so outlandish to think he wasn’t working his way through half the scene before crawling into bed with her?
And what good can he say about the cruel way he’d dismissed her? Perhaps even going out of his way to show her exactly what she meant to him?
As if she were nothing.
Some. Girl.
No. She has nothing more to say to Mary Goore.
Mary finally takes the hint. Now when she sees him out, he sends her looks, but doesn’t attempt to talk to her anymore. She knows all she needs to know anyway when she sees him still consistently leaving with a hottie on his arm.
So it’s with some surprise to her that he tries again in a way that takes her completely off guard.
It’s late in the evening, and for once she doesn't see Mary skulking about the bar she's at. A woman approaches her table and asks if she can talk to her. She thinks maybe the woman needs help, or likes her shoes or something—If she'd known what the woman was about, she'd have never agreed.
“What’s up?” she asks when the two of them are alone at a free high-top in the corner.
“I’m one of Mary’s friends, and—”
She scoffs and makes to go, but the woman rests a hand on her arm.
“No! Wait, hear me out.”
The woman’s eyes plead, and—against her better judgement—she stays.
“You’re not going to convince me of anything.”
“Just listen, ok?”
She folds her arms.
“Look, Mary’s really sorry. He’s really torn up about it. You don’t even—”
“I don’t give a shit about how he feels.”
The woman swallows. “He really does feel awful about the misunderstanding, and—”
“No,” she hisses, making a cut off motion with her arm. The woman’s mouth clicks shut. “Fine, I get it—I shouldn’t have assumed I was the only one he was fucking. That’s on me, I guess. But there was no misunderstanding. He wasn’t confused when he pretended I was just some sad little girl mooning after him. And I don’t know if he saw sex with me as repayment for giving him a place to crash or if my spreading my legs for him just an added bonus.” She's pretty sure her face is purple at this point. "But I seriously doubt he didn’t understand that fucking one person and then leaving to fuck another in the same night is not acceptable—especially without telling them.”
“I … he—”
“So I don’t care how many sympathetic friends he gets to do his dirty work, I’m fucking done with him. He can find another warm body to dupe. He certainly doesn’t lack options.” She starts to walk away and then turns back. “This isn’t some version of hard to get. I want him to leave me alone.”
She meets Benny at a friend of a friend’s house party. He’s … ok. Kind of pompous and into himself—but charismatic and funny. And if she wasn’t looking to fill the Mary-Shaped void (instead of waiting for it to close on its own) she probably would have just tossed his number. But he focuses his wattage on her, and his eyes take in her body like it’s a treat, so she thinks: what the hell?
As a boyfriend he’s … ok. He takes her out on dates and buys her small trinkets—so she purposefully overlooks that he has to have his own way. And when she’d been upfront about looking for exclusivity, he’d said they both were both on the same page. So what if he has the tendency to talk over her? It’s not like it’s forever.
In bed he’s … ok. Not exactly a thoughtful dynamo, but he touches her body and meets her eyes during sex—and that’s more than she's had in a while. So what if he sometimes makes little comments about what a catch he is and how lucky she is? It’s not like anyone else is asking to be put on her dance card.
He’s not Mary—but what had Mary been, really? Some guy who’d trespassed on her hospitality because she’d been so starved for contact that she confused gratitude for affection.
It’s inevitable that they run into Mary at a bar—she’s surprised it hadn’t happened sooner—but that doesn’t mean she has to like it.
She and Benny are at the bar eating rubbery burgers and decent fried pickle chips with a pitcher of beer to wash it all down when she looks across the bar and catches Mary glowering at her. She ignores him, and she resolves to put him out of her mind.
Her resolution is blown to shit when she comes back from the bathroom and she sees Mary on a stool next to Benny.
“… you hardly have to do anything. Oh hey, babe.”
“Hey.” She climbs back up onto her stool.
He turns to her. “This is—wait for it—Mary.”
Mary’s eyes bore into hers. She sticks her hand across Benny.
