#literally the ONLY bollywood It-couple EVER
eremin0109 · 2 years
no thoughts just Shahrukh and Kajol
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dredgelord · 6 months
Hello! Could i get a bg3 matchup?
 I go by she/her and don’t have a gender preference. 
As for personality I am quite introverted and tend to love just chilling in my room. I do however open up around close friends and family where I can be loud, especially when talking about my interests.
As for hobbies I love digital art. I love digital illustration, making character models/art for game design, web design, graphics, and more. I love playing rpg video games, visual novels, otomes etc. I also love reading fantasy, classical literature, myths and folklore. As much as i enjoy spending time in my room with my hobbies, one of my favorite things to do is travel the world. I also love to bellydance to Arabic and Bollywood music. 
Likes: lil coffee shops, earl grey tea, chai, sushi, boba, purple, chokers, butterfly clips, people who value personal space
Dislikes: overly touchy people, suddenly deciding to switch plans, anything too crowded or loud
Id say my strengths are definitely my imagination and creativity. I tend to get lost in my head in made up worlds and use that for my art. Id also say that im quite good at being on top of things and will always finish all my work before play. 
For weaknesses its my pessimism. I get into ruts where sometimes all I see is a doom scenario. 
 Thats it! Thank You! 
Hi Danza, thank you for the request! Bellydancing sounds like such a fun, interesting hobby ! I had a friend who did some form of belly dancing before, too.
Taking into account you don't have a gender preference. I did some thinking on this one, and I decided to pair you wiiiith...
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Now, hear me out. You say that you are mostly introverted, but you find it easier to open up when you're around loved ones - namely when you feel comfortable enough to talk about your interests.
Karlach as we know her is of course, the rambunctious, loud, cinnamon roll with the mouth of a truck driver - she's also very loveable and excitable, kind of like...almost puppy-behavior. In that same regard, she's fiercely loyal - so, Karlach is definitely dog-coded.
I think the two of you would make a good pair because personally I'm a sucker for those couples who balance the other out. You're quiet, she's not - you're introverted, she's not - but while you do have differences, you do have similarities.
If you're in a situation you don't entirely want to be in (i.e. the kind you just want to hole yourself up in your room), never fear, as Karlach will either help to physically remove you from the situation (whether it's coming up with a perfectly goofy excuse like, "Ah fuck. We left the uh...fireplace... on fire." Or, literally picking you up and physically removing you from said situation, literally (whichever your preference is, but I don't think so given you're not fond on touch). The two of you would probably have a "signal" or secret code word of some sort that you give each other for scenarios like this.
Either way, you can count on her to do all the talking so you don't have to, if that's what you'd prefer.
Regarding your weakness with pessimistic tendencies and thoughts, Karlach is an excellent comforter. If motivational words aren't really your thing (which she's great at. Maybe not the most eloquent but who cares? The girl can give a good fuckin' speech), she has plenty else to offer. Whether it's telling you stories or jokes to get you out of the rut, or offering the best hug you've ever received, she will be very empathetic to you during those times. She's there for you, even if you aren't in the mood to talk. Just don't shut her out completely, and she'll be there for you when you're ready.
With your hobbies, Karlach is your #1 listener. Whether you have a new idea for an art piece based off of something you'd conjured from your imagination and no one to share it with, welp, now you do - Karlach loves hearing what you have to say, and the best part: she listens. Not only that but I see her as more of a "visual" person so she would love to offer her own ideas if you're struggling putting something on paper. She gives a lot of, "What about this? How about trying this color?" suggestions to try and assist you.
Sort of the same when it comes to the books you read. I feel like she actually WOULDN'T be a big reader until she asks you about whatever you're reading at the time, and then she decides to give it a shot. Seeing as how you love it so much and it seems so important to you of course, naturally, she wants to at least attempt to read. Pretty soon you've created a monster, and she's throwing in some big words in between swears.
All that aside, I definitely see her as one who wants to travel the world with you, too. Making memories together and finding some silly souvenirs are great, but the best part of any trip is having spent more time together with you.
A relationship with her would be long, sweet, and caring.
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ralexsol · 9 months
considering making my very first sideblog specifically for byomkesh bakshi related stuff. try to start a fandom for it. ill share any fics that are published on ao3, reblog any and all art, that sort of thing.
the problem is actually like KICKSTARTING a whole damn community. i have scoured multiple social media sites, and the only place that even remotely has any Detective Byomkesh Bakshy! fans is twitter, which is just disappointing (and it's not really a fandom, just people ocassionally mentioning how underrated it is).
it's such a gem and i really want to share it with everyone. you can literally watch it on amazon prime with english subtitles, they're excellent. tumblr would absolutely love byomkesh and anguri, specifically. also byomkesh/ajit for life, they're the most gay for each other anyone can be, i love them so much.
please, if you have a couple hours to spare, watch it. you won't regret it. maybe even write a short oneshot or draw some art for it. it deserves it.
i think in this day and age, people should really broaden their horizons and expose themselves to many different cultures through media. i mean, ive never met anyone my age who says they like bollywood movies, not once. and yes, ive certainly had a hard time finding where to watch bollywood movies myself (other than byomkesh ofc), but i think it's most definitely worth the effort.
for instance, another one of my favorite movies is Boy & the World (or O Menino e o Mundo). it's a 2013 brazilian animated film that has no spoken dialogue other than very rare backwards portuguese. it's about a young boy exploring a world that is being torn apart by capitalistic, evil corporations and the beauty of community & defiance in the face of oppression. i found this movie through my art history textbook. now, that movie does have a few fanart pieces on here (including my own!), but the number is very small. this movie literally gave me the spark of inspiration that made me realize what my big fantasy series is going to be about. it's such an important movie for this day and age, but people don't watch it because... they only ever watch western media.
in any case, my point is that EVERYONE should EXPAND THEIR HORIZONS and watch more stuff that ISN'T MADE BY WESTERN STUDIOS. there's a lot of cool stuff out there that you're missing.
anyways, im gonna go make that byomkesh bakshi sideblog 👍
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w4yf1nder · 2 years
Icy cold take here (actually I dunno) but a lot of Indian movies are q bad cause they are either “oo look at this couple and how they fall in love” or “oo look at MC, isn’t he the coolest?” And honestly I like movies that aren’t necessarily focused on the romance at all, but aren’t just “the trials and tribulations of this one guy”
call me picky but IDK
~ chalky the chalk anon
chalk anon, CHALK ANON *SHAKES YOU* i wrote an entire essay about this because I was so frustrated about bollywood movies LMAO but yes i didn't mean for it to get this long 💔 more utc 😔💔💔
no because you're so right 😔💔 i get that too! i wish there were more movies about female characters that weren't ott-exclusive/direct to streaming services yk? and even the mainstream female-oriented movies that we already have are marketed as such (which causes the general public to lose interest in it because "it's about women and feminism is cancer *goes to the movies to watch the most generic action-thriller starring salman khan and an actress 20 years his junior for the third time this week*)
but that isn't even my only grudge actually?? bollywood movies are primarily romance movies but even then— EVEN THEN!! i don't think I can name a single movie that made me swoon or made me feel giggly and happy on the inside 💔 i have never "shipped" an on-screen couple in a bollywood movie etc. because the movies just?? aren't good. i don't like the way it portrays romance as physical attraction (especially on the male characters part) and shows him needlessly objectifying women. it's sad, it's tired, it's exploitative, it's male-gazey, it's everything that is wrong with this world 💞 /gen now i'm not gonna sit here and tell you what a good romance movie makes (because I... Have never made one lmao) but on behalf of the girls and the gays, i would like to outline some obvious pet peeves that i have from MOST movies (I swear you'll find these tropes in like every movie you don't even have to try) let's go.
item numbers. we don't need them. take them out. please 💞
actors not knowing how to act??? i think this is just an industry problem tbh
not knowing how to write women
not knowing how to choreograph good fight sequences
filler songs for radio promotion
not knowing how to write romance
thinking every movie NEEDS romance in the first place
and that last point is so important to me btw. i just wish we had more movies trying to tell STORIES rather than LOVE stories, like yeah an occasional rom-com is fun and i'm not saying we should give it up completely but it gets tiring when literally every movie is a rom-com. action-rom-com? drama-rom-com????? yes we've got it 😔💔 it's v funny becajse most of my (and most people ik!!!!) favorite movies weren't romance at all 😧 spirited away is the best movie ever made (#hakukisser4lyf) because it had a compelling story set in a beautiful world with fun characters.
it's honestly just pretty clear to me atp is that bollywood just doesn't care about giving us good stories. your best bet is south indian movies and indie stuff.
so yeah anyways i don't watch Bollywood anymore.
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ever since you mentioned an upcoming Indian wedding in RAKWME I've been so excited. I've only ever seen an Indian wedding written out in a fanfic once... I'm curious to see how you describe it since it's quite a large event to write about.
despite the fact that I come from a fully Indian family, I've only ever been to one wedding (that I remember) when I was younger. I don't remember all the details since it was years ago and I was completely exhausted by the time it was over but there are a few things that I thought you might be interested in...
