#lissa if youre seeing this i need you to know that i was losing my mind about him giving her the gun back in 2021
orangechickenpillow · 5 months
You know, Ezra and Cee's relationship is a fantastic example of what a father daughter (or even parent child) dynamic should look like. Minus the whole killing-her-biological-father part (even if he was an Ass™)
Ezra never -- not once pushed the blame on Cee. Even when, in his anger and pain (I mean, the girl literally shot him in the arm) it would have been easy for him to do so. He never did.
He tried to make her as comfortable as possible, all things considered -- trying to tell her she could trust him, that he'd look after her, even going so far as to voluntarily return her weapon to her so she'd feel more in control and secure.
And don't even get me started on their conversation post-amputation. He listened to her without interruption. He engaged with her in a genuinely thoughtful way. He offered her emotional advice, showed interest in the things she expressed excitement about, and never made her feel small for her emotions, but even encouraged them.
And the great thing is, Cee felt like she could tell him all of this. She felt that she could share her most important insterests, and even her creative endeavors, with him. And when she expressed doubt about these things, putting herself in an even more vulnerable position, he made her feel good about herself and built her up.
Ezra might have done some bad things, but he sure as hell is a great parental figure.
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jelzorz · 11 months
Opeli had never really paid Viren's children much mind, in part because they were Viren's children and they can't be all that different from him, and in part because she'd never needed to. Claudia was growing into a lady quite well before all the drama with Azymondias, and Viren's short-lived coup, and the Battle of the Storm Spire (even if her interest in dark magic felt less than savoury), and Soren'd always been destined for the Crown Guard, and she'd never really had much to do with them. In Harrow's day, High Cleric had meant her presence on the council and her duties to the goddesses of the realm. These days, it's a bit more involved than that, if only because she's somehow become a sort-of regent and a sort-of guardian to Ezran, Callum, and, for a little while, their new elven friend, Rayla, which had been something of a shock in an of itself—
But if there was anything more surprising than all of that, it was the shift in Soren's behaviour when they returned from the Storm Spire.
Admittedly, Opeli hadn't known him well before that, but she'd gotten the impression that he was a bit brash, a bit of a bully, even, to Callum and Ezran, which she frowned quietly upon but couldn't do much about because Viren had simply brushed off her concerns. When they came home from the battle, battered but in good spirits, Soren was kinder, wiser, surer of himself but in maturity rather than just in skill.
In the two weeks before the kids left again for the Moon Nexus, Opeli watched him grow rather happily into the role of everyone's older brother. He sparred with Rayla and stole jelly tarts with Ezran and even drew up most of the plans for the surprise party they were going to throw for Callum on his birthday—
But they returned from the Moon Nexus another two weeks after that, somehow even more worse for wear than when they'd come home the first time, and noticeably one person down.
"Rayla left," Soren had told her. "Last night. I don't know what happened. Callum wouldn't say."
His behaviour shifted again after that.
It's been two months since then. Soren uses his downtime to teach Ezran how to play cardgames in the throne room. He brings snacks and, occasionally, drinks (when he thinks she's not looking) to the Office of the High Mage in an effort to drag Callum out of his room every once in a while. He finds Opeli the tea leaves Rayla had picked for her to help keep her awake during late nights and long meetings.
"How kind of you," Opeli says one evening, when he appears at her office door with a pot of tea and a plate of jelly tarts. She offers him a grateful smile and steps back to let him set the tray on her desk.
"It's no big deal," he says, shrugging. "I was on my way up to check on Callum. Thought I'd check in on you too."
"You didn't have to do that," chuckles Opeli, "although I appreciate the sentiment. Thank you."
"You're welcome," he says cheerfully. "Don't stay up too late, yeah?"
"I won't."
He grins and makes a beeline for the door, and Opeli watches, a thought worming it's way forward from the back of her mind.
"Soren," she says.
He pauses, door already halfway closed. "Yeah?"
Opeli purses her lips. "Why?"
"Why not?"
"No. I mean..." Opeli hums and reworks the question. "You were never so kind in your youth," she says after a moment. "Not to the boys, at least—no offense. What's brought all this on?"
Soren's grin falters, just a little. He glances at the ground. "It's that, kind of," he says. "And... I guess I just don't want to lose anyone else."
Of course. Opeli counts them in her head: Lissa. Sarai. Harrow. Viren. Claudia. Now Rayla too. She ducks her head. "Ah," is all she knows to say. "I see. I'm sorry."
"Don't be," he says. "You lost them too."
Opeli snorts ruefully. "Yes," she mutters. "I suppose I did."
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raayllum · 10 months
I have a question that has been very divisive in my friend group of people who enjoy tdp.
What direction do you think they'll take Callum's magic in:
Do you think he'll master his Sky Arcanum, following the footsteps of Ibis, especially with his staff.
Or, connect to and become a master of all 6 primal sources, like Aaravos, but for good and love.
And more importantly, what idea do you enjoy more as a concept?
First off would just like to say your header is incredible.
As for your actual question: Callum is a character who chases magic out of a desire to learn and have agency. It becomes a fundamental part of who he is ("I will learn magic. It's who I am") which eventually manifests in him literally creating magic inside him (an arcanum). This transcending of limitations and what other people thought was possible means that Sky (representation of Freedom) was the perfect arcanum for him... to start. After all, seeing through illusions and crafting your own reality is very Moon arcanum-y, and there's been a decent amount of foreshadowing that he might connect to the Moon arcanum next for a while now ("After all, you really only know the appearance itself" "Now you're starting to sound like Lujanne" from 3x01). By forging a manual connection to one arcanum, it naturally begs the question of why wouldn't he at least try to connect to others in a similar manner?
All of this to say: I'd be surprised if Callum isn't connected to all 6 by the end of the show, for a few reasons.
While Callum being connected to primal magic is extraordinary on its own, and it's certainly an accomplishment... it ultimately means next to nothing if Other Humans don't also follow in his footsteps. A lack of access to magic is what created a lot of issues in the world of Xadia, and evening out that score / removing the need of dark magic is the ultimate way to Break the Cycle, as the wheel has always spun on magic and dark magic. If other humans don't connect, we're right back where we started. And humans being connected to Sky would be great, but there's so much more out there, and Callum will only really be able to be a teacher for all the arcanums if he knows and understands all the arcanums... hence, Archmage. (It'd also be very nicely full circle, given that Callum starts off as part of a lacklustre student-teacher pair in 1x01, and growing to become a wise and understanding teacher.)
Callum's parallels to and eventual rivalry Aaravos are mostly dependent upon Callum gaining more magical prowess. Right now they don't have a ton of parallels, but they are undeniably wrestling for narrative control. Aaravos is also underestimating as being just another dark mage like all the rest, "and destined to play right into my hands" but Callum will be, eventually, so much more than that. And thanks to Aaravos, we know a six primal archmage is possible. Seems only right that Callum would become his literal mirror.
One of the core weaknesses of Xadia is their insistence on isolation. Exile is their most common punishment and they literally split the continent in two. Elven society is generally very segregated according to their primal with only a handful of exceptions in ways we know don't exist in the Human Kingdoms (Duren coming to Katolis for aid; Lissa being from Del Bar and marrying a man from Katolis, etc). We see that the arch dragons are more likely to fight than convene with each other successfully and that since imprisoning Aaravos, they basically all went no contact. Xadian characters are also more likely to want to do things alone (Runaan, Rayla, Zubeia) than to pull on all possible resource areas, and the human villains who hate them (Viren) are also more likely to be isolationist. VS the princes ("We're in this together" in 1x05, "This is a chance to solve our problems together" in 4x03, Opeli and Corvus going to Duren for aid) and the Human Kingdoms. Kasef, however antagonist, believed in and depended on the collective. Karim starts to lose his shit in S4 precisely because New Aurea isn't going to be entirely Sunfire elf in nature; I don't think he would've responded to other elves any better than he did humans, honestly. Okay, great, so what? Well the one Xadian character we have who hardcore rejects that isolationist attitude in regards to a primal source with his very existence... is Aaravos. And that elves, humans, and dragons all presumably worked together to imprison him once before. It would make sense that the kid who is going to be the key (or one of the keys) to his defeat would likewise carry that same Rejection of Isolation, and instead embody literal Magical Solidarity by having access to all magics.
As for which I prefer, it depends. I think canon could do just about anything and make it work, and so long as we see other humans connect to arcanums (with or without Callum's help) I have no other Narrative Requirements, I think, in regards to places I think the story has to go in order to function narratively, in the end. He could master just sky magic, and as long as other humans are able to connect to arcanums, I think that'd be just fine.
If I'm writing fic, and I want Callum to be more limited for plot / angst reasons, I'll probs just write him as a sky mage. Magic is useful but can't (and should not, for story reasons) be able to fix everything, and is still only as useful as your brain can figure out how to use it, anyway. By and large, a magic system is only as good as its limitations, as that is what allows a story to have conflict, and places to show off creative thinking (with or without magic).
But generally (in post-war / late season speculative stuff; in looking at where canon is going, etc) I lean towards Archmage Callum and always have, and dumped all my headcanons about it accordingly into this fic (order of connection, how each of the arcanums feel different, dual wielding, what it brings between him and Aaravos, etc).
I would also love for Callum to get his own staff at one point, simply because it'd be nice to have a weapon 1) of his own and 2) wasn't yet another thing he inherited from a dead man (the cube from Harrow, the mirror from Viren) but if he uses the staff all throughout the show, that's perfectly fine too. Just means I get to write a fic where it gets destroyed for some reason, and then him (and maybe Ethari) get to help design and build his own for Reasons
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lissa05 · 9 months
Some people say falling in love is amazing but sometimes that fall can be shattering
“I feel like I’m losing you!” silence… followed by a quick response,
“I was never yours to lose…” only six words and yet they carried so much impact. James stared her in the eyes. Those same eyes he’d seen joy, surprise, happiness… he saw the hard stuff too like sadness, anger, frustration, and guilt. But never once had he seen regret in those beautiful hazel eyes…
The words fell out of her mouth without permission and Maya… didn’t feel bad about it. It was the truth and Maya never lied, she stared into his beautiful green eyes as conflict, sadness, and guilt each flashed threw and then settled on rage. She knew this would end in a screaming match, so she did what any regretful girl would do…turn around and leave. She regretted ever thinking that maybe by a small chance he would like her back but she was right always was always has been. By the time she had accepted he was never going to have the same feelings as her, gotten over him, and settled for watching him be happy with other girls, eventually leaving each one of them he tried to tell her he felt the same but that wasn’t true it couldn’t be. He had a girlfriend and after all these years why. A word crashed through her thoughts and it took her a second to realize it was her own name that ripped through the raging scorching flames in her thoughts,
James ran towards her. He liked her and he wanted to talk to her about it but she was walking away like a coward.
“Listen I-I like you and I want you to understand that so date me, I’ll leave Katie for us” it was desperate he knew it but so was he.
Us… Maya knew that wasn’t a possibility,
“Who;s your girlfriend?” She asked even though she knew the answer,
“Katie…” he responded confused, I replied not wasting my time on someone who took my time and threw it away like a piece of garbage
“And do you love her…” such a simple question yet so much impact
“Yes of course” she could tell it was true and she knew that if she was selfish and acted on old feelings she would end up hurting feelings for her own personal gain
“See James there's a difference between me and Katie, I had boys asking me every corner I turned if we could be more but I turned each and every one of them down… because I was holding out for you, she only had one follower and she needed someone…” I paused not knowing if I could go on. I knew what I wanted to say. I knew what I needed to say but my throat betrayed me going dry. I cleared my throat and went on voice strong and balanced.
“So the difference between not just Katie but all those ex-girlfriends and me is that they all settled for you. But I chose you!” I paused and he was about to speak again, opening his mouth but I cut him off.
“Or at least I had. James we will never work so walk away! Be happy with your girlfriend! Get married, have kids…and forget about me!” My voice cracked on the last words and the tears flew down my cheeks. I turned and bolted.
Some people say falling in love is amazing but sometimes that fall can be shattering
Short story by Lissa
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Head empty, only chrobin roleswap. please help?
I don't know what kind of roleswap you're thinking about, but I ended up thinking about my old roleswap (Robin, Heirophant of the Grimleal and Gangrel's tactician, picks up an amnesiac swordsman and brings him home with her), which then got me to thinking about a scene set in Ch 5 that I never shared the concept for. And then I wrote half of this scene as a summary and the rest as a fic, because I only wanted to actually write the back half of it, so that's all I wrote:
Gangrel sends brigands to attack a border town and takes Maribelle hostage when she intervenes. Emmeryn goes to negotiate with him and Lissa, Frederick, and the Shepherds insist on coming with her. Gangrel and Aversa, meanwhile, dragged Robin along with them. (All three of them fucking hate each other. By the way.)
Emmeryn attempts to get the story of what happened. Gangrel tells her one story and Maribelle tells her another. The negotiation goes south, fast, and even faster once Lissa accuses the Plegians of having captured or killed her brother. Robin, who had not heard that the Ylissean prince has gone missing, attempts to intervene in the conversation then and get some more information about this. She and Emmeryn manage to exchange a few civil words, Robin telling her that Plegia has had nothing to do with the prince's disappearance, before Lissa accuses Robin of lying and generally just starts screaming at her, and Gangrel says that well, such a weighty accusation certainly sounds like a declaration of war to his ears.
(If I recall correctly how this conversation is set up in-game, and what the battle map is like, Gangrel, Aversa, and Robin would be up on a cliff and then Emmeryn and the Shepherds are down below. Chrom is just kind of lurking in the back behind Robin, wearing some hooded cloak because that's how he and Robin both dress all the time. So he's not really part of the conversation, which is how none of the Ylisseans see "hey, that's our prince right there!")
So Gangrel sets the Plegian forces on the Ylisseans, tells Robin that they're under her command, and to make sure that none of the Ylisseans get away alive, before he and Aversa immediately dip. The brigands that Gangrel brought along do not take well to Robin's attempt to give orders, while the Ylisseans are pissed off by everything that's just happened, so Robin finds that, despite having every tactical advantage on paper or a game board, she's losing ground, fast. She attempts to call a retreat and gets called a coward and a traitor by her own soldiers, and with no other choice, Chrom just tries to drag Robin off the battlefield to escape before the Ylisseans can kill them, too.
