#like such hypocrisy like it’s ok when it’s your ship
theotherbuckley · 1 month
Someone force me to delete twitter please.
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hxhhasmysoul · 4 months
Ok do hisoillu and sukuna/uraume
don't ship actively, like I accept it as a logical ship for these characters but I don't care for it
Why don’t you ship it?
I like Illumi as a villain but as someone in a ship I couldn't care for him less. Illumi's blatant hypocrisy about having friends is more interesting in the context of how he treats his family than in relation to Hisoka. I enjoy Hisoka and him being a force of chaos but I think that makes ships with characters on the "good" side better like with Leorio, Kurapika, Melody and especially Bisky (HxH has less bad characters but actually good characters are few and far between). My fav Hisoka ship is the one I stumbled into my first ever fic, it's a very twisted Hisoka x Canary ship, one of the 3 ships Canary is at the same time in that fic that reflect 3 aspects of her.
So despite it being kinda canon and me understanding why people ship it, I just can't get myself excited for it.
What would have made you like it?
Illumi'd have to be a different character for me to see the potential of high intensity.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
There's some pretty or funny fanart with it.
Ship it!
What made you ship it?
Their interactions with each other, they are fascinating.
What are your favourite things about the ship?
What aren't? They are:
Snobby mean girls
Absolutely full of shit about what they have with each other - no, we're not about close relationships - proceed to act like very close friends with each other
Uraume is so fascinatingly two-faced cold, cutting and detached with others, snarky and endearing around Sukuna. Sukuna will lecture others about the uselessness of love and attachment to others and then proceed to act with Uraume like besties and be always mindful of their feelings.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Uraume is not a doormat and actually has a very distinct personality. Sukuna doesn't act in a dominant way towards them, even though they show him a lot of reverence. So it's very disappointing when the fandom gets them both wrong like that.
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raveneira · 6 months
Stop Lyin
'KawaSara fans just want everything to just be Naruto 2.0, they dont want anything new or different they only ship it cuz its like SS'
The same mfs sayin that:
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Stfu, the only ones your fooling are yourselves, your just fine with Naruto 2.0, but only for the ships YOU want canon.
'B-but their a mix of multiple OG ships not just one so its different!'
Thats even WORSE, it makes them the most unoriginal ship and just a weird amalgamation of OG ships with nothing of their own, their just NaruHina, MinaKushi, ItaIzu, ObiRin, NaruSaku, SasuSaku, SasuNaru etc all over again, but yea you sure showed us about wanting 'originality' lol
And just to burst your bubble even more, your not special, and your point is invalid anyway because I didnt hear nothin about 2.0 in OG Naruto when these were happening but NOW suddenly its an issue.
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But now suddenly its a problem, back then yall called it 'parallels' and 'foreshadowing' but for some reason conveniently when its KawaSara and BoruSumi suddenly its Naruto 2.0 and we need something different than past dynamics
But god forbid KawaSara is just a little too much like SS or BoruSumi a little too much like NH, but Bsa being like [in your words not mine] literally every past OG ship is totally fine and the pinnacle of originality you all wanna see from the sequel, give me a danm break lol
What makes this even more pathetic is that Im not even exaggerating, they've gotten so blatantly hypocritical their even trying to use the Minato one-shot as foreshadowing for Bsa, keep in mind these are the same people who claim to want something new and different, are using a one shot set in the past for an OG ship that happened WAY before Bsa even existed all because of the vortex symbolism and the sequel just happened to have the name vortex in it they think its some kind of parallel/foreshadowing for the pair...which is utterly ridiculous but this aint the post for that, but just friendly reminder the Shippuden in the Naruto sequel meant Hurricane chronicles/legends and the Uzumaki clan has always been symbolized with whirlpools/vortex way before Boruto was even thought of, hell their clan symbol is a literal swirl like a vortex...nuff said, this aint the post to delve deeper into that.
Im mentioning this purely to point out the hypocrisy of wanting something 'different' yet using every possible OG thing thats even remotely similar to boost your ship and show how canon it is, yet KawaSara and BoruSumi cant because then its Naruto 2.0.
Their newest thing lately I've been seein the most is that BoruSara is like MinaKushi and NaruHina because Sarada stalks Boruto etc, so I thought I'd bring this reality check back since these same ppl talkin about other shippers just wanting Naruto 2.0 again.
Like I said, the only ones your foolin are yourselves cuz nobody buys your bs cuz everytime yall pull that card you put your foot in your mouth with all these 'parralels' that are suddenly ok now, but NOT ok when its any of your rival ships . Sit down.
PS: This aint the post to go into this either, but like I mentioned earlier that Bsa is actually the most unoriginal new gen ship, I could literally make a separate post showing how that is and how KawaSara and BoruSumi are actually the more unique ships of the options. You may have noticed I havent mentioned Ksu at all in this...thats because its a joke atp that I nor anybody besides their shippers take seriously, but if I must address it its literally just poorly done SS and SH with a dash of SK so why would I even bother with such a joke of a ship that exists solely to play keep away for Bsa but not because theres any legitimate basis in canon and thrives purely off headcanon and Hondas rewriting of events that amounted to nothing because, shocker, the manga wasnt building anything between them, so Honda created a completely made up foundation for nothing that they scrapped immediately and never acknowledged it again. So much for 'the anime is the complete version of the manga' yea funny how they backtracked alot of their mistakes when they saw the manga contradicting it, cuz at the end of the day the manga is the MAIN source material, so what happens there is more canon than anything the anime does afterwards.
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kquil · 10 months
Hello sweetie ! Congratulations for your 1k, you totally deserve it, your writing is so soft and, how could I say it, light? I mean it's always so sweet to read and I'm always in a good mood after ❤️
If I dare ask for a little cupcake🧁 (but really if you don't feel it or don't have time it's ok ^^, I'm just really curious 🫣)
About me: I'm a short woman (157,5cm) but I'm kinda okay with it. True Hufflepuff, I have only a few friends but they mean the world to me. I love reading (fantasy or swashbuckling novel kind), my puzzles and just enjoying my time quietly or with some music. I'm shy at first but when I'm at ease, I laugh at good jokes and can't stop talking, mostly when the subject is interesting. I love when I can have a real talk with people, not just small talk, I can't stand hypocrisy.