“Hi, Mary. Nice to meet you.”
He limply takes her hand, gives it a shake, then lets go.
“I’m gonna hit the head. Try not to talk about me,” says Benny with a wink.
When he’s well out of earshot, Mary lays into her.
“Are you fucking serious with this guy?”
“What’s it to you?” She pops a pickle chip into her mouth.
“He’s an asshole. He was just telling me he dates girls like you because you’re so grateful for the attention that you’ll accept anything.”
She's a little stung that Mary thinks of her as ugly too—some part of her had been holding onto the scrap that maybe Mary hadn’t been lying about finding her attractive.
She continues to graze the pickles.
“Well, I am grateful, Mary. I’m not like you; I don’t have people lined up around the block waiting to fuck me. I was grateful you were willing to fuck me, and I’m grateful he likes touching me.” She locks her gaze with his. “At least he isn’t ashamed to be seen with me in public.”
Mary’s mouth opens and closes like a fish. Benny’s reappearance interrupts his attempt to form a coherent retort.
"Getting acquainted, I see.”
“Sure,” she says.
“No, that’s good.” He turns to grin at her. “See, Mary here came over to express his …” Benny sucks his teeth and gives her a once over. “Interest in what a … healthy-looking girl you are.”
She squints in confusion as Mary’s face shows open shock.
“That’s not what I …” Mary sputters.
Benny puts his hand over hers.
“Do you think we could accommodate him, babe?”
“What?” she spits out as Mary tries to back away as much as he can while still sitting.
Benny looks at Mary and then at her with a knowing glance. His hand comes up to brush at her cheekbone.
“What would you think about me watching him fuck you?”
If it were any other guy, she might have thrown her drink on Benny—but any disgust she feels toward him seems to be overridden by the opportunity to get in a jab at Mary. Glancing over, she pretends to assess him.
“No,” she says with as much haughtiness as she can muster. “He looks like a hobo. I don’t want to catch fleas.”
Mary actually has the audacity to look hurt.
“Well, let it never be said I couldn’t take a hint.”
He slides off the stool and walks away.
“Hey, wait—she didn’t mean …” sputters Benny.
They watch in silence as he exits the bar.
Benny turns to her. “Why the fuck would you say something like that?”
“Why would you?” she retorts as she crams the last of the burger into her maw.
The mood effectively killed, they pay and head out.
The walk back to his place is a quiet one, both of them annoyed at the other for very different reasons. Once in his apartment, she's barely hung up her coat before Benny is laying into her.
“What that fuck was that back there, huh? Do you know how embarrassing that was for me?”
She rolls her eyes at him.
“My ‘gratitude’ has limits, Benny.”
The slap comes out of nowhere. More of an open-handed punch, really. She goes stumbling backwards, momentarily stunned. When her hand touches her face, it comes away with blood from a split lip. When she looks up, Benny is looking at her coldly, but calmly.
“You hit me,” she says, incredulous.
“I think I’ve been really good about restraining myself until now. You know how you are.”
It should say something that she's more annoyed that Mary was right about wasting her time on an asshole like Benny than she is in fear of him.
She grits her teeth.
“We’re fucking done, Benny.”
His face contorts in a journey of annoyance, disbelief, and irritation.
“You think anyone else is going to want you? Just look at you. You’re lucky to have me.”
“Mary wanted me,” she says.
“The guy at the bar. For the record, I’ve already fucked him, and he might have bedbugs, but he’s a much better lay.”
Benny, face red, crowds into her space. “Are you really trying to provoke me right now?”
“You’re right. I’m actually leaving.”
“Bitch, you think—” he moves to grab her wrists, but she pushes him, hard.
He stumbles back and trips over his rug, landing on his ass. It would be comical except for the dark look he gives her. Feeling a sudden lance of fear, she goes for the door, knocking the end table over as an extra obstacle for him. She wastes precious seconds yanking hard at her coat as she flees—hearing it tear somewhere as it pulls free—since her phone and her wallet are in the pockets.
