#lol i need help
lupinmoonlight · 1 year
Masterlist AO3 Submission Part 2: Establishing Rules Submission Part 3: Obedience
Summary - You fantasize about submitting yourself to Professor Lupin.
Warnings - teacher/student (of age), heavy D/s undertones, implicit mention of choking, implicit mention of oral sex and gagging, mention of not having limits or a safeword (please don't do this and stay safe), implicit degradation (and self-degradation) my grammar.
Notes - Sometimes you need an outlet for your own fantasies (lol).
You had always been a defiant student, constantly questioning authority and resisting any attempts to control you. You valued your independence and freedom above all else. But something inside you vanished when you first saw him. Your dignity, perhaps? All you knew was that you were never the same after. 
He was tall. Too tall. He had sandy brown hair peppered with grey. His soft, gentle eyes were framed by laugh lines, and his smile was warm and inviting. His calm and collected demeanour was a stark contrast to your fiery nature. He looked too kind, which made you think something fierce and untamed was lurking beneath his soft exterior. Maybe this explained the chokehold this man had on you. It didn't really matter anymore. It didn't matter why or how or when. He broke you without even trying. 
You hung on his every word, completely captivated by the way he spoke, the way he moved, the way his eyes would occasionally glance in your direction. You longed to feel his touch, to be held by him, to be completely at his mercy. 
Your obsession with him was like a storm brewing within you, threatening to consume you entirely. The more you tried to suppress your feelings, the more intense and twisted they became. 
"Your grip on your wand is too tight. Relax," he had murmured in your ear, the warmth of his breath lingering on your neck.
It was then that something inside of you snapped. As he stood behind you, whispering instructions in your ear, his firm yet gentle touch on your hand as he guided your hold on your wand, you melted. He had you. You could smell him, the faint scent of old books and sandalwood. It was intoxicating. You wanted more. You needed more. You craved more. 
You wanted to lose yourself in him, to forget who you were. You didn't want to make decisions anymore. You'd let him take over. You'd let him decide what you eat, wear, do, think. You'd let him decide when you sleep. Fuck, you'd let him decide when you breathe. 
You wanted him to hurt you, to break you, to bend you to his will. You wanted his hand to be wrapped around your throat, his thumb pressed against your heartbeat. You wanted him to have you, to take you, to drown you in his scent. You wanted him to make you kneel at his feet, his fingers tightly laced in your hair. You wanted him to make you look up at him, to make you beg for even the slightest touch, to make you gag around him. You wanted your throat to be sore from him using you. You wanted him to bend you over his desk, to fuck you until you couldn't walk anymore. No limits. No safeword. Just him and your submission. 
Pathetic. That's what you were. But you didn't care anymore because you just wanted to let go, to give yourself. You wanted to be his. You wanted to have his marks on you, on your hips, on your neck, on your chest. You wanted his essence to fill you. You wanted him to own you in every way possible. But even then, it wouldn't be enough. It would never be enough. 
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milleeeeeee · 1 year
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damn look at that
do you guys even like the crappy memes i make? should i continue? (this is not a rhetorical question, i actually need answers)
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sadistic-softie · 10 days
Ugggghhh I fucking was doing so well. One cup. Just one cup and now I'm back to my old ways for the millionth tiiiiiiime FUCKING FUCK. I always fall into the same trap thinking just a cup won't tempt me and it always does. IM KILLING MY BODYYYY!! I need like a shock collar or something that detects when I'm drinking soda lmao. I hate myself for this shit so much.
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mythical-illusions · 10 months
I've now listen to Unreal Unearth over 1400 times, which is over 5500 minutes, which is over 90 hours
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esmiephan · 1 year
If I could legally marry fictional men, these 4 would be my husbands.
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recaptchaai · 9 months
So I made a murder board for Ourantus lol
Mostly because I needed to organize my thoughts and notes about the world tree. And obviously there's information about the world tree that I don't know yet. But I've poured over recordings of sessions and notes from myself and other players for literal hours and it looks full on like a mad man made it
Color coded, of course, because what are we, animals?
Anyway, I've been staring at this board for days now and I can't shake the feeling that I'm missing something. Something big.
Maybe it has to do with why Robyn has the seed of the world tree when the current world tree is most likely alive and well? Like, is she the first mortal to be given this? If there were others, why did they fail to plant the new tree back to its original location? There's no way that the tree has to be replanted every couple millennia. Is there? We already know that the BBEG, Ulsbord, killed the first tree and Mystra had to sacrifice herself to create a new one so the world didn't fall apart. Is he planning on felling the current one soon? How would the other gods know apart from the presence of black mist called the taint? The mist took hundreds of years to sicken the old one enough for him to fell it.