I think that's it. Thank you for taking time to read this at the very least and really, don't feel presure ❤️
Have a lovely day and again, congratulations 🌸🌸🌸
Val 🌸
hi val! thank you so much for the congratulations! I’ve never had someone describe my writing as ‘light’ before so i’m quite happy that you did and even more happy to know that you feel better afterwards! thank you also for wanting to celebrate my milestone with me through a cupcake! I’m sorry i took so long, darling and i hope you enjoy! 
from what you’ve told me, i ship you with Remus Lupin! 
i. you two are a match made in heaven! Such a true pair, in fact, many people speculated you were dating before you two even spoke a word to each other, they just found so many similarities between you. The rumours grew so much that it eventually reached the two of you and made your first encounters rather awkward. there was a lot of teasing from the marauders on remus’s end whereas your friends also teased you on your side of things so it took a little longer for the two of you to properly get acquainted outside the rumours people had built up around you
ii. deep down, you didn’t want to succumb to their fantasies of what your relationship with remus should be, platonic or romantic, but you couldn’t help but be drawn to him and him, you. even though it made it hard to spot you in a crowd, remus adored your shorter size compared to him, it was a charming size difference to him. people often see him looming over you with a soft and tender aura, his gaze gentle on your adorable form doing mundane things before him. you, however, found a lot of comfort in his towering height, it was very helpful having him around to get books from higher shelves in the library or have him easily cast his cloak over you if it ever started raining. since his presence was largely comforting compared to his size, you’ve grown a particular fondness for his loftiness. 
iii. the two of you have this thing where you’d exchange some books for the summer and return to provide your reviews in person. remus quickly grew to know which genres and tropes you liked in a book and often searched for them, even pushing himself to read them quickly before summer so that he could lend them to you and the two of you can have fun going through the story together. people would usually find you both pressed close together on a library or common room sofa sharing a book with you leaning in close as remus hovers from above your height, his gaze regularly drifting to stare at you 
iv. you introduce him to puzzles and he introduces you to chess. he teaches you well and soon enough you’re beating him at almost every game of chess he challenges you for. it hurts his pride to have you overtake him so quickly in terms of skill but he doesn’t know that it’s only because you worked so hard in order to impress him. your efforts weren’t in vein either, because he really was impressed and, over time, grew to accept the challenge and looked forward to every chess match with you.
v. for puzzles, you got him a huge elaborate one as a present and the two of you worked through it together over the christmas holidays when he - and the rest of the marauders - decided to stay at hogwarts for sirius. the boys can’t count how many hours you and remus spent by the common room fire going over the puzzle together as you softly humm christmas jingles under your breath. The boys would have complained more about you stealing ‘their remus’ despite not being official if you didn’t bribe them with snacks and treats from the kitchens. — ‘she’s a keeper remus!’ peter cheers around a mouthful of pastries before chugging some of his hot chocolate along with sirius and james who fought over the chocolate chip cookies.  
vi. another favourite activity you and remus liked to do together was reading in bed together as soft melodies played from an enchanted lyre you were gifted by your aunt who adored music. He’d have one of his long arms stretched out across your shoulders as he read his book in one hand while you rested your head against his chest and flipped through the pages in front of you. whenever the marauders would see you too cuddled up and comfy together, they would pucker their lips in mock kisses and dramatically flutter their lashes until remus threw a spare pillow at them and you became a giggling mess.  
vii. remus could listen to you talk all day long, adding in his own thoughts and theories here and there but not often. you’d be sat next to him as he rested his chin against his palm, propped up by his elbow on the desk. it was when you two were mid sentence that you finally saw the adoring look in his eyes and stuttered to a stop. remus saw no fault in your flustered appearance and simply tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear before uttering “go on…”. after this moment, a flip switched between you two and it wasn’t long before you made it official with a bashful but sweet kiss between the bookshelves of the hogwarts library. 
viii. like a true hufflepuff you were loyal to him, you didn’t care of his scars or his ‘furry little problem’ when he finally confided in you his struggles, especially when the boys urged him to be more open as his secrecy put a noticeable strain in your relationship. you were there for every full moon no matter if your role wasn’t like the boys, in fact, you took care of all the boys before and after a full moon to show your support and willingness to help — a demonstration of true love that remus wouldn’t ever dare breaking or take for granted
ix. honourable mention, i also, lowkey ship you with, james potter! He’s a sweetheart but a little intense and you’re someone who grounds him gently, your presence calms him and makes him feel like everything is going to be okay, which is especially good whenever he has pre-game jitters for quidditch matches - you’re like his lucky charm. He’s just as talkative as you are so the conversations the two of you share are always so engaging that other surrounding people feel compelled to listen in. sucks for them, however, because you two make up a lot of code names and shortcut phrases that only you two know the meaning of to be able to understand. you’re the first person to call james out on his hypocrisy when it comes to the treatment of slytherins as some aren’t as bad as the louder, more evil ones tend to be. you made him see through his own prejudices and fixed up his act as soon as you said ‘i hate hypocrites, james,’. you made him a better person and he loves you for that. 
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nrrrdgrrrl2002 · 2 years
So I saw a really well made analysis on why splinter and raph are similar
(Please read it btw it’s well made)
So I wanted to explain why I think two other characters are similar.
Who are they?
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Lemme explain.
For starters, personality traits they share
Both put their all into any goal they want to achieve.
For shredder, this is killing splinter
For Leo, this is being the best ninja
This determination can be a bane and a boon, making both goal driven.
Both can also be extreme when these goals aren’t met.
Leo becoming extremely doubtful of himself/lashing out when he believes he can’t be a good leader. Whether it’s cause his brothers don’t respect him or he’s severely injured.
For shredder, he also severely lashes out when he can’t complete his goal. To the point he was willing to mutate himself to reach this goal.
Destructive anger
While splinter and raph have more obvious anger issues, Leo’s and shredders anger, when unleashed, is far more destructive.
Using two examples that are similar.
Shredder has killed many in his rage and destroyed the lives of many others. He doesn’t handle failure well at all. Shredders whole character is based on him being so stuck in his own anger he doesn’t think about the fact that what he’s doing is horrible.