She catches a glimpse of him just getting to his feet yelling, “You fucking cunt,” as she slams the door behind her. Heart pounding, she runs up a flight of stairs, hoping to fake him out—but his door slams open just in time for him to see her.
“You never had it so good!” he screams as he climbs after her.
She chances running down the hall on the next floor to get to the back stairwell, but she’s not quick enough. “If you leave don’t expect me to take you back,” she hears as she practically vaults down the next flight. Instead of continuing or booking it back to the main stairwell, she sprints to the turn in the hall and stops—back pressed against the wall, hand across her mouth as she pants.
Benny’s footfalls stop as he reaches the landing to his floor then pause. She can hear him let out a Fuck, and she tenses—ready to claw if he comes around the corner—but he continues on down the hall. It sounds like he searches the main stairwell again, but it’s hard to tell.
She remains there, getting her breathing back under control and listening intently for the telltale sounds he’s checking the back stairs again … but so far: nothing. As she waits to make sure Benny isn’t going to chase after her, she has time to think about what she'd said to goad him. Part of her wonders if she didn’t have it good with Mary after all; the more reasonable part reminds herself that she deserves better than either of them—even if that means no one.
Finally, she hears him stomping and cursing, and then the slam of his door. Even so, she still waits—playing repeating songs over in her head—before craning her head around the L of the hall. Seeing nothing suspicious, she carefully slinks to the back stairs, lightly tiptoeing down them until she reaches the emergency exit. Uncaring about an alarm, she slams it open, making her way into the cooling night air.
She runs all the way home, never stopping to even put on her coat.
For months she’d kept her bedroom window closed and locked—not wanting to give Mary the impression that an open window was an invitation—but after his attempts had stopped with his friend’s plea, she'd felt comfortable cracking it open again.
Which is why several days after the incident with Benny, Mary can once again climb through her window. He scares the bejesus out of her—part of her half-asleep brain convinced it’s Benny here to enact retribution.
Something in her eyes must convey her alarm because he blurts out, “Hey, hey—it’s just me.”
She's relieved until she remembers how pissed at him she is.
“What the fuck, Mary.”
She sits up in bed and turns on her bedside lamp.
“Are you fucking kidding me? What about my memo didn’t you get?”
He rubs the back of his neck.
“I know—I’m sorry. I just. I wanted to make sure you were ok.”
“Because I obviously must be wasting away without a dick to fill me?”
He gives her a strange look.
“No. Because of …” He makes a flapping gesture with his hand.
“Because of … what? First word? Sounds like?”
His brows furrow.
“Shit. You don’t know.”
She rubs at her eyes. “It’s fucking late, Mary. Help me out.”
“May I?” he asks as he goes to sit on the edge of her bed.
“No,” she hisses, and he pops back up.
He teeters awkwardly before turning it into a lean against her dresser.
“Benny’s been around. Saying shit.”
“Lemme guess: he’s been talking shit about putting me in my place with a firm hand or something? Maybe that he broke up with me because I’m pathetic? Neither of which are true, by the way.”
Mary actually looks nervous.
“Um. Kinda. But it’s …”
“What?” she snaps.
He takes a deep breath.
“He’s been saying that he found out you were cheating on him so he ‘taught you a lesson’ by ‘destroying your ass’ before kicking you to the curb. He, um. Described it in great detail.”
She stares at Mary, stunned.
He rubs his neck again, unable to meet her eyes.
“It’s just. His accuracy … I had to make sure you were ok.”
She realizes she’s balling her fists in her sheet, so she unclenches.
“Oh,” she says. “Well, thanks. I guess.”
“So you are? Ok?”
She rubs her face with her hands.
“I mean, he hit me, but—”
“What?” barks Mary as he looks up at her sharply.
“Yeah. He was pissed I declined to let you fuck me in front of him, so he slapped me. I told him to fuck off and left.”
Mary goes to examine her face before he remembers she's no longer his to touch.
“Sorry,” he mumbles as he backs away again.