1. so. many. people... it's almost comical the number of people you don't know despite them probably being related to you. I don't even know whose wedding it was 😭 there were so many people coming and talking to me and I didn't have a clue who any of them were... but that didn't matter because in Indian culture everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) is called uncle/aunty/brother/sister... doesn't matter whether you are related or not.
2. the outfits. the makeup. the mehendi/henna. the jewellery!! for some weird reason, the amount of colour there reminds me of the ball in the 2015 Cinderella movie (the one starring Lily James... can't stop thinking abt jily when I see her name.) I've seen the pictures of my mum's and other relatives' weddings... they looked unreal... like literal Bollywood stars. the detail of the mehendi is insane and takes HOURS. it's quite wholesome seeing all the women helping the bride to get ready.
3. THE FOOD. first you think the preparation for the wedding is exhausting... just wait til you get to the actual event. once you're done, the food all laid out on banana leaves looks and tastes like literal heaven. I'm not even exaggerating bc I'm not that much of a food lover... at that time I was incredibly picky. the food is exquisite.
4. the music!! the singing!!! the dancing!!!!!! the party vibes are incredible and I usually hate parties ( I'm not the outgoing type.)
I did not expect to write this much- it's like my brain exploded into this huge rant due to my enthusiasm (sorry!) hopefully this is useful to you in some way??
overall, what I wanted to say is that I'm so excited to see what you have in store for Ishani's wedding... your writing in general is just incredible and I can't wait to see my own culture reflected in your work :)
I will try my very best to make it an amazing experience for you! Although... be patient. The wedding is a couple of chapters into the future still!
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slashercult · 3 months
hello, lovely! <3 may i please participate in your tarot game? if it's still open that is!
[🕯 - what film couple is like me and my fs?] may i ask this one, please?
my details
i'm ss, and i'm a female. i'm attracted to males. i'm from india, [so bollywood fever lmao] so my favourite movie is a hindi movie— 'bhool bhulaiyaa'/'maze' lead actor akshay kumar, directed by priyadarshan. i like it because it's both, comedic and highly engaging! the suspense was very properly displayed and everything felt like it went in sequence, like dots connecting yk, not just jump around and then bam, ending.
if i had to recommend you a movie, it'd be 'pirates of the caribbean' or 'pride and prejudice'. i love kiera knightley's works in all of these films! and a last one—'the portrait of the lady on fire.' it's based on a gay couple, so it take it as you may, but i seriously love it so much! i don't even have a reason lmao i just enjoy it a lot! it's originally french, but has translated versions, and it is set in eighteenth century-ish france.
your fs
when i began thinking about your fs, i suddenly had this feeling to look up and first thing i notice is all the red and black in my room. i don't have a lot of these colours, and usually i don't pay much attention to the walls [who does when the living place is constant yk] so either that is their favourite colour or they really like to see that on you. i pulled cards with these things while thinking of your fs: 1] white carnations 2] perfumeries 3] capricorn, pisces and/or aquarius energy 4] the star tarot card 5] lashes fluttering very quickly, blue irises i feel they're an indulgent but practical person. someone of high morals and clear goals. i felt anxious too suddenly even though i was very calm while starting the reading, so they might be someone who gets worked up easily about things. they take others stress on their head, too. also, pretty lashes fluttering very quickly is the first thing i saw when i closed my eyes thinking of them—the colour blue appeared just after, but i wouldn't take it so seriously lmao i don't do tarot but the star card literally just kept throwing itself at me, like pick me, pick me. i personally tend to associate it with past life connections and changes that happen for the better. but once again, i don't do tarot so take it however you'd like! this may be a connection that enters your life suddenly. this person would love to take care of you and be with you. not do anything, they just like your presence is what i heard.
they remind me of this character from genshin impact—chongyun. just the personality, nothing else!
i hope this would be enough <3 i'm new to the practice and don't do it on a regular basis, but tried my best! i hope it's to your liking!
thank you for this cute game!
hello hello, first of all thank u so much for the detailed ask and im so so sorry about the late reply. here is some feedback for your reading, so firstly i think you are very talented and would love to do an exchange with you in the future if you would like! also funny that you mention the star card, because i think that is the only tarot card i have ever had appear to me in a dream. here is your reading, i really hope you enjoy:
bones and all (2022)
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okay okay lots of stuff is coming, after reading the cards my brain just like automatically connected the dots and i think the bond between lee and maren in bones and all captures your relationship with your fs perfectly. i think you both may meet unexpectedly, almost like you weren't supposed to meet each other but somehow found yourselves in the same room with one another. they did something that caught your attention and you immediately get drawn to them (not because you love them or anything but because you think they seem interesting and fun). i think you both will become friends rather quickly, there are a lot of similar hobbies and there's just this energy that you both share that makes you feel seen in one another. i personally do not believe in love at first sight but i think that this is the closest thing to that because of how drawn to each other you are. your fs has a pretty cool appearance, they have poofy hair and wear beautiful clothing, i think they tend to wear more cultural clothes. there is a playfullness between you two, it reminded me of this one behind the scenes of this film. i'll put the link here. you both will become really comfortable and close with each other, and you can confide in them and they will do the same to you. some more things im getting on your fs is that they are kind of like a bear, they are serious about protecting those that they love, also they are just cute and gentle like a bear too. they have attractive hands and have a cheeky smile. i think they were kind of troublesome during their school days, like they would love to prank teachers, they also did well in school. some final details im getting about this person is that they enjoy drinking tea, often wear bandaids because they always end up getting themself hurt some way or another, and they have a very structured face. they enjoy reading and consuming horror related media because it fascinates them. i also picked up some charms for ya (i hope they resonate because ive never done this before): the color pink, maple leaf, mini elephant, and a finch charm.
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getmemymicroscope · 1 year
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What?! No! Fucking hell.
There's a good number of contenders for "worst movie I saw this year," and this one is right up there jostling for that top spot. In fact, this is definitely one of the worst movies I've ever watched (and that's a hard list to crack, because I've seen A LOT of really bad movies).
A proclaimed "comedy" (by someone, though they might've been on drugs) that has absolutely no comedy, we are given a ridiculously old-fashioned tale (like the stuff that would make 1960s Bollywood run - maybe, at best) about a young kid who made a promise to his dying mother (*spoiler*) that he'd get all of his sisters (much younger sisters) married before he got married. Which, in present day, is very problematic - because the only person actually in love is him. None of his sisters are - in fact, a couple don't seem interested yet and one seems like she might not even been 16 - which would be fine, if his uncaring possible future father-in-law wasn't set in stone of "you marry my daughter in the next few months" which translates to "get all your sisters married in the next few months" which seems to directly translate to "I endorse child marriage and forced marriages against their will."
There's some stuff thrown in about the dowry situation - somehow our character appears to be both pro- and anti- at various times in the movie, but that's just background filler that goes nowhere other than almost seemingly enforce the idea that dowry is alright. I think he's initially alright with it and then, once shit goes down, he changes his mind, but like, to have a full monologue supporting such a thing seems unnecessary. But hey, it's a not-rich character so obviously he'd be totally for the idea of having to pay insane amounts of money to get each of his sisters married off...
He does finally get one sister married - the one cool character in this movie, the one who seems to support him, and the one who does seem cool with getting married - but is completely oblivious to her mental health after the fact, right up until *spoiler*. In fact, that whole thing is supposed to be a gut punch - and it most definitely is, if you're still invested in this nonsense at that point - but when the entire movie has been annoyingly sad and frustrating, this sort of gut punch just makes you want to throw your TV out the window. (We didn't, but we were definitely done at this point.)
Then there's the whole disaster with the twins that stutter - and by disaster, I'm referencing that entire scene and and the whole plot-point. I guess it was played for laughs, but all it really was was highly offensive and rude. Oh, and, not funny. His attempts to hide the stuttering from his sisters - really, now you're just gonna force them into marriages? - is horrific. Demeaning. It's like the same level of cringe of that scene in Liger, but even worse (if possible) because they're actually trying to play it for laughs. This is not acceptable. Not in the slightest.
I get that his girlfriend wants to get married to him, and maybe I get where her father is coming from (I don't - stop giving in to such stupid and irrelevant societal pressures), but this entire story was just a huge clusterfuck of "why was this story made" and "who the fuck wrote this story" and "why are all these characters literally the worst."
Raksha Bandhan, the festival, is this celebration for siblings - brothers and sisters, promising to look out for each other and always be there for each other. In this movie - a story about a misguided man who is entirely looking out for himself under the guise of looking out for his sisters (and his mother) - using this title is an insult to the festival, to siblings, and to family.
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desi-lgbt-fest · 2 years
So I rewatched 'Kal Ho Naa Ho' today and I just...have THOTS.
First of all it's a very melodramatic and in parts even ridiculous movie, but god does it make me sob like a pathetic little b*tch every single time that I watch it. It is easily one of my top five SRK movies and certainly my ultimate favourite amongst both Saif and Preity's filmography. Like it has very many problematic tropes, what with the fat-shaming and homophobia and the 'che din ladki in' gimmick but like it IS an early-2000s (2003, my freaking birth year to be exact) mainstream Bollywood film so eh.