While Leo tends to get stuck in his own head when he’s angry. Doing things like trying to take out a mother ship with a scout ship when his home planet has less than an hour left before being destroyed. Why did he do this? He was angry at fugitoid for not telling them something and got so caught up in that anger he didn’t think through his actions.
“Mutants are vile creatures”
Turns himself into a mutant
“Karai. You are my daughter and I love you”
Constantly finds ways to mentally torture Karai for his own gain
“It’s your fault Karai is a mutant!”
Was the one who cut the chain
I could go on
“Donnie you can’t kill viziozo. It’s wrong”
Beheaded shredder
“Raph you can’t be this nightwatcher vigilante going off by yourself. We’re a team”
Goes off with Karai and shini to stop shredder without telling his team despite the fact that they would want to help.
“Mikey leatherhead is dangerous. Don’t try to be friendly with him”
Is constantly trying to get a known foot clan member on their side.
Shredder sees himself as a victim who’s trying to protect his daughter and avenge his love (ok this is probably moreso delusion)
Leo sees himself as a true hero like captain Ryan and does everything he can to be like that.
Shredder is not an honorable man, but boy does he think he is. Shredder puts a lot of emphasis on what he thinks honor is,
Just like a certain blue clad turtle.
Black and white morality
Both of their moral systems lack nuance and complexity.
“I’m the hero for taking hamato yoshi out of this world”
“I’m the hero cause I let this mugger who beat up a blind man go”
“This person is evil cause they’re against me”
Taste in women
This is gonna sound weird but
Both seem to be attracted to women they know or at least, should know they shouldn’t be with.
For shredder, it’s Shen. A married woman. A woman married to his brother. He knows this, yet still tries to pursue a romantic relationship with her.
For Leo, it’s (Blegh) Karai, a foot clan member he thought was shredders daughter for a bit (so his cousin) who he then found out was his sister. Does he stop pursuing her after finding out she’s splinters daughter? NOPE. Even in season FIVE he was trying to flirt with her. Even Donnie and Casey stopped being weird towards april by season 4.
They also seem to want women they can save.
Shen is unhappy with her marriage at the moment and wants to move to America? I’ll give her that. I’ll get her away from her awful husband and save her!
Karai is a member of the foot? I’ll redeem her! Karai is splinters daughter? I’ll do whatever it takes to save her and bring her home! (That one’s not bad) Karais trying to lead her own foot clan? I’ll save her from herself!
Now. Here’s the big question.
Could Leo become like shredder?
Splinter and his brothers. They could be d••ks to Leo and put too much pressure on him, but they make it clear to Leo that they love him and appreciate him for what he does and sacrifices (eventually)
I don’t think saki had that. His father didn’t seem to love him much and then there’s the whole “genociding his biological bloodline and then lying to him his whole life”
Leo and shredder may have similar traits, but just like how, despite being similar, raph would never become splinter, Leo would never become shredder.
This probably isn’t that well explained but my brain wouldn’t leave me alone until I made this analysis.
Hope y’all enjoy!
Feel free to add any parallels y’all have noticed!
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bloodyentrails · 8 months
Also you didn't list Titans, but I wanna see your answers for Titans 🙏
i frequently forget titans exists and then you come and remind me!!! 😆😆😆 anyway, shows i have complicated relationships with for 100:
Favorite character
JASON!!! jaaaaason! jason my beloved. i watched the show for him, so, i mean.... what else is new. but he's really one of the best-characterised teens i have ever seen? i think because so much of that show is not ... my thing, it still confuses me so much that he exists on this whole other plane of character and he feels so real and human and curran walters is so good, and i wish i could tell him personally.
Second favorite character
that's a tough one. i'm going to go with gar i think? he feels so underwritten and they never seem to figure out what to do with him but he's so unendingly kind amongst so many characters who are so self-absorbed and often plain nasty and i want a show with just him and jason hanging out and maybe kon gets to be there too as a treat. gar teaching kon how to human was so fun! the show is so often lacking in fun!
Least favorite character
dick grayson??!! so much of what i dislike about characters in the show is sort of crystallised into a whole mess with him, the aforementioned self-absorption, the way he is so blind to his own hypocrisy. the lack of empathy or leadership, of heart? and i get to spend so much screen time with his ongoing identity crisis and i don't want to. get your shit together, dick!
The character I’m most like
probably also jason. very sensitive to bs, very sensitive about power dynamics, very sensitive to rejection. i have, however, you may be glad to know, not been involved in criminal activity on a larger scale. or i'd probably be gar the mom friend. i would make food for everyone, they eat so rarely. or sleep regularly. that's me.
Favorite pairing
jaytim. i know they aren't canon but fuck it, the chemistry is off the charts! second favourite pairing is sebkon because, christ the bdsm coffee date energy of it all!!! i think the canon pairings are mostly bland.
Least favorite pairing
hank and dove aka dank. i would like to wipe my memory of their existence.
Favorite moment
i love jason connecting with leslie in their session so much. it's been 2 1/2 seasons of people endlessly telling him how wrong he is, it's so good to have him connect with someone and be ok for a bit.
my other favourite moment, if i'm permitted 2, is seeing him again in season 4 feeling more relaxed and just so fucking playful! he' been playful all this time but had nobody to play with!!?? and here's tim and the ship that launched so many headcanons for me!
Rating out of 10
7/10? i think that is quite generous but i have watched it twice now and when it hits, it really does but also so often it doesn't? i'd watch it again mostly so i could get worked up about all the things that bother me but also there'd be things in it that i also hold very dear??!! what the show could have been. just imagine.
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hunted-moth · 1 year
Forest Of Dreams Part One: A Shit Place
Summary// after the death of your older brother tom, you and Jake talk about life and catch up
Word Count// 1.3k words( 1,317 idk how to shorten it :| )
Warnings// Cursing, death(toms “funeral” and how he died), Bad writing(maybe), drinking, small fight scene- let me know if I should add anything else -3-
A/N // I want to be gay with Neytiri and I can only find poly reader stuff :’) so I’m writing it myself! But beware I’m dyslexic and had shit education so if it’s weird to read that’s why. Oh and the banner was made by me but the pics are from the game pandora rising and a clip from the movie
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you said walking through the door, silence. ‘Strange, But oh well he's a grown man after all. He can do what he wants” you thought
as you walk to the kitchen to get something to eat and grab a drink. As you got to the fridge you saw a note:
‘Went to the store be right back for more food :D’
“oh, so that's where he is,” saying out loud. You open the fridge and grabbed a pop and a pudding cup and go to plop down on the couch. You just got back from your avatar training. You were going to Pandora as a Xenogeologist. you did ok with said training but the language was a bit difficult to grasp.
you finished the snack and opened a laptop to study and practice said language, but just as you were about to start, a knock at the door interrupted. A sigh escaped your lips as you got up and opened the door with some sass.