Emmeryn, meanwhile, was told to stay back, but she's interested in this other Plegian commander, who seemed more willing to parley than either Gangrel or Aversa, and makes the choice to, in the midst of the chaos of the fighting, try to catch up to her.
“I did not catch milady’s name,” the Exalt says. She stands alone at the base of the cliff, about fifteen feet below Robin and Chrom. 
“I am Robin,” she replies. “Heirophant of the Grimleal. For what reason do you risk your life to chase after me?”
“You seemed, perhaps, more willing to parley than King Gangrel,” the Exalt says. “I would apologize for my sister’s accusations, as well; fear for her brother has led her emotions to get the better of her. I must ask you again: my brother has gone missing. Have your people anything to do with it?”
“As I said,” Robin says tersely, “Plegia knows nothing of your missing prince. If he were captured, Gangrel would have offered him to trade, rather than grab the first noblelady to pass by the border. And were he dead, he would not have been able to resist gloating.”
A Plegian wyvern wheels about in the sky, tilting to one side as it attempts to fly with an arrow in one wing. “Robin,” Chrom says. “We need to go.”
Were Gangrel here, he would kill the Exalt himself. But Robin is not Gangrel, and Chrom is just here to do what Robin asks of him. If Robin is willing to let the Exalt leave, Chrom won’t stop her. He casts a glance down at her, surprised to find that she is staring directly back at him now. Her eyes are wide. Perhaps she is afraid that this mysterious swordsman will strike at her, if Robin hasn’t yet?
“Wait,” the Exalt calls. “You do not wish for war, either. The way you spoke with your king tells me that much. If you hold such a position of honor amongst the Grimleal, then–”
“You are bold to petition me, standing on your father’s foundation of my people’s bones,” Robin snaps back. “No, I do not wish for a war that will once again send my people to their unnecessary deaths. But the way I spoke with my king may also tell you he does not hold my opinion in any regard. I cannot broker peace for you, Naga’s-blood.”
Arrows fly through the air; a wyvern falls, and then another. “Robin,” Chrom says, grabbing her arm and trying to pull her away from the cliff’s edge and the conversation with the Exalt. “I don’t think the rest of her entourage is going to be so friendly if they catch us.”
Robin relents, stepping away, but once again the Exalt’s eyes are on Chrom. She follows along the ground below, scrambling up onto the rocky base of the cliff like she’ll be able to reach them. “Swordsman,” the Exalt calls. “May I see your face?”
“What?” Chrom asks, and without any clue what she means he looks to Robin - but Robin is watching the Exalt intently now, also trying to figure out what this means. Maybe she’ll explain if he indulges her; Chrom lowers his hood. At this distance, he can make out the Exalt’s face more clearly: the shock frozen upon it, and the faint marking on her forehead. 
She says nothing, and after another moment Chrom turns away. That look on her face disturbs him, but he was the one telling Robin they needed to go; he can’t dally now. Not even if–
Hours later, back firmly in Plegian lands, Chrom stands to the side and grits his teeth as Gangrel berates Robin for “her” loss against the Ylissean forces, as though it wasn’t Gangrel who set them up to fail. Robin simply takes it, as she always does; it’s impossible to tell if she’s really even listening. Aversa delivers a few snide jabs before she leaves, following the king, and then it’s just the two of them. But anyone could still be nearby to listen, and hard as it is to bite his tongue, Chrom waits until they’ve found a more secure position to pull Robin aside.
“You really don’t know anything about this missing Ylissean prince?” he asks.
She shakes her head. “What I said to the Exalt is true,” she says. “I don’t know anything, and Gangrel would let everyone know if he knew something.”
He’s known Robin a few months now. She has always been honest with him, even when she isn’t honest with Gangrel or Aversa. Chrom knows everything that she keeps from them. He’d like to think that he’s pretty good at getting an accurate measure of a person, having only known them a short time, and he’d like to think that he’s got Robin figured out. She doesn’t court war, nor did she strike down the Exalt of Ylisse when she had the opportunity. She would rather have peace and show mercy. She’s generally honest, generally not underhanded, and she doesn’t like to torment her opponents, nor does she relish in their misery.
The person he thinks he knows her to be wouldn’t curse an enemy prince with amnesia and then take him as her right-hand man in some sort of gloating power-play, and then lie to him about it.
But right now, the only thing he knows is that he doesn’t know anything.
“Right,” Chrom says. “Then I guess you don’t know why I have a mark on my shoulder that’s the same as the mark on the Exalt’s forehead.”
He hopes her shock isn’t feigned. The Robin he thinks he knows isn’t that good of a liar - but he doesn’t know what even the Robin he thinks he knows will do, now that she knows she has an enemy prince who’s fallen right into her hands.
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fe-fictions · 1 year
Robin's been kidnapped quite a few times, now...what if we turn it around and Frederick gets kidnapped instead?!
(nothing but pain will happen)
It bothered you that the battle was already brutal, but it was getting worse because their movement didn’t stop. If you cleared a battalion, maybe two, then the Plegians would swarm in with another platoon of men and Risen alike. It was the Risen in particular that were muddying the field and clouding your view.
You could win, that much was clear; there were numbers, but they were getting desparate, and their firepower was nothing compared to the sheer might of the Shepherds.
The problem was that you would periodically lose sight of pockets of your army; it was frightening, to see Chrom and Lissa one moment, and then they’d disappear the next. You tried desperately to keep everyone within your sight line, but the most important thing was clearing the damn field and staying alive to fight another day.
It was hours of brutal, bloody combat. Too many casualties. But at the end, the Shepherds were still standing. The Plegians who weren’t starved for glory clung to their lives and fled before they could be finished off, or worse yet, captured by Ylisse.
Following that, it was time to go home. Everybody was absolutely exhausted, barely standing on their feet. The role call began; you lingered at the front, reunited with the prince. Chrom couldn’t even offer a tired smile.
“That was…awful.” He breathed, looking over the field as Shepherds helped their fellow men and women up and trudged off the field. “I don’t think we’ve ever had a fight like that, before.”
“Those numbers were worrying.” You replied in a grim voice, “They didn’t seem any stronger than we’ve fought before- it was the volume of them that really ripped into us.”
“We’ll need to prepare if that’s their new tactic going forward. Though I can’t imagine it’ll work well for long- if they’re just going to throw bodies like that, they’re going to run out of soldiers. And those Risen aren’t effective replacements on their own.”
“I’ll be mindful of it for the future. Perhaps research more guerilla tactics if they plan on outnumbering us like that, again.”
“A fine idea.” Chrom’s hands were on  his hips, having recovered his breath. “Should we start heading back, then?”
“I want to make sure everyone’s accounted for. I’ll be the last to leave.” 
“Then I’ll stay, too.” Chrom replied, not letting you protest. 
“You don’t have to. I lost sight of multiple people, more than once in that fight. If any of them aren’t accounted for, I need to know.”
“They ambushed us, Robin. You can’t take the blame for that.”
“It’s my duty as your Tactician.” You replied, “I'm not going anywhere until I know we’re all okay.”
“Robin…” He trailed off, seeing how tense you were in spite of your exhaustion. Of course you were worried, and of course you blame yourself; it wouldn’t be you if it was any other way.
They stayed there for a while, observing the slow clean-up and withdrawal. But it took only a few minutes before they realized something.
“Frederick’s not out there.”
Chrom looked over the field again. His frown deepened. 
“He isn’t already back at camp, is he?”
“He was stationed with you-”
“I sent him to Cordelia’s platoon to help them, hours ago.” You replied, the edge in your voice starting to rise. “Chrom, he’s not here.”
“Cordelia. We need to find Cordelia and the others-” 
You grabbed his shoulder and the two of you rushed back to camp, chasing down the pegasus knight with fire in your eyes and panic in your hearts.
“Frederick?” Cordelia looked confused, which made you wildy more frightened. “He left our squadron after the enemy was dispatched. He didn’t get back to you?”
The expression on your faces said more than enough. The alarm was raised, and immediately the search began for your husband.
It was a grave situation; the lieutenant was missing.
A search party composed of the willing and able returned to the field. Tharja reluctantly joined per your request, providing charms and spells that would hopefully narrow down his location. He was a large man in an even larger suit of armor. For him to disappear would be nigh impossible, had he been wounded or felled in the battle.
It was the absolute last thing you even wanted in your mind; the dread of possibly coming upon your husband’s body could bring you to your knees.
But they weren’t so unfortunate. One of Tharja’s charms detected a hint of Frederick. Ricken joined the main group with a heaving chest, and held up a thin chain of gold. His wedding ring hung from it.
“Oh my gods.” Chrom followed after you when you sprinted to the mage, carefully taking Frederick’s ring into your hands.
“It’s not broken.” You deduced, holding the chain up to inspect it. “He wears it around his neck and under his armor- he’s the only one that would be able to remove it so carefully.”
“It’s unclasped, even.” Chrom pointed out with wide eyes, “Could it be a message?”
“Maybe.” You inhaled sharply, trying to steady your nerves. “But I’m not sure.”
“Give it to me.” Tharja glowered, “I can find the wearer.”
“Your tracking spell.” You realized, “That’s a lot faster than scouring the field! How quickly will you be able to find him?”
“It depends on how far he’s gone. The longer the spell goes, the more energy it demands. It could take days if the distance is too great.”
“I’ll take it. We can assign a team of scouts to survey the area once we’ve had a chance to recover from battle. Until then, I can provide my magic to supply the spell with you- Ricken, tell Miriel we’ll need her help too.” Your orders were quick and biting; you were in absolutely no mood to faff about.
It wasn’t going to be an easy task by any stretch of the imagination, but you were going to find him. There would be no room for error.
Frederick would come home by any means necessary.
It was a hideout juxtaposed between the mountainous borders of Plegia and Ferox. Getting there would be a feat in itself, but according to Tharja, she was familiar with its location.
It was hard to get to; and harder to get there undetected. They had traps and charms all over the place. It would be easier to be captured than to sneak in.
The exact moment the offhand comment left Tharja’s lips, the light was in your eyes.
“Robin, no.”
“We’re not going to risk going in there, alone! Gods know what they’re going to do to you!” Chrom protested immediately, “We’re already vulnerable without our lieutenant- we’re practically defensless without our tactician, too! You think they won’t leap at the chance to take us out knowing two of our officers have been taken?”
“It’s a risk we have to take.”
“No, Robin- anyone else could go. Anyone! Why does it have to be you?”
“We both know they didn’t grab Frederick just because they could.” You said lowly, “Cordelia’s squadron had several Shepherds in it, many of whom are much more vulnerable than he is. They pulled him because they knew who he was.”
“You don’t know that.” 
“We know how to identify Plegian officers by their pauldrons, alone- you know how this works. If they have Frederick, there’s a very good chance they want something that he knows; and there are very few things Frederick knows that we don’t, too.”
“You don’t think he’s the one they really want.”
“I don’t think he’s the only one they want-” You corrected him, “I think that they’re after something that he knows, or has…and something that other top officials in Ylisse have, too.”
“So, to be clear,” Chrom pinched the bridge of his nose, “You want to give yourself up to the enemy, in order to rescue Frederick; whom they could very well be using as a trap for one of us to come after him?”
“If they’re going to use him as bait,” You tapped your chin, “If they’re using him to get to us, then…why not play into it?”
“Fall for their trap?” He emphasized, but you shook your head.
“Use it against them. I can get in there, and I can get Frederick out.”
“I can do it. I can get in there.” 
“What if something goes wrong? What if we can’t get you out?”
“I’ll get out.” 
Chrom’s jaw clenched, anxiety clear in his voice. “Robin, you’re not thinking clearly. You’re worried, and we understand that. But now’s not the time to do anything rash!”
“It’s not rash. It won’t be!” You protested firmly, “You’ve trusted me with countless strategies before- you need to trust me with this one.”
“...You really don’t think that there’s any other way that we can do this? There’s no one else we can send in your place?”
“No.” You shake your head, “I’m not risking anybody else. I can handle myself, and I can handle rescuing my husband. I need you to trust me with this one, okay?”
“It’s…it’s not that I don’t trust you.” Chrom sighed, looking back to his Shepherds who shared similarly concerned expressions. “It’s that you’re compromised.”
“And you aren’t?” You shot at him, “He practically raised you and Lissa! But if I weren’t here, who’s the one who’d be leading the charge to rescue him?”
“She’s right, Chrom-” Lissa piped up, “If I’m not the one starting a whole new war on that hideout, it’d be you.”
“But it’s… that’s not…” The Exalt frowned deeply, his shoulders tight with a terrible tension. It was too risky. Every rational part of him was telling him this was a bad idea. There just wasn’t any good that could come of this, as far as he was concerned.
But the more he thought about it…he knew there wasn’t going to be a better person to send in, if not himself.
“...All right. But you’re not going in without a very, very carefully formulated plan. Understand?”
“Yes, sir.” You grinned, and the group crowded the council table, planning out the strategy. 
It would be infallible. And you weren’t leaving that pit without your husband in your arms.
Frederick did not remember being pulled from the battlefield very well. He recalled the feeling of his legs being stunned out from under him, paralyzing him and sending him to the ground. 
He had turned to see a number of Plegians coming towards him, and that they were coming for you. They had tied him up and cast some sort of enchantment. He remembered reaching for the ring clasped around his neck, trying to send you the message.
Then he blacked out, until he was woken up with cold water thrown over his face.
That’s when the interrogations began.
“All this would end if you’d just tell us where it is.” The line was delivered with a punch to the gut, sending him stumbling back into the cell wall.
The chains scraped along the floor, his wrists similarly bound in heavy, old cuffs that cut into his skin. 
“You could’ve put a stop to this days ago. Days! Why don’t you give it up? We’ll set you free as soon as we have the answer we need.”
Frederick did not respond. A displeased boot connected with his chest. He stumbled again, this time hitting the ground. 
“That’s all it took, huh? A couple days of getting your ass beat and you stopped fighting back? At least try to take a swing at me like you did the first day!” The Plegian interrogator was enjoying this a lot more than he should. A dog, just like every other soldier who praised the Mad King.