Coming to the main point though, Aman was the most bisexual dude to ever bisexual like seriously. He openly flirts with both men and women throughout the film, even if he has a preference for the latter. I refuse to believe that he wasn't at least a little in love with Rohit as well. They both just have this very easy-going relationship which, let's be real, fits the "Pyaar ka pehla kadam Dosti hai" schtick more naturally than Naina and Rohit's friendship.
Moving on to the ICONIC disco scene. Not only do Aman and Rohit instantly hit it off, lowkey forgetting about Naina because they're lost in their own little world, until she gets drunk and kicks off the absolute bop that is 'it's the time to disco'. And the after scene when Naina and Rohit are latched on either of Aman's arms???? That's literally the crux of the plot, the very soul of the story that hammers in one fact in our (queer) brains:
These three idiots are meant to be together. You just CANNOT break them up into any combination of pairs. They come in a set.
I think it's very poetic how Aman lets go of Naina's hand when she and Rohit are drunkenly laughing together on some stupid shit, sort of like a foreshadowing of how he buries his love for Naina in order for her and Rohan to be happy but what's more symbolic is that in this scene, when he's standing between the both of them he LITERALLY looks at Rohit the same way that he looks at Naina--with brimming eyes full of pining and affection.
This is a theme throughout the movie. Hell, there's more 'I love you's between the supposed love rivals than Naina has with either of them. Aman's been to Rohit's house so many times and in it share such an easy intimacy with each other that Kantaben even presumed them to be a couple. And Naina canonically has never even been to Rohit's NY apartment like?????
I have a lot more to say but this ask had already gotten unreasonably long. Just wanna conclude this with the fact that the only good conclusion to KHNA was these three idiots getting their shit together and then actually getting together because seriously, for me, they remain the most convincing polyam relationship in Indian cinema till date (no, not even SOTY can beat this shit).
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fixeddawn · 3 years
1.) Edward absolutely gives Bella all the mind-tea at functions they attend, he's trying to get her to snort laugh, but it also entertains him. They also play matchmaker in the high schools they attend.
2.) Bella and Emmett are the CHAOS TWINS. They are banned from using fireworks without spousal supervision because one time Carlisle caught them shooting bottle rockets out of Emmetts ass crack.
3.) Bella sends Edward surrealist and bizarre memes without context all the time as well as memes like "then perish" and never explains any of them, forcing him to google them. Edward is so fucking confused sometimes.
4.) Emmett, Jasper and Bella have smash tournaments on their switches. They get loud. Emmett ONLY mains Little Mac, Jasper mains Samus, Bella mains Kirby and Sonic.
5.) Alice coordinates Esme, Rose and Bella for every function to ensure they are the baddest bitches in attendance. Sometimes Bella texts Leah so she walks in to be the BADDEST BITCH.
6.) Leah and Bella became friends by bonding over the whole "fucked over by a supernatural Ex thing.
7.) Leah is an underground kickboxer and taught Bella how to fight when she was human. Bella invited her on girl days with Angela, Jessica and Becca, Angela's (Trans) girlfriend.
8.) Rosalie calls Edward a colonizer as often as she can. He hates it, but accepts it.
9.) Edward is super secure in his masculinity and embraces his metro when he marries Bella. Tbh they can be kinda catty, but they're hilarious about it.
10.) Edwards roasts are God Tier.
11.) Emmett is actually really smart, he focuses on psychology and psychiatry. He is also a Himbo, and is full of love. He helps Rosalie process her trauma, and catalogues her triggers to ensure she avoids them.
12.) Emmett will go to frat parties literally just to watch girls drinks (and play beer pong).
13.) Emmett, Alice, Jasper and Edward were all at Stonewall, quietly using their bodies to protect protestors from projectiles. Emmett threw a brick at a cop. Jasper discovered he was Trans and received support there.
14.) The Cullens go to pride every year. Carlisle and Esme set up under a rainbow tent beside a space heater, and give out mom and dad hugs. Carlisle practices Gender affirmation surgery and provides resources and pamphlets on sexual health, gender dysphoria, and help to LGBTQ youth. He also holds panels for parents of LGBTQ children in order to help them better understand their children.
15.) Emmett is either in full drag or a zentai suit and a tutu causing chaos and having THE BEST TIME.
16.) Edward is gifted a small Demi-sexual pride flag from Bella, who is Panromantic Demi-sexual. He shyly, but happily carries it while he holds her hand. Bella's t-shirt says: "Still not Hetero."
17.) Alice outdoes her look every year. She is always getting her pic taken, Jasper helps get her angles right. She LOVES pride.
18.) Eventually the Pack comes too, Bella, Jacob, and Emmett get into all of the trouble.
19.) Quil imprinted on a man, when he thought he was straight. It was a massive shock, and he was terrified to tell the pack, but they're his bro's and love him to death. They happily welcome his new partner into the family, he and Quil are very happy.
20.) Angela marries her Girlfriend Becca, Bella is a maid of honor and bawls during her speech, she loves her friends very much. Angela goes on to be a Vet and Becca becomes a family practitioner. They live happily ever after.
21.) Rose and Bella are the sisters who will tear each-others throats out but if you come for one of them they will tear you apart. They can go from catfight to gossiping together in 5 seconds.
22.) Emmett, Jasper and Edward are genuinely terrified when they see their wives plotting quietly.
23.) Every Cullen man has at least one setting, and it is "Loves Wife."
24.) The couples roast other couples who treat marriage like a "ball and chain." There are a lot of "Are the straights...okay?"
25.) Esme is actually the master strategist of the family, and is brilliant when it comes to computing in her head. During the newborn war, she worked alongside Sam to plan the attack, Jasper helped with information.
26.) Esme can nail someone perfectly with La Chancla from 200 feet away. Bella is terrified of Esme when La Chancla comes out.
27.) The whole family learned Hindi, Spanish, French, Creole french, and Afrikaans to participate in each others cultures authentically and respectfully. They all love bollywood and watch with Rose whenever she puts something on. Bella and Rose get really invested in Telenovelas and Desi Dramas.
28.) Bella calls Edward Pandejo sometimes.
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hackedbyawriter · 3 years
fic writer interview
Tagged by: @yass-rani Name: Sargun/HackedByAWriter
fandoms: SMZS, Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion. Good Omens, Marvel, Padmaavat, Bajirao Mastani, Shadow and Bone + Six of Crows, Star Wars, Harry Potter (Marauders Era), Merlin, The Locked Tomb Trilogy, Night at the Museum, Narnia, Bollywood, Deltora Quest and more but I can't remember them rn. two-shot: these are technically one shots but who gives they are in two parts :) 'blues and purple pink skies' , 'life was a willow (and it bent right to your wind)' and 'starry eyes sparking up my darkest nights' most popular multi chapter fic: without a shadow of a doubt its 'The Glass Mosaic' like it has fan art, a fan page, fanfics, a place in the urban dictionary, it even has an article that mentions it and just has received more love than it deserves to be quite frank. there is also ain't it like thunder a post TROS finnpoe fic that I absolutely adore writing rn so I decided to mention it. Actual worst part of writing: Slogging through the less interesting parts of a story. and pacing. pacing fucking pacing please kill me. Also writing smut it’s very frustrating in the “fuck me how the hell am I supposed to write this without sounding stupid” How you choose your titles: I usually have a title around the same time I start the story if I dont have a title I use random title generators. sometimes I ask my friends. My pirate story is still literally still titled 'Pirate Story' tho so idk if it's a great method. do you outline: I outline as I go. like if im writing a chapter i'll write down the scenes i want in bullet points and expand on those. I sometimes outline 5 chapters at a time but I hardly ever outline a whole story. ideas you probably won't get around to, but wouldn't it be nice: for sure it would be my SMZS demon x demon hunter AU set in British Raj India. In which Aman is a demon hunter and Kartik is a demon. Aman is about to retire but wants to catch one last very old very powerful demon who has eluded him for many years and he's been researching for ages (this demon happens to be Kartik). Kartik joins him in his search for the shits a giggles but soon the two of them fall in love. Betrayals and Burdens and Death and Dark Magic. It sounds so fun to write. But I think I'll only write it if someone wants to write it with me bc Tgmm had taken over my life rn. callouts @ me: Lord of the Rings, Narnia and Star Wars, you are my home fandoms I need to write more for them. best writing traits: characterisation, dialogue and character inner monologues. I'm also good at poetry and poetic language. Not to be arrogant I don't think there's much that I'm bad at I just need to hone in on the skills I already have. spicy tangential option: I want to write more smut. Not because I like writing it but because sometimes a story might require it (ie slow burns) and I need to to be like “yeah okay I got this” instead of chickening out as I usually do. I’ve only ever written it once (and I traumatised everyone with curtains) but I want to get more comfortable writing it and I want to be able to write it for various couples (doing so respectfully of course and I would never write explicit explicit bc no). was that spicy enough? Tagging: @legendarilymessedup @your-villainous-neighbour @dhyanshiva @aziraphales-dirty-laundry @satrangee-ray @onmywayto-pigfarts @thisissab @fandom-food-fire
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choicesfanaf · 3 years
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The Meeting of a Lifetime AU
Part 13: The Pre-Wedding Rituals
Pairing: Ethan x f!MC (Dr. Arundhati Kulkarni)
Characters: Elijah Greene, Bryce Lahela, Rafael Aveiro, Tobias Carrick, Naveen Banerji, Alan Ramsey, Sienna Trinh, Aurora Emery, Jackie Varma, Harper Emery, Kyra Santana, Mridula Patel (OC), Ruby Ramsey (OC), Uma Kulkarni (OC), Sahil Kulkarni (OC), Greg Barnett (OC), Edward Walter (OC), Apoorva Sharma (OC)
Word Count: 1458 words
Rating: General
Summary: Ethan and Aru hold a ceremony to conduct certain pre-wedding rituals according to Aru's traditions.