“Are you Y/N Sully” two men in suits greeted you at the door, “yeah what do you want?” attitude rolled off your tongue
“Is your brother Tom Sully, age 22”, “yeah, what about him?” you asked warily
“He’s dead, stabbed in a mugging gone wrong,” one agent said with zero emotion as if he had said it a dozen times already, “he's at the morgue if you'd like to see him,” the other said
At the morgue, you looked down at the box that was about to be pushed into the inferno you tried calling jake but he never answered
you looked over to see that none other than your older brother jake rolled in with two agents.
“We're looking for Sully T” the agent's voice boomed, you recognized them as an RDA agent.
“Yeah over here”.
“Jesus Tommy” “yeah, two cops came to our place, said he was stabbed by some thug for his cash” was all that was said between the two.
You heard the two agents talk to Jake about replacing Tom in the avatar program. You just tuned it out and thought of what to do, you had three days till you were shipped out. you had just graduated college a few months ago, so had a shit ton of free time. Then a thought popped into your head.
“Hey Jake, wanna go get a drink?” a smirk formed on your lips
“what? Aren't you 20 though” jakes face was confused, both from the fact he was already drunk and the fact you were two years younger than him
but with a shit-eating grin, you pulled out your wallet to show your fake ID
“don't worry, i'll be fine,” you said with a smile
“Jesus N/N” jake couldn't help but chuckle
“Relax, besides I turn 21 in a few months. Plus we get shipped out in three days, so why not live a little”
He only shook his head with a smile “fine” was his final answer
“nice let's go to this bar I know, two streets down I think”
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Location–Cherry Tops Bar
“TO TOMMY” both of you toasted to his memory, then took a swig of the liquor
“So how’d you get a fake id,” he asked “ahh I knew some art majors back in college, had them whipped one up for me when I was 18”
“Good lord Y/N, you graduate high school at 16 with that brain of yours and you get an id to drink”
“Hey, at least I waited, 'cause I seem to remember you coming home drunk” pointing out his hypocrisy seemed to get a laugh outta ya.
Growing up it was just you three, so, of course, you'd pick up both traits of your brothers
“So how ya been anyway,” you asked Jake, the two of you hadn't talked in months. Jake sighed saying
“same old same old,” he said with a gloomy face
“ah well, that's gonna change in about three days and about 6 years from now” you both laughed with jake returning your question to you
“oh you know, I finished college about two months ago, Zoe and I broke up, and got my ears stretched” “oh you and Zoe broke up?” “yeah, just didn't feel anything anymore, plus I'm leaving for what 16-18 years so might as well call it off,” you said with a neutral expression, sure she was a nice girl beautiful too. There just wasn’t anything there anymore
As you and Jake were getting caught up in your lives, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked over to see some dude looking down at you with a stupid smile clearly drunk. You recognized him as a former classmate, he was a known creep who'd get up in everyone's space
“Ya need something dude?” there was a hint of annoyance in your tone as you shrugged off his hand
“yeah, Just need you in my bed tonight” he wore a sleazy grin while looking at your chest
“ah sorry man, I already got your Ma in mine, can't keep her waiting, right bro,” you said as you looked at your brother to continue your joked
“yeah sis, let's bounce and go to yours,” he said with a playful smirk
Obviously, he was a momma's boy and didn’t take kindly to calling his mom a whore as he looked at the two of you, he looked like he was about to punch you, and when he eventually did, you swung back faster.
Knocking him to the ground. His buds went to help him by knocking you down but Jake had your back by wheeling into them. You straddled the guy getting a few licks in before you were pulled off by the bouncer and you and Jake were thrown out. You got up laughing while helping Jake up.
“Why don't you crash at my place till it's time to go, bet you still live in that shoe box” you offered
“Yeah sure, i'll head to my place and pack up tomorrow” he agreed, and started rolling away
“sounds like a plan”
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Location– Y/Ns and Tom's apartment
The apartment was small but still bigger than jakes. It had two rooms and a closed bathroom but was still small though with little space for anything else, but since Y/N and Tom were out of the house all the time it didn't matter.
“Hmm kinda cozy” jake commented
“Yeah, and pretty cheap for what it is. You can sleep on the couch ". You moved the coffee table so Jake could have a place for his wheelchair. Then retired to your room to sleep. As you were sleeping, you had a dream, you were in a jungle. You heard giggling and it ran off as you chased it into the forest. Then you woke up.
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Location– Jakes Place
In the morning you and Jake went to his place to help him pack up.
“wow, I really do forget that you literally live in a shoe box” you looked around his place, it was an open floor plan, and very cramped
“shut up,” Jake said as he pinched you
“OW,” you yelped.
It was a quick activity as he didn't have much to his name. As you two head to your house you thought about the dream again. Jake noticed and asked:
“Hey, what's up? Been spacing off all morning,” he asked concerned
“hmm oh nothing, had that forest dream again,” you said nonchalantly as if it was breathing
“Wow, this is like what? The hundredth time” he joked. You've been having this dream since you were a kid. Sometimes you'd be flying, running, or swimming after someone. Your mother always said that it was god giving you dreams of the past, but you wrote it off as just a random recurring dream, stemming from the fact you like nature.
Jake only nodded as you two made it to your door. You decided to order some food and just relax for the day.
It felt weird to you, Jake and Tom were identical twins, but Jake had longish hair. So seeing him do the same routine as Tommy gave you a sense of Deja Vu.
Once you finished you retired to your room to get some studying in and rest. As of tomorrow, you and Jake would be put in cryosleep as you journeyed to pandora.