“You needn’t be so hard on him.” 
Another voice came into the dungeon; though this one was far from inviting. 
“Lady Aversa-”
“He just needs to tell us where the Crest of Flames is, and we can be on our way. If he wants to tell us, he will. But I don’t think we can extract what we need with violence. At least, not against him.”
Frederick had an eye on the frightening woman, wary of her relaxed tone. It was far too calm.
“I think we’ve been patient enough with you, Lieutenant. If you’re not going to give us the answers we want, then we’ll find another way.”
“I…will never speak.” Frederick spat at her, despite the aching in his ribs. Aversa’s smile seemed to grow, unmoved by his vow.
“It was fairly clear that would be your answer. Very well, then. Shall we show him what we found today?”
His vision was bleary between the dark and the beatings. But he knew the sound of your voice.
“Unhand me- get off of me!”
Frederick’s heart shot to his throat. He scrambled to his feet, grasping the bar of his cell with wide eyes. This wasn’t a trick. 
You were standing there, restrained and pushed forward by another interrogator. A wicked smile played on Aversa’s lips.
You froze when you heard him, looking into the cell. Your husband- beaten and bloody, bound and chained to a prison cell. 
“Your tactician got caught up in a little skirmish with us last night. She fought awfully hard, but in the end even she couldn’t stand up against Plegia’s might. We plucked what we wanted from her puny squadron, and now, she’s here to tell us everything we need.”
“No- She doesn’t know anything!” Frederick’s voice was thick with panic. He clung to the bars, his eyes flickering between the blurry image of Aversa and his wife. “She cannot give you answers- let her go!”
“I find that hard to believe, considering she outranks you, Lieutenant.” Aversa sighed, walking up to you and taking your chin roughly, forcing you to look at her. “Besides, she’s far more valuable. The Mad King will be thrilled when we bring Chrom’s favored lap dog to him. She’ll be much more useful to us than you ever could be. But, of course, if you give us the information we need, we might consider letting her go…”
“Don’t say a word.” You spoke suddenly, your voice clear and firm. You weren’t begging - you were giving an order. “Stay silent! I’ll be-”
A fist collided with your jaw, pushing you into the Plegian behind you. Frederick launched forward and collided with the interrogator, a wave of adrenaline throwing new energy into him at the sight of his wife’s assault.
He wouldn’t be able to get another hit in- he was instead struck down, beaten back into his proper place by a very angry man.
“Try and come at me again- try it again!!” The man roared, his malignant laughter rattling your own bones. Frederick struggled to get a breath in- to even think clearly.
It hurt to watch.
“Now that we’ve gotten all of that out of our systems,” Aversa snapped her fingers, “Take her away. Get her under control. I’ll personally inform the king of our prize.”
It was all he could do to stay conscious, hearing the vague, distant sounds of his wife being dragged away. The thought of you suffering the same assaults that he had filled him with rage. 
But worse, was the knowledge that he couldn’t protect you.
Somehow, the Plegians got you, too. What was Chrom going to do? What was he going to do? What was happening to the Shepherds?
What happened, now?
Your escort into a small room was not comfortable, the welt on your face throbbing with every breath. The room was padlocked, an even smaller cell cutting through the middle of it. A lock was on that door, as well.
“As much as I’d love to break you in front of your husband, Lady Aversa ordered we keep you here. Don’t want you getting any cute ideas, after all.”
You did not respond, watching the man come around in front of you. He locked the door, a thick shift of metal ensuring you weren’t going anywhere. At least, not without his key. Then he shoved you, all but throwing you against the wall. He yanked your arms up, and locked your wrists to the fasteners bolted to the stone. Arms sufficiently hanging above your head, he moved down to your ankles.
And so your plan was put in action. 
His head was stuck down, close enough for you to thrust the steel toe of your boot directly into his face. He howled, trying to shoot back. You grabbed him with your legs, throwing him back into you and smashing your skull against his. 
He spat curses while you quickly cast an Arcfire, searing away the bolts fasteners and bringing your cuffed wrists back down from the wall. By the time he’d regained his eyesight, he realized you were charging at him, fully on your feet and freed from the primary restraints.
You were no longer locked in a room with the Plegian.
The Plegian was locked in a room with you.
A roundhouse smashed into his temple, sending him tumbling over. You threw your arms over him and flung yourself behind him, using the chain between your wrists to choke him out.
It was all he could do to struggle silently, trying to fight against the might of Ylisse’s tactician one-on-one. 
You could hear footsteps trudge by through the door, the laughter of unsuspecting enemies. If only the man could scream.
It took far longer than you wanted it to, the seconds agonizingly slow to tick by. But at last, the man slumped over, unresponsive in your grasp. You lowered the body quietly to the floor, and fished the keys from his belt. You were relieved to have the cuffs off, rubbing at your sore wrists before tucking the keys away.
Now, you needed to get to work. The door was quietly unlocked, and you started your brief wait. Every few minutes, someone would knock at the door or ask why it was so damn quiet. Upon realizing that the door was unlocked, they would throw it open and rush inside. 
You would come in behind them with a jagged knife of Thoron magic in your hand, the other clapped over the soldier’s mouth. It repeated four more times, the bodies dragged into the cell, before it finally quieted down.
The fort was small; that much you learned from Tharja’s limited knowledge. While it was secure, it relied on the treacherous mountains to keep away heavier numbers. The guards that were present were quite well trained, and the main purpose of such a hideout was for particularly important captives.
It would be quite a shame when the fort fell; but it would be so very satisfying when it crumbled by your hand.
You peered past the crack of the door, and found the corridor empty. It seemed like you were well on your way. You locked the door behind you and drew the hood over your head, heading back the way you came. So long as you could use the Plegian patterns on your coat to your advantage, it was as good a cover as any to get back to him.
It took longer to find your husband than you cared to admit, but all that mattered was you found your way back to the main prison. Naturally, you were locked out. You fumbled through four keys before you could enter. When the door finally gave, you pushed your way through and checked your surroundings. It seemed the majority of guards you tackled were what they left in the belly of the place. So long as you didn’t rouse suspicions, you could get out fast.
First things first; your husband.
“Frederick?” You called out to him, your voice a low whisper. A scrape of broken armor caught your attention, the third cell from the door. 
You were there.
“Frederick, I’m here. It’s me.” You closed the door behind you and hurried over to his cell. You came to your knees, touching the bars. “I’m going to get you out of here.”
Your poor knight was badly in need of help. You couldn’t see well in the darkness, but what you could see was the morbid glimmer of blood across his face and chest, his armor shattered and scattered about the stone floor. He was slumped over, barely breathing, and bruised. 
It made your very soul weep. 
With no time to grieve, you pushed to the door, unlocking the cell and rushing to his side. Carefully, you touched his face, trying to capture his attention.
“Hey…hey, Freddybear. Just hang on for a little while, okay?” You touched your hand to his chest, pressing your palm against it. His heartbeat was much too soft.
They really beat him senseless. It twisted your stomach in knots, and filled you with rage. But you couldn’t focus on that, now. 
The soft glow of a Heal spell seeped from your fingertips, slowly healing Frederick with the mana you had left. Arcfire and Thoron were demanding spells. But if you had enough to get him back on his feet, you could go from there.
For several minutes, there was little more than silence between you, and you watched anxiously for your husband’s face to change. Mercifully, his breathing began to deepen.
Then his hand weakly closed around your wrist. His eyes were still closed, but he knew it was you.
“Hey, sweetheart.” Your voice shook, the whisper barely pushing through a sob; you would not cry; not until he was home. “I don’t have a lot of mana left, so I can’t heal you completely- if I can get you back on your feet, we’ll be able to get you out of here.”
He squeezed your wrist. You swallowed thickly, continuing to press the magic to his chest.
“Just a little more. Conserve as much energy as you can; we’ve got Shepherds on the outside ready to get you home. It’s almost over.”
Your mana depleted, you carefully slipped your hand from his chest, checking him over for any injuries that would keep him from pushing forward. Slowly, the two of you worked his legs, to make sure they were usable. He was stiff, and without a doubt still in pain, but he could move them.
“The armor.” He finally spoke, his voice understandably cracked and hoarse. “We need to take it…take it off.”
“Of course.” You nodded and worked to pull away the fragments of armor that hadn’t been totally shattered. It was like removing the shell of a boiled egg; painstaking and not moving nearly fast enough.
Your gaze flicked to the door to the prison several times, as the armor finally came off. No one had come yet, but the sense of urgency still rang in your head. It was only a matter of time before someone realized half a dozen soldiers were missing. 
Frederick’s armor was finally gone. He was wholly accessible, how you preferred him. Taking his hands, you helped him to his feet and leaned him against you, wrapping your arm around his waist and taking on his weight. He could walk, but that was about it.
“What do we do now?” He asked you, his hand tight around your shoulder. 
“We’re getting you out of here.” You whispered, taking him to the corridor. The exit was not far, if you could reach it undetected. 
You quickly unlocked the door again, and the pair of you hobbled from the prison back down the corridor. It was hard enough to be stealthy, and this was no exception. When you heard footsteps, you ducked around a corner, pressing Frederick back and praying they would not sense the presence of your injured knight.
When they came in range, they were met with an elbow to the back of the head, smashing into their skull and sending them straight to the floor. 
You then dragged the body behind the corner and continued your rush to the exit; you were getting sloppier in your escape, but you were there. 
Naga showed you mercy; you were able to find the exit and all but threw yourselves out of the forsaken fortress. 
“Thank the gods-” You whispered, relief taking up much of the heavy weight on your shoulders (Frederick’s not included). “Let’s see…it’s the south-west end of the fort. Just like Tharja said. Which means that our help should be…”
You pulled Frederick along, careful to avoid detection as you descended further into the woods. The littered bodies of Plegian soldiers interrupted on their patrol was a good sign.
It wouldn’t be much longer before you were greeted by a breathless Chrom running towards the two of you, with Cordelia and Libra in tow.
“Robin! Frederick!!” Chrom’s whispers were barely that, but the joy on his expression was clear in the dim moonlight. “Oh my gods- you actually did it. And Frederick, oh…gods damn them, look what they did to you. They’ll pay for this.”
“But we should get him treatment, first.” Libra reminded him, “We will return to level the fortress another time; what matters is that everyone is out.”
Frederick, who had been of few words, was clearly exhausted by everything that had happened. Your medical treatment was meager, and it was clear he needed another round of it with some stronger staves. His vision was bleary,  but he could see your teary smile, relieved that you had brought him from that accursed place.
The last thing he remembered was Libra and Chrom helping him onto the back of Cordelia’s pegasus. Your whispered promise that you’d see him at camp.
And then, a comforting darkness.
Frederick was lethargic for days; which was largely preferred to him being fully awake while recovering from his injuries. They’d cracked nearly all of his ribs, and had fractured bones and torn muscles with the severity of the beatings.
His skin was more red and purple than anything else; and the paleness of what remained was an ashen white. It was horrifying to witness.
You tried to busy yourself while you waited for him to fully come to; visiting every break you had and holding his hand, hoping he’d wake up and give you a proper embrace. For the moments in between, you had requested the smithy prepare a full set of armor to replace the one he’d lost. A family heirloom was no small feat to replace, but you wanted him to have something to protect himself with.
Something, you hoped, that would protect him fully from any threats he might face (not that you planned to let anyone get so close to him ever again).
You were also careful to wash and mend his clothes, and took on all of his tasks about the camp until he was back on his feet.
It was when you were midway through a load of laundry that you received word. Donnel all but shouted at you that Frederick was finally awake, and he was asking for you.
The clothes were abandoned at the shoreline; a few articles may or may not have fallen into the river and carried away.
You swerved sharply around the corner and raced through the camp, hurrying to your husband’s side. Your heart was pounding, excitement rushing through you. At last- you were so close, you were so very close to falling into his arms again. 
There was the medical tent. With one last blast of energy you sprinted to it, all but ripping open the tent and bursting inside.
“I’m here!”
“Ah, Robin.” Libra smiled serenely at you, totally unfazed by the explosive announcement. All you could afford to spare was a grateful nod, and you started towards Frederick’s cot. “He asked for you the moment he woke up. Do be gentle, though.”
Somewhere in your mind his cautions registered, but it certainly wasn’t anywhere near the  front of your mind. You instead focused fully on your husband, pulling back the linen dividers that provided a fraction of privacy, and the last barrier between you and Frederick.
His eyes lifted as soon as it opened, your husband sitting up against the bedding. There was a long, almost heartbreaking pause, before the tears welled in your eyes. It mirrored Frederick’s expression as he held out his arm, beckoning you to him.
“Frederick…!!” Choked by a sob, you closed the distance, wrapping your arms around his neck and squeezing him as tightly as you could. The rough bandages rubbed against your fingers, having all but completely wrapped around his whole chest and shoulders. “Oh, Freddybear! You’re finally awake…”
His arms came around you, his hold nowhere near as strong as yours…but it was very clear he was not going to let go of you for anything.
"Were you...were you harmed, too?"
It sounded as though he were afraid of the question. Afraid of what the answer might bring. You shook your head, kissing his cheek.
"No. No, I'm okay. Any mark they left on me has long since healed. I'm more worried about you."
"I'm here now." He murmured, "I'm here because of you."
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you woke up- I wanted to be right next to you.” You whispered, but Frederick shook his head, leaning into you. 
“There is nothing to apologize for. You are here. And you…you saved my life.” 
You sniffed loudly, the tears impossible to fight. You pulled back so you could look at him. The tears that blurred your vision made that wildly difficult, though. 
“Of course I did- you’re my h-husband. I wasn’t going to let a band of Plegians take you away from me!”
“I see that, now.” Frederick smiled softly, bringing a hand to your face and thumbing away the waterworks. You shook your head, pressing your cheek to his palm. “I should have known you had some sort of scheme prepared. But I must admit, when they brought you in, I thought…”
He trailed off, the fear that had consumed him for so long swallowing his words. You came back to him, hugging him closer as your hand threaded into his hair. 