“I’m fine, Mary. Just a split lip. Practically healed. You didn’t even notice it.”
“Well, you’re light’s fucking dim. You didn’t even notice …” He trails off.
“Notice what, Mary?”
“Notice. What?”
He sighs and holds out his hands. She sees immediately that his knuckles are bruised and bloody.
“Mary! Your hands!”
Before she can stop herself, she shoots up and grabs his hands to examine the damage.
“What happened?”
“Do you really want to know?”
She squints up at him, feeling like she already knows the answer.
“Tell me.”
He sighs.
“True or not, I just couldn’t let that douche talk shit about you in public. I wasn’t the only one, either, you know—you have more friends that you think you do. A couple of us … drove home that he needed to shut the fuck up and move on.”
She hates that she feels thankful, but she is.
And then he has to go and ruin the moment by saying, “I’m not really boyfriend material, you know.”
She lets his hands go.
“That’s such a fucking cop out, Mary. An excuse to keep you from responsibility.”
He makes a frustrated noise.
“I have friends and I have people I fuck. I’m not …. I don’t have friends I fuck.”
The old feelings of righteous indignation flare up.
“Then why? We could have written off that first morning as a one off. Laughed about it as half-asleep shenanigans. Why keep fucking me?”
His head thunks back against the wall.
“Because I was fucking selfish, ok? Sleeping next to you for weeks without touching you was a special kind of torture. I didn’t think I could go back to that. And I wanted … I wanted you to feel good. That’s what I’m good at: making people feel good. You think that you’re this troll who’s lucky if someone looks at you, and I needed to show you that you’re not. Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean you aren’t hot, ok? Your problem isn’t that you’re ‘ugly’—it’s that you refuse to believe anyone could be into you. You miss what’s right in front of you—and I don’t even mean me.”
Her lather gets up.
“Well, congrats: you did, you asshole. You made me feel like I could be worth something. You came by and talked to me about shit and slept in my bed and touched me like I wasn’t a gross beach ball. And then you,” tears suddenly well in her eyes, “and then you treated me like trash. You tell me you wanted to show me I was worth something, but then you treated me like I was some delusional fangirl—like you weren’t coming here and fucking me every night—so you could go home with a fucking goth model. You made sure you weren’t even subtle. Was I ever more than just the after party, Mary? Some place to slink to after the main event so you didn’t have to go home?”
Piece said, she scrubs her eyes and sniffles at Mary. He only stares back at her as the minutes start to tick by uncomfortably.
Just when she's given up on getting a response from him, he says,
“I just assumed you understood who I was.”
She waits for more. Anything else.
But that’s it. That’s all he has to say.
“I didn’t, but I do now,” she says tiredly. “And I deserve better than your paltry offering.”
Again, he has the audacity to look hurt.
She settles herself back into her covers.
“I appreciate you beating the shit out of Benny, but I really do wish you’d leave me alone. My open window just means I’d like some fresh air.”
“Leave,” she hisses as she drapes her arm over her eyes.
It takes a moment, but then she hears Mary shuffle over to the window and scramble out of it.
And then all she hears is the wind blowing through the trees.
And that could be the end of it.
It certainly feels like the end of the 2yr entanglement with Mary Goore. He seems to disappear from her life just as suddenly as he arrived. Everyone around her vows to hate him on principle even if she suspects a few of them still smoke with him.
One of her roommates moves out, and one that she ends up hating moves in.
She gets a new job, and has a brief affair with a colleague that ends in tears when he realizes he actually is ready to marry his ex.
Once or twice she Googles Mary, but he has zero social media presence—just a few blurry, red-eyed pics of him with other people from the scene.
She moves into a place with another girl from work.
Two of her friends get married to each other.
She pays off her student debt and buys a modest place.
Occasionally she hears mention of one of his shenanigans, but never anything substantial. Never anything about his lovers.
More of her friends get married.
She finds herself missing the days when she could do casual shots with roommates and still be fresh for work the next day.