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Next // PT 2 New Life New Dreams
Previous // N/A
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A/N// First chapter :D good god is this short, this also might be bad…but oh well you start from somewhere lol and it will be longer lol
I've got some ideas for pt 2 but if you have some feel free to give them to me. Oh and this fic was inspired by ‘Dream Girl’ by omgkatherine01. Like I said inspired so some things might by similar haha
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captain-noir · 1 year
Previous anon but omg I didn't even see the reply to your post or the fact that you've apparently gotten infamous on Twitter 😭. I'm sorry for people being weird and misinterpreting of that, honestly I like reading your posts a lot because you don't attack Louis so much as point out the obvious ticks to his character and his hypocrisy which, a lot of fans don't seem to even want to talk about? Like fans go on about what a wonderfully complex character he is yet don't even want to go into the specifics of it, and analyzing a character's flaws and how they contribute to his decisions and how it affects HIS life when done correctly doesn't automatically translate to hating on said character....
oh its ok im made of sterner stuff i just find it funny that they're that incensed by an opinion on a fictional character. far be it for me to dictate how one enganges with media but i never understood people who tie up their entire identities around characters/ships. who are you fighting for? a figment of someone's imagination? you're going apeshit over words on paper brought to life by an actor doing a job? like louis is fascinating because he's a lying murderous hyprocrite who would sacrifice his child in a fire to save his spouse and then tend to that vacuous guilt so he can have something to nurse until the new baby arrives. he was a pimp for godsake, a slum lord who continued on even after 'making enough money to retire and be buried like a pharoah' continued that exploitation when he had other investements and means of income as. thats fascinating. thats good character work. it doesnt mean he wasnt a victim of abuse, it doesnt mean he didnt experience violent racism. he has dimensions! the biggest crime a character can commit is be boring and those losers want louis to be a boring hapless victim who just keeps falling into the clutches of these evil evil men and would someone think of the optics of this black character he has to be good why are you villaini[gunshot] ironically they miss the entire point of louis who is overly concerned by how he comes across so he rewrites his entire story and they buy into it. jacob anderson said he was glad that the jig was up and louis couldnt continue to paint himself as the tragic hero of the piece. if nothing else listen to jacob anderson. anway i predict season 2 is going to be rough for them when the show double downs on louis' bad choices re armand and lestat and claudia. when heads hit the floor literally and figuratively...phew
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woomycritiques543 · 1 year
Oh no, people are harassing me when they respond to my harassment of others!
TW: Mentions of rape, abuse, racism, NSFL. (God I hate how these creeps are causing me to mention things like this here...)
(DISCLAIMER: Using the tags "PLEASE DONT DO THIS IN REAL LIFE!" isnt going to do jack shit. Representation will always find a way to effect people. Jacking off to r^pe and constantly exposing yourself to incest WILL mess someone up and also effect how people see the irl victims, even yourself, whether you say "its not real!" or not, cultivation theory is real, the effects of media (it was never just about "if its fictional or not." stop deluding yourselves this is about representation. Saying "ITS NOT REAL!" wont stop someone from using your works to groom children and other trauma victims into hurting themselves the same way you are and also wont stop someone from further feeding into their urges to the point of causing someone harm IRL! People dont always listen to signs, and looking at something for long enough will effect how someone see's people OR behaves (depending on the person!) whether you like it or not. Represention isn't just about racism or homophobia. It was never just about R or S. If someone said "please dont be racist!" at the begining of a racist film, will most people care? NO! Because they want to use it to fuel their agena or will psychologically impacted one way or another. It will still, depending on the person, make someone more racist. Cultivation theory effects nearly everyone. The only way to solve most of it is to PUT AN EFFORT INTO YOUR REPRESENTATION so less people get hurt. Do your research, stop spreading misinformation: and get actual help.)
Could say the same for you! 😂 In fact, what you're saying entirely applies to you seeing what ive found on your blog:
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Why the heck you even responding if you know that what you're saying is hypocrisy? Honestly, how do you not see the hypocrisy in what you just said- when the entirety of the "pro"ship" group revolves around claiming that someone is "harassing" them just by simply saying that what they're doing is wrong or sending info about someone that could actually harm someone because I dont know... misrepresentation harms people and we shouldnt be encouraging it just to look "edgy!" on Tumblr of all places? Get your emotionally manipulative butts off my blog! Harassment and saying "this is wrong!" is not the same thing. You know what is harassment?
SHAMING people for defending themselves through gaslighting.
SLANDERING entire groups of people for defending themselves.
Purpoesly spreading misinformation. Which is SLANDER!
All of which, have been used to target real people.
Which makes pro"ship" groups a HARASSMENT group.
So you're creeps, and you harass people, so there truly is no "good" side to pro"shipping." "Shipping", since it's all just using fandom logic through the words "dont harass over ships!" (code word for: "let me ship creepy things!") and "let people enjoy things!" (code word for: "let me be a incestophille, rapeophille, p^dophille, be racist, homophobic, laugh at abuse or rape, etc!") and all sorts of purpoesly vague manipulation to get fandoms with even MINORS in them to be ok with welcoming bigots.
Which is manipulation, and purpoesly spreading misinformation, which is "legal" abuse aka HARASSMENT.
Also just checked your AO3 and...
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You have multiple words that are meant to be NSFW yet are sexualizing multiple actions that involve rape. Touching someone while they're asleep is rape, they're unwilling, and arent even concious to consent. That's rape, and you not seeing it at such is genuinely dangerous and you shouldnt be on AO3, you should be in thearpy, and in more severe cases: REHAB.
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So in all seriousness:
Please get help, im serious, this shit hurts people and no matter how many times it may numb you, you're only re-traumatizing yourself and traumatizing people around you AND hurting your representation in media along with it. These fictional characters are not real, what is real are the people you're hurting by misrepresenting and fetishizing them for social media attention.
There is no "good" side to misrepresentation or "numb coping instead of getting actual thearpy". Please get help.
-and as a whole:
I will warn people about your group, I will never support pro"shippers" because you're all causing real life harm and I especially dont want minors or people who are impressionable due to trauma from their abusers coming anywhere near you. LEAVE THESE PEOPLE ALONE AND STOP MANIPULATING INNOCENT PEOPLE INTO HURTING THEMSELVES WITH UNHEALTHY COPING MECHANISMS THAT SCIENTIFICALLY DONT WORK! You're hurting people, you're making people hurt themselves by deluding themselves into thinking that their trauma is "gone" just because they're temporarily numb from constantly exposing themselves to intense triggers/traumas on purpose. That's self harm!