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t think of a way to be convincing if I tried to tip you off. I wanted to break you out sooner…the shape you were in when I got to you…”
He shuddered. “They told me that they were doing the same to you. Every time that bastard struck me, he…laughed about how they were doing it to you. That they were doing worse. That it would all have s-stopped if I told them where the crest was.”
“All vile lies.” You sighed softly, stroking his hair. “No. I didn’t give them the opportunity to harm me. And I’m glad you didn’t comply. I can’t imagine how hard it was.”
It was really all that he could do to nod, pressing his face into your neck. It did soothe his heart, relieving him to know that you had not been harmed in the ways he had been tormented with. 
You were safe. And you saved him.
Frederick didn’t know what he had done to be blessed with such a woman as fearless and passionate as his Robin.
The simplest explanation was that you felt the exact same way about him; why wouldn’t you be together?
It would take a couple more days of observation before Frederick would be cleared for release. Naturally you were right there with him the whole time, leaving only to fetch food for the two of you or when Chrom required your presence elsewhere.
Said Exalt was more than relieved to see his two closest friends out of harm’s way, though that didn’t mean you escaped a good scolding for scaring that absolute soul out of the poor man.
Being able to hold your husband’s hand every day reminded you just how worth it your efforts were. Never again would such a fate befall either lieutenant nor tactician; you’d gladly protect that man with your life at every opportunity.
So long as you were reunited, that was all that mattered.
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ofviolentdeath · 11 months
Characters: Devin and Lissa Word Count: 625 TW: Mild violence
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Devin had never wanted to be responsible for anyone the way he was his sister. He'd never wanted kids and, while Lissa was definitely not his kid, he still felt like he had to parent her after their parents passed. After all, she was all he had left and dammit, he wasn't about to lose her too.
Truth be told, he was fucking exhausted. The constant fighting and worry, the recent move, the stress of it all, it had him sick to his stomach.
And there was Lissa. Out galavanting around with some guy when they needed to be laying low while Devin worked out a better living arrangement for them. Needless to say, he wasn't thrilled when she slipped into their makeshift home, trying to be as quiet as possible.
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It wasn't as bad as her brother made things seem. Sure, she hadn't been home in two days, but that didn't mean she had fallen back into her worst patterns. Hell, she was only a little hungover and that had been only alcohol instead of her usual vices of any drug she could get her fingers on.
She didn't understand what Devin's issue with her new boyfriend even was. Especially given her brother's taste included a friend of hers at one point.
It was beginning to make her absolutely stir-crazy and if he kept pushing, she was going to hit him. Not that it would do much since he never swung back and that was equally unsatisfying.
She had been trying to get in and to her room without his notice, but she should have known better. He was leaning against the wall, eyes dark with anger and concern and all she could do was sigh and try to prepare for the fight that was sure to follow.
"Where the hell were you, Liss?"
"None of your goddamn business, Dev," she shot back, rising to the challenge in his tone with her own stubborn refusal to back down.
"It is my goddamn business when you fucking disappear for two days!" he snapped, pushing away from the wall and taking a step towards her, checking her over for any visible signs of injury.
"I'm an adult and you're not my fucking dad!"
It was a low blow, but she had used it enough times since the loss of their parents that it didn't really phase Devin anymore. It had hurt the first few times she had thrown it in his face.
"Thank god for that because I can see why some animals eat their fucking young."
The argument was familiar, the same lines thrown back and forth a dozen or more times at this point. If there wasn't so much tension in the room, it would have been almost funny.
"Oh go fuck yourself, you miserable fucking dick," she growled as she pushed past him, intent on making her way to her room.
Devin grabbed for her arm, trying to stop her. He hadn't anticipated her turning and swinging on him.
The punch connected and Devin stumbled, his grip tightening on her wrist for a second to keep his balance. It wasn't the first time she had reacted like that but it was the first time she had done it sober.
"For fucks sake, Alissa! What the fuck?!"
"Let go before I fucking do it again!"
"FINE!" he yelled, dropping her wrist and holding his hands up. "If you're going to take off for more than a goddamn day with whatever shady fucking prick you're playing bedwarmer for, at least have the goddamn decency to let me know you're fucking alive."
"Go to hell, Devin," was her parting remark as she walked away, leaving him to rub the blooming bruise starting to color his jaw.
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loveoversense · 2 years
So I'm reliving my middle school obsession with Vampire Academy with the show and am, honestly, loving it. The more diverse cast? All the queer shit? Absolutely up my alley! More thoughts under the cut because spoilers for both the books and the series so far~ (beware! really long rambly post filled with some oversharing on my part coming up! But if you want to dump your erratic thoughts on the show somewhere, my messages are available! Would love to talk about it and share thoughts with someone lol)
Okay, so mainly gonna be going off about episode 7, might come back later for thoughts on the earlier eps and some are sprinkled throughout this post as well. I saw a post somewhere before about how someone couldn't see how the Victor we'd been introduced to in the first 6 eps could be the one to pull a Natalie so to say and do that to one of his own daughters. And I don't think they necessarily will pull out Natalie, or even if they do, they have now set it up perfectly. Victor will be going through the trials, ostensibly, and now, he's lost so much in pursuit of being King, he's lost his daughter, perhaps his husband too, depending on how this all unfolds. If he feels he will lose his shot at being King, after having lost everything else, I could see it make perfect sense that he gets desperate enough to put Lissa through what happens in the books in order to get her to heal him so he can become King. After all, giving up this? After losing everything else dear to him? Victor is convinced of his cause, and passionate and determined as we've seen so far. He totally would.
Typing this and immediately also felt like adding a disclaimer that I think it is a slightly off colour allegory to real world politics to have the whole 'yes elementalist aka rightwinger extremism is bad BUT ALSO LEFTISTS/UNIONISTS (is that what the queen called them?) CAN BE OVERZEALOUS AND BAD YEAH?' trope like i' m kinda annoyed by the forced centrism we see in media every time they touch on a political issue anywhere, especially because like, Victor/the unionists' 'radical' philosophy is that maybe don't send actual children out to die? And also maybe people shouldn't made to breed like animals against their will? And, and here's the wild part, maybe minorities - I mean dhampirs- are people too who have rights and we've been treating them badly? Right like what part of that philosophy/the current political climate suggests that there are actual people in power who stand for minority rights who are like, torturing people to get the point across? What situation in our society makes you believe that that is somehow a warning of equal footing with the actual, physical, tangible threat from right wing governments-I mean elementalists- that POC, disabled, queer and otherwise disenfranchised communities - I mean dhampirs- experience daily?
Okay I realise I just went on a tangent, but I promise I do really enjoy the show! I just have... Notes.
Adrian! What a guy, loved seeing him pop-up this early. Immaculate vibes. I never got round to reading Bloodlines so I only know the generic lines, but I love how it's a more subtle drunkenness that's being played. Like he's woozy and off kilter but he's not stumbling into every corner. Which kinda fits? Adrian is self-medicating, has been doing so for a while, it's a skill he developed. Drunk enough to take the edge off, not too far gone in moments he needs some clarity, especially on a mission this important. Also, this man's facial expressions are A+. I live expressive faces, I have have it too. Can't way to see him rile up Dimitri as he continues flirting with Rose.
And then, the OTP that got me into fanfiction. No really. I discovered fanfic through Vampire Academy on fanfiction.net (my first ever fic that I wrote was indeed my own rendition of Last Sacrifice when the book hadn't come out yet and true to form, I never finished it and it is terrible, which, it was written by a 13-year-old, so fair enough) , and through there I got to Tumblr, and here we are more than 10 years later. Time really flies.
I also just remembered, and omg what a wild ride this post is turning out to be, that it was a VA fanfic that made me first realise I wasn't straight. I didn't have the correct terminology yet, but it must have been at 14 or so that I read a fic that wasn't centered on Rose and Dimitri, but Rose and Lissa. And I distinctly remember lying in bed, reading this fic, and just going "Oh. I am not straight." mind you this was during puberty which is hard enough as is and I didn't exactly have great queer rep in my life, I believe this was even before we had Glee to watch, so I wasn't as thrilled with this revelation at the time, but none the less, it happened. And the good news, these days I'm absolutely thrilled to be a raging bisexual. Which actually makes for a lovely little bridge back to the actual subject at hand!
The absolutely gorgeous couple that is Rose and Dimitri. All the props to Sisi Stringer and Kieron Moore for their excellent faces and the acting they do with them! You're both very hot and I hope you know it and also you do the acting good! Love the chemistry, the playfulness they gave the couple, the tenderness they introduced and the way they set up the dynamic. Live how they out to words why Dimitri clings to a system that is actually really fucked up. He's coping, in the only way he knows how. He doesn't trust himself, and this system has such clear rules that no matter how fucked up those rules are, he knows where every line is, and thus he can stay far far away from them and beevr even risk crossing them. Until of course he meets Rose, and suddenly he wants something more than not to cross the line, he sees that crossing those lines might actually give him good things as well. Ugh.
Also saw another post, not that I don't love when my fave characters are happy but also, as any storyteller, I like it better when they suffer. They can be happy later! For now gimme all the juicy drama~ makes the tender apologies and getting back together all the more sweet afterwards.
Also Daniela, love your take on Lissa, just trying to do the best she can for her friend whom she lives more than anyone, so she's pushing her away because she thinks that's the only way to protect her. Ouch. Calling me out there but so beautifully portrayed.
Also am I just terminally pessimistic or was there anyone else that saw the kid with the football and went "Ahh look! Cannon fodder!" (is this a generally known term? I use it to refer to characters, purely created to be killed of at a certain point. Probably not an official literary term, but I've always lived it for its evocative ability).
Also just a lot of love for the political intrigue. Setting this up as a major plot line from the start was smart I believe. I am curious to see whether the idea for the storylines will be that we get the first trials and Tatiana wins, and then she follows her fate in the books, and we get a new round in what would be like 3 or so seasons where Lissa competes in the trials, or if they plan to enter the Lissa/lost dragomir storyline this early on. I don't think so honestly.
Also im betting that season 1 ends with Rose and Lissa making their grand escape which, with Rose and Dimitri being ~entangled~ already would make that reunion even juicier. I really hope they get at least a few seasons to tell this story, I think some really cool things could be done with it!
Also! They curse! Lots! I love it!
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neonbitemarks · 1 year
Cael x Lissa - Archived Thread
“I think I’m falling in love with you.”
“You think?” Cael drawled lazily, nuzzling at Lissa and snuggling closer, wrapping his arms around her more tightly. “Well then I guess it’s a good thing I think I’m fallin’ in love with you too, hm?”
“In my defense, I’ve never been in love before so how the hell would I know for sure?” she groused, feigning a pout as she pressed against him more firmly. “Good. I’d hate to have to kick your ass.”
“Then I’m honoured to be the first,” he murmured with a smirk, pressing a line of soft kisses along Lissa’s shoulder until he reached the crook of her neck. “You say that like I wouldn’t enjoy it.”
“This means you’re not allowed to leave. Ever. I hope you realize that.” She was only half teasing, the fear of losing him like she had lost her parents always lurking, ready to swallow her whole if she thought about it for too long. “That’s because you’re whipped.”
“Yeah, I know,” Cael sighed, nuzzling her again in reassurance, knowing enough about Lissa to know about what happened with her parents and the abandonment issues it had left her with.
“Maybe? But you like that about me.”
Lissa rolled in his arms, pressing herself against his chest and hooking a leg over his, needing that level of possessive feeling closeness.
“Mmmm, seeing as it gets me bacon and nudity at the same time, yeah, can’t say I have much to complain about there.”
As soon as Lissa had turned around and was cuddling close to him again, Cael rewrapped his arms around her almost greedily, loving being tangled up with her like this without another care in the world as he pressed little kisses to her forehead before catching her lips.
“Mm, gotta love that bacon and nudity feel. Who else can claim they got it that good, huh?”
The affection had her melting a little, still trying her hardest to keep from trusting him entirely and failing. Miserably. There was just something about Cael that made her feel safe in a way she hadn’t since she had been a kid, back before her parents had died.
“Mmm, that’s a good question. I think that even beats out the best drugs I’ve ever been on.”
“Yeah? High praise indeed,” Cael purred with a lazy smirk, happy to hear that what they had together gave Lissa something the drugs couldn’t, and if he was entirely honest, Cael felt the same way.
“Here’s to hoping they don’t invent something new that forces me to up my game even more, cause I’ve gotten used to liking not having any competition for your attention.”
0 notes
Draco Malfoy Doesn’t Share II D.M x Reader HC
Requested by: a lovely anon. “Jealous Draco sex. That’s it. That’s the post.” - I hope you like it!
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x fem!Reader, 7th year, no voldy au Words: 983 Warnings: smut, jealousy
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Draco Malfoy doesn’t share.
He doesn’t share his food, his notes, and least of all - his girlfriend.
So when he sees Blaise’s arm wrapped around your waist and the way you throw your head back in laughter as he whispers something in your ear - his blood boils. Everybody knows about Blaise’s reputation - he is and always has been a huge flirt - and the closeness of his lips to your skin in this exact moment is a little too much for Draco.
He walks across the common room, dodging the sweaty bodies of other students who move to the rythm of the music, drinks with questionable liquids in their hands, and grabs you by your wrist.
You squeal in surprise as he whirls you around. “Draco!” You giggle when you land against his chest, your eyes glistening. “What is it?”
Draco keeps his gaze on Blaise who rolls his eyes and mouths: “What?!” If looks could kill, Blaise would have been dead by now.
You raise a hand to his cheek, force him to look at you and ask again. Draco only whispers into your ear, something about leaving the party. A shiver runs down your spine and a knowing smirk appears on your lips. Before you know it, you are on the way to his dorm.
He pulls you into a kiss, deep and angry, and closes the door behind you with his foot. It falls shut and he presses you up against it. You lose yourself in the kiss when his hands get to work.
They are quick. In mere seconds, the buttons from your blouse spring open and his hands cup your breath. You moan against his lips as you clumsily try to get him out of his own shirt.
“Someone’s eager,” you whisper teasingly when his hands explore your body, causing the hair on your arms and neck to stand up.
“Someone needs to be reminded who they belong to,” Draco growls.
Oh, you think, so this is what it’s all about. “You’re jealous.”