She dates every asshole her dating app has to offer before deleting them all and buying some very nice toys.
Sometimes she goes out to her old haunts and watches the social shit show with fondness.
Mary becomes like that song: someone she used to know.
Until …
He isn’t.
It’s in that Japanese coffee shop of all places that she finally sees him—the man behind the myth—again. She’s tapping away at her laptop, latte in hand, when she sees him in line. At first, she doesn’t even think it’s him.
She thinks, “Huh. That dude looks like Mary Goore.” But the longer she stares, the more she realizes that it is Mary Goore.
Mary used to be a skinny-ass noodle boy. His hair was always greasy and flaky with product. Even when clean, his clothes were covered in stains and holes. His leather jacket was dull with half the lining ripped away, and his Docs were covered in black duct tape. Under his makeup, his face was handsome, but covered in acne.
This … man is still very slender, but his shoulders have broadened, and she thinks she can detect a little potbelly. His hair is still styled, but it looks clean. He looks clean. His leather jacket looks lived in, but is still shiny. The black jeans are still molded onto his legs … but the only rips are at his knees and—unlike the only pair she ever saw him wear—don’t look like they’d ooze oil if you pressed hard. The ends are tucked into boots that—while scuffed—aren’t cracked or peeling. When he turns to stare absently at the wall, she can see that his face has filled out a bit, but the makeup is more subtle—still white in pallor, but instead of clunky skull accents, his eyes and cheeks are sleek and contoured.
The old feeling of longing stirs in her gut.
It’s why, stupidly, instead of being satisfied with just this glimpse, she says (in a hesitant, wavering voice), “Mary?” after he gets his order. She doesn't know why she does this to herself. It’s not like she wants to hear about his marriage or his kids. Or worse—how he’s still giving it away for free like that’s all he���s worth.
Despite various diets and exercise regimes, she's only grown more womanly—but she's learned that what Mary told her all those years ago was truth: she was the only thing cockblocking herself.
To-go cup in hand, he swivels his head this way and that, trying to find the source of his name. His gaze glosses right over her, and she doesn't quite have the courage to call out to him again. But then his eyes land on her and focus—and then he breaks out in a huge grin that opens up his whole face, that shows the fine lines his placid look was hiding.
“Oh my god. Is that you?”
She blushes and nods. He saunters over and half sits against the opposite stool. His eyes travel her up and down. She’s only a little self-conscious that he’s managed to glow-up while she's merely discovered the miracle of a tailor and Vaseline.
“You look great,” he says in a soft voice.
She waves away the compliment. “Look at you! Did you go into modeling or something?”
He snorts at her. “I—well … I guess there’s a lot of shit you wouldn’t know; a lot of shit I didn’t want to tell you. Anyway—long, boring story—after I got kicked out of my living situation, I ended up rooming with a bunch of drag queens.” He shrugs, but there’s a half smile on his face. “I was kind of their pet project for a while.”
She mirrors his expression. “That would only happen to you.”
“So how’s—” “Are you—”
Both of them chuckle nervously. Mary makes a “go on” motion.
As she wet her lips, her eyes flick to where his left hand is wrapped around his cup. No ring.
“I believe this is the part where I inquire after the health of a … uh … girlfriend?”
Mary’s half smile becomes whole.
“Oh, ah. Not one of those. Or the other kind. Not for a while, anyway.” He shrugs. “And … you?” he says carefully. “Husband? Kids?”
She feels her face flush, and she looks down.
“No, nothing like that.”
There’s what feels like a tense pause, but when she looks up, Mary is worrying at his bottom lip.
“I, uh. I looked for you, you know.”
Her eyes go wide “Y-you—you did?”
He nods. “But you … moved.”
She mirrors his nodding. “And changed jobs. Twice.”
He taps the tabletop between them. She rubs her palms down her jeans.
“That was kinda a fucked up time for me. I’m afraid I was really shitty to you.”