(This post is also about pro "shippers" by the way. So this can be reworded as about "rape fetishizers" or "incest fetishizers" and it would basically be about almost the exact same thing since the logic p*do apologists use is also used with all proship groups.)
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Again, further proving my point by being racist and harassing poc over someone not liking online child, incest, rape porn groups while anyone who calls you out are labelled as "harassers" just because they say something negative or want you to get karma.
You people are not "anti harassment." You're anti accountability.
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acourtofthought · 10 months
The other day I was trying to show my sis one of your theories about elucien and gwynriel that why you think they're endgame and the crumbs sjm dropped for us throughout the series and it's been in front of this whole time...
And she told me and I quote: don't waste my time on this when I know they're endgame😎
Me: 😦
She said that with a certainty that it shocked me lmao like I wasn't that certain when I finished the series I just knew after Azriel's chapter I didn't feel so good about e/riels and I was trying to convince and prepare myself that they might be a good pairing in their book haha I was struggling it was a dark time lmao
All I'm saying is that people like my sister exist and they instantly knew Azriel and Gwyn scenes where a mean to romantic scenes
And STILL there are some people who ask "gEnUiNeLY why do you ship gwynriel/elucien?" Or "I read the books but idk why there are gwynriel shippers they barely talked!"
pls if you like the rest of us weren't waiting for "e/riel interaction" and paid attention to the actual plot and the current storyline maybe just maybe you would've noticed it too!! Bc I know how they were disappointed that they didn't got the training session they wanted with them and now they're reasoning the very same thing for not liking gwynriel...
They are so hypocrite that its funny at this point everything they have reasoned for not liking or believing they won't happen reek of hypocrisy and jealousy bc they wanted angst but elucien is already serving and they wanted a trainer x trainee dynamic and gwynriel has already gave it to us and they still need to train more😌✌
I love that you wanted to share my blogs with someone!! That makes me feel special ❤️❤️❤️ And though she had little interest 😂 I love that she came to the conclusion all on her own. It's one thing to still ship E/riel, that is completely someones right. But it is ridiculous when someone truly acts confused as to how anyone sees the possibility of Gwynriel ESPECIALLY when those same people ship Vassa / Lucien. Lucien has never felt something spark in his chest when it comes to Vassa. He did not take Elain's solstice gift and easily regift it to Vassa. Vassa has never once sassed Lucien the way that Gwyn sassed at Az. We've never even seen a conversation between Vassa and Lucien outside of the one that Jurian, Eris, and Cassian were all part of and which involved Koschei. And Azriel notes that his shadows are playful with Gwyn in a way they never have been with Elain. Does that mean Gwynriel is a certainty? Not necessarily but let's not pretend it couldn't be hinting at something. A while back I sent a few friends excerpts from the book. I didn't not tell them my own preference but sent them certain lines about Elain's character (i.e., cruelty troubles her, the "don't hurt" Graysen quote) and then sent lines regarding the characters of Az and Lucien, how they handled certain things ("if Lucien kills Graysen, good riddance", "I'll defeat him with little effort"). I asked who seemed to be a better match for Elain based on personality and Lucien took it in a clean sweep. So yeah, it's ok if someone still ships E/riel because they have been given reason to ship it. But it's frustrating when certain E/riels act like we don't have just as much hinting at the possibility of an Elucien or Gwynriel endgame.
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thegreymoon · 2 years
Love Like the Galaxy
It’s hilarious to me that they are all still talking about this living, breathing, fully grown man like an  inanimate object, a tool to be used with no will of his own.
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They sound like they are fighting about a toy, “I can’t let you have my Barbie, you didn’t take good care of it in the past and I’m afraid you’ll break it!”
A-Yao, just say no and tell them all to fuck themselves! 
“I can no longer afford to replace Barbies, nor offend the people who took this particular one from you to give it to me, so I won’t deliberately break it, pinky swear!”
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But for Yao’s sake, I hope she does become easier to live with. Poor Puppy. 
This exchange is wild.
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Bitch, who cares about your happiness? You threw him away with your own two hands after mistreating him and humiliating him, and you have the nerve to talk about your happiness now? If your life is ruined, it’s ruined, but nobody owes it to you to ruin their own too in solidarity, especially not A-Yao who literally no longer owes you a single thing after the way you treated him! 
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“You now have TWO Barbies, why won’t you give me back the one I threw away, because it’s not like we are talking about real people here with their own thoughts and volitions anyway, and besides, two men are totally interchangeable! Just be engaged to someone else instead!”
I cannot with this woman 😭 
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The fact that everyone just got together and agreed that Lou Yao, of all people, should sacrifice his happiness with the woman he loves because she is somehow ‘owed’ something is mind-boggling to me.
Also, yes! Tell her, sweetheart! 👇👇
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I love how he subtly threatens her here 😂😂
Poor Puppy 😢
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Exactly, What morality? What understanding?? This is the worst, most hypocritical thing I’ve seen happen on this show so far.
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Also, I understand why she would be focused on herself and her own misfortune, but let me chime in: what about A-Yao? Who is going to be considerate of him? Let me just repeat what everyone seems to be forgetting - HE IS A PERSON, NOT A TOY. 
Oh, sweetheart 😢 Can I give you a hug? I want to give you a hug.
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You deserve better than all this... mess. 
Thank you!! Speak for yourself, baby, when no one else will!
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Thank you!
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I totally get it why this marriage is no longer worth it in Shaoshang’s mind and I don’t blame her. She never loved him like he loves her and she wanted him because she thought that life with him would be comfortable and easy. I’m so here for her understanding that things have changed and wanting to move on, but I’m irritated by the platitudes and the hypocrisy of ‘it’s benevolent’ to ruin his life. He is wronged here and I need to see it acknowledged. 
OK, I ship the OTP as much as the next person, but I cried when they called off their engagement and wished each other well 😢
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LMAO, he said fuck Lady Ruyang and fuck you in particular 😂
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Also, look at the dimwit princess and the stupid grin on her face! Lady, read the fucking room!! 
LMAO, I love how he cuts straight through their bullshit.
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Yes, baby! Now is your chance! Take charge and make us all happy! 🤗
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God, I hate her 🤮
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Oh, god, who asked for you 😒😒
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Asshole, like she isn’t miserable enough already.