“Damn right, I am.” And with that, his fingers push past your underwear and sink inside of you. A gasp escapes your lips, you throw your head back and your eyes close. “I hated seeing Zabini look at you like that.” His fingers work tirelessly, pushing in and out of you, while his thumb circled your clit. Your only reply is another moan. 
“I hated seeing his hands on you.”
A knot forms in your lower stomach.
“You’re mine,” he hisses and you see stars in front of your eyes.
“Fuck, Draco, I’m so close,” you whimper as you hold on to him desperately.
“You wanna come?”, he asks. You feel his hot breath against your cheek. “You wanna come all over my hand, darling?”
“Yes, please,” you beg, “please, I want-”
“Then tell me who you belong to,” he hisses. Each syllable is accentuated by a thrust of his hand. “Say it!”
“You!”, you almost scream. You feel your orgasm approaching, every movement brings you closer to the edge. “You, Draco, I’m yours, I’m only yours.”
“Good,” he groans and then - he stops.
Your eyes flutter open and you stare at his devilish smirk. “Wha-” His eyes darken. “You’re not allowed to come just yet.” With a swift movement he pulls you to the bed and pushes you onto it. “On your knees, slut.”
You gasp but follow his orders. Draco positions himself behind you and without warning - pushes inside of you. He moans and it’s the most beautiful sound in the world. Your hands grab the sheets tightly as your walls stretch around his cock in almost painful manner. “Fuck,” you curse.
He gives you no time to get used to the feeling - long, hard thrusts are what you get from him instead. Each one causing moans and whimpers to fall from your lips. “Shit, you’re so tight,” you hear him behind you and his fingers dig into the skin of your hips. You arch your back and the sound of his moans resonates within you.
He fucks you right the way you want - need - it. Every thrust pushing you closer towards the edge and when he reaches for your clit, fingers circling it, your vision begins to blur. You beg for him not to stop. Over and over do you tell him that you’re his, only his, and you feel the orgasm approaching again. Only a little while lo-
Abruptly, Draco pulls out of you.
You shriek and whirl around to face him. “What the fuck?”. He kneels behind you, his cock still throbbing and wet, the same smirk from before on his lips. “What the fuck, Draco?”
Slowly, your boyfriend gets up from the bed. He reaches for his clothes and begins to put them on. “I think that’s enough for now,” he says nonchalantly.
You stare at him in bewilderment. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I’m going back to the party.” He shrugs and buttons up his shirt.
“What?” You can still see his hard-on through the fabric of his pants. “Come back to bed and finish what you started.”
He chuckles darkly. “No, darling, that’s not how it’s works.” He walks around the bed and sits down beside you. When he leans down to kiss you, it’s sweet and entirely unfulfilling. “You’re coming with me now. We’re going back to the party and if you behave, I might be inclined to ... finish what I started later.”
“Don’t tell me you’re not-”
“Shh,” he puts a finger to your lips and you can taste yourself on it, “I said, if you behave. That’s not behaving. If you want me to fuck you senseless tonight, I’d advise you to listen to me.”
You stare at him. “I hate you.” He smirks and pulls you into another kiss.
Draco Malfoy doesn’t share.
A/N: I hope you like it! Feedback is always appreciated <3
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I just read one of your old fics, Where We Began, and honestly I'm so in love with it? If you don't plan on writing more do you have any other abstract ideas about it? Like about how the Nohrians would try to calm them down or which of the trio decided to trust them first or just anything like that? I just really like it a lot and it's entirely fair if you don't have any other thoughts about it, it's an awesome concept but you wrote it years ago, I just thought I'd give it a shot
(referring to this fic) Firstly, I'm so glad you enjoy one of my older works! I write a lot of FE, but I enjoy my early stuff as much as my more recent stuff, so I'm glad you enjoy it too!
Secondly, I don't plan on adding more to the fic itself like as a sequel or anything, but I always welcome questions about any fic I write!
Re: The Nohrians calming the kids down
The Trio definitely get rounded up after Severa gets caught in the barn, lol. The only hope they had was running away, and Camilla caught Severa. Owain & Inigo aren't going to just leave her behind, and Niles is probably hot on their tail. So there goes that escape attempt. They'd probably get herded back to the castle pretty soon after, but that just means they're (very clumsily) trying to whisper escape plans to each other once get they stuck in a (windowless) room. So the kids are probably panicking less outwardly at that point but still Freaked. Even if this is post-war, it's a big, dark castle full with Bad Vibes. Why wouldn't they still think this is Plegia?
Re: Gaining trust
This is harder because you have to convince a bunch of 12 year olds whose last memories are of the apocalypse and who have been taught anything that resembles Plegia is probably on the side of Grima that hey, you're in another universe, you don't remember coming here, you're actually adults, we didn't know your real names before a second ago and the aesthetic is Ominously Dark Here but we promise it's cool, we're tight. Like, even for a kid, that's not going to fly
Ultimately, this would come down to how much the Trio have revealed about themselves to their lords, I think. Because you need at least one (better if at least 2) of the lords to say, "Hey, your mom's name is _____ and you told me about this secret memory from the time you were _____ and ____ happened, which I never could have found out unless you told me yourself."
It would not require all the lords/retainers to do this because if Inigo or Owain were both like "Hm, that is true, the only way you'd know that is if I trusted you enough to tell you myself," that would sway Severa not to freak out entirely, I think. (And vice versa; if Severa & Owain both were convinced Leo/Niles & Camilla knew them, that would convince Inigo even if Xander didn't have anything to offer just then, etc.)
However, they're not all the same levels of trusting. Inigo would be the easiest to sway, Owain would be medium distrustful even if Leo/Niles offered good evidence bc Imagination Running Wild (although that also means he's the easiest to convince they hopped dimensions/time traveled too), and Severa would be hardest to convince about anything in general, even if she didn't have any other way of explaining how Camilla or Beruka knew X about her otherwise. Severa is jaded at age 12.
Inigo probably compliments Camilla & Elise even more so than in canon but he gets Visibly Flustered every time they talk back to him because Tween Vibes. (I elaborate a bit more on this down below).
I think Severa would actually butt heads with Camilla because Camilla is so doting and motherly (and a flyer!), and Severa at this age has a lot of Angst and Mommy issues that she has yet to work through. Also, it's up in the air how soon aver Cordelia's death this would be for her. So this would be a tough dynamic for both of them to adjust to, and Severa would probably avoid Camilla until/unless something changed.
I can't remember if this was an ask in regards to this fic or something else, but I remember a long, long time ago having the thought that a de-aged Odin/Owain would actually be more drawn to Xander and Camilla rather than Leo, simply because of the fact Xander has such a cool sword and Owain canonically admires Camilla's armor. Leo is a dark mage, which is also cool, but not quite as Immediately Cool to a 12 year old who Loves Swords and doesn't yet use magic. I think this would actually make Leo jealous and exacerbate his inferiority complex, lol. (*Niles voice: Green isn't a good color on you, milord*) But all it would take is Owain seeing Brynhilder and hearing about it for him to Flip Out over that too, so I think the problem would solve itself then, lol
As a side note, here is a short blurb I wrote years ago in a scenario where Leo is there when Odin de-ages instead of Niles. Also, here is another ask about young Inigo's behavior with the royals. In summary for that, I think he'd actually be a bit shyer than he is in Awakening (when he's late teen age, I hc) because at 12-ish he's reached the "always smile, no matter what" stage of his facade but not the 100% "fake it 'til you make it" approach, so he's still really nervous around anyone and everyone. (Espcially royalty. Especially Extremely Tall, Very Handsome/Beautiful Royalty. For reference, Lucina may not intimidate him at this age because they've known each other since forever and That's Different, but I think people like Chrom (assuming this isn't Chrom! Inigo) and Emmeryn (were she alive) would get him flustered still. But maybe not Lissa because she may be more Owain's Mom to him than princess just because of the way she acts (though he may avoid her out of fear of getting a frog in his shoe or something) (But he'd still be flustered if she complimented him bc Nervous!!) Anyway!! That's too long! Inigo at this age, even after he's calmed down and knows what's up, would be shyer than his canon self, I think. He's still growing up
EDIT: also an additional old ask found here about this fic. However, I mention the kids being 13/14 in that ask rather than like 11/12 like I mentioned here. I don’t have any concrete ages written for them in the fic, so just assume they’re whatever age that seems best (and their ages probably vary anyway). However, if they’re on the younger side I think the Trio are still absolutely Okay with fighting (even though they wish they don’t have to, they fear the Faceless too much to be comfortable when one comes close bc Risen Vibes), BUT the age difference between 11 & 14 does mean its even harder for them to fight than it might be as slightly older teens (although they still do probably have pretty good teamwork, despite not getting along) and without rescue there’s a good chance they’d still lose
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writtingfiction · 3 years
Can chrom suffer please i would love him to watch himself slowly lose robin as she spends more time with lon'qu
I'm not dead, I swear, here's your monthly content!! also forgive me for any misspelling...
pairing: Chrom x Robin
words: 2.3 k
Chrom did not realize just how much time he had spent with Robin until Lon’qu had joined the army. He did not realize just how much he enjoyed spending his free time with her. She was there, always. That was until Lon’qu had joined. It wasn’t too noticeable at first but, as the days went by, it was hard not to notice. After all, Chrom had spent most of his free time with his tactician. Chrom loved Robin with his heart and soul, he would do anything for her. Perhaps too late he thinks, seeing her laugh as Lon’qu looks away growing redder by the second.
The first time he takes notice is when he’s looking for Robin, something about training or battle plans, he doesn’t remember. Chrom had made his way towards the main tent, convinced that’s where she would be. To his surprise, instead Robin is chasing Lon’qu and throwing figs at him. He’s dumbfounded by the scene in front of him. He can’t help but laugh at the scene in front of him. It catches their attention, Lon’qu takes this as his chance to flee but not before he gives a quick hello before running. Robin says hello but calls after Lon’qu saying she’ll get him. A small blush makes Robin’s cheek go pink as Chrom calms from his laughter.
“Just what are you doing?” Chrom asks. Robin lets out a small laugh, tucking a stray hair behind her ear.
“Training.” Robin responds in full confidence, nodding once. Chrom gives her a quizzical look, but he doesn’t crack her.
“Are you sure? Poor man look liked he was running for his life.” Chrom said, coming closer to her. Now feeling the weight of the maps in his hands.
“Trust me, it’s part of training. Special training for Lon’qu only.” Robin said, looking down at her hands. “I only had five figs left too.”
“What training involves figs?” Chrom said in surprise. “Robin, I know your tactics are amazing on the battlefield but maybe we need to talk about your training regimes for others.” This pulls a laugh from her lips and it can only bring a smile to his face.
“Oh come on, my training regimes aren’t that bad. You’re just jealous I’m not throwing figs at you.” Robin says, a smirk curling on her lips. Chrom’s eyes go wide.
“No, no such thing. You’re reading the room wrong.”
“Robin, no.”
Robin’s smirk gets wider and Chrom is already turning and running. Robin is hot on his heels though. They run and one fig gets thrown towards him. He ducks his head, but the tactician has deadly aim and it hits him on the back of his hand. He cries out but keeps running. He can hear Robin laughing behind him. Chrom feels a warmth in his heart, he hopes it never goes away.
The second time he notices a lack of Robin’s absence is when she is deep in different tactic books from varying time periods and regions, with someone beside her already. They’re back at the castle, in the library, and Chrom wants the company of his dear friend and the holder of his heart. He is too late though, someone is already talking to Robin, taking their time as they speak with her. Chrom pokes his head into the library. Searching a little before he sees the fur-lined coat that is unmistakably belongs to Lon’qu. He bites his tongue, preventing him from saying something foolish. Chrom wants to find Robin alone without someone talking to her, although it does seem to be harder and harder these days. He almost misses the days when the shepherds were smaller. He could spend hours with Robin without anyone interrupting them. Now, he’s lucky to even find her without someone by her side.
“Tactics and the sword? Never seen someone do both. They pick book or sword and never look back.” Lon’qu voices carries through just loud enough for him to hear.
“Then I’ll be the first to pick both.” Robin said. Chrom can’t see her face, but he can hear her smile. “I want to keep my friends safe. The citizens and so many more safe. Where my sword can’t reach, I’ll protect them with tactics.”
“Hmm.” Lon’qu nods. “You are a strange woman, but you’ve taken a worthy undertaking. Perhaps, I have to learn something from you yet.” Chrom can’t see what Robin’s face but he knows she’s at least smiling. She’s managed to pull a compliment from Lon’qu and it’s not an easy feat with his fear of women and high standard of strength.
Chrom pulls away from the library doors and leaves. He doesn’t feel, well. His stomach is twisting, and not in a good way. He feels sick almost. He thinks back to dinner if it was something he ate but, it couldn’t have been anything he ate. Chrom takes a heavy breath in as he slowly steps in the courtyard. Something wasn’t right. He couldn’t place it, but something didn’t feel right.
Third time Chrom realizes something. Robin was slipping through the cracks of his fingers. It was as if he was grabbing at sand. He wasn’t acting quick enough, but he didn’t have the time too. Or was it because he didn’t think he had the time to chase after her? His heart hurt at the thought. Everything was picking up and it wasn’t going in a nice direction either. His eldest sister is kidnapped and he’s going to war with Gangrel and Plegia once again. He fears he will become his father, but he vows to make things right. He won’t become like his father. He know he won’t, with Robin by his side-romantic or not-he won’t become his father.
“Chrom.” Robin says quietly, standing at the entrance of his tent. “Are you alright?” Chrom turns away from her. He sighs heavily.
“Emmeryn is taken. The fire emblem is in our hands, but we’re stuck. Hand over the emblem and free Emmeryn or, or…” Chrom can’t finish. His hands ball into fists, anger coursing through him. Robin is silent as she comes closer. Hand reaching out to his, unfurling them into her palms.
“We aren’t stuck. I’ll come up with a plan, we’ll get your sister back.”
Chrom believed her with his whole soul, so when things had reached it’s climax and Emmeryn sacrificed herself. He knew he shouldn’t have exploded on her. It wasn’t her fault, it wasn’t his fault, it wasn’t anyone’s fault but Gangrel’s.