Category: Fluff
Tagging: @nooruleman, @izzyourresidentlawyer, @jooous, @schnitzelbutterfingers, @sophxwithers, @red-rookie
@nooruleman: Noorie, I am extremely thankful for your help, support and motivation. It was only because of you that I decided to write this series. You are a literal sweetheart. Thanks a lot for your help!
I sincerely apologise if this turns out to be messy or not up to your expectations.
A day before their wedding, Aru and Ethan had a pre-wedding ceremony according to her traditions, known as Haldi. This ritual consisted of the bride and groom's family members and loved ones applying turmeric paste on them using mango leaves.
For the ceremony, Aru invited all of her friends from Edenbrook, as well as Mridula, Sahil and her good friend, Apoorva. She wanted everyone she knew to celebrate her happiness along with her. Ethan brought Alan, Naveen, Jenner and two of his closest friends from college along with him.
The day started with Naveen and Sahil explaining everything about the ritual to their guests so that they knew how and what to do as well as arranging some delicious Indian and Continental food and snacks for their guests.
The ceremony started as soon as Aru and Ethan arrived, both coordinating in yellow outfits, dancing to some famous Bollywood songs, which were being played by a DJ.
Naveen was the first person to smother the turmeric paste on the couple, who was applying it almost everywhere. He was doing it so excitedly as he was very happy to see Ethan finally getting married to Aru and respecting her culture as well as letting her plan her wedding the way she wanted to.
After Naveen was done teasing and blessing the couple with a long and peaceful life, Alan came forward to apply the paste and told the couple to always take care of and understand each other, which they promised they would.
"Ethan, big man, before I apply the paste, I just want to remind you how lucky you are to have a chance to marry the love of your life. So, please don't do anything that will make you lose your chance, okay? And didi, don't forget, I'm saying the same thing to you. I'm equally protective of both of you."
"Don't worry, young man, I'll take good care of your sister. And I know very well that she is strong enough to see that if anything happens to her, she will take good care of it all by herself."
"Sahil, don't worry about your big man, I know to not do anything that invokes his bad side and to stay away from it."
"That's comforting to hear, so I wish you all the happiness in the world, you guys. Always stay happy and healthy and take care of the little angels."
"Thanks a lot, Sahil. Your approval means a lot to both of us."
"You know, I started trusting Ethan from the moment I met him. The way he spoke about you and looked at you, I knew he was the one for you. I'm really glad fate gave you two another chance and you guys took it."
"I know, I thank God for it every day."
"And every day when I look at her, I forget how difficult my life was before her."
"Oh, Ethan", Aru said, on the verge of tearing up.
"Okay, you lovebirds! Dry up your tears! Enough with the sappiness and bring on the happiness. You are getting married tomorrow! You guys must be really excited!"
"We are! It seems like I've been waiting for this day to come ever since Aru returned into my life."
"Who knew Ethan would be such a softie, hey!", exclaimed Bryce as he and her friends joined Sahil to tease the couple.
"You know what, Aru has turned him into one!", teased Elijah.
"That's true, Elijah, you should have seen him before her. He was extremely grumpy back then", pitched in Harper.
"Harper, you'll have to tell us some stories of Ethan before Aru waltzed into his life", mentioned Tobias, "cause I knew how grumpy and annoyed he used to be at all times."
"Yeah, definitely. You'll love to hear them."
"Did you know, he was so grumpy that we, along with Tobias, had nicknamed him Major Grumpy Pants back then."
"Aru, meet my friends, Greg and Edward."
"Thanks for the nickname, Greg, now that's what he is going to be saved as in my phone."
"Even we have some good stories about Ethan's grumpiness that we would like to share someday."
"Sure, you all are welcome to."
"Well, Aru, it seems like you have cast a spell on our Ethan."
"So has Ethan on Aru. Just look at them!"
"I hope that this spell never wears out and may you live happily now that you have gotten another chance."
"Hey, Ethan, why didn't you invite us for your bachelor party?"
"I did, but you said that you both were extremely busy that week and would love to catch up later."
"Greg, did you say that? Cause I don't remember saying so."
"Are you kidding me?"
"Relax, Ethan, they are joking around", Aru said, as Greg and Edward started cracking up.
"Never change, Major, never change."
"Okay, guys, now let's get done and get going so we don't block others from meeting the couple. We'll have plenty of time to talk to them later", chimed in Sienna.
"But before you leave, let me give you something", Aru said, as she applied the paste on her friends.
"Why did you do that? It's your Haldi, not ours", said Bryce.
"Meathead, the bride and groom apply the paste to their unmarried friends so that they can find a partner soon", explained Jackie.
"Enjoy this new chapter in your life, you guys. May you be blessed with happiness and joy all the time."
"Aww, you guys, you are going to make me cry, you all are too sweet", Aru said.
After the group was done, Mridula and Apoorva came in to meet and greet the couple.
She pretended to be happy for the couple, but she couldn't stop thinking about how she missed her chance to be with Aru and how much she regretted letting her go.
"Is everything going well, Mri?", asked Aru.
"Yeah, everything is going good, there are no major mishaps or issues as of now."
"That's great, Mri. We are very glad that you are our wedding planner. All of this was a part of our imagination and we could turn it into reality all thanks to you", Ethan replied.
"Oh, you don't need to thank me, I am glad to have met Aru after this long. It's been a pleasure doing all this. I've always dreamed of planning Aru's wedding and I'm extremely glad I got a chance to do so."
"You don't know how happy I am to hear this. You are seriously the best wedding planner out there."
"Aww, Aru. Well, can I?"
"Yeah, go on, it's literally our Haldi. You have a right to apply the paste on us today."
"She's right, Mri. Go on. You don't need to ask us today."
"Alright, then, may you all be blessed with good life and be together forever", Mri said while lathering them up with the paste.
"You too, Mri", Aru said as she applied the paste on her face.
"Hi, Apu! I'm delighted that you could come for my Haldi. It's been ages since I met you."
"I know. We need to catch up as soon as possible. I want to know everything that has happened since the last time we met."
"Yeah, we will need an entire day for that."
"Well, that's what makes it interesting. So, congratulations on your engagement, Aru! I would have never thought that you would get married to the guy who you so deeply admired."
"Just like Ethan, who never thought that he would get married to one of his interns", joked Greg.
After everyone was done wishing and blessing the radiant couple, they went on to take a ceremonial bath, while the others had fun applying the paste on each other and enjoyed the party.
When Aru and Ethan came back, Naveen and Alan told them, "So, children, you will not be allowed to meet each other until tomorrow, okay? Will you be able to do that?"
"Definitely", they said together.
"Also, the bride and the groom meeting before their wedding is considered to be inauspicious, so we will not be doing it."
"Since when did you two become superstitious?"
"Ever since we realised that we couldn't take any more chances."
"That makes a lot of sense."
"So, you both can go and take your beauty rest while all of us will help clean up."
"Thanks a lot for everything you have done for us and the girls. We can't ever thank you enough."
"Dear, you don't need to thank me. I'm just returning the favour from every time you both have helped me", replied Naveen.
"And I'm just doing my job as a good father, Aru, you don't need to thank me at all."
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hey! i hope you’re having an amazing day. this is just me popping in your inbox to say that’s youre one of my favourite writers and you got me really interested in winteriron (honestly one of the cutest ships) are there any fics/authors ii could reccomend?
