radfemboards · 2 years
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Request for @radicalwombat
Lycans/werewolves & female imagery & goth/punk aesthetics
Shout out to @radfemisgrunge whose archive really was closer to a co-author than just a resource.
1. https://lesbian-archives.tumblr.com/post/689904583340851200/yonicfruit-goddesses-dancing 2. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/ddaimode/621654201732300800?source=share 3. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/radfemisgrunge/653036470455664640?source=share 4. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/radfemisgrunge/688972512994983936?source=share 5. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/radfemisgrunge/687893979364212736?source=share 6. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/radfemisgrunge/686726833293737984?source=share 7. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/radfemisgrunge/686147514622164992?source=share 8. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/radfemisgrunge/682625387827724288?source=share 9. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/radfemisgrunge/682219471685976064?source=share 10. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/dykedeathpact/689617600805781504?source=share 11. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/radfemisgrunge/681849639237992448?source=share 12. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/radfemisgrunge/680833079327244288?source=share 13. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/pikatarr/653056147288375296?source=share 14. https://sisterofthewolves.tumblr.com/post/665760290895462400/sisterofthewolves-picture-by-arctic-wolf 15. https://sisterofthewolves.tumblr.com/post/655703991235330048/picture-by-danita-delimont 16. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/vulvappreciation/657531089918869504?source=share 17. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/ec-phrasis/624944430705786880?source=share 18. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/coralillough/673656858723090432?source=share
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starrysharks · 10 months
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pirate duo (i haven't decided on the third member's appearance yet...)
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lycan-mutt · 28 days
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My friend: So if you’re rewriting MCD and hated that Aarmau was endgame, who is Aphmau’s love interest going to be?
Me:….Love interest?
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zimcard-artblog · 2 years
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Cudda my beloved, my favorite advisor who was framed and executed. My favorite guy who just wants company and familial love.
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lycanthian · 2 months
gonna be 19 in less than a week. its hitting me. girl what tha fuck.
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stillbreathing-aer · 2 months
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The werewolves hiding their natural ears to me was always so weird like how would that work anatomically? Do werewolves have four sets of ears for the ability to hide them? How do their hearing/inner eardrums end up being affected by all of this, because I imagine that the double feature when both are out would be INTENSE for them to experience. And if they don’t have two pairs of ears does their hearing ability magically decrease when they have to hide them?? Is it muffled or is it like when you turn the volume down on a TV? HOW DO THEY ACTUALLY HIDE THE WEREWOLF EARS THEMSELVES????
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shimamitsu · 3 months
mad dog arc my beloved ♥️
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lunarruled · 7 days
Shane couldn’t help but watch her as she put their breakfast on the plates and poured them both a cup of water. He shifted slightly when she sat down next to him. He didn’t want to seem greedy, but his stomach rumbled slightly as the thought of eating two meals in a row at actual meal times was something that was too good to ignore. He reached for the plate, smiling shyly for the first time in his life. “Sorry. Just hungry. I could get used to his,” he admitted as he took a forkful of meat and shoved it into his mouth. He listened as spoke about the pictures on the walls upstairs. He avoided the pictures and other personal items if he could help it. He didn’t want to think about all the people that had once made the world so alive and vibrant. Now they were either dead or out there roaming around as one of those dead things that were eager to put an end to every other living person that had managed to survive this far. “Please tell me the man wasn’t the overall-wearing type,” he groaned, remembering the overalls that Patricia had given him that had felt as if they were made out of lead. He could lie and say the guilt hadn’t eaten at him, but nothing could have been furthest from the truth. He wouldn’t have pulled the trigger if there had been any other way. Carl simply mattered more to him. The only thing keeping him grounded was the thunder that steadily started to roll every couple of minutes. As she mentioned the basement, his head turned slightly to get a better look at her. He could tell there was something about the basement that bothered her. Curious, he swallowed the food in his mouth before taking a drink of the water. It was room temperature, and it wasn’t refreshing at all, but it did help to fill the emptiness of his belly. “I can check it out and see what’s down there,” he offered. As she offered to help chop trees, he had no doubt that she could carry her own weight if needed. He nodded quickly until the word we slipped out into the air between them. He kept his eyes on his plate for a long moment before he cut his eyes to her. “So you’re thinkin’ maybe I could hang 'round a bit?” He almost added, 'long term’ but decided to keep that to himself for the time being.