God, I wish information on this goddamn tree wasn't so hard to get in game lol (<- is secretly enjoying the mystery of it all)
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darling-ii · 2 years
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tourmalinatedquartz · 2 years
I need more content where the reader/listener is the one that’s touch starved. I need a reader who has gone over a year with little more than a couple arm pats and maybe a hug from a close friend or family member. One who gets butterflies (x10) just from holding hands or brushing arms with their boi before they get together. One who is so unused to physical affection they literally don’t know how to react because it’s like��what is this? One who doesn’t like physical touch from many people except their s/o which caused the touch starvation in the first place. One who gets startled by the movement because they aren’t used to people coming that close to them and especially not because they want to touch them in a nice way. Who is stiff about it at first until they really grasp the fact this person is being affectionate. One that feels physical distress from the lack of physical human connection. And then once they really process this information (after many months) they just love the subtle touches. Knees brushing, arms pressed together, leaning into one another, and they can’t get enough. They have to reassure themselves that their partner is still there. Still loves them. Still enjoys being close to them. Not because that’s me or anything. Just think it would be interesting to read or listen to.
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i guess no matter how you thought you have healed from your past, it is always going to come back to you every now and then.
it's so hard to heal from depression when you don't even recognize what you're depressed for.
i was just reading a manhwa today. i had discarded that before because it seemed so heavy, not until now that i felt im up for it. i started it again despite the warnings.
'depression, ptsd, anxiety, verbal abuse'
i passed through it like a cool person who haven't suffered such. i guess i was feeling brave. i guess i felt healed.
when i read the warning, i almost did not recognize them. that's how distant i thought darkness was. i couldn't even see it, as if it was something unknown to me.
but as i scroll through the chapters and uncovered how broken the characters were, that distant past flashed before my eyes as if i am still fighting a war i have already won.
it was harder to breathe as i felt that crippling feeling on my skin, from the memories i had buried so deep. or perhaps it was harder to breathe because i held my breath unconsciously, so the pain could stop?
the struggle continued as i felt my stomach churn, as if the butterflies i felt just hours ago died, become rotten and transformed into black slugs that sips my energy.
luckily, i am still conscious enough to pinch myself and keep from biting my own nails again– a habit formed with my buddy, anxiety.
once again, im fighting a battle against my own head. i tried to pace my breathing and make a conscious effort that i am in the present, that i am in a better place. that i am not suffering the pain of the past.
but am i really in better place now? what changed? she tells me im lying, that im delusional, she tells me im still broken. i tried so hard not to fall from yet again a series of self-sabotage.
i wish i could end this more positively. but this is the reality, my reality. your tainted self will always come and haunt your present. you just need to be brave enough to face it, comfort it, and tell it that you're safe.
you tell it you're safe, again and again and again until it believes you. until you believe you.
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idyllghost · 10 months
Dad is teaching me how to drive and we finally made progress by having an impromptu therapy session at the cemetery
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adam0wy · 2 years
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add me on roblox bc i said so @.livelaughyaku 🥶🥶🥰🙏
also im becoming obsessed with enmu like ??? pls dont tell me im the only one hes so hot 💀💀
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heres some shit btw 🤠🤠
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so cute 😍😍❤
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eridan-ampora · 9 months
i love it when characters are codependent. i love it when losing someone feels like losing a limb. i love it when two people "complete" each other so wholly and terribly that one can barely function without the other. i love it when the fear of losing the only person who understands them is so all-consuming they'll destroy anything to stay together, including themselves.
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It’s been like 9 months but I finally changed my blog again. No more holiday theme! Lol
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machinerot · 5 months
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imfrom-neptune · 1 year
You ever hum a song while you do work and have your mom ask what song you’re humming and then have to come up with a random song because you’re too embarrassed to say you accidentally got the song you literally wrote stuck in your head?
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seiwas · 3 months
thinking about katsuki finding out about that little crush you had on shouto since seeing close-ups of him during the televised sports festival—you were in high school then, too.
he shouldn’t care about it because it doesn’t matter, it was so long ago and shouto’s always been marketed as the pro-hero pretty boy—consistently top 3 most handsome, the front cover of magazines, all that.
this is to be expected, it’s what everyone’s been tempted to react like.
but since finding out, he’s been stewing in… in whatever this bubbling, throbbing feeling in his head means. he’s snappier than normal, face scrunched up more than usual.
and every time he sees shouto he wants to strangle the hell out of him.
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