Hi there! Thank you so much! I love this ship so much, they’ve got such potential for both fluff and angst. They really are one of my favorite ships to write and I’m glad I was able to write so much for them this year. I certainly do have plenty of recs for you, starting with my favorite authors:
@riotwritesthings: started writing last year, I highly recommend just about everything Riot writes but especially Road Hazards, Melt into Me (Your Words are My Own), and When is a bed not a bed? (When you’re not in it)
@hddnone: so many stories and all so good! Has nearly 100 Winteriron works on ao3 and you will not regret reading any of them, though fair warning that some of them are Team Cap Critical. Especially recommend Honey Pot, You’ve Got Mail, and A Bit(e) of Danger
@monobuu: mostly an artist but sometimes writes stories as well. i recommend Ravioli, Invincible Summer, and Meet the Fam
@tisfan and @27dragons: can’t make a Winteriron rec list without including the both of them. They work together a lot but you should definitely take a look at their own stuff as well. I recommend Safe and (the) Sound, Kiss Me Thru the Phone, and Stark, Naked
@ad1thi: currently taking a bit of a hiatus and working on non-Marvel works but I love everything Adi writes, particularly her entire Bollywood but Make it Gay series, which isn’t always Winteriron but wonderful nonetheless. I recommend the Greek Gods AU, 1000 Lives (For You), and we’re connected
@the-winter-writer: lots of smut and all absolutely fantastic! I like Precious Treasure, Winter Wings, and Instinct
@rayshippouuchiha: definitely an iconic writer for this fandom. Really great if you’re looking for genderbends. Writes a lot of absolutely incredible fics and not just for Winteriron but my personal favorites are The (Not So) Great Pretender, Fearful Symmetry, and The Mistletoe Kiss Polka
Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar): once again very iconic. you’ve probably read at least one of their works even if didn’t know. I recommend Shameless, Today’s Forecast, and Practice Makes Perfect
@lovelyirony: mostly writes ficlets here on tumblr and a multishipper (I don’t know why I’m saying that like it’s a bad thing, I’m a multishipper), also a fan of Sharon Carter and that’s the thing that made me follow her so you know
@amethystinawrites: I only recently started working their works but I’m loving everything I’ve come across so far. I recommend Tech Support and I Won’t Hold My Breath
AvocadoLove: also writes a lot of Stony and Stuckony, which I love a lot, but for their Winteriron works, I recommend Amalgam and Dead Man’s Switch
Dracusfyre: another one I’m new to. I literally just started reading their works today so I don’t have any recs for them yet but one of my friends loves them so I’m going to go with you should definitely take a look at their works
Eirlyssa: has some anti-Team Cap works so keep an eye out for that if that’s not your thing but writes very good Winteriron. I recommend Guide Me Home (Guide My Heart) and Always (I’ll Be There)
@imposter-human: one of the first MCU blogs I ever followed! I recommend childhood memories, speak my language, and lost in translation
As for specific works I like:
Four Strings and Second Chances by Vashoth
It was reluctance to let one of his finest inventions ever out of his grasp that made him take a couple days over a week to send the arm to Pepper’s office. But all things considered, Tony figured that sending finest prosthetic that had ever come into existence--literally grasping an olive branch--was one of the classiest gifts he’d ever given. He’d included a note and everything. ‘Barnes,
Can help with installation. Or not. Up to you. --Stark'
Who is the Mechanic? by @akira-of-the-twilight
The Asset watched as his handlers brought in a stranger—a man with a metal object stuck to his chest that was hooked to a car battery.
The handlers shoved the man onto the stool where many who had operated on the Asset’s arm in the past had sat before.
“Asset,” one handler said, “meet the Mechanic. He will be responsible for the upkeep of your arm. Should anything malfunction, kill him.”
The Asset eyed the Mechanic. The Mechanic was glassy-eyed and unresponsive.
He’d probably be dead in a week.
The Fix by SleepsWithCoyotes
Right, because Tony...Tony fixes things. He remembers thinking that, not for the first time.
Paths are Made by Walking by @potrix-the-queerschlaeger
The road to recovery is long, winding and a different one for every person walking it. Bucky chooses to help himself the only way he knows how; by doing what he does best.
Or, alternatively; the one in which Tony is a mess and accidentally kick-starts Bucky’s protective mother hen instincts.
The Evidence by StrivingArtist
Didn’t notice. Right. Sure. Two brilliant minds, two super spies, and a god didn’t notice when the chattiest man they knew stopped making sound. They just seemed happier than before. Brighter and more cheerful than before. They just seemed like they were more comfortable with him around when he was stone silent.
Fuck it.
He knew they noticed.
And he knew they liked him better this way.
Shadowed Hearts and Winter Souls by NotEvenCloseToStraight
The mid-1800s and Antonio Carbonell Stark is caught in a scandal with his lover. Desperate for a chance to escape the trouble and his own broken heart, Tony accepts a proposal from a mysterious Russian heiress and flees the country.
Natalia Romanova is in trouble of her own and has enough secrets to make Tony's head spin but somehow they settle into a fake marriage and calm day-to-day together, and everything works... until her half brother comes home and their life is disrupted again.
James is somber and silent, brutal and nearly broken and scarred, a soldier of the resistance. His heart is cold and gaze like ice, but his hands are hot and lips are warm and Tony finds himself ignoring the blood on James's palms and the shadows in his soldier’s eyes, and falling in love.
When danger lands at their doorstep, Natalia and Tony have to pack up and leave, running away in the middle of the night and leaving their men behind.
The distance between Tony and James gets longer every day, and Natalia has been keeping a secret for that can’t be hidden much longer. With no place to call home and a thousand miles between them and the men they love, what are Tony and Natalia supposed to do?
Puppy Love by Reioka
Bucky is learning to become a person again. When some guy starts crying all over Natasha's dog, he decides he's doing better than he originally thought.
Describe Your Perfect Date by ali_aliska
After getting turned down by Bucky, Tony decides it’s time to move on from his massive crush. He tries online dating—Pepper’s idea, not his—but the only thing worse than getting rejected is getting rejected and finding out your soulmate-level match is Clint Barton, all in the same day.
Clint, of course, does not let opportunities like this go to waste, but he’s driving Tony nuts for a good cause, he swears.
Bucky’s just trying to do the right thing and fails spectacularly, but it all works out in the end.
Rocket Science by marsmaywonder and orbingarrow
Sleep-deprived and under-caffeinated, grad student Tony falls asleep in a conveniently empty classroom and wakes up in the middle of Bruce’s Physics 101 course. After seeing a groggy Tony fumble a simple question, actual-student Bucky offers to tutor him. In a moment of “oh no; he’s cute” panic, Tony takes him up on it. Now, in addition to his already complicated life, Tony has to figure out the answer to the incredibly messy question: “How do you look like you’re failing the class, when you literally wrote the book?”
What’s Good for the Goose by Taste_is_Sweet
For this nonny prompt at the Imagine Tony and Bucky comm on Tumblr:
"A soulmate AU where an immortal goose shows up one day to lead you to your soulmate, the challenge is surviving the goose." (Full prompt in notes.)
We all have soulmates, and every soulmate pair shares an animal guide. The Guide is there to lead you to your One True Love, and they represent the aspects of the psyche that you both share. They appear when you're about to meet your soulmate, and often materialize in moments of great personal crisis, offering hope and support. There are stories upon stories about how someone's Guide appeared to lead them to their One True, or how the barest glimpse of their Guide eased their hearts and gave them hope in the midst of despair. The newly-rescued almost always attribute their Guide with giving them the strength and courage to hang on.
Animal Guides are ephemeral, ethereal, and elusive. They are, most often, no more than a warm presence or flicker out of the corner of one's eye. They are incarnate symbols of perseverance, optimism and hope. Foretellers of happiness, and the grand destiny of love.
Except for geese. Geese are assholes.
and so, we unfold by TheKitteh
Senbazuru. Thousand Cranes.
An ancient Japanese legend that promises anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish by the gods. Some stories believe you are granted happiness and eternal good luck, instead of just one wish, such as long life or recovery from illness or injury.
Bucky’s not big on believing in any legends, not after all that has happened. He just wants to create something for a change, not destroy.
He needs to prove himself that he can be trusted to handle something delicate. He doesn’t need a promise of a wish come true. He just,- needs to do this for himself.
He doesn’t need noticing how sad, tired Stark looks. Doesn’t need to want to do something for the man, when he can barely do anything for himself. --- Tony simply goes through days and motions. He deals with the Avengers, with R&;D, with the rewritten Accords. All of it, it’s nothing new really. He just wants to get things done.
What’s new is seeing Barnes hunched over the coffee table, one step away from ripping a glossy magazine apart in the middle of the night.
And why the hell Barnes keeps looking at him during the days after like he’s a puzzle to be solved?
Welcome to the Winteriron fandom! We’ve got a lot of incredible authors and artists both and this is just the tip of the iceberg!
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warriorbookworm · 2 years
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I posted 1,011 times in 2021
55 posts created (5%)
956 posts reblogged (95%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 17.4 posts.
I added 23 tags in 2021
#nftumblcryptids - 3 posts
#harry potter - 3 posts
#lotr - 3 posts
#writeblr - 2 posts
#lord of the rings - 2 posts
#moodboard - 2 posts
#johnlock - 2 posts
#ask game - 2 posts
#warrior answers - 2 posts
#writing - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 80 characters
#all i do is wash my face with your average lemon-scented facewash bcus i like it
My Top Posts in 2021
Would you ever write… the "and there was only one bed" trope?
Figuratively? Yes(couple getting together due to circumstances out of their control and how they react to it,)
Literally? Less chance as a lot of them are either in an established relationship(so no problem if there's only one bed), or filthy rich.
4 notes • Posted 2021-07-17 02:45:47 GMT
me, to @err-filecorrupted: Don't burn crackers, burn homophobes
8 notes • Posted 2021-11-03 06:50:12 GMT
When was my last post again?? Anyway, I became an LoTR fan.
So I was away due to a lot of stuff happening, and you know how I do those profile thingies? Yeah, I’m doing one again. This time it’s for
*drumroll, please*
The Lord Of The Rings
So let’s roll
Favourite book in the series: Return of the king, duh
Favourite character: Umm Definitely merry and pippin, Because AAAAAA
Why: Merry and Pippin are the best balance of hard-working and fun-loving, I would love those two as friends! 
OTP: Gigolas, I scream over it, I’m only in for the uhh giggly shit
I don’t think I need to say why.
NO. T P:  I headcanon aragorn as aroace, just because. I think that is enough. 