“You had a plan!! You said we would get her back!” Chrom said harshly, his sadness shed for anger to appear. Robin, Robin looked small from where she stood. Small hand falling back to her side.
“I tried, we all tried our best. We did everything we could to try and prevent what happened. We couldn’t foresee what Gangrel would do.” Robin said, voice strong.
“Are you sure? What about that amnesia of yours, perhaps you’re actually a grimleal spy and this is what you wanted from the beginning?!” Chrom regretted what he said the second the words passed his lips. The visible shock turning into hurt on Robin’s face made his heart sink to the floor and he wanted to crumble on the spot. He heard her breath in sharply, eyes watering as she tried not to spill tears. Lips quivering as they stood in silence. Stunned by the prince’s hurtful words.
“Chrom…” Robin’s voice is barely above a whisper, wavering in the air. “You’re grieving, but remember that you’re not the only one.” Tears spilled down her cheeks as she spoke. Unable to hold them back anymore.
Everything that held Chrom together broke. Walls no longer standing. He feels his leg shake underneath him. He’s tired. Hot fresh tears roll down his cheeks. Chrom opens and closes his mouth multiple times before finally saying;
“I’m sorry.” He means it, with everything he has left to give. Robin’s only response is her turning around and leaving him to stand and wallow in his misery. He falls to his knees, knowing he deserves it. He loves her, she doesn’t know it, but the way he yelled at her, she doesn’t deserve that. Chrom knew that his words affected more than anyone else, he trusted her from the beginning. This was a stab to the back for poor Robin.
Chrom picked himself up hours later, searching for Robin to apologize after a couple encouraging sentences from Lissa and Frederick. Although, it was mostly scolding from his sister. Chrom spotted Robin sitting at the edge of a fire poking it lazily as a familiar silhouette stood nearby. It was Lon’qu. He knew that fluffed collar and stance anywhere. He swallowed his pride, he had to as he approached the two of them.
As he approaches, the two look at him but only Lon’qu is the one to acknowledge him. Robin looks back to the fire as the Ferox man nodded his way, but his body language went rigid.
“Robin, may I have a moment with you in private?” Chrom asked, hand gripping against Falchion out of nerves which he tried to control. There was a shared look between Robin and Lon’qu before Lon’qu made the decision to move on.
“You have me alone.” Robin said flatly, not looking up from the fire. Chrom sat on the other side of her, eyes locking on the fire instead of her. He breathed in deeply before he spoke. He had hurt her deeply after all.
“I wanted to apologize,” Chrom paused, wringing his hands together. “What I said to you was unacceptable and I regret what I've said. I’m sorry, and I'm sorry that I yelled and blamed you for what was out of your control. I’m not here forgiveness, just to apologize.” There was a heavy silence, the crack of the fire keeping them from complete silence. It felt like an eternity before she spoke up.
“You’re forgiven.” Robin’s voice was barely audible over the fire but he heard her. Locking eyes in surprise. There was a soft smile on her lips, one of forgiveness. He let out a sigh of relief.
“I don’t deserve you.” Chrom said without thinking. Robin’s smile only grew wider. His heart raced in his chest. She hasn’t smiled like that in a while, or has she and it wasn’t directed towards him?
The two chat about a lighter topic but Chrom can’t help his thoughts trail off towards Lon’qu. He knew the man had grown closer with the tactician. Were Robin’s wider smiles directed to Lon’qu? What about those long nights he didn’t seem to catch her doing anymore, was Lon’qu whisking her away without him knowing? Did Lon’qu take Robin from right from under his nose?
“You’ve grown quiet, what is on your mind?” Robin said. Chrom relaxes hearing her words, not realizing how tense he was.
“You and Lon’qu, the two of you have grown quite close over the last couple of weeks.” Chrom says his words in a light hearted manner. However, what makes his gut twist is seeing her reaction. Her brown eyes are wide and there’s flash of red on her face.
“Well, of course! A tactician needs to know her soldiers in order to keep them safe!” Robin said, mind scrambling to find the proper words that wouldn’t give her away. It pulls a chuckle from Chrom, he was too late he realizes.
“Not as close as you are with Lon’qu though, probably...” Chrom’s heart sinks to his feet at her protests. She denies it like a child hanging out with their crush. He is bitter with his feelings, but she deserves to be with someone who won’t betray her. Who wouldn’t blame her for something that wasn’t her fault, someone not like him.
The fourth and final time, Chrom knows he’s lost her. The war is over, peace has returned and there’s a shining new addition to Robin’s finger. The ring catches his eyes when Robin and him are going over treaties with the noble's paperwork. He must have been staring at a little too hard and long for Robin notice.
“Chrom?” Her voice brings him out of his little head space as his eyes move from her hand to her face.
“A ring? Since when did you wear a ring?”
“Oh, Lon’qu proposed not too long ago. I thought Lissa told you.” Robin said sheepishly. Chrom shook his head softly.
“She did not.” Chrom said it softly, almost laced with regret. His eyes quickly move back to the ring before meeting her face again. A large smile on his face this time. “How come you didn’t tell me? I thought I was your best friend?!” Robin lets out a loud laugh.
“Well, I had a whole meticulous plan but then someone came by and ruined it...” Robin started to spin a story. The papers all forgotten about.
Chrom listens to her carefully, heart sinking as he can’t figure out when he lost her. Well, lost his chance. Perhaps it was when Lon’qu first joined them, or maybe that moment in the library. He thinks about it a little more and he lands on that moment at the fire when he had apologized. It might have been when he lost his chance. Robin swings her arms around, talking about something and he acknowledges that perhaps it was for the better that she got with Lon’qu. Doesn’t mean he wouldn’t trade spots with Lon’qu in a heartbeat, cause he would.
Chrom would give everything he had and more just to be with her, but she’s happy. He tells himself it’s all he needs, but the ache in his heart tells him otherwise. In another lifetime, we will meet again and I’ll choose you again and again.
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hiddentrails7 · 3 years
These incorrect quotes were brought to you by Sully and Stahl's friendship and the power of the Gaywakening.
Robin: So people keep saying demons don't exist-
Robim: But like- * Walks into room* I found this thing in my closet *Opens closet*
Grima: I like bread
Frederick: Henry! What is this?
Henry: It's my to-do list.
Frederick: Oh, good. You're finally being producti-
Frederick: This just says 'Ricken'.
Sumia: This is a disaster!
Robin: What happened?
Sumia: The printer messed up the invitation. It was supposed to say “ Chrom's Birthday”
Robin: What does it say?
Sumia: “Chrom's Bi”
Robin: Well, that still works
Frederick: Why is Chrom on the floor crying?
Maribelle, reading something: Hes drunk.
Frederick: And??
Maribelle: He saw a picture of Robin's boyfriend and started ranting about how he wanted him instead.
Frederick: But HE'S Robin's boyfriend..
Maribelle, turning the page: I know
Libra: Can you rate your pain for me?
Henry: Zero stars
Henry: Would not recommend.
Brady, handing Owain a hot cup of tea: Blow.
Owain: *Blushes and starts getting on his knees*
Cherche, squishing Virion's face between two pices of bread, idiot sandwich style: What are you?
Virion: A snack.
Cherche: No.
Sully: You’ve got to act tough, Stahl! Show’em you can’t be pushed around! Show’em they can’t mess with you!
Stahl: Right! Yes. Tough. Got it.
Stahl: *Walks up to the bar counter and slams his hand down on the bar* I’LL TAKE A CHOCOLATE MILK!
`` Why do you think pretty boy is an insult? I'm the prettiest damn boy you've ever seen! `` Inigo, at some point-
Frederick: You’ve been suspended for recklessly driving with three people on one horse.
Sully: Shit— Wait, you said three?
Frederick: Uh, yes?
Lissa: Oh my god-
Basilio: Anybody under 5'3" can't be talling about fighting anyone. Like, what are you gonna do? Headbutt someone in the nipples?
Ricken: Say goodbye to your kneecaps, asshole.
Frederick: Let me get this straight-
Chrom: More like let me run this bi you
Gerome: We should ace-ess the situation
Owain: I’m gay
Lissa: Fun fact! Blueberries are the only fruit named after a colour!
Donnel: Star fruit?
Lissa: So close! That is a shape!
Panne: You deadass forgot oranges.
Lissa: Oh, no. The colour is named after the fruit!
Robin: What about blackberries?
Lissa: Black isn't a colour.
Stahl: Redcurrant?
Lissa: Currants come in both black and red. The colour isn't a part of the name, it's an adjective.
Owain: KIWIS!
Lissa: I'm very sorry but but kiwis are a bird not a colour.
Chrom: I'm gonna McFucking lose it.
Stahl: His hair? Wack!
Stahl: His gear? Wack!
Stahl: His jewelry? Wack!
Stahl: His foot-stance? Wack!
Stahl: The way that he talks? Wack!
Stahl: The way that he doesn’t even like to smile? Wack!
Stahl: Me? I’m tight as FU–
Basilio: I'm having a baby.
Lon'qu: Uh- Congrat-
Basilio: That baby is you. Sign these adoption papers.
Lissa, babysitting Brady for Maribelle: You ever see a baby smile and go, "Oh fuck I need one"?
Lissa, two minutes later: Nevermind, he punched me in the face.
Cordelia: So, you know, are you guys...?
Sumia: No- She's gay
Sumia: I mean straight
Sully: What the fuck, baby, don't call me the s word!
Sully: Peer pressure me into completing tasks
Stahl: Do it or you’re straight
Robin: My heart does a little "!" when I see him.
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iturbide · 3 years
I don't often see stuff about these two, but I'm curious what your thoughts are on Vaike and Maribelle as characters?
I never hear about either of these two and this makes me so excited
How do I feel about this character?
I love The Vaike.  You know that thing that’s come up a couple times now, about me having a major soft spot for the characters that have more muscles than brains?  Yeah, Vaike counts.  From the minute he showed up on screen, I was dying over this muscle-bound fighter talking himself up and getting shot down by my favorite non-delicate princess.  And he just keeps doing such outrageously stupid stuff like losing his damn weapon on the road how can you miss something like that sir???  He’s just such a fun guy and he’s always making me laugh, which is something I treasure in a character and which clinches a lot of my favorites.
Also, his supports are generally just so good?  Despite being a total jock, he’s got such heartwarming ambitions, given that he came from the slums and joined the Shepherds in an attempt to lift his entire community out of that situation.  On top of that, he’s just a really nice guy who looks out for the people around him, and even if he’s a little blunt in how he talks to people, he’s both honest and encouraging, doing his best to help where and how he can.  He’s just such an enjoyable character and one who I never see enough of.
Who do I ship this character with romantically?
Hilariously it’s the other character you asked about (spoiler alert for the other half of this answer).  I love Vaike and Maribelle as a couple, this very prim and proper noblewoman with a long and storied pedigree and enough manners to teach Miss Manners a thing or two falling for a man from the literal back streets who doesn’t know a ladle from a soup spoon.  I love the way they balance each other, especially: Vaike gives Maribelle more insight into the common folk she wants to help as a member of the magistery court and makes her better able to engage with and help them; meanwhile, Maribelle has the funds and clout to help the village he came from get a better footing and lift itself up.  And overall I just think their interactions are great, with Vaike being able to ignore Maribelle’s over-the-top dramatics and cut through to the real issues, while Maribelle can bring him down to earth when his ego gets a little too inflated.  They just make for great partners that balance one another out and I love them together. 
Who is my brOTP for this character?
Chrom and Sully!  Honestly the idea of these three making trouble together is so great to me, and I feel like they would just egg each other on into increasingly daring and stupid antics if left to their own devices.  Chrom is someone that Vaike really respects, which is why he challenges the prince so much and treats him as such a worthy rival, and I love the idea of them getting stronger together and pushing one another to new heights.  And Sully is just great, I love the fact that she’s so much better with women than he is, and I feel like they would end up with a friendly rivalry of their own -- so having all of them together is just perfection.
What’s my Unpopular Opinion™ about this character?
Look, Vaike does not get attention at all from fandom.  He barely registers enough with people for there to be opinions, let alone popular ones.  The idea that he deserves more attention is unpopular enough, I’m pretty sure -- but I stand by it, because he’s really fun to me and I really wish that more people would engage with his character.
What’s one thing I wish would have happened with this character in canon?
I kind of wish he’d just gotten more attention in general.  I know that there are limitations to who can take focus, and Awakening doesn’t have a lot of room for extraneous stuff with how its story is built, but it would have been really nice to have more little moments with the characters outside of Supports, just seeing them doing things together and interacting.  Vaike only got a few small moments to shine as a character right at the beginning, and then the focus shifted away to other people and things; I just wish we could have seen him shine more often.
and who could forget the noblest of Ylissean nobleladies
How do I feel about this character?
Oh, Maribelle.  Maribelle is such a strange character for me because on a theoretical level I adore her -- she’s got such drive and passion and conviction, she literally wants to change the system to make things better for the masses! -- but her attitude drives me up the wall.  I love her interactions with Lissa and how much she cares about her friends, but every time she’s dealing with someone that’s not nobility or royalty my irritation is boundless.  The game, sadly, doesn’t do a really great job showing her growth into a more open and fair-minded person even in her supports, so I don’t usually care for her in canon, but in fanfiction (and especially Future Built where I can put in the real character work and show her change) I absolutely love her to bits she’s so great.  She’s capable and talented and ambitious in a way that really could bring about changes for the better in Ylisse, and I’d be eager to see how she does it. 
Who do I ship this character with romantically?
I’ve already spoiled this part haha it’s Vaike.  I love how they interact so much and honestly Brady just makes so much sense with Vaike as his dad?  The gangster attitude, the rough language and casual way of speaking, coupled with a ton of noble knowledge -- he uses tea cozies it’s perfect -- just feel like the perfect mix of both parents. 
Who is my brOTP for this character?
Lissa, obviously!  Maribelle and Lissa are so great together, I love their friendship and how Maribelle will pull out literally all the stops for Lissa’s sake because Lissa was really the first person who gave her a chance and wanted to be her friend.  Maribelle really shows how kind she can be when Lissa’s involved, and it’s really sweet to see; I just wish she’d do it more often with more people.  Also, it’s really fun to think about her and Gaius eventually working through their issues and becoming friends and allies, and I deeply enjoy her friendship with Robin (primarily in Future Built, because I am in fact super biased).