“Oh no, Mare—”
He holds his hand up. “No, I was. And I’m really fucking sorry about it. If this is it, if I never see you again, you have to know that. That, and you were just about the only good thing in my life for a while. I think I spent years chasing what I gave away with you.”
“Oh, Mare …” she says, too overcome to verbalize anything further.
“Except beating the shit out of Benny. He deserved that, and I’d do it again.”
She laughs, as was his intention.
“Maybe you should have knocked his head harder. He went away for trying to run over his girlfriend, you know?”
Mary’s brow furrows. “No shit?”
“No shit. She survived but ended up in traction.”
His face seems to darken.
“Did I push you into his arms?”
She sighs. “No, Mary. That was my own shitty decision. It’s not like I was at my best either.”
“Could’ve fooled me,” he says almost under his breath.
The two of them stare at each, the conversation seemingly having run its course. Then Mary jumps, and fumbles to get his phone out of his pocket. His eyes scan the screen, then he locks it.
“So … I, uh. Have to go.”
Her blood turns into ice in her veins, and she plasters a smile on her face. “Oh, ok. I understand.”
He slides off the stool, his phone scraping across the table in tandem. He goes to put it in his pocket, then raises it, then half lowers it, then grimaces at her.
“You wouldn’t want to get coffee sometime, would you? I mean, again. Not here. Or here is fine, but as a date.” His faces screw up. “Not like a date date—but like, a get together. To … talk.” His eyebrows form a triangle and he sucks his lips into his mouth, as if that’ll stop him from his verbal diarrhea.
She smiles at him. “I actually would like that very much, Mary.” She holds out her hand, and he hands her his phone.
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shining-red-diamond · 4 years
Trick or Treat, Revenge is Sweet
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Words: 1k
Pairing: Felix x Reader
Rating: PG-13
Genre: slight angst, but mostly fluff (in a sense), mostly humor
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, vandalism, mentions of illness and bullying, and some language
A/N: This was inspired by a story time from @/HeyParis on YouTube. I also gave a name to the antagonist.
That’s all Y/N was feeling at that moment. Tanya had humiliated her for the last time, and in front of Felix, too. Typically, Y/N would let it go, but after crossing the line by bringing up her sick father, she nearly snapped. Felix already knew about Y/N’s situation, but he did his best to help her out. However, he thought Y/N was going to beat up, and he held her back.
“Such a good little boyfriend you are, Phillip,” Tanya scoffed.
“It’s Felix,” he huffed.
“Yeah, sure. Anyway, I’m having a Halloween party at my house tonight. Everyone on campus is invited if they wanna come, and that includes you two. But I understand if you have other priorities.”
Y/N had always gone to Tanya’s parties in attempt to make some friends, and she had mangaed to make a few, mainly because they hated going to Tanya’s parties to feel that they’ve done something wild. Tanya’s parties always started out calm, but they always ended up with someone or some people getting overly drunk and other shenanigans that happen. Y/N and her friends typically left early after the first round of shots were passed out.
However, Y/N was beginning to hatch a plan.
“There’s also gonna be a costume contest,” Tanya continued as she played with her brunette locks. “Best costume wins a hundred bucks.”
“It actually sounds like fun,” Y/N nodded. “Since I’m not in the mood to beat your ass anymore, I think I’ll come.”
Tanya looked at Y/N as if waiting for another sarcastic remark, but then smiled in a fake manner.
“Party starts at eight,” she said just before turning to walk away.
“We’re going,” Y/N confirmed as she watch the Wicked Witch strut away.
“Are you sure?” Felix asked.
She turned towards him and exhaled. “I’m not afraid of her. She can put on a ‘nice girl’ an act all she wants, but we know the truth.”
“What are you going to do? Attempt to embarrass her in front of everyone? I think she’s wear a dress to the party, so the only thing you’d do is somehow rip it with out her noticing.”
Y/N shook her head.
“What plan are you hatching?” Felix asked as he stepped forward.
“I’ll tell you when you come over to get ready for tonight.”