Bro. T. P: Okay, Aragorn and Legolas and Gimli, or Merry and Pippin, except they were actually bros. I also wanna see what Elrond and Gandalf get up to in their free time. They might have less of it, but they can surely stir things up. 
Favourite place in middle earth? Maybe where Legolas lives, The shire gives me weekend vibes, not sure I could live there forever.
Who am I? That random musician in the background, Yes, the one in uhh the woodland realm. Exactly. 
Favourite type of people in middle earth: idk man, I think the dwarves are pretty cool. 
Favourite part of the fandom: Umm the modern aus, I love those sooo much. 
9 notes • Posted 2021-02-01 06:20:50 GMT
Moodboard Monday
I make moodboards, calendars, and posters. So basically, I saw this moodboard monday post by @homesteadchronicles
I couldn’t post the image here, but anyone can view this canva link!
10 notes • Posted 2021-01-05 04:39:03 GMT
Desi LGBT fest
Bollywood movies if they were queer: A few glimpses
Jai and Veeru are in jail for, ya know. Jailer has major qualms about letting them go free so Thakur just. Kicks. Him and is like "I DO NOT CARE THAT THEY SUCK @#$% I WANT THEM TO GET RID OF GABBAR AND I BETTER HAVE THEM BY THURSDAY"
Jailer nods meekly and the rest goes according to the movie bc guess what? They're practically a couple in everthign!
Except Veeru and Basanti don't happen, they happen platonically, and she's the chill but badass female friend every gay needs(Goggle in SMZS, Cecily in the two princes podcast, June and nora and Bea in RWRB, you know the drill)
116 notes • Posted 2021-06-09 14:46:59 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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ofkingsnqueens · 3 years
hey look, it’s aditya ‘adi’ hans! they’re thirty-two years old, they’ve lived in shrike heights for all his life, and they’re currently working at flour power (food court). i heard they’re pretty slackish, but i think they’re so practical at the same time. can they make it out alive? ―
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A B O U T 
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)►          born and raised in shrike. his parents are both immigrants; they met in denver, they both came from the same small town in india, and hit it up right away. they had been married for almost a decade, trying to have a baby. they had given up on trying and then he happened: the miracle baby. the sun of their lives, which is why they chose an accurate name, aditya, which means lord of the sun, or newly risen sun. 
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)►          his birth was pretty much all against the odds, since his mother was over forty when she had him. he was born with a couple heart issues, that were promised to get solved within the next couple years, but they didn’t. he’s stable, he’s okay, but he has to travel to the closest city twice a year at least to get checked. 
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)►          he had a happy-ish childhood in shrike heights, but because of his heart issues, he couldn’t be too active, so he missed out on a lot of playing outside with other kids, running, jumping, sports, etc. what he learned? his mother’s baking. when he was a child he would take cupcakes to school and sell them to get money, which they would save because he was so sure than penny by penny, they would soon have enough to open their own bakery. 
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)►          his father would travel a lot for work, he was a research assistant for some hospital. but he would come back with stories and presents. it was his favorite time of the year. 
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)►          when adi was about twenty-five, after working too many shifts at local stores, assisting at hair salons, and doing every single small job he could find, he surprised his mother with their dream bakery. it put him in debt for sure, but the face of her mother was worth every single dollar he spent. and the two of them worked from dawn to dusk every single day, living their dream like they did when he was little. his father retired when he turned sixty, and he was helping too at the bakery. life was great. 
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)►          and then about five years later, their luck seemed to run out. his father, struggling with problems typical of the age, forgot to turn off one of the ovens one night. adi was called in the middle of the night because the entire place had blown up, it was destroyed. a total loss for the family. it was only a couple weeks later when adi’s father was diagnosed with alzheimmer. 
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)►          it’s been a struggle ever since. adi is very much in debt because the explosion ruined other places nearby, and he had to pay it all. he had to leave his apartment (he’s looking for a roommate), and is currently living with his parents. which is okay. they’re old now, and his father requires a lot of assistance. he’s happy to help for the most part.
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)►          when he heard there would be a bakery in town, he applied right away. he didn’t count on not being able to make all the fancy decorations. those are his mother’s strength. he just liked to knit the dough, to be fair. but he’s alright at it. people like his rather unique designs. 
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)►          he is a very homey dude. he will literally sound like he’s making excuses when he says he can’t go out on a saturday night because he has to do laundry, or iron his clothes. 
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)►          he loves soap operas. will legit crash on the couch with his mom and watch every single one available. and bollywood films? god, he’s learned one too many dances. probably had that one dream as a kid of being in one them. 
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)►         he gets easily overwhelmed, therefore goes into some sort of executive dysfunction quite often. it’s hilarious. he wishes he had two other pairs of arms. 
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)►          always making lists? he’s terrified of forgetting things. 
because of the overwhelm, he does a lot of things the wrong way. he will literally put his shoes on before his socks, his pants before his underwear, stuff like that. he’s just good at baking?
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)►          he tries his best with the decor but he really can’t do it so most of his orders will look like THIS or  THIS if he has to get his hands on them. clients probably would know, but people who don’t are usually mad and asking for refunds. the owner feels bad for him and his entire family, so he hasn’t fired him. 
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)►          very soft man? but like... very deep within? he’s almost ashamed of having feelings because he would not know what to deal with those. 
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)►          he’s not exactly a prude, but it’s kind of hard to explain how is he not a virgin, because he kind of fucks up whenever he speaks. 
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)►          not ashamed of liking women and men, but once the conversation gets a little heated, he will probably steer the conversation away. he sucks at flirting.
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)►          he takes care of his beard, skin and hair almost religiously well. goes for a trio every week, has his own beard brush and products. he knows it’s the attractive in his face. 
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)►          loves his mom and dad too much. wow i did not give him personal family issues this is new.
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)►          he gets very paranoid about his heart condition. he visits the clinic quite often, even if it’s just for a simple check up. he’s terrified of being face to face with the killers, because he’s not sure if he would survive that. 
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)►         overall nice guy 10/10. 
☺     childhood bestie. who knew about his heart condition.  ☺     coworkers at the bakery ☺     the doctor who watches out for him  ☺     drinking buddies ☺     drunken karaoke buddies ☺     wingman/woman. they try to get him to date. it fails. ☺      current bestie. they come after hours to eat what’s left over.  ☺     someone with a crush on him? he’ll never know. but it would be cute.  ☺     past hook ups. probably didn’t end up great. he left right away, couldn’t get it up, etc.... ☺     possible future roommate?  ☺     lil bro, lil sis. he always wanted siblings but it was impossible for his mom.  ☺     idk. you name it. im out of brain. i will say yes to anything. 
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iridescentides · 4 years
hi again dia! happy first day of december ❤️💚 i wanted to ask you what, in your opinion, are the 5 most underrated dcoms? i remember you saying before that you've watched all of them so i'd love to hear your opinions 😊 - 🎅🎁🎄
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH secret santa you are so good! asking me all the best questions 💜
okay so i literally had to make a list of all the dcoms i consider underrated and then narrow down a top 5. theres lots of dcoms that i love, but that i think got the right amount of attention and care (like lemonade mouth and the teen beach movies, for example), so this list just focuses on ones that deserved more hype for their quality level.
5. The Cheetah Girls: One World (2008)
okay so even as i type this i feel like a hypocrite. i have only watched this movie one time. BUT i can acknowledge that its one of the most criminally underrated dcoms ever, tons of people didnt watch it simply because raven wasnt in it. thats why i avoided it as a child, and i didnt get around to watching it until i did my big dcom binge in 2016. and it was so good. theres a really long post floating somewhere around tumblr full of specifics on why its actually the best cheetah girls movie (my favorite is the second one purely out of nostalgia), so to paraphrase some points from that post:
its a solid example of cultural appreciation, rather than appropriation, as the girls go and learn about bollywood and indian culture together
the indian characters arent treated like props or unimportant sides, they get their own agency and storylines that are important
the songs are good!!!
basically this movie was overlooked and slept on even though in terms of role modeling and social value, and just like the first two cheetah girls movies it was important and impactful.
4. Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure (2011)
okay so as someone whos very neutral and occasionally negative-leaning towards the hsm franchise (mostly bc its overhyped and not really representative of all dcoms), i was pleasantly surprised by sharpays fabulous adventure. this is another one that i know lots of people skipped right over and dont hold with as much esteem as the main hsm franchise, and that doesnt sit right with me.
i do not agree with the “uwu sharpay was the real victim in hsm” arguments bc in their efforts to look galaxy brained the people who say that overlook the fact that she was a rich white woman who used her power and status to exercise control over opportunities that should have been fairly and freely available for all; they were not “making a mockery of her theater” in the first movie, they were literally just kids who wanted to try out a new school activity that everyone was supposed to be allowed to participate in; and despite allegedly learning her lesson and singing we’re all in this together with everyone at the end of the first movie, she literally showed no growth in the second movie as she fostered an openly hostile environment and favored troy so heavily that it literally cost him his friends, all as part of yet another jealous plan to take things away from people who already have less than her. she was NOT the victim in the main franchise, and she did not seem to exhibit any growth or introspection either.
and that!!! is why sharpays fabulous adventure was so important. in focusing on sharpay as the main character, they finally had to make her likeable. they did this by showing actual real growth and putting her outside of her sphere of influence and control. we saw true vulnerability from her, instead of the basic ass “mean girl is sad bc shes actually just super insecure” trope (cough cough radio rebel), and this opened us up to finally learn about and care about her character. throughout the movie we see her learn, from her love interests example, how to care for others and be considerate. she faces actual adversity and works through it, asking herself what she truly wants and what shes capable of. and in the end, when she finally has her big moment, we’re happy for her bc she worked hard to get there. she becomes a star through her own merit and determination, rather than through money and connections. this movie is not perfect by any means, but it is severely underrated for the amount of substance it adds to sharpays character.