What’s my Unpopular Opinion™ about this character?
Are.  Are there popular Maribelle opinions?  I don’t see much of her around, so I’d be pretty surprised to find out any...but I guess if I had to pick something, I’d say that I actually think she’s really prejudiced.  Yes, she does want to help the common people, and that’s an incredibly admirable thing to do -- but the fact that she talks down to them constantly in her supports and makes it clear that she thinks she knows better than them (like trying to push new clothes onto Kellam despite how important his armor is to him).  That’s a really, really bad attitude to have, and is antithetical to the work she claims she wants to do.  She needs to work on that if she intends to get commoners to work with her: she has to be in their corner and support them, rather than expecting them to match her expectations, which is something that’s sadly not on display in canon.
What’s one thing I wish would have happened with this character in canon?
I really wish her supports had done a better job of showing her personal growth, rather than usually ending with a joke.  Maribelle as a character has so much potential, especially considering her ambition to join the magistery court; it’s really a shame that so much of that is squandered by how poorly handled most of her conversations are.  She never even gets a sweet moment with Brady, which I will forever be bitter about -- let them bond like so many of the other parents and children do!  Let him play the violin for her!  Let her be moved by the power of his performance!  I just wish the game had bothered to do her justice.
Give Me a Character  
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imaginingsoftly · 3 years
Wedding Date pt. 6 - Tyler Seguin
Type: strangers-enemies-lovers, series
Requested: no
Warnings: swearing, mentions of emotional manipulation and shitty exes, minor assault
A/N: one more part after this one!
Melissa had never been more thankful for facetime than she was on Saturday, listening to Kirsten gossip about work and John while she tried to stop her hands from shaking long enough to apply mascara. “Lissy, breathe.” Like always, her best friend picked up on her moods. “You look hot as hell, and Tyler is gonna lose his shit.” Melissa looked over to where her dress for the evening hung from a door frame. “And your dress is perfect, so stop freaking.” Kirsten glared at Melissa from her side of the video call, and Melissa choked out a laugh.
“I know it’s all irrational, I just,” Melissa sighed. She didn’t know how to put how she was feeling into words.
“He’s not Liam, sweetheart. Tyler isn’t gonna know how to act when he sees you in that dress.” Kirsten’s smile turned sympathetic. “I promise he’s a good guy, Lissy. I wouldn’t have pushed him in your direction otherwise.” Kirsten’s eyes widened as she realized what she’d said. 
Melissa laughed out loud, all at once feeling the fist in her chest loosening. “So you admit you were setting us up?” Kirsten shrugged noncommittally, but Melissa could hear John yelling something about his “meddling lover” in the background. “Even John agrees, babe, you can’t deny it anymore.” 
The pair hung up with promises to get together for a virtual wine night soon, and then Melissa was alone with her thoughts. Her ten minute warning alarm went off, and she slipped off the ratty t-shirt she’d been wearing to put her dress on. Dress shopping had been an unexpected novelty. In the time that she’d attended events with Liam, he’d bought the dresses for her. Melissa had told herself it was just because he liked spoiling her with dresses she couldn’t really afford, fancy designer labels she could only dream of wearing, but really it was about control. The dresses were usually accompanied by comments about being “flattering for her body” or bought a size too small to go alongside comments that she was gaining weight. 
In hindsight it was so obvious what he had been doing, but in the moment it hadn’t seemed like much. She found herself second-guessing all of their conversations, everything he’d ever done. Now she was just doing her best not to transfer that doubt into her other relationships. 
Curls brushed the small of Melissa’s back as she slid the dress on. The thick straps settled gently right off her shoulders, and the emerald silk settled snugly around her chest and middle before flowing gently to just below her knees. Melissa smoothed her hands over the fabric as she looked into the mirror. Kirsten was right, it really was the perfect dress for her. 
A knock sounded at the front door of Melissa’s townhouse. She found herself smiling as she slid down the stairs, and her smile widened when she saw Tyler on the other side of the door. “Come on in, I’ve just gotta put my shoes on.” Tyler didn’t move. In fact he didn’t react at all; he stood in the doorway staring at Melissa expressionlessly. “Ty?” Melissa smoothed her hands over the dress again. Maybe her and Kirsten had been wrong, maybe it wasn’t good enough. “Are you,” she stopped to swallow. “Do you want me to change?” 
Tyler’s eyes jerked to Melissa’s face. “Change?” He scoffed. “Sweetheart I thought perfect was you in that bridesmaid dress but this is blowing that outfit out of the water.“ He took two giant steps forward and settled his hands on Melissa’s hips. She looked straight ahead, memorizing the threads of gold in Tyler’s tie rather than meeting his eyes. “Baby,” Tyler said gently, “look at me.” He moved one hand from Melissa’s hip to her chin, lifting it gently so their eyes met. “You look beautiful.” She bit her lip, not quite believing him, and Tyler frowned. “He made you feel bad about how you looked.” Not a question, but Melissa nodded anyway. Tyler’s jaw tightened. “Show me your room.” 
He didn’t leave any room for negotiating, and Melissa turned to walk up the stairs. She was hoping for some space, maybe a chance to catch her breath, but Tyler had other ideas. He gently gripped Melissa’s hand as she led him up the stairs and into her room. “Stand in front of the mirror.” Melissa’s stomach flipped. Tyler crowded her back, leaning his head down to whisper in her ear. “Trust me, baby.” Tyler looked dangerous standing behind her when she finally looked in the mirror, clearly angry if the set of his jaw and shoulders were any indication. 
“You. Are. So. Fucking. Beautiful.” Tyler slipped his hands onto Melissa’s hips as he spoke, emphasizing each word with a kiss where Melissa’s neck met her shoulder. “That first time I saw you, in that giant shirt and no pants, I felt like someone had slapped me in the face. You were so fucking hot, with not a care in the world, and you’ve only gotten more and more beautiful the more I get to know you.” Melissa looked down. The heat in Tyler’s gaze was too much. He gently spun her around and lifted her chin again. It was becoming something of a signature move for him at this point. “I will fight anyone who tries to make you feel less incredible than you are. Baby, you deserve the world.”
Tears welled up in Melissa’s eyes, and she leaned forward to rest her head against Tyler’s chest. “I’m trying to remember that. I just can’t help but hear his voice in my head sometimes.” She just kept telling Tyler things that even Kirsten didn’t really know. It was like he had a shortcut to her brain and she couldn’t help but tell him the truth. 
Tyler kissed the top of Melissa’s head and she sank even further into his touch. “I’ll remind you every day how beautiful you are if you need me to, sweetheart.” She believed him. Liam’s voice in the back of her mind grew smaller every day, and it was becoming easier to block him out.
A small splotch of foundation showed on Tyler’s dress shirt when Melissa finally lifted her head several minutes later. Tyler didn’t seem to care, even as Melissa dabbed a makeup wipe on the spot to get rid of it. He waved off her muttered apologies and pulled on her hips until their lower halves were pressed together. “Ty, you’re making this very difficult.” He released one hip, gripping both of Melissa’s hands in one of his own.
“Sweetheart, I don’t care about the makeup. Do you still want to go with me?” If she hadn’t already started to fall for the guy, those words alone would have been enough to do her in. He genuinely cared. She nodded slightly, and Tyler ducked his head down to meet her eyes. “I need a verbal yes or no here, Liss. You say the word and we take all this shit off and order a pizza.” 
Melissa giggled and reached down for one of Tyler’s hands. “I didn’t spend over an hour on hair and makeup just to take it all off.” She began tugging Tyler in the direction of the door, and he obliged. “This shit is meant to be seen, Ty.” His laugh rang in her ears all the way out the door and gave her the extra boost of confidence to push Liam and his taught insecurities out of her mind for the time being.
Being Tyler’s date to events was quickly becoming Melissa’s favorite activity. They made quite a duo, and Tyler’s teammates were doing a fantastic job of boosting her self-confidence. It was all in jest, but she’s heard from no less than half the team that Tyler was lucky to have snagged someone as pretty as her. Every comment by his teammates was met by affirmation from Tyler, along with another whispered compliment in her ear. It almost seemed like he was trying to replace every negative comment from Liam with a positive one of his own. 
Everything was going well until it came time to acknowledge the donors. Each donor was invited onto the stage to accept a signed plaque from the team, a bunch of bureaucratic bullshit that had everyone yawning and reaching for another glass of their drink of choice. Melissa was focused on Tyler’s hand slowly creeping up her thigh and the shininess of the bald spot on the top of their tablemate’s head. As a result, she was only halfway paying attention to the names of donors until his name was called. 
Tyler noticed immediately the way Melissa’s head jerked up at the sound of Jim Nill calling out the last name “Baldrich”, and his hand tightened on her thigh. “No,” she whispered to herself. Tightening began in her chest as her heart literally skipped a beat. The feel of Tyler’s hand on her thigh disappeared as blonde hair and a slim form stepped onto the stage. Liam. She blindly reached in the direction she knew Tyler’s leg was and gripped his knee as hard as she could. Grounding. She needed to ground herself. 
Liam’s eyes met hers through the crowd and she knew he had done this on purpose. He smirked, winked in her direction, and looked back at the front as a cameraman caught his picture. Slowly, or at least slowly in Melissa’s mind, Liam made his way off the stage. She lost him in the crowd. “Lissa.” Tyler’s voice sounded like it was coming at her from a tunnel. “Melissa.” She turned her head in his direction, and warm brown eyes roiling with concern filled her field of view. “Baby, what happened?” She tried to catch her breath, and Tyler finally figured out she was really losing it. He pulled Melissa to her feet and somehow she stood on wobbly legs to head outside with him. They didn’t stop moving until Tyler had pulled her into a family bathroom off the hallway.
“Baby, I know you’re having a panic attack right now, but I can’t help you unless you can tell me what triggered you.” Shit, he knew so much. Half the time she didn’t even realize she was having a panic attack. “Try and mimic my breathing.” Tyler squeezed both of Melissa’s hands until she met his eyes again, and he began taking exaggerated deep breaths. She followed as best she could, and some small part of her brain that wasn’t panicking recognized he knew exactly what to do.
He kept up the breathing until Melissa’s heart rate slowed and she could breath without narrowing her focus down to the rise and fall of Tyler’s chest. She leaned forward until her forehead rested at the base of Tyler’s throat, and he wrapped his arms around her tightly. It should have felt restrictive after the imaginary band that had wrapped around her chest only minutes ago, but Tyler’s arms felt different. Relaxing. “He’s here,” Melissa mumbled into Tyler’s chest. “Baldrich. That was Liam.” 
Tyler’s arms tightened slightly before he released Melissa. “He’s here?” His jaw clenched when she nodded. “He followed you here.” Not a question, but she nodded again.
“I can’t think of any other reason he’d be here. They don’t have any corporate or family business down here.” Her stomach clenched at the implication. If that was true, he’d officially crossed over into stalker-ish territory. God, how had she gotten his personality so wrong?
As if he could sense she was about to lose it again, Tyler reached down to grip Melissa’s hands. “We’re gonna handle this together. We’ll go work on getting a restraining order tomorrow, and you’re getting a new phone number.” He gently gripped Melissa’s chin until she looked into his eyes. “I’m with you all the way, baby, but if you need me to step back you just say the word. You’re in charge here, okay?” Her heart swelled at his consideration, and Tyler held her chin until she nodded in response. “Good.” He kissed her forehead and stepped back. “We’re going to go back out there and say goodbye to everybody, and then I’ll take you home.” 
Melissa leaned into Tyler’s touch as he guided her out of the bathroom with a hand on the small of her back. His hand was warm and reassuring, and his thumb swept a soothing pattern along her spine. The noise of the gala began to reach them again as they entered the main hallway outside the room, and Melissa stopped short when she almost ran headlong into Liam. “I thought you knew better than that, Melissa.” His voice grated along her spine, and she felt a cold sweat break out along her hairline. Just the sound of his voice was enough to make her freeze. “You can’t wear silk. It highlights the extra fat you have on your stomach.” One sentence, and he shredded through the fragile self-confidence Melissa had begun to build. She worked her throat in an attempt to clear the lump away. “Come on now, Melissa. It’s time to come home. Enough of this nonsense.” 
A low noise came from Melissa’s left, and she glanced over to see Tyler nearly shaking with anger. It struck her then how different the two men were. One of them could make her feel beautiful and strong regardless of what she was wearing, and the other never really thought she was good enough. Melissa didn’t move, slowly reaching out a hand to touch Tyler’s. Liam clenched his jaw. “Enough. You’re acting childish.” Liam reached out and grabbed Melissa’s arm in a bruising grip when she didn’t move, and Tyler snapped. She blinked instinctively when Tyler’s arm came in front of her, and when her eyes opened again Liam was on the ground with a bloody nose and Tyler was standing in front of her protectively. 
Melissa had a second to appreciate the look of Liam finally being taken down a notch before the Benn brothers and a couple more of Tyler’s teammates swept in from a few feet away. Jordie gently guided Melissa away, soft hands tugging her to the side while Jamie hauled Tyler back. Tyler was muttering under his breath, and Jamie finally pulled him close enough to Melissa that she could hear him muttering “he fucking touched her” over and over again. 
Large hands settled on her shoulders, and she looked up to see Jordie’s gentle eyes staring down at her face. “You okay, sweetheart?” She nodded, and he cupped her cheek gently. “He’s lucky all he did was grab you. I don’t think coach would have appreciated having to bail Tyler and half the team out of jail tonight.” Melissa barked out a laugh, and Jordie looked pleased. Clearly he’d been attempting to make her smile, but she still sensed a bit of truth in his words. It was startling to realize she’d stumbled upon friends that would fight for her safety without a second thought. It was like Jordie could read her mind when he tapped her cheek gently. “You’re family now, whether you stay with Tyler or not. Nobody touches family.” The middle Benn stared down at her sternly, and Melissa nodded. She was getting that now.