LMAO, you tell him, cutie!
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Oh? 👀
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LMAO, there is no better cure for romantic mishaps than structural engineering, can confirm from personal experience 😂😂
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Well, that’s a bit too much excitement for a first date 😬
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OMG, the bitch shot at Wan Qiqi!! 😱😱
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LMAO, look at this busybody laying the groundwork for his matchmaking endeavors! 🤣🤣
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That’s right, repay him by saying yes when he asks for your daughter’s hand in marriage! 🤣🤣
LMAOOOO, not the Emperor getting kicked out by his concubine because he wouldn’t shut up about Zisheng and his relationship issues 🤣🤣
Her handwriting! 🤣🤣
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Yes, girl, you tell him!! 💪💪
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And mean. And thirsty. And jealous. And a jerk.
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thegirlwhowrites642 · 2 years
If it's any anti-Hinny fanfic trope I hate, it's the Harry having an EpIpHaNy about how Hermione/Draco/Luna/insert non-Ginny understands my problems more than Ginny so I'll cheat on my wife in the name of true love and happiness trope. ':(
Ok, let's clarify something, I do not want on this blog, people talking about ships that go against canon. I've made it explicit before how I do not like them, and discussing them even to say how stupid they are is not something I enjoy, it just irritates me. I know that one of my analyses is why I do not like dr*rry but that was a particularly brilliant answer, if I'm allowed to say so, to a particularly insulting question. And I've referenced Dante's Inferno, there's no way I'm taking that down. If I occasionally do sarcastic comments about those ships, which I'm not sure it's something I've done, it's my own business but I do not want questions about them, if that makes me a hypocrite so be it.
Of course, it's a stupid trope that clearly shows how they do not care at all about Harry's actual personality. Harry wouldn't be a cheater even if the other person were Ginny. And Harry would obviously never divorce Ginny and using as an excuse the fact that she doesn't understand him when them understanding each other perfectly is one if not the main theme of their relationship is especially ridiculous. But do not spend your time making your blood boil over those absurdities, and this I say with a lot of hypocrisy, trust me. But something I've never done is make my annoyance someone else's problem. You know, I've seen so many times dr*rry shippers coming under hinny posts to say something nasty or remind everyone that they do not ship hinny (we so needed to know that btw) and I prefer death over acting like them. This is a good thing to focus on to calm yourself.
All of this said, Harry and Ginny understanding each other perfectly happens to be one of my favorite narratives of the books, I could go on about it for hours, so here some quotes that I'm sure you'll enjoy:
Ginny perfectly understanding Harry:
Harry looked over at Ron, who was hunched in a corner, staring at his knees, a bottle of Butterbeer clutched in his hand. "Angelina still won't let him resign, Ginny said, as though reading Harry's mind. "She said she knows she's got it in him." -Chapter 26, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, JK Rowling
Harry perfectly understanding Ginny:
"Did I hear right? You've been taking orders from something someone wrote in a book, Harry?" She looked alarmed and angry. Harry knew what was on her mind at once. "It's nothing," he said reassuringly, lowering his voice. "It's not like, you know, Riddle's diary. It's just an old textbook someone's scribbled on." -Chapter 9, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, JK Rowling
Harry and Ginny understanding each other perfectly:
She met Harry’s gaze with the same hard, blazing look that he had seen when she had hugged him after winning the Quidditch Cup in his absence, and he knew that at that moment they understood each other perfectly, and that when he told her what he was going to do now, she would not say ‘Be careful’, or 'Don’t do it’, but accept his decision, because she would not have expected anything less of him. -Chapter 30, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, JK Rowling
+ Bonus (literally the last scene of the series)
The last trace of steam evaporated in the autumn air. The train rounded a corner. Harry’s hand was still raised in farewell. “He’ll be alright,” murmured Ginny. As Harry looked at her, he lowered his hand absentmindedly and touched the lightning scar on his forehead. “I know he will.” The scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well. -Epilogue, Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows, JK Rowling
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popdesign-vent · 1 year
Also I think furries are some of the biggest hypocrites when it comes to fictional problematic content. Dog on four legs bad but it's ok to draw it on two legs. It's still a dog. Where's the disconnection here? And often these artists quick to dogpile users for "feral porn" draw animal dog dicks and focus on the extra furry parts in their art. Users can talk about being fucked raw by a feral werewolf "savagely" yet will call others zoophiles for warrior cats shipping. Make it make sense!
The double standards and the amount of just plain hypocrisy is so so silly. I want to take this time to say, if you've been "called out" for drawing porn or vent art people didn't like, you're not a bad person. You're the victim of a harassment campaign. You deserve love and care and your art does not make you a bad person.
Some of yall need to join republicans the way you wanna regulate artistic expression.
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Chris wood was friends with Andrew kriesberg & brags that hes working with child & wife abuser Brad pitt but that is ok by you I bet. just focusing on women doing their job with actors they didnt pick. but ignoring men choosing abusers men to be their friends & producers. gross af
Oh boy, seriously, you guys are so brainwashed, blind and closed-minded it's actually beyound pathetic.
The fact you repeat the same shit the biggest abusers in SC fandom happily repeat is sad.
Where he said he was friends with AK? Or do you mean friends like AK and all the actors who worked for him? Aka your precious fave was friends with him too? I know you don't see the difference between facts and your headcanons, but maybe try be a little more connected to reality.
Heh, I was waiting when you idiots are going to lash out about it, but friendly reminder, he sold a script some years ago to Plan B Entertainment. But sure, that's called working with an abuser. Side by side in the same show. I guess this is why you are so butthurt, huh?
Because here you and the other idiots from that fandom were screaming about AK inserting himself into Mon-El (aka you all bascially decided to made FUN of people he abused aka his assistants, males included - but they are not your precious fave, so who cares?), forcing some weird standards on the actors, basically making them looks like sexual predators (remember what you have done to Mehcad? sayinghe sexually harassed and assaulted your precious fave?) and all of it because of a ship, and when your fave violated all of your standards, you now just showed how you all NEVER GAVE A FUCK ABOUT ABUSERS AND THEIR VICTIMS, BECAUSE YOU JUST CYNICALLY USE THEM TO SHIT ON OTHER PEOPLE. IT WAS ALWAYS JUST A GAME FOR YOU. I'm just here, happily showing your OWN HYPOCRISY.