3. The Swap (2016)
okay i know im gonna get shit for this but thats why its on this list!!! just like sharpays fabulous adventure, its not perfect and definitely misses the mark sometimes, but it deserves more attention and love for all the things it did get right!
the swap follows two kids who accidentally switch bodies because of their emotional attachment to their dead/absent parents’ phones. and while i normally HATE the tv/movie trope of a dead parent being the only thing that builds quick sympathy for a young character, they definitely expanded well enough to where we could root for these kids even without the tragedy aspect. we see them go through their daily struggles and get a feel for their motivations as characters pretty well. as a body switching movie, we expect it to be all goofy and wacky and lighthearted, but it moves beyond that in unexpected ways.
the reason the swap is on this list is for its surprisingly thoughtful commentary on gender roles. its by no means a feminist masterpiece, and its not going to radicalize kids who watch it, but it conveys a subtle, heartfelt message that deserves more appreciation. the characters struggle with the concept of gender in a very accurate way for their age, making off-base comments and feeling trapped by the weight of expectations they cant quite put their finger on. we watch them feel both at odds with and relieved by the gender roles they are expected and allowed to perform in each others bodies, and one of the most interesting parts of the movie to me is their interactions with the other kids around them. as a result of their feeling out of place in each others environments, the kids inadvertently change each others friendships for the better by introducing new communication styles and brave authenticity. 
the value of this movie is the subtle, but genuine way it shows the characters growing through being given the space to act in conflicting ways to their expected norms. ellie realizes that relationships dont have to be complex, confusing, and painful, and that its okay to not live up to appearances and images. jack learns that emotional expression is good, healthy, and especially essential to the grieving process. one of the most powerful scenes in the movie comes at the end where, after ellie confronts jacks dad in his body, jack returns as himself to a very heartfelt apology from his father for being too hard on him; the explicit message (”boys can cry”) is paired with an open expression of love and appreciation for his kids that he didnt feel comfortable displaying until his son set an example through honest communication. this is such an empowering scene and overall an empowering movie for kids who may feel stuck in their expected roles, as it sets a positive example for having the courage to break the restrictive societal mold. for its overall message of the importance of introspection and emotional intelligence, the swap is extremely underrated.
2. Freaky Friday (2018)
this is my favorite dcom, and probably my favorite movie at this point. ive always assigned a lot of personal value to this movie (and i love every freaky friday in general), for the message of selfless familial love and understanding. i know i can get carried away talking about this topic; i got an anon ask MONTHS ago asking me about the freaky friday movies and i wrote a super super long detailed response that i never posted bc i didnt quite finish talking about the 2018 movie. and thats bc on a personal level, i cant adequately convey all the love i have for this movie. so i will try to keep this short.
first lets state the obvious: the reason people dont like this movie is bc its not the lindsay lohan version. and i get that, to an extent, bc i also love the 2003 version and its one of my ultimate comfort movies, and grew up watching it and ive seen it a billion times. i even watched it a couple days ago. but the nostalgia goggles that people have on from the early 2000s severely clouds their judgement of the wonderful 2018 remake.
yes, the 2018 version is dorky, overly simplistic plot wise, a bit stiff at times, and super cheesy like any dcom. the writing isnt 100% all the time. the narrative takes a couple confusing turns. the song biology probably shouldnt have been included. i understand this. but at the heart of it all, this movies value is love. and its edge over all the other freaky friday movies is the songs.
on a personal level, the movie speaks heavily to me. i cried very early into my first viewing of the movie bc i got to see dara renee, a dark-skinned, non-skinny actress, playing the mean popular girl on disney channel. that has never happened before. growing up, i saw the sharpays and all the other super thin white women get to be the “popular” girls on tv, and ultimately they were taken down in the end for being mean, but that doesnt change the fact that they were given power and status in the first place for being conventionally beautiful. so, watching dara renee strut around confidently and sing about being the queen bee at this high school got to me immediately. and in general, the supporting cast members of color really mean a lot to me in this movie. we get to see adam, an asian male love interest for the main character. we have a second interracial relationship in the movie with katherines marriage to mike. ellies best friend karl is hispanic. and we see these characters have depth and plot significance, we see them show love, care, and passion for the things they value. the brown faces in this movie are comforting to me personally. additionally, the loving, blended family dynamic is important to me as someone in a close-knit, affectionate step-family.
but on a more general level, this movie is underrated for its skillful musical storytelling and the way it conveys all kinds of love and appreciation. in true freaky friday fashion, we watch ellie and katherine stumble and misstep in their attempts to act like each other. its goofy and fun. but through it all, the music always captures the characters’ intimate thoughts and feelings. the opening song gives us a meaningful view into ellie and katherines relationship and the fundamental misunderstandings that play a role in straining their connection. ellie sings about how she thinks her mom wants her to be perfect, and her katherine sings about all the wonderful traits she sees in her daughter and how she wants her to be more open and self assured. this is meaningful bc even as theyre mad at each other, the love comes through. the songs continue to bring on the emotional weight of the story, as ellie sings to her little brother about her feelings of hurt and abandonment in her fathers absence. the song “go” and its accompanying hunt scene always make me cry bc of the childlike wonder and sense of adventure that it brings. for the kids, its a coming of age, introspective song. for katherine who gets to participate in ellies body, its a reminder of youth and the rich, full life her daughter has ahead of her. she is overcome with excitement, both from getting to be a teenager again for a day, and from the realization that her daughter has a support network and passions that are all her own. today and ev’ry day, the second to last song, is the culmination of the lessons learned throughout the movie, a mother and daughters tearful commitment to each other to love, protect, and understand one another. the line “if today is every day, i will hold you and protect you, i wont let this thing affect you” gets to me every time. even when things are hard and dont go according to plan, they still agree, in this moment, to be there for each other. and thats what all freaky friday stories are ultimately about.
freaky friday 2018 is a beautiful, inclusive, subversive display of familial love, sacrifice, and selflessness, and it is underrated and overlooked because of its more popular predecessor.
1. Let It Shine (2012)
this is another one of my favorite dcoms and movies in the whole world. unlike the other movies on this list, it is not the viewers themselves that contribute to the underrated-ness of this movie. disney severely under-promoted and under-hyped this movie in comparison to its other big musical franchises, and i will give you five guesses as to why, but youll only need one!
let it shine is the most beautifully, unapologetically black dcom in the whole collection. (i would put jump in! at a notable second in this category, but that one wasnt underrated). this movie was clearly crafted with care and consideration. little black kids got to see an entire dcom cast that represented them. the vernacular used in the script is still tailored mostly to white-favoring audiences, but with some relevant slang thrown in there. in short, the writers got away with the most blackness they were allowed to inject into a disney channel project.
the story centers on rap music and its underground community in atlanta, georgia. it portrays misconceptions surrounding rap, using a church setting as a catalyst for a very real debate surrounding a generational, mutlicultural conflict. this was not a “safe” movie for disney, given its emphasis on religious clashes with contemporary values. it lightly touches on issues of image policing within the black community (cyrus’s father talking about how “our boys” are running around with sagging pants and “our girls” are straying away from god), which is a very real and pressing problem for black kids who feel the pressure (from all sides) of representing their whole race with their actions. its a fun, adorable story about being yourself and staying true to your art, but also a skillful representation of struggles unique to black and brown kids and children from religious backgrounds.
on top of crafting a fun, wholesome, thoughtful narrative and likeable protagonists, let it shine brought us what is in my opinion the BEST dcom soundtrack of all time. every single song is a bop. theyre fast, fun, and lyrically engaging. “me and you” is my favorite disney channel song of all time due to its narrative significance; i will never forget my first time watching the movie and seeing that big reveal unfold onstage, as a conversation and a plot summary all wrapped into a song. the amount of thought and care that went into the music of this movie should have been rewarded with a level of attention on par with that of other musical dcoms.
if disney channel had simply cared about let it shine more, it couldve spanned franchises and sold songs the way that other musical dcoms have drawn in success. i would have loved for a sequel that explored and fleshed out cyrus’s neighborhood a little bit more, and maybe dipped into that underground scene they caught a glimpse of. i wanted a follow up on the changed church community once cyrus’s father started supporting his sons vision. i want so much more for these characters and this world than disney gave them in just one movie.
for its bold, unabashed representation of blackness and religion, subtle, nuanced presentation of race-specific issues, strong, likeable characters, and complex, thoughtful songs, let it shine is the most underrated dcom.
and because i made a full list before i started writing this post, here are some honorable mentions:
going to the mat (2004)
gotta kick it up! (2002)
tru confessions (2002)
dont look under the bed (1999)
invisible sister (2015)
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sooibian · 5 years
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Flambé | F | Complete
Description: pull up a chair. take a taste. come join us. life is so endlessly delicious. - ruth reichl
Notes: Chef!Soo 
Chapters: One | Two
Moodboard by the amazing @pororodks​
Niche memes by the hilarious @changshapatrol​
Reference notes:  yt channels: maangchi, one meal a day, bore.d, honeykki; netflix shows: midnight diner, street food: asia, chef’s table
Word count: + 20.1k 
Between a Rock and a Hard Place | F / M |
Description: It’s Sehun’s wedding party. Kyungsoo knew these couple of hours with you were going to be anything but pleasant, however, he didn’t expect things to spiral so quickly. 