Tyler and Jamie appeared on either side of Jordie, and he stepped back with a grin. Melissa had barely a second to reconcile everything Jordie had said to her before Tyler was sweeping in, hands on her face. “Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you?” She shook her head, and then Tyler’s arms were around her again. “You ready to go home?” Melissa mumbled a yes into his neck, more than ready to be away from the crowds and into more comfortable clothing. They said a hasty goodbye to the Benns and the rest of Tyler’s team and then they were gone, silent until Tyler had steered his car back onto the highway. 
“I know you want to take all of this slow, but can I stay the night?” Tyler glanced over at her nervously and continued. “I don’t mean for any sexual stuff or anything, unless you want to obviously, I just don’t want to leave you alone tonight.” Melissa smiled at the sight of an expert player looking nervous over the idea of being rejected. He fidgeted, hands not sitting in one place on the wheel or various locations within reach.
One of Tyler’s hands came down to rest on the gearshift as he changed lanes, and Melissa reached over to grip it. Tyler peeked over at her from the corner of his eyes, and she brought his hand to her lips. “I’d really appreciate the company tonight, actually.” He visibly relaxed at her words, and Melissa held in a laugh. “Any chance you’d be down for a few beers and one of the late baseball games?” 
It was Tyler’s turn to bring her hand to his lips, and she tried not to melt. “Baby I can’t think of anything better than you, beer, and baseball.”
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dimitribelikov · 3 years
The Belikov Chronicles: The Tasha Conundrum Pt.2
✶ This one got pretty long. I even ended it quicker than planned, so hopefully it’s not too overwhelming. Admittedly, this installment deals less with Tasha, and more about Dimitri’s feelings towards Adrian. **There will be a Pt.3 and probably a Pt.4. ✶ notes : All dialogue is straight from Frostbite, chapter 15. The rest is mine, based on characters written by Richelle Mead. ✶ warnings : some language ✶ ships : romitri ✶ Part 1 can be found here  |  more one-shots featuring my version of Dimitri can be found here
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       My argument with Rose the day before had left me in such a darkened state, that I had completely forgotten about my original mission to check in with the guardians and find out more news on the Strigoi attacks. It was just as well, though. I knew there wasn’t going to be any big revelations unless someone where to come get me. I ended up spending the evening in Tasha’s company. Over dinner, she went on and on about her radical ideas for reforming the Moroi’s views on defense. Usually I ate her passion up with fascination, but I couldn’t help but find myself distracted. I mean, Adrian? Really?
Yet as soon as the vampiric morning came, I had only one thought on my mind as I left my room: to find Janine Hathaway to go over the tragedy that had happened and the ensuing arguments that had unfolded in the Moroi meeting. Janine was someone that I had always looked up to, and she seemed a bit more forthcoming with information than others. Surely with her, I could get a better grip on what was going on in our world. I knew that I could also provide some insight for the guardians into the Moroi side of things via Tasha’s conversation at dinner.
I was a one tracked mind, striding through the hotel’s hallways with no other worry in my head, let alone the fight with Rose. Until I heard her very voice from an open door. Damnit. Even in the wake of such important matters, her voice was able to bring me to a screeching halt, curiosity replacing my earlier determination.
I paused, wondering what she was doing in this wing of the resort. Almost immediately I realized that the open door belonged to none other than Adrian. Again?! Thoughts of her staying the night danced through my mind, but I pushed them out right away. 
“I just want to know what’s going on here,” she demanded of her audience.
Sure enough, when I stood just behind her and was able to take in the scene of Adrian’s room, it looked as though Rose had just arrived. Further puzzling was the appearance of Lissa there. Surely Adrian couldn’t be that much of a scoundrel, I thought. Then again, with the stories I’d heard, I wouldn’t put it past him. “Me too,” I said, announcing myself. I could hear the short tone in my voice, but was careful to keep my expression neutral as I studied every detail of the room.
Rose had turned to regard me with a surprised look, and though I loved the victory of catching her guard, I couldn’t help but notice the cloud fo perfume that surrounded her. Had she actually gotten dolled up for the Ivashkov loser?
My annoyance deepened at the thought and I invited myself in, clinging to the one weapon I had: my authority. “Male and female students aren’t supposed to be in each other’s room.” I’m pretty sure a younger me just rolled his eyes and made a gagging sound at the lame “adult speech”.
“How do you keep doing this?” Rose demanded of Adrian, ignoring my recitation of the rules.
“Do what?” he replied. Ugh, that fucking grin. I wanted nothing more than to smack it off his face!
“Keep making us look bad!”
“You guys are the ones who came here.”
Adrian’s reply snapped me back into the argument. The two, innocent, young girls were visiting his room unescorted? I was beginning to sound like my old headmaster, but I didn’t care. “You shouldn’t have let them in. I’m sure you know the rules at St. Vladimir’s.”
“Yeah, but I don’t have to follow any school’s stupid rules,” Adrian replied. I couldn’t believe he had the nerve to actually argue this. In that moment, the girls might have well not even existed. All I cared about what putting the rich brat in his place. Somewhere in my head, a logical voice was reminding me that the Moroi were above me. They come first. I shouldn’t be so harsh in my judgement of him, but I just couldn’t help it.
“Perhaps not. But I would have thought you’d still respect those rules.” Gross. Now I definitely sounded like my old headmaster. Before I could worry about that too much, though, Adrian fired back. And he hit below the belt.
“I’m kind of surprised to find you lecturing about underage girls,” he said cooly.
I froze, feeling anger grow at the audacity with which the Moroi spoke back to me. Under that anger, though, there was fear. What had he’d heard? Clearly that had to be a dig about me and Rose, but I’d been so careful. Surely no one else knew a thing. Right?
“Besides, nothing sordid was going on,” he continued. “We were just hanging out.”
Yeah. Hanging out. Alone in his room. Nothing sordid about that, I thought sarcastically. “If you want to ‘hang out’ with young girls,” I replied, taking another small step towards him. “Do it at one of the public areas.”
My anger was unexpectedly side tracked when Adrian laughed. There was something about that laugh that didn’t sit right with me. My suspicions were confirmed when he went off, rambling about the oddest things. It wasn’t a normal way to win an argument, that was for sure. My head tilted as I studied him, wondering if he was actually as unhinged as he sounded. Just how dangerous is this guy?
Finally he wrapped up the odd soliloquy by actually agreeing me. Though hearing Adrian admit that he was a bad influence didn’t earn much sympathy from me, I was grateful that the discussion was over. It had taken a turn into dangerous territory with a near accusation about me and rose–– and then whatever that was.
Lissa, Rose, and I took our exit into the hallway, starting the walk back into the lobby. “One’s marked with life, and one’s marked with death,” he had said. It was lunacy and I shouldn’t put too much thought into it, but I couldn’t help but feel a strange sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach.
“That was . . . strange,” Rose had said.
I couldn’t even be mad anymore. The odd turn in Adrian’s demeanor had cast a sobering spell over us all. “Very,” was all I could manage.
Stepping out into the hustle and bustle of the lobby woke me up from my tumultuous thoughts. I knew I couldn’t let Rose simply leave without trying to warn her. Whether I was jealous or not (and I adamantly promised myself that I wasn’t), I was her mentor. It was my job to steer her clear of danger and this situation was no different. “Rose. Can I talk to you?”
I saw her exchange a look with Lissa, but mercifully, the princess left us to our privacy. We moved to the side of a room, avoiding the groups of Moroi who were hurriedly checking out in the wake of the new attacks. Alone with Rose, I could feel my emotions begin to spike again. The jealousy of seeing her with Adrian, the protectiveness of needing to be a good mentor for her–– and now the scent of whatever perfume she’d gotten her hands on. She’d never worn any in the time I knew her, but the crisp, sweet fragrance toyed with my imagination.
Quickly pushing such thoughts away, I tried to figure out how best to tell her what was on my mind. I was still mad about her accusations the previous day, but this wasn’t about me. This was about her. “That was Adrian Ivashkov,” I said, trying and failing to keep the disapproval from my voice.
“Yeah, I know,” she replied quickly. I wonder just how much she knew about him. 
“This is the second time I’ve seen you with him.”
I was sure I could detect annoyance in her eyes, and knew I was losing her attention. “Yeah. We hang out sometimes.”
My stomach dropped as my eyebrow arched. That was the second time I heard that phrase used. I wasn’t oblivious to Rose’s reputation at the Academy, but I also felt that I knew her better than that. Sure, I’d caught her in a very compromising position with the Zeklos kid once, but she’d seemed to have learned from that. Or at least taken the lesson to heart in a mature way. Yet I wasn’t sure that there existed a world in which “hanging out with Adrian Ivashkov” could be anything innocent. “You hang out in his room a lot?” I asked, sounding more accusing than anything else.
I knew Rose too well, though. She wasn’t one to simply take a lecture and peacefully leave. If she felt backed into a corner, she fought. While that was usually something I admired in her, in this moment, I was worried about what rebuttal would come. 
Apparently, even my worst guesses weren’t nearly as bad as what she actually came up with. “What happens between him and me is none of your business.” It wasn’t lost  on me that she did a near perfect impersonation of myself the previous day. Shit, she’s good. Logically I knew that she was just trying to get back at me for the Tasha thing, but I couldn’t help the sudden assault of mental images of Rose and Adrian that bombarded my mind. Thanks to my guardian training, I was able to keep it all hidden from my expression.
“Actually,” I retorted, not missing a beat in my scramble to gain the upper hand. “As long as you’re at the Academy, what you do is my business.” Checkmate!
Rather than ending the argument there, however, it only ramped up, each of us firing back in quick succession. We were a good match for each other in the ring, and clearly that sparring spilled out into other areas of our life.
“Not my personal life. You don’t have any say in that.”
“You’re not an adult yet.”
“I’m close enough. Besides, it’s not like I’ll magically become an adult on my eighteenth birthday.”
“That’s not what I mean.” Was she actually blushing at that? “I meant––”
“I know what you meant,” I cut her off, not wanting to travel down that road right now. Adrian’s borderline accusations still bothered me. “And the technicalities don’t matter right now. You’re an Academy student. I’m your instructor. It’s my job to help you and to keep you safe.” I idly wondered who I was trying to convince more, her or me. “Being in the bedroom of someone like him . . . well, that’s not safe.” 
I hoped she understood what I was trying to convey. I didn’t want to fight. Our argument the previous day killed me, but I wasn’t going to let her self-sabotage herself, either. Rose had the potential to be great. Perhaps even one of the best. I wasn’t going to let a spoiled, rich, royal ruin that for her.
“I can handle Adrian Ivashkov,” she muttered. The sudden mental image of those two in a sparring ring did much to lighten my mood, but not enough to derail me from on the topic at hand. “He’s weird–– really weird, apparently–– but harmless.”
Well that was hardly true. Adrian might not be a killer or anything, but he certainly one of the least harmless guys I knew. What happened to Mason? Why wasn’t she with him? I actually like that guy.
A thought occurred to me just then. This whole time I’d justified myself not being jealous because I was okay with her being with Mason. Yet Mason was absolutely harmless. He was safe. It was obvious to anyone in the same room as those two that he was completely head over heels for Rose, but I never saw the same passion for him in her eyes. Her being with him never seemed like a threat–– ignoring the fact that I had nothing to be threatened with since I’m not even in the equation. I can’t be. It wouldn’t be right. But throw someone like Adrian in? Hell yeah I was suddenly threatened. Rose deserved better than him, but I knew how easy it was for him to get his way with that cocky grin.
Fuck. I really am jealous.
“Speaking of personal lives,” Rose said, mercifully cutting off my traitorous train of thought. At least, I thought it was a mercy until I heard what she was getting at. “I suppose you were off visiting Tasha, huh?”
My own personal revelation weighed too heavily to allow me a quippy, or even scathing, retort. “Actually, I was visiting your mother.”
“You going to hook up with her, too?” At least one of us was on their argumentative A-game.
My mind was too much of a mess to truly react to it, though I had to admit, it was a pretty good line. “No, we were looking over some new data in the Drozdov attack.” After that, any signs of jealousy or mentions of Tasha and Adrian were forgotten as we spoke about the Strigoi problem. Though the heaviness of the situation pressed in on us, I was glad that Rose could set aside our pettiness and take the real problems to heart. I kept calling her a young girl to Adrian, but she truly is mature beyond her years. That didn’t counter the fact that she’s underaged and shouldn’t be anywhere near that jackhole, but it reminded me that she’s more than just a student. One day soon, we’d be working side by side, and I looked forward to that. I may be assigned as her mentor for now, but as we spoke about the Strigoi threat and Moroi politics, I knew that Rose is more than that. She’s my equal. It felt right to divulge the guardian’s knowledge of the Strigoi’s whereabouts to her.
“Why’d you tell me this, anyway?” she asked eventually. “This is guardian stuff. Not the kind of thing you let novices in on.”
I paused, turning over the words in my head. Our heated emotions were gone, and in the wake that followed, I thought back to the way I had been treating her lately. I thought of her as my equal, but I didn’t treat her that way. I wanted to change that. “I’ve said some things . . .  the other day and today . . . that I shouldn’t have. Things that insulted your age. You’re seventeen . . . but you’re capable of handling and processing the same things those much older than you do.”
“Really?” she asked. The look of hope that kindled in her eyes melted my heart then and there. This was how I liked her best, full optimism and void of the anger that always seem to follow her.
I nodded, feeling the hint of a smile on my lips. “You’re still really young in a lot of ways–– and act young–– but the only way to really change that is to treat you like an adult. I need to do that more. I know you’ll take this information and understand how important it is and keep it to yourself.” I was man enough to admit when I was wrong, and my recent treatment of her had been just that. Surely it wasn’t too late to set things right–– and hopefully steer her away from certain disaster.
A moment passed between us. Looking into Rose’s eyes, I could swear that I could hear her thoughts. She wanted to be the kind of person that I wanted to treat her as. I think on some level, we both understood the burden that our futures carried as the last Dragomir princess’s guardians, but we were also both looking forward to carrying it out together.
That moment of peace was short lived, however, when a familiar voice greeted me. “Dimka!” With those two syllables spoken by Tasha Ozera, I felt the mood instantly shift between me and Rose.
to be continued . . .
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