It's all your doings and now, when big bad karma kicked your asses, you try to turn the tables. Sorry not sorry.
Sure, sure, they didn't pick, but have zero problems with working with them, what, once again, in your own standards means you should cancel your precious fave.
Damn, your life sucks soooooooooooooo much, huh?
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matuk-art · 2 years
(Same anon as the one about the emotions)
Can we also talk about the fact that half the sparrows died really early in the season and their siblings didn't seemed to care, I mean they lived in the same house for like 30 years even if they considered themselves more as a team than a family that was odd, also Luther ready to betray his family for a woman he met two days ago (as he said to her), and everyone acting as if Diego acted like a great father when he basically constantly pushed away the kid who was supposed to be his son, even saying that he has most important things to deal with than him, like ok (tbh it seemed quite ooc for Diego to act like that) and also Diego literally forbidding Lila to fight because she's pregnant and restraining her basically not respecting her choice, like I get it, he wants to protect her and the baby and she should be careful but the way he acted was a bit too much, and it gave me bad vibes. Again, I won't talk about Allison
And honestly the worst is the weird vibes and inc*sty stuff, like stop with this already pls, that made me so uncomfortable, I honestly think that the writers are so wrong for this, why are they writing all of these romantic relationships between these people, and also why did they make Five fight with a n*ked lila, like that basically his "sister-in-law" in the show, like I know that n*ked doesn't equal anything s*x*** but that was still weird. And more importantly Aidan is a teenager and Ritu a grown woman !!!
I'm so sorry for ranting in your asks honestly, there still a lot of things I liked about the new season but I needed to vent about it a little bit, I'm sorry if that gave you negative energy....
Diego's arc is incredibly frustrating for me. Firstly because it didn't mean anything, it didn’t get us anywhere!! Arggghh and secondly because ironically Diego had been a better father figure or protector in previous seasons (S1 with klaus, ej). With Stan he did a pretty lame job. All the time I was thinking: poor baby Stan with such bad parents. Haha.
I have no strong opinion on the fact that Diego forbade Lila to fight while she was pregnant. I am not for or against. And to be honest, I as an overprotective and aggressively prepotent person, who commonly thinks that everyone is making stupid decisions regarding their existence, would not have allowed a woman I love to put herself at risk during a pregnancy either. But obviously it is not my place to decide for anyone!! Diego is a flawed but sensitive man, so I do understand his position but I don't necessarily approve.
Honestly, I can't care less about the couples and all the decisions that the writers make regarding the subject, I try not to give them a lot of thought, because as I mentioned before, I think the TUA writers do not do a great job writing the romance. I'd say they do a pretty mediocre job. The only times I ever bought the credibility of a romance is when the couple is already established (ray/Allison, klaus/dave S2, Eudora/diego)
AND just as I don't care about couples, I don't care about the incestuous relationships either. I have no problem with any of the ships bc they all bore me to death haha, honestly, and I think that everyone has the right to imagine fictional characters in the situations they please. It's not like someone is getting hurt.
It does make me very uncomfortable, however, the weird vibes between five and the handler, and in this season, between five and lila. I think both relationships are mirrored. I can't believe people didn't notice how off their scenes were (as they were with the handler), I don't know if they have a hard time reading the subtone or have no clue of how ​​film language works. I seriously have the urge to isolate a couple of frames and sequences and showing them out of context so they can witness the obvious suggestive tone deliberately set by whoever wrote the script and directed the scene. But, come on!, naked Lila fighting??? Jesus
It could be the hypocrisy in the fandom. Some condemn, block, cancel any fan who refers to Five as attractive or sexy, but for some reason they have no problem with Lila referring to him that way ???? It's frustrating. Similarly with the incestuous couples. I KINDA understand the outrage over Luther/Allison, sure, they were raised as siblings, but the fact that they find Luther/Sloane so disgusting and for some reason have no problem with Lila/Diego is incredibly disconcerting to me. Beyond the fact that Lila has a different last name, it seems to me that both relationships took place in quite similar circumstances. They weren't raised together, neither of them. Andd at the end of the day ALL children with powers are siblings (whether they have the same last name or not), because they were born on the same day and conceived from the same source. Source that is Reginald himself. I think the fandom makes very impartial judgments, based on very strange, contradictory and not very objective or even fair criteria. I think we should leave each other alone, to enjoy the series as we each please.
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saturnunit · 3 months
I've got a few options regarding the dff drama
I'd like to tackle a few arguments that I've seen thrown around
The first one is about the "hypocrisy" between New/Tan and for example Jin.
The argument here doesn't make sense to me because these are two points merged into one. When we try to talk about Jin, we are referencing the real life. Leaking a tape like that could be the detriment for someone's life, but instead of admitting the fault of that, people pointing your finger to New. Yes, of course, m*rder is bad, but that shouldn't be controversial. We know. But whether we take this into consideration or not, what Jin and the others did was not ok
Phee was a teenager, he didn't know better
Well, that might be true. Young enough to be dumb enough is actually a point. For someone that young, maybe. And about someone who's seen the series like the viewer? You've seen the entire story and think it's cheating? Alright, let's take Phee out of that situation. Kengs and Nonts relationship is perfectly normal to you? The power imbalance? The age gap? The coercion with the money? If you can't look above the cheating aspect, then I really can't help you
You're bitter your ship isn't endgame
We've loved the idea of TaBarcode for years and actually seeing them out of no where with a chemistry like this was shocking. But I can assure you no one wants Phee and Nont Canon
Nont was not a perfect character himself (implied past cheating)
There is no excuse for cheating as it is. Phee got cheated on before and I can understand if you can't think normally when something like that happened before. But nothing he did can be remotely excuse what he actually went through. I would feel the same way if one of the "villain characters" like Fluke went through the same thing
These are the ones I can think about of the top of my head, I'm sure there are more arguments but i get very frustrated thinking about those
I've seen too many times people calling others who are trying to educate people on SA toxic or are not being listened to, because they're a stan of another artist, therefore they're wrong (???)
I get you're trying to support your artist therefore their characters. I also get that this is fiction but a series like dff has got so many layers. Using age or ignorance for their actions doesn't make it right
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