Taking one final look at herself in the mirror, Y/N felt like she could rule the world. She was dressed in a black, long-sleeve crop top, a black, plaid skirt with some silver chains on it, and she also wore a pair of black wings. Her makeup was dark, but nothing too intimidating. The thigh high boots she wore made her feel powerful.
Felix was dressed as dressed similarly but without the wings. He was dressed as a rock star with a Led Zeppelin shirt on.
His arms slid around Y/N’s waist, and he kissed her cheek. “You are stunning, my love,” he whistled.
“Is this Lee Yongbok or Kurt Cobaine?” I chuckle.
“I was going for a more Billie Joe Armstrong look,” he whined.
“Here.” Y/N grabbed some eyeliner and turned in her boyfriend’s embrace. She got to work, and in about two minutes Felix’s eyes were much more dramatic with the smudged black eyeliner.
“Perfect,” she giggled.
Felix kissed her once, careful not to smear her lipstick. When he pulled away, he asked, “Are you sure your plan will work?”
Y/N nodded. “By the time we’re done, Tanya will be too wasted to know she was set up.”
Once she grabbed two tubes of lipstick, she and Felix headed out the door and began their hike to Tanya’s house.
“You’re really going through with this, aren’t you?” Felix asked after walking two blocks.
“You’re acting like I’m gonna go full-on WWE on her,” Y/N scoffed. “I’m just going to embarrass her, and then I’m not messing with her anymore.”
“You promise?”
“Pinky swear.”
She knew it was only petty revenge, but she couldn’t shake the feeling. She wanted Tanya to have a taste of some of her own medicine. For a little while, at least, Y/N wanted some ease.
Hand in hand, the couple finally reaches Tanya’s front porch, music blaring from the inside as if they could shatter her windows at any moment. Once the approached the front door, Felix rang the doorbell, and Tanya, dressed as a sexy angel, answered almost immediately.
“So you decided to come,” she giggled before losing her balance a bit. Y/N could immediately smell the alcohol on her foe’s body. “You two have fun, but be mindful of the…um…fruity drinks. I think someone poured a little bit of Captain Morgan in it.”
Tanya hobbled away to who knows where, and Felix and Y/N entered the house. It was large and beautiful, no doubt, and Y/N sometimes wished she lived in such luxury; however, she liked her home the way it was. Lights were bouncing off the walls, the entire interior were decorated to the nines in cute Halloween decorations, and everyone there was dressed as various characters or objects.
“So do you want to start?” Felix raised his voice over the loud speakers.
“Not yet,” Y/N replied. “I’m gonna wait until ten. People will either be drunk or making out in different hiding spots.”
“Oi, Felix!” a voice from behind them called. It was his friend Chan, who was dressed up like Ghostface for the night.
“Meet me in the upstairs bathroom in an hour,” she instructed.
The two went their separate ways, and for that hour Felix had fun with his friends from his soccer team. Y/N hung out around the snack and drink area speaking to people she knew. She wasn’t one for alcohol, so she stuck with sipping on soda for the night. The party itself was wild already, the music loud enough to cause a plane crash. More guests were starting to get drunk or disappear to various parts of the house. Tanya was acting more and more giggly and childish as the hour went by.
“I’m an absolute angel,” Tanya praised herself drunkenly to her friends at one point. “I am as pure as freshly fallen snow.”
“Snow that’s been pissed on,” Y/N mumbled as she sipped on her drink, causing a few guys next to burst into laughter.
When she checked her watch, it was five minutes until she and Felix would meet upstairs. After disposing her cup, she made the ascent, putting a little swagger in her step. Her brain couldn’t register why, but she felt powerful. She turned her head to signal for Felix, but he was already trailing behind her.
The two entered the designated bathroom and turned on the lights. The wallpaper was an ugly green pinstripe, and the marble counter wasn’t helping it either. The only decent pieces were the porcelain tub and framed artwork on the walls.
“So, what’s your plan for here?” Felix asked as he closed the door.