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Biting the inside of her cheek in order to not giggle at the sounds Shane's stomach was producing, Kyleigh simply nodded at his apology. There was nothing wrong with being hungry especially when one never knew if they're next meal was coming. So to eat more than once over the span of a few days was probably feeling like a luxury to him. Which felt nice for the half lycan, though she wouldn't admit that out loud. Instead she shoved her own food in her mouth and thanked whomever was responsible for her finding those few cans the last time she went out on a search.
The image of the man sitting next to her clad in overalls finally cracked her enough to laugh in front of him, Kyleigh quick to cover her mouth so that no food particles went flying all over the place. Not that the would look bad in them, she just couldn't picture him walking around in them. Unless of course he had a piece of hay hanging out of his mouth and a pitchfork in one of his hands. "No, he just had regular clothes on. A suit in the one, but I think that was their wedding picture. There was a whole family here before but it was empty by the time I found it." Thank God. As much as she knew it had to be done Kyleigh hated putting the dead down, especially the younger ones.
She knew it was odd that she had a thing about the basement, a half lycan wasn't supposed to be afraid of anything. But the ones she had been in with the exception of her childhood home just gave her the creeps and the smells were none too pleasant either. "Thanks, that would be nice. If you find anything useful feel free to bring it up." Kyleigh had only did a check for the dead before running back up the stairs and slamming the door shut. So anything could be down there just waiting for one of them to get their hands on it.
And there you go dumbass, your entire plan just went to shit because of your big mouth! Closing her eyes in frustration at the slip of words, though she had meant them, Kyleigh quieted the wolf's voice in her head before placing her almost empty plate on the table in front of her. "Well you haven't killed me yet or tempted me to kill you so I don't see the harm in you hanging around. Your giant ass can reach the places I can't and it's always better to have another set of eyes to watch your back out there." Cautiously she brought her eyes to meet Shane's, tearing them away a few moments later when she felt like she was looking just a bit too long.
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justcrafting · 2 years
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and now here’s some art from a separate resident evil au (which you can read two drabbles for here)
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lycanthropic-omega · 7 months
I got a hunger growing deep inside
It's alive it's alive
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Now I know it could be worse
But is a zombified humanity really a curse?
No fear I'm already dead
Never have to worry about who's in my bed
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Or friends, a job, it's all obsolete
The only thing that matters is what I will eat
Blood, brains, the Holy Grail
I got my eye and it's focused and I'm not gonna fail
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I always thought I was special but I'm not
I'm nothing but another piece of meat making up the lot
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zimcard-artblog · 2 years
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Some concepts for my Redemption Paradise AU, some stuff regarding the siblings (Lycan, Blixter, and Marci) AAANNND a Color swap au
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the-starry-lycan · 3 months
Living Glass Lore Headcanons
Living Glass Headcanon Lores:
How does Living Glass work exactly? It's based off normal glass, though Resh'an modifies its density with his alchemy, and by altering its chemical structure some, allows it to enter a state which ensures it has some fluidity. The magic holding it together is derived from the will and the life-force of the being encased in the glass - essentially, as long as the entity within possesses strong enough will, it "powers" the glass, keeps it alive, and allows the being possessing it to use it as a vessel. Additionally, such shifting density means that the Living Glass is extremely durable and absorbs shock easily - though one can still be wounded through the glass, hence how B'st can be hurt and KO'd in battle. Living Glass itself is composed of similar silicate materials as normal glass, though its sheen and color is taken from quartz derivates. Resh'an likely imagined one could create different colors in it by using crystal impurities found in common gemstones (like the chromium + vanadium that makes emeralds green), and the plain glass has a green tinge like sea glass. However, to make it "living", the Glass contains crystal filaments, akin to the striations found in Lemurian Quartzes, though these are actual nervelike filaments of enchanted metal, preferably of silver-tungsten alloy, which carry the magic and electric signals that allow for one to really control and manipulate the form of the Glass. These metallic filaments also are what allows the being to feel with the Glass, as the magic surrounding the glass transforms outward stimuli to electrical impulse, and the metal filaments carry this similarly to the way nerves in the human body do with action potential. These filaments are so fine that they aren't visible to the naked eye.