Notes: Established Relationship AU, Fluff, Crack, Loosely inspired by the anime Horimiya, sexual themes, themes of sadism and masochism (nothing explicit), slight swearing.
Word Count: ~ 2.7k
So Let's Runaway | F / A | Ongoing
Description: A bachelors trip turns into a soul-searching journey when an unlikely group of three travels through the scenic landscapes of Spain. Their experiences present them with opportunities to mend bridges, face their fears and fall back in love with the true essence of life.
Notes: Fluff, angst, humour, travel AU, road trip through Spain, travel buddies Chansoo, Grief, loss, heartache, toxic relationships, mildly explicit language.
Chapters: Prologue >> Costa Brava >> Seville >> Cuéllar
Word Count: 8.3k so far
Tempting Fate  | A | On hold
Description: You’re forced to make a choice between a present that you didn’t choose and the idea of what could have been.
Notes: Arranged Marriage AU / Exes AU Ft. Minseok
Chapters: One | Two | 
Moodboard by my dear friend @pororodks​
Word Count: ~7.6k and counting 
Dittany | F | Collab
Description: broken bones and a tedious detention - can I still say that this is the best christmas i’ve ever had? it’s because I found magic in him - the big eyed, dark haired, hufflepuff boy. funny I say that as a witch! but sadly, good things don’t last forever.
Notes: Slow burn, young love
Word Count: ~ 16.5k
Edit by @jaeyoonurl​
Twist of Fate | A |
Description: Much against your wishes, you are back in your hometown to write about the murders of two young women - your only ticket out is the criminal psychologist who has been assisting Superintendent Kim Minseok with offender profiling.
Notes: Serial killer AU - angst, grief, loss, murders, descriptions of anxiety, reactive and attentive immobility, asphyxiation, indicative of humiliation, explicit and graphic situations.
Word Count: +3.7k
Twice As Much | F | 
Description: Of kitchen disasters and little savants
Notes: Dad!Soo
Word Count: ~1.1k
Moodboard by the loveliest @kyoonqs​
Quiet Like Love | A |
Description: The end was always so close in sight.
Notes: Exes to lovers AU
Word Count: ~ 1k
Edit by @jaeyoonurl​
An Eye For An Eye | A |
Notes: Experimental work, Ambiguous AU, mildly triggering
Word Count: ~ 1.2k
Palette | F |
Waiting | F / A |
Deviant | M / F |
Play Date | F | 
Untitled | F |
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The Spy Who Loved Me | A |
Description: An obsessive cat and mouse chase
Notes: Assassin Reader, Spy Baekhyun, dark comedy, angst, heavily inspired by season one of Killing Eve
Niche Memes by the hilarious @changshapatrol​ : one | two
Word Count: ~ 2.8k
My Lovable Curse | A | Complete
Description: Not even in his wildest dreams had Baekhyun thought he’d have to team up with you to take down one of the most notorious criminal masterminds, CEO of tech company Stratio, Doh Kyungsoo.
Notes: Spy AU, Assassin AU, angst, dark humour, thriller, inspired by Killing Eve. Sexual themes, indicative of depression and anxiety, blood, weapons, violence, language. This fic is continuation to The Spy Who Loved Me but it can be read as a standalone two-shot. 
Chapters: One | Two
Word Count: ~ 12.5k 
Moodboards: Baekhyun | Minseok by bestie @his-mochi-cheeks​
Like Father, Like Daughter | F |
Description:  Your three year old is growing up to be just like her father - Byun Baekhyun. Can you handle it?
Notes: Dad!Baek, easily the most popular story on this blog 
Word Count: ~ 1.1k
Moodboard by the loveliest @kyoonqs​
Little Miss Byun | F |
Description: Miss Byun is not so little anymore and dad!Baek is trying to do his best to…adapt.
Notes: Dad!Baek again!
Word Count: ~1.6k
“Clay”-doh | F |
Description:  "When was the last time we did something together as a family?" you ask Baekhyun and...it backfires.
Notes: Dad!Baek...yet again!
Word Count: 1.4k
Star-Crossed | A / F | Collab
Description: In his struggle with his inner demons and the outside world, will Baekhyun succeed in saving the one he loves?
Notes: Romani AU, magical realism, fluff, angst, mildly explicit, implied smut, secret relationship, knife related superstitions
Word Count: ~8.2k
The Daisy Oracle | F |
Description:  In the days leading up to Baekhyun’s enlistment, you find yourself dissecting every word of his and he’s been saying...all the wrong things.
Notes: Fluff, soft angst, a hint of spice, established relationship.  To accommodate this anon request, the story does not take the “BBH public service worker” route.
Word Count: ~2k
Catch These Hands | F |
Description: Living with Baekhyun comes with its own challenges
Notes: Fluff (surprise!!!!), established relationship, make up artist and masseur Byun, a little bit of byuntae, and one (1) Eminem reference lol  
Word Count: ~1.7k
Trespassing is Prohibited! | F |
Description:  Byun Baekhyun has had enough. He finally wants to ‘man up’ and make you his. But things continue to spiral out of control all thanks to his friend, philosopher, and guide (a.k.a. The Worst Wingman Ever) Park Chanyeol.
Notes: Fluff! Fluff! Fluff! Crack. Friends to Lovers AU, University AU (ish), a very rambly Baek and a longwinded confession!
Word Count: ~ 3k 
Homebodies | F |
Description: when you get comfortable with each other…a little too comfortable
Notes: Gamer boyfriend Baek
Word Count: ~ 1.1k
Stranger Things | F | Completed
Description:  While waiting to receive Kyungsoo at the airport you run into an insufferable someone - Byun Baekhyun. Despite yourself, you are unable to resist his charms. 
Notes: Meet cute. lawyer!Baek, farmer!Soo
Chapters: One | Two | Three | Four
Word Count: ~9k
Freed | A |
Description: Dedicated to smol bby @vampwrrr ’s magnificent mistresspiece Sweet Lies. A headcanon exploring SL OC’s thoughts after Baekhyun’s confession.
Notes: Dark themes, destructive thoughts, Ambiguous AU
Word Count: ~1.3k
Hands Where I Can See Them | F |
Description: Minseok is protective of you to say the least and has only just begun to accept your relationship with Baekhyun. But all hell breaks loose when he witnesses something he shouldn’t have.
Notes: Overprotective hyung Minseok, byuntae Baekhyun 
Word Count: ~1k
Forget Me (Not) | A |
Description: …only his smile will set you free
Notes: Loss, Ambiguous AU, Late!Reader
Word Count: ~ 1.1k
Untitled | F | first fic!!
Tangled | F |
Walk on Memories | F / A |
Talk To Me | F |
Who Cares | F / M |
Light | A |
The Swear Jar Equivalent | F |
Untitled | F |
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Tempting Fate  | A | On hold
Description: You’re forced to make a choice between a present that you didn’t choose and the idea of what could have been.
Notes: Arranged Marriage AU / Exes AU Ft. Kyungsoo
Chapters: One | Two | Three
Moodboard by my dear friend @pororodks​
Word Count: ~7.6k and counting
IRS and Prejudice | F |
Description: In which Kim Minseok is nothing like other bosses. Nothing.
Notes: Fluff!!! Frenemies to (maybe) Lovers? Office AU with some references to ‘The Office’, flirtatious, cat-whisperer, Aries Minseok vs Aries reader!
Word Count: ~ 2.7k
Allow Me To | F |
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Wherever You Are | A / F |  Collab
Description: When you least expect it, love, quite literally, sweeps you off your feet.
Notes: Romani AU, magical realism, romance, angst, drama ™ (i grew up on a healthy dose of Bollywood and it! shows!), secret relationship, heavily influenced by Mmmh Kai
Word Count: 9.5k
Heal | A |
Description: You don’t need his heart, for it belongs to another. All you need is for him to tolerate you.
Notes: Arranged Marriage AU
Chapters: One | Two | Three
Word Count: ~4.1k
Untitled | F |
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Mortal Combat | F |
Description: It’s you vs Chanyeol in the Muay Thai arena
Notes: Park Passion Alert!!
Word Count: ~1k
Haven | A |
Wedding Crashers | A |
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Tell Me You’ll Stay | A |
The Man Of My Dreams | A |
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Resolution | F |
Untitled | F |
Paragons of Virtue | Childhood AU |
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Untitled | F |
Beginner’s Luck | Sci-Fi |
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Mine | F |
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387 notes · View notes