Y/N reached into her purse and pulled out the two lipsticks she had.
“Bathroom’s a bit ugly,” she sneered as she handed Felix one of the lipstick tubes. “How about we decorate it a little?”
“Is this part of your plan?”
“No, I just thought of this last minute.”
With a smirk on her face, she and Felix both began their artwork on the bathroom walls. Felix drew and wrote whatever his heart desired, and Y/N just doodled hearts everywhere. This went on for about twenty minutes, Felix managing to stand on the toilet seat to write “Trick ‘r Treat” near the ceiling.
When they finished, they decided to do make murals in the other bathrooms in the house. This continued until both lipstick tubes were empty, and neither of them got any marks on their costumes.
“Is this where your real plan begins?” Felix asked after they disposed the lipstick tubes.
Y/N said nothing but pulled out her phone and called the nearest police department. They stayed in the current bathroom they were in and locked the door while she dialed the number, making sure she used the star-six-seven method.
After someone picked up, Y/N ignited her scheme.
“Hi, this is Jennifer Barbara,” she used a fake voice. “And my neighbors next door, and absolutely loud. I have four children under the age of six, two of them have school in morning; and my husband has work in the morning. You need to come shut this down, please. It’s ridiculous. Listen.”
She held her phone to the door, which she had opened to increase the volume of the thumping music. The woman on the other end agreed to send the police over immediately.
Knowing where they lived, it was going to take the police at least twenty-five minutes to arrive; so Y/N lead Felix back out towards the snack and drink bar. A few more people where already drunk out of their minds at that point, and the party started getting a little crazier.
“A glass of Captain Morgan,” Y/N told the bar tender, and he was happy to pour her a glass. “Thanks.”
“That’s it?” Felix asked as she took her glass.
“Follow me.”
Felix obeyed, and she led him to where the deejay was jamming out to the music he was playing. He notices the two and gives them a nod of acknowledgment before turning his attention to two other women who showed up next to him.
Felix did dance a bit as Y/N just bounced to the beat while pretending to drink her beverage. After a while, there was a banging on the door.
“Right on queue,” Y/N smirked.
Tanya’s boyfriend answered the door, and as Y/N planned, three officers were at the door. The music was still going while the boyfriend and now Tanya were arguing with the police while Billie Eilish’s “bad guy” was playing in the background.
“Party’s not over!” he announced to the rest of people there.
We’ll see about that, Y/N thought as the line “I’m the bad guy sounded.”
As soon as she was sure the deejay wasn’t looking, Y/N took a sip of her Captain Morgan and dumped it in a manner that looked accidental on the equipment. The deejay’s workspace sparked a little, but it mainly blew the speakers out. Fire wasn’t lit, but there was smoke. The party guests immediately started shouting in complaint and running around in panic.
After getting rid of the glass, Y/N and Felix quickly exited the main living room and out to the front patio. The two of them were both roaring with laughter as a few people were starting to exit the house, some of them a little too buzzed to sense what direction they were going.
After catching their breaths, they decided to head to a diner for a late night snack.
“You scare me sometimes, Y/N,” Felix commented as they walked to her house for her car. “But since it is still Halloween for another hour and a half, I’ll let it slide.”
“I’m not doing that again,” Y/N sighed. “If Tanya does figure out it was me that did all of that, then I’ll help her pay for damages.”
Y/N had grabbed the wizard’s wand in her little gamble, and she felt really good. However, she still felt a little bad for ruining someone’s party, even if it was someone she deemed as Lucifer. Her dad would want her to help out with anything.
She looked back at the scene they left. More people were leaving the property, and officers were still getting everyone to clear out. Tanya and her boyfriend were still dealing with an officer, but she had cuffs on her wrists.
Y/N couldn’t help the smirk that was coming back to her face.
“Trick or Treat, you she-devil,” she muttered victoriously.
Tags: @burberrylucas​ @daybreakx​ @cloudychannieee​ @barsformars​ @starsandsoul​ @hyyunjins​ @mafia-nct​
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