The density I mentioned earlier because of Reshy's reeeeaaaaally complex magic that I won't go into because magic? It can be somewhat counteracted by temperature. B'st likely feels sluggish and fatigue in the cold because the Living Glass gets stiffer and solid (due to molecular shenanigans) - and he likely feels more frisky and active in the heat because the Glass gets more liquid and motile (more molecular shenanigans).
Living glass, obviously, can feel. B'st is able to move the stuff around and manipulate his body, and he can feel pretty well through it. What sensations can he feel? Well, temperature I imagine. Pain, too, but that's a little tough to induce in Glass Golem - he also seems impervious to most damage, as in B'st sprites we see that he does not crack. He was also able to take a hit from the Fleshmancer in Garl's place, and recover fine, so I'd imagine it takes a lot to cause B'st much pain. He can feel other feelings like pleasure and all manner of textures on the glass, just the way skin feels texture. Perhaps heat can make the Living Glass more sensitive, and if B'st chooses to prime the Glass, alter its structure some to try and concentrate the little nervelike fibers that allow him to control it - he can feel sensations more intensely. This makes the sensitive Glass good when dealing with dexterous jobs that require a lot of precision.
What does Living Glass feel like to touch? Probably feels like normal glass, but less stiff and definitely more pliant. Smooth in texture, and unless B'st is hurt or feeling bad, there'd be no cracks or surface roughness. Ultimately, it probably feels a tad like putty or molding clay, but.. more glassy? It's a weird feeling to imagine, as it's hard to imagine handling glass that isn't at risk of shattering with a distictive stiff-sharpness. Also, I imagine that if there isn't a soul inside the Glass, it turns into a sort of.. dry, silky powder, similar to a fine sand or igneous stone dust.
(Deep breath) Okay, there we are with all my ideas about how the Living Glass works! It's not really gone into during the game, so I used my brainpower to make an entire insane rambling about it :) It's a million words long and congrats if you make it to the bottom!
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nydorin · 2 years
i posted a theory on twitter the other day that everyone imogen sees walk into the storm when they die was killed with the mysterious permakill poison, so i'm going to subject you all to it, too.
people we saw walk into the storm:
bertrand bell: we don't have any information on if bertrand was killed with/without the poison, but we also don't know all of the poison's properties. all we know is that bertrand was killed quickly and easily, despite dugger not being the most powerful of enemies the bells hells faced. we don't know if dugger has anything directly to do with otohan, but treshi did get involved with the shade mother through ira. arguably, orym could have possibly detected the poison on him, but liam/orym would've had no reason to check as of this point.
the lumas twins: they were killed by otohan's shadow figures, (assumably) with the poison. (i can't remember if this was confirmed or not). on the other hand, if they were, the poison is also potent enough to keep their bodyguard, oshad breshio, off his feet recovering for several weeks, most of which he was unconscious for.
who we didn't see walk into the storm: laudna
imogen, notably, didn't see laudna walk into the storm after her death. it was at this point that orym voiced that the reason keyleth hadn't brought will and derrig back because they were killed by the otohan's shadows with some sort of poison that stopped divine magic. (it was also at this point, i believe, that orym checked if he could detect the poison on laudna and didn't. maybe. can't remember.) however, fcg did also cast gentle repose that stopped "something" from happening - we still don't know what. this could have been something to do with delilah, or the poison. not long later, laudna was revived in whitestone.
anyway tl;dr this could mean the poison has something to do with ruidus, possibly feeding their souls to something on the red moon?
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What if Aarily and Zoeymau on Double dates
Just